Another "My First Dress" Story free porn video

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ANOTHER "MY FIRST DRESS" STORY BY JANICE I was about ten years old when I wore my first dress. My sister, Alice, who is one year older than me, was away at Girl Scout camp, it was raining and I was bored. My mother was in the basement doing laundry. I went into my sister's room to see if she had something to play with, maybe I could find a coloring book or something. I could not find anything and as I turned to leave I saw her closet door was opened. I walked over and looked in at all her dresses which she never wore, she was such a tomboy. I saw that many of her dresses still had the tags on them. "Why does she not want to wear them?" I thought to myself. "They are all so pretty. If I was a girl I would wear them all the time." I took one off the pole and held it in front of me as I had seen girls do when shopping with my mother. I wondered how I would look in it. "What are you doing?" I heard my mother say from behind me. "Nothing," I said and hung the dress back on the rod. "Why doesn't Alice ever wear dresses? All the girls I know were them and these are so pretty. I think it is dumb to have such pretty clothes and not wear them. If I was her I would wear them all the time," I said. Mom looked at me and at the closet. "Why were you holding that blue dress up?" she asked. "I wanted to see how it would look on me." "How did it look?" "OK, I guess. It is hard to tell just holding it against me like that. Can I have a drink of milk?" I asked and started walking away. Mom grabbed my arm and looked at me. "Would you like to see how you would look in this dress?" she asked taking the dress out of the closet. Now I had never given it any real thought. I was just sort of playing but when she asked I thought it might be nice. "Do you mean it?" "I sure do. It would be nice to see someone wearing it, it is an expensive dress, and so pretty. Do you really want to try it on?" "OK," I said. I think I really did now that she asked me. She told me to take off my clothes while she went to Alice's dresser and took some things out of her drawers. The dress was hanging on the door and I could hardly take my eyes off it. Well, mom helped me into the panties which felt a lot different than my own and I noticed that there was no slit in them. I asked mom why and she told me that girls sit down to pee so there was no need for a slit. Then she gave me what she called a cami which went on like a tee shirt. Then she showed me how to put on tights. No wonder it takes a girl so long to get dressed, they have so many things to put on. Then came the dress. Mom put it on over my head and smoothed it down my body and buttoned the buttons in the back. It felt so nice on me. I actually could, well...feel it, is the best way I can describe it. When I walked I could feel the bottom rubbing on my legs, funny but nice. Mom made me sit on the bed while she put the shoes on. Finally I got to see what I looked like in the mirror. I was pretty. I looked just like a girl. I wondered even more why Alice did not wear dresses if they made you feel this nice and look so pretty. I spent a few minutes in front of the mirror twisting and turning to see how I looked from all sides. Mom said I was pretty as she brushed my hair and used spray to make it look like a girl's hair. I couldn't take my eyes off myself. Mom asked if I would like to keep the dress on for awhile. "I sure do. I never want to take it off," I answered. "OK. Come on and let's get something to eat." We went to the kitchen for a sandwich and milk. Mom made me put on a towel so that I didn't spill something on my dress. I kept it on for a few hours and the only thing I didn't like was that I had to be careful not to get "my" dress dirty. Mom kept warning me, "Be careful of 'your' dress." About all I could do without being warned was to sit and watch TV. It was getting near supper time. Mom asked if I wanted to go to McBurgers for supper. Well, I knew I had to take my dress off sooner or later so I said yes. "Well, you can't go out dressed like that. Come; let's get you into something a bit less fancy." We went to Alice's room where mom helped me out of my dress, I was thinking of it as MY dress. Mom told me to hang it back in the closet as soon as I stepped out of it. I felt so sad now that I no longer had it on but at least I had the fun of wearing it for a few hours. I was still in everything else. Mom put small pile on the bed and told me to get dressed so we can go to eat. I reminded her I still had the panties and cami on. "I know. Now put these on," she said and pointed to the pile on the bed. I picked it up and saw a skirt and top. I looked at mom and she looked back at me and smiled. It was easier just putting on a skirt and top. They too felt so nice and I looked nice but not as pretty as I did in the dress. Mom changed while I waited in Alice's room because her room was the one with the full mirror which I was suddenly infatuated with, or rather the image in it. The skirt and top felt so much different that the dress but still better than my boy's clothes. I kept wishing that I was a girl; not so much wishing I was a girl, because girls were icky, but wishing it was ok for boy's to wear dress and stuff. Mom called me from the hall that she was ready. We climbed in the car when I realized that some of my friends might see me dressed like this and tease me. "Do you think I would let that happen," she said, "we are going to a place farther away so no one will see you, ok." That made me feel better and I enjoyed supper. On the drive back home mom and I had a nice conversation and I don't remember exactly what was said but it wound up that she said I could wear as many of Alice's dresses as I wanted for as long as I wanted and that I could sleep in her room while she was away, that would be until next Saturday. I thought that may be fun so I agreed. I slept in one of Alice's night gowns that night and had breakfast in the gown and a robe, and fuzzy slippers. The next morning at breakfast mom asked me if I really liked being a girl. I explained as best I could that I did not want to be a girl; I just want to wear girl's clothes. She showed me a brochure of a place two towns over called "Princess Castle". I read through it eating my cereal. It was a play land type thing for girls only. All the girls, if they want and almost all the girls do, are dressed as story book Princesses. Costumes can be rented at the place. "Do you think Alice will want to go there? You know how she feels about wearing dresses; she would rather die than to put on a Princess gown." I reminded mom. "I'm not thinking about Alice, I am thinking you might want to go. It is only an hour drive and we can have so much fun." "Do you mean you want me to go? I think that would be nice. Do I get to pick out my own gown?" She assured me I could, and when I looked again through the brochure, which showed only a small sample of Princess Gowns I knew I wanted to go. I wore another tee shirt with a care Bear on it, and another denim skirt, Alice had many denim skirts and that is what she wore when she had to wear skirts. Mom told me how happy she was to be doing things with me. Her new daughter that she was never able to do with Alice and I told her how happy I was to be her new daughter. She told me that she had the next two weeks all planned out for us. School started in two weeks so I could not wear dresses after that. I had only been a girl for two days and already I knew I didn't want to stop but at my age two weeks was a long way off. As we pulled into the parking lot I was thrilled to see a big white Castle and all the girls walking around in their beautiful gowns and I knew that in a few minutes I would be wearing one. The line to go in was short and moved quickly and we were soon in the gate and on another line to get to the place where we were getting the gowns. There were so many girls there with their mothers and I started talking to one of them. Her name was Helen and she lived in Florida, a long way from where I lived in New Mexico. Each girl was given a name tag and I wondered why mom filled mine out. HELLO. I AM PRINCESS "Gwen" I asked her why she did that and she reminded me that I was supposed to be a girl and girls don't have manes like Leon. I had a tough time picking out my Princess gown because there were so many of them and so many girls and mothers there picking out theirs. Mom finally picked one out for me and we went to the changing room. The room was big and there must have been twenty five girls and mothers there all getting changed. I was too young and excited to let the fact that I was a boy bother me. I just took off my skirt and tee shirt and waited for mom to help me get into my dress. The girl who signed the dress out to me called it a "Strawberry Princess Gown" and I could see why. It had strawberries all over it and a belt of strawberries around the waist. There was something under the skirt that pushed it out like I see on the old movies, it was so pretty. Helen and her mother were right next to us and I made friends with Helen and mom made friends with her mother. Our moms made us hold hands all the time and I thought that was "yucky" holding hands with a girl but I did it. We spent all day at the park and I had the best time of my life and I even got used to holding Helens' hand all the time. It was finally time to go and Helen and I changed next to each other again. I think I was starting to like her and when our moms made us kiss each other good by I did not throw up, I always thought that if a girl ever kissed me I would throw up. Actually I liked. Mom told me something on the way home and I still, to this day, don't know if it was mean, what she did, or not. Helens' mom said that when we were putting on our gowns, Helen and I, she, Helen's mom, noticed something about my panties. I didn't at first know what she meant but she told me there was a small bulge there. Mom said she was a bit embarrassed until Helens' mom told her Helen was the same. She too was a boy. I wonder how many other girls were boys. The next week was so much fun going everyplace with my mom, shopping and just places. She even took me to some of her friends' houses and when they saw me in dresses they all thought I was so cute, I never tired of it. We had to go pick up Alice and I though it was the end of my being in her clothes but mom said that the day before when she called Alice to confirm when to pick her up at the train she told her all about the past week and Alice said she would love to see me as a girl. Mom did say that Alice had a surprise for us but not what it was. For the first time in the past week mom picked out what I was to wear, it was not bad and I liked my outfit. (When I first found out that I could wear Alice's clothes I swore to myself that I was going to wear every thing she owned while I could. I didn't even come close.) I found out what the surprise was when Alice stepped off the train with the other girls from her troop, she was a wearing a skirt, and a top that matched my skirt, we looked just like sisters. I was so happy that she did not make fun of me and she kissed me, what I call girl kisses; like girls do to each other. While she told mom all about her stay at camp she had her arm around me, I liked that. She said her last good bys to some of the girls she met there and introduced me to them as her sister. It wasn't so yucky being kissed this time. While helping her unpack her things from camp I told her my side of what this past week was like and how much fun it was. She said that when mom told her about me she thought I would look stupid, she also told mom what to give me to wear so we could match when we met. She changed into jeans and a tee shirt, her official uniform, and as we were walking out the door she let out a little shriek and laughed. I asked what that was about. "Do you realize, little sister, that I just changed clothes in front of you?" I didn't until she mentioned it. She hugged me and said she was hungry and we headed to the kitchen; I hadn't changed clothes yet, I wanted to keep my skirt on as long as possible. Now that Alice was back I thought I was done with her clothes, I wasn't. Walking into the kitchen for a snack my mom looked at us and said, "I looks like my son and daughter are back." It took Alice and me a second to realize that she was talking about me still in a skirt and Alice in jeans. "Why can't I have a sister until school starts? He seems to enjoy being my sister," Alice asked through a mouthful of tuna on toast. Mom looked at me and I vigorously shook my head yes. It was settled. Being a girl, Alice couldn't keep her mouth shut, so during the day, or what was left of it, she called her two best friends and told them she had a new sister. They had to come over and meet me. [since that time I have read a lot of stories about cross dressing and they all say that the guy is supposed to be nervous and ashamed when first confronted by others while wearing a dress their first times. this was not so with me. It didn't bother me at all so when they came I was at ease.] They both thought I was cute and for the next week I was treated as one of them. They took me to the mall and I tried on dresses with them, in the same dressing room and was just one of them. The last weekend before school started mom wanted to take both her girls out for a special dinner and asked Alice if she would wear a dress just for this special occasion. She reluctantly agreed. Alice wasn't too happy about it, but she promised us she would dress up nice and act like a lady. I knew just the dress I wanted to wear out. I had worn it around the house several times and Alice gave it to me, she said as least some one should take advantage of all her nice things. She always said the clothes were pretty but she was so much more comfortable in jeans. I couldn't understand that, I was so much more comfortable in a dress or skirt. The night of the dinner I had everything all picked out and ready by mid morning and was chaffing at the bit to get dressed. The day just dragged on. Alice's friends Kathi and Wilma, both my best girlfriends now, came over for awhile and I showed them my dress. They too thought it was cute and asked to borrow it sometime, they were not like Alice in that regard; they liked to wear jeans too but also loved dressing up now and then and I knew that when they asked to borrow my dress that I was now an official girl, in their eyes. Alice and I helped each other get dressed, don't read anything into this; I'm talking about buttoning each others dress in back and/or straightening a hem or other piece of clothing. We even did each others hair. The supper was the best ever, both of us looked so lovely and everyone told mom how pretty her daughters were and I wanted to stand up and shout, "I'm not a girl, I'm a boy, I'm a boy," but I knew better so I just smiled and thanked them. Well, school started and I had to get used to wearing my own clothes again. I was allowed to dress up when ever I wanted to and I did. Some times the four musketeers, Alice, Kathi, Wilma and I would spend hours at the mall and even at their houses where their parents thought I was a girl. I even spent a few weekends at their houses having sleepovers. Thanksgiving was another one of those days when Alice was forced to wear a dress. Mom invited Kathi's family, actually just Kathi and her mother, for thanksgiving dinner. Mom bought me and Alice matching dresses and Alice didn't balk so much when we both wore them for dinner. I guess she figured that as long as she was not the only one wearing a dress it wasn't so bad. The next few years were fine and I spent as much time as Gwen as I did as Ron. Well, not really but it seemed like I did. The four if us became the best of friend and would sometimes get dressed up and go out together. We all went to each others birthday parties and as far as I know, no one ever knew I was not the nice sweet girl I appeared. Things started to change when the other three girls started noticing boys and their bodies started changing. I started noticing girls, especially the two I had been hanging around with the past two years. I started dating them both but wound up with Kathi who is now my wife. That didn't stop me from cross dressing and many times two attractive girls spend a night on the town. In the places we frequent we are labeled as untouchables, lesbians, so we do not have to put up with guys hitting on us. End.

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Crossdressing Vignettes 2 True Story

This is from the early 1990s, when I was in the occasional habit of crossdressing in lingerie and bottoming. I don't do that any more for several reasons, mainly because at my age I just don't have the body for it any more. About 20 miles from where my wife and I lived, on the outskirts of one of America's largest cities, there was an unofficial red light district. It was basically a very poor little village that had opened its boundaries to adult businesses in order to attract some kind of tax...

3 years ago
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First Time Cuckoldress Part One

Bobby JoTina and I had been friends since college, more years than I cared to count. She had gone through marriage, two children, a burgeoning business, and finally divorce. Unfortunately, her ex had run afoul of some guys that don’t play nice. One night they came to their door with baseball bats looking for her husband. That was enough for her. Since divorce she had a few relationships, but nothing worth remembering the week after.The local papers had been full of ads for weeks announcing the...

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Sex storys

(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Here are some random sex story's that i had on my computer so enjoy...

4 years ago
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First time with a crossdresser pt1 True Story

Ive been married for a few years now, but I always find myself straying from time to time to get my fill of kink. Guess you'd say it is a way of easing stress every once in awhile. I got alittle break one time when the wifie was away visiting her parents for a few days. I was good at the start but after a couple of days had passed, you guessed it, the familier itch to go out and try something crazy hit. I have always been facinated by sub/dom and knew just were to take my search. Well it...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e10 Stacy 44 hairdresser from London

Series 3, Episode 10: Stacy On one side of the street a row of pre-War three-story buildings – shopfront downstairs, residential apartment/flats above. On the other side of the street, modern four/five level office buildings, and an old train station with a sign outside that reads, “Welcome to Enfield Chase”. We’re in North London to meet our next subject, and she’s a subject who’s worth meeting. Back to those shopfronts – one in particular – Hair By Hottinger. A modest hair and beauty...

3 years ago
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Chapter 5 Playing with a New Friend While Dresse

While my friend Jim was pretty much my best buddy, I never tried to involve him in my panty play. I didn’t believe he would go for it, and I was afraid to suggest it to him for fear I would lose his friendship and become the object of his ridicule.I did meet another boy my age, and I discovered he shared my passion for nylon. His name was Dale. He also had a mature woman fan the flames of his passion. It was his mother, but, as he told me, she merely facilitated his enjoyment of her...

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Confession and testament of a crossdresser

Italy, september 2011. Sorry for bad english, I try to write correctly but don't know if I did. From tonight, I was a crossdresser. I'm been crossdresser from 12 to one day before my 27th birthday. Irony. I begin to have an answer to the question: "What feel girl?" Yes, a simple question. What feel girl when wear panty, tights, dress, skirt? What feel a woman in heels, purse, with her hair falling down the shoulder? What feel a teenage when begin to make up herself? When wear lipstick,...

2 years ago
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Brianna and Jayden A TG Dress Shop Story

Anyone watching Brianna and Jayden in the Fashion Towne mall food court would have not noticed anything unusual. Here were two attractive girls, and lots of fashion-conscious girls hang out at malls. Brianna Isabella Mitchell was stunningly beautiful with fashion model looks and posture. Her makeup was always dramatic, but never overdone: translucent skin, accented eyebrows, long lashes, bright lipstick, matching nails. Wavy brown hair with blond highlights cascaded past...

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Lessons Learned the prestory

Introduction: A glmpse into the characters involved… very small sex scene involved Nick = handsome, sweet sincere guy with a dark side Anthony = Skyes brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesnt care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) ...

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Damnest StoryD

Again the ravings of a lunatic. Fiction. I like this story. It seemed so real when the idea grew in my mind. There is no sex. I have no idea where this should be posted. So I will put in the Loving Wives and get on with it. Copyright by mcwade May 15, 2005. The damnest story you ever heard: OK. Here we go. I am 63 years old. My gut is a bit too large, my waist is 36 inches instead of 32. I am way out of shape. I will walk this summer to regain some of my wind and shape. But that has...

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Lessons Learned the prestory

Anthony = Skye’s brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesn’t care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) Skye was sun tanning by the pool when she heard her brother’s voice. What could he possibly want, the fact she was sharing...

4 years ago
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My days in Thailand part 5 A Thias storyy

A NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Following story, although it changed to different girl in different country is true. It is slightly changed to fit the storyline. A word of caution: THOSE WHO DON’T LIKE ROUGH AND EXTREME SEX, DON’T EVEN START. - Master, why don’t you slap me sometimes? – asked Thia once in the middle of cleaning my room while I was working on some project drawings. - Excuse me? - Well…. I know that you love rough sex……and I know that you have some rough games with some girls….Sora...

3 years ago
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(These poems have all been posted elsewhere on the internet, years ago, but I decided to string some together to partly tell a story.) I had dated Jackie David perhaps a half-dozen times before we went dancing. I had found her more and more attractive each time, but had gone slow with her in the hope of building something solid in the way of a relationship - since she seemed to have more substance than any woman I had dated for some time. But the night that we danced I...

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Last Stop Bubbles A Purple Sidestory

- JALEN /-It’s the rattling of chains that wakes me, knocks me back down the hill like Sisyphus’ fucking bullshit rock. Yea. I know Sisyphus. Paint him black and you get the inner city version where the damn rock is America’s racial aggression that never quite dies. Double down by making that sad fuck an addict and shit, there I am, up the hill, down the hill.I groan, head pounding, and pull my face from the salty sweet embrace of a still moist cunt.Nose twitches.I fight back a sneeze. Realize...

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During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...

2 years ago
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you were sitting on the couch watching me undress. i unzip my pants and the back down, revealing my round, plump ass. you like that im wearing a lace thong, think its sexy. i took off my pants and bend over infront of you. i pulled the thing crotch to the side, exposing my hairy glistening pussy. you told me to pull my ass cheeks apart so you can check my holes. i followed as i was told. you ripped off my undies and proceeded to finger my holes. you slap my ass and told me to get on top of the...

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Sex In Goa With Indian Sex Stories Storyreader

Hi how are you all iss story readers… All Male and female me fir ek story le kar hajir hu apko aur entertain krne ke liye or jyada maja dene ke liye.. Mera name Meet he.. Aur me ahmedabad gujarat se log pehli baar meri story read kr rahe he unko meri details de deta hu.. I m 26 yr old..doing business in ahmedabad..i m single… So now all readers me aab story pe ata hu.. Ya baat 1week pehle ki he.. Mene meri last story post ki”muslim housewife ki chudai”..uske baad muje kafi logo ke mail...

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Bi Beki TrueStory

This is the girl who is in this story with me : all starts off with me going downtown just by myself to a well known gay bar. I have been bi-sexual since I was about 14 and I am 18 now. I was wearing a burgundy dress which flared out a lot at the bottom and was showing a fair bit of cleavage, my legs were bare and I had black lace panties on and a matching bra. I was in the mood for a girl tonight seen as I hadn't had sex with a...

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My sister and I True story0

Nickerlover; My sister and IMy younger sister and I only 13 months apart in age,I was the elder.right from a very early age we would play in those days what we called mothers and fathers and would bath together our parents didn't ever notice that we would play with each others sexy parts and at that early age we new nothing at all about sex. but as we both got a bit older in our later teens we got to play with each other and feelings were starting to become better when we were touching each...

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Turok the Tormentor story1

TUROK THE TORMENTOR By: ROBO Turok sat upon his throne over looking his domain. He was the supreme Demon in the Universe and had no equal. He had defeated and destroyed all whom had opposed him. Ever since he had destroyed Satan his life had become boring and dull. He had conquered everyone and everything and now had nothing to occupy his time leaving him with a dismal boring life for eternity. "Bring me an advisor......NOW!!!" he roared. A man came running up "Yes Sir, your...

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Turok the Tormentor story2

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 2 By: ROBO Bruno was sitting in his Limousine with his maul Tiffany watching the drug deal go down. His father Franko Costintino had finally trusted him with an important task in his drug-dealing cartel. The Asian Gang was purchasing one million dollars worth of Heroin for distribution, after this Bruno would finally prove to his father that he could take over as head of the cartel. Bruno was 21, short black hair, and a muscular build and he was wearing a suit....

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Turok the Tormentor story3

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 3 By: ROBO Turok emerged from the portal into a vacant downtown alley. He did not bother to shift out of the visual plane as there was no body around. He was looking for another victim but he wanted a special someone but did not know who he was looking for. As he walked down the alley he heard "Hey, Buddy have you got some spare change?" John was an old bum who was covered in garbage resting when he had seen Turok's boots. He asked for the change and saw...

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Two lsquomomsrsquo tell this true story2

My son Ken was 18 now, and soon got his own apt. and a room mate….Jen. Lynn and I still have visits from them and we stop by their place. Our husbands who had lost interest in sex, got use to Lynn and I, (Julie), spending the night together a lot. My husband and I have a guest house and Lynn I used that to have our ‘sleep over’s in. Her husband was always gone hunting or fishing and was never there on weekends. Our story telling continued and we kept going further with our mutual masturbation....

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My warstory

This story is purely fictional, and if you are under 18 years of age, you are to stop now. My warstory This story begins just before the war. I was a shy, slim boy at almost 18 years, living in a forsterhome for parentless boys, and I wanted to do my part. I had alway been a strange boy, feminine, slim, with something that might look like tits. I was focus for a lot of attension from some boys and teachers, they liked my apperance. Basicly I wanted to get away. So I joint up for...

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The Rescue of DBStory

Copyright© 2002-2004 by DB. The doorbell rang unexpectedly. I was surfing the web to see if Elf Sternberg ( had posted anything new on his latest AI (what I generally call robot) storyline. Although he recently, publicly referred to my writing as "abusively shallow", he also admits that it has affected him enough to provoke him into writing stores in response, so a lot of good has come from this in unexpected ways. Besides, having Elf as a critic is an...

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When I was about eight, I loved to climb poles and ropes. I discovered that I got this extreme feeling of overwhelming pleasure in my pubic area when I climbed them. Then, I discovered I could duplicate that pleasure with my hand on my pecker. When I was nine, my mother found me jacking off in my bedroom and told me that it was a sin and I would go straight to Hell. She also said that I would go blind if I continued. I thought about it for a time but then decided I would continue until I needed...

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For years, since I was around sixteen, I had the knack of convincing girls, and then women, that I could be trusted not to ever repeat what was revealed to me. This information gathering proved to be very useful over the years. I learned that the female gender needs to vent, and be listened to, their questions answered, but they don't want any advice, so I used this to my advantage. Once the word got passed around that I was a trusted soul with a lot of valuable information and a great...

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I went home, got married and started a family, one every year until we reached six. This was enough for me. My wife originally wanted a dozen but she settled for half a dozen. I had a good job and got promoted quickly, mainly because my personality made me learn everything I could about the company. In eight years, I made it into management in charge of the company's production planning responsibilities. Throughout my working career, I liked to flirt, talk dirty, touch provocatively, and...

4 years ago
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Stiffkey BluesChapter 4 Storyboard

Madeleine Roth, posting under the name of Fatima, was putting the last touches to her daily blog. Eastern Promise, the web site she ran with a number of her friends, took up most of her spare time. She and Krista Collins had founded the site almost three years earlier as way of publishing their fantasies of life in the east, veiled and enslaved as part of some potentate's harem. Over the years they had created a series of stories. They, in turn, had attracted other, like-minded, authors and...

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HouseChapter 5 Storyhour

Evidently, I didn't miss storyhour. Jason was just finishing his breakfast in the hotel dining room. I took a vacant seat at the far end of the counter, by the restaurant front door. One of the "J's" dropped a cup in front of me and filled it. She added a spoon, a small stainless pitcher of real cream and a glass pour jar of sugar, rubbed my head and hurried away. I wonder which one that was? For a town totally isolated by tropical storm flooding, there were sure a lot of people having...

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TG Storytime

TGStorytime! I had this crazy dream where I found a remote control that let me alter the very fabric of time and space. I could have used it to rob banks, bang several of my favorite pornstars at the same time, or really do whatever I wanted. All I wanted to do, though, was turn my penis into a vagina and grow rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. That could mean I’ve been reading too much TGStorytime, a user-contributed library of transgender was established in 2011 by Joe...

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