Jug Loving Jerry free porn video

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"C'mon, Bailey! Be a man and stop your whining!" Jerry Biggins was a real asshole. He never stopped barking orders and picking on his fourteen year old son, Bailey. As the boy struggled in the hot summer sun to replace a lawn mower bag and finish his Saturday chores, Jerry shook his head in disgust. "I'll never make a man outta him," he snarled. "It's hopeless." Jerry turned and headed into the tool shed that he had built behind his house. If he could not get his son to do the lawn right, at least the day would not be without some pleasure. Jerry's hands were trembling as he pulled the bolt and locked the shed door behind him. He was beyond anticipation. Wild sexual desire ran through him as he reached atop the highest shelf and pulled down a small stack of magazines. Porno magazines. Big-titty porn. Magazines that bore names like, "Monster Jugs", "Slim And Stacked", and Jerry's favorite, "Barely Legal Brabusters!" The latter title is the one Jerry opened. Page after page, his wide eyes feasted on babyfaced young girls who looked no more than fifteen years old, but possessed staggeringly large breasts jutting out from their tiny bodies. These were the type of enormously developed juveniles that Jerry Biggins dreamed of fornicating. Deep down, however, he knew girls like them would never want anything to do with a balding, pot bellied man in his forties. Damn, he did love a big set of jugs, though! His wife, Betty, had bug bites for titties. That didn't do it for Jerry at all. His dick only got hard for a big rack. It had been years since the two of them had sex. Sure, when they were young he could manage enough enthusiasm just to do the deed and get a little release. That's how they made that sissy son, Bailey, their only child. But, as time went by, Jerry just had the things he liked. And, a flat chest like Betty's just did not cut it. No, he liked a melon chested female. And, the younger the better! Jerry had made up his own perverted motto: 'The younger the girl, the bigger the jugs, the harder my dick!' Marrying Betty had been very good for Jerry's career though. Her old man owned the company Jerry worked for. He hated all the crap he had to take from that crotchety bastard. But, if Jerry played his cards right, he reasoned that one day soon, he would be rid of her father and own the whole damn thing. Until then, he'd grab his little delights when he could. And, this was a moment for some serious 'me time!' Jerry unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick. His four-inch piledriver. He had the pages of his adolescent girly mag opened to a photo layout of a beautiful redhead named Sadie. With her innocent expressions, freckled nose, and braces, the tiny girl looked all of eighth grade. That is, except for the massive set of milk bombs that hung from her chest. The magazine proclaimed her bra size as 32G. Jerry figured she was every bit of that! He maniacally pulled and squeezed on his stiff little pecker as he stared transfixed at the pictures of the young, blimp-chested hottie. In seconds, he was shooting his gooey jizz all over the shed floor. Another day. Another load. The rest of the Saturday was an endurance test for Jerry. Betty persuaded their delicate weakling of a son to help her do laundry and bake a cake. With his pale skin, longish blonde hair, and cupid's bow mouth, Bailey could not have looked more like a split-tail if he had been wearing a training bra. It sickened Jerry every time his effeminate, prissy son would prance barefoot in front of the television wearing his little short-shorts and carrying a load of clothes. "That's no way for a boy to dress," Jerry thought disgustedly. His son's behavior and clothing distracted him so much, Jerry could not enjoy his baseball game. After all he could take of it, he crept out to the shed and beat his meat again to the pictures of big-tittied Sadie. After he got his nut, Jerry spent about an hour reorganizing his fishing tackle box. He really enjoyed the time he could spend away from that family of his which had grown so burdensome. As it grew late in the afternoon, the disgruntled man heard Betty calling out to him from the back sliding glass door. "Damn!" he thought. "What is it now?" Relenting, he opened the shed door and answered his wife's summons. "What is it, sugar?" He always called his wife 'sugar' though his heart was not in it. "It's about time for us to be leaving for the new mall. Or, did you forget?" There was irritation in the slender woman's voice. Betty Biggins was standing outside on the family's concrete patio. With her jaw-length blonde hair and pretty brown eyes most men found Betty quite attractive, despite her slender shapeless figure. Unfortunately, her husband did not have the same opinion. And, that was just one source of the perpetual frustration which characterized Jerry and Betty's bizarrely codependent marriage. "Aw, damn!" Jerry grumbled. "Yeah, I forgot all about it. Do I really have to go? I mean, you can take him by yourself. Can't you?" "I swear, Jerry Biggins! You really should be ashamed of yourself." His wife lowered her voice and slid the door shut behind her. "Your son is up in his room getting ready, right now. You promised if he mowed the lawn you would go with him to the new mall. He has been looking at their website all month. And, he's all excited because you said you would go. You know how much it means to him." "Alright. Alright," Jerry said tersely. "Just let me get a fresh shirt on. Five minutes." "Well, you have plenty of time. Bailey will take longer than five minutes to get ready. You know that." Jerry did know that. He hated it. His son primped in front of the mirror like a beauty contestant. Cussing beneath his breath, Jerry took a quick shower and put on clean clothes. He was still ready long before his son. Standing in the home's foyer, at the bottom of the stairway, Jerry repeatedly glanced at his wristwatch. He was about out of patience when his son finally appeared. "I'm ready, Daddy!" Bailey giggled, bouncing down the stairs. His ear-to-ear smile showed off the braces on his pearly white teeth. The word, 'Daddy,' made Jerry cringe. What was worse, however, was the outfit his thirteen year old son had chosen to wear. Bailey's hairless legs tapered out girlishly from pocketless blue shorts that were painfully small to his father's eyes. The boy's tiny feet were nestled in a pair of white low-heeled thong sandals that could not possibly have been designed for a male. The white tank top Bailey wore was skin tight and tucked neatly into his shorts. At only five foot two inches tall, with his large brown eyes and blonde chin-length locks, Jerry's son would have easily passed for a girl to any casual onlooker. Anger flashed in the father's eyes. But, he was interrupted before he could utter a single word of protest. "Oh, honey! You look so cute!" Betty gushed as she entered the foyer. She held out her son's hands to better view his outfit. "You look adorable! You really should have been a girl." "Thank you, Momma!" Bailey smiled proudly, lowering his wide doe-like eyes. "Grandma helped me pick it out last week. "Great." Jerry bit his tongue in disgust. It was bad enough that his wife had always done her level best to coerce their son into behaving like a total queer. But, what made the situation even worse, was the fact that Jerry's mother-in-law rewarded the boy with money and gifts the more he feminine he acted. That meant Jerry could not afford to protest in the slightest. If he made the two women mad, his relationship with 'the old man' would be in jeopardy. Defeated Jerry muttered, "Are we ready to go yet?" The family gathered into Jerry's SUV. Bailey could hardly control his enthusiasm. Next stop would be Zagnini's World-Famous Mall Extraordinaire. "Whatever the hell that means," Jerry thought. They arrived a little after twilight and found a parking spot several yards away from the new mall's entrance. "Damn," Jerry moaned. "I wish we could have found a place a little closer." "The exercise will do you good," Betty needled him. She stared for a moment at his expanding waistline. "Yeah, very funny," Jerry sneered. "You're a real card." Flouncing in the warm evening air, Bailey was bubbling with excitement. He talked practically non-stop the whole way to the mall doors. When the family finally got inside, Jerry was happy when his son suggested that they should split up at first and meet later at the food court. Still, he wondered. "Why the hell did I have to come?" He protested when his son reached out and asked for money. "C'mon, Daddy," Bailey whined. "You promised when I mowed the yard." "How much do you want?" Jerry winced whenever his son whined. "How about forty dollars?" Bailey said. His big brown eyes lighting up. "Forty!" Jerry bellowed. Then, realizing he was in public, his voice lowered. "What are you trying to rob me?" "It's not that much," Bailey writhed and stuck out his chest as he talked. The act looked markedly feminine. It made his father quite uncomfortable. "Please, Daddy!" "Okay. Just stop doing that!" Jerry implored. He reached into his wallet and grabbed two crisp twenty dollar bills and swiftly handed them to his son. "Thank you, Daddy!" Bailey squealed and threw his arms around his father's neck. "Yeah, sure. You're welcome," Jerry recoiled, awkwardly returning the hug as fast as possible. "Just meet me and your mother at the food court in about an hour. You got it?" "Yes, Daddy. One hour. You're the best!" Bailey giggled, then sauntered into the crowd. "Well, I want to over to the arts and crafts store. What do I want to bet that somehow you're not interested in coming with me," Betty said, her hands upon her hips. "No, it's fine. I'll go with you, sugar. Whatever you want," Jerry droned. "My. Such enthusiasm," Betty said sarcastically. The brows above her brown eyes furrowed. "Give me your credit card and you can just go do whatever it is you want to do. And, I"LL meet you back at the food court in an hour. How's that." She snapped the card Jerry produced out of his hand and melted into the mass of humanity. Now, alone, Jerry really did wonder why it was so important for him to be on this little expedition. "After all, I'm just an ATM with a penis," he reckoned. The mall was crowded. Apparently there were other people who liked this frivolous mess besides his wife and son. "This place is raking in the dough," the businessman figured. Jerry wandered for a half hour just soaking in the atmosphere. The mall really was well done. It was laid out in a way that made perfect sense. The food court was at the far end of the bottom floor. Small vendors had hand carts situated in any open space. Two more levels of large stores offered just about any types of goods consumers would want. He roamed down one of the top level corridors. It was getting pretty close to the time he needed to head to the food court. But, something about one particular path beckoned to him. The short hallway was quite different than any of the others. It had only one store located at the very end. The wooden door to the shop looked out-of-place in the modern mega mall. The sign above the door read 'Spells R Us'. "No wonder it's all alone down here," Jerry muttered to himself. "This place'll be out of business sometime later this week." Still, something was drawing him towards the store. Inexplicably, Jerry found himself grabbing the brass handle on one of the big wooden doors. A little bell tinkled as Jerry entered the store. The smell of dust filled his nostrils. "That's weird," Jerry thought. "I thought this place was new." "Hello, Jerry Biggins," a strange old man with a grizzled white beard greeted the balding businessman. The odd fellow was seated upon a stool located behind a long oak counter. A sign on the wall behind him read, 'ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.' "How are you doing this evening?" Jerry almost laughed when he first saw the old coot. What was that he was wearing? It looked like a bath robe. "Do I know you?" Jerry grumbled. "I'd remember a character like you, buddy. Trust me." "Trust," the man laughed heartily. "Interesting choice of words, Jerry." "Look, how do you know my name? I don't really think it's funny for some old guy to know me and I don't know anything about him." Jerry froze in place. He was frightened. He always talked tough when he was frightened. "So, what's the deal here chuckles?" The old man stood. He stared at Jerry with a cold glare. Suddenly Jerry didn't feel so much like talking tough. "I'm a wizard," the man said gruffly. "I specialize in doing the impossible." "Hey, everybody's got a racket right," Jerry began to backpedal. "I-I hope I didn't offend you." "Oh, quite the contrary. You intrigue me. I feel obliged to help you any way I can. And, I can help in most interesting ways, Jerry Biggins. Interesting indeed." The tone of the man's voice was unnerving. And, just how did this old guy know his name? "Alright, fella. I'll bite. How do you think you can help me?" "You like tits, Jerry. Big women's tits. And, yet your wife is as flat as two pancakes. I feel sorry for you. It must be difficult for you to get excited without big jugs in your house to fuel your deviant desires." "H-How do you know all this?" Jerry gasped. "Look, if you're some kinda mind reader or something- some kinda stalker- you need to keep away from my family!" The white-haired man laughed. "Do not be frightened, Jerry. I only wish to assist you." "Assist me? Assist me how?" "By granting you what you desire. Big jugs to feed the hunger you have for tits. I can do this for you." "Oh, yeah. What are you going to do, have some stripper move into my house? Listen, I got enough people freeloading off of me, if that's what you're offering." "Do you want your wife to have big jugs, Jerry?" "My wife? Well, yeah. C'mon. What guy wouldn't?" "Indeed. What guy wouldn't?" the wizard mused. "What if I were to offer you a spell? A potion, in fact, that would give whoever drank it bosoms the likes of which you could only dream of touching and kissing." "Mmm-hmm. Really. Do you get a lot of suckers taken in by all this?" Jerry scoffed. "You do not believe me. Even after I know your name and the desires in your loins." The old guy nodded. "Very well. You require proof of my potions' abilities. Then I will demonstrate for you." The elderly man looked his potential customer up and down for a long moment. Jerry stood there frowning. Suddenly the self proclaimed 'wizard' spun around and bounded gracefully towards the back of his shop with surprising agility. For such an oldster, the guy moved like a cat. Jerry was really glad he the had not made this fellow mad. Rummaging through some wooden boxes, the wizard seemed pleased when he found the item he was searching for. "So, Jerry, you don't enjoy being bald." The man made the statement with a bemused and confident gleam in his eyes. "Here, have your hair back." He handed Jerry a small glass vial with a small cork at the top. The miniature bottle contained some type of goopy liquid. Jerry tilted the vial in his hand, examining its contents. The dark liquid looked like some kind of thick tea. "What is this, some type of camel piss?" Jerry thought to himself. "Camel piss is much more yellow," the wizard stated. "What do you expect me to do with this?" Jerry exclaimed. His voice was flustered. "Rub it on my head?" "Oh, no!" the man bellowed. "That would not work at all! You have to drink it, Jerry Biggins." The musty spell shop grew eerily silent. Jerry scrutinized the contents of the vial in his hand and contemplated his next action. "What was it you said about trust?" the white-bearded man in the bathrobe chuckled. "I'm not sure it applies to old wizards hanging out in the mall," Jerry retorted. "Drink up, Jerry. You have nothing to lose and only your hair to regain." The wizard leaned forward. "Trust me," he said darkly. Jerry looked at the potion in his hand. At worst it would kill him. Somehow, he felt that would not be the case. To his surprise, he pulled the tiny stopper from the vial, emptied the warm liquid into his mouth and swallowed. It was not awful, really. It tasted like cloves. A warm sensation crept over Jerry's scalp. He could almost feel the individual pores on top of his bare head. His cranium began to itch. Not terribly, but it caused him to reach up and touch the top of his head. Astonishingly, he felt a little peach fuzz where there had been nothing a moment before. As he ran his hand over his dome, the hair became thicker and thicker. In a matter of seconds Jerry had a full thick mane of dark brown hair. It was like he was twenty again! "Holy Shit!" the now hirsute man yelped in disbelief. "How the fuck...?" "Would you like a mirror?" the wizard inquired with a smile. "Yeah! Oh, yeah, let me take a look!" Jerry eagerly snatched a gold- framed mirror out of the old man's hand. He excitedly held it up in front of his face. What he saw in his reflection was beyond belief. Sure enough, his formerly balding head was now covered in the same dark hair he had taken for granted in his youth. It was, indeed, like Jerry was twenty years old again. "How... How the fuck did you do this?" Jerry asked, never removing his eyes from the mirror. "The potion you drank was very powerful." The robed man pointed over his shoulder. "Like the sign says, with Spells R Us- anything is possible." "Will my hair stay like this... Or, will I just go bald again in a few minutes?" "Oh, no. The changes are most permanent." The wizard nodded assuredly. "Barring anything unforeseen, you will keep that full head of hair for the rest of your life." "That's amazing." The now fully trussed man managed to tear his gaze away from his reflection. "And you say you got one that'll make my wife grow a set of jugs? Big ones. You know. Like you grew my hair?" Jerry looked at the elderly man with a pleading expression. It made the strange wizard laugh heartily. "Well, of course!" he chuckled. "Of course!" The shopkeeper returned to the boxes where he had obtained the previous vial, and after a brief search, returned with one that looked exactly like the first, except for the color of its contents. Jerry took it from his hand. "It's pink!" he declared bewildered. "It's for growing breasts, Jerry. Did you expect it to be blue?" the wizard grinned. "Well, no. I guess not," Jerry reasoned. "So, if my wife drinks this, she'll grow a big set of jugs on her?" Jerry asked again for verification. "Trust. After what you have seen, why do you find it so hard to trust?" The bizarre old man shook his head. Something inside Jerry knew the wizard was right. If his wife, Betty, drank the pink liquid contained in the small bottle, her tiny tits would become enormous. "How much will it cost me?" Jerry asked. His countenance had grown quite serious. "Forty-six dollars," the wizard stated flatly. "That's all?" Jerry responded in disbelief. "That's all a big set of hooters is gonna cast me?" "A mere pittance." "I'll say." Jerry ran his hand though his new scalp full of thick hair. His penis began to stiffen in his pants at the thought of what the pink elixir would do to his wife. He could imagine the reaction she would get from people every time she introduced herself with a giant pair of knockers projecting from her chest. 'Betty Biggins.' His hands were shaking as they fumbled through his wallet. "Shit, I gave most of my cash to Bailey," be moaned. "How much money do you have, Jerry?" the grizzled old man asked innocently. "I don't know." Jerry counted his paper money and change. "About six bucks." "Fair enough," the strange man howled in glee. Taken aback Jerry exchanged his money for the tiny bottle of pink liquid. "How do I get my wife to drink this gunk?" He asked confusedly. "I mean I can't ask her to drink it. Talk about getting pissed!" "Ah, that will be a small matter." The old man leaned forward. His voice grew low. "Simply empty the potion into something you know your wife will drink. Like a can of soda pop. Or perhaps a cup of coffee or juice." "Hmm. Juice. I could probably pull that off," Jerry mused. "I advise that you mix it with a small amount of beverage. A liter or less. Or her bosoms will not become as large. And make sure no one shares it with her. Or they too will grow breasts and the effects will not be as desirable if split between two persons," the wizard warned. "Gotcha," Jerry nodded. "For some reason that makes sense." He looked lost in thought. "She's going to be awfully mad when her boobs just start growing all of a sudden. And when she finds out it happened because of some potion I bought..." His face was filled with concern. "I don't want to be divorced from a woman with big jugs." "Don't worry," the wizard said raising a hand. "Only the person buying the potion will be aware of the effects of its magic. Everyone, including your wife, will be completely oblivious of the changes to her figure. As unaware as they will be about the return of your hair. To everyone else, all will be as it has always been." "No shit." "No shit. But do understand, your wife will enjoy her new breasts greatly. Even more than you enjoy the return of your hair. So expect her to take tremendous delight in them." "Very cool." "Also, keep this in mind," the strange man said somberly. "You will become so fascinated with the bosoms created by this enchantment that no others will hold the same charm for you. You will hunger to touch and see the breasts produced by its magic to the point of obsession. The world of your desire will orbit around these tits." Jerry looked at the pink substance in the small, glass bottle. For a brief moment, he was frightened by the prospect that his wife might overshadow his big-titty porn. The magazines had been his entire sexual focus for the last fifteen years or so. Still, two huge jugs in hand are worth two in the bush. Or at least, worth several photos in a stack of girly books. "I think I can live with that," Jerry reasoned. The bearded old man watched as his customer shuffled towards the exit, staring at the vial in his grip. "Enjoy, Jerry Biggins," the wizard chuckled. The peculiar laughter made Jerry extremely nervous. "Uhh... sure," he mumbled. ------------------------------ The smell of frying bacon greeted Jerry as his eyes fluttered open. It had taken him hours to fall asleep that night. But, at some point, sheer exhaustion had driven him into slumber. Now, as he threw his bedding back, the middle-aged man could barely contain his anticipation. Jerry had secretly gotten up in the middle of the night and emptied the bottle of enchanted potion into his wife's orange juice. He knew that the first thing Betty did every morning was drink a glass of orange juice. Jerry had been glad that the liter carton of 'Sun Valley Orange Juice' was almost empty. That would surely maximize the effects of the old wizard's spell. Breathless he leapt to his feet and rushed downstairs. His heart was beating madly. He could not wait to see the results of the magic elixir upon his spouse's normally puny mammaries. He might just drag her back up to bed and give her a long rough tittyfuck. His dick began to grow hard at the thought. "Don't knock the door off its hinges!" Betty griped as her husband burst through the swinging kitchen door. "What the... I... Uh..." Jerry was stunned. As his wife turned from the stove to face him, his heart sank. There were no changes to her slight torso. His wife was every bit as flat- chested as she had been the night before. "What are you staring at?" the blonde asked disgustedly as Jerry gawked at her chest. Betty took her hands and pulled her robe tightly around her nonexistent breasts. "I-I..." Jerry stammered. "Did you have a glass of orange juice this morning?" "A what?" his wife asked in disbelief. Her face twisted. "I swear, Jerry, you have lost your marbles. You get weirder every single day." "But, did you have a glass of orange juice?" he blurted. "I mean... You have one every morning!" The middle-aged man frantically swung around and bolted towards the refrigerator. He flung the door open, causing some of the photos and magnets to plummet to the Italian tile floor. "You're knocking things off!" his wife cried out as she rushed over to retrieve the fallen objects. Jerry surveyed the contents of the fridge. The cardboard container he had dumped the potion in was nowhere to be seen. A brand new, freshly opened container of orange juice sat upon a shelf. Confused Jerry lifted it to note that it was about a drinking glass shy of being full. "Where did this come from?" He howled. "I bought it Friday afternoon," Betty responded curtly. "It was right there in the bottom of the door." "I never saw it..." Jerry mumbled dumbfounded. "I never saw it." "Well, so what?" his wife snapped. "What is wrong with you this morning?" "What happened to the other one?" Jerry bellowed. "The other carton?" "Well, I don't know," Betty replied nastily. "I guess Bailey got up and had a glass sometime during the night." "Bailey?!" Jerry cried out. "He never drinks orange juice!" "Jerry?! What is going..." Jerry could hear his wife bitching at him as he bolted out of the kitchen. But, there were much more pressing matters that had his attention. "Bailey! Bailey!" he called hysterically. "Bailey!" "Did you want to see me, Daddy?" Jerry reached the end of the stairway and looked up to see his son. Or, rather, the girl who had been his son. Posing at the top of the stairs with her hands behind her back stood Jerry Biggins' only child. An absolutely massive pair of milk jugs exploded from the tiny frame of his former son. The blonde's excruciatingly tight white tank top was fighting unsuccessfully to contain the mind-boggling amount of tit flesh stuffed into the beleaguered garment. The diminutive girl's astonishing melon-tits bubbled out of the armholes of her tank top. A long line of cleavage rose from the overstretched neckline. Twin nipples pushed outwards on the ends of her blimp-shaped glands like overgrown peanuts. Visible through the vanquished material were the faint traces of areolas the size of drink coasters. And the buxom child's hairless legs looked nothing short of delicious coming out from a pair of boxers stretched tight by her widened hips. Jerry's dick immediately sprang into a full erection at the sight of his daughter's extraordinary transformation. He unconsciously began pawing at his engorged four inch manhood. Bailey elatedly watched her father's reaction to her half-naked appearance. With a playful expression on her innocent babyface, Bailey twisted upon her gorgeous bare feet and smiled down at her slack-jawed father. Her braces made her feminized face look shockingly younger than her fourteen years. "Did you want to see me, Daddy?" Bailey repeated as she bounced down the stairs with her incredible jumbo jugs whomping up and down like torpedoes with nipples. Jerry felt the whole world spin left. Then right. He saw the ceiling recede as he fell to the floor. Unconscious. ------------------------------ Later that day a grizzled wizard sat before a computer in the back room of 'Spells R Us.' "Modern technology!" he cursed beneath his breath as he banged on the side of his CPU. "Ah, there it is." The gray-bearded old man watched as the inbox to his email opened up. "Oh, look what we have here," the wizard said, clicking on a new message. The email popped up and he could not help but chuckle while reading it. "It was just like you said. They are HUGE! I LOVE having big boobies! My daddy can't stop staring at them! Now he will do anything I want! Momma always said I should have been a girl and NOW I AM!!! And it only cost $46 dollars. Being a girl is like the BEST THING EVER! Thank you so much! Bailey" "I'm glad I could be of assistance," the wizard laughed out loud. ------------------------------ "Jerry, have you not started mowing the yard yet?" Betty griped as she opened the sliding glass door and stepped out onto her back patio. "I swear! I never dreamed I was marrying such a lazy bum!" Jerry Biggins was unconcerned by his wife's bitching. His attention was focused on his daughter, Bailey, who bounced out the door right after her mother. "Hi, Daddy!" the scantily clad teenager giggled as she skipped up to her father. The bald man stood wide-eyed and ogled the enormous stiff-nippled milk jugs vigorously rising and falling upon the chest of his formerly male offspring. Jerry loved watching his daughter's spectacular chest. The clothing Bailey wore never left much to the imagination. On this particular morning the teenaged voluptuous vixen had on a pink sleeveless half shirt that displayed several inches of cleavage. In a piercing above her naked bellybutton was a dangling jewel. Her wide buttocks hung out of an obscenely short pair of low rise Daisy Duke cut-offs. It was easy to see the strings of Bailey's thong underwear above her waistband. Hot pink stiletto heels were strapped to her dainty feet. A fresh coat of pink polish was coating her recently manicured and pedicured nails. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into twin ponytails on each side of her head and held by pink scrunchies. A thick layer of makeup was caked upon her babyface. It made a garish contrast to her childlike features. "Wish me luck at my movie shoot, Daddy!" Bailey squealed as she threw her arms around her father's neck. Jerry felt his daughters giant jamambos squish into his chest. His small erect penis was painfully trapped in the confines of his slacks and boxers. Detecting her father's typical response Bailey pressed her pelvis into his hard dick. "I can tell you wish me luck!" she whispered. Her hot breath in his ear almost made Jerry pass out. "I'll tell you all about making a movie when I get home, Daddy!" Bailey promised as she slid behind the wheel of her bright red BMW convertible. She waved as she pulled out of the driveway and sped down the alley. Jerry stood and waved catatonically with an obvious hard-on tenting his pants. "You're so disgusting!" Betty shrieked as she entered the house and slammed the sliding glass door behind her. It tore the jealous wife's insides apart to watch her husband gawking at the other female in their family. The bitter woman had always been disappointed that she had given birth to a boy and had never stopped telling her son that she wished he had been born a girl. Now the awesome figure enjoyed by her blowup sex doll of a daughter was a constant slap in Betty's face. The girl's dizzying curves and jiggling flesh amplified the middle-aged woman's long held feelings of inadequacy. Comparing their brasseries every time she did laundry was utter torture. Outside her husband watched until their daughter's sports car disappeared around the corner. Silently he walked across the backyard and entered his tool shed. A pornographic movie. He could not believe his former son was going to be starring in her first XXX film. He hoped that she would not make him buy it on DVD and be nice enough to give him a copy for free. With a pathetic sense of defeat Jerry entered his tool shed. His hands were shaking so violently that it took him an unusually long time to bolt the door locked. Driven by the wanton lust coursing through his body, the trembling father reached atop the highest shelf and pulled down one of the two small stacks of magazines. Jerry's favorite publication was right on top. Below the title, "Barely Legal Brabusters," was Bailey Biggins with her humongous giant- nippled tits pressed together for all the world to see. Jerry's hard dick felt like is was about to burst as he surveyed the familiar cover. His daughter's wide brown eyes sparkled with glee as she looked out from the glossy paper. Her babyface bore an ear-to-ear smile. Silver braces glinted upon her pearly white teeth. Her long blonde hair was gathered into a high ponytail atop her head. An exploded caption beside the topless adolescent's astonishing adornments declared: BUSTY -BAILEY BIGGINS- TITANIC TITTED TEEN SENSATION. Jerry's former son had definitely become a 'huge' star. "I'll never make a man outta him." Jerry's own words haunted him He felt a sick feeling gnawing at his stomach. It had been over five years since he had purchased the potion that turned his frail disappointment of a son into... Well, into what she was now. And to think her miraculous metamorphosis was all because of him. Daddy's princess had certainly been a busy girl lately. Porno mags. Big-titty porn. Both stacks of magazines contained fully nude layouts of Jerry Biggins' formerly male daughter providing masturbation fodder for horny jug lovers. Jug lovers like Jerry. On many of the girly mags Bailey Biggins was featured on the cover. A sensation truly was what she had become. Bailey was popular all over the world. And for good reason. With her unusually large brown eyes and upturned nose, the pretty young girl appeared to be well below high school age. In every photo shoot, her hair and clothing were carefully styled and selected to maximize her youthful appearance. A practice that was quite effective. And the braces on the extraordinarily stacked adolescent's pearly white teeth were fake. Bailey did not need braces anymore. "They make me look younger, Daddy!" she had explained to her father. Jerry loved them. It reminded him of just how young she was the first time he had beheld her mammoth mammaries. Shaking uncontrollably Jerry flipped 'Barely Legal Brabusters' to the layout featuring his melon-chested daughter. Bailey's massive 32G sized milk bombs with their fat nipples and spectacular caramel colored areolas were generously displayed on page after page. In every shot, the buxom blonde posed in all kinds of positions that showed off her staggering proportions. As Bailey squeezed and lifted her titanic tits, her childlike face innocently beamed out at the camera. In one shot, she sat on a bed looking bashful and demure as her overgrown breasts enveloped a stuffed teddy bear. The bald gray-headed father jerked down his slacks and began feverishly yanking away on his miniscule member. The sight of his young daughter showing off her humongous jugs and the enthusiasm on her face was more than he could take. He arrived at a picture of Bailey hoisting her gigantic hooters to her mouth and simultaneously sucking both her massive nipples. In a flash Jerry's small penis began to spasm. Drop after drop of his spent semen splattered upon the tool shed floor.

Same as Jug Loving Jerry Videos

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With our trip cancelled, I told Jon that I wanted to spend the weekend with Jerry. (Jerry as you will know is the coloured gent Jon arranged for me to visit for a birthday treat) in story 132, I had a thing for him despite his sadistic streak and had not stopped thinking of him since we met, in fact I could think of little else just him and his big black cock, craving it in my mouth and cunt. I explained it to Jon and he resigned himself to the inevitable, saying that I might as well get it...

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I suppose my interest in bra's began in my late teens, as I remember getting ready to go to bed and washing up. Mom just left the shower and I saw her white bra hanging out of the red wicker hamper and I picked it up. I don't know why her white silky and lacey bra turned me on but it did and that bra found its way into the back pocket of my jeans and the bulge covered by a flannel shirt ... When I thought of the times I saw a bit of moms boobs, well that only made romancing her bra a lot...

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SRU Jerry Jerry Jerry

SRU: Jerry...Jerry...Jerry... by [email protected] edited by SteveZ The SRU Universe belongs to the great Bill Hart, but most of you already knew that. Although it pains me to say it, I was watching an episode of the Springer show the other day, and this story seemed natural. This story can be posted on any free site. (Especially FM!) ********************************************************** "Welcome to the show, today's topic: Magical Gender Changes. We ...

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First Time with Jerry

First Time With Jerry Penned by: Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson It was a rainy afternoon, a hot summer afternoon. I was with my friend Jerry. Jerry and I were both sixteen. But that was the extent of our similarities. Jerry was tall, about 5' 8", while I was almost 5' 4". Jerry was stocky. I was lithe, in fact, I was often teased for looking more like a girl than a boy. Jerry was a jock, no surprise there. I was not. I compensated for my lack of physical prowess with an alert...

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Uncle Jerry

Whenever mom and dad decided to head up the mountains to gamble in Reno, they usually left my sister with the neighbors and their daughters, so I got to go to Uncle Jerry's. Now, Uncle Jerry wasn't really my uncle, but he was a long-time friend of my mom's family that was always at the Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings, and someone who always treated me like I was special. So, the 'Uncle' tag just seemed to fit. Uncle Jerry was about half-way between my age and my parent's ages, which...

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My buddy Jerry

My buddy JerryAfter looking high and low on the web I found a buddy, 2 years younger then me 5’8” 185 a big plus 7” uncut dick. He has been separated from him wife for 2 years. After chatting online exchanging photosWe decided to meet at a local coffee shop. Around noon pulled up to the local coffee shop, Jerry was outside he had a green Chevy pickup told him I have an old blue dodge pickup. He rolled down his window and said “ Jim?” I replied “Jerry?”I parked my truck, and he approached my...

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Redesigning Jerry

Re-designing Jerry. By: Maryann This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. This story can be archived on Fictionmania. Copyright (C) 2000 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text. Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright. No hardcopies may be made without written permission from the...

3 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 13 Jerry

I woke up the next morning alone in bed but otherwise feeling fine from the night before. I wasn’t the only one feeling fine, though. I could hear fun and games through the open doors between my bedroom and the hall and the hall and my parent’s bedroom. I pulled my robe from the closet and wandered down the hall. Once inside their bedroom, I could clearly hear my mother crying out, “Fuck my ass! Fuck my ass!” She and Daddy were screwing in the shower. I waited for them to finish and then...

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Dear Uncle Jerry

Dear Uncle Jerry I moved back to Jacksonville after selling my business in Modesto for a nice profit. I liked northern Florida. It was more populated with native-born folks, rather than New Yorkers, Canadians, and other refugees from the North, who preferred the southern half of the state. I took my time looking for another business opportunity because I knew pretty much what I wanted to do. Of course, I had to fend off a lot of "old friends," who had an endless list of business ventures for...

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Running naked in front of Jerry

Jerry and I used to meet at a local park in Sacramento late at night. Jerry loved to see me naked. Many times he would walk over to my car and demand that I strip and walk over to his car totally naked. I would comply ... removing all my clothes except my running shoes. I have a runner's body ... having run several marathons. And I keep running now.If other cars were in the park, obviously other guys, Jerry would invite them to park behind him car to watch a "naked guy" walk through the...

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Trish and Jerry

It was raining cats and dogs, but I didn't give a good goddamn! Herdin' a semi down the road was better than watchin' them damn soaps. Retirement-reshmirement, it sucked. Being retired ain't nuthin' but waitin' to die. Not me, not anymore, I'm workin' again. I pulled the big rig into the diner and parked for easy egress later on. I only had a couple of hours more road time, but I was hungry. The construction project would have to get along without its rebar till I filled my belly. So...

1 year ago
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Tami and Jerry

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Becoming A Slut Husband Jerry

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3 years ago
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My name is Jerry, and I'm a 42 year old and own a successful architecturefirm, employing over 50 people. I have married for 19 years, most of whichhave been happy.I do have an eye for the ladies, and Mary, my wife couldn't help butnotice. She is very jealous and keeps a close eye on me.We are still having sex but it's been getting a little routine. For thelast year and a half I have had a wonderfully discrete affair with Marsha,who has added a lot more interest to my sex life. I had been...

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CorruptionChapter 8 Jerry

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Jughead Jones and the Curse of the Bauble

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Sam Stone unlocked the front door of the juke joint he owned along with his brother, Paul. The club was basically an old two-story farmhouse that had been converted for commercial use. It sat on the outskirts of a mid-size town in Mississippi. It was called JUGS. More than 90-percent of the patrons were Black men. All of the front of house staff were white women with big titties. Sam & Paul hired no one that had less than a D-cup.JUGS had decent food and good drinks. There were usually...

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Back at Jerrys

It was finally Friday night. Mother asked if I could spend the weekend with Jerry so she could get some rest, I agreed to and packed my suitcase. Around 6:00 there was a knock at the door. Mother opened it and it was Jerry. He and my mother talked for a while, and she asked him if he could bring me back around 10:00 Sunday night, he told her that would be fine, helped me with my suitcase and we went to his car. He asked me how I was and how the last couple of weeks went. I told him how school...

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CorruptionChapter 11 Jerry

Trying to get established after I got out was harder and easier than I'd imagined. I didn't face the problems of a place to stay or where to get food. I didn't even face the pressure of trying to find a job. On the other hand, when the best job I could find was working as an temp data entry clerk, it was a blow. Meeting my parole officer was another exercise in humility. She made it perfectly clear what she thought of my value to society and that it would be better off if I never saw the...

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Peeping Jerry

I walk by this apartment window and the curtains are wide open, so I look in and see this beautiful woman sleeping on the couch wearing only a see-through top and panties. I am looking in on her and getting turned on as I notice her sliding glass door is open a little, so I slide it open a little more and sneak in. I walk quietly through the kitchen to the livingroom where she is sleeping on her side and the only light is coming from the TV. I am so nervous I don't know what to do, if she wakes...

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CONJUGAL I'm so glad that horrible trial is over with. The judge really had it out for me and Joey. It's unfair, because all I did was drive and it wasn't like he did more than threaten that lady. But because Joey already has a record waiting to be sealed, they got to decide he was a dangerous case and needed some kind of special rehabilitation. On the plus side, they said that once Joey finished his 9-month rehabilitation at some place called Rosemond, his record could be...

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Conjugal Visit

She was waiting to see him. Her breath caught in her throat as she walked through the sterile prison halls. This wasn’t the main compound, where the prisoners were kept. This was a special building made specifically for...visitation. Conjugal visits are commonplace around the world but not in the United States. Only five states maintain the right of conjugal visitation, believing that prisoners were “unredeemable”. She didn’t really want to come. But she felt...regret. He wasn’t the greatest...

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Subjugation Chapter 1

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Conjugal Visit

"What's your name?" the guard asked."Tamera Wilson.""And your relationship to the inmate, Mr. Farn?""I'm his girlfriend.""Oh," he said, breaking eye contact. "So, you're here for a conjugal visit then?""Yes."He failed to comment further and let me into the back. I kept smiling the whole time and felt giddy too. I wasn't sure how he'd react, but I was more than curious to find out indeed."Okay, you've been stripped of all metal objects and things of that nature, Ms. Wilson," the guard said,...

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Rp with LovingSkye

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Subjugation of a Siren Pt 1 The Business Lunch

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The Loving Family Complete and Revised

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The Loving Family 18

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Transvestite and incestual loving of a delicate ethereal and softly sensuous nature

It was a lovely evening. The sun slipped behind the trees and the lengthening shadows crept across the patio, plunging the secluded garden into twilight. The elegantly dressed young girl slowly arose from the sun lounger and, on long, coltish limbs, stiletto heeled, glided sexily through the open French windows and into the coolness of the drawing room. For a moment she stopped and leant against the door, resting easily in that totally feminine way, with a hip thrust out and a knee bent...

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Mom Gets Angry With Grown Up Pussy Loving Son

Mom Gets Angry With Grown Up Pussy Loving Son blacklaceguy [email protected]   The author wishes it to be known he does not condone incestuous relationships in real life, but recognises it is a common fantasy and one shared by many.?   I'm Alex, 31 and a sales job that usually takes me places.? Normally, I'd be out on the road, but promotion meant I was mostly office bound now.? What's more, I was recently divorced, my ex kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees...

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Loving Parent

Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...

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A Loving Parent

Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...

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A Loving Parent

Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...

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Mom Gets Angry With Grown Up Pussy Loving Son

The author wishes it to be known he does not condone incestuous relationships in real life, but recognises it is a common fantasy and one shared by many. I’m Alex, 31 and a sales job that usually takes me places. Normally, I’d be out on the road, but promotion meant I was mostly office bound now. What’s more, I was recently divorced, my ex kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees to my mom for a roof over my head. It was with mixed feeling that I went back through...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 16 Epilogue The Rogues Loving Harem

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part 16: Epilogue - The Rogue's Loving Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Six: Crowning Achievement Princess Ava – Echur, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My hands smoothed the smooth satin of my blue gown. It hung over the layers of petticoats beneath, giving my figure the shape of a bell, a tight waist that then flared out over my legs. I shivered, my small breasts...

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Quarantined with Mom and My Sisters Chapter 5 Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters

Chapter Five: Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Yeah,” I agreed to Mom. “I'll give you dick whenever you want it. So don't worry.” Mom smiled as she was stroking my cock having woken me up with the usual fashion: sucking on my dick. Sleeping on either side of me were my sisters Jamie and Auburn. I had my little sister and her little titties rubbing into my right side and my big sister and her big boobies rubbing...

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Loving a Witch

I wrote this story four years ago and posted it on a BBS I was a member of. You may archive this story, or repost it for provided do not realize profit by doing so, provided you do not change the story and provided that you do not claim credit for the story. This story is intended for the entertainment of adults who enjoy stories involving sex, romance and a touch of the kinky. If you do not enjoy these stories, are underage or are in a jurisdiction where such things are not legal,...

3 years ago
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Zoe Discovers How Passionate and Loving Anal Sex Is

This is the story of an experienced loving man training an inexperienced woman about the joys of anal sex. If anal intercourse is not your thing, please move on. If you like the story, and you think I did a descent job, I welcome all comments and positive ratings. Thanks, and enjoy. Hi there, my name is Zack, and my lady’s name is Zoe. We were both 32 when this story happened. Zoe was an incredibly sexy woman at 5’6” and weighing in at 120 to 125 pounds. She had long auburn hair, hazel eyes,...

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Shanus Loving FamilyChapter 11 Seven Days to Wedding

The riotous excitement of twins arrival did not diminish for next three days, in fact it lasted until the guests left. They showed they were perfect gentlemen and spent time with every one including silly giggling google eyed teenaged girls treating them like ladies. Their grandfathers, father, uncle, sisters and aunt allowed others to enjoy the pleasure of twins' time. The following days allowed twins to catch up with close family. Nasim was amazed and overwhelmed at how mature, manly and...

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Loving My Daddy Part 2

When a handsome masculine and virile Daddy comes to visit me, the first thing I do is make sure I'm looking good, smelling good and ready to please him in the way he wants. I feel it's my duty as a loving, worshiping bottom that I'm good and clean, especially in my asshole and up inside my horny rectum, and that my body will be available in any way Daddy wants me to use it to satisfy his needs. Regarding Daddy, I don't mind if he's not super clean. In fact, I love it when Daddy has a manly funk...

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Loving Little sister and Friend

Loving Little sister and FriendPrologue Rachel is my younger sister by three years. Since we were little she and I have been best buddies. For the most part we have always gotten along great together. I love playing games and hanging out with her. She's the happiest person I know and has the cutest smile and the most adorable laugh ever. She is so fun to be around and she's kind and friendly to everyone.As her older brother, naturally I enjoy teasing the hell out of her. I learned early on that...

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My Loving Wife

Introduction: He discovers his wifes secret life. My Loving Wife By: DamonX ([email protected]) MY LOVING WIFE I got off work early so I thought Id hurry home and surprise my wife with a night on the town. It had been a good day so I was in a good mood. I was singing to myself as I pulled into the driveway. I was in such a good mood I hardly noticed the strange car parked alongside my wifes. It was just a friend of Terris I guessed, so I paid it no further attention and headed inside. I...

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A Mother Pleases Her Loving HusbandMaster

A Mother Pleases Her Loving Husband/Master By iluv2licyurhunyup I love pleasing my husbands desires Being an obedient and loyal sub to my loving husband and master I wanted to share my most recent tandem sexual tasks. I hope you guys like it as I truly enjoyed it. I will tell you that being this mans wife/sub has been my pleasure for over 32 years and I hope we get at least another 32 years to play like we have done all these years. First you must know what my tasks were before you will...

1 year ago
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Val had a problem, a serious one too. It was her son, for the last 2 to 3 months he had been getting closer to her, but being his mother, she loved it. He was attentive, kind, complimentary, and loving, very loving.He had always been closer to her than his dad, who was gone now, gone for the last 3 years. Val had had enough of his philandering and thrown him out. Craig had been 16 at the time. He did miss his dad, but he got used to it quickly because it gave him his mother, he had no...

3 years ago
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Loving Joy

POV: Kaylee"Are you still feeling bad about Joy?" she asked, sitting next to me."Yes, but the situation was maybe bad on both of us. Joy was just having intimate issues, and her parents are just free spirits. Before I go any further, Mom, are you my loving mom or the judgmental one?" I asked, peeking at her."Kaylee, you know damn well, I have to be both. You don't get anywhere in life solely hearing the things you want to hear, so tell me what's wrong. You've spent endless hours with...

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Indian Couples Erotic and Loving Threesome with Husbands Close Friend MMF Part 2

Anil saw Neena standing naked, close to me, after I stripped her completely. He got up, slowly removed his kurta, came forward, held her hands and caressed them affectionately. He closely scrutinized her body from top to toe. He wanted to have the feel of the entire body of the woman he had craved; for the past several months. He moved a little and took her in his arms. Not knowing exactly how to react, she simply let Anil’s arms envelope her. They were in a face to face, body to body embrace....

Group Sex
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Futa Naked In School 10 Loving Her Futa Girlfriend 2 Salomes Futa Passions Exposed

Chapter Two: Salome's Futa Passions Exposed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Salome Cardozo's Week, Tuesday I knelt trembling bent over the cafeteria table, my body aching for this delight. For Shelena's futa-cock to ram into my asshole and satiate that lust that had been plaguing me all day. I knew it was wrong. I stared into my futa-girlfriend's eyes, wanting to deny my lusts for another. But I was so horny. Going naked all day. Touched. Caressed. Teased. Futas had rubbed my...

3 years ago
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Becoming Mamas Good Boy Chapter 1 MindControlled into Loving His Mama

Chapter One: Mind-Controlled into Loving His Mama A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! The Figure held up its next masterpiece. It stares at the slender, black belt adorned with a silver buckle. In the most graceful cursive possible, it had written, “Mama's Boy” on it. The words were beautiful, one letter flowing to the next. Elegant. Fitting. The Figure smiled as it headed to the mist. The portal that...

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Not Like Loving You Mitch

Not Like Loving You! By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer Now and again a particular song will suddenly grab my attention and just will not let go again. One morning recently I heard Nell Bryden’s ‘Not Like Loving You’ on the radio. I had heard the song before, but that day it just got to me. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do anything until I’d tried to write a short story around it. I hope I’ve done it, although I have had to take a few small liberties with the lyrics. However, anyone who...

1 year ago
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My Loving Wife

By: DamonX ([email protected]) MY LOVING WIFE I got off work early so I thought I'd hurry home and surprise my wife with a night on the town. It had been a good day so I was in a good mood. I was singing to myself as I pulled into the driveway. I was in such a good mood I hardly noticed the strange car parked alongside my wife's. It was just a friend of Terri's I guessed, so I paid it no further attention and headed inside. I opened the door slowly, wanting to...

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A Mother Pleases Her Loving HusbandMaster Part II

In my first story you may recall that my loving Husband/Master had given me two tasks to complete during the week while he was gone. I love my husband so much and have enjoyed doing the hot sexy tasks he has assigned me for over 32 years. I knew that completing these tasks was not going to be a problem, in fact, they would be a total and sexually satisfying pleasure. Here is part two of how, being the obedient mother, wife and sub I continue to please my loving husband. Tuesday - November 6,...

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Chubby Loving

Are you a Chubby Loving kind of masturbator, or do you prefer a more traditional set of beauty standards when you’re picking out the pornstars you’d most like to see fucked? Well, if you fall into the latter category, perhaps you’d better go check out one of my other lists of smut here at ThePornDude because the BBW stuff isn’t for you. But, on the other hand, if you do like a lot of extra meat on your sandwiches and your sluts, I think you’re going to love what you find here.Unlike the...

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My Loving Son

Mark Lyndhurst was walking down his garden path when he heard a kerfuffle coming from the house. As he got nearer he heard his mother shouting."How can you do this to me, I've waited nine months for this cruise and now you say you can't go!"Then his dad in a quieter more conciliatory voice, "I'm sorry Emma, but they've brought the whole contract date forward to next week instead of next month. There's nothing I can do honey, I'm so sorry.""You can tell them to stuff the fucking contract!" she...

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A Loving Son

Mark Lyndhurst was walking down his garden path when he heard a kerfuffle coming from the house. As he got nearer he heard his mother shouting."How can you do this to me, I've waited nine months for this cruise and now you say you can't go!"Then his dad in a quieter more conciliatory voice, "I'm sorry Emma, but they've brought the whole contract date forward to next week instead of next month. There's nothing I can do honey, I'm so sorry.""You can tell them to stuff the fucking contract!" she...

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A Mother Pleases Her Loving HusbandMaster Part V

If you have read my first four stories you know that I am a loyal and devoted sub to my loving husband/master. He was such a good master and while he was away for a week long fishing tournament he instructed me to complete two tasks. One task was that I was to seduce one woman a day during my lunch break from my job. The second task was to seduce our 17 year old son and let him use his mother for his personal pleasure. I loved the tasks my husband gave me and this was one of my...

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Crystal ClearChapter 10 Babies Horny Dads Playful Wives and a Loving Reporter

Edie, the pretty reporter from the Dayton Daily News, appeared nonplused. "You ... err, how can I ask this delicately ... you conceived a second child last night?" She looked between Summer and me about a dozen times in ten seconds. Summer spoke directly, not being evasive in any way, "Yes, exactly." "How do you know you're pregnant? You can't tell for sure for at least a couple of weeks." "I can," Summer replied with great certainty. "I knew it the second he ... the second his...

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Indian Couple in loving threesome with a close male friend Part 3

She clutched my cock and started crying loud, “Oh Raj, Anil is playing havoc with me. I am unable to control myself. I am coming again!!!! Neena got up, Pulled Anil’s legs closer to her; held Anil’s long penis in her hands, pulling me also into her fiercely. She started moaning loudly “OOOHHH!!! What has happened to me? Why am I going mad like this today? Ah!!!!!!” And there, she had her third orgasm in such a short time that I was dumbfounded. She rolled and clutched our hands and squeezed...

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