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Ryan lay in bed once again. This was the third day in the last 4 weeks that he was not feeling well enough to go to school. He didn't mind missing school. What kid does? The relentless fever he felt however was disconcerting. His pajamas were drenched as was his hair. To say Ryan was stressed is the understatement of the year. He was downright petrified. Looking at his mom and dad, he could see the sheer concern on their faces as well. Even his little brother and sister knew something was up. The signs were there. The high fever that reoccurred every several days. The fatigue that made him want to sleep non stop. The pain in the abdomen that was faint but constant. As each episode transpired, the need to find answers grew stronger. "Ryan, I made an appointment with Dr. Monroe tomorrow morning. We need to find out why you have not been feeling well lately." "Mom, I'm fine...I've just been under the weather a little. It's going to pass," he replied with a sense of desperation. "I know sweety but we need to find out. Imagine how relieved you will be when you find out that you are safe." Ryan thought about how incredible it would be to find out that he was not one of them. That all of his symptoms were just an odd coincidence. That would be such a relief and a tremendous weight off his shoulders. "Ok mom, I'll go" His mom gave him a hug and let him rest. She tried to look strong in his presence but on the ther side of his door she let her concern out as a tear fell down her cheek. Her son was the epitomy of the all-American boy. He was good looking, athletic and such a boy. Ryan was their pride an joy. He led the high school football team as its quarterback and dated the head cheerleader. He was a boy's boy and prided himself on being the best at everything he did. Oh how their lives would change if he was stricken. The possibilty made her shudder, but she had to know. This suspense could not go on any longer. The next day Ryan was feeling much better. His fever had subsided and he felt like himself again. "You know mom, I'm way better than I was yesterday. I think I would be ok with not going to the doctors today." "Ryan, we need to find out. It been happening too often for us to just ignore. We need to do this." Ryan knew his mom was right and silently agreed with a nod of his head. "So Ryan, it seems that you have been having symptoms of high fever, persperation, dull pains in the abdomen and exhaustion several times recently. It could be a virus of some sort. Although rare, it is possible to have a reoccuring illness." Dr Morgan explained. Ryan felt a little at ease. It could be only a virus. "With these symptons though, we need to run the GR-2 test which I'm sure the both of you figured." Ryan and his mother nodded their heads in agreement. "Ok. Now I can't say I understand what you are going through but I can tell you that by tomorrow you will know for sure where you are headed. I'm going to send Nurse Leigh in to take the swab and we will contact you as soon as we recieve the results." "Thank you doctor," his mom replied. Nurse Leigh entered the room and had Ryan open his mouth as she took a swab sample from his inner cheek. Ryan noticed how she looked at him with a sympathetic glance. It looked like a "poor-thing" or a "pity" kind of face that she gave him. He wasn't used to people feeling sorry for him. Mother and son left the doctor's office both knowing that tomorrow would shape the rest of Ryan's life one way or another. Both knew they would not be sleeping that night. "Let's go get some ice cream honey. It's going to be alright." Part 2 ----------- It was a restless night. Ryan drifted in and out of sleep. So much was engulfing his thoughts. The results of the test meant either life as usual or a a dramatic, world-altering change. There is no way that this could happen to him. That kind of stuff happens to other people right? Ryan saw the look on his mom and dad's faces as they sat in the waiting room of the clinic. The concern was visible. He was glad his brother and sister were not there. The whole idea of this was not only scary but also incredibly embarrassing. "How are you doing today Ryan?" the doctor asked. "I'm feeling alot better than yesterday doctor" "Well that's good. So we received the results back from the GR-2 test and it's positive," the doctor clearly stated. The oxygen seemed to get sucked out of the room and time stood still as that word left the doctor's mouth. POSITIVE. Ryan couldn't breath...his mind went blank...his body numb. "It's not possible!" his dad shouted in disbelief. "How accurate is this test?!?" "Mr. and Mrs. Conway, the results are 100% accurate. I know how much of a blow this must be for your family but..." "Ryan is a star quarterback and is my boy! This cannot and will not happen!" his dad interrupted. "Ted, please calm down," said Ryan's mom. She too did not know what to think. She knew this was a possibility but never did she think it happen to them. "We have counselors here to help you all transition through this. This is going to be a very big change for not only you Ryan, but for all those around you. You are going to need a support group." The doctor explained, "I know how scared you must be, but you are not alone in this. There are thousands out there with your same condition who go on to lead very healthy and productive lives." Ryan sat there motionless unable to comprehend what this all meant to him. His mom rose and wrapped him in a big hug. This could not be happening. The next week was a whirlwind of counseling sessions for the family. Ryan found out what would happen to him over the next three months. Gr-2 was the medical term for a genetic condition which afflicted boys in their early to mid teens. For a still unknown reason, around 12% of the population of males began to see these changes 11 years ago. Although there has been a lot of light shed on the subject and acceptance has become commonplace, there is still little known of the cause of the change. What is known, however, is that a boy will undergo several periods of high fever and tiredness followed by feminizing physical changes. These changes vary from child to child but the end result is always a genetic female. Ryan heard everything that had to be said but there was no way that these things could happen to him. He was strong, masculine and big- willed. If anyone could win this battle it would be him. He met another boy in a later stage of the condition which was disturbing to say the least. The boy was so frail and thin and nothing like him. He never considered himself a homophobe, but this other boy was a plain sissy and the sight of him made Ryan angry. What really got to him was the way this other boy seemed to be fine with and even enjoyed the changes. His clothes were girl's clothes for the most part and he even had a girl's voice and mannerisms...freak! Ryan's father continued to deny that his some was stricken. He would leave the room if the subject was even brought up. Ryan's mom was the sensible one. She knew that her son would be going through a rough time soon and she would have to be the strength. The thought of losing her son was almost unbearable, but she tried to rationalize all the other things that are far worse than his condition. It seemed to work most of the time. Jimmy, Ryan's 12 year old brother took every chance to tease his older brother. He didn't quite fanthom that it was real. Kristen, Ryan's 16 year old older sister was worried about how people would treat them once the word got out that he was gr positive. Like any teenage girl, she was concerned about her social standing. As for Ryan, he was determined to beat this. He felt fine now and he planned on keeping it that way. He chose not to tell his girlfriend or any of his friends. Things were fine for three weeks...then the first fever hit. Ryan pried open his heavy lids. His vision was blurred as he tried to focus his sight. Blinking several times and rubbing his eyes, he found his surroundings slowly come into sharpness. Oh, it felt like he had been hit by a truck. His whole body ached. His thoughts were a little confused as he tried to think about what had happened to him to cause such soreness. Suddenly it snapped! His first fever had hit...he quickly sat up and surveyed his body. Oh crap! He wasn't ready for this. Funny, he still looked the same. He went through his whole body and found that nothing had changed. Maybe the fever hadn't hit? Suddenly his mother entered the bedroom. "Ryan you're awake," she said with a sense of relief in her voice, "we were wondering when you would come out of it" "What do you mean mom?" Ryan replied in a cracky voice that seemed like it hadn't used in a quite a while. "Sweety, you've been asleep for 3 weeks." "What?!? But nothing happened to me. I'm still the same," Ryan stated in a panicked voice. His mother looked him over. She knew that his skin had become very soft and delicate from seeing his progress over the last 3 weeks but could already see the fear and angst on her son's face. She would have to tell him though. There was no use denying what was happening. "Your skin has changed Ryan. Feel it. Its very soft and smooth now. Your hair fell off your arms, legs and chest about 3 days ago also." Ryan looked at his arms and was stunned at the change. It was subtle but obvious at the same time. His skin was super soft and looked like porceline. There was not an ounce of hair that he could find on his body. He gasped. "Mom, it's happening. I don't want this to happen! I'm a boy not a freaking girl mom!" His mother reached out to comfort her son. "I know honey, but this is the card that has been dealt to us and we will deal with it as it happens ok?" "No mom, I'm not going to change. I refuse to!" he said with anger in his tone. The conversation continued for several minutes and Ryan gained his composure. He knew that everything the doctor said would happen was on the horizon but he was convinced that he could beat this. No matter what he would never be a girl. No matter how much his body changed, nothing would change his mind. The virus couldn't take that from him. He wouldn't let it. His mom helped him out of bed and the next blow came. "Mom, I shrunk!" he screeched. Ryan had been 4 inches taller that his mother but now the two looked eye to eye. He looked just like he did before the fever...only shrunken down a tad. He now stood 5 foot 5 inches. "Oh Ryan, I didn't notice that while you were lying in bed. I'm sorry I couldn't warn you," his mom sympathised with him. He felt defeated. He was like 8/10ths his regular self. He reached deep within himself and took a deep breath. "I can deal with this. I'm not going to let this thing beat me," he said with conviction. "Why don't you get dressed sweety. I'm going to round up the troops. They missed having you around these last weeks." His mom left him be. Ryan opened up his drawer and pulled out some underwear. Other than the aching body he felt fine. He felt like his regular self. He slipped on his underwear and of course they were a little big for him now. Damn. The waist fit alright but the leg holes did not cling. There was open space. His put on a tshirt which fit ok and a pair of jeans. He didn't want to expose his smooth, hairless legs to the world. Damn again. The legs of the pants were too long now. He bravely rolled up the bottom of the legs and walked downstairs. "Hey Ryan, welcome back!" his older sister welcomed him. "Yeah, about time you got of bed bro!" his brother quipped in. His dad remained silent. They all observed what looked like the regular Ryan but he was shorter for sure. He looked fairer than normal as well. "Look, can we just forget about how I look different and move on with life?" Ryan stated. He hated everyone looking at him like some kind of freak. "Yes honey, we are just glad to have you awake again," his mother replied. "Dude, I'm gonna be taller than you if you keep shrinking," his brother joked. "Shut up! I can still kick your little butt with one arm tied behind my back. Don't forget that," Ryan defensively replied. His brother knew what Ryan was capable of and shut his mouth. Dad continued to remain silent. "So do you feel any different?" his sister asked. "No, I feel fine ok? I just want to go on with life. I don't want to talk about this," Ryan replied. "Good, let's leave it at that," Dad finally jumped in and then walked out of the room. "Ok, well let's just get on with life then," Mother stated and left the kids who seemed to be fine with everything. She caught up with her husband who had found solice in the garage. "Do you mind telling me what the hell your problem is?" she snapped at him. "I'm fine." "Obviously not. What kind of way is that to treat your son who is going through a very rough time right now?" "What the heck am I supposed to say? Do you have nay idea how hard it is for me to see him getting all girly? This is not supposed to be happening to my boy!" "Do you think I like this? Do you think Ryan like this? No! This is going to happen whether we like it or not though and I choose to be a support and rock my my son. You need to decide where you are going to fit into this because your son is going to need all of our love through this." "I just need time...leave me be" She shuck her head and left. She couldn't believe how insensitive her husband was being. "Ryan, Christina wanted to come over when you woke up. You should call her." his mom told him when she walked back into the room. "Does she know mom?" Ryan asked. He really didn't want his girlfriend to find out. "I had to tell her sweety. She was so concerned when you weren't able to talk to her." Damn. He text her a couple times and she was coming over in an hour. How would this go? Ryan was nervous. His girlfriend was on her way...what would her reaction be? He desperately wanted to appear strong and masculine. His skin had changed and he now stood a bit smaller than he used to, but he was still the guy she fell in love with. He remained the quarterback of the football team and could still be her man after all right? The knock came. Ryan took a deep breath and swung the door open. There stood his baby girl looking very happy to see him...with a bouquet of flowers? "Hi baby!" she said giving her boyfriend a big hug. "I was so worried about you" Ryan returned her affection but was thrown off by the flowers. "I'm fine. I kind of shrunk a little but other than that everything is cool." "You look good. Ummm, these are for you," she replied as she gave him the bouquet of flowers. They were an interesting arrangement of red and white roses in a pink wrapper. "Flowers?" he asked. She looked at his disappointment and she couldn't take it anymore. She burst into tears. "Christina, what's wrong?" "I'm sorry Ryan. I didn't know what to do. I thought that you might like flowers now or something. I don't know what to think of all this. I'm so sorry," she replied sobbing softly. "I told you not to worry babe, I'm not going to let this affect me. I don't care what everyone says, I'm not changing. Why don't you keep those flowers for yourself beautiful. They look much better on you," he replied with confidence. "Oh I love you Ryan. I don't want this to happen, but I am going to be here no matter what ok?" "Look, I told you that I'm fine. Now can we just drop this and get re- acquinted with each other?" "Sure thing babe," Christina replied as they embraced. The two spent the rest of the day together. Christina heard of other boys having the virus and knew what the end result would be. She admired how brave he was but was concerned with his unrealistic approach. He must still be in denial. He seemed the same looks-wise, but his skin was porceline and felt softer than hers. It reminded her of a babies skin. She made a mental note to not wear any heels when she was around Ryan. He still was an inch taller than her. That night Ryan took in what had transpired that day. He was different...there was no denying that. He both marveled at and dreaded how quickly he had changed. There was absolutely nothing that he could do to prevent it either. He felt helpless against the changes looming in future and had a restless night. Come on Ryan...keep your head up! The next day Ryan saw his return to school after his lengthy absence. The word that he had the virus had spread like wildfire and he was confronted by strange looks and snickering by the immature students. He ignored them for the most part and headed to his peer group. That too was an awkward experience. "Damn Ryan, I heard about the virus man. We are sorry about that. It kind of hit us like a load of bricks when we found out." his friend Rob said. "Yeah, I mean not you bro. I feel for ya man." another friend chimed in. "Drop it guys. I'm not talking about this. I'm still the same guy as always," Ryan defended himself. Although they tried to make him feel welcome and act as if nothing had changed, the air of the group was different. No matter how they attempted to overlook what was happening, his friends could clearly see the differences in Ryan already. Ryan too could feel how uncomfortable the vibe was. Would things at school ever be the same again? The answer to that question came at the end of the school day when he was summoned to the principal's office. As he entered he saw his mother sitting in the room. His football coach was also there as well as a woman he didn't know. "Ryan, go ahead and sit down," Pricipal Stevens said, "I asked your mother to join us as well as Tom and Ms. Jacobs." "What's this about Mr. Stevens?" Ryan asked. "First of all, we all understand the journey that you are about to take and we are here to be your counsel and support throughout your transition." "Look Mr. Stevens, I really don't need any of this. I'm fine ok? I just want to live my life like I always have," Ryan countered. "Ryan, please listen," his mother jumped in. "Ryan, there are certain rules and guideline that we need to adhere to when someone is found positive. These are rules that are set in place by the state and, by law, we need to follow them. These are put in place to both protect you and also to make your transition as comfortable as possible." "Okaayyyy," Ryan replied. "Let me introduce Ms. Jacobs. She instructs a special class for students who have the virus." "Hello Ryan," Ms. Jacobs said, "beginning tomorrow you will be attending my classes. There are currently 4 students who are in various stages of transformation..." "Hold on a second here. I'm not going to go into some new class. I'm great where I'm at and I don't need to be segregated from the everyone else," Ryan interrupted. "Ryan, this is not optional. You are going to be going through many changes, some of which you have already experienced. This class serves several purposes. We will educate you on how to adapt and thrive as a female and be there for you through your fevers. In addition, this class setting will protect you from those who may not understand what you are going through. It's a cruel world out there sometimes. Once you have fully transitioned, you will be given your "diploma" and you are free to join your regular classes again. Like I said, this is not optional. The state requires this for all those who have the virus." she explained. Ryan sat in silence. She was going to teach him how to thrive as a female? Holy crap! His heart sunk as everything was becomming that much more real. "I'm still going to be able to lead the football team though...right?" He asked frantically. "Ryan, this hurts me more than I can tell ya, but with your condition you're not going to be able to participate any longer," his coach informed. "Hell no coach! I'm still good man!" Ryan pleaded. "You already are not the same physically as you were a couple weeks ago Ryan," his principal explained, "as you move foward with your transition you could be seriously hurt." Ryan didn't know what to say or think. His world was quickly caving in and he felt helpless to stop it. He thought of how great his life was and how much it was going to suck. There was no way he would ever "adapt" to being a girl. "Thrive"? No way! He was a smart kid though. He knew that there was no reasoning with these people. He would go to the stupid classes. He would not be on the football team for now. He was very strong willed and he knew his resolve could do wonders. He would not let this virus take control of him. He would show them all that he could beat this thing. Suddenly he was filled with a new enthusiasm and zest. He would triumph over this virus, and in doing so he would get his old life back and things would be awesome again! "I understand and I take your counsel and do what you ask of me," Ryan replied to a somewhat shocked room. Printer-friendly version The next day Ryan woke up feeling great. His energy had returned and he felt like he could conquer the world. He took a look at himself in the mirror and almost forgot that he was a changed man. He went down for some breakfast and on his way back up his mother pulled him into her bedroom. "Ryan, how do you feel about attending Ms. Jacob's class today?" Ryan had decided to keep calm and play this new class as no big deal. He had developed a somewhat convoluted sense of power over his virus and going to some stupid class wasn't going to phase him. "I'm cool with it mom. Hopefully my classes are easier," he joked. "Well I don't know about that," his mother teased back, "I bought you something and I'm not sure if its the right time yet but these are for you", she said as she handed him a 6 pack roll of underwear. "Panties mom?!? really???" Ryan scoffed. "I figured you might want to get used to wearing them. You may want to slowly ease into this change instead of doing it all at once. I thought that if we start with panties now, it won't be so much of a shock to the system when the next fever hits." "Mom, there's no way I'm wearing those," he replied as he handed her back the packet, "I think I'm sticking to my normal underwear for now." What the heck was up with his mom. She was such a freak! Sometimes she just needed to back off and mind her own business. He was deteermined to be a boy no matter...even if he underwear was a size or so too big right now. He didn't care. Ryan entered his new class which was held in an outside trailer on the school property. There were 3 other kids in there along with Ms. Jacobs. "Well hello Ryan, welcome," she said with a smile in her voice. "Hey," he replied. "Ryan is our new classmate. He has had the first fever and we are thrilled to have him. I'm sure most of you here know him." she introduced. All three students knew Ryan very well. He was super popular after all. They were all a little shocked that he would have the virus. "Why don't we all go around the room and tell Ryan a little about ourselves." "I'm Todd and I've had my second fever. I like to go to the movies, play video games and play soccer." The first thing that struck Ryan about Todd was his voice. He had a girl's pitch and tone. He sounded like a girl! He seemed very frail as well with almost no muscle tone. He looked like an androgenous boy but that voice was out of control! He was dressed like a boy as well but his clothes looked like the didn't quite fit his body type. "My name is Eric and I've had my first fever as well. I don't know what I like anymore and frankly I don't care," he stated abruptly. "Eric is still coming to terms with his change and that's understandable," Ms Jacobs stated. Eric looked like a regular boy in looks and dress. He was out of shape and quite a bit overweight. Eric looked like the kind of guy that Ryan would pick on with the other jocks. "I'm Karen and I've had the 3rd fever. I like to read, go to the movies and hang out at the mall," he said. "Karen is giving her female name a try out. She decided to see how it works out beginning this week," Ms Jacobs stated. "We address 3rd fevers with feminine address." Karen was insane! He looked like a very feminine boyish type of thing. It was obvious that he was wearing girl's clothing. His jeans had some sparkly design on the legs and his shirt was a Roxy t-shirt under a jacket. Even his sneakers had a light blue sparkly streak on them. Ryan didn't understand how Karen could let himself drift so much. He was practically giving in to being a girl! Dang...even his nails were painted a light rose color! "So you don't mind wearing girl's clothes and changing your name Karen?" Ryan asked. "Well it bothers me a little but not nearly as much as it used to. I think I've just gotten used to the changes," Karen replied. "I think we need to go over the fevers first and foremost Ryan," Ms Jacobs stated. "You've experienced the first fever which usually involves a shift in size and weight. Skin will soften and muscle tone may diminish. Basically, your hormones have taken a big hit and your testosterone levels have plumetted. Most first fevers feel pretty much like their normal selves. Once the second fever strikes, you will most likely lose a great deal of muscle mass and more size. Many second fevers experience voice change and a slight shift in mental pathing. In other words, they begin to think more along the line of a female. As you can see with Todd, he has a very androgenous appearance and if he would dress the part, he could pass as a female under many circumstances." Todd rolled his eyes. "Once the third fever hits, expect the greatest changes. Mental changes seem to be the major areas of focus. The mental pathing becomes more and more feminine. Karen does not mind being addressed as "she" or as "Karen" because her mind is feminized to that more along the lines of a regular female. Thirds fevers will see a widening of the pelvis to a suitable feminine proportion and may see some breast development." Ryan looked at Karen to see if he had breasts. He couldn't tell cause he had that jacket on. "Fourth fever is the final fever and it is the culmination of womanhood. Fourth fevers are 100% female in physical and mental form. Sheila is not here due to the fact that she is currently going through her final fever. You will meet her when she returns," Ms Jacobs stated. Ryan felt so out of place. How did he get himself into this? He definately did not belong here! He sat in silence as Ms Jacobs began her classes. Karen sat right in front of him and he couldn't fanthom that he was not a girl. His hair was shoulder length and scrunchied up in a pony tail. How could this kid let himself fall so far into femininity? He must be pretty weak minded. Karen removed his jacket and all Ryan could focus on was if this kid had breasts. He couldn't tell though with Karen sitting in front of him. Well Ms. Jacobs sure made him feel at home with school...she was as boring as any other teacher in the school. As Ryan's mind drifted he noticed Karen bend foward to stretch. As her tshirt tightened against her back he noticed it. The outline of a bra...Karen was wearing a bra! No freaking way! He tried not to think down on him, but this kid was pretty much succumbing to being a girl. A bra? Really?

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My First Fuck With A Girl

This is my first story in ISS. Hope you enjoy this. Please give your feedback at Moving to the story. I am engineering student in Chennai. I maintain a athletic body, tall and long haired. This happened in December of 2014. I madly had a crush on a girl named Dhivya. She was a fresh married wife of my friend. About her she is chubby girl with size 36-34-38. I used to be crazed on her when I used to visit my friend’s house. Now coming to the incident. One fine rainy day, I was out for a work...

1 year ago
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Saevelle and Vexus Fantasy

Steps down from her elaborate bed, readjusting her corset and fixing her sheets, tucks her tip in the box with a lock underneath her bed. working in a brothel has its advantages... free housing... she then opens her curtains and sits at the window, brushing her hair and eying the handsome men as they pass by, looking as inviting as she can. The more money, the sooner, and the quicker she can run from this life. She seems from the window as a fairly tall lady, young and beautiful, with curly...

2 years ago
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Lab Rat

Monday Clean the damn cages, mop the floors, carry boxes of mice from one place to another, all the other "What, give up show business?" crap that goes with this stupid job. Some day I want to kill those mice. No, not to be cruel, but as a real live lab researcher, helping to find the cure for some disease or another. Right now, though, it's just a summer internship from school, paying virtually nothing. Me, I'm just going into my senior year at State. My mother has enough money to give...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER SIX: Several weeks later we awaken in the morning and are surprised by an early dumping of snow. Mitch assures me this is not a precursor to a hard, long winter. I have to admit, I am relieved. I am probably more of a warm-weather-girl, but I made the decision easily that Mitch was worth the effort of learning to live in and, hopefully, enjoy all the seasons. The overnight snow is only (he says, only) about six inches of new, fresh, snow; but to me it feels like so much more.I have to...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 9

The group made their way back to Berg’s Keep. “Let’s celebrate our good fortune!” Strider96 said. Everyone except for Ariel enthusiastically supported the plan. Ariel remained quiet. She wanted to stop by the Roasted Pig and talk to the Browns before making her decision. “You did great, Ariel! Didn’t you have a good time?” Brynna said. “It’s not that,” Ariel said. “I just want to talk to some friends at a tavern.” Everyone was staring at her. “What?” “We’re looking for a tavern. You want...

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart X 8 Brother Sister and the Teddy

Greg was already two blocks away before I pulled up beside him in my car and offered him a lift. He initially refused, but after I asked him how far away he lived, he realized it would take forever to walk home. Neither one of us spoke for several minutes after he gave me directions. Greg was worried that I was either going to try and seduce him, humiliate him, or maybe even blackmail him. He nearly lost it when I said, "I think Ben really liked your blowjob." "Uhm, thanks... " "You...

3 years ago
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MMF with my friends bakeyesmokems on Xhamster

My great friends on Xhamster Gob and Samantha have been doing threesomes with Me and making videos for many years now and all 3 of us are still great friends and still meet up to hang out and play around. We have experimented in - double oral, double vaginal, cum covered pussy, blowjobs, end to end sex, creampies, forward and reverse cowgirl, bondage, sex toys, sloppy seconds, deepthroats, blindfolds, her cum eating, doggystyle, double creampies, and much more!Our first time meeting and fucking...

3 years ago
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A gay summer Holiday Part 2

Index: 2The family get together.He was indeed greeted by his grandmother, but she was not alone. His fathers youngest sister and her husband were there too. So were the Great aunt and uncle, their son, and his sons who ran the 'Harbor view' camping grounds. And also some other locals had joined them. Even the fucking local island police was waiting for Chris with the group. Christopher smiled at the large reception committee and waved at them when he...

1 year ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 33 Its All Very Nice But Not Very Good

"You wanted to see me?" Crawford approached my desk hesitantly, which was a bad sign. But one I had been expecting. "Yes. Please sit down." I waited, but she didn't say anything. "Was there something you wanted to tell me?" She looked down. "I'm sure you already know." "So, how is Peggy these days?" "I swear we never talk about business!" she blurted out. "It isn't like Tamura-san said it is at all." "Crawford, calm yourself. I have already spoken to Tamura." My...

1 year ago
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Reddit Bulges, aka r/Bulges! Ladies, you should know that The Porn Dude cares about you too. I know I might have made some unsavory comments about females who like to have a lot of sex in the past, but let’s just leave that behind us. I’m extending an olive branch here, and that olive branch comes in the form of a subreddit by the name of /r/Bulges. I really threw myself into the fire with this one, girls, so you better appreciate what I’m doing for you. I had to look at so many dicks on this...

Porn for Women Sites
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Training my Sister Kayleigh

DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. In some chapters, Kayleigh is forced to role act that she is underage, however she is 18 years old. DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, sex slavery, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this...

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Girlfriend Makes Me An Ass Slave 8211 Part 6

This is the 6th installment in the series. With the last part, I had turned into my girlfriend’s complete slave and was looking forward with fear about what she wanted next. It was deeply erotic and deeply fearful. She had become some sort of a maniac who couldn’t be trusted. Despite so much humiliation, my desire to do everything to please her only grew in monstrous proportions! In this story, things take an exciting turn and for the first time in many weeks, I get to see my girlfriend’s...

2 years ago
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Preparations for Afternoon Tea

Preparations for Afternoon Tea Director's cut by Mr E. Edward Grey Scene One: Backstage "Ah, there you are my pretty pet! All nice and comfy on your pretty perch, are we?" I hear Miss Debra's cheerful voice from behind me. I scan the large, ornate, gold-framed mirror hanging on the wall before me, straining my corseted neck to determine her whereabouts. I quickly spot the reflection of her pretty face, as she playfully peeks between the lush heavy folds of the stage curtain that...

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Shreena Aunty And Me

Coming to myself, this is Sharath living in Bangalore, aged about 20. I’m a medium-sized guy with a well-maintained physique. My tool is 5.5 inch. I don’t try to fake it by telling 7 or 8 what others do. I am always fascinated by sex – how it would be or what it feels like? But I didn’t expect that I would lose my virginity so soon. Now, coming to the feel of this – it happened a week back and finally, I got time to express it. The aunty’s name is Shreena (name changed). She lives in our front...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Fiona Sprouts 2 Cum Shots 4 New Girl

Fiona Sprouts, an adorable porn newbie, wants to know what it’s like to fuck a legendary stud. Director Mick Blue films as she shows off for the camera, whimpering when she masturbates her wet twat. The young cutie strokes Mick’s raging hard-on and licks his balls. She smiles lovingly as she gives a nasty, POV-style blowjob, slobber soaking Mick’s shaft when she pulls it from her mouth. When Fiona bends over on the couch, Mick stuffs his big cock into her cunt, plugging away...

2 years ago
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Flashing My Best Friend

I've never told anyone this story before. My name is Claire and I'd just turned eighteen at the time this story started. I'm not the prettiest girl in my class, but I'm not far off. I have shoulder length brown hair, a slim toned body as I play a lot of sport, and pert 34B breasts that I can't keep my hands off. I was a virgin but I knew that wouldn't last much longer as I thought about sex all the time and touched myself every day. My best friend Lucy is the prettiest girl in our class. She's...

3 years ago
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spying on my girlfriends mom

so last weekend i went to my girlfriends cabin. so on friday night her parents picked me up at work and we left from there but when i got in the truck her mom was in the front seat and i guess she just got off work to because she works at the bank and always wears sexy pincil skirts and blouses, very professional and very sexy. so anyways the whole way out i was in the back seat and i could do was stare at her sexy legs in in a pair of stockings and that tight pencil skirt. she also had a baby...

4 years ago
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Wet Night

Yuki and I stood in the motel room looking like drowned rats. Our day-trip by plane to visit a customer had turned into a nightmare with our flight diverted due to terrible weather. There was a mad scramble to find a room for the night as the heavens opened with torrential rain, thunder and lightning. We had got absolutely soaked getting into the motel, only to find that it was fully occupied - just like all the others that we had tried. Lucky for us the young lady on the desk at this motel...

2 years ago
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I Dare YouChapter 3

So, on Saturday, she goes to a drugstore that her family usually doesn't go to and looks around the condom section. God, what a variety, she thinks. Every size, shape, color, flavor, all the bells and whistles one can ever think of. She choses a box of what looks to be relatively normal ones, pays for them and walks out with them in a plain, discreet paper bag. When Alexis gets home, she tells Noah about the purchase and that on Monday afternoon, they will perform the grand...

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My Granddaughter Missy

Warning: This is more of a story with sex in it than a sex story, but more sex than I can post other places. I was thinking about my father when I wrote this. He's the right age and the right personality, and has had a few flings since my mom died. Before that I think she kept him from straying by making it fun to stay at home, fun in bed that is. I think they were still doing it like rabbits into their 60's. BTW - I had some help on this from Cathy Cook. ...

1 year ago
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Love Chooses You

Ian and I sit in his living room listening to Panic At The Disco. That was one of his favorite bands along with Hollywood Undead, 3OH!3, Boys Like Girls, and a few countless others. So far that's all he listened to I've noticed since moving in his home three weeks ago. I had nowhere else to go since my parents were in Hawaii on vacation and my friends were all in college. Either way, Ian would have been my first choice. We've been great friends since birth—he's always been there for me and I've...

Love Stories
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Mother of the groom

We're in our hotel room, getting ready to go to my wife's son's wedding. I always love watching her get dressed, especially when it's for a special occasion. She has a lot of beautiful clothes and wears them well. To the world at large she's the very model of a classy, well-dressed, intelligent professional woman. But take those clothes off and get her alone in bed and it's a different story!She puts on a pretty, lacy bra that makes her 40DDs sexier than ever. Pushes them together and pushes...

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PetiteBallerinasFucked Elsa Jean Sexual Chemistry

Tiny teen Elsa Jean can’t keep her hands off of her ballet partner Jax Slayher. After exchanging a searing kiss with Jax, Elsa drops to her knees so that she can pull out his cock and suck every inch that her small frame can handle into her mouth. Soon, though, fucking her man with her mouth just isn’t enough. Pushing the bottom of her tutu aside, Elsa urges Jax onto the ground and then climbs on top of him. She stays in total control as she rocks her hips up and down to set the...

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First time giving blowjob

true story...sucking a smooth cock is a wonderful thing and im glad I kept an open mind at such a young age!! And i bet if no one found out, you would try it too!! I used to sleep over my friends house when i was younger. My friends name was paul and our parents had been life long friends, so we would see each other often. our parents would go to the bar and we would be stuck watching the house all by ourselves. often we would get bored of video games and the same old stuff and around this time...

2 years ago
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Mountain Lake AcademyChapter 10

It was a week after the semester ended. I sat nervously in Principal Brecker's office across from her desk. Cat sat with me. While Skylar, Meaghan, and Aimee would give me fantastic reviews, I had no idea what the other freshmen girls would say or what the girls from any of my other classes would write. They seemed to like my teaching style and I thought they had fun but when it came right down to it, there was no way to predict. Brecker began, "Catherine talked to me a couple of weeks...

4 years ago
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Positively Glowing 6

"Good morning, thank you for calling Wentworth Investments, this is Gerry speaking, how may I help you, today?" The phone rarely rang before nine thirty, so Gerry had a pretty good idea who was calling at nine-oh- seven on Thursday morning. "Well, hello, Miss Morley," the snide voice on the other end of the phone oozed through the receiver. "How are we doing today, sweet cheeks?" Gerry sighed. "Good morning, Mr Williams. How may I direct your call today." "Oh, I'd say that my...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 99

They stayed at Carmel for two nights and were so exhausted after their initial bed encounter, even Brandi with her magnificent physical stamina, that after it they simply relaxed and enjoyed one another. They slept, walked the shore, ate out, and when they returned to their room they only fucked once before falling asleep. But it was a long, drawn out, exquisite intermingling of their two hungry and beautiful bodies, culminating in a shared orgasm so intense and prolonged that it lasted...

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My classmateBrotherinlaw

My first time with a classmate was amazing. I met him about 7 years ago in high school. We were in the 11th grade. We never really talked until one day he was sitting next to me in class and he asked me if like sucking dick. I obviously responded no, but I was curious about why he would ask me so I asked him "why you asked? Did you want me to suck your dick?" he said he did but no one must know. I laughed; I told him I only get my dick sucked which was obviously a lie because I love sucking...

4 years ago
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After The Reunion Ch 19e

Sunday afternoon, Nov 5, 2028Addie got home a little after four. She still looked the same; she acted like Addie, sounded like Addie, greeted me with the kiss I expected. I don’t know what else I expected. Maybe it was me with the guilty conscience. Her first words were, “Kids? Where are they?”At least it wasn’t, “Who the hell did you fuck last night?”“They’re spending the night with Nicki. She wanted to take them to a movie.”She frowned, “That’s disappointing. I like coming home to them.”I...

Wife Lovers
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CHAPTER 43: THE FANTASY FEST WEEKEND, DAY 3Saturday morning when I woke up I discovered that I really was able to sleep in. Mom was no longer in my arms as when I was falling asleep. True to Mom’s form she was d****d over my body. Not that I was complaining, I love the feeling of someone’s naked skin against mine. But when I peeked over Mom to the other bed, it contained Tim but no Helen. I carefully wiggled out from under Mom and found the coffee was made and the pot was full. I establish that...

4 years ago
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Missdailed 2

Chapter TwoGreg sat in his chair, dismayed at being caught watching his mother cheat on his father. Questions remained, though, about who was the intended recipient of the video call.Later that evening, the family of three sat in silence at the table as they ate dinner. Greg's father would leave shortly after for his evening poker game, leaving him and his mother alone in the house. While eating, he looked to his mother for any sign that she would even acknowledge his presence, but there was...

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Lehrkrper german Story

Geschichte – LehrkörperTeil 1Ich kramte in meiner Handtasche, um nach meinem Autoschlüssel zu suchen.  Der Parkplatz lag bereits im Halbdunkel des anbrechenden Abends. Jetzt, mitten im Herbst, wurden die Tage sehr schnell viel kürzer. Auch die Bäume warfen zunehmend das bunte Herbstlaub ab und der Wind schichtete an Büschen, Bordsteinen und Hauswänden die Blätter zu imposanten Haufen auf.Endlich bekam ich den Schlüssel zu fassen und zog ihn aus meiner Tasche. Ein kurzer Druck auf ihn und mein...

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Chasing LolitaChapter 10 Dusty and Me

For the next half-hour I watched Dusty serve the other customers while working myself into a sexual tizzy. Some of the patrons were a bit frisky, and I saw a few of them rub their hands over Dusty's ass when she leaned over to set down their drinks. She didn't overreact, she just gave them her "Naughty boy, shame on you" look, wiggled her bum, and walked away. The boys were rowdier than normal, probably because they hadn't seen Nikki in almost ninety minutes. She was usually back in the...

3 years ago
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The Wedding

My brother was getting married. His judgment sucked, as usual, but he couldn't see it. I tried to talk him out of it, even threatened to speak out at the part where 'If any should know cause' part. He just said he'd pound me. Pound me! Hah! *I'm* the one the sensei has teaching the younger kids, and my brother thinks he's going to pound me. Funny. The one bright thing about this little get-together was my brother's future sister-in-law. She's cute, and articulate, and laughed at my...

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The Picture

It never occurred to me that a picture on my desk would change my life so drastically. But I suppose that’s the way life really is: the small things sometimes make the biggest difference. I was preparing for the day’s practice of coaching girl’s basketball at Stoneridge High School. I was in my office reviewing some scouting reports and set plays that I wanted to work on while I waited for the girls to troop in from their last class of the day and get changed into their gear. As was...

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Discipline and Reward A Love StoryChapter 12 In which pressure takes its toll

Time flew by for Cindi in Themiscyra. Days were spent with her mother exploring the limits of each other’s secrets. Cindi learned more than she had ever imagined there was to know about the early history of the Amazons. But she never found out that Hippolyta’s fondest desire in life was to run off and find her lost love. Hippolyta learned of her daughter’s first love, separated from her almost immediately by an ocean and the better part of two continents, killed just scant weeks later before...

1 year ago
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Ever Wish You Had XRay GlassesPart Four

At school the next Monday I took both my pair and Nancy's pair of X-Ray Glasses with me. I didn't know what I was going to do with the extra pair, but figured that something might come up. Something did.I was late, on purpose, to my first class of the day. Miss Wilkins, my English teacher was very very cute and I had had a crush on her for some time. She was in the middle of discussing Shakespearean Sonnets when I opened the door and slipped to my desk. She continued her discussion of the...

2 years ago
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The First Woman Of My Life

She is my neighbor, I’ll call her seema. Beautiful, young, with pale skin tone; I just love that tone. That constant smile on her face, make her look adorable. But unfortunately, she was married to a hopeless, alcohol addict, an irresponsible and uneducated guy in an orthodox family. She had moved into my street just after one year of her marriage, apart from in-laws. She was 4 years elder to me, the enigma of belonging to the same generation got us into eye contact several time with a friendly...

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Loose CannonsChapter 17

Guy ran a hand along the cat’s back. The low rumble of the cat’s purr filled the air. “It’s you and me against the world, Cat.” The cat got up, shook its tail, and walked off. Guy said, “Okay, wise guy. It’s me against the world.” His wife, soon to be ex-wife, had not contested the divorce. It had taken less than fifteen minutes to come to an agreement about the terms of the divorce. She hadn’t even tried to get custody of the kids once they said that they wanted to live with him. Money was...

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a chance biker meet up and fuck

I decided I wanted to just go for a ride out as it was a nice day so I told the wife I was going out for a ride to the coast and she said ok see you later. as I was riding along I saw another biker in front of me and I could tell it was a woman so I pulled alongside and looked at the bike it was a nice bike I gave her a thumbs up and rode off.I got to the coast and as I was about to park up the same bike pulled up beside me and she lifted her visor and asked if I knew of somewhere quite she...

3 years ago
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Me and my cousin alone for three days part 1

It was in summer 2009 I told my cousin to come and stay with me for three days sense my parent were at a trip out if townie knew that he was gay but coz he told me before. At the first day at night we went out and had fun all night when we got back home and changed our clothes we sat on the sofa watching film I bought earlier that night when the film is over I was getting ready to go to bed I saw my cousin naked on my bed and I saw his 9.4 inch cock. He stands up and said have you ever been...

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Sex With Friend Mom

Hi. I am regular reader of iss. Today i am here to tell my first sex experience with my friend mother named padma, who lives beside our house since ten years. First off all let me interduce myself to u all. My name is raju and my age is around 21 years, very shy person, 5 feets tall. I am doing my degrree final year in hyderabad in some reputed institute living with my big brother. And coming to the incident my friend mother is around 35 years but she doesn’t look like that. Her body is...

3 years ago
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Boy Having Fun When Parents Out For Temple Run

Hi this is Rishi, age 23 from Mumbai; my height is 6.1 ft. I have a 6 inches long dick and it’s a little broad as said by my earlier gfs. This story is about me and a friend of mine named “Jyoti”.’She was with me in my degree college. She is 24 yrs old.5.3 in height a little on the bulkier side with assets of 38d 32 36 the best part about her is her boobs their shape can be easily seen through her top. I don’t think she might have ever worn a plain bra there were always fancy designs on her...

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Jills Day OutChapter 6

Peter As she hung, immobilised with the warm sunshine on her back, the naked woman took a look around her. She couldn't see much, because of the men who surrounded her, blocking her view. They were all enjoying this opportunity to gawp at a bare and helpless woman. To her dismay, a small misshapen figure approached her, the midget, Billy. He stood in front, gazing at her breasts and belly, his gnomish face only inches from her. She couldn't stand him so close. "Wont be long now,...

2 years ago
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Family Secrets

©Copyright September 2001 by Ezra Zane. Dear Readers, This story was written under the nom de net of Ezra Zane, also known as E.Z. Riter. As with most of my stories, it was edited by Ruthie herself. Good reading. E.Z. When I arrived home from work on Friday, Marilyn's car was in front of the house. The guilt that was eating at my guts took another bite and I reached for the Rolaids as I parked my car in the garage. When I walked in the back door, Carol greeted me and kissed me softly...

1 year ago
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Gander My brother earned the namewe used it

Note : This story is completely fictional!!! I went to 10th grade looking like Barbara Eden of Genie fame. Something in the water I guess. (9th grade I was little Nancy** frizzy hair chunky bod). My two brothers were the barometers of my GROWTH. They started making fun of me one Sunday as we dressed for church. No one in our house left their room without being DRESSED. no nighties in the living room, Skirts and dresses were two inches Below the knees. Shorts two inches above.No tight blouses or...


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