Dynatech free porn video

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I had been hired by Dynatech industries just a week earlier. Out of work for near six months I would have taken anything, and Dynatech was a dream. They produced pharmaceuticals and other high end products, nothing that saw its way down to us lowly folks, but lots of hush stuff that the bigger companies would use in production of its more household names. They were mostly an R&D firm but had a small factory just off the cost of West Virginia. Well just off would be an understatement, it was an hour helicopter ride from shore, just over the boarder where US waters gave way to their international cousins. Not everything Dynatech produced was yet approved by the FDA but that didn't mean they didn't want to sell it, especially to those who would prefer not to be hassled by US regulations. This is what I had picked up in orientation, in their US offices. The week since I had had the interview was a blur, lots of moving and tying up lose ends. I had lived all my life in California, so the move out east was to be a big deal. I quietly held a bit of sadness that there was so little saying goodbye, a wave to the landlady and the nice neighbor couple, but no one I could really call friend. No girlfriend, and after my parents death no real family to speak of. I thought at the time, what a great new start this would be, washing away the old, time to start something new. And so with my life in a suitcase, and a turn of my old apartments key, I was off to begin my new life. So that was the thought in my head as I watched the cold grey waters of the Atlantic slide away beneath the helicopter, the cool breeze whipping the waves as I plunged towards Dynatech's home base. They had acquired the island, more of a sandy key, from a private investor, the tiny spit of land had to have seemed useless to its owner, hardly large enough to put a boat doc on much less anything else. But Dynatech had put Billions into outfitting their home base, and tippled the islands size with artificial land mass. Even having know all this from orientation I was still amazed as it came into view. It looked like a small city, perched on the island, great glass towers challenging the sky. I knew that there was most of their laboratories, as well as a large and lavish living area for the staff, they simply could not afford to constantly be ferrying employees by helicopter or boat to and from the island. Every weekend there was a ferry that took people on and off for trips and things and of course the CEOs would come and go as they please, but us basic workers would generally live out our lives on the island. Seemed good to me, means that when I met someone at the store I would already have something in common with them. That thought brought a smile to my face. I had been hired, to be the personal assistant to the head of Dynatech, Benjamin Stark. I knew little about the man himself beside his corporate Bio. Mostly portfolio numbers, and resume and the like. It would be an adventure to meet the man who ran all this. The first few days were a whirlwind of paperwork. I tried to be studious, I really did, but after the tenth 40 page document of legalese I, found myself skimming, but the last I was just worn down and signing where I was told to sign, I was in information overload. The next week was stranger still. I was submitted to a battery of tests, physical, mental, and so on, I was poked and prodded and tested in every way possible. When I asked the whys they said that I had agreed to this all in the contracts, when I pressed they explained that the whole island is an isolated community, and with Dynatech paying for health insurance they needed to make sure who, and what they were bringing on board. A single slip up, say if they let someone with sars on the island, or if a serial killer slipped it could mean the death of hundreds of employees, and the cost of billions of dollars so everyone was checked. I though some of the tests and questions, especially the sexual ones were rather invasive, but it seemed logical so I played along. For the last exam they put me under for testing, but when I awoke, I was in a different place entirely, little did I know its from this place that my new life would really begin. "Ah awake I see," I groggily lifted my head and looked at the direction of the voice. "Good I like it when they are awake much better." I tried to sit up, but quickly found that I was strapped to a table or chair some strange device. There was Ben, standing over me, smiling that self satisfied grin of his. I didn't understand, as my body started to flood with feeling I tried to shake my head to clear it but it felt strangely heavy. Something was on my head I tried to turn and see it. But whatever it was turned with me. I would not have to wonder long as Ben began to explain. "Welcome to where Dynatech makes its true money," he smiled that grin again, "we make sex slaves." Whatever questions I had froze in my throat, the million thoughts I had dieing on my lips, what in the world? It was like waking up and being told that your on Mars, it was such a strange situation my brain could not wrap around processing it. "wha?" was all I could manage. "Oh it's a very lucrative business I assure you. There are thousands of rich lonely men out there, who would give anything for a beautiful woman who craved nothing but sex, and more importantly sex with them. I'm sure you've seen the news, women like Anna Nicole Smith, and thousands of other nameless faceless trophy wives go though every day to fill that market, supply and demand, don't you know?" "But we at Dynatech believe that they are selling second rate goods, and we want to provide the rich and the powerful nothing but the best. And that's where you come in." "What how? I don't see how I fit?" I managed the grogginess wavering. "Ah you see, you are the key, you are the reason that Dynatech sex salves," (It still bothered me how easily the CEO of this fortune 500 company said those words), "are set apart from the common rabble of the rest of the world." "Tell me, honestly what you think the difference in the sexes is." His charm was almost disarming, if I hadn't been strapped to this bed chair thing I would almost have thought it a casual question. "I umm," I struggled, "their sexual organs?" "Wrong," he said smiling and in a tone almost like he was talking to a child. "The bodies of the sexes are so similar it's amazing, did you know we all begin life as women? Well girls really, it's at the sixth week of gestation that the mothers womb releases a chemical that sets one apart from the other. If you think about it the organs are mostly the same, even the distinct ones, like your testicles, are just ovaries that took a different turn. Your Penis? A inside out, womb. Men have nipples, which are just vestigial breasts who never got a chance. After those bits man and woman are pretty much the same, two eyes, a head a heart, all that human, after all." "No you see, what makes men and women different is their brains, women think and act differently than men, they have different mannerisms, and ways of doing things, these things are what make women uniquely women." "We at Dynatech have studied these things, these things that make women women, we studied transsexuals, and the gender confused, and often we found these things, these mannerisms, feelings and thought patterns. These men, were truly women trapped in men's bodies. For they were women in all but the smallest way, and unfortunately for them, the way that you, like society values the most." He almost sounded genuinely sad and his charisma was such that I was hanging on ever word despite the situation, but I still had to question. "What does this have to do with sex salves?" "Everything!" he said suddenly excited again. "You see most sex salves are women, as that is what the old rich and powerful are after, most of them being men of course. And thus, up until very recently this is what Dynatech provided, we would hire women in a similar situation as you, young, alone, and in need of work. We wear them down with paperwork that signs their life away and then we make them disappear, and sell them to the highest bidder." I looked at him horrified. "Oh please, spare me your moral graces, men with my power have killed, and raped whole countries, I have ruined the lives of maybe a hundred women, but I made sure they were well taken care of, and Dynatech keeps tabs on them, I assure you they live better lives than they did before, and they have made men happy. Morals be damned I'm a saint." "But you see it was not enough, we were providing the best women that could be bought, and they were bought as men as rich as our clients can tell quality when they see it. But it was not enough, someone else could do what we did, and the girls, sure though conditioning, brainwashing and the very latest body enhancement they were the best they could be, but at the end of the day they were still women." "You see women, unlike men don't like sex for sex, they carry emotional attachment to it, it's a very personal thing for them, you are entering into them. Something about their brain chemistry has them wired that way. We did studies on Nymphomaniac women, the true outliers, the ones that really wanted sex with men, and you know what we found?" I shook my head, still vaguely aware of the strange contraption on it, headphones I decided. "Their brain chemistry was masculine. They were men in key areas. Female in others. It was a breakthrough, like a light going off, we compared the studies we did of the transgender brains we had come across, but we were missing one final piece and for the longest time it eluded me, but then I found it." "You see not all rich men are straight, but it took a long long time for a gay billionaire to arrive, and one to find his way to us. It was a new challenge, but one we were not unprepared for, we simply repeated our normal process on a suitable gay man, it took a little longer to find a prime suspect, but our client was happy to pay the extra expense to get what he wanted." "So your going to sell me as a gay sex salve? I hate to break it to you, but I'm not gay." He laughed, "Oh so you think. But no we are not going to sell you as a gay sex slave, that would be underestimating your value by a long shot. You see, the gay brain we got to look at was the final piece of the puzzle. We identified 3 areas of the brain that while close were actually very different from each other." "The first area controls sexual desire, we found it and mapped it, it took the gay brain to make the connection but there are just a few neurons to flip but there are 'I like girl' neurons, and 'I like boys' neurons. In men, well straight men the I like girl cells are on, in gay men the I like boy cells are on where the normal I like girl ones are off. Simple right." "But there is more, near and related to those cells are the I think like a girl, or I think like a boy. There are all the mannerisms, the hand down the pants, the feelings, the things that make the sexes truly distinct." "It was not until we found those that we found a very last cell, and perhaps the most important, within this cluster of 'I think like a boy' cells is a 'I like sex a lot cell' it's the Nympo cell if you will." "The thing is, and here's the truly tricky part is that if you flip the I think like a boy cells to be 'I think like a girl cells' as they were with the transgender, it flips the liking sex cell, so you end up with emotional people who place more value on sex than they should. We found we could train the women to act however we wanted we could flip the mannerism cells back and forth with chemistry and make slaves tailor made but we could not flip that last cell or they end up being lesbians, which non of our clients wanted, sure they were Nymphomaniac drop dead gorgeous bimbo Nymphomaniacs, but ones that only liked girls." "Then we hit on the light bulb moment, if we transformed a man into a drop dead gorgeous bimbo, and then flipped the I like boys cell, we would have, the prefect sex slave. Stupid devoted, stunningly beautiful, and in love with sex." "We tried it, and it worked like a charm, once the subjects bodies were transformed, they were literally overwhelmed by their femininity, it ruled them utterly, as we tweaked brain chemicals there was no fighting us, burly men became limp writsted fags at our command, and when we finished, sex salves to sell to the highest bidder." "You mean that I?" I stammered "Yes" he grinned his evil grin. "By the end of the day you will be having sex with a man, and you will be thanking god for you beautiful breasts." "You, you cant?" "Oh can't I? and why not, you signed your life away and immigrated out of the US, you're a citizen of Dynatech now, I own you. And besides the process has already begun." I looked horrified at him then down at my body, still looked the same to me. He grinned that little impish grin. "Lets get the ball truly rolling shall we? First let me turn up the volume on the subliminal messages you have been hearing, you've been out for a month and your brain is already basically reprogrammed, but I like seeing the people realize what has happened, the horror on their face gives me joy." He pushed a button and the volume on the speaker came up, a deep masculine voice was repeating. "You love cock, you love broad shoulders and tight abs, men excite you, you cant wait to have a man on top of you, you love the taste of sperm, you are in love with men, when you picture your ideal lover you see a big burley man with a rock hard cock between his legs, he rules you, and you are his, a slave to the cock." "Quite lovely isn't it." I turned to him in shock, the words continuing to play in my ears. "The subliminal does very little by itself, but buried even deeper is a trigger, that has now been chemically burned into your brain. In just a moment I'm going to say a single world and the combination of chemicals and subliminal will make you forever and always, gay. Well," he reconsidered "lets say, make you like boys because you wont be one for long." "But first let's deal with your body." He pushed a button and the chair wired to life. "We'll start with the easier bits first, those clothes." A sift click and the chair peeled off my clothes, as they vanished into the chair I realized I was trapped there fully naked on the cold chair my skin goose pimpled at the cold air conditioned air. I was surprisingly calm, and I realized that they must have drugged me somehow. I should be screaming and fighting to get away, but some part of my brain was not allowing that. As if he could read my thoughts. "We suppressed your aggression instincts and increased your curiosity almost one hundred fold. You physically cannot become angry at this process, and while you fear and you hate what is happening to you, you must watch it in fascination and see and feel everything that happens to you." "That's my own personal touch, as our technology changes your body you will watch it change, breaking that unperceivable line between male and female, and when you know, when you truly know in your heart of hearts, as you breasts heave on your chest, as you huge round ass presses against that chair, as your long silky hair weighs down your head, and as you feel that emptiness between your legs you will know that you are not a man, and never again will be a man, at that breaking point, your brain will change, and you will be our sex slave for the rest of your life." He looked down at my penis, and my eyes followed his. "Ah not much of a shame then, looks like you had very little to work with there, don't worry it will make for a nice tight pussy for you, it will be better than that tiny thing ever was." All I could think of while I looked at my penis was the words bearing into my brain. "You love to suck on rock hard cocks, you want nothing else in the world to please your man with your female body, it makes you so happy to have cum all over you..." "Now for your hair." He pressed a series of buttons and gels sprayed out of the chair and coated my body from head to toe, it burned and tingled as it coated me. "Here lets make sure you can watch," he said and pressed another series of buttons an a full length mirror descended from the ceiling so that I could see myself, covered in pink foam bound to that chair. "Clean up on isle 5," he said cheerfully, and pressed another button, the chair sprayed a fine mist washing away the foam, and with it every last hair on my body. "That was chemical 65, still not FDA approved, better than laser technology, the hair you just lost will never grow back, you will be smooth for the rest of your life," he laughed. "But don't worry we haven't sold you to a man with a bald fetish. We simply need to wake up particular genes in you body to get hair just where we want it." His hands danced over the keys of his console and the chair hummed to life. "Now to fix up that hair," he said continuing to grin that self satisfied grin, "the client has specifically asked for blond, you lucky girl they do say blonds have more fun." He smiled flicked a few more buttons, a large clamp came down over my crotch and head, and what felt like a thousand pinpricks began to lace my head and groin area. Before I could even wonder Ben began to explain. "The comical bath did more than simply make you hairless. It primed your skin for the next few processes. First it laired genetic coding for the machines that are working now, activating skin cells and making hair grow. Not only will you never have to shave, but your hair will be naturally full and beautiful honey blond for the rest of your life. Even now you can feel your new silky locks growing, and a perfectly trimmed snatch as well, no brown roots, and no bikini waxing for you girl." "But wait there's more!" he continued, sounding every bit the used car salesman. "The lotion also changed your skin tone and pour shape." He flicked a button and light began to bathe my body, I could see though the clamp but I could feel the heat playing across my skin. "You will be blemish free, and perfectly tanned, with flawless cover girl skin. You should smile, women pay thousands of dollars for what your getting for free." I didn't feel much like smiling, but I did want to see again, the brain washing was getting to me, with a snap the clamps came away and I looked up at the mirror. I was at a loss for words, my head was covered with beautiful shoulder length blond locks, they flowed like spun gold down my head and softly onto my shoulders, looking completely out of place with my still masculine face and body. Hovering above my cock was a tiny perfectly formed triangle of blonde hair; I guess I was a natural blonde now. And my skin, he was not joking my skin was flawless, from head to toe a perfect bronze tan, not thick and dark, but like light honey all across my body leaving me with a warm glow. It made even my smallish physique look like I was a body builder with how airbrushed and perfect it looked. After the initial shock I noticed there was more, he had even changed my eyebrows, melted away by the initial foam they had been replanted like the rest of my hair in perfect arches, and my eyes were now framed with long thick eyelashes. He grinned to himself. "Impressive yes? We are just getting started! Isn't it exciting! Can't you wait to see what happens next?" I knew it was the brainwashing but I did, I had to know. He gave me a satisfied look. "Oh I know you do, lets see, lets fix your waist next its far too large, too many burgers and fires for you my friend. Oh you wont have to worry about dieting though, we have changed the brain areas responsible for hunger and diet. You will no longer crave food that makes you fat, a salad and some cereal each day should keep you going." He paused looking thoughtful. "Oh and we added some things to your diet too, you will be able to survive entirely on semen, in fact once you taste it you will not want to eat anything else." I looked at him with horror but still could not muster up fear, only curiosity of what that would taste like. "I'm sure your mind is repulsed, but curious, don't worry your pretty little head about it, Ill make sure you taste some soon enough!" and provocatively grabbed at his crotch. Again horror flashed though my mind but was quickly overridden, and I found myself subconsciously licking my lips. He caught the move and smiled, "Oh you are going to be a good girl aren't you, pick of the litter." "Well let's not keep a girl waiting, on to the middle." He pushed a button and a long tube snaked out of the ceiling and attached to my belly button. "This is such a grand improvement from liposuction," he said as he watched a readout and adjusted some dials. "Though a specific osmosis process we are literally moving fat out of your mid section, cell by cell though your skin, no surgery needed. At the same time we are passing though your skin a series of chemicals that make way for genetic changes, you will no longer store cellulite in the middle where men do, but instead in your hips, ass and breasts. Literally the fatter you get, the sexier you will be. It's really a genius process, look you can already start to see the changes!" I followed his eyes to my waist, and he was right, there was no pain just a long sucking sound like something was being drawn out of me. Somewhere in my imagination, it was part of my maleness, something that defined me as me and it made me profoundly sad to see it go. As if that wasn't enough the tape blared in my ears. "You love to suck, to feel a cock in your mouth and feel your lips around it as you suck the males juices dry, you love to please your man, to be all the woman you can be for him. Suck cock, love cock..." But I quickly put that out of my mind as I watched my midsection slowly at first my love handles began to fall in on themselves, then my belly. I had never been in great shape but I could literally watch as the bit of paunch in my stomach flattened out and the muscles underneath began to show. As I watched it get smaller and smaller Ben counted off numbers on the screen he was reading. "30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22!" he shouted in triumph and clicked off the machine and the tube retracted. I looked in awe at the waspish waist that was now mine. "22 Inches! It's so nice that our clients can request specific measurements and Dynatech is able to provide. And just think that thin girlish waist is yours forever! You literally cannot get fat around the middle ever again. Your starting to cross the line now, cant you feel it? Sure before you could have cut your hair, and just been a man with a nice tan and bikini lines, no one would have known. But now, now you will be the owner of a beautiful 22 inch waist for the rest of your life. A girls waist, is now yours." He grinned at me and looked positively like the devil. In that moment I noticed something and in my slightly catatonic state I had lost my inner monologue so just spoke out loud. "I...I smell like strawberries." "Yes isn't it nice, another affect of the foam is that your new wonderful female body will always have a hint of female perfume. Passing for a man will definitely be hard." "Now, let's continue, I'm tired of looking at that male face of yours, it really doesn't match your hair at all. Lets fix that." He pulled a lever and a mask began to lowered from the ceiling, I tried to roll my head away but there was no where for it to go. As it drew closer I could see that it was a obviously female face on the inside, big puffy lips, a slender jawbone, I tried to cry out but before I could it latched onto my face with a dry sucking sound and an intake of wind. "This is really a marvelous technology, you can already feel it working I'm sure, using a combination of botox and cologne like chemicals we can literally change the structure of your face. Dynatech's special touch is that we are also injecting bone altering nanites into your face, raising your cheekbones, smoothing your jaw line, opening up your eyes to be wide and beautiful. You'll have a models face my dear isn't that exciting!" "Oh and you wont have to worry about makeup, we are actually tattooing it onto your face, you will be forever made up and sexy," he hummed to himself. "This will take a few moments, lie back and relax, Ill get the next procedure ready." I did as I was told, surprisingly, I figured it must be more of their chemicals playing with my brain, after all why would you want a disobedient sex salve. As I felt goop and needles attack my face I listened to the voice pounding away at my brain. "You love looking beautiful, small and female is the only way to be, you love your giant round breasts and ass, you love showing them off for men, pleasing men, loving men. You could never love a woman since you are a woman, you love being a woman, nothing has ever felt so right for you, so perfect..." I moved with a start as something slid down my throat and began to work at my teeth. "I would suggest lying very still and trying not to talk for a while, right now we are lightening your teeth and saving your larynx, it wouldn't do any good to have you look the way you do and sound like a construction worker. No your going to sound like the living wet dream you look like. Ah almost done, lets see another octave, there. Perfect." The mask came away but before I could say anything my voice caught in my throat, as I caught sight of my face in the mirror, my god, I was stunning, I moved my face and the girl in the mirror mimicked my actions, it was amazing, I was awestruck, Ben was right, I would never pass for a man again, not with this face. "I see you like my work. The next phase may hurt a bit, but it will be worth it." As he said that the char clamped down on my new waspish waist and hugged my whole body. Now you see, the process that we used on your face will be applied to your entire body shape, our client likes his women tall so we wont have to shrink you, but we must remove your last rib, shrink you shoulder and round out your hips. No girl would be complete without her hourglass figure." Before I could respond with the thought in my head that even after all this I didn't want to be a girl, I didn't want to have an hourglass figure or wide hips the machine went to work. If I wanted to speak I lost my chance as the sharp pain took my voice away, I cried out, and some small part of my brain marveled at the tiny feminine sound my cry was, what did my voice sound like? I had little time to guess as the machine pricked my ribcage and I could see on the mirror my rib, now so close to the skin after my thinning out, wavered and vanished. Before I could pine for my lost rib the machine began to pull on my hips, with a cracking sound they came apart widening and pulling I could feel them sticking way past my thin waist and the mirror confirmed that I now had huge child bearing hips which made my waist look even smaller in comparison, with a crack my back realigned to my new feminine shape The machine then pushed down on my shoulders and I could feel them shrinking, I watched the mirror in cold fascination as my body slowly but surely took on a girlish shape, then a womanly one as I started to curve in all the wrong places for a man, but all the right ones for a woman. A small part of my mind was already starting to lose the mental war as my body lost the physical one. Would it be so bad to be a woman, I would be beautiful, that much I could see, as my bodies shape changed I started to like this new way I looked, I moved my lips to make a kissing face and the beautiful woman in the mirror mimicked me perhaps I thought I could learn to like this. I could not continue the thought as Ben interrupted me. "Well, now your all but finished, I can see in your eyes your starting to think about being a girl, about being curvy and sexy, a toy for men and a drink for the eyes. Some small part of you wants it doesn't it. Some part of you wants to be a girl." "No," I managed, "I don't want to be a girl" and I stopped myself before I said more awestruck by the voice that escaped my lips, it positively dripped sex, like a porn star taken to the highest level, no one would ever take me seriously with that voice unless it was saying, "I want to suck your cock." The curiosity almost overtook me as I tried to say just that, but I bit my tongue I would not give Ben the satisfaction. "You can deny it all you want, but think deeply, Cant you feel the smell of your body filling your senses, feel the slick taste of lipstick on your lips, the weight of your eyelashes, the round curves of your body? Don't you love the feeling, don't you want more, don't you want to be a woman like this? It feels so right, so perfect why fight it." He was right I was starting to lose myself in this vision of femininity that was staring back at me from the mirror, I could feel my mental bonds slipping away, but I focused on my penis, it was my anchor, as long as I had that, no matter what I looked like I was still a man, sure it was now riding below a blonde bikini waxed thatch, stuck between wide feminine hips and a thin girlish waist, but it was still mine and I was still a man. "No," I said definitely as I could muster with my new voice. Ben followed my eyes to the mirror and back down. "Ah holding on to the penis, well, well have to fix that. He clicked a button and said matter of fact-ly, "Say goodbye to Mr. Happy, say hello to Miss Camel Toe!" A new and now to me horrific looking tube descended on my penis and with a sucking sound pulled it up into its dark recesses. And began to pump at my cock. "I'm told this is quite pleasurable, enjoy, this is the last time you will ever be fucked as a man." As he spoke the machines suction began to pull at my penis and for all my fighting I became hard as a rock, it was like the best blowjob ever and it tore at any resistance I had left. "You better not cum," he said admonishing me, "if you want to remain a man, that is, you see once you ejaculate into the machine it will push your cock back into your body and reshape it in that space your new wide hips have given you into a beautiful tight pussy. I'm told that the experience is quite pleasurable. But if you want to remain a man as you say, simply do not ejaculate. The machine can't work if you don't orgasm." "But you can't resist can you, it feels too good, you know you want this, you want to be a woman, you want to have a pussy dripping wet ready for a man, you know you want it, why fight, why try so hard to remain a useless man, working all day, slaving away, soon you can be a slave to sex, a beautiful woman without a care in the world, all you have to do is give in, release I know you want to, you want to be a woman." "No," I managed again, but it was much softer and weaker this time, I began to squirm in the machine feeling how my new body moved and bucking my new wide hips against the tube that was so wonderfully sucking at my cock. "Oh I can see your almost there, don't fight it, feel your body, you want this, you need this, it feels so right doesn't it!" "No..." I managed but I knew it wasn't true, it did feel so good to be like this my long blonde hair pulled at my head as I arched my back. "No..." I felt the machine pulling at my penis, my last chance at manhood but I knew I was at the edge. "YES," I cried out as I came, the machine sucking my cum up into wherever it stored it then like a wave the feeling intensified, more powerful than anything I had felt in my whole life, my crotch ruled my every nerve ending. The feeling condensed at my balls as each one seemed a fireball of passion and then with a popping sound my right ball pulled up inside of me, I could feel it drop out of my sack and move up into my hips, before I could even get used to that the left followed suit. I managed to pull open my eyes to look at the mirror. I had become a eunuch, my sack hanging useless under the tube. "Ooh you we have ovaries!" Ben cried, they will now begin producing estrogen, and seal your fate...but wait here comes the best part!" As he spoke I felt a powerful push on my cock, so pleasurable and still hard I felt it slowly moving inside of me, pushing its way into my crotch, I watched as it journeyed inward I could see very little because of the tube but I could feel and see my ball sack being driven with it, deeper and deeper the tube seemed to push it as it pushed its way deep inside of me. The alien feeling was all I could think about. "You feel it now don't you, an invader inside of you, something filling the space between your legs, so much larger and more powerful than anything you felt as a man, you can tell that the line is crossed now, that your body is forever lost. Your masculine power gone in this instant you orgasmed, as now you are no longer the penetrator but the penetrate-e, feel how vulnerable you are now, as you can feel it deep inside of you, but how satisfying it feels to have something filling you, making you whole. And know that you are now woman!" It was true as the tube pushed my penis deeper and deeper inside of me it was as if it passed some barrier, I watched as the tube which was sitting on the surface began to actually enter my body, pushing into me. Something in my male mind could not handle it. Men do not get penetrated, do not feel a warm hardness inside of them, that was what women did, and if I was feeling that now I must be... "You love to have a cock inside of you, you are a girl, you are a girl, you are a girl," the machine chanted at me. Then a new pleasure began to make itself known the tube having reached its destination inside of me began to pull out and then before it came all the way out, pushed back in, slowly at first then faster and faster, the tube was having sex with me, was penetrating me...and I was enjoying it. Ben smiled but I hardly noticed as I trashed about as the tube violated my insides. "Here the machines are calibrating your pleasure centers, making you at last the woman you were destined to be." He smiled. "But you are as of yet incomplete, let me finish you." He smiled and tubes attached themselves to my ass. "Now my dear its time for me to give you the ass a sex slave like you deservers, a round beautiful female asset that you will love to show off. We will pump your own fat back into you, filling out your lower body giving you curvy thighs and a big round ass. You want that don't you?" Lost in my own world as the tube filled me with pleasure I did not reply only moaned in my new female voice. "Ill take that as a yes." He said as he pressed the machine into service, and I felt it immediate, my ass rippled and swelled, doubling in size as fat flowed into it, soon I felt like I was sitting on a cushion, as it grew and pressed into the chair. Oh how nice it would be for a man to grab it I thought to myself completely lost in the feelings of being plundered. I closed my eyes and imagined hands grabbing at my soft curvy ass and pushing it into this thing that was inside of me, emphasizing each stroke of with a push on the ass. "Were almost done dear, you want more though don't you, you insatiable vixen?" "YES YES!" I cried, lost in the waves of pleasure. He leaned over and grabbed at my nipples. "Tell me what you want, tell me what you need!" "I need breasts!" I cried, lost in the rolling waves of pleasure, I could feel the curves of my body but I needed to have huge round breasts on my chest, I needed to be complete, I was a woman, confirmed by every stroke of the tube against my new pussy, every buck of my wide hips that was met with a smack as my huge round ass was pushed back into the chair. My long blonde locks tossing around as my lips moaned out my new sexy voice. But I needed breasts! "Please I begged, please give me breasts!!!" "Your wish is my command," he said knowing he had won, the machine pricked my nipples and my new blue eyes shot open I needed to see them, see them grow and permanently root me in femininity, I needed this now, I needed to be a woman and I needed to see the final change. My nipples changed first, urged on by the machine they grew round and dark and stood up against my chest. As if reaching for the sky, my body heaved as I orgasmed again just thinking about the deep cleavage I would soon possess. Then they began to grow I watched in hungry anticipation as they did, lost in how wonderful my body felt, how I would feel like this forever, and I loved it. I breathed heavy as I began to feel a pressure on my chest, with each breath my chest remained a little higher, first conical breasts formed but quickly as my own fat pumped into my body I could see them stretch and expand, bigger and bigger. I moaned as I started to feel their weight against my chest, their heft pulling me down deeper and deeper into my girlish prison, my silk trap of a body that I would never escape and could never want to. They swelled and my pleasure built, growing with them I arched my back and watched them jiggle as I was plundered, I was so happy, they felt so right on my chest their weight and size, my beautiful curves. "There is but one last thing my little slut," Ben said walking towards me, "I can see you are already there, lost in your female curves, perhaps you were already bisexual before you came to us, but you see now I'm going to flip the final switch, and change your brain, make you this woman forever, mind body and soul. Do you want that?" It was a stupid question, so pleasured was I, so lost in my female form that I couldn't answer anything but what came next from my lips in my soft girlish voice. "Yes, yes please..." "Wake up Kelli," he said smiling, and something snapped inside of me, I felt my maleness rushing away from me in a torrent, my name, even my name whatever it was was lost in the tide as I gave fully over to the feelings in my body, I was Kelli the slut now, I wanted nothing more than to please a man, and feel him inside of me, to be the woman he had made me, forever and always. My wants and desires changed, no longer would I seek the company of men, women were my peers and my rivals. When I saw couples walking down the street I would look hungry at the cocks of the men, restrained in their pants, and know that no matter what the girl looked like I was more beautiful, I was woman personified. I lived for one purpose, to have sex, to fill the void between my legs with cock, to have balls gently slapping against me as my breasts bounced with each thrust. I moaned, I realized at that moment my hands were free, what reason was there to restrain me any longer, this man this wonderful man had given me everything I could ever want or need. There is no need to fight, submissive, beautiful and hungry for sex, I had become his sex slave as promised. My hands pulled at my new breasts and ran down my curvy body, I was in love with myself, and I knew my new master would love me too. I was cleaned up and given a bikini to wear for the auction, I loved how it showed off my breasts and ass, I knew my master would like it, as I was bought and sold like a piece of meat all I could think about was the emptiness between my legs and how soon it could be filled. Welcome to your new life...

Same as Dynatech Videos

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Overdue Honeymoon

This was our first real vacation since we had met. It was essentially our honeymoon after years blessed with the fortune...of staying at home to care for the kids. It had taken a lot of effort and patience to finally convince her that we could take some time for ourselves. But there we were, our second day in the Caribbean, doing our best to forget everything but ourselves for a small while. The sex the night before had been fantastic. Just the vibe of the place, it seemed, had broken through...

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Threesome on Birthday Party

hi i m Sahil here from delhi I am a good-looking guy of 25 ears old, 5.7 a bit shy to start with but very easy going it happened last year in the month of June. I was my cousins 21st birthday. Her name is shikha. She lives with her mother and her elder sister Ritika, her brother is studying in Pune and her father is working on a ship. They live in a very big house. Her mother is cousin sister of my mother both sisters are very good looking. shikha is a little bit reserved type. ritika and...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 18 The Sporting Mom

“Ok, dear, explain, though. I know it’s going to be hard convincing.” “If you have shut down your mind not to be convinced, then it’s futile to explain.” “Ok, I am keeping an open mind. But you are asking a mother to have sex with her own son. Tell me honestly, how many mothers in real life even think of doing that in real life? Yes, there are lots of porn on the net on this, but most are actors, non-related and make-believe.” “Soni, the real mom son couples will only be fools to come out in...

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Sexual Encounters of a Young man 26 First Night of sex with Rupali

The story is by one of my friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. This is a story about threesome with Rupali & Manavi The story is by one of his friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show...

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Lingerie Marketing 8211 1

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The Beginning Of My Gay Sex Life

By : Silent Dhaka This part is a historical area for me. The reason why I am an anal addict, possibly this may explain. Right now I am a straight guy. But there were time when I was a bisexual by choice. I started having straight sex at early age, but soon there was a big change. There was an uncle beside our house; all the kids would go to his home once he is back from office. Being a Govt official, He did not have to work hard, so he being a bachelor started spending time with kids like us,...

Gay Male
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The Eager Fool

I was one of the smart ones. School was easy without effort. I barely spent time on homework, never studied, kept straight A’s. Lacrosse and martial arts kept me in great athletic shape despite my utter lack of talent for the former, it allowed me to cross social groups between the nerds and jocks easily. My first girlfriend for 2 years had never let me past 2nd base, and maybe I overcorrected by losing my virginity after my first date with the second girlfriend. We had a short but passionate...

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My Mind Control Gift

I have a mind control gift. At least, I think it's a gift. Originally I thought it was a curse. The mind control is very limited in target and duration but it does have some long-term effects. Also, I'm not really in control. In fact, no one is in control. So is it really mind control? Confused? I'll try to explain. My name is Charles, but just about everyone calls me Chuckie after a character in the 'Rugrats' cartoons. I hate that show. Everything was normal for me as a child. My parents...

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The Case of the Abducted NudesChapter 3 The Slave In Charge

CASE FILES - PERSONAL NOTES - PATIENTS 187 & 188 - DAY THREE - CONTINUED How come, when you’re faced with some of life’s greatest problems, it’s the smallest things that take up all of your time? In my case, it was the damn pickup truck, which was still in Jersey and needed to be in Rhode Island. I mean, we couldn’t just leave the thing there. Somebody ... meaning me ... had to drive the thing back home. That was the little problem. The “big problem” was now sitting in the passenger seat...

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Uses of a teacher

Not that she could do much . It was her first year teaching and she knew very well she was on contract. if they liked her she would stay if not she would again find herself in the college part time job at the food station. She needed this job badly and that meant she had to impress the seniors. And impressing seniors entailed staying after school to help out the physical training department handle the unruly boys training for the games. This particular day, it was particular irksome...

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Watching My Neighbors Part 6

 Lying on my side, between my lovers, I feel Bruce climb out of bed. I have been dozing on and off all night in anticipation of this afternoon and Pam is sound asleep. Bruce is now moving about and then I hear him go to the master bathroom.When Bruce turns on the shower, I wait a moment and quietly slip out of bed so as to not wake Pam. I walk over to the shower and watch Bruce soap up his muscular torso, his eyes closed, basking in the warm water.I slip in behind Bruce and slip my arms around...

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Pleasures Of The Flesh 8211 Part 2

Hey its kk again, sorry I took a lot of time to come up with the part 2. I was a bit busy so please pardon me. Thank you everyone for your generous emails. And any older or mature woman, or bhabhi even, wants to get naughty with me, then you can email me at Yes my friends, I have changed my email id. So, as you all know how I have been enjoying lovely older ladies around. So after I fucked my mom’s friend for the first time, there were lots of hot activities which we both enjoyed a lot. Please...

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Unsatisfied Customer

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Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Bye Bi

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1 year ago
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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 13

We strolled down the mall and I told her I thought things were on a better track and we had a plan to move forward. We returned to her car and got in, pulling out of the mall parking lot. I watched the mirror on my side to see if I could spot anyone tailing us, but there was no one there. Maybe I WAS paranoid. Dad seemed to think Miranda was in the dark still. I was surprised at how he’d become ‘Dad’ in my head again. I supposed that doing what was necessary to protect his kids had a lot to...

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Banged Friend8217s Hot Mom

Hello friends, my name is Sid and I am from Pune. I am 21 year old. This story is about me and my friend’s hot mom Neena. Neena aunty is Umang’s mom. Umang and I have been studying together since our school time. But now he is in B.Sc and I am doing my B-Tech in engineering. This happened last month when I got the chance to fuck this hot mom. I was going for a small trip to Lonavala and wanted to check whether Umang would like to join. So I went to his home that afternoon. Ding dong, I rang the...

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Friends with lots of benefits

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What Lies Beneath

Introduction:Hey howdy, loyal fans. Yet another twisted tale of shenanigans from a hooligan. I'm still working on The Collar 2 and it will be up pretty soon.Marcus smoothed the piece of fabric onto his sister's pillow. He slid the pillowcase back into place, and re-made the bed, arranging her teddy bear back the same way it had been. Perfect. The fabric he had put there was woven with micro thin wires. His laptop was connected wirelessly to the device, and it would send subliminal suggestions...

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Salvation Ch 20 The Trustees Pleasures

Some rekindled the sensations they had caused inside her at the time and, despite herself, she found her cunt moistening at the thought of them being used. "Your father is a very special man," the Colonel told her, as he held up a clip she had often felt close over her nipples, and on a couple of occasions had been used on her labia and clitoris hood. Her clitoris now throbbed at the memory. Despite having had her cunt scoured tender, Jasmine still found herself excited by the...

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In the Name of Art Part III

“I can always tell by the way a man moves if he is a good fuck or not.” “SORRY?” Her skin shimmered against the swirling red and purple rays of light. Penny’s body snaked provocatively to the swooping electronic bassline. Her movements complimented those of the cage dancers - the domain of burlesque dancers and strippers. Instinctively Penny and Harry moved together in a primal dance as old as time. She gestured to him to lean in closer. “I said, I can tell by the way a man dances if he’s a...

Group Sex
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Wonder Woman and Catwoman Mix It Up

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the authors. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given proper credit. We would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send us. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy it! Wonder Woman and Catwoman...

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St Marys Part One

Alexander James paced the corridor outside the headmaster's office, waiting to be seen. It was an ashen-faced Mr. Norris, his form teacher, who'd silently passed the meeting note to him in class that said Mr. Hampton wanted to see him.St. Mary's was unique among English all-boys sixth forms in its selection process. All young men must be, as well as hard workers, in the very best physical condition. As well as an entrance exam, there was an aptitude test - the source of much newspaper gossip -...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Flash back

FLASH BACK By Tender Cowboy I sat at the kitchen table reading the local paper, sipping my second cup of morning coffee. The price of crude oil was up and cattle prices were down, nothing very newsworthy, I thought as I quickly scanned the obituaries. Well, my name's not in here so I guess it’s a good day, I thought to myself with a chuckle, but one name sort of caught my eye: J.P. Forester (Smoky), 63. I recalled that name from somewhere in my mind so I continued reading. It stated he had...

Straight Sex
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Caned White Buttocks in the English Countryside

This is a true story.During the 1990s I used to be involved with running residential summer conferences, it could get fairly intensive but I did get to meet some lovely sexy women, some of whom were up for some extra-curricular activity. One such woman was Sally, a 40 something blonde with a nice round bottom, and biggish bust. It was fairly obvious where things were headed just days into the conference Sally attended. By about the fourth day we were in bed, Sally stripping off to reveal a...

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My Trip to Dallas

Recently I had taken a trip to Dallas, Texas for business related manners. I've never flown before so I figured this would be an interesting experience. My flight was scheduled to leave the airport at 8 A.M. Meaning I had to be there at least an hour prior to take off to make it through security in time. I was nervous about the security procedure, not know what was gonna happen. I get through security and proceed to board the plane. As I'm walking into the entrance of the plane, I couldn't...

1 year ago
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Von der Exlehrerin zur SexSklavin

Diese Geschichte ist die Fortsetzung einer alten Storyline von mir. Vorgeschichte von Daniela Hauser Seit vor etwa zwei Jahren heraus kam, dass sie ein gefährliches Spiel mit ihrem damaligen Schüler gespielt hat und dieser sie auffliegen gelassen hat, ist viel passiert. Die Medien hatten ihr den Spitznamen Vibrator-Lehrerin gegeben und noch lange über sie berichtet. Vor allem für die Bild-Zeitung war ihre Geschichte das gefundene Fressen! Die Reporter durchleuchteten ihr gesamtes Leben und...

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Mrs Tiffany Hollingsworth

"Mrs. Tiffany Hollingsworth" As Ted laid me in the center of the king size bed in the master bedroom I could feel my heart pounding and hear the ringing in my ears as my head spun. I was nervous and felt the redness of embarrassment in my face as I gasped wide eyed and choked a dry nervous swallow as I smelled the floral scent of the perfume I wore floating around my head as Ted got into bed and moved in on his knees. I could feel and taste the slickness of the gloss red lipstick I...

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One Dreamy Night

One Dreamy Night Like most Friday nights, my roommate Erika would be gone tonight. She and her new boyfriend, Leroy, were taking off for a private weekend. Erika and I had met about two years prior, when we were introduced by a mutual friend. Being fresh off a divorce, I was in need of a place to stay, and Erika was in need of someone to help with expenses. The match was perfect, with no complicating expectations. I did enjoy living with Erika. She was a truly gorgeous female,...

2 years ago
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Well we did it again Part 3

Guess that means, we’re going to have to concentrate on his other orifices. This could be fun. We agreed on a plan, time to head to Fred’s place. When we get there, Fred rings us in and we find him in his usual condition. Nude, watching porn and stroking his wonderfully talented man meat. Tim decides he will be our spokesman and tells Fred that today, we’d like to turn the tables. “Today, you will be our sub.” Fred just smiled and said, “Wondered when you two would sample my other talents.” I...

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A Love Lost A Love Gained

Before anyone flames me about this story I want you to know that it has been a long time between stories for a very big reason. I lost all love for the series I started and that is why I have started this story… This story is 100% true and I promise you it is probably the most heartfelt thing I can come up with. The reason I am posting this story now is because all the details are very fresh in my mind. I have had less than a month since the ‘Conclusion’ of this story if there is one. Well...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines with GandaChapter 2

I arrange to meet Drama at NAIA terminal #3. It is the place from which Cebu Pacific Airlines flies. If you haven't heard of that airline, then you simply haven't spent any time in the Philippines. It is something of an overgrown commuter airline. It is not possible to book one of their flights through Orbitz or Expedia. No US carrier has a code sharing agreement with Cebu Pacific. At this time, their website cannot process US credit cards. (Credit card problems were fixed in later...

3 years ago
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Back To Nature

Growing up in a small town in upstate New York had its perks. People said ‘Good morning’ or ‘Hello’ when you were walking down the street and neighbors would check on you and visit if you were sick. They’d even bring meals, take care of your kids, and clean the house.That’s country folks for you. So, who in their right mind would want to leave all that behind?Well, me…  Least I thoughtGrowing up in Williamstown, I hated being so far away from everything and being snowed in for much of the year....

First Time
2 years ago
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Boys will be boys a story of sexual discovery

When I was young I used to have sleep-overs with my buddies. There was Marc, Charlie, Steve. This was like fifth and sixth grade. We each had our routines. At Marc’s house we would put on music, jump on the bed that was down in the basement and prend to play guitar on his tennis rackets. At Steve’s house we would explore (he lived in an old manson) and try to watch his sisters from outside the windows. His sisters were older, in high school. One had a fire escape outside her room and the other...

3 years ago
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David8217s 24 year old niece

My brother Chris raised her to be respectful, straightforward, and honest. She brought her natural brilliance, vivaciousness and loveliness, making her a very attractive total package. And her hard-working intelligence and intensity brought her success in academia, a bachelors degree, a masters degree and an interest in sociology for which she was studying for her PhD. She had arranged to attend a full week intensive seminar in my town about 600 miles from the village she grew up in, where she...

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The Rash Part 2

The RASH Part 2 by Princess Pantyboy (I added a couple of paragraphs from part 1 to make the reading go smoother. I hope you enjoy my newest story. Hugs Princess) I turn around to look at the big mirror that is over the sink and all I can see real fast was the yellow puffy sleeves and then the top of the sink. I hate being so small as we leave the ladies room. I am smiling, I am so happy not wearing the pink girly hospital gown and then I see a full mirror from floor to...

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REMODELLED By Geneva Ephraim, a wealthy businessman, takes his revenge on an old enemy, James, using an old magic book to make him into Natasha, his female slave. Natasha resists unsuccessfully, but escapes to a new life. This uses the theme of my earlier story, "Plaything," but is written from the point of view of James/Natasha. START The mail has just dropped off two packages. I am curious when I see they have Dutch stamps. When I open them I stare at the contents and I have to...

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Wendys Fantasy

Wendy's FantasyI was in my fully furnished basement that has every a man and teenager would want. 75' flat screen tv, all current video game systems, fridge full of pop and snack, etc. Why would a 60 year old man have stuff for teenagers in his basement. It's nothing to do for me fully. You see my wife had this fantasy that she wanted to live out but due to medical problems she wasn’t able to. Now it took me a bit to get into the idea but she told me that after the fantasy was done that we...

1 year ago
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Milfty Paris Lincoln A Piping Hot Mess

When our studs step mom, the beautiful Paris Lincoln, comes into town to visit, he is more than happy to let her stay at his pad. Even better, all his roommates are away, so it will be just the two of them. But when he tries to serve her up some hot coffee, all his smoothness goes out the window. He spills it all over his step moms dress, leaving her a dripping mess! To get clean, Paris takes a shower, and her step son walks into see her amazing body all soaking wet. Later, she tells him she...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 37 Getting Gracie Out Of LA

Tango wanted to talk to me about it after, “to be sure...” but I explained that Abril was a free agent and not a romantic interest of mine. Also, I said that as one of my men, he deserved the best, and we agreed she was. I was something I repeated often because I knew it built loyalty. Plus I almost believed it; I believed in saying it. Still, he wanted to ride along with me for the day, so I told him to grab the Green Shotgun (beanbag rounds) from my armory plus his own guns and a pair of...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Roxie Sinner She Fucked The Pool Guy

Roxie Sinner was taking a shower. As she was soaping up her perfect tits, her pool guy walked in the house attempting to get a glass of water. However, he ended up getting a lot more, he started peeking as she showered and even pulled his cock out and started jerking off. Eventually she caught him. At first she was shocked but she soon began to feel flattered. From there, she let him play with her huge tits, he even got to fuck her tits and soon her pussy was being stretched in several...

3 years ago
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Playing With Mates Lesbian Daughter

I have been reading a few stories on here and they have really helped pass the time lately. So I thought that I would post some of my experiences that are all true. not sure where to start but been remembering my holiday to Florida last year with my mates family. He has 2 daughters and a son all 18 and a half at the time. I had been getting into the habit of getting into the pool late at night when everybody else was in bed. The 2nd night I decided to skinny dip. The 3rd or 4th night I was...

1 year ago
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Sucking Blue Collar Cock in a Storm

I was born and raised in Minnesota and was lucky enough to find a job near my hometown after college. I progressed quickly in my career as a mechanical engineer with my company. My wife, Sue, and I and our two kids enjoyed a great lifestyle there. We were active in our church and had many friends that we had known since we were in elementary school. That meant we were very conservative in our dealings with friends in our community. We also had a conservative sex life and had only had sex with...

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He Hides In The Darkness

Jack enjoyed the sunny day in Florida as he removed debris from the gutters on his modest home in the suburbs. While he stood on the ladder’s top step, Jack noticed his new neighbor as she got out of her car. Even though he had never spoken to her, being a good neighbor, he gave her a hearty wave. Something caused the ladder to shift, and Jack fell back awkwardly, his arms flayed in the air until the back of his head hit the concrete sidewalk with a sickening hollow thud, like a pumpkin...

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Barish Mein Bibi Me Naukar Se Phatwai

Hi dosto, mera naam sanjay hai, mein 31 yrs ka hu, meri shadi karib 3 yrs pahle taruni se hui thi. Taruni ki umra 26 yrs ki hai. Taruni ek sex bum hai. Uski height kareeb 5ft. 6″ hai. Jab woh sadi pahanti hai tho bilkul priyanka chopda ki tarah dikhti hai. Taruni ki aankho me hamesha sex ki pyaas rahti hai. Hum roj raat ko chudai karte hai. Par chunki roj chudai se uski chut khul chuki hai, isliye woh ab mere lund se enjoy nahi kar paa rahi thi. Usne mujhe naa kabhi kaha aur naa hi ahsaas...

2 years ago
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The AdventureChapter 3

“Uncle Andre, how good to see you again!” said Gwen, smiling warmly. “Gwen, it has been much too long. I wish we had had time to talk at the funeral but unfortunately pressing business drew me away much too quickly.” He was tall, trim and looked ten years younger than a man in his late fifties. His Van Dyke beard gave him a somewhat mysterious aura, his hair still full but graying, eyes almost black. “But here we are now,” she replied motioning him into the living room. He had called that...

4 years ago
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Weekend Madness With Amazing Masi 8211 Part 6

I hope you enjoyed this journey till now, continued from where I left. Masi and mom moved back to sit on the bed. I was lying on the bed nude, and they were murmuring to each other. I could not understand what they were discussing. I began to grasp the fact that I had been offered a life-changing opportunity. A chance to experience something which few people ever even thought about, let alone embraced. I was in deep thought as mom and masi were now again settling on the bed. I...

4 years ago
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Das Tor 4

Wieder stand ich vor dem Tor. Ich hoffte, dass meine Inkontinenz beseitigt werden w?rde. Gleichzeitig hoffte ich, dass die Intelligenz hinter dem Tor nicht merken w?rde, dass die Verkleidung als Baby mir zu einem tollen Abend und wohl auch zu einer neuen Freundin verholfen hatte. Nicht ganz eine Bestrafung. Naja, das mit den Windeln war nicht so toll. Die Jetzige war auch schon wieder nass. Mit ziemlicher Angst ging ich durch das Tor. Was w?rde mich erwarten? Zumindest sp?rte...

3 years ago
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MM Kisses

======================== Sweets revenge exposes a weakness and opportunity This is an entry in the 2012 Halloween contest. ======================== In case you didn’t know… M&M is a registered trademark of the Mars company. Hershey’s KISSES Brand Chocolates is a registered trademark of the Hershey Company ======================== I love Halloween. The unapologetic, over-the-top nature of the whole holiday. An excess of candy, a shortage of material in costume making, a handy excuse for...

3 years ago
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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 11 Rogers report

Roger strolled into breakfast with a huge smile on his face but when I asked how he got on, he grinned broadly and said, "You'll find out when you read my report and see the pictures." I suppose as a bluestone and in command of him, I could have demanded an answer but I didn't want to spoil his good mood. "I expect you two screwed like rabbits with me out of the way," he jibed when we were in the bedroom, undressing ready for the nurse. "Of course," I tried to sound nonchalant,...

1 year ago
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Private Lucy Heart Boxer Fucked Hard In The Ring

After weeks of hard training it’s finally time for Lucy Heart to compete in the championship fight and of course this feisty teen takes the crown and celebrates in some style. In our finale of Private Gold, Boxing Beauties Lucy shows her gratitude to trainer Kai Taylor with one last unforgettable training session in the ring. Lucy has Kai on the ropes with a phenomenal sloppy blowjob before bending over and enjoying the fuck of a lifetime, watch as this sexy blonde grinds, rides and gets a hard...

1 year ago
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The EncounterChapter 6

We rented a hotel room in Dalton when we finally got there, and we also rented a storage comparment from a friend of mine in Dalton. I told him that we would only need it for two days, and he agreed to let us use it for just as long as we need, rent free. I called my parents, and told them that I was back in Georgia, and that I did not come alone. With telling my Mom that, she immediately wanted to meet the young lady that I had brought with me. My Mom had no idea of the kind of stories that...

4 years ago
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Islamabad ka waqeya

Hello dear readers This is me, marriam peerzada again. After quite some time I m back with my new story, it’s the real story and all characters are alive and few are very close to me, let me start it then. As u know me m marriam that time I was 19 years old I was living in Lahore, but I had to move to live with my tayyaba baji in Islamabad. She works for a firm that gets contracts from army so she actually has a flat in an army area (can’t.). I moved with her because she fell ill and there was...

1 year ago
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Meri Pyaasi Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Pratima bhabhi humare parivar mein puri tarah se ghul mil gayee thi. Hum sab use bahut khush the. Main, bhaiya aur bhabhi bahut hasin mazak kiya karte the. Pitaji ne hum tino ko Port Blair bhej diya ghum ke aane ke liye. Wahan ke liye dress main aur bhabhi hi lekar aaye. Kyunki wahan pe bhabhi ko saree toh pahan ni nahi thi. Ghar se nikle toh bhabhi saree mein hi thi. Aur flight mein middle mein baithi thi. Dono seat ke bich ka hand rest hata diya tha. Bhabhi ko belt lagana nahi aaya toh maine...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 5

I hope you enjoy Sandy's continuing adventures. Please comment and let me know if I should include the next two chapters. Chapter 9: Joe’s Pizza Sunday morning I got up pretty early. I decided to call a cab and go over and pick up my van from Glenn and John’s. After I got back I decided to do some sit ups, as I had not been exercising as much lately. A quick shower after my exercises and then I decided to get ready for my trip. I spent a couple of hours packing as I was going to be gone for...

3 years ago
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Granny Pantyhose Power

I'd come home early from work and was looking forward to relaxing. I work hard in real estate, harder than most women half my age. At 67, I'm driven to succeed, so determined I've earned the nickname of "Barracuda" for my hard-nosed ways. I may be a senior citizen, but hardly look it, a lithe 130 pounds on strong, five-foot-seven frame, muscular in the legs from years of running and taking care of myself.I went inside and noticed my bedroom door ajar, which was odd since I always closed it. I...

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My Life With a Linemans TicketChapter 8

When I landed in Great Bend, KS my mom picked me up. We went to their new house in Hoisington where they had moved to after retiring in Holyrood. My dad still had his Hungarian Vizsla hunting dog. Back when he bought him as a pup he named him "Dammit" as he said that's what our mom would always call him. When he was a pup my mom woke up during the night from the noise of their rocking chair. She went into the living room and saw dad rocking Dammit. She said to him "Why are you rocking...

4 years ago
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Maa Anayya Tho 8211 Part 1

Naa pellaina moodellaku naa enimidi nelala koduku tho nenu maa vooru vochanu. Maa vooru Vishakahapatnam nunchi 15 km dooramlo vuntundi. Nenu maa ayanatho ranchi lo untanu. Ayana akkada sr. Engr. Varam kindata ayana 2 months training kosam germany vellaru. So akkada nenu okkathine enduku ani, naa koduku tho maa voru vochanu. Ikkadiki vochi moodu rojulaindi. Maa peddannayya nannu station nundi pick up chesadu. Naaku naa peddannayya ante chala respect. Ikkada konchem maa inti vishayalu cheppali....

3 years ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 10 The Sentinel

Yuri stood on the deck of his air car with vision glasses on and looked down on the Likos village below. This was to be their first stop. The air cars floated so far above the village that they only appeared as specks in the sky from the ground. They intended to make sure that all of Ginaya's people were indeed dead and to make sure the Likos were not preying on any other tribe. Yuri and his force would try to contact the Likos and persuade them to change their brutal ways. If that were not...

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