Revelations 2 free porn video

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"I'm not saying we don't believe you. I'm saying that while one rogue individual might have instigated a few recent incidents of terrorism, this is not sufficient cause to modify in any way our present posture with regard to terrorist threats."

Hamilton Dean, the President's National Security Adviser, was explaining to me why the government wasn't going to admit that they'd been tricked into blaming the recent nuclear emergency on foreign terrorists when the whole thing had actually been orchestrated by one metahuman. I assumed that the forbearance he displayed and his placating manner were mainly due to the fact that I had a reputation for having a short fuse and everyone present at the debriefing was aware of the amount of destruction I could cause when someone pissed me off.

A widespread rumor to the effect that I had sunk a Navy warship because her Captain insulted me was utterly bogus. I hadn't done very much to quash the rumor for several reasons and now even people who knew the truth – and that certainly included Dean – found the rumor more appealing. I doubted it was for the entertainment value alone. I thought Dean might be deliberately building up my reputation because he was looking for some way to use me to his advantage. He hadn't found it yet and I was going out of my way to convince him that I was too savvy to allow myself to get sucked into whatever plan he might be considering. His attitude when rejecting my suggestion seemed positively conciliatory

"You think the whole Apocalypse angle is so weird that it taints the plausibility of the threat," I said, not making it a question. "You think this makes it a hard sell to the oversight committee."

"Miss Draco, your perspicacity and astute insight continue to astound me."

Translation: 'That's about the size of it.'

I hardly expected the government to change the way they approached terrorism on my word alone, certainly not without some kind of corroborating evidence. The problem was, discounting Neeka as an equally-questionable second-hand witness, we had nothing to show that The Horseman even existed. Our lone surviving captive was basically a terrorist-temp who hadn't rated any face-time with his employer. I didn't know whether to attribute that to paranoia or simply the smart strategy of compartmentalization within the organization.

I looked around. Our boss, David Solomon, was present, as he would be for a regular debriefing. In addition to Dean, we were also graced by the presence of Secretary of Homeland Security, Archibald Collinsworth. Archie looked uncomfortable, like he thought I might appeal to him for help convincing Dean that there was someone manipulating the people who were the 'official' threat. I couldn't do that to him. Trading on our brief encounter on this very table would have been rude, and probably wouldn't have helped my case anyway. Dean wasn't making decisions based on anything to do with the reality of the situation, only the politics of it.

I looked at Solomon, who by rights should have been the one making this case, but was also smart enough to have recognized the futility of it and instead let me shoot my mouth off. Solomon stared back, trapped into silence by the presence of his boss. I could hardly expect him to go over Archie's head, especially not with Archie sitting beside him. No help there. At least he wasn't giving me a 'shut the hell up' look.

Seeing that I was all alone and not going to succeed in altering governmental priorities, I changed tactics.

"All right," I said in my best reasonable tone, "In the interest of keeping all options open, may we be allowed the leeway to pursue this independently of official policy?"

"I am certainly not going to tell you not to do something that I strongly suspect you will do anyway," Dean said, smiling with most of his teeth showing. "I'm not telling you to do or not do anything at all. I am simply stating the political reality of the situation."

A marvelously-phrased way of saying, "I can't be blamed for whatever happens." At least it wasn't an outright 'no'.

"I understand your position. I just want you to be aware that this is a very scary individual."

"Dean chuckled, "Scarier than you?"

"He scares me. He's smart, fast, strong, ruthless, and consumed by hate. The only thing that makes that combination worse is that he managed to get his hands on at least two nuclear weapons."

"What evidence do we have that he was behind the attempt on Fort Meade?" Archie asked. Now that we'd got past the political angle, he was prepared to participate. I think I was the only naive one in the room.

"Nothing direct," Solomon responded. "But someone gave al-Mahdi that device. Someone who suggested how it should be used. That kind of stage-management shows in what we know about the Elkton incident."

"If he wants to stay in the background, why was he there in person?" Archie asked.

"Ego," I said. "He's a cold fish, but he still has an ego. He wanted to be there to oversee the final stage of his plan. He wanted to enjoy seeing it come together."

"But you don't think he planned to blow himself up?" Dean asked.

"He had a chance to do that, and take us with him" I admitted with regret. "He chose to escape instead. I think he wants to be around to gloat over the destruction he causes. He's deadly serious about this Apocalypse thing, but he expects to be around to witness it. As controlled as he is on the outside, he's intensely emotionally-involved on the inside. He not only wants to make it happen, he wants to see it happen. He's like an arsonist who sticks around to watch the flames and hear the screams and know that he did that."

"Then," Dean said, standing and looking around at everyone, "I suggest you find him before he can try again. But do it discretely. I recognize that your suggestion was well-intentioned, but we can't afford to go public with this. The repercussions would be unthinkable." Then he and Archie left. Solomon walked them to the door, but came back after a few words with Archie.

I think Dean and I had different ideas of what those repercussions might be, but agreeing to disagree was as far as I was going to get with him on that. I was actually glad he seemed to believe me about The Horseman even existing. I was, after all, the only one who had seen the guy.

When it was just us again in the meeting room, the atmosphere seemed somehow cleaner. I rather liked Archie, but Hamilton Dean and I were never going to be BFFs. A case of incompatible values.

"Congratulations," Solomon said to me.

"What? Why? He's more concerned about maintaining the political status quo than dealing with the threat."

"It is that status quo that provides the budget for this team. We are here because those in power believe there are dangers out there to be dealt with. It could easily be otherwise."

That sent a chill down my spine. History is full of cases of people in power deluding themselves about the reality of threats that should have been obvious to anyone. Or leveraging the danger to their political advantage rather than trying to eliminate it, something I strongly suspected happened all too often in the circles of power.

"I meant you succeeded in alarming him," Solomon continued, "He knows enough about you to know you can be intimidating. When you told him this new threat scared you, it made him wonder how scary that would have to be. Now, instead of ignoring it, he'll report to his boss that you consider this Horseman to be a real danger. That will influence the President's thinking on the matter. We can only hope that influence operates in our favor. He could very well decide that all metas are threats."

"Has anyone ever pointed out what a pessimist you are?"

"I'm a realist. I try to confine my battles not just to those I know I can win, but those where I have control over the consequences of winning."

"And I just like pushing dominoes to watch them fall?"

"Since you like analogies, try this one - Shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater may seem like a good idea when you first see the flames, but it rarely achieves an optimal result."

"If you frighten people, they might act against their own best interests?"

"Exactly. The best approach is to focus on the threat and try to deal with it without inciting a riot. That's why this team exists, after all. Sigma Seven is the silent and unsung fireman who snuffs out the flame before it can become a conflagration."

"That's something I've wondered about. What does Sigma Seven mean?"

"Nothing momentous. My first office was room seven in the Pentagon sub-basement. S-7 became Sigma Seven."

"Oh." I wished I hadn't asked. The mystery was more appealing than the truth.

"Getting back to a more productive discussion – your description of The Horseman is that he is well-built, tall, and Black. Is that all you remember?"

"Not Black black, not Negroid. Just coal-black. Not a normal skin-color. I couldn't see him at all until he moved, then I was barely able to make him out against the interior of the foundry."

"Why? Was he wearing black clothes as well?"

I hadn't mentioned the part about him being naked and I hadn't planned to. That might lead to other questions I wouldn't want to answer either. Now I had to either fess-up or lie. Either one might damage my credibility.

"No. No clothes at all. That's how I knew he didn't have the detonator – no pockets."

"Right," Solomon said, and went silent.

"Look, it shocked me too! That may have been part of why he did it. Or for the camo-effect. Or it may have been just to mess with people. To show he doesn't care what we think of him."

"Were there any clothes found at the scene?" He asked Brock.

"No, sir."

"So he arrived nude?" Solomon asked me.

"I don't know. He probably hid them somewhere and picked them up when he left ... or escaped or whatever. For all I know, he can change color like a chameleon."

"Like you can Change?"

"Yeah. Like that. I hadn't thought of that. If he has the same ability as I do to Change then he might..."

"Shapeshifter," Leonora interjected.

"What?" I asked her.

She shook her head, showing her disbelief of her own suggestion. "Legends. Recurring tales of creatures who can transform themselves."


"There are no werewolves," she said, with a slight smile.

"There didn't used to be."

This was a friendly disagreement we'd had before. I insisted that since I could turn into something that most people would recognize as a werewolf, then I was a werewolf. Leonora had other standards than simple imitation of a Hollywood special-effect.

"There are no Dragons, either." She declared, trumping my argument.

"OK, let's assume he can at least change his skin color," I allowed. "And assume he's not normally a nudist."

I paused, remembering the lack of shading or difference in tone. Even his ... OK, that's not productive. But if he could Change like I could, then that eliminated my whole chain of logic for what motivated him. If he could control his form, why not change something he obviously and understandably didn't like. While I always Changed back to the 'me' I'd been before, even that form retained a few modifications that I liked. Why should his persistent self-image be one he found distasteful?

"It would also explain how he has managed to avoid being noticed," Solomon pointed out. "He might be able to appear perfectly normal unless he chose otherwise."

I shook my head. "He'd still be noticed. Not because of the way he looked, but the way he moved. Or rather, didn't. He was like a statue brought to life."

"A golem?" Leonora suggested.

"Prettier. Think Michelangelo's David, painted flat black with different hair and more muscles. It was as though he only moved when he chose to. At all other times he was perfectly still. And I mean perfectly. It was eerie. Every time he moved, it was a surprize. People telegraph their movements. They shift their weight. They tense a muscle before moving a limb. They don't just stay still, they breathe, blink, and twitch. They have nervous ticks. He caught me because I couldn't react in time. I never saw it coming. I won't get caught like that again!"

I'd become worked-up from reliving the embarrassment and Solomon couldn't help but notice that I was getting pissed. None of us wanted that.

"Try to relax," he warned me.

"My Kung Fu teacher taught me how to read body language so I would know what an opponent was about to do. The Horseman has no body language. One second he's standing there stock still, the next ... WHAM!"

I took a deep breath. Then another. It helped. It helped more when I stopped thinking about what he'd done to me. Or rather, what he hadn't done. I'd been caught before. I'd been suckered before. I'd even been raped before. But The Horseman hadn't finished. He had me right where he wanted me ‒ impaled on his huge cock ‒ and he hadn't cum. Nevermind that he'd probably have killed me if he had. That was beside the point. He didn't even try. He just yanked his cock out of me like it was a matter of complete indifference to him and he ran off. He left me there, half-naked, helpless, desperately aroused, and he just ... left.

Of course, that was something I wouldn't – couldn't – talk about. So I bitched about how I'd lost a fight that didn't happen and hoped no one noticed that there was more than adrenaline making my heart race and my breathing quick.

"What do we do now?" Leonora asked, while I tried to compose myself.

"I'll have the research staff look for any reports that might indicate the presence of a metahuman. Let's hope what Sam saw is his normal appearance. Big, black, naked men can't be that common."

I stifled a laugh before it could escape. I could give Solomon an address in Miami of a place where he could find all the big, Black, naked men he would ever hope to see; each one screwing a small, naked White woman under bright lights in front of a video camera.

"Let's also hope that The Horseman doesn't have any more toys to play with, and that he isn't planning something even more unpleasant in the near future. I'll call you when I need you, people. In the meantime, well done. Now go get some rest."

"Thank you, sir!" Brock said, and everyone echoed right after him.

"What are you going to do?" Leonora asked when she and I and Neeka were leaving.

"I was supposed to be having some quiet-time to get my head together," I said. "Then things got weird and then they got dangerous."

"There is some part of your life that is not weird and dangerous? I shall believe that when I see it."

That got all three of us laughing. She did have a point.

"I suppose we should to go back to your place," I said. "I need to check out of that cabin, too. I hope my stuff is still there."

"Do not worry about that," Leonora said, "While you were visiting Dr. Montgomery, I called Chief Jennings and asked him to see to your things."

"May I come too?" Neeka asked. "I'd love to see your house. Sam has told me ... well, shared with me so much about it."

"Of course, dear. Unless the two of you would prefer staying in Washington and help me re-establish my former business?"

She was kidding. I thought she was kidding. I hoped she was kidding. Still, working out-call for Leonora wouldn't be much different from my latest job, and the pay would certainly be better.

"She's kidding," Neeka said firmly, putting an end to that brief fantasy.

We had little baggage. Having been snatched-up on no notice, we had very little packing to do and no luggage to do it in. Which meant Neeka's plan to swipe one of the hotel's big fluffy robes was doomed from the start. We collected what little there was in our room at the Fairmont and checked-out.

Solomon was kind enough to return us the same way he'd had us picked up. The difference was only that this helicopter was a civilian model, not the Special Ops bird we'd been flying around in. It was more comfortable, but not much quieter. We were dropped-off at almost the exact same spot where we'd left – the fifty-yard line of the high school football field. From there, we walked to where we'd left Leonora's car.

In many places, a car left sitting out in the open for a few days would either be stolen or vandalized. Leonora's had been covered with a tarp to protect it from the elements. Since the tarp had 'Property of Police Department' hand-printed on one edge, it was clear that this was another case of Ezra looking out for us.

The least we could do was to return the tarp and let Ezra know we were back. On the way, I took advantage of Leonora's spacious back-seat and changed into my unofficial Town Slut uniform of a tissue-thin cotton blouse and held-together-by-threads denim shorts. Both of which could be removed easily by the most anxious and thumb-fingered of males, should assistance at divesting me of said garments be necessary.

Neeka turned to look at me from the front seat. The look was enough to let me know what she was thinking.

"Just in case Darlene still wants some time off," I said. "Even if she doesn't, I should be ready to share the load – or loads, in this case."

"You're incorrigible."

"Guilty as charged. Would you like to help out? Really, there's nothing like having a bunch of guys with hard cocks, all urgently needing relief, lined-up and ready to vent their sexual urges in, on, and over you."

"Sounds like fun, but I don't have your stamina, or your capacity."

"You could be my fluffer. You could get them all ready to pop. Things would go much quicker that way."

"Get real. I'd never be able to resist the temptation. Eventually, one of those things would find it's way inside my pussy."


"So remember when you were hell-bent on getting pregnant?"

"Yeah. I'm over that. For now. I think."

"Well, you were so into the idea that I wondered if I should be feeling the same urge. I thought the reason I wasn't hearing my own biological clock tick as loudly was because of the birth-control pills I was on. So I quit taking them to see if it made a difference. Just for a while, you know? I mean, I've done celibacy before. I thought I could handle it for a month, just to see. I hid it from you because I knew you'd tease me about it."

"I wouldn't!"

"You know you would."

"OK, I would. So how's it working out?"

"Hard to tell. Is being horny the same as wanting to be pregnant?"

"I don't know. I'd like to think not, but if it gets you get knocked-up, wouldn't it amount to the same thing? Wait a minute. Are you sure it's you and not me you're feeling?"

"Pretty sure. You've been so worked-up lately that you couldn't notice that I had my own problem with it. Don't take this wrong, but you'll fuck anything."

"Guilty as charged. And I enjoy it too. What's your point?"

"I've been fantasizing about some stuff. You know, I draw the line at some things."

"This is news. You mean dogs?"

"Um, well ... I was thinking more along the lines of things that can hurt you badly, even if you do it right."

"OK, no spitting for Neeka. I promise to keep you off the pole. And nothing else in Gerard's studio. Wait a minute! You mean you might turn bitch? That's one way of getting a hot, hard cock in you that can't make you preggers."

"Wait! I was explaining why I couldn't play Town Slut with you. I'm not sure how we got onto this dog thing. I wasn't saying that I'd do it. I was just thinking about it. You know how you'll fantasize about all kinds of stuff when you're horny."

That denial was a shade too emphatic. It was an opening I couldn't resist.

"So you think it would be hot to get up on stage at Red's Barn and have a room full of guys watch Buster mount you? You know you'd have every cock in the joint on the verge of bursting to see him bury that big, hard, hot doggie-dick deep inside you. The first time he makes you cum, I bet half the guys in there cum right along with you. The other half will probably try to hold out for the moment when Buster knots you. The moment when you feel that hard knot swell up inside you, sealing off your pussy so he can pump you full of scalding-hot doggie-cum. That's when you cum harder than you've ever cum before because that's the moment you know you've been turned bitch and everyone watching will know it too."

"Stop! You're really not helping, you know."

"Yeah, I know. Now we're here. Try to put that stuff out of your mind while we talk to the Chief."

"We ... what? You rat!"

"You brought it up. Come in with me and help me with this tarp."

"Do you need me to help as well?" Leonora asked.

"No, thanks. We got this."

"Then I shall wait in the car. I have some calls to make."

The Police Department was a small cinderblock building behind the local hardware store and didn't have it's own parking lot. Leonora pulled into a spot in front of the store and I got out, dragging the bulky tarp behind me.

Neeka got out of the car with a good bit of pulling and tugging at her clothes, as though they'd suddenly become uncomfortably tight. When she saw me smirking at her, she quit and walked around the side of the building with her head held high, leaving me to carry the tarp on my own.

Opening the door rang a bell, which seemed unnecessary since, behind the high counter, the windowless front office was barely large enough for the two desks and three filing cabinets it contained. I knew that a hallway in the back corner led to stairs going down to a pair of holding cells in the basement because I had briefly been locked-up in one of them.

"Be with you in a sec," a voice called out from an office off that hallway. I recognized it as belonging to Ezra Jennings, the Chief of Police of the small community whose name I will continue to avoid using for reasons that should be obvious to anyone. His voice sounded strained, which alarmed me at first. Then I heard something that sounded like grunting. I laid the tarp on the counter and cultivated patience. A little later I heard the sound of a zipper being pulled.

My suspicion about what was going on back there was confirmed when Darlene walked out of the Chief's office while smoothing-down her short skirt. Her upright, hips-forward posture explained everything I needed to know about what had been going on. It was exactly the way you walk after having had something rammed up your butthole.

"Hi, Darlene," I said, cheerfully.

"Well, hey Sam! After the way you and Ms. de Vere left the game Friday I didn't know if we'd be seeing you again anytime soon. What the hell was up with that anyway? Don't see many helicopters up here. Never one that looked like that one. Who's your friend?"

"This is Neeka. She's cool. She knows all about this place. She was just telling me how she'd like to get in on some of the action."

"Well, the more the merrier. It's not like I want to have a monopoly or anything."

Neeka smiled, but kept her mouth shut so I couldn't put any more words in it. She was still pissed at me, but her focus was on what had been going on in Ezra's office. She hadn't expected to tumble into this sort of thing so quickly and it was just adding fuel to the fire I'd semi-deliberately set.

"Sorry, Darlene. Both for putting you on the spot and for interrupting the football game like that. It wasn't my idea. I really didn't know about it until it happened."

"But you knew it was there for you?"

I hadn't bothered to think up a lie to cover this and I really didn't want to have to. Anything I said would only lead to more questions than I could invent answers for. That only left one way to go.

"Yeah. I wish I could talk about that," I said with a grin, "but if I told you, Ezra would have to shoot you."

Chief Jennings came out of his office then, as if on cue. From his odd gait, and the distinct and impressive bulge along his inseam, he could have used some more time to get presentable. He walked up close behind Darlene, using her body to cover his erection. I assumed he was hiding it from Neeka since I'd already become intimately acquainted with Ezra's cock.

"I figured he was in on it," Darlene said, confidently. "I was just trying to get him to talk, but he won't say a word."

"I hope we didn't interrupt anything," I said.

"Nothing that we can't finish later," Darlene said, looking over her shoulder the Chief.

Ezra's shoulder dropped and he leaned forward a bit, his right hand out of sight behind Darlene. Suddenly, she squeaked and rose up on her toes shoving her tube-top covered boobs onto the counter.

"Maybe we should finish it now," he said into her ear.

"Unh!" Darlene grunted as Ezra buried his fingers deeper between her legs. "Down, tiger! I've got an appointment over to the gas station. Maybe if you hadn't taken so long, you wouldn't be in this fix."

"Well, pardon my stamina," Ezra said. But he let go of Darlene and she scooted around the counter before he could change his mind.

"See ya'll later!" she called on her way out the door.

"Gee, Ezra. I didn't mean to barge in on anything," I said.

"S'allright. Don't worry about it."

"No, really! Maybe there is something we can do to make up for it."

My use of the word 'we' made him look hard at Neeka. When a man with a visible erection looks at a girl who is already thoroughly aroused, there is usually a connection. This time was no exception. Neeka got this stunned/hot/hopeful look on her face. Ezra would have had to be blind and stupid to miss the vibe she was giving off.

"Maybe there is," Ezra smiled. He held out his hand and Neeka took it out of reflex. He led her around to his side of the counter and had her stand in the same spot where Darlene had been. He reached down and pulled up the back of her skirt, then put both hands on her butt-cheeks and started massaging.

"Mmmmmm!" Neeka moaned, pushing back against him.

I could feel her heat rise. She was committed.

I heard Ezra snap the elastic waistband of her thong and say, "Isn't this thing uncomfortable? Would you like me to help you take it off?"

Neeka turned her head and nodded. Ezra pushed the elastic down and the thong fell to her ankles. She picked up one foot and shook it clear. When she put it back down, her feet were more than shoulder-width apart and her butt was turned up expectantly.

Ezra slid his fingers up between her legs and cupped her sex in his palm. Her mouth dropped open as his thumb stroked her butthole before sliding between her labia.

He smiled as warm liquid quickly coated his hand. He knew she was ready. Further foreplay would be a waste of time.

I heard his zipper come down. A second later he slid his cock up where his hand had been, letting her straddle his shaft with the head poking out between her legs.

At that moment fear over-rode her arousal.

"I ... I can't! Please! I'm fertile!" She said.

"That's OK," I reassured her. "Ezra is an ass-man."

At that instant, he pulled his cock back through her steaming crotch and pushed the head of it into her puckered brown hole.

"OH!" She yelped at the sudden intrusion. Then, "Ohhhhhhhhh!" as Ezra slowly drove his cock deeper and deeper into her rectum.

"That's a mighty sweet ass you've got there," Ezra said as he rocked his hips to work every bit of himself into her butt.

Neeka was in utter bliss. I knew she hadn't had anything back there since a nearly disastrous episode in a porn producer's office where we'd both almost let ourselves get carried away with our undercover roles. She was long overdue and it showed in her reaction to Ezra's unexpected, but apparently not unwelcome, intrusion. In a fit of weakness, she nearly collapsed onto the counter. I grabbed her wrists to hold her in place while Ezra went to work.

Up and in, then out and back between her legs for another coating of juice, then back inside he went until he had her thoroughly slick. He fucked her with long, slow strokes until she was loose enough for him to get rougher. Then he let himself go faster and faster, and faster, and still faster until his balls were making loud, sloppy noises as they smashed into her pussy and he was practically lifting her off her feet on every stroke. Several times he shoved so hard and went so deep that she was suspended, her toes barely brushing the floor. When that happened, he let her hang there a few seconds before letting her down and resuming his increasingly violent assault on her ass.

Of course, I was right there with her in the sexual heat and the fog of arousal. Being in physical contact allowed us to share every exquisite sensation. It wasn't so much me holding onto her as it was both of us keeping each other from collapsing under Ezra's enthusiastic attack. Every time he'd drive his hard cock deeply up into her, I would rise up on my tip-toes in response.

Ezra hadn't been kidding about his stamina. He'd made it to fifth gear and he was cruising happily along, and along, and along. I had no idea how long he had been humping Darlene's ass before we arrived. I only knew that she'd seemed eager to move on to someone whose enthusiasm wouldn't impede her ability to walk right. I suspected that when Ezra was done pounding her butt, Neeka was going to have some problems. Right then, she didn't care and neither did I. We were both too in-the-moment to want to consider the consequences.

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OnlyBlowJob Sienna Day Blondie Wants His Dick

Blonde stunner Sienna Day is craving some cum on her full red lips today. The horny blue-eyed bombshell from Great Britain is watching porn when her boyfriend Max Deeds enters the room and catches her in the act. Why staring at a flat screen if a big hard veiny dick is ready to go and right in front of you, babe? The light-skinned hottie wears a skin-tight red mini dress and absolutely breath-taking high heels as she takes his enormous boner out of his pants. Once wanking that rod, she starts...

2 years ago
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LovingChapter 3 Two Becomes Three

I kissed Carol again passionately. Then I kissed Patty with equal passion. Then I pulled back just a bit and looked to the two of them. Carol reached over and touched my cheek with love in her eyes as she whispered, "Oh God I do love you... thank you... for understanding and being open." And she leaned down and kissed Patty with the same passion I had shared with the two of them. I leaned back a bit more to give them room. Watching them was getting me so excited I sort of shook. Their...

4 years ago
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True Story of a White Guy part 2

ASIAN CAT & WHITE CATPart 2In the morning I took my pho (a soup) after booked my bus ticket to Ha Long Bai and met my friend David with whom I spend the rest of the day. David was living in Hanoi for three years and worked as an English teacher. He said tonight at 6pm I have an appointment with a couple of my students so why don’t you join us, I said yes of course. And so it was 6pm and we were sitting on our usual table in the Rock bar with a view to the street, watching the people passing...

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my first time with auntie

it was a sunny day on the farm and it was just me and my uncle in laws wife she had a nice fit body for a 40 year old women and nice firm tits and a cute little butt she was at the other house and i was all alone cause my family have gone out on a little vacation for my sister so i left our little home and headed to my uncle in laws houe where me and my auntie we would have dinner with each other and do dishes and stuff so when her husband came back and my mom and step father would come back...

4 years ago
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Tha Man Who Would Be Queen Ch6

The Man Who Would Be Queen Chapter Six "Secrets" Sarah arrived at the Ferguson house. She was trying to control her thoughts but her mind was racing too fast. Too much information too quickly. She slipped her purse over her shoulder and walked to the door. She was sharply dressed today wearing her black slacks and matching blazer with a ruffled white blouse. Her shoes were orange, 3" high heels with gold buckles on the...

1 year ago
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Hillaries hiking trip

It all began on a warm summer day at the local state park. Tired of the gym Hillary had decided to go out for a short hike through the woods as she frequently did during the summer for a change of pace. If she had only known what kind of workout she was going to get. See Hillary, at 24, while not considered a fitness buff had the body of one. Standing 5’9” with firm 34c breast, a 32” waist her body was accented with a nice round ass and a tummy flatter than most of the instructors at the gym....

2 years ago
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my first gay sex with young guy

Hi :) . My story is 100% true, it hapened last year in August. Well, lets start that I am not gay, maybe bisex. I have a girlfriend and I do like girls basically, but there was always something about gay porn that turns me on. so from time to time i do watch it and masturbate to it. So that was a very hot summer, it was the begining of August 2012. I had a bad hangover after the weekend, it was monday, so early in the morning my girlfriend left for work and I took my laptop and started to surf...

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The Mom And Dad Show

Hello, once again to all the lusty and horny readers of this wonderful platform. I hope you all are safe in these difficult times. This time, I will share the incident between the parents of one of my sex story readers (Sonu). He requested me to pen down the incident. The incident took place during the lockdown. My friend’s mom’s name is Roopal, and his father’s name is Jai. Roopal was in her 40s, but her looks were much younger than her age. Her body stats were 32-34-34. She was a simple...

4 years ago
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Journey of a Teenager 8211 Pt 3 The Elder Daughter

This is the Part 3 of the sequel and all real-life experiences. I still remember the date when I and Kalyani had the first sex. It was 16th August. Life completely changed for me. She was a matured woman, taught me everything regarding sex. How it would please her, how to hold back ejaculation, her erotic places in the body. She felt like my own wife. She would wait for me almost every day. The moment her daughters would leave for school, she would get herself ready for me. She literally turned...

2 years ago
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Runway 21

Chapter 21 The next day Brenda was at her desk when Melissa came in. "Good morning Brenda," she said. "Good morning Melissa." "Is Tiffany here yet?" "She came in a while ago, shall I call her for you?" "Please send her into my office, I have something for her." Brenda told Tiffany that Melissa wanted to see her and Tiffany entered Melissa's office. "Tiffany dear, do you know that all of your hard work is finally paying off? I wanted to give you this myself to let you...

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Justin and Twila Introduction

Twila loved the winter. Every night during the long, dark northern winters, she sat in front of her fireplace, drinking some hot chai tea, looking out the window. The light of the fire made the falling snowflakes glimmer as they fell from the heavens.Her long, chocolate-colored hair cascaded over her back and shoulders in decadent curls. She was a short girl, but her curves were the root of all envy in every other girl she encountered. Her short peach satin nightgown hugged her curves, not that...

Love Stories
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The Fifth Force

Modern physics textbooks refer to four fundamental forces – the strong and weak nuclear forces, the electromagnetic force, and gravity. It is surmised that these forces are all related in a fundamental way. The scientific equivalent of the Holy Grail is to find the set of equations which will combine all of these forces into one Unified Field Theory. However, it is a little-published (but well known to all men, and most women) scientific fact that there is actually a Fifth Fundamental Force,...

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Ms Rosen and I0

There was silence in the car for about 10 minutes. Then finally Ms. Rosen, Are you ok? I asked. She replied. “Yes I’m fine Miguel. Please whatever you do when you get older and you have a girlfriend don’t cheat on them. It is very hurtful. I shouldn’t be talking to you about this.” Its ok Ms. Rosen I don’t mind listening you always listen to us when we go see you, I replied. “Miguel when you grow up and become an adult you will see how things get a harder. Before I take you home how about we...

3 years ago
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New Experiences at the Gym

Kirsty was 25 and pretty, there was no doubt about it. Her best friend Stacy described her hair as dirty blonde and it came down over her shoulders. At 5’5” her body was slim and toned from working out and her breasts were firm. As she was moving up through school she had been flat chested and it had really bothered her but when she hit 15 her breasts started to grow and by the time she was 18 she was a firm, pert C cup. She was single and had been for a while. Her last boyfriend, David, had...

4 years ago
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Three Times

I groaned with frustration as his image faded from the screen, his parting words still ringing in my ears. ‘Do it. No excuses. Tell me each time.’ Damn my sassy mouth. I knew it was going to get me in trouble eventually, and it had. Now I had to finger my pussy three times during the workday without cumming and email him each time.  I powered off my laptop and headed to the shower. I didn’t know how I was going to manage to complete this task once, let alone three times. I had to though....

3 years ago
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Carol Goes Too Far

Copyright© 2004 from RPSuch I'm Carol Newsome née Crawford. To give you some of my background, I'll take you back to my high school days. I was always very competitive and always the top one or two scholastically throughout. Sports were another thing. I played some individual sports such as tennis and, while I was adequate, I did not always win. Since I was so competitive, I found that I could cheat and play head games with my opponents. Many were more athletically...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Kyler Quinn Fuck College Do Porn

22-year-old newbie stud Third Leg Jay is here for his 1st ever professional scene, and we paired HIM up with the lovely Kyler Quinn for this week’s See H?️M Fuck update. After Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about the former college football player ? Jay starts to get naked for Kyler, showing off his impressive muscles ?? and big bulge in his See HIM boxers ? Kyler assists Jay in removing his boxers and sucks on his big dick for a bit. She then gets HIM all lubed up ? front...

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Melanies Confessions

Hi Jane, I'm Mel. I am on holiday in Southern France, with my friends Kim and Tina. We decided to leave our boyfriends at home, so we could tan all day and play all night! We had a fun flight over, but more of that later (wink wink!)!! Jacques, the 18 year old student, on hotel reception, was goggle eyed, when we booked in. Kim's flowing blonde hair, pert B cup boobs and playboy model looks, have men drooling, but for the flight she had chosen a short black mini, and her 23 year old legs go on...

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The Blowjob To My Neighbour

Hi, I’m Harika, 25 years old, living in Chennai with family. This is a real incident which happened long back to me, which I wanted to get off my chest for a long time.I was 21 years old, studying engineering in a college. I went to college from my home daily. One fine day we saw our new neighbours arriving. The neighbour’s house is right next to us. They were a couple who were married for a year and moved here. They also brought a pet dog with them. Since I liked pets I used to spend a lot of...

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Mom I Cant Help Myself 4 Surprises

Mom! I Can't Help Myself - Surprises By Jennifer Allison Chapter 4 - Dearest Mother: It's Friday already. This last week has gone by so fast that I can hardly believe it. To me it is still Monday morning and I just left Miss Lynne's office for the first time. I want to thank you again for this wonderful surprise. I never dreamt that being a girl could be so much fun, and work at the same time. School is tough, I mean the instructors are strict but with a gentle...

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I Couldnt Resist My Mum

Life was going perfectly for me at the moment, My dad was my lover and the father of my child to be. My baby bump was slowly starting to show which drives my dad crazy in the bedroom. My mum was back underneath our roof except she was sleeping in my old room as I had convinced my dad to change the house rules...After having another wonderful night with my dad fucking me like a rag doll and cumming all over my body, I had fallen asleep like an angel. It must have been morning by now as I was...

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Sex With Classmate

Hello everybody, pehle ma aapko bta du ki ma bilkul naya hoon yaha, iss mein yeh meri pehli story ha. Lets have a brief introduction 1st. My name is sandeep and m from punjab,india. M an adult as well as have good looks. However i have a ability to impress any girl or ladies more. Lets come to the story. Yeh story meri or meri ek classmate ki ha jiss se mera school k baad koi link nai raha. Uska naam tha muskan. 2 ki baat hai yeh. Vo dikhne mein bht he sweet thi. Bht log the jo uski attraction...

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The Room

THE ROOMShe lay helpless on the cold cement floor.There was no light,  no sound, no nothing.She tried to move but very soon found her arms handcuffed and also her feet.She tried to move from side to side and also found that was no good as it appeared that she was attached to the floor in some fashion.She was unsure how long she lay there.She had very few memories of how she got here.The last thing she knew for sure was that she was coming out of work at the bank.She had worked very late on the...

4 years ago
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My Dying Dark Angel0

I don't think she had a clue what was coming. I doubt it ever even crossed her mind that I was following her. Stupid cunt. Please, let me introduce myself. My name is Alexi. I was born in Russia but have lived in America for many years now. Who I was is not important. My life, in fact, is not important. And neither is anyone else's. Who am I now? Some would say I'm a killer. A rapist. A cruel hearted bastard. A sadist. A psycho. And those people would be right, it's true. I am...

2 years ago
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Getting Some Attention

I was on my way home yesterday afternoon; so were a lot of other guys. When I approached the parking lot of a porn store/theater that I like, I could not believe the number of cars in the parking lot. It was hard to even find a place to park. I walked in and paid five dollars at the counter to enter the theater. Just one girl behind the counter and no customers in the merchandise part of the store. At the right, the arcade featured a sign that said closed and was taped off. It was that way the...

1 year ago
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At a PriceChapter 21 Paperwork

The couple spent the next two weeks travelling. The place that interested them the most was in Wales. Marty had wanted to go to Snowdonia. He couldn’t really tell Anne why he wanted to go there, just that he did. In the eight days that they spent there, they had a lot of fun. The rode the train and hiked the trails on various different peaks. In one spot, they got in trouble when the guide went one way, and they went another. He had walked up a higher trail, and they had continued along a...

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Johns Wife Angie Lee episode 4

Angie Lee was due in from the states soon and John was certainly happy about seeing his wife after a five month separation. He was a bit apprehensive about how she was going to fit in with his new friends. He was sexually involved with my wife Dot and her best friend Goody. At twenty-something, before she met John, she was engaged to be married, but he disappeared one day. Much as she tried, she didn't think she would ever find her Prince Charming. All of the good men were married. She was...

Wife Lovers
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Kidnapping the ladies of the Arrowverse

You were a normal guy, but when the particular accelerator exploded you found you could copy the powers and abilities of women you get physically intimate with. Now after years of intensive training you’re ready to kidnap these lovely ladies. And currently you have a list of Cities/locations where superheroines reside, where’s your first target? -Star City -Central City

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The Truth Part 2

‘Good, you woke up.’ ‘Look who’s so anxious to learn about my gay past…’ ‘Yes. You were on the second part of the story?’ ‘Right… The second part starts when I’m in a bed, but not mine.’ *** There’s always something different about fucking guys. The obvious differences are physical. I love the rough texture of the skin, the tightness of the asshole. My large, muscular body spread against another man, pumping strings of cum into his hole. There’s another difference to it, though. Their...

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The Bar

She walked into the hotel bar, unsure why she had come. The note she had received just said to go to the hotel bar, warring this dress with this bra and panty set both found in a box with the note.She was excited and uncertain as to what to expect or whom had sent the gifts and note. She sliped up to the bar and ordered a drink to steady herself, having never done this before.Just a little ways down the bar he watched her walk into the bar with a subtle sway to her hips. The long black dress...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 15 Aftermath Annie ABBA and the ABC80 Part III

October, 1979, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden “First thing, I haven’t been to bed with him. I wouldn’t feel right doing that unless I had spoken to you about it first.” “Do you want to do that?” “I don’t know. Maybe. He’s a pretty decent guy and I enjoy being with him. But right now, I like being with you more. It’s difficult. I know you are leaving in nine months, and I’ll only see you once every three or four weeks, and that I could see him every day, but I don’t want to end what you and I have...

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Office Party

Office Party She could feel the sun's heat slowly form from the clouds that barely covered it's approach. Her fingers were still a little stiff from the morning chill that was trying to get through her jacket. Amy pushed her glasses back on her nose, feeling the coolness of the silicone nosepiece. None of that could prevent her from smiling from the wonderful feeling that she'd finally be able to pay off her student loans. The job she'd just gotten would give her enough to pay for...

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wake me up before u go

I wasn't sure how I came to be the way I am and it took a long time to accept it but now I embrace it and have now added an extra string. It took me a while but I have mastered the art of hypnotism. I have also learnt that one cannot be made to do something that one has not thought about doing subconsciously. I have now lived 25 years alone and invisible to the world. Once the panic subsided, which took a long time I was able to see the up side. There are lots of advantages to not being seen....

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Barrack Room BettyChapter 15 Bettys Down Under

Michele had an emotional last day with Ying. As well as lovers they had become good friends. Michele promised to write to Ying and vowed that one day she would return to Thailand and they would reunite. Their last night together was a sex charged boozy affair and Michele rose early the next morning and left Ying fast asleep in the hotel. She was emotionally drained and didn’t want an extended farewell. She left an envelope with a considerable amount of cash on the bedside table; kissed the...

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A new black gang party

Three days after I followed that black guy Bob, from the subway to his filthy flat, where he gave me a great fuck; I was absolutely horny again. My loving hubby had left the town the day before and I needed a good cock.I was so excited about my experience with Bob; that I wanted to get him again. This time I warned Victor about my intentions and he agreed happily.Then I called Bob and asked if he was in the mood to take up where we had left off the first time we had met. He said of course he...

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Karma an erotic look into cosmic payback

Today I rode to the local medical marijuana dispensary on my bike. Let me rephrase, my bicycle. I have a car, but have much enjoyed the physical advantages to riding in reasonable distance on a bike. About five miles out, two in, I encountered a silver SUV stalled out in the right lane of a busy street I was biking through. Naturally I stopped because I am a good person, and I know the detrimental exchange of the bystander effect ( When there are more people around, a single person is less...

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I thought you said you Werent Gay

I get a lot of questions from men that I meet. Not all of them want to have sex with me; some just are curious about what I'm all about.A lot of people who know me know that I am an extremely feminized male who became a Queen when I went to prison due to alcohol related offenses. I always say that I became a woman in prison - and that is true. But I guess it would be more accurate to say that it took prison to bring the woman that has always been inside of me out. Had I not gone to prison I...

1 year ago
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A Good Fucking Night Part 4

Tyler looked at his phone, showing that it was 2:30 already. Looking at the party, he could tell everyone felt their stamina leaving with the early hours. There were girls passed out on the couches or on the floors, some completely naked, obviously intoxicated to their limits. Tyler barked a warning to a kid who was trying to feel up Tayler, who was now passed out a few feet away from where he now sat with Hannah, watching a movie together. He turned back to his innocent new friend....

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Interesting Car Ride

Well this is a true story I've been meaning to write for a while now. It's the first one I've ever done so any comments, please let me know....... It was late in the evening, around 8:30pm. Bored at staying in for another for another night I decided to call my friend Mel and see if she want to go out for a drive for a while. She agreed and I picked her up from her house at around 10pm. She looked stunning! With her gorgeous figure, 36DD breasts and wearing only a small top and a skirt that came...

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Mr IrresistibleChapter 9 Breaking What Was Fixed

I think if I could become anyone in the world, I would have to choose John Stamos. He has the entire world playing to his tune. Ever since Full House, my entire generation has admired him for being the "cool uncle," his wife Rebecca Romajin looks like a fucking goddess and is extremely rich, and all he ever does is make 10-10-220 commercials. How can you beat that? If heaven is half that good, it will live up to its fame. His life is so simple and yet so divine, all at the same time. I...

4 years ago
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Pilot and lesbian

An old Marine Pilot sat down at the Starbucks, still wearing his old USMC flight suit and leather jacket and ordered a cup of coffee.As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him. She turned to the pilot and asked, 'Are you a real pilot?'He replied, 'Well, I've spent my whole life flying planes, first Stearmans, then the early Grummans... flew a Wildcat and Corsair in WWII, and later in the Korean conflict, Banshees and Cougars. I've taught more than 260 people to fly and...

3 years ago
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As I Was Walking in the ParkChapter 4

We shared our work, we shared our fun Joy and sadness for both were one Each other's goals became our own We built together neither one alone Three weeks later school had ended when one Saturday Erik called and said he had an idea he'd like to discuss. Could I meet him out near the grove where we had waited out that rain? I agreed and headed out. He was already there when I arrived and I saw he was holding a spiral bound notebook. "OK, what did you want to discuss?" I asked. Now he...

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Cynthia MartinChapter 16

Cindy heard April's car come to a sliding stop on the gravel driveway at nine-fifteen the next morning. She heard running steps and was waiting at the door to open it. April was standing there, breathless. There were tears in her eyes as she said, "Cindy, I'm so sorry! We came as fast as we could. There was a mix-up on instructions. Kathy was told to meet me at eight and not seven. It's not her fault. Please be nice to her? All the fault is mine, and as the senior I take all the...

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Simpsons Revenge

Introduction: Bart Simpson decides to take revenge against Homer for a beating. Please Principal Skinner, just dont call Homer. Bart Simpson was back again in Principal Skinners office for another of his usual pranks. This time lunch-lady Doris caught him pouring some sedatives into the chili, and now he sat in the familiar office of Principal Skinner. I am sorry Bart, but I have to call your parents, this sort of behavior has to stop. After, groundskeeper Willie is still recovering from the...

1 year ago
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I Princess

I, Princess Autobiography written by Dauphin [email protected] Introduction I have written a few stories under different names. People have always asked me to write about my own experiences. Until now, I have refused, because? my childhood was private. Second it was confusing and even though I was happy, I had a few hard times. Often I think that my childhood has made me what I am now. Another thing is that if I wrote my...

2 years ago
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Halloween New Treats for Me

Being born on October 31st has its privileges. I was born in 1995 on a Tuesday. This year the date falls on a Thursday. I turn 19 this year. Yippee! I feel older than that most of the time. I turned 6ft tall when I was 15. I'm rather muscular, working out and on the university wrestling team. I have gone undefeated since I started high school. I weigh a steady 175 pounds. Besides all of that, I am the youngest of three children. Our parents really spaced us out. Charlene, the oldest, is 31...

3 years ago
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As the boy puts his hands under her ass and slides his tongue along her wet lips I commence licking and sucking her nipples. I have a full-on, thick, nine-inch erection as my lady soaks up sexual pleasure from two males. I can’t see our toy boy’s cock, but I know from seeing him in the gym he is almost as big as me. I also know he is bisexual. A week ago, when I first told Sarah about him she was determined to have him. She has a thing about younger bisexual men. “Make it happen, soon,”...

1 year ago
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Party Bound

Editor’s Note: I’m moving up North to the mountains with my buddy Keith and his girlfriend Jesse. Now both, as people are decent. What I mean is, I wouldn’t mind their company the whole winter. Though I just fucking know, that I’m going to be subjected to their wanting to fuck at a very loud rate in the wee hours of the night. Keith knows this cabin, but then again, cabins aren’t really cabins anymore, they more or less look like motels with their sickening display of pale oranges and bolted...

2 years ago
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Chicken loving Cuckold

I was fresh out of high school and working as a delivery driver for a major pizza chain. It had only been about a month on the job and I was still getting the hang of it. One of my coworkers, a man born in the "free-love" generation, passed his delivery to me. I figured he was either being generous because I was new, or just didn't feel like taking the call. Either way I figured I was a newbie and should appreciate each chance I got to make tips. I left my store in my Saturn station wagon with...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 114

Her heart racing in panic, Laura drove to Trina's apartment. She tried to talk herself back into reasonableness. She won't know this happened, she told herself. There's no way she can know. You're panicking about nothing. Just tell her you had to work a little late. But don't act nervous, or guilty. That's what might raise her suspicions. Anyway, she knows I love her. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. I can't help it if Sholandra is... irresistible. I can't help it that I'm such...

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Jurassic Park 4 The Massacre

I posted a gallery for this new movie that I created for me to imagine girls being eaten by dinosaurs. This happen a year or more after the 3rd Jurassic park. It started with stephenie who played billy brennna in the 3rd jurassic park and emi leading 2 new jurassic parks on 2 new islands. Stephenie is leading Isla Muerta and Emi is leading Isla Mataceros and those two islands are part of the 5 deaths islands. They each have two sets of girls that they are going to go through the park to see how...

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The ProtectorsChapter 4

Liz stayed with Helen while I went upstairs to use my cell phone and to wait for my call to 911 to be answered. I was in a hurry for them to get here because I wanted to visit the crime boss before he had a chance to prepare for us. Our questioning had produced an address that was supposed to be the gang's headquarters. If we were lucky, we could end this reign of terror tonight. The address we had was another of those abandoned manufacturing plants. This one was surrounded by a large...

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