Revelations 2 free porn video

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"I'm not saying we don't believe you. I'm saying that while one rogue individual might have instigated a few recent incidents of terrorism, this is not sufficient cause to modify in any way our present posture with regard to terrorist threats."

Hamilton Dean, the President's National Security Adviser, was explaining to me why the government wasn't going to admit that they'd been tricked into blaming the recent nuclear emergency on foreign terrorists when the whole thing had actually been orchestrated by one metahuman. I assumed that the forbearance he displayed and his placating manner were mainly due to the fact that I had a reputation for having a short fuse and everyone present at the debriefing was aware of the amount of destruction I could cause when someone pissed me off.

A widespread rumor to the effect that I had sunk a Navy warship because her Captain insulted me was utterly bogus. I hadn't done very much to quash the rumor for several reasons and now even people who knew the truth – and that certainly included Dean – found the rumor more appealing. I doubted it was for the entertainment value alone. I thought Dean might be deliberately building up my reputation because he was looking for some way to use me to his advantage. He hadn't found it yet and I was going out of my way to convince him that I was too savvy to allow myself to get sucked into whatever plan he might be considering. His attitude when rejecting my suggestion seemed positively conciliatory

"You think the whole Apocalypse angle is so weird that it taints the plausibility of the threat," I said, not making it a question. "You think this makes it a hard sell to the oversight committee."

"Miss Draco, your perspicacity and astute insight continue to astound me."

Translation: 'That's about the size of it.'

I hardly expected the government to change the way they approached terrorism on my word alone, certainly not without some kind of corroborating evidence. The problem was, discounting Neeka as an equally-questionable second-hand witness, we had nothing to show that The Horseman even existed. Our lone surviving captive was basically a terrorist-temp who hadn't rated any face-time with his employer. I didn't know whether to attribute that to paranoia or simply the smart strategy of compartmentalization within the organization.

I looked around. Our boss, David Solomon, was present, as he would be for a regular debriefing. In addition to Dean, we were also graced by the presence of Secretary of Homeland Security, Archibald Collinsworth. Archie looked uncomfortable, like he thought I might appeal to him for help convincing Dean that there was someone manipulating the people who were the 'official' threat. I couldn't do that to him. Trading on our brief encounter on this very table would have been rude, and probably wouldn't have helped my case anyway. Dean wasn't making decisions based on anything to do with the reality of the situation, only the politics of it.

I looked at Solomon, who by rights should have been the one making this case, but was also smart enough to have recognized the futility of it and instead let me shoot my mouth off. Solomon stared back, trapped into silence by the presence of his boss. I could hardly expect him to go over Archie's head, especially not with Archie sitting beside him. No help there. At least he wasn't giving me a 'shut the hell up' look.

Seeing that I was all alone and not going to succeed in altering governmental priorities, I changed tactics.

"All right," I said in my best reasonable tone, "In the interest of keeping all options open, may we be allowed the leeway to pursue this independently of official policy?"

"I am certainly not going to tell you not to do something that I strongly suspect you will do anyway," Dean said, smiling with most of his teeth showing. "I'm not telling you to do or not do anything at all. I am simply stating the political reality of the situation."

A marvelously-phrased way of saying, "I can't be blamed for whatever happens." At least it wasn't an outright 'no'.

"I understand your position. I just want you to be aware that this is a very scary individual."

"Dean chuckled, "Scarier than you?"

"He scares me. He's smart, fast, strong, ruthless, and consumed by hate. The only thing that makes that combination worse is that he managed to get his hands on at least two nuclear weapons."

"What evidence do we have that he was behind the attempt on Fort Meade?" Archie asked. Now that we'd got past the political angle, he was prepared to participate. I think I was the only naive one in the room.

"Nothing direct," Solomon responded. "But someone gave al-Mahdi that device. Someone who suggested how it should be used. That kind of stage-management shows in what we know about the Elkton incident."

"If he wants to stay in the background, why was he there in person?" Archie asked.

"Ego," I said. "He's a cold fish, but he still has an ego. He wanted to be there to oversee the final stage of his plan. He wanted to enjoy seeing it come together."

"But you don't think he planned to blow himself up?" Dean asked.

"He had a chance to do that, and take us with him" I admitted with regret. "He chose to escape instead. I think he wants to be around to gloat over the destruction he causes. He's deadly serious about this Apocalypse thing, but he expects to be around to witness it. As controlled as he is on the outside, he's intensely emotionally-involved on the inside. He not only wants to make it happen, he wants to see it happen. He's like an arsonist who sticks around to watch the flames and hear the screams and know that he did that."

"Then," Dean said, standing and looking around at everyone, "I suggest you find him before he can try again. But do it discretely. I recognize that your suggestion was well-intentioned, but we can't afford to go public with this. The repercussions would be unthinkable." Then he and Archie left. Solomon walked them to the door, but came back after a few words with Archie.

I think Dean and I had different ideas of what those repercussions might be, but agreeing to disagree was as far as I was going to get with him on that. I was actually glad he seemed to believe me about The Horseman even existing. I was, after all, the only one who had seen the guy.

When it was just us again in the meeting room, the atmosphere seemed somehow cleaner. I rather liked Archie, but Hamilton Dean and I were never going to be BFFs. A case of incompatible values.

"Congratulations," Solomon said to me.

"What? Why? He's more concerned about maintaining the political status quo than dealing with the threat."

"It is that status quo that provides the budget for this team. We are here because those in power believe there are dangers out there to be dealt with. It could easily be otherwise."

That sent a chill down my spine. History is full of cases of people in power deluding themselves about the reality of threats that should have been obvious to anyone. Or leveraging the danger to their political advantage rather than trying to eliminate it, something I strongly suspected happened all too often in the circles of power.

"I meant you succeeded in alarming him," Solomon continued, "He knows enough about you to know you can be intimidating. When you told him this new threat scared you, it made him wonder how scary that would have to be. Now, instead of ignoring it, he'll report to his boss that you consider this Horseman to be a real danger. That will influence the President's thinking on the matter. We can only hope that influence operates in our favor. He could very well decide that all metas are threats."

"Has anyone ever pointed out what a pessimist you are?"

"I'm a realist. I try to confine my battles not just to those I know I can win, but those where I have control over the consequences of winning."

"And I just like pushing dominoes to watch them fall?"

"Since you like analogies, try this one - Shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater may seem like a good idea when you first see the flames, but it rarely achieves an optimal result."

"If you frighten people, they might act against their own best interests?"

"Exactly. The best approach is to focus on the threat and try to deal with it without inciting a riot. That's why this team exists, after all. Sigma Seven is the silent and unsung fireman who snuffs out the flame before it can become a conflagration."

"That's something I've wondered about. What does Sigma Seven mean?"

"Nothing momentous. My first office was room seven in the Pentagon sub-basement. S-7 became Sigma Seven."

"Oh." I wished I hadn't asked. The mystery was more appealing than the truth.

"Getting back to a more productive discussion – your description of The Horseman is that he is well-built, tall, and Black. Is that all you remember?"

"Not Black black, not Negroid. Just coal-black. Not a normal skin-color. I couldn't see him at all until he moved, then I was barely able to make him out against the interior of the foundry."

"Why? Was he wearing black clothes as well?"

I hadn't mentioned the part about him being naked and I hadn't planned to. That might lead to other questions I wouldn't want to answer either. Now I had to either fess-up or lie. Either one might damage my credibility.

"No. No clothes at all. That's how I knew he didn't have the detonator – no pockets."

"Right," Solomon said, and went silent.

"Look, it shocked me too! That may have been part of why he did it. Or for the camo-effect. Or it may have been just to mess with people. To show he doesn't care what we think of him."

"Were there any clothes found at the scene?" He asked Brock.

"No, sir."

"So he arrived nude?" Solomon asked me.

"I don't know. He probably hid them somewhere and picked them up when he left ... or escaped or whatever. For all I know, he can change color like a chameleon."

"Like you can Change?"

"Yeah. Like that. I hadn't thought of that. If he has the same ability as I do to Change then he might..."

"Shapeshifter," Leonora interjected.

"What?" I asked her.

She shook her head, showing her disbelief of her own suggestion. "Legends. Recurring tales of creatures who can transform themselves."


"There are no werewolves," she said, with a slight smile.

"There didn't used to be."

This was a friendly disagreement we'd had before. I insisted that since I could turn into something that most people would recognize as a werewolf, then I was a werewolf. Leonora had other standards than simple imitation of a Hollywood special-effect.

"There are no Dragons, either." She declared, trumping my argument.

"OK, let's assume he can at least change his skin color," I allowed. "And assume he's not normally a nudist."

I paused, remembering the lack of shading or difference in tone. Even his ... OK, that's not productive. But if he could Change like I could, then that eliminated my whole chain of logic for what motivated him. If he could control his form, why not change something he obviously and understandably didn't like. While I always Changed back to the 'me' I'd been before, even that form retained a few modifications that I liked. Why should his persistent self-image be one he found distasteful?

"It would also explain how he has managed to avoid being noticed," Solomon pointed out. "He might be able to appear perfectly normal unless he chose otherwise."

I shook my head. "He'd still be noticed. Not because of the way he looked, but the way he moved. Or rather, didn't. He was like a statue brought to life."

"A golem?" Leonora suggested.

"Prettier. Think Michelangelo's David, painted flat black with different hair and more muscles. It was as though he only moved when he chose to. At all other times he was perfectly still. And I mean perfectly. It was eerie. Every time he moved, it was a surprize. People telegraph their movements. They shift their weight. They tense a muscle before moving a limb. They don't just stay still, they breathe, blink, and twitch. They have nervous ticks. He caught me because I couldn't react in time. I never saw it coming. I won't get caught like that again!"

I'd become worked-up from reliving the embarrassment and Solomon couldn't help but notice that I was getting pissed. None of us wanted that.

"Try to relax," he warned me.

"My Kung Fu teacher taught me how to read body language so I would know what an opponent was about to do. The Horseman has no body language. One second he's standing there stock still, the next ... WHAM!"

I took a deep breath. Then another. It helped. It helped more when I stopped thinking about what he'd done to me. Or rather, what he hadn't done. I'd been caught before. I'd been suckered before. I'd even been raped before. But The Horseman hadn't finished. He had me right where he wanted me ‒ impaled on his huge cock ‒ and he hadn't cum. Nevermind that he'd probably have killed me if he had. That was beside the point. He didn't even try. He just yanked his cock out of me like it was a matter of complete indifference to him and he ran off. He left me there, half-naked, helpless, desperately aroused, and he just ... left.

Of course, that was something I wouldn't – couldn't – talk about. So I bitched about how I'd lost a fight that didn't happen and hoped no one noticed that there was more than adrenaline making my heart race and my breathing quick.

"What do we do now?" Leonora asked, while I tried to compose myself.

"I'll have the research staff look for any reports that might indicate the presence of a metahuman. Let's hope what Sam saw is his normal appearance. Big, black, naked men can't be that common."

I stifled a laugh before it could escape. I could give Solomon an address in Miami of a place where he could find all the big, Black, naked men he would ever hope to see; each one screwing a small, naked White woman under bright lights in front of a video camera.

"Let's also hope that The Horseman doesn't have any more toys to play with, and that he isn't planning something even more unpleasant in the near future. I'll call you when I need you, people. In the meantime, well done. Now go get some rest."

"Thank you, sir!" Brock said, and everyone echoed right after him.

"What are you going to do?" Leonora asked when she and I and Neeka were leaving.

"I was supposed to be having some quiet-time to get my head together," I said. "Then things got weird and then they got dangerous."

"There is some part of your life that is not weird and dangerous? I shall believe that when I see it."

That got all three of us laughing. She did have a point.

"I suppose we should to go back to your place," I said. "I need to check out of that cabin, too. I hope my stuff is still there."

"Do not worry about that," Leonora said, "While you were visiting Dr. Montgomery, I called Chief Jennings and asked him to see to your things."

"May I come too?" Neeka asked. "I'd love to see your house. Sam has told me ... well, shared with me so much about it."

"Of course, dear. Unless the two of you would prefer staying in Washington and help me re-establish my former business?"

She was kidding. I thought she was kidding. I hoped she was kidding. Still, working out-call for Leonora wouldn't be much different from my latest job, and the pay would certainly be better.

"She's kidding," Neeka said firmly, putting an end to that brief fantasy.

We had little baggage. Having been snatched-up on no notice, we had very little packing to do and no luggage to do it in. Which meant Neeka's plan to swipe one of the hotel's big fluffy robes was doomed from the start. We collected what little there was in our room at the Fairmont and checked-out.

Solomon was kind enough to return us the same way he'd had us picked up. The difference was only that this helicopter was a civilian model, not the Special Ops bird we'd been flying around in. It was more comfortable, but not much quieter. We were dropped-off at almost the exact same spot where we'd left – the fifty-yard line of the high school football field. From there, we walked to where we'd left Leonora's car.

In many places, a car left sitting out in the open for a few days would either be stolen or vandalized. Leonora's had been covered with a tarp to protect it from the elements. Since the tarp had 'Property of Police Department' hand-printed on one edge, it was clear that this was another case of Ezra looking out for us.

The least we could do was to return the tarp and let Ezra know we were back. On the way, I took advantage of Leonora's spacious back-seat and changed into my unofficial Town Slut uniform of a tissue-thin cotton blouse and held-together-by-threads denim shorts. Both of which could be removed easily by the most anxious and thumb-fingered of males, should assistance at divesting me of said garments be necessary.

Neeka turned to look at me from the front seat. The look was enough to let me know what she was thinking.

"Just in case Darlene still wants some time off," I said. "Even if she doesn't, I should be ready to share the load – or loads, in this case."

"You're incorrigible."

"Guilty as charged. Would you like to help out? Really, there's nothing like having a bunch of guys with hard cocks, all urgently needing relief, lined-up and ready to vent their sexual urges in, on, and over you."

"Sounds like fun, but I don't have your stamina, or your capacity."

"You could be my fluffer. You could get them all ready to pop. Things would go much quicker that way."

"Get real. I'd never be able to resist the temptation. Eventually, one of those things would find it's way inside my pussy."


"So remember when you were hell-bent on getting pregnant?"

"Yeah. I'm over that. For now. I think."

"Well, you were so into the idea that I wondered if I should be feeling the same urge. I thought the reason I wasn't hearing my own biological clock tick as loudly was because of the birth-control pills I was on. So I quit taking them to see if it made a difference. Just for a while, you know? I mean, I've done celibacy before. I thought I could handle it for a month, just to see. I hid it from you because I knew you'd tease me about it."

"I wouldn't!"

"You know you would."

"OK, I would. So how's it working out?"

"Hard to tell. Is being horny the same as wanting to be pregnant?"

"I don't know. I'd like to think not, but if it gets you get knocked-up, wouldn't it amount to the same thing? Wait a minute. Are you sure it's you and not me you're feeling?"

"Pretty sure. You've been so worked-up lately that you couldn't notice that I had my own problem with it. Don't take this wrong, but you'll fuck anything."

"Guilty as charged. And I enjoy it too. What's your point?"

"I've been fantasizing about some stuff. You know, I draw the line at some things."

"This is news. You mean dogs?"

"Um, well ... I was thinking more along the lines of things that can hurt you badly, even if you do it right."

"OK, no spitting for Neeka. I promise to keep you off the pole. And nothing else in Gerard's studio. Wait a minute! You mean you might turn bitch? That's one way of getting a hot, hard cock in you that can't make you preggers."

"Wait! I was explaining why I couldn't play Town Slut with you. I'm not sure how we got onto this dog thing. I wasn't saying that I'd do it. I was just thinking about it. You know how you'll fantasize about all kinds of stuff when you're horny."

That denial was a shade too emphatic. It was an opening I couldn't resist.

"So you think it would be hot to get up on stage at Red's Barn and have a room full of guys watch Buster mount you? You know you'd have every cock in the joint on the verge of bursting to see him bury that big, hard, hot doggie-dick deep inside you. The first time he makes you cum, I bet half the guys in there cum right along with you. The other half will probably try to hold out for the moment when Buster knots you. The moment when you feel that hard knot swell up inside you, sealing off your pussy so he can pump you full of scalding-hot doggie-cum. That's when you cum harder than you've ever cum before because that's the moment you know you've been turned bitch and everyone watching will know it too."

"Stop! You're really not helping, you know."

"Yeah, I know. Now we're here. Try to put that stuff out of your mind while we talk to the Chief."

"We ... what? You rat!"

"You brought it up. Come in with me and help me with this tarp."

"Do you need me to help as well?" Leonora asked.

"No, thanks. We got this."

"Then I shall wait in the car. I have some calls to make."

The Police Department was a small cinderblock building behind the local hardware store and didn't have it's own parking lot. Leonora pulled into a spot in front of the store and I got out, dragging the bulky tarp behind me.

Neeka got out of the car with a good bit of pulling and tugging at her clothes, as though they'd suddenly become uncomfortably tight. When she saw me smirking at her, she quit and walked around the side of the building with her head held high, leaving me to carry the tarp on my own.

Opening the door rang a bell, which seemed unnecessary since, behind the high counter, the windowless front office was barely large enough for the two desks and three filing cabinets it contained. I knew that a hallway in the back corner led to stairs going down to a pair of holding cells in the basement because I had briefly been locked-up in one of them.

"Be with you in a sec," a voice called out from an office off that hallway. I recognized it as belonging to Ezra Jennings, the Chief of Police of the small community whose name I will continue to avoid using for reasons that should be obvious to anyone. His voice sounded strained, which alarmed me at first. Then I heard something that sounded like grunting. I laid the tarp on the counter and cultivated patience. A little later I heard the sound of a zipper being pulled.

My suspicion about what was going on back there was confirmed when Darlene walked out of the Chief's office while smoothing-down her short skirt. Her upright, hips-forward posture explained everything I needed to know about what had been going on. It was exactly the way you walk after having had something rammed up your butthole.

"Hi, Darlene," I said, cheerfully.

"Well, hey Sam! After the way you and Ms. de Vere left the game Friday I didn't know if we'd be seeing you again anytime soon. What the hell was up with that anyway? Don't see many helicopters up here. Never one that looked like that one. Who's your friend?"

"This is Neeka. She's cool. She knows all about this place. She was just telling me how she'd like to get in on some of the action."

"Well, the more the merrier. It's not like I want to have a monopoly or anything."

Neeka smiled, but kept her mouth shut so I couldn't put any more words in it. She was still pissed at me, but her focus was on what had been going on in Ezra's office. She hadn't expected to tumble into this sort of thing so quickly and it was just adding fuel to the fire I'd semi-deliberately set.

"Sorry, Darlene. Both for putting you on the spot and for interrupting the football game like that. It wasn't my idea. I really didn't know about it until it happened."

"But you knew it was there for you?"

I hadn't bothered to think up a lie to cover this and I really didn't want to have to. Anything I said would only lead to more questions than I could invent answers for. That only left one way to go.

"Yeah. I wish I could talk about that," I said with a grin, "but if I told you, Ezra would have to shoot you."

Chief Jennings came out of his office then, as if on cue. From his odd gait, and the distinct and impressive bulge along his inseam, he could have used some more time to get presentable. He walked up close behind Darlene, using her body to cover his erection. I assumed he was hiding it from Neeka since I'd already become intimately acquainted with Ezra's cock.

"I figured he was in on it," Darlene said, confidently. "I was just trying to get him to talk, but he won't say a word."

"I hope we didn't interrupt anything," I said.

"Nothing that we can't finish later," Darlene said, looking over her shoulder the Chief.

Ezra's shoulder dropped and he leaned forward a bit, his right hand out of sight behind Darlene. Suddenly, she squeaked and rose up on her toes shoving her tube-top covered boobs onto the counter.

"Maybe we should finish it now," he said into her ear.

"Unh!" Darlene grunted as Ezra buried his fingers deeper between her legs. "Down, tiger! I've got an appointment over to the gas station. Maybe if you hadn't taken so long, you wouldn't be in this fix."

"Well, pardon my stamina," Ezra said. But he let go of Darlene and she scooted around the counter before he could change his mind.

"See ya'll later!" she called on her way out the door.

"Gee, Ezra. I didn't mean to barge in on anything," I said.

"S'allright. Don't worry about it."

"No, really! Maybe there is something we can do to make up for it."

My use of the word 'we' made him look hard at Neeka. When a man with a visible erection looks at a girl who is already thoroughly aroused, there is usually a connection. This time was no exception. Neeka got this stunned/hot/hopeful look on her face. Ezra would have had to be blind and stupid to miss the vibe she was giving off.

"Maybe there is," Ezra smiled. He held out his hand and Neeka took it out of reflex. He led her around to his side of the counter and had her stand in the same spot where Darlene had been. He reached down and pulled up the back of her skirt, then put both hands on her butt-cheeks and started massaging.

"Mmmmmm!" Neeka moaned, pushing back against him.

I could feel her heat rise. She was committed.

I heard Ezra snap the elastic waistband of her thong and say, "Isn't this thing uncomfortable? Would you like me to help you take it off?"

Neeka turned her head and nodded. Ezra pushed the elastic down and the thong fell to her ankles. She picked up one foot and shook it clear. When she put it back down, her feet were more than shoulder-width apart and her butt was turned up expectantly.

Ezra slid his fingers up between her legs and cupped her sex in his palm. Her mouth dropped open as his thumb stroked her butthole before sliding between her labia.

He smiled as warm liquid quickly coated his hand. He knew she was ready. Further foreplay would be a waste of time.

I heard his zipper come down. A second later he slid his cock up where his hand had been, letting her straddle his shaft with the head poking out between her legs.

At that moment fear over-rode her arousal.

"I ... I can't! Please! I'm fertile!" She said.

"That's OK," I reassured her. "Ezra is an ass-man."

At that instant, he pulled his cock back through her steaming crotch and pushed the head of it into her puckered brown hole.

"OH!" She yelped at the sudden intrusion. Then, "Ohhhhhhhhh!" as Ezra slowly drove his cock deeper and deeper into her rectum.

"That's a mighty sweet ass you've got there," Ezra said as he rocked his hips to work every bit of himself into her butt.

Neeka was in utter bliss. I knew she hadn't had anything back there since a nearly disastrous episode in a porn producer's office where we'd both almost let ourselves get carried away with our undercover roles. She was long overdue and it showed in her reaction to Ezra's unexpected, but apparently not unwelcome, intrusion. In a fit of weakness, she nearly collapsed onto the counter. I grabbed her wrists to hold her in place while Ezra went to work.

Up and in, then out and back between her legs for another coating of juice, then back inside he went until he had her thoroughly slick. He fucked her with long, slow strokes until she was loose enough for him to get rougher. Then he let himself go faster and faster, and faster, and still faster until his balls were making loud, sloppy noises as they smashed into her pussy and he was practically lifting her off her feet on every stroke. Several times he shoved so hard and went so deep that she was suspended, her toes barely brushing the floor. When that happened, he let her hang there a few seconds before letting her down and resuming his increasingly violent assault on her ass.

Of course, I was right there with her in the sexual heat and the fog of arousal. Being in physical contact allowed us to share every exquisite sensation. It wasn't so much me holding onto her as it was both of us keeping each other from collapsing under Ezra's enthusiastic attack. Every time he'd drive his hard cock deeply up into her, I would rise up on my tip-toes in response.

Ezra hadn't been kidding about his stamina. He'd made it to fifth gear and he was cruising happily along, and along, and along. I had no idea how long he had been humping Darlene's ass before we arrived. I only knew that she'd seemed eager to move on to someone whose enthusiasm wouldn't impede her ability to walk right. I suspected that when Ezra was done pounding her butt, Neeka was going to have some problems. Right then, she didn't care and neither did I. We were both too in-the-moment to want to consider the consequences.

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The two men immediately froze when Steve pointed the handgun at them. Steve risked a few quick glances around to determine if the two had any companions somewhere close. He saw no one else. By this time the girls were awake. Roxie was struggling to pull her shirt on while Sam clung to her. Steve carefully stood as he studied the two men. They didn’t look like cartel men. They were very poorly dressed and one was much older than the other. Both men were heavily armed, however, and Steve was...

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Seashells Ch 01

Part 1 of 6 Copyright @calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2012 Thanks to Lewis, Bill and Elliot for their support… * There was an urgent knocking on the apartment door. William Doyle, Bill to his friends, finally waking up into the morning sun, pulled on a pair of trousers and went to answer it. A Western Union boy was there, holding out a telegram in his left hand, his open right palm waiting for what he considered the customary tip. After taking the telegram, Bill reached into his pocket...

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His Sisters EyesChapter 3

Thankfully there were only a few people in the coroner's court, the usual collection of reporters and old people with nothing else to do. We'd gone into town early and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast at a small café I'd been using, Mickey was in a sombre mood and dressed accordingly in a grey business suit, the mini skirt wasn't too short and her generous breasts were well confined beneath her jacket. People looked at her and then often looked again when they saw the eye-patch and...

2 years ago
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Facebook Girlfriend Hot Sakshi Ki Mast Chudai In Hotel

Hey all readers, myself Amit from jodhpur rajasthan, Email- looking slim fit, good looking , colour fair h. aaj me aapko mere kuch month pehle ki baat bta rha hu. Jo ki mere sath hoa, Me fb bhut jayda use krta tha, us time me koi b hot ya beautiful ladki ko req send kr deta tha , to meri 1 aise friend bni jisse meri life mast ho gyi Means sakshi name ki ladki ne meri req accept ki, jo Ajmer se thi , hum rat bhar chating krte the , and she fall in love with me, so hum bf gf ban gye, or hum...

3 years ago
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The Lockdown Shenanigans

Hello readers! Back with a story from one of the readers. A young college boy found out something interesting happened when he spied on his mom after hearing her screams. Something unexpected came to light. I will write this story from my reader’s perspective, which started due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Hey, I am Rohan, a 19-year-old college student. Covid Pandemic caused lockdown. I was at home with my family, with all educational institutes closed down along with the world. Covid took the...

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I walked in and caught my wife with her boss (Must Read)I've always heard that most of us only use forty to fifty percent of our brain power. I'm not sure that's true. I think that for the most part we just wander through our lives on autopilot until something shocks us into awareness and then we process with almost awesome efficiency.Let's look at my situation in particular: I had the day off and decided to do something nice for my wife, Natalie. I decided to surprise her at work with flowers...

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The Ballad of Annie Greene Part 9

Postlude in the Copper Hut by Peggy Sue The old man was sitting on the couch looking at me. I briefly turned over my experiences of Annie Greene in my mind. It had been years. Had I been gone years? I hardly thought so. The years had been dream time, and this was waking time. Or was it? How much time had gone by in the woods outside the copper castle? I spoke all this to the old man and he confirmed. When I got back outside I'd find that it was still the same day, and I'd only been...

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Troubling Dizyntk 4Chapter 2

Combining Dizyntk Major Anatoly Chapayev looked out at the soldiers as they jogged past with a satisfied smile. It had been three months since the Dizyntk troops had arrived at the base to train with his soldiers. It had been difficult, at first, for them to work together. "We expected that when we started this." he thought to himself. Now they were starting to act like comrades. There were rivalries to be sure. These were all elite soldiers and each thought them self the best at what...

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The Shower

The ShowerThe shower door slides open and he steps inside; she is not startled, she senses him even as her eyes are closed. The fragrance of her body wash is heady as he stands behind her nibbling her neck. She melts, sighing as he kisses and sucks her nape. He moves his mouth to her shoulders, she quivers with wanting.The warm water cascades over her perfect curvy body as he moves in closer he places his hands on her hips. Gently he slides his right hand around her and caresses her beautiful...

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I sat naked as this 11 inch cock swayed in my fac

Many questions come my way, call it freedom of speech or satisfying a perversion deep within men, but I have chosen to be as honest as I can and reveal a sexual way of life some parents, see as natural and allow things to happen to their daughters, without as much as batting an eyelid, or having some old man empty the contents of his ball-sack onto them.I was touched and stroked as much as I was encouraged to touch and stroke, back then people laughed and applauded your initiation to felacio,...

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Nayima and I

I open them to find myself in bed, the sun shining on my face through the window. “Of course…” I say to myself as I look down at my morning erection and sigh. This is the third night in a row I’ve dreamt of her, and it probably won’t be the last. I quickly force my erection down and get out of the bed. It’s my turn to bring water to the village, and if I don’t hurry the elders will probably scold me. I finally put on the little clothes I have, and go out through the door to start yet...

4 years ago
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Ruksana Ki Chudai 8211 Part 4

Hello dosnton thanks a lot intne sare msg wats app k liye really meri ek duniya hi ban gai hai mere or mere sex story reader k bich ap log mujhe behad pyare ho chahe ap pure india Me kahin rahte ho ap se itna pyar mila or ache dost mile really thanks jo door hain unse main wats app or skype pe milta hi hun or jo pass hain ap to mile hi hain ap sab jante hain mere bare me jo mere reader naye hain mera name rakesh hai main delhi ka hun 3 sal se kahaniyon or ap logon se juda hua hun sex or body...

2 years ago
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DevilsFilm Sheena Ryder Jaye Summers Sharing Mommys Boy Toy

Like a desperate housewife Sheena waits for her daughters and hubby to leave the house then she brings out her boy toy for a relaxed mid-morning fuck session. Well today’s session is interrupted by her daughter who makes a surprise trip home to get the credit card mom forgot to give her. Wow is daughter Jaye surprised to find mommy fucking Ricky whom she used to babysit. ‘Look , mommy exclaims, he’ all grown up’. Indeed he is Jaye thinks as she looks at that cock he is...

3 years ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 26

“So, you did go over there then, talked to them?” said Victoria. “Yes, and it was a battle. You were right; they hate us,” said Selena. “In retrospect, I can’t blame them. I guess my words hurt the woman real bad. I didn’t need to do that, say the things I said. It was just selfishness on my part. I see that now. The man has done so much for me and for your dad ... well, I just don’t know what I was thinking,” said Victoria. “Yes, and he is my dad too,” said Selena. “He was really hurt and...

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Mothers Day

This is a short story based loosely upon my wife and her ever-continuing quest for big black cock. First off, you need to know a few things about my wife. She is a very small, skinny, petite white woman who stands about 5'1" tall in high heels, weighs in at about 93 pounds, soaking wet, and has very small breasts, (32A) with nipples which stand erect at close to one full inch when aroused. She is a natural blonde, has her hair on her head cut short in a pixie style cut, and closely crops her...

2 years ago
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Stumpy and Olive

As usual, I don't have any idea where this one came from. "Happy birthday, bro." It was a paid subscription to a dating service. A really high priced service, with guarantees of strict confidentiality and carefully screened members. I wasn't smiling. She saw. "Come on now, don't be like that. It's been fourteen months. Have you even gone on a date since then?" "That's your business how, exactly?" She stood up and towered over me. Man I hated that. Being eight inches shorter...

3 years ago
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Enjoyed My Degree Life With My Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hi this is Rahul coming in front of you guys with a new real story, this was happened in 2012 , and at present I don’t have any girl friend and looking for crazy ladies looking for safe and secret relationship in bangalore please mail me everything will be with us so contact me on My previous story is “Amazing weekend with my angel appu” OK let’s come back to the story, again I’ll introduce myself, this is Rahul from bangalore, height 5,10″ and handsome looking guy body type maintaind...

4 years ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book II Darkness on the Edge of SpaceChapter 5 The Last Mission

Malcolm checked his disguise carefully. Two days ago the the fake beard had come off and his skin had its original tone back. He was now sporting a bushy mustache and a blue overall, the latest fad among the many latinos in the city. Yesterday he had finally confessed to Trip that T'Pol would have to undergo a fairly radical change of hairdo, but to his surprise he wasn't angry about it. In fact he had declared it a chance to convince T'Pol to part with the Vulcan mop and go for a...

4 years ago
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Cousins at the Pool

I like to think I am an average 19-year-old man. I am majoring in Finance and Commercial Music at college, I go to the gym three times a week, I go out with friends and get shit face drunk on the weekends. I am happy with the amount of sex I get. I am on the intramural swim and dive team at my university. Nothing too exciting ever happens to me. Today was the exception to that. It was a normal summer day in Florida, the sun was out and everyone was either at the beach or work. Today was my...

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The Hunted

Wednesday 14 May Lieutenant Ostand showed his shield to the young officer guarding the crime scene, then clipped it, visible, to his suit lapel. He took a set of latex gloves and surgical foot coverings from the supply at the taped-off barrier and donned them before ducking under and continuing towards the body. Extraordinary procedures like these were used to preserve forensic evidence only on the most highly visible and important cases. This one qualified. "Andy, Phil," he greeted the...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex With Suman Aunty

Hello all guys and gals hope you are doing well. Today I am going to share an incident which happened to me when I was just 24 years old it was my first sex experience and that too with one of my neighbour aunty. I like her very much I had fanatic about her and I masturbate 2 to 3 time in her name. She is 35y her name was Suman and body was 36D 28 34. I was staying with my parents and I’m doing job in MNC as a manager. I’m Rajesh (Name Change) from Mumbai 5.9” average body and cock 6” long and...

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Coed Shower

Dylan met Kara at the gate. (It was before 9/11 and non-passengers were still allowed into the security area.) Kara wrapped her arms around him and planted a wet, sexy kiss on his lips. She whispered in his ear, "I want you so bad, I don't know if I can wait 'til we get to the island." "What got you so horny?" "I was flirting with a coupla guys on the plane and got worked up thinking about you," Kara whispered in his ear. ['Turbulence'] Dylan didn't really believe she had been...

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Act in Haste

Originally Hasty Act, picked up from StorySite, edited and corrected a bit. Act in Haste by Ann O'Nonymous "Ahh," sighed Joe Harper. He had spent most of the school day observing Monica Grant, one of the prettiest girls at school. She had softly curling black hair falling to her shoulders, faultless emerald-green eyes, a cute upturned pert nose, and a 34-24-34 well-tanned body with a pair of legs any model would be proud of. In fact, he already spent most of his school year...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 27 Clinic Days 1 and 2

"Since most of us have bad eyes, there is always one of us that stays out of a game to check over the cards just to be sure that we have the cards we think. We all rotate between games so that no one is left out more than a single hand. Our game is just simple Gin Rummy. The first to get three of one kind and four of another wins. So three threes and four kings is a winning hand. Each turn you can take the top card off the discard pile or draw one from the deck and then have to discard a...

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Gator Bait and Hog Food

I stood looking out the door of my new digs, It was a sliding door and the glass portion was open. I heard giggling and turned and saw three little girls walking hand in hand out on to the pool deck. The middle and largest one wore a short terry robe and had towels over her shoulders. Older sister, about 14 or 15 taking her little sisters out to play. They sat at a table near the pool and the middle one threw a ball a short distance on to the grassy area beyond the pool. The smallest one ran...

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A Different Kind of Blind Date

Lucy didn't know what she was thinking but here she was in the hotel lobby asking for a stranger’s room key. It all started a few weeks ago. A friend told her about Lush and she was intrigued. One thing lead to another and she got involved chatting with Jake. He found out that she was a freshman attending a local college. She found out that Jake was older, married and was athletic, or so he wrote. She asked for more information but he was elusive. They had some steamy chats but nothing too...

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Come for Me Kaitie

Katie closed the door and walks into the living room, letting her school bag fall to the floor. "I'm home?" She walked over to the fridge and searched for a snack. Charlie walked in, tying her hair up. "Oh, hey you're home" Katie nodded as she stuffed a muffin into her mouth. Charlie watched her quietly. She couldn't stray her eyes from the sixteen year olds perky breasts. They may have been small, but Charlie was turned on by them more than anything. "Are you going to help me...

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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 7 Ron meets Sally

Ron had told me about the night that he followed Sue and Ronnie to their meeting with ten guys. When I had arrived home, Sue was waiting up for me. She came out to open the front door to welcome me back. She was dressed in a silky see-through nighty and it was obvious she was not wearing a bra or panties. I took her into my arms and kissed her.“Hhhmm, someone is horny tonight.”“You should know by now that is what happens when I have good food and a couple of beers.”“Some guys can’t get it up...

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DevilsFilm Jessie Saint Lulu Chu Seducing My Straight White Best Friend

Poor Jessie. She’s been fired and might not be able to pay rent. Her roommate and best friend Lulu has been encouraging for months to set up her Pussy Chat online site and make money talking to men masturbating. It’s easy, Lulu says, just imagine girls eating your pussy. But how can Jessie do that when she is not a lesbian and has never been with a woman. It’s time to change that surmises Lulu. On Jessies’ first pussy chat call Lulu takes the opportunity to help her best...

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Finding Mr Wrong Ch 02

The slow seductive pitch of Black Velvet filled the Club as Noelle’s heart beat out the same steady rhythm. She thought the height difference would make them look like an odd couple on the floor but somehow it all worked out. She never danced to anything like this, but with him she felt compelled to show some sex appeal. She slowly worked her body against his hearing his raspy breathing, and murmurs of approval. She soon felt a strong hand running over her side guiding her movements. When she...

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Journal of Desire Ch 03

Huey Lewis was accustomed to luxury. Corporations seeking financing courted him as president of the Temperance Hill Guaranty Bank. Huey Lewis looked forward to birthday gifts, VIP box seats at ACC basketball tournament games, private jet flights to watch the top golfers fight for the Masters golf title, to the US Open tennis finals. But from the moment they stepped into the Hay Adams Hotel in Washington, DC, Huey the small town banker was bedazzled. Across from Lafayette Park in front of the...

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One of wifes interracial fantasies

First I wud grab onto his long dangling cock and use him as a leash to follow me wherever I wish to go. Dragging his black ass into the bedroom by his long covk and pushing him down into te bed and slowly stroke that long leash to get his ft dick hard I'd run my tongue slowly up his balls tonguing each one teasing him till I glide up his shaft am envelope his pulsing mushroom head into my mouth. Swirling my tongue around an wrapping my lips into a powerful suction to get him extra hard for when...

5 years ago
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Not A SaintChapter 4 The Capture of Jessica

Friday morning I woke up with a strange feeling. I knew something was going to go good for me. I took a shower letting myself jerk off for a while as I thought about Jessica, my usual masturbation inspiration. I got to work thinking I'd be feeling bad because of my conversation with Jessica the day before, but instead I felt better than I had in a long time. I knew Jessica usually worked late on Friday's to try to get as much work done so she wouldn't have to come in for the weekend. I...

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The FallenChapter 6

Jason found himself several hours' drive away from the place he'd bought, looking for a priest. Ever since he had decided on getting a priest to clear the 'stench' of the demon, he seemed to have been given a direction to follow. This was a new ability. He figured that this was an ability of his previous life as an angel. Angel... it was an idea he found hard to get his mind and thoughts wrapped around. Still... the dreams, the sword... everything pointed in that direction. Clearing his...

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Meeting Mallory Part 1

The sun was not yet baking over the resort as I settled in by the pool. At that point, it was just me and the bartender who was clanking ice into bins as he set up for the day at the swim-up bar. I spread out a towel over a mesh lounge chair and eased back, letting the day begin.I was perhaps half a chapter into my mystery when I heard her flip flops scrape the cement as she approached. Looking up, I watched a brunette, no more than five-foot-three inches tall, in a ball cap with her ponytail...

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I picked up a hitchhiker

Just wanted to tell you about the time I picked up a hitch-hiker!!!! I spent the evening at the gym about a month ago. After my workout session, I left it too late to shower and change, because the gym was closing, so I just grabbed my bag and left the lockerroom. As I ran to my parked car, it was bucketting with rain, a REALLY hard down pour so once I was in my car I pulled off my soaked T-shirt, and was left only wearing my gym shorts while I drove away. At the end of the street was this HOT...

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Impregnating Julie

My next door neighbor is Julie Yamagata. She is 26 years old and married to a real nice guy that goes by the American name of James. He is an engineer for a large Japanese auto company in our town, and he and Julie moved in next door to me last year. He is from Japan, and he met the Japanese-American Julie when he was here for college. The ironic thing is that while she is full blooded Japanese, James is half Japanese, and half British as his mother was white. They have been married for five...

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Cousin Sex Steven and I

All through out my life I have always been close to my cousins. But the one that I used to hang out with the most, was my cousin Steven. He is a year younger then me, but used to do everything together. My family was the family with the money and Steven lived with my grandmother. So he used to always stay the night and always be at our house. I dont know what it is, but i always had a short of crush on Steven. We were both about 15 yrs almost 16. When we found a pile of my step-dad's playboy...

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JJ and His Sin Cyn

As I sit on the tailgate of my truck, I think back over the last few years. There has been sadness, anger, retribution, happiness, and most important my love for another person. My wife and I had a difficult event to deal with but now we can see a light at the end of the tunnel; and it's not a train coming that will run over us. I hope I have time to finish drinking the three fingers of Gentleman Jack in my glass. You see I'm expecting guests to arrive any minute now, don't you know. Well...

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NollieChapter 16

He drove us back to the house and came inside. Rather reluctantly, because he had to get up the next morning at four am. We fed him a hot meal, let him use the shower and put him in the storage room on the bed. After he went to sleep, Nollie and I showered and played. There was sex involved, but neither of us felt the driving urge to cum. She reminded me of her earlier promise, and I told her if it happened, fine. I wasn't looking to cum, I wanted intimacy with my lover. I could kiss the...

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A Bride chapter 23

They thought it was hilarious when I pulled out two denim mini skirts from mum's wardrobe and they gave it the high fives as I reached for two skimpy white tee shirts.The microscopic white g-strings sent them into a fit of giggles and when I reached into another drawer of the dresser and fished out two pairs of hold up stockings, I thought they were going to die laughing."What?" I grinned, feeling very foolish, "What the hell are you laughing at?"They laughed and ushered me out the door,...

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Professor Prick 16

Nikki's Big Day The week began with frantic appointments to try and make arrangements for Saturday, Eddie and Robert were abandoned to their own devices as me and Mum flew around like headless chickens trying to make arrangements. The first appointment was with a dressmaker the choice was simple, well relatively, to begin with did I want a Western style or did I want to go Oriental. My mind had been pretty clear that I wanted Western in fact I had no idea what a Thai wedding dress...

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The CircleChapter 50 Nancy

Brad, Sandy, and Stacy stood just outside airport security and watched as the passengers arriving at the city airport flowed from the planes to the main concourse, and then headed for the escalators to go and get their luggage. It was Friday evening. Brad kept looking at the photograph of his daughter, and then looking up a scanning the crowd, looking way down into the secure area as deplaning passengers streamed towards him. Suddenly, there she was. A brunette with long hair tied back in a...

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I Know What The Hell Is Wrong With My Best Friend And Step Brother

They both looked up at me with odd faces. "Come on, Naomi, turn off 'bitch mode' already. He is in love with you and probably me too, let's just have some fun with him." "You just told him to give up on getting me so you could be with me!" I yelled, putting my hands out. "This just proves you are a psycho!" Then his hand wandered down towards his crotch and he guided his cock into her pussy. "Oh, I've missed that," she moaned, positioning her hands up onto his head. "Even though it has only...

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The mixed blessing

Bill and Nancy lived in a suburb of Los Angeles California and had been married for 20 years. They met in high school, fell in love immediately, and had maintained a faithful relationship throughout. Both had long-standing professional careers which allowed them no time for a family vacation. They had been saving for many years, fearing that their son would become a man before having had the opportunity to take one together. So in preparation for Paul’s 17th birthday, Bill and Nancy planned...

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Willow and her Dad Part two1

~ A story in the Young Fern Universe ~ Willow is living with her Dad now and has settled into a comfortable routine. ~ Willow and I sat and watched the sun go down from my sixth floor apartment and cuddled on the couch chair. ‘RING’ I had ordered some Indian food and was expecting the door bell to ring. Willow hopped up to answer the door and brought back some sweet smelling Butter Chicken and curry dishes. We ate and she talked about her time spent with Uncle Mike, Tom and his...

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The first handjob on a Otaku

This is my first story, I am bisexual and although I really like women that does not stop men like me also ...Near the apartment there lived a boy who always pretended Otaku printing for my tits, at first I did not care what he did with his life and always joked telling him to stop having erections when he was close to me.Three days later, I discover I had tons of pictures and artwork of hentai anime of all kinds of genres and all that kind of pictures, I saw a picture of Hinata of Naruto...

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Discovered Ammi8217s Slutty Side 8211 Part 8

Hi all. I’m back with another story of my ongoing series. About me, I’m Sarfaraz Khan, a 24 year male from a South Indian city. I have been involved with women from almost all walks of life and believe in seduction and sex rather than forcing. I’ve written more than . This series is about one of my reader’s moms named Tabassum, a 45-year old lady who loves enjoyment no matter with whom and where. Those who haven’t read the previous parts of the series can read them. So in Altaf’s own words,...

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Long Ago Christmas Party Sex

Leslie was a waitress where I worked, she always seemed a bit shy, but was always more bold and flirty when she drank, luckily for me it was somewhat frequent. I had known her in passing before we started working together, and once when she was a hostess, I saw her dressed up and in black pantyhose. It was difficult to gauge how she felt about me, but we were casual friends, and talked at the bar after work on occasion. Little did I know that my first sexual encounter with her was with her in...

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Let me back up and tell you about myself. Firstly, my name is Kale, yes like the vegetable. My wife is Maria, and our son is Kevin. My parents had divorced when I was in my early teens and my Dad, Kane, had married my step-mom Karen. Anyways, we live in Tennessee and enjoy the hustle and bustle of Nashville life. Growing up my parents traveled a lot, but after the divorce my Dad, all of us kids and his new bride settled in Nashville. I have 3 other siblings who live in other states, but that...

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DaftSex Anal

It’s time to head down to brown town with this next site. No, I’m not talking about scat. Thank fucking god. Time to go down and get freaky with some anal porn. One of the most popular fetishes out there. It’s up there with all of you freaky feet lovers out there. But there’s something super-hot about going to pound town on some bodacious babes’ plumb booty. And people love that shit for a reason. It’s tighter and feels fucking awesome. You know you’ve got a keeper when she likes taking it in...

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