Jeremy's Punishment free porn video

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Jeremy's Punishment By Cheryl Lynn This is a forced feminization story and contains some XXX scenes. If you do not like such stories do not read and post negative comment as you have been warned. Permission to download this story is authorized for personal enjoyment. No other use or publication on pay sites is allowed and strictly prohibited. This story is copy written by the author who can be contacted at [email protected]. Jeremy's Punishment Jeremy was sitting in his room zapping aliens with his play station when his older step-sister came in and thumped him on the head. The hard thump hurt enough to take his attention away from his game. "What the hell was that for?" he said looking sharply up at his step- sister. "You little twerp!" she screamed. "I am going to make you so sorry for what you and Kenny did." "What are you talking about? I didn't do nuthin'," he replied. "Oh don't act like you don't know. Betty told me that little perv of a friend of yours stole my diary and you helped him do it. Kenny told her that you two did it and some embarrassing things that I wrote about her in my diary. Betty wanted to know if what I had written was true you little snit. Do you have any idea how much you have embarrassed me. My diary was personal and no one else has the right to read it. Now get off your ass and get it back or else," she said as she swatted his head once again. "Alright...alright just quit hitting me. I'll get it back," Jeremy said while rubbing the side of his head. "You had better and get it today or I'll make your life so miserable that you will wish that you were dead," Kelly said as she turned on her heels and left the room. "Shit I didn't know Kenny took her stupid diary. I can't believe that he told Betty that he had it much less say that I helped him get it. I'm going to beat the snot out of him," he said as he left the house. 0000 As he walked over to Kenny's house Jeremy thought about what he was going to say. There was no way he could beat him up as he was more than a year older and much bigger. He had been held back a grade and was the class bully. "No, I will just have to ask him to give me her diary and if I have to offer him some money for it. Gosh I hope he gives it to me," he said to himself as he rang the door bell. "Hi Mrs. Adams is Kenny home?" he said as the door was opened. "Sure Jeremy he's up in his room. Go on up but don't stay too long it's almost dinner time," she told him. "Alright Kenny where the hell is Kelly's diary?" he said as soon as he entered Kenny's room. Kenny looked up from what he was doing and just stared at him for a few moments. "What you talking about bro? I don't have your stupid sister's diary," he said. "Bull shit! Betty ratted you out. Now give me the diary before I pound it out of you," he said. "Cool it Jer! Like you could even come close to pounding me you're too scrawny. So what if I took her diary. I got it now and I intend to use it to my advantage," Kenny said smugly. "Look Kenny if you don't give me back that diary Kelly will kill me or worse. You know how she is especially since my folks left her in charge while they are away. So just give it back, please," Jeremy tried to explain. "I've got it hidden away where only I know where it is. I'm going to use it to blackmail her. She's got a good job at that beauty parlor so she can afford to buy it back one page at a time. She's not going to call me a pervert or brush me off like she use to. Oh no not now she won't dare. I just spilled a little bit to Betty so she'd know I had it," Kenny bragged. "Oh for Pete's sake give me the damn diary Kenny. Look I'll give you what money I have saved up since the start of summer. Come on man you just have to give it up or my life will be hell from now on. She's been a bitch to me ever since she moved in five years ago," Jeremy begged. "Shit how much ya got? Can't be a whole lot from cutting grass for the past month," Kenny said looking like he was considering his offering. "I...I have about two hundred bucks...n...and it's all yours if you give me the book," he said as he reached into his back pocket. "Hahaha...don't bother I ain't selling it to you. Like I said, I am going to sell it one page at a time to Kelly. There's some stuff in there that would make a hooker blush and get her into worlds of trouble with her friends if they found out. Now go on home and leave me alone," Kenney replied. "Kenny, please man, you can't do this to me. At least tell her I had nothing to do with it," Jeremy was really begging now. "But you did help me twerp. Didn't you let me into her room the last time I was over there? Now get out, I've got things to do," Kenny said as he turned around and ignored Jeremy. 0000 As Jeremy walked sadly home he kept berating himself for being so stupid. "Why did I let that big jerk go into Kelly's room? She already hates me and her mother isn't much better always taking her side. He's such a bully. Oh man my goose is done for when I get home. What am I going to tell her? Do I even tell her what he's planning on doing? Oh man.....shit....I'm dead no matter what I tell her." He didn't feel any better by the time he went into the house. Kelly was in the living room waiting. "Well have you got it?" she asked. " didn't," he said as tears began to fill his eyes. "What? Why didn't you make him give it to you?" she said with force. "Cause he's bigger and stronger than me. I...I even offered to pay him all my yard money if he'd give it back. He....he's planning on blackmailing you with it. He...he said if you don't do what he says he show it to all your friends..n...nn..." He couldn't finish as he broke down crying. "Oh! You are so damn helpless. Stop that crying you big sissy," she shouted. "Loo...look why don't get it back.'re a girl. Jus...just put on some makeup, a dress and....and be nice to him. Girls can get anything they want that way," he said defiantly. "You little shit!" she screamed. "How dare you even suggest such a thing? There is no way I'm going to be nice to that pervert." Kelly stood with her hands balled up into fists, her face glowing red in anger at her little step-brother. Suddenly she relaxed and the red glow left her face replaced with an evil smile. "So you think all a girl has to do is put on a pretty little dress and some makeup and get anything she wants from a boy?" she asked. "Yeah....sure..I've...I've seen you do it with your boyfriend Eddie," he said feeling a little better about himself. He shrank back as his step-sister quickly walked over to him looking absolutely furious. "May be he shouldn't have mentioned Eddie's name since they had recently broken up," he thought. Kelly grabbed him by the chin lifting his face. They stood there toe to toe for a few minutes as Kelly carefully examined his face. Finally she stepped back raising her hand up to touch her cheek which had turned to its normal color. "Well I think I have just thought of a solution to getting my diary back darling little niece. I am going to get some things and call the salon. You sit there on the sofa until I come back and you had better be there when I return," she ordered as she turned and left the room. Jeremy didn't dare refuse. She was taller and bigger and had proven on numerous occasions that she could beat him up. Besides their parents had put her in charge while they were away on business in Europe for the summer. He remembered well his father's parting words, "Jeremy you will do everything your sister says and if I get a bad report about your behavior or failure to obey you will be one sorry young man. Do you understand me?" "Not only have I upset my step-sister but when she tells him what I've done I'm going to get the spanking of my life when he gets back," he thought while sitting on the sofa. He obviously did not hear her reference to him as her niece. 0000 Kelly came back into the room carrying a small suitcase and clothing bag. "Come on let's go," she commanded and turned to the garage door. Jeremy got to his feet and followed her out into the garage and got into her bright pink VW beetle. He sat with his hands folded in his laps staring at his feet. He didn't know where they were going and didn't dare ask. When they pulled up behind the salon in the employee parking lot, he looked at her questionably but all she said was, "Get out and follow me." Entering the shop Kelly walked up to Becky the salon manager and her best friend. "Everything ready?" she asked. "All set and I am so looking forward to this. Come along Jeremy," Becky said. He followed them into a private cubical and sat in the salon chair with trepidation. He wasn't at all happy being here in a woman's salon and was worried why they had him sit in the styling chair. "Wha...what are you going to do Sis an...and why am I sitting here?" he managed to ask. "You'll find out soon enough. Just sit still and be quite," Kelly barked while standing in front of him. Before he could react Becky had placed a wide leather belt across his chest and fastened it securely around him. As she was doing that Kelly pulled some padded leather cuffs from behind her back and after a brief struggle had his hands fastened down to the arms of the chair. "What the hel.." His shout was abruptly stopped when Becky placed a ball gag into his mouth. "I was afraid of I thought this might be a good idea," Becky said as she fastened the gag tight. "I'll get his socks and shoes off while you get the tray Bec," Kelly said as she bent down at his feet. It took them about an hour to apply acrylic nails to his fingers, trim them to about half an inch past his fingertips, paint them a bright hot pink with applied small white flower decals and then paint his toenails in matching hot pink enamel. Stepping back to admire their work both girls grinned broadly. "Ooohhh doesn't she have the most femmie polish you ever saw Bec," Kelly said with a little giggle. "She sure does girl friend. Now as for you," Becky said turning her attention to Jeremy. "I'm going to take that gag out of your mouth, but if you start screaming and hollering back in it goes, understand?" Jeremy nodded his head. He now had an idea of what they were planning to do to him. He did like it, but there was nothing he could do about it now. When he got home he would wash or scrape all the stuff they did to him off. At least he hoped he could undo whatever they did to him. Kelly tilted the chair back so that his head was positioned in the wash basin. She quickly gave his long hair a good shampooing and conditioning before setting him upright. Patting his hair with a towel to partially dry it she then parted his hair across his forehead. Taking a pair of scissors she cut it just above the eye brows. Next she removed his split ends and trimmed it into the shape she wanted. With the shaping done she began to swiftly and professionally section and wind his long hair onto medium sized pink plastic rollers tightly pinning them in place. The tightness and prickle from the bristles that helped hold the curlers in place made Jeremy wince and whimper with each new curler placement. When Kelly was about half way finished Becky came back into the room and with a broad smile asked, "Don't you think you aught to consider changing the color? I think it would make your new niece less recognizable." "Oh shit! You're right Bec. Guess we're going to have to start all over little step-bro," she said. She quickly removed what she had done and stepped to the side as Becky took her place. Becky began applying a thick paste to his hair then wrapped each section in foil. With his head full of foil and a foul odor filling the air, a domed hairdryer was moved behind him and lowered over his head. Soon his head felt like it was on fire and the intense heat circulated around it. After about forty five minutes the hair dryer was raised and moved off to the side and Becky began removing the foil strips. "How precious! I really like the color Bec. Now let me get back there and finish what I started," Kelly said. Jeremy could not see what they had done, but from Kelly's comment he knew he would hate it. He tried to shift in the chair but the straps kept him from moving very much. "Please Kelly let me out of these straps. I'm really very uncomfortable," he asked. "Here I'll loosen the chest strap a bit, but I am not going to take any chances with you," Kelly replied. With that done she began misting his hair to get it damp and began sectioning and wrapping each section once again in the rollers. The process was just as uncomfortable as the first time. His hair in rollers including his new bangs, Kelly began applying another odorous substance to each roller until all were coated. Back under the dryer for a second time Jeremy just rolled his eyes in exasperation. "What more can they do to me?" he thought. Finally his hair was done and he smiled when he saw Becky moving the dryer out of the way. He was taken by surprise when Kelly lowered the chair once again. This time she pulled a tray overloaded with all kinds of junk that he did not recognize and began working on his face. First she placed a template on his brows, applied wax and a cloth strip then with a loud "Yipes" from Jeremy pulled the cloth away. "Stop being such a baby. It doesn't hurt that much," Kelly said as she moved over to the other brow and repeated the procedure. Finally she waxed off the few hairs sprouting from his upper lip. While that was being done Becky had reached up and undid Jeremy's jeans and began pulling them down. "Hey...hey what are you doing? Don't take my pants off," Jeremy protested. "I have too to get to your legs Abby," Becky answered. "Abby.....who's Abby? Oh I get it that's a very nice name for my new niece," Kelly said smiling. With his pants off Becky began waxing Jeremy's legs almost to the top of his hips. With the cloth strips in place she said, "Kelly better put the gag back in for a few moments. He'll probably scream, he's such a wuzz." He did scream as each strip was yanked from his legs taking all the hair with it but was muted due to the gag. Kelly removed the gag once he had calmed down and wiped the tears from his face. "There there, that wasn't really that bad. I have it done all the time and you never catch me screaming and crying like that," she said as she turned her attention back to his face. She gave his face a thorough cleansing then began applying foundation; dusting of powder to fix it then took her time working on his eyes. First she used an eyelash curler to get his lashes just right, black mascara, black eye liner; pink eye shadow blended into a paler shade of pink and finished up with a black eyebrow pencil. "Bec give me the lip enhancer," she said while giving her a wink. Becky handed her the small syringe filled with collagen. "Now this is going to sting just a little bit, but the effects are so worth it. You might want to close your eyes Abby, since you are such a sissy girl so it might not sting as much. Jeremy shut his eyes tightly but still felt the sharp sting as the small needle entered his lower lip several times and again when he felt her doing it many more times to his upper thinner lip. "Wha...what did you just do to me Kelly? My lips feel funny," he said. "Don't worry your pretty little head about them sweetie. The funny feeling will go away soon. Alright now we are just about finished. Hold still while I put on your lipstick and then we have just one more thing to do here," Kelly replied as she quickly brushed a glistening hot pink lipstick to his now very full lips. Kelly raised the chair back to an upright position and stepped aside. Her place was taken by Becky, who reached out and swabbed both his earlobes with alcohol wipes. Jeremy quickly realized what she was getting ready to do and started squirming in the seat. " please don't pierce my ears. I don't want pierced ears," he begged. "Sorry darling, but all the girls your age have pierced ears. Now after all the work we have done today we just have to complete the look. Now don't we? You hold still or you just might really get hurt. If you move at the wrong time I could possibly slice off your ear lobe and you don't want that, do you?" Becky told him. She had scared him sufficiently where he did not move when she placed three piercings in each ear. Two piercings were made on the bottom lobe and one at the center of his outer ear. A two inch gold hoop was placed in the first hole, a bright pink half carat zircon and a golden clasp snap in the center hole of each ear. "There sweetie, that wasn't so bad now was it?" she said as she patted him on top of his curler covered head. "Now let's get your hair brushed out and we will be almost done," Kelly said as she began removing the rollers. With the rollers out she began brushing it with a round bristle brush. "Oh shit! What have you done to my hair?" Jeremy exclaimed as the first tendrils fell in his face. They were not his normal brown color, but a striking strawberry blonde. "Why we dyed it silly. We wanted your hair to look as pretty as you do honey. Don't you like it?" Kelly replied. "I can't go anywhere looking like this. No boy in his right mind would have his hair colored like this." He was beginning to get hysterical. "Abby you hush right this minute. Do you want to bring everyone in the salon in here to see you right now? Now keep it down or I will get the gag again," Becky admonished him. Tears came to his eyes, but he tried to calm himself. He did not want a crowd of women coming into the cubical to see what all the commotion was about. When he thought of what he must look like strapped to that chair and his pants around his ankles a fresh wave of tears started flowing down his cheeks. "Abby stop that crying this minute. I used waterproof makeup on you, but I am getting tired of all your sissiness," Kelly reprimanded. Soon his hair was brushed out into flowing waves and they were finished. They removed his restraints and helped him to his feet. However they still had some work to do and began removing the rest of his clothing. Jeremy wasn't protesting as he stood in shock. When they helped him from the chair they turned him so that he could see himself in the mirror hanging on the wall. Reflected back at him was the face of a very pretty young teenage girl. The removal of his boxers brought him back to the here and now. "Hey...hey stop that. What are you doing?" he said in a panic. As the boxers reached his feet Jeremy quickly put his hands in front of his genitals. Blushing beet red, although it was hard to tell through his makeup, he started to protest some more when Kelly handed him a pair of sheer baby blue nylon panties with white floral lace frills decorating the leg bands and waist. There was a white floral lace front panel as well. "Put these on and you won't have so much on display," Kelly ordered. Having no choice he quickly bent over and pulled them up his legs and covered himself as best he could with his hands. "September Morn as I live and breath. Kelly we need to do something with that bush and the hair under his arms and chest," Becky chuckled. "What are you talking about? Nobody is going to see me there," Jeremy said. "Look Abby, no self respecting young lady would be caught dead with hair under her arms or on her chest and....and that bird's nest you have sticking out from your panties is definitely a no-no," Becky told him. "Bec hand me the clippers please and you get those arms up nice and high in the air. I think we had better wait to trim that bush of his later. We're running out of time," Kelly said. With clippers in hand she methodically trimmed Jeremy's body hair as close as she could. She stepped aside as Becky came over with a razor and shave gel. "There, that looks so much better now. We can take care of whatever remains later tonight," Kelly said. "We need just another touch," Becky said as she quickly sprayed a floral scented perfume across his chest. "Raise you hands and put them through these straps," Kelly said as she held out a matching satin bra with foam padding in the cups. Everything was moving so fast now that Jeremy was totally off balance. He wanted to fight, but just didn't have the power to do so. Reluctantly he let them dress him. A blue spandex panty girdle with floral embroidery was pulled up his legs followed by a pale blue camisole with white lace edging and a matching half slip. A billowy white polyester blouse with lace at the cuffs and a pale blue denim skirt soon followed. White knee high stockings and a pair of black flats completed his dressing. He was marched over to a full length mirror and he was mesmerized by the reflected image. Jeremy was no longer there, in his place stood a pretty teenage girl. "Now do you remember what you said to me earlier today darling Abby? I believe you said all a girl had to do was put on a pretty dress and some makeup and she could make any male do exactly what she wanted him to do. Am I correct darling?" Kelly crowed. "Now little step-brother, you are going to stay this way until you get me back my diary. Until you get it back you will not only dress and act like any teenage girl, but you will do what any teenage girl has to do to get a boy to do her bidding. Am I understood?" Kelly added. Jeremy couldn't believe his ears. "Wha.....what? You have got to be kidding Kelly. I'm no girl and you can't make me. When Mom and Dad hear about this you're going to be the one in big trouble. Now come on...please...let's get serious. You'll never get away with this and neither can I," he protested. "You think not," she said as she grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him back facing the mirror. "Just look in the mirror and tell me that is not you and that you don't look like a pretty girl. A little speechless now, aren't you. You make a great looking girl. A girl that can turn a lot of boy's heads as a matter of fact. Even you have to admit that you would like to go out with a girl looking that good. Now stop your bitching and start behaving yourself. I'm taking you out of here looking just like you are and then we are going shopping to get you an appropriate wardrobe. You can cooperate and behave like any other girl or get exposed as a boy in a dress. Can you imagine what would happen to you if someone discovered your secret while you were in a girl's changing room or worse the bathroom? Willingly or unwillingly you are going to find yourself in exactly those situations. So what's it going to be? You behave and I'll do my best to keep your little secret from getting out, deal?" Jeremy could tell from the look on Kelly's face that she was serious and would do exactly what she had said. He tried to think of any alternative, but after a minute of watching Kelly staring him directly in the eyes, he lowered his eyes and bowed his head saying, "Okay... okay....but I don't know how to be a girl. Someone is bound to find out and what happens then." "Well for tonight just keep quite and let me do all the talking. You just smile and follow along and everything should be alright. Now here is your purse, keep sharp and try not to do anything stupid and we will be home before you know it," Kelly said. 0000 Outside the salon Kelly in the relative privacy of the employee parking lot showed him how to get into and out of the car. "Abby turn facing away from the seat, using both hands smooth your skirt under your backside, then slowly sit back and turn with you knees and ankles together when you enter a car. You do just the opposite when you get out. Now watch me then you do it," Kelly had instructed. She made him practice the maneuver half a dozen times before she was satisfied. On the ride over to the mall she continued her instructions about how to walk from the hips taking small steps with one foot in front of the other, about keeping his elbows close to his sides with his wrists slightly limp. Most importantly she had told him, he not only had to smile all the time, but look happy as well otherwise he just might give himself away. As they continued on their way Kelly kept calling him Abby telling him that he had to get use to it and respond automatically whenever he heard the name. She also informed him that he was now her niece, Abby Beckman, from Kansas City visiting for the summer while Jeremy went to her home. When Jeremy asked why she changed the last name as well as the city, Kelly told him that using their real last name might make some people curious. She had picked Kansas City as they had spent a week there with their parents during one of their conventions. She told him that they would do some more research on the internet when they got home to insure that the story would hold up under questioning. Jeremy felt a little better, but was still scared and clutched the purse he was holding in a death grip. As they reached the entrance to the mall Kelly saw that Abby was holding his purse strap so that his knuckles were white. "Abby ease up and slip the strap to your purse over your shoulder and just press it against your side with your elbow dear. Now come on so we can make this as quickly as possible," she told him. "Quick, yeah quick I like that idea. I hope we can get this done in just a few minutes," Jeremy thought as Kelly led him into the flagship store of the mall. Kelly headed straight to the lingerie section of the immense store. As they walked down the aisle she had to remind him twice to take shorter steps and to keep one foot in front of the other. The walk to the lingerie section seemed to take hours to Jeremy. He became really self conscious as they entered the female sanctuary. It seemed like everywhere he turned he was face to face with manikins wearing bras, panties, girdles, slips, night gowns of all sorts from colorful and lacy to plain white ones. He found himself being pulled over to the panty and bra section. Kelly had taken his hand because he had stopped and was gawking in this feminine domain. "Stop gawking like you've never been here before. Now pay attention or you'll make everyone suspicious," she whispered into his ear as she dropped his hand. They were standing before a large table with a three for two sale sign placed on it. Before him lay all the colors of the rainbow and all the items were bra and panty sets. "Here hold my purse while I look through these," she said thrusting her purse into his hands. She pulled up a shinny satin sunflower yellow set with white lace accents and held it up in front of him. She unfastened the panties from the lingerie hanger and pressed them to his front. He thought he was going to die when she did that. Shaking her head she mumbled, "I just don't know. My things are a little too big for you. Well there's no help for it, we'll just have to get you measured." With that she put the set back and telling him to follow her headed for the changing rooms. As they approached Kelly spotted a clerk with a cloth measuring tape draped around her neck. "May I please borrow that tape for a minute? I just need to check my niece Abby's size if you don't mind," she asked the clerk. With the tape in hand they were in the small curtained off cubical. Reluctantly he stripped down to just his girdle, panties, his knee highs and shoes. Kelly pulled the tape across his chest covering his nipples then lowered it to just under them. Next she put it around his waist and then the hips. He was visibly shaking by that point knowing that at any moment they would be discovered. "Don't worry Abby everything is just fine. Okay get dressed I have a better idea of what sizes to get you now," told him. Even with the, buttons on the wrong side Jeremy managed to get the blouse and skirt back on quickly. Kelly had to fasten his bra for him, but that was all. Soon they were back at the table and she selected a dozen different sets. When he questioned her on why so many she replied that the sale was too good to pass up and that they were only paying for eight sets. She had him carry her selections in his arms and headed over to the foundation garments. There she selected six panty girdles four white with lace inserts on the front diamond panel, one yellow and one pink. Kelly also picked out four waist chinches with detachable garter tabs. Two of them were white, one yellow and the last a pink one. By this time Jeremy's mind was in a fog and automatically reached out to take the latest choice from her hand without thinking about it. Slips, half slips, camisoles, nighties and a robe completed the lingerie selections. From there it was straight to the dresses. He did not remember how many dresses, skirts and blouses that he had to try on. All he remembered about that experience was just how scared he was every time he had to change into a new outfit. With both of their arms filled with bags they went back to the car to unload and return for more shopping. When they reentered the mall Jeremy noticed the large clock sticking out from the wall saying more than two hours had transpired since they first walked by it. He let out a groan and asked Kelly how much longer they were going to be. She just laughed and said that they were just getting started. The women's shoe department was pure torture for him. She had his foot measured and by the time she had made her selections there must have been twenty boxes sitting on the floor beside them. Kelly had picked out three pair of pumps in navy, black, and white with a three inch small block heel. She had to hold his arm when he tried them on to help him balance. Two pair of sling back sandals with a two inch spiked heel one white the other black went into their cart. One pair of ankle boots with a side zip in black with a two inch block heel, another pair of flats in white and finally a pair of running shoes in white with pink highlights and laces completed the selections. A quick stop at the hosiery department for several pair of thigh high stockings and a dozen pair of pantyhose in different shades and deniers was followed by the accessories department. A few scarves, belts and two purses were added to their bags. Then the worse stop of the night, the makeup department. He tried to protest, but she would hear none of it and he soon found himself sitting on a tall stool while a young woman began removing his makeup. She instructed him in everything that she was doing and told him what colors would go best with his complexion. The first session put him in his ideal daytime look while the second session the makeup artist taught him about the nighttime look. Kelly bought him everything that the lady had used plus a lot more. A very feminine perfume, moisturizers, cleansers, masks, brushes and all the other paraphernalia that went with a proper girl's toilet were added. Jeremy was staggered at the amount Kelly paid the makeup artist. The woman was so pleased with the sale she gave Jeremy a free instruction manual to help him learn all the proper techniques. Leaving the counter in his nighttime look and totally exhausted Jeremy was ready to go home. Instead Kelly took him to the food court so she wouldn't have to prepare a meal when they got home. She ordered a chicken salad for the both of them along with a diet soda. Jeremy hated both of the choices, but was too hungry to argue. While they ate Kelly pointed out the other girls there and told him to notice what they were wearing and how they were acting. Much to his chagrin she even pointed out a few boys whom she thought were really cute. 0000 Back at the house they went up to his room and deposited all the bags. There she instructed him on how to remove all the tags, properly fold or hang and put them away. The now empty shopping bags were filled with Jeremy's boy clothing and he had to help her drag them to the garage storage closet. There he watched dismally as she locked it securely. "Alright let's get back up to your room so I can show you how to remove all that makeup and get ready for bed. Remember you are a girl now and it takes us much longer to get dressed in the morning and at night. You can't just plop into bed no matter how tired you are because you will pay the price in the morning with a lot more work to do," she told him. Back in the bedroom she assisted him while he undressed. Naked she led him into the bathroom where she had him do a quick twirl. Noticing a few hairy spots on his, butt she made him bend over legs spread while grabbing his ankles. It didn't take her long to remove all the hairs from that region. Then she had him stand up and turn facing her as she sat on the commode lid. "Now we have to do something with this ugly thatch of hair," she said pointed to his groin. "Oh come on Kelly enough is enough already. I'm tired and just want to go to bed, please," he protested. "No proper young lady has this kind of hair down there. I'm just going to trim it up a bit. Now don't flinch or move. We don't want any accidents do we?" she told him. Using a pair of scissors she carefully trimmed his pubs. With the razor finalized the shape into a pretty, butterfly such that the tail of the, butterfly just touched his shaft and the wings framed it. "Oooh, that is just so cuuuuttttteeee," she exclaimed as she stood back and admired her work. Jeremy just stared down at his reshaped groin and let out a low moan. What masculinity he had left shank down to almost nothing. He was just so embarrassed that there wasn't much fight left in him, but he summoned up some courage and asked, "Kelly long are you going to ma...make me look like this?" "Abby until you get my diary back I am not only going to make you look like this I am going to make you become even more girlish. The longer you take the longer and more like a girl you will become. So you had better cooperate with me and get that diary back as soon as you can......who knows by the time you do get it back it may be too late for you to go back to being a boy," she said with an evil grin. "Okay....okay Kelly. I'll try to get it back tomorrow. I promise," he said defeated. "You'll do no such thing. You can't possibly be ready to get it back by then. Maybe in a couple of weeks of real hard effort you will be able to fool Kenny into thinking that you are a girl, but certainly not before that. Now let me draw you a nice bubble bath and while the tub is filling I'll show you what you are going to have to do every night before you go to bed," she replied. With that she pulled her pink douche kit from the bathroom cabinet and showed it to him explaining how he was going to be using it in the future. The she produced a sanitary pad and tampon and explained how he was going to be using them. She left him standing holding both objects in his hands looking very pale and shaken to get a woman's health pamphlet from her room. She returned quickly and told him that he was going to read and memorize everything in the pamphlet before the week was out. Taking the sanitary objects from his hand and picking up the douche kit returned them to the cabinet. "If I don't have my diary back by the end of the month my dear niece, that's almost four weeks from now, I promise you that you will be doing everything I just talked to you about. Let's call it an incentive plan shall we? Now before you get into the tub you will put these bath crystals in and stir them up some before getting in like this. They will help soften your skin and make you smell like a girl," She told him as a strong scent of roses filled the room. After his bath she handed him a pale yellow towel to dry himself and instructed him to tuck it in girl style over his breasts. Back in the bedroom she led him over to her vanity where she showed him how to cleanse his face, moisturize it and apply a night time green facial mask and finally how to roll his hair onto curlers. Kelly made him put on a clean pair of bright pink panties, matching panty girdle and bra before handing him one of his new nighties. The nightie was double skirted with the outer skirt a sheer pale pink over the deep pink nylon underskirt. It has puffed sleeves with three inches of floral white lace tied off with bright pink satin ribbons. The skirt had an empire waist and reached to mid-thigh. Just before she let him get into bed she led him over to her full length mirror and told him to look at his reflection. Jeremy did as he was told and couldn't believe his eyes. He wasn't there at all, instead he saw Abby. "Now I want to hear you say fifty times, 'I am going to be such a pretty girl Kenny will just have to give me back the diary,'" she instructed. 0000 Over the next two weeks Kelly spent almost all of her time teaching Jeremy what he had to know to pass as a girl. He was taught how to sit, stand, move and gesture just like a girl. More importantly she taught him how to flirt like a girl. When he complained about having to learn that she told him, "Remember boys always have just three things on their minds....sports, food and sex and sex overrides the other two all the time. So you have to be sexy for Kenny and if you play your cards just right he will give you the diary. Understand? So pay attention this is important. Sometimes all you have to do is just press your body against his like this. Then you can put your arm around his waist or hold his hand. You should always hold your boyfriend's hand in any case Abby. There is always the look....the look is very important and I want you to practice it real hard. See just lower your eyelids just a bit, glance out of the side of your eyes and smile just like this. Okay that's pretty good now go stand by the mirror and practice that look while saying, 'Kenny I think you are so cute'." When he wasn't practicing mannerisms and flirting, Jeremy was at the makeup mirror working on his hair and face. She had him learning how to properly roll it into place, put it into various different styles or just brushing it 100 times. Kelly had him try different color combinations and looks with his makeup and refined his techniques until by the end of the two weeks he was actually pretty good at it. In the early afternoon they would take a two hour break. During the break she would make him put on one of her two piece bathing suits and go out on the back deck. The bikini he usually wore was a deep purple with a gathered bust and skimpy bottom that just covered his groin. During his daily sun tanning breaks Jeremy would have to read from romance novels, fashion magazines or other girl's pictorials. Most of the time she would join him out on the deck and use the time to paint her nails or just get some sun. As far as she was concerned life was good. Several times a week Becky would come over. Jeremy thought he hated her more than his step-sister at times. Becky constantly teased and pointed out his short comings as a girl. Saying things like, "girls don't sit like that," "girls are always smiling," "Abby isn't this guy a hunk?" or "Abby you look kind of lumpy down there." While he tried to ignore what she said Kelly usually paid attention and his instruction would get more intense. When Becky commented that he was still walking like a boy, Kelly tied a foot long ribbon around his ankles and another around his arms. "The ribbon around your ankles will make sure your stride is small and the one around your arms will teach you to keep your elbows in," she told him. She kept him that way his every waking moment for over a week. When she removed the ribbons his stride and arm movements remained the way she wanted them. The worst thing that happened was Kelly's response to Becky's comment about his lumps. She had taken him into the bathroom and after his hot bath had him stand in front of her while she sat on the commode lid. Making sure his shriveled penis and scrotum were dry, she pushed his testicles back up into his body and using super glue pulled his little penis between his legs, folded the flaps of his scrotal skin over it and glued it in place. "There nice and flat," she said as she patted his groin with the rose scented powder puff. Jeremy was in tears, but that did not bother Kelly. "This is for your own good Abby just tucking your little thingy back between your legs was just not working. Now if you expose your pantied crotch no one will be the wiser. Besides it will wear off after awhile and everything will be back to normal," she had said. When Becky commented that his grasp of what girls were really interested in such as fashions, music, and boys, Kelly stepped up his reading assignments. "Seventeen," "Cosmopolitan," and "Elle" became daily reading assignments and he was forced to write essays of all the articles he had reviewed that day. Jeremy complained about having to write about whatever he had read that day when all he had to do was tell her about it. "Abby telling me what you read isn't enough. When you write an essay you will learn two important things. First you will learn to write like a girl. That means you will write in a nice clean script perhaps with hearts for dots over the eyes and nice flourishes. Secondly, by putting down what you have read in script you will remember it, but more importantly I will know if you really understand the subject. Remember you are going to have to convince Kenny to give you my diary. To do that you are going to have to be very convincing because he doesn't know you and he really likes me. So you are going to have to find some way to make him like you more than he does me," she had admonished him. At the end of the first week Kelly began taking Jeremy out every evening to get him accustomed to being in public. The first few times were very nerve wracking, but when he noticed that no one gave him any particular attention he became more at ease. He still shivered a little whenever some boy looked at him longer than what seemed usual or when a sales girl at one of the stores talked to him. However by the end of the second week his confidence was such that he could actually hold a conversation with the sales clerks about different fashions and what he was looking for without feeling awkward. At the beginning of the third week Kelly told Jeremy that it was time for him to meet Kenny as Abby. She had decided that the initial meeting would take place at the club pool. For the occasion she had him put on a little more makeup than necessary including some shadowing between his breasts to make them look bigger. She stood in front of him adjusting the straps to the purple bikini for the third time. "Well Abby this is your d?but and aside from the fact that your breasts are not that big I think you may have a chance. Remember when you meet Kenny that you do not know him. You are my niece visiting from St. Louis for the summer and that you would just love it if someone could show you around town besides me. Compliment him, pretend to be really really interested in whatever he says and do whatever you need to do to get him to ask you out. Now put on that wrap, get your bag and let's go. I am only going to stay for a few minutes so that I can introduce you to that creep then you are on your own. Remember as soon as I get that diary the sooner you get to be a boy again," she told him. By the end of the third week Jeremy hadn't made a lot of progress with Kenny. He spent several hours each day sitting pool side with him, but all Kenny could talk about was Kelly. It was almost time for Kenny to leave that Friday when in desperation Jeremy remembered an article in one of the magazines. The article suggested that to get your potential boyfriend's attention a sound kiss on the lips usually worked. Jeremy screwed up all his courage and did just that. He grabbed Kenny around the neck, pulled him in close to his and gave him a kiss on the lips. The kiss only lasted a few seconds at best before Jeremy blushing brilliant red backed away with his eyes downcast. He couldn't believe what he had just done and to another boy at that, but it seemed to work. Kenny just stood there a moment in a daze then broke out in a big grin. "Gee Abby...I gosh....," was all he could say. "I'm sorry Kenny....but...but I..." Jeremy started, but was stopped by Kenny. "Hey that's alright. I kinda liked could go out sometime," he said. "Su...sure that would be lovely Kenny," Jeremy managed to reply still blushing heavily. He kept his eyes downcast and was twirling a lock of hair with his index finger. He had no idea just how feminine he looked at that moment. "Great I'll call you later. My Mom is here and I have to go, but I will call you tonight, okay?" Kenny said as he gathered up his stuff and headed off. "Crap! Why did I do that?" Jeremy thought as he sat back down on the lounge chair while bringing his forearm across his lips. 0000 Sure enough Kenny called that night and asked Abby out for Saturday night to see a movie. Kelly made sure that Abby was more than ready for her very first date. Saturday morning she brought him to the salon for a touch up, pedicure, manicure and leg waxing. Three hours before Kenny was to pick Abby up for their date she had Jeremy getting ready for it. A long lingering bubble bath filled with rose scented oils, a trim to his pubic area, body lotion and dusting in a matching rose scent completed his bath. Laid out on the bed was a matching set of lingerie consisting of lavender nylon panties trimmed in cream colored floral lace at the legs and waist, padded bra with embroidered floral design, garter belt with two inches of cream lace frill at the hem and six garters, half slip and camisole, and pale pink sheer nylons. Once dressed in his lingerie Kelly sat him at the vanity and assisted him in applying his makeup. His eyelids were outlined in black eye liner and the lashes curled with an eyelash curler and three coats of black mascara applied. A dark lavender sparkle shadow faded into paler lavender blended into a pink shadow was used to make his eyes really stand out. Using a dark reddish-purple lip liner Kelly carefully lined his lips then using a small brush applied a lavender lipstick. Using the tip of her small finger she then applied a thick coating of gloss to make his lips look extremely kissable. Jeremy sprayed himself with a rose scented perfume and removed the rollers from his hair while Kelly went to get his dress. A few brush strokes and his hair was in shimmering waves falling to his shoulders. Just as he finished with his hair Kelly was beside him with his dress. It was princess styled with a black velvet scooped bodice and a just above the knee pink satin skirt with a white net petticoat attached. Jeremy had raised fifty kinds of hell over her choice when she first showed it to him. "Come on Kelly that is way over the top for just a date to some stupid movie. No girl in her right mind would wear that to a movie. I'll be the laughing stock of the entire theater. Most girls just wear a pair of jeans and a top to the movies, but if I have to wear a dress what about a skirt and blouse?" He had complained. "Well yes, most girls would just wear a pair of jeans and a top, but you are no ordinary girl. You are trying your best to impress Kenny and make him like you so much that he will give you my diary. Besides this dress will look lovely on you and believe me when I say you're not going to have to worry about just Kenny giving you the eye tonight. I'm willing to bet there will be a lot of girls there wanting to scratch your eyes out," she had told him. He stepped into the dress and Kelly zipped it up the back for him. "There that is a lovely fit," she commented as she bent down and placed a pair of pink patent leather three inch pumps at his feet. He stepped into them and walked back over to the vanity where she was gathering his accessories. Lavender, silver and pink fresh water pearl necklace, matching earrings, two dainty gold rings one with a pearl went on his right hand and a pink banded ladies watch on the left. Kelly picked up a black satin clutch purse, put in the cosmetics he would need, tissues, some pocket change, a tampon and a couple of condoms. She handed it to him and told him to sit at the vanity until she called for him to come and meet his date. "Kelly what are you doing putting condoms in my purse?" he asked bewildered. "You never know sweetie," was all she said as she turned on her heels and left the room. Jeremy was having serious second thoughts as he swept his hands across his bottom smoothing the skirt before sitting on the vanity bench. As he sat he looked up and saw his reflection in the full length mirror. Reflected back was the image of a very prissy and pretty young lady sitting at a vanity with her pink hued legs pressed tightly together with her hands folded neatly in her lap. "Crap and double crap. I'd better get that damn diary back quick or I won't be me anymore," he thought. Kelly had been right because as they stood in line to get their tickets Jeremy noticed a lot of attention turned his way. From the boys he got everything from shy stares to out right leers and from the girls looks of vitriol that would scald a cat. Although he did notice that the older women smiled encouragement and approval whenever he met their gaze. Otherwise the movie was anticlimactic. As soon as the got into their seats Kenny placed his arm around Jeremy's shoulders. Once the lights dimmed and the movie started Kenny started moving his hand down towards Jeremy's breast. At that point fearing discovery Jeremy took his hand and pulled it down and into his lap holding it there for the rest of the movie. After the movie Kenny took them for something to eat. While Jeremy watched wishfully as Kenny inhaled a double meat double cheese burger and fries he had to content himself with a salad and diet coke. He did manage to grab a few of Kenny's fries before they were wolfed down. Back at the house Kenny was satisfied when Jeremy once again gave him a goodbye kiss on the lips and promised to go out with him again. They had three more dates that week with Kenny getting a little more aggressive with each passing date. So far Jeremy had managed to keep Kenny's hands from roaming too much, but they were kissing a whole lot more. By the end of the third date Kenny was clutching Jeremy's ass as they French kissed at the door. They didn't notice Kelly peeking out from the living room window with a very pleased expression on her face. That Friday as they were sitting out on the deck Becky came by and wanted to know all the scoop of what had been happening. Reluctantly Jeremy told her of the dates with Kenny and that he still was no closer to getting the diary than he had been before all this started. He also complained about Kenny's octopus hands and that he was having a difficult time keeping his hands off his breasts. Both girls enjoyed that part and laughing told him that he now knew how all the other girls felt went they went out on dates. Kelly turned serious then and wanted to know how much longer it would be before she had her precious diary back. When Jeremy said he honestly didn't know she said that he was going to have to fine a better way to get him to reveal the secret. "What are you saying? I'm doing my part. It's just that I...I haven't asked him about it yet. The timing isn't right and he might get suspicious if I start asking him about it just yet. Don't you think I want this over and done with as quickly as possible? Damn! I've had to let him kiss me and I don't like that one bit. It's all I can do not to up chuck all over him when he sticks his tongue down my throat. What more can I do?" he pleaded his case. "Well maybe if you gave him a bit of booby he wouldn't be sticking his tongue down your throat so much," Becky giggled. "You know Kelly, Abby really needs something on top. I mean the gathered bra makes it look like she has something up there, but if you look close....well...see what I mean?" she continued. "Well duh! Of course, but what else is there except for those breast pads? It's not like he er I mean she has anything to really put into a bra Bec There is only so much pads and push up bras can do," Kelly replied. "There's a couple of things we can do Kelly...that is if you really want to make Abby look like you know....more mature and want to spend the money," Becky told her. "Like what?" Kelly questioned. "Well we can inject that lip enhancer into her nipples to make them appear bigger if you don't want to spend too much...n.. and we could get her a pair of prosthetics, but they're expensive," Becky replied. "Well go on. You've got my interest," Kelly said. "Hey...hey what are you two talking about? You've already done enough to me as it is. I'm not going to let you do anything else, you hear," Jeremy said alarmed. "Shut up twerp! Maybe you'd like it if I took you back down to the club pool and make you strut you stuff down there for all the other boys. Maybe even have a little accident where your top comes off. What do you think will happen then especially when I tell them you're my stinky little step-brother?" Kelly said sharply. "Oh no, you wouldn't do that to me Kelly! Would you? Please promise me that you won't do that?" Jeremy said very afraid that she would do just that. "Shut up and let me hear what Bec has to say twerp or we just may have to go to the club," Kelly told him with a mean look on her face. "Okay Bec tell me what you got," She continued turning to face her best friend. "Well you can see how well that lip enhancer worked on Abby's lips. I was just thinking maybe if we injected some into her nipples it might have the same effect. It wouldn't cost anything cause we can get it at the salon. If that doesn't work then like you know we could go to a prosthetics shop. You could get her a pair of false breasts like my Aunt Hilda did when she had her mastectomy, but she paid like $600 for hers," Becky told her. "$600 for a pair of plastic breasts?" Kelly exclaimed. "No not plastic. They're made of silicon and look just like the real thing. I swear. I couldn't tell them from the real thing when she showed them to me. They gave me the chills. I thought that they were real and someone had cut them off somebody. They even felt real except cold, like you know," Becky replied. "I really don't have a spare $600 with what I've already spent on Abby already. If I call our parents and ask for more household money this soon after they left I'd be in trouble. Let's try the enhancer first," Kelly said with her brow knitted in thought. "Come on you guys. Just look at my lips. They're still way too big and don't seem to be getting any smaller. You can't just go sticking that goop into my tits. What if I am stuck like that?" Jeremy almost screeched. "First of all Abby young ladies do not ever refer to their breasts as tits. Only guys do that and we don't like it. If you have to refer to them call them breasts or boobs, but never tits. Besides from what I know about that enhancer it dissipates after awhile cause I've had to re-inject some of my customers. It won't be that permanent. Besides I haven't even decided what to do yet so keep your panties on. Now go back to your room and change. It's about time to get dinner on the table and you're doing the cooking tonight," Kelly told him. After he left Kelly turned to Becky and told her to go get the necessary supplies and be back in three hours. Dinner was a tossed salad, grilled chicken breast and green beans with iced tea. Jeremy wanted to eat a lot more, but Kelly insisted he eat only one portion as he had to watch his weight. During dinner she complimented him on his progress even if it had only been three weeks. She also told him that if he continued making progress he could probably get her diary back before the end of July and be back to normal all that much sooner. As a reward she went to the cabinet and retrieved a bottle of white wine to go with their dinner. Jeremy drank almost the entire bottle by himself without realizing it. By the time the meal was over and the dishes put away there were two empty bottles sitting in the trash. Jeremy not use to drinking was dizzy and ready for bed even though it had just gotten dark outside. Jeremy was out like a light when the two girls entered his room. They pulled down the covers and smiled down at his sleeping form. He was wearing a pretty pale blue baby doll nightie that had risen well above his navel exposing the matching puffy full cut panties with two inches of white lace trimming the leg openings. "Okay he is definitely out so if we are slow and careful he shouldn't wake up," Kelly said as she pulled the nightie the rest of the way up and over his bare chest. Jeremy hadn't given it a second thought as Kelly did not hand him a bra to put on before bed time. Becky carefully wiped down both his nipples and breasts with alcohol and as that dried filled two large syringes with the lip enhancer. She then carefully pushed the needle into the center of his right nipple and pressed the plunder down slowly until it was empty. She repeated the process on his other breast and stood back. Jeremy had moved slightly and moaned softly in his sleep, but otherwise did not wake during the procedure. "Well what do you think?" Becky asked as they both stood over the sleeping youth. "I don't know. They don't look like much. Maybe like a pair of lemons, but not enough to make much of a difference," Kelly replied. "Well there is going to be some more swelling as that stuff takes effect Kelly, but if you want I can put some more in," Becky told her. "Do it. I don't have $600 to spare and it will make things a whole lot more realistic for Kenny to play with," Kelly instructed. "Okay, but I really don't want to overdo it. This could become permanent you know. I'm not sure how this stuff works on breasts cause it was designed for small dosages to the lips. I've never seen it used like this before," Becky replied. Becky did it again and Jeremy's breasts took on a small pear shape, the nipples becoming much larger and seemed to stand up at attention. "One more time, I want them the size of apples at the least," Kelly said. "But Kelly, I've already used more of this stuff than ever before and never on breast tissue. We don't know how permanent this will become and beside you know as well as I do there will be more swelling later," Becky replied not really wanting to go any further. "Look Becky you are already in this with me so no backing out now. I want that damn diary back before that pervert uses it against me. If my step-brother has to have breasts to get it back then give him breasts," Kelly demanded. "Alright, but this is on you Kelly," Becky said as she refilled the first syringe. After Becky had finished Kelly had her help her get a bra on Jeremy. It was one of hers and had a C cup. "That will help shape them as the enhancer gets to work," Kelly said. That next morning Kelly was awoken by a loud scream coming from Jeremy's room. "Guess the little shit has discovered what we did last night," she said as she got out of bed and went to his room. When she entered she found him sitting up in bed clutching two very nice looking full C cup breasts with half inch long erect nipples. "They feel like they are on fire and they hurt. What have you done to me Kelly? I....I didn't deserve this," he said sobbing. The bra was on the floor and he was cupping his new breasts in his hands, tears flowing down his cheeks. Kelly felt a pang of guilt and went into the kitchen and put some crushed ice into a couple of baggies. Returning she handed him the bags of ice and told him to gently put them on his breasts. The ice helped to ease the fire and sensitivity, but not his tears. She sat next to him and put her arm around his shoulders. "I'm sorry Abby, but I really didn't have a choice. Sooner or later Kenny will grope your breasts and then your secret will be out. I had to do something and we just couldn't afford those artificial ones Becky was talking about," she said trying to justify what she had done in her own mind if nothing else. "I'm going to be a freak for the rest of my life," he wailed clutching the ice bags even tighter to his chest. "Look Abby they are only temporary. I promise," she said then under her breath whispered "I hope so." It took her some time to calm him down, but eventually with the promise that they would go away completely before the end of summer he was able to control his crying. Kelly had him remove his hands so that she could examine his new chest. She was amazed at just how round and firm they both looked and felt. His nipples were rubbery yet firm and had turned a dark brown as did his areola which had also increased in size. "Jeremy's breasts were even better looking than my own," she thought then said, "They don't feel hot anymore and do they still hurt?" " just feel funny now, but th...the nip...nipples are all tingly like," he replied with a trembling lip. "Oh that's normal. Mine feel like that a lot of the time. Once you get your bra on you will feel a whole lot better," she replied. Satisfied that no one would question his appearance and that he wasn't really suffering, Kelly got off the bed and told Abby to get cleaned up and dressed for the day. After breakfast Kelly took him shopping for new bras. This time he had to stand in the dressing room while a sales woman carefully measured him for a proper fitting bra. He was embarrassed, but not nearly as much as he had been in the past. At least this time he was pretty sure his secret was safe. The sales woman announced that he had a pair of 34 C breasts and surprisingly very evenly matched. When Jeremy looked at her kinda funny at her pronouncement, the woman gave him a wide grin and said that Abby would be surprised at just how many women had uneven breast development. Jeremy for his part didn't know whether to be proud or ashamed that he had evenly developed breasts. 0000 That evening as he prepared for his upcoming date with Kenny, Jeremy stood before the bathroom mirror. Slowly he reached up and cupped his new assets and squeezed them softly in a way he found it strange that he could actually feel his own hands pressing against the alien flesh. It did not hurt nor did it feel like anything special until using his thumbs pressed them against his large nipples. He was surprised to feel a tingling sensation shoot from his nipples right up into his brain and it felt good. "Gosh, is that what a girl feels?" he thought as he pulled his hands away. This time Kelly had laid out a fairly conservative outfit for him to wear. A bright yellow satin bra with eyelet lace trim along the cups, matching full cut nylon panties with pretty white daisy's printed on them, yellow panty girdle with four garters and a pair of nude hose for his lingerie were sitting on the bed. His two piece outfit consisted of a yellow cotton scooped necked sleeveless vest like top that did not quite reach his belly, button and revealed some of his new cleavage. A matching just above the knee skirt was hanging from the door. There were soft feminine frills trimming the hems and straps of both the blouse and skirt. Small white daisies with two green leaves formed the border of the skirt and blouse. A pair of white two inch

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Altered Fates Punishment

Altered Fates: Punishment By Morpheus I stopped in front of the building and stared at it for several seconds, my gut clenched nervously, which it did every time that I came there. The building was a 4 story brownstone...though it was only something on one of those floors that I was interested in. My name was Edward Combs, an average looking man of 32, standing at 5 foot 11 and with an average job. I was also a widower. A burst of guilt washed through me at that, as it did...

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The FreshmanChapter 35 Tiffanys Third Punishment

As the summer progressed, Cecilia realized that she was destined to become much closer to Tiffany Walker and Cynthia Lee than to Kimberly. The reason was the lives of Tiffany and Cynthia were similar to Cecilia's life, while Kim's life was very different. Tiffany and Cynthia were single and continued to be very American in their outlooks, while Kim was much more Danubian in her thinking, only a year away from becoming sworn in as a public official, and nearly two years into her marriage...

2 years ago
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The Dress Punishment

The Dress Punishment Katie Leone Being in the principal's office is never a good place to be, especially after you get caught doing something wrong. It makes you feel kind of nervous when you're sitting there waiting for the man in charge to come back in when you know he's getting all the dirt on you that he could. All I can do is sit here and look at the wood panel walls and watch the second hand of the clock move slowly. "Tick, tick, tick," the...

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Silks Final Punishment

Introduction: This is the last part of Silks punishment. There is more to come of what happens before this but here is the last Part for now. Enjoy, comment and rate As I said, there is more to come on this. This is the last part that begins with Anger. I will be adding all this in as the weeks go by so read, comment and rate. And about all enjoy. Please inform me of mistakes too… Faith Michaels… ******************** Since Silk went out with Becker of her own free will, slept with Jason and...

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Judiths Punishment

Chapter 1 Judith ConcedesSir Jolyon Lattimore reached into the inside pocket of his pinstriped Savile Row suit and took out a gold ballpoint pen which he handed to Judith. “What if I choose not to sign?” asked the young woman as she took the pen from him, a note of defiance in her voice. Sir Jolyon paused for a moment before answering. “Well, whether or not you sign is entirely your decision but should you choose not to sign you will leave me with no alternative other than to fire you on the...

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Miss Mansons Memories That First After School Punishment

“Lucy Cardwell.” Pauline Manson smiled to herself as she sat in her armchair by the fire on that dark, cold, winter’s afternoon in January.That was the name of the tall, slim girl with the long, flowing black hair that she had been thinking about that day.She involuntarily shuffled around on her comfortable chair, feeling a twinge of excitement as she thought back to 1971. It had been her probationary year as a young teacher and she had met the lovely Lucy Cardwell, who had been the first girl...

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Silks Final Punishment

Faith Michaels... ******************** Since Silk went out with Becker of her own free will, slept with Jason and gave Donny a blowjob, which she purposely allowed Michael to catch her doing it just to prove she could have other men if she so choose, Michael felt that a punishment to strictly address this attitude was in order. Sending the other three away for the night Michael lined up something that he was sure would get Silk’s attention and make her never want another man again. He...

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Michelle Part 6 Punishment

My only wonder was whether Michelle had similarly set a trap for me, since she knew that the house was monitored by my computer system. Regardless, I told her I had a two-day conference and that I would fly out early the next morning. I allowed her to sleep in, for her sake, I said, and drove myself to the airport. I did take a flight, but only a lesson with a friend of mine who was still trying to help me get enough hours to complete my license requirements. When we landed we went to...

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Sexual Punishment

(Authors: If you would like to write for this story feel free to message me. The introduction should be ambiguous enough to allow for other genders, settings, fandoms, etc. All characters are 18 years of age or older.) It starts with a particularly mischievous and powerful spirit overlooking Earth. A virgin dies in an unlucky accident; their only sexual experience was an awkward, clumsy fondling session with a now-distant friend. The omniscient, reality-bending entity tuts at this revelation...

Mind Control
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An Even Worse Punishment

Maya loves being spanked, but that means it takes cruelty to punish her. Being a child celebrity isn't easy, most of the time. Thankfully, Aaron made enough money to retire at 17 and decided to call it quits on the whole “working” part of being famous, however, he still indulged himself on the carefree part of it. Living in an apartment in his adult brother's name away from his parents, Aaron enjoyed a lavish lifestyle amidst still going to school. On top of being rich, Aaron was...

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The Worst Punishment

Being a child celebrity isn't easy, most of the time. Thankfully, Aaron made enough money to retire at 17 and decided to call it quits on the whole “working” part of being famous, however, he still indulged himself on the carefree part of it. Living in an apartment in his adult brother's name away from his parents, Aaron enjoyed a lavish lifestyle amidst still going to school.On top of being rich, Aaron was famous enough to make pulling girls from his high school easier than ever. He...

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Ellies Punishment

Twenty-five year old Ellie looked up at the sign. ‘Correctional Discipline Centre for Adults: Ladies Entrance.’ The men’s entrance was on the other side of the building. She looked again at the letter she had read so many times before. It was from the Court. For stealing the underwear she was sentenced to 18 strokes of the cane. The minimum for theft as it was her first offence. It was a mistake. She had absentmindedly walked out of the shop holding the underpants and when stopped she panicked....

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The Gentlemans Bar Risks of a Punishment

AUTHORS NOTE: I'd like to send a special thank you to both "Licorice" and "Elle Dauber" for their encoragement for a sequal story. I hope you two like it. And a special achnologement to: "Greengiant". I gotta admit that the first Gentleman's Bar story was pretty much a "beat fest" and after reading through it later I had to admit the story focused to much on the affects of the transformation rather than how it affects the people in the story. I hope this story flows better. THE...

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The Punishment

Well, Lady. You have been somewhat moody with me lately and that is really not what I would expect from my favourite slave! As it is a nice, warm, evening I am going to wait until it gets dark and take you outside for your punishment. Into the woods, I think. I know just the place where we will not be disturbed and no-one will hear you, so come on, Lady, hurry up or I will smack that cute bum of yours so hard it will make your eyes water. I am glad to see that you are wearing the thin, loose,...

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moonbeams training disobedience and punishment

This is another story written for my Mentor, Jack. He wanted me to learn about the BDSM concept of punishment. This was a difficult story for me to write, and although it is proving difficult to share, i thought i might as well. Again, i figure in for a penny, in for a pound. Please remain aware that I wrote this (and most of the other stories) before I had had any r/t experience. The absolute truth is, sometimes i sneak some chocolate or an alcoholic drink or coffee without permission, when...

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Sandras 4 levels of punishment

5 levels of punishmentSandra knew she was in trouble. The minute she received her graded paper with the "B-" in dark red ink. She knew her father would be mad.Her father arrived home from work. She had been working hard on dinner, hoping to ease his mood. Sandra knew things were not going to go well, her father was already in a bad mood, it seems he had just lost another client.He was in his study, going over some paperwork when she approached him. Meekly, she set her graded report on his...

3 years ago
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My Day of Punishment

My Day of Punishment Getting out of bed, I stumble to the bathroom to shower wishing that I could climb back into bed to be with Master. I quickly get the temperature of the water right and climb in. Washing my hair, I start thinking of Master still a sleep in bed and of the great sex we had last night. Becoming turned on I lathers my body lingering over my breasts and pussy. As I slide my finger up my pussy, I start to moan softly. Working my finger in my pussy fast and hard I begin to...

2 years ago
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You fidget in your chair as you sit in a hotel room, waiting for me to arrive. You feel a mix of anticipation and fear. You know you’ve been bad - you broke one of our rules and I’ve promised to punish you. You’re waiting, dressed as I’ve instructed. Tight white blouse with your white, lacy bra visible beneath. Tight short skirt. Stocking but no g-string. You squirm as you wait for me, a little anxious about what’s about to unfold. Your heart jumps a little as you hear the door. It opens and I...

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Submissive Incest Mind Control Chapter 3 Daughters Bondage Punishment

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daughter's Bondage Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I whimpered into the ring gag, keeping my mouth forced open, as my mother worked the butt plug into my asshole. My well-spanked rump burned as her left hand gripped it, her right pressed the conical toy deeper and deeper into me. Saliva ran down my chin, leaking out of my mouth. The ring kept my mouth open wide enough...

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Parole and Punishment

Part 1 Breaking-in Brad        Her name was Kristie and she was 27 years old.  Having inherited a multi-million dollar trust fund, she didn’t need to work, which allowed her the leisure to pursue her sadistic sexual games.  She had been raised with wealth and was used to commanding men to do her bidding.  House servants in her parents’ palatial mansion had learned to dread her games.  Now on her own, she had bought a large house in a wealthy neighborhood and installed a dungeon with different...

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Danielles Punishment

Danielle had been terrified for the last two weeks.  The posh boarding school she attended in rural England had recently endured an outbreak of bad behavior.  Students were caught smoking, drinking, making out, cheating on tests? and the administration had had enough.  Some new policies had been instituted involving punishment, and Danielle knew she would lose her mind if she ever got punished.        The trouble was? she had cheated on a paper the day before the new punishments were unveiled,...

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“Ah, Brother Michael, come in, come in. Let us dispense with formalities; you know why you are here? Yes” The abbot paused “Brother Michael, you are a good monk, a good man -” “Please my Lord Abbot, I am no better than others, do not build me up with false pride. I pray” “-of course, yes. I mean you try hard to serve our Lord as well as any monk. How can I say this? You have one flaw ... you tell the truth, unvarnished, to all” “And that is a flaw my Lord Abbot?” “It is when the person you...

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Nikki Under Punishment

Nikki had acted out of character and had been deliberately naughty in order to get the cane. She was one of the good girls and always worked hard and passed all of her tests and exams. She even got the place she wanted at University. The only thing she had never experienced was being disciplined at school. As she stood with her nose pressed against the wall she told herself she hadn’t even been that naughty. She had just answered back a teacher. Not even that rudely. It was really just replying...

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The Punishment

I looked at her in fury. For a moment I couldn’t speak I was so angry. “Get,” I started to say, then paused. I’d been about to tell her to go to her room and to get out of my sight, but then a better idea came to me. I took a deep breath. “Stand there. Don’t move,” I said coldly. I went into my office and carefully closed the door. I’d have slammed it otherwise, and I didn’t want that. “AI,” I said after a few moments to clear my head. “Are you able to make someone, er ... can you tweak, er...

2 years ago
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Day of Punishment

Day of Punishment ? by: Joanna Maguire To be locked up spread eagled on bed face down unable to move blindfolded and gagged. Wearing a tightly laced corset, dog collar and nipple clamps. Bottom and shoulders naked and exposed for whipping. To be kept in this position for 4 hours or more. Every 40 minutes or so to be given a hundred lashes on any exposed flesh, the number of lashes to be counted backwards from a hundred. At least 500 heavy lashes will be given without mercy over...

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College Humiliation 8211 Part 3 Complying To The Punishment

Thank you guys for your appreciation. Before continuing with the third part, let me give a brief background. This story is of a country that was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits the mistake of stealing the exam paper and is punished and humiliated by the college dean. She is stripped nude and punished. She had a very humiliating session in the anatomy class. Now the story continues. I would recommend reading the previous parts. The main character of this story is Juhi and is...

4 years ago
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A Suitable Punishment

A Suitable Punishment By Carmenica Diaz SYNOPSIS A small story I wrote between novels. Please don't expect too muchfrom this tale ? it has all the usual ingredients ? an errant husband,a woman scorned who morphs into vengeful wife and, of course, a suitablepunishment. A Suitable Punishment By Carmenica Diaz The bar was noisy and Brett had to lean closer to hear George's words. Notthat he wanted to hear George as Brett was tired of the continuousboasting but George was his boss so he...

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Maiden Maid Ch 5 The Punishment

This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old orphan during the depression and life is hard. In Chapter 1 and 2, Sara is given a job as a maid for Michael. In Chapter 3 she is spanked for breaking a glass and is forced to masturbate Michael’s cock. In Chapter 4, Michael takes further sexual liberties with her young body including teaching her how to suck his cock. Maiden Maid Chapter 5-The...

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My severe punishment

It's Mindy again. I shared with you last time how I'm spanked, but I have to admit that there have been exceptions to that pattern. For the most part, Daddy spanks me just because he wants to, but there are times when I am naughty and he give me a well deserved punishment (for the record, let me remind you that Daddy is not my actual father. He's my fiancé Mark, but to me he's my daddy and I'm his good little girl, most of the time). And most of the time, those punishments earn me a hairbrush...

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Bobbys Punishment

Bobby’s Punishment “Bobby, where is your report?” I asked. “I…I left it in my dorm, Miss Janine,” stammered the tow-headed youth. His fingers twitched nervously at the top button of his blue shirt. “But it’s not completely done. Could I please have another night? I know I’ll finish it and turn it in tomorrow, miss.” A hiss of inhalation showed how Bobby’s classmates reacted to this bit of mildly defiant nonsense. “I know you’ll turn it in tomorrow, Bobby, because you won’t want to repeat the...

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Bobbys Punishment

Bobby’s Punishment “Bobby, where is your report?” I asked. “I...I left it in my dorm, Miss Janine,” stammered the tow-headed youth. His fingers twitched nervously at the top button of his blue shirt. “But it’s not completely done. Could I please have another night? I know I’ll finish it and turn it in tomorrow, miss.” A hiss of inhalation showed how Bobby’s classmates reacted to this bit of mildly defiant nonsense. “I know you’ll turn it in tomorrow, Bobby, because you won’t want to repeat...

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Petticoat Punishment

Translations for those who haven't seen my stories so far : Boot (of car) = Trunk in US of A Knickers or pants = Panties Tuppence = UK slang for two (old) pennies = a small contribution. Tights = Pantyhose Nappy = Diapers Dummy = Pacifier Learn these, I might ask you questions later... sorry, just joking. PETTICOAT PUNISHMENT Christine Scott had a problem with her eldest child. Although she was a single parent she hadn't had many of them. Her husband Steve,...

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Hi this is Raj Patel from Ahmedabad. I am regular reader of all this story & I love to share my true Experience. I am working with call center in Ahmedabad as team leader & 23 yrs old with 5’9” height & 7” thick dick. This incident happen when I was 19 yrs old & studding in college. I am staying with my parents. My dad is having his own business & mother is house wife. We are staying in top floor of apartment & our apposite door only 1 lady is staying & she is 33 yrs & divorce. Name of that...

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'enough is enough we are fed up getting calls from school saying you lot have misbehaved you are all old enough to know better its time to start behaving from now on there will be punishments you dad and i have been discussing this if you cannot behave then you will have to put up with the consequences punishment will include humiliation , the punishment and humiliation will get more severe each time you do something wrong starting today with you scot for trying to cheat on your exam your...

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Behavioral Modification Punishment

Behavioral Modification Punishment Alessandra Durante "What are we going to do about that boy", Peter said as he looked at his wife, Brenda. Brenda shook her head and threw up her hands as she thought about her son, James. She had thought she had raised him right. He was a respectful and polite as a child, but his teenage years had seen him turn into a completely different person. Like her husband, Brenda blamed James's friends for his bad behavior. James started hanging out...

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Salvation Ch 28 Sarahs Cruel Punishment

enrolled her at Avondale Academy in the hope that the regime of harsh discipline would cure her of her wanton behaviour. The memory of Sarah's interview still makes her mother's heart miss a beat and acts like an aphrodisiac for her father. Caroline only has to say to her husband, "Do you remember her interview?" and that's enough to make him rampant. There was something quite exciting about watching Sarah being made to undress and stand naked, then to be told by Miss...

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My Brothers Punishment

MY BROTHERS PUNISHMENT by Unknown My brother and I were very young when I had the experience of seeing a neighbors daughters dress washed and hanging out on the line to dry. Having no sisters and getting to the age where I was curious about girls and the strange collection of clothing they wore how they did their hair and in general goofiness, I confided to my brother that it might be fun to play dress-up with it. We would both share playing house as I did with many of my...

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Soft Target The Heads punishment

Chrissie sat outside the head teacher’s office, shifting nervously. Even though she was now a parent, with a son at the school, the old memories still made her shiver. She could still remember standing outside the headmaster’s office, all those years ago, biting her lip in anticipation of the yet another harsh telling off about the latest indiscretion. But now she was here discuss her son’s behaviour. Mark was a typical teenager and, as such, visits to the head teacher were not uncommon. But...

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Soft Target The Heads punishment

Chrissie sat outside the head teacher’s office, shifting nervously. Even though she was now a parent, with a son at the school, the old memories still made her shiver. She could still remember standing outside the headmaster’s office, all those years ago, biting her lip in anticipation of the yet another harsh telling off about the latest indiscretion. But now she was here discuss her son’s behaviour. Mark was a typical teenager and, as such, visits to the head teacher were not uncommon. But...

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Mom in law8217s punishment

I and my wife Nidhi are in our early 30’s and are married for the last 2 years. This happened when we went to stay in my in-laws place for a week. My mom-in-law is a teacher by profession and had spent a long time in UK before returning to India. The very next day I noticed red stripes on my wife’s hands. On asking her she said, she had just received caning from her mother. On probing further, she disclosed, that she is used to getting punished by her mom since her childhood and she too...

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Wedding Dress Punishment

"Wedding Dress Punishment" Little Timmy was a good boy. He didn't get into trouble and usually stayed close to home. But he did get into things. His mother Ruth caught him in her pantyhose and high heels on one occasion and on another came home to find him playing in her makeup, his lips reddened like a clown! She wiped the lipstick and other makeup off and was prepared to send him on his way with a slap on the bottom but then felt something under his T-shirt. She pulled the shirt up...

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Lady Kathryns Punishment

Lady Kathryn?s Punishment  Synopsis  Found guilty of theft and lewd behaviour, Lady Kathryn is publicly whipped and demoted to servant status for a year whilst Margaret, her maid, is elevated to take her place.   Lady Kathryn?s Punishment  by obohobo   Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF Whipping  If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, c...

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Even years later Prescott could never explain how the game got onto his computer -- or why. One afternoon he was sitting at the computer streaming a game show from a local TV station when they broke in to show a live police pursuit. He watched a small white sedan weave in and out of traffic and, more than once, sideswipe other cars, and narrowly miss hitting pedestrians. "We have just received a video feed from the surveillance camera in a local convenience store." There was a meaningful...

4 years ago
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Suitable Punishment

Suit-able Punishment You should never wear your sister's bikini without her permission -- especially if you are her brother. Billy had a plan all figured out. He and his family were heading to their beach house for a last weekend before school started. Billy told them that he was going down a day early with his friend, Tim, and that he would be staying at Tim's house Friday night. Tim, in turn, told his parents that he would be staying with Billy and the family that...

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Cherrys Punishment

Cherry heard the click of the shower go on. It took all of her will power to stay on the sofa. Three weeks ago she had caught sight of her daughter's best friend Denise, who was living with them for the summer, lathering up her young eighteen year old athletic body through the slightly ajar bathroom door. She knew at the time she should have turned away but she could not stop herself from staring and comparing. There was the obvious age difference, Cherry was forty two to Denise's eighteen....

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Lucys Punishment

I quickly drank the rest of my coffee as it was now time for me to prepare for Lucy’s return. I opened the cupboard in my study and reached for the strap and the cane which would be used on her. I would though, start with an over the knee hand spanking, both buttocks spanked soundly until every square inch glowed as red as a perfect Mediterranean sunset. Just thirty minutes earlier Lucy had stood before me in this very room and allowed the contents of her inner mind to flood out, she had wanted...

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Punishment The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn’t been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter’s place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn’t quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my...

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Punishment The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn't been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter's place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn't quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my mouth...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 8 First Punishment

Introduction: Silk get her first punishment Dear Readers. See its starting to pick up Come in the dining room when you are finished, slave, he ordered and walked out of the room and turned to the right. She knew this was a room she had not been in yet. Some sort of secret room she thought and wondered what it contained. Knowing Michael, she figured it was his B&D room. She finished drying herself and wrapped the towel around her chest and went to the dining room as ordered. Once there, she...

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A Present Turns into Punishment

I woke up dazed and confused. When I fell asleep, I was bound to the bed post, gagged, cuffed, and wearing only my collar. Now I find myself on my bed, wrists red and raw from the cuffs, my throat sore and dry, and a blanket over my naked form. Was it a dream that my Master had moved me? My master had every right to punish me. I had disobeyed his rules. Sorry I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. The name my Master allows you to call me is Cat. I’m your typical Mediterranean beauty. A tanned body...


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