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Chapter 36 The following day, Brenda approached Melissa to talk. "Melissa, I have a problem with what you want me to do in regards to the coke," Brenda said. "After talking to Preston there doesn't seem to be much of a problem, he was very satisfied with your performance," Melissa said. "It's not that, I worry about getting busted by the cops, I don't want a record for prostitution," Brenda said. "Didn't I explain to you that there is nothing to worry about? My boyfriend keeps me informed as to what might be going down and he guarantees that we won't be touched by the vice unit," Melissa said. "I still worry, I'd feel better if I heard it from his mouth, after all it is my life we're talking about." "I'll talk to him but don't forget you have a date with Preston again in a few days and I'm sure he'll want you to please him the same way you did last time. You don't have a problem with that I hope?" Melissa asked. "Not really, it does get easier the more you do it," Brenda said. "Good, I do know Preston likes you because of that beautiful body of yours, he couldn't stop raving about you. If you want, I can schedule you for more work, you could become my most popular escort you know, with your body and looks we could be making a ton of money," Melissa said. "Melissa, I'm doing this to repay your generosity not to become rich sucking dicks. I'm sorry but I'm only going to do this when I must," Brenda said. "That's a pity, you have a talent and it's a shame to waste it." "Its degrading Melissa, and I still have pride in myself." "I'll see when my boyfriend will see you, maybe that will change your mind about some things," Melissa said. "Thank you Melissa," Brenda replied. Brenda felt sick, kissing up to Melissa the way she had. Being an undercover agent wasn't fun anymore, and having to become a prostitute to break a case wasn't right. The thing that bothered Brenda most was the ease with which she had degraded herself. Unfortunately when you roll in the mud with pigs, you're going to get dirty, but in Brenda's case, she was becoming like one of the pigs herself. Melissa went to her office and picked up the phone and called her partner in crime. "Hi, it's me. Brenda's coming around, and all she needs are a few assurances that she won't be going to jail. I think I'll be able to pressure her into doing more work, that girl is a natural. I think I'll give her some of the cash we get for her services rather than the drugs. I was hoping she would be using more coke, but I think money will influence her to want to date more often. I'm getting low on cocaine. Connie and the others seem like they're snorting up all of Columbia, thank God they're busy," Melissa said. "Keep the girls in line, I don't want them to get to the point where they aren't wanted. They're like little money machines and keep the pressure on Brenda, I think she could be the best escort that we've ever had. Most guys don't like dating girls that are taller than them and Brenda's perfect, she can wear slut shoes and still be shorter than her dates. I'll see what I can do from my end," the voice said. "Don't forget the coke," Melissa said as she lowered the phone. Tiffany met with Hank Phelps the following evening. Hank was waiting when Tiffany arrived. "Hank, it's good to see you again," Tiffany said as she extended her hand. "It's nice to see you too. Tiffany, you're even prettier than I remember," Hank said. "Thank you," Tiffany said as she blushed with the compliment. Tiffany remembered Hank as being rather handsome, but she forgot just how good looking he was. She knew he was tall. She was wearing four-inch heels and he was still several inches taller than her. I wonder if he has a girl friend ? What in the heck am I thinking, I already have Paul and now I'm thinking about Mike. I wonder if the low amounts of estrogen are changing my brain? Look at what they did to Brenda. God, am I going to want breasts just like her? Think about business Tiffany. "What would you like to eat? The short ribs here are the best in the city," Hank asked. "I have to watch my weight, I'll just have a salad,' Tiffany replied. "You're missing out on the greatest short ribs around." "I wish I could eat them but if I gain even a little bit of fat there goes the career." "I'll let you taste mine then, if I miss a few calories I don't think my body will miss them," Hank laughed. Hank had a nice laugh, it was fun and engaging, Tiffany could learn to like this man. "Hank I might as well get right to the point, I have something going on in my life that concerns illegal activity and I don't know where to turn for help. That's why I called you, I feel that you can be trusted," Tiffany said. "Wow, that's getting right to the point," Mike said "I have to, it's important," Tiffany said. "If you're doing something illegal and you tell me I'll have to arrest you so be careful of what you say," Hank said, his concern showing. "Hank, it's not something I'm doing but what my employer is doing and it's important that I can trust you, my life depends on it," Tiffany said. "You've already said a lot, what makes you think you can trust me?" "Women's intuition, I guess, I just have a feeling about you," Tiffany said. "You're right Tiffany, you can trust me but if you're doing anything wrong, I'll arrest you no matter how I feel about you, I just want to make myself clear about that," Hank said. "I understand Hank and I'm not doing anything bad." "Tell me what your problem is and maybe I can help you, how serious is it?" he asked. "It's very serious and I think it involves the police department. Do you remember about a year ago a model named Natalia Breshnakov being murdered?" she asked. "Of course I do, every guy in the city was in love with her, why do you ask?" "Because I work for the same modeling agency she did and I know for a fact that the woman in charge gives drugs to the girls. When they become hooked on them she makes them prostitute themselves to pay for the drugs. Natalia was going to go to the police and she was murdered and the only people that knew she was going to talk, were the police. I know Melissa, she's the boss, is dating some guy that's in charge of the drug detail and he gives her information about any raids or anything that might jeopardize what she is doing. That's where you come in, I want to be able to go to the police with out feeling that I will be killed, but I have to know who I can trust. Could you please find out if Melissa's boyfriend is some fool in love with an evil woman or part of what is going on?" Tiffany asked. "You're asking quite a lot Tiffany, I don't even work at that station let alone in that division, what makes you think I can help you?" he asked. Tiffany reached across the table and took Hank's hand in hers. I can't believe I'm doing this to persuade him she thought, I really am turning into a girl. "Because I know you're smart enough to do it for me," she replied. "I'll try but only for you," Hank said, he couldn't believe this beautiful woman had just persuaded him to turn against his fellow officers. The code had always been to protect your own and now he was going to break that code, damn, why did she have to be so frigen pretty. "Hank I want you to be careful, if the wrong person finds out what you are doing, you could be in danger and I'd just die if anything happened to you,' Tiffany said. "I'll be careful, here's our food, I'll help you but I don't want to talk about it anymore, I just want to enjoy your beauty," Hank said. Tiffany was blushing, Hank was making her feel different than the other men she had dated. Other than Paul, men were for convenience, they were eye candy for her, an escort and even the kisses were superficial, they had felt nice but there wasn't anything to it. It was what was expected from a girl, so why was Hank making her feel this way, she was becoming self-conscious of every move she was making, she was acting like a teen aged girl on her first date. Paul had made her feel special, she really cared deeply for him. He was kind and didn't push her for more than what they had already done. Hank was different, he was exciting her in ways she didn't know was possible. She was lusting for this man. "Thank you Hank," she said. "Try a piece of this," he said as he put his fork in her mouth. He's feeding me and I can't stop looking in his eyes, God he's handsome, Tiffany thought. "That was delicious, I should have taken a chance and gained a few pounds," she said as she attacked her salad. "I can order some for you if you'd like?" he asked. "Not in your life, I wouldn't be able to eat for a week if I ate that, thanks for the thought though," Tiffany said. A young girl approached their table with a pen and notebook in hand. "Miss Rollins, may I have your autograph?" she asked. "Of course, what's your name?" "Suzy," Tiffany took the notebook and wrote: to my friend Suzy, best always Tiffany Rollins. "Thank you Miss Rollins." "You're welcome Suzy." "Does that happen much?" Hank asked. "All the time, I don't understand it, but if they want an autograph it would be rude not to give it to them if they think enough of me to ask," Tiffany said. "If I ask you for a kiss would you think it was rude not to give it to me?" Tiffany felt her stomach grow tight with that question, and even more disturbing she blushed. "A kiss means more than an autograph and it would be rude of you to ask for one, it should be given because both people want to give it," Tiffany said. "Point well taken and I hope you will want to in the future." "The future?" "Of course the future, you don't think this is the only time that I will want to see you?" "I wasn't sure, I thought this was just business," Tiffany said. "It is business but there is no law against enjoying each other's company," Hank said. "I guess you're right, I'm finished with my salad, would you like to walk for a while?" Tiffany asked. "Sure, let me take care of the bill, where would you like to go?" "It's a nice night for December, let's find a place where we can get some dessert and coffee, I was a good girl and starved myself so I guess a few extra calories won't hurt," Tiffany said with a smile. Hank helped Tiffany from her chair and she took his arm and pulled against him as they strolled out the door. Hank and Tiffany made a strikingly handsome couple as they walked by the well lit windows, displaying Christmas wares. "Look at that beautiful dress," Tiffany said as they paused to look at the creation. "Don't you see enough dresses when you're working?" Hank asked. "A girl can never see enough dresses," Tiffany giggled. Tiffany was surprising herself. Dresses were part of the disguise and she had never really been interested enough about them to take notice as to how they looked, but now she was stopping to look at one and wondered how she would look in it, things were changing for this girl. "Could we go in so I can try it on, it won't take but a minute?" she asked. "If you're going to model it, I'd love to," he replied. The couple entered the store, and were greeted by the clerk, a stylish woman in her thirties. "May I help you?" she asked. "Yes, I'd like to try on the dress in the window," Tiffany said. "Why you're Tiffany Rollins aren't you?" she asked. "Yes, is there a problem?" Tiffany asked. "Of course not, I'm surprised you're in here that's all, you are the Voss girl aren't you?" "Yes, but that doesn't mean I can't like a dress by another manufacturer, and Margaret specializes in business wear and this dress definitely isn't business wear. I just want to try it on." "It would be our pleasure to have you model it for us." "I'm not modeling it, if I like it I might buy it, it's so pretty," Tiffany said. "I hope we have your size, you're so slender," the clerk said. The clerk found Tiffany's size and handed her the dress and brought her to the changing room. "If you need a hand I'll be in front," said the clerk. "Your boyfriend can have a seat by the shoes." "Thank you," Tiffany said, and smiled at Hank with the clerks comment. Tiffany took the dress, it felt so light in her hands and she could hardly wait to wear it. She removed her clothes including her bra exposing her glued on forms and then lowered the dress down over her head. She managed to zip the black satin fabric around her back, which hugged her figure and pushed her forms enough to create cleavage. Tiffany looked in the mirror and saw the swelling of flesh above the dress, it wasn't much, but it was noticeable, her breasts were growing. A year of estrogen no matter how slight was doing that to her, how could she not have noticed. She had noticed an increase in the sensitivity of her nipples but hadn't noticed an increase in size, but then again she rarely removed her forms. She felt afraid that she might be changing and yet in a small measure she felt pleased that she was looking more like the girl she portrayed and didn't know why, had the disguise lasted too long, she wondered? Tiffany exited the dressing room and called the clerk. "Excuse me, but my boots don't go with this dress, do you have any heels that I might try?" she asked. "That's gorgeous, I have just the thing, what size do you wear?' "Size ten, you know, big feet for a big girl," Tiffany giggled. "Ten isn't that big, I'll be right back." The clerk returned and handed Tiffany a pair of sling back pumps with four-inch stiletto heels, which she slipped on her feet. She was a vision to behold, any woman that saw her would die to have that dress and any man would drool to have her by his side. ?Holy cow Tiffany, your gorgeous," Hank said. "Thank you, I don't look fat do I?" "No, you don't look fat. If I knew you better I'd ask you to marry me right now, I've never seen anyone so pretty." "Thank you," Tiffany said as she blushed with the compliment. Why am I blushing like this she wondered, compliments are a dime a dozen in my business and yet when Hank says something nice it effects me, I don't understand. "That fits you perfectly, Miss Rollins, would you like me to wrap it?" "I'll have to think about it, I'll change before I can't resist buying it, it is a lot of money," Tiffany stated. "I'm sure we could discount it for you, after all it would be a feather in our caps to have you in one of our designs," the clerk said. Tiffany changed back into her winter wear and hugged the dress to her face, she would be back and hoped it would still be here. Hank and Tiffany continued walking until they found a small coffee shop that specialized in pastries. They ordered and just enjoyed each other's company, chit- chatting about mostly nothing, but building Tiffany's trust in Hank, he really was a nice man. "May I drop you at home?" he asked after they had finished their dessert. "I'd like that," she answered. Hank hailed a cab and opened the door for Tiffany to get in. He walked around and entered the other door. Tiffany gave the driver her address and the car drove off. Hank reached over and put his arm around Tiffany's shoulder. She snuggled against him, she like the strength he radiated by this gesture. "Would it be rude to ask you for a kiss now?" he asked. Tiffany blushed again, God why does he affect me so, she wondered. "No, it wouldn't," she answered and turned her head to accept his lips. The kiss lingered and for the first time since this whole thing started, Tiffany felt excitement for a man, she felt a yearning for this person, she felt like a woman. Hank broke the kiss and looked deeply into Tiffany's eyes, God what a beautiful woman, he thought. I hope I don't disappoint her. I would die if anything were to happen to her. Tiffany felt Hank's stare and her stomach tightened, she wanted to be kissed again and pulled his lips to hers, she was beginning to like this man way too much, but she didn't care, she finally knew what Brenda was talking about and how she should embrace her femininity, this finally felt right. The cab arrived at Tiffany's apartment and Hank told the driver to wait. He walked her to the door and kissed her one more time before she went inside. This meeting would have a lasting effect on Tiffany and she didn't care that it would.

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13-year-old Sharon could hardly believe that her Mom, who she'd beenfalling more and more in love with, had just carried her into the masterbedroom and laid her gently on her bed. Carolyn--Sharon's Mom--was looking soulfully into her daughter's eyes asshe took off her jeans with a very sexy movement of her womanly hips. Sharon's heart beat faster and she felt herself getting wet as shewatched her Mom step out of the jeans. Then Carolyn stepped up to the footof the bed and looked warmly at her...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of my Hot Wife

We were spending the night with my good friend Jay. My wife, Mellonee,and I decided to sleep in his room with him. Actually my wife just kind of blurted out, "Hey why don't we just all sleep in the same room?" Jay and I just both looked at each other and said, "OK." Jay and I didn't think anything of it and when we got into his bedroom, he started to make a pallet on the floor and he said "You guys can have my bed. I'll take the floor."Immediately Mellonee said "No way Jay! This is your house...

Wife Lovers
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Shamus JournalsChapter 4

I awoke to almost total silence and wondered if something had happened while I was asleep. I had gotten so used to that crow and the noise, I was getting a little worried till I heard the traffic in the background. I looked at the clock and realized I had slept in, it was almost ten in the morning. I hadn't done that in years I thought, as I sipped my coffee. I had one more thing to do today and one thing in the morning then I was free to leave for my new home. I was starting to get excited...

4 years ago
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Feminizer disease takes my body over Chapter 15

Feminizer disease takes my body over by Terry Hansay Chapter 15 The next day Cathy dropped me off at work and went to see my doctors to talk about my Feminizer disease. At the meeting Cathy commented how much she is liking her new girlfriend. Nurse Sally asked if she was OK with turning her husband into a woman. "Sally, I thought my life was over when I heard my husband had this Feminizer disease. But then something snapped in me after I saw how...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Olivia 10062019

What’s better than watching a girl squirt from cumming so hard? Watching a girl squirt from cumming so hard with a big black cock – and she had no idea she even COULD squirt! With 20 year old Indiana native Olivia we get exactly that. Our camera man Troy picks her up from the airport and wants to test her…ummm.. “open mindedness” almost immediately – off goes the top and Olivia presents her big natural tits in the car. Aside from wanting to put her top back...

2 years ago
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iCant Do This Chapter 1

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 1: Shattered GlassMy hand goes right through the window and the glass shatters; and the sound seems to rip through everything and leave a vacuum of silence behind where we're all just standing, stunned. And I don't remember going to punch it, all I remember is being angry and the stupid half-wall and window on wheels we were using for an iCarly segment being in my way. And now my hand is through it and there's glass everywhere, and it's not the best decision...

1 year ago
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The Drive In

The movie was bad. It starred that one guy, which was also in that other thing, which was about those people who could read minds. But what was happening on the big screen was hardly their focus right now. All he could see in front of him was her beautiful eyes as he kissed her mouth and held her hair clenched tightly in his fists. And she couldn’t see at all because the aching wetness between her legs was driving her mad. Not one single thing happening around the car that night mattered. The...

1 year ago
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Annas Conquest

Anna Brown was supposed to be doing her Calculus homework, but was daydreaming, as usual. The bright 18 year old high school senior wasn't too concerned about completing the assignment as one would think: she had seduced her Calculus teacher, Mrs. Grossman, a month before , fucking her into submission (that's another story!) and had her eating out of her hand. Gazing out her bedroom window, Anna noticed her next door neighbor, Genevieve Miller, dragging a wheeled trash-bin down her driveway....

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Invasion of the Pod People

It came as a shock to all of us when a space ship came into orbit and asked for help. We weren't alone in the universe any more. And the Perdon's, as the aliens called themselves, were peaceful, or so they said. Of course with the language barrier it took months for them to negotiate permission to land. Finally though everyone watched tensely as shuttles landed at prepared places in various countries so they could meet with our "esteemed" leaders. Then came another shock. When the ships...

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From Best Friends to Lovers

James and his best friend, Lakyrra, were on their way to a kegger. They'd grown up together, wound up at the same college - Varden University - and now they were both going to their first college party together. The two 18-year-olds knew one thing for certain—there would be enough alcohol there to fill an Olympic-sized pool. James frowned and turned his SUV left at the intersection. "So…I'll take that as a 'no,'" Lakyrra smirked. Soon she was smiling at him. They were hopelessly...

1 year ago
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Strawberries are my girls best friend

It has been several weeks since we have seen each other. Yesterday we had the obligatory quickie (or two) as neither of us had any stamina due to lack of practice. Today is a new day, and little do you know, it is going to be a work out. It’s a cool spring evening, the Sun has almost set and you will be back from work at any moment. The place where we are staying is clean and spacious, and best of all it’s just for us. I have just finished chopping up a few strawberries. I have left the bigger...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Hello Sailor Chp 1

“May I cum aboard Captain?” she asks. “Why of course Miss,” says Popeye going to meet her at the gangplank., wondering why on earth she has that dress on. “Can I get you a drink Miss?” “Yes Pops, carrot juice please!” “Really?” asks Popeye. “No, you idiot! Get me a cold glass of wine.” As Popeye returns with the wine, he asks “Why are you wearing that dress? It looks like it has been sprayed on!” “I told Roger I had a matinee performance so I could sneak out to see you!” Why do you...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Change Ch 03

[This story will be at least four parts. It could be in Loving Wives, First Times, Incest/Taboo or a couple of other categories. I apologize right up front for any misrepresentation of the Shoshone peoples. My intention was to honor them and their culture. Naturally, you are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. Especially leave feedback that is intended to assist me in improving as an author.] ** Not that I knew it at the time, but when Kay went to breakfast, Sue didn’t have a place set...

1 year ago
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date night3

Mike was running late and Sandy was starting to get pissed. She knew he was probably still working and wondered if they would even make it to dinner at all. This thought had no sooner entered her mind and there was a knock on the door. Good, thought Sandy he actually made it close to on time for once. She hurriedly answered the door but it wasn’t Mike. It wasn’t Mike at all! The man standing at the door was Richard the gardener. Richard was a huge and impressive man. Black as coal and...

3 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 40 The Stag Party

Jason had only told me to be ready to go out two nights before the wedding, for a casual evening with a friend. He had said that jeans were perfectly acceptable, and that we wouldn't be driving in case the night got late or alcohol got involved. When I queried him as to the evening's agenda, he had simply said, "Trust me. You'll like it." Even with my wedding coming in a couple of days, I had never given any thought to there being a stag party. When the taxi pulled up in an industrial...

4 years ago
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some rules for sex slaves

Slave Rules101 ideas to make Your slave feel Owned (i.e. loved)One of the main factors, for someone in feeling truly Owned is to be constantly reminded throughout the day of Master's control. These reminders can be subtle or really obtrusive. The more often a slave is reminded of her submission, the deeper it becomes....and the more fulfilling. So here are some ideas You might want to try... And no matter what rules You decide to make Your own, consistent. If You are unwilling to...

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Autumn Day

The leaves are a golden yellow, the breeze is fresh and cool. The sky is a bright blue that is only seen the crisp mountain regions. Looking up through the trees, the sunlight plays with the leaves, creating dancing shadows on the forest floor, the smell intoxicating with dry leaves, fresh air and the scent of you. What an Adonis you are, standing there among the trees without your shirt, dark fur curling on your chest, muscles showing strong arms and shoulders, blue eyes reflecting the sky’s...

4 years ago
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I met him online

I just met a guy online. Yeah I know it's not the safest thing to do, but I met him in an open public place first, so if anything happened people would remember seeing him with me.So I met him online then we met and went back to my place. I was a little nervous. I mean I have my wife's permission to meet guys and blow them. I love cock and I always am fantasing about sucking someone off. It wasn't my first experience, but it was my first experience in a very long time. He was about 7 rock hard...

3 years ago
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True Loves Final Act

All the lights are out. You sit back in the nice big leather arm chair with your legs curled beneath you, watching as your partner meanders around the room lighting small tea candles that are scattered about the floor. Your eyes sore from hours of relentless tears and unyielding sleep, he looks over his shoulder to make sure you are okay. With a smile he looks back at the last candle on the floor, lighting it he straightens, tucks the lighter into his pocket and makes his way over to...

2 years ago
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Pea Pod The Return

Pea Pod - The Return By: Wholeman ********** DECLARATION: This story is an original literary work. I wrote a story just to stretch my creative muscles. All scientists and Wizards in this work are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or born in the future, is purely coincidental. WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, swearing, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 714

HOT AND COLD SEX After his exam the doctor asked the elderly man: “You appear to be in good health. Do you have any medical concerns you would like to ask me about?” “In fact, I do,” said the old man. “After I have sex with my wife, I am usually cold and chilly, and then, after I have sex with her the second time, I am usually hot and sweaty.” Later, after examining the man’s elderly wife, the doctor said: “Everything appears to be fine. Do you have any medical concerns that you would like...

3 years ago
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In Reflection of Earlier Times 5

Chapter 5   On the front verandah there were two lay back canvas chairs you could sit in and listen to the surf very relaxing and just snooze. One evening as the world went by something to my left caught my attention. It was Kate I didn’t hear her approach I asked her where she came from and she only shrugged offering out her open palms as a gesture. Kate and I were like two kids. We were our world. I christened her Bright Eyes it just seemed to suit her. The dress she was wearing was...

2 years ago
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I take Deb Dogging Her First Time

The evening is warm in the English countryside as I pull into Deb’s driveway. It is dusk and I can see a light burning through the front window. I park the car and walk to the front entrance. This is our first meeting and even though we have been chatting for quite a while on the internet, we have never met face to face, though we did exchange photos. Her husband is gone on another business trip and her daughter is spending the night at friend's home. I ring the doorbell and hear a cheery voice...

2 years ago
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My Affair With A Sexy Milf 8211 Part 2

This is in continuation of my previous story. If you have missed out on the previous story please read it. The next day I texted her around 10 am with so much enthusiasm. She replied to meet at some coffee shop which was equally far for both of us. I understood she took her time just to meet me. I agreed and shared the location of it. I dressed up decently with proper casuals. I took a cab and reached the coffee shop. I booked a table which was almost away from the remaining people. The music...

3 years ago
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The Writers Secret Chapters 12

Hi everybody! This is one of the many stories I've written over the years. I've decided to clean them up (read: edit the heck out of them) and start sharing them. This one has some light-femdom, a pretty willing husband, and a few fun surprises. Enjoy! The Writer's Secret by Ann Michelle ( Chapter 1: "Loren's New Genre" Loren Cand?ze sat on his couch reading the book he'd purchased from the internet. He laughed. His wife S...

1 year ago
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Vixen Riley Reid Ana Foxxx Just For You Babe

It is a time of celebration for Riley – not only is it her boyfriend’s birthday, but he is newly divorced and a free man. She was his assistant, he was her boss – it is a well known scenario – and after a brief affair had become something much more serious. The trouble is, that Riley doesn’t want to find herself on the opposite end of the affair – so she has devised a plan to set the tone of their relationship. After more than a few drinks, her man wakes up...

4 years ago
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The PropositionChapter 13

Bladders, hunger - and the tiny little detail that Joyce, Lisa and the kids were coming for lunch - finally drove us out of bed. Reluctantly we agreed on separate showers and we actually managed to be more or less ready when the invasion came. The kids made much of Laura. They brought little individual presents and had all made drawings for her. "Lisa says there are two babies in your tummy," Eleanor - the second oldest of the kids said, laying her small hands on Laura's abdomen, "When...

3 years ago
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Miss Jay stood before me, her pert nose in front of my face. "Martin," she said in her usual scolding tone, "I will not tolerate your attitude any further! Your attitude is disrupting the whole class!" "You're the only one who is disrupting the class," I calmly replied. She moved away from me, her eyes wide with shock, her face flush with anger. "HOW DARE YOU!" she screamed. "HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK AT ME!" For a minute I thought she was going to hit me. Now THAT would have been...

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