Ghostfinger-----totally Non-porn, But Funny As Hel free porn video

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This is the mostly true story of how I lost my finger at work in a tragic yet humorous accident. It is up to you the reader to decide which parts are true, which parts are humorous and which parts I'm just blowing smoke up your ass.

It was a Monday like any other Monday, but this Monday was special. It was Sewards day. Just to refresh your memories, Sewards day is celebrated (in Alaska anyway) for the purchase of Alaska from those Godless commies bastards, the Russians. Trust me when I say they are kicking themselves for letting it go so cheap. In Alaska it is widely celebrated mostly by those gubment workers who don't do anything anyway, so I don't understand why they need another day to do nothing. But I digress. After promptly punching in, I proceeded to my bindery domain to which I have proudly proclaimed myself Bindery Dictator for Life---El Presidente. Now before you go getting up all into my face, please check my Linkedin status. It's legit!. I'm still working on my uniform too, and I must say I look fabulous in gold braids.

The morning was uneventful and going as planned. paper was being folded, hospital forms were being perforated, (or perfed as we call it in the business) and meal tickets were being numbered. I was saving the business cards for after lunch so I could get them finished before the 2 pm pick up. After lunch I was checking the BCs (busines cards) so I could determine which ones were to go first. That's when my right index finger started to itch. Now, that finger gets a lot of paper cuts because I jog a lot of paper, (ok you're going to have to ask some one else what jogging paper means because it's just too long to explain here, but you can ask my brother John, because he was the first one to teach me a usable skill at an early age.) But I digress. So I didn't really give it another thought. It was really itching bad, and I kept rubbing it on my shorts (I wear shorts at work 'cause it gets hot with all the presses running) trying to get rid of that darned itch. I think back now, and wonder if it was trying to tell me something. I just thought that it was a paper cut that was healing.

The cutter I was using was from the 70s and was a real antiquated POS (piece of shit). Since day one I had been trying to get them to get a newer and safer cutter, but to no avail. After all, what the hell did I know about safety on a commercial cutter, the fact that I spent seven years at my last job doing the exact same thing (on a newer, safer AND smarter cutter) and four years in the Air force as a munitions-------sorry, I digress.

So here's the cutter set up. There is a foot pedal that when it is pushed on it brings down a clamp onto the paper with 3000 lbs of pressure to hold it in place while the blade comes down and cuts the paper. The blade can ONLY come down when BOTH hands press the two buttons simultaneously. The clamp can be activated just by the foot pedal leaving your hands free. Got that? Great, moving on. OK so I'm cutting BCs (you remember what those are right?------good) for Providence Hospital (another omen that I completely missed) and there was about a 2 and a 1/2 inch stack of card stock in the cutter. After two cuts a few of the cards on top were skewed. OK pay attention, cause here's how it went down. I lifted my right foot off the pedal and the clamp came up. My heel was resting on the floor as it always did, and the rest of my foot was at an angle that allowed me to push the foot pedal without lifting my whole foot. That's how I've always done it. So, as I reached in to fix the top bc's, my foot subconciously relaxed onto the pedal, causing it to come down with all 3000 lbs of pressure (a major safety design flaw I'd like to point out) and catching my finger between the stack of bc's and the clamp itself.

I instinctively pulled my finger out and stuck it under my left armpit, while jumping up and down and cursing to myself. First "Goddamnit you stupid fuck!!!" followed by a lot of multiple "fuck". So here's the thing. I have done this twice before, but I have only pinched my finger in the clamp. The first two times I went to the kitchen and put my finger in ice water to keep the swelling down. About half an hour later, I was ready for work again. What I did this time was, I pulled up at a steeper angle, rather than straight out, It's too bad my brain didn't send a signal to my foot a nano-second sooner saying "Take your foot off the pedal, you dumbass!!"
So as I'm standing there cursing to myself, my second thought is "OK, better get this thing in some ice"

WARNING: The following scene may be too intense for some viewers. Parental discretion is advised. Or you could just close your eyes and have some one read it to you. Your call.

As I pulled my finger out from under my armpit to look at it, expecting it to start turning that wonderful purple color, instead, I was truly horrified to see a shredded mass of flesh and blood, and I distinctly remember seeing a spot of white and thinking "Ahh it's not so bad I still have my finger nail." Not realising until later that it was the tip of my bone sticking out and not my fingernail. I instantly put a death grip on it and my middle finger thinking I could stem the blood flow that was now spurting all over my hand and making a nice mess on the floor. It was just a tad reminiscent of the scene from Monty Python and the Hoply Grail with the Black Knight and all his limbs getting whacked off and-----sorry, I digress. "Gee, I wonder who's going to have to clean that up" I thought as I started heading to find my supervisor. As I passed through the press room, a pressman saw me coming, and I just held up my hand and said "Hey, Look what I just did" and kept right on moving. My super was sitting at his desk and I remember saying to him "Road trip, you're driving, I gotta go the the hospital". I swear his eyes grew three times their size and he jumps up and we head for the kitchen, which also doubles as our emergency room and breast pumping station. We start looking into the first aid kit which is totally useless. I swear the bandages in the kit were from the leftovers from when they wrapped up King Tut. Not having much success in wrapping up my finger, I just told him to grab a bunch of paper towels and let's go. On the drive to the hospital all I kept thinking was "I can't believe after 25 yrs of doing this shit and working around all sorts of dangerous equipment, I lose a finger on that damn POS cutter." I was also surprised that my finger really didn't hurt that much. There was just some burning sensation, but I figured that was from all the adrenaline my body was producing. That shit works well. I'll tell you when it REALLY was hurting.

"Let's go out to the lobby, Let's go out to the lobby, Let's go out to the lobby, And get ourselves some snacks."

At the ER window ( OK I know you know what that one means) I was thinking I'd get in right away due to the severity of the wound, not to mention all the blood I was dripping everywhere, which I thought was was pretty impressive. Guess again. I sat in the waiting room for close to half an hour before they finally started the process of even looking at me. Next time this happens I'm just gonna pretend to pass out on the floor, and maybe that might get a quicker response. I'm betting not.
So I'm finally in a bed and have a couple of nurses working on me, and believe me when I say they look nothing like the ones in those porno movies that I've-----sorry, I digress. One nurse tries to start dabbing my finger with a gause pad, it felt like an electrical shock hit my hand. Nope, not the worst pain yet. Another lady shows up with a clip board and a stack of paper work and asks basically "Who's springing for this?" I give her my insurance card and say "Workmans comp", the paperwork instantly dissapears. While that was going on, an IV is inserted and the nurse asks me if I'm allergic to morphine. "I don't know, let's find out" She tells me I'll feel a warm rush from top to bottom and I won't feel a thing. AWESOME. That was one of the neatest sensations I've ever felt with d**gs. I thought cocaine was some good-----sorry, I digress. So while I'm waiting for the morphine to really kick in, my supervisor abandons me to go get something to eat. In other words, he went home. My plant manager Kelly (bless her heart) then shows up to keep me company. They were going to try and clean my finger up for the on call doctor to look at it, but again still some pain. "OK, Let's give him another shot of morphine" BOO-FREAKIN-YAH!!
So as I'm waiting for the doctor to look at my finger, the nurses still haven't stopped the bleeding altogether, but at least there is no pain. I lift my hand up to look at my finger, and I see that I've now bled all over my shorts, and my leg. The ER doctor comes in looks at my finger for about three seconds, then says "I'll be back in three hours, I have an emergency in the other room." "WHAT, are you serious?" "Yeah, you can stay here and wait, or you can come back, but you have to have some one with you at all times, and don't fall asleep." He says. Fucking great, I've been up since 5:30am, it is now about 4pm, I'm doped up on morphine and starving, and he wants me back at 7pm for surgery, and oh yeah, I can't eat anything. The only good thing about this right now is that I'm still on the clock and getting overtime. Finally, the nurse gets a bandage on my finger and manages to stop the bleeding.
I decide I wanted to go home, as I only lived about a mile from the hospital. My plant manager Kelly (bless her heart) tells me she'll hang with me and make sure I don't fall asleep. So at my house, what do we do to keep from getting bored? (Get your mind out of the gutter people). Kelly (bless her heart) starts to make a few phone calls to friends we both know. The phone calls pretty much went like this. "Yeah it's me Kelly,----I'm over at Ken's place,-----Guess what he did today.-----He cut his finger off at work.----- Yeah really" At which this point I would interject loudly "I did not cut my finger off, I RIPPED it off" Then we would all laugh about it. I went to change my pants, and as I pulled off my shorts, the right leg of my boxer briefs were soaked in blood. Great, now I know what to add to the first aid kit at work when I go back.

Fast forward three hours, and I'm finally ready to get this finger sewn up. The morphine was still working it's magic, but now the doctor says he's going to inject marcaine directly into the tip of my finger to deaden the nerves so he can really clean it up and cut off all the shredded flesh, and trim the bone down. So now, here is the most painful part of my experience. When the doctor injected the marcaine directly into my finger, I about came out of the fucking bed. That hurt worse than anything I have ever experienced before. Kelly, (bless her heart) stayed with me the whole time and was helping me keep my mind off my finger by telling jokes. While she was doing that, the doctor was cleaning up and trimming the skin off and literally snipping the bone down to the first knuckle. I could hear him working the clippers, and I could hear the bone fragments hitting the aluminum tray that he was working over. Snip---tink snip---tink, "OK here comes the big one" KER-SNAP!---KLANK. Now, I don't recall how we got on the subject, but I remember telling the doc to make it look like a little penis. Well ya know he did a pretty damn good job, in fact-----sorry, I digress. I also asked the doc if this thing would grow back. "Oh Yeah---it'll take awhile, but yeah it'll grow back" Awesome.

A few days later I had to go and get the bandages changed. I'm laying on the table and the nurse carefully takes off the bandages and puts my hand in some kind of solution to get all the crap off. While she was getting new bandages, I held my hand up to get a good look at the new face lift for my finger. "Fuhhhhhhhhck" The nurse heard me and asked if I was ok. "Yeah, just missing a little more than I thought, but I'm ok". For just a split second I was really bummed out, but then that passed and instantly I thought "Chicks digs scars, they're going to go nuts for this".

I was out of work for three days. While I was gone they had to call in a haz-mat team to clean up all the blood that was everywhere, and sanitize all my equipment to make sure there was no residual bio-hazards in my bindery. It cost the company about 13 grand to reprint all the forms that were soaked in blood. The really weird part is, they never found the tip of my finger when they were cleaning up. We had a docu-tech (a high speed black and white printer) operator that said when she was in there right after the accident, she saw a small trail of blood leading to the back of the cutter. She swore that it looked like teeny-tiny footprints. Seriously though, she had a steel plate in her head and was always a little nuts. She is now at API (Alaska Psychiatric Institute). They say she pretends to ride a motorcycle while stabbing wildly at the air around her. Another employee was so scared to even be around that cutter, he just flat out quit and was never heard from again.
As for me, well I got a nice check from workmans comp, and in fact, I figure if I could just lose a couple more fingers, I'll have my house paid off in no time. I can no longer flash the peace sign, it just looks more like a check mark. I finally got a newer, and much SAFER cutter, but it still took them another year or so. We still have and occasionally use that old POS cutter. But you know, I still go to work early. In fact most mornings I'm the first one there. It's kind of nice sitting in my bindery with all the lights off, all the presses are quiet, no noise from my folder. I sit and I look at that POS cutter and sometimes----just sometimes I swear I see my fingertip walking across that cutter and I can faintly hear it, teasing me, taunting me, saying:

"You can't pick your nose anymore, --You can't pick your nose anymore"

Same as Ghostfinger-----totally non-porn, but funny as hel Videos

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A Tribute to Michelle

Michelle and I had a very tumultuous relationship. We'd hit it off great at first. We'd met at a retro-club. I was half in the bag when my friends encouraged me to go out and dance with the statuesque "Amazon", as they had called her. So I did. She gave me her number, we dated for a while and things were generally pretty good. Some of my friends teased me, as she was taller than me. I was 5'10". She stood at a full 6 feet tall without heels. The relationship had not ended well and we had...

2 years ago
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B7 Chapter 8 Rhiannon Takes Over Vengeance On A

Chapter 8: Rhiannon Takes Over - Vengeance On A Goddess Rhiannon had grown. She felt herself swell into even greater size, her mighty cocks lusting to spew forth a flood of milky cum into the depths of the Enchantress' body. She now stood over eight feet in height; the incredible shafts of her cocks looming over the Enchantress in Ebony's body, visibly beating in all their glory and power in strong throbbing pulses, pink and glistening in the lights of the room. The testicles dangling...

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B7 Chapter 6 Rhiannon Takes Over Rhiannon Transf

Chapter 6: Rhiannon Takes Over - Rhiannon Transformed "Well, what we saw earlier was fun, but there's no since putting this off any longer," said Rhiannon. She turned away from the Enchantress, and did her 'heavy breathing' for another minute. She placed her hands over her pussy and crotch, and focused all of her mental powers, channeling the energy in her body into that area, to create the desired effect. Suddenly, it happened. Rhiannon had changed from woman form to shemale form more...

3 years ago
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Journal of an AgentChapter 17 Winona Ryder

"Are you sure you have everything Dean? Briefcase, luggage, passport, tickets..." Damon said, rushing around my office in a fever of activity. "Yes Damon, I'm fine. I have everything. And if I don't, I'll just call you on my cell phone and have you FedEx it, ok?" I replied, standing at the door waiting on him to finish looking around so he could take me to the airport. Damon stopped in the middle of the room, dropping his hands to his side and smiling weakly. "Sorry, I just know...

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Nona 2 Premium Bukkake Interview Before End After

Translator - "Hi Nona"Nona - "Hello"Translator - "Tell me about your feelings after your first bukkake, How was it?"Nona - "I was really amazed because I thought it was completely different"Translator - "How did you imagine it?"Nona - "I imagined it more modest, so when all the boys came into it, it was a bit of a shock, a little mixed, but I tried not to worry and I knew what I did, we focused mainly on myself without distractions"Translator - "Did we love our boys?"Nona - "I like very much,...

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PornPics Latina

Let’s keep it simple, boys and girls. Let’s rewind the clock a good 40 years or so, back to when we used to jerk off to images of naked babes exclusively. I know that videos have been around for a lot longer, but let’s be honest. Most of our first faps were to magazines. Videos were seriously premium shit. Today, we’re kind of spoiled, so for this review, I’d like to tickle your nostalgia bone and take you back to a simpler time. Don’t worry; I’m not taking you back to the era of hairy pussies...

Latina Porn Sites
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Non rifiuto un aiuto per mia sorella

Ho 22 anni vivo in provincia di Firenze, studio, ho una fidanzata carina che non mi fa mancare nulla.La mia famiglia è composta da papà, mamma e una sorella di 19 anni.Mia sorella è 'grassottella', non grassa, sicuramente poco appariscente, non voglio dire che sia brutta. Certamente lei non fa nulla per apparire, a volte un pò di trucco e una gonnellina ti cambiano completamente.Non ha molti amici e a volte il Sabato sera la porto con me e i miei amici, la speranza è sempre che trovi un...

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PornPics Facials

What's up Fuckers?! If you watch as much porn as I do, you might love a good money shot, cumshot, splash to the dome, whatever you want to call it. Many websites show facial videos, but let's talk about a site with facial photos. You'll be getting my opinion on the facials section of PornPics. I'll tell you what I love about this website, give some critiques, and then say what the creators should do to make it even better for the fellas and lady fellas. In the end, I'll give it a score of flop...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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WWAC The Unpleated Nondress

WWAC: The Un-pleated Non-dress by Ashley B. D. Zacharias?I hereby call this meeting of the Wicked Women’s Adventure Club to order.? Lydia looked at the four women sitting around the table and nodded. ?I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our newest member, Miss Amelia Cox.? The four other members nodded at the young woman with the short blond hair and muttered soft words of welcome. She nodded back, nervously. The introduction was needlessly formal because she had met three of...

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Married Preachers Daughter Chapter 15 Rachelle

The ending of Chapter 14 as a lead in: "Ray standing there getting hard watching his wife on her knees swallowing my cum and some on her face and chin and Rachelle just smiling and smirking and saying, "Laura, you and I know better and we were not raised like this!" Laura embarrassed said, "I know" and at that time I told Ray and Laura that Rachelle and I were going out for breakfast, then shopping, then for a day of play at a hotel room. We would be back late that night. Laura was not happy,...

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Watching Helena fucked by Wilhelm

Watching Helena fucked by WilhelmThat autumn afternoon I was home alone; Ana had gone for the weekend to pay some visit to one of her girlfriends in a nearer city.I was checking my mail, when I received one from Helena, my sweet wife’s best friend and lover…I was really surprised, because that bitch had not spoken to me in many time, after we had fucked like rabbits in one cold winter night…It was really shocking to watch Helena in an unusual video. It showed her playing with her dog Wilhelm, a...

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PornPics For Women

Women need to get off too. I know It’s hard for you betas to believe that girls go online and fuck themselves to porn just like you do, but it’s true. Only, it’s a lot hotter when a kinky babe rubs her clit to sensual videos of women getting eaten by a dude who actually knows what he’s doing than when you death grip your micro-cock while getting off for the fifth time that morning to your favorite anal gape videos. I’m not saying chicks aren’t into fucked up shit. They just know when a horny...

Porn for Women Sites
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PornPics GangBang

Just after my father's death, before the wanker Porndude adopted me and dumped me in his mother's basement, I always wondered, why in hell was my mother fucking different men on the same day? Wasn't she getting satisfied by one guy? Bro, from plumbers and delivery guys to any caliber of man that comes her way. Dude, I couldn't concentrate whatsoever until the Porndude came to my rescue.It's until I got laid once by one of the Porndude's hoes after the dude blacked out after taking shots of...

Gangbang Porn Sites
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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Vadro maaer nongra chele

Hi friends! Ami Rohit. Iss e te ami notun. Etai amar prothom lekha. Asakori apnader vaalo lagbe. So jodi vaalo lage tahole pls pls pls amay reply deben. O haa golpo suru korar aage arekta kotha ami bolte chai. Jar lekha pore aami onupranito hoye ei golpo likhte bosechi se holo “partho sengupta”. Iss e te or onek lakha aache, jar sobkota ami porechi. Apnarao obosoi porben. Ami oke gurudev bole mani, tai gurudever uddesse pronam janiye ami amar prothom golpo suru korchi. Golpota amar ek bondhur...

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Jake Peters and I watched the lady friends of Lynette Peters as they played cards at the kitchen table. Jake's comments about Betty, and how he wouldn't mind a roll in the hay with her, surprised me. Jake always dated girls around his own age. Betty was probably in her mid to late thirties. She was pretty, blond and sported a curvy figure. Not overweight, comfy would be the best description. I did notice that she was eyeing us up a bit more than the other women were.   But first a brief...

4 years ago
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Charlenes Not So NonNude Angels Ch 02

CHAPTER TWO The internet’s top three non-nude models, Jardin Découpage, Debbie Romani and Wanda Soldado, stood in front of a plain white backdrop in a photography studio, each wearing nothing except a tiny G-string. They held flags of their native countries in front of them, the French Tricolour for Jardin, the Union Jack for Debbie and the Stars and Stripes for Wanda, the cotton pulled tight across their big, expansive tits. In front of them, the photographer Reinhard clicked away while his...

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Married Preachers Daughter Chapter 14 Rachelle

To set the stage, starting with the ending paragraphs of Chapter 13:"As we fucked Laura, Rachelle, watched in envy and fingered herself, she cum again as Laura cum. Soon Ray filled his wife's ass with his cum and then we switched positions, and I took her ass hard, pulling hair, calling her "our slut" and I used her and degraded her in front of Ray. The things I made her say. Soon she was Cumming again and again. Next she collapsed, used and spent with a stretched ass with cum dripping from...

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Winona Ryder Goes To Jail

Having lost her case, Winona Ryder was now being processed, and issued her orange overalls, prison underwear and toiletries. She was totally humiliated. Her lawyer had assured her it would never come to this. Now, mostly due to his ineptitude she would be spending 90 days in the county jail. "Strip" the female guard ordered, and she began to remove her clothing. As each item was shed another guard took it from her and deposited it in a plastic bag. "It'll be returned after you serve your...

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The Wolf Knight and the Hellcat

The towers were all burning, their thick walls of stone. Burning and crumbling. Strong and proud battlements, subtle and delicate spires, they were all perishing. Below them the city of Maurur was dying as well in smoke and fire. The dwellings of the people those towers had been erected to protect. I admit there were tears in my eyes as everything I had thought so powerful, so eternal, so beyond the reach of others, was reduced to nothing more than a huge bonfire obscuring the morning sun with...

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Soo on WPORN The Porn Radio Station

WPORN: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, you are listing to radio WPORN for all your alternative porn news. Tonight we have as our guest a lovely mature photo model who we will be calling Soo, who has come to tell us about her day modelling for amateur cameramen. Welcome Soo!Soo: Hello, its nice to be here, thanks for inviting me.WPORN: Not at all, its our pleasure. Now Soo, maybe you could tell us about your day – was it a fairly typical one?Soo: Yes, pretty much so, a bit quiet as I had some...

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Some chick’s buttcrack was hanging out in front of me at the grocery store this morning as she grabbed something off the bottom shelf. She’d gone through a lot of trouble to mask up to prevent the spread of COVID but seemed to make no effort to halt that subtle spread of her cheeks as she squatted low, her booty cleavage exposed to me, and any other voyeur who happened to be around. I reached for my phone to snap a souvenir, but by the time I pulled it from my pocket, the young hottie had stood...

Premium Voyeur Porn Sites
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PornPics Vintage

It’s hard to beat the classics. Those hot pornstars of old had a unique technique the studios just can’t capture these days. And, hell, porn shot on film just has a whole different feel to it. And to be precise, I’m not referring to the early 2000s porn featuring scene bitches and dudes wearing parachute pants. That shit isn’t proper vintage. I’m talking about that good stuff from the 80s and back when just having a porn shoot of a mixed-race couple was a goddamn sensation. I want sluts with...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Anon V seems like a rather simple website, does it not? Well, it sure does look like that to me, which isn't that surprising, since I've seen dozens of pornographic pages, and obvious can't fool me. Or can it? So, even though it does seem like one of those basic-ass pages that exist for the sole purpose of stealing your clicks and getting as much traffic as possible while providing literally little to no content to you that you need so desperately, it truly isn't one of those pages,...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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Bhauja Devar Kathare Raaji Hele

Susthanya: Bhauja mu tike dudha piibi Bhauja: Sabu dina ta sandhya re khaisaile glasse dudha dien je sabu pii ja Aaji kou nua katha hela je separi bikalare kahuchha Susthanya: Hele mu kana kahuthili ki Bhauja: Kichhi kahibar naai Khata re gadutha mu dudha nei jaauchhi gote niswas re sabu pii jiba aau khate soijiba je sakala aatha ta re utheidebi SusthanyaL Tike sighra deba kahiki na pii baku bhari ichha heuchhi Bhauja: Heu ja kahi bhauja kaam re laagigale aau susthanya bedroom khatare bhabi...

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Case 34 Innocence Lust MrPhelps

"You can start any time you want to Brian." I encouraged. "Take as much time as you need.""Well...I don't know where to begin. Should I jump in, and tell the juicy parts first, like Jenny did, or can I just take it as it comes?""Whatever You want,Brian. Whatever makes it easier for you." I smiled at him and leaned forward to take his hand in mine. It was hot and sweaty, and he was shaking like a leaf in the wind. At a nod from me, Malinda got up and walked over to stand behind him. She kissed...

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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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Cocktail Party at Bill Michelles

Introduction: Encounter With Wifes Boss and His Wife I had known about Sues office escapades for several months now and still kept it a secret. I had seen Bill and Michelle several times and no one acted strange in any way, although I secretly had a massive desire to have sex with Michelle. We were invited to a cocktail party at Bill and Michelles house, with some of their friends and neighbors. Sue was the only person from the office invited and the party was a semi-formal get together that...

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