- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
I looked down at the raven-haired vixen before me, dutifully sucking my cock as her fingers gently played with my balls. It was amazing how much my life had changed in such a short time. Only weeks ago I was a thirty-five year-old virgin and now this woman before me, this sexy, intelligent, seductive beauty would not only have sex with me, but she’d do practically anything I’d tell her to do. For a while anyway.
She glanced up at me to check if I was enjoying her services. I smiled with approval and she did something that sent a jolt of pleasure through my entire body. My head whipped back as I moaned. When I looked back down she smiled at me before doing it again. Playful minx. I decided to remind who was in charge by grabbing her head and shoving my cock as deeply into her mouth as I could. I don’t have a big cock. I would have to say I’m average. In fact, average would be the best way to describe me; average height, average weight, average looks, average salary. I don’t work out. I’ll play sports when I’m invited, which is generally during summer months when a random game breaks out at the park. I’m pretty much a geek into sci-fi and video games, but I love watching football too. I hang out with my buds at the bar on Saturday nights, never scoring, and on Sundays at one of our houses, killing enemy soldiers, zombies, or each other in various games. I have a 9-5 blue collar job and a manageable credit card debt.
“So what happened?” you’re asking. right? It all comes down to one word. Confidence. The confidence I showed when I took control of this girl’s head. The confidence I used to order her around my place after unloading my sperm in her mouth. The confidence I used to get her to fuck me in the first place. But let’s start at the beginning.
- - - - -
My buddy Mike is a scientist in a drug lab, a legit one. They were working on a new formula, hoping for a military contract. The aim was suppress the fear centers of the brain to make braver soldiers. Yes, he was under a non-disclosure agreement, but best friends talk. Plus, as the guy who cleans the labs--a job Mike got me--you get to hear a lot of things that you probably shouldn’t. I’d passed the security screening and, at first, people were diligent about keeping things from me, but after a certain amount of “rescues” when experiments went bad, or someone was just clumsy, people relaxed around me and became a little more open about certain experiments. There were even a few rare occasions when bouncing a problem off me got a suggestion from such an unscientific way of thinking that it serendipitously led to the solution.
Mike’s experiments were successfully unsuccessful. They had managed to increase the confidence in lab animals (after getting passed the point where that confidence came out as intense aggression) but it seemed that the animals’ bodies would compensate for the boost within hours. The result was the reverse. A male mouse that would intimidate another male would be submissive to it soon after. Dosing the mouse with more of the formula at the right times to keep its confidence up would work for a few days, but then the mouse would die. Every time. Stop the treatment before it died and the mouse would spend as much time as wimpy, scared creature as it had been the aggressor.
During a discussion about it Mike said something that caught my attention that most scientists would never contemplate. “There drug doesn’t have any other side effects,” he said. “All the mice from previous batches are fine even six months later.” He chuckled. “If the soldiers didn’t mind being wimps for eight hours after an eight hour assault then they could have it now.”
“Eight hours?” I asked. “That’s how long it lasts?”
“Not to the minute. It varies from mouse to mouse but that’s about the average. Eight hours, two minute, and thirty-seven seconds according to the processed data. The weird thing is it takes about eight hours for the drug to even start working. So it, more or less, fits into a twenty-four hour cycle.”
“Wouldn’t it be shorter in people?” I asked.
“That’s the interesting thing about the drug. A bigger does doesn’t last longer, it just makes you more confident … and consequently more of a wimp.”
“Oh I get it.”
“Anyway, this batch is a wash, like the others. Hey, do you mind disposing of it for me? I gotta take a leak.”
“No problem,” I said.
I watched Mike leave the lab and then looked at several beakers, test tubes, and syringes full of the stuff. Yeah, you know where this is going.
Now the disposal of chemicals is all about procedure. These go in this container, those go in that one. Non-hazardous waste goes somewhere else. There was no way I could walk out of the building with stolen formula, but formula carefully sealed and disguised and put in the wrong container could make its way out. Especially if you’re the one in charge of disposing it, and if you’re willing to crawl through a garbage bin in the middle of the night to retrieve it.
So let’s skip to just after the shower that washed the garbage off me. Here I was with a supply of a drug that could increase my confidence and then turn me into a wimp. It may not make sense at first until you think it through. If I take the drug at noon on Friday then it would kick in at around 8pm. I’d then be confident until 4am. So I get home before that, curl up in bed and prepare to become a wimp until noon on Saturday. If the process worked (and didn’t have any unforeseen effects because I’m not a mouse) it could change my weekends forever. And, hey, it was Thursday night!
I stored the formula in my fridge and made a mental note to buy a mini-fridge that I could lock.
Okay, some of you may be saying, “No sane person would try an unstable drug with no human trials to try to pick up women.” Many of the people who say this will probably be women. Let me say again: I was a thirty-five year-old virgin! When it came to getting laid, sanity took a backseat.
Add to that the conversations I’d had with women that almost consistently stated that women love confidence and it was something I lacked. I was the safe friend who you bitch about your bad-ass boyfriend to then snuggle up with for comfort before going back to the boyfriend for hot sex.
No ... fucking … more.
The next day at work at noon, I pulled out an echinacea bottle, dropped 5 drops of the formula into my mouth and went about my day. Yes, I was a little worried about falling into a fit of convulsions, turning green, or growing a tail, but my observations in the lab and Mike’s assurances about it helped push those worries away. The end of the work day arrived and Mike, as usual on Friday, suggested we hit a bar after dinner. I usually declined. Watching Mike pick up while I could barely hold a conversation before a girl would spot someone more interesting, didn’t appeal to me. This time I accepted.
- - - - -
I finished my meal just before 8pm and sat there for a few minutes waiting for the drug to kick in. I prepared myself for a wave of either confidence or nausea, but neither arrived. By 8:15 I began to suspect that the drug might not work on humans. I told Mike I’d meet him at 9pm though so I jumped in the shower. I began to wonder why these evenings always made me so nervous. The girls at the bar weren’t supermodels and even if they were I’d seen some of them walk out with what I would say were ugly, slimy, or just unappealing men. My thought had always been that the men had money, but thinking back, many of them didn’t look wealthy. And, if these girls were so amazing then why were so many of them single? My mind flashed back to a picture of an incredibly hot chick with the caption, “No matter how good she looks now, somebody somewhere is sick and tired of putting up with her shit.”
I chuckled. Women. What the hell had I been thinking?
I usually tried to dress to impress, on these nights. You know, use every advantage. But tonight I thought jeans and collared shirt would be enough.
Enzo’s was a hot spot on Fridays where the trendy people gathered. Mike was already there when I arrived and already chatting up a girl and her friend. I walked up and said, “Hi.”
“Jeff!” Mike said. “Girls this is my buddy, Jeff. Jeff, this is Tina and Allison.”
“Hello,” I said to Tina, taking her hand in both of mine as I shook it. A waif in her little black dress, the barely over five feet tall Asian girl with tiny breasts and a sleek ass looked cute as hell. Her short brown hair spiked up a little, giving her the appearance of a pixie. I smiled and squeezed her hand as we locked eyes. “I love your earrings.”
“Oh thank you!” she said. “They’re new.”
I’d seen her playing with them as I crossed the bar. An unconscious act to draw attention to them perhaps?
“The green in them accents your eyes. Not that your eyes need enhancing.”
Her face took on a slight blush.
“Thank you.”
I turned immediately to Allison and took her hand. This blonde stood as tall as me, taller in her heels. Her low-cut blouse showed off full breasts and her jeans hugged a large round ass. I suspected that the ass was not quite to well formed outside of the jeans though.
“Allison,” I said. “And here I thought Amazon’s were a myth.”
She slapped me lightly with her free hand. “Charmer.”
“Should I stop?”
She shook her head with a big smile. “Not at all.”
“Mike tells us you guys work at a chemical lab,” Tina jumped in. “So you’re both scientists?”
I laughed. That was what we always told girls. I’d never opened with I’m a janitor. What girl would be interested in me after that? Now that I look back, what girl was interested in me not knowing that. So…
“No, he’s the scientist. I clean the lab.”
“You’re a janitor?” Allison asked.
“Yep. A good one too. If you’d seen some of the messes these guys have made, without me doing my job right, there would’ve been some interesting stories in the papers by now.”
“I don’t think I’ve met anyone who was proud to be a janitor,” said Tina.
“I work hard, earn a decent salary, and provide useful service. Why would I be ashamed about that?”
By this point Mike had a “Who the fuck are you?” look on his face. I was trying to figure out why. It’s not like anything I was saying was untrue. I was just speaking my mind. Sure some of things I didn’t usually have the confidence to … holy shit! The drug. It must have kicked in. It wasn’t at all like I expected. I didn’t really feel more confident, or maybe I did. I just know that the things that used to worry me, little things now that I think about them, didn’t really worry me anymore. It was partly seeing people a little more clearly. I was picking up on their nervous habits and that set mine aside. But on top of that, I, well, I didn’t seem to give a shit how people saw me. I was me. Accept it or move on.
The girls were nodding and smiling at my last statement.
“So what do you girls do?” I asked.
“We’re receptionists at a medical clinic,” Allison answered.
“Lucky clinic,” I said. I turned to Mike. “So which one are you after?”
The look on his face was priceless. “‘Scuse me?”
“We’re at a bar on a Friday night. We all know why we’re here,” I said with a glance back to the girls. “You met them first, and I like them both, but you have dibs. Assuming the one you like, likes you.” I winked at the girls. “So tell me now because I’m going to dance with the other one.”
Mike looked from me to the girls and back to me. “I ... Uh.”
“Screw it. You can decide while we dance.” I grabbed one hand of each girl and pulled. “Come on.”
They laughed and let me lead them. Mike followed like a lost child. Only a few people were dancing and they hung around the edges of the dance floor. Now, I am not a great dancer. I have one move which I call the safety shuffle. You’ve seen guys do it. They’re dancing but they might almost just be swaying. I opened with that but with a bit more energy than usual. As the four of us danced I kept my eyes mostly on the girls. I noticed they kept their eyes mostly on me, glancing at Mike to be polite, but it was clear that both girls were intrigued if not decided. When I wasn’t looking at the girls I glanced at Mike and the other guys that were dancing. I took note of what looked good, what I was sure I could pull off and incrementally added the moves to my repertoire. I also just let the music in. Again, it was that feeling of not caring what people thought and just going with what felt good.
It was a little like being drunk, except I distinctly knew where style ended and stupidity entered. Before long I had Allison spinning under my arm, then I picked up and spun a giggling Tina, eventually the girls had me in grinding sandwich. Mike said he was thirsty and went to grab a drink. Many people had their eyes on us on the dance floor. Several of the girls were checking me out. The psychology of it was fascinating to watch. I recognized some of the girls from previous visits here. None of them had given me a second glance. Now, with two cute girls all over me, I was suddenly desirable. The dance floor started to fill and we kept at it for a few more songs. At times I was silly, at times I touched them sexually, at times I just enjoyed the music. Finally, a song came on that made me cringe.
“I don’t like this song,” I said. “Want to get a drink?”
“Okay,” the girls said in unison.
“Yeah, this song isn’t that good,” Tina added, but her eyes told a different story.
“Uh uh,” I said lifting her chin in my hand.
“What?” she asked.
“Don’t lie to me. I can tell you like this song. Don’t agree with me to get me to like you. I already like you. Be real, be honest, and we’ll get along better.” I turned to Allison. “Do you like this song too?” She nodded, a little nervous. “Give me your drink orders. It’ll take me a while to get them in that crowd, but they’ll be ready and waiting when the song’s over. Okay?” I took both their hands again and squeezed them.
“Okay,” they said again in unison.
“Good girls,” I said, squeezing again. I got their drink orders then walked away. Several girls tracked my movements. One bold one followed. Tina and Allison exchanged looks and then sighed. This was way better than I expected.
With all the girls targeting me, Mike surprised me by being the first person in my face.
“Okay, what the hell is going on?” he asked.
“What?” I asked innocently.
“Who are you and what have you done with Jeff?”
“Jeff has left the building,” I said.
“Seriously. What gives?”
“I’ve been taking a course on confidence. Everyone’s always saying I lack it.”
He nodded, although he wasn’t completely buying into it.
“What course? Where?”
“Well, nothing formal. I’ve been downloading shit, and reading books, practicing in video chat rooms.”
“The last time we came here-”
“Was six weeks ago. A lot can change in that time.”
“I’ll say. I’d almost say you could teach me.”
I chuckled. “Yeah. Like you’ve ever had trouble picking up.”
“I know, but they all but ignored me for you. That’s…”
“Wait. You’re not upset that they turned you down. You’re upset that they turned you down for me! What the fuck, dude?”
“Sorry, man. I know that sounds wrong.”
“That’s because it is wrong. Don’t get all pissy because I might score for the first time since we’ve been out together. You should be congratulating me.”
“You’re right. You’re right. So make the call. Which one do you want?”
I glanced over at the girls who were now grinding with each other, but glancing our way, my way actually. They looked good. They looked sexy. A circle of guys began to gather around them.
“If you don’t mind, I’m going to try for both.”
“Both?” Mike’s look was incredulous. “Okay. Fuck it. This I gotta see.”
We looked back at the dance floor where a couple good-looking muscular guys began talking the girls up.
“Although you may have already lost them,” Mike said.
“I doubt it,” I said. “But even if I did, there are plenty of others here.” I watched the bold one approach. “I could have another in less than thirty seconds.”
“Now you’re just spouting bullshit.”
I finally caught the bartender’s eye and ordered for the girls, Mike, and myself. I turned back to Mike. “I’ll bet this round of drinks,” I challenged.
“Done. Thirty seconds starting n-”
“Hi there,” the bold one said as she used the crowded area as an excuse to slip her body right into mine.
“Jesus Christ!” Mike exclaimed.
“I’m Jessica.”
Jessica was a sleek, slutty, Italian girl in a formfitting, blue dress and “fuck me” pumps.
“Hello Jessica,” I replied.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you here before,” she said. “I’m sure I would’ve noticed.”
Lies. I’d seen her before. She’d glanced at me as I smiled when she walked past then quickly averted her eyes as she looked for more manly men.
“Maybe you weren’t looking hard enough,” I said.
“You’re probably right, but I’m looking now.”
Her voice was sultry, and I might have taken things further if Tina and Allison (who I was mentally called my T&A for the night) hadn’t walked up right then. It was no coincidence. They’d seen Jessica’s approach and had moved to intercept.
“And I appreciate that, Jessica,” I said. “But my girls would get a little upset with me if I stray. And I’m not the kind of guy who likes to upset his girls.”
“Your ... girls?” Jessica asked. “Both of them?”
I glanced over and they nodded. If they had heat vision, Jessica would have been incinerated by now. She saw that, and backed off.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were, uh, taken.”
“It’s all good,” I said. “Have to met my friend Mike though? Highly paid, highly intelligent, highly skilled scientist if you get my meaning.”
She did.
“Hello Mike,” she cooed.
“Hello Jessica,” Mike replied. He shot me a thank you smile and led her away.
“Your drinks, m’ladies,” I said, handing Tina and Allison their beverages
“Thank you, kind sir,” said Allison.
“Yes, thanks,” Tina added.
“You put on quite a show for the guys,” I said.
“That wasn’t for the guys,” Tina said.
I winked at her. “I know, and I thank you. It made me start to like that song.”
That earned smiles from both of them.
“Still, you built up a good fan club,” I said.
“It appears you did too,” said Allison.
“Then why don’t we finish our drinks and go increase our fan clubs some more?”
We clinked glasses and drank and chatted and laughed then danced another hour away with another round of drinks. With each song I fondled the girls more. My cock grew hard they felt it when I grinded on them. I squeezed their asses and felt along their legs, both outer and inner thighs. Both were getting hot and horny. Both let me touch more and more, sometimes moving my hands where they wanted them. Finally, I even reached up grabbed Allison’s big tits receiving, not a complaint, but a sigh. I knew it was time to leave.
“Did you drive here?” I asked.
“Cab,” said Tina as she pushed her ass back into my cock. “We knew we’d be drinking.”
“Me too,” I said. “Let’s grab one while the lines are light and get outta here. Ready, Allison?”
She nodded. Then she and Tina exchanged a nervous glance. They’d never shared a man before. I could tell. But they both wanted me and neither wanted to back off. I winked at Mike as we left. He was still with Jessica who looked quite drunk at this point. Mike wasn’t sure if he still wanted her.
Light lines was an understatement. It was just after eleven. Many people were just starting their nights. Most cabs were dropping off, so it was easy to grab one.
I opened the door for Allison, but stopped Tina before she could get in. I moved in and kissed her deeply. She melted into my arms. Sliding into the cab, I pulled her in after me so that I could be between the girls. Giving the cabbie my address, I placed a hand on each girl’s thigh. Both placed their hands over mine.
“So Tina gets the kiss?” asked Allison.
I smiled at her. “Tina got the first kiss.” I moved my arm up around her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. At the same time, my other hand wasted no time sliding up Tina’s thigh to rub against her clit. She gasped but didn’t stop me. Allison and I continued to make out, getting more passionate. My fingers slipped under Tina’s thong and went to work, getting wet from her immediately. Tina’s hand grasped my leg tightly as she whimpered high pitched sounds of pleasure. Allison’s hand, meanwhile, moved down to my crotch and rubbed it.
I began kissing Allison’s neck and moved to her breasts. That’s when she noticed what was happening to her friend.
“Oh wow,” she whispered. Tina looked over and the situation of her friend watching her get frigged in a cab was too much. She bit down on the hand of hers that wasn’t digging into my thigh and tried to muffle the sound of her orgasm. Her body arched for a moment and then shuddered.
Allison’s tits sprung out of her top so I could suck on them. I pulled Tina’s hand to my pants and onto my zipper. She took the cue and hurriedly opened my pants and fished for my cock.
There was a time, only hours ago, when my mind would have been reeling. Is this really happening? Am I doing the right things? I hope I don’t screw this up. But now I was taking it in stride. These girls were horny as hell. It doesn’t matter that I was who they were with. They wanted it to be me! Memories of pornos came bubbling up into my consciousness almost guiding my actions. If I made a wrong move and heard the reaction from either girl, I didn’t think Shit. What did I do wrong? Or What now? I just noted the reaction, stored away the info not to do that again, and tried something else. But I made sure to keep different notes for the girls. As I later found out, Tina loves to have her nipples squeezed really hard, while Allison likes her tits squeezed firmly but her nipples gently caressed. And the differences just started there.
The cabbie kept glancing back. Twice I said, “Road,” as we started to drift. Tina eagerly sucked on my cock while Allison moaned as I squeezed and sucked her tits.
The cab came to a stop. The cabbie turned to watch.
“Meter,” I said. He turned it off. It was only $15. “Free fare and I’ll let you squeeze this,” I said holding up Allison’s tit.
“Hey!” she exclaimed. Tina’s head popped off my cock to see what would happen.
“It’s not like I’m going to let him fuck you,” I said.
The sternness in my eyes made her nod. The cabbie reached back and squeezed her tits. The uncomfortable look in her eyes vanished when my hand slid down under her panties and rubbed her clit. She hadn’t noticed that I’d undone her pants during the fondling. Her head went back and her back arched.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” she moaned. Her body began to quiver as an orgasm approached.
“That’s enough,” I said, removing both my hand from her crotch and the cabbie’s from her tits. Allison whimpered with disappointment. “Thank you, sir,” I said as we scooted out.
I made out with Tina on elevator ride up to my place while Allison knelt, taking her turn sucking my cock. We all almost ripped our clothes off once we entered the apartment. I led the girls to my bedroom where we fell in a naked heap on the bed.
“I wanna fuck him first,” Allison said as she moved to straddle me.
“Aw,” Tina moaned.
“You can sit here,” I said, pointing at my face.
Tina smiled and hopped on, facing her friend.
I felt my cock slide into Allison’s soaking pussy. It was official. I was no longer a virgin. Allison managed ten strokes on my cock before the orgasm that built up in the car hit her. Meanwhile, Tina’s high pitched moaning resumed. Again, I went to work experimenting. I soon found a technique that she absolutely loved that involved my tongue in her pussy and my fingers on her clit. I made her cum twice before beginning to tease her, letting her get close and then stopping. Her frustration started to build. She tried to push her pussy harder on my face, but I’d just retract my tongue and grasp her thighs until she learned who was in control. After about the seventh time doing this I went to town on her pussy. The orgasm that hit her made her scream. She lurched forward, having nothing to brace herself with except Allison’s tits, which she squeezed hard. That set Allison off into another orgasm. The two girls ended up hugging each other as they came down from the highs.
“Oh my god,” Tina gasped. “I haven’t cum like that in a while. You should feel this tongue.”
“You should feel this cock!” Allison shot back.
“Switch?” Tina asked.
Allison nodded, and they move got off me, but that’s when I intervened.
“On your back, Allison,” I ordered. “Near the top of the bed.”
She quickly obeyed.
“Hands and knees, Tina,” I said. “Head between her legs.”
Tina had made it to her hands and knees then froze on the last order. Allison got a worried look.
“But we don’t do that,” Tina said. “Well, Allison has, but I don’t-”
“If you want my cock in your pussy then you do tonight,” I said. They knew from the tone of my voice that there was no bargaining.
“It’s okay,” Allison said to Tina. “Everything’s been great so far. Just go with it.”
“But...” Tina started to say. Then she felt my cock pushing into her pussy. “Oh god…”
I got the head in and stopped. She turned to look back at me. I pointed down at Allison’s pussy. She turned back to Allison and slowly began to lower her head. I slammed my cock all the way in. Her head shot back up, so I pushed it down with my hand. “Lick that pussy if you want me to keep fucking you,” I warned.
She started licking, tentatively at first. I watched and matched my strokes with her head. She picked up on what I was doing immediately. The licking increased in speed and became more forceful. So did the fucking.
“Holy shit, Tina,” Allison exclaimed. “For someone who’s never licked pussy you’re … you’re … oh fuck!” Allison grabbed Tina’s hair and ground the little girl’s face into her pussy as she came. Tina began to moan as well as her body shuddered around my cock. I was in fucking heaven, so much so that I unloaded into Tina’s pussy.
“Fuck! That was good,” I said. Tina had gone quiet, but little aftershocks shot through her body that I could feel through my cock. Allison lay panting. She was suddenly aware that she still gripped her friend’s hair and released it.
I eased myself out of Tina and stood next to the bed. “I’ll grab some water for us. You need to hydrate.”
“Fuck yeah,” said Allison. Tina still lay quietly with her head on Allison’s pussy. “Tina, you okay?”
Tina slowly rolled over. The grin on her face reached for her ears.
When I got back with the water both girls downed theirs and then lay back on the bed, giving me teasing looks.
“Kiss,” I said. Again there was hesitation, but the girls slowly moved into a kiss which grew more passionate by the second. “Suck Allison’s tits, Tina.”
No hesitation this time. As Tina sucked and Allison moaned, I moved behind Tina reached around her and squeezed her little tits.
She broke away from Allison’s tits long enough to say, “Hard.”
She didn’t have much to squeeze in the way of tits, so I grabbed her nipples and squeezed hard. She had long thick nipples, easy to grab hold of. She shuddered and moaned with pleasure.
“Play with her pussy,” I said. I was talking to Tina, but both girls reached down and were soon masturbating each other. Meanwhile, I continued to add pressure to Tina’s nipples. She moaned louder but didn’t try to stop me. I squeezed even harder and noticed her sucking harder, her hand moving faster, thrusting her fingers in and out of Allison’s pussy. I twisted and the little Asian doll started to slam her hands into the big tittied blonde’s cunt. Allison’s hand was erratic. She couldn’t focus to give pleasure with what was happening to her. I gave a final hard squeeze and twist and then let go as I got ready to take the girl lying down from behind. To my surprise, when I let go, when the blood flowed back into her nipples, she came.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuck!” she yelled. Her hand began to spasm in and out of Allison’s pussy and the blonde came too. Her fingers grabbed hold of Tina’s pussy, setting off another orgasm in the brunette. I stepped back and just watched in wonder.
“Holy…” Allison gasped. “Just need a moment to recover.”
“Yeah,” I said. “Not going to happen.” I stepped around the bed to Allison’s side, pulled her to me until her ass was almost off the bed, put her ankles over my shoulders and rammed my steel hard cock into her pussy.
“Motherfucker!” she yelled.
Tina lifted herself off the bed and looked at me for orders. “Mount her face, kitten.”
She moved quickly and sat on Allison. As the blonde started licking, Tina’s eyes rolled up. “Oh man, you’re good too.”
I kept a moderate pace, trying twists and circles, short thrusts and long, until I knew what Allison liked best. Occasionally, I’d reach down and play with her pussy. Twice that set off an orgasm. Finally I picked up the pace. Tina screamed out another orgasm and I knew mine was getting close. I beckoned Tina with a finger and she leaned forward. I pushed her head back on Allison’s pussy. She offered no resistance even though my stomach was slamming into her head. Allison came again with the new sensations. I held on, waiting for Tina to have one more orgasm. Finally she lifted her head to moan. I let my own orgasm wash over me. The first stream of cum went in Allison, but then I pulled out and came on Tina’s face. I quickly grabbed her head and shoved my cock in her mouth as a third stream shot out. Her eyes went wide, but my stern confident smile kept her from pulling away. I spasmed two small squirts after that and then relaxed. Tina also shifted to a gentle sucking of my cock. She slowly pulled it out and cleaned it lovingly, then wiped the cum off her face and swallowed that too.
She looked up at me. I could feel the lust. “No man’s ever treated me like that before,” she said.
“But you liked it,” I said.
She nodded. “Very much … thank you.”
You are what's known as a Guide. Some may call you a conscience, others instinct, others a voice of God. Your basically that voice in that back of people's heads that tells them what to do. You're job this week, is to build someone's confidence. You can do this by influencing someone's actions, until bit by bit they achieve the level of confidence they need to do what they want to do. So who are you going to help?
It had begun as a normal Monday at Westwood High School as students began to file into the classrooms that were scattered all over the place, except the school bully named Ryan and the victim who went by Marty. Ryan was your average school bully with sports background and a past that sounded very stereotypical in most cases, his father was an abusive drunk while his mother was completely oblivious to everything that went on. The only thing he had going for him was his blonde hair, good...
I hate going to the supermarket on Thursday & Friday evenings after work as it is usually heaving with folk on the busiest evenings of the week. So this week I decided to nip down early on the Saturday morning, as it was my weekend off work. Turning into the drinks aisle with my half full shopping trolley I spotted my bosses wife, Liz, walking slowly down the aisle eyeing the various bottles of booze on the shelves. I had meet Liz a couple of times at works functions when she had seemed a...
9:00 AM"What the hell did you do?"Darrius felt the sensation burn his lips. An overwhelming sweetness swirled about his mouth, chocked the back of his throat, and warmed every inch of his skin. His mouth salivated, but as he wiped away the drool, static danced over his fingers, shocking him."I warned you not to eat any food." Madam Lussuria's blood-red lips curved into a half-smile. She was tall, almost seven feet, with rich chestnut hair put up in a high twist. Her broad shoulders supported...
Group SexRobin pulled her rental car into the parking space and turned off the engine. She felt nervous and excited in equal measure. This was it, her one chance to make up for what she had done. She sighed and leaned her head on the steering wheel. She was shaking slightly she was that nervous and unsure if she was doing the right thing. She breathed deeply, sat up and tilted the rear view mirror so that she could look at her reflection. Her make up was perfect, hair too and she smiled wanly, noticing...
Authors’ note: This is my first attempt at a story. So feedback is certainly appreciated. It gets off to a rather slow start but hopefully will pick up a bit in later chapters. I have the first few chapters mostly done but I can’t make any promises as to how quickly I’ll be posting new ones after that. I can however promise that I’ll finish it at some point if you’re patient. Hope you enjoy the experience of reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hats off to little_blonde_jug for her...
On Tuesday Senior English was the last class before lunch. Sara Valentine was slightly more composed than she’d been the day before, but anyone who was paying attention – as Kat certainly was – noticed that she spent the entire class sitting behind her desk. This was uncharacteristic for Ms. Valentine, who liked to stand up and wander around the classroom as she engaged in discussions with the students.Kat smiled to herself because she knew exactly what was going on. Before leaving Sara’s house...
Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. In the previous part, I stopped when I entered the room. Anna was nowhere to be found. I had the room for myself. I changed my underwear after that insane dirty stuff with the teacher. There was a knock on...
It was an unseasonably hot day for the start of autumn and I was finishing my lunch when I saw Gemma through my window. It had been about six months since that occasion in her bedroom next door and I had hardly seen Gemma since she had moved out of home, so was surprised to see her through my window. After that, all afternoon I re-lived that day in my mind remembering how soft her skin was and how much she enjoyed our time after being reluctant at the start. Just after my grandfather clock...
You probably know Lena the Plug by her ass, her two podcasts, or her YouTube page. She's known for being partners with Adam22 from the podcast 'No Jumper,' and they have a podcast called 'Plug Talk.' Plug Talk is known for having slutty guests who come for a friendly chat and then have a threesome. When Lena isn't sucking Adam's dick with another chick, she has another podcast about being a mother and entertainer in the adult space called 'Touchy Subject.' Lena the Plug towers the top percent...
Twitter Porn AccountsI lay there, my life draining from me, from the four bullet holes in my torso looking up at my best friend in the world and wondering how a person gets to this point. 3 months earlier……. Juanita and I hit it off from the start. I had started at a new school with a small staff and did not really click with anyone within my first year and so it was a breath of fresh air the next year when Juanita started and we very quickly became friends. Juanita was good looking but not spectacular, it...
Matt thought about it. “I was flabbergasted. I had never even thought about you doing something like that. When you first started doing it I was in shock, but I had been hard for so long I couldn’t think straight with Jo sucking my dick.” “I don’t know what has come over me.” Jen said. “Suddenly, I can’t concentrate on anything else but what to do next with my sex life. I’m horny all the time. And I find myself attracted to women, too. Am I losing my mind?” Matt considered what to say....
A Better Solution Than Divorce Part 10 By Jennifer Allison Dean Acting on Dr. Knox's advice the very next day, my parents started treating me like a girl not a boy temporarily in a girl's body. "Dean I want you to be over at Amanda's immediately after school tomorrow," my dad told me. As with all teenagers I asked in the normal teenage way, "WHY!!!!" "You are going to baby sit Jason," he answered. "Huh!!!" I said. Then I stated, "That is Jennifer's job." "Since you want...
You won't find guys like me in the phone book. I work off referrals from the women who have been on my table. I'm in the underground world of Erotic Massage. It is a taboo subject among most professional therapists. I was taught many years ago to give my client what ever she desired, within reason. From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist:It was mid-winter here in western North Carolina and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places same faces had given me the 'itch' to travel. My...
HardcoreLisi Kitty is a beautiful blonde with big natural tits who works as a maid for the recently divorced Jesús Reyes, and today, she’s got the task of cheering him up, which of course she will do in true Private fashion! So watch this new beauty show off her charm in Private Specials, A Maid To Marry as she seduces Jesús not only into interracial sex, but marriage too, starting with an incredible blowjob before offering up her ass for an anal pounding to remember as she rides,...
xmoviesforyouSo it was a typical Friday to end the week at the office. After grabbing a quick bite at home, I decided to check out my local watering hole. Around the corner was a typical roadhouse restaurant frequented by a variety of users. As a bi-male, I had occasionally had some luck at the place and decided a beverage or two was in order to wind down from the week.After letting my eyes get accustomed to the dim lighting, I noticed a guy that looked familiar sitting at a table near the back on his own,...
I get the call in the middle of the afternoon: “Casey, it’s Jack. I’m in trouble; I need you to go to Nate’s, get him and come down to bail me out.” He tells me where he is, I ask no questions and I’m out the door. I arrive at Nate’s not 10 minutes later and am half way through “Jack needs our help he’s—”, before he stops me with his keys already in his hands, “Alright, where to?” We’ve been on the highway for an hour now and all I can think about – when I’m not worrying about Jack – is how...
Straight SexDestiny Weekend by captv8td [email protected] 1?Okay, pups, listen up. Let me go over the rules for the weekend.? Samantha stood in front of the pledges as note pads were being distributed. ?We’re going to be playing differently this year. We’re going back to the old rules.??Ha!? exclaimed Sarah. ?Old rules. New rules. We won’t know the difference. This is our first time.??Hehe,? snickered Sam. ?That’s true. So I won’t bore you with the changes. I’ll just tell you the...
When I was 15 IV By Loki Part 4 I was lead to a mirror down the hall and I looked at myself - all manifestations of manhood removed and replaced with a very real looking vagina. I cried and sobbed and looked with pleading eyes at Samantha and Jennifer. How could they do this to me I pleaded. They just stood there admiring their work and gazing at me with contempt. Samantha gave me the thong and told me to put it on, followed by the hot shorts and tank top. Susie handed me...
It’s my first day of the creative writing course at college and I am sitting all by myself with nobody to talk to. Everybody is laughing, joking around and engaging with one another. Not me though, I am just too quiet and timid to join in any conversation. All my life I have been shy and to this day I am no different. I thought that college might just be the thing to gain confidence but I feel as anxious as ever. The door opens and this girls comes in and sits next to me. She says her name is...
Once again I was home alone, horny and confused. I had told Carol I was falling in love with her but she had brushed it aside by again saying 'too soon.' I didn't even fuck her or, more importantly, make love to her. I made myself a martini and sat and contemplated the whole Carol thing. She was the smartest, most beautiful and sexiest woman I had ever met. Although it was clear she loved having sex with multiple men. What did that say about me?I went to her apartment to pick her up...
HardcoreJune 20th 1944 Army Ranger & OSS Agent 2nd lieutenant Michael Taylor is sitting outside the office of his commanding officer after a short but very mind numbing wait Michael was told the enter the office. Then he said "LT Michael Taylor reporting as ordered sir!" The Co returned to the salute and then he said to Michael "at ease LT at ease, please sit down". Michael sat down in a nearby chair and made himself as comfortable as possible. After clearing his throat the Colonel began to...
This is sameer. This story just happened with a friend we met on the internet. Her name is reena. Reena is married to an engineer in the navy known as harish. Harish works more than 120 hours a week and has no time to be with reena, My wife kamini and i have a good and trustful relationship since we married 10 years ago. She is a very open minded, hot and sexy woman. I have never been with another woman alone since i got married. Last week while we were visiting reena, i have heard her telling...
It was one summer in the early eighties, while my parents were away for the week, that I found myself, alone with my older sister. For me, the days before that week, were busy with college, work and the few activities I was involved in. I was a bit awkward back in those days, and not dating much. My only sexual encounters seemed to be with my right hand while looking a pictures of pretty women. In other words, I had had very little experience in sex. That was changed by none other then my...
IncestI'm Joe and I'm 20 years old. I'm disabled with muscular dystrophy. I live alone with mymom and require help with everything physical. My mom is 40 but isn't 100% healthy and she can't help much physically. So, I have an aide who comes out once daily to help bathe me, help with the bathroom, therapy, massage, etc. Mom usually goes to the store or watches TV, etc. while the aid attends to me.I usually get two or three different aides per week and only a few regulars. I have hadthis one aide...
My mother came into my room, staring at me with heavy eyes, and my heart sank. Since my marriage broke up, I'd moved back in with my mother. I'd tried to resist temptation, but it was useless. I knew that what we did was wrong, but it was like a drug, alluring, enticing, addictive... She moved towards me slowly: her thin, red, almost transparent blouse that barely reached her hips, was completely unbuttoned, hanging open over her ripe, heavy breasts — apart from that, she was naked. She...
It was a couple of weeks after our evening of fun with my wife Lucy and her friend Sally that she asked me if I wanted to do it again, "sure" I said it was fun, so a date was set for the following Friday night.I got home from work and was sitting at the kitchen bench having a beer when a knock came at the door, that will be Sally I thought, but in walked Lyn, I had met her a couple of times, then another knock, this time it was Sally. Then a few minutes later another knock, this time three...
My face was buried into a pillow, as I tried to relax my sore ass.My Black Master had sodomized me so brutally; he looked a bit angry since he had not fucked me in the last three months. It was not my fault; but the bastard was furious indeed.He left me there panting onto the bed and went to the bathroom.There was a knock at this filthy motel room’s door.My Master opened; but I did not rise my head up from the pillow.“Oh, yeah, man… This married white bitch ass’ looks good…”The deep voice was...
Fucking my SonSex is for kittens, fucking is for mothers with son's with big cocks. I had a glimpse of my son's cock as I went from the bathroom to the laundry, he was going to have a shower and the towel didn't quite cover his erect cock, and it was erect from the tent he was making, or, he wanted to be seen. The head was big, red, nearly purple and showing between the folds of the white towel d****d around his hips.I didn't realize just how much I had missed sex until that moment, I wanted...
When I got home from work I was pretty pooped, and not in the best of moods. My day had been a bitch, and so had my boss. The wife was doing the laundry, and I surprised her by being half an hour early. We were still suffering from the after effects of an argument a few days before, so there was tension between us. I flopped in the livingroom and turned on the TV. She came in and sat on the adjoining couch. After a few moments, she said ‘Are you still mad at me?’ After brief consideration I...
UK shared wife Hayley – the groups fuck slut (part 1)After the revelation of my sexy, cute little wife Hayley’s first experience as a shared wife (see: UK wife Hayley – shared for the first time) Gary had confided in me that he’d really enjoyed fucking my wife and was quite surprised when I told him that Hayley had really enjoyed it, and that I didn't mind sharing her and we’d agreed that she’d be a shared wife as long as I was there too when she was getting fucked.It didn't surprise me when...
Hi Jimmy Back with another true Incidental I a avid Reader of ISS and want to post this exciting true incident which I had 3 years back. Let me start by introducing myself I am Jimmy Cooper a Parsee man age 42 years height 5 ft 9 inches Good Looking Fair, separated from wife for 9 years, living in South Mumbai. I am into a Business which deals into natural herbal products. I promote a herbal oil which had the properties of enlarging female breasts and penis by 15%.My email id is The incident...
LesbianWhen Barbara awakened the next morning the bed was empty. Since it was Sunday, she knew that no one had to do anything that day. Looking around the room, the only article of her clothing she could find was her shirt. Slipping it on, she padded out to the living room and found the apartment was empty. In the kitchen she found a note from Marie telling her to use the toiletries laid out in the bathroom and that she and Ken would be back from church by twelve. Looking at the clock she found it...
There are many ways of cooling down on a hot day. Many people adore spending time at outdoor pools and others get rid of their clothes completely to let soft breeze caress them. Autumn Falls tries all those things but they do not help her. Yes, she takes off tiny bikini, swims naked in the swimming pool and pours cold water right on her boobs and yummy nipples. This is when squirting comes into her mind. So, Autumn Falls goes inside the house and asks her man to fuck her so hard that she...
xmoviesforyouhello friends, all of you have liked my first story with that inspiration,iam writing part 2 of it now.This will be in telugu neenu room loki raghana thimeri undabatalaku na midha unna saree palluni thessasi blouse ni vipassana sumathi: antha thondarana sudha neeku baga ishtam unatunadhi sex gurinchi thelusokovalani anne anadhi me:nennu neeku nenane chapanu enkoncham neerpamani na manasu aghadan ledhu. na thodharanu chusi thana natho normal ga matlada kunda bothula matladam start...
LesbianSoo, Nila and Maala had been in the United States for some five years but the sisters still put a lot of stock in their tribal traditions. For example, in the remote region of South East Asia, where the three sisters came from, the eldest daughter had to marry before the younger daughters could even consider it. Consequently there was a lot of pressure on Soo, who was 24, to get a move on.For three months she had been going out with Jacob Stillman, a young man she`d met at a party. Never having...
Introduction: This is how he likes to wake me up Another little re-tell of our morning routine. Let me know if you like it and you want to read more Enjoy! Kitty. xxx My eyes snap open and I gasp. Just as you push your cock deep into me from behind. This is why You tell me I must sleep naked. So you can always get inside me as easily as possible. Im taking in shallow breaths and trying to focus because no matter how many times youve taken me I always need a minute to adjust to you in...
‘Damn it!’ Jake said out loud, banging his fists against the steering wheel as traffic came to yet another complete standstill. ‘Move you bastards!’ Undoubtedly, Jake would be late for his final exam. Despite his sudden chaotic work schedule, Jake vowed that he would complete the final semester of French class even though it meant going to night school. Jake needed to prove his ability to speak French fluently if he ever hoped to land the position he had his sights set on. Jake knew he had a...
I was at the waiting room in that clinic; hoping the replacement of my female gynecologist would be another woman. When i finally got called in, I was a little surprised to find a middle aged black man.He was tall and very broad. He was wearing shiny shoes; the way he was dressed made me think of the classic "pimp" style. He had a thick African accent, when he told me to take a seat and asked me few questions.Then he told me he wanted to examine me. I took off my jeans and panties but then he...
She wanted to get everything into position before the fucking began, completely abandoned now to her depraved desires, lusting for wolf cock at both ends. She still held a shaggy cock in front of her. Now she tightened her grip and pulled that sweet prick toward her face. The wolf yelped in confusion. Mounting a bitch from behind was logical to the dumb brute, but he didn't know about the pleasures of a human girl's mouth. Katherine hiked her ass higher, feeling the massive hunk of wolf...
SISTER URSULA'S PENANCE The sound of the chapel bells roused the attractive nun from her deep sleep. She ached in every muscle from the rigors of her late night acts of contrition. Her slender body looked younger than her actual age of 34 and her proud sculptured breasts did not sag in the least little bit. The dark tinged perky nipples were pointed at an upward angle and tended to be a bit aroused most of the time. The beautifully proportioned brunette washed her body with the cold water...
Note : This story is completely fictional! “Desiring ebony” Mind Games I knew that I had to find a way to get Ebony’s attention, I had to find a way to show her my dick again, but It had to be away to do this without her knowing that I was doing this shit on purpose. All I knew is that I wanted her to see this dick again and some how want more, maybe even want to fuck me. So one day while I was in between jobs I had nothing to do, so I decided to run a cable line into her room. Now her bedroom...
IncestThe Story of Sissy Slut AmandaThis is a story of fictionPart 1: The BeginningWhen I was twenty-three I meet my Sissy Slut Amanda for the first time. Now he was only eleven at the time and it would be many years before I would know him as Sissy Slut Amanda, but still funny to look back at now. The first time I met my future sissy slut, he was Mark, son of the woman I was dating. He seemed like a nice k**, very shy and timid but sweet nonetheless. It’s wasn’t too long after our first meeting...
Rings of Mistrust By Carleton Vincent This story takes place in a universe created by Allen W in Rings of Trust. I once again offer my gratitude to this author for writing a great tale. It stoked up the fires of my imagination and inspired me to write the original version of this story. This is a revision of that original version. I have changed the ending significantly. I have also re-edited the entire story and...
Coming to story i used to live near truck stop,It was night time and i was playing football at home and i accidently kicked the ball too high. The ball went outside the boundary and i kind of went outside to pick it. It was dark and i couldnt find it, there were alot of trucks. Truck drivers usually spent the night near the truck stop, i was searching and i found my ball in hands of a driver. He was alone and he saw me. He came to me and said "is this yours" and i was standing still, i...
That night was crazy. The locker room was a disaster and everyone was acting nuts. I joined in and drank some of the champagne, as well as sprayed some players and coaches. I made sure Scott's uniform was soaked. Some reporters and cameramen chanced to film and report on the merriment that took over an hour before the guys settled down. There was no sense in stripping or taking a shower until the champagne ran out or the guys were done celebrating. It was nearly midnight by the time I was...
Interesting things started happening from the moment I left Zerzinski’s house, to walk down the trail to my place. The first thing was only notable in retrospect. Another beautiful Japanese woman was walking toward Zerzinski’s place as I was leaving, as usual. She appeared to be a member of the Choto Temple. At least, most of the women who were older than teenagers seemed to be Choto members. And this one looked to be in her late twenties perhaps. Her face was lacking the usual...
“Carla, come in here please.” I heard my husband calling from the dining room, where I had spread out the books I needed to write my term paper on the table, next to my laptop. “Sure honey,” I called back. I finished hanging the shirt I’d just ironed, and switched the iron off at the wall. Unsuspecting, I wandered through to the dining room. “What’s up?” Dave was sitting in front of my laptop. He looked around, his face serious – not a usual look for him, he’s quite the joker. “Did you get...
I’m married to a wonderful man. We live in a nice house in a good neighborhood. My husband travels on business often and plans on making a long trip this week. His long trips sometimes leaves me sexually frustrated so I have to resort to playing with my toys. My mind starts drifting as I play with my vibrator. My head leaned all the way back as I rub my clit. I can see a picture in my head of our new neighbor. He’s black and very muscular. I get the idea from him that he could be...
Danielle Nolan laid there in the bed of a man she had just met, Aiden Gardel. She was married to a man named Joe yet here she was, in the arms of a man she met only hours ago. She was covered in sweat and felt the silk sheets sticking to her naked body as she was sprawled over this man who was not her husband. She could even feel his cum dripping from her very well used pussy and down her thighs.The thought of another man’s cum dripping from her actually excited her, even though she knew it...
Cheating"David, I'm not fucking him. I'm not lying to you. I'm really not."We were sitting outside in our screened lanai on a hot, summer, Sunday afternoon. Linda lay in the lounge chair beside me nursing her second iced tea. I pretended to be immersed in a new paperback, but couldn't take my eyes off her. Her pale skin didn't tan well, but on weekends she poured herself into these tiny little shorts, I was sure just to keep me horny.Sex on Sunday afternoons had become a ritual for us - for her,...
Wife LoversAll persons are over the age of 18. The names have been changed.This is a true story of some of my sexual adventures while serving in the Navy.Many years ago, while I was serving on board a ship in the U.S. Navy, the following took place. My name is Lee. I was 36 at that time and in great shape. The ship was an LST, Tank, Landing Ship. We were on our way to Portland, Oregon for the Portland Rose Festival, and made a stop just off Astoria, at the entrance to the Columbia River, to pick up...
Straight Sex"Then the bitch, the fucking bitch," I seethed, "started crying. On fucking cue. And Beth. Beth fucking believed everything." I'd been in therapy for six years. And sitting across from me, Dr. Kenneth, who demanded I call him "Jim," finally got my story. All of it. He was the first. In prison, therapists don't stay with you very long. Jim was my fourth therapist, trying to see through to my evil ways that compelled me to rape an 18-year-old girl. My girlfriend's roommate. Coldly...
Hello readers! I am married for the past six years and blessed with two children. I am not an oldie, mind you folks, I am only thirty years old. I got married at an early age, when I was just twenty-four (it was a norm in our family). This incident happened on one of our trips to a relative’s village. I and my family went to the village, which was a little hamlet by the sea, midway between Chennai and Pondicherry. As our car entered the house, I could see Nirmala and her hubby Senthil standing...
Lindy and I awoke just before her natural six-am wake up time if she were in Boston. But being in Paris it ended up almost noon. After a gentle embrace and a slightly acidic kiss, she told me, "I need to readjust if I'm to have time with Quatre Quartet and with Eva." "It's going to be San Francisco all over again," I sighed. "But, and I hate to ask this, won't there be a lack of male dancers?" She chuckled. "I was hoping you might want to help us. It'll be just a couple early...
Though the house was pretty much clean, the majority of the rooms I actually planned on using, now spotless, Val was determined to finish cleaning every room. Heading downstairs to the only partially finished basement, I soon after followed her down. One of the projects on my "things to do list" was in fact finishing some repair work down there that had been neglected for years now. Just before his death, my father had in fact framed in one room that he had intended on using for a much...
Hello everyone, this is Karan here. Getting to the point directly, this story is about how I got a chance to fuck the hottest girl in my neighborhood. I was 18 years old back then and I was appearing for my 12th board exams. There was a girl named Sarika in our neighborhood who was the center of attraction for almost every guy in our society. She was three years older to me and was into her Engineering course. She always wore dresses that were revealing and she loved it when guys stared at her...