Chris And Nena's Big Day Chapter 9 free porn video

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Chapter 9. Saturday the first day of the weekend rides. Nena awoke and along with Mandy went and gave the others an early morning wake up call. Julia for her part did not join them as she was still suffering from the morning sickness. "I wish this would go away," she said. Doctor Helga was one who Nena did not have to wake up as she was on her way to visit Julia. "Oh good Doctor, Julia is been sick again." Kim and cousins were very surprised when there was a knock at the bedroom door. Kim opened the door "Hello why are you knocking on our doors? We only got in late last night." "Well my instructions are to wake all up. Getting in late is no excuse. You should have been here earlier. We have much to do after breakfast. We go shopping in the morning as we have an afternoon of charity rides." "But we got here as soon as possible. We got a telephone call I thought was from Em and it was from somebody called Renate. She all but ordered us here. Then we had to go and collect Granny." Kim noticed Nena was laughing. "Well I should introduce myself I am called Nena and like you am a princess although I did not know it until I met Gaby. The early call is imperative though as we have a lot to do." "Well I am called Kim and my cousins are next door. I better get washed and dressed as Mum is out of the shower now. I will meet you in the dining room." Holly stuck her head out of the door. "Hi I am Holly. My sister Ivy is in the shower. Mum is putting on her face. She asks that you come in." Nena entered the room. "Well there is no mistake which side of the family you are from. I am Tatiana. My sister Anastasia is next door. We got our late aunts names. "I am Nena. It is important we get all the girls fit up as bridesmaids. All the junior princesses are included. Then we have other dresses and clothing to buy. Some of the girls have a very poor selection of clothing. Grandma Renate hates to see jeans on girls. So cotton dresses might be advisable. I take it both can ride bikes so I will get a set of skins for each of you. You will need to wear them after lunch as the Champion Rides start at 14:00 at the spa." "Hi," said very wet Ivy. "Yes we do ride in fact we sometimes go and watch cycle races. There is one person we both like and Mum said she was sort of related to us. In fact we thought she might be here as she has a mark similar to ours." "Just so you know. We all know that you are the granddaughter, Great granddaughters and great, great granddaughters of the late Tsar Nicholas. As I speak top scientists are conducting tests to prove beyond doubt that you are. However as far as Renate is concerned the branding is enough. I do not know if you have been watching the news." "Yes we were all shocked to find we had gone to sleep in England and awoke in the kingdom of Northumbria." The girl's granny spoke, "The new Queen Gabriel Battenberg is she by any chance related to my grand daughters?" "Well yes she is slightly related to you although she did not know herself until yesterday when Em let on about certain marks. Your grandmother though knew about the child." The grandmother looked puzzled. "I do not think I know anybody by that name. I though knew of the decedents of Robert Battenberg. There was a child called Andrew and one called Julie. My grand daughter Kim is a friend with both of them." Nena spoke, "Gabriel Battenberg is a direct descendant of Robert as she is of Tsar Nicholas. I presume at home you actually have documents that will prove everything without the need of the DNA tests. Regardless they will tell us all we need to know." "I think we had better come for our breakfast and then I will tell what I know. As for the documents I have them all here." Nena made a telephone call and said, "Can the Royal heralds return to Scarborough as some more documents have turned up." With that the group followed Nena to the dining room. Kim saw Gaby and ran across and cuddled her. "Gaby these two are my cousins and fans of yours. We understand we have to be fitted out for bridesmaid's dresses. Nena says all the young ones are to be bridesmaids." Holly and Ivy's faces paled when they saw Gaby. They each did a perfect curtsey. The grand mother noticed and came across. "Oh my god you even look like Katherine the Great." Renate said, "Come have your breakfast then we would all like to know about the escape." "The Tsar realised that the family was in danger. He found three serving girls who looked like his daughters. The serving girls took the daughters places so the rebels did not realise that an exchange had taken place. These three daughters managed to get out of Russia into Denmark and then got across to Scarborough. They settled down in Yorkshire to a life they were unaccustomed to. Cousin Edward visited them a time or two. Hence the reason Britain would never acknowledge Anna Anderson as the heir of the Tsar. For our mothers point of view it took the pressure of them. They got married and I was one of the results." Renate was silent for a moment. "I understood they were taken across the North Sea the same way as my sisters were in a submarine." "When Britain and Germany were at each others throat. At least neither government will ever admit they both helped in the rescue of three Russian princesses. I still think of those three girls who gave their lives so that Mum and her two sisters could survive." Renate spoke, "Actually those three did not die. Two days after your mothers escape the Tsar told them to change back into servant clothing and go to Germany on an errand for him. They all managed to get out of Russia and do as instructed. One of them continued to provide cover as Anna Anderson for her Princess for the rest of her life. I know all three ladies were well looked after for the rest of their lives. One of the three still lives although she is a very old lady and normally does not leave her home in Germany. She however has asked if she can be brought here as she wishes to meet the children of her princesses." Sonja spoke, "As one from both sides of the family I think all three should be treated as heroes. All three risked their lives for the Tsars daughters. She may not be a princess by birth. But she took on a princess's duty. She would have had to give up everything to pretend to be a daughter of the Tsar Nicholas. I think as that is the case we should all treat her as a Senior Princess of Russia. For if it was not for her sisters and her sacrifice Gaby and many others would not be here." Gaby spoke, "Well anybody who has lived as long as she has is due respect from us all. Grandmas what do you think on this subject?" Granny Peters spoke, "As one who had to flee from her homeland I know some of what she went through. I agree Gaby she should be treated as a princess of Russia." Before the breakfast was over the Royal Heralds had returned. This time it was Prince Charles who flew the Helicopter. "I brought these two with me. They wanted to watch this weekends events." The heralds looked at the documents that were handed to them and then asked if all those with brand marks could line up so they could inspect them. The heralds looked at the marks. Then they got to Gaby. They looked at Gaby's wrist. "Wrong spot gents it is on my arm." The senior herald said, "Why was I not informed of this previously?" "That is quite simple. Neither I nor my sister realised they were important until one of my cousins let on about knowing some others with a similar mark. As for the three late princesses they are being exhumed from their current place of rest and their DNA is to be extracted and then they will be laid to rest in the Minster on my instructions as will Robert Battenberg." "By any chance has anybody here got a branding set?" Anastasia and Tatiana's mother said, "I brought all three sets as I thought you might like to see them." Each set was identical except they were inscribed with the name of a different Russian Princess. The Herald lifted the items out and then shook the box of the senior princess. He then pressed a panel and a secret drawer was revealed. There was a letter wrote in French and what looked like a ring. The herald placed the ring on Gaby's hand. "I do not need to see any DNA tests. Obviously three of the Tsar's daughters made it to Britain or these would not be here. This letter tells how 3 sisters who were members of the court took the princesses places. It also tells how those later three were given shelter in Germany. These documents tell me which daughters got married and to whom. The documents also tell me what names the Princesses assumed while in Britain. If nothing else these documents will allow Queen Gabriel to claim the estate of the late Tsar Nicholas and family." Gaby spoke, "Gentlemen will you put in the relevant claims for all my family? Now though I am going shopping with my cousins for some dresses." With that the group of girls headed directly for Boyce's department store. There they were greeted like long lost friends. The old gentleman came to personally supervise the sales. Sigfried came and when he saw his friend gave him a hug. "Normally I avoid these places when the ladies are shopping. However I could not miss this chance to see you again. I should advise you to wear a dress suit for Harrogate next week. Now are you coming down to the sea front this afternoon to watch the races? Most of these young ladies will be riding at some point in the afternoon." The son came in "Dad I have just been watching a massive warship docking at the pier where the Regal Lady and Coronia normally dock. It looks like an aircraft carrier and is called the St Petersburg." Sigfried spoke, "Can you send all these items across to the hotel? The ship has arrived sooner than I expected. There is a very special guest on board we need to meet." With that the group walked down the hill to the west pier. Nena spoke, "Oh it is massive. Look it must be Russian as it is called the St Petersburg." Sigfried spoke, "White Russian to be exact. A unit of White Russians has been in Germany since the First World War. They are loyal to the Tsar and all his family. I did not know though the St Petersburg was a white Russian Ship. In fact I did not realise it existed." As they got nearer somebody blew a whistle. Soldiers all dressed in white marched off the ship and on to the dockside. Then some sailors did the same. The captain came pushing a wheelchair with an elderly lady in it." Sigfried whispered to Gaby, "She is the last of the three decoys." As Gaby accompanied by her friends walked towards the lady the first soldier noticed the mark on Gaby's arm and saluted. One by one the others did the same. As Gaby got near the elderly lady she saw tears running down her face. Gaby saluted the captain and said, "I will take the princess to inspect her troops and sailors." The captain returned the salute. Gaby slowly pushed the chair up and down the ranks of soldiers and sailors. As she was nearly finished a car with several senior females arrived at the dockside. Renate watched amused as Gaby inspected the men. She then noticed the flag the ship was flying. The old lady spoke, "You may be dressed like a princess but that mark tells us all that you were born a prince." Gaby spoke, "Yes you are correct I was born a boy, but because of a faulty gene I am becoming female. Soon I will become queen of this land and of Germany and Austria." "You are so like my mistress in her younger days. As we speak a message is being sent to the Latvian, Lithuanian and Ukrainian premiers your existence is confirmed. You may not know it but this is a very important day for those countries. I was given a task to do by the late Tsar Nicholas. Do you mind kneeling in front of this old lady? I would stand but I am too frail these days. " Gaby knelt and the aged princess placed a tiara on Gaby's head. "That is the crown of Catherine the Great I have placed on your head. My job is now finished and I can join my sisters in heaven." "I can not permit you to go yet as I have not had my coronation. In addition my grandmas wish to have a chat with you. Me and my cousins would like to know how you escaped from Russia to Germany." Ulrig spoke, "Oh my god they brought her in an Ul 'yanovsk Class Aircraft carrier. I understood they never got completed when the Soviet Union broke up," The captain spoke, "The Ukrainian government sold off the Riga and that ended up in the hands of the Peoples Red Army. This was bought as a shell by a group of Russian businessmen interested in using it as a casino. On behalf of those businessmen I formally hand the St Petersburg to her Majesty Queen Gabriel of Northumbria. All the men you see soldier or sailor are loyal White Russians and all have contributed to buying her." "Tell me Kaptain how many of these are Russian Princes or children of Russian Aristocracy? Along with my sisters and boyfriends we bought an ex British minesweeper as our ship. It looks like I now have two ships. Ulrig I will not have the men out of pocket Will you see they are repaid their costs?" The Kaptain started to laugh, "My Queen most in some way are related to you although not all are Russian. Some are from other displaced Royal families including German ones." As Gaby pushed the old princess up and down the ranks one sailor said, "Permission to take photos for our families back home." "Granted, would you like me to kneel again so you can get one of Catherine's crown going on my head? "Yes please." As Gaby knelt down there was a volley of flashes as many cameras went off. As she stood up there was more photos taken. The local reporter from the Scarborough Evening News came to see why a massive warship was in the harbour. The service men wasted no time in sending the pictures and video back home. In Riga one man's wife worked in the television studio. She showed the pictures to her colleagues. The news department decided to broadcast the pictures. This broadcast would be picked up in other former Soviet countries. Some played the national anthem when the crowning of Gabriel took place. The reporter from the Evening news asked, "That looks very much like the crown of Catherine the Great. It went missing around the time the Tsar and family were murdered." "Young man you are partially correct. The Reds never found it as I had it. It was my duty to place it on my sister's child or grandchild. That duty has now been performed. It was never lost. My sisters all knew where it was. Now it is back with who should wear it by right." The reporter spoke, "Queen Gabriel you do not understand do you? My granny was from Russia and she used to tell me it did not need a coronation in a grand cathedral to be king or queen of all the Russians. All it needed was the crown of Catherine to be placed on their head and for the people to witness that. That certainly has happened here. The daughter of the Tsar has placed it on your head and pictures will now be all over the former soviet block." The old lady spoke, "I carried my late father's wishes out and crowned the true king. I could never have claimed the crown, as neither could my two sisters as we were from the wrong side of the bed. Now you will understand why I was trusted with the crown. You are descended from one of my half sisters. Anna Anderson in America was one of my true sisters. The real Anastasia was in Yorkshire all the time." Gaby thought for a moment. "In that case I hope you will be at the Champions race as you will find out why I am nicknamed the queen who rides." The reporter started to laugh, "Sorry I have just realised Gaby Bond and Gabriel Battenberg are the same person. I will report this as Gabriel Battenberg and this afternoon's race as Gabriel Bond. I for one want to see how long it takes the rest of the media to see they have been had." With that he left. Gabriel spoke, "What is your real name Princess?" "Alice Lavinia is what I was baptised." "Then all shall call you Princess Alice Lavinia. Your father and mother would be proud of you. As far as I am concerned you are a princess of Russia." The sound of clapping made Gaby turn to see who was making the noise. She noticed her grandmother and sisters all clapping. "Well said Gabriel for too long has Alice acted a part and now she can be her true self." Nena spoke, "Welcome Princess Alice. On behalf of all the family I greet you and all the Junior Princesses will take turns in pushing you. The morning has gone quicker than we expected and we will have to go back to the hotel for our lunch." Kapitan by any chance have you any champions among those you brought on the St Petersburg? Two came forward a man and a woman. The woman spoke, "We are both Olympic champions if that is ok. I am the Ladies and my husband he is the men's Ski, Cross-country and Rifle sharp shooting champions." "In that case you are eligible provided you can ride a bike. We are having charity rides this afternoon and tomorrow to raise funds for two charities." The two of them looked at each other and the woman spoke again, "We have our own bike although it is a special one so we can take our child when we go riding." The woman clapped her hands and a nurse came holding the hand of a young child. The child went running up to Princess Alice and scrambled on her knee." "I had to stay with my nurse Nana. She said there was somebody very important and I had to behave. Can I have my cuddles now?" Nena spoke, "Well you are pretty. May I and my friends also have a cuddle? Would you like to come with us and have lunch at our hotel and then ride with the Champions?" "Mum and Dad are champions they though got me, forever destined to look like a young child even though I am sixteen years old. I will die as I look now. My brain will never develop any further. My body is stuck as it is now. Sorry I did not introduce myself I am called Heidi Greta Samantha but I tend to get Baby from everybody" "Well I am called Nena and I ride with the Angels team and also I am the tour director. What we have a need of is an Angels' mascot and you will do nicely for that job. Also two from the team are getting married and have need of a flower girl to lead the bridesmaids up the aisle. So what do you say?" Princess Alice spoke, "You have just been offered a job you are suitable for and only last night you were telling me you would never be able to get work." "Ok so long as Mum and Dad agree." Nena spoke, "Before we leave here we need to look at the Yorkist." "It's over there and it looks tiny against the St Petersburg," said Baby "Yes I see it has been moved from where we left it. Well we better see if the required work has been done." Samantha and Greta came and took hold of Baby's hands "We are called Samantha and Greta and are official mascot carers. We did not get chance to see the Yorkist before so this time we want to look at her." Captain Starkey's grandfather was still aboard when the girls arrived. Nena went straight and boarded the ship. "Captain we have a guest with us and could you send two strong sailors to carry her aboard? She may need help to get on board the Yorkist." "You two have my names so you both can be my big sisters and I will be Baby." Two of the sailors went and carried Princess Alice on board the ship. "Well girls I can see why you like this ship. She is like a floating palace. Had I been younger I would also have liked to sail in her. Perhaps a short cruise one evening will do." The captain's grandfather came into the cabin. "Captain you have a smart ship here. You take after your old grandpa." "Ya." "Oh sorry I did not realise you had ladies on board." Princess Alice spoke in a very sharp tone "Gunther I was informed you were dead. Obviously that report was wrong. Well are you going to introduce me?" Poor Gunther looked as if he had seen a ghost. "I see you thought I would be long dead like your late mother. Well this Alice Lavinia is very much alive and intends to attend a coronation of a new queen. I have already placed the crown of Catherine on her head." Nena smiled as an elderly gentleman got down on his knees in front of Princess Alice. "I am sorry Princess Alice. The captain is my grandson and he has some of the grandsons of my former colleagues as his crew." Nena and Gaby went to help Gunther up. It was obvious he was struggling. The Captain spoke, "If I may in grandpa's defence. The captain of a fishing boat in the North Sea found him more dead than alive. For a very long time he was nursed by my grandma. Eventually he married her but still had difficulty remembering his former life in Germany. Over time his memory returned and he asked me to check on his German family. The letter I sent to the address he gave me was returned house destroyed family presumed dead. So I never looked any further." Alice started to smile. "Gunther I presume that is an abbreviated version of what happened. It is obvious to me you are equally as frail as I am although I am 20 senior to you come sit here with me. That old uniform tells me it has been lovingly repaired by hands that cared for you." "Princess Alice my late wife repaired it for me. Both she and my late father in law knew I was a German. To them that did not matter. I was first a person. They took me in cared for me and eventually I became skipper of that fishing boat that saved my life. My son is now currently out looking for fish. He was here earlier but had to go to work. I decided to stay and have a good look round David's ship. Those two sailors who carried you aboard apparently are my great nephews. As you can see although I went back to sea I have restricted movement. Now you two ladies who helped me up should have left it to the boys to help." This brought a giggle from some of the girls. Nena spoke, "Because of your action and that of your crew you transported many of the Royal family to England during a turbulent time. For this action you will be presented with two awards one from Queen Elizabeth and the other from Queen Gabriel. The presentation will take place at the Yorkshire show on the final day. Queen Gabriel currently only has a navy of two ships. However she does have the need for an admiral to see the crews are kept in order. I think a new uniform would also be in order." Gunther started to smile. "Well I know where there is a brand new captain's uniform although it will need certain additions to alter it from captain to Admiral." Princess Alice spoke, "Well I think those who owe their lives to you should do the alterations. I am sure the alterations will be done with as much love and attention as your late wife spent on your old uniform. In fact as your aunt I will do your first stitches if somebody can thread a needle for me." Baby spoke up, "I can do that for you." "In that case I will call at Boyce's and get the uniform." Gaby spoke, "You will have time after lunch and we need to get you a set of wheels. As I have to get ready for the ride grandma and Princess Alice can ensure you are suitably attired. This evening though I want you in your new uniform we have to go and visit another old lady and you, your son and grandson are all required." Captain David Starky spoke, "She will be waiting for us around 19:00. Or so I am informed." Renate spoke, "Gunther and Alice you both had better take the car. We will use the sea lift to get to the hotel. Captain Starkey you may accompany me back to the hotel." With that the car set off and the others walked the short distance on the sea front to the sea lift. In Russia the Premier was far from pleased. In front of the Russian Premier stood a very nervous man. "Who exactly did we bury as the Royal Family? Obviously it was not the daughters of the Tsar as the British have them all including one alive who I was informed was dead and there she is alive on national television crowning a girl with Catherine's crown. Do you realise how that makes me feel?" "Sir we did find the remains of the Tsar and his wife. When the other bodies did not correctly match the profile some tombs of other Royals were pilfered and they were identified as been Royal which was correct. It was just they were not the Tsar's daughters." "We are trying to put the days of the Communist era behind us. You will go on television immediately and explain what happened and why." A short time later a nervous aide went in front of the TV cameras. "As most of you will have noticed from the broadcasts of other countries the crown of Catherine the Great was placed on the head of Queen Gabriel Battenburg on the dockside in Scarborough. This was done by one of our late Tsar's daughters who have been living in Germany accompanied by White Russians. Archaeologists in their eagerness to provide the required bodies discovered they had the Tsar and his wife but not the daughters. Some person unknown swapped the other bodies for bones pilfered from Royal tombs and claimed them as the daughters. This we now know is incorrect as the British had the bodies and they have been interred in York Minster. Blood tests and DNA tests provided by the British prove beyond doubt the crown of Catherine went on the correct head." The premiers of Lithuania, Latvia, and Ukraine all grinned at the news. They had already sent representation to Queen Gabriel. Now they were boarding warships of their respective countries. The captains were all given a new flag to fly." In Scarborough Gaby was totally oblivious to what was happening across Europe. She went to prepare for the ride. Meanwhile Gunther and Alice went to the department store. There he got two uniforms and discovered they had the correct insignia for an Admiral already on one but the other needed sewing on. "I will wear that now and the ladies will adapt the other for me. Now do you have one of these wheelchairs that will fit me? I might as well be comfortable while the young ones do the charity rides." Gaby, Nena and friends discovered the van with the bikes on had been taken down to the spa so they walked to the distance to the sea lift and then walked across to the start. They noticed there were several Apollonaris vans. Gaby started to grin. The latest champions from Manchester had turned up after winning the indoor cycling championships. She also noticed all the Lamkin clan were there along with friends from the motorcycle world. Dougie spoke, "Is my Jennifer behaving her self and is my dad?" Nena spoke, "Well Jennifer has been well behaved as for your father he seams to be rather occupied with several ladies including my mother." "I hope you girls do not mind I asked a few more friends who are or were champions to come along. Between us all these next two days we should raise quite a bit." There was even a van from BBC Top Gear and their presenters including Richard Hammond. Nena looked at Richard and said, "You're the high speed crash man. How do you feel about taking something a bit slower out for a ride?" Richard spoke, "Well all of the presenters will do at least two circuits if you can get the captains to wear these helmets. They have micro cameras in them and will transmit to the van." Gaby spoke, "Well the juniors go first and the captain and vice captain will wear one for you. As for the seniors perhaps you should ask my mother Jenny Bond." Martin spoke, "Well if you can attach one to my helmet and and that of my Brother Arthur we will film the motorbikes for you." Gabriel noticed the two disabled girls waiting by the side of the van, their mother spoke, "I put them in the suits you gave me. I was unsure where to wait for you. So when I saw the van I thought we would wait here. Bill got the bike out for Gaby. "Who is taking the second child?" "That is me," replied Maddy. Poor Bill did a double take. "There are two of you." "Well there was the last time we checked. I am Maddy and that is Gaby." The bikes were then brought out for the remainder of the team. Bill said, "We have been busy last night attaching these adoption units so children can ride with you all." The adults had similar units fitted to their bikes. Jools came and said, "Gaby look who is here with support from the Yorkshire Regiment." "Sorry Gaby I did not let you know I was coming. Jools has promised to be my engine today. Godfrid is fitting my seat as we speak." One of the disabled girls spoke. "Instead of doing all three laps with me we could change so we all get Maddy, Gaby and Jools." Gaby looked at the other two who nodded their heads. Then they started off once the rest of the team collected their passengers. It proved to be quite a hard afternoon for Gaby as she also joined the senior ladies for their ride. Then it was the time of the men. Apollonaris did not have a men's team as such but several well-known people took part. One chap turned up. "Is this the place for the Champion rides?" He then looked at Gaby. "I see we meet again Miss Bond." "Lance Armstrong we were not expecting you however you are just in time for the men's ride." Gaby noticed two boys looking rather sad in the crowd. "Why are you sad?" "We did not get chance to ride with the champions and we have to return home later today." Lance looked at the older boy who was completely bald. "I take it you are having treatment for the big C like me. I think if we can get one of those gadgets on you can come on my bike. We big C boys have to stick together." Gaby looked at the smaller child. "Well your brother gets the men's champion and I have beaten him and I am the junior champion so would you like a ride with me?" Gaby had forgotten the camera on her head. They set off as normal and did the first two laps ok. As they got to the Corner cafe turn round Lance shouted to Gaby. Want to give them a spectacular finish and see if you can beat me with a passenger on?" The young boy behind Gaby said, "Go for it Gaby we are the winning team." Gaby gave Lance the thumbs up sign and she was off like a rocket. For a second or two Lance Armstrong was shocked she was still so fast. His passenger said, "Lance they are miles ahead of us now." Lance realised Gaby had done it again He set off but soon found the extra weight slowed him down. However he still went fast in comparison to the leisurely ride they had been having earlier. As he got near to the spa he could hear the chant Go Gaby Go. He found Gaby had arrived just two seconds before him but she had collapsed after getting off the bike. She stood the young boy as the team doctor arrived. "Is she going to be ok? We are the winning team." Dr Helga looked at the child clutching hold of Gaby. "When my brother was sick I held his hand to let him know I was there. We fight but he is my big brother." Gaby started coming round. Dr Helga handed her a drink. "That should help replace some of your lost energy." "When my brother was low in energy I had to give him a cuddle like this." Gaby smiled and said, "Yes I can feel all that energy flowing into me." The mother came to collect both boys. "Thank you for taking them out. You must be worn out after riding all afternoon. We will have to go and get some tea and then I have to catch the train home." Gaby noticed the youngest was still holding her hand. "Well all those who rode with me today are coming back for a meal. My friend here needs pushing. Will you give me a hand?" Gaby then turned to the officer. "As we are dealing with your daughter, could you help the mother bring the other child to my hotel?" "He saluted you like daddy used to do to officers. Daddy went to heaven in Hell. My brother is now the man of the house. I wear his old clothing as Mummy is finding it hard bringing us two up." The soldier was giving the other child a piggyback. "Did I here you correctly that your Daddy went to heaven in hell? Would that be Hellman?" "Their father was in the Dukes that became part of the Yorkshire Regiment. There was a helicopter crash and he did not survive. Since then I have had trouble finding a home and sorting everything out especially as this one needs to go hospital for treatment and employers do not like you taking time off." As they got to the sea lift the girl in the wheelchair spoke, "I need a nurse and carer. I also have to go to hospital a lot. We have a big house with plenty of rooms. Can you drive?" "Sorry about that my daughter sees any unattached female as suitable as her carer. She is correct though she does need a carer and we do have enough room for your children. The hours are long and the pay is poor but you do get board and lodging a car and food and a clothing allowance. Also this is one employer who would not mind you going to the hospital. Currently my sister helps me out and my men act as baby sitters if required." "Dad you missed out one important bit. I have to have somebody who can drive me to the races when you cannot be there. Gaby expects me to be there. Also I need a little sister to teach all sorts of things to and she should be an army brat like me." "You knew I am a girl. How did you know? Because everybody thinks I am a boy." "Just little things like holding Gaby's hand and giving her a cuddle to make her better. Boys would not do that." "So there is no misunderstanding you are looking for a housekeeper cum carer for your daughter and she is looking for a mother which might or might not happen only time will tell on that. I know as a serving officer you could get called away at anytime. I am used to Army life, as are my children. So I would be interested if that was a serious offer." "Gaby will you still be riding now after what has happened?" "Sorry I thought you had only fainted. Is what you got serious?" "Err yes I suppose it is serious although I intend for it not to restrict me." Granny Peters spoke, "You have three more guests arriving shortly. They will land on the St Petersburg. I will send the car down for them." The mother spoke, "Why would they land on the Aircraft carrier at the West Pier. What sort of guests are these?" Baby started to laugh and then said, "I know why as do most of the others here do. I came on the St Petersburg to greet my Queen. Your daughter has been clinging hold of my Queens hand." The officer spoke Queen Gabriel my house keeper still has not realised why you might not be able to ride." The poor woman started to do a curtsey and got muddled up. Nena spoke, "Not here this is a no protocol zone. None of us would get any food if we applied that rule as it is supposed to be." "But you have been on the bike all afternoon. Should you not be watching?" "I love riding it was because my Mum is the ladies champion I am here and the fact I am junior champion. Today and tomorrow I ride. After that even I do not know what is going to happen. Now though I need the help of Baby and my new friend who is still clinging hold of me like a limpet." Baby ran and took Gaby's other hand. With that they left the dining room. Renate spoke, "All the rest of us are now in the Ballroom. That includes our guests." Most knew where to sit. Granny Peters motioned to the group to come across and sit with her. Renate spoke, "you remind me of somebody I once knew a long time ago. It looks like Gaby has done it again without knowing. A simple blood teat and DNA one will tell us if she has the correct family. Now you sir I am given to understand your future duties are the safety and security of Gabriel Battenberg. I also understand you need carers for your child. Well I have a company of grannies who would love nothing better than to look after your child. After all you will be looking after our children. Now sir Princess Alice wishes a chat with your daughter." The officer pushed the chair across to where Gunther and Alice were sitting He saluted Gunther and then bowed to Alice. "Stop that nonsense and place her on my lap we ladies need a chat. You may return to your future wife now." "Are you comfortable?" "Yes but am I not heavy on you?" "On my way here Baby adopted me as her nana and spent most of her time with me. Now what I want to know is how you met Gaby? "That is easy it was at a race that she won. We became friends and I told her I wished I could go on a bike with her. She made some adaptation for her bike so I could go with her. Dad nearly had a heart attack when he saw it and had the men of his unit make something more substantial. Gaby took me out for a ride, but I noticed several of the men from dads unit also happened to be cycling in the same area. I think dad had ordered them to keep an eye out for us. After taking me out Gaby cycled back home. Oh all the ladies have put on Tiaras." "Ah in that case we had better do the same. Can you put this on my head? Now I have a tiny one somewhere for you." Trumpets blew and all but those in wheelchairs stood up. The doors opened and Gaby wearing the crown of Catherine walked slowly to the centre. There she sat on the chair and the others all sat down again. Baby and friend sat either side of Gaby both still holding her hand. The trumpets blew again and the door opened. Three gentlemen approached the throne. Their names and countries they represented were announced. "Greetings gentlemen welcome to the court of Queen Gabriel of Northumbria. What may we do for you?" The three looked at each other. The Latvia representative spoke. "Your majesty the placing of Catherine's crown on your head was broadcast across all our countries. We had to order a week of national celebrations. The response from our population was fantastic. Many millions of our people witnessed the crown being placed on your head by the late Tsar Nicholas's only surviving daughter. Catherine was queen of many countries. In those days only a select few ever witnessed a coronation. Three of those countries are here now to say we acknowledge you as our supreme ruler. No doubt other countries will be also sending their representatives before long to say the same." "Gentlemen I hear the words you say. Unfortunatly I now have to be elsewhere. My closest friends will be with me along with several others. You may accompany my ladies as we go down to the pier. I have requested the use of both the Coronia and Regal Lady for those who wish to accompany us. Once we are aboard Beatrice you may take the Yorkist out into the North Sea. They took the sea lift down to the front. One of the sailors spoke, "Captain your father has only just got here and has gone for a shower as he was still in his working clothes. I gave him the bag you left for him and told him to leave his old clothes in the shower. As soon as everybody was aboard the Yorkist she set off. Beatrice was surprised. "She is going faster now with more of us aboard than earlier." Captain Starkey dried himself off and put the clothing his son had sent. He then folded the dirty clothing and placed it all in the bag. He then went to find his father and son. He grinned when he saw his father in the uniform of an Admiral. "Father that was rapid advancement from this morning when I left you. I got a fantastic catch of lobsters, crabs and shrimps and a few fish. He then noticed Princess Alice. "Oh my god! Sorry about that I thought I was seeing things. You remind me of my late mother and just for a moment I thought she had returned." Captain David took over from Beatrice and the ship slowed down. They got to a point were there was some warships already anchored. There also appeared to be a crane and two barges. The two pleasure cruisers soon joined them. The sea started to boil or at least lots and lots of bubbles broke the surface. Then a conning tower broke the surface. As the crane with two giant slings lifted the submarine out of the seawater gushed out of her. Eventually no more water came out and she was loaded on to one of the barges. Admiral Starkey looked through some binoculars and realised it was his old ship. The second ship intrigued them. Now the submarine was off her she also could be raised. At first glance she looked to be nothing more than a trawler. However her name pointed to her being foreign. There was a gaping hole in her side as if a mine had sunk her. Admiral Starkey spoke. "The flotsam we found must have been from her. We did not find the crew though. It is obvious now a mine got her." Once again the water gushed out of the ship as she was loaded on to a barge. Captain David got a message. The seabed under them is littered with the same item as before so we will need to tidy up here. "What is going to happen to my old ship now David? There are some artifacts I would like to retrieve from her if possible. Also there might be some live ammunition on board her." Actually the divers have already removed the ammunition and weapons. They had fun exploding them. They did discover some of the holds still appeared to be watertight. So they have been left till the ship was brought ashore. From what they told me it is a wonder the ship sank at all." "I do not know what all the cargo I had on board was. I do though know there were boxes for certain refugees in England. The other cargo was supposed to go to Japan. I have no idea what it was although an expert in Germany supervised the loading of sealed lead boxes." Markus von Bismarck spoke, "If those boxes are what I suspect then they will need sending under armed escort to Winscale in Cumbria. I believe they may be a similar cargo to what U234 had on board." Gaby spoke, "I watched a documentary on the U234. If this is similar it needs unloading and sending directly to Windscale. Presumably it is still ok after all these years. Will you arrange for it to be removed and disposed of as quickly as possible Markus?" Men from Windscale came down to inspect the cargo. They said, "The train will be needed. Some of these are giving off a small bit of radiation." Through the night a team worked removing the boxes marked with a skull and crossbones. Eventually they were all removed and the train left for Leeds and then Cumbria. The men though stayed in case any more boxes were found on the ship. The crew finally managed to break into the final hold there they found wooden boxes with names on and addresses. Also they found a manifest listing what should be there. There was a note 48 boxes not put on U234. Sent with this ship. "Well that tells me we have it all as I sent 48 boxes to Windscale. There is no danger from radiation and the leakage was only minor." A fleet of wagons came and the boxes were placed on them. The wagons took the boxes to the underground car park at the Royal. There the boxes were opened. The soldiers started to laugh. One of them went looking to see if anybody was about. Granny Peters was still up chatting to Renate. They both came to inspect the boxes. They both smiled when they saw the dresses. Renate spoke, "So they finally have arrived only 60 years late. I doubt that the dresses will fit you now although they might fit your grand daughters. There is one box though that could still be useful for you." Renate looked at the boxes "Ah this one I put your name on it but it was actually for you all. I suppose actually it should all go to Gaby. I was lucky to get to it before others got it. In fact I know certain persons were fuming when they found the vaults empty. Nobody but me realised what was in these boxes." The guards prised off the remaining lids. "Can you boys take the dresses out and then lift out the items at the bottom of each box? They are the reason they are so heavy not the dresses." In each box there was a layer of gold bars. Now boys if you care to check the dresses you will find there is a layer of gold coins sewn into them. It took me a while and I was surprised I was never suspected of removing the gold from fathers vault. I nailed the boxes myself and asked Gunther to take them to England. I told him the boxes had not to fall into the hands of the opposition." The men stacked bars of gold at the side of the boxes. Renate showed them how to remove a thread and the coins came cascading out of the dresses. One spoke into a telephone and asked for extra help. Before long another dozen men arrived. Meanwhile Renate and Granny Peters lifted the regalia of Ludwig and Frederick the Great on to the floor. Gunther came in pushed by his son. "I came to say we are going now and in the morning I will call at the ship. Oh my are those the boxes you had me take on the ship? "Only 60 years late and they have reached their destination. As you can see the reason why I did not want it to fall into the wrong hands. Now it has finally arrived." "Oh there are some more boxes in my cabin. They though are in metal boxes. I initially thought this was from them. Captain Will you have your men bring all boxes from the captains cabin here I will stay to inspect them." It did not take the men long to locate all the boxes and bring them to the hotel. Meanwhile all the regalia were finally out of the boxes. Welding gear was needed to open the greatly corroded boxes. Inside the first box though they were found the contents to be intact. The men opened the remaining boxes "Sir who does this belong to?" "Well officially it belonged to the Kaiser. Certain families felt it would be far safer in England rather than it stays in Germany. After all it was the same family. Now I suppose it actually belongs to Queen Gabriel, as do the other regalia. The other boxes contain other missing items that were presumed lost in the war. Certain boxes contain help for some royal refugees from other family members. Did the men find the secret area in front of the holds? In there, there was another box, but I do not know what it contains although I think it might be similar to the 48." Eventually the security team found the hidden compartment. They found several boxes. None of them gave off radiation. The officer in charge decided to open them and after inspecting the first box decided it should be sent to Windscale for disposal. One of the other boxes contained rolled up paintings and had an address in South America. Several of the others were very similar and the officer sent them to the hotel. There was a manifest stating what the pictures were and from where they had come. There were several more boxes that needed disposing at Windscale so they did not get into the wrong hands. A truck of soldiers got sent to take the boxes directly to Windscale. The ship was then checked out for other secret compartments. "Sir this has turned out to be a treasure ship. Are the other boxes similar to those we sent to the hotel?" When the remaining boxes got delivered Renate inspected them. The officer said, "Princess most of these are minus their frames and appear to be looted. We have a list of where they have been stolen from. However I believe most of these may belong to your family as they are listed as confiscated from your father's estate." There were tears in the eyes as both Granny Peters and Renate said the same places the paintings had come from. There were a few neither recognised and they asked the officer to go to the rooms of some others and ask them to come to the garage. Princess Alice was one who responded and came down. She looked at the pictures. "Yes I know where they used to be. Originally they were in the Winter Palace. After the Communists took over I do not know where they got put. Those are Faberge eggs and also were originally in the Winter Palace. By any chance did you discover any boxes with some brown resin in." "Yes I sent it for destruction as I thought it was something to do with the weapons." "Please you have to get it back. They are very important and belong in the amber room." Up at Windscale. All the boxes were opened and double-checked before the uranium was processed. One of the 48 boxes was not uranium but gold. This was handed back to the soldiers as were the boxes containing the amber. The scientists looked at the remaining boxes. One said, "They were close but this would never have worked. Had they managed though we all might be speaking a different language? It would not be safe though to leave these around so we will destroy them permanently. One of the scientists looked at the gold again. "I thought this was payment but when I look at the gold it has been shaped and I think these are the triggers or similar. The gold is still gold and needs returning. He then looked at the box containing the Amber and got excited. Where did this come from? An officer spoke, "British and German navies as part of a joint exercise salvaged two ships off east coast. This was done on the instructions of Queen Gabriel of Northumbria." "Would you gents like to have a meal in our canteen and you captain can you inform your superiors Dr Selena Parsi, Senior scientist here and also Dr of antiquities in Eastern Europe will be coming back with you and could somebody make arrangements for my stay?" The doctor vanished and a short time later returned with a case and a book. "The gold and amber have they been sealed yet?" "No that is our next task." Doctor Parisi took a piece of amber out and then a piece of gold. The gold fastened on to the amber. The doctor grinned. "I was mistaken earlier the gold goes with the amber. Officially it belongs to the Russian Royal family although the current government may try and claim it." "Dr I take it you have not watched the television over the last few days. If you have a computer I can show you." The captain showed the news broadcasts that had recently gone out. Then he showed the foreign broadcast of Gaby having the crown of Catherine placed on her head. "Oh I did not know and I was puzzled when you said Queen Gabriel of Northumbria. Besides that then from what I have gleaned she is also Queen of Germany and Austria and with Catherine's crown many of the Easton Europe countries will also recognise her." "I believe Latvia, Lithuania and the Ukraine already have recognised her and are sending official representatives who should arrive in a day or two." "If you gents do not mind I will try and sleep a little till we get to our destination. If possible could you order up at least 20 sheets of 8x4 foam? I have a very big jigsaw to reconstruct with only this as a clue." Dr Parisi put on her seatbelt and almost instantly dropped off to sleep. They drove through the night to return to Scarborough. The Captain on duty said. "The sheets of foam you ordered have arrived. What do you want them for?" "Not me, her and she is still sleeping soundly. I am supposed to awake her when we arrive." The Captain shook the woman gently. "Madam we are here."

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Chris Marrs All For Bet

Chris Marr’s all for Bet“Unghhhhhh! Unghhhh Ohhhh! Yes! Ohhhhh.”Bet held her husband close, her breath short, and felt his breath in her ear as he grunted his cumming. He went limp and lay, a dead weight, on her hot body.“Oh, that was beautiful, Baby,” he panted at last. “Still got the old oomph, Eh?”“Mmmm,” she said feeling the early tinglings of her own orgasm fade into the distance. “Can you just roll off me, love?”“Why?”“I got to go outside.”“Oh, dear. Old bladder not what it...

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My friend, I’ll call him “Chris,” followed me outside. It was summertime. The afternoon was turning into early evening, but it was still quite warm. We sat in the deck chairs and put our feet up on the railing. Below us, the yard fell away towards the fence line. My wife was down in the garden. She was naked except for garden clogs, gloves, sunglasses and a big straw hat. Her back was to us.We sipped our beers in silence, watching my wife.After several long moments Chris said, “Should we tell...

4 years ago
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Chris Evans 2Story Special

Main Title: Chris Evans 2-Story Special.Title: Elevator LoveRating: NC17Summary: two males get cozy in the elevator.It was a hot Sunday and I had just returned from grabbing a cup o' joe at my Starbucks across the street. Since it was the weekend I had slept in till late. Now I was getting ready to go back to my apartment and do whatever was the first thing that would come to mind.So far I hadn't made any plans. I would see to it as soon as the elevator would get up on my floor. As I pressed...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

3 years ago
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Chris and Dave

Chris and Dave Long lost loveChris stood in the gardens waiting for David, the contractor who was going to re-construct the home that had been left to her by her Grandparents. She intended to oversee the whole project from start to finish. David had been recommended by a good friend and she liked his ideas and quotes. There had been a lot of correspondence between the two parties over the last few months but she had yet to meet him personally.A truck turned into the driveway and pulled up a few...

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Chris and Kim pt 03

Saturday: After Friday morning Kim was very distracted. He had spent the whole day half naked, never managing to get on more than a camisole and panties before his hands kept finding their way back to his body. All he could think about was the feel of Chris' strong hands on his ass, and how desperately he wanted to feel them again. And so much more. How to get Chris' hands on him again was the big question. Getting out of bed he slipped into a pair of little panties and a long sleeve shirt...

1 year ago
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Chris and Vinny

It was a hot summer night and two young 18 year old boys were having yet another sleepover. One of the young boys mother (Joanne) could hear screams coming from the basement, she figured she wouldn't go check on them because they were probaly just playing. Little did she know that Chris was actually jamming his long hard 9 inch cock into Vinnys small firm white ass. Chris and Vinny had started becoming friends since around the summer of sixth grade. They hung out at lot doing the usual little...

3 years ago
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Chriss StepdadPart 4

Bear in mind the usual disclaimers.And thanks for the feedback to the story so far,I appreciate it.I should point out that whilst much of what's written is true,there will be embelishments & outright fiction included from here-on-in.As lunchtime approached I found myself thinking over the last 24 hours or so,to the point where Mr.Whitehead threw a piece of chalk at my head and told me to,"STOP daydreamning,Dixon".Now seriously,just how many k**s are actually interested in some old king...

2 years ago
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Chris and Christie

I had known Christie my whole life, and to hear our folks tell it, I had been in love with her too. They say that I used to follow her around like a little puppy dog. Whenever mom couldn’t find me, she’d go next door to their house, and sure enough, I’d be wherever Christie was, just watching her. They once found me curled up under her bed while she napped. They would tell these stories to anyone, while I would blush madly and stare at my shoes, but who could really blame me? Blue...

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Chris and Sarah Part 2

Sarah waited patiently as Chris locked up the house, and she put her hands in her pocket, walking side by side with him. They talked about a ton of subjects from what was going on in the country and how it was affecting his job, to the classes she was gonna be taking in school. After about an hour of walking they turned and headed back home. "Well, the move was a hard one." She said, looking up at the sky, which was a hue of pick and orange, blue and purple. It was getting darker, and colder....

1 year ago
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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 13

Chapter 13. Day 11 Wednesday 10th July 2008. Visit to Escape and Junction 32 at the former Glasshoughton site. During the night the construction of the harbour was completed by the Russians and all the services connected up by the local utilities. The mayor of Scarborough had gone to inspect the new installation and make preparations for a party in the evening. The oldies who wanted to go shopping had boarded the coaches driven by John and Arthur. Den had taken his coach to Paxton's...

1 year ago
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Chris and Matts Camping Fun Part I

Based on 2 guys' REAL activities! By: Rick Green Well here is a little background for you. These two guys needed a totally SAFE place to fuck around without worry of getting thats when they planned their trip to the woods. It was the start of summer. Chris and Matt decided they were going to take a little trip to the woods. Chris, the older of the two men was determined to get some sexual release somehow. The two men were not gay, but they aren't closed-minded! They...

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Chriss StepdadPart 7

Disclaimers apply etc.By the time me and Chris reached his house we were both out of breath and as he put the key in the door lock I was bent over,hands on knees panting for breath.I heard the door open and looked up to see Chris's daddy stood in the doorway.He was wearing white shorts,the kind which were split up the side seam(,runners shorts I think they were),and that was it,no vest,no t-shirt."Hi daddy,I've got Paul with me like I promised I would.Guess what? Paul's done something twice...

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Chris and Alex the beginning

The family had moved in about a year before anything in the story happened. I was a horny thirteen year old 8th grader who lived alone with his widowed mother. We got along fairly well with our next door neighbors but never spent a lot of time with them. There was Jimmy and his wife Kelly who were in their early forties plus their 3 boys Jon, Chris and Alex. Ages sixteen, eleven and seven respectively. All in this modest 3 bedroom home. The boys never really spent much time outside, but they...

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Chris and Kim pt 01

So this is the first part of a story, hopefully it is readable! It starts off slow but everything starts small ;) Monday: "Hey man, I havn't heard from you in a while" Kim said as he answered his phone, adding with a laugh with, "I was wondering if you got hit by a car!" "After my week, I really wish I had been. Some days, man some days. So what have you been up to? He replied. They talked for a half hour catching up on the last few months before it became pretty clear from his tone of voice,...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Chris 8

DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.'Ouuuuu you hot little bitch.... suck my fucking clitty, honey!' Gene groaned, feeling Ty's lips wrap around his throbbing cock while Ty ground his into Gene's face. Gene tugged on Ty's panties, working them down, and first sucked each of his balls into his mouth, then tongued his asshole, before licking, then sucking, Ty's cock for...

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Chriss StepDadPart 3

You should know the 'usual disclaimers' so you make up your own mind about whether it's legal to read this where you are.I'm not advocating sex between minors and adults,or i****t.What I got up to in my youth was entirely consensual.Read on and hopefully enjoy.After dad had visited me in my bedroom I'd dreamt of him and how he'd made his chat with me sex based.So when I woke the next morning I wasn't really surprised to find my knoblet was rigid with my little hand wrapped round it! I lay there...

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Chris cums home last week 182016

Hello everyone – a mostly true story that just happened!!!Today my Bi- friend Chris arrived back from a few months in Malaysia. He said he had been reading my stories and wanted to be part of them. So we decided to act one out and he would a Sissy (well I always thought he was one anyway!!)Firstly I fitted him with a pair of Niplettes which he wore all day. He loved the way his nipples doubled in size. When I took them off and rubbed oil on them he started fondling mine through my silky blouse....

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Chriss StepdadPart 5

Don't forget the warnings/disclaimers.After we'd finished our lunch Chris and me headed out to the school yard.A few of my mates were kicking a ball around but Chris said we should go and sit on our own.We wandered over to the big old chestnut tree away from everyone else.I noticed he had his hand in his shorts pocket and he had like a dreamy look on his face.I nudged him and asked him what he was thinking about.He smile,almost to himself,like he wasn't listening to me.So I nudged him again,a...

1 year ago
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Chris becomes a party girl Part 1

It was a few weeks before graduation and hard to believe that Chris who only last summer was a virgin wanted to be tonights party girl. Since last year we had expanded our party group to include 9 guys and a number of girls. Not all the girls had become what we called a party girl. Chris would be our 5th. Unlike a most tradition gangbangs were a girl takes on all the guys in the room our version had the girl in a bedroom and guys would take turns one by one with her. Our rules are simple to be...

Group Sex
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Chris and Kayla secrets finally merge

I've been fantasizing about doing stuff with my brother's for a long time. Since we went on vacation, he's been on my mind a lot. he's a little bit older than me and i would love to do many things with him. This story is based on a dream i had, it also takes place when we were both younger. so please enjoy. Chris would come home to see mom and dad almost every day, just to say hi and we always wrestled, beat each other up, chased each other around the house, and were acting like...

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Chris and Kim pt 05

This had to be heaven, Kim thought to herself. Her she was in her favorite white lingerie, spread across the bed half naked. And Chris was fucking her with every last ounce of his energy. Each thrust of his cock sent ripples through her body, it was like she was having an orgasm every time he buried himself deep inside her. Before long she couldnt even hold back, her ass was throbbing with need and her body was lost in her desire. She had never felt as complete before as she felt now with...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Chris and Kim pt 02

Friday: When Kim got up it was already late, but his head was pounding, and as much as he wanted to get back to sleep, he had to deal with that first. Throwing on a silk robe he headed out to the kitchen to get some juice. It wasn't until he got to the kitchen that he remembered that Chris had passed out on the couch the night before. He quickly belted up his robe to hide his nudity. "Hey is that you? I'm dead, don't mind me" Chris croaked from the living room. Giggling and pouring a glass...

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Chriss StepdadPart 1

So,you all know the routine by now.Don't read if it's gonna get the police where you live crashing thtough your door.I have never,and will never advocate abuse of k**s in any way,shape or form.My experiences were all CONSENSUAL,no-one 'groomed' me or forced me.Some of the language I use is exaggerated so don't go all puritan on me.It is what it is! Enjoy!Chris was probably my closest mate.We'd first met when we were both around 7 years old and he and his family had moved into the avenue where I...

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