Pressing My Buttons free porn video

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Pressing my Buttons Magic Remote RP by Kaitlyn & Jeannie Quinn came in from yet another rough day at the mall, "I hate the holidays," he muttered to his friend John. ?"Least I'm off for the next two days. ?What are you doing?" John, who unlike his college buddy and roommate, had gotten a steady salary paying job. ?And along with it came holiday vacation time. ?"Hey, you're the one who wanted to be an artist. ?I'm off for the rest of the week." "Hardy har har," Quinn mocked. ?"Not so long ago, that's what you wanted to be too. ?A photographer. ?You sold out for a regular office job." "It keeps you here, doesn't it?" Quinn paused a moment, "Yeah. ?Sorry, it's just, the holidays are supposed to be a happy time. ?And I'm pretty sure I saw some guy get punched over who got the last blu-ray disc player. ?I just need to get away for a bit." "Well, my plans for the next couple days were cancelled," said John, "So if you wanna hang out, go to the bar maybe?" "Nah. ?I mean, not right now. ?I just kind of need a drink," Quinn made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a beer, cracked it open and took a slug, "That's the stuff right there. ?Well, what do you want to do?" John raised an eyebrow, "Well. ?There is something we haven't done in a while. ?But I kept it stored for safe keeping." ?He rose from his chair and walked over to his room. "No, wait, dude... ?If you're thinking what I think you're thinking," Quinn stumbled over his words. ?"The last time we used that thing, I ended up looking like some hooker and you and Dean got me so drunk I passed out next to the trash dumpster outside." John unlocked the safe and pulled out a silver universal remote with a flat panel LCD screen. ?He emptied the batteries and put in new ones, then waved it around, "Oh come on dude, that was hilarious. ?And besides, Dean isn't here anymore--" "Yeah, the voice of reason isn't here anymore," Quinn corrected, "Meaning this could turn out possibly worse." "Except I know how to make it better," John said, plopping down on the sofa and pulling out his phone, "You know Michelle, the cute secretary from my work? ?Well, she was asking about you. ?I think I'll invite her over for a little party tonight. ?Tell her to bring a friend." "We'll have to get them pretty drunk," Quinn stated, then realized what John had said, "Michelle asked about me!?" John nodded. ?" Yeah. ?Alright, why don't you make a liquor run, and I'll get some girls over here. ?That should cheer you up. ?And this," he twiddled the remote in the air, "Should make things more interesting." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- Later that night.... John put down the phone just as Quinn walked in the door with a brown paper bag. "Hope you got some white liquor in there, because Ive got two girls coming over to play a drinking game." "White liquor, vodka, spiced rum, Bailey's, mixers for all of them and beer on top. ?Should be exciting," Quinn said, grabbing the first of many drinks for the evening, "I can't believe I let you talk me into this. ?But I've been into Michelle for a long time. ?Can't pass up the opportunity. ?So... ?are we going to test this sucker and make sure it's working properly? ?For our game I mean?" ?Quinn sipped on his rum and coke. "I think we should, after all we don't want it to malfunction and totally ruin your chances with Michelle. Shes bringing along her friend Lindsay, I'm not sure if shes hot or not but I'll be your wing man on that one. Do you wanna be changed or me?" "Well..." Quinn started, "First off, it shouldn't matter if this Lindsay is cute or not. ?Get her drunk enough and you can always make some changes. ?Who knows, maybe she'll even like them. ?Second.. ?the remote is in your hands. ?Guess I'm first." John picked up the remote and looked at it "Let me see" he said as he moved his fingers over the touch screen. "Lets start simple" John touched the age field and dropped the dial down to "15" and pointed at Quinn. Quinn got a little bit shorter, his hair grew out into a teenage style. He lost a lot of muscle mass and no facial hair at all. His face looked quite a bit younger. When it was over he looked like a gangly teenager. "Hope Michelle likes em young" "Gee thanks," the fifteen year old Quinn said, looking at his gangly muscles, "I'm sure Michelle has a thing for dorks with acne. ?Okay, my turn. ?Hand it over." ?Quinn snatched the remote from John's hand, then pointed the remote at John, hitting -ENTER- to select John as the new target, "Hmm, what to test out this time..." he said, thumbing through the different options, "Ahh, let's try this one." His thumb hovered over the "height" option, dropping John down to three and a half feet tall, his clothes now way too big for him, "Hey short stuff." Quinn laughed. "Holy crap" John shouted with his new high pitched voice due to smaller vocal chords. "I look like I should have a TLC reality show. Give me that dam thing" John lunged for the remote but Quinn held it up, taunting John. "Hahaha, this is great. ?Okay okay. ?It works." ?Quinn flipped the remote back to the main menu, and found John's saved profile, "Going up." Quinn joked as he hit the button, returning John to his default self, although he was now a year younger, "Whoops. ?Guess we should have re-recorded our original profiles before testing this sucker. ?But that's an easy fix." ?Quinn uped John's age by a year, then saved over last year's profile, "Can't believe we haven't used this thing in a year." "I think we were pretty spooked, but now that we know what it can do, its less scary" JOHN said after picking up the remote and targeting Quinn. He loaded up Quinns default profile and made a quick adjustment in the anatomy column before zapping him. "There you go" John said with a smirk "Good as new" "Yeah yeah, there we go. ?No more acne!" Quinn said, delighted the device still worked, "So, when are the girls getting here?" He asked, taking up his rum and coke. "They said an hour, but they'll probably take longer. It takes girls awhile to get ready, especially when they don't have a magic remote" "Ha, ain't that the truth," Quinn said, sipping at his glass, "You know... ?We have extra batteries. ?We have a magic remote... ?We could just fast forward--on second thought, fast forwarding isn't appealing to me. ?Waste of life." ?He picked the remote back up, "But I'm sure we could still pass the time, and get an early start on the party." ?Quinn tossed the remote to John, "Now that we've got our profiles saved in the memory, should be fine to play around a bit. ?We'll just change back in an hour." "Haha, I don't have your profile saved exactly" John admitted "I kind of 'shortchanged' you. Down there" John said bursting into laughter. "Wait, you what!?" Quinn spewed, setting down his glass and opening up his pants, "Dammit. ?Damn you John. ?This is why I was hesitant about this. ?Just... ?do whatever. ?Don't make me old though. ?Not over 50. And not younger than 5. ?That's always been our rule." ?Quinn stood in place, closed his eyes and spread his arms, awaiting what his friend might change him into. John smirked and thought for a moment before tinkering with the age button again. Setting it to "6" he pointed and shot, and watched as Quinn turned into a tinier version of himself. "Their you go little buddy, now your dick is perfectly sized. Im sure Michelle will think your just adorable. Chicks like her love kids" "A kid? ?You made me a kid? ?Well fine, two can play at that game," Quinn spoke in his undeveloped voice, "My turn. ?The remote please." John handed the remote to Quinn, "If I'm gonna be a little kid, then I shouldn't be here unsupervised with all this alcohol." ?He pointed the remote at John and dialed in a couple adjustments, then fired, smiling at the changes, "Should I mommy?" ?John aged a bit, but not much as his skin softened and breasts emerged. ?"You made my penis smaller, I decided you didn't deserve one at all." ?Quinn grabbed his rum and coke and sat down on the couch. John felt his breasts and moved his new hair out of his eyes "A girl again? really? As if this wasn't weird enough the first time" John watched little Quinn pick up his rum and coke "DON'T DRINK THAT YOU'LL THROW UP" He grabbed the remote. If you wanna drink, you're gonna have to be in a body meant for it. John fiddled with the remote a bit before zapping Quinn. He grew to almost his original age, but about 5'1. His hair got long and he grew a modest sized chest and smooth legs. He now looked like a college aged girl out for a night of partying "Who needs Michelle when you can be your own drunk girl?" John said as he did a shot of liquor. "Hardy har, very funny," the girl Quinn spoke, looking down at her black party dress, but more importantly, the breasts that filled the cups of it as she finished her drink, "I think I need something a bit more fruity now. ?Oh, and if we're going to party, then you should dress up more I think." Quinn took up the remote and altered John just a bit, adding jewelry, make-up and a tight fitting dress. ?"There. ?Now you can be my fun, sexy aunt." ?Quinn set the remote down, "Wow, french manicured fingers too? You're getting talented with this thing." ?She headed into the kitchen, "Make you a drink? ?I'm thinking sex on the beach." "No, a cougar like me drinks cosmopolitans." John said in his new deep, sultry voice "Man these clothes are uncomfortable. Did you make me wearing Spanx?" "No, but I did increase your cup size." ?Quinn finished making her drink, then carried it out with her, "I just didn't think it'd be a wise decision to make you my boyfriend--er, I mean, a guy my age." She corrected. ?"And this is at least better than when you guys made me be that hooker. ?It was embarrassing being woken up by the trash collectors the next morning." ?She sipped her drink, "Mmm, fruity drinks." "No one said you had to actually go out and hook" John said taking a sip of his cosmo. He loved them as a guy but was always too embarrassed to order "You're the one who always acts in character." He said sitting down, remembering to cross his legs and in the process having his skirt hike up showing some serious thigh. Quinn sat down across from her friend, "Well, can you blame me? ?You two got me drunk, then convinced me to give you each a lap dance. ?I still don't know how I ended up there." she took another sip, "Oh man, I tell you what. ?If there wasn't any stigma about what guys and girls should drink, I'd get these all the time. ?Even so... ?it just tastes better as a girl." "I think the change in hormones does something to your tastebuds or something, I'm not sure." John said as he felt pressure building in his bladder, "I don't suppose you'd be willing to change me back while I went pee" he asked hopefully. Quinn just smiled and shook her head. John went off to the bathroom and giggled as he looked at himself in the mirror. Cougar on the prowl. Trying to remember his brief time as a girl, he lifted his dress up high, pulled down the thong Quinn had put him in, and sat down. After a weird experience he went back out to Quinn...blushing slightly. "That remote has affected my life in the weirdest ways" "Yup. ?Somehow ya never forget your first time using a vagina to pee," Quinn giggled, then realizing she herself had to go, the rum from earlier having rushed right through her, "Oh damn." ?She pranced over on her heels, dangly earrings flopping in her face in tune with her lengthened hair, and situated herself. ?Pulling her panties back up, she walked back out, "Yeah, weird ways. ?So what now? ?We just gonna stay this way until the girl's get here, or you wanna try some other stuff? I'm feeling kinda sexy right now, so I don't mind." "How drunk are you?" John mused at the fact that his friend felt sexy in a foreign, weird, female body "Maybe we could do a few more changes," "Oh, not very," Quinn defended, "It's only my second drink. ?I just meant... ?Gee, I'm not really sure what I meant. ?Maybe what you said is true... ?I do get into character." ?She shrugged, "Cheers to that!" she tapped her glass against John's, then sipped most of her drink down. "Yeah, if you want, let's do some more stuff." "Lets do something a little different" John played with the remote and then zapped Quinn, watching his hair turn black, his skin get paler, and his eyes curve and get thinner till he was a Japanese version of the girl he just was, "Konichiwa, babe." "An Asian chick, eh? ?Nice. ?But now it's my turn again. ?You know how the game works. ?I get a turn, you get a turn." ?She took the remote, "But what to do... ?Maybe you'd like to be a kitty cat?" ?She found the dial for animal changes and zapped John. ?Dark fur sprouted from his skin as his form shrank rapidly. ?"There, you can be my little pet. Consider it payback for the hooker incident." ?She set the remote down, then picked up the little black kitten, "You are kinda cute." Johns senses were heightened and he could feel every hair on his springy body react to being petted. He wagged his tail, lulling Quinn into a false sense of security before looking up, hissing at her, and scratching her arm. "Ouch! ?Hey, it's only for a couple minutes!" Quinn yelped, dropping John and grabbing her arm. ?"Just for that, I'm adding five more minutes to your time as a member of the feline community." John arched his back and puffed out his fur. Wishing like crazy he could tell Quinn how mad he was at him. Quinn strut back to the kitchen, feeling a tad bit smug about what she had done to her friend. ?It was great payback for turning her into a hooker a year ago, and shrinking his penis earlier that night. ?She didn't expect John to be happy about being a cat, but at least for the next ten minutes, that's what he'll be. ?She grabbed a small dish and poured some milk into it for her friend, "There you go. And for good measure..." she poured a slight bit of Bailey's into the mix. John was mad as heck, but without oppossable thumbs there wasn't much he could do about it. ?He resigned to enjoying himself for the next 10 minutes. It was actually kinda cool. He was streamlined. All muscles and claws and teeth. The tail was weird at first but actually kind of cool. It kept him in perfect balance. He was licking himself in the corner and thinking how cool this would be if he still had a penis and how weird a cats vagina looked and felt, he smelled cream being poured. It was intoxicating. He sauntered over to the dish and lapped it up quickly. It was amazing tasting, although a bit off. Familiarly off. "That's a good kitty," Quinn giggled, picking John up once more, "Now, are you going to be a nice kitty and let me pet you? ?I know what you're thinking. ?Am I insane to make you go through this. ?And to tell the honest truth, I don't really have an answer. ?I think I just want you to be aware not to try any funny business like you and Dean pulled last time." ?Quinn sat on the couch with John in her lap, running her fingers through the tuffs of his fur. ? John felt a little woozy. In fact kind of dizzy and sleepy. Even with the tail he was kind of off balance. His super strong kitty stomach wasn't feeling too good. He looked up at Quinn with his big green eyes and mewed weakly. "Well, that was fifteen minutes." ?Quinn picked up the remote and set John down on the floor, "Time to change back deary. ?I'll understand if you're mad, but just remember before you throw a tantrum, I don't HAVE to change you back at all." ?She selected the cat with the remote and hit a few buttons. ?John grew back to human form, shedding all the fur. Except he was still a she. ?In a spandex outfit and a kitty mask that made him vaguely resemble the worst super hero movie heroine of all time. ?"There. ?I thought I'd start off slow in case you wanted to hit me." After changing back to his Milf form, John was breathing heavily. It was weird to go from super sleek kitty body to spandex covered flabby body. The "catsuit" was not flattering on him at all. He took the mask off and stared sternly at Quinn, "That was the WEIRDEST thing that I have ever felt in my entire life. I didn't feel like myself at all." "Sorry... ?Curiosity. ?I don't think we ever tried an animal transformation. ?Had to see if it worked." ?Quinn handed him the remote, "So, where does that leave us? ?The girls should be here soon." "I think we've got time for a few more quickies" John said curtly "I think you need to know what its like to be furry" John selected the Asian girl and selected the "other" button on the remote. He zapped her and with a few minutes she started growing body hair all over her. Not fur, just body hair. It looked like a man's, a very hairy mans. She even had a full beard on her neck. The girl began scratching herself all over, "Ewww... ?I'm like... Chewbacca's wife or something. ?I can't imagine a universe where this counts as being attractive. ?I mean, except I would imagine being a hit with the wookies at a Star Wars convention." She lifted her dress and looked down, "There's hair growing on my boobs. ?Okay smarty pants... what else you got?" "Hahah, if you look further down your skirt and in your underwear you'll see just HOW hairy you are now." John grinned wickedly ?"At least you've still got your fingers and toes. I think ill leave you like this for a while. It'll be a good conversation piece for when the girls get here." "This coming from the guy who five minutes ago was licking his kitty vagina," Quinn replied, looking down at herself in more detail, "And you'd best be changing me back when the girls get here. ?That was the deal. ?We start fresh when they arrive." ?Quinn couldn't stop scratching herself, "Man, it's getting hot too." "Feh, that's just body hair" John said "You try being totally encased in a material designed to trap air and keep you warm. I'm burning up inside this thing. Plus its very unflattering on my ass." "Well then, compromise. ?I suggest we both swap back to our regular selves. ?It's five after, Michelle and her friend will be here any minute. ?I'd like to make a good first impression, and I don't think I can do that as a bearded lady." "OK, me first," John said, tossing Quinn the remote and holding his boobs in his hands and rubbing them, "Gonna miss you girls." ?He looked at Quinn, "Ready when you are." Aiming at the ill-dressed cat-woman, Quinn selected profile 1, which belonged to John as his original form, and clicked the enter key. ?The leather clothing re shifted to John's button up shirt and pants as he body molded itself to fit them perfectly. ?"Okay, that should do it." There was a knock on the door, "They're here! ?Hurry, change me back!" Quinn shoved the remote towards John. John quickly stuck his hand down his pants to make sure everything was as it should be, and when it was he loaded up profile 2 and zapped Quinn back to the form he had save, his regular self with a 2 inches when erect penis. John wondered if he'd notice. Quinn, distracted by the girls at the door, checked himself in the mirror quickly, then ran to open it, "Hi there! ?Michelle, right?" Michelle, dressed in a modest but sexy strapless party dress entered, followed by another girl who looked slightly nerdy, but with a little help could be just as pretty. ?"Hi, yes. ?I'm Michelle. ?This is my roommate Lindsay. ?Hey John!" ? Quinn took their coats as they walked in, closing the door behind them. "You ladies help yourself to a drink while I put these away for you." He grinned, knowing soon they'd be starting their little game. ?He remembered how fun it was the first time they let a girl over and play with the remote... ?Which may have been the same night as the hooker incident, but he just couldn't recall for certain. John showed the ladies to the bar, sizing up Lindsay in the process. She wasnt terrible to look at. She had those weird thick glasses that had gotten trendy lately and her hair was short but not butch short. Medium sized boobs and slightly wide hips meant she was interesting shaped. He poured himself a drink. Not a knockout but he wasn't worried about it. He was mainly here to make sure that Quinn got laid, which was the sacred time honored duty of the wingman. Who knows, maybe Lindsay would be fun. "So, you work with John then," Quinn said, mixing another rum and coke, this time in a larger glass. "Um, yeah," Michelle started, sitting down with some fruity vodka blend, "I just do the receptionist type work. ?Answer phones. ?Take notes. ?The whole Pam thing." "Oh, right, cuz of that show," Quinn said, sitting down next to her. "So," Michelle mumbled, "John said you all had a fun night planned. Like we were going to play a game or something?" "Yeah, were kinda working a new drinking game. We still haven't set the rules but I guarantee you its the strangest time you'll ever have. Definitely in for a memorable evening. Ask Quinn all about that." The girls looked at Quinn. "Umm... ?Well gee, I was hoping you'd all be a little bit drunker but," Quinn whipped out the remote from his back pocket, "Ladies, I'd like to present you with a very special device. ?This is what we'll play our game with." "Oh gosh," Michelle murmured, "A television game? ?Those have been done before." "No, not television. ?This is a magic remote. ?I know what you're thinking, magic doesn't exist, yada yada yada. ?Well, I can prove you wrong," Quinn kept selling it like some 1960's door salesman. ?Which meant a demonstration. ?And a demonstration meant doing something to John, whom at this point he had already selected. ? The girls sat, unamused at why they had even come out to see these dorks. ?"Really? ?I actually thought you called me over here to make a move on me. ?This is ridiculous," Michelle said, "Come on Lindsay, let's go to the bar--" "Wait, check this out." ?Quinn zapped John, who suddenly gained much muscle mass and grew six more inches, "Have you ever wanted to try being someone or something else? ?This remote can do it. ?And here's what I propose. ?We play a standard drinking game. ?But in addition to drinking, we take turns using the remote on each other. ?There are limitless options on here. ?And all we have to do is save your profile to it's memory, and we can change you back before you leave." The girl's jaws were still left on the floor. ?They came back over and sat down. ?"So you just want to ... mess around with this thing? ?While we get drunk?" Michelle pondered aloud. "That's the basic idea. ?It can be a lot of fun." Quinn said, returning John to his original state. Michelle sat and thought a moment, then looked at her friend, "And we'll be back to normal before we leave?" "That's how it works. ?You said you came over to get to know me. Michelle, there is nothing more I'd like to do. ?And we can share our fantasies using this." He held up the remote. "Okay. ?Yeah. ?I'm in. ?Lindsay, you in?" Lindsay looked at her friend and nodded vigorously. "Are you kidding me? There's no way I'd ever pass this up. Count me in" She grabbed the remote, pushed a button, pointed at herself, and nothing happened. "Whats wrong with it?" Quinn took the remote from her, "Whoa, not so eager. ?First of all, rookie mistake. ?Don't try to transform yourself before saving a profile of what you actually look like. ?And second, the remote cannot change it's current user. ?That means you'll have to ask if you want something specific. ?And that's where this game gets really interesting, because I'm making it a rule that you can't ask to be changed into anything. You can, however, ask to be changed back to your original profile at any time. ?But where's the fun in that." ?As Quinn spoke, he saved Michelle & Lindsay's profiles, "Okay, Lindsay, I got you under profile 11, and Michelle is on 12. ?Ready to play?" Lindsay took the remote back. Hold on, lemme give it a test drive. She pushed a quick button, aimed the remote at Michelle. In an instant Michele's hair color changed to platinum blond. "Amazing," she said, "Lets play." "Hey, are you trying to get me to have more fun?" Michelle asked, normally used to her dark brown hair. ?She sipped down her vodka mixture, which by now was mostly vodka. ?"Okay, do we need to get a deck of cards or anything?" "I was thinking Beer Pong. ?Me and you verses John and Lindsay. ?Every time you sink a shot, you get to use the remote on one of the team members." Quinn said, "What do ya'll think of that for starters?" John and Lindsay nodded in agreement. John was a championship beer pong player, and yes, such a thing exists. It wasn't actually beer pong. The game's official name is "Beirut" but since its played with a ping pong ball its called beer pong among drunk college students. "Ill go set up the table," John said. Lindsay followed him out to the patio. Quinn walked over to Michelle while he had her alone, "So, John said you were asking about me?" "Ummm... ?Yeah" Michelle stiffled her answer. ?"So tell me. ?Where did two guys such as yourselves come across this 'magic remote?' ?I mean, it obviously works, I just don't know how or why something even exists." "Well, one day I was working at the mall and John and Dean came to join me for lunch. ?When we were walking by, this new shop had just opened up. ?Some guy in there sold us this remote, dirt cheap too. ?We only discovered it was magic by accident. ?John tried to rewind a part of a movie he missed, and the sucker wound back time. ?So we started testing it out, seeing what other things it could do. ?It had a whole category on physical changes, and those have been and always will be the best. Can't turn objects into people though. ?I mean, you can, but it's creepy... ?like a fresh---never mind. ?Point is, we found it, we kept it safe, and every once in a while, we like to use it. ?Trust me, it can do a whole lot more than just give John muscles or change your hair color." Quinn took her by the hand, "I'm really glad you came over tonight. ?As much as I can't wait to use the remote tonight, I don't think I would want to change a thing about you." "Awe, thanks Quinn," Michelle gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "Hey, let's see if they have everything set up." They walked out to the patio and heard some light party music playing on the boom box. John's specially designed table was set up with 10 cups filled a quarter way up with beer on each side in a triangle shape. John tossed Quinn a ping pong ball and they both washed them in another cup. "Volley!" John called and they started shooting towards the other ones cup. Quinn made his shot first and that meant that he and Michelle got to shoot first. "Michelle, if you'd like to do the honors," Quinn said, handing her the two washed ping pong balls. "Okay," she smiled. ?She tossed the first one which bounced off the rim, "Dammit." ?She threw the second which landed in a cup, "Awe, hells to the yeah! ?I get first dibs on the remote. ?You're in trouble Lindsay..." Michelle picked up the remote and aimed it at her friend, "I think somebody could use a boob job." ?Lindsay's breasts tingled as they stretched out two full cups sizes. ?"Don't forget to drink!" Lindsay squealed with delight as she cupped her new hooters. She drank the beer in one shot and smiled. John and Lindsay took their turn next. Lindsay missed terribly because her throwing motion was totally off, but John hit his. He handed the remote to Lindsay, "Here, I'll let you decided what to do." Lindsay smiled, touched the remote and pointed it at Michelle. Instantly her rear end expanded till it was almost twice as large as before. "You're always complaining about a flat ass," she said. Michelle reached back and felt her enlarged buttox, almost purring in delight and she ran her hands over the tight fabric, while Quinn downed the beer cup they'd scored against them. ?Taking her ball, she made her shot this time, but Quinn missed. ?Nonetheless, she handed him the remote, "Here, I got it last time." ? He took the remote and pointed it at Lindsay, "Sorry hun. ?John had a fair share already tonight, and I'm sure he's in for something later." Lindsay was suddenly bursting with sexual desire as Quinn increased her libido, "Anything to help out team, right?" ? Lindsay looked lustfully at John, running her manicured hands on him. John was a bit put off and turned on by it. "Hold on there a second babe, we still gotta pay attention to the game." He handed his partner a ping pong ball. Lindsay stood in front of John, bent over so that her ass rubbed against his crotch and took her shot, missing badly but John didn't care. John made his shot and took his turn with the remote. The next thing Quinn new he had arms that were way too short for his body. "Anything to help the team," he said smiling. Michelle giggled at the sight of Quinn's midget arms, and even more so when one of the shrunken digits gave John the finger. ?Quinn's shots were no longer that great, but Michelle managed to bounce one in, going right for a high five, but "--Oh yeah, sorry. ?Here, take the remote." She placed it into Quinn's child-like fingers. He looked up at John, then shrunk his legs to half there size, allowing John to only barely see over the table. ?"This could go on for a while!" Quinn called. John scowled at Quinn but got an idea. He looked up at his randy partner and asked her to put him on her shoulders. Lindsay thought this was kind of kinky and obliged and John sank his shot. Lindsay also bounced hers in giving them both a transformation. John took the remote and restored Quinns arms, hoping that a sign of good faith would help. He even added a little bit of muscle mass. Lindsay added even more muscle mass, because her sex clouded brain turned Quinn into a hulk of man, including a massive 10 inch dick, that Quinn couldn't really see at the time. Suddenly feeling empowered, Quinn sunk his shot and Michelle made hers, "Double duty! ?Both ya'll drink!" ?Michelle felt bad for her co-worker and restored his legs to the correct length. ?Quinn held the remote in his hand and pondered what his next move should be. ?He targeted Lindsay and zapped all her clothes into a tight-fitting purple corset, stockings and heels. ?She was becoming quite the little adult centerfold. ?She also found she no longer needed glasses, her eyesight became perfectly normal. Lindsay took her glasses off and smiled. "This is amazing. That's the first time since kindergarten I haven't needed glasses." Her new eyesight wasn't enough to help her as she missed her next shot. John also had a rare miss, cursing himself. With less cups to make, Michelle and Quinn both had a miss themselves. Quinn's head swirled as he finished off a bottle of beer and looked at it funny. ?"I got another idea. ?Spin the bottle? ?We take turns using the remote and spin it, and you have to make a change on whoever it lands on. ?If you get yourself, then spin again. ?What'dya say guys?" John was worried he might lose some face by losing at beer pong, so he was all for it. He looked at Quinn and they agreed. They headed into the bar where John poured out 4 glasses of wine from an old bottle and gave them to each party goer. He then took the bottle and they all sat down in a circle. "Who goes first?" he asked. "Well, we could just say whoever won last time," Quinn began, "but I think Lindsay. ?You've had the most changes so far. ?You spin first. Here's the remote." Lindsay spun the bottle and it landed on Michelle. Her mind was clouded by hornyness and what she saw around her was two cute guys and her competition. She pushed a button on the remote and zapped Michelle, turning her into a male version of herself. Michelle screamed. "Dude! ?You're a ... ?dude." Quinn panicked as the girl he wanted to end up with gained a penis of her own. ?"That's creepy." ?Suddenly, Lindsay looked like the best in the room, but with the alcohol consumed and being the only girl around, except for a cross-dressed male version of Michelle, who could blame them? "Alright John. ?You go next. ?Then me. ?Then Michelle." ?Quinn said, handing the remote to John. ? Michelle sat with a disgusted look on his face, now riddled with a five o'clock shadow. ?He lifted the skirt he came in and poked at his balls gently, as if to test them and see what they felt like. ?Michelle stuck out his tongue in disgust. Lindsay giggled as John spun the bottle. It wound up on Lindsay. She smiled and straddled him and gave him a deep kiss. "C'mon baby, do something hot to me" Fighting back his every urge, John tweaked the remote and zapped Lindsay. Nothing visible happened but she climbed off him, obviously embaressed. "I went ahead and restored your libido there" John said nicely "Didn't want you to wind up doing something you totally regret." Lindsay smiled and looked at Michelle. "Sorry about the dick, hun, I got kinda carried away" "Yeah, uh-huh," Michelle mocked, "Don't worry hun. ?You'll get what's coming to you sooner or later." ?His voice still shocked him, and he spoke in a higher register which made him sound, for lack of a better term, gay. ?"Your turn Quinn." Quinn took the remote from John and spun the bottle. ?It stopped between him and Michelle, "Well, I could spin it again, or just change Michelle." "Spin it again," said Michelle. He did so, this time landing on John. ?Quinn smiled as he pointed the controller at him, "I think one of our preset profiles from last year will do nicely for you buddy." ?John's hair turned a reddish color as his clothes were manipulated into some sort of 70s style blue blazer. ?A male symbol hung from around his neck, and he was, for all accounts, the best attempt last year to be Austin Powers, "Just wanted you to get ready for a shag." "Hahaha, I'm so damn hairy," John said as everyone in the circle laughed, conjuring up memories of that movie that was so cool when they were teenagers but so lame now. "Michelle's turn." Michelle reached forward and gave the bottle a spin, landing pointed at Lindsay. ?He grinned, taking the remote, "That was quick. ?Guess it's your turn to join our noble manly ranks." He smiled, turning the last girl at the party into a male version of herself, still stuck in his tight-fitting corset. "Well," said Quinn, "So much for inviting girls over." Lindsay looked down at her self and laughed. She wasn't as put off by it as Michelle was, maybe because a hair body in a corset is pretty funny. She flexed her biceps, and then flicked her bulge. "This is actually kind of cool," she said. ?I'm so big. It was Lindsay's turn and she landed on Quinn. She got that look in her eyes again. "You know, it kind of is a sausage fest." ?She dialed up profile 12 and turned Quinn into Michelle. Quinn glanced down at herself, now wearing Michelle's exact outfit, and what was more, it fit her properly, breasts and all, "Wow... ?Guess I shouldn't have opened my mouth..." ?She stood up and twirled, then looked over to Michelle, "If it's any consolation, I feel really pretty." Michelle rolled his eyes, but followed with a smile, "It is a bit weird to see myself. ?Maybe cuz I'm turned on a little bit. ?John, it's your turn." John spun the bottle and it landed on Lindsay again. "Crap" he said "I cant think of anything to turn you into right now" he thought for a moment and simply changed her clothes, so that she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, "More comfy now?" he asked. "Very much so," she responded "And thanks for letting me be a guy for a little while's kinda fun." "Well well, back to me already?" Quinn cooed, grabbing the bottle with her manicured fingers, then releasing, landing at Michelle's feet, "Well well, my twin brother. ?I kinda wanted to be on a bit of a date with you tonight, so I think I should take you out of the family first," he said, zapping him to appear like their old roommate Dean. ?Dean was your fairly average guy, brown hair and evenly muscled, and tall. ?This also fixed Michelle's cross-dressing problem. "Thanks. ?But now it's my turn." ?She took her spin and the next victim appeared to be John, "Hmm... ?You look too perfect as Austin Powers. What to do... ?Ugh! ?Guys, suggestions?" "Make him look like one of the babes! Heather Graham!" Lindsay shouted with a smile. John looked at Michelle with a look of a scared puppy. "I think I can do something like that," Michelle grinned, zapping John to look as close to Heather Graham as she could, though the red hair still stayed, as well as the overall 70s Bristish theme, putting her in a British flag smock-type dress and white go-go boots. ?"Ohh, pretty! Guess that evens out our chick/dude ratio." "I could use another drink," Quinn said, "Appletini?" ""Well, since I am a girl now, I think ill go with one," John said smiling inwardly that he could drink one. ?"Hurry back." Quinn got up and pranced to the kitchen in her heels and began mixing, "How about the 'boys?'" she teased, "Grab a beer for you?" ?Quinn began mixing her appletinis. ?"So listen. ?We can keep going back and forth and changing each other, making them as little or as big as we want. But I have a proposal. ?First, we spend some time like we are since we're mostly... ?normal. ?While we do, we'll draw names. ?We each create one final profile for that person, and that's who we'll spend the rest of the night as. ?Anything goes except for the age thing." ?She poured out the drinks and clicked her way over to the British styled girl John, handing her the drink, "What do ya'll think?" John wasn't sure how much more he could take, but the changing was kind of taking his toll, so he agreed, so did Lindsay, leaving them both looking at Michelle. "I guess that could be fine," Michelle said, cracking a beer open and tossing one to her male friend. ?"Let's do it." "Cool," Quinn said, sipping on her martini, "I'll write names on some paper, and then we'll just spend some time thinking of what we're going to do to your person. They all reached into the hat and picked out a name. John drew Lindsay's name, Lindsay drew Quinn, Michelle drew John, and Quinn got his date's. "Well i see its all cross-gendered," John said, "Who goes first?" "I think saying 'ladies first' wouldn't help in this case, would it? Now now, we have some time though," Quinn pointed out. ?"Just start thinking of what you'd like to do and program it in the remote. ?Slots 13-17 should be free for that." She took another sip. ? Michelle found it odd to see his body walking around so naturally, and thought it was weird that Quinn had obviously been a woman with this thing before. ?But then again... ?He was a man right now himself. ?His thoughts drifted to what kind of changes he could make on John... John was first to design the remote and entered in the things he wanted to do to Lindsay. Lindsay got pretty curious and walked over and tried to look. She played it off causally by massaging John's shoulders, which he admitted he liked very much and let her do it for a minute before shooing her away and completing the design. "I think you'll be pleased," he said as he passed the remote to her. Lindsay looked at Quinn and thought for two whole minutes, and then, an idea struck her. She smiled wickedly and entered in the info. "That's gonna be awesome to see!" she said and gave Quinn the remote. Quinn gazed over to Michelle and had the perfect idea. ?She punched in a couple numbers and dials and saved it to profile 15, then handed her the remote, "Save yours on 16. ?And no peeking!" Michelle took the remote, last one to come up with something for her co- worker. ?It had to be good, but not something that he would despise her for the next five years. ?She glanced down at a magazine and drew her inspiration from the singer from the cover, and tapped away. ?"Okay, all done. ?So, who gets changed first?" "Lets go in numerical order, profile 13 first" John said. which was Lindsay. He had them go outside for this which scared Lindsay a little bit. She held out her arms and closed her eyes and was zapped. Everyone stood agasp at what they saw. Lindsay was now a beautiful, curvier version of herself. Perfect eyesight and all, but with one exception. She had two massive white wings coming out of her back. "You were so nice tonight about the changes, I figured you were an angel. So I made you one," John said. Lindsay stood still for a moment while she took it all in. Than her left wing moved a little, and then her right one, and then both. "This is SO COOL" she exclaimed. After a few seconds of flapping she was able to lift off the ground. "I CAN FLY!" she crowed. "Whoa," said Quinn, eyes glossed over, "That is some wingspan... ?Though I'd be careful about letting people see you that way. ?Or, you know, go to a hospital if you wanna go out. ?Make some people really happy. Alright, so we're going numerical. ?Who's next?" Lindsay landed and folded her wings back. "You're right she said, and its my turn to change Quinn....lets go back inside" So male Michelle went back inside with her real body, Heather Graham, and an angel and hoped no one saw that. Once inside Quinn got ready and Lindsay said, "Don't be mad," and pointed and shot at him. Quinn changed so fast it wasn't noticeable, but his hair grew longer and got blond and curly. His breasts got bigger until they were a D cup. His clothes changed so that he was wearing a tight, pink minidress. His eyes turned blue and his cheekbones went up higher. And while it was an instant it felt like an eternity to Quinn, everything in the room started getting bigger. Not just height wise, but comparison wise. Width wise. All the objects in the room were quickly freakishly too large for him. It seemed like Quinn disappeared, "WHAT HAPPENED WHERE DID HE GO?!" shouted John in Heather Graham's voice. "Look down," Lindsay responded. Where Quinn had been standing was a leggy blond girl with large breasts, who was only 11 inches tall. "HEY!" Quinn shouted at the top of her lungs! ?"I'M TINY! ?WHAT"S THE BIG IDEA?" ?SOMEBODY PICK ME UP!" ?Now only a bit less than a foot tall, but proportionally a beautiful leggy breasted woman, Quinn could only stare upwards at her friends who now towered over her. ?Michelle bent down and placed her on the coffee table. ?"OKAY, I CAN'T HIT THE BUTTONS LIKE THIS. ?JOHN, TURN MICHELLE TO PROFILE 15!" ?She then looked down, blond hair in her face, and cupped her breasts. "Stand out of the way, Quinn, I don't want you caught up in the stream," John said as he pointed at Michelle and zapped. Michelle's feminine features reappeared, but instantly began shrinking, though not to the degree Quinn had. ?Her breasts we under-developed, she had freckles, and otherwise appeared to be and thirteen year old girl. Quinn shrugged, "Being young can be fun." "Okay... ?Fine," said Michelle, intrigued at why Quinn had made her a pre-pubescant teenaged girl, but satisfied to have her girl parts back again. ?She lifted the remote and pointed to John, "I tried my best." She zapped him and the Heather Graham look-a-like suddenly became dark- skinned, her hair turning a dark brown. ?Her lips were more pronounced and covered in a pink, shiny gloss, her eyes done up with liner, mascara, and a shadow with a gold hue. ?She was in a slinky dress with gold 6 inch spike heels. ?"I tired to make you look as close to Rihanna as possible." ?She giggled, unaware of where that came from. "SO... ?THIS IS WHAT I"LL BE FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT? ?I FEEL SO... Miniature," Quinn shouted, then strut over to Michelle, "KEEP ME COMPANY? ?AND MOSTLY, MAKE SURE I DON'T GET SAT ON." John stumbled a little in his new heels and looked down at his pretty new hands. "Rihanna, huh? he asked in her voice. He instantly sang out one of her songs, pitch perfect to the delight and applause of his friends. "So a pop singer, an angel, a 13 year old, and her doll are all drinking," John said "What's the punchline to this joke?" "Oh shit, I'm the doll, aren't I?" ?Quinn fumed, though her voice was so high pitched and small that it didn't carry far. ?At least she wasn't like, smaller than a dime. ?"HEY LINDSAY, ANGEL OR WHATEVER YOU'RE CALLING YOURSELF NOW," she shouted, "WHAT WAS THE MOTIVATION BEHIND THIS ONE?" "Well, we were all treating each other like playthings," she began, "And I thought it would be cool and the remote has a size button that no one used I went with it." "UH-HUH... ?HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KEEP DRINKING?" "Don't worry," Michelle's darling face filled the space for Quinn, "You'll be changed back at the end of the night, like you said. Although, since you made me a 13 year old girl, I can't necessarily drink either. ?So I suppose we'll have to punish you for that. ?Hey John, can I see the remote?" ?He passed it to her, "Don't worry, I won't break any rules," she said, zapping the coffee table to reform into a giant doll playhouse. ?"Now you and I can have the whole evening while the pop singer and angel have theirs. Quinn starred at the dollhouse she now stood in, "You're not gonna make me make out with Ken, are you?" "How bout this," Michelle offered, "We can use the remote, but no more physical changes. ?So that means clothing, libidos, anything else goes." She pointed the remote at the tiny woman and increased her libido by a factor of 10. "Oh my... ?DAMN YOU WOMAN!" Quinn yelled up as she laid down on her back in the hard plastic of the dollhouse, rubbing her pussy. ?Michelle snickered as she watched the miniature woman pleasure herself publicly, giggling as she did so. ? The familiar cries of sexual exploration turned into faint, but distinguishable squeaks until, "YOU'D BETTER TURN THIS OFF!" ?Michelle lowered Quinn's libido, but left it about halfway instead of a full return, causing Quinn to become quite giggly herself. ?Quinn glanced over to Lindsay as she huffed and puffed, noticing her gorgeous angel wings and getting a sudden idea. ?"MICHELLE!" she got the young girl's attention, then whispered something in her ear. ?Michelle nodded, then ran her fingers across the remote one more time for Quinn. ?Two translucent pink butterfly wings sprouted from Quinn's back, above the bust line of the mini dress. ?Quinn fluttered her wings as she began to take flight, "Amazing... ?I CAN FLY! ?Now I won't have to worry about getting sat on, or needing to be carried anywhere. ?I'm--" "A fairy! ?Hey guys, look, Quinn is a fairy!" Michelle clapped, waving her friends over to look. Lindsay didn't feel like walking when she could fly, and with one flap glided across the room gracefully, although it did create a wind disturbance that knocked Quinn off balance. John followed behind a little slower, still not used to Rihanna's curves and center of gravity, he was having trouble walking in the six inch heels. "Should we take pictures of this?" Lindsay wondered out loud. Quinn, who had fallen on the kitchen counter next to the vodka bottle due to the wind surge Lindsay created, brushed herself off, "Are you kidding me? ?Hell no, we don't take pictures of this. ?Pictures have a way of getting on the internet. ?And sure, we could explain your wings as some elaborate costume, but what about me? ?Oh, and I'm sure everyone would want to know how we have a picture of Rihanna in our apartment." ? "I'd imagine it would all be blamed on photo shop," John said "Doesn't mean we shouldn't take pictures for our own enjoyment, to remember this. John tossed Michelle his camera phone and put his arms around Lindsay, who was topless because her shirt and bra weren't designed for wings."Take a shot," he said. The photo shop thing was a good excuse, and John did have a point. "Smile!" Michelle called to John and Lindsay as she snapped a shot. "Okay, now me and Quinn. ?Quinn, Come over to the dollhouse!" Quinn walked across the kitchen counter and fluttered her wings once more for a lift off and buzzed over to the giant plastic house, "Fine. Where do you want me?" Michelle pointed, "Right there, in the bathroom. ?We'll make it look like it was photo shopped." ?She handed John the camera. "Keep your clothes on" John warned Michelle. "Last thing we need is child porno in the house, and hide the liquor bottle." The 20 something turned tweener frowned at being reminded of her status as a minor, but did anyway and smiled sweetly for the photo. The flash from the camera was enough to cause little Quinn to pass out; her eyes were just too small to handle the bright flash. ?She lay in the plastic tub, wings twitching as the amount of alcohol in her system caused her fall into a deep sleep the moment her eyes shut. "Is she ok?" John asked, using the pronoun subconsciously. Michelle checked her tiny fairy pulse. "Yeah, I think she just fainted." "Good," John said, "I didn't want her to go out that way, although for a fairy, she is kinda sexy." "I didn't know Rihanna was into girls," Lindsay teased him. "She's not," John said quickly, "Or at least I'm not sure. Maybe shes kinda curious." "Well it would be cool if she was," Lindsay said, "It's nice to know that other famous people are bisexual too." "Too?" John asked. Lindsay nodded and smiled. Michelle looked over at Lindsay, then back to John, "Hey, it's news to me bub. ?So, do we just let Quinn sleep, or..." she held up the remote, "Have a little fun at her expense? ... I could make you bi too, I guess, but judging the way you're staring at my topless roommate, I don't think I have to." Lindsay briefly stuck her hand up John's skirt and his eyes bugged out at how good it felt. "Yeah, I don't think that'll be necessary. ?I'm gonna satisfy some curiosity tonight I think." They turned to Quinn "We should at least make him normal size again, so the cat doesn't eat him" Lindsay said. "We don't have a cat," John said. "Then why was there a saucer of milk on the floor?" Lindsay asked. "Don't worry about it," John said quickly. Michelle aimed at Quinn and turned him into a full sized naked fairy. She grew to roughly 5' 2", tearing through her clothes and the dollhouse. "Hmm, the wings are pretty, but a bit menacing I think," Michelle said with a giggle. ?"Let's leave them on her for now... ?Gee Lindsay, what'd you do? Make her your Barbie wet dream? ?She's gorgeous now that she's not so puny." "I made her look like what barbie would look like." Lindsay said innocently, "Who knew that Barbie was a porn star in real life. "Well at least give her some clothes," John said. "There are some outfits saved." Lindsay dialed up the remote and zapped Quinn into a pink halter top and black miniskirt with fishnet stockings and stiletto heels. John smiled, "I remember that outfit." "Why are you laughing Rihanna John? ?What's so funny?" Michelle questioned. ?Quinn, turned on her side, drooling a bit as it smudged her make-up foundation. ?"Maybe we should take her wings away now. ?She doesn't really need them anymore." "I suppose so," John said, "They don't look like they could support her now." As John zapped his friend's wings away, Michelle tapped her foot, "Well... Aren't you gonna tell us about that outfit you all put Quinn in? ?I'm not a dummy, it's pretty obvious tonight wasn't your first night as a woman. ?Either of you. ?And have you noticed I haven't asked where you got that thing? ?I mean, it's fun zapping each other to look like different things, but it's more fun if we're included inside the circle. ?I hate being on the outside of a joke..." "We found it about a year ago, us and our friend Dean" John explained. "We had all sorts of crazy fun with it and it kind of got out of hand. Quinn wound up in that outfit at amateur night at the strip club. Got seperated from us and woke up in the street" Michelle grinned deviously, "You mean you all transformed yourselves and went to a strip club? ?And further more... ?Quinn did a striptease as a woman? ?Somehow becoming a toy-sized woman doesn't seem like it's the worst thing to happen to her. ?She was starting to act pretty girly too," Michelle thought aloud, changing topics, "Maybe it was just the alcohol and being in a skirt for too long, but I don't know if I could ever see myself with Quinn knowing all that." "Don't say that," John said to her, "He really is a great guy and hes very into you. He just made some mistakes in an unfamiliar body. He had no idea what the booze would do to him. Trust me, if we made you a man, you'd find the testosterone having strange effects on you. You can't hold the effects of the remote entirely against someone." "Ahh, so you're saying it's partly your fault then," she teased, trying to lighten the mood. ?"Okay then, do it. ?Make me a man. ?A handsome looking one." ?She picked the remote up from the counter and handed it to John. ?"And then we'll have to do something about Lindsay. ?But I say... ?We all go out." "Screw that, I like my wings" Lindsay protested. John on the other hand concentrated and turned Michelle into a copy of a little known hockey player from Canada. He was bulging out of her little girls clothes. "Ahh, clothing too, eh! ?What the..." Michelle looked down at himself, the manly hair chest sticking up from the thirteen-year-old's blouse, "And finally, I don't have to feel bad about drinking. ?So, what do you all say? ?Go out or call it a night?" John looked at Lindsay who had a seductive look in her eyes. She licked her lips and flapped her wings in a come hither manner. Thinking of what awesome things she could do to him in his pop star body he said, "Actually, I think were gonna call it a night....change back in the morning," he added quickly. Michelle looked at John once more, then at Lindsay, "Fine. ?I see how it is. ?You want to taste chocolate, I get it. ?You two lovebirds go." ?She looked down at Quinn, "I guess I'll find out what it feels like to wack off as a guy." John looked at her and giggled, "I don't know which was worse, your chocolate pun or your lovebird pun." Lindsay spoke up, "You're welcome to join us if you want, Michelle." The offer was rather tempting, and she was certainly under the influence. ?A grin drew across her face, "Just one more thing." ?She picked up the remote, pointed it at Quinn and shrunk her back down small enough to be carried, then cradled her gently, "Quick, get me a bowl." John handed him one and she placed Quinn inside. ?"Your dumpster is just outside, right?" ? They snickered, and carried the tiny Quinn to the dumpster, then placed down inside, expanding back to a regular human size, "There. ?Now we're in on it. ?Let's go up to your bedroom John," Michelle said, putting his arms around the pop star and his other beneath the wings and around the waist of Lindsay. John wasn't sure about the whole going to bed with a guy thing. It was Lindsay's idea, not his. She actually turned out to be pretty cool, and even when she turned into her regular self, he was probably gonna call her again. He took a quick drink of vodka before heading up to what might be the weirdest 3some ever. He wondered who was going to have a stranger morning, him or Quinn. ---------The Next Morning-------- Quinn stretched her arms and rolled her head around. ?The stench was terrible. ?She pulled herself up to see the same pink top as she had roughly a year ago, paired with the same skirt, fishnets and stilettos. "Awe man... ?Not again..." THE END

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Press Mute Next Time

I was on the phone talking to my male friend Shawn from high school. Shawn was a smart guy who was chubby in high school, but I never cared we had classes together and I would talk to him about gossip in the school and homework. He wore glasses and was dark chocolate. I was a dark brown girl very top heavy, insecure, short pixie untamed hair cut, with the self confidence to drown a cockroach. we kept in touch ever since graduation. He is probably the only person from school whose number I can...

2 years ago
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Press The Button Part III

Part III (Sorry, life and work have gotten in the way of finding a groove and finishing this part. I hope you enjoy it!) I hugged the shopping bag to my chest and rushed out of the shop, past the young woman now arguing with her boss. My feet carried me around a display table, away from the conversation, which was apparently going quite badly. I felt a twinge of regret for her, but the realization that what happened was entirely beyond me crashed back on my head, and I redoubled...

3 years ago
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Lost bet

I remember it like it was yesterday even though it happened decades ago.Me in my white briefs, on my knees in front of the living room couch firstlooking up at the smiling faces of my buds and then straight at theircircumcised teenage dicks. How the hell did this happen. I am going to bea cocksucker. As I think back, I remember how and when it happened like itwas yesterday.Shit, shit, shit! What am I going to do? There is no way I can tell Momthat I lost all my Christmas money in a card game...

4 years ago
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Third Times the CharmChapter 10

Things took awhile to settle down. Longer than expected. It seems the steps up the chain of command had some rusty links. Or maybe the ladder of success had some busted rungs. This particular bureau of the Department of the Treasury had been in business ... is that the word for an organization that spends more than it takes in? ... this bunch was part of the 1915 good old boys network. Those originals were dead or retired but it was the same old same old. The top rung of the ladder is...

1 year ago
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MistakesChapter 5

Four days passed. Cassie came on Wednesday and of course asked me about Rachel. I told her what had transpired and she looked askance then disappointed, saying nothing, but the next day she came back straight from work. “Rod,” she said before she even sat down, “you are the biggest idiot in the universe. Sit down.” I sat; she loomed over me. “This is very important, Rod,” she said, hands on hips, as if talking to a child. “I want the absolute truth. Think carefully about your answer....

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A Polish Encounter

    We walked home from work together. On arriving at her house, she invited me in. I followed her into her room. It was small, with just a sofa bed, table, an armchair, and a door leading to her bathroom and kitchen. I sat down and accepted the beer she offered me and waited for her to return from the bathroom. My hopes aroused and my cock stiffened in my jeans on her return.   She had transformed herself from a rather plain and quite frankly, unattractive woman, into a thing of beauty....

1 year ago
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The New Workouts

Hi, this is Krish from Chennai. Mail your comments at Me and Kavita, joined the same company after college and there happily started living together. We were having a lovely time. We both knew we loved having sex with multiple partners, that too with each other’s knowledge. After every session with someone else, we would come and narrate it all. This will mostly be followed by some high intense hardcore sex. The Apple on the eye for most women on the apartment was the new gym coach. As I worked...

2 years ago
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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 12 Sons of The Gestapo

October 8th, 1995, 10:30 AM CT, Mile 1672, 22 miles east of Alpine, TX Akilah was the first one to wake up, but her motions were enough to wake Josh up, too. The two of them stared at George and Jill. They had not closed the connecting door overnight, and they stared right at them, Jill laying naked on top of George with a contented little smile on her face. They must have kicked the covers up overnight; nothing was protecting them visually from the other couple. Akilah, also naked, walked...

1 year ago
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The Wardrobe rewritten

The Wardrobe Copyright 2006 by Heather Rose Brown Paul was carefully inking his name to the sign-in sheet when he caught a whiff of a particularly clingy, musky perfume. Just as he was about to write in the start time for his shift, slender fingers ending in long, silver fingernails snatched the pen from his hand. "Thank you, Angel. I'll just be a moment." A silky strand of platinum hair slipped over Paul's shoulder as the intruding hand reached over his arm and scribbled the current...

3 years ago
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Double or NothingChapter 8

Amanda's mouth was getting dry. The ring gag the man made her wear kept her mouth open. She could still taste his cum coating her mouth, making her want to wretch. She was also drooling, the saliva streaming at the corners of her lips and down over her chest and breasts. Her crossed legs were still chained to her red leather collar so she was sitting more or less on her tailbone with her puss open for all to see. She was kept sitting by a chain running from her collar to a bolt in the...

1 year ago
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Teaching Shannon a LessonChapter 5

Shannon worked hard the next day, and our "quiz" went much more easily for her. Her ass was very sore, and I realized that she was not going to be able to sit through her classes if I kept it that way, so I whipped her thighs instead. She cried, but did not lose her grip as she had on Saturday. I congratulated her, and laid out a schedule for getting her through her courses. Except for classes, meals, exercise, and "quizzes", she was to spend essentially all her time studying to pass her...

3 years ago
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My first and Very rough black cock

I had meet a black guy in the local pub, his name was Jeremy and he was very, very hot, I had never even kissed a black guy never mind thought about fucking one until Jeremy came along. I was sat in the pub on my lunch break having something to eat, after I finished eating Jeremy walked over and asked may he sit down so I let him, we had a great laugh from the start and he really cheered me up since I was having a bad day, we then got on to the subject of my husband cheating on me and how I...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Threesome 2

I am lying back on the bed, sweaty, a bit out of breath and my thoughts all over the place. Wow is the usual expression I think for these things. My wife is cuddling up to me. “How is my boy?” She asks with a naughty look in her eyes. “I’m very good thank you”. Laura grabs a towel and places it between her legs. Getting up off the bed with a small giggle she declares that she needs to clean up a bit and that she will be right back. I turn to look at my wife. So, she says, are you ready for...

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my first sloppy seconds

i'm 65 haha - but what a thrill to wait for :)I got on a meetup site that's commonly used for sex hookups - just thought i'd give it a try. my only rqmt was that they not be local, be here for work etc.I got a guy that works for a state agency, that comes here for occasional training. well first I got a gal, a flight attendant that was passing thru - that was fun. new pussy haha.anyway, this guy, we met, had a little dinner, then we went to his hotel room and he fucked me royally. he was in his...

3 years ago
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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 The Wagers of Death

Spending time in The Hole is not something I would recommend. Judging by the dimensions the structure had been built to house Indians. A European could not stand fully upright without his head being forced into the bars of the cover, and had to sit, squat, or kneel, on the bare earth when not standing stooped. From ground level, I had a worm’s eye view of the world, and that was only a yard or two circumference around my ‘quarters’. The sun broiled down, and it was just as well I was naked...

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Kayla and Tracy A Day in the Life

KALYA AND TRACY: A DAY IN THE LIFE By Brett Lynn Awoken by the sunlight, Kayla rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, then vaguely gazed at the city scene outside of her panoramic windows. Realizing that if was a bit cold to her left, she glanced over in that direction to confirm what she thought. "Damn, I must have slept a bit late," she muttered to no one in particular. Shaking the cobwebs out of her head, she pulled the sheet off of her, then sat up, feeling that now-familiar...

4 years ago
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The Reunion

I keep reminding myself that we're just friends now as you walk ahead of me along the little path. I know that's how it should be but I'm still very attracted to you.  I love the way you walk, all relaxed and confident. At the end of the path, there's a small hedge that overlooks the beach and you stop. I put my arms around you from behind and kiss the back of your neck. You take my hands in yours and raise them to your mouth, kissing my fingers. This gentle, intimate gesture takes me by...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Vampire Seduction 1

================================================================================== “You’re so full of shit, you’ve never done a good deed for anybody.” yelled Jill “ Self centered, that’s the best word to describe you, God forbid you did SOME sort of good. You know what, get the fuck out of my bed and my appartment, you fucking low life.” SLAM! Justin was stunned, never would he have expected Jill would act that way toward him. “ Who the hell does she think she is.” He thought to...

3 years ago
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First Love

Hi guys. I am Ronny from Jodhpur rajasthan .I started reading iss 2 years ago. I liked this site very much & now I am a regular visitor of this site. I am a 5’6 average build 20 years old guy & my tool size is 6 inch. Here I am going to tell you the real incident of my life that happened last year. Guys this is my first story on iss .pls forgive me for the mistakes made by me while writing this story as you all know beginner make mistakes & learn from them .So feedbacks are welcomed. .this...

1 year ago
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MyWifeIsMyPornstar Veronica Avluv 24215

So you drag your wife Veronica Avluv to some roach motel in a seedy part of town, order her to put on some skimpy outfit and tell her that she’s going to get fucked and creampied by a stranger, and that you’re going to jerk off to it while it all goes down? You sure are a sick fuck – and your big tits wife loves every last bit of it! It’s when you put your dirty mind to work that your wife best thrives, and she is surely going to thrive on the big hard dick you’ve ordered for her in this dump....

4 years ago
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Animal FarmChapter 6

More time had passed than Stacy had realized. Since there was school the next day, and Phil was afraid that his parents might come home a little early, they decided to call it quits after they'd all taken a turn in the bathroom. Stacy would've gladly had more sex, but she didn't mention that fact- -realizing that Al and Phil were both pooped, anyway--and when she got home she went right to bed. Her parents weren't home, for which she was thankful, as she was afraid that they'd be able...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Teen Girl

WARNING: This story is only intended to be read by those of legal age. This erotica contains themes of torture, abuse, non consent, and is not intended to be replicated in reality. This is a total work of fiction. Teen Girl Biography: Megan Summers is an 18 year old student of Godfrey High School. She gained superpowers in an accident involving a mysterious rock. Her powers include flight, super strength, super resilience to injury, superhuman endurance to pain, and a healing factor. She has...

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Corporate Ladder

Writer’s Note: Even though I’ve had three “editors” read this before I submitted it, and they liked the ending, I’m not sure I like the ending. So all of you “critics” out there give me some feedback if you have some ideas that could have finished better… I can only learn with Your Help… Thanks Sport 7777 This story has a little bit of everything. Erotic Couplings,Anal, Group, Lesbian, and it’s long with many chapters , so I put it in the novels/novella’s category. Sport 7777 THE CORPORATE...

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Copyright© September 2004 - all rights reserved They say there's a first time for everything. Damn right, they are! Here I am, locked up in a police cell for the first time in my life. Busted. Possession of drugs. Drunk and disorderly. Failure to provide proof of identity or age. "I'm afraid you'll have to accompany me to the police station," that bitch said in her self-important tone of voice. That really rubbed me up the wrong way. Resisting arrest. Insulting a police...

1 year ago
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88E469SD Ward of the State1

88E469SD WARD OF THE STATE By HOWDY DOODY DISCLAIMER: This story is not true. There is no New York State. There is no Department of Correctional Services and they do not have prisons. There is no Judge John Cline and he never sat on the bench in Albany County New York. There is no Albany County Jail and no child has ever been sexually abused while incarcerated there. There is no Albany Home for Children. There is no Danamora, Elmira, Auburn,...

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Rachels Shaved Pussy 8

Honestly, I didn’t believe a word of it, but Kirsty did, and she is such a drama queen that her mind immediately went to the worst possible options. But worse than the nightmarish scenario of spinning from one exotic location to another on the holiday of a lifetime, she was going to have to rein in her now-habitual promiscuity. “We aren’t going to be anywhere for more than a couple of days. I’ll never be able to work out who’s safe to fuck, who can keep a secret, who’s not got a nasty fetish...

2 years ago
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Facebook Friend Turned Into Bed Partner

Hi, guys, I’m Wade,19 years old from Chennai,5’7 fair complexion with really hard 6.5 inches dick.I know four languages namely English, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil. My native is Kerala, and anyone can email me.Any single girls and aunties who are desperate for sex can contact me. Privacy is assured.this is my first story here. Post your feedback at OK let’s go to the story. Hi, I’m Wade and I’m from chennai.I’m pursuing my engineering degree here in Chennai.I have a lot of interest in sex but...

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Waitresss Coffee Break

It was a fine end of the day, and the night was still young. I decided to have something fancy for dinner tonight. I didn’t mind paying a little more for a meal every once in awhile. I drove over to the restaurant at the center of the Grand Plaza. The service was great, I was quickly seated in minutes and was served a menu. It was only a moment away before the waitress would take my order. Surprised, I saw my old friend there. “Hey, Natalie!” I called over. Natalie took notice and walked over...

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Furry Club

I am a bear, a furry, fucking bear. In real life my name is Rob Lawrence. I am an auto mechanic, a job that I use to fund my real passion of being the bear. Let me explain how it all started. I am a big man 6’6” tall and over three hundred pounds. Not ripped, not fat, just big, really strong, and really ugly. My face can best be described as prehistoric, as I look pretty much like any hunky neanderthal would have looked a hundred thousand years ago. Men cringe when they look at me, and women...

3 years ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 5

The stew was eaten. Bob, knowing the women would feel more comfortable bathing if he wasn't in the building, said he was going over to the saloon for a drink and to play a game or two of cards. Millie tested the water in the tub, which was still steaming. Boots stood nearby, having announced that she was going to remain there to assist the bather in and out of the tub, and "deal with any trespassers." Millie was fairly sure nobody would molest them, but she didn't say anything. She'd...

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MoragChapter 10

We returned to the house and I replenished our drinks and turned the oven on. We sat at the kitchen table while we waited for the oven to heat up. "Now then, Princess. We need to do a bit of organising. First of all, Mary said she would like you to be with me when I meet her next Saturday. If you would like to, I'll come up to London on Friday evening and then we can drive down to Heathrow together and then we'll all come back down here. What do you think?" "Oh God! You two are going...

1 year ago
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MILFSugarBabes Christie Stevens 25998

Wow, I’m really grateful that my girlfriends turned me onto that website. Danny’s such a nice guy, and the fact that he’s going to put money in my bank account every two weeks is going to be a HUGE help, especially considering I can’t find a job, and my husband’s working two jobs and we’re still having trouble making ends meet. And I don’t mind taking care of Danny. After all, I’ll be able to provide for my children, and that’s what’s...

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Saint Patricks Day

Saint Patrick’s Day Here in America we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day on March seventeenth. This year it was on Wednesday. Everyone wears green and most people claim to be Irish. I myself wore a T-shirt that read: “Kiss me I’m Irish.” Tradition in my neighborhood says that you start drinking green beer and shorts of Irish whisky right after work and you don’t stop for anything until you pass out. I do stop to throw up and eat some food. That way I can outlast most of my...

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A Sunset to Remember

I’d been playing on the chats for a while when he came into the room, and we started up a conversation about where we were from, what we were doing – the usual stuff. We role played for a bit, just the mundane stuff (what we’d do to each other if we were to meet up in a hotel room, or some place semi-private). I started to share more and more personal fantasies, and just other random ideas about sex with him as time went on. We carried on chatting about everything that crossed our minds for a...

1 year ago
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Sex in town

Hi readers this is Rahul from Delhi 25 of age. This is my real story of sex with my neighbor bhabhi who was newly married this incident happen about six months ago when I indulged in sex with her first time. Let me introduce her she is 27 years of age very sexy and her figure is 30-28-32. she is very good looking everyone who see first time feel dirty about her. Her name is Priya and her husband name is Raj. I and Raj are good friend I use to go his home and very much closer to his family after...

Cheating Wifes
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Youngsville Part 3

Later that evening, around 23:30, I was lying in my bed. I was thinking about how I would decorate my cottage. The cottage was about 3x4 meters. It definitely needed a renovation. The first thing that came to mind was the lighting. It was worthless! I had a small and weak gas lamp on the ground next to the bed, which made it hard to see. I would have to think about decorating in the morning. As I thought about the light, I a shadow moved outside the window above my head. There was a light...

First Time
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Everyday Life With a Shapeshifter

Over the last few years of self-discovery and some embarrassing trial and error, Erica was quickly becoming a veteran at her craft, being able to shapeshift her body into nearly anything she can imagine, with practically no boundaries. Erica and I decided to put her “talents” to work in a way that was fun for both of us, while being able to keep her powers a secret. I used up a good chunk of my savings to buy professional-level photography equipment for our house because I was quite confident I...

4 years ago
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the neighbor needs my help pt 3

If you read part 1 and part 2 of (the neighbor needs my help) this will help you follow how we got to where part 2 ended,First let me tell you about our old best friends from before we were all married. Her name is Sandy she is 50 years old 5' 6" tall with long red hair 34B breasts a tasty shaved little pussy and the sweetest bubble butt around. His name is Rick he is 51 years old and 225 lbs with about 6 inches and pretty small around which Sandy says works great for anal. Sandy and I where...

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A Game of Basketball

Walking into school for the first time “as a student” after a long summer break it… It feels good to be back. I’ve got my backpack slung over my shoulder and a basketball under my arm where it should be. Taking it all in again… Ahhh… The first day of school... You know what this means? It’s just one more day closer our very first basketball game of the new school year. And that means... “Hey, Dave! Just the person I was looking for.” Down the hall packed full of students is Anna! I...

1 year ago
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Personal Professionals Vol 2 The VIP Treatment

I once spent a short time working in a ‘gentlemen’s club’ as a bouncer. Not because I’m particularly large, but because I’m strong enough to calm down the drunks if necessary. I had the pleasure of working in this club with a lovely girl named Ginger. She was the most popular stripper in the place and it’s not hard to see why. She stood 5’8′ and had long red hair all the way down to an ass that drained the patron’s wallets in no time flat. She had 38DD tits that made mouths water and dazzling...

1 year ago
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Daughters Horny Urge Section 2Revised

Her mother was shaking and rocking her hips, grinding her cunt up into Jerry's face, obviously enjoying his tongue. Fiona wondered what to do as she watched. Somehow they'd come back while she'd dozed off, and hadn't seen her out here. Her father made her mother come in a gasping orgasm which made Fiona very wet, and she wanted to finger her pussy, but she didn't dare. She didn't want them to catch her watching them, let alone masturbating while she did! Her parents swapped places,...

3 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 31

Roxie stood in the parking space that Bubba’s truck had just vacated. She stared down the road at his taillights until she couldn’t see them anymore. She knew it was pointless to do it but couldn’t help herself. A small breeze came up and she could feel Bubba’s money flapping like a flag as she held the bills in her fingers. She stuffed the money in her jeans pocket, picked up her bag with her belongings and turned back toward the restaurant in the distance. Well, there was only one thing...

2 years ago
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Feminine Little Bitch For MEN

This week I had mad sex in the booths. Oh - my - fuckin' GOD! I had sex with the hottest nigga in the city tonight! Let's just say that last night was a winner for this little sissy. I went straight to the adult arcade. This nasty looking sexy bitch at the window smiled at me and gave me my coupons. I think she knows I'm the crossdresser everyone talks about, because she gave me that certain smile - you know - that sisterly smile that prostitutes give one another?Anyway, I went inside, grabbed...

2 years ago
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Her first Blow Jobs

Regina and her friend, Tanya, were both interested in learning how to give a blow job. They were determined to have plenty of blow job giving experience before they went to college.Tanya had several magazines she shared with Regina. The magazines had tips on how to give a great blow job. There were lots of techniques and things to do to a guy’s dick to maximize his pleasure.The more she read about blow jobs, the more Regina wanted to try it.She and Tanya had been giving hand jobs and jerking...

Oral Sex

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