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Ryan settled into his life and classes over the next couple of weeks. He was so accumstomed to his newer self that he seemed to forget about how he used to be. He hadn't seen his father at all since he left the family. It was tough on his mother which really pissed Ryan off. How could his dad leave her to care for the entire house? It was very selfish of him and Ryan felt alot of anger towards his dad. Being the determined person he was, Ryan began playing football again. Of course he wasn't allowed on the team any longer, but he took up playing with some of his brother's friends. Sure they were younger and not nearly as good as he was, but he got to kind of be a role model to them which fed his ego a bit. He had to be careful with how rough he was though because the kids were younger and smaller than him. Ryan got too physical a couple days before and made one of his brother's friends cry after he knocked the wind out of him. Eh, it was good for the kid...built some character into him Ryan thought. Life was ok. It was not perfect, but it was pretty darn good. Ryan kept in the back of head the thought of the next fever. He wondered if just maybe he would stay as he was now. He could live with that, but he feared what the future may bring. Although smaller in stature, he was still all boy and the toughest kid on the block. The thought of losing his maculinity terrified him. Just as he got comfortable and felt impervious to any health issues, Ryan felt the burning in his eyes. He did not want to tell his mom and hoped that it was just a cold or his allergies coming on. Positive thinking Ryan! Don't let this thing capture you! The burning in the eyes turned into what felt like a fever. He began waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and would go from sweating to shivering. He refused to tell anyone though until his teacher Ms Jacobs pulled him aside a couple days later. "Ryan dear, are you feeling ok?" she asked. "I'm fine...why do you ask?" Ryan replied thinking he was doing a good job hiding his issues. "Sweety, I've seen the flush look before. I've seen the tired look from lack of sleep several times. I've seen the loss of ability to focus and concentrate, and trust me, it's not from normal teenage boredom. You haven't been feeling right lately have you?" she asked in a concerned tone. "Not great. I mean I'm ok though..." he replied. "Ryan, you are going to have the 2nd fever soon. Does your mom know how you are feeling?" she asked. "Yeah, she knows all about it. I told her already and she thinks the same as you," he lied. His mom had no idea what he was going through, but he didn't want Ms. Jacobs to tell her. "Ok, good. I would suggest you stay around the house and take it easy the next week or so until the fever hits. I'll talk to your mom about it." "Oh that's not necessary. My mom knows more about this than you do. She does not let me go anywhere other than school now," he lied once more. Ms. Jacobs was happy with the response and let him be. Ryan on the other hand was in full panic. The 2nd fever would hit soon? This couldn't be happening! He would not let this get him! Later that day at home, Ryan felt even worse. His vision blurred for a whole hour which freaked him to the extreme. His mother came in to see how school was and Ryan pretended like he was watching tv and was too busy to chat. His vision finally cleared, but his condition seemed to be getting progressively worse. His whole body was aching and he felt so terribly weak. "Dinner time!" he mother yelled through the house. Crap! Ryan had to attend. Maybe he would feel better with something in his stomach. He worked his way downstairs to the dinner table and plopped down. He was perspiring and felt a cold sweat about his entire body. If he could only get through dinner and get some rest all would be well he hoped. The family began to enjoy the great spaghetti dinner mom had prepared. His siblings partook in their usual banter and mom added jabs in every so often. Ryan even jumped in a couple times even though he was having a hard time getting through it. As the dinner went along, the conversation seemed to lose focus to Ryan. The voices drifted into the distance and he could not get his hand to deliver the fork to his mouth. Everything sounded like it was in a distant tunnel and time felt like it was going in slow motion. "Ryan? Are you ok Ryan?" he could hear it but it sounded so far away. He made an effort to turn his head and look at where his mom was. What seemed like minutes to accomplish, his head finally turned enough to see her. He saw a worried look on her face, but her voice was muffled. Everything was moving sooo slow. He attempted to stand to go lay down. If only he could rest for a minute or two he would snap out of this. The next thing he knew he was looking at the ceiling and his mother's face was staring down at him. He couldn't hear anything but a ringing in his ears. His mom's face looked so terrified. She was full of tears. He tried to lift his body but nothing would repsond. He lay there motionless in the ringing silence. Suddenly the light began to fade. He blinked several times in panic trying to clear his sight, but it was to no avail. As his mom and siblings looked on, Ryan's vision faded to darkness. He could not feel, hear or see anything...then his conciousness slipped away as well.... The first thing Ryan became aware of was that he was aware. It seemed as if he had regained a train of thought and that his brain started working after a long rest. Everything was jumbled though as he tried to piece together what was going on. Something weighed heavy on him, but he couldn't nail it down. In an effort to clarify his thoughts, he tried to structure what had transpired that would give him that stressed feeling. He thought back about school, his girlfriend...his condition! Ryan's thoughts instantly organized and his eyes quickly opened. Everything was out focus. He blinked several times to clear his vision and attempted to rub his eyes with his hands. Panic set in as he couldn't move. It was as if his whole body was asleep. His eyes darted back and forth frantically trying to figure out what was going on as he instinctively tried to scream for help. All that came out was a faint, raspy whisper. Determined, Ryan tried to yell out again. He could feel his vocal cords quiver as the volume of his voice increased. "heeellllppp". It was barely audible. He took a second to concentrate his entire being on his vocal cords and took a deep breath. "HEEEEELLLLPPPP!!!!" he screamed. His voice came out! "HEELLLLPPPP!!!" he yelled again. His voice was very raspy and breaking, but he could speak! "Ryan! I'm here baby!" he heard his mother's voice. The sound of her was like a gift from heaven. "What's happening?!?" Ryan asked his mom in a still raspy voice. "You've had the 2nd fever sweety," she replied as she ran her fingers through his hair attempting to calm him down, "Your feeling will be coming back to your body in a couple minutes. You've been asleep for a while Ryan. The numbeness is a result of that. Just relax." Ryan did as he was told and just tried to calm his nerves as he closed his eyes. His mind was still foggy and drifted in and out of focus. He could feel his entire body start to tingle. It reminded him of the feeling he got when his arm would fall asleep at night. It felt like a bunch of springy needles pricking him all over whenever he moved. Even with all that discomfort though, he was thrilled because his movement and feeling was returning. He opened his eyes once more and everything began coming into focus slowly. He could pick up his mom silhouette as well as his brother's and sister's. "Hey Ryan, welcome back," his sister warmly stated as she gave him a hug. "Owwww," he replied. The hug sent needle sensations all over his body. "Dang, he sounds like a girl," his brother quietly said as his sister gave him an elbow to the side and told him to be quiet. "Ryan dear, are you ok?, his mom asked. "I feel like I was hit by a truck..." he stopped. His voice stunned him. He did sound like a girl. "I know baby, this is all normal though. You body went through some changes and that why you are aching," his mom replied. "Mom, I sound like a girl," Ryan said with a shaky voice. "I know honey. Try not to talk too much. Your voice is very raspy," she replied not knowing quite what to say, "Take these pain killers. They will help with the soreness." With his mom's help, Ryan sat up in the bed. His tingling was quickly going away and he could move his body well now. He sipped down the pills with a glass of water. He was so thirsty. "Yes, go ahead and drink all the water Ryan. We kept you hydrated but I'm sure you are craving a drink," she tried to joke. "Mom, everything is still blurred.". Ryan began rubbing his eyes to gain some clarity while freaking out at his wierd voice. "Your vision will return baby, just give it a couple minutes," she replied. "Oh voice." "I will take some time to get used to, but it's going to be ok," she tried to comfort him. "How long was I asleep?" Ryan asked. His body grew stronger by the second as he sat himself up in bed more firmly. "5 weeks honey...a long time." "What?! Oh my gosh mom!" he said in a shocked and very girly tone. "It's going to take a while for all this to settle in Ryan. You are being overloaded with so much right now. Please just try to relax and let me take care of you," she pleaded. Ryan's eyesight was losing its blur. With each passing minute it became that much sharper. "Where am I?" he asked. The room, although still out of focus, looked alot different than his bedroom. There seemed to be alot more posters on the wall and the color was different. Ryan rubbed his eyes again. "You're in my room," his sister replied with aprehension. "Huh?" he replied. He was in his sister's room? "Look at the bright side of this, I get my own room now," his brother joked in a most inappropriate way. "You be quite young man!" his mom scolded. "We moved you in here because it's closer to my room so I could take care of you." Ryan closed his eyes for a minute and contemplated what was happening. Obviously his mother was trying to soften what was happening. He knew that he was moved into his sister's room because he probably had changed enough that he "fit" into a girl's room more that a boy's. He had to reamin calm although he was shaking from nerves of the unknown. He took a deep breath and open his eyes. "I can see you guys now," he stated as his vision cleared, "my voice is so weird." "You sound like me now. I think it's an improvement," his sister joked in a sweet way that made the others giggle. "Yeah, thanks. I have to admit...what am i wearing?" Ryan asked as he just noticed what he was clad in. "You didn't fit into your pajamas anymore so I put you in these," his mom aswered with trepidation. Did she screw up? "No way, mom...really?!? Where did you get these?" he asked. He was shocked that his mom would do this to him. "They're Kristen's I said, your pajamas were swimming on you and I just thought that you may want something more feminine when you woke up. I wasn't sure what to think baby. You can switch clothes if you want." He was wearing a pair of his sister's pajamas. They were familiar to him as he had seen her wear them a couple times before. They were a light lavendar and white pinstripe print. The shorts were short! To make matters worse, they had a little lace along the waistband and around the leg openings. The top was a tank that once again had lace along the bottom. He grew embarassed that his brother and sister were looking at him and pulled the covers over himself. "I'm sorry Ryan, I thought that you might be ok with this," mom stated. "You two ought to leave please." Ryan's siblings left the room. "Please talk to me Ryan. I know this is difficult, but I'm here for you," his mother pleaded. "I can't believe you dressed me like this mom. I know what's happening to me, but you should have asked first." "I know I should have. I wasn't thinking clearly I guess. This is all so new for me too baby. I really screwed up and I'm so sorry," she apologized. "Oh mom, I don't know what to think. Do I look different?" "Yes Ryan. Let me help you over to the mirror," she answered as she helped her son out of bed and over to his sister's full length mirror. The two stood in silence as they beheld the changes that occured. He was tiny! The mother he used to look down at was now 3 inches taller than him. He must have been barely over 5 feet now. He looked so small and fragile. Every trace of his muscles were gone and he looked just plain frail. He walked closer to look at his face. He still looked like Ryan, but everything looked younger and more babyish now. His masculine features were gone and he looked more like he did when he was a little boy. His felt his masculinity drain at the sight of such a small, tender body. Ryan's mom just held her arms on his shoulders as he began to tear up. He couldn't keep his macho act up in the presence of such a drastic change. "Oh mom...why is this happening to me?!?" he cried out as tears flowed down his pretty face. "Oh dear, I don't know baby. I don't know what to say. Things will get easier I promise," she replied as she hugged him deeply. "I can't wear these clothes mom. I don't want to be a girl. I know my body is changing, but I don't have to dress this way if I don't want to right?" "No sweety. We will find boy's clothes that fit you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to Ryan," she tried comforting him. "I need some time alone mom." "Are you going to be ok?" she asked with concern. "Yeah mom, I just need to get my arms around this." With that, his mom left the room. Ryan stood in his sister's room alone. His body he had been hit by a truck. The amount of stress his body must have been under had to have been tremendous. His head, however, was clear now as was his eyesight. He was unconcious for so long! He looked in the full length mirror. The reflection showed a slight resemblance to the guy he used to know. Girl's pajamas? Really mom? He removed the pajama top and laid it on the floor. Where they were once strong and muscular, his arms were now thin and soft. His torso looked like a little boy's with no tone at all. It was as if puberty had never hit. With all the change however, he was still relieved that he still looked like a boy on top. He pulled down the pajama bottoms and there they were...panties. His mom actually decided to put him in girl's underpants during his fever. Did his brother and sister know this? He grew embarrassed once again. The very sad thing was that the panties did not look too out of place. Although he wanted them off, he was fearful of what he would see under the soft, delicate fabric. Would his manhood still be there? Ryan inched off the panties and surveyed the damage. His penis was small. All the magic of puberty that had transformed his best friend into something magnificent had been reversed. It looked like it belonged on a little boy. His heart sunk. This was yet another hit to his maculinty that he was not ready to accept. Ryan reached under to find out how much his balls had shrunk. The hand was met with emptyness and his eyes darted down as he moved his drawfed penis to the side. Everything was gone! His testicles, his ball sack...everything! Ryan grew weak in the knees. This was too much to take in. He put his hands on his face and slumped over. He had to compose himself or else he was going to lose it. Ryan took a deep breath and re-assessed what was happening. No balls meant no testosterone right? A knock came. "Ryan, I brought some boy's clothes," his mom stated. Ryan quickly threw on the pajamas and answered the door. "I grabbed some of your brother's clothes. They will fit you better ok?" "Ok," Ryan answered quietly. "Are you ok sweety?" "I'm alright. This is really shocking to me," he replied in a very feminine voice. "I know. Its something that we all need to get used to, but we are all here for you," she stated in a very warm way. "Thanks mom. I'm gonna change." The clothes were his brother's who was 3 years his junior and yet they were a little big on him. Ryan felt good to be in male garbs regardless. He walked closer to the mirror to observe his face. He was a softer looking version of himself. His eyes seemed bigger although his face looked smaller. His complexion was flawless and almost porcelain-like. He touched his cheek. The skin felt like his girlfriend's. It was so soft, smooth and the pores were microscopic. He worried about what his girlfriend would think of him now. Could he still make her happy or would she want something more? Ryan headed out of the room to face his family once again. He knew the best way to deal with what was happening was head on. That's the way he had always approached life and he wasn't about to change now. "Hey guys," Ryan announced in his female tone as he walked into the family room. His mom, brother and sister were all sitting there almost waiting on him to enter. "Hi sweety. We are all happy to have you back," his mom said with a smile. "Yeah Ryan, it just wasn't the same without you," sister added. "Dude, sorry bro but you look wierd and you sound totally like a chick," his brother quipped. "Jimmy! Don't you dare do this!" mom scolded. "It's ok mom...really," Ryan replied, "I know I look different and I'm not going to act like I don't. My voice is totally tripping me out as well and I know that all of you are thinking the same thing. Jimmy, even though he is a little punk, is the only one who is voicing it. So ask away so that we can get over this uncomfortableness and get on with our lives." "Ok, I have one then," his sister stated, "do you feel different? I mean, do you feel more feminine or anything?" "No way. I'm still the same Ryan as always inside. I know I look different, but nothing is going to change who I am at the core," Ryan replied. "We would expect nothing less from you," his mom said as she patted him on the back. "Do you have tits yet?" little brother added with a jab. "I can still whup your butt little bro so you better be careful with what you say," Ryan joked, "and no...I don't have anything there." The Q&A went on for a while as the mood grew lighter and lighter. Ryan was relieved. He hated being fussed over and the sooner things could just be "normal" the better.

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Blain Benton sat alone in a jail cell. The cops had called it a holding cell, but it was all steel walls with four tiered bunks, two each on opposing walls. The commode and the water fountain were also steel. He had been in drunk tanks before. If this wasn't one, it damn sure favored it, he mused. They had given him a blanket to put between his ass and the cold steel of the bunk. He had tried lying down, but somehow the pain was less when he was sitting up and slumped forward, his forearms...

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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 9 Panorama

The shell of calm I'd learned to wrap myself in while on the ledge served me well when I got back home the following afternoon. Or perhaps it was the shell of exhaustion my parents had managed to build for themselves with almost two days at home without concern for 'my young and tender ears' as Dad referred to them. That was usually said in context of a bit of blue language following a stubbed toe or banged knee, but I understood the upside of my absence for my parents, and I was happy to...

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horny at school

this is a true story .i was in high school and in the 10th grade. i went to the libary and i was bord so i walked two iales over and this guy was seting there . and hesaid wont to see my cock so i said sure .he took out his cock and he was huge like 9 inches and cut .and he was a freshman .i my self am 7 inches and uncut. i have foreskin he said can i touch it i was nervious at first but said ok .he grabed my cock and started strocking me it felt really he kept doing it till i cum and...

3 years ago
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The Confession Ch 08

Kevin was really excited as he got out of the shower and got dressed for his first date with Shannon. He had done the impossible and asked out the girl of his dreams, despite the rumors of many who had struck out before him. He got dressed, combed his hair and sprayed on his favorite cologne in preparation for his date. His mom is going to let him use her car and he had plenty of money for the occasion. Kevin had made reservations at a popular steak house in the area and would leave them time...

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Mumbai Aunty Ko Satisfy K

Hi guys I’m raj from mumbai and I’m a engineering student .Agr kisi aunty ya lady ko thoda enjoy krna hoto mjhe mail kro fbird5410~gmail.Com and ye story mere aunty ke bareme jo unsatisfy thi mere uncle se jisko maine satisfy kiya . Let’s start with the story ye story h april 2017 ki main bata dun jia aunty ke bareme ye story h usko main chodne ko roj sochta tha aur usko soch ke hillata tha daily uska figure tha 36-34-38 tha . Ek din meri mom ne mjhe bola ki jake aunty ke ghr me ye saman deke...

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The Dutch Uncle

Allen looked over his cousin's shoulder to see an expensive looking magazine named, “BOYS LIFE.” In it were depictions of young smooth men being sexually used by hairy bikers dressed in various pieces of leather clothing. “This is your dad’s magazine?”, he asked. Kyle looked up at his cousin and smiled. He lightly bit Allan’s swelling cock through his jeans. “You’re getting hard thinking of my dad fucking you.”, he teased. Allan laughed. “Who’s you’re daddy?”, he said as he released his...

1 year ago
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Fantasie du Jour Sex Shop Delights

As somebody who loves shopping, especially for clothes, I'm no stranger to changing rooms. However, it might be one thing to undress in one located in a dress shop but it's quite another thing when that changing room is at back of a sex shop. You stand inside the tiny booth with me, leaning with your back to the door and watching while I remove all my clothes. One by one I hand you my things - my blouse, skirt, bra, shoes, pantyhose and finally, my panties. You bundle all my clothes into an...

2 years ago
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Level Ground Bk 01 Ch 08

My eyes fluttered open slowly, the room was blurry for a moment, and as my vision focused I could make out the wooden panels of my bedroom walls. I blinked a moment before realizing where I was. Staring up at my cracked ceiling, memories slowly flooded back into my mind and I felt tears spring to my eyes. It wasn’t right. I gritted my teeth and felt a hot surge of anger. It wasn’t right! How could she be dead? She was perfectly fine when they left on Friday. How is this even possible? Maybe...

3 years ago
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My Husband Shares Me with a Friend

Introduction: An afternoon of drinking turns fun… One afternoon I was hanging out with my husband Ben and his friend Eric. They worked together and I had met Eric a handful of times, but I didnt know him that well. We were watching some TV and having a few drinks, and I was getting pretty buzzed. The guys had a few beers and a few shots each and I was having mixed drinks. Whenever I get drunk I get very horny and this has been a bit of a problem in my marriage because when Ben drinks he just...

1 year ago
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Survivor Thicker Than WaterDay 1 Evening And the loser is

Most of the contestants were walking away to the bed and showers and Tarza had been brought back to me by the guards. Tarza was a complicated contestant as she had been a referral and I wasn’t 100% sure if it was ok to vote her out so early. I decided to give her one more chance. “Tarza, are you sure you don’t want to fuck our guest?”. I looked directly at Tarza when I asked it. “Hell no” said Tarza. There was no hesitation in her voice or sign on her face that she was unsure about that...

1 year ago
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OnlyBlowJob Sofia Lee Busty Czech Blows Her Boyfriend

Sofia Lee is that perfect combination of cute and kinky, sexy, sweet, and sinful. She’s that girl who looks innocent, but she’s far from it. In this 4k premium porn Only Blowjob scene the buxom brunette surprises her honey, Nick Ross, with an after-work blowjob. And she brings all of his Birthday fantasy wishes to reality, wearing his favorite lingerie, and eXXXcited for his arrival home from the office. Sofia’s gotten herself all hot and bothered and worked up just thinking...

2 years ago
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The Food DesertChapter 7

It soon became obvious the demand was outstripping the supply by a large margin. I had signed up every farmer I knew and a lot that were friends with them but I didn’t know, and found myself having to pull a small trailer behind my truck, and still selling out. I had five or six folding chairs, and I would take them along, setting them up for Grandma Greely and her friends, along with a canopy for shade. She had become the official hostess, and would hold court while I worked. When it got to...

4 years ago
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Players Trick Book3

Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...

2 years ago
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Gym Buddy

?? His name was Chad. Perfect. He was about five foot eight, with a really well toned but not overly muscular body. I like my fucktoys to be fit, but not more than I am. He was a college student, working at an investment firm while he studied. ?He was totally straight and had a girlfriend. I wouldn't have it any other way. I do a lot of research on a boy before I approach him, but I knew the first time I saw him at the gym, that I had to have his ass. More than that. I had to have him crawling...

3 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 20

When things came clear again, it was very obvious that I wasn't really awake. For one thing, I was sitting on my bed in my old dorm room at Dartmouth. For another, Cooper James was sitting in the chair at my study desk staring at me. "Cooper?" I asked. "Hello Grandfather," he answered gloomily. "I'm sorry," I said, not sure for what. Maybe for lots of things. "Great grandmother never told a soul," he said, letting me know what he thought I was apologizing for. "I always...

2 years ago
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Double or Nothing

A Chastened, FL Tale Call them star-crossed lovers if you will, but Steve and Gabby had this on again, off again romance that left their friends and even closer friends baffled. Steve had presented Gabby with a knock your eye out engagement ring that cost him the price of a Dodge Viper two years earlier only to see Gabby storm off in a huff a month later without giving him or anyone else a reason. Six months later, at a Christmas party celebrating the holidays and the closing of Annie Get...

1 year ago
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Ravaging Of Muslim Slut Soheiba

Hi friends, This is a real-life indian sex story of mine based in the southern city of Hyderabad, home to the famous biryani cuisine, jewels, IT industry and of course white skinned hot Muslim girls. Being a dark proud Hindu myself, I was always fascinated and curious about these extremely fair and hot Muslim babes, who according to me are the best living beings to be explored and checked out. It is in this backdrop that I met this extremely sexy and addictive Muslim kitten called Soheiba while...

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 32 A Weekend at Gretchenrsquos Saturday Morning

As Saturday morning dawned, Nina woke first, initially a little disoriented as she didn’t recognize the bed, and could feel her collar around her neck. In a moment the unfamiliar feeling faded and she smiled to herself as she remembered being at Gretchen’s, and realizing that the warm body beside her was that of her Mistress. Gretchen was lying on her back, still deeply asleep, snoring very softly. Nina smiled again, and decided to do something nice for her mistress. She slowly and carefully...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 95

By the end of the first week of classes, everyone seemed to settle into their new digs. The room dimensions and furnishings were identical but each upstairs apartment reflected the personality of its occupant(s). Katelyn had a large bookshelf where Tiffany’s desk sat in the other apartment. The contents ranged from Frederic Nietzsche to Ellery Queen. There were biographies of Muhammad Ali and The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King alongside the works of David McCullough. There was a picture of...

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Safe Haven

Another beautiful tale of love between a mother and son. This story contains no i****t but is more dirty and perverted than a mom and son fucking. I know my regular readers will like it and as always send me comments/feedback at [email protected] ====================================================================It was 3 in the morning. I was sleeping on the couch. The TV was still on. In a small room next to me was my 47 year old mother on queen bed."Boom", I awoke with a start. Someone was at...

4 years ago
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First Experience With A Married Lady

Hello, everyone, this is my first story at iss so any feedback would be highly appreciated. My name is Kailash and I am from the USA. This is my experience with my colleague outside work. I am an average looking guy with a huge sex drive, this story is from 2 years back when I first met the heroine of this story deepa (name changed). She is a married lady with a 6-year-old kid but she looks very young, she is short and has a great figure 34 26 32. When I first met her I taught she was a college...

1 year ago
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An Introduction to Lesbian SexChapter 2

After the wonderful afternoon being introduced to great lesbian sex with my Katy, and her friend Lucy, I could hardly contain my excitement at the prospect of playing with my schoolfriend Diane and then with Katy and Lucy the following week. I was getting really frustrated as my Dad was around all that weekend, and because he was going away on a golf holiday the following week, Katy made a big fuss of him, and that meant the whole house rocked every night as Katy fucked him for hour after...

2 years ago
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My 53 Year old fuck toy older than my MomTrue

Hi I am single 27 year old male and somehow have gained the useof a 53 year old Slut.I first met her at a Christmas party 2 years ago at my bosses house.She was a friend of his wifes, I didnt even notice her during the party as Iam not attracted to over 50 yo women, and she was no beauty.I had had a lot to drink and was leaving the party when she approached, she reminded me of an old Aunt of mine (She was about 5'3" a bit chubby, blonde, starting to get some deeper lines on her face, smallish...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbour

Another weekend is almost over. It’s already Sunday and I haven’t gotten off properly. Looking at my mom’s porn lesbo videos and magazines just don’t cut it for me anymore. Yeah, I know a 15 year old girl shouldn’t be as horny as I am.I need the real thing, but the thing is, everyone treats me like a “little girl”. I mean I am mature for my age. I have light brown hair, deep sexy brown eyes, a fair complexion, and a tight little body. I see the teen boys and some of the teen girls at school...

3 years ago
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SlutSport Part II

Part II - Day 1 of Tournament Festivities as we get our first glimpse into the Sluttimay Tournament! (It is suggested you read part I for context and backstory). SlutSport - Part II The day had finally arrived. I could barely sleep the night before but I woke up feeling excited and more importantly ready. I was just finishing up my shower when I heard a knock on the door. I threw on some boxers still wet from the shower with no shirt on thinking it was my liason coming to get me...

1 year ago
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Irrestible CoWorker Part Two

The next day Kelly was working from home. I hated those days since I never got to see her, we could only chat on our messaging system. I was sitting at my desk just waiting for Kelly to sign on. When she finally did she messaged me "Good morning handsome!"I responded with, "Good morning beautiful."I asked her about softball and how she is doing today. She went on to explain that she was tired from softball and that she woke up in the middle of the night and had a hard time sleeping since she...

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Matrix Reassignment

Matrix: Reassignment By Radioactive Loner Copyright 2000 A bit flipped somewhere in a plan, a place, a mathematical certainty (as opposed to physical existence) that human minds couldn't perceive even if they tried. And it wasn't really a bit, per se. Binary systems... well this machine had evolved past that. Its entire race had evolved past that. They may have even evolved past the concept of the word 'machine'. Perhaps past words altogether. But...

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Just Foreplay Sex

Hi I’m shahid(name changed) and I would like to write this story in telugu. Nenu andhra lo untanu and naku sex ante chala istam. Na previous is how I fucked my cousin(sister) at my younger age. Ee story lo girl name is shahina. (name changed). Small boobs . Fair and long hair indian style Edhi antha nenu degree complete chesina tharvatha jarigindhi. Na degree exams appudu nenu na maradhalu ki msg chesthu undevadini(ofcourse she started first) . Thanaki nenu ante istam. Intlo exams ki prepare...

1 year ago
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Summer Lust

There was also some family involvement with me. When I was young then when I was older both. The earliest bi involvement was with an uncle; he was a nice guy and I think my willingness scared him away after a while. I did realize, even then at the age of 13 or 14 that he was very afraid of me saying anything to anyone about us. I did enjoy it a lot though.The first time anything happened was during the summer; he’d come to the farm for a visit and suggested we go swimming at a local spot. My...

3 years ago
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New Slave PlanetChapter 17

CONCLUSION When the final show was completed Brianna was given no time to talk to her girls. Holly and Emma, as well as the other teens were quickly claimed and led away by a master or mistress. Jackie and Jennifer were also seized by a mistress, which left her with the nasty old hag that had been teasing her all evening. “First, you’re going to eat me out like a real good lesbian lover and then I’m going give you another session with Herbie.” The old hag laughed at Brianna’s pained...

2 years ago
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Brad Tanaya Ch 09

Brad stood dumb struck for a few moments staring at the sheets of paper on the table, he recognised them as copies of police arrest and charge sheets. He realised with a sinking feeling that either Adam or Janey’s brother had been digging in ‘Tanaya’s past, apparently somewhere back in her teenage years according to the age stated on one of the sheets. Drugs. He had seen no evidence of drugs or drug use in the time he had known ‘Tanaya, hadn’t even heard any whispers of drugs all the times he...

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The Next Chapter of My Life Part 1

THE NEXT CHAPTER OF MY LIFE – Part 1 CHAPTER 1 I watched as the sun began to peek above the purple hills, East of my home in the Texas hill country. I sipped my coffee as the red ball of fire rose slowly in the sky. I thought back to the times when my wife, Alexis, and I would sit out on this same deck and watch the same beautiful light show day after day. We were both early risers and enjoyed sitting outside with our morning coffee, listening to the mooing of our cattle in the...

2 years ago
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How I lost my virginity

My mother had let me have a sleepover with my best pal . After supper we went to bed and I found that  she had a King size bed all to herself. She also had an ensuite bathroom with a bidet.  I laughed when I saw it and  came in to find out what I was laughing at.  She then dropped her jeans and panties and sat astride the bidet and showed me how to use it..  She then left me to get ready for bed.  I decided to have a shower and I then put my pyjamas on.  I went through to the bedroom and  said...


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