Bimbotech: X Y free porn video

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BimboTech: XY by Jack Andrews (This is a story in the BimboTech universe. It was created by The Sympathetic Devil on a mind control story site. I have permission to play in the TSD's sandbox.) Chapter 1 "Are you sure you want to go up there, sir?" The elderly elevator operator inquired of me. "BTI is on 32, correct?" I asked. "Yes." "Then I'm sure." He looked at me, down and up and back again, and almost sadly and muttered something under his breath. He closed the door and started the elevator. "What do you want with BTI?" "Let's just say someone's going to answer some questions for me." He stopped the elevator so fast; it nearly knocked me off of my feet. "What gives, old man?" "I could get in a lot of trouble by telling you this," as he looked around as if we were being watched. "Tell me what?" "That it's a bad idea to go up there looking for," he seemed to be choosing his words carefully, "...answers." "I can handle myself, thanks for your concern." "Of that I have no doubt, but I still think you should reconsider." "Not going to happen. Please," I gestured to the controls. "Don't say I didn't warn you." He restarted the elevator and just shook his head sadly while he looked at the floor numbers. A minute or two later we were there. "32, sir. BTI. Please reconsider." "Have a nice day," I said as I exited the elevator into a stark, white lobby. I followed the BTI signs around the corner to a door labeled "BimboTech, Incorporated." I opened the door and entered another white room. It was your typical office, but all ethereal and white. The receptionist was incredible: a perfect bimbo. She had the vapid bimbo smile, red, red lips, white, white teeth and her tits: big and perky and frightenly perfect. I was damn good at knowing exactly what a woman's cup size was, just from looking -- I could usually tell the band size as well. This woman was a perfect 32DD. "Welcome to BimboTech," she said in a sing-songy voice. As she saw me, her eyes nearly popped out of her head. "You're a man! Goodie!" "Goodie?" "Yes, goodie! Tittiefuck LOVES men. Want me to suck on your lollypop? Tittiefuck is so great at that. What flavor is yours? I like them all, but grape is my favoritest!" I had no answer for her as she got up from her desk, pulled open her already low-cut top and walked around to the side where I stood dumb struck -- the stories I heard were true. She was being very enthusiastic, but she was struggling with something. "I really like you," she cooed, "but men aren't supposed to be here. But..." She was as transfixed by my crotch and I was by her tits. She got on her knees and unbuckled my belt. The view I had was mind-numbing. Tittiefuck began to pull down my pants when I heard the clearing of a throat. I looked past her and a man was standing there with a none too pleased look on his face. "Tittie, what are you doing?" he said. "I was going to suck on his lollypop." "Isn't there something you're forgetting?" Tittie thought about it for a few moments and finally said, "I /was/ taking his pants off, Mr. Samson." "That's not what I mean." The look on Tittiefuck's face was one of utter confusion. The look of struggling returned. She was trying to remember something she knew she knew, but didn't know she knew it or how to remember it, yet she needed to keep trying to remember it. With that, out of nowhere, she tried to jab me with a small needle. I grabbed her wrist, stood her up and gently made her inject herself into her shoulder. She began to moan and slid down my body into a quivering mass. Samson didn't move. I zipped myself up. "Mr. Samson?" "Obviously. And you are?" "Call me Brandon." "Alright, Brandon, you clearly know what's going on here, so why don't we cut to the chase? Who are you here to complain about? I recommend that you don't get violent with me, you definitely won't like what happens." I stayed very still and said, "That's where I think you're wrong. I didn't come here to complain about anyone." Samson's features softened greatly. "So you'd like to hire us then? Most clients simply send their request in via our secure website. We take care of everything, including getting your package here as well as delivered to you." "That's exactly why I came in." "I don't follow you," Samson replied. "Why did you have to come in?" "Because I'm the package." Samson looked nearly as confused Tittiefuck did. He looked at me up and down. I stand 6-3 and weigh about 220 pounds. There's not a chance in hell someone would ever mistake me for anything but exactly the appearance I give off: a jock-turned-businessman. He smiled. "I must have misheard you. What did you say?" "I want to be turned into a BimboTech Bimbo." "I guess I didn't mishear you. Why on earth would you want that?" "Because I do. Is there somewhere we can go to discuss this?" Sampson eyed me warily and then nodded at me. "Sure, come into my office." He gestured at Tittiefuck. "Tittie, when you can move again, slink on over behind the desk." She looked dreamily in his general direction and sort of leaned that way. I followed him into the next room, which was his very well appointed office. He walked behind his desk and gestured for me to sit in the chair in front of it. "I'd rather not. Needles sticking people and all." "Oh that, don't worry about it." "Mr. Sampson, I am worried about that. I have specific requirements that I want and being randomly drugged isn't one of them...just yet." "I see. What is it you are interested in? No one has ever come here willing to be turned into a bimbo, no less a man. I'm not even sure it would work." "It will." "How can you be so sure?" "Because I've been researching your firm for sometime. I have connections in the underworld of biotech -- that's how I found you in the first place. I have a procedure that can take a Y chromosome and forcibly convert it into an X." "It can't be done." "It can. Trust me. In exchange for this information, you will be providing me with exactly what I'm looking for." "What's the catch?" "You'll acquire a separate mission purpose, with a very separate company, of course. One that helps people. Imagine the number of transsexuals that you would acquire as clients." "Even if this could work, I doubt they would want to be bimbos." "True, but there's nothing in your process that says someone *has* to be a bimbo. From my research, the mental and physical aspects of the change are all programmable and separate." "You truly have done your homework. That concerns me quite a bit that so much of our operation has gotten out." Samson paused. "How have you found out about us?" "Let's just say I'm a very, very wealthy man and money talks." "I'll take that on face value, besides your, ahem, bimbofication, what's in it for you?" "Before I start, rest assured that nothing I've learned is going anywhere. The majority of information that I obtained is untraceable and, well, the people who provided it to me more than likely don't really know they did. Period. As for what do I get out of it? Tits for one, or two rather. And becoming a bimbo. Let me rephrase that, a functional bimbo. Second, a percentage of each transformation." "Always about money. I knew it. Curious, what kind of percentage are we talking?" "That's quite hypocritical, Mr. Samson. I know what you charge for these forced transformations. Anyway, the question you asked: for people you help, as I said there'd be a new company shelled so that there wouldn't be any ties to BTI whatsoever. Of those transformations, I'd get 20%. For your current operation, a simple 1%." "Interesting terms. But why?" "Because I can. More appropriately, we can. Although my appearance doesn't show it, I've had a burning desire to become a woman my entire life. BTI can make the experience a reality for me and a very erotic one at that." "I'll need to run this past the board of directors and our lead scientists." As I walked to the desk, I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out a flash drive. I placed it on the desk. Samson picked it up and looked at it. "Of course. I would expect nothing less." "Answer me this? If you become a BimboTech bimbo, how are you going to function?" "Remember I said a functional bimbo. Big difference, which I don't need to go into until we're in agreement." "Understood," Samson said, "I will get this to those who need to know. How can I get in touch with you?" "Right now, you can't. I'll be in touch with you in, say, a week? Does that give you enough time?" "It should, but I still don't understand why you'd want to do this to yourself." "Since you're going to become even more wealthy and it's not happening to you, does it really matter?" "I suppose not." "I'll let myself out." I paused and figured what the hell. "Would you mind if I gave Tittiefuck a try before I left?" "Help yourself. She'll take you to a place where you can have some privacy. Her trigger phrase is 'it's time to play, bim-bo." "Her trigger phrase?" "Yes, some of the bimbos have them. In Tittie's case, she was designed to remember her old life and realize how trapped and turned on she is. She also gets completely submissive, even more so than you saw at the desk. Her program is sadistically amazing." "Very interesting. You finally perfected it." "Yes. It was perfected within the month. You really have done your homework." "Yes, I have. I didn't expect it to be field ready for another year," I reached out and shook his hand. "Wonderful. I'll be with Tittie and then I'll be in touch next week." "Two things with Tittie that I think you'll really like. First, play with her tits right after you trigger her. The more play with them, the faster she loses control. Second, tell her all she needs to do is push your hands away. We set it up so that accelerates everything for her as well as make it feel even better for her...and you." My voice caught, I was so turned on. I hoped I was hiding my extreme arousal and somewhat praying that I wasn't six different shades of red. "Thank you." I walked out of Samson's office and saw Tittiefuck back at her desk. "Did you have a good talk with Mr. Samson?" "I did. Now you get to suck on my lollipop. Does that sound good?" Tittiefuck jumped up and cheered. "Mr. Samson said you'd take me to a place where we can be alone." "Sure. Follow me," he eyes wide with excitement. She had to be in something like heat. She couldn't take her eyes off of me. I had to remind her to keep looking forward. I was hard as a rock and I could feel the adrenaline pulsing through my system, pulsing with my heartbeat. It was making me lightheaded." Tittiefuck led me into a room that was, for all intents, a bedroom. This must be where the clients try out their new toys. She closed the door and looked at me eagerly. "Tittie, listen to me. It's time to play bim-bo." "What?" Tittie answered as if she didn't hear me. "It's time to play, bim-bo." A light flickered in Tittie's eyes for a moment and she looked profoundly confused, not vapid like she did before. "Who are you?" she said in a decidedly un-bimbo-like voice. "Wow, he wasn't kidding. I'm your friend. Don't you want my lollipop?" Her voice had no more trace of bimbo in it. "You can't be my friend, I don't know you." Tittiefuck seemed out of place and unsteady. I stepped closer to her and placed my hands on her tits. "Feels good right?" "Omigod...These tits...They aren't mine." "Of course they are." "Noooo, they're not." I squeezed them. She drew in a breath quite sharply. "See?" "But they aren't, " she panted, "Mine aren't this...That feels good. So big. Jesus." I kept gently caressing them while I firmly massaged them -- these were DD in size, but Grade A in tit. "See, I am your friend." Tittie moaned while she tried to keep her eyes on me, yet she made no motion to stop me from rubbing on her tits. It seemed as if she was searching for something. "I like how you're doing -- " The light went on. "Fuck, stop. Stop this. It's happening again. Please stop. Stop it please." Now the light went on in my eyes...and in my pants. "What is?" I smiled and didn't stop. "What you're're turning me into this big-titted bimbo." "All you have to do is push my hands away." "I know." "So?" "I can't." "Then it's time to play bim-bo. That's right, it's time to play bim-bo." "Please no, omigod omigod, I can," her voice wavered between normal and bimbo, with the bimbo rapidly gaining strength. "Stay me...that feels so Tittie...fuck." The bimbo voice was back and the light went out of her eyes, replaced by a vapid lust. I didn't stop my fondling. "Ooohh...Tittiefuck likes to fuck." "I thought so. I'm your friend. I like to fuck also." Tittiefuck pushed her chest into my hands quite forcefully. I'm not sure who was turned on more. Part of me that was turned on was not only tuned on by this gorgeous creature being brainless and inhibition-free for me, but the knowledge that soon I would be in a very similar position and, at least for a time, unable to stop it. Something primal in me snapped and I grabbed Tittiefuck and practically tossed her onto the bed from halfway across the room. "You're mine. And I'm gonna fuck you until you scream." Tittie scooted back into the pillows of the bed and I undressed at the speed of lust. I was on Tittie like /I/ was in heat. I felt her entire body under me as I probed her mouth with my tongue. Fast and sloppy kisses as first, but nearly as fast as it started, I slowly the pace into long, deep kisses while I was rubbing her body with my body. "That feels good," moaned Tittiefuck as she grinded back against me. She reached for my pants. "Can I see your lollipop?" I played with her, literally her tits, while toying with her. "I don't know if I want to give you my lollipop." "Oh pleeeeease. I really want to lick it." "I don't know if I should." "Please," she mewed at me with lusty puppy dog eyes. I feigned indifference. "Oh all right." "Yay!" as she undid my pants and somehow kicked them off of me in less than five seconds. She flipped me around and had my cock in her mouth less than five seconds after that. I was seeing stars. "Take your time Tittie." "Hmmm, I know, " she said with a full mouth, "but I want to get my prize." This girl knew how to give a blowjob. I could feel her head moving up and down, on my cock as well as in my hands. I'm not entirely sure what she was doing but the orgasm was building as quick as I ever remembered it. Sure, Tittiefuck was hotter than hell, but I think that I knew what more than likely was in store for my later is what made the entire experience so sublime. With that, I felt everything clench and came hard. It's possible that one of my eyes would have shot out of my head if they weren't closed so tightly. Tittie slid up next to me, pressing her body into mine. It was an exquisite feeling. When I was able to open my eyes a few minutes later, I noticed Tittie had an amazingly content smile on her face and there wasn't a drop of me anywhere. The girl was a regular Hoover. She looked back at me and without changing the vapid look on her face, simply stated, "I'm going to fuck you now" and climbed on top of me. I felt her perfect tits push into me. While they were clearly implants on sight, they didn't feel that way at all. Her nipples were as hard as my rapidly re-stiffening cock. She leaned down to kiss me and regardless of where her mouth had been less than a few minutes ago, I didn't resist her at all. Her entire body felt like heaven. Not a minute later I was once again at full staff and she guided me inside of her. "Oooh, Tittie loves this. It feeeeeeels sooooo gooood," as she slowly began to ride me. My hips kept pace with hers as I continued to fondle her entire luxurious body. Her eyes were filled with a lust that I'd never seen before and it was turning me on immensely when it hit me: After all this time with searching, I was going to get to experience what she felt, with a few changes here and there. It ramped up my arousal by a factor of 500. Maybe more. She felt amazingly soft, yet firm, inside and out. I know I mentioned her tits just a moments ago, but they truly were literal perfection in my hands, my mouth, along my body. The softness of her skin felt erotic to my touch. I felt her begin to tense up. Her nipples got even harder. I got harder than I thought I could get. Our pace increased and we became one pleasure unit. I wasn't capable of thought any longer and held on and my hips began to move in a frenzy. She kept perfect time with me. Our breathing got heavier and heavier while sweat broke out all over both of us. She looked directly at me and for a moment it felt like I could see the person Tittie used to be looking back at me. That sent me over the edge and I came harder than I'd ever come before. Tittie seemed to as well, but I really didn't care. She collapsed on me and in my post-orgasmic haze, I was insanely turned on by what awaited me next. To be continued...

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Summer Vacation of a Lifetime

My name is Adam Rockwood and I am twenty-one years old, a country boy at heart. My dad was a hard-working logger and I inherited his rugged looks. I wear my dirty blond hair down to my shoulders, which has just a bit of a curl to it. I’m six-foot, two-inches tall, with a muscular build but I have a ruddy complexion that is a turn off to most girls. I did inherit my mom's icy blue eyes, which I think is my only redeeming feature.My dad was hoping that I would follow in his footsteps and become a...

First Time
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Caught and Taught

My fingers dipped under the waistband of my panties as I leaned back in the chair. I was immediately rewarded by my fingers being surrounded in slippery warmth. A quiet, breathy moan escaped my lips as my fingertips ran over my clit. I could barely keep my eyes open to read the story that was displayed in front of me. As my finger moved faster I forced myself to concentrate on the words before me. In time, I gave up, letting my own memory take me along…The sound of the clock ticking filled my...

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Mere Friend Nay Meri Mom Ko Party Mein Choda

By : Jaipal m Hello reader’s thanks a lot for your good response to my older stories this is new real story of my mom that I seen after a long time. Meri mom ka naam ranjana hai uska figure kuch is tarah say hai Mummey: 40 Kamar: 36 Gaand: 40 Baat tab ki hai papa out of station gaye hue they mere dost deepu ka birthday tha usney hum ko invite kiya hua tha ur bhupi ko bhi invite kiya hua thi so hum log uskay birthday pe chaley gaye. Deepu ka ghar double story hai aur neechay ka portion...

3 years ago
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Utilized A Golden Opportunity

. I was 20 yrs old that time. I used to live with my brother in a big city and study in a famous university. My brother was a top level executive of an MNC. He had a big bungalow from his company. There was a middle aged watchman(Darwan)for the house, who used to live at their house, with his wife. Komola was his 2nd wife, as his first wife died. She was pretty young, about 24/25 yrs old, much younger for her husband. Komla used to work in the house as maid. She was stunningly beautiful....

2 years ago
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The Spirit of PolandChapter 13

Felek groggily sat up, the smell of breakfast filling his nose. Or, rather, he tried to sit up. Something was on his chest. Not something heavy, or really restraining, but it was just enough to require more effort than he was willing to put into moving at that moment. He opened his eyes. Branches, leaves, a lightening but still dark sky. He'd have to lift his head to find out the problem. God, he really didn't want to move. "Morning." Anelie's voice helped cut through his fog. Rolling...

3 years ago
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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 3

"Nat. Tab," Sarah called, the moment she opened the door. "Anyone home?" "In here," the booming voice of Tabitha answered from the lounge and Sarah turned right through a door at the foot of the stairs. "Ahh, we have a problem," she called out as she kicked off her shoes across the tiled hallway so they landed against the wall in heap. "You'll never guess what my stupid, pig-headed ... shit, Nat, are you OK?" Sarah paused as she looked down at the couch and saw her curvy house...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Gizelle Blanco Sexy Girlfriend Gizelle Is A Giver For Big Cock

Sexy girlfriend Gizelle is ready to return the favor to her black lover Isiah for all his generosity, time and big black cock that he has given to her keeping her and her boyfriend satisfied. Today she was all about giving and making him feel like a king firstly with a bubble bath as she strokes his hard big cock with both hands but just needs to hop on it! Isiah finishes her wet hot tight pussy off on the bed burying his bbc as deep as it will go inside her tight pussy until she swallows every...

3 years ago
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DAS FOLTERCAMPP. Hammer (Pseud.)- Teil 3 -Pablo sa? vor den Bildschirmen in seinem Zimmer und ?berlegte, wie er das Wochenende am interessantesten gestalten k?nnte. F?r diesmal waren zwei hochrangige Kunden angek?ndigt, die jeweils eine Sklavin mieten wollten. Die Kunden w?rden am Samstag Nachmittag kommen und bis Sonntag bleiben.Das WochenendeDie hochrangigen Kunden kamen im Abstand einer Stunde im Camp an. Pablo begr??te sie und f?hrte sie in's Haus. Im Erdgeschoss war ein gro?er Raum, speziell f...

1 year ago
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DirtyWivesClub Rachel Starr 22941

Rachel Starr isn’t getting what she needs from her husband — a good fuck! He’s always out, but he still wants her to be satisfied. The horny brunette’s been thinking about her neighbor lately and how bad she wants to ride his cock, so she rings up her hubby and asks him if it’s ok that she nails him. Her man is so turned on by the idea of her hotwifing spouse that he says yes! Next thing you know, Rachel’s in the shower soaping up that fat big ass and those big beautiful tits of hers in...

1 year ago
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LatinAdultery Luna Star 23665

Who is that Luna Star sees in her back patio, cleaning the pool? It’s not the normal pool boy – it’s his son, Lucas. Apparently his father is sick, so he’s taking over, and my, my, Luna sure is glad of that! Her husband’s not home, so she takes advantage of the substitute pool boy and gets wet! She summons him inside to “help her with something else,” which translate to sticking his hard white cock inside her hot Latina pussy! The sexy blonde pulls out his dick and her big tits and embarks on...

1 year ago
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A First Date

A First Date By Jeanne Darc (Note: this story is a sequel to The Wedding Party. Please read that story first.) I was waiting in the lobby of my apartment the next day when Natasha arrived to pick me up for our date. I appreciated that she was on time; tardiness is a pet peeve of mine. She was driving a red Alpha Romeo. The engine growled like a lion preparing to spring. Was I the prey? She looked at me but didn't say anything. Just offered me the tiniest of smiles while she opened...

3 years ago
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The StormChapter 4

I hadn't noticed how healthy everyone was until Jan became sick. It's so easy to overlook things and take things for granted until they are gone. If I had thought about it, we were remarkably healthy for having our lives so violently disrupted. Jan had to get up every thirty minutes or so and puke her guts out. When nothing more came up, she still retched. Dry heaves were the worse. It wasn't until late morning when she was able to comfortably sit up and sip some water. "I'm okay,"...

1 year ago
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The War with the GodsPart 1

With perhaps only minutes left before Rabsha returned, Rowann was taking no chances on losing command. I watched her order Immortals like they were infantry and to my disappointment, they never argued. Her troops were arranged cleverly with Immortals supporting Warriors and Rogues and pairs of strong Mages and Poets behind them. Everyone had a clear priority... target our Zibong Mages. We had no objective, having moved into a defensive posture all we could do was protect the Zibong Mages and...

1 year ago
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Jack Surprised 2 off 3

Jack Surprised 2 off 3Continued from Jack Surprised 1 The whole day long Jo shows no signs of this morning play. I try to follow her example. However, I have to adjust myself whenever she glances my way. That night I slept like a log, even to the point of sleeping in. Eventually I slip naked from my bed. With just a towel around my waist I nip into the bathroom opposite by bedroom door. I take a luxurious hot shower. I’m feeling alive for the first time since my wife’s death. As I start washing...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 8 Origins and Dark RevelationsChapter 2

4024 seasons previously before current times "Daddy, are you sure you can't read me a story tonight?" asked a small boy as he father tucked him into bed. "Well now little guy I'm not sure I can match your imagination. You tell some pretty good stories of your own sometimes," smiled the man down at the boy as he sat on the bed next to him and reached out to ruffle his hair. The young boy looked to be about six or seven seasons old as he was getting ready for bed. The man was sporting...

1 year ago
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MY Mothers boyfriends Son

My mothers boyfriend was a complete waste of space, he knocked her about and spent all his money in the betting shop, I hated him and wasn’t afraid to tell him, he had been married before and his k**s were just as selfish, I hated them too. This particular Saturday me and him were arguing in the kitchen, and was getting heated when his son, Jerry, was trying to defend him, when he simply walked out, Jerry and I kept on arguing.I hadn’t had any form of sex for a couple of months, yes I was...

3 years ago
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Mr IrresistibleChapter 8 Fixing What Was Broken

"Cameron Blake," she said as I exited the vehicle. "Feels like it's been ages." She dribbled the basketball between her legs before firing an expertly executed jump shot to the hoop above her driveway. She didn't make it but who the hell was keeping score anyways. Ahhh Cara, the girl next door. What's not to be said about her? Beautiful legs, shapely ass and thighs, a sculpted waist, and a rack that just made you want to... "Cam?" Damn, everyone was interrupting my voice-overs...

1 year ago
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 23 Hell hath no fury

I was sitting in my office, writing a letter to Mimi, when I heard the clattering of hooves, the cracking of a carriage whip, and the rumble of wheels over the cobbled courtyard. I put down my quill and looked from the window. A large coach, drawn by six horses, pulled up at the entrance to the building. The carriage and horses were all liberally splattered with mud; the weather had become slightly milder, and former ice bound roads were now quagmires. A figure got from the carriage, the...

3 years ago
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The Paint Job Part 4

After leaving the tea to brew, I went back through to the studio to find Adam and Stephen having what looked like very intense sex together kneeling on the couch.  They were both upright and facing forwards.  Stephen had one arm around Adam's prominent chest, fondling a nipple, while the other was wrapped around the bigger man's cock, gently sliding his foreskin back and forth across the great plum head.  They were kissing passionately and Stephen's hips were gently slapping against Adam's big...

Gay Male
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BulletChapter 2

Valerie Gibbons. That’s the woman my heart was transplanted into. I’m sure along the way I’ll find out why she needed a heart transplant but I don’t know that yet. What I do know is that I traveled along with my body to the hospital and was privy to all the discussions as to how to proceed. Valerie was nearing the end of her time for a transplant and soon she would not be strong enough to withstand the trauma of the operation. So, the first harvest from me was my heart. To give them time to...

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My Hot Filipina sister A True Story

It's a story about me and my sister, (we are both Filipinos) check her photo at the end of the story.I remember that night in August like it was yesterday. My older sister and her husband had separated a few months ago and I had been helping her with projects around the house like mowing the yard, painting and general household maintenance. Cindy was a 10 years older than me and I was 19. Our mother and father had passed away last year in a car accident so I lived alone in what had been their...

2 years ago
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Mels Luck Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 8 Contrition and Make Up Sex

The afternoon passed slowly, Mel’s imagination locked into all that Nick had said, at what Tracy had gotten dragged into, and how much worse it all could have been. Mel had wanted to talk it out with Tracy, go on his knees and apologize and explain, but her car was gone and this just wasn’t the kind of stuff to talk out on a phone. So he paced, tried to prepare a winter garden, started up a quick beef barley soup, all in an unsuccessful attempt to ignore the tight knot that had become a...

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Suprise Of An Indian Son8217s Life 8211 Part 1

Hi ladies and gentlemen. I am Vignesh. I am 25 years of age. I am currently staying in Chennai. Now coming to the story. This story is about my mom. Her name is Shalini. She is a normal middle-aged woman with extra flesh at the right places and with fair complexion. My father died 5 years back when I was studying engineering 3rd year. My family consists of me, my younger sister and my mother. After my father’s death, we faced a big financial crisis. We actually didn’t have enough savings to run...

4 years ago
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Linda Saga Of Lust And Love Ch 04

The next morning Linda attended Mass at St. Augustine Catholic church with Mary, Fred and, of course, Evan. She wore her modest white and pink floral dress with her white satin corset under the dress for effect. She wanted to get Evan’s attention. She sweetly held Evan’s hand in the pew. Standing close to him when they shared the hymnal to sing and recite passages together she was happy to be with him. The sermon was from Romans – advice on relationships and love matters. When the priest...

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The Other Side of Me Part Ten

The Other Side of Me - Part Ten by Limbo's Mistress When the alarm went off the next morning, I forced myself to get up, rather than lie there until Katie came in to yell at me. I threw back the covers and padded over to the dresser to trade the nightshirt for a sports bra and pulled on a pair of pink leggings with the word "Princess" running up one leg in white lettering. Because, why wouldn't Charlene consider herself a princess? Especially as I learned more and more about the...

3 years ago
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Boston Lez Contest PT2

THE TURNING CONTEST is a week-long competition between five MILF best friends over who can turn more straight teens, college girls and women.The prize: The winner gets a weekend with the other four women's submissive 18-year-old daughters.Mrs. Carol WhiteCarol drove home from the luncheon with her friends, mulling over the bet the girls had just made. The idea of the bet: a week long battle to see who could seduce the most women was quite a fun challenge, although she was the only submissive in...

2 years ago
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Shaving for the First Time

Shaving for the First Time By Ricky If a man in woman's clothing has an odd ring to it then a 6'2", 250# wolf in sheep's clothing is surely fair game for some hearty guffaws. If there is one thing serious about the situation it is that I have enjoyed bras, panties and garters for the last 20 years, and I still do, but I only enjoy this apparel in the privacy of a motel room or other secluded setting. When I dress it is for the feel of the clothing and the intrinsic pleasure...

1 year ago
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Swimming on holiday

When I retired we started taking more holidays each year and some of those we went on were organized by our local over 50s group. The holidays tended to be in early or late season when the hotels weren’t full and the owners wanted to fill their bedrooms and charged a lower than normal rate to a large group.We always selected a holiday at an hotel that had an indoor swimming pool. There were two reasons for this, the first being I find older women in one piece swimming costumes very attractive...

3 years ago
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(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: March 17, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF, succubus, explicit sex scenes, group sex ***** ---- BOOK 1 ---- - CHAPTER 1: Rescue - I got home from school, parking my silver used car in its usual spot, and went inside to begin making dinner for myself and my… Well, essentially, my housemate. The girl I lived with was five years older than me, and had practically been a part of my life since I...

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Love Lost And love Found

My name is Greg I live in a flat and I paid the rent.I let my fried Fred live in my basement and my girlfriend Shana . You could call it a Ideal place and I was thinking of buying this two story flat. a brick house that made me happy. Especially women and the stories of this place would fill up two phone books and what was to be was not something new to us but the feelings I had were different this time and after all, all three of us were single. All three of us were setting in a booth and I...

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Where wife Sarah, son Rick, daughter Christina and Sarah,s late parents lived in London our neighbours normally couldn,t see in our large garden and none overlooked us so nude sunbathing was the order of sunny rare summer days. Next door neighbours Rob and Katrina had teenagers two sons Brian and Steve. Brian actually dated Chris when she was s*******n, but they just didn,t get on that well. One summer Rob decided to get tree surgeons in to trim back some large pines that were growing more on...

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Lesbian twin sister Part 2

Lesbian twin s_ister Part 2The sun was just rising behind the trees lines at the back of the pool when I woke up in Sara’s large king size bed; we were both naked. Her arms were wrapped somehow around me and she snuggled up tightly into me. She looked so at peace and happy and it took me a little while to put everything what happened last night into place. The smile on her face and of course on mine, plus the sticky mess between my legs refreshed my mind rather quickly. The smell of stale sex...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Avery Black Can8217t Resist Monster Cock

Exotic Filipina Avery Black meets up with ex-boyfriend, multi-ethnic stud Donny Sins, and it doesn’t take long for the horny couple to get hot and heavy and relive their XXX moments together. The black-haired beauty just can’t wait to wrap her puffy lips (of both her pretty mouth up top and in between her luscious legs below) around Donny’s monster cock. Watch the Penthouse star suck and slurp away deepthroating and moaning in ecstasy as she gets fucked balls deep until the...


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