By Proxy free porn video

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By Proxy by Jaana "Cody, a man with a boring and mundane life, suddenly finds himself a pawn thrust onto the board of the Second World. Can he escape the machinations of the powerful forces around him? Does he even want to?" AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the first time I've tried a story from the first- hand perspective. I can see the appeal, but I'm not sure I've done it right. *** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex, female transformation and female arousal. You have been warned! *** I was midway through the flight when I first noticed I had a pussy. It was the most fucked-up thing. I mean, you'd expect that if you had your cock and balls swapped for a woman's lady-bits, you'd notice right away. Maybe it's a telling thing about how little we really pay attention to our genitals during day-to-day business, or maybe I'm just not as attuned to my body as others might be. I don't know. Later on, when I thought about it, it must have happened when I was in one of the Seattle-Tacoma airport lounges waiting for my boarding call. I was working on my laptop, finishing up a report that I was to give the next morning at a company conference in San Francisco, when I got an eerie feeling. Not quite 'the hair stood up on the back of my neck', maybe more along the lines of 'someone walked on my grave'. I looked up and my eyes immediately locked with a woman staring at me. She was standing at the entrance to the lounge, immobile while around her passengers came and went. She was beautiful, in a hippie-ish or granola sort of way. I barely took in what she was wearing, I seem to remember a long, dark skirt, a wrap, and some kind of long necklace. It was her face that drew my eyes. Long, curly black hair. A nose slightly too bold to be beatiful. An oval face, pale, freckled, with pink lips that were pressed together in concentration. Large, expressive black eyes burned into mine. I blushed. What? I don't usually get women staring at me. I'm not ugly or anything, just not very noteworthy. I've got a good build that comes from having a brown belt in Taekwondo, but my face was described by my last girlfriend, two years ago, as 'plain'. My hair was a standard men's cut - the banking company I work for is old-fashioned and insists on certain conservative standards. So I'm hardly a feast for the eyes. So to have this woman stare at me was unexpected. Our eyes seemed to lock, and then the strangest thing happened. I felt a burst of light in my head, and saw swirling colors. A wet heat seemed to bloom in my belly, my stomach lurched, and I felt a painful twinge in my groin. I reeled, and stared at the floor waiting for the colors to fade. What the hell was that, I thought. I looked up, and she was gone. I think it was then when it must have happened. At the time, I thought maybe it was just a dizzy spell. I heard the boarding call and I had to scramble to save my work and pack things away. Did I have a woman's moist, cleft mound between my legs when I was waiting in line to board? I think I did. How did I not notice? I don't know. I was busy scanning the lounge and the line for the woman I had just seen, so maybe I was too distracted. And besides, it's not like it was announcing its presence or anything. There was something - like the vague sensation of a void within me - but it wasn't enough to draw my attention then. When I did notice, it wasn't like I suddenly freaked out, jumped up and started screaming "OH MY GOD I'VE GOT A VAGINA!!!" on the plane. There was no panic at first, perhaps because the realization came in steps. I was reading a magazine, trying to ignore the nose whistle of the fat man asleep next to me, when I shifted my hips to huddle closer to the window. It was maybe an hour into the flight, and nighttime was coming. I wanted to get as much natural sunlight before having to turn on the overhead light. Have you ever noticed how aggravating that light is? It's neither bright nor white, but it still manages to reinforce the cold dryness in the tinned air of the plane. Anyhow, I shifted my hips and knew immediately, the way every man knows instinctively, that I squashed my balls. I braced myself for the incoming pain, but there was no pain. Just a curious tensing inside of me. It was the first clue that something was wrong, but I simply shrugged it off. Lucky, I thought. It was a Newsweek I was reading. I'm usually a Time fan, but lately the news has been bad enough that I've avoided it. The oil's running out, unrest in the mideast, the next killer flu's around the corner. Who needs that all that? Isn't normal life filled with enough problems? What we need is more love, and less fear and death, in the world. And in that spirit I turned the page to an article about Katy Pery and her new husband. The page opposite was dominated by a splash photo showing Katy at the beach. She really has got a magnificent body, I thought as I admired her curves. I felt my groin tighten, and expected the feeling of my cock erecting. But it didn't come! Instead I felt a twitch inside of me. Again, it was weird, but not enough to freak me out. I started reading the article, but was increasingly distracted by the feeling in my groin. It was relaxing, but as it did, I felt the incredibly weird feeling of warm moistness there! The closest I can come to describing the feeling is like when you've stepped out of a hot shower and just dried off your block and tackle. But of course, it's not like I had a shower - I was on a plane, after all - but it's the closest I can come to describing that feeling. There was also something else. I thought at first that it was just something minor in my gut - maybe a touch of indigestion, but I was becoming aware that the feeling was actually lower in my body than that. The warm moistness emphasized the feeling, making it stronger - the sensation of a void, or sort of emptiness, inside of me. It was irritating, and I wanted it gone. Or filled. I adjusted my hips again. Was I sitting on a wet seat? I unbuckled my seatbelt and stood up, and looked at the seat, touching it with my hand. It was fine. Dry as a bone, like the air in the damn plane. Irritated I sat down again, and crossed my thighs. This was ridiculous. I should have been feeling the pressure on my balls, but no, nothing! It was like they weren't even there! Even then, it's not like I was really worried. I mean, you don't just lose body parts like that. I knew with utter certainty that my cock and balls were still there. At worst, I was afraid that I had somehow peed myself. I glanced at the fat man besides me, but he was still totally out of it. I looked around - no stewardesses were nearby, and everyone else was either asleep, reading, or watching the lousy in-flight movie. (Notting Hill? Really?). I spread my legs a bit and surreptitiously slid my hand down so I could feel my crotch. I was expecting to feel wetness. Instead, I found something far more worrisome. The fabric was dry, but it was lying strangely on my groin. I couldn't feel my cock, just a soft, curving flatness. My finger traced the faint depression of a valley splitting that flatness, and I softly gasped, my back arching as electricity shivered down my spine and goosebumps broke out on my skin! I felt my throat tighten in fear, my eyes widening in shock as warmth flooded my groin, something inside of me suddenly flexing, or clenching, weirdly! It was the last straw, and I resolved to get to the bottom of it immediately. I got up, and muttering an apology to the oblivious sleeper in the seat next to me, I made my way to the passageway and headed for the toilet in the back. I became aware as I walked of a strange wetness between my thighs and a hunger inside my hips. Hungry for what, I couldn't tell you! But at some level I didn't want that emptiness gone - I definitely wanted it filled! I locked myself into the closet that passes as a bathroom in airplanes and pulled down my business slacks and briefs. I noticed right away that there was a small spot of something wet inside my briefs, but it was eclipsed by the scent I was smelling. It was not unfamiliar to me, but its presence was puzzling in the extreme! It was the smell of a woman's arousal - the smell of a wet vagina!But even then, my mind refused to accept what had happened. It started concocting the far- fetched thought that I had been knocked unconscious and taken advantage of by a woman. I looked down and that ludicrous thought vanished. I could see black curls, not my usual chestnut ones, over where my cock should be, but I couldn't see my cock. I turned to the mirror, and gaped at what I saw. The evidence was now undeniable. Underneath a triangle of soft black curls was the soft, rounded mound of a woman's vulva. It was bisected by a slit - a gulley through which the soft, pink folds of labia shyly peeked. They glistened with moisture. My hand, shaking, descended and verified the impossible. I could feel my hand stroking the soft, curving flatness of a woman's groin, could feel the velvety folds, slick with a woman's excitement. But I could also feel a hand stroking the nothingness where my cock should be, and felt my groin twitch and clench, growing more wet, as a hand stroked the sensitive lips of my new womanhood. "Excuse me? Sir? Hello? Are you all right in there?" I looked around, and realized I was on the floor of the bathroom! My pants were pooled around my ankles, and as I struggled to my feet, I tried to remember what I was doing before. Had I fainted? But then memory struck me like a thunderbolt, and I checked between my legs. My throat locked in terror as I beheld once again the woman's pussy I now sported between my thighs. The rapping grew more insistent. "Sir? The plane is about to land, you have to get back to your seat! Sir?" "I'm coming out, just a minute!" I shouted, my voice high-pitched with fear. Not fear of having a pussy necessarily, but fear that someone would find out! For some reason, I felt it was incredibly embarrassing to have a pussy, and was filled with the urgent desire to keep it hidden! I yanked up my briefs and pants, and belted them up, trying to ignore how flat the slacks laid on my crotch. How long was I out? At least a couple of minutes, perhaps even more. My pussy was no longer felt wet. I opened the door to face one of the stewardesses, her face crinkled with annoyance. "You have to return to your seat sir, we are starting our descent." "I'm sorry for the bother, I had some wicked indigestion." I said, but then both I and she smelled the faint odor of pussy coming from the bathroom. Her face grew stormy, and I paled. "Return to your seat now." she said in that all-too-even voice women sometimes used when they were mentally chewing rocks. "Yes ma'am" I said, my face red with embarrassment, and I returned to my seat. I was thankful, though, that all she thought was that I had joined the mile-high club, not that I had suddenly grown a set of woman's genitals. My felt my skin break out in a sweat and heart race at the thought. As I maneuvered my way around my sleeping fat companion, my mind was racing. It was then that I realized that the woman I saw earlier at the airport must have been responsible. Nothing else had happened that was out of the ordinary. But how? And why? Did she slip something to me in a drink or food earlier? I was a rational man, and this seemed farfetched in the extreme. I'd never heard of anything that could allow something like this to happen. But it couldn't be magic. Could it? It was a real struggle to not check my groin again. My mind turned round and round, like a serpent swallowing its own tail, while inside my hips a tunnel mutely twitched. I was trying hard to ignore it, and felt sweats and chills each time I failed. What if this was permanent? Would I spend the rest of my life with a woman's soft split? How could I handle it? Would I be doomed to never have sex again, afraid of ever having to show my groin in public? How could I ever visit a doctor, or go swimming, or do any number of things that demanded I dress lightly and risk revealing the slit mound between my legs! I was so consumed in thought that it was a surprise when I felt the plane hit the runway with a thump. Around me people came to life as the engines roared, slowing the plane. The captains soothing, pleasant voice filtered through the loudspeakers, but I didn't hear him. I was in a daze. I shook myself out of it, and got up, pulling down my carryall and briefcase, and deplaned with the rest of the passengers. I think I was in shock. *** I approached the customs area with trepidation. Now, this was an internal flight, so I shouldn't have to worry about being searched or selected for a pat-down. But nonetheless, I was sweaty as I approached the customs official. What would I do if I did receive a pat-down? What would I say when they discovered my new vagina? But the customs officer simply waved me through, and breathing a huge sigh of relief I headed for the baggage carousel. I grabbed my suitcase from the carousel and grunted in annoyance. The shock of finding out I had a pussy and the resultant worry must have really tired me, I reflected as I struggled with my baggage. It felt heavier than when I checked it in. I half-pulled, half-lifted my suitcase out to the taxi area. I needed to check into my hotel and then figure out what to do. The conference at the San Francisco office was tomorrow and I was expected to give a speech there, but could I really go through with that right now? Wasn't dealing with the loss of my manhood a bigger priority? Check in first, I reflected. First things first. There wasn't anything immediate I could do. If I went to a doctor or the hospital, I would either be dismissed as a really ugly woman at best, or treated as a freak at worst! I stepped out into the night, and waited for the next available taxi, scratching my arms absently. I looked around, watching people come and go, wondering if any of them could see I was a man in name only now! A woman with a nice rack bulging underneath her tight sweater passed by, and I felt my new genitals tense pleasurably. C'mon, I thought angrily to my new pussy, that was hardly worthy of actual arousal! A taxi stopped and I threw my baggage into the trunk and got in, tersely telling the cabbie to take me to the one-star hotel the company had so graciously arranged for me. The taxi sped off into the night and I watched the night lights of Oakland go by. I adjusted the way I was sitting, the briefs were pulling against my new vulva and it felt good, and that was the last thing I needed right now. I scratched my legs, annoyed. Why was I so itchy all of a sudden? We stopped briefly near a well-lit intersection, and I pulled back the sleeve of my coat and shirt. I paused, alarmed. My arm hair was gone! I rubbed my hand over my arm, and registered smooth, soft skin. Soft down glinted in the light, not my usual coarse hair. What the hell! The taxi sped on, and I realized I was sweating again. It must have been a trick of the light. Had anything else on me changed? I started feeling my face, but stopped when I saw the cabbie frowning at me in the rear-view mirror. The ride to the hotel seemed to take forever. My shirt was soaked with sweat, and I was shivering. Between my legs a canal slowly clenched and unclenched. I couldn't stop doing it. It like I was constantly subconsciously checking to see if my vagina was still there, and then checking again to make sure. And again. And again. But it didn't go away. The world was starting to reel around me, but I held myself together, telling myself "Just get to your room. Just get to your room. Then you can scream, cry, pass out, whatever. But for now, just hold on. Hold on! I saw the words of the hotel name written on the night in neon, and then the taxi stopped. I passed him my credit card, scrawled something on the bill that looked like too large a tip, but anxious to be gone I didn't care. I dragged my luggage into the lobby of the hotel and requested the key to my room. "You don't look so well." The clerk commented as he took down the room details and cast the room card. "No.. " I quavered, gulped, and tried again. "I guess I'm feeling a bit under the weather." I took some kleenex out of my pocket and wiped my brow, but I couldn't stop shivering. The shock and anxiety was getting to me. I took the cardkey from the clerk and made my way to my room. Making sure the door was locked behind me, I staggered drunkily to the bed and fell down, passing out for the second time in as many hours. *** I roused some time later, groaning as I got up. I felt between my legs again, and moaned in horror as I felt the moist void there twitch again. Tears welled up in my eyes and I'm ashamed to admit I bawled like a baby. The terror and anxiety I felt overwhelmed me and it felt like hours before I finally was able to control myself. What are you, some mushy teenage girl, I thought angrily to myself. Men don't cry. I dried my eyes and looked at the bedside clock. It read nearly ten past ten. I looked fearfully at the dark bathroom. I really needed a shower, I felt sticky with sweat. I was afraid of what I would find in there. I started to debate. Obviously what had happened to me was life-changing, and not in a good way. I needed to track down the woman who had done this to me. The enormity of the task bore down on me. All I had was a vague description of what she looked like! I didn't even know for sure that she was responsible! But the alternative, spending the rest of my life with a pussy, was impossible to contemplate. At work, I had a sabbatical due me. I had never taken advantage of it. Between my substandard love life, single status and my own hard work ethic, work was a blessing, a relief from the loneliness of my existence. But now I had a reason to claim it. I would spend that time tracking down that woman, whatever it took! But that meant giving the speech at the conference tomorrow, or I might not have a job to take a sabbatical from. I swallowed. It would be tough, but my plane didn't leave until tomorrow night. What else would I do then? Sit in this hotel room and play with my pussy? ... I was flabbergasted. Did I really think that? I could feel my groin tense again, and knew that warmth would follow shortly as I lubricated myself! I got to my feet quickly, indignantly. No way was I doing that! (Not even a teeny bit? My subconscious asked naughtily. Aren't you the least bit curious?) No, I thought, I'm not. I'm really not. It was time to man up. The thought held irony - I felt the warmth between my legs of my pussy getting slick. I went to the bathroom, flipped the light, and went in. I stared at myself in the mirror. Shit! I couldn't believe it! My five o'clock shadow was gone! I rubbed my hand disbelievingly over my face. No trace of coarse stubble. Just soft, smooth skin! Luckily the rest of my face was unchanged. My throat tight, I unbuckled my pants and pulled them down. And gasped! I had PANTIES! They were stretched across my hips, cupping and emphasizing my female mound! They were light-blue, and made out of some sort of thin, stretchy fabric. I stood there for a minute, alternating between looking down and at the reflection in the mirror. It slowly dawned on me that my legs were now hairless too! Had I lost my body hair everywhere? I left the panties on for now and pulled my tie off, unbuttoning my shirt. I opened it and moaned in horror at the third nasty shock of the moment! My chest was not only hairless, but my nipples were HUGE! They poked out from my chest like little pencil erasers, and they were surrounded by large puffy pink disks! I touched one of them with a trembling hand. Oh my god... touching it was like someone gently touching the head of my cock, it was very sensitive. I gently pinched it, and involuntarily gasped as an electric shock dropped down my spine to blossom inside my hips, and I felt my pussy, already warm and moist, clench and become outright wet! I forced myself to relax, and breathe deep breaths. What was I doing? I told myself I wasn't going to do this! The temptation was powerful though, my vagina felt like a huge hole waiting to be filled - it actually ached with the need to be stuffed! Whatever happened to me, or was still happening, had turned to libido up to a fever pitch. I would have liked nothing more than to drag some poor unsuspecting... I killed the mental image by punching myself in the side of my head. Gods, a shower! I needed a shower! I turned on the shower, making it as hot as I could bear, wincing as I felt a drop of my juices slide down an inner thigh. I stepped in, sighing in relief as the hot water soothed and massaged my sensitive skin. I soaped myself down and washed my hair, noting as I did that it felt fuller than before. I hesitated, then quickly washed my new female parts, gasping as I did at the incredible feeling of having my slippery mound rubbed and stimulated. I stepped out of the shower feeling less horny than before, but I could still feel it, lurking just underneath the surface. I unzipped my luggage and threw on some briefs and an undershirt. The undershirt irritated my sensitive nipples as I drew it on, and I felt little tingles erupt in my groin, which started to feel nice and warm again. It was aggravating. I felt a wave of fatigue envelop me, but before I went to bed I wanted to double check my presentation. It would be hard enough tomorrow with all the extra 'difficulties' I had to deal with, the last thing I needed was to be unprepared. I pulled out my laptop and flipped up the lid. There was a note lying on the keyboard, written in an elegant hand. YOU WILL GET IT BACK I picked up the note, a chill running through my body. Who had put this here? How? Had someone sneaked into my room while I was in the shower? Unlikely, but I got up anyway and threw the deadbolt on the room, then turned my attention back to the note. "You will get it back" What? My body? My manhood? I felt a sudden, burning rush of hope. Could this be only temporary? God, I hoped so. No offense to the other half of the population, but I wasn't a woman and had no desire to be one! The note didn't say when, however. I flipped it over. Nothing. The paper the note was written on was clearly off a small notebook, the pen, ballpoint. It was hard to associate the note with the incredible transformation I had suffered. But it was hope, and I clung to it fervently. I fired up my laptop, spent a quarter hour dotting my i's and crossing my t's, then I pulled off my undershirt and crawled between the sheets. I set the alarm clock and flicked on the TV, but before I knew it, I was sound asleep. *** *beep! beep! beep!* I moaned, stirring. God, morning already? *beep! BEEP! BEEP!* I threw out an arm and fumbled for the button. It was hard to press for some reason, but I managed it. I drowsed for a few seconds, dimly aware that my hand was between my thighs and gently stroking my groin. It felt warm and wet for some reason, and the pleasure in my hips felt good, but foreign. There was a void inside me aching to be filled. Wait a minute... a void? Wet? I was fully awake in an instant and sat upright with a jerk, and yelled in surprise as I looked between my legs! Holy shit, I was a SHE! A WOMAN! I was wearing panties that were cupping a female mound, the gusset soaking wet with a woman's pussy juices! The events of yesterday came flooding back, and I sighed, flopping onto my back with a sigh. Damn. I had vaguely hoped that by going to sleep I would wake up myself again, but I was still 'gifted' with a vagina and a woman's soft, smooth skin. And my libido still felt out of control. I felt warm, rippling pulses of pleasure in my hips, and felt my vagina throbbing regularly, and realized that my hand was still cupping and stroking my mound! I wanted to stop but the pleasure was riveting, and my hand just kept on stroking. I couldn't stop! Soon my hand had slipped beneath my panties and was stroking the nether lips of my womanhood, which were swollen and wet with my female cream. I gasped as my questing fingers found a small, swollen bud just above the slit! It looked like I had found my clit, and I started rubbing it between strokes of my pussy. Something was building inside of me, a hot, wet heat inside my hips that threatened to erupt and engulf my body. I couldn't wait! With my other hand I started pinching and pulling on one of my nipples. I scratched myself and yelped, taking more care to not do so. It was strange, but the nipples felt... flabbier, somehow. But the hot, rippling pleasure of my incipient orgasm was consuming me. My rubbing grew faster and stronger... my vagina was throbbing urgently... my clit was starting to tingle... here it comes! Ah! Ah! AAAAAAAH! I made a high-pitched shriek, my back arching as my pussy suddenly, urgently clenched, and then my shriek broke into gasping cries as a series of strong pulsations seized my vagina! A tsunami of wet heat flooded my body as my pussy spasmed, and I felt wetness flood the area between my thighs and drip down into the crack of my ass as I rode the waves. Panting, I relaxed as the ripples died down. God, what a feeling! It was very different from a man's orgasm. My female orgasm seized my entire body and took complete control. It was both a scary and exhilirating feeling, and very much unlike my male orgasm, which was also intense but I had full control. It made me feel vulnerable... feminine! I panted, brushing my hair from my face, and winced as I scratched myself. I paused. Why had I scratched myself? And why did I even need to brush hair out of my face? I sat up again and this time felt my hair brush my shoulders! I reached up to touch it and froze. Oh my god! I stared at my fingernails, which protruded a full half-inch from my fingers and were painted pink! I sprang up and ran to the door, and received another shock! Something was jiggling on my chest. I looked down and gaped at the small cones pushing out of my chest, capped with my large nipples! I grabbed one and gasped at the feeling of someone grasping a sensitive gland! Oh shit oh shit, I thought as I hyperventilated, I was growing BREASTS! I don't know why I was so surprised. I mean, in retrospect, it seemed obvious given the changes I had noticed last night. But it was still a huge shock! I stood there for a minute groping and prodding at the small cones on my chest. They were soft but not just mounds of fat, inside of them I could feel a hard, rubbery knot that was pretty tender. They weren't breasts, not quite, but the beginnings of them. They were breast buds. I was budding! Remebering what I was running to the door for, I looked and found that the deadbolt was still secure. How had someone managed to get in and paint my nails? I still refused then to believe in magic, despite all the evidence to the contrary. I looked around the room, pausing occasionally to grope my chest or look at my nails. What the hell was I going to do? I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair! It was black, shoulder-length and curly! My face was still mine though, thank god! But even then... were my lips a little pinker? There was no sign of facial hair, and I giggled in a quavery way when I realized that I was switching from shaving something on top to having to shave something on the bottom. Okay, Cody, focus! You have a presentation to give this morning. You've never been to the San Francisco office before, and while your picture is on the company intranet, chances are nobody's really looked at it. You can do this. I went out to where my luggage was, and winced when I saw the stain of pussy juice on the mattress. Thank god I would be checking out this morning, I wouldn't want to meet the maid that did up this room today. I realized that I was still wet and slick between my thighs - I would need to wash myself before getting dressed. I realized I was still horny. Fuck! The orgasm had only served to take the edge of it, my body still deeply craved... cock. I'm ashamed to admit it, but yes, I wanted cock at that moment. A big, thick penis rammed deeply into me to fill that annoying void between my legs. The desire for it warred with my natural disgust of having sex with a man. I shook the thought from my mind. The sooner I got my normal body back, the sooner I could ditch this female body with its scary and frustrating needs. I dug out my toileteries bag and rooted through it, emerging with a small pair of scissors. Using it I trimmed my nails down to their normal length. I would pick up some nail polish remover from the little store the hotel had. I would also need to stop by a barber before showing up at the office. Reassured by my plan, I went into the bathroom and peeled my wet panties off, and it joined the other one still in the trash bin. Kneeling in the tub, I washed my new privates of the sticky residue from the morning's 'adventure'. I got dressed, pulling on some socks, a new pair of briefs, and a fresh set of pants. I mulled over the flatness evident in my groin. Screw it. It's not like they're going to be staring at my crotch, and I'm behind a podium anyhow. I threw on a fresh undershirt, grimacing as it slid over the tight knobs on my chest, making my pussy twitch. I put on a shirt and buttoned it up, and frowned. Shit. The budding cones on my chest were visible, thrusting the shirt out slightly, the nipples visible as points. I shrugged on my business jacket. Better. As long as I kept it on, the budding tits were hidden. Put on a tie, packed up and left, wishing I could leave behind my female troubles as easily! I picked up some nail polish remover, doing my best to keep my fingernails hidden, and stopped by the hotel's public washroom to remove the polish. It wasn't the best job, my nails were still a little pinkish, but it wasn't really noticeable unless you were looking. I checked out of the hotel, asking where the nearest barber was as I did. I endured the strange look the clerk gave me and my bouncing shoulder- length locks. What, you've never heard of long hair on a man buddy? The nearest barber was walking distance away, and before long I had short hair again. It was still black with a natural curl, but nobody would look twice at it unless they had known me before. I hailed a taxi, threw my luggage in, and went to the office, fighting the whole way to supress the strange female horniness that didn't seem to abate. My pussy was hot and moist, and I kept feeling a tickle inside my hips, which I feared was pussy cream lubricating my new vagina! *** "Here's the schedule. We've got you penned in for 10:00am. Are you all set?" Casey asked me. Casey was a slender and good looking woman who worked for the HR arm of the company. She had greeted me when I arrived at the corporate HQ, which was swarming with reps from all over the country and even the world. The conference was the big end-of-fiscal-year where everything that the company had accomplished over the last year, and everything that was planned for the next year, was announced. Yawn. I wished I hadn't drawn the short straw this year. If I hadn't, I wouldn't be fighting a slow transformation into a woman, among other things! I stifled a nervous giggle. It was just so ludicrous! "What's so funny?" Casey asked peevishly. She was normally good- natured, but with all the people flooding the office, she was worn pretty thin, so I didn't blame her. "It's nothing. I'm all set Casey." "Good. Well, the talk begins at 9:00 am sharp, so you have a bit of time to wander around, meet people, and so forth. Now if you'll excuse me..." she turned to greet three staff members from our Indian office, and I shouldered my laptop bag and moved on. Thankfully the company was kind enough to forward my baggage to the airport, so I didn't have to lug my suitcase around. But as for meeting new people, forget it. I had enough trouble to deal with. I found a quiet corner of the conference room to wait in and fired up my laptop. I wouldn't want to mingle even if I weren't trying to hide my freakishly female body. I pulled at my collar a bit and undid my jacket, but I didn't take it off. I could feel the small mounds on my chest aching. I wish I could take it off, it was hot in here. My desire for solitude was soon interrupted, however. "Hello there. You must be... Cody Renfrew?" I looked up, and beheld a friendly freckled face grinning down at me. She was cute, with shoulder-length auburn hair, pale skin with a splash of freckles across her nose, borderless glasses perched on a cute pert nose, and dark green eyes. Her lips were just the right size and her lipstick was a neutral red that perfectly matched the elegant and businesslike jacket and skirt that she wore. I tried to place the face but failed. "Yes.. that's me!" I forced a smile and shook her offered hand, and was surprised by the vigrorous pump she gave it. "My name's Elena... Elena Jones. We haven't met before, so I thought it was high time to introduce myself. I'm the director of IT." I was surprised to say the least. IT - Information Technology - was shorthand for 'the geeks that make the computers run'. We had an IT person back in our Seattle office, a long-haired and fat weirdo who seemed to have the supernatural power to make your computer problems go away just by being nearby. In my experience IT folk were either skinny and weird, or fat and weird. And they universally hated people in my field of work. Namely, bean-counting. This very normal, even attractive woman led that strange tribe? "There's that look!" "What look?" I asked, surprised. "The look that says I-can't-believe-that-woman-works-in-IT! I've been seeing it all day!" She laughed and tossed her head. "You would be surprised at the different sorts of people who work in IT, Cody. As you can see, some of us can be quite normal." Her eyes twinkled. "Okay, maybe not me." "Why? You look normal to me. I mean, you look good!" I said, surprised. She smoothed the front of her suit and I tried not to watch how the swells of her chest filled out her jacket. My pussy clenched, and I focused on her face. "I usually don't wear a monkey suit like this, but I have to admit I look good in it. Still, I can't imagine wearing it for any length of time." "Too bad, you look stunning in it." Jesus, did I just say that? She blushed, which I found very appealing. What was I doing? This woman was way out of my league even if I was looking for a relationship, which I definitely wasn't, not now! "Well... aren't you suave! Do you work in Marketing?" "No, accounting." A shadow passed over her face. Why did people in IT hate people in accounting? It was a mystery. But it had the effect of making her back off, which I was grateful for, though I would have rued it in other circumstances. "Well... I'd better get back to hobnobbing. I haven't met my quota surprised faces today." I laughed, which seemed to startle her. She turned to leave and abruptly fell over a chair. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Fine! Peachy! I'm just a klutz! It was nice meeting you Cody!" "It was nice to meet you too." I murmured as I watched her go, her ass swaying underneath her business skirt. I felt the dampness in my groin increase, and turned back to my laptop with an unspoken curse. It wasn't long before the conference hall filled completely. I saw Frank, the vice-president and the host of the conference, setting up at the front. Across the room, I noticed Elana speaking to an young asian woman who was dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt that read "Gamer Grrrrl". One of her IT cohorts, undoubtably. They were talking, Elena subdued, the other girl looking frustrated with her. I was startled to see her punch Elena in the arm and point across the room at me! Elena followed her hand and our eyes met, and I was surprised to see her flush beet red! She dove out of the conference room, the asian girl following her closely, also looking embarrassed. Now what was that about? I didn't have time to think about it as the presentations began. I struggled to focus on the speakers, but it was hard! The warmth in my groin would not abate, and my flesh felt itchy with weird aches and pains. And now, with the results of last quarter's sales, please welcome Cody Renfrew!" The amplified voice rang out, and I jumped. I grabbed my laptop and rushed to the podium. I was aghast as I did to feel the slippery, gliding sensation between my legs! I was undoubtably creaming myself! Oh god, I hoped it didn't spot, or that nobody could smell it! Sweating, I plugged my laptop into into the overhead projector. Okay, focus! This is numbers. This is your strength, your mantra. I dove into the presentation. Unlike many accountants, I'm very much aware that what I do is stultifyingly boring to pretty much anyone who's not an accountant. I was happy to see that the small additions I made to the presentation had a good effect, people were smiling and occasionally chuckling. If you ever want to make a presentation interesting, use humor. It works like magic. Halfway through the presentation I suddenly felt what seemed like an electric shock race through my hands. My voice faltered as I looked at my hands. The fingernails had grown back to their half-inch length, and were painted pink again! Not only that, but my hands were different! The fingers were longer, the hand more slender. It looked like a woman's hand! I saw the quizzical expression on Franks's face, an expression matched by many of the others watching. Webcams were focused on me, sending my image to the other offices as I spoke. I couldn't stop now. I just had to forge on and hope for the best. I kept my hands hidden behind the podium and continued. I felt sweat dripping down my back and into the valley between my small breasts. The small mammaries were aching, almost throbbing. I was entering the last fifteen minutes of my presentation when I felt something new! At first, it felt like my jacket was a bit too tight, but as I wiggled my shoulders I realized that there was something wrapped around my chest underneath my shirt. It was stretchy and I could feel straps running over my shoulders. I could feel my small tits gently supported by soft cups. Shit shit, I was wearing a BRA! Not only that, but I could feel my chest growing! With each throb and ache, they seemed to push more against my jacket, and started to push it out! I hunched my shoulders and quickened my speech. Each movement of my hips reminded me of the wetness between my legs, and I could feel the pants sliding over smooth fabric, and knew that I wasn't wearing briefs anymore! I could do this... just five more minutes! What was happening to my socks? I could feel them creeping up my legs. I risked a downwards glance but didn't notice anything, just my pants and my shoes. But I could feel the socks pulling up my legs like they were alive! As they slid up they seemed to change in texture, becoming a sheer nylon, and as they approached near the top of my thighs I suddenly heard faint 'clicks' as they anchored themselves to something just above my panties! It couldn't be.. but I knew, somehow, that I was now wearing stockings and a garter belt! I concluded the speech and received polite applause, and quickly stepped down from the podium, hustling to one of the doors, my shoulders hunched to hide the flesh bouncing on my chest. As I did, I felt my ass jiggling in my pants. There was a sway to my hips that I definitely didn't like! "Thank you Cody, for your presentation of last quarter's sales figures! Next up is Miranda, with the summary of the new hires we've done..." I stepped out of the conference room and hurried down the hallway to the nearest men's washroom. I was thankful everyone was watching the presentations,because it meant there was nobody to see my hair growing to shoulder-length! I gasped and grasped it. "No..." I whispered at the handful of black curls in my hand. They were continuing to grow! My face ached and I felt bones crunch, and I cried softly in pain. I ran into the bathroom, trying not to think about the jiggling of my ass, or how my chest was bouncing around under my jacket! I stared in horror at the mirror. Long, curly black hair. A nose slightly too bold to be beatiful. An oval face, pale, freckled, with curving pink lips! Large, expressive black eyes burned into mine, and I trembled in fear. I had become the woman from the airport! A pressure was building up inside my shirt. What now? It felt like I was wearing an extra layer of clothing underneath it! I pulled off my jacket, alarmed at how the shirt was bulging weirdly, not just around my chest but all over. I tore off my tie and ripped open my shirt, revealing what appeared to be a red blouse underneath it! My breasts were easily C-cups, and pushed out in generous swells underneath the fabric. I unbuckled and dropped my pants, allowing a skirt to drop down around my stocking-clad thighs! Disbelieving, I grabbed the mammaries on my chest, and felt the roundness of my ass. I lifted the skirt, which was a nice, colorful pattern and saw in the mirror that I was indeed wearing dark stockings and a garter belt! Below them were my panties, the gusset showing a dark spot of gleaming pussy cream. As I stared into the mirror, I saw a calm that I didn't feel pass over my face. I spun around and picked a purse off the floor. I suddenly realized that there wasn't any sign of the clothing I had torn off just seconds earlier. I checked the purse. It looked just like a woman's purse, filled with a woman's necessities. I saw my hands pull out a airplane ticket, and felt relieved. Good. At least I still had that. I saw my hands pull out lipstick and a compact, and tried to put them back, but couldn't! I suddenly realized with absolute terror that I wasn't really in control of my body! I saw and felt the woman in the mirror delicately apply some makeup and put on some lipstick, and smacked my lips, feeling the strange waxy sensation. "What am I doing?" I heard a soft, almost husky woman's voice say. But I didn't answer my own question. Instead I left the bathroom, hearing the clicking sound of heels on the floor. What was going on? I could tell I was still in control, I wasn't a mannequin in the hands of another. But it was like there was a hidden script, or a list of immutable instincts impossible to ignore, driving me! I passed a couple of men in the hallway. I could see them admiring me, and I felt myself give a little swing to my hips for their benefit. God! What was I doing? I left the building and hailed a taxi. As I slid into the back seat I had the weirdest sensation, like my mind was looking up something buried in my memory. I could hear my feminine voice say "Corner of Vellejo and Turk Murphy Lane." The taxi pulled into traffic and tried to think. I had never been to San Francisco, and the street address I just uttered meant nothing to me. I crossed my legs and started bouncing my thighs together. It put pressure on my hot pussy, and felt good! I tried to stop it, but instead the bouncing continued, stoking the fires of my female arousal! Fifteen minutes later the taxi stopped. I fished some money out of my purse and paid the cabby, and got out. It drove away, leaving me in what appeared to be a street in San Francisco's chinatown. What was I doing here? *** I ducked into the darkness of Turk Murphy lane, which was a tiny alley that bored between two large stores. It was dark and smelled of exotic spices and faraway lands. I stopped by an unnamed shop, and stepped through the door into a bygone age. Inside it was dim, the only illumination coming from bronze oil lamps hanging from the ceiling, flickering shadows dancing on the walls. Bales of grasses and herbs lay stacked against the wall, and shelves stocked with myriad glass bottles and tins dominated the center of the small and cramped room. A wooden desk adorned with a checkout machine that must date back to the 1800's was visible against the back wall, as was a bead curtain that hid a lit room beyond. Strange talismans and medaillons hung from the ceiling. "Who's there?" A subtle voice called out, and a dusky hand parted the bead curtain, followed shortly by a lithe and handsome Arab man. He was dressed casually but with style, and his dark eyes somberly regarded me. I felt my heated pussy ache as he did. "Ah, it's you, Trina my dear. I take it that you have reconsidered the price?" His eyebrow rose in a questioning arch. "I..." I started to respond, but then had that curious feeling of mental rummaging. "Yes." I heard myself say. "Those roots of ginseng, soaked thrice in moon- shadowed Xyberia, in the essence of mandrake is impossible to find anywhere else." What? But I heard myself continuing. "Though I despise you for it, I have no choice but to pay." "You will not despise me afterwards. Believe me when I say I would not enjoy this without passing on that enjoyment to you. I am not an animal" He walked past me and locked the front door. Again the feeling that I was reading a script unknown to me. "Then let's get this over with. I need to return quickly to the airport, my plane will leave soon." I felt like there was a wire thrumming within me, connecting the base of my brain to the aching emptiness within my hips. My body was quivering. I felt my breasts swell gently within my bra. I heard him chuckle deeply behind me. I wanted to turn around, but could not. "Odd that a witch of your caliber be beholden to a false beast of fire and iron to carry you here, to my demense." I nearly jumped as I felt his hand press against my lower back and slide down over the curve of my female ass. I felt his breath, hot and smelling of cinnamon, on my neck, and I moaned as my womanhood clenched in pleasure. "For someone so reluctant, you are ready for me. I can smell your female hunger. I can sense the dew between your legs." Rummage. "As I said - I wish to be quick. I've no desire to spend a moment longer than you need to slake your petty desire. If that means coming in ready to couple with you, then that's what I'll do. But don't mistake this for lust for you." WHAT!!! I was flabbergasted! No way was I going to have sex with this guy! I could think it, but I couldn't say it! I felt the Arab's arm slide around my waist, and then the hand rose harder to seize one of my breasts. "Unnnh" I moaned softly. "Very well." The Arab whispered as he pinched my erect nipple through my blouse. He brushed aside my hair and nipped my neck, as his hand slithered inside my blouse. It cupped my breast, and then both hands were beneath my blouse. He pulled up my bra, and I felt my breasts, freed from their confinement, spilling out to jiggle and pull at my chest. This couldn't be happening. But I wanted it! I really wanted it. My entire being ached to be possessed by a man, to be filled, to have his seed flow into my womb. He turned me around and I was shocked to see pinpoints of fire burning within the Arab's dark eyes. Who was this guy? Questions disappeared from my mind as he pulled up my blouse and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth. I jerked, moaning loudly in pleasure at the wet feeling of having my teat suckled. I rubbed my thighs together, hearing the whisper of nylon and feeling the slick wetness of my arousal. He played with me for a while, alternating his attention between sucking on my nipples, nipping at my neck, lowering himself down to my soft female belly to lick my belly button and the top of my bush. I grunted as he lifted me up and deposited me on the counter, and then he was between my soft thighs. He pulled aside my panties and then I felt his hot breath of my slick folds. I bit my lip, tasting lipstick, and then yelped in shock as he started licking my slit! His tongue moved up and down, up and down, darting on my swollen clit before returning to my nether lips. He gently sucked on them and nipped them, and I heard the fevered moaning of a woman fill the air. I knew it was me, but it sure didn't sound like me. He teased and licked me, and I felt myself open, willing and ready! "...take me!" I grunted, and the Arab looked up, a grin of triumph on his face. "What was that, Trina? I could swear you said something along the lines of enjoying this!" "Take me!" I urged, and then squealed in surprise as picked me up again, and using my womanly hips, turned me around and forced me over the counter. I felt my skirt being flipped up and registered cool air on my heated folds, and then something hard and velvety was pressing against the aching hole between my thighs. "NGGGGGggggg!" I groaned as the Arab's hot cock pushed forward, and I felt my womanly flesh yield, the wet labia stretching apart, my lubricated vagina pulsing and then my eyes widened as I felt his rod slowly slide in, spreading me apart, opening me as only a woman can be opened! "UUUUUUH!" I gave a quivering sigh as I felt his balls nestle against my soft thighs. His cock was fully buried inside my pussy! I couldn't believe this. I was being FUCKED! By a MAN! And dammit, it felt GOOD! This was so wrong! I struggled to get a handle on what was happening, but he put an end to it as he took me hard, pulling back and then jerking forward! A shocked grunt of pleasure burst from my lips, and then he was thrusting constantly, each thrust yanking a cry of pleasure from my lips! I felt a wet heat build in my hips, my pussy tightening around the thrusting member, and then my clit was tingling as I reached orgasm. "UH! UH! AAAAIIEEE!" I heard a woman shriek as I felt my pussy aggressively knead and pull on the thrusting cock inside me! I felt warmth flood my vagina, allowing him to thrust even deeper! I shook and trembled, feeling my breasts jiggle underneath me as he savagely took his pleasure from my body. I heard myself crying out with each deep thrust, my pussy tight and throbbing. Each slap of his hip on mine caused a ripple to race through my body. It felt like every part of me was jiggling from the incredible pounding he was giving me. I lost track of time. It was probably only ten or fifteen minutes since we had gone at it, and I remember having another orgasm, and then his thrusts started to gain in urgency. He slammed harder and forced his way deeper, and then suddenly he grabbed onto my hips and pulled hard, planting himself deeply within me! "Ugh! ERRRRRG!" The Arab shouted in pleasure as I felt his cock jerk, and then I could feel his seed, a river of lava, squirting into me from his pulsing, throbbing cock! I felt my pussy clamp down, my hips shaking, and I shrieked again as I orgasmed for the third time, my pussy sucking and kneading on his spurting cock. He ground himself into me, and I felt my belly lapping up his seed. "Oh! Oh! Oooooh!" I moaned and then sighed in relief as he pulled himself out of me. I felt his seed instantly start to well up from my sated pussy, sliding down my sweaty thigh in a thick stream. I stood up and stretched. That had felt, well, delightful! I could feel that my feminine needs had been mostly sated, the constant horniness dulled to a pleasant desire. The Arab was reeling, a stunned sensation on his face. I could tell he had spent himself deeply in me, the thought providing me with mysterious satisfaction. The rolodex in my brain spun again. "Well, Shal'dim, honor your agreement. You have wrested your pleasure from my flesh, and though I am loathe to admit it, I did enjoy it." "Yes..." Shal'dim replied, shaken. He disappeared into the back for a minute, and I took advantage of the time to straighten myself up. I pulled some kleenex from my purse and cleaned myself as best as I could between my legs before pulling the panties back into place. I pulled down my skirt and tucked my breasts back into their soft prisons, and tucked my blouse in. Eventually Shal'dim appeared and handed me a tiny box. I opened it and saw a small vial inside filled with some amber liquid. I closed the box and tucked it into my purse. "Our deal is sealed, the conditions fulfilled." I heard myself intone. "I hope to never see you again." "But I suspect you will." Shal'dim replied, the hot coals in his eyes glowing. "Until the next time." I turned around and left the shop. *** I wandered aimlessly in the city for a while. My plane wasn't due to leave for some hours yet, and I needed to process the incredible event that had happened to me. I could still feel Shal'dim's semen slipping out of me, a constant reminder of how I had offered up my body to a man. Strangely, although I should have been shocked, I actually felt content. Happy, even. I was enjoying the warmth of Shal'dim's seed inside me, and the world around me seemed more colorful, the scents sharper, the sounds more acute. As I walked, I felt my flesh starting to ripple, and my bones to ache. I saw my fingernails retract, and the polish disappear, and knew I was returning to my old self. I sought out a dark internet cafe, rented a booth for an hour so nobody could see me change. Slowly, over the course of an hour, I felt my hair pull up, straighten, and become chestnut brown. My hips narrowed, and my body hair returned. My breasts flattened into my widening chest. My clothes followed suit, returning to what they were before. My purse transformed itself into my business coat. My twitching pussy was the last to change, but when I got up from my seat I could feel the weight of my manhood once again between my thighs. I left the cafe into the pleasant afternoon of San Francisco. Had it all just been a dream, or hallucination? But I instantly dismissed the thought. It had been real, if only because I still had a mess to deal with inside my pants. I could feel the slimy mess there, and it had begun to spot my pants. I purchased new jeans and briefs from a cheap department store and changed in their restroom, throwing my cum-soaked briefs and pants into the trash. In the taxi ride back to the airport, I struggled to understand my feelings. I should have been happy, elated even, when my normal body returned. But the events that happened, while frightening, had also been exciting. Having sex with Shal'dim, while still abhorrent to my male mind, had nonetheless been incredible - the best sex I had ever had. I realized with a sort of epiphany that the reason I didn't feel happy was because this was the most exciting thing that had ever happened in my otherwise lonely and boring life, and I was not looking forward to going back. I shook myself out of my melancholy. It was stupid, and I was old enough, and mature enough, to realize that a large part of the excitement came from the fact that it was so novel. Being stuck as a woman would have ultimately turned my life upside down and while I could probably have dealt with it, dealing with it while trying to build a whole new identity, and life, would have been very difficult and I had no doubt that I would ultimately have wanted to return to my current, boring life. Probably. Maybe. I felt my hand go into my pocket and touch the little box there. No doubt the woman - Trina - would come for this. The thought carried no heat, no anger. I realized I wanted to thank her for the experience, although truthfully, I had been sorely used. But the experience had taught me that I could no longer be satisfied with the life I led now. My mind turned suddenly to Elena. I decided then and there that I would call her when I got home, and try and strike up a friendship. Something that might someday bloom into a real romance, but at the very least, I needed to get out more, and make new friends. It was with a positive mind that I left San Francisco, my flight winging over the city while the setting sun bathed the roofs with gold and scarlet. *** "Thank you for flying Air Alaska. We hope that you have enjoyed your flight..." The words roused me out of the deep sleep I was in, and with surprise I realized I had slept through the entire flight, even the landing. Panic gripped me and a patted my crotch, and was relieved to feel my usual friend. I deplaned, and honestly, I wasn't expecting Trina to be there. But she was. I was making my way through the airport to the customs, when I paused to read a sign. I suddenly felt arms circle my waist and behind me a heard a soft, husky voice whisper. "Welcome back, Cody." I froze, and my heart leapt into my mouth. "Thank you for doing that for me. I do apologize for using you so. I suppose you're wondering why I did it, or why I picked you? For what you went through, I will give you the truth, poor recompense though it may be." I tried to speak, but my body was frozen. My tongue had cleaved to the roof of my mouth. My heart was hammering! Instead, I nodded. "I needed someone to pick up those herbs from Shal'dim, and pay his price. He wanted me, as you must realize. Not just me, but a measure of my power, wrested from my flesh through his domination of me. Efreeti have always been great takers and poor givers, and I wouldn't submit. But I needed those herbs for my sister, who lies dying. These herbs will give her back her life." She continued to whisper in my ear, while her arms, like iron, rooted me to the spot. I felt a curious leaden feeling in my limbs, like I was too tired to move. "So I thought, I will give Shal'dim my body, but not my power. For that, I needed a proxy. Someone to carry my likeness. The enchantment I wove was the most complex I ever crafted, and I'm pleased it turned out so well." I felt her hand slip into my coat and withdraw the small box. "Did you enjoy the experience, at least? Of all the people I found heading to San Francisco, you were the one I thought might at least benefit from what I trust was an excellent tryst. Efreeti are nothing if not enthusiastic lovers." I felt myself slowly nodding. "Good. I would have hated to have you walk away from this without having gained anything." She paused, as if searching for the right words. "...would you like to do it again?" I felt a shiver pass over my body. "You're attuned to me now. And you have received a small measure of power from Shal'dim, not enough for you to do anything useful, but enough that you will be able to interact now with the Second World. I could use someone like you, someone to act in my stead in certain... matters." I think I moaned. My mind whirled with the idea. I was incredibly tempted, and completely conflicted. But I reasserted myself. As exciting as the thought was, on that path I could see nothing but trouble. C'mon, I thought, remember what you were planning before? Friends, getting out more, a relationship, perhaps, with Elana? You don't need this! You don't need this at all! I made up my mind, and realized I was subconsciously nodding in response to my thoughts! "Good... the deal is sealed..." No! Wait! I wasn't nodding to agree with you! WAIT! "...the conditions fulfilled..." This was crazy! Stop! STOP! She licked the back of my neck. I felt a sudden explosion of warmth in my belly. I gasped, arching my back, as waves of wet heat rippled through me! I felt my belly churn, and a sudden, painful twinge erupt in my groin. I panted, in shock, and felt a moist void inside my hips twitch! Oh god, no. Please no. I heard her murmur: "Good, it's done. The mound between your legs is the mark of our agreement. I want you to keep your old job, as my need for you will be sporadic. Now go home, and relax. You have had a busy couple of days." She chuckled, and suddenly released me. I whirled around to confront her, to tell her to undo this, but she was simply gone! Fuuuuuck!! I dove into a bathroom and pulled down my pants, but knew already what I would find - Trina's moist, cleft mound, thatched with her dark soft curls! I felt the vagina within my hips clench, and felt tears come to my eyes. Fuck, why? What had I done! *** I returned home, and spent the rest of the day brooding. I tried calling out to Trina, communicating with her mentally, anything to try and get her to appear. I even boxed my new vulva, which hurt a lot but otherwise didn't do anything. By nightfall I was in a black funk. I tried to tell myself that it wouldn't be so bad, but really - I had pimped myself out to a Witch to act as sort of a fuck-by-proxy. How could I have been so stupid? Days passed, and I started to get used to the moist, sensitive slit between my legs. About a week after I had made the bargain with Trina I was busy at work, as usual, when I heard a friendly voice. "Hello there, stranger!" I looked up and saw Elena! She had discarded her 'monkey suit' for a more casual attire of jeans and a cute tank top. Bangles dangled on her wrist and I was surprised to see the amount of studs she sported in each ear. Her auburn mane was threaded through with braids. She was gorgeous, and I felt my pussy tense and grow warm! Clasped in her hands was the laptop I had left behind in San Franciso. "I believe this is yours! I tried to find you after the conference, but apparently you left early. Naughty boy! Don't worry though, I covered for you. I told Frank I had sent you out for some cat-5 cabling. IT always needs more cat-5," she grinned. "Anyhow, I thought I'd bring this back in person. I've never been to the Seattle office and thought this was as good a time as any to inspect our 'remote installations'. Besides, you owe me dinner! So how about it, Cody?" I felt moistness creep into my twitching slit. Oh god. What the hell should I do? To Be Continued? Victoria 2011

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Footprints in the Snow

"Who found him?" "The postman, Guv. It wasn't fully light and he could see there was a light on in the hall, and for no reason he can think of he looked through the bull's eye and saw the body hanging there." "Well, it's suicide, Sergeant. Yes, definitely. Get it wrapped up and get back to the station, with half the force tied up on this bloody party conference we've no time to piss about with this. It's suicide, plain and simple, there's the note, now let's have no more...

1 year ago
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There are so many porn tube sites out there these days that it's easy to get lost in the funk. Just because there is a lot of something doesn't mean that it's all good. In fact, it generally means the opposite. The market is flooded, and any old Tom, Dick, or Harry can pump out a shit porn tube site with their eyes closed.Free Porn in DeclineDue to these factors, the porn tube site has been in decline in recent years. There for a while, free porn was also some of the best porn you could find....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Distant Cousin To Sex Mate

Hi folks… I am Sanjay, from Cochin. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories…and here I am for the second time with an incest episode. Hope you like the sex story.. College girls or ladies in and around Cochin who like to get together can mail me. 100% privacy & satisfaction guaranteed.? Mail id: Kik id: chatsany1 Those who haven’t read my first sex story, check out the this link. I am a very big fan of incest stories and I always wished to have an incest relationship. I had fantasies...

3 years ago
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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 5

Yes, hashish was the crop that afforded Abu Bakr al Hassan the wherewithal to have such a well-appointed house and four wives. Hashish was Hassan's cash cow, the source of the ready cash he needed to conduct other criminal enterprises; enterprises that mainly involving smuggling. Unbeknownst to his wives, Hassan was nothing he pretended to be; for one thing, he wasn't even Iraqi. For another, his real name wasn't Hassan. Hassan had trained his wives in the production of the hash, and their...

3 years ago
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A Weekend With Gina and Her Friend Final

The night before with my 53 year-old looker Gina and her younger friend Becky had been one of the hottest nights of my life. This morning was somewhat normal for Gina and I as she joined me in the shower for a hot Sunday morning banging. After some play in the hot tub Becky gave me the ride of my life and I reciprocated by giving her the anal sex she longed for. I had just finished taking Becky’s fine asshole when all three of us cuddled on the lounger on the back porch by the hot tub. Becky...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Peaches Lashaun Part 1 How the Badest Bitches are Bred

After the guy, that claimed to love her deeply, dumped her a month after taking her virginity; it became difficult for Lashaun to mend her broken heart. She couldn’t bear seeing her ex-boyfriend gallivanting around with different girls all summer, so she begged and pleaded to her parents to allow her to visit her cousin Tara in Atlanta for the remainder of her summer vacation. It hadn’t been a week into her visit before she realized what her father meant when he warned that her sheltered...

2 years ago
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Fun On The Bus With A Hot Bengali Aunty

Hello friends, this is my first experience. I am Rahul and 21 years of age. I was fit until recently after which I met with an accident and I am still in bed rest now. This experience of mine took place around a year back when I was in my hometown (Kolkata) for my semester break. I have a height of 5ft 8inch, I am decent looking and I was a gym freak and a runner till before my accident and thus had a muscular body. Now coming to the story, I was traveling in a mini bus from my house to my...

4 years ago
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First Chikan Hard On Part 1 light videos

First Chikan Hard On (light videos) part1Before I begin I wanted to make a note. Most of my stories happened about 9 years ago(including this one) so my recollection of them is a little vague. With that being said, if I can’t remember something exactly, I will not make things up but I will state that I vaguely remember within my story. However, because I have so many stories that I want to tell and some that I don’t, there is a possibility that I might include something in a story that happened...

4 years ago
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18 yo Johanna the men

Sure, Johanna had been with several men at the same time before. But she fantasized of more. To be taken by the more gigantic cocks than she could keep count of. Although she just turned 18, she loved the idea of ​​countless men that would take her, one by one, long and hard. She often fantasized about being a little sex slave who did everything she was told.And now she stood there, naked on her knees with her hands in handcuffs behind herback. Around her stood around 20 well hung men, all in...

1 year ago
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Is It True IIChapter 5

I had my seventeenth birthday, just three days before the start of my senior year of high school. We had a quiet celebration, just my parents and me, with a birthday cake my mom had made. I was spending my free time, which I had a lot of, getting my head ready for the new school year. I was hoping that my senior year would be a vast improvement over my junior year. If I could just manage to keep from having any girl troubles, I'd be more than satisfied that I'd succeeded. I had decided...

3 years ago
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Influences Part 3

Sunday 9th February, 2020; 07:18 It took a suspiciously short amount of time for the boxes to arrive. We'd only informed Darby at what - half ten last night - and already there was knocking at the door. I was dressed in another of Holly's borrowed sets of pyjamas - this time a white top with 'Sweet' written on it in sparkly lettering beneath the faded picture of a cupcake and pink and white striped bottoms. There was no way I was answering the door like this to a postman - so it was...

3 years ago
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The Missing LinkChapter 2 Liza

Do I love my husband? I know I should be able to answer that question in a heartbeat. But I can't, so I guess that's an answer too. I do know that I must have loved him, once. Could I have fallen out of love — or at least out of thinking I loved him? Many people say you can't fall out of love. If you do, they say, it can't have been true love to begin with. Ah well, love or true love, life isn't what the books say — or what Hollywood tells us, for that matter. My life never was. And I...

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Confessions of a TV consultant

As a recent college graduate with a degree in advertising and public relations, you thought the world was going to be yours. And when you caught the break of a lifetime and landed as a television consultant who's job was basically to go around and meet with all the anchors and reporters about how to be better at their jobs, you begin to wonder about all the possibilities ahead of you. All your life, you've been able to have just about any girl you wanted, and you saw no reason to think that...

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A Weekend In Sweden Day 1

The setting sun reflected on the snow piled high on the pine trees outside the tiny window. I craned my neck to try to see the landing strip but it was impossible. With a light bump, the plane settled on the runway and began taxing towards Arlanda airport just outside Stockholm It was February and according to the stewardess who announced our arrival, it was a biting -25C outside. I sighed and told myself I was an idiot for not buying some proper winter clothes in Rome. I had flown there after...

1 year ago
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Rumours In College Become Real Pleasures In Life

This was in Indore when Rahul (name changed) and Ragini (name changed) were in college. They never spoke with each other, but there was a chemistry between them going through eyes. Neither of them had courage to hit upon each other as both knew they belonged to families that won’t like seeing their children roaming around with BF-GF in town. Amognst their whole batch in college, someone had already spread that Rahul had proposed Ragini and Ragini had accepted. People were even teasing Ragini by...

3 years ago
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London Underground Could Been Better Part II

Hi all… I am an avid reader of this site and I wanted to narrate an incident that happened to me just 2 hrs back when I was traveling in the London Underground Train London, UK. Any comments and interests can be sent to Also looking forward to hear from any ladies in London, UK to have temporary sexual interests as well…All activities will be kept secret in the best interests. About me I am 5’ 11”, medium built, 28 yrs old single Indian from Bangalore. I own a company in Bangalore and I came...

4 years ago
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The Letter

I hurried to get to Georges house. I looked at my watch and sighed in relief as I was 7 minutes early. I had an easy gait and was soon unlocking the door and made my way to the kitchen to put away what groceries I had bought. I cocked my head as I thought I heard a noise coming from the bedroom. I took my top off as I assumed it was George so I tiptoed to the door and flung it open and went “ TAA DAA “ then immediately covered my breast and asked Geoff what he was doing in Georges bedroom. He...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 376

Dinner with me and the three gay guys was hilarious. The two flamers were who they were, and Simon enjoyed pushing all their buttons. He probably did it to amuse me as much as himself. In the end I explained that I was off to the casino to play blackjack. I promised that I would wander into one of the quieter lounges for a drink, when I lost all my money or 1AM, which ever came first. It was almost 10PM when I meandered into the brightly lit casino. It certainly had nothing in common with...

1 year ago
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Muscle girl

It was always my dream to be loved, as would anybody elses dream be by the time that they were the age of 19. But ofcourse with the luck that i had it seemed as if i was never going to receive my shot at something real. Besides my fantasy unlike most other peoples was to have sex with an amazingly strong woman. i had searched the intranet wide for someone who could fit the tyoe of profile i was looking for. Tight abs, hard legs and big lushes boobs. it all seemed at lost until one fine day i...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Gia Derza My New Boss

When Brunette beauty Gia Derza breaks the rules and steps out to make a deal with thug Tommy Pistol she is thrust into a world of hardcore BDSM, anal sex and the gritty life of a gangster. Gia’s boyfriend Vito would have her and Tommy’s head if he found out she was doing some botched business without him but she can not go home empty handed so she offers to do anything to make things right. Anything! So first things first — outside in the park Tommy puts Gia on her knees and...

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Introduction: Part 1 of 4 by PurpleCat42 Amanda Blake was alone and bored. She wasnt supposed to be alone but her big Brother Timmy who was supposed to be her sitter was across the street at the park, playing ball with his friends. Her Mom and Dad were visiting her Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jerry Barrett. They visited them one or two times a month and spent the whole weekend with them. They were very close, Aunt Cindy was her Dads sister and Uncle Jerry was her Moms Brother, They were married in a...

1 year ago
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The Life of RyanChapter 25 Volleyball Tournament

Ryan woke up with both his ladies snuggled up on either side of him. After they’d come back up to the house last night, he had gone to bed. Matt had headed to his suite’s bathroom for a shower, and Jenna and Kerri had decided to ambush him there, suck his cock, and fuck him good once more before he went to bed. They thought about ambushing Ryan too and waking him up for sex, but they were truly tired themselves, so they settled for crawling in bed naked with him and going to sleep. However,...

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In Her Fathers Footsteps Ch 08

Erotic Adventures of Sexy British Super-Spy Jane Bond British spy Jane Bond, agent 0069, had spent the entire afternoon in a Vienna hotel room, making love with blonde sexpot Wendy Welcomes Warmcox, wife of the terrorist gun merchant William Washington Walker, alias ‘W’. Besides the hot sexual encounter, Wendy and Jane had also been very busy forming plans to get even with W for cheating on Wendy, and forming plans to create a permanent threesome consisting of Jane, her husband Brad, and her...

2 years ago
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Van Trip 2

“Right, I've thought about what you have to do for me.” she says. “So what is it?”. “You have to be my submissive for the weekend”. “Ha sound like Madam Whiplash”. “Well I don’t have a whip, but you have to obey me. Anything I tell you to do, you have to do it”. “Sounds like a doddle, I'm your mothers dogsbody most weekends anyway”. “Aye, but don't think you’re getting away that easily mister”. I thought it was too good to be true. “There's a good shop just opened in town”...

3 years ago
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Preachers WifeChapter 4

A half hour after he was on the plane, I received a phone call from Frank Davis. "Now that Richard's gone off to school, I thought you might like to have some lunch tomorrow." I thought my head would explode. "Excuse me? Am I hearing you correctly?" "Now, now, Melissa, Richard tells me everything." "He swore he didn't." "If I may paraphrase someone, I don't know who, 'blood is thicker than sperm'. Can you think of a better way to insure that contributions from the Davis...

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I Knew I Was A Sissy part IV

It was the very next day that the guys asked me to join them. After dinner we went to their cabin where Mary was waiting for us. I was not feeling comfortable not knowing what will happen. Mary looked at me and smiled, she told me not to be stressed and relax. Then she asked Ethan and Peter to leave, we were to join them later at the beach as she said. We were now alone in the cabin when she came close to me and whispered: “I will transform you to the most beautiful girl ever”. I was excited...

3 years ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 15

"If you want Rick and Lauren to go to California alone to find and confront Victor, turn to page 77. If you want Rick and Lauren to stay in New York and help Lisa and Courtney, turn to page 105." Lauren looked at me, amused. "Choose Your Own Adventure?" she asked. "No, thanks, already did that," I quipped. She giggled. "Yes, you did, didn't you?" She rolled over to the side of the bed, propping her face up on her elbows to stare at me as I finished up my notes. "Was this the...

4 years ago
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Amity 3 TempestChapter 13 Intruders

Olivia and Markus both woke refreshed. They headed down to the café and ordered breakfast. Patina happily reported, “Lord Paul and his people had a dreadful night. Six of his men had deserted in the night, and he only has sixteen now. Lord Paul had a particularly bad night. He is a grumpy boy this morning.” Olivia and Markus had to snigger at his misfortune. “Your people are also fine,” Patina told them. Olivia asked, “So how do we convince the rest of the intruders to bugger off?” “Well,...

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Helpful Librarian Catches Me Cuffing Off

She caught me in the library in a private study room jerking my cock to some porn on I downloaded on my iPad. I couldn’t help it. I was tired of doing research and needed a break. I was horny from not having sex for a few days so I started surfing my tumblr dash and that’s when she walked in on me. My pants were around my ankles and my cock was firmly in my hand. I locked the door but the librarians have the master key to unlock it. “Oh sorry, I was checking the room to see if it was...

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Salamander 2Chapter 34

(Four) The gamble with the gang of boys really had paid off wonderfully. It had meant following them around for a few days to keep them on a short leash, and therefore not gaining anything new on the demon. But it paid off big time. Not only was the big beast bodyguard now out of the picture for a good while, if not permanently, but we had caught some great footage of the target fighting. I was quite surprised the bodyguard survived at all. Usually a HEFW shredded anything it was pointed...

3 years ago
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Vacation Games

As we were walking back to the hotel I saw a young, good looking couple walking towards us. I recognised them from our flight. They asked if the town centre was far and we got chatting. They were staying at the same hotel as us so we arranged to meet for a drink later. “They seemed nice” Jen commented as we continued our journey back to the hotel. After a few hours relaxation we decided to go for dinner before meeting up with Frank and Jane. Jen picked out a figure hugging red dress that...

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Can Librarians Change Their Ways

Moving to a new city can be a great chance to check out the local flavor. I was 65, retired, and spent my time cruising different places for mature women who hadn't experienced life to the fullest. They could be found anywhere, sitting alone in hotel bars, singletons in the finer restaurants, cruising the aisles of the late night supermarkets, or even, as I was to find, the local library.  This city had several libraries, big and small. Some stayed open late, until 10:00 p.m or so. And they...

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A Discovery for CarinChapter 2

Dawn had just turned 30 and she was a happily married woman. She had two wonderful daughters who were now in school and a husband who was a great provider. Dawn's husband traveled at least one day a week to his company's satellite office and he was going for two days this time. He left Thursday and wouldn't be back until late Friday, which meant Dawn had to get a babysitter when she attended a bachelorette party for one of her dear friends from work. Carin was their normal babysitter and...

4 years ago
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Masturbating beside my husbands friend

Good sex should never be executed silently, and I was putting my heart, soul and mouth into this fuck.The main impetus for this noisy encounter with my exhausted husband, was lying in the room next door, with his bed lying alongside the very wall my bed lay alongside, he could with ease, hear the very sheets rustle, as I tossed and turned, I knew he was horny for me, so fucking my husband would both excite him and tease him to distraction, especially as I moaned and mouthed my sexual desires at...

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What a party

He was at a celebration party, and he was bored; all his playmates were there but they were with their partners and behaving themselves. He looked around for someone interesting to talk to, but unfortunately no one could be found.At the bar he waited patiently for his drink like a good boy. An elegant and expensive looking lady walked over and stood near him. He caught the smell of her perfume, sweet and seductively alluring. They looked at each other and smiled.“You look as bored as I am,” he...

Straight Sex
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Who Knew

To begin with, this occurred during a sleepover with someone close to me. We often baby sat for his parents. We did everything together and were rarely apart. So when he would get stuck with the baby, we would just spend the night at his parents. The evening proceeded as usual. We played with his infant sister and watched a few movies. We cooked popcorn and had eaten dinner earlier. Finally, his sister went to bed and the house became quiet. We lay on the couch watching another movie. I guess...

First Time
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In Search of ParadiseChapter 5 Shakedown Cruise

"That's what you're going to sail around the world in?" Celeste enquired, gazing at the Gon Waki 2 as it sat on the dock, still in its cradle. "That's her," Tracy beamed with pride. "Gorgeous, isn't she?" "Well, it's bigger than I thought it would be, but it's still pretty small," was the verdict. "Actually, there's more room in her than she appears to have," Brandon informed her. "In the cabin, there's two staterooms in the stern, a large lounge midships, another...

3 years ago
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The Office Boy

The Office Boy Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name was Mike Grant, and I say was, because it's different now. I have two years of college and I'm taking classes at night to finish with a degree in Business. In order to support my school expenses and have some spending money, I found a job working in an office as sort of a glorified office boy. I'm 5' 7" tall with soft brown hair and blue eyes and I have never weighed more than 140 in my entire life. Valerie Hooper,...

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The Good YearsChapter 5

Over the next two weeks I managed to avoid falling into any of the traps that were being set for me. The eight of us became traveling nomads, pitching one tent at the office in Bolling, and the other one at Uncle Bunny's house. I left the logistics of traveling to the girls every morning, and then again, every afternoon. We usually used three cars to get to and from work. Joyce and Brenda rode in one car, with the twins. Emily, Shirley and Derek rode in another. Dad stopped by most...

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Preacherman Ch 4 The Devil has Blue Eyes

“Doll, that won’t be hard to do, because I have fallen head over heels in love with you. You are my angel in disguise.” He guided her over to the futon, and unfolded it. The two of them climbed onto it, curled up in each others arms and then talked most of the night. It was kind of weird as no man had ever just talked to Cindy before. They all couldn’t wait to get into her panties. She curled up closer to him ran her finger across his chin and asked, “Where do we go from here Reverend?” His...

Straight Sex
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ComaChapter 5

I awoke to new sensations, Martha had Barbara trying a 69, but until I was awake, and actively involved, her pussy was just bumping against my chin. The first that she even knew I was awake, was when I lifted her legs, and got her pussy close enough to my mouth for me to latch on, and latch on I did. I brought her to a quick boil, and then pushed her off, and invited Martha to take her place. We got each other off, and then I encouraged them to try it together. Martha admitted to not...

1 year ago
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High School Love

I look out the window of my English class, bored to death. This is my final year of high school! I'm 18 and should be having fun! However, my teachers don't seem to think so. I glance at my best friend sitting next to me, a cute, petite Asian that I've known since middle school. Judy glances back at me and makes a face that tells me she's as bored as I am. Ms. Wilson going on again about her love life, and how the men she meets don't know a verb from an adjective. Blah. The bell finally rings,...

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A Day In the Life0

“Oh, you’re awake! It’s almost time to get up for school, so we’ll have to be quick.” She lifted herself up and slipped my dick into her surprisingly tight pussy. We’ve been fucking like this nearly every morning for years, and it just never gets old. In our house, my family has a pretty open view on sex, pretty much operating on the principle of, “As long as everyone involved consents, then have fun.” Mom, dad, my sisters, and my brother are all fair game. Ever since...

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Swim team2

My heart sank for the second time. I flopped over back onto my side of the bed and kept my head under the covers, trying to act like I wasn’t just trying to inhale Dustin’s dick. But it was no use. “What the hell are you guys doing?” Corey whispered“uhh, Trev here was just scratching an itch I couldn’t reach haha” Dustin brilliantly replied. I’m sure my face was beet red, my heart was about to pound out of my chest and I didn’t dare peer out from behind my blanket shield. “Hahahahaha nice save...

3 years ago
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Me And My Sexy Boss

This is a story about me and my sexy boss that I slept with on numerous occasions. I was working at a private accounting office in downtown Chicago. My boss was a beautiful, sexy, 5’7″, with nice round ass and big tits. She was 25 and I was 20 at the time. All I dated back then were married women; it was just the thrill of knowing that I can get them into bed. Most of the time when you work in a place like that, you would know about the office tramps. But I did not hear anything like that about...

2 years ago
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Lust In the Locker Room

Hideki and Ashley were nearly inseparable since they met nearly a month ago. Fearing her parents’ reactions, they met on the sly, thinking of creative excuses to hide their romantic and sexual life from them. Ashley went to all the home games and became Hideki’s biggest fan and cheerleader. At the same time, there was no denying how her life had changed since they met. Her sexual desires were no longer repressed and she found herself resisting the urge to masturbate at inappropriate moments....

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Hi, my name is Geri. Before you get all hot and bothered about some ravishing, big-breasted slut with a tiny waist... that just doesn't describe me, although, I do have nice sized boobs and I am a slut. So I guess that two out of three ain't bad. Let me begin back at the true beginning. As a preteen I was average in look, still am. Even though my parents thought that I was their beauty queen the boys at school didn't. Then I began to develop, not big tits in the beginning but very large...

1 year ago
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Gonna Sell the Bitchs CarChapter 5

I lay in the floor in a daze. Did she really say what I thought she did? Freddie brought me back to reality by shaking me. "Wiley, WILEY! Are you okay?" "Huh? I mean yeah, I'm all right," "Well get up then, get squared away. Everybody is getting ready for the last number." I got up, swapping my bass for my Stratatone. This song had a good slide lead in it. I looked around but couldn't see Moira anywhere, so I took my place. The three drummers led us off. 'Twisting The Night...

3 years ago
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Far From Home

FAR FROM HOME FAR FROM HOME . . . I was in London, far from my normal haunts.? Time to take a chance. I live in Philadelphia, spend a fair amount of time in New York, and for years I?ve wandered the evening streets of the Big Apple in search of titillation.? I dip in and out of the peep shows, the toy shops, the book stores, the video marts.? Often I purchase a few items, return to my hotel and play with them, alone, eventually masturbating to a climax. Over time I found myself...

2 years ago
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Every Day In May

Sixteen year-old May Rhodes was lying on top of her sheets wearing one of her mother's filmy baby-doll nighties. She was also unhappy. No, that's not strong enough. She was miserable. She was hot and horny. It was a sweltering night in the middle of August. Her windows were open but there was no breeze and her bedroom didn't have air conditioning. The heat wasn't the real problem although it was bad enough. "This summer started off so good," she thought, "And then everything went to...

4 years ago
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Mom Peeps On The BoysChapter 8

Alice slept that night as if she'd died, having no dreams she could remember, never once waking during the night. After leaving Mark in the hot-tub to finish his soak, she'd gone straight to bed, not caring about anything except to sleep. She'd never experienced such a feeling of pleasant exhaustion, of complete relaxation. If the boys had tried to disturb her during the night, she hadn't heard them. She slept better than she had in many years, and she awoke starving. She made pancakes...

1 year ago
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Bikini Beach Initiation Rites

*********************************************************** This is the second in my Bikini Beach series. The good news is there are at least 5 more such stories in my head. The really good news is that I'm writing easily again :) Enjoy. And please comment... ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Initiation Rites by Elrod W Allen sighed as he drove slowly away from the beach. No luck - in fact, he'd almost had his face smashed by a few...

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