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Chapter 33 A special delivery package was brought to the office addressed to Brenda Watson, and she knew what it would be, her costume for the evening. Brenda wondered what she would be wearing. Brenda liked to dress nicely, with class, not like some oversexed bimbo on the make but she had a feeling Melissa was going to make her do just that. Brenda opened the box and her worse fears came true. Melissa couldn't even be original and was going to have her wear a little black dress with the emphasis on little. Maybe this should be called slut wear Brenda thought with a giggle. The shoes weren't much better, one look and CFM came to mind. Melissa had even included the lingerie. If this was the look Melissa wanted then that was the look she would get, but it might take more than a few minutes to do. "Melissa, where am I to met your client and at what time?" Brenda asked. "At his hotel around seven," she answered. "I'm going to need some time to get ready. I have someone that can do my makeup for me but I'll have to leave now so I can be ready in time." "This is important so you can go, just be nice to my client. His name is Preston Kurtz and we do a lot of business with him." "I won't let you down Melissa." Brenda returned to her desk and called Ashley. "Hello," Ashley said into the phone. "Ashley, hi, its Brenda, I need a big favor, I have a date tonight and need my hair and makeup done, can you help me?" "Of course I can, you know my address can you come now?" "I'll be right there." Brenda arrived at Ashley's apartment and was buzzed in. Ashley opened her door and the two embraced. "Tell me what you are doing tonight so I have an idea of what to do with you hair?" Ashley asked. "I have to go out with a client of Melissa's. Let me show you the dress I'm supposed to wear and then you'll see what I need," Brenda said. Brenda opened the box and held the dress up for Ashley to see. "Oh, slut wear, just exactly what does she want you to do with this client, get him in bed or just look like a whore for him?" Ashley said, in disgust. "There's no way he's going to get me in bed and I don't want to look like a whore, what can we do?" "I'll protect you Brenda, you'll just look sexy as hell when I'm done, let's get you in the shower and wash your hair, I have a lot to do." Brenda showered and dried off her body. She put on the lacy black thong panties Melissa had been kind enough to include with the dress and joined Ashley in the kitchen. "Your hair has grown since the last time I saw you, I can do more with it now. I have to trim a few split ends and then I can set it, you're going to look hot tonight." "Ashley, looking hot is the farthest thing from my mind. Actually looking like a nerd was more of what I had in mind," Brenda giggled nervously. Ashley finished setting Brenda's hair and started on her makeup. "Let me do your nails first. They're going to take longer to do than your makeup. I want your hands to be as pretty as your face." "Ashley, please. Don't over do it. I don't want this guy to get the wrong idea. When he sees me I want him to think I'm like ice." "Oh you will be, fire on ice," Ashley giggled. Ashley did both Brenda's feet and hands with red polish. The color would contrast nicely with the black dress and sandals she was to wear. "I'm going to give your eyes a smoky look, you know the look that Victoria's Secret model had, so watch what I do so you can do it yourself," Ashley said. Ashley finished Brenda's eyes and put on red lipstick and gloss so her lips would shine. Brenda rolled her sheer nude panty hose up her legs and then lowered her dress down over her head. The dress stopped several inches above mid thigh and the top was cut low enough to expose her cleavage to well below her breasts. She sat and looked at the sandals Melissa had sent for her to wear, the heels were almost five inches tall. There were two long straps attached to the back of the shoes and Brenda was at a loss as to what they were for. "Ashley, what are these straps for?" she asked. "They wrap around your calf to hold your sandals on, they're very sexy," Ashley said. "Could you show me please?" Brenda asked. Ashley slid the sandals on Brenda's feet and wrapped the straps around her calf and attached the straps together just below her knees.. "There, all done, time to take a look at yourself princess," Ashley said. Brenda stood and almost fell because of the height of her heels, this might take some getting used to she thought. She slowly walked to the full length mirror and looked at herself. "Oh my God Ashley, what have you done, I'll be raped if someone sees me looking like this," Brenda exclaimed. "Don't you like it?" "God yes I like it, I look so, so hot. Just wearing this is making me want a man, what am I going to do Ashley?" "What ever you want, you're the woman in charge." "I feel like I'm naked wearing this, it's such a turn on, what if my date wants to have sex, what should I do?" "Have sex if you want or don't, you're the woman. Have you had sex with a man yet?" Ashley asked. "Once," Brenda blushed as she answered. "What did you do?" "I did it with my mouth." "Was it hard for you to do?" "Not really, Danny instructed me and I did what he said to do, I really didn't do much Danny just moved my head up and down." "Did it bother you when he was finished?" "A little, why?" "Because the first time is the hardest but after you've done it once the more you do it the easier it is. It doesn't bother me at all anymore, if I feel like doing it I do it and if I don't want to I don't. For me its no different than a girl going to bed and spreading her legs except that I do it with my mouth. Tell me how you felt after you did it?" " I didn't know what to do when he came in my mouth so I spit it out onto the street. I felt ashamed of myself for letting Danny seduce me so easily and for what I had done." "Did you feel at all happy that you had cleared that hurdle so to speak?" "Now that you mention it I did after I thought about it for a while." "And I guess you discovered that those things don't bite. I'll be honest with you Brenda the more of a woman I have become the more I like doing that, it's my way of having sex with a man. Most guys don't know I still have my boy bits so having them screw me is out of the question. Brenda you still have some male thoughts in your head and when you see yourself dressed like this the first thing you think of is sex and your female self wants to please the male thought. This is the most dangerous time for a girl like you, you want to be a woman but your brain says to be a slut for the male thoughts. The longer you remain this way the more you will think like a woman and react to sex like a woman. When that happens you will look at yourself dressed like this and wonder if your date will be pleased and not how fast I can get him in bed." "I'll try to be good Ashley, really I will." "Look Brenda, I'm not saying not to have fun just be careful and if you want to have sex go ahead and do it. You'll find it really is enjoyable when you are in control and you do what you want, not what the man wants to do to your head." "I'll remember that, thanks." "I'll call a cab for you, where are you going?" "To the St. Regis. Everything is taking place there, dinner and show and the guy has a room there so at least I don't have to go outside looking like this. Do you have a jacket I can borrow to get to the cab?" "I have one that will be perfect, at least your boobs will be covered, your legs are on their own," Ashley giggled. The cab arrived and Brenda left with a promise to take good care of Ashley's jacket. Brenda knew her dress was short but after sitting down in the back of the cab she realized just how short it was, her entire leg was exposed and the driver was taking full advantage of the view. The taxi arrived at the hotel and the doorman opened the door for Brenda. When she swung her legs out he was greeted with a view he wouldn't soon forget. He took Brenda's hand and helped her to her feet after spotting the incredibly tall heels. "Thank you," she said. "It was my pleasure miss," he replied. Brenda clicked her way into the hotel and asked the desk clerk for Preston's room number. The clerk phoned his room to inquire as to whether he was expecting a guest. "He's expecting you miss, he's in room 1740," the clerk said. Brenda could feel the distain in the clerk's eyes and realized that they thought she was a whore, so this is how a sexy girl feels she thought. Brenda rode the elevator to the seventeenth floor, walked to Preston's room and knocked on the door. The door opened and a middle aged man smiled at Brenda. It was the smile of a wolf looking at a sheep before a meal. "Hello, I'm Brenda Watson," she said, offering her hand. "I'm pleased to meet you, I'm Preston Kurtz. I must say Melissa wasn't kidding when she said I would be pleased with you, you're a doll," he said. "Thank you Mr. Kurtz." "Call me Preston, may I get you something to drink before we go?" "No thank you, Preston, I'm fine." Preston surveyed the beauty standing in front of him, Melissa finally sent a girl that wasn't taller than him and this one had curves. All the other girls had been ex-models and would stand as tall as him without the impossibly high heels they wore and they didn't have much in the figure department. Their faces were pretty but their figures lacked what Brenda's offered, nice sized breasts, a curvy ass and drop dead gorgeous legs. Preston had never been turned on by the other girls, but Brenda was different, and he might have to make an exception about sex with this one. "We might as well be going then, shall we?" he said as he extended his arm. Brenda knew what was expected and placed her hand on his arm as they walked to the elevator. Holding his arm really didn't bother her because it helped steady her as she walked on the tottering stilts that made her legs look so good. They were soon seated at a table with five other couples waiting for a convention dinner. Introductions were made around the table and Brenda couldn't help but feel the stares from both the men and women, the men out of lust and the women from hate, she felt like crawling under the table. Dinner was served and Preston tried to make Brenda feel more at ease and she was starting to enjoy his company. Preston was a salesman before he became the national sales manager for the firm he worked for and had the reputation of being able to sell ice to an Eskimo in winter. Brenda finally paid attention to Preston and ignored the other guests at the table figuring that this was part of the business of being an escort, the only person that was important was the client and the rest could go to hell as far as she was concerned. Dinner was finished and the show began. It was a combination of second tier talent and short business speeches and lasted for two hours. Brenda wondered why people would bother to go to these things without a gun held to their heads. "Preston, why do people come to these things, they're terrible?" she asked. "Several reasons Brenda, one is to be able to go to a city like this and enjoy yourself and use it as a tax deduction and secondly to meet a girl like you. It's an opportunity for married guys to get away from their wives and have a little tryst." "Why Preston, that's not nice," Brenda said with a giggle and reached for his hand. "The show's over would you like to go have a drink or should we go to my room and have one there?" Preston asked. Brenda thought of how the evening had gone and the stares she had received and decided she would rather go where she wouldn't be seen. "I'd rather go to your room, it's quieter there," Brenda said. Preston escorted Brenda from the room with the men not believing his incredible luck to be with this girl. Preston was an average looking man of fifty years and looked all of those fifty years. He had a little paunch to show from years of business lunches and there was nothing especially good looking about him, he was just average and yet here he was, holding hands with the most desirable woman in the room. Eyes followed their every move, actually Brenda's every move hoping that her breasts might fall from her dress or her panties would be exposed with every movement of her legs, Brenda was definitely a walking wet dream. Preston opened the door to his room and escorted Brenda in and locked the security lock. "Have a seat Brenda," he said pointing to the sofa. "I'll get something for us to drink, what would you like?" "I'll have anything with vodka," she replied. Preston poured a individual bottle of vodka into a glass of ice and added orange juice and brought it to Brenda. "Here you are, vitamin C with a kick," he laughed. Brenda liked Preston. He was very funny and made her feel at ease with him. She knew Melissa had mentioned no sex and she was happy with that but she also knew he must have spent a lot of money to date her and after the initial impression when she met him she wondered if he was going to want to get his monies worth, time would tell. Preston sat next to Brenda and started to talk about this and that, all the typical sales bullshit and Brenda listened intently and was soon caught up into what he was saying, he had talked her into having sex and she was agreeing with him that she should do it with him, it truly was an ice to the Eskimo thing. He leaned and kissed Brenda on the lips and his tongue soon penetrated her lips. His hands had easy access to her breasts and were soon inside her dress fondling her nipples. As the fire rose inside of her, Brenda thought about what Ashley had said, the first time was the hardest and after that it was easy just do it when you want Brenda was feeling hot at this moment and felt Preston take her hand and placed it on his tented pants, he was hard and wanted her to take his erection in her hand. She took it and gave it a squeeze and she knew if she continued she would be the whore that came into the hotel. "Get on the bed," she whispered. Preston went to the bed and Brenda undid his pants and underwear and pulled them down enough to allow his erection to spring free. She took it back into her hand and slowly pumped it. "Oh God Brenda that feels so good," he said. Brenda laid down in the bed next to him and took his hand and placed it on her breast. "Rub me," she said. Preston rubbed Brenda's breast and then she took him in her mouth, she was doing the work. She felt the tip and let it slide to the back of her throat and caressed the shaft with her tongue. She pulled it out slowly and then let it slide back in as she made love to the penis. Ashley was right, doing it her way was wonderful and it felt good doing this, it was incredibly erotic. She felt Preston grow tense grabbing her breast with intensity, which made her love his member that much more and then she felt him flow into her mouth. She loved the way she felt as the slickness filled her mouth, she sucked for the first time, she wanted this thing in her mouth and she wanted to please it. It finished spurting the liquid and Brenda pulled the penis from her mouth and went to the bathroom to spit the liquid from her mouth into the sink. Spitting the cum from her mouth woke a new feeling in Brenda, disgust. How could she have let the salesman talk her into giving him a blowjob, that's what it was, a blowjob, not orally satisfying the man but a blowjob, something a whore gives a man she doesn't even know, for payment. Brenda filled a glass with water and tried to wash away the disgusting taste in her mouth. As the taste lingered it brought to bare what she had just done, prostituted herself. She wanted to cry. "I have to go," she said when she re-entered the room. "You were fantastic Brenda, I'd like to see you again when I come to town," Preston said. Seeing Preston again was the farthest thing from Brenda's mind at this moment, she just wanted to get out of here. How should I respond to that Brenda wondered, he thinks I'm a whore and he's a client and if I don't say the right thing Melissa won't trust me to re-supply me with drugs. "You were wonderful too Preston, the best I've ever had," she said with a smile. "I left a tip in your purse for you, you were worth every penny of it," he said. That statement really hit home with Brenda, she was now a paid prostitute and like it or not Melissa would think of her as one, how could I have let this get so far out of hand she wondered. "Thank you so much Preston, give me a hug so I can go," she said. Preston rose from the bed and Brenda gave him a hug. I can't believe I'm doing this right now, hugging a man with his pants and underwear around his ankles and a deflated penis hanging free below his shirt, this is a picture my mother would love to see. Brenda grabbed her purse and was soon out the door. She walked to the elevator, which deposited her in the lobby. Her heels clicked on the marble floor until she reached the carpet but the noise had caused people to look at her. She was still beautiful to look at and she received her stares, except she thought everyone knew what she had just done, she felt ashamed. Brenda found a taxi and entered, she felt cheap and looked it too. Brenda gave the driver her address and they were off. Brenda opened her purse and removed the wad of bills. She counted it and found that her tip was one thousand dollars. Brenda hadn't noticed the driver watching her. "Good night tonight, honey?" he asked. "Mind your own business," Brenda answered, she wasn't in any mood to listen to some crap from the driver. "You know I get lots of requests for girls like you, if you work with me I could hook you up with some real money," he said. "You don't know anything about a girl like me so why don't you just shut up and drive," she responded. "Suit yourself, I'm just trying to help you out sweetie," he said. "You're trying to help yourself out and I'm not your sweetie." Brenda arrived at her apartment and exited the cab, throwing the faire on the front seat of the cab, she was in no mood to make nice with the driver. Brenda entered her apartment and thanked heaven that Annie hadn't seen the way she was dressed. She removed the dress and heels and washed her face clean of any makeup. Her skin was clean and soft, she was a pretty girl even without makeup on, but when she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw her reflection and felt dirty. Her eyes began to fill with tears and the dam broke, she was no longer a sweet girl, she was a whore and felt nothing but distain for herself. How could she have done such a stupid thing she wondered as she fell on her bed and cried until she found the world of sleep.

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To friends main ranjit mishra,hazir hu phir anuja meri sali,adhi gharwali- part 2 lekar, ha dosto to anu aur mai hum dono dukan me dakhil huye,aur anuja ne bras aur panty dekhne shuru kiye.. Lady-what would u like sir and mam? Anu- actually i wanna buy undergarments for my self. Lady- yes sure! Your bra size mam? Anu- its 36.. Meri taraf dekhkar anu hansne lagi.. Me- hmm jaldi karo,i hv some patients lined up in clinic… Jb anuja ne choose krna start kiya to lady ne kaha aap ki wife bahot...

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strangers cock

one rainy evening i decided to go to my local adult store. i am white chubby with some nice legs and a nice ass from what i was i put on a pair of panties and leggings and a loose shirt because i like the feel of panties and tight pants. i got to the place and it was packed with cars. so i go in and the store has two areas one filled with booths and the other is toys and movies. i got a couple of tokens and went into the booth area. it was low lit and had 20 or so booths with curtains....

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 139

Trinity led Adam to the bed that adorned the spartan room that usually served as the spot where the free-side chats for "Sweet Things" were performed. "I'll be right back," Trinity promised. "Why don't you make yourself comfortable." She gestured to the bed and smiled. "And you are seriously overdressed," she added, turning away and closing the door behind her. Adam took the opportunity to lose some of, or rather, most of his clothes. He wasn't certain if Trinity wanted to help...

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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 6 Newspeak

BRINKMANSHIP Neena Alexandrovna to Svetlana Nikitechna Electronic AudioMemo: Re: Vyera: Language Tuition, Stage 1 I began Vyera's language tuition today. First, I plan to teach her to read Cyrillic characters and to give her a range of commands and responses in Russian which are suitable for a slave. This will confine her within a linguistic prison and maintain her in the role we intend for her. Her prison can be 'extended' by adding new vocabulary as her training progresses and she is...

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Hi I'm Lena. I'm a young latino. I am 5ft6in. I have a size 34D in chest and am thick yet my weight is 150. One day I was sitting on the stairs of my apartment reading a book. I was wearing low cut shorts and a tight tank top. Slight presparation was on my brow and glistening on my chest. Some guys I knew from school were walking by. They were chatting about some game that had happened. Rico a sexy basketball player caught my eye and winked at me. I just smiled. The next day I sat outside I had...

2 years ago
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Stuck in bed

So… I thought I would tell you guys my story. It’ll be a short story, I’m afraid. But it’s to the point and 100% true. Let me know your thoughts and maybe I'll share some more.This happened some years ago, I was having the worst case of the flu you can imagine. Stuck in bed with nothing to keep me company but my laptop. Now, a good and trusted friend my laptop is, but after less than a day, I had had enough. After all, I figured, I knew how to shake this off. I’ve never been one to take any...

3 years ago
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When Connie called, I was about to go out. She and Gary had been my neighbors for more than 12 years. We had become good friends. When I was away, they took care of my house and when they were away I reciprocated. Connie and Gary wer in Vegas. She was afraid that she hadn't turned the air conditioning up to 80. I told her not to worry that I would take care of it. I fetched my key from the cabinet in the hall and headed across the yard. We both had nice lawns with perennial gardens. ...

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A Planet Is SwornChapter 17

Ben was sitting in his pilot's chair when he heard Elise's 'voice' inside his head. "Commander, we're ready to make the final jump to Woden. I've scouted ahead and I'm afraid I've got good news and bad news," she said. "Give me the good news first," replied Ben. "Captain Marlon and the Scout are still active around Woden, so your fears that they would all already be dead have not been realised," said Elise. "Excellent! Okay, now the bad news I suppose." "The Scout has...

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Stay Still

AllSet Human Sculpture Rentals : You have recently been accepted by their selection panel and have been invited to be placed on view for a ninety-minute stint at the Hands-On Sculpture Reception in a neighboring state. The attendees will be mostly couples. Drinks will be served. You will travel there and back in the company limo. You will be paid the usual and customary first timer fee of $2,500. You will be placed, nude, on a rectangular pedestal about a foot off the floor. You are to remain...

4 years ago
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Evil Sex

The phone rang incessantly. I wondered why Lana didn't answer it as I rolled over and searched blindly for the receiver. "Hello," I mumbled. "Wake up, Ryan. Wake up!" Her voice was strident. "Who is it?" "Mary Jane. Do you know where Lana is?" I looked around. Where the hell was Lana? "Ryan!" Mary Jane shouted. "It's two thirty in the morning. Where is your wife?" "I don't know." "I do. She's at Bart's house pulling a train. Do you know what that means? She's...

1 year ago
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Leanne Cum slut

Cum slut[b]. Leanne yelped as the first slap struck home on her bare arse cheek, leaving a red hand mark and a stinging sensation she hadn’t felt since she was very young. The second slap caught her other cheek and brought tears to her eyes. The heat was making her wet. Her embarrassment of having her arse stuck way up into the sky heightened her arousal. Being bent over a car bonnet with her pants around her ankles and her skirt hitched up over her waist was bad enough, but knowing that...

1 year ago
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Private Marica Chanelle Chrystal Sinn Anal Threesome At Sea

After a relaxing getaway the big titted Marica Chanelle is off sailing with Chrystal Sinn and her boyfriend and of course when Private girls are left alone with a stud there’s only one outcome. Watch these beauties get horny on the waves in Private Gold, Sexy Yoga in Paradise with the lucky Potro as they take turns showing off their deepthroat skills out in the sun right there on deck. Then enjoy Marica and Chrystal’s sexy tattooed bodies in action as they take turns getting fucked before...

2 years ago
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Moms BikiniChapter 2

I was up early and waiting for mom so that we could head down to the complimentary hotel breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, and omelets cooked to order, bacon, ham, rolls, bagels, toast, watermelon, pineapple, coffee, and juice. I knew where I was going to be the first thing every morning. I knew what these two weeks meant to my mother. I could tell she missed dad even though she tried to remain strong and not show it. When I left for college, she was left all alone, except for the few holidays when...

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Julie Part 11

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) *** Part Eleven Chapter Fifty ------------- Julie woke up and realized she had been dreaming but it wasn't like her other dreams! She had been dreaming that every where she went she was attacked by someone and they would tear at her clothes trying to get her naked and wrestle her to the ground or floor trying to rape her. She would fight until she was worn out, they always succeeded. But the worse...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 12 Dayton

I was driving my red F-150. Gertie in the middle, Harold, shotgun. We were braving suburban Raytown without Columbo, naked without Harold’s bodyguard. Gertie wasn’t complaining about the less-than-comfortable middle seat. She was strapped in and going over today’s lesson with Harold. Again. “This isn’t a whore building, Harold. You’re playing it straight today.” “I know, Gertrude. Market diversification.” Harold, seat belt diagonally across his dark blue blazer, white shirt, Trumpian red...

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Geek GoddessChapter 8 Kim

When I saw Nick move over toward Kevin and Amy, I got this queasy feeling inside. I knew that there was going to be trouble. I could feel it in my soul. When Nick hit Kevin in the stomach, I ran over to try to help Kevin. By the time I got there, a crowd had gathered around them, and it was almost impossible to get through. I pushed my way through the crowd just in time to see Nick punch Kevin in the face and watch him fall to the floor. I raced over to Kevin and held him. As I cradled his...

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Aunty Ke Sath Affair The Beginning

Hi . I am a 20 year old boy who loves aunties and their assets . I masturbate daily twice for aunties . I always wanted an aunty to take away my virginty which is my dream and I believe it will definitely happen one day . I have a school in front of my apartment where a aunty use to come to leave her children .I use to see her and she use to see me . She was a typical hot desi aunty and her age was around 32 . She alaways use to wear sarees and was having a perfect figure with a low cut blouse...

1 year ago
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My First Time

From the Journal of Thomas Riley — July 10, 20— Doctor Peters suggested I write things down, my daily happenings, feelings, the events that run wild in my life, and depress me. I figured it couldn’t hurt. That’s the reason for this book, journal, dear diary, and all that bullshit. He doesn’t say it, not in so many words, but he’s worried I’ll act out some of the fantasies I have told him. He told me to write those dark thoughts and fantasies out as well, give them a form to get them out of...

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Kittens Lessons 2

David changed into his favourite shorts, then walked down to the playroom they’d had built in the cellar, it had been soundproofed so he could make her scream. This was the first time they’d played in their playroom. He walked in and she was kneeling on the cushion he’d left, hands on her knees. “Stand kitten, no speaking unless I give you permission, I’ll be pushing your boundaries today” a nervous shiver ran through my body. I was dressed in stockings, a peephole bra and tie side panties. He...

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Maa Aur Beti Majburi Main Chudwaya

maa aur beti majburi main chudwaya Name : san Mera name san ha, apsabhi iss reader ne meri reail storie bin sadi ka patna ko kafi pasand kiya Ye aur ek storie hai jo mai aap logon k sath shear karna chata hoon,, Ab may 20ka hoon, me bacpan se ek ladki ko janta tha dikhne me achhi thi par thodi saoli thi par achhi thi, uski papa ka bachpan mai hi death ho chuki tha, uski ghar me wo do behan aur uski maa rehti thi. Uski didi bahut pehle hi jhagra karke ghar se chali gayi thi. To wo ghar pe ab...

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Blue Pill Men

BluePillMen! I don’t think anyone can deny that we’re living in the golden age of boner technology. In the old days, if a dude couldn’t get it up, he was stuck fiddling around with a bullshit penis pump that probably wasn’t going to do the trick. These days, it’s as easy as popping a little blue pill. That’s kind of the entire premise behind BluePillMen, a site about really old dudes smashing teen hotties.I like the candidness of, the way these elderly fellows don’t seem to have...

Premium Granny Porn Sites
2 years ago
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William Redman CarterChapter 26

"So you're going to become Dr. Carter?" Eddie asked while watching his brother pack up his books. William looked over at his little brother. The boy was turning into a good looking young man. His short black hair, piercing grey eyes, and subdued Native American features gave him an exotic look. William knew that it wouldn't be long before the girls started following his brother around town. Pulling the roll of tape over the top of the box, he answered, "Yes, if I ever manage to get out...

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A Matter of Control

After a long day at work dressed in her conservative business attire, she'd come home, let her long auburn hair down, allowing it to cascade over her shoulders and well down her back. All she'd put on was a thin tank top and a sarong tied around her hips. She would pause just for a moment ,the breeze coming through the kitchen easily blowing through her clothes caressing her body. The breeze felt like gentle fingers as it briefly, and ever so lightly, teased her nipples making them hard...

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A story about sharing my wife and her using me as a cuckold

If I had known the evening would turn out so well I wouldn’t have been dreading it so much all day. My wife was having a man over that she had meet in a bar at the airport when she was catching a plane last week. She had been telling me all about him all week, how good looking he was, that he looked like he was well hung, she really couldn’t wait to fuck him, etc. I had heard this over and over. Normally I would not have minded, in fact I love to watch her fuck one of her...

4 years ago
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Magic InkChapter 24

The following character appears throughout the rest of the story: Theresa Witch, Herbal specialist, 5'-6" tall, 52 years old, 145 pounds, 38C-26-38, gray hair, blue eyes By the second week of June things were going well enough for me to bring up to my wives the sad neglected state of the front gates and the perimeter fence. They were in bad need of maintenance and repair. "Can't you do the repairs by Magic?" Katie asked after I had explained things, as she bounced one daughter on...

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Banged by Buster1

At fourteen, Bri was just discovering masturbation. She had had no idea it existed until reading about it on a sex site. Bri's mom was too uptight and prudeish to talk to her daughter about the birds and the bees, so finally she had taken sex education into her own hands. So far, Bri mused, she had learned that you called your vagina a pussy, and the little feel good button at the top was called a clit. Once in her room she hastily undressed and layed down on her bed. Buster, her...

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My GFs Birthday too Me Gay

It took a long time for Steve to wake up. He slowly came out of a dirty dream, unusually thick-headed and groggy. Two things immediately grabbed his attention. Firstly he was tied down. This was new. The ropes looped around his ankles and wrists, his legs spread apart and his arms above his head. There was no way he could get up.Steve may have panicked but for the second thing he noticed. Stacey his girlfriend had her hand on his lubed up dick and was slowly stroking him. This would explain the...

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William Redman CarterChapter 3

Moving like an old man, William slowly made his way to the conference room in the office area of the house. He felt stiff and dull witted, but life went on and he had things to do despite his desire to run and hide from the world. This afternoon he had to perform the final interview of the candidates for new staff positions. The current staff members had already met with them and passed only those they thought would be a good fit. This eliminated candidates who were unsuitable for life inside...

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Just hold me

Just hold meAlthough I didn’t want to go, here I was attending a week-long seminar in Atlanta that my boss, James Johnson, demanded I attend. I had worked for James for almost five years, and I had been happily married for almost the same length of time. I loved my wife, my job, and my town. Life was good.In fact, my sex life was better than good. My wife, Anna, had never, in the six years I have known her, refused me sex. We’ve had the most active sex life than I could imagine. Certainly...

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naughty family pt1

My mother died when I was two and my sister was one. So neither of us remember her very well, and that's why we thought it was great when my father married again. You see, my father had to raise both my sister and I and we could see that he was lonely. Especially now, when I was s*******n and had a girlfriend and Laura, my sister, was starting to see a guy, Chad. After I started to have sex with my girlfriend, Cindy, I can't imagine anyone living without it. So I was glad when dad started to...

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Justys Surprise

Those here on this site who know me, already know the basics of my story. I have been married three times, divorced twice, and for financial reasons I’m now trapped in a loveless, joyless, sexless third marriage. Frank doesn’t hit me or anything, there’s just really no marriage anymore. But I still really, really enjoy sex…just not with Frank any more. Over the past eight years since our marriage basically became meaningless, I have had five male lovers outside of my marriage. My friends here...

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Hi friends, this is my new story I’m going to present here. I must strech that is a work of fiction and not real. You can give me your feedback at “ and girls can contact me on same yahoo messenger for chatting. The name of the story is Shopping: Baat tab ki jab Pooja apni badi behen ki beti ki shadi ke liye shopping karne nikli thi. Pooja, ek housewife. Umra 45 saal. Pati jo ki ek banker hai, kafi paise kamata hai Pooja ke liye jise wo khushi se kharch karti hai shopping me. Uska beta Karan,...

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