30 Giorni, 30 Peccati (in Italian, Sorry) free porn video

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- Mi fa male, stasera – sussurrò la sorella nel buio ma quello scemo di Renè non si decideva ad andarsene in camera sua.
- Ieri pomeriggio hai spinto troppo, idiota! -
Renè sbuffò ma non mollò. Era inginocchiato per terra affianco al suo letto e con la mano sotto le lenzuola continuava a cercare di intrufolarsi sotto la sua vestaglietta.
- Devi andartene, non deve succedere più, lo capisci? -
- Solo un’ultima volta – sussurrò il fratello nel buio – è troppo bello! -
Giorgia ripensò a quel mese incredibile... tutto era cambiato e lei non riusciva a raccapezzarsi in quella situazione che sapeva essere peccaminosa… eppure, era stato tutto così naturale e stupefacente al tempo stesso: sensazioni mai provate.
Il giorno dopo sarebbero tornati i genitori; erano stati fuori per un’operazione tutto Luglio e i due ragazzi erano rimasti con la nonna, anziana e sorda.
Tutto era cominciato quasi per caso, la mattina che la nonna era andata a prendere la pensione. Giorgia era nella vasca, stava finendo di fare il bagno e Renè entrò. La prendeva in giro ma lei si accorse che la guardava in modo curioso; poi il ragazzo, tra una battuta e l’altra, minacciò di fare pipì nella vasca.
La sorella aveva intravisto altre volte il coso del fratello ma mai così da vicino: duro e stizzito, come fosse un ramo lievemente storto.
Quell’arnese aveva attirato il suo sguardo in maniera ipnotica e il ragazzo ne aveva approfittato.
-Vuoi vedere una cosa segreta? - disse cercando di conquistare la sua curiosità. Teneva il membro all'altezza del viso di lei e Giorgia faceva del suo meglio per non guardare ma era impossibile.
- Lo vuoi vedere lo sperma? - disse borioso quel discolo di Renè.
- Perché, tu hai dello sperma? - disse sua sorella ingenuamente.
- Certo – disse Renè vanitoso – Lo vuoi vedere? –
Lei provò un certo calore in tutto il corpo e arrossì.
- Mi esce da qui! – e si guardò il cazzo, che si era più grosso di quanto Giorgia avesse potuto immaginare.
- Ecco – disse – faccio così e tra poco mi esce dalla punta, guarda bene! - Il ragazzo prese una posa molto seria; Giorgia ne seguiva attentamente le mosse. Con la sinistra si teneva la maglietta sopra la pancia: si vedeva bene quel fungo che gli spuntava tra le gambe. Con la mano destra se lo faceva scivolare in mano.
Giorgia guardava senza formarsi un idea precisa, si rendeva conto che quello che stavano facendo era proibito ma, presa così alla sprovvista, non fu in grado di porre un freno alla tresca.
Era eccitante e poi aveva sete di conoscere certi segreti, l’avrebbero messa in posizione privilegiata con le amiche.
Naturalmente, seduta nella vasca, teneva una mano proprio tra le cosce e, spontaneamente, si carezzava il clitoride gonfio.
Renè continuava rapidamente, teneva le gambe ritte e strette, per spingere il cazzo più in fuori possibile.
- Togli la mano e fammi vedere le tette! - lei non voleva ma lui insistette e minacciò di andare via senza farle vedere più niente. Giorgia l’accontentò. Tante volte l'aveva spiata, adesso i seni prorompenti della sorella erano tutti per lui, li toccò con le dita, carezzandoli, morboso.
- Vieni più vicino, adesso - comandò Renè e la ragazza non si volle opporre all'ordine del fratello, si vedeva che lo voleva troppo! A pochi centimetri dal pene, lo vide fermarsi.
- Eccolo, sto cacciando... - disse lui per pura libidine. Grosse gocce lattiginose schizzarono sui seni e sul viso di Giorgia, le prime erano piccolissime ma dopo arrivarono quelle più corpose e cocenti: lei voleva svenire per il piacere, così nuovo.


Tutto era cominciato così. Con la nonna sorda, per un mese i due si erano dedicati al sesso, come fossero impazziti. La loro stessa ingenuità faceva da sprone a nuove scoperte. Giorgia cominciò a farlo sborrare con le seghe, per ritrovare il profumo di quello sperma che tanto l’aveva eccitata. Poi si fece coraggio: e iniziò a prenderlo in bocca; qualche giorno dopo, imparò a bere la sborra calda.
Impararono insieme a leccare e succhiare; il fratello ricambiava, toccava e suggeva bene fino a farla venire con le labbra e la lingua.
Renè era troppo giovane per crearsi problemi di erezione e così tenne una media di circa sei eiaculazioni, tra il giorno e la notte, che cercavano di passare insieme.
Ogni occasione era buona, le sporcava le mani, la bocca, ogni parte del corpo.
Dopo i primi giorni di giochi, una notte la raggiunse nel suo letto: però quella volta voleva di più.
Giorgia sapeva benissimo cos'era la verginità e ne temeva le correlazioni.
- Non ci pensare nemmeno – disse – dentro non te lo faccio mettere … -
- Allora te lo metto nel buco di dietro! - disse il ragazzo.
- Sei matto? – replicò la sorella sospettosa – mica si mette, lì? –
- Si che si mette, scema! Tutti i ragazzi cominciano così … - e si perse nel vago.
- Cosa vuoi dire? Anche tu lo fai? –
- Noi ragazzi, quando siamo da soli ci giochiamo… ci poggiamo il coso dietro e spingiamo; l'ho fatto con Francesco, io. –
Mentre parlava, il maledetto si era già infilato sotto le lenzuola e le pressava il pene sui reni, per farle sentire quant'era duro.
- Ma solo poggiare, senza entrare nel buchetto? - disse mentre iniziava a sudare. I rapporti continui la tenevano in un perenne stato di eccitazione, quasi fosse ninfomane.
- Solo poggiarlo, non entro, parola! - disse Renè mentre già le alzava la vestaglietta liberando il culo a mandolino di sua sorella.
Con perspicacia, Renè abbassò il viso fino al culo di lei: liberata dalle mutandine, iniziò a leccarla. Giorgia, si inarcò, per farsi lavorare anche in figa. Renè era bravissimo e iniziò a dedicarsi al buchetto e con la lingua ne apprezzò il sapore e l’odore aspro. Giorgia era sconvolta da quel piacere che non avrebbe immaginato di poter provare.
Si sentiva aperta, profanata e disponibile; lei stessa cominciò a desiderare ardentemente di provare cosa si sentiva durante la penetrazione, ma tacque.
Il fratello non era mai stato con un’altra. Da una parte ardeva per farsela, dall'altra non sapeva bene cosa lo aspettava. Ma il desiderio non ascoltava ragioni, a un certo punto, la fece stendere supina e le sali addosso, cercando di non pesarle troppo. Fecero una serie di tentativi approssimativi, un paio di volte rischiò di scivolarle nella figa e per lei era difficile resistere alla tentazione. Poi riuscì a puntare l’ano, aiutandosi con le dita. Però diede un paio di spinte in modo sbagliato, procurandole una fitta e tanto spavento. Il cazzo era troppo duro e grosso per essere adoperato con legge-rezza.
Finalmente le mise il glande nella fessura e la allargò in maniera repentina. Giorgia urlò e se lo tolse di sopra con uno spintone.
- Sei pazzo? Mi hai fatto male! - si voltò sul fianco, offesa e dolorante. Renè, mortificato, si rassegnò e si stese sul letto, sperando almeno in una sega liberatoria ma poi si addormentarono, sopraffatti dalla stanchezza.
Qualche ora dopo, il ragazzo si svegliò, ancora duro. Al suo fianco, Giorgia dormiva, iniziò a carezzarla tutta, approfittando che era già nuda.
Non rinunciò e, lubrificandola a forza di saliva, le puntò di nuovo il sedere.
Il buco, rilassato, era cedevole e comunque aveva risentito della botta della sera prima. Lui pian piano fece scorrere il glande attraverso il suo prepuzio e le invase il culo.
Il giorno scoprirono che c’era del sangue sul lenzuolo e che era di Renè.
Nel rapporto violento gli si era spezzato il filetto del pisello e ancora gli faceva male. Il ragazzo era terrorizzato e non voleva nemmeno vederla, per paura di intostare.


La domenica successiva la nonna andò a messa e poi a pranzo dalla sorella. I ragazzi non riuscirono a resistere, ora che avevano rapporti completi, giocarono a “marito e moglie”. Giravano nudi per casa, spadellando, guardando la tele ma, soprattutto facendo sesso, continuamente, in ogni posto della casa e in ogni posizione.
Non si contarono le volte che vennero: insieme, o separatamente.
Passarono un’altra settimana di passione.
L’uso continuo rese il culetto di Giorgia completamente disponibile, morbido e arrendevole come una vagina. Il fratello poteva incularsela in qualsiasi momento della giornata, anche nel sonno qualche volta. Si passava un po’ di saliva sul glande e la montava immediatamente: lei per facilitarlo, girava sempre per casa senza mutandine. Le piaceva essere presa, anche controvoglia. Quasi incurante, della penetrazione anale, godeva a fare l’oggetto degli orgasmi di lui.
Qualche volta, Renè le arrivava alle spalle, magari in cucina, che già si stava masturbando perso nei suoi pensieri proibiti.
Allora Giorgia già sapeva cosa fare: si alzava la gonna e si chinava di quel poco che avrebbe reso scorrevole la penetrazione.
Se ne stava lì tranquilla, anche vari minuti a volte, finché dai movimenti del fratello e dal respiro, capiva che era quasi all'acme, allora si allargava le natiche con le dita in modo che il suo buco sfiancato fosse facilmente rintracciabile dal fratello, che entrava subito.
Entrava nella sorella all'ultimo momento, spesso non la inculava neppure una volta: entrava, come un treno in galleria, ed emetteva tutto il liquido, depositandolo nelle budella di Giorgia e lasciandola piena.
Lei nemmeno si puliva, si limitava a indossare gli slip e aspettava, continuando nelle sue faccende. Le piaceva ricordare ciò che il fratello le aveva fatto mentre sentiva la sua sborra che a fiotti discontinui, ritornava fuori, a volte scorrendo all’interno delle cosce.


- Ti ho detto di no! –
Erano nel letto e lui le era già sopra
- Mi fa male il culo, lo capisci? - Forse per le sollecitazioni, una pallina si era formata sullo sfintere e il loro ultimo rapporto aveva rotto l’emorroide.
- Allora lo metto davanti! - disse Renè, incapace di rinunciare. Non riusciva a rassegnarsi che tutto stava per finire.
Giorgia era pur sempre una donna e comunque si eccitava. Renè era in vantaggio, già tra le sue gambe aperte, col cazzo che voleva entrare.
I suoi 'No' divenivano sempre più fievoli, finché con un colpo solo, inarrestabile, il fratello la deflorò.
Il dolore durò un attimo, lancinante ma svanì presto.
Il piacere in vagina annientò la ragazza con un’onda elettrica: le bloccava il respiro.
Il fratello viaggiava deliziosamente su e giù e le allargava il nido; lei si avvinghiava alle sue reni con le gambe alzate, per non perdere quel contatto lussurioso.
La chiavata durò a lungo, con languida e cadenzata monotonia.
Entrambi i giovani avrebbero ricordato quel piacere per sempre.
Senza bisogno delle dita, la vagina trasmise l’ orgasmo a tutto il corpo.
Venne a lungo, orgasmi ripetuti, irrefrenabili e perse ogni contatto con la realtà. Renè, più preso di lei, a furia di colpi, si lasciò andare e sborrò nei meandri più profondi della sorella, con lunghe pompate.
La frittata era fatta!
Quando Renè lo tirò fuori, floscio, Giorgia corse al cesso per lavarsi e irrigarsi la figa, terrorizzata al solo pensiero delle possibili conseguenze di quel gesto irresponsabile.
La sorte fu benigna con i due ragazzi e, per un caso irripetibile, Giorgia non rimase incinta.
Il giorno dopo tornarono i genitori e tutto cambiò, definitivamente.


Giovanna, Agosto 2013


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The Italian Affair

It was in the Italian city of Livorgio that Arabella's father had his annual business trip; Arabella always tagged along to explore the new bits of Italy. "Father? Do you mind if I go out?" "Not at all Arabella, just be back by six." At just the ripe age of 15, Arabella set out to find something new and adventurous. In a pink pea coat and gray cloche hat, she began to wander the orange cobblestone streets. She passed several small stores which sold anything from antiques to packaged...

1 year ago
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The Italian Affair

It was in the Italian city of Livorgio that Arabella’s father had his annual business trip; Arabella always tagged along to explore the new bits of Italy. “Father? Do you mind if I go out?” She asked one bright morning. “Not at all Arabella, just be back by six.” At just the ripe age of 18, Arabella set out to find something new and adventurous. In a pink pea coat and gray cloche hat, she began to wander the orange cobblestone streets. She passed several small stores which sold anything from...

First Time
4 years ago
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An Officer and An Italian Ch 04

Rachel sat in her car in front of her father’s mansion. She hadn’t been back since last Christmas. After living at her Grandparent’s home for the last five years, she now found the pretentiousness of her father’s home uncomfortable. Pressing the call box next to the gate, she waited for her father to answer. She still had the remote that opened the gates but was reluctant to use it, especially when she wasn’t sure of her welcome. Even though she and her father had not fought after their recent...

3 years ago
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The Italian Sugar DaddyHappy Birthday

It had been three weeks since the last time I saw the Italian. He canceled on me once because of work and when he came home there was so much going on for the weekend he just couldn’t get away. A few nights ago, I got a text from the Italian asking if he could see me. I always enjoy “seeing” the Italian. Not only because he’s a generous sugar daddy and a wonderful lover, but conversations with him is stimulating and I have a great time just being around him. It was 12:30 when I walked in to...

3 years ago
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Italian Fantasy

Introduction: I wrote this for a dear friend of mine, whom Ive known for the better part of 10 years, but have never met face to face. I hope you enjoy it! Italian Fantasy **Italy, night time, outdoor cafe. The street is dark, save for the lights coming from the cafe.** My fantasy begins with me walking up to where you are sitting at one of the tables, nervously looking around and occasionally checking your watch. Youre wearing a black, almost billowy, button-down shirt, black belt with an...

2 years ago
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Maria My big Italian mama

This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site. This adventure happened just over a year ago when I was recovering from some nasty surgery.I'd known Maria over 20 years ago. We had worked together briefly, and her neice was friends with my younger sister.She was a large woman - there was no escaping her weight - she was a big Italian mama. And starting a family only added to her size.We stayed friends on social media...

3 years ago
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Fine Italian Wine Chapter 01

Sherri spotted him in the receiving line. There he was, standing out like an African Adonis. He was moving slowly towards her. Sherri held her breath. She had to meet him! “Sherri! Sherri! I’m talking to you.” Sherri’s mind snapped out of her dreamy fog. It was her sister, Veronica. It was her wedding. In fact, it was Veronica’s third wedding. “I need you to find papa. I can’t find him,” Veronica said. “I’ll check on him!” Sherri said. She knew where he would be. She found him in his...

3 years ago
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A nice pick up at the Italian restaurant

I had been so terrible horny during that long week at my office.My loving Victor was so tired and stressed to fuck me properly and I really needed it…Wednesday I left my desk and went for some lunch at a nice little Italian restaurant.When I entered the place I did my usual glance before taking a seat. I noticed a middle age handsome black man and grabbed the seat next to him. That day I was wearing a mid-thigh dark blue business suit, black stockings and my favorite stiletto heels. But I...

2 years ago
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Eye for Italian

May 2007. It's late. I'm pacing my hotel room, the repetitive padding of my small feet against the soft carpet the only sound, waiting for the tell-tale signs of sex from either of the neighbouring rooms. As usual I'm horny with anticipation, having learnt that corporate travel has its perks when it comes to satisfying the audio voyeur in me. But so far it's a no-show, which pretty much sums up the day. The tech meeting was nothing to write home about, and the Metro journey a drag. The red wine...

4 years ago
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The loud Italian from the office

The loud Italian from the officeThis story is about an Italian woman I used to work with. Just to play safe I won’t mention her name.She was an Italian woman with big tits big ass and looking for “Mr Right” to marry. Well, as this day doesn’t come. She was always looking for some action. Speaking loudly in the middle of the office there she was…curly hair, tight pants, sticking her tits out, half opened mouth and a slut looking.Everyone in the office noticed her, and with me, it wasn’t...

3 years ago
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The Italian Sugar Daddy

I had been on the hunt for the perfect sugar daddy since my birthday back in January. I've dated a couple of men but no one I found intriguing enough to want to keep going with. I wanted what I had at one time, a daddy who was everything to me. A lover, a best friend, someone confident in me and himself. But with the changing of times and of course ageing twelve years, I was having a hard time finding "the one." I was ready to give up when I started getting messages from a man who was local to...

2 years ago
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The Italian Job 23

The Italian Job 23I had taken the job from a contact in Belgium, the agent Eduardo In Argentina had a reputation for cheating the contractors who went there, I was determined that I was not going to be on that list of cheated people, I had to try to compromise him somehow so that I could apply pressure to get him to pay me my money, I had already taken a risk by flying to Argentina in the first place but I wanted to lull him into a false sense of security to let him think I was a gullible easy...

2 years ago
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The Italian job 4

The Italian Job 4As I opened my bedroom door I met a sight that made my cock jump again, the maid was in the room but she was bent over cleaning the coffee table, with her back to the door, I could not help noticing I assure you that I could see straight up her dress, she was wearing a thong that had pulled up right into her crack with her vulva lips on each side of it framing it, I could not resist such an apparent invitation, I came behind her, she had not seen or heard me because she had got...

2 years ago
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Italian Night School

Out of the twelve that began attending the Italian night-school course run by Miss Shoreham, just five of us remained. We were all in our early twenties, Mike, Jim, Julia, Sharon and me, Angie. Our teacher was a stunningly pretty Italian lady, a couple of years older than us and married to an English guy. The five of us enjoyed the course and going to the pub afterwards but we were not very good at doing the homework she set us or reviewing what we’d learnt. Carlotta always taught sitting on...

2 years ago
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Andrea is a proper male Italian name

Andrea is a proper male Italian name Andrea was a slim boy with delicate feature. His name and physical appearance caused him a lot of troubles during school. His parents moved to Germany just after he was born. While his name is common in Italy for boys it is an exclusively female name in Germany. Whenever he met new children or also adults there certainly was a remark to the mismatch between name and gender or, if not, people assumed that he was a tomboy. This didn't really help him...

2 years ago
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Huge Butt Italian Granny

This is a true story.So I took a trip to LA for work. I'm originally from Brooklyn. I land at LAX. Walk off the plane and head outside to catch a cab. I get to my hotel, check in and I head out to go get some food. I usually stay in Beverley hills because they have some great food spots. So any who. I get my food and decide to take a walk. From a distance I see this huge wide table ass. This thing had to be at least 65 inches and super small waist. I cant even concentrate on my food anymore. I...

4 years ago
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An Officer and an ItalianChapter 4

Rachel sat in her car in front of her father's mansion. She hadn't been back since last Christmas. After living at her Grandparent's home for the last five years, she now found the pretentiousness of her father's home uncomfortable. Pressing the call box next to the gate, she waited for her father to answer. She still had the remote that opened the gates but was reluctant to use it, especially when she wasn't sure of her welcome. Even though she and her father had not fought after their...

1 year ago
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Rick Jane Marco The Italian Stallion Cums to Town

It was a sweltering hot day outside; the temperature must have been about 38 degrees. My husband had gone to the gym and I was having a well deserved sleep in. I heard my husband come home and was surprised to hear another male voice. I was even more surprised to look up and see what can only be described as an Adonis standing at our bedroom door. ‘Oh hi. Sorry I didn’t realise anyone was in here. Your husband told me to use the bathroom in here. ‘That’s fine’ I said, a little taken aback. ‘I’m...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Italian Fantasy

**Italy, night time, outdoor cafe. The street is dark, save for the lights coming from the cafe.** My fantasy begins with me walking up to where you are sitting at one of the tables, nervously looking around and occasionally checking your watch. You're wearing a black, almost billowy, button-down shirt, black belt with an understated and simple silver buckle, black trousers, black socks, and expensive black Italian leather shoes. You look so incredibly sexy that I have to...

4 years ago
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Liz meets the italian part 2

I come back in the room after a few hours of letting Liz rest and when I see her still spread open I can’t help but get on the bed and start to lick on her inner thighs. As im licking she barely stirs and my tongue starts to slowly trace up her thighs until it gets to her gaped open pink pussy. Her pussy is just begging to be licked and I start by twisting my tongue around her clit. My tongue on her clit as her stirring and she begs to be eaten still half asleep. I push my tongue further...

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Asian wife Cindy gets some sweaty ItalianAmerican cock

I am lucky enough to be married to a really awesome woman named Cindy. Cindy is Taiwanese originally, but came to the U.S. at a very young age and is thoroughly Americanized. We met in a bar in New York City when Cindy was celebrating her 22nd birthday. Three years later we were married. Now we’re in our late twenties and life is great. I make a great salary, which means Cindy is free to spend her days shopping with girlfriends on Long Island (where we live), decorating our house,...

3 years ago
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Italian fantasies

My fantasy begins with me walking up to where you are sitting at one of the tables, nervously looking around and occasionally checking your watch. You’re wearing a black, almost billowy, button-down shirt, black belt with an understated and simple silver buckle, black trousers, black socks, and expensive black Italian leather shoes. You look so incredibly sexy that I have to catch my breath before continuing on. You look up and finally notice me walking toward you as I step into the...

4 years ago
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An Italian girl loses a football bet

Hi my name is Francesca. I’m a 26-year-old Italian girl living in Milan. I’m a dark haired girl with blue eyes, about 1.7 meters tall and quite thin, I dress a 42, of European size, and I go to the gym to keep my body in shape. Before a bet I made with a foreign man about a football match I had never thought about having sex with any foreign man—this experience I changed my mind. It was a pleasant evening in June when the Italian football team played for the international cup against Egypt. I...

4 years ago
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Italian Night School

Out of the twelve that began attending the Italian night-school course run by Miss Shoreham, just five of us remained. We were all in our early twenties, Mike, Jim, Julia, Sharon and me, Angie. Our teacher was a stunningly pretty Italian lady, a couple of years older than us and married to an English guy. The five of us enjoyed the course and going to the pub afterwards but we were not very good at doing the homework she set us or reviewing what we’d learnt. Carlotta always taught sitting on...

4 years ago
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Italian Lingerie Store

My name is Gabriela. No, it's not, but I'm not telling you my real name. I'm 29 years old. I was 29 last year too. I'm a professional girlfriend. My boyfriends' wives would call me a whore. My boyfriends buy me jewelry, clothing, pay my rent, my credit card bills, sometimes even give me shares in their companies or illegal stock tips. What do they get out of it? What do you think? They get a beautiful woman to go out with, to secretly take on business trips, to make their friends jealous, but...

2 years ago
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Italian waiter twice

Not wanting to linger there toward the end of the meal I excused myself to go to the ladies room in the foyer.I bumped into the Italian waiter who was coming out of the men's bathroom and gave him a big smile aware that his eyes were already upon my breasts. He smiled back with a twinkle in his eye and asked me if there was anything I needed. My eyes were drawn toward the bulge in his trousers that seemed to extend down his leg more than usual. I explained it was my birthday and regretfully my...

4 years ago
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Eating Italian

Eating Italianby Jim Robert Bader "Hello," my girlfriend smiled at me with a winsome expression as she answered me at the door, looking good enough to eat, and with very good reason. "Hi yourself," I said as I took her in with a long and thorough study, seeing the cute little dress she had on that was so short that it showed off her legs from crotch level on down to her beautifully well-shaped feet, currently adorned by a pair of lacy thong sandals. "Come inside," she said with her breathy...

2 years ago
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Italian Business Visitor a primal fantasy

I get a text message in the early afternoon: "Italian executive at the Mayflower, drinks this evening?" Sounds promising, I respond immediately. Sometimes I dislike meeting for drinks, especially when meeting a client for the first time. Often, it means they're not quite at ease with what they're doing. It can become like an interview where they awkwardly and feverishly try to ask the right questions in order to reassure themselves that you're the right kind of rentboy. Not someone dangerous,...

Gay Male
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Italian Language Course Students Revenge

Out of the twelve that began attending the Italian night-school course run by Carlotta Shoreham (who we referred to as Miss), just four of us remained. Julia, Jim and I had all been given the cane by Carlotta since we had accepted her suggestion that we should be spanked if we didn’t do our night-school homework properly. If we hadn't agreed the course would be cancelled. Only Sharon had somehow managed to avoid it so far. Jim & I had just been on the receiving end of a punishment and as...


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