Revelations Pt.9 free porn video

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The next morning Danny got up early. As a consultant, Monday was one of the days he paid a visit to his old office. He had a splitting headache and he hadn't had much sleep. For the first time in his life he was feeling old and tired, very tired. It was surprising what effect a breakdown of a relationship could have on a person. It was almost as if his body and mind were in the grips of an interminable disease which greedily fed upon him, killing him ever so slowly each passing day.

Three weeks had come to pass since the revelation of his wife's affair. For the sake of the thirty years put in together and for the sake of what they had achieved as a family, he had been trying to forgive her action as a onetime aberration. He had given serious consideration to what Paula had said. Perhaps her decision to share her body with Harry was morally questionable but he should not be looking at it as an affair. That bastard did seem to be doing fine after having the affair with his wife. She should have consulted him as it did not involve her alone because after marriage, nobody remains an individual anymore and is responsible to another for his/her actions. But then, perhaps she must have realized that he may not agree to her line of thinking and had hence decided to do what she thought was best for Harry. He had been hurt but he should now be thinking of what lay ahead instead of wallowing in the past.

They had a nice home, a good retirement nest, their c***dren were doing fine in their lives, and they had two lovely grandc***dren to spoil silly. They had toiled together hard for thirty years to achieve what they had today.

It was going to be another of those sleepless nights all alone in the guest room. Like many similar nights in the recent past, He had watched the CD's again to see if he had missed a clue somewhere but apart from feeling ashamed and hurt by the erotic images, there had been no other outcome. And there had been no sex with Dawn either. There were nights when he would wake up suddenly after dreaming about his wife and Harry doing some crazy stuff. In his dreams the scene would play out as though they were looking at him and laughing and then he would wake up with a start, sweating profusely. He had jacked himself off a couple of times with Paula and not his wife in his mind. Slowly but surely, his life was turning pathetic, and so was Dawn's as she seemed to be walking on eggshells whenever he was around the house.

He tossed and turned in his bed, the sleep eluding him again. He thought he heard a dog yowl. I bet I'm the only one awake in the neighborhood to hear his pathetic sound, thought Danny, keeping his eyes tightly shut. Then they floated into his mind. He was naked and chasing his nude, beautiful wife at some beach resort. He was admiring her yummy buttocks as he chased her. He planned on taking her ass...yes...that crack looked delectable. Suddenly somebody loomed into view. It was Harry and...and he was holding Danny's grandson in his arms. His wife stopped and turned towards Harry. They were now together, smiling towards him, smiling with his grandson in Harry's arms. They were not laughing but taunting him. Harry had everything that was his...his wife, his grandson... NOOOOOO! The pain was agonizing.

Danny sat up straight in his bed, breathing hard. Another bad end to them. Things did not add up even with all of Dawn’s revelations, things did not add up. She had said their afair had lasted less than a year. Harrys letter had said And as for you, my Pretty Petals, if it had not been for your loving care and kindness all those years Danny had copied all letters, videos, and pictures to his laptop and smart phone. He brought the picture on his smart phone of Dawn on Harry’s desk tits covered in cum he taped the phone's touch screen to increase the size of the picture, he noticed the date on the table calendar; it was the first week she had started work, years before the passing away of Martha. Heck, he was now even hallucinating about Harry taking over his role of a grandfather and cuddling his grandson. Grandson! Harry! Suddenly it hit him. Holy Shit! He quickly gulped down his remaining drink and sprang out of his bed and took out the copy of the letter written by Harry to his wife. He feverishly hoped he was wrong. Oh, he hoped he was wrong. He scanned down hurriedly and turned to the next page and stopped short. There it was! He re-read the line, "May the Lord fill each minute and second of your life with happiness and good health! You love c***dren and I hope the Lord gives you many cuddlier young 'uns."

"I hope the Lord gives you many cuddlier young 'uns!"

The words stared back at him, taunting him with their import. Harry knew about his grandc***dren! They were just two and three years old. That meant he and his wife had continued to be in touch with each other long after they had moved to Houston! How else could he have known? They had never met again after moving from Dallas to Houston. At least he didn't recollect meeting him ever in Houston. That meant only one thing. That feeling in his guts and the constriction in his chest were back again.

Danny suddenly thought back to the letter he suddenly felt sick the line in the letter read My c***dren are well settled, and I pray our c***dern are as well, my Pretty Petals. Karen his beatiful daugther and James his son was Harry’s too!

There was a new resolve about him as he switched on his laptop. His eyes were grim and steady, without a hint of unshed tears because there weren't any. His mind concentrated upon the immediate task ahead. He punched in the name of his grandson in the password slot and then his granddaughters. No luck. His wife's mailbox continued to be out of his reach. His mind threw up another set of words, words by which his wife's lover had addressed her, but no then he used Karen, triumph Danny was into Dawn’s E-Mail. It clearly showed the two of them had never really disconnected with each other after their move to Houston. His wife and her ex-boss had continued to communicate with each other thru regular e-mails. Harry would regularly update his wife about his new lovers. Pics showing him with various women in different positions over the past many years clearly showed his ravenous appetite for sex. And all along, he would never fail to tell his wife that she was the special one, his life saver. It seemed it never occurred to his wife that he perhaps had her also on CD. She seemed to have lapped up his praise about how she pulled him out of his despair. She had, in return, sent him pics of her masturbating...with her fingers, with different dildos, and even with vegetables. She had even attached some video’s showing her masturbating and calling out his name in a lustful tone. This wild, adventurous side of his wife was something new to him. And yes, she had also shared the goings-on in their private lives, the going out of their c***dren, them settling down in good jobs, their wedding pics, and of course the coming of their grandc***dren. There were direct references in the emails to their having sex after their move to Houston, even one where Harry was so happy to see her when I had taken the k**s to the cabin, he only regretted not seeing their girl but was so nice to make love in our bed. There were mails which hinted that they had met later on a number of times. If he were to ask his wife, he was sure she would deny any fucking sessions post Dallas.

Then suddenly he began to feel a change within himself. It was as though the dark mist surrounding him had suddenly begun to thin out. Somewhere along the course of her so-called sexual healing of her boss, his wife had fallen in love with her subject. No doubt about that. Perhaps she never saw it that way and that's why she kept defending her actions by talking about the body and spirit healing bit. It was also clear that the afair had gone on over many years and Harry was Kathy’s father.

Perhaps he had not noticed it in their thirty years of marriage, but Dawn had changed. Well, maybe he too had changed. They say the only thing we can count on in our lives is change. Our life continues to evolve, change, transform, grow, and move in directions we often cannot understand. It is often best we don't understand because our minds and hearts may never be able to reconcile what we hear and see with the emotions that have the power to make us do things we would never ever consider.

His love for Dawn was gone, it was just haunted now by the feeling he could not trust her to put her family first. No, it was more than a trust issue. He suddenly felt like he simply did not know her and she did not know him. Had she really thought he would be OK with her spreading her legs for Harry? No, he just was not supposed to ever know what she was doing, was he? In fact, it had turned into an all-out affair. If he were to quote his wife then it was an affair of the heart, fully consummated by the two lovers.

But as far as he was concerned, it didn't matter who you were or what your philosophical persuasion was, if you go outside of your marriage for any reason, you give away a part of that marriage. Dawn and her lover had taken away his self-respect and his marriage. He really couldn't think of getting up every morning and sharing a cup of coffee with Dawn and saying "Good Morning" to her. One look at her and the painful memories of her deceit and dishonor would rush back, killing him softly and surely every minute of every day. No, he didn't want to die a day earlier than the Lord planned because of what another person did to him. He was a person with his own personality traits. As per the norms of the society he lived in, he married a woman he loved, raised c***dren with her, and perhaps would have preferred to watch the sunsets with her in the coming years. But no person, including this woman, had the permission to take his life for granted. No, Sir, he would survive and survive well. The Lord had many more years planned for him and he was going to live every second of those years proudly and with due respect and care for those around him.

Danny pulled out his phone dials the number Paula had entered into his phone, a groggy Paula answers the phone almost whispering Hello, Danny says Paula, Paula says hang up and the connection goes dead. Danny phone vibrates indicating he had a message, he opens it up it says:

I see you have figured things out, I knew you would!
It’s 2:00am so I know what you have decided. You can be
here by 3:30 I have a place in my heart and bed for you!
23 Mapledale Ave.
Little Creek, Pa.
Danny the k**s miss you, so do I and I Love You

Danny goes to the spare bedroom packs a bag as he is leaving, he sees his daughter’s hair brush she had left here during her Thanksgiving visit, he grabs it on his way out the door the stops in the kitchen grabs a zip lock bag and puts the brush in it. Then he sees the box Harry had mailed the photo’s and video’s to Dawn in so he grabs that too, and takes off to Paula’s with it. This time he leaves no note, just her lap top open to the E-Mails between she and Harry. He thought she could figure it out for herself.

When Danny arrives at Paula’s she holds her finger up to her mouth and whispers quiet, leads him into her bedroom, puts her arms around his neck and gives him a long living kiss. She drops her robe and is completely nude including a shaved pussy, she smells as fresh as a shimmering mermaid! Danny says damn you smell good, she blushes and says I kinda cleaned up after you called, why don’t you jump in the shower and come warm my bed. After a quick shower Danny comes back in the bedroom, Paula is sitting on the bed and says how much have you slept over the past week sence we parted, Danny says not much, she says I know you have to be tird come cuddle with me we will talk about it tomorrow after the k**s go to school.

The next morning Danny wakes up laying on his back with a young smiling face looking down on each side of him. Frank asks do you love our Mom and are you going to be our new father! Danny thinks wow that’s a lot to hit me with first thing in the morning. He looks up at two smiling faces and says yes, I love your Mom and yes I’d love to be your Dad if your mother will have me. The k**s wrap their arms around their arms around his neck and Beth says she will she has cried every night sence you left the lake, I Love You Daddy, Frank says me too!

Paula is standing at the door a tear running her cheek and says Ok you two go get dressed for school, breakfast in ten minutes, the two k**s kiss his cheek and run to their rooms. Paula looks at Danny and says I’m going to hold you to what you just said, now get up we have a lot to do, we need to get the k**s to school and go see my brother, he says your brother, she smiles and says yes, he’s a cut throat devorce lawyer! I said do you know where there is a DNA Lab, she says yes why. I’ll tell you at your brother’s office.

They dropped the k**s off at school as they jump out of the car, they yell buy Mom buy Dad; a tear runs down Danny’s cheek. They pull off and head to her brother’s office.

Dawn wakes up alone again in bed. She gets up quietly walks down stairs sees that Danny’s truck is gone. She sees her lap top computer open and on to her e-mail in box and the e-mail where Harry talks about fucking her in Danny’s house and in his bed and how he missed seeing his daugther and son! She tries to call Danny she gets no answer, she calls Kathy and asks if she had talked to her Dad, she says no and wants to know whats going on, she says she can’t talk she has to find her Father. Kathy says I’m coming home I’ll be there in two days there is something seriously wrong between you and Dad! Her Mom says no not now I have to find your Dad. She calls their son James and asks if he had talked to his Dad, James says no why, and he wants to know whats going on, that Kathy had been calling him wanting to know if he knew whats going on.

Danny’s phone is blowing up with calls and messages from his wife and k**s. They walk into Jack Millers office, Paula’s brother. First thing Jack says after interdictions just what are your intentions towards my sister and my niece and nephew? Danny takes Paula’s hand I want to be the best husband in the world for Paula and the greatest Dad for the k**s, as soon as I can devorce my lying, cheating adulteress wife! Jack says well let’s get started. Danny explains how the package was delivered with all the letters, photos and videos of their afair. That she had lied and said it only lasted less than a year, but he has evidence showing the afair lasted well over many years and had continued until he became ill a year ago. Also, there is evidence that his son and daugther was her lovers not his. Additionally, his wife was to receive over three million dollars from her lover’s estate. Jack asks your family has no idea about Paula or your ware bouts right now correct. Danny says that’s right also he had his daughter’s hair brush, for DNA. Jack asks do you expect your wife to fight the devorce? Paula says the problem is, she has no conception of the pain and hurt she has caused and the pain and hurt she is about to unleash on the entire family if indeed the DNA shows Danny is not Kathy’s father, she truly believes her afair with her boss was a humanitarian act. Last Jack asks what do you want from the devorce? Danny says she can have the house, she and her lover have contaminated that place, but he wanted the cabin, his retirement, SS and half the monetary assists. Jack do you relize that half of the funds she receives from her boss is yours, as the earnings were work related. Then Jack said we will have the DNA results tomorrow, if your DNA does not match, we will have to subpoena her Bosses family for a DNA sample and all hell will break loose then. Danny asks why would we want to do that? Jack because if we can prove your wife’s boss is her father, we will sue his estate for c***d support including the cost of her college and wedding cost. Jack then says let me have your cell phone and credit cards for right now we can’t afford them finding you, we need to cancel your credit cards and empty your bank accounts. Jack says what kind of car do you have Danny says 2017 Chevy pickup, Jack hands him a device and says put this in your AUX input port and put the truck in the garage. The device blocks your On-Star signal, so they can’t track your location. As far as the devorce goes we will be serving her Thursday. Jack says homework I need you two to compose a letter to attach to the devorce papers that will convince her to sign the devorce papers. That’s where you come in sis get into her head and word the letter, so she will sign, but you will need two, one if Kathy is Danny’s one if she is not.

Paula says let me get you home and feed you, Danny says you just fed me a big breakfast two hours ago, Paula looks at him with a grin on her face, Danny says oh shit, her grin gets bigger! When they get home, they put the truck in the garage and Danny inserts the signal blocker. Paula grabs his shirt pulls him in the house, closes and locks the door and says we need to pick up our k**s in four hours! Danny picks her up and cradles her in his arms looks in her eyes and says I love you. Carry’s her into the bedroom. Stands her on her feet than stands behind her, kisses the side of her neck, she spins around in his arms puts her arms around his neck and buries her tongue in his mouth, Danny reaches down and pulls her sweat shirt off over her head, she says two can play that game and pulls his shirt off over his head, then runs her hands over his chest and says my god she lays her head on his chest listens to his heart, then she kneels down in front of him and pulls down his paints, she looks down and says commando, he says always, she smiles and sucks his cock into her mouth and reaches around cups his ass cheeks and pulls off his cock and says my god they are like steel. Danny reaches down pulls her up lays her on the bed on her back, kneels between her legs and pulls her paints down. He stares down on her and says god your beautiful, she points to her nipples and says these are very sensitive and they need attention a lot of attention now big boy, Danny reaches down cups her boobs and sucks her right nipple into his mouth as he rolls her left nipple between his thumb and fingers, Paula moans and arches her back, he sucks her left nipple into his mouth and reaches down slides his hand over her smooth mound then cups her pussy lips and slides his finger over her clit and into her hot wet pussy. She cries out and her whole-body shakes from her climax, Danny lowers his head between her legs and slides his tongue into his pussy then sucks her clit into his mouth Paula explodes into his mouth screaming out her second climax she pushes his head away from her pussy, before she completely lost her mind. Danny crawled up between her legs she puts her arms around his neck and says you really know how treat a girl, just then the head of his cock enters her pussy, her eyes shoot wide open, then she smiles, closes her eyes as he pulls her tight against him and pushes forward and she sighs, he whispers in her ear I LOVE You and presses again, she moans, he presses forward hard one last time his balls coming to rest on her taint, and she cries OH MY YES, she wraps her legs around his and says please give me a second baby to adjust I have never had anything this big in me before! Danny starts to slowly pump his cock. Her nails begin to dig into his back, she begins to move her hips to meet his thrust they were immediately in perfect motion together as though they had been lovers for years. Their pace began to accelerate, as did their heavy breathing, Danny felt his balls constricting, his cock swell, her body was sensing his pending climax and reacted by releasing a flow of her womanly secretions, she feels his hot seed explode into her womb, Paula yells out OH DANNY I LOVE YOU I’m ALL YOURS FOREVER.

Danny and Paula fall into each other’s arms completely exhausted, Danny cuddles Paula close to him and says that was love like I have never experienced before. Paula says what the hell was your wife looking for no one has ever made me feel like you just did and the Doctor side of me tells me you’re not at the top of your game right now, Paula says Danny I need to say something maybe a bit late but I don’t want to have any more c***dern is that a problem for you? Danny says yes and no, yes because we just made love without protection, and no we already have four c***dern between us. Paula says well as far as protection goes, after we parted I had a feeling and went on the pill, but I would prefer not to be on the pill, would be willing to get a vasectomy for us? Of course, I will, it’s the least I can do. The phone rings it’s Jack, Paula says I’m glad you didn’t call five minutes ago I was getting laid for the first time in five years! Jack says gee Sis I really didn’t need to hear that, that being said, we have made a bit of a break thru. She asks what, he says I’ll let you know tomorrow but give him lots of support because the news I have to give is going to be devastating for him. I have a messenger bringing a sterile container do you think could get an ah sample from Danny in the morning. Paula says what type of sample do you mean? Jack says you know a sample Paula says a urine sample, Jack says no the other sample, you mean you want me to jack him off and have him cum in a cup, better be a big cup, Jack says yes that’s it, but I don’t think the container is that big. Paula says ok I’ll just eat the rest, Jack says Sis TMI, then right after you drop the k**s off go to Dr. Parkers office, he may need to get sonogram and maybe a CAT Scan. Paula says he is a urologist why and what is a urologist examining my boyfriend. Sis it’s necessary we won’t hurt him I promise, she says that’s ok we need to talk to him about a vasectomy for Danny! Jack says ok I will have all the info tomorrow afternoon I’ll need both letters so get out of bed and get to work. Party Pooper!

The next afternoon they sat in Jack’s office, Jack started off by holding up an SD card, he says it’s amazing how much information can be contained on a piece of plastic this small. We found this card under the bottom flap of the box you brought all your information in. This card contains the diary of the affair Harry Wolman had with your wife. Danny I’m going to give it to you stright their afair started in the first week she went to work for him and lasted until a month or so before his death. Danny said damn that hurts but I suspected it had gone on a lot longer than the year she told me it had. Jack says it’s much worse than that, we closely examined all the evidence and the info in the indicates Harry and Dawn used your marrage as a front so they could carry out their afair unnoticed, during all the years of their afair they were having sex on an average of four times a day, while you were lucky to have had sex four times a month. Also, they frequented adult sex clubs and sex house parties where they would both have sex with men and women they were both Bi, Jack says it gets much worse, the test we ran yesterday showed you have been sterile from birth you were born with two defective vas deferens so your sperm cells cannot travel to your semen, so you have no sperm in your ejaculate. Danny you have no biological link to your c***dern or grand c***dern. His diary shows that both your c***dern were planed by them because Dawn wanted c***dern, she would go off birth control totally cut you off then as soon as she got a positive pregnancy test, she would have sex with you, so you would think it was your baby. With this information I suggest you might want to redo the letter. Now the hard part you need to let you c***dern know your ok and let them know why your divorcing your wife and that you aren’t their Father, they have a right to a big piece of their father’s estate. I suggest you do this via a conference call I can set up right now in our conference room, please ask then not to say anything to your wife until we serve her tomorrow. Danny asks Paula to please be by his side for support, she says of course.

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Revelations Pt4

And yes, they were no longer watching the after-dinner TV news. Perhaps that was the first direct casualty of her affair of so many years ago. This was also not lost upon his wife because after dinner, he would now head straight for the guest room while Dawn would stay in the kitchen for a long time thereafter with a drink in her hand. A day before the c***dren were to arrive home, Dawn pleaded with Danny to move back into the master bedroom. Danny initially refused but then later acquiesced....

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Revelations Pt3

There was a brief silence. Danny could see his wife mustering up some will to continue. "Go on," he said dryly."Well ... umm ... when we returned to my room, I invited him in for one last nightcap and, well, that's how it started," she finished, once again refusing to look into her husband's eyes.By now the feeling of betrayal and humiliation had been replaced by anger. If what he had heard was correct, then that was the time they started their affair. They sure took their time in getting into...

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Revelations Pt2

The letter slipped out of his lifeless fingers and floated down to rest near his feet. The letter left very little for one's imagination. His wife of close to thirty years had had an affair with her boss back in Dallas. And he never ever suspected anything was amiss! An incident came floating back from distant memory. Harry and Martha had been quite the party-going types and used to throw parties every now and then. Like all the parties given before, this too was a grand success. It was getting...

4 years ago
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Revelations Pt 1

Danny gave a grunt of annoyance as he watched the breaking news on the TV about the latest sex scandal involving a top army General and one of his aides, a married lady with two young k**s. The next clipping showed the now disgraced General telling some reporters that it had been a morally incorrect decision on his part. He was somber faced and looked a lot thinner than in some of the pictures shown earlier with his aide, now also known to be his mistress."Funny how they all wring their hands...

3 years ago
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Revelations in a flight lavatory

isclaimer: Most of this is a real story and I have not intended to disregard any religious believes or cultural practices. I request you to read on only if you are liberal to accept our ideologies.I sat down watching the people walking around in the airport, waiting for my boarding time. I always hated to do this. I tried killing some time playing on my iPod, but it was still boring. I have two more hours of waiting for my boarding and a boring long flight to Dubai from Houston. I was returning...

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Lying on the floor, completely naked is usually a situation that most girls would be horrified with – not the feeling that Megan experiences, sprawled on her back in front of three breathtakingly beautiful girls. She feels strangely proud that her body is such a prized object, something that Megan has never felt before but now wants the feeling to last. However, a phrase from Miss Caitlin had finally begun to sink in – that her own mother was to see her humiliating first night. Horror-struck,...

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"Sven dear," Pam called out, "you haven't forgotten that you're going over to see Francis later on?" "No. What was it you said she wanted?" I responded. "I'm not sure. She did say to wear some old clothes and take your tools with you. It's probably that job you said you would look at in the kitchen," Pam replied. I grumbled inwardly, although I liked being in Fran's company. Who wouldn't? She had been widowed nearly thirteen years before and had never remarried. Her children...

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A helicopter is not a good place to think. The darn things are just an engine with a giant propeller and the lightest framework possible holding it all together. Even the expensive military ones that are supposed to be stealthy are louder than first-row-center seats at a speed-metal concert. Conversation is possible only if you have on a helmet with a headset, and those are reserved for the crew. Passengers are left to pass notes and make hand-signals in order to communicate. And so I was...

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Revelations 2

"I'm not saying we don't believe you. I'm saying that while one rogue individual might have instigated a few recent incidents of terrorism, this is not sufficient cause to modify in any way our present posture with regard to terrorist threats." Hamilton Dean, the President's National Security Adviser, was explaining to me why the government wasn't going to admit that they'd been tricked into blaming the recent nuclear emergency on foreign terrorists when the whole thing had actually...

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Revelations and ResolutionsChapter 3

Name: Jason Tillman Approximate Date Of The Event: November, Six Years Ago, approximately two months after Mr. Washing Machine Details: I met Tillman in an elevator. When I entered the elevator, he was the only occupant. He looked like he was in his early fifties, very distinguished in his dark, three-piece suit, like a lawyer or a business mogul. I smiled at him when I entered, and he returned my smile. The elevator cab lurched down and suddenly stopped as all the lights went out. I found...

1 year ago
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Revelations in a flight lavatory

Disclaimer: Most of this is a real story and I have not intended to disregard any religious believes or cultural practices. I request you to read on only if you are liberal to accept our ideologies. I sat down watching the people walking around in the airport, waiting for my boarding time. I always hated to do this. I tried killing some time playing on my iPod, but it was still boring. I have two more hours of waiting for my boarding and a boring long flight to Dubai from Houston. I was...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Jared woke the final morning, incredibly sad. Today would be the day she sends him on his way. He didn’t want to go. Unsure of how to approach her, he decided to dress in his clothes and meet her, not as pet, but as Jared. Dragging his feet downstairs, he tried to find anything to do that would stall his time. Once he had run out of things to do, he knocked on her door. He waited with a heavy heart. “Come in, Jared,” she said, businesslike. He opened the door and entered. Looking around the...

4 years ago
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Reveling in the Rain

It is a beautiful day. About 75 degrees, slightly breezy, sun is shining but not too hot. So you and I have decided to go on a picnic. We pack tuna salad, one of those great crusty French breads, some veggies and dip, a bottle of champagne, and, of course, strawberries for dessert. When we get to our designated site, an area with beautiful green grass and water babbling nearby, we spread out the blanket. We sit down and start in on our leisurely lunch, talking and laughing. We decide to save...

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“There’s a condition.”“What’s that?”“When my husband and I arrange these little sessions, we always invite someone to watch?”“What there? In the room?”“No. It’s like a cam show, only private. It adds spice.”“How many would be watching?”“Just the one. Unless you’d like there to be more ”“Who?”“Just some guy.”Just some guy. Some sad, lonely guy sitting at home in front of his computer with his thing out, getting off on her … discomfit. Or someone like her husband, more interested in fantasy...

3 years ago
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Jared woke the final morning, incredibly sad. Today would be the day she sends him on his way. He didn't want to go. Unsure of how to approach her, he decided to dress in his clothes and meet her, not as pet, but as Jared. Dragging his feet downstairs, he tried to find anything to do that would stall his time. Once he had run out of things to do, he knocked on her door. He waited with a heavy heart. “Come in, Jared,” she said, businesslike. He opened the door and entered. Looking around the...

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Revelation for Jenna

Jenna's home life was such that many would call it an old fashioned upbringing. She was expected be a good girl, not let any boy touch her and to 'save herself' for marriage; to find a God-fearing young man and marry him, and to not look at any other. Although it wasn't specifically said, Jenna knew that her father would be part of the process to her meeting that God-fearing young man whenever he felt she was ready. These rules and teachings were intended to keep her safe from greedy boys...

3 years ago
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Revelation of the Damned

© 2003 I wont let them get me. Not now, not ever. I had to run, you see, I had to get away from what they were doing to me, to all of us there, at the Corporation. The Kayden people are evil people, a corporation under the wing of some underground government sect. They took me, along with a few select others; we were to be their research "participants". I think they chose people like us, because no one would miss us, no one would care if we went missing. We were a group of the wayward,...

5 years ago
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RevelationChapter 2

Day Two ... Morning Todd fell asleep almost immediately, his precious nine-year-old daughter, laying nude on top of him. His hand rested across her firm full ass, and his soft cock was between his legs. They both slept, deeply and untroubled, the down quilt forming a protective, cozy cover for their incestuous union. Sometime during the night, probably just before sunrise, Todd, woke to a warm feeling in his groin. Little by little as he woke he became aware that J.P. was sucking his now...

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RevelationChapter 3

Todd his daughter J.P. and Todd's son chatted and laughed on the drive to the mall. Their topic of conversation was predictable. Their newly discovered interest in incest. Well of course the brother and sister had been at it, (oral sex that is), for awhile. Still involving the father was a new adventure. And they were all pleased as punch that it had worked out so smoothly. Todd rode practically all the way to the mall with his hand up his daughter skirt, she was sitting between the two...

3 years ago
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My Sister Shows Off Her Cheerleading Skills

The summer had gone by so quickly. It just didn't seem possible. It really felt like I just got home for vacation from State college yesterday. My buddy Jason and I were just hanging in the basement watching a soccer game on my Dad's big screen TV. He wanted me to get some beer from the fridge upstairs in the kitchen. We were both almost 20, but I knew it would piss my Mom off no end. House rule number one and two were "No Smoking" and "No Booze". They were quickly followed by rule...

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Alices GiftChapter 1 Their First Time

Eighteen-year-old Greg Brady stormed into his attic bedroom and threw his books in the corner. Damn, he was horny. The bitches in this town all thought they were too good to fuck, and if a cool guy like him couldn't get laid then nobody in this town must be getting any. He was getting real tired of jacking off, which he seemed to be doing more of lately. He needed sex so badly... Well, at least he would be in college next year and he should be able to score there. But, now he needed to...

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Annas Magic Ch 08

The girls and I finally awoke the next day around noon. We spent most of the afternoon cleaning up from the party. Anna had turned on the stereo and it blasted a steady stream of rock music to help the time pass. This gave me a chance to reflect on the night before. The sight of Holly all tied up and helpless while people basically took turns using the woman for their own gratification made my cock spring to life once more. I couldn’t help but notice that Anna’s little ‘star’ was walking...

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Seduction In The Moon Light 8211 Part I

Hello readers, this is my first venture on the ISS. The story I am going to tell you today are a collaborative work of fiction and reality. Let me tell you about me first as it will help you visualizing the events well. Basically I am a Punjabi but I am living in Chennai since a couple of years, along with a roommate. Thanks to a healthy diet and a regular workout routine, I have built up a muscular body with a strong 7 inches dick. Now coming to the story, I am an engineering student so all of...

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The Gospel of Cleavage

You wake up in your room, greeted by the smell of coffee. Unfortunately, the coffee smell was coming from a mug you knocked over, while asleep, on your desk. A quick look at the clock, on the desk, shows it to be nearly three in the morning, which would explain why it's so dark. In fact, the only light in the room comes from a street-light, outside your window. Trying to remember how you ended up asleep on your desk only hurts your head. There's an empty feeling in your head, as if the owner...

Mind Control
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My Friends Hot Mom At Her Home

Hi friends mera naam Ram he aur mai Mumbai ka rehne wala hu, mere ghar me mai meri maa aur mere papa rehte he. Mai ty B.Sc me padhta hu meri maa house wife he aur papa ki newspaper ki agency he. Aur maine mere best friend ki maa ko choda he. Mere friend ke maa ka naam Kalpna he unki age 39 he aur unhe bhi parth eklota he aur uske papa bhi bank me job karte he.Kalpna aunty ka fig.40 34 46 ke aaspas hoga aur colour bhi gora he. Ab mai sidhe us din par aata hu ke us din kya hua Us din dopahar ko...

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Mass Effect 3 The Aftermath

It had been months since the Alliance had recovered his body, and woken him. But Shepherd was stronger, more Powerful, his Biotics were amplified, his Constitution, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, Strength, Speed, Reflexes, Stamina, and Thought Processes all enhanced right down to A Cellular Level. Shepard had done much to rebuild the Post-War State of Affairs, even becoming Humanities Councilor followig the deaths of all immediate successors. And now he Was chosen to lead the Council, the New...

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Africa Slave QueenChapter 4

The confident sexy reporter had been in the camp for nearly a month when the routine of sexual repetition began to go strange. She wasn't sure if she was hallucinating, dreaming or dead but the world seemed distant, then she there was big stretches of time which seemed almost outside her body. She was in a bed with bright lights then blackness then glimpses of that German bastard who had raped her with the help of the soldiers and nurse. She sensed passage of time but didn't experience it....

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Daytona Day 1 of 5

Daytona Day 1 of 5 I am only going to set this up once so… Master had 5 of his buddies over last Sunday (2/21/16) to watch the Daytona 500. It was in the mid 40’s so my naked ass was outside grilling some food and the guys were just sitting around shooting the shit. For those that don’t know, I am a 24/7 sub/slave for my husband/Master so at home I am always nude. Anyway, eventually the talk turned to the race and who they thought was going to do what. I am and always have been a big Dale Jr....

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ExWifes niece pt 3

A couple of months into the the relationship I started to get braver with Kirsten as she told me on more than one occassion that she is a sexual freak and loves to do new things. One night while we were in bed fucking I decided to see how far I could push the new things with Kirsten. I layed her down on her back and went down on her and ate her pussy for a few moments. I made sure to suck on her fat pussy lips. She really liked it when I did this. I made sure to slide two fingers into her...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 Flight and Rebirth

Chapter 1 With a faint pop, that was almost drowned out by a loud clap of thunder, three men appeared before the high, forbidding gates of Malfoy Manor. One of the figures fell immediately to the ground as suddenly, a stroke of lightening illuminated the faces of Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape. ‘Help me get him up,’ ordered Snape as the harsh wind and rain enveloped them. Quickly, Draco scurried to the fallen figures side and wrapped an arm around his side as he and Snape wrenched the man...

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Bikini Beach Understanding A Girlfriend

Bikini Beach: Understanding A Girlfriend ********************************************** ElrodW Taking the steps two at a time, Don smiled as he anticipated a hug, and maybe some cuddling, from his roommate and girlfriend. He hated these business trips, but that was life in the consulting business. Once in a while, like now, the job finished early. Don hadn't even had time to call Leslie. This was going to be a very big surprise. As he reached the top of the stairs, his hand...

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Knockdown the lockdown with a sexy model

Hello friends. My name is Aditya. I am 22 years old and I am going to share a wonderful experience that I had during this precautionary lockdown. You too can enjoy this period filled with boredom, lethargy, and convert the atmosphere from lack of excitement to full of sexual ecstasy. Do you want to know how? Read this erotic story to find out! During the first week of the precautionary lockdown period, I was breaking my record of masturbation performed in a single day! In the second week, I was...

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dirty little slut

3 months ago i was introduced to a new exciting sexual perversion...SELF-HYPNOSISsince then ive been learning how to us S H to enhance any sexual activity i do, so of course i want to see if it can possibly make taking it up my ass any better. I was obviously very sceptical and didnt think it possible and after a few tries i almost gave up. So i started to edit the hypno-scripts(the words spoken by the hypnotist). i was using a pc program and just tweaked the scripts at first,focusing them on...

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Maid Service

Karen Lee was in her early thirties, divorced, unattached, no kids, living in a cheap apartment, and pretty much resigned to her life being the way it was. She had dark brown shoulder-length hair that she generally kept tied up in a bun at the back of her neck, she was about 5'4" tall, not exactly plump, but with a reasonably curvy figure - curves you could hold on to. Of course over the past few years she'd noticed a tendency for things to start moving 'south', especially her double-D cup...

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Baileys BrotherChapter 9 Baileys First Time

I woke up the next morning in my room, having gone there after almost falling asleep in Brian’s arms. I wanted to stay, but I wasn’t ready for what that meant. I smiled thinking about Mr. F. He called me a beauty. I guess that was one thing older guys have, they appreciate you. Well, I think I’d had my fill of Mr. F for a while. Wow, that was a bad pun. I smirked. Brian was nice to me at breakfast and Mom asked me where I’d been. I told her about the movies, but left out he part about Phil....

2 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 12

Chapter XII     Mike’s cock was still cozy inside his wife’s very cum filled pussy they both toppled over on the bed exhausted. Terri, her ass still hard-pressed against Mike’s stomach, raised her leg, reached down, and ran her fingers through the mass of sticky brown hair that sheltered her pussy. Feeling the two loads of fresh warm cum oozing out from around her husbands’ member, Terri spread the lips of her cunt and began teasing her sensitive clit. Mike eased his worn-out cock from his...

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Tess Piano Lesson

Teaching piano in my home was really only an idea to keep me from going crazy on the weekends! the money was nice, but not the important part. And, as expected, my students were mostly 10 year old girls who’s parent felt they needed more music in their lives. The girls were not really motivated to learn and rarely practiced effectively during the week. So, come the weekend and the visit to my home for 45 minutes, it was really just time for me to endure this torture I brought upon myself. I...

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Room Rented to BBC Blacken

The baby will be black when it’s born – of that, I have no doubt. For the past year, Victor, our lodger, has been closer to my wife than I have. And when I say close, I mean really close. Mandy hasn’t let me anywhere near her since Victor moved into our spare room.It seemed like a good idea at first. I was working long hours, and Mandy was home alone all day, five days a week. We have no c***dren, so having a polite college student from Africa around the house to keep her company seemed just...

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The One

WARNING: THIS IS REALLY GRAPHIC. IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY ANY MEANS, THEN TURN BACK NOW. VIOLATERS WILL BE SHOT. SURVIVORS WILL BE SHOT AGAIN. THANK YOU, AND HAVE A NICE DAY.“Chris! PLEASE?”“NO!”“But…”“Sam! You know damn well I HATE that movie! I told you a million times before it came out that I didn’t want to see it.”“But…..”“Just go with Cathy!”“You know what she did LAST TIME???”“No. What?”“She made out with the soda machine. COME ON! I’ll make it up to you.”“HOW?”“um….”“Exactly.”I stood...

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The Dominant Wife

I love to be sexually dominated, and I am married to a very beautiful young woman who utilizes my obedience to the maximum. She knows that when I am sexually aroused there is nothing I won't do for her. She often makes me go a few days without coming, knowing that I will be that much more aroused and submissive. The other night I arrived home and found her laying on the couch wearing a short satin robe. As soon as I saw her I developed an immediate erection, thus becoming a slave to her...

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A Stable Boys Whipping

"How many more, Raymond?" You ask, idly studying your fingernails. The shirtless man standing in the courtyard, breathing heavily, turns to face you. "Only one, my Queen. A stable boy accused of theft by his employer." Without looking up, you reply, "Very well. Have him brought in. And get this one out of my sight." Your eyes flick dismissively at the unconscious man suspended by his wrists at the whipping post about ten meters in front of your elegant throne. " "Yes my Queen" comes the reply....


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