Seashells Ch. 01 free porn video

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Part 1 of 6 Copyright @calibeachgirl

All rights reserved, 2012

Thanks to Lewis, Bill and Elliot for their support…


There was an urgent knocking on the apartment door. William Doyle, Bill to his friends, finally waking up into the morning sun, pulled on a pair of trousers and went to answer it. A Western Union boy was there, holding out a telegram in his left hand, his open right palm waiting for what he considered the customary tip.

After taking the telegram, Bill reached into his pocket and flipped him a nickel. ‘Here.’

‘I’m to wait for a reply,’ the boy said, leaning against the door-jamb.

‘Wait a minute,’ replied Bill as he shut the door in the boy’s face.

In his own room, Jack was just sitting up in bed, suffering through another faulty rendition of ‘When My Baby Smiles At Me’ playing in the apartment below. God, he thought, let me sleep. Wondering who would be knocking on the door so early in the morning, he looked at the nightstand clock. Seven o’clock! It was too early on a Saturday morning to be awake, he thought, especially following a late Friday night. The girls the night before had been so friendly as the liquor flowed in the speakeasy. His throat was still hoarse from the cigarettes he had smoked. He decided it was time to quit smoking.

‘A telegram came for you,’ said Bill, looking in from the room’s doorway, laughing at his friend’s plight. ‘It would seem to be a matter of some urgency since the boy is waiting for an answer.’

‘A telegram?’ he asked in surprise. ‘Who would send…?’ He wondered if it were from some angry father demanding the righting of some perceived wrong upon his daughter. God, he thought, it’s 1925! Things were different, now, the War had seen to that. If some wonderful young girl wants to bestow her favors upon him, who was he to complain?

Making an effort to conceal his concern, he took the telegram and opened the light yellow envelope. If it were about some girl, wouldn’t it have made more sense for the angry father to arrive in person?

A single glance at the telegram was enough to relieve Jack’s apprehension. It was from someone named G. Lincoln, whoever that was, about his uncle whom he had not seen in more than ten years.

‘This comes from someone working for my uncle. It seems he’s quite ill and wants me to come see him.’ He looked up, confused. ‘Why now? Just because he’s sick?’

Bill hesitated. Jack’s uncle was quite well-to-do, incredibly well-to-do, but a grim, rigid, humorless man, prone to condemn anyone whose nature differed from his own and quick to condemn any fancied immorality which he perceived in the conduct of those around him. The moral and religious principles that Jack’s father had possessed in a more moderate degree had been transformed by his uncle into a kind of fanaticism.

But, Jack knew, his uncle’s fanaticism was inconsistent. While he constantly preached about the virtues of humility and speaking against the pursuit of worldly wealth, he still had condemned Jack’s father for marrying ‘beneath’ him. In the meantime, he, himself, had amassed a huge fortune.

Jack had not wanted to accept the summons. He had been sixteen, the first and last time he had spent time with his uncle, and the circumstances of his having so recently lost his mother made him all the more determined to have nothing to do with the man who had loudly failed to appreciate her merits and beauty.

‘You know,’ his uncle had said, ‘that you’re my heir should anything happen to me. Someday, all this will be yours.’

‘Well,’ said Bill, ‘you might as well go on and see him and see what’s what. Stay a week or so, and if you don’t like it come back early but it would do you good to get away from here, if even only for a little.’

‘I guess I could go and see him. I thought he had gotten married a while ago. I wonder what happened there.’ Of course, Jack thought, all talk of inheritance had changed when his uncle remarried following the death of his wife… a quite young woman, Jack had heard.

He remembered his visit so many years ago. His uncle was a man of unbending… Jack really had no word for whatever his uncle was. The man was a miser, never spending an unnecessary penny even if his life depended on it.

‘Damn it!’ he exclaimed, finally getting out of bed. ‘I might as well go. Tell the boy to send a reply saying so, will you?’ He went into the bathroom, soaped his brush and lathered his face, then shaved and finally started the shower, waiting for the water to warm up. A half-hour later, shaved, showered and dressed, he went into the kitchen for breakfast.

‘I fixed you a couple of eggs and some bacon. Anything else, you’re on your own,’ said Bill as he set the dish down on the table. ‘Eat up.’

He wondered what circumstances could have motivated his uncle to renew his relationship with him.

That morning, Jack reluctantly went to the Southern Pacific Railroad station to arrange for a ticket from Los Angeles to the coastal community where his uncle had his manse. He thought about taking Bill with him but decided not to. He didn’t want to subject his friend to his uncle’s whims about life and religion.

The next morning, as he was packing his valise for the trip, there was another knock on the door. Opening the door, Jack looked at the Western Union boy who had returned, yet again. He held out a second telegram.

Jack opened the second telegram and his eyes widened as he read the typed letters. ‘Oh, my God!’ he exclaimed to Bill and the waiting boy. ‘My uncle’s dead and evidently, so are his second wife and child. Damn!’

‘What happened?’ asked Bill, just leaving the bathroom.

‘They died from diphtheria, all three of them. Damn, the boy couldn’t be more than six. That’s horrible.’

‘What are you going to do now?’

‘I don’t know, go there I suppose. What else can I do, now?’

‘Who’s been sending these telegrams, anyways?’

‘The same as the first one… G. Lincoln.’ Jack sat down, silently staring dazedly down at the telegram. He tried to absorb its contents. Bill, hovering nearby, tried to look disinterested, yet was burning with curiosity.

Jack said nothing but passed along the second telegram to Bill. As he watched his friend peruse the message, he knew that nothing would ever be the same.

‘A very sad telegram,’ Bill observed. ‘I’m sorry, Jack. I guess there’s no way you could have possibly gotten there in time, could you?’

‘No, not at all. Eventually, I’m going to have to go.’

‘I wonder who this Lincoln person is?’ asked Bill, still holding the disconcerting telegram.

‘I don’t know but I suppose I should send a telegram telling him that I’ve gotten his news and will attend to it as soon as possible.’ Jack stood up from the kitchen table. ‘I think I’ll go lie down. What with one thing and the other, it’s been an exhausting kind of day, don’t you think? Damn!’

With the announcement of his uncle’s death in the newspaper, Jack’s whole life underwent a sudden and dramatic change. He continued to live in his downtown apartment with his friend, but that was the only part of his life that remained the same. His landlady suddenly became much friendlier, suggesting that a late night rendezvousi would not be rebuffed but he privately thought that he’d rather die than take advantage of her offer.

The greatest change and in some ways, the greatest irritation, was the way he was treated by his acquaintances who now appeared either ill-at-ease in his presence or those whom he had little to do with who were suddenly polite to a fault.

Letters of condolence came from all quarters, accompanied by invitations that would have astonished and gratified him a few years earlier. Astonished as he was, it was now mixed with contempt rather than gratification. So evident was it that his newfound popularity was linked directly to his newfound wealth that he was i
n no danger of having his head turned by it, regardless how lovely the invitation or the young lady came wrapped.

His cynicism was heightened when he received a letter from a former lady friend, one whom he had once offered marriage, who ostensibly was offering condolence for his loss but ended her letter with a few lines, which alluded delicately to the possibility of reconciliation. He left the letter unanswered, throwing it into the wastebasket. When she had turned him down, it had been solely on her perceived need for a wealthier suitor and at the time, he did not fit her image of a husband financially.

There could be no doubt as to the extent of his new wealth, as Jack discovered after a meeting with his uncle’s lawyers in San Francisco. His late uncle’s annual income had numbered in the several tens of millions each year and was derived not only from the rents of many properties but also from stocks in mining, oil, and railroads, and government bonds.

‘I had no idea,’ Jack said, ‘that my uncle owned so many properties in the city,’ when he learned of the full extent of his uncle’s holdings. ‘I must say I am surprised. When I visited him years ago, all he could talk about were the evils in the city. And this property around the harbor, you can’t mean to say that belonged to him? It’s common knowledge that the whole area is given up to speakeasies and brothels.’

John Everett, the attorney who was attending him at this meeting, coughed slightly and spoke in a repressive voice. ‘Your uncle was a shrewd man who did not allow his religious values to stand in the way of making a profit, shall we say. It is true that the property you mention is not the most affluent quarter of the city but I assure you it brings in its rent quite regularly, without fail. Mr. Crawford, it would be in your…’

‘I have no doubt that it does,’ Jack said, ‘but I would prefer not to derive my income from the kind of businesses that are there. It just doesn’t seem right.’

‘If I may… such a move would remove both legal and illegal business. The illegal ones would have no trouble finding somewhere else to establish themselves but the legal ones… they would probably be out of business forever and the financial pain you would cause the hardworking people…’

Jack looked at the attorney, taking the time to consider what the man was saying.

‘Perhaps, Mr. Crawford, it would be best to just sell the properties in question. I am sure we could find a buyer for the lot.’ The lawyer’s mind was already considering ways to turn a quick profit if the properties sold.

After receiving a reluctant consent to pursue the matter, the lawyer moved hastily onto other matters. ‘There’s also your uncle’s townhouse at Pacific Heights, which at present is empty with just a caretaker staff and another house in San Diego. I have already let them know that there has been a change in ownership. I suppose, as you live in Los Angeles, you will wish to have it available for your own use? That is, if you wish to move to San Francisco or San Diego.’

‘I don’t know,’ said Jack, frowning. ‘I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I suppose I had better take a look at the places before I decide what to do about it. What’s the caretaker’s name?’

Everett passed over a sheet of paper with all the information requested and then walked him to the door of the office. Getting into a taxi, he rode over to the townhouse. He wished he had brought Bill along, if nothing more than for the company.

He made a quick tour of the house and saw the dark rooms would need to be refurbished as soon as possible before he would consider living there.

‘And what would you want new furnishings for?’ demanded Higgins, the caretaker, a small man with bushy eyebrows and a belligerent manner. ‘These were all bought by your uncle’s first wife and there’s nothing wrong with them. He’s never had a word of complaint about me in all the forty years I’ve worked for him.’

Jack was taken aback by the man’s attitude. ‘That’s very nice, Mr. Higgins, but tastes change over time and with different people. Please have these dust sheets removed and see that everything has a thorough cleaning as soon as possible. I’ll come back in a week or so and look it over and decide which of the furnishings I want to dispose of.’

The old man glowered at him in silence. Jack considered firing him on the spot but decided to see what would happen. Forty years of service was a long time, he thought, and endeavored to give the man one more chance.

He already felt it might have been hasty to have talked to Higgins before understanding completely the dynamics of the household.

He returned to Los Angeles.

Chapter 2

‘While you were gone, there was another telegram from Lincoln. He still wants to know when you’re coming to settle the affairs of the coastal estate. What did he call it?’

‘Windcliff, it’s called Windcliff, between Carmel and Big Sur. But first, I want to go to San Diego. You want to come with me?’

It was true that for a time he debated whether to go to Windcliff first but the memory of his earlier visit had caused him to delay as much as possible. Instead, he decided to travel south to his uncle’s house in Coronado. He had received a letter from the housekeeper there, inquiring politely if he meant to come and see the property there. After his miserable time with Higgins, a change of scenery was what he needed and sunny San Diego was just what he wanted.

‘Sure, that sounds like fun. Let me pack a case. When do we leave?’

‘This afternoon, if we can get tickets. Let me call the Santa Fe station.’

Bill looked out the window at the endless blue of the Pacific as the train journeyed south. ‘Thanks,’ he said. ‘I appreciate your taking me along.’

‘That’s all right. I’m glad for the company. I wonder what this place will look like. At least the housekeeper seems to be nicer than that ogre Higgins in San Francisco. I’m going to let him go as soon as I can.’

At Coronado, the property overlooked the water on the Pacific side and the view was tremendous.

The housekeeper there, Mrs. Smith, was as nice in person as she was in her letter and the rest of the small staff were equally polite and accommodating to his needs. It was even more pleasant to find himself the owner of a wonderful home overlooking the ocean surrounded by large trees.

It had not been his uncle’s habit to spend much time at Coronado, so the house had little influence from his dubious tastes. It seemed, on the contrary, a warm and friendly house and it soon became apparent that the staff preferred the new owner.

For the first time since inheriting, Jack felt as though he were coming to terms with his new position in life and he finally entered eagerly into the business of running the small empire his uncle had left him. He found so much to interest him that he and Bill spent the entire winter there and it wasn’t until early March that he began, reluctantly, to think of finally visiting Windcliff.

He knew he could not put off visiting the estate south of Carmel any longer. He had not received any further telegrams from Lincoln but his conscience reminded him that he had neither visited his uncle’s grave nor the people still waiting for him to come.

Jack supposed there were other matters to keep his attention as well so, after sending a telegram to Lincoln, he and Bill packed their bags once again and set off on the long journey to Monterey, stopping at Los Angeles to change trains.

The train ride up the coast took most of the day. After leaving Los Angeles early in the morning, the train made its way north and in the late afternoon they finally reached Castroville where they caught a branch train to Monterey.

‘I’m for spending the night. I don’t fancy trying to drive to the place in the dark,’ Jack said, watching the sun set into the Pacific. The two friends walked from the station to the nearest hotel and boo
ked two rooms for the night and after having dinner, retired for the evening, tired from the long trip.

The next day, after breakfast, they arranged for a hired car to take them south to Windcliff. ‘Are you sure,’ Jack asked, ‘that we can’t leave any earlier?’

‘Yes, that’s the earliest. It’s already been hired for the morning.’

‘I wasn’t expecting this,’ Bill said, later as the new Ford touring car arrived in front of the hotel. ‘Good, he has the top down. It should be a beautiful day for the ride.’ As exuberant as Bill was, though, his enthusiasm died quickly after the car began to bounce along the ruts in the road.

Jack was conflicted about returning to the estate he had once visited ten years earlier and the closer to the estate they were, the quieter he became. By the time they arrived, it was early evening and he had been almost silent for the last hour.

‘Cheerful looking place, isn’t it?’ asked Bill upon seeing Windcliff for the first time.

The hired car came to a halt at the top of the drive, which opened into a courtyard fronted by the mansion’s large covered porch. Jack got out, followed by Bill who continued to stare at the building and its elegant rooflines now fading into the twilight.

‘I don’t see any lights. I wonder if your telegram went astray, somehow and there’s no one here. It doesn’t look like we were expected.’

The air was chilly, something he still wasn’t used to, especially coming from Southern California.

‘No, it doesn’t, does it?’ said Jack, also looking at the house. ‘But, maybe it’s too early for them. I don’t know.’ He walked up to the front door and was going to knock when it suddenly opened inward so that he had to catch himself to keep from falling into the arms of the woman who had opened it.

She was a young woman of perhaps twenty-five years of age, though dressed in a manner that made her seem much older and whose skin was the color of fine chocolate. Her high-collared brown dress reached to her neck with nothing to enliven its lines and her dark hair was drawn back into a knot at the back of her head without a single curl or wave to soften its severity. Notwithstanding this, she was a pretty woman whose features were better able to withstand a look than others. But it was her air of self-possession that distinguished her, even more than her smooth oval face, high cheekbones and large dark eyes. As he tried to right himself in the doorway, she surveyed him with a look that was at once interested and highly critical.

He wasn’t there to start any kind of relationship, especially one with a colored girl but this one was catching his interest… at least a little, he told himself. Was it a happenstance of just being there? He didn’t know. Why was he reacting as he was? He never had any interest with colored girls.

‘Good evening,’ she said, blocking the doorway. ‘May I help you?’

‘Good evening,’ he replied, smiling at her in a tentative manner. ‘My name is Jack Crawford. I’m…’

The woman seemed too young to be the housekeeper but she was obviously not a housemaid, unless it was a housemaid of a very superior attitude. She made no effort to help him and stood regarding him with a slightly critical gaze.

‘I sent a telegram,’ he said, awkwardly. ‘I have been receiving telegrams from one of my uncle’s servants here, a man named G. Lincoln. Perhaps you would be so good as to inform him that I have arrived?’

The woman regarded him a moment longer and then with a faint smile, said, ‘I am Georgia Lincoln. I have been expecting you. Please, come in.’

‘Bill, ask the driver if he wants to spend the night or is he going to drive back tonight.’

While his friend went to talk to the driver leaning against his black automobile, Jack walked in and followed the woman into a great room with a dark and cold fireplace, his mind whirling with startled speculations. It had never entered into his head that the unknown G. Lincoln might be a woman, let alone a colored one.

Looking at her slim, straight back in her brown dress, he wondered what position she had filled in his late uncle’s household. It struck him that she was a very attractive woman, in spite of her drab dress and severe hairstyle. He was regarding her legs with a slight sense of arousal when she turned to address him.

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After it was all over, they all went back to the mirror, gave kisses and hugs and returned. Tom went to bed that night, satisfied more than he could ever imagine. Mean while, at the Simpsons house Rebecca and Jill were naked, in bed together, trying to look at the magazine, they were overcome with such feelings of arousal they had to try each other out. Now laying in each other’s arms, naked and still rubbing their pussies together. It feels like it will last forever. Beth was in her room,...

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How long would you survive

When you wake up, it is quiet. You aren't sure where you are and you don't remember how you got here, but you are pretty sure that your bed isn't this uncomfortable. Your eyes aren't closed but you cannot see as you seem to be blindfolded. When you reach to remove the blindfold, your hand stops suddenly before you can touch your face. After a few moments of disbelief, you realize that you are restrained with some kind of bonds around your wrists. You didn't notice it at first, but now that you...

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Siblings cant be Separated

My eagerness slowed down when I learned that the baby was a girl. I was expecting to get a brother who I could fight and teach cool things to do, I already had a sister why do I need another one? When I first saw her, I changed my opinion. I taught her everything I knew, how to kick a soccer ball, how to get out of trouble, how to play games on the computer. She looked up to me and I loved the attention I got from her. I would get into fights for her at preschool and lots of...

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Trysting with Lauren and Dimitri

Lauren crossed York Avenue, reading the sign at the entrance to the park. She proceeded into the park as directed, noting the landmark, a yellow-sided low building, and continued eastward toward the gate at the far side of the park. She saw the back of a man wearing a blazer and cap, looking out over the drive and the river and wend to stand near him, just not too close. Glancing to the side she saw him smile slightly. "Lauren?" he quietly asked. "Only if you are Dimitri" she replied,...

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Catfishing My Girlfriends Dad

“My god Simon! Don’t you get it! You need to get a job! I know you are waiting on auditions but you have to bring in some money in the meantime!” Tawnya screamed at her boyfriend who was lounging by the pool. “Babe! You just don’t get it! Acting is a lot harder than it looks! I am spending all my time reading scripts, going to acting classes, meeting with producers. I have to dedicate all of my time to acting or my dream will never happen!” Simon said standing up from his pool lounger. “And...

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Pokeher Night

NOTE: This is another story written by request for a married couple. Craig was at home working on a budget proposal on his computer when it crashed. He cursed, but was happy that he had recently saved his work to his USB. As he wondered how he would finish this without going to work he saw his wife's laptop. He grabbed it and flipped it open. A website was already up called Storiesonline and it was in a search engine under loving wives group sex. As he investigated further, he found his...

4 years ago
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The JaysChapter 21

The aircraft turned onto the runway and, with a muted roar, surged forward. Libby gripped the arms of her seat. It lifted off the runway and everything became smoother but there was no lessening of the noise. There was a clunk and the plane shook slightly. "Retracting the wheels," smiled Jean. Libby let out the breath she had been holding but she did not relax her grip on the armrests. Not long after there was a reduction in engine noise and the plane levelled out. The seat belt lights...

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Heathyr Hoffman ghost hunters lesbian love story

After being chosen as the winner of the SyFy channel reality show "ghost hunters academy" in 2009 and given a permanent role as a co-host on ghost hunters and then later ghost hunters international, Heathyr Hoffman couldn't possibly be happier with her life as a reality television celebrity.Being on “Ghost Hunters International” was a blast. Heathyr Hoffman couldn’t imagine a better career than globe-trotting while looking for paranormal activity wherever it might occur. This enhanced a...

2 years ago
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A Slaves Life

A Slave's LifePART I        My arms hurt after having my hands tied behind my back for the long car ride. The driver never said a word to me. I tried to talk to him, but he only closed the divider between the back and the front of the limo. I longed to have my hands untied and maybe I could enjoy the ride in the limo. To get my mind off my arms I looked out of the darkly tinted windows. The car was driving through a neighborhood filled with huge homes. Three stories seemed to be the average....

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My First Sexual Experience

When I was in high-school I never had much luck with the girls... A make-out session here, get drunk and touch eachother there, but not much in the orgasm department... Once there was a party I went to where I hooked up with a girl and I ate her out before she attempted to give me a blow job. I was surprised how long I was lasting while she sucked my dick, but it was more than likely because of the booze. I think we had a bit too much... well, I know she had too much. After about 15 minutes of...

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Me and a very sexy english teacher called Miss fis

when i was about 14 and in Year 9 i had a very sexy english teacher called Miss fisher And she was well fit with Long blond hair and a Nice Ars she New i like her and she Would Bend over in front of me and when i was doing my work she would Always make Out to Look at my work but all she wanted to do is make it so i could See Her cleveage then One Day i had a english One on One with her and i could Tell she was horny then i felt her put her hand on my Leg Miss Fisher say David i know u want me...

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Odd Man in CollegeChapter 05

Nancy arrives with a huge grin, and she’s loaded down with shopping bags. Lyn stands to take most of the bags off her while saying, “I didn’t think you still needed this much in the way of new clothes!” She grins when she replies, “I don’t, right now. But most of this is for you. Bethany kept a note of your measurements from the other day. I’ve got a new wardrobe and now we have most of yours too.” “Nancy, where did you get enough to pay for all this?” “I didn’t! You did. I was in there to...

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SoulmatesChapter 10

Megan opened the door to her mother's house with her key. Buster the dog heard her come in and came running. She heard her mother's voice, coming from the study. "Meggie, is that you?" "Yes, Mama," she said. She hung up her coat, took off her shoes and walked down the hall to the study. Her mother was sitting in front of the computer. Megan stood beside her and put her hand on her mother's shoulder. "Mama, can we talk?" Her mother smiled up at her. "Of course we can, baby. I'm...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Visitor2

Gary was lost in the moment of passion as he rapidly sexed my unprotected bung hole. Whimpering quickly like a wild a****l, I held tightly to my toes as Gary worked up to his finally. Like a luv struck teenager, I laid beneath Gary spread open allowing him to have his way with me till he gave out a low growl and rapidly slammed back and forth till he lodged all his man meat deep in my bowels and his mighty penis exploded like Krakatoa flooding my anal chute with his thick, white, baby batter....

2 years ago
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Whores and black basketball players

Nick Baker held all the cards in this lawsuit. In his early thirties, he was a rising star in the judicial system of the Big Apple. Across the table from him, Graham Gray sat with a worried look on his face. He was an old acquaintance and the attorney for the opposing side in the case. They had to travel to the state capitol for today’s deposition, and probably would not be able to return home until Sunday morning, but everything was working out just great. The settlement in this case...

4 years ago
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Steamy 3sum

Angel & Melanie were best friends growing up. They did everything together. That’s what she told him. He had been dating Angel for a few months now, and they were getting pretty serious. When she said that she wanted him to meet her friend Melanie, he was looking forward to it. He had heard all sorts of stories about the two of them. Grade school antics, dance recitals, junior high, cheerleading, gymnastics, High school, they even applied and attended the same college. Angela told him that they...

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NicoleChapter 3

Nicole caught her flight from Washington to Seattle on Friday. She then got onto a connecting flight from Sea-Tac to Anchorage. She was weary upon arriving and got a cab from the airport to a hotel. She recalled reading something somewhere that Anchorage had experienced the worst earthquake ever recorded in North America in the 1960’s. There was no sign whatsoever of that destructive event. She checked into a Ramada Inn for two nights to catch up on the time zone. Nicole dragged herself...

3 years ago
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Wrestling Plastic

Milly was whipped into the red velcro ropes coming back to a black ebony bombshell of a sex doll with the arm outstretched initiating a clothesline as she went down on the mat selling the move the right away. “Oh, Jasmine the Conqueror takes Milly Sweets down with a freight train of a clothesline. Milly is sure shaken by that,” Dave stated from behind the camera. Milly has her blonde hair in pigtails and she wears a colorful white sports bra with yellow, green, and red stripes over the front as...

4 years ago
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Discovering Ryan

Steve felt incredibly proud of his fifteen year old daughter, Lisa, when she got a full scholarship to a highly exclusive private school. Unfortunately, the school was over three hours away by car, which meant Lisa would have to go there and live on campus. But Steve knew it was the best thing for her even if he started missing her terribly the moment he drove away from the school after moving her into her dorm room. Yet Steve wasn’t the only one who was feeling lonely with Lisa away at...

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My Daughter Sucks

Half way through the summer Sabrina met a new friend. Salina was a local girl and they had an instant connection especially since their names sounded so much alike. Since Sabrina did not know much of the city, Salina offered to show her around town and introduce her to some people. They had a blast hanging out, shopping, and meeting new people. They were like two peas in a pod.Salina was a tall thin big hipped Latina with bright light blue eyes with small perky tits. She wasn't chesty like...

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Connoisseur of Cocks

Connoisseur of Cocks By Cal Y. Pygia Some girls like men's asses and, I must admit, they're nice - nice to look at, nice to spank, nice to massage, nice to kiss. There's nothing wrong with a man's butt, but, for me, its his cock and balls. There's nothing sexier. What do I like about a man's genitals? Everything! (What's not to like?) I admit that I prefer a circumcised prick. I love the way that, without the foreskin, the glans is always exposed. I love the bubblegum-pink,...

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Blazing Shower

I never did get much sleep. Being a nurse in the busiest hospital in town can do that to you. Sleeping next to a bear doesn’t help either, tossing and turning, snoring, hogging the covers, how was I to get any sleep!? Of course sex was always known to help but there wasn’t much of that lately with me working and him being sleep all the time. When it did happen there wasn’t much to look forward to. He wasn’t much of a romantic and forget about him wanting to please me. It was all about him....

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Haven And Inessa Flex Their Friendship

"Heidi, hurry up and go after her," Inessa advised me, leaning to me. "Don't let her get away.""I'm naked, though.""Who cares? The woman you love is getting away," Haven whined, waving her hands at me.I bit down on my bottom lip, but after twenty seconds, they both got up and shoved me towards the door. I felt to be in a sauna, but I had to make a move."Fuck it, I love you two," I muttered before I walked out of the apartment. "Hey, Skylar!" I yelled, going after her.She turned to...

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Brother And Sister Doing The Forbidden 8211 Part 1

Hey, this is Vishnu (name changed). I am back after a long gap, in my last story I had told you all how I started to have sex with my mom. Thank you for all those comments and feedbacks. If you have not ready my last post then visit ().Any girl, aunt, widows interested can mail me at I am back with a new post for you guys. This may be a long story but I promise you will cum in your pants. This time it’s one of my readers story I’m posting it on behalf of her . One more request dear readers...

2 years ago
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My friend and I fuck my girlfriend

I used to know a woman named Sue who I met on a plane trip back from the west coast. Sue lived in Pennsylvania and I lived about 100 miles away in New Jersey. After the trip, I visited her at her apartment and we hit it off. Needless to say, we had sex on that first visit and I continued to visit Sue and have sex with her whenever I could. Sue was a somewhat plain woman, heavy, but with thin legs and no ass. But she was a good sport and we enjoyed a wide variety of sexual activities. ...

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Power Chapter Twelve The Dance

A couple of weeks passed and the next LGBT Dance was held. This was something of a misnomer since there were few other dances held at Anthony, and everyone was welcome. The LGBT student association put on the dances. Alcohol was sold at the dance, but only upperclassmen could buy it. Freshmen got the upperclassmen to front for them, so everybody who wanted to drink was able to do so. Since the girls had been to the dance before we asked them what to wear. They said it didn’t matter. Nobody...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Requests 03

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

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Book 3 RavlyrChapter 8 A Healing Time

Natalie sat picking at her dinner, while Rav told her all about Hank's first swimming lesson. she gave a small laugh as Rav described picking up Hank and tossing him into the pool, after Hank had fearfully dipped a toe in once or twice. Once Hank had realized that Rav was not going to let him drown, he relaxed and started to enjoy himself. He told her about Brand joining them and renewing the old family custom called Rav tossing, but now it was Hank tossing. The two men had stood in the...

3 years ago
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STORIES By LJ Everyone has a story. You just have to be willing to listen... When I first saw him, I thought he might be grieving. He stood before a grave, head bowed, features lost in the bulk of a shapeless topcoat. Only as I approached did he straighten, turning to face me when I walked directly up to the nearby grave I was still digging. There was no grief on that cold, impassive face that caused me to flinch as I took an involuntary step away from him. His dark eyes...

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MMF Threesome First time BiSexual Experience

After a long flight, my husband and I finally arrive in Miami for our long-awaited vacation.  It's a sultry, hot evening as we pull up to our art deco hotel on the strip.  We've been looking forward to getting away for several months.  The first thing we want to do is to go salsa dancing.  We've been taking lessons all year and this is the first time we'll get to show off our prowess in public.  As I pull up my black silk nylons and attach them to my garter belt, I relish their silky feel on my...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Tenant And Her Sister

Hi this is ramlingu i am 23 years old i am a very big fan of indiansexstories blog and i am sharing my sexperience with all of you as this experience happened because of this site(blog) which has guided me a lot………..K i will directly come to my story this happened in Bangalore. Ladies or aunties if u are missing sex i am there to help you please reply me to my mail i will surely accompany if you are in bangalore i am staying in yelahanka Bangalore My tenant is shruthi age 32 and having size of...

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Desperate Indian Housewives Part 1

“Who is a husband? Is it he who marries a woman, lives with her under one roof, and fails to satiate her? Or is it he who fulfils her deepest darkest desires whenever he takes her to bed?” Yasmin asked Shalini, puffing a cigarette. The question made Shalini uncomfortable yet made her zone out. Yasmin and Shalini were next-door neighbours and have been friends ever since Shalini moved to her new flat. They bonded like sisters, although they were the exact polar opposite of each other. Yasmin was...

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School Administrative worker

I am Jean a 49 year old woman, an administrative worker for a local high school who is going to tell you one of my own personal stories. I date regularly but for a few years now all of the men I have been dating have not fulfilled in me what I have always craved. When I was a younger engaged in a lot of sex to men who knew how to satisfy my sexual desire to be used and abused by them for their sexual pleasure. Using me for that purpose is something that really gets me off and is what is...

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MyFamilyPies Aria Valencia Vina Sky Lets See Your Flagpole

Aria Valencia and Vina Sky are wearing patriotic bikini tops and camo shorts to celebrate Memorial Day. The girls can’t stop talking about how cute they look. Getting nice and close, they snap a bunch of super sexy selfies. While the girls are focused on the camera, Aria’s stepbrother Ricky Spanish comes creeping out to stare at their hot asses. The girls finally notice, at which point Aria tells Ricky that he’s ruining her family sex fantasy because she’d never fuck...

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My First Experiance

My name is Jay. I am 24 years old at that time. I'm from Surat, India. I had many experiences since I attained my adolescence which you must have gone through my stories posted here. I hope, you have enjoyed them all. One of the sexiest among them, which I was thinking to share since a long time, is here. It’s in 5 parts to conclude my experience in detail.This happened to me when I was 23. I was staying in my Mom's sister's (Aunty) house in the city attending interviews. My uncle is a Sales...

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