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Movin' Dirt By Joannebarbarella This story was inspired by conversations with Sheila and Dimelza. Kristina L.S. did her usual superb job of editing and suggesting better ways to say things. Thank you my friends. We stood and looked across the gully at the steep ridge on the other side, Tom and Curly and me. Red rocky soil with clumps of spinifex didn't give it any great beauty, just typical of parts of the outback, but it was where the road had to go. 8 a.m. and it was already bloody hot and the sweat was running down the back of my shirt and off my forehead. The flies liked this rare source of moisture too, so the three of us were waving our hands about in the great Australian salute, brushing them away from our faces. Sure made you keep your mouth shut when you had to speak, unless you were partial to fly sandwiches. A few small lizards studiously ignored us as they sat soaking up the sun a little way away from our vehicles. I wished they'd eat the flies, but they ignored them. Apparently they also had better taste. Tom and I had discussed what to do with this section earlier but, as usual, he let me take the lead. Even though I reckoned he was the best earth-moving superintendent in Australia, if not the world, he always gave me the prerogative of outlining things. In a rough-diamond kind of way he was a real gentleman. "Curly, what do you reckon? Can we get a machine up to the top of the ridge and cut down from there?" Curly was our foreman for this stretch of the road, built like a brick shit-house, our best man, because this section through the ranges, 70 miles north of Mount Isa, was the hardest part of the job. He pushed the Akubra to the back of his head as he surveyed the problem. "Yeah, Mac. We can do it OK. I'll put Ian up there on a six*, haveta dog-leg his way up, cut a bit of a track, then Col on the nine* before we put the scrapers in. Piece a piss. Might take a coupla days, though." "OK, Tom?" "Pretty much what I figured." He was as skinny as a whippet and tough as an old leather boot. He had been in Darwin when the Japs bombed the place, so, now, thirty years later, there was no-one I knew who could match his experience or expertise. He could have just figuratively shoved me, the Project Manager, to one side and done the job himself and yet he always deferred to me, at least in public. In private he had given me many a bollocking when he thought I was wrong. He was also the only man I ever knew whose moustache would actually bristle when he was angry, which was quite a sight. Yet we mostly got on like a house on fire and I was proud to think he might be my friend. They didn't make them like that any more. The last of a vanishing breed. "Well," he said, "what the fuck are ya still standin' there for, Curly. Stop wastin' time." There was no heat in the remark. Talkative bastard our Tom, a real people person. To know him is to love him though. Curly, who didn't have a hair on his head, just grinned at Tom before jumping in his ute and taking off with only a slight spray of gravel. Restraint, flash was dangerous out here. We were contractors, and proud of it. Never mind that the consulting engineers, who designed the roads, let alone their clients, looked down their collective noses at us. Something stuck to the bottom of their spiffy city shoes was a fair comparison in their eyes. We just smiled, knowing they couldn't do the jobs they wanted done without coming to us. I loved contracting. I often thought I only became a contractor because piracy was a hanging offence. It was our job to do the hard yakka and make money out of it for our bosses, the Quinn Brothers. There were four brothers who owned and ran the company. There was a fifth who was useless but, being family, they employed him as a store man at the head office in Brisbane. They had all come off a Queensland property before the war and made their fortune working for the Yanks and retrieving the gear they left behind when the war was over. They were legends in the Australian construction industry. The eldest, Les, ran the show with an iron fist and inspired more fear than love, but I found that he had a sense of humour. Mind you, you had better know what you were talking about. Stan ran the South, New South Wales and the Snowy Mountains. He was a really lovely bloke as was Bert, who was king in this neck of the woods. It took a while to get to know Bert. I got through to him by having a cup of tea lined up for him when he would occasionally hit the office at 7 a.m. Brown-nosing? Maybe, but it never hurts to have your boss on side. The fourth brother, Cec, was something else. As rough and tough and acerbic as you'd find anywhere. I don't think anyone liked Cec, but he seemed to like me. He took me in the company plane one time to deal with a problem at a coal-mine they owned. As we flew in I was appalled. It looked like the moon, but with an atmosphere. "Well, whaddaya think, boy?" he asked me. Trying not to be too rude I said, "Is it SUPPOSED to look like that?" "Of course it's not supposed to look like that, ya fuckin' young idiot!" I couldn't help myself. I started laughing, and the old bloke actually cracked a small grin. "That's why I brung ya. We're gunna try an' make it look a bit better." "Shit, you don't expect much do ya, Cec. Oh, well, I'll try." "Ya fuckin' better. That's what yer 'ere for, ya dopey prick." And I did. It took me six months, and he was at me the whole time. When I finished I was about ready to snatch it if he said one critical word. He came in on the company plane and I met him at the landing strip. "Go an get yer gear. Yer comin' with me." I did what he told me and was back at the plane half an hour later. Jack, the pilot, winked at me, so I realized I wasn't totally in the shit. The plane took off and I finally asked where we were going, expecting it to be another shithole in the bush. "Brisbane. Yer booked in The Hilton fer two weeks. Drink, eat 'n' fuck as much as yer want 'n' then come 'n' see me at the office." They used to tell this story about him. I can't swear it's true, but it easily could be. His son, Glen, who was a total dickhead, parked his car in the middle of a quarry they owned one day. A truck driver didn't see him come in and reversed the truck over the car, flattening it. Cec fired the driver, not for totalling the car, but because he hadn't made sure Glen was in it at the time! They had a reputation for bastardry and treating young engineers like me as shit. They only employed us because the modern contract documents demanded it, a necessary evil. But somehow I managed to get on with them and I had been working with them for four years, which was almost a record. My only gripe was that they gave me all the shit jobs, the ones that were losing money or were months behind programme. The bloke before me on this job wiped himself out big time on the grog and was doing a stretch in a detox establishment. I wasn't averse to a drink myself, but apparently he had really crawled into the bottle. So here I was, 29 years old, in charge of building a road from Mt. Isa to the Gulf of Carpentaria. The job had been going nowhere. Tom could handle the physical progress, no problem, but he was not trained to do the paperwork or extract the money from the client. I was good at that. At first Tom had expected me to just sit in the office, but that wasn't the way I worked. I had to walk or drive the site every morning, for my own satisfaction, and so that I knew what was going on. After I had pointed out a few areas where we should have been hitting the client up for more money, Tom would come and pick me up from the site-office at seven every morning after getting the dozers and scrapers going and we would drive the length of the job, climbing out of the four-wheel-drive every now and again to survey progress at particular points. Sometimes I would make a suggestion to try and improve production. Of course I got a bit of flak from the operators when I arrived on the job. There was a sort of reverse snobbery from them. Engineers were considered to be a bit namby-pamby, limp-wristed, and my being a Pom didn't help. The sneering stopped when I moved a D9 one day, which was in the way of the excavation. I had done a course on dozers and knew enough to be able to start one, put it into gear, lift the blade and trundle it along for a hundred yards or so. I just about stopped the job when I did that. Nobody had ever seen an engineer drive a dozer before. A few jaws dropped and all of a sudden I was accorded a degree of respect when I made suggestions. I couldn't have done much more with the machine but never told them that. Because it was a remote job I lived with these guys, of course, in the construction camp. As we were in managerial positions, Tom and the Office Manager and I each had 40'x10' cabins to ourselves, while all the others had 10'x8' rooms in blocks of five with a couple of communal shower and loo blocks, a dining hall, and a wet canteen. Apart from drinking, the after-work entertainment consisted of a couple of pool tables, a dart board and movies twice a week, for which I was quickly elected projectionist, since nobody else had a clue how to do it. This was the first camp to have air-conditioning to each room. The Brothers reckoned the world was getting too bloody soft but personally I cheered. It was damn hot and dusty out there and a good night's sleep improved productivity no end. I told Bert, the Brother who was the man in overall charge of the Mt.Isa operations, this and he said something like "the whole industry is goin' down the tubes. Everybody's gettin' soft" but he soon realized I was right. We got more out of the men because they could eat and drink and sleep in comfort. Simple economics won the day. Air con or not I couldn't have taken living out there if not for the fact that I had my own retreat to get away at night. I didn't have a problem eating with the men. In fact, that was good, because it let me cut off any complaints about the quality of the food. If I could eat it so could they, but I made damn sure that it was edible, if only because there was no way I wanted to cook for myself after a day's work. Tom and I also used to have a drink with them in the wet canteen after work, ostensibly to cut the dust accumulated outside. In reality it was more of a PR exercise. Tom was OK but I had to be careful. It wouldn't have been smart to get pissed, as my predecessor had done too many times, but it gave them a safety-valve to have a bit of a whinge in an informal way about things that were bugging them and gave me a chance to correct the ones that really mattered before they festered and became major problems. It was like having fifty big kids. When I had done what I regarded as my social duties I would retire to my donga and relax for the rest of the evening. I now know, and I knew then, I guess, that I played a dangerous game. My "hobby" for want of a better word, was dressing as a woman. I would make sure that all the blinds were down and I would treat myself to some personal time. After showering I would get into my underwear, panties, bra, falsies, suspender belt and nylons and choose one of my favourite dresses, put it on and make up my face and don a wig, finishing with a pair of heels to match whatever dress I was wearing that night. I couldn't go out, of course, and had to make do with admiring myself in the mirror, remembering and dreaming of the time, ten years earlier, when I had actually lived as a girl for over a year. That had been in England, ten thousand miles and another lifetime away. I sat and remembered and regretted, but we make our beds, don't we? Foolish it may have been, but I couldn't stop myself. The guys would have probably killed me if they knew, and any respect would have been out the window. Getting out of the camp in one piece would have been the top priority, but anyone like me will know that you cannot just stop. I mentioned the movies. We used to get the "new" ones from the Isa once a fortnight, not exactly straight out of Hollywood. Most were probably a couple of years old, but we built up a sort of library and the boys would request favourites like Bruce Lee, "The Magnificent Seven" and "Barbarella" which I would screen time and again. They loved "Barbarella" and so did I, although I'm sure, for different reasons. "Barbarella" was really a silly movie, but very sexy and raunchy for those days. The audience used to whistle and yahoo all the sexy bits and I used to reckon they went back to their rooms and wanked themselves silly afterwards. Me, I admired Jane Fonda and wished I could be her. She really was magnificently beautiful in that movie, and I still get a laugh out of the scene where she broke the Orgasmatron. Daily life went on as normal. My Office Manager was a young Irishman, who insisted on being called J.M. and I didn't know why until his birthday came round and he produced a bottle of Tullamore Dew. He was adamant that Tom and I share it with him. Now, I'm no whiskey drinker but nor was he. Tom could have drunk paint-stripper all night and shown no ill effects. We found out the secret of his initials when the bottle was two-thirds empty. He confided to us that his name was John-Mary, which he found tremendously embarrassing. He was terrified the workers would find out and start calling him Mary (which they probably would have) and he swore us to silence. I remember looking at Tom and strangling a laugh. If that was all he had to worry about, compared to my dark secret! I told him that Jean-Marie was a very common name in France and meant exactly the same, which cheered him up no end, but we still called him J.M. As usual in all-male camps there was the occasional fight, and either Tom or I would be called down to break it up or adjudicate in some way or another. For me it was a further reason why I had to be careful when I dressed. I made a rule not to do it until the wet-canteen closed at 10 p.m. because one of us often had to go down to make sure they actually closed the place and didn't just keep drinking. It was a chore that I hated. One night I got a knock on the door. Tom had gone to town, so I had no choice but to go and sort things out. The man who came to get me, a huge fellow called Peter Haivonen, was our electrician. He could change the light-bulbs in the ceiling without using a step-ladder, and could have ripped the fighters apart with his little fingers, so why did he come and get me? The guy who had lost was an aborigine called Clarrie, and he claimed his opponent had abused him racially, so he wasn't going to let the matter drop. Peter only told me Clarrie was pissed and causing trouble without giving me any details, thanks very much. He accompanied me to the wet-canteen and then let me go in first. I walked into the bar and suddenly I was staring down the business end of a double-barrelled shotgun, held by said Clarrie. Needless to say I nearly shat myself on the spot. As he looked wildly at me Curly stepped forward and knocked the gun-barrel upwards and it discharged, blowing a large hole in the ceiling and the corrugated iron roof above it. In rage and shock I lunged forward and flattened Clarrie with a single blow that came from I-don't-know-where. I was just so mad. When he hit the deck I took the gun off him and told a couple of the operators to take him to bed, ordering the Camp Manager to lock him in. Next morning I fired him. But I was surrounded by members of our workforce all trying to shove drinks at me, as if I was some kind of hero. My knees were like jelly. What I had done was pure reaction. If anyone was a hero it was Curly, who may just have saved my life. I had to sit down and I accepted a beer, which I had trouble drinking because I was shaking so much I couldn't get the can and my mouth to meet. I made my excuses as soon as possible and went to bed, where I dreamed of shotgun barrels. I didn't dress that night. The job went on and we got the worst parts over with. The progress improved and with a little dry weather we were back on programme. I got stuck into the Main Roads Department (our client) and threatened them with all sorts of trouble if they didn't pay us for the variations we had done. I quoted all the right clauses in the Contract at them and they caved in and started to pay us at least for some of the extra work we had carried out, so we were soon back in the black, if not exactly making heaps of money. Even Brother Bert grudgingly admitted that the job wasn't too bad. "Don't know why we keep you on," he said to me one day. "None of your jobs make any money to speak of." "At least I don't lose you a fortune," I retorted."We've already got a fair bit from Main Roads, and I haven't finished with them yet. You should be happy." "Fuck off and get back to work," was his polite reply. I complained to Tom one evening. "Why don't they ever give me a good job? I reckon I deserve it after putting up with all this shit. All I want is a nice, dull, boring, profitable job." He laughed fit to bust. "Johnny boy, you've got no chance ya dozy bugger. Who do you think the Brothers come up with when the shit hits the fan? You, ya dickhead. As long as you stay with them that's what you're gonna get. The things other people have fucked up. They reckon you can fix 'em. Like this one. Pat wasn't a bad sorta bloke but he just couldn't take the pressure." Talking about my predecessor. "OK, but what if I can't? What then? Do I get the boot? That's what they usually do with their engineers when things don't work out." "Son, you really don't get it, do ya? These old guys are not idiots. They've got you pegged. If you can't fix it, nobody can, and they know you will have tried everything. Whatever result you come out with will be the best they could have done under the circumstances." "Oh," I said. Smart answer and I opened another can. Occasionally we even had a bit of fun. One day I asked Tom if I could have a go on a scraper. I'd never been on one before, so he turfed the operator off of a 651* and put me up in the seat, showed me how to raise and lower the scoop, did a round with me and hopped off. "Away you go, Mac," he said. Now a 651 is a big powerful machine with a motor on one end and what they call a scoop on the other, with bloody great tyres on each corner. I'm not going to get too technical but their purpose is to take soil that you cut from A and fill it into B. Needless to say it takes practice. For the next hour the boys pissed themselves laughing at my attempts to get a full load in the bowl and to discharge smoothly in the fill area. "Useless Pommy bastard!" "Ya couldn't drive a fuckin' nail." "Listen, sport, y'aint supposed ta leave fuckin' big holes like that in the cut." Those were a few of the nicer comments they made about my (lack of) skill. Eventually I threw my hands in the air, spat out the dust I had been chewing and gave it away. I tell you what. You really need a seat-belt when you're driving one of those; they'll bounce you right out of the machine otherwise. "You're gunna have to buy us a beer tonight Mac, seeing you've fucked up our target for today," was the chorus I got from the lads. Tom just grinned. "Yeah, yeah, OK, OK." It was no more than I expected. So beer that night was on me. I didn't mind. The boys always seemed to try a little harder when I fucked up, if only to prove they knew what they were doing, which I knew they did, of course. Tom would have got rid of any bludgers and deadheads already. Another couple of months passed and we were getting close to finishing the earthworks, which meant the operators and fitters would be going off to some other job. We already had a passable road for the three hundred and odd kays between Mt. Isa and Normanton, just needed a bit of touching up before we called in the bitumen crews. Tom came to my donga one evening and we sat and had a quiet beer. "The boys want to have a sort of goin' away party to wrap this one up. They want to make it a costume affair." "Fine, I suppose they'll want the company to put on the beer and the tucker. That's not a problem. They're a good crew and they've all worked bloody hard, no small thanks to you," and I clinked cans with him. He cleared his throat. "They want to make it a cross-dressing night." He was looking straight at me when he said it. As they say, I tried to dissimulate, but I guess I didn't quite make it. "What do you mean?" I think I may have been croaking or at least a bit hoarse. "Everybody has to come as a girl." "Well, that's all right. They can have their fun. You and I can't go. How would you look with your moustache? And I'd look ridiculous." "I'm goin'," he said, eyes boring in on me. "I won't be the only woman in the world with a moustache. It's just for a night and a bit of fun. And you're goin' too, if you want to stay mates with me." "Tom, I can't. Really, I can't. I'd just look stupid." His eyes continued to bore into me as if I was a moth or something, being inspected before being pinned to a board. It made me squirm. "I thought you were a man. I've seen you on a dozer, and I've seen you on a scraper. I've seen you give those wankers from Main Roads the evil eye, and I've seen you tell the Brothers the truth when nobody else wanted to. You're tellin' me you won't wear a dress for an evenin' to let the boys have a bit of fun?" I was sweating now, and it must have shown. I didn't know what to say. "I really enjoyed workin' with you, ya know. When are you goin' to learn to live with yourself? Do you think nobody knows that you put on dresses and get all dolled up when you're alone at night? You're livin' in a fuckin' construction camp fer Christ's sake. There're no secrets here. I know you pulled the blinds down, but people can still see shadows and some curious buggers sneak up for a peek between the gaps." Suddenly, he grinned. "Me included, you can still be curious when you get old." I thought I was going to die. "You mean everybody's been laughing about me all this time? Maybe I should just leave tonight." "No way. If you try, I'll stop you. Don't think I can't. Listen, the boys are doing this in your honour, not to humiliate you. Sure, they're curious, but only to see how good you look. Word is, you scrub up pretty well. Come on. Do it for a night and at least you gotta tell ME what it's all about. Now's the time. And I guarantee nobody's laughin' at you." "How could they not? I'm a fucking pathetic freak." "Son, you're the best boss most of them have ever had. You've looked after them; made sure the food was good. The rooms are kept clean. They admire you because you'll get up on a dozer or scraper and give it a go, never mind that you're not much good. You try. You share what they do. You drink with them. I wasn't here, but you should hear them talk about the night that Clarrie lost it. They think you're magic. There's not a one of them wouldn't work with you again." "I didn't do anything but deck him. Curly probably saved my life. Clarrie was so drunk I could have blown him over." "Doesn't matter. It's what they remember. You faced a bloke with a gun and flattened him bare-handed. Now, are you going to talk to me or not?" I was lost anyway. No way out; nowhere to go, and it was really important to me to have Tom as my friend. I didn't want to tell anybody about my problems, but I knew that I had to and I wouldn't even have a show if I didn't tell him, so I started to talk. I told him the whole lot; how I had wanted to be a girl since I was 11 or 12, how I had kept it hidden until I met this girl called Lucy who found me out but didn't hate me for it. I told him how Lucy had taken me in hand and helped me and how I had actually lived as a girl for over a year; how I had chickened out for all sorts of reasons and ended up coming to Australia and how, as much as I tried, I still could not resist dressing as a girl when I got the opportunity. By the time I finished I was weeping, not just crying, really sobbing, convinced that I had blown everything. It was over. When I finished I looked at Tom through blurry eyes, expecting to see disgust written all over his face. That tough old man was crying too. I couldn't understand it. "Shit, son. I can't figure out why you want to be a girl, but I can see it rips you apart and I don't know how you can be as cool as you are and do your job when you've got all that going on inside. You're a fuckin' sight stronger than you think. "Now, back to the party. You know now that the boys all know about it and they really want to see you as a girl. You've got lots of guts, and I'm goin' in a dress. If I can do it, you can do it. Be proud. They won't laugh. I'll kill anyone who does. If I don't Curly will, or Peter, or Ian or Col......well, you get the idea." The night of the party came and I got myself ready. I had reached a sort of plateau of numbness. "We who are about to die salute you!" I whispered to the ceiling. I took the greatest care with everything. I shaved myself all over. I had gone into the Isa and bought fresh supplies of body lotions and moisturizers, Chanel No. 5, a new burgundy lipstick, restocked my foundation, eyeliner, mascara, shadow, powder and blusher, new sheer stockings, even bought a new wig. Somehow, for once, I had overcome my usual fear of shopping for feminine things and being "sprung". I had promised myself that tonight would be my moment of glory, and if things went sour, it would be my last night, the straight razor I had purchased would see to that. So I bathed and anointed myself and put on my lovely underwear, bra, falsies, panties, suspender belt, nylons and then this favourite dress, which I had hidden away, satin in emerald green, form-fitting, halter neck, the skirt slit cheong-saam style, calf-length, no sleeves but matching opera gloves. I did my make-up, remembering how it used to be from ten years ago, but wishing Lucy was there to do it for me, not only because she was a professional, but also to ease the heartache I still felt whenever I thought of her, love doesn't die easily; chandelier-style gold earrings and a gold necklace, a gold watch on my left wrist over the opera glove. I laughed to myself; a real Aussie sportswoman in green and gold. My wig was black, almost China-doll style, but longer, falling to my shoulders, fringe straight across, sandals also emerald green of course, 3 inch heels and I had done both my fingernails and toe nails in the same colour, even though you couldn't see my fingers. It was so important for me to be all girl tonight, and then the spritz of Chanel. I know I was going into a crowd of men dressed as girls but I wanted to be the most beautiful of them all. Or die trying! Ah, black humour. There was a knock on the door of the donga and I went to open it. It was Tom, dressed in a little black cocktail frock, demure neckline, translucent sleeves, knee length skirt, black stockings and kitten heels, with a silver-grey wig. The bugger had shaved off his moustache, and with his thin face and wiry build, actually looked like a very attractive older woman, if a bit leathery. He looked me up and down. "Fuck me dead," he said. "Are you ready? You look like you are to me." "The moustache?" I asked, raising a newly plucked eyebrow. "It'll grow back," he said gruffly. I swear he blushed. He took my hand as if I were a real lady and helped me down the steps of the donga. When I reached the path I tucked my arm into his. We walked around the end of the unit and across to the wet canteen where the party was to be held, and he ushered me up the couple of steps guiding me to the front. I went in, and in front of me was a selection of girls, some obviously male, like giant Peter. I wondered where he found the heels he was wearing. They must have been size18. Some were outrageous drag-queens, and some could have actually passed pretty well, and all of a sudden I really believed what Tom had told me, that they truly had done this for me. I looked around at these guys who worked with me and I almost broke down, but then they started to whistle and clap and cheer, grins and smiles splitting their faces, and they surged forward, surrounded me, and started to hug me. I knew I would not need the razor. The Beginning? * Caterpillar earthmoving equipment * D6 Bulldozer (a small one) * D9 Bulldozer (a big one) * 651 Motor Scraper- a machine for moving earth from one place to another; an off-road vehicle, not a truck.

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Movings Not So Bad Chapter 2 Callum Underwood Middle School CUM School

Introduction: Chapter 2 of Movings Not So Bad. Jen goes to her new school, and enjoys it very much!! Contains young/Incest. [u]Part 1 [/u] Milk with Breakfast. Jen woke up to the sweet smell of jizz. she had grown accustomed to doing so over her four day weekend. The family had arrived on Friday, when theyd first all fucked together for the first time. Over the weekend the family had done nothing but fucked more. It had taken a day or to for Jen to finally be enrolled at what would be her...

3 years ago
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I have always floated through my life with little purpose, and even less motivation to be what others would call successful. I own a small used book shop, and live alone with only my thoughts for company. You may figure that I’m unattractive or maybe a bit fucked-up, but I assure you that you couldn’t be more wrong. I often have females and males alike proposition me for companionship or, as is mainly the case, straight up fucking. I’m flattered by their advances but none of them have ever...

5 years ago
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I have always floated through my life with little purpose, and even less motivation to be what others would call successful. I own a small used book shop, and live alone with only my thoughts for company. You may figure that I’m unattractive or maybe a bit fucked-up, but I assure you that you couldn’t be more wrong. I often have females and males alike proposition me for companionship or, as is mainly the case, straight up fucking. I’m flattered by their advances but none of them have ever...

2 years ago
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r/DirtyPenPals, aka Dirty Pen Pals Reddit! Have you ever wanted to talk to somebody about your sexual desires? Share your deepest secrets and other similar crap? Well, DirtyPenPals is a subreddit that allows you to do just that. Of course, Reddit on its own is fantastic, and you should visit it regardless, but if you are feeling like reading some filthy Pen Pals stories, you can check out /r/ DirtyPenPals.Now, is it safe for me to assume that you all have heard about pen-pals and Reddit? I...

Reddit NSFW List
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Ready to get all messy at Dirty Shack? It will never cease to amaze me with the things that you people get off to. They are absolutely insane! I'll be completely honest, and I'll say that I don't get this fetish, at all. Is it about degradation, humiliation, disgust? Did these people really sink this low that watching someone take a shit arouses them? Damn son, just, damn. However, that's the world we live in. Even though this is definitively not something that floats my boat,

Scat Porn Sites
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Dirty Roulette, aka a white label of! You might remember when the website came out almost a decade ago. Thought up by a seventeen-year-old girl from Moscow, Chatroulette really changed the model of your traditional webcam video chat. Instead of only being able to chat with one person (typically someone you knew well), suddenly anyone in the world could video chat with anyone else in the world, and you’d have no way of knowing who that other person might be....

Sex Chat Sites
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My Dirty Hobby! We’ve all come across the spammy, bullshit “hook up with horny singles in your area tonight!” ads and links on popular porn sites. How many times have you been tricked into creating a “free account” with a site like this, thinking that maybe, just maybe, it will be legit, and you’ll be boning before sundown? Well, I only hope that you never gave out your credit card information to one of these many scam sites. Because you ain’t getting fucked (well, actually, you might be...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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Not that you would get it from the name, but Dirty Ship is the hub of daily free nudes from the hottest female Twitch, Snapchat, Instagram, Patreon models, Cosplay, Gamer Girls, and streamers. The site is teeming with loads of sexy nude photos featuring your favorite celebrities and random whores who may be famous on social media, accidental slips, bikini photos, banned streamers and patreon creators among other naughty stuff. The site allows users to see random whores masturbating in the...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Reddit Dirty Small, aka r/DirtySmall! You may not be a pedophile, but there are few better pleasures in life than being able to pound away at a sweet 18-year old girl who's just begging to feel all of you, deep inside her. Hell, there are even plenty of billionaires who pay top dollar to be able to bang away at barely legal (and probably even underage) cute teen girls on sex resort islands - think Bill Clinton and Jeffery Epstein.You may not have been able to get with the girls in your high...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit DirtyKikPals, aka r/DirtyKikPals! Sexting is a thing of the 2010s - nowadays, if you’re chatting up a girl and don’t get a nude in the first 20 minutes, then best believe that she’s probably not interested in you enough to show her body to you. If that’s the case, just move on cause there are a million other girls out there with their phone-in-hand, ready to send you a nude because they’re bored and have nothing better to do with their lives. This Subreddit, which goes by the name of...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Dick in the dirt

My story starts about a year and a half ago. My life took a total dive. I was laid off my job of five years and saw no hope of getting to go back. My wife had lost her job 3 months before me. We had just been hanging on to our house and car when we found out that she had cancer. It wasn’t three weeks later she was gone. Just that fast. I was lost after 25 years of marriage just gone. No insurance, cards maxed out. No where to go or ask for help. Just hit rock bottom. I kept just ahead of the...

2 years ago
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The Hotel Dirt

You're waiting in the motel room in the position in which I've instructed you to await my arrival: on your knees with your ass and cunt up in the air exposed to whatever I have in mind, your head and shoulders down, pressed against the bed, your face turned to the side. Again, per my instructions, you've left the light on, but you yourself are blindfolded. I told you when to assume the position, but not when I would arrive. You've been in the position long enough now that your hips are...

4 years ago
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Uma Aunty Becoming The Dirtiest

Hi all, I am back with my another encounter with my Uma Aunty, In this story, I am going to tell you all how & what she did along with me. She gets satisfied with me each & every time when we go all out on our sessions. She even gets more & more dirty each time. Now let us get back. It was just another day of intense sex between both of us and don’t know when we slept and how we slept onto each other’s arms. Still my 8″ inch cock buried deeply between her thighs. When my eyes were partially...

3 years ago
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The Journey From Most Innocent To Dirtiest

This story of 2 office colleagues might be a bit lengthy but will surely make your underwear and panties ooze out lot of liquids. Hi Guys and Girls, I’m Vikram, 5ft 11 inches, having average body and a 6″ dick size from Gurgaon working in an MNC and a loyal reader of ISS from a very very long time. Now I’m sharing my real experience and hope you will love it. Share your feedback at , full privacy will be maintained. I had a beautiful colleague in my office team who had a child like face and...

3 years ago
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Older Wiser Dirtier

I was so deep inside you, my hand on your shoulder, pulling myself even deeper into your hot wet pussy. My other hand was touching and caressing you wherever I could reach. You were bending over the worktop in the kitchen of our holiday apartment after a mixture of Spanish sunshine and sangria had got us into this position.I carried on fucking you slowly and deeply until I had the urge to pull your long, blonde hair tight and turn your head, so I could kiss you passionately. Your mouth wide...

3 years ago
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Seattle 3 Getting Clean and then Dirtier

I let her adjust the shower for both of us before stepping inside and pressing my body up behind hers. I drive my mouth onto her neck as I run my hands all over her firm tits. My cock is running up and down the crack of her ass. I whisper, "I do hope you like cock up your ass, as I am going to fuck it good and hard before I leave." I draw a moan from her lips as I pinch her nipples before I reach for the soap. I spread some over her breasts and then I begin to rub the soap into her skin,...

3 years ago
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So Dirty

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2002 Couture So Dirty By Couture It had started innocently enough. I had always fantasized about my wife taking more control in bed, and when she asked if she could tie me up, I jumped at the chance. She got some of my old ties out of the closet and tied me spread-eagled to the bed. Then instead of mounting me, she blindfolded me. That was okay, not what I expected, but...

4 years ago
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Amy Gets Dirty

"Fuck me really dirty." Amy begged. "I want you to take me however you want."Eric gripped the long, blonde hair on the back of Amy's head tightly in his fist and replied "Open your fucking mouth. It will be easier to shut you up by shoving my cock in it."Amy's bare knees burned from friction on the carpeting. She obeyed him while thinking back to what had started all of this. Eric had been away on business all week and their bedtime sexting had become increasingly dirty with each passing night....

Straight Sex
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I knew my brother was dirty

I always suspected my twin brother had a dirty side; I just never suspected how dirty it was, and just what effect it would have on me.   I’m Suzy, shorter than average, and carrying a little more around the arse and chest than most of my friends, with shoulder length mousey coloured hair, which I generally wear in plaits.   The boys love to have something to hold onto I find.     My brother Tom and I are nearly 19.   He works as a junior in a bank, and I’m studying...

4 years ago
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How I found out I was dirty

I was watching TV with a friend of mine and she and I started talking about our sex lives and she found out about how much a puritan I am. We talked a little bit more and she was just as ashamed of sex as I am, but I let slip a few things that I had done. She decided that I was too dirty for her liking and needed to be taught a lesson. I don't know why she thought that, it came out of nowhere. I don't normally drink, but this is what happened when you do.She forced me onto the bed and kept...

4 years ago
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Playing dirty

“What shall I do?” I ask her, wondering, will she want to play today? “Put it in, put it in me, please, honey” I press gently and am rewarded. My finger slips in to the knuckle, she sighs again. I move it from side to side, slowly, and she relaxes more. Anal play. She knows I do, she buys me toys and encourages me. But usually solo, rarely together. I push some more, and slide in fully, my finger slick inside her dark place. She feels warm, she feels soft, she feels sensual. I start to...

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Digging up the past gets dirty

My wife Cindy had a sexual past before we met. I'd only been with a couple of girls before her but her sexual history was epic. I overheard her talking about me to one of her friends once and she said that I was the sensible choice. I was safe, I had a job, I wasn't going to treat her bad or cheat on her. Everyone has to settle down sometime.What hurt the most, though, was how little affection she gave me. We rarely ever had sex, even on our honeymoon, and when we did it was just missionary...

3 years ago
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Jock TalesGettin Dirty

Jock Tales—Gettin DirtySummer was going slowly—which I guess was a good thing. Usually seemed like it was over all too soon. That's why I so hated school. I mean I did good and shit, playing the model student athlete and shit, but mostly I was just there for football. If it weren't for that—I prolly woulda been a drop out after 9th grade. I just didn't deal very well with regimen, and rules, and people that acted like they were your daddy. It would prolly have blown the heads off about 99% of...

5 years ago
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Cousin Sister Likes It Dirty

Hi everyone! I am sharing my second story with you. Hope you like it. Presently i am a second year engineering student. My story is about ecstatic experience with my cousin sister, dated back to May,2015. Back then i had to stay at my buaji’s place in Delhi were i was doing internship in an industrial production unit during summer break. We, four people; me,buaji,fufaji and my cousin, lived in their apartment. I use to call my cousin didi as she was elder. Buaji and fufaji were both doctors and...

2 years ago
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So Dirty

© 2002 Couture It had started innocently enough. I had always fantasized about my wife taking more control in bed, and when she asked if she could tie me up, I jumped at the chance. She got some of my old ties out of the closet and tied me spread-eagled to the bed. Then instead of mounting me, she blindfolded me. That was okay, not what I expected, but a nice touch. At last my wish was granted, but it seemed like I had forgotten something. Something fairly important. Like I said, I had...

2 years ago
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Wonderfully Dirty

The first night I watched as he rubbed his hard-on while softly uttering 'Amanda...' (His girlfriend at the time) through clenched teeth. His red face contrasted with his cinnamon-brown hair and toned body. Without warning he thrust off his bed and sperm erupted from his cock and on to the wall. I watched as a second jet of semen fired off, and a third spurt flew until it eventually subsided to a trickle down his deflating cock. He looked at the wall where I heard say 'Shit' as he saw...

4 years ago
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I Never Meant To Be So Dirty

My name's Lucy. I used to be so straight. I can hardly believe it now. It seems like another life. I guess it all started when I was eighteen. I have always been blessed with good looks. I wore my hair up in a tight blonde pony tail. I was always well turned out and made up. Looking back on it, I guess I was a bit stuck up and thought myself a bit special. I know quite a few boys did too. They were always hitting on me and trying to get into my knickers, but I was not having it. It was only a...

2 years ago
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I wish my wife was this dirty

My wife Anita shifted uncomfortably in the passenger seat. “You OK ?” I enquired. No reply. A mile or so went by in silence. “Why do they think it’s so funny ?”. “What’s funny ?” I asked, knowing full well what had got to her. We had just overtaken a white van, which as is quite typical at this time of the year, had its back end covered in the dirt sprayed up from the roads. Some wag had fingered the epithet “I wish my wife was this dirty” in the grime - Not that an uncommon a sight. “That...

3 years ago
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In a Cellar Down and Dirty

In a Cellar Down and DirtyThe woman’s eyes flashed terror when Juan Ramirez took her beach bag and dumped the contents onto the floor. He prodded the items with the toe of his boot, listening as the garbled pleas gushed through the leather muzzle covering the woman’s mouth. ?I’m sorry, did you say something?? Ramirez said, knowing the muzzle was overkill. In the lower depths of the station, nobody would hear the tourist’s cries, muzzle or not. ?You will have plenty of time for confessions.? The...

4 years ago
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Bro and sis dirty

Will i should explain who am i first, My name is Josh im 18 years old 5″7 tall they say i have a body design only for romance in bed quite cute also, and my sister she is 18 years old 5″4 tall very cute and pretty she has skin like snow and her long hair that black as a crow she has also the most beautiful breast that i have evr seen quite round,firm and not big just right and i know all boys that would see it would be amazed cuz” its perfect. We live in Manila Philippines.. We live a normal...

3 years ago
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Removing the Mask

My husband, Gary, and I lay facing each other. We had only been married three months, and had just enjoyed a wonderful bout of hot sex on the bearskin rug in front of a crackling fire. Now, over drinks, we opened our hearts and minds to hearing each others past sexual escapades, hoping that would get us both in the mood for yet another romp. After listening to him recount his best sexual memory of sharing a shower with two college girls, and fucking them one after the other in the same bed,...

1 year ago
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Removing the offending part

100% fiction! Barry sat watching her as she sat opposite him, his jaw dropped, the words washing over him like a stream over a rock; his ears hissed his blood ran cold, he knew it was his entire fault. He alone had started the job, He couldn’t understand the details she was telling him, and he was numb. What his choices were, she was explaining, well he just couldn't really take in. He knew she would patiently explain it again, she would have too! He felt faint. Perhaps first I should explain;...

4 years ago
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Cleaning Off By Getting Dirty

“Oh. My. GOD. You have to tell us everything!” Courtney said as I returned home wearing Mr. Chapman’s sweatpants and t-shirt looking like I had just run a marathon.“I plead the fifth,” I said, heading into my closet to change back into my PJ’s. I was excited to get a bra back on. My natural E cups had been braless for a couple hours now and those puppies needed support.“Oh, come on, you were over there for almost two hours and came back in his clothes with your hair still wet. Did you guys have...

4 years ago
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Getting Clean Or Dirty

I love to watch her in the bath, although she can never understand why. To me she’s perfect, she’s the one I dream about, the one I fantasise about, the one who made me realise that a relationship is the best thing in the world. That day I watched her soaping herself down, taking in every curve, every move, every swing of her breast as she turned for the soap or a flannel, and all the time getting harder. Yes, I’ll admit it, watching her in the bath, little rivulets of water flowing down as...

5 years ago
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The Good Dirty

Before I give you all the dirty side of me, I'll give you the clean me first. Starting with in introduction into who I am :-). I'm Chris C. and I was born in Ninety Six, SC to Milford and Debra Coleman. I had a very humble upbringing that included some very old school teachings from my parents that include never giving up on your ambitions and no matter what it’s important to always put the needs of your spouse and c***dren before your own. I took the majority of my parents teachings to heart...

4 years ago
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Cleaning Up By Getting Dirty

This is a continuation of "I Got Caught Skinny Dipping" , which you can find on my profile. I hope you enjoy this!-Vivica“Oh. My. GOD. You have to tell us everything!” Courtney said as I returned home wearing Mr. Chapman’s sweatpants and t-shirt looking like I had just run a marathon.“I plead the fifth,” I said, heading into my closet to change back into my PJ’s. I was excited to get a bra back on. My natural E cups had been braless for a couple hours now and those puppies needed support.“Oh...

3 years ago
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Daytime Dirty

Sorry it's been a while since my last story, omusalo tipis. The past few weeks have been busy af, and truth be told, I am forever grateful for my hyperactive imagination. Because if it wasn't for my imagination, I would have gone crazy a long ass time ago!! I've rubbed and fingered myself in my car in public during the day, and rub and finger myself when i'm by myself. ugh. i can't help it, i'm always horny.the following story is simply made up from my dirty ass, horny...

2 years ago
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Country girls like it dirty

It was a hot July day in Texas, but there was work to be done. Luke was on his way to the shop next to the house to work on the ranch pickup that had broke down the day before. He wasn't looking forward to it. Luke was a tall man, mid-twenties, good strong build, but not bulky. He had dark hair and brown eyes. He opened the big roll up door, grabbed some tools and a creeper. He threw his weathered grey cowboy hat on the bench and slid himself under the truck and got to work. It was about noon...

Straight Sex
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Moana had always been bisexual, falling in love with and lusting after her own. Lately though, she was frantically, hopelessly all about pussy. She fell hardest for women who were socially straight but curious about sex with another woman. Her favorite part of those encounters was always the first time they'd play and her partner of the moment would start out nervous but willing and then...that moment when she'd relax and embrace Moana's tender tonguing. Feathery lashings against a hungry clit...

4 years ago
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Quick and Dirty

Quick and Dirty ? By: TGBear "Mother, I thought you of all people would understand. I really did." "Well I don't. I can't. Look at you, you're not my daughter, you are my son." "Not any more." "What?" "Yes, that. I'm fully female now. I have been since last month. I didn't have the 'flu', I was in a clinic in Denmark." "Surgery?" "No, something new. Something basically painless and ever so much more complete. I wasn't lying before. I am female now. I had my first period...

2 years ago
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Talking Dirty

Talking Dirty By Sir Lance Thrustalot Yeah baby, fuck me harder... Oh yeah, you know I like it. God, you're so deep inside me... Mmm... Fuck me with that big dick, you make me so wet... God, yeah. I love the way your balls slap against my ass... Mhmmm... That's it, suck on my big tits while you fuck me. You like that don't you? Mmm... Your stubble tickles so good... Oh yeah... Oh! I love it when you pull my long hair like that. Mmm... Tell me how much you want...

2 years ago
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Delicious Food Make Me Dirty

I am a working woman. I and my husband Adam lived with three another guys who were working in my husband’s garage. I mostly came late so dinner was prepared by them. From last 5-6 days, I felt that the taste of food was change. That was better than before. Especially pizza was awesome and too much creamy. Even orange juice taste became so good. I asked of them about it but they denied the secret. Next day was my off. That day I prepared the meal for all. I was in kitchen and try to make a cake...

3 years ago
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Talking Dirty

© 2002 Debra has always loved those forbidden four letter words during sex, and likes to make a lot of noise. In this tragi-comic adventure Debra ends up living out some kinky fantasies inside a women's prison with an unlikely lover in a dangerous place. Critiques and comments welcomed by the author. Debra was the love of my life. Even though we had been partners for over ten years she still fascinated me. It wasn't that she was ravishingly beautiful or anything else purely...

1 year ago
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Talking Dirty

I work in a down and out neighborhood much like the one in this story. The characters too are composites of real people I have known and worked with there. Otherwise of course this is a work of fiction. If you happen to resemble some of these characters it is not only coincidental but a sign you should seriously look at getting some help! I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you do reading it. Comments and crits welcome. * * * * Debra was the love of my life. Even though we had been...

4 years ago
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Moving Into the Mansion

I have Jade and her 5 year old son move in with me at 9250 Meadow Brook Dr, in the heart of Old Preston Hollow. The house sits on 2 plus acre gated property, the house is 5 beds, 7 baths, 12,470 sq.ft. The home is custom built on a gorgeous heavily treed lot with live flowing creek viewed from multiple rooms. A footbridge extends over the creek to a large grassy area. The elegant and gracious living centers show craftsman detail. The downstairs master suite has sitting area, huge bath,...

3 years ago
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Moving On

Disclaimer: Although some of the titles and verbage used in this story are actual military terms, all combat and medical situations are from my imagination and not real protocol. Julie looked down into the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes she had ever seen. A petite, athletic girl stood in front of her, decked out in her cammies, hat off, bag over her shoulder. She had light blond hair, perfectly arched eyebrows and a spattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Flawless skin topped...

3 years ago
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Moving Day

Steve was both mad and excited at the same time as his car travelled eastward on the highway. Mad because he had to travel across town to wait for furniture delivery to their new home just because the delivery could not be postpone by a few hours when he and his wife, Sarah, would be there waiting for them. He was excited because the new house was their dream came true. Everything was exactly how they wanted and they could not wait to move in and started enjoying their life. Sarah tried to...

2 years ago
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Moving Day part 1

Lori and Ed had called and asked for my help moving their daughter, my wife's niece Rosie. Rosie had just graduated high school at 18 and was moving into an apartment close to the university. She and her best friend Bev had found full-time jobs and wanted to try being on their own before starting evening classes at the university.We had everything loaded on Ed's pickup except for the bed and headboard from Rosie's room. Her clothes and small items filled the cab while the dresser, desk and...

2 years ago
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Moving Night A Very Happy New Year

I lived in a very small Northern Town. I guess it was Central North. I mainly worked 12-18 hour shifts at a Special Care Unit. It was a Goverment Job and though the pay was extremely high, we only got paid the last day of every month. Giggle! So I could say, I wanted to have some cash flow a little more often and took on several little jobs that were flexable to my main job.One was a Counciller at the same Goverment Job and one was a Secretary at the same Goverment Job.But I also took a...

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