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Grow Up a story by forced consent - [email protected] 4th May 2008 Sam and Rebecca have been going out for a few months, but she is fed up with his constant moaning and stroppy attitude. She decides that he needs to grow up and thinks of a great way to make her point... Notes: For US readers, a nappy is the UK term for a diaper. Quid is slang for pounds (currency). All the characters in this story are fictional and of adult age. No references to children are given or implied. This story contains some strong language. ... "Sam, I need a favour," shouted Rebecca. "Sod off Becky, I'm watching the match." Rebecca sighed. This was exactly the kind of attitude she was sick of. He hadn't even asked what the favour was - and she hated being called Becky. "Look, it'll really help me out, and I can pay you." There was no reply and a moment later, Sam appeared. Rebecca smiled... "You must be fucking crazy! As if I'll do that!" screamed Sam. 'Always with the melodrama,' thought Rebecca. "Come on Sam, no-one will see and it's just for a couple of minutes so I can make any final alterations." "Well how much do you sell these for?" he asked, his mind still hooked on making some money. "About 150-200 quid?" "Jesus, who'd pay that for a fancy dress costume?" "Come on Sam, I'll give you 50 quid, not bad for a couple of minutes work is it?" Sam paused for a moment, trying to get his head around the situation. "And no-one will see?" "Well who else is going to see, there's only me here! Jesus Sam, grow up, I'll go and get it!" Sam almost choked. "Rebecca. I can't wear that!" He looked at the dress which stood between him and fifty pounds. It was bright pink with a high, pleated waist and white lace ruffles around the short puffy sleeves. The hem stopped about three inches above his knees and there was a white curved collar with a pink bow hanging from the front. And it was covered all over in Barbie designs! There were pictures of Barbie wearing a skirt, the word 'Barbie' emblazoned all over it and little hearts and flowers printed everywhere. It was the kind of a dress that an eight year old girl might be a bit embarrassed to wear. "Who the hell would buy this on Ebay?!" he asked. "Like I said Sam, it's a fancy dress costume which I was going to wear months ago to a party, but didn't use it in the end, so now I'm selling it." Rebecca was lying through her teeth. In fact she'd bought the dress herself just a few days before. Sam continued to stare at the dress. "Okay, what if I give you 60 quid, is that better?" Sam quickly latched on to the idea of bargaining. "What about you give me 100 quid?" "100 quid?! That's a bit steep isn't it?" "Well if you want me to make a pratt out of myself, I figure you can pay me for it!" She had him. "Right, well here's the deal then. I'll give you 100 quid but for that you need to wear the dress and the accessories, then I can adjust it properly and probably sell it for the top amount." Sam hesitated - "And it's just a couple of minutes?" "Of course, I just need to see if there are any rips and make sure that it all looks okay together," Rebecca lied. Sam pursed his lips, and slowly nodded. And so he started to earn his 100 pounds. Rebecca handed him a pair of pants which were essentially a white, elasticated nappy, followed by a pair of pink Barbie pants to cover it. "Are these really necessary?" asked a somewhat embarrassed Sam, as he pulled the Barbie pants over the nappy. They had a thick plastic liner built in and made a very loud crackling noise with the slightest movement. "If you want your 100 quid, they're necessary, as are these," replied Rebecca, handing him a pair of shiny, white tights. On they went, over the nappy and pants, slightly muffling the loud noises from the plastic nappy cover. "Shoes and socks next, then you're nearly done," said Rebecca, passing him a pair of ruffle anklets and pink Mary Jane style shoes. Sam put the socks on his feet over the shiny tights, and then strapped the shoes on. "You seem to know what you're doing Sam, are you sure you've not dressed up before?" asked Rebecca, knowing it would get a reaction. "Piss off!" came the reply. "As soon as you've done what you need to do it's all coming off and you owe me some cash!" "Well we're nearly done now so you can stop moaning, just the petticoat and dress left." Sam pulled the vest style petticoat out of her bag and held it up. "Hang on, you never said anything about that!" shouted Sam. "Oh Sam, for fuck's sake, it's part of the costume!" "Well I don't think 100 quid is enough for all that," he replied. "Jesus, right, I'll sell it for 200 and give you 150, how about that?" As expected, Sam went quiet. "For that you wear the petticoat and these reins, and that's the whole outfit done." Rebecca was calling his bluff and knew it would work, and she was right. "Right, deal" he grunted. "Arms up then," she said, and seconds later the pink and white petticoat was in place around his torso, the bottom part billowing out with masses of lace. "Now your dress." Again Sam's arms went up and Rebecca unzipped the back of the childish dress. She couldn't wait to see him in it. Down it went, his arms poking out of the short, puffy sleeves. Rebecca zipped up the back and smoothed the dress out over the petticoat. Sam wasn't saying anything at this stage, his attitude seemed crushed by the ridiculous costume. The reins came last of all. Rebecca lifted them up and held them before Sam. They were a mass of white leather straps and buckles. Sam instinctively put out his arms, much to Rebecca's private amusement. She passed them over his arms and buckled the chest strap, followed by thick straps over each shoulder. Sam looked down at his chest and saw that the front had a large oval piece of leather which pictures of teddies on. "Almost done," said Rebecca, as she fiddled with the buckles. "They're tight enough, thanks," said Sam, sarcastically. "I wasn't tightening them silly, I was putting the padlocks on." "What do you mean, padlocks?!" shouted Sam. "Well they're part of the reins, I guess it's to stop them coming off by accident, anyway the keys are here, so stop worrying," she replied, brushing his concerns to one side. "Right, let's have a look at the outfit and make sure it's all okay, then you can take it off." Rebecca was trying hard to not scream with laughter. Sam looked ridiculous in his childish costume, like some parody of a six year old girl playing dress-up. She wanted Sam to feel relaxed, and composed herself. "Okay, walk up and down the hallway for me, I need to see how it looks," she said. Sam started walking along the carpet, his plastic pants noisily reminding him that they were there. "Hmm, it's hard to see if the dress is okay in this light... come and walk down the path and back so I can see properly." She walked to the front door. "No fucking way!" replied Sam. "Someone will see me." "Oh for crying out loud Sam, who's going to see you, you'll be outside for about ten seconds, and then we're done and you're 150 quid up." Sam followed her to the front door and peeked out. "There's no-one around, come on, I just need to check the costume in the light - walk to the gate and back." Sam stepped out into the sunlight and looked around nervously. He then ran to the gate, turned around and ran back. "Right, we're done," he said. "Hang on, we're not done, I didn't get to see a bloody thing - I said walk, not run, do it again and this time WALK!" Sam turned around and walked slowly to the gate. Rebecca smirked as his Barbie dress bounced up and down on his petticoats. Sam started to act it up, perhaps trying to convince himself that he was game for anything. "Do I make a pretty Barbie girl then, eh Rebecca?" he joked as he reached the gate. "You certainly do," she smirked, reaching behind her and pulling the front door. It slammed shut with a very final sounding thud. Sam spun around and looked at Rebecca, who spun round and pushed the door. "Shit, it's slammed, it must have been a draft." Sam seemed to go into blind panic and just stood there for a second, before running up the path and pushing the door furiously. "Sam, it's locked, get your key out and get us back in!" "What key?" he screamed, "I haven't got my key with me!" "Shit," she replied, feigning concern, "well what about the windows, are any of them open?" Sam rushed to the end window and pulled it but it was locked shut. "I'm sure I left this open, shit!" Rebecca knew that he'd left it open, for it was she who'd closed and locked it when she went to get the dress. Sam paused for a moment before remembering how he was dressed. "Fuck, how am I going to get back inside?" he asked. "Maybe smash a window..." Rebecca shook her head. "If you do that it's going to make a real mess, cost a fortune to fix and all the neighbours will be out. Do you want them to see you dressed like that?" Sam said nothing; he was still in a sort of denial about his predicament. "There is one thing I can think of... I've got my car keys, so we'll jump in my car and drive to my flat, I'll pick up your spare key and we'll drive back." "Rebecca, I can't go for a drive in your car dressed like this, are you fucking nuts?" "Well please yourself, that's the only thing I can think of, do you have any better ideas?" Sam slowly shook his head. "So we're agreed then, right, get in the car and let's get this sorted out." Sam froze, not wanting to accept that this really was the only way. "You can always stand outside the house in your pretty little Barbie outfit if you prefer - I'll be gone about an hour in total?" "Well can you take these clothes off me?" he asked. "Not while you're locked into those reins, the keys are inside remember, and besides, what would you change into?" Sam tugged at the leather reins but they gripped his chest tightly. "You'll have to face up to the fact that you're in those clothes for the next hour or so." He walked over to the car, looking around anxiously. Rebecca walked over the driver side and unlocked the car. "You should get in the back Samantha, then you can lie down and stay hidden." Sam didn't care for the 'Samantha' reference but wasn't really up for arguing. He climbed in and lay down. Rebecca was again amused that he smoothed down his dress before lying down. "Are you worried you'll crease your pretty dress, Sammy?" "Stop fucking teasing will you, Becky, just get the damn key so I can get back in and get these stupid clothes off. I've definitely earned my 150 quid today." Rebecca said nothing and just smiled to herself. She started the car and drove off. "You know Sam, for 150 pounds you really should have let me put some makeup on you. Some pink lipstick, sparkly eyeshadow and pearly pink nail varnish would have really matched your cute little outfit." "Quit it Rebecca", said Sam, "you've no idea how embarrassing this is." "Really? I guess you wouldn't have needed much blusher then," was her smirked response. Nothing more was said for the next 30 minutes as Rebecca continued to drive. Finally she stopped. "We're here." Sam sat up and immediately noticed that they were nowhere near Rebecca's house. In fact they were in the main car park of the main shopping center, some fifteen miles from his house. "Rebecca, what are you doing, you haven't got time to go to the shops, we need to get my key so I can get back and change!" Sam screamed. Rebecca turned around and looked at him. "Say hi to Allison and Jenna," she said, nodding towards the side window. Sam turned and saw the two girls, Rebecca's best friends, running over to the car and his heart skipped a beat. The two girls ran up to the window, stopped dead as they saw the way Sam was dressed and then doubled over with fits of hysterical laughter. Allison pulled a compact camcorder out of her bag and started filming Sam through the window, while Jenna shouted, "Oh Rebecca, how did you get him into that dress, how embarrassing!" Sam was wishing the ground would swallow him up and was torn between sitting where he was and being filmed, or getting out the car and risk being seen in public. The girls made the decision for him. Allison put the camcorder back in her bag, opened the door and piled in. Meanwhile Jenna was at the other door and was leaning in. Together they pushed and heaved Sam out of the door, sending him flying into a heap on the floor. Jenna climbed in and they closed the door, locking Sam out. As he got up, Jenna had the camcorder and was filming him again, the window wound down a touch. "What's the matter, doesn't baby like being filmed in his pretty pink dress and reins?" They shrieked with laughter, while Rebecca took photo after photo with her camera phone. Sam was crouching, trying instinctively to be invisible, a futile task as the girls gathered more footage of him in his humiliating clothes. "Looks like our pretty princess is a bit shy and wants some attention," laughed Rebecca, and started sounding long blasts on the horn. "Stop it, shit, what's going on?" shrieked Sam. How the hell had he got into this position! "Here's the deal, princess", Rebecca said, "I'm sick to death of the way you act at home and I'm not interested in you anymore. You need to grow up, so I thought this might be a nice way to make the point." "But Rebecca, please, what are you doing?" pleaded Sam, putting his hands together as if in prayer. This drew more hysterical laughs from the girls in the back as they continued to record it. "Well Sammy, as you know you're at the shopping center about fifteen miles from your house. I'm not taking you back and you've got no money, so you'd better start walking. Should take four to five hours." Sam was speechless. Rebecca continued giving him the good news. "Since it's Saturday afternoon, there are people everywhere. I imagine you'll get lots of attention walking through the shopping center and streets, stuck in your little Barbie outfit and leather reins, especially with the nice loud noise those plastic pants make! You look absolutely ridiculous!" Sam had turned white, realising that he really was going to be exposed to everyone dressed like this. "But what about the front door... the key?" "Oh yeah, well that's your problem, Barbie. I guess you'll have to smash a window after all!" Jenna stopped filming. "Ooh, we can call the police and tell them there's a weirdo walking around wearing a pink Barbie outfit threatening to smash people's windows?" "What do you say, Barbie, shall we phone in an anonymous tip off, or are you going to be a good little girl and get going?" Sam half stood up and aimlessly started wandering back in the direction of his house. The girls resumed filming and followed alongside him in the car. "You do realise this is going to be the best ever girlfriend dumps boyfriend video going? It's going on YouTube later on - you'll be a huge hit at school next week! That's if you don't run into some of your mates on the way back. What are you going to tell them?" The girls followed Sam's humiliation for a few more minutes before shouting, "We're off to do some video work now, have a nice long walk Barbie!" And with a few blasts on the horn off they went, leaving Sam with no choice but to walk through the busy streets in his embarrassing, juvenile outfit for the next few hours.

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Weak Husband Part Two

WEAK HUSBAND -- Part Two, by Throne When Joey got home, he found Deena in a filmy nightie, flitting around the house and acting smugly satisfied. Before he could say anything she told him, "Ken is a fantastic guy. He's such a great conversationalist. We had a marvelous time at lunch." Joey dared to say, "You were kind of a l... long time." "Yes we were. He showed me an excellent book store nearby. And then we took a stroll. I hope you're not jealous -- Jolene. Remember how...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Tsuna Kimura Tsuna Kimura is outside with some friends getting her pussy eaten

Well it has been a nice trip so far with Tsuna Kimura. She is out on a trip with some friends and since the trip was a long ride to the mountains and they were all horny they had some cock sucking time in the van. That was a lovely gift for all the fans that were able to make it to this fun trip. When they finally got to the a lovely spot they all decided they needed their cocks sucked. This was a good idea as Tsuna also was hungry for some fan cock so they all pulled out their dicks and Tsuna...

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The Director of Buenosaries pt3

He could hear the street chatter through the skylight, but knew her screams would not travel the other way. Below in his home the director’s wife continued to play the TV on full volume the dull thud coming up between his feet. The neighbours might complain but it wouldn’t be about the screaming. He adjusted his black hood so he could see clearly down the viewfinder. Lara was looking fantastic. Now stretched to attention arms above her head tied to the suspended manacles she looked much...

3 years ago
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My Beginnings as Denise

The Beginning of My Life Denise Girl Disclaimer: This document is written as an autobiographic experience. It is not to be copied without written consent from the author. All names have been changed unless they have asked to be named. Please enjoy it with happiness and good health. Beginnings As most transvestites; I started early...probably 7 or 8 years old. I could not resist the feeling of my little sister's lace and silky slips and dresses. Having 2 sisters made dressing...

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It Was All My Fault

Having sex with Robby, my sixteen-year-old son, was not due to being sexually neglected by my husband because I wasn't and he fucks like a stallion, but the fact remains that I have been engaged in a sexual relationship with my own son for the last two years, and it is entirely all my fault. When I think about it there have been many decisions that I had made that, when all added together is the reason why I allow my son to fuck me whenever he wishes, starting the day that I got pregnant with...

2 years ago
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MisfitsChapter 6

People were talking, but they sounded far away and underwater and I couldn't understand them. The lights were too bright and I didn't feel anything anywhere, except my eyes hurt and I had to close them again. I was in a bed, I thought for no real reason, but I knew I wasn't standing up. Someone's finger pulled my left eyelid open and for just a second I lay in a shadow and I opened my other eye all by myself. The doctor looked pale blue with oriental eyes, black ones with silvery pupils,...

3 years ago
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Young Samantha Chapter 1

Young Samantha - Chapter 1 Samantha's mom Lisa called for her from the kitchen «Come down honey, breakfast's ready». Samantha was in her room getting ready for school, looking for something to wear, she was wondering what she wanted for her 13th birthday next month. She had beautiful and firm breasts, they were very big for her age, about a C-cup. Actually she hadn't even started to wear a bra, her mother said she didn't need it yet, because her breasts were still very firm, so...

2 years ago
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The Slutting Of Alice Jameson Pt 2

Alice woke to a fine day. She was relieved that she did not have the cramps that had troubled her for the last few days. No, today she felt very much alive and wanting to get on with her life again. Looking outside she saw it was a fine warm day, just perfect for her garden club gathering.Alice showered and then slipped on a long summer dress. It was one of her favorite dresses, yellow, pink and patches of red. It hugged her upper body, leaving her arms bare, then flared out from her hips, and...

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Loves sonata past and present

I think I shall head to my lonely bed,a place that used to be so warm,thats now so cold and alonewithout your there to heat my souland me to hold you closeTo hear your breathing as you sleep,tis like a lullabyits soothes my mind and helps me dream,of things to come and life anewOf you and I, in places far and near,together we live and love foreverand raise our c***dren right,A girl, a boy, you as my wife,what more could I ask for,except your happiness in my life,you smiling eyes to behold each...

1 year ago
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Never Tease A Master

Never Tease A Master by Throne PART ONE I started doing it just for fun. Ever since my teens I'd been enjoying a bit of crossdressing. Mostly it was just panties. In my twenties I got an apartment where I could have more clothing, though I still limited myself. Then there was a wig. And make-up. It became a regular occurrence for me to change from Barry to Bunny. Of course I visited all sorts of TV sites on-line. Who doesn't? And I was intrigued by guys who had declared...

3 years ago
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Soccer Mommy

By : Tahirmlk2007 I have been a Soccer referee for over 6 years now, being from sports background I was well built, tall, fair with athletic body and size of 6.5” of dick. I have been involved in several unusual situations, but none of them come close to what happened to me this past weekend. I had been invited to referee at a soccer tournament several miles from where I live, and since the fields were reported to be in good shape, and the teams normally quite competitive, I accepted the...

4 years ago
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Dispatchment WeekChapter 7

The victorious charioteer smiled with pleasure as she teased the shrouded male's erection with her free hand; the cameras focused on her supple arm and firm breasts, her pale skin dappled with light freckles, as she slowly placed the opened shears to the stretched neck of his scrotum. The ginger bitch's expression beamed with immense and increasing pleasure as she worked the doomed male's cock toward his final milking. His face, which was gagged but otherwise unmasked, grimaced in a blend...

3 years ago
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An Alien AbroadChapter 16

For a first-timer she was really quite good. Initially she wasn’t sure, but that gave way to finding it was quite pleasurable to have this large cock in her mouth. It was the nerves around the mouth you see. I was stimulating them in an entirely novel way. She told me later that some women had learnt to orgasm whilst giving oral sex to another woman. The intimate contact of lips to lips. I asked if she had and she told me that princesses don’t tell things like that. Meanwhile she was sucking...

2 years ago
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I just started my senior year in high school exactly one month after my 18th birthday and one year after mom died in a car crash. She and my dad, Hank, were returning from one of their "adult parties" (that's what they called them but I wasn't sure what they were) when they got hit by a drunk driver.Dad's trying to be a good parent but is not particularly knowledgeable or attentive to many feminine things. He knows some things but not others, like buying female supplies. He doesn't understand...

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The New StartChapter 34 Changes

The honeymoon for Sonya and her new family was wonderful and when it came to an end, they were all physically exhausted but very happy. On the second evening of their stay Sonya had activated the controls in the bedroom. The bed had started its slow rotation. The walls had come to life with a verity of holographic scenes from soothing scenes of breath taking natural beauty to wall to wall scenes of the sex act being performed in almost every conceivable position, soft soothing and then...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 20

Sunday evening Riley left to go back home. Joey was with her. He had decided to take her completely away from her husband and use her for his own satisfaction. With the help of Mr. Eye, they would be getting a divorce and the once extremely conservative young wife would become Joey’s fulltime sex slave, performing any and all sexual acts that he required. Unbeknown to her, and Joey for that matter, Riley had already conceived Joey’s child that would be growing inside her. On the way there,...

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Reluctant Rebecca

This story was inspired by two of the web’s best authors on the topic of reluctant lesbians – LCDRJMC and Jenna Tarp, although neither seems to be writing these days much to my dismay. Many of the themes contained within can be found in their works, although probably better written then my attempt here. My hope is you’ll enjoy the story and that either the two authors will love it and be inspired to write more, or hate it and be inspired to write more – either way it’s a win for me. You should...

1 year ago
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PornDudeCasting Jackie Hoff 03262022

Jackie Hoff showed up on the PornDudeCasting couch wearing a busted pair of glasses, a result of all the wild fucking she’s been doing lately. She’s been getting banged on camera for about a year now, having made her way from pre-med school to modeling and now this. “I like the adult industry better,” the sexy cutie told me, “so I’m here to stay.” Jackie described her entry into the industry and traced her obsession to its roots, explaining, “I’d watch animated stuff. I’d watch group stuff. I’d...

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Always help people in distress

I found this nerd looking guy trying to a flat tire at 3am. He was trying to figure out the tire jack. He was about twenty-five, skinny large rim glasses. I stopped to help. I asked if he needed some help. I could tell he didn’t know what to do. His wife got out of the car. GD, She was a fox. She spoke to me in broken English with a French accent. Thank you for stopping to help. She said her name was Suzette. Suzette was wearing a low cut neckline thin T-shirt and no bra. She was showing about...

2 years ago
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The Island

Day 30:Last night my GPS failed. I don’t know why, but my position is in the Mojave desert since 3:25 PST. And this is quite unlikely, because I am on the Pacific! At least when I started four weeks ago, in Belgium, I headed towards it and after crossing the Indian Ocean I reached it 3 days ago. Day 31:The weather is still bad. Cloudy. So, no sextant to determine position. It’s new moon, so no hint from there either. My compass tells me I am heading SSE. I should make it to Tahiti in 3 days. ...

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The Legend of Zelda Links Reward Day 1

Before her was a golden-haired hero clad in a cap and tunic of forest green. He was tall and muscular and wore leggings of white. A sword and shield were strapped across his back. Though he stared at his princess intently, his face was full of courage, and his eyes positively shone with a warrior's spirit. This was Link, the Hero of Time to whom the people of every realm owed thanks for their lives and the destruction of the evil king Ganondorf. "You are a great and noble hero, Link," the...

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Second String Spouse

Ralph needed help. Mary was pushing forty and her libido just went into overdrive. Ralph had gotten what he wished for ... only a bit too much. The fact that he travelled every other week didn’t help matters either. Mary had been a loving and dutiful wife since their wedding at age twenty. No children had happened even though birth control was never used and Ralph tested fertile. They were each other’s first love although Ralph found out ten years into the marriage that he was not her only...

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"DEVASTATION? Part 1 - A Perfect Life No More ? 2009 by drkfetyshnyghts ? ? Dr Sabirah Najwa ? My name is Sabirah Najwa. ?I'm a 49 year old clinical and behavioral psychologist resident in London though Arabic in origin. In Arabic, Sabirah means ?patient? and Najwa means ?confidential talk, secret conversation.? ? I am a lesbian Sadist. ?And also a Fetishist. I must add, I am neither ?a Sadist, nor a Fetishist in the common misconceptions of the words. ?I will say only at this point that normal...

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Football Star

My husband and I have tried to do everything to give our son an advantage over other k**s his age. Anything we could do from the moment that he was born that might give him a step up and put him ahead we did. So it was no surprise that when my son, Bill, showed interest in sports that my husband, Clyde, did everything to make his son was successful. And he was good. He became the star quarterback for the middle school team. When Bill hit his middle teen years and puberty, he started asking...

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Last Sunday, mid-afternoon, I went to the northside mall and immediately went to the washroom in the food court. There, I met a guy just leaving the washroom. He has sort of a funny horny grin on his face. A few steps behind him, I meet another guy leaving the washroom. I quickly glance at his crotch and see that he has a boner or at least a semi going on in his jeans. To me it seemed obvious that they were together.....but walking a dozen steps apart. I almost said out loud "can I cum and...

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Cousin Sister Ke Saath Chudai

Hello dosto kaisay hai aap sab? ISS pay meri yeh dusri story hai. Pehli story pay bohat sary mail aaye. Aap sab ka shukriya, bohato kay sath pics bhi share ki, aur kuch to achey dost bhi baney. Aaj mai aap kay sath apni dusri story share karna chahta hun jo ki meri ek cousin sister kay saath huwi. Yeh story bilkul sachi hai. Actually hum joint family mein rehtay the. Ab 3 saal hue hum sab apni apni familyon mein alag rehtay hai. Meri cousin sister jis ka naam Mahi (name changed). Mujh say bas...

1 year ago
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Satisfied Lust

I was in my freshman year of college, the month of January. This was back when dormitory's were not like they are today. All students had their meals in the cafeteria or off campus. The rooms were multiple students, if you were fortunate you only had one room mate, if not you had three or more. The showers were about mid way the floor and consisted of two sides, one was the toilet. Which had five face bowls and mirrors, six urinals, and four toilet bowls with each in there own stall.The other...

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The Real Estate Connection Ch 01

After 8 years overseas, I was finally coming home. It had been a long flight and I was looking forward to collapsing into bed in a house, which I owned but had never seen. I was looking forward to exploring my new home and my new hometown. I was looking forward to a new start. No ties, no encumberments… just me. I had forged a reputation in the last 8 years as a loner. I was good at it… I enjoyed it. Having never been a social animal it was no stretch for me to carry my loner attitude into my...

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