- 4 years ago
- 41
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Kimberly and Todd made their way out of the Fire Cats nightclub and laughed as they tried to decide where to go next, settling on going back to her house for a drink and a little ‘fun'. They were enjoying a night out while her husband was off in London for business, and her daughter, Becky, was at a sleepover with her friend Harper. Todd was Becky’s ex-boyfriend, and they had managed to keep their little affair secret from her daughter for quite some time, until he inadvertently revealed that he had been fucking her mother, something that he let slip while he was also in the act of fucking Becky’s best friend Harper, no less.
There had been a great deal of tension between them since then, on account of how messy it made things between Kimberly, her daughter, and her husband, Charles. Eventually, with a little time, and a lot of sex, things became okay between her and Charles, while Becky moved on to another guy and treated her mother with the usual amount of disdain that she did before she discovered her mother was fucking around with her boyfriend. Of course, Todd being Todd, he found a way to mess things up even more.
Todd began seeing a working girl that went to his school, and in order to pay for his new habit, the enterprising teen had begun telling select classmates about the sexual details of certain people's lives, including Kimberly’s nude sunbathing on weekends. At first, Kimberly was righteously pissed at him, but when his actions landed her a new temporary boy toy in the form of a cute, shy nerd that was attempting to spy on her, she forgave him, and eventually the two reconnected and restarted their secret love affair. At least I hope he keeps it a secret this time, Kimberly contemplated to herself.
As the pair walked to go get her car, Kimberly's head rested, or rather bounced, on Todd's shoulder, while her right arm was wrapped around him. She sighed gently to herself, happy to be back with Todd. It’s not that she was in love with the seventeen year-old or anything, it was just that she had yet to find anyone that young with so much lust and endurance in the bedroom to satisfy her like Todd did. The thirty-eight year-old housewife had been with a number of boys and men over the years, but the six-foot-three, shaggy brown haired teen with a body akin to that of a high school basketball player was the only one able to take her to her maximum level of sexual ecstasy, hence she was willing to forgive him for his multiple indiscretions, which included her's as well.
Reaching the door, Todd left her so that he could retrieve her car for her. As much as he tried to be a slick gentleman, Todd was, at heart, a horndog. He could never seem to keep his cock from getting him into trouble, and while that did cause a bit of friction with Kimberly in the past, it was also because of that horniness that she managed to get with Todd in the first place. While waiting for him to return, she thought about all of the things she could do with him when they got back to her place. That night was one of the few that saw both her husband and her daughter away for the evening at the same time, leaving her free to enjoy the night out, and then take her time with Todd in the bedroom.
Kimberly snapped back to reality when she saw someone looking over at her. Upon seeing the person wave at her, Kimberly's eyes widened. It was Camila, one of the other women who went to the same gym she did, and, just like Kimberly, had a reputation for being into younger men. While Kimberly was Caucasian with shoulder-length blonde hair, an average ass, and fake D cup breasts, Camila was a thirty-two year-old woman from Venezuela, with brown, exotic skin, long jet black hair that went down to her mid-back, an ass that Kimberly would kill to have, and her breasts were real D’s. Top it off with that Latin American accent of hers, and there was no guy that Camila couldn’t get, or steal.
If Camila saw her with Todd, she would almost certainly try to steal him away from her, as there was a bit of an unspoken rivalry between the two, and Todd was already a nice catch even without the added incentive of pissing Kimberly off. Given his reputation as a horndog, he would almost certainly go along with Camila’s advances, and he might even start to look to her as his primary source of sex instead of Kimberly. She was definitely not going to let that happen, so she quickly ran around a corner and then ducked behind a planter, hoping that it would throw Camila off. When she peeked around the planter, it seemed that Camila had not bothered to follow her around the corner. Just as Kimberly let herself exhale, thinking that she had lost her nemesis, someone tapped her on her right shoulder.
“Hi, Kimberly,” the peppy Latino woman chimed.
How did she get behind me? Does the bitch have the power of invisibility?
“Oh, Camila! It’s so good to see you.” Although I would much prefer to see you go off a cliff, Kimberly opined as she added, “What are you doing here? Are you with your husband, what was his name again?”
Camila gave a wide smile, showcasing her impeccably white teeth.
“Javier? No, he’s in Miami on business, and since I didn’t want to stay in the house alone all night, I called up a few friends to have a night on the town. I would have invited you, but I figured you’d probably be too busy, cleaning, or shopping, or something.”
Kimberly did her best to laugh off the obvious insult, hoping to quickly finish her conversation with Camila before Todd came looking for her. It was at this moment that she took in what the other woman was wearing. The attractive Venezuelan was wearing a form fitting leopard print dress that very much emphasized her assets, while Kimberly herself was wearing a short, black sequin dress that just finished covering the curves of her ass. In contrast, Camila’s dress showed off about half an inch of her ass and, much like Kimberly’s, left the woman’s cleavage on display, although in Camila’s case, she was wearing a shiny gold necklace that ended in between her massive breasts, which helped to draw more attention to the area. In addition, two quarter sized domes poked through Camila’s dress, meaning that she was clearly not wearing a bra, whereas Kimberly was. Finally, Both woman wore shiny black stiletto heels to finish their respective looks.
“Oh, it’s alright, I’m doing the same thing myself actually,” Kimberly nervously croaked out. “Chip,” her nickname for her husband, “is in London on business, and Becky is at a sleepover with her friend Harper.”
“Well, I’m so sorry that we weren’t able to get together," said Camila.
“Me too, maybe next weekend. Anyways, I have to go. I’ll see you at the gym, Camila.”
Just as she thought she was able to get away without Camila seeing Todd, he turned the corner in her car and spotted the two. After turning off the engine and getting out of the car, he walked towards the two mini-dress clad beauties.
“Hey, Kimberly. I was wondering where you went.” Todd looked at Camila and a lustful smile came to his young face. “Who’s this?”
“Oh, I’m Camila. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
The Latino woman’s eyes met Todd’s and she stared at him as if he was prey about to be feasted upon. Camila ever so slightly pushed her chest out as she put out her hand for him to hold, which naturally caught the horny teen’s eyes, while Kimberly just rolled her own.
“The feeling is definitely mutual,” Todd replied, irking Kimberly further. “We were actually just about to go back to Kimberly's for a drink. Would you like to join us?”
“Oh, I don’t think she can join us,” Kimberly interjected while giving a disapproving look at Todd. “Camila is having a girls’ night out, and I’m sure they would really miss her if she were to abandon them.”
“Actually, my group is kind of boring me,” Camila interjected. “I'd much rather break away from them and join you guys.”
“Awesome! Hop in ladies,” Todd said as he walked back around to the driver’s side of Kimberly’s silver Mercedes and got inside.
Camila proceeded to enter the front passenger side of the car, forcing Kimberly to sit in the backseat alone. Kimberly glared at Camila; she was ruining her entire evening, more importantly the best part: her alone time with Todd back at the house. She had to think of a way to get rid of her as quickly as possible.
After a quick drive back to Kimberly’s home, full of Camila laughing at Todd’s little anecdotes that weren’t actually very funny, they went inside and seated themselves in the living room. Todd sat on the couch and Camila sat right next to him, causing her hips and legs to touch his. She crossed her left leg, causing it to fall on Todd’s own left leg. The teen was also rewarded with an amazing view of her plentiful cleavage, something that he was not very good at pretending he wasn’t looking at.
“So, you’re in your final year of high school, Todd?”
“Yeah, and I’m actually about to turn eighteen in a couple of days,” Todd said in order to sound more mature.
“I bet you’re a really precious commodity to all of the girls at your school.” Camila leaned into Todd and pressed her breasts against his body. “And the ladies as well,” she added as she looked deep into his eyes.
Kimberly wasn’t having any more of their flirting.
“Camila,” Kimberly interrupted. “I forgot to return that thing to you from the gym that I borrowed.”
“What thing?” Camila said as her face wrinkled in confusion.
“The thing from the gym, the women’s thing,” she added. “It’s in the kitchen.”
Kimberly got up from her chair and waved for Camila to join her in the kitchen. Camila rolled her eyes, annoyed that her play for Todd’s attention was being interrupted, and left the couch. Before she followed Kimberly into the kitchen though, she leaned down to Todd’s face and gave him a kiss on the lips. Kimberly's jaw literally dropped.
“I'll be right back, papi.”
Camila proceeded into the kitchen behind Kimberly, whose mouth was now twisted into a look of utter contempt.
“So, what is it?” Camila said as she crossed her arms. “Clearly you’ve never borrowed anything from me, so what is it that you want?”
Kimberly pointed a finger at the other woman and then to herself.
“Look, Todd is mine, Camila. I get it, we’ve always had this little competition in attracting the attention of the men at the gym, but this boy is mine,” Kimberly declared to her rival, venom practically dripping from her lips.
In response, Camila simply let out a soft laugh.
“‘All is fair in love and war,’ mi amigo.”
“This has nothing to do with love, it’s purely sexual, and like I said, Todd is mine. That kiss, was as far as you’re going to get with him, understand?”
Camila laughed again.
“I was just being friendly, and besides, Todd is a big boy. He can decided who he wants to spend the night with, and if that person happens to be me, then it is what is, mujer.”
By using the Spanish word for woman, Camila made it clear that she was done with even pretending to be her friend, and she had her sights set squarely on stealing Kimberly’s favorite boy toy. Camila turned to head back into the living room, but Kimberly grabbed her arm, hoping to try one last ditch effort turn the tide in her favor. In straight up seduction, the uber exotic Venezuelan would have Todd doing whatever she wanted like a whipped little puppy, but Kimberly might be able to hang onto Todd if she was more clever than her adversary.
“How about we let Todd make an educated choice?” Kimberly proposed.
Camila raised her right eyebrow quizzically.
“What are you talking about, mujer?”
Kimberly smiled.
“This is how it works: we both get a shot at him. In order to make a show of good faith,” She visibly cringed. “I’ll let you go first. I'll tell Todd I need to speak with a neighbor or something and leave you two alone for five minutes. When you’re finished with him, I'll have a turn with him, and after we’ve both had a shot at him, he can decide who he wants to be with for the night. No whining about the outcome, the loser just excepts it and calls it a night. Deal?”
Camila thought about it and was intrigued by the offer, but there was something she wanted to do to stack the odds in her favor; she wanted Kimberly to go first. By having her go first, she could see what the housewife had to offer, that way, she could judge what Todd liked and disliked in order to give him the perfect experience that would win his affection.
With a devious smile, Camila said, “Alright, but on one condition: I go second, you go first.”
Kimberly was surprised that the woman would actually want to go second, but she wasn’t going to question what she thought was a good thing. Besides, she figured that if she got a crack at at Todd first, she could drain him of his energy, and cum, leaving him tired and uninterested in Camila.
“Okay, I guess I’ll go first then.”
“Good luck," Camila offered, with another deviously thin-lipped smile.
“I don't need luck,” Kimberly snapped at her. “It's all about skill.”
“Well, miel, I've got lots of skills myself.”
Camila grabbed her breasts and shook them gently, causing Kimberly to scoff.
“Well, I'm gonna suck him dry, and once my turn is over, Todd will have no interest in having sex with you.”
While Kimberly delivered the line confidently as a means of trying to psych out Camila, she knew that Todd could go three rounds with a woman before finally tiring. It was that kind of endurance and stamina that made Kimberly so possessive of the teenager, and five minutes would probably not be enough to drain him to the point of losing interest in having sex with a woman, especially one like Camila.
“We'll see,” Camila responded coyly. “I’ll tell Todd that I need to make a phone call, and that I should be about five minutes, okay?”
“Alright then, let’s do this.”
The two women walked back into the living room. Kimberly took Camila’s previous place next to Todd and put an arm around him. The big smile on her face confused Todd, who, despite being a little bit clueless, did notice that Kimberly was not amused with him checking out Camila.
Just as Camila was about to sit down, and give Todd a nice look both up and down her dress at the same time, she straightened up.
“Oh, Kimberly, can I use your phone? I need to arrange for someone to take me home tonight.”
“What? Forgot your cellphone?” asked Kimberly sarcastically.
Camila smiled.
“Now where would I put it?”
Camila raised her arms and spun around in a slow twirl, giving Todd a 360 degree view of her body.
“Sure,” Kimberly said, annoyed that she had unwittingly assisted with Camila’s attempts to tease Todd. “You can use the house phone in the bedroom.”
“Thanks, I should only be five minutes, I might have to make another call or two.”
Camila left the room and Kimberly smiled at Todd and snuggled up next to him.
“Hello, handsome,” she said in a slightly deeper voice, making it sound lusty and causing a shock of excitement to go straight to Todd’s genitals.
She gave Todd a short kiss, time was of the essence after all, and a make out session would be a waste of precious time. After breaking the kiss, she slithered off of the couch and onto her knees in front of him.
“Kimberly, are you sure we should, I mean, with Camila up,” Todd started to weakly protest, but she quickly shushed him and reached for his belt.
Kimberly quickly unbuckled him and threw the belt onto the floor dramatically before hastily unbuttoning his pants. She was pleasantly surprised by how erect he was already and smiled up at him as she pulled his boxers down just enough to expose his seven-and-some-change-inch cock. She moved away from him for a second so she could push up her breasts and give Todd a clear view of her cleavage and bouncing tits. She pulled her dress over her head and threw it on the floor, followed shortly after by her bra, leaving her in just a black G-string and high heels.
Returning to Todd’s groin, she leaned forward and deftly swallowed his stiff cock. Her mouth managed to consume his entire shaft, accomplished by letting the head of his cock rest in the very back of her throat. Closing her eyes, she swallowed, creating a vacuum tight seal around his cock with her lips. Todd let his head fall backwards onto the couch as his eyes rolled into the back of their sockets. Instead of starting out slow, she began sucking him as fast and as hard as she could. The competition with Camila fueled Kimberly’s desire to give it to Todd as best as she could, with her determined to keep the teen for herself.
Todd could feel her tongue slide up and down his shaft and dance around his head. All of the fast sucking created a great deal of saliva and pre-cum for Kimberly to contend with, which she did by repeatedly swallowing, especially when the end of his cock was in the back of her throat, which allowed her to use her throat muscles to really grip the head of his cock. Each time she swallowed, Todd’s body would convulse, causing him to feel as though he were just about to cum, but not actually end up doing so.
The teen marveled at how talented the housewife was as he took hold of the back of her head and started to throat fuck her, hard. As her throat was more aggressively probed by the young man’s cock, Kimberly still managed to maintain her vacuum seal level of tightness around his shaft with her mouth. Gagging noises mixed with Todd’s moaning as he involuntarily thrust his hips in order to get every last millimeter of his cock into her warm, wet mouth. Normally, Kimberly would have spit him out of her mouth and chastised him for how rough he was being, not to mention she usually enjoyed denying the boy such pleasure, but that night was different, and she wanted to do whatever it took to please the teen.
Todd’s orgasm came without almost any warning about four minutes into her scheduled turn. With a stuttering moan and a strangled cry of her name, he came into Kimberly’s mouth and shot a large first load directly down her throat. He was so deep into her throat that she didn’t even choke after receiving his first load. Kimberly’s gulping sent vibrations through Todd’s body, pushing him further over the edge and causing him to send off another load down her throat, followed shortly after by a third one with some residual spill also flowing from him into her mouth.
After shooting off his last load, Todd’s body started to go limp and his cock began to soften up. Kimberly removed him from her mouth and licked her lips to collect the saliva and pre-cum that got onto her them when she removed his cock. There was no cum in or around her mouth, as all of it had been deposited directly down her throat. He looked down at the woman and breathed in heavily as she simply tucked his now nearly limp cock back into his pants and re-zipped and buttoned him.
Kimberly got off of her knees and collected her bra and dress. Todd just sat on the couch, a satisfied and somewhat confused look on his face.
“You were amazing, Mrs. Dane.”
Kimberly loved it when Todd called her by her last name; it was a reminder that she was a married woman, something that always made sex with people who weren’t her husband so much more provocative.
“Oh, I know,” Kimberly replied as she re-hooked her bra.
After sliding back into her dress, Kimberly told Todd that she needed to excuse herself for a few minutes and left the room, a big smile on her face. While he wondered where she was going and why, he was still coming down from the amazing feeling of one of the best blowjobs he had ever received to really care. As she walked towards the kitchen, she noticed Camila standing in the hall, wrapped in shadows.
I guess she was watching the show, no doubt to learn some tips to use during her turn. Hmph, like it will do her any good, she could never imitate my blowing abilities.
Kimberly walked past Camila and playfully spanked her ass.
“He's all yours, bebé.”
Camila walked over to the couch, slowly putting one stiletto heel in front of the other, making loud clacking noises as she did.
“Oye, Todd. Where's Kimberly?”
“She’s, uh.” He struggled to come up with a viable reason for leaving. “I think she went out to get us all something to drink,” Todd lied.
“I see.”
Camila walked right in front of Todd and leaned in towards him, resting her hands on the top of the couch on either side of his head. The position gave him an extreme close up of her cleavage, and he didn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was staring, as it was clear to him that she wanted him to stare.
“You know, I could use a drink too. I'm so, so thirsty.”
Todd’s eyebrows went up.
“Re- really?” He stammered
“Oh, si, Todd. My mouth is very, very dry, and I need something inside of it really soon.”
Camila gently tugged at the area of her dress underneath her breasts, exposing more of them to him and letting her nipples poke out just above where her dress ended. Todd had been having inappropriate thoughts about Camila the second he met her, and they only kept getting more inappropriate the more she acted like she was. In addition to her amazing physical form, her accent also had had quite the effect on him. The way the Latino woman rolled her R's, made Todd think of all of the nasty things she could do with her tongue.
Without any further words, Camila dropped to her knees and Todd watched as she began to open undo his pants, her eyes staring at his crotch with inconceivable lust as he experienced the deja vu of a hot older woman getting into his pants. He immediately stopped thinking about Kimberly, or his ex-girlfriend, when there was a woman like Camila in front of him and on her knees. It was because of his inability to control himself that he kept getting into trouble with women, thus causing him to constantly search for new girls willing to have sex with him.
After Camila removed his once again erect cock from his pants, she slid her lips over his hardened shaft and took him in all the way to the back of her throat. She sucked him gently as her tongue wiggled around his head as best as she could with a cock buried in her mouth. Pulling him completely out of her mouth, something he was not expecting, she blew lightly on his wet cock, the cold air causing him to shiver. Camila also lowered her dress so that he could fully see her natural D sized tits.
“Mmm, you like these, papi?” She asked him before returning his cock to her warm mouth.
“Oh yeah. Oh, fuck yeah I like those,” Todd half said, half moaned out.
Todd loved how different the blowing styles were between the two women. Kimberly's style was eager and intense, no words or seduction, almost like she was trying to milk him for his cum, never asking him anything. Camila, on the other hand, seemed to savor him, enjoying the ability to make him nervously moan and shudder as her tongue got to know every square centimeter of his cock.
After Kimberly's fast and furious blowjob, Todd knew that Camila blowing him alone wouldn't be enough to make him cum again, but that was exactly what she had been counting on. While Kimberly had used her whole five minutes to simply suck Todd off, Camila was going to go all the way, and as if she could read Todd’s thoughts about him not being able to cum via blowjob alone, Camila let his cock slip out of her mouth. The Latino beauty stood up and hiked up her dress, revealing a shaved pussy, save for a small, almost flat patch of dark hair just above her clit.
Not wanting to waste time letting Todd admire her, Camila climbed on top of him, placing her knees on either side of his body and onto the couch. She gently inserted his cock into her pussy and started to quickly fuck him at what she called ‘mid-speed.’ There was no time to start off slow and gradually make her way to fast, so she needed to skip a step. Todd didn’t seem to mind, however as he grabbed her hips and helped slide the Latino Goddess up and down his cock faster than she originally intended to go. He moaned and grunted in pleasure, especially when Camila coaxed him on in Spanish.
“Oh si. Oh, si, papi. Eso es, papi.”
While this was all happening, Kimberly watched the pair from the same shadowed area of the hall that Camila had used to spy on her when it was her turn with Todd. At first, she couldn’t believe that Camila was straight up fucking Todd and making so much noise, but eventually it made sense. Kimberly had simply given Todd a blowjob because she wanted to to be quiet in order to give the allusion that she did not want to alert Camila upstairs, but she soon realized that it was a non-issue. Camila wasn’t going to interrupt them since she knew that she was going to be fucking Todd, and he wasn’t going to give a shit about how much noise they made; once he had a hot woman ready to sex him up, no amount of risk would stop him. Realizing that she should have fucked Todd, as well as the fact that she didn’t realize right away that that was the reason why Camila had wanted her to go first, greatly incensed Kimberly.
What really drove her crazy though, was that she couldn’t believe that she was rubbing her clit as she watched Camila fuck her favorite boy toy. Despite hating Camila, Kimberly found it strangely enjoyable watching Todd have sex with another woman, even if it was someone she couldn’t stand, somehow it really turned her on. Perhaps it’s getting to see a different angle of Todd having sex? she thought to herself. Figuring that the situation was what it was, why not enjoy the show at least? She hiked up her dress a bit and used one hand to rub her clit, while the other hand slipped two fingers in and into her pussy. The two were going at it so intensely on the couch that Kimberly had to fight back loud moans of her own as she played with herself, trying to move her fingers in and out of her pussy in rhythm to Todd and Camila’s own thrusting.
Meanwhile, Camila leaned forward, her breasts pressed against Todd’s face while her hands held the top of the couch in a death grip as the young man’s cock rapidly slid in and out her pussy. It wasn’t long before the two were fucking each other as fast as they could, and, as Kimberly had realized, they didn’t bother to worry about how much noise they made, as Todd grunted like a wild animal, and Camila shouted out her praise of him at full volume.
“Si, si, SI! Oh, mierda, papi. Por favor no pares. No pares! Oh, Dios mío, oh mierda!”
Todd wasn’t even entirely sure of what Camila was saying, but all of the yelling and impassioned fucking told him that whatever she was saying, it must have been about him doing a really good job. All of the unknown words caused him to give it his all, as he thrusted his hips while pushing and pulling at Camila’s in order to bounce her up and down his raging hard on as fast as he could. While she was used to men being driven wild by her looks and Latin charm, she had rarely ever been fucked as savagely as she was just then by Todd. Most younger men would sit back and let her do all the work, but Todd was actively thrusting his own hips, even though she was on top of him, and he was forcing her up and down his cock even when she had started to feel tired, thus maintaining the swift pace of their fucking.
While Camila had thought that she wouldn’t have been able to have an orgasm of her own while trying to get Todd to cum in under five minutes, the energetic and ultra fast thrusting he was giving her managed to drive her to an orgasm before Todd had his own.
“Oh, mierda! Oh, Dios mío, you’re making me cum, papi. You’re making me cum. Oh, mierda, papi!” Camila cried out as her body shuddered with pleasure.
As she began to slow down in response to her body climaxing, Todd picked up the slack and helped her maintain their usual pace until she was able to get her own thrusting back in sync with his. Camila almost had a second orgasm, but was interrupted as Todd had his own second orgasm of the evening and released a large load of cum into her pussy. She wasn’t worried about him cumming inside of her, she was on birth control, but she was amazed at how much cum she could felt filling up her pussy. Originally she had not expected him to cum so much, given the rather impressive blowjob that she saw Kimberly give him only five minutes earlier, but somehow the youthful teen had enough semen in reserve to give her a more than average dose of cum.
As she let herself rest her body onto Todd’s, Camila moved her lips next to his left ear and moaned before whispering into it, “Oooh, that was muy, muy bueno, papi.”
She gave him a kiss on the cheek and smiled at him before using a finger to scoop up some of the cum that was pooling around the base of Todd’s cock, which was still semi-hard and inside of her pussy. She closed her eyes and sucked the sweet and salty liquid off of her fingers, moaning at the taste of his cream. After she cleaned off her fingers, she slowly raised herself off of his cock and stood in front of him. She smiled at him as she pulled her dress back over her tits.
“I’m sure I’ll see you again soon, mi amor,” Camila said before winking and turning away from Todd.
After composing herself a bit, Camila started to leave the room. As she was walking out, she began to pull her dress back down over her ass. She wiggled her butt as she playfully struggled to get the tight material over her rear, making sure that Todd could see her do it as she was leaving. Todd simply remained on the couch, stunned by how amazing his night was going. This night couldn’t get any better, could it?
As Camila entered the kitchen, she found Kimberly standing by the kitchen’s island, sipping what appeared to be a flute of champagne. When Kimberly saw Camila enter, she went over to a kitchen cabinet and grabbed another flute. She filled it with the liquid from the bottle on the kitchen island and passed it to Camila.
“I'm guessing you could use something to drink right about now?” Kimberly commented.
Camila exhaled sharply, showing off how much of a workout she had received and accepted the glass.
“Why Thank you, Kimberly. This is very kind of you,” she said as she took a sip of the cool, carbonated liquid.
“Well, I guess that's just the kind of person I am: generous Kimberly.” She began refilling her glass with more champagne before continuing. “I let you fuck my favorite boy toy, on my own couch no less, so what’s giving you a glass or two of the champagne I was hoping to share with Todd tonight?”
“Why so pessimistic, Kimberly? Todd may very well end up choosing you.”
Kimberly snorted.
“After a fucking like that from an exotic woman like you, how could a simple blowjob convince him to spend the rest of the night with me?”
Camila shook her head.
“Kimberly, don’t put yourself down. You showed some very exceptional skills when you were going down on Todd. I was very impressed.”
A smile came to Kimberly’s face. Getting a compliment from a woman like Camila was actually kind of flattering.
“Thanks, Camila,” she said and finished her glass of champagne. “So, I guess we should get out there and see who Todd wants to spend the rest of the night with.”
“Let’s, and don’t forget Kimberly, Todd is an energetic young man. Even if he decides to spend tonight with me, I’m sure he’ll be ready to go again by tomorrow.”
The thought did make Kimberly smile.
“You’re probably right about that. You know, this could be fun actually, trying to pull Todd back and forth, us playing with him like we did tonight. You up for a rematch, or maybe a few dozen?”
Camila smiled.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, mi amigo. Now, let’s go and see Todd before he falls asleep on that couch. We really took a lot out of him in the span of ten minutes.”
The ladies started to head for the living room, but stopped when they heard the front door open and close. Once they reached the dark spot outside of the living room where they had spied on each other taking turns with Todd, they saw Becky, Kimberly’s daughter and Todd’s ex-girlfriend. The seventeen year-old girl was standing in front of the couch where Todd was still sitting, although by then he apparently managed to stuff his cock back into his pants. Becky was wearing a pair of super short jean shorts and a tight grey t-shirt. The teen was also wearing her black, thick framed glasses, which she often wore as part of her ‘sexy nerd’ look, which meant that she wasn’t wearing her contacts like she normally did.
Camila turned to Kimberly.
“I thought you said Becky was at a sleepover with her friend Harper?”
“That’s what she told me that she was doing tonight. I don't know why she’s back,” Kimberly whispered. “Maybe something happened between the two of them and she came home early.”
The two watched Becky as she stood in front of Todd and just stared at him. Out of nowhere, Becky pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it onto the floor. Kimberly gasped as she watched her daughter undo the button and zipper on her shorts and let them fall to the floor. Kimberly and Camila retreated further into the shadows to whisper amongst each another some more.
“Oh, my God,” Kimberly said in a clearly shocked and distressed voice. “I just saw my daughter take off her clothes, and she’s probably going to have sex with Todd.” She shivered. “And only a few minutes after I blew him too.”
Camila smiled a reassuring smile and put a hand on Kimberly's shoulder.
“I know, this must be really awkward for you. Try to remember though: Todd was Kimberly’s first, before you took him away from her. Besides...” Camila trailed off as her smile grew. “We both know why she would be willing to take him back, right?”
Kimberly let out a dejected sigh. Everything Camila said was true, but it did nothing to make her feel better about the fact that her daughter was probably going to get fucked by Todd that night instead of her. Sensing her new friend’s disappointment, Camila chimed in again.
“Oh, Kimberly. There’s no need to worry. You know how loyal Todd is to the women he has sex with. He’s a young man who thinks only with his pene. Even if he gets back together with your daughter, I’m sure that he wouldn’t turn down either of us if we came to him ready to fuck.”
Again, Kimberly knew this to be true, and knowing that she would probably be able to have Todd again in the near future did reassure her, at least somewhat.
“You’re right. Still, all I’ve done tonight is give a blowjob. Nobody has even eaten me out yet, let alone fucked me. I need to get something tonight,” Kimberly uttered.
Camila smiled yet again.
“Si, Kimberly. Since you were kind enough to give me a drink tonight, let me take you out for one, I’ll buy. I’m sure we can find a young man to temporary serve as a replacement for Todd, no?”
This time Kimberly smiled with optimism.
“I won’t turn down that offer. Let’s go.”
The two quietly snuck out the sliding glass door in the kitchen and went around the house to Kimberly’s car and let the car roll backwards onto the street with the lights and engine off in order to not alert the two teens in the living room. Once they got down the road, they turned the lights on and discussed where was the best place for them to pick up some young guys to fulfill Kimberly’s, and Camila’s, needs.
Standing by the living room window, Becky smiled as she watched her mom’s Mercedes leave their driveway and head down the road before turning to Todd and giving an amused laugh.
“Do those two really think that we wouldn’t notice them? They’re not ninjas.”
Todd laughed.
“Yeah, I know I’m not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, but did they really think I didn’t notice them spying on me as I took turns having sex with each of them? Especially with all that noise Camila and I made, I mean, phew.”
A short lasting look of irritation came to Becky’s face as Todd mentioned the fact that he had just fucked the older woman when there was a hot, younger and half-naked seventeen-year-old right in front of him.
“Apparently not, but at least now I have you all to myself.”
Becky sat down on the couch, clad only in a lacy baby blue bra, a pair of matching boy shorts, and a pair of knee-high athletic socks with three horizontal blue stripes at the top of them. She started kissing Todd passionately, tongue and all. Things were getting pretty steamy between the two, but just as Todd slid a hand into her underwear and grazed her small patch pubic hair, Becky pushed his hand away and broke their kiss.
“Just to be clear, Todd, this does not mean that we are getting back together. I will still treat you like the jerk you are when we’re at school, and we will only have sex when I want to have sex.” Before continuing, she paused to unhook her bra and throw it away. “This is purely a physical relationship between the two of us, got it?”
Todd looked hungrily at his seventeen year-old ex’s breasts. They may have been small compared to her mother’s, but he loved the fact that he could easily fit them in his hands and knead them like soft dough.
“Oh, I got it,” Todd said, as he pushed his face into Becky’s left breast and began to suck on her nipple.
Becky wasn’t convinced that he understood and pushed him away again.
“I am dead serious, Todd. You’d better not brag to any of your friends that we’re having sex again. If you even act like you know me at school, not only are we done, but I’ll tell my dad that you’ve started banging my mother again, and you’ll lose both of us for sure.” Her lips curved into a smile. “Also, I’ll start spreading rumors at school that you have herpes. That should make it pretty hard to get another girl to satisfy you, even a pay-to-play girl, like Lisa.”
Todd visibly swallowed. He knew how hard it was to get laid after he drew the ire of both Becky and Kimberly. Even Harper, who was willing to sleep with him despite the fact that Becky was her best friend, treated him like he was radioactive after Becky learned about him and her mother. Even with boyish good looks and an above average sized cock, even a faint rumor that he had an STD, and he was going to have problems finding new girls willing to fuck him, including with girls like Lisa that get paid to have sex.
“Alright, I promise, I won’t tell anyone.”
“Including your friends?”
With another visible gulp, he agreed.
“I promise, not a single other person. Uh, one thing though...” Todd trailed off as he hesitated to ask for clarification on a certain issue. “Is it okay if I still have sex with your mom even though the both of us are fucking again? I mean, you said this is just physical, after all.”
Becky laughed.
“Oh, Todd, always thinking with your dick, aren’t you? Luckily for you, that’s the only part I really care about.” She laughed again. “Yes, you can still fuck my mom.”
“Now, enough about my mom. Just fuck me.”
Becky climbed on top of Todd and pulled off his shirt before she leaned in to kiss him again. Todd’s hands moved to her sides and ran up and down the soft skin between her hips and her breasts. She moaned as she ground her crotch into his. Despite having already came twice within the space of only ten minutes, his cock was already hard and desperately pushing against his jeans to get out. The lacy boy shorts Becky was wearing were already soaked through so thoroughly that the crotch of them had turned from baby blue, to navy blue.
“I think it’s time we got rid of the stuff in between us,” Becky said before getting off of Todd and sliding off her underwear.
Becky decided to keep her glasses and socks on, imitating a look like the girls she had seen in countless porn scenes. For some reason, guys liked that combination, so that was what she had decided to go with that night. Originally, she had hoped to use the look on a guy she was on a double date with, him and her friend Harper, and some other guy that Harper was dating. Things were going well, but they eventually all fell apart when Becky had discovered Harper double-blowing both of their dates during a series of oddly timed bathroom breaks while they were at a restaurant that the three went on at that ended up with them all being gone from their table at the same time.
After previously catching her ex-boyfriend Todd having sex with Harper, their friendship had practically ended. Eventually, she managed to forgive Harper, who swore that Todd was the one seducing her, and after multiple advances and in a moment of weakness, she gave into him. Becky knew that she should have realized that it was all bullshit; this was just the kind of girl Harper was.
After refusing to go back to Harper’s place, and without having gotten laid, she walked up the steps to her house and looked through the front window to see some random woman fucking Todd on her family’s living room couch. Shock was the first thing she felt, but this quickly gave way to feelings of lust, as she saw her ex’s impressive cock slam repeatedly into the attractive Latin American woman’s pussy. Deciding that getting fucked was worth returning to her sleazy ex-boyfriend, Becky waited until she saw that Todd was alone before approaching him with an offer of reigniting their previous relationship, at least on a sexual level anyway.
Responding in kind to Becky’s undressing, Todd undid his pants and quickly pulled them off with his boxers at the same time. As he began to slowly stroke himself in anticipation, Becky climbed back on top of him, drawing a confused look from the teenage boy.
“Baby, aren’t you going to blow me before we do it? You always used to do that.”
Becky became aggravated by her ex’s suggestion and leaned away from him, but still straddled his lap.
“First of all, don’t call me baby; we are NOT a couple anymore. Second, as I told you, I’m only using you for your body. I get no pleasure from blowing a guy, and since you’re not someone I care about enough to please, I’m not going to. And three, you were just sucked off by two women already. Don’t you want to get to the good part and stick your cock in a tight teenage pussy instead of a loose one like my mother’s?”
Well, she does have a point.
“Alright, sorry bay..., I mean, Becky.”
A scowl appeared on her face.
“Careful, Todd, or else this little thing between us, is over.” Her hands moved to his crotch and squeezed his cock through the stiff material of his jeans. “To be safe, you might want to just shut up until this is all over.”
Just as he was about say ‘Okay,’ Todd managed to stifle his response and simply nodded in agreement.
“Now, that’s a good boy.”
Becky grabbed the hem of Todd’s shirt and pulled it up and over his head, revealing a moderately impressive set of abs. She got off of him so that he could finish fully removing his pants and underwear. After he finished shedding his clothes, he picked her up and deposited her onto the couch before pushing his body against hers. As he pinned her in place, he slipped two fingers into her, easy to do given how wet she was, and began thrusting them in and out of her. Deep moans escaped Becky’s mouth, made louder by the fact that she was super horny that night and desperately in need of someone else’s touch.
Todd couldn't resist any longer, so he re-positioned himself over Becky so that he could aim his cock at the wet spot between her shaved pussy lips. Without looking for any sign of approval, he thrusted himself into her all the way to his base, causing her to cry out as he filled her with cock. Both began to moan, Todd due the way her tight vaginal walls squeezed his shaft, and Becky because she finally got not only what she needed that night, but what she had been desperately missing for weeks. As Todd thrust his hips, Becky started rocking her own, needing to increase the speed of his thrusting in and out of her, all the while she fingered her clit to take care of the areas that Todd’s cock couldn’t.
While Todd’s cock was pretty average in length, it was more than average in width, meaning that a girl with a pussy that had endured less mileage than most of the girls at school, like Becky, could enjoy having their pussy stretched by the pretty boy’s hard shaft. While Becky certainly was no virgin, she was still quite tight, and despite the fact that Todd’s thrusting caused a fair amount of pain, she was able to take all of his thrusts without having to beg him to stop. In knowing that she could take a rough fucking, Todd definitely took advantage of it.
Stopping his usual pounding, Todd took hold of Becky’s rounded hips and pulled himself out of her, save for the head of his cock. After waiting a few seconds to throw her off, he thrusted his hips forward so hard he actually caused the couch, the carpet underneath it, and the coffee table on top of it, to slide forward, but the ravenous teen girl just moaned louder in pleasure. After several minutes of unrelenting fucking, the whole living room set had almost managed to slide into the house’s front hallway.
Cries of the names ‘Todd’ and ‘God’ echoed throughout the house as Becky could feel her first orgasm already approaching, thanks to how horny she had been all evening combined with all of the friction Todd’s wide shaft created inside of her pussy.
“Oh my God! That is so fucking good.” She looked into his eyes. “You like that? You like tight teenage pussy more than some old wife’s cunt, huh?”
“Oh yeah, oh yeah, Becky. Oh, God, I’ve missed this so much. You’re so fucking tight.”
While Becky knew that it probably wasn’t true, as Todd liked pussy regardless of how tight it was, she liked talking like dirty like she was in a porno. They weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend making slow, passionate love, they were just two horny teenagers fucking each other the way two porn stars would. The sort of non-connection that they had while they were engaged in the super intimate act of having sex fueled her desire to be fucked as hard as possible.
“Fuck me harder, Todd. I said harder. Harder!”
It seemed that no matter how hard Todd fucked the horny schoolgirl, she just kept ordering him to fuck her even harder. Moans became louder before eventually transforming into grunts and finally into wails of intense pleasure. Becky’s pussy kept gripping his cock harder and harder the closer she came to orgasm, but she was so wet that Todd’s dick effortlessly managed to slip in and out of her as he repeatedly pulled himself almost all the way out of her before slamming his entire shaft back inside.
Even after his short, but intense encounter with Camila, Todd’s thrusting was so fast and intense that he managed to ruthlessly plow right through Becky’s first orgasm without realizing that she had cum. In response to climaxing, her pussy tightened around his cock like a vice, but it did nothing to slow him down, in fact, it increased his pleasure and drove him to thrust his hips at a speed he didn’t know was possible for him. Becky was no longer able to use words to describe how awesome she felt, only able to loudly cry out in a series of ‘Ahhh’s as her body was rocked by a series of both slightly painful, and intensely pleasurable, sensations. However, after about a minute, she once again started rocking her hips in rhythm with his.
Desiring a change in position, Todd picked Becky up and turned her over, so that she was on her knees while he stood behind her. After roughly spanking her ass, he thrusted his cock back into her pussy. With this position, he was able to hit a spot inside of her that was previously neglected. She continued to moan and scream, still unable to verbally praise Todd for his amazing work. Becky gripped the top of the couch, partly to steady herself, but mostly as a way to deal with the multitude of sensations bombarding her body. With Todd, he always managed to fuck her in a way that not only set her pussy on fire, but also sent shock waves, almost like chills, throughout her body that she could feel in places like her scalp, her fingertips, pretty much all over. One such feeling, was that of a second orgasm.
Just as Becky started to feel the torrent of her second orgasm, Todd felt his third of the evening quickly approaching. This time, he wasn’t able fuck through it like he did with Becky’s first orgasm, and instead he let out a strangled cry of his own as his body froze and sent a load of hot cum into his ex-girlfriend’s pussy. Despite it being his third orgasm of the night, he still managed to shoot out a strong first wave, followed by a greatly reduced, but still impressive second shot. While he typically could manage a good third spurt, he was too drained by then, instead sending a small dribble out that Becky was unable to feel, given how weak it was, and how clouded she was with the sexual haze of her second orgasm. She was so spent that she had to lean forward into the couch with her ass up in the air, and Todd’s cock still buried in her pussy and slowly beginning to soften.
Todd leaned in and kissed Becky’s neck, not caring whether she viewed this as being too familiar to when they were couple. Being too pleased by the intense ride he had given her, she instead giggled lightly at the small spark of sensation as he pecked her neck. Shifting her hips forward, she allowed Todd’s cock to slip out of her pussy. A mixture of cum and pre-cum slowly dripped out of Becky’s pussy, leaving a nasty stain on the couch, but she was too caught up in a sexual drunkenness to care. She reached behind her and collected some of the oozing liquid with her fingers and licked it up while Todd watched her, an awkward smile on his face as he watched his ex-girlfriend lick both of their cum off of her fingers.
“You know, it’s too bad we’re not a couple anymore. I really miss doing this,” Todd said as he took a seat on the couch and exhaled.”
Becky had come down from her sexual high enough to comprehend Todd’s statement and laughed in response
“You just liked the sex, and you also like sex with other people, that’s why we broke up,” she said as she got off of the couch and stood in front of Todd, just like she did before they started having sex. “Remember what I told you: we are not getting back together, and if you tell anyone about this, or start following me around school like a needy little puppy, then I will tell my dad about you and my mom, and I will start spreading rumors that you have herpes. Don’t get any ideas, Todd, we’re just having sex, nothing more.”
A disheartened Todd simply exhaled once more, this time out of disappointment that he couldn’t get back together with his ex. Still, Becky had said that he could still fuck her mother while also fucking her, and Camila definitely seemed into him as well, so if he were careful enough, he could have all three of them, a good variety.
“Okay, I’m sorry. If you want this to be strictly sexual, I won’t say anything else about us getting back together.”
Becky smiled, this time believing that Todd truly understood what she wanted out of their new relationship.
“Good, I’m glad you understand. Now, I need a shower.” She spun around and started towards the stairs. “I’m sure you can find your way out.”
Sniffing at himself, Todd realized that he smelled like the sweat and cum of four different people and desperately needed a shower himself.
“Hey, Becky, you think I could join you in the shower?”
Coming from upstairs, Becky’s voice echoed, “Nope, go use your own. I’m done with you tonight, so go home.”
Hearing the shower turn on, Todd didn’t bother trying to beg her to let him join her and proceeded to get dressed and leave Becky and Kimberly’s house, starting his long walk home. As he walked, he reflected on just how lucky his night had turned out; originally, he thought he was just going to have sex with Kimberly, which would have been great in and of itself. Instead of just one woman though, he had two, including a voluptuous Venezuelan sex Goddess, followed by his tighter than hell ex-girlfriend. The evening was nothing short of a miracle.
Todd being Todd, didn’t question a good thing, and whistled as he walked down the street, wondering which of the three he was going to fuck next. Guys like Todd, it seemed, have all the luck, whether they deserved it or not.
A week later... It only had been only a week since Stephanie and I had made love and during that next week I was riddled with guilt knowing for second time in less that year I had been unfaithful sexually to the woman who I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I didn’t really want to tell Jackie about what happened with Stephanie and I just week before because I had this overwhelming feeling this time around Jackie would decide to break up with me for sure. But like the old saying...
Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...
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Author's notes: Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to look into the story I'm writing. In the beginning, I want to set a few expectations: 1.) English is not my native language, so please keep that in mind. I'll try my best to proof-read and spell-check my writing, but I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve things. Also, I might lack the proper way to fully express myself; 2.) this story will touch some darker themes at points, so it might not be your cup of tea; 3.) as of...
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::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
My id is Sb couple ek bar jarur pde…maaja ayeg…sachii kahani meri jubani apne reviews jarur dee…taki new story or share karsaku…especillay couple,girls,ladies….Or land bhi lol Ye bat kuch 1week pehle ki hai,mei meri wife or wife ki friend or uska husband humne nightout ka plan banaya sab set hogaya, hum 2-3 din se pehle se exited the ,kyoki is baar hum drinks ka bhi program rakhne wale the, Mei bata du meri wife mast figure 32*34*32 dusky color sexy adaye jaise 1 mast bhabi mei hoti hai...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
SUMMER CAMP Rebecca looked at her image critically in the full length mirror. She had to concur that the tailored scoutmaster uniform with the camouflage skirt and the bandana like top was decidedly hot. She could feel her nipples harden and her slit was primed and ready for some Boy Scout/Girl Scout Jamboree time with lots of after dark “getting acquainted” Camaraderie. She was wearing the official Girl Scout underwear because it was more comfortable for female crotches and her merit...
Introduction: A beautiful 24-year-old Asian girl goes on vacation but gets lost in a small town and quickly kidnapped by a ruthless and violent biker gang. She struggles to survive as they turn her into their personal fuck-toy, beating and raping her constantly. Chapter 8: Day 2 with Big Joe Hannah wasnt sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. Shed never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
Hannah wasn’t sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. She’d never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded off, and her raw asshole was so excruciatingly torn and stretched. Perhaps worst of all, however, was having Big Joe’s rancid, sweat-soaked socks in her mouth all night long. The sour taste of them was so awful and each time she had to swallow Hannah almost puked in her mouth. ...
“Wake the fuck up slut!” Tank shouted, slapping the unconscious Asian hard across her cheek. “No!!! Please, please, please,” Hannah shrieked, as she was jolted awake and instantly began pleading in terror. “We marked you up pretty good last night,” Tank remarked, as he stared at the Asian’s battered and bloodstained tits. “But not as much as you deserved slut. You’re lucky we didn’t fucking kill your ass for that little bullshit stunt you tried to pull.” “Please don’t—don’t hurt me, please...
Hannah did not know what time she fell asleep, but she did know that despite her fatigue it took her at least a few hours. She cried the entire time too. She kept waiting for Tank or one of the other bikers to come in and rape her some more, but it never happened. Eventually she somehow was able to fall asleep, and she dreamed of simple pleasures like being back at home with friends and family throughout the night. “Wakey wakey slut!” Tank exclaimed, slapping Hannah in the face hard and...
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Boy Scout Troup 369 Scoutmaster Rebecca Johnson decided it would be a good move to allow her oversexed daughter Edwina take over the special tutoring lessons for young Raymond to pass the swimming merit badge to qualify for advancement to Eagle Scout. There was only one other candidate for Eagle Scout now in the troop and that was a cute sixteen year old blonde called Honey Longleg. It was amusing because she was not in the least bit tall and was the shortest scout in the troop despite being...
Rebecca had reached a point in her new Scoutmaster role where she considered all the scouts to be genderless in her eyes. In her efforts at inward self-inspection, she determined it was probably because she was always a bit bi-sexual even when she was in high school and was just as happy having a happy ending with one of the teenaged cheerleaders as she was with giving up her cherry to a football jock. She saw it in her boy and girl twins Edward and Edwina with their ability to take on...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
Hannah was on her knees underneath a large desk and sucking an Outlaw’s large, smelly penis. Her hands were still tied behind her back and she was completely naked except for the black stripper heels on her feet. The Asian was crying softly as she serviced the biker’s disgusting cock while he did some sort of work on a computer. She’d been blowing the hairy man for more than ten minutes and he still did not appear close to cumming. Hannah was just grateful to be back in the lounge and...
It starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...
Hannah did not come close to making her $3000 quota. By the time she got back out to the bar, it was past midnight and more than half of the patrons she’d seen when Wayne and Carl had bought her were long gone. Moreover, after the horrendous nightmare the two men had put her through, she had little strength or willpower to continue her duties as a whore. The Asian was almost like a zombie as she transported various johns back and forth from her room. The only times she showed any kind...
Just as Hannah thought, the bikers headed straight back to the bar. They’d been gone for only about an hour, but when they entered the parking lot Hannah noticed that there were at least 10 more motorcycles sitting there. Her heart was pounding in terror as she was hauled back into the large tavern, with the other Outlaws right behind her. There were several bikers hanging out in the lounge and drinking beers, but as soon as they saw Hannah they got up and followed her into the...
“Wake up slut! It’s time to put that hot little body to work, you got a long day ahead of you,” one of the bikers declared, slapping Hannah roughly across the face. Hannah yelped in pain as she was abruptly and painfully woken up. Immediately the horrible reality of her situation set in and she started whimpering miserably. She didn’t know what time she fell asleep, but it had taken her at least a couple hours and she felt like she’d hardly slept at all. There were at least 15 bikers...
Hannah had no idea how she survived the next several days with Big Joe. Over the course of that time, the huge beast continued to take Hannah with him to many different towns and neighborhoods. Her purpose on these trips, of course, was to fuck whoever he commanded her to. Then, in the evenings, she was forced to pleasure the sadistic biker in unimaginably cruel ways. Every single night the Outlaw raped Hannah at least two or three times, and since he was such an anal aficionado, he...
Cindy’s sister Ronnie had just had her sixteenth birthday party and she told older sister, “Can I join the Boy Scouts with you, Sis, I promise to follow your lead because I don’t really know all that much about boys. I know you have been finding out stuff a lot easier than me because you are seventeen and a half and you can show me the ropes in how to act with boys when it comes to making them happy.” Cindy was not all that surprised that Ronnie had a yen to know more about boys. Their...
"MY FRIEND BECOMES MY MISTRESS" Sonali is my friend over three years. I (Pooja) and Sonali are in third yearin Degree College. She is my best friend but now she is dominating me and keeps me as her Slave.I do all her class work and personal works like washing her cloths and makingfood. She has a large circle of friends. It's all started when we were in second year of college. One day she sawme doing sex with one of my boy friend Vishal. But she didn't tell me any thingat that time. One day she...
Rebecca was at a loss for words when she walked into the last tent in the line and found young Raymond James face down in his bunk sobbing like he had just lost both his parent in an airplane crash. She knew that wasn’t even a remote possibility because the James family was one of those “never go out” families and were the only family in the neighborhood to never light up their porch for Halloween. Of course, that wasn’t a reason to take a dim view of their social skills, it was just...
Summer camp was drawing to a close. It had been a memorable summer with lots of private little unsuspected tingles that made Rebecca start to feel like a teenager once again. She had made quite a few new friends in the younger crowd of seventeen and eighteen year old category and she was looking forward to some interesting sleepovers at her home for her twin’s sex education needs and exercises in social interaction that was not texting or looking at some silly screen like a trained...
Rebecca was slightly depressed because she had suffered some redness on her backside from the oversexed male scoutmasters who pestered her to drop her drawers for them because she was female and definitely not of jailbait age. Of course, her attitude and her appearance were misleading, and she reveled in the attention she received because she looked like one of the underage female scouts and not a scoutmaster in her own right. A couple of the good old boys got carried away by the sight of...
Less than 50 miles away from where Hannah was suffering, inside a tavern also owned by the Outlaws, another whore was having a miserable night of her own. Ellen Duffy, the incredibly hot redhead and Miss Washington contestant, was on her back with her legs spread while a fat, greasy Mexican fucked her pussy raw. He was the fourth Mexican in the past 20 minutes to fuck the young redhead, and he was in a state of euphoria as he pounded into Ellen like a savage. “So boys, we got a deal?”...
Hannah was rudely awoken, like always, with a hard smack to her face. She yelped in pain and immediately began whining in terror. She could hardly remember getting pulled from the shower and tied to the bed last night. However, she did recall puking up a huge amount of sperm and piss into the tub. Her jaws and throat were still extremely sore from the dozens of blowjobs she’d been forced to give, and the burn mark on her back was still very raw and inflamed. “Get your ass up cunt, you...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: woke up early the next morning, the sun was shining brightly...
It provides a list of the “in” places to go, but I’m not really an “in” place person. However at the end of the listings I came across a series of Petites Annonces – Personal Ads. I was just looking at it out of curiosity – yes curiosity I was not looking for the advert which ran “jolie fille sexy recherche rencontre hot sur Paris” and I did not answer that one (honest). Then I noticed a section headed Photos - Modeles which seemed to consist mainly of photographers looking for lady models...
Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter One -- Seven Hole Washout My wife's mother called to tell her she wasn't feeling well and she wanted my wife, Kay, to come up to Chicago to be with her. She is a hypochondriac and it's not unusual for her to interrupt our vacation, or whatever we're doing, with her demands. I was hoping to play golf this day but it was getting cloudy as I drove my wife to the Fort Lauderdale Airport. As I kissed her goodbye, I told her to give my love to her mother....
Series 6, Episode 20 The Portsmouth Women’s Institute (ages 50-60), from Portsmouth We open with a very simple and idyllic establishing shot of the front of an unobtrusive building with a little square of grass around it. A sign reads, “PORTSMOUTH WOMEN’S INSTITUTE” A small car park is half filled with sensible middle-class cars a Volvo, an Audi, a nice VW, etc. Trees rustle as the wind blows through them. Very safe violin music plays on the soundtrack and then The needle on the record...
I learnt a new form of love the day my daughter was born. When Tory had started her next group of girls incubating, I found myself gravitating to one of them in particular. I knew she was very special. I knew she was a true sister to me and that I would need to raise her as my daughter. Call it a premonition if you wish, but the certainty was there all the same. She wouldn’t take the place of my precious lost daughter, yet I knew this little girl was very special to me. I was glad that one...
Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...
PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S OUTLAWS Chapter 1: Taken As the sun began quickly setting behind the beautiful mountain ranges far away, Hannah could feel her frustration growing larger by the second. She should have known better than to rely solely on her navigation system and not bring a map with her on this trip. She was on her way to join some friends in Cabo for a few days of summer fun and relaxation. She had just a couple more hours of driving, but her normally dependable navigation tool...
PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S OUTLAWSChapter 1: Taken As the sun began quickly setting behind the beautiful mountain ranges far away, Hannah could feel her frustration growing larger by the second. She should have known better than to rely solely on her navigation system and not bring a map with her on this trip. She was on her way to join some friends in Cabo for a few days of summer fun and relaxation. She had just a couple more hours of driving, but her normally dependable navigation tool...
I grew up in a low income family living in a small country town. Travelling anywhere was rare and a luxury for us. Accommodation was always with relatives or friends in the places we visited. My memories of holidays and travel are of sleeping on couches, sharing beds, or mattresses on the living room floor. Growing up in a small hick town had given me fairly sheltered upbringing and very little exposure to the wide world. One year, shortly after my sixteenth birthday, a family emergency saw a...
MatureThe newly appointed Boy Scoutmaster Rebecca Anderson made her nightly check of all her teenaged charges and made certain they were all wearing regulation nightwear because the tents were coed and embarrassing situations could arise unintentionally if some young lady or young lad accidently went to answer a call of nature without proper attire. Rebecca felt a bit hypocritical about her actions because she usually slept in the raw loving the feel of smooth sheets on her hot female skin. When...
The beautiful Boy Scout Scoutmaster Rebecca sat daydreaming in the snake cabin right in the middle of mostly non-poisonous reptiles slithering passively in their glass cages that separated them from the always curious and often reckless young boys and even some of the more adventurous girls more for their own safety than the rambunctious youngsters. She was not one of those persons that felt comfortable in close proximity to snakes. It was probably some ancient genetic trait that kept her...
Right at the beginning of the final two week session of the summer camp, Rebecca was tasked with leading the Eagle Scout prospects out on a long two night hike that would take them completely around the long narrow lake that was far better to canoe or rowboat rather than hike in the dense underbrush surrounding the lush shorelines. She found that there were four male Boy Scouts and three female Boy Scouts in the pool of applicants and it worked out just fine for four two person tents to...
Dave and Kim had dated early in their life, before they actually new what dating was and after their breakup became close friends. It was after Kim’s boyfriend, John, who was also Dave’s best friend, left for Germany to study there for a year that the jokes began. It started small, jokes with John before he left that Dave and Kim would hookup while he was gone. These jokes always would upset John and make Dave and Kim chuckle. The jokes continued after John left, and even after Kim and John...
I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat “ When predator becomes prey.” © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 Foreword IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the...