My Vanentine 2 free porn video

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My Valentine By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 He smiled at the receptionist he had seen many times before in this restaurant as he walked past her to the left and into the bar. He walked around searching for Lisa, becoming nervous as she seemed to be nowhere to be found. He walked into the dining room and nervously looked around, but it was to no avail, and he returned to the bar. "What, did you think I'd be late for this?!" said Lisa, startling him from behind. "Hi," Derek replied, quite stunned. "I was hoping not." "Well, you walked by me twice," said Lisa, hugging him. "Sorry, I didn't see you," said Derek. "I meant. Wow! And I didn't recognize you as a red head." She stepped back holding his hands and studied him up and down as he stood there, nervously wondering what she was thinking. "Well, you see. I thought change would benefit both of us," said Lisa, taking his arm as they walked together. "It is Valentine's day. What better time to break out the redheads. Now, let's go sit down and talk." The hostess now led them to their table as they sat down. Lisa ordered them a bottle of wine and she sat back sipping it, staring at him in almost an evil way. "So, you like me with the red hair?" Lisa asked, smiling at him. "Well, I'm used to you as a blonde, but sure; it looks good on you," said Derek, trying to be polite. "Thanks, because I'm really thinking you look great as a redhead as well," said Lisa. "That Rebecca is a fantastic hairdresser, isn't she. See, the darker red works on you and I think she picked this Irish red color for me because of my really light complexion." "Umm sure. That makes sense," said Derek, trying to make conversation. "I'm sure you must have noticed that my hair is a bit shorter now?" Lisa said, brushing through it with her fingers. "I removed my extensions, so this is my actual length now." "Oh, yes I did," said Derek, wondering where she was going with this," But it looks nice on you of course." "Well, isn't it a wonderful surprise to hear that from you. You know, I thought I'd try this simple middle part and just keep it straight. Long shoulder length bobs are in right now," said Lisa, giving him a look as she knew he probably disapproved. "So, do you like how your hair turned out? I think it's very cute on you." "Didn't you pick it?" said Derek, puzzled by her question. "Well, not really. The only thing I really told her was for it to be long and full like you wanted mine. Remember? I mostly just told Rebecca to be creative but it was just lunch, so to do something that would look appropriate. I like her choice. She really picked a cute, natural cut for you and you look wonderful with the Auburn color. It is so pretty on you," said Lisa, smiling as she reached in, touching it. "I mean you look as pretty as I could have hoped for." "Great," Whined Derek. "Well, I wanted you to get a feel for what it takes to be a woman and have long hair," lectured Lisa. "And obviously I got it and more," Derek replied, sarcastically. "I guess so," said Lisa teasing. "You know those shoes can be a little uncomfortable, can't they? I mean they really are sexy, but they pinch a bit and they really aren't that easy to walk in. But hey, it's the price of beauty honey." "Yes, a fucking stiff price," whined Derek. "Well, I imagine stiff might be a bad word for you right now, I would have to imagine," said Lisa, covering her mouth as she giggled. "I mean a stiffie in those tight jeans the way you look right now would not be good. I mean, you have got one killer body on you now don't you? Personally, I think you're showing a bit too much cleavage for lunch, but with your ass and boobs, who am I to judge you?" "Ok, enough now," said Derek, starting to get pissed as Lisa could barely control her amusement now. "Oh please relax, and enjoy being a hottie for a few minutes," Said Lisa, flicking her wrist at him. "I am so glad I did what I did now, because you really needed this to clear your clouded vision. You need to understand what is involved with being a woman. Especially a woman that has to live up to your standards!" "But I'm not a woman, and you took it too far," whispered Derek, in a stern voice. "Did I?" said Lisa, getting angry and raising her voice a little. "I did nothing. Not a fucking thing more than you've asked of me. Not one damn thing." "Please calm down," said Derek, softly. "People are staring!" "Oh, I'll calm down when I'm good and ready to!" said Lisa, downing her wine but lowering her voice a bit as she began imitating him "Hey, Lisa come on pierce your belly button. It's so hot. Lisa, go platinum. You'll be so much hotter than just that bland color you have now. Lisa, I hate you in flats. They are ugly. Sexy girls wear heels. Could you wear some makeup when we go out please? You look so pale without it. You remember all this, right. Don't you? You said all that shit and more, remember?" "I guess so," Derek said, backing down. "I guess I did." "You damn well better remember, because I am going to make sure you experience every damn bit of it," said Lisa. "You are going to live it so that you understand it, and you'll never forget it." "Ladies, your salads are here and these drinks are compliments of those gentlemen at the bar," the waiter told them. "Really!" said Lisa, giving Derek a sinister look as she checked out the guys. "How convenient is this!" "No, don't," said Derek, seeing Lisa smiling and nodding at the guys. "Thank you," said Lisa, holding up her glass to the gentlemen as they smiled and began approaching them. "Holy shit, Lisa," whined Derek, staring at her. "No way." "Yes way, girlfriend!" said Lisa, grinning from ear to ear as she stared them up and down. "You are about to realize the benefits of push up bras and a good hair day honey, from the other side now." "I must be fucking nuts doing this shit," Derek said, downing his wine as they arrived at the table. "Good afternoon, lovely ladies. I'm Lance and this is Matt." "Hi guys," said Lisa, grinning from ear to ear as she extended her hand. "I'm Lisa." "Hey Lisa," said Lance, shaking her hand and looking over at Derek. "And you are?" "Umm, Umm, I'm umm, Denise. Yes, Denise," said Derek, ready to pass out as he shook hands with Matt. "Wow, firm grip you have there, Denise," Matt replied, releasing his hand and smiling at him. "Sorry guys. My friend here is a little stressed out and has had a long day," said Lisa, shooting him a look to calm down. "But the wonderful wine you sent over should help her relax a bit. That was so kind of you." "No problem. It was certainly our pleasure. So what are two gorgeous girls doing out alone on Valentine's day?" said Lance. "Oh, we're just having lunch together, and catching up. Just talking girl's stuff," said Lisa, flirting a little. "Stuff that guys don't care about, like hair and shoes." "So, would you mind if we joined you?" said Matt. "There's no way you two can be single, is there?" "Sure, why not," said Lisa. "But just for a few minutes as we have to run soon, and understand I don't want to mislead you. I'm not single at this time as I have a boyfriend." "No problem. I figured you must, but it never hurts to ask," Matt said, sitting down and sipping his wine. "Just talking would be fine." "Cool, that would be great," said Lisa. "I love meeting new people and you look like nice guys." "Thanks," said Matt. "So what do you do for a living?" "Well, I'm a nurse and Denise is a financial analyst," said Lisa. "Wow, she's smart and beautiful!" said Lance, staring at his chest. "Thanks," said Derek, in his best soft voice as Lisa kicked him to answer Lance. "Your boyfriend is a lucky guy," said Lance, finally looking above his neck now. "Yes, he would be if she had a boyfriend. I said I had a boyfriend, but I didn't say she did," said Lisa, getting up now and chuckling. "So guys, it was great meeting you and thanks for the drink but we have to run." "Here's my card," said Lance, quickly pulling it from his pocket. "If you'd love to have coffee or something some time Denise, or if things don't work out for you Lisa, maybe we could all hang again sometime." "Gotta run fellas. It was great meeting you two. We really enjoyed it!" said Lisa, grabbing Derek's arm and dropping the card in her purse as she winked at Lance. "We'll think about it." They went outside and jumped into a cab quickly, as Lisa didn't need to drag Derek out of there! "Gee, I didn't realize how fast he could move in heels already," said Lisa, enjoying every minute of Derek's anguish. "You're adapting so well to this." "It's not funny Lisa," said Derek, feeling like he was having a heart attack as he reached for his chest. Lisa moved his fingers and put hers between his as she kissed his hand, trying to relax him. "Don't worry that good heart of yours is still under there," said Lisa, moving his hand higher on his chest and off his fake boobs. "Ya just gotta move a little more silicon to get to it." Lisa snuggled with him as he relaxed for a few minutes, until the cab finally pulled up at the salon. "We're back here already?" Derek asked. "Of course honey," said Lisa, as they got out of the cab. "You have a 5:30 pm hair appointment with Rebecca. You didn't expect to be out to dinner looking like that, did you?." "Oh, thank you so much," said Derek, following her in. "That would be a big relief." "Hi, we are here for our appointments with Rebecca," said Lisa. "Ladies, good evening," said the receptionist. "Follow me and I'll get you seated." "Hey girls," said Rebecca, hugging each one of them. "So how was lunch?" "Wonderful," said Lisa. "I believe Denise learned a lot and had some fun. You should see how well she gets around in her stilettos already." "Oh, that's no surprise. She's a natural. So, I love the name you picked honey. Denise is so pretty," said Rebecca, rubbing his back as she wrapped her cape around him and spun him away from the mirror. "So, I would love to just sit around and chat girls, but it is Valentine's Day and I have to get busy if you are going to make it to dinner at 8pm." "You're right, sorry, you know I can be a chatterbox sometimes," said Lisa, getting up and walking away. "I'll let you work your magic. I'll be in the lobby until you're ready for me." She now began spraying his hair, again saturating his head as she worked through it with her brush. She lifted it as she continued to spray underneath and began sectioning his hair and clipped it on top of his head as she pulled at the nape of his neck. "Sit still, cutie," said Rebecca, as he felt the tension on his scalp at the back of his head as she was sectioning his hair. He opened his eyes now and looked over to his right as he watched her grab a green plastic roller from her cart and felt her again stretch out his hair. "Wait, what it is this?" said Derek. "I thought you were getting these extensions out for dinner?" "Out? You are joking, right?" said Rebecca, cracking up. "A cute short cut might be in your future, but that future doesn't include tonight." "Does Lisa know this?" said Derek, whining. "I thought she brought me back here for you to fix my hair?" "Of course Lisa knows this honey," said Rebecca, rolling up the next curler. "Lisa thought you should experience something a little more formal for dinner. She said you'd never let her go to dinner with just straight boring hair." "Oh boy," said Derek, gulping nervously, wondering what the hell his hair would soon look like as she picked up the pace and began working more quickly. She seemed to work forever, as she sectioned and tugged over and over, as he was beginning to feel the slight weight and increased tension on his head. "Hey, no peeking Denise," said Rebecca, smiling as she pushed his lids closed as she walked in front of him. "I'm doing a style that Lisa told me you'll love, so you just have to trust me for a little bit longer." "Great," said Derek sarcastically, realizing his day was not over yet. She stood in front of him now and he felt her combing his hair in front of his eyes and then rolling it, before finally finishing to pin it on his head. "One more second and we'll get you under," said Rebecca, stepping back. "Ok, you can open your eyes so I can get a perspective." Rebecca looked at him and circled him, making a few small adjustments before he watched her stretch open a thin black net and place it on his head. She took his hand, leading him across the room and placing him under a large bonnet dryer between a young girl and an older woman. She handed him a Cosmo and he quickly opened it, trying to avoid eye contact as the young girl gave him a look. "Ok, see you in a bit," said Rebecca. "I'm going to go and do Lisa's hair now. I'm so excited for both of you. You guys are letting me feel so creative today. I love doing hair, but when I get to do makeovers, it makes my day!" He sat there now, baking under the dryer for about twenty minutes, before finally it clicked over to cool air, and he wondered what was happening. He placed the magazine down on his lap, then he felt a tap on his knee. "Can I read that Miss, if you are done with it?" said the young girl. "Sure," said Derek, avoiding eye contact. "Here, you take my magazine. There are so many cute guys in there and there is a section in there on Valentine's Day hairdos which are just amazing this year," said the young lady, turning to the page. "But I'm sure whatever you pick will be just gorgeous. My mom is letting me get a curly updo for today for our family Valentine's dinner. See, something like this." "Oh, good for you," said Derek, trying to just glance at the page and look away. "I can't wait until I'm older like you and I can get my hair done and go out on Valentine's Day with my boyfriend, like you," said the young girl. "I bet it is just so romantic. I bet you have a really cute boyfriend, don't you? Is he dreamy?" "Honey, time to finish your hair," said her hairdresser, interrupting as she switched off her dryer. "Bye, have fun tonight," said the young girl, and Derek relaxed as she left. He felt the heat once again on his head, heating up as his dryer kicked into high gear now, roasting him as he was daydreaming, before he heard the click of a timer and Rebecca returned and lifted the bonnet to check his hair. "I'm impressed," said Rebecca, taking the magazine from his hands as she checked his hair. "You're reading about Valentine's day hairdos. I wasn't giving you anything on this page, but I can switch gears and we can do an updo if you really want something like that. Lisa would be happily surprised, I bet." "No, it was the young girl. She gave me this and made me look at it," said Derek, trying to sound convincing to Rebecca. "Please don't give me anything else. I'm already nervous enough about this." "Don't worry about it, Denise," said Rebecca, taking his hand. "It's natural for all girls to be nervous before an important date, and don't worry, the hairdo you and Lisa picked is going to look just amazing on you." Rebecca took Derek's hand and led him back to her chair as he sat down. She spun him around facing the mirror, and he could see his head covered in tight curlers. She pulled up a chair next to him, and a small table, as she began searching through some cases. "I'm going to liven up your makeup while your hair cools down," said Rebecca, unscrewing a thin black tub. "I'll be doing more of an evening look now, so just follow along and try to sit still. As I do your inner lids, this will be weird but the results will be those pretty 'cat's' eyes." Rebecca held his eyelids open as she lined his inner lids. She blew on them as she jumped to his outer lids, before opening a large color pallet. She rubbed at the corner of his eyes and then under his brows, before jumping back and forth with her mascara. "Eyes closed while I do the glitter ok?" said Rebecca, pushing at him before working on his cheeks. She then took a pencil, expanding his lip line before brushing at his lips as he sat as motionless as he could. "Open for me now honey, and smile. Looking good girl," said Rebecca, admiring her work. "I used a 12 hour lip stain so it won't kiss off, but you'll still need to reapply the gloss after eating or kissing. Let's get you dressed, and then I'll gloss up your lips and finish your hair." Rebecca took off his cape and led him to the backroom, pulling the curtain closed. She kneeled tounbutton his jeans and unbuckled the straps of his shoes as he stepped out of them. "Wow, that feels better," said Derek, gently rubbing his feet. "Price of beauty, honey," Rebecca said, chuckling as she slipped off his blouse. She opened a small plastic bag now, removing four small red garters straps and attaching them to his corset. She opened a small egg, removing two nude colored thigh high stockings, which she rolled up his legs before attaching to his garters. She now opened up a fancy shoe box, revealing a red pump and held it up in front of him. "Oh you have got to let me borrow these," said Rebecca, admiring them. "These are going to look very sexy on you Denise." Rebecca knelt and lifted his foot as she slipped on his new heels. He was now wearing red satin, strappy stilettos with a ? platform in front and a 5 ? inch spikey heel. They were decorated with some sparkling rhinestones around the twisted double ankle straps, which were secured with two little silver buckles. Their ultra thin heel was a sparkling metallic silver color, and his painted red toes poked out from under an attached delicate satin rose, which was positioned between his first and second toe on each shoe. Rebecca now took a black garment bag from the wall and unzipped it. She carefully removed a red dress from its hanger and unzipped the back. "Hold my shoulder and step into it carefully," said Rebecca, holding it out for him. "Geez! This is pretty bright!" Derek replied as he stepped carefully into it, staring at himself in the full length mirror as she slid it gently up his body. She helped him slide his arms through thin 1 inch shoulder straps, before stepping behind him and he could now see his full reflection. He watched as she zipped him up, and his figure took shape before his eyes, causing him to feel faint. "Is this pretty on you, or what? And red is definitely a good color for you!" said Rebecca, straightening the hem of the skirt and adjusting his cleavage slightly. "Whoever picked this dress made a perfect choice for you." Derek was ready to puke now, seeing himself all made up with a head full of rollers in his hot red dress. His dress was made from a soft satin material, and was very form fitting, showing off his enhanced body. The dress ended in a tiny ruffle at about mid-thigh, and was extremely tight with little stretch or give as he moved slightly. At his waistline, it gathered in a bit as it didn't push at his belly ring, and had a matching satin rose ornament decorating his right side just above his hip. On top, the dress was sleeveless; with some thin straps across his shoulders covering his bra straps and in the middle was cut low, putting the focus on his pushed up cleavage beneath it's open v-neck design. "Let's go finish your hair and get you out of here!" said Rebecca. "Easy, these heels are so spikey, and not easy to walk in," said Derek, as she dragged him by the wrist. "And I'm so restricted in this dress. It's too tight." She took his hand, bringing him back to her chair and ignored him as she fully covered him with a long, thin pink sheet. He watched in the mirror as she delicately removed his hairnet, placing it on her table and stepped behind him as she began removing the first roller. He felt tug after tug from behind now, as the cart began filling with rollers, before he finally watched his hair spring back as she worked on the left side. She stepped in front of him, working on the right side before beginning at the crown of his head as she moved rapidly. As she placed the last curler down, she picked up a large comb, picking at the middle of his forehead with it and with her fingers. She stretched some of his hair on the left ,snipping with her sheers, before jumping to the right and repeating this a few times. She stepped back, staring at him now, before jumping in with a large barreled curling iron, rolling some thick strands and releasing them fairly quickly. She repeated this four or five time on the right, and then the left, before picking up her hairspray and spraying small sections as she lifted and separated some curls with her fingers. "A few touches and you're ready honey," said Rebecca, unstrapping the cape from his neck. "Rebecca, Denise's cab just arrived," said the receptionist, interrupting. "Ok, tell him just a moment," Rebecca replied, as she opened a long jewelry box. She now slipped a large diamond tennis bracelet on his right wrist, before opening a large velvet jewelry box, taking out a large necklace and gently lifted his hair as she secured the clasp. "Oh, that hurts a bit," said Derek, feeling her pulling at his right ear. "Easy!" "I know sweetie," Rebecca said, working on the left now. "You just got them pierced today, so they are really sensitive, so I shouldn't change them but these are 24K so don't worry, they won't give you an infection. It's just they're a bit large and a little heavy. OK, so what do you think?" Rebecca knelt down in front of him, putting an ankle bracelet on his left leg as he started at himself. His hair was now done in large, loose Boho curls, parted in the middle, and sitting across his shoulders and partially onto his boobs. Around his neck, he had a sparkling gold necklace which ended in a diamond v-shape which sat directly between his pushed up mounds, highlighting them. As he moved his head from side to side, he watched his very large diamond chandelier earrings wiggle and peek out from within his waves. "OK, you gotta run girl," said Rebecca, touching his neck with some perfume and giving one final touch of gloss on his lips before dropping it into his purse. "Come on honey. You really don't need this now, but just slip this on mostly for later. It can get chilly in a skimpy little dress like that." Derek was practically ripped from the chair now as Rebecca slipped his arms into a shiny black vinyl light weight ? length jacket, slipped some sunglasses on his face, and guided him out the door. He watched the door basically close in his face as he spun around as the cabbie rolled down the window. "Let's go there, missie," said the cabbie. "You're not my only pick up tonight, and the meters been already running for ten minutes." "Have fun and you look amazing!" said Rebecca, as she closed the door. "Cab fare is in your purse and Lisa said she'll meet you in the cocktail lounge before dinner." Derek sat quietly in the cab for ten minutes, heading through a part of town he didn't know well, until they pulled up at fancy restaurant overhanging a cliff on Pacific Coast highway. "Thirty four dollars please," said the cabbie. Derek flipped up his glasses and dug through his purse, handing the cab driver the only two twenties he found inside. 'See ya doll," said the cabbie. "Thanks." The cab drove away and the valet held the restaurant door open as Derek reluctantly walked inside. He stared straight ahead at the amazing ocean view, taking in the breathtaking views as he scanned the place for Lisa. "I'll take your coat miss," said a coat check girl grabbing his arm. "Oh, thanks," said Derek, in as soft a voice as he could. "Where's the cocktail lounge." "Go through the bar, down the stairs and to your right," said the girl, handing him a ticket. "Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, Miss. and I love your dress." "Thanks," said Derek, throwing the coat check ticket in his bag and walking away as the girl rolled her eyes at him as he neglected to tip her. He turned and walked into the dimly lit bar area. He saw nothing but couples yet noticed a few wandering male eyes checking him out as he wormed his way through a fairly crowded bar. Finally seeing the spiral steps, he held the hand rail as he slowly descended into the sunken room. He gingerly took step after step down the eight marble steps, as he was far from used to the platform stilettos he was wearing. He stared down at his toes contacting the steps, while being extremely careful not to slip, as his senses were ever so heightened, feeling the bounce of every curl and the tight sliding of the dress up and down his thighs. He finally looked up when he touched down at the bottom step and immediately his eyes widened, seeing Lisa smiling back at him as she sat sipping a drink from a cocktail table across the room. "Hi," said Derek, as he approached her as she stood up, hugging him. "I'm impressed Der. I mean Denise," said Lisa, catching herself. "Looking good girl!" "Ah, thanks," said Derek, looking her up and down. "You're not loving my new look are you?" said Lisa, grinning at him. "No you just look different. You're just more conservative than I'm used to in pants and with the hair pulled back,, with that big headband," said Derek trying to look her in the eye. "You're still beautiful of course." "Well, thank you Denise. I knew you wouldn't love the shorter hair, especially after I dyed it darker this morning," said Lisa, explaining herself and touching her headband. "And of course my outfit really is comfortable for a change. Now come on, let's sit down and just talk." "Ok," said Derek, with puppy dog eyes as they sat down and she took his hand under the table and held it. "We both needed a change honey. I needed all this. I feel liberated, like a new woman with a new hairdo and I just thought a pants suit would be better for me tonight. Yeah, and I know you hate my little ballet flats," said Lisa, kicking out her shoe to show him as she rubbed his fingers. "But see the thing is, I did this for me. I'm no less feminine with shorter hair or pants honey. I've still got on a cute top, some makeup, jewelry, and I'm in red for Valentine's day. Do you get the whole point here?" "I guess so," said Derek, somewhat confused. "The point is, I needed to be loved as a person, and not as a possession or as a sex object," said Lisa, lecturing him as she squeezed his fingers. "And I think I figured out how to get you to at least begin to understand that! Tonight, I tried to take the attention off me and turn it to you, so you can feel it and I must say, you are looking very sexy tonight!" "I guess that's good, if that's what you were after," said Derek, matter of factly as he stared at her. "Sweetie, what I'm after is nothing more than what you ask of me honey," said Lisa, releasing his hand before rubbing his thigh and sliding her hand up his dress. Derek's eyes widened, wondering what she was doing as she stuck her hand inside his panty, digging her nail slightly into his pubic area as she licked her lips. "I'm thinking you must look sexy in that lingerie under there," said Lisa, snapping one of his garters as she pulled her hand out. "Well, I can't wait to get out of this dress and I'll show you," said Derek, loosening up. "Slow down now, little Ms. Denise!" said Lisa, looking at her watch. "You and I have a long way to go honey. You've shown me a lot of commitment today, but it's just a start. We've got quite a way to go." "I've done what you asked me to do," whined Derek. "Look at me, isn't this enough?" "Time will tell, girlfriend," said Lisa, getting up now. "I'm going to the ladies room and then we'll have dinner." Lisa took her purse and large duffel bag and headed to the ladies room. Derek sat there alone, sipping his drink until Lisa reappeared after about ten minutes. "Ok, let's go have dinner," said Lisa, startling him a bit. He looked up, seeing Lisa had made a quick change. Immediately, he noticed her body as she had dropped the pants suit for a long maroon, off one shoulder gown. Her little ballet flats had been replaced with pointy 4 inch sling back heels, which were attached to her seemingly endless legs as they poked out of the long slit on his right hand side. With her headband off, he could see how her hair had been shaped into a chin length bob and parted on the left, as it swept over, partly covering her right eye. She had expertly made up her eyes with dark colors and her lips were a smooth, satin dark red now. She took her finger, straightening her large diamond necklace, smiling at him as she knew he was stunned. "So are we having a Valentine's dinner, or sitting here all night," said Lisa, reaching out her hand for him to get up. "Dinner! Definitely dinner," said Derek, standing up as he looked at her with his jaw wide open. "I thought you were going more conservative, but hey I'm not complaining!" "I never said that! You made a bad assumption!" said Lisa, grabbing his arm as they walked together. "Trust me, you'll turn more heads than me, but its Valentine's day and I never said I was going to dress to look like a train wreck." "You look incredible," said Derek. "Thank you, and so do you," said Lisa, smiling as they walked together. "I am surprised to hear that from you though. I knew you'd like the dress, but I figured you wouldn't love the bob, especially after I dyed it darker this morning. It's liberating cutting off like ten inches of my hair, and I'm surprised to get a compliment from you." "Maybe I just adjusted like you wanted me to, changing for the better," said Derek. "Well, we'll just see about that this evening, won't we," said Lisa as they approached the hostess. "Hi ladies. Follow me please," said the hostess turning as they followed. "Your guests have only been waiting for a few minutes." Derek froze, hearing the hostess as they turned the corner and Lisa pulled him forward as he now looked up, seeing two guys stand up as they arrived at their table. "Hey guys," said Lisa, excitedly as she kissed a large blonde guy on the cheek as the other approached Derek. "Denise, what a pleasure to meet you," said a very large gentlemen, putting out his hand. "I'm Ken. Thanks for sharing Valentine's day with me." "Hi," said an absolutely stunned Derek, shaking his hand. "Hey, Denise," said the other guy. "I'm Alex. Lisa said we may have met before, but I think I'd remember meeting someone like you. Either way, it's wonderful to meet you or see you again." "So, you ladies look fantastic this evening," said Alex, waving over the waitress. "Please bring a round for the ladies." The waitress brought a round of drinks as Derek sat like a mouse, and Lisa dominated the conversation with the guys. "So Lisa, I have to say that I'm so glad you called me today. It really was a pleasant surprise," said Alex. "I've been dying for a chance for us to get back together, but I thought that would never happen with you, since I thought you were in a committed relationship now." "Well, things change, you know," said Lisa, giving Derek a look. "Honestly, I'm just not sure about my boyfriend right now. I'm not saying my relationship with him is over, but I'm here with you tonight, so I'm at least exploring my options." "Well, that's good enough for me," said Alex, clanging her glass. "It's his loss." "But that's enough about him, Alex. Let's just focus on dinner and fun times, ok. Cheers to a wonderful Valentine's day with you two wonderful guys," said Lisa, raising her glass. "Sorry Lisa. Let's move on to happier thoughts," said Alex, downing his drink. "Let's talk about you lovely ladies. How about you Denise? You haven't said much." "Oh, I'm pretty boring, sorry," said Derek, sighing. "There's not much about me to talk about." "Oh PPPPlease! She's just modest," said Lisa, chiming in. "She's a successful financial planner with more energy than all of us put together. Don't be fooled by that quiet side. She's a tiger when she gets going." "Successful and beautiful!" said Ken, looking Derek right in the eyes and smiling. "How is it possible that you don't have a boyfriend?" "Uuummm well," said Derek, stuttering, as his eyes almost popped out of his head as he looked at Lisa. "I'm just concentrating on my career right now. Success takes a lot of energy I guess." "So, will you guys excuse us?" said Lisa. "We have to go to the ladies room and freshen up a bit. Just order us a couple of salads with fat free dressing for dinner, ok?" "Sure," said Alex, as they pulled out their chairs as Lisa and Derek got up. Lisa got up as Derek followed her to the ladies room. She opened the ladies room door , checked the stalls, and locked it behind them as they stepped inside. "What the hell is this!" said Derek, immediately screaming at her. "You are thinking of cheating on me right in front of me and on Valentine's Day. And what is with the friend! He's fucking checking me out like I'm some available chick. Do these guys think this is a double date?" "You finished?" said Lisa, calmly with her hands on her hips. "Anything else you'd like to add?" Derek was breathing heavily and was very upset as Lisa opened her purse and walked over to the mirror, fixing her lipstick. Derek calmed down, surprised at how calm she was as she put away her lipstick and took out a piece of paper, handing it to Derek. "So this is your receipt from last month's escort service for $500 which you left in your pants that you asked me to wash, and oh, by the way, I also know that you got a blow job two weeks ago at Mike's bachelor party," said Lisa, glaring at him, emotionless. "You gonna waste our time denying any of this." Derek looked down at the receipt, and then looked away as Lisa now touched up her mascara. "I can explain," said Derek, nervously. "I ahh I ahh." "Don't bother. Don't even insult me by trying. All you'll say is you were drunk and it was peer pressure, and it was just a guy thing. Blah, blah, blah," said Lisa, stopping him from speaking. "I have been very understanding and I even can condone some of your shit, but that's over now. You've actually shown me some hope today, but obviously from that outburst, you've got a long way to go." "Please, I really am sorry. I know I screwed up," whined Derek. "Enough. Please!" said Lisa, getting in his face. "Today, I've taken that stupid little friend between your legs and taken him out of the equation. Today, you'll experience every fucking thing from the other side, so that you'll at least understand just a little about my life. I'm hoping maybe something will stick in your mind if you can go a day without your dick doing the thinking for you." "Of course I can," said Derek, whining. "I'm sorry. I really am." "I hope so," said Lisa, opening his purse and handing him his lip gloss. "Can you handle this?" Derek took the little brush to his lips, shining them as she watched him and then tightened the cap before tossing it in his purse. Lisa picked at his hair with her fingers before spraying both of their heads, and adjusting her cleavage as she stared at herself in the mirror. "Ok, let's get back to dinner," said Lisa, adjusting a strap on his dress and straightening it slightly. "I'm expecting that Derek's personality can come out of Denise now. You know the fun, smart side. The one that smiles and laughs, not the whiney grouchy one I seen this evening. Show me something, and maybe I'll overlook some of the recent shit you've done and we can put some of it behind us." Lisa turned and unlocked the door as Derek followed her back to the table. The guys both stood up as held their chairs out like gentlemen. "How sweet," said Lisa, as Derek immediately noticed her kiss Alex on the cheek as she sat down. "So guys, did you miss us." "Of course," said Alex, smiling at Lisa as they began eating. "How many guys get a last second invite to be out with two girls like you? We are some lucky guys." "Thanks guys," said Derek, as Lisa stared at him, prodding him to answer. "That's nice of you guys to say." "For you ladies, from the gentlemen," said a hostess, handing each of them a dozen roses and a small box of Godiva chocolates. Lisa's eyes lit up, taking the roses as she placed them on the table and gave Alex a big hug and now a big kiss on his cheek, followed by a peck on the lips. She then looked over at Derek again, prodding him with her eyes as he placed his roses on the table. He now reached over, hugging Ken and softly kissed his cheek. He quickly stared straight ahead as Lisa gave a slight nod of approval as Derek returned to his salad. "So Denise, tell me about your work. I could use the advice of a financial wizard," said Ken. "I'm great with business, but horrible with my own money." "Well, I help people invest in funds and stocks and build a portfolio of wise investments," said Derek, trying to concentrate as he was distracted by the sight of his lipstick on Ken's cheek. "I bet an intelligent young woman like you must get a lot of clients," said Ken, attempting to flatter her. "I do ok," said Derek. "I enjoy the business." "Are you kidding Ken? She is just so modest," said Lisa, chiming in. "She's brilliant, but even as smart as she is, that's second to what a wonderful, caring person she is. She was supposed to be out with a customer at the Laker game tonight, but she didn't want me to be left alone on Valentine's day. She even left work early so we could spend the day together at the salon and spa." "Intelligent, well spoken, attractive, and considerate," said Ken. "How are you not attached?" "I'm just a career woman, I guess," said Derek, backing him down. "She just needs to find the right guy," said Lisa, looking at Ken. "Hey, why don't we all dance?" "After you," said Ken, gently pulling out Derek's chair as they all stood up. They walked to the dance floor and as the slow music played, Ken held out his hand and took Derek's, bringing him in close to his body. He immediately realized how big Ken was, as his hand seemed so small in Ken's. "Wow, you are tall," said Derek, looking up at him as Ken now had his arm around him as they danced slowly. "I'm 6'7"," said Ken. "You're fairly tall too." "In these shoes, I guess so," said Derek, smiling. "I'm 5'10" normally." "That's a great height for a girl, for me anyway," said Ken, looking right into his eyes. "Especially in shoes like those, which just look fantastic on you, but I'd bet you be cute in almost anything. But you know, it's nice to be able to look into a beautiful girl's eyes for a change." Derek smiled back at him nervously, and then looked away at Lisa being twirled around by Alex, smiling and laughing as they danced. He could see her peeking at him from time to time as Ken leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Hey everyone. I'm Brad," said a young guy with a camera, interrupting their dance. "I'm taking a few pictures of our couples tonight, and giving each couple a complimentary photo. Then, if you really like them, we have some lovely Valentine's packages we're offering. Big smile for me please!" Ken put his arm around Derek as they posed as Brad snapped a few shots. "Ok, just follow me over here for a minute," said Brad, as Derek held Ken's arm following him slowly. They stopped as Brad positioned them in front of a green curtain, delicately pushing their faces next to each other, and then positioned them looking into each others eyes. "I'm glad I met you tonight," said Ken, staring at Derek. "I was nervous and wasn't going to come, but you are just amazing, even if this is weird posing like this." "Ok, how about you dip her for me," said Brad, turning and snapping the camera constantly as Ken leaned Derek back. Ken held Derek's back gently now, dipping him as Derek was barely able to balance on his tiny heels, with his hair hanging downward. "Thanks, that was great, you two," said Brad. "You guys are a very cute couple." Ken pulled Derek back up now and kissed his cheek as Derek nervously froze before Lisa interrupted and pulled him away. "So, I'm going to pull her away for just a second, so we can powder our noses," said Lisa, pinching Derek's arm. "We'll be right back, boys." Lisa pushed him gently, forcing him to kiss Ken's cheek before they walked away together now. As they reached the ladies room, she again locked the bathroom before fixing her lipstick. "So I'm going to spend some time alone with Alex now and I'm going to leave you with Ken," said Lisa. "I heard Adam say that you two make a cute couple, and I think he couldn't be more right." "Very funny," said Derek, shaking his head at her. "Are we done now before this gets out of hand. I think he actually likes me." "Oh, I'm dead serious DEEE-NISE. Tonight, I'm going to even the score with you for some of your unfaithful little escapades," said Lisa, unlocking the door. "I'm going to bring Alex back to our apartment and maybe even sleep with him tonight. You are going to spend some time getting to know Ken better." "No Lisa, please," said Derek, whining. "I don't want to be alone with him. Don't do that to me and don't do this to us. That's fucking gross." "Honey, try to enjoy this, because I know I am. He really likes you, so I expect you two could have some fun tonight," said Lisa, touching Derek's face and giving him a sinister grin. "Here's how it's going to go tonight. We are going back out there and have a few more dances. I'm definitely going to let Alex kiss me this time, and when Ken tries to kiss you, you are not going to resist. After I watch you make out with him and stick your tongue down his throat, then Alex and I will excuse ourselves and leave. I'll get rid of Alex by 3 am, so you can come home then if you want." "If I want? 3am? French kiss him?" said Derek, almost crying now. "Are you insane! Why are you punishing me like this?" "Punishing! Punishing?" said Lisa, raising her voice before laughing. "Like I said before, I'm just getting even a little. It's all up to you now. You can either do it or move back in with your mother. I'm sure she'd love to see you knocking on her door in the middle of the night, dressed like that!" "Holy shit Lisa," said Derek, feeling sick to his stomach as Lisa touched up his lips. "Please. No! Please, I'm begging you." "Let's go have some fun!" said Lisa, touching up his lips before turning and walking out the ladies room door. "Pucker up and don't be a bitch!" They walked back to the table as the guys stood up to greet them. "You guys turned out great," said Brad, dropping a few folders with photos on the tables. "These are the complimentary ones and I'll be back in ten minutes with the others that the fellas purchased for you. You guys enjoy dancing, and I'll see you when you get back to the table." Derek stared at himself in the photo with Ken's arm around him on the dance floor, shocked that they actually did look like a Valentine's Day couple. Ken put his arm around Derek, leading him to the dance floor as Derek felt like he was being led in front of a firing squad. He held Ken's hand as they danced, and he glanced over at Lisa peeking at him; she smiled before he watched her initiate a deep, passionate kiss with Alex. They danced for a few more songs before he noticed Lisa and Alex dance right up next to them, bumping into Ken. "Oops! Excuse me," said Lisa, before whispering in Ken's ear. "Don't be nervous. She really likes you." Lisa smiled at Derek as they moved over, dancing away as he wondered what she was up to. He felt Ken's hands get a little sweaty as he removed them from his and put both of them around his waist. Ken pulled him in tightly, and he looked up, seeing nothing but Ken's nose right in his face and within an instant, he felt Ken's breath on his lips. Even though he knew what was coming, shock overcame him as Ken's lips were now against his, gently moving as he was being kissed. He felt Ken's left hand palming his neck and he was powerless against his passion. A soft force now tingled through his teeth as Ken's tongue wiggled towards his tonsils, as the sensation of not being the one in control was almost overwhelming. He closed his eyes, trying to imagine that he was kissing Lisa as Ken seemed to have no desire to take a breath. His eye's popped open after a few minutes, and he felt Ken's manhood awaken against his stomach, then caught an image of Lisa peeking over at him as he was kissing Alex. He gasped as the kiss finally broke, and touched his chin as the odd scraping feeling of Ken's stubble was a new and crazy sensation. "Wow, that was really amazing," said Ken, looking into his eyes and smiling. "You're so beautiful." Derek stood there frozen, before looking away after turning red now from embarrassment as Ken's fingers on his right hand wiggled between those on his left hand. They walked back to the table, sitting down as Lisa could not wipe the smile from her face. "Hasn't this been just a wonderful night?" said Lisa, snuggling in with Alex. "Definitely!" said Alex, with his arm around her as she whispered in his ear. "Check please!" "So, here are the rest of the pictures everyone," said Brad, handing Lisa and Derek a folder. "I gave you 2 5x7's of each pose and 2 wallets of each. Hope to see you again soon!" Derek opened the folder and looked at his face next to Ken's inside of a wine glass, then another of the two of them standing together in front of a waterfall, and the third under a white oval trellis covered in red roses, all labeled Happy Valentine's Day, Denise and Ken forever!" "So, shall we!" said Lisa, getting up as they all stood up as Ken paid the check. They walked to the front door and Lisa handed the coat check tickets to the guys as she stood with Derek alone. "That was hot," said Lisa, looking at him. "I've never been hotter for you in my life after seeing you make out with Ken." "Gee, that makes me feel so much better," said Derek sarcastically, as Lisa was digging through her purse. "So, are we going to even this up tonight or should I drag this on?" said Lisa, handing him his lips gloss and enjoying teasing him. "Go ahead, put it on so you'll be nice and kissable for your man honey." "I kissed him already. So just sleep with Alex and we're even and let's put this behind us," said Derek, lining his lips. "No, after I sleep with Alex, we'll be half way to even," said Lisa. "Kissing has nothing to do with anything. You got a fucking blow job at the bachelor party. Did you forget that?" "Fine, blow him too and get this over with, so I can come home," Whined Derek, as he quickly shut up as the guys returned. Lisa turned away from him now as Alex held out her coat and she slipped it on while ken did the same for Derek. She walked over to Ken, hugging him goodnight as Alex hugged Derek and kissed his cheek. "So you two make yourself at home at my place, while we'll be at Lisa's place," said Alex, flipping Ken his keys. Lisa then hugged Derek, squeezing him tightly. "Honey, I'll be fucking and not sucking tonight. It's you that'll be sucking Ken's dick tonight or don't bother coming home," said Lisa, whispering in Derek's ear as she hugged him tightly. "I'll be taping it from Alex's webcam, so don't forget to smile for the camera after you swallow. Do it or don't bother coming home or ever speaking to me again." "Goodnight, again," said Alex, as Lisa turned away, dragging Alex out the door as she was draped all over him like a cheap suit. Derek walked with Ken almost numb to his current predicament, as Ken's big black Mercedes pulled up. Ken held the door open as he got in, and Ken ran around ,jumping in the car. "It was nice of Alex to let us use his place as I live about an hour away from here," said Ken, as he switched on some soft love songs. "I'm excited to spend some time alone and get to know you better." "I can see that!" said Derek, staring at the bulge in his pants. "This is not what I expected tonight at all." "Me either," said Alex, reaching over and rubbing Derek's thigh as he drove. "It's a really pleasant surprise." After a quick drive, they pulled up at Alex's place and they went inside. "Want to have a drink?" said Ken, opening the bar. "Definitely!" said Derek, sitting on the couch. "Maybe a double." "Sounds good to me," said Ken, grabbing a few glasses and a bottle of scotch. He placed them on the coffee table and before he even poured a glass, he sat next to Derek dipping him back and kissing him passionately. After a few moments of frenching him, he held him up and let him have a breath. They sat comfortably on the couch now, as Derek looked over at the clock on the wall, realizing it was only 12:30 am and he had to keep Ken busy for over two hours before he could go home. They now had a few drinks as Derek was quickly downing them as he was doing anything he could to keep his mind and Ken busy. "Damn, you drink like a guy," said Ken, opening their second bottle now. "You're going to drink me under the table." "I doubt that. I'm starting to feel pretty buzzed," said Derek, chuckling. "You're a big guy so I'm sure you can hold your liquor pretty well." "I do ok," said Ken, moving closer to Derek now. "I have to tell you I really thought that you were going to be a fat girl or kinda freaky if you know what I mean, since this was short notice and I was kind of forced to come tonight." "Believe me, you have no idea how forced I was to come tonight too," said Derek, downing another shot. "Well, trust me, this isn't forced," said Ken, pulling Derek in now as he began kissing him. Derek moved his face away for a minute, feeling the urge to keep drinking as Ken softly palmed his chin with his big strong hand and looked deeply into his eyes. Derek was like a deer in headlights now, as Ken gazed at him before finally moving in again as he began kissing Derek's neck. His lips now moved down softly kissing his collar bone, before making his way between his breasts to kiss some cleavage, and immediately Derek panicked, taking his hand and lifting Ken's chin to avoid him making contact with his fake boobs. As he lifted his face, he had no choice but to return the kiss as Ken's tongue quickly penetrated his mouth. Ken was in full control now, swirling and swishing his tongue deep into Derek's mouth as Ken was all over him now, pushing him back on the couch. "Easy Ken," said Derek, breaking the kiss and grabbing his free left hand as it was moving onto his right breast. Ken wiggled his fingers between Derek's, squeezing firmly before pushing himself almost fully on top of Derek on the couch, as he was slouched back now. "Yuuuuummmm!" Whispered Ken into Derek's ear now, as he stuck his tongue into his ear. Derek felt an ache now between his legs as his strapped back penis was attempting to come to life. "What the fuck," He mumbled to himself. Ken now gently pinched Derek's earlobe between his teeth, before releasing it and nibbling on his neck as he forced Derek back further until he was completely lying down on the couch, now with Ken on top of him. He struggled to move, releasing his fingers from Ken's as he tried to push his body back, but was confined by the armrest now at the end of the couch, and the weight of Ken's thick frame. "Ken, no," Squealed Derek, reacting quickly as he grabbed Ken's free hand which was now moving up his thigh, under his dress. "Sorry gorgeous. You're so freaking hot," Mouthed Ken, before chomping down on Derek's neck gently with his teeth. "Just kissing you is driving me crazy." "I can't Ken," Whined Derek, pushing Ken off his neck as he now felt Ken's full erection between his legs, pushing at his thigh. "I'm sorry. I know we just met," said Ken, sitting back up and pulling Derek next to him as he gave him a huge bear hug. "I know you're not that type of girl. All the drinking and your hotness just made me some damn horny." "Thanks for understanding," said Derek, relieved for a moment as he fluffed his destroyed hair with his fingers out of his eyes. "Well, I'll make us some coffee, so we can sober up and then I'll drive you home soon as it's after 2 am now." "Cool, thanks," said Derek, standing up. "I'll be back in a minute. I have to use the bathroom." "Ok," said Ken, standing up and planting a soft kiss on his lips as Derek headed for the bathroom. He looked the door behind him and proceeded to drop his panties. He sat on the bowl and reached under his dress, finding his semi-erect restricted penis and aimed it into the bowl as he emptied his very full bladder. He wiped, pulled his panties in place, and walked over to the mirror, seeing his tousled hair and smeared lips. "Geez. I look like that chick you pick up in the middle of the night and after last call," said Derek, talking to himself in the mirror before pausing for a moment. "Ok, do I or do I not do this shit? Is she really watching me? Does it really matter after all this shit tonight? Fuck this, I'm not doing that shit. Enough is enough. I'm a fucking man!" Derek opened the door and stepped out. He walked half way across the room and noticed the green light on the webcam, which was pointing right at the couch. "Shit. This is fucking nuts. No way. She can't really be watching!" Whined Derek to himself, nervously. "I can't. I just can't." "One more minute for coffee hon," Yelled Ken from the kitchen. "Ok, great," said Derek, walking over to look at a picture on the wall. Derek froze as he watched the camera of the webcam move now, following his movement. He walked back towards the couch as the camera again followed him. "I need one more minute too," Yelped Derek, grabbing his purse. "I'm just going to freshen up." He hurried back into the bathroom, opening his purse and removing a pick. He tried to fix his hair with it and his fingers as best he could to look half way decent, before saturating his head with hairspray. He brushed on some blush and then touched his lashes with some mascara before glossing up his lips. He straightened his dress and opened the door, walking back over towards the couch. He stopped just in front of the camera, looking at it as he took a deep breath. "I love you. I'm sorry. Ok, this is for you," Mouthed Derek, into the camera before turning and going to sit on the couch. He sat back on the couch, crossed his legs and looked up, seeing Ken enter with two coffee cups on a silver platter. "Thank you Ken," said Derek, looking up at him twirling his hair and smiling. "You want cream and sugar?" said Ken. "Not just yet," said Derek, standing up and initiating a short but passionate kiss. Derek stood up now, downing the last full glass of whiskey that was sitting there. "But I think you could use just a little more sugar, honey," said Derek, forcefully pushing Ken onto the couch with both hands. "Oh definitely," said Ken, sitting back on the couch as Derek gently bit his lip and climbing spread eagle onto his lap. He wrapped both arms around his neck again, kissing him passionately as he ran his fingers through Ken's hair. He leaned back now, breaking the kiss as he felt Ken come alive again under his soft dress on his ass. "Well somebody's glad I freshened up, aren't they?" said Derek, looking into Ken's eyes. "No, either way you look amazing," said Ken, completely aroused now. "I don't sleep with guys on the first date, but that doesn't mean we can't have just a little more fun," said Derek, whispering in his ear. "Sit back and relax for a few minutes and then you can take me home." Derek nibbled his ear and softly kissed his lips, before swinging his leg off Ken's lap. As he stood up, he forcefully grabbed his rock hard member through his slacks as he kneeled in front of him. He undid Ken's belt and slowly unzipped his pants before starting to panic, as he was faced with the huge bulge in his tight black briefs. He peeled back the waistband now with his nail tip, knowing the feeling of arousal that Ken was experiencing now. Ken wasted no time helping to wiggle his trousers and briefs down to his ankles, jumping a bit as Derek's nail tip accidentally plucked one of his pubes as he squirmed. "Sorry," said Derek, looking up and chuckling which helped lighten his own tension as he knew that feeling as he stared at his long red nails wrapped around Ken's shaft now. He glanced over at the green light again, and took two deep breaths as he started jerking off Ken. He started yanking faster and faster as Ken began moaning with pleasure before he felt Ken's hand on his neck. "Please, don't tease me," said Ken, pushing his face down onto his dick. "You're too fucking hot. Please. I doubt I can last that long." With no time to react, Derek was now being held down, engulfing Ken's penis and was gagging a little. Ken started helping now by thrusting slowly as Derek started slowly breathing from his nose. He tried coming up for a breather, but it was impossible as Ken's hips moved faster and faster before he tightly clamped down on Derek's neck, pushing his penis as far down his throat as he could. Derek felt a tear run down his cheek as the salty taste filled his throat as Ken moaned out in pleasure. He softened his grip now as Derek gasped for air, swallowing what he could as he felt some of Ken's cum drip down his chin. He got up from the floor and sat down on the couch as Ken stood up and pulled up his pants. He kissed Derek's cheek and buckled his belt as he sat back again, relaxed. "That was hot," said Ken, sipping his coffee. "Damn this shit is cold. Don't drink it." Ken got up and took the cups and poured them down the sink as Derek wiped his face with a tissue. "Come on," said Ken. "We're late, and I'm sure you're exhausted." Ken held Derek's coat open as he stood in shock, staring at the webcam. Ken put his arm around him and took him to the car and the ride home was fairly quiet as Derek stared out the window daydreaming, as he tried to rid his mind of what just happened. Ken pulled the car over and quickly came around, opening the door. He put his arm around Derek, walking him to the door as Derek stuck in his key. "Well, good night," said Derek, as Ken reached in, hugging Derek and planting a soft quick kiss on his lips. "It was an incredible night. I had a great time and I'm so glad I met you," said Ken, as he walked away. "I'll call you tomorrow." "Goodnight?" said Derek, waving goodbye as he stepped inside, leaning with his back on the door as he closed it. "Well, you two look like you had fun tonight," said Lisa lying on the couch in a short silk red nightgown with her feet elevated in air on the armrest. "I see that you two hit it off real well and obviously had some fun." "Very funny," said Derek, sarcastically. "I did what I had to do for you." "I know and I'm so pleased about that," said Lisa, holding out her arms. Derek walked over and hugged her as she immediately kissed him softly. "He's a tasty fellow, isn't he," said Lisa, teasing as she licked her lips. "He's got a spicy diet." "Please stop," said Derek. "I'm going to brush my teeth and puke now, if you don't mind!" "Oh please, you are doing no such thing yet," said Lisa, rolling up her nightgown and rubbing her finger on her pussy. "Let me enjoy my pretty girl first." "Really? Ok," said Derek, surprised and smiling. "That'll help me put things behind me. Help me free my taped up friend please." "Oh, not just yet, my sweet girl," said Lisa, pointing at him. "Come over here and turn around." Derek hurried over and turned around as Lisa reached up, unzipping his dress. She pushed it off his shoulders and let it drop to the floor. She looked him up and down as he was in nothing but his red lingerie now. "Switch on the music and hit cd number one," said Lisa, pointing to the stereo. "Let's have a little dance show please." Derek shook his head, smiled and turned on the music, hearing Britney Spears music come on. "Swing those hips baby," Yelled Lisa, as Derek shaked his hips as best he could. "Now look in the mirror and spank that butt, girl." Derek stared at himself dancing in the mirror and glanced at Lisa enjoying this, and she waved him over. She again spun him around as he walked over to her as she now ripped down his panties before scratching her nails into his pubic hair. "Nice and neat," said Lisa, smiling as she felt between his legs. "It's amazing how flat they can make you look when they hide you little baggage between your legs. And I like the neat shape they gave you and it's good to know we are both natural redheads now." Lisa scratched her bush again as Derek noticed that hers had also been colored to match her hair as was his. "ON your knees now, bitch," She said as she pulled on his naval piercing, causing him some pain as he immediately dropped in front of her. She grabbed a hold of his extensions, yanking him down to her and wasted no time spreading her legs pushing his face inside them. "Get to work my little bitch," said Lisa, holding the back of his head. "Push that tongue way in." Derek pushed his tongue way in as Lisa now wrapped his legs around his head, tightly thrusting her hips for over ten minutes until she exploded. "MMmmmm. Nice girl," said Lisa, sighing. "So it was a nice night for you. You got to swallow me, Ken, and now what I saved from Alex for you." "Great, did I really have to know that!" said Derek, shaking his head as he sat up. "Am I finally done now? My feet are just killing me and I'm exhausted." "Yes, I bet you are. I left you some pajamas in the bathroom you can change into," said Lisa relaxing now. "I'm sure you'd like to wash that face and brush your teeth." "Oh definitely," said Derek. "What about all this stuff glued and taped on me. Can you help me get it off?" "Good luck with that babe. Do you think that is a one minute job," Said Lisa, standing up and smiling. "Tomorrow, we'll fix you up. Turn around and I'll unclip your bustier." Derek's bustier now hit the floor as he felt the weight of his breasts jiggling now. He sat back on the couch as Lisa unstrapped his shoes and he removed his thigh high hose. He walked into the bathroom naked now, feeling a short sigh of relief to have everything off. He started brushing and gargling over and over before he saw the long pink nightgown but no pajamas. He picked up the nightgown and walked back outside in the nude. "This isn't pajamas?" said Derek, looking at Lisa. "It's the only pajamas I have that will fit you with those big tits," said Lisa kissing him and taking his hand. "Let's go to bed and let me just fix your hair before you go to sleep." Derek sat on the bed as Lisa took a moment to brush his hair. It was relaxing to Derek as she twisted and turned it creating a long thick French braid. She took a few facial wipes and scrubbed his face removing some makeup before she adjusted his braid tightening it a bit. "This will help so that you don't have a huge head of knots in the morning," said Lisa as she snapped a rubber band on the bottom of it. "Goodnight honey." They fell asleep together as Derek was wiped out. He woke up to the smell of some coffee the next morning and got out of bed, stretching. He walked into the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee and seeing a note on the counter. "Good morning sleeping beauty!" said the note. "I just wanted you to know that last night was incredible for me and you really showed me a lot by doing everything I asked of you. I barely slept a wink last night, thinking about everything and our relationship, so just try to understand this while you read this note. I wish this was easy, but I've realized I'm no longer in love with what you've become, Derek. I fell in love with the fun loving and caring man I met a few years ago, but we've just grown in different directions. I understand your career is critical to you and that comes first.

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Wie Hannah das Sexspielzeug von ihrem Opa wurde

Hannah und ihr geiler Opa Mein Name ist Hannah Schmittchen. Mittlerweile bin ich sechsundzwanzig Jahre alt. An dieser Stelle möchte ich Ihnen erzählen, wie das sexuelle Verhältnis zwischen mir und meinem Großvater begann. Ich beginne wohl besser ganz von vorn. Es war kurz vor meinem achtzehnten Geburtstag. Meine Großeltern luden mich zu sich auf den Campingplatz ein. Dort sollte eine Party für mich steigen. Ich fand den Vorschlag prima. Zu Hause hatten wir eine winzig-kleine Wohnung und so,...

3 years ago
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The Boys Story Chapter 10

"How is the feeling now?" he asks me and I say it is getting stronger and he says "Same" but he decides to wait some more until it feels very strong. I know when it is strong for both of us he will want to play with my arse again and because of the feeling I am looking forward to it because I know it pleases him." Chapter 10 After watching porn for about 15 minutes he decides that the feeling is strong enough and I have to agree with him.. My eyes are not focussing properly and I feel like I am...

3 years ago
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Beautiful UnFortunate with my Aunt8230

Dear Friend’s, Hi this is Aman ( Name Change ) delhi based wana share a real & genuine excited experience with all of u .The incident was happen 2 yrs, back when I was 24. That was the fine day of 25th of Oct. The sun shines good & weather of delhi as u know, not so warm & not so cold in these days. But having a bit humidity in the environment…Can say altogether it was a good day My mom use to go to market for shopping along with my chahi for purchasing. It was around 01:00 PM of the day. We...

1 year ago
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Inhibitions None

It was late in the morning when Lee sat up and felt the cum drool from his anus. His cock grew hard as his thoughts dwelt on the previous evening. Wow! What a night he thought to himself as he slid over the soft black satin sheets. The large love nest glowed in the warm sunlight that poured into the room through huge patio windows. Lee stood up and let the sunlight warm his body. He stretched and yawned before he walked to the patio door. When he looked through the door the most beautiful scene...

3 years ago
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Roja Love Lessons

1981-82 Roja : Lessons in satisfying a woman With help from Ragini15, a member who writes delightful stories about Odiya passions ***** Sexual activity in engineering college days consisted of groping willing female workers, and if the time and price was right a romp in the bushes. During the festival of holi, the last on campus, some guys got the idea to seduce a couple of sexy ones for a romp. While I did not screw any, I managed to grope a few and shagged a couple of times. For the less...

3 years ago
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Mr. Donley was sitting behind his desk with a silly smile on his face when his secretary showed Brenda in. He dismissed his secretary, then turned his attention back to Brenda, struggling mightily to keep his eyes off her chest and focused on her eyes. Brenda was an attractive, 37 year-old woman, with long, auburn hair casually pulled back into a pony tail, and big, natural 35E boobs that were hard to ignore. She rarely wore a bra, and wasn’t wearing one that morning, and Mr. Donley’s eyes...

2 years ago
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The World of Fucknowswhat

Hello! Welcome to the waiting room for the World of Fucknowswhat. Now, this is my very first story so I apologise for any inconsistences, (I will do my best to rectify as immediately as possible) spelling errors, (I'm an idiot mostly) and any other flaws within said story, that being said, I hope you can enjoy regardless! Now, onto the good stuff, I shall act as a narrator from now on, I won't be around all too often, I will just act as more of a recapping ethereal figure, now, the World of...

4 years ago
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The ConversationLevel Three

"The Conversation-Level Three" (A continuation of "Stepfordville" from a different perspective) It was a lovely, sunny morning in Stepfordville, US reeducation facility #3, an exact recreation of small town America in the vintage 1950's. An early 50's car pulls up in front of a pristine three bedroom ranch house with attached double garage. Ms. Stanwyck, prison official, late forties, genetic woman dressed in proper period attire exits the car and with her purse straps dangling...

3 years ago
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Here is a true story about me being caught masturb

I'm a bi sexual 31 year old male who lives at home with my family. I'minto a lot of kinky dirty sex stuff, but I'm a totally masturbation addict.From an early age I always enjoyed doing it in public places, like restroometc... It started when I was at school, and I have been doing it eversince. I been caught a couple of time and it always a big thrill. Thishappened to me a few days ago and I had to share itI finally have a day off work, my first in months and I have the wholehouse to...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Can Become a Nightmare

A Fantasy Can Become a Nightmare It had taken months of planning for Chris to get everything ready for the fantasy of his life. It would something he had only dreamed of doing for a long time. The timing had to be right and this time it was. He would have the house to himself for a full week, and be completely undisturbed. Chris had been into self bondage for years and cross dressing was part of the humiliation he enjoyed forcing himself to endure. He had always been a control...

2 years ago
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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 4 Second Timothy in the Cave One

As much as he wished to keep Wendy safe, David could not fit in the entrance tunnel. No amount of scrabbling in the tunnel floor added any more height or breadth to the shaft. David was 'locked' out. The place was just too small. Spelunking is not a safe single person sport. There should always be a partner. Finding someone as tiny as herself was a problem. Tiny guys always had 'big attitudes, ' tiny girls detested the dirt. There were many claustrophobes. Over the years, Wendy...

2 years ago
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A husbands secret

One night on my way home from a meeting I pulled into a local beauty spot, very shortly after I had arrived a sports car pulled up along side me, I looked across and saw a young couple who started kissing and stripping each other off, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I was sitting watching their every move.As I watched the front seats went back and the guy put his head between the girls legs, she moved forward in her seat and spread her legs then looked over at me and smiled, put her hands...

4 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 67

Steve We had eaten a great supper and were all relaxing on the patio when Wanda came to get me. She asked if we could go somewhere to talk. Not knowing what was up, I took her to Sue's offices in the other end of the trailer from the bedrooms. Wanda and I sat down and she said, "Steve, I don't know what to do. I talked to Chuck this morning and he's been shot. Lisa, Nightfox, and him, were all shot. He says they're not too serious, but I'm not sure about that. When I called our base...

1 year ago
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The Reunion Part 1

100% fiction! Kevin, Claire and Nikki were three Filipino cousins. Sadly, Kevin lived in Florida while Nikki and Claire lived up in Michigan. Every two years, their three families would have a family reunion, and the three cousin had grown very fond of each other. Kevin took the trip up to Michigan with his family for the bi-annual reunion one summer. He had worked for the last year and a half on eating healthier and getting fit. Now he was a lean and strong 5'10" man of 21 years of age. Nikki...

2 years ago
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Office me chudayi

Hi this is Puneet. I got the responses from readers that they want the story in Hindi as story in hindhi make them more wild and wet. So i am going to tell you sories in hindi. So baat un dino ki hai jab main delhi mein ek software company main kaam karta tha. Samne waale office mein ek receptionist thee manushka, elevators mein ek do baar hi-hello hui thee . Ek din main office main tha tau yahoo im per ek message aaya “hamesha isi computer ko dekhte rehte ho, kabhi nazar utha kar bhee dekha...

2 years ago
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Missys Naughty Night Out Part 1

Ethan kisses my cheek as he stands beside me at the bar. I smile up and kiss him in return. "Ready to go home Missy?" "Is that a suggestion or a command?" I answer with a mischievious gleam in my eye. Ethan squeezes my thigh and winks, "It was a question." He leans in and tucks a stray lock of hair behind my ear, whispering, "Now what is the answer little madam?" "Let's go home." Sipping the last of my bellini, Ethan helps me down off the bar stool and places his hand on the small of my back....

1 year ago
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Always Prepared

Chapter 1 The Girl Scouts were busily working on their summer camp project, making authentic Indian canoes. The work was difficult and exhausting and much less interesting than most of them had expected. Lea, a seventeen-year-old girl with strawberry blond hair and a petite body noticed a teenage boy watching them from a distance through the trees. She knew that there was an Eagle Scout camp a little over a mile away. She suspected he was a wandering Eagle Scout who had discovered their...

3 years ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 4

Tim couldn't believe what was happening to him as he sat there on the bed in his parents' spare bedroom, his bare hard cock buried in his own mother Sue's hot mouth as she caressed his full nuts and her mouth moved up and down over his cock. Sue had caught him nearly by surprise when she confessed how she'd desired him as a lover and then asked that Tim only allow her to give him a blowjob before he decided if he wanted to go further with her. Tim's hand moved to Sue's head, pressing...

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The story continues as April and I decide that incest is best

While you were gone. In other words in case you haven’t read any of the previous stories. My niece came to live with my wife and I when she was sixteen years old. She immediately impressed upon me (no pun intended) how grateful she could be when favors were done for her. A beer on the ride home allowed me the extreme pleasure of fondling her in the van while driving home that night. It gave a new meaning to the term “a hard drive home” (pun intended). Six weeks would pass...

2 years ago
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From the time my brother and I were of school-age, my Dad had this Sunday night ritual with us called, "Inspection."He'd take both of us into the bathroom we shared and, one by one, put us in the bath tub and scrub us down. He'd lather up the wash cloth, clean out our ears and everthing, and then have each of us bend over and spread our asses so could clean in there, too.When we were finished and he dried us off, he'd grab a jar of Vasoline from the medicine cabinet, light a cigar or cigarette,...

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Midday Heat

© Copyright 2003 The heat outside swelters, enough to bake the skin. It's empty inside me, empty as the silent streets. Everyone is hiding from the sun. For a Monday, it is mockingly sunny. My thoughts keep drifting from one thing to the next, wishing I could focus on just one solid thought but every time something comes up, I'm too scared to delve so I keep running. Exactly one week now. Exactly one week since I learnt how it really feels to lose someone precious. Nothing changes and...

4 years ago
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Kitty and Mr Connors

Part 1 The last year of school had been a drag for Kit, science in particular. Mr Mathers, a grumpy old coot with little patience and a quick temper had been making life hell for her. Most of her school life Kit had enjoyed science right up until she got Mr Mathers. Now she groaned in despair whenever she thought about attending that class. Sometimes she wished the old goat would just keel over, have a fit, fall down a flight of stairs and break a leg, anything really just so long as she...

2 years ago
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I shared wife with my best friend

Hi, my name is Franz and I am 30 and my wife Eva 27.We have 10 years with each other and almost 4 years getting married that live together in our own appartment.We have a very good life.I am an Engenieer with and my wife is a psychology teacher.We dont have c***d yet.We are thinking about that.I have a very huge social life.I have lot of friends,c***dhood friends,school mates,work collagues.One of my best friend is Andy.He is my c***dhood friend that we grew up together.He is 30 too.I love to...

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Vegas Captive

Brian, at 5’6? tall, 170 lbs, late forties, takes a trip to Vegas once a year. He flies out on Thursday morning and flies back home on Monday. On the weekend visits, he likes to bet on college and pro football games during the day, take a nap, and then visit one of the many strip clubs available at night. He usually brings about $1,000 to bet on football, and around $4,000 to play with the dancers. He never takes credit cards to the clubs, knowing he would spend way more than intended if he...

2 years ago
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The Bimbo TreatmentChapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected herself with the bimbo compound I had discovered. Now she was a perfect woman, large tits, hourglass waist, beautiful face, flawless skin. She was also as dumb as a brick. She used to be a chemist like me. Well, I guess that...

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Fresh Off The BusChapter 4

Ann was in a daze as the taxi pulled up before her apartment. Her pussy hurt, her ass hurt, and her jaw was sore. Sperm dripped out of her pussy and ass, soaking the insides of her sweat pants. She paid the cab driver and entered her apartment. Ann sighed with relief when she locked the door behind her. She was nervous carrying around so much money in her pocket. Ann took out the big wad of money and counted it again. Fifty one hundred dollar bills were in her hand with more to come. Tyrone...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 55 Two Minutes for Tripping

September 30, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Well, this ought to be interesting,” I grinned. “When will Cynthia’s parents be home?” “Tomorrow afternoon,” Jesse replied. “And I’m not sure ‘interesting’ is the right word, Dad.” “What exactly did her grandma see?” “Just us coming downstairs, dressed. And Cynthia pulled the duvet over the bed and closed the door.” “Her parents will be suspicious, but you weren’t caught red-handed. Mary and I had a similar situation when I was fourteen. Her dad...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Island

As the plane loomed larger and larger over the horizon, Dork and his little assistant (Taboo) felt a certain chill. They weren't sure how their revamped enterprise would play out. Oh, they had done their homework and the millions invested by the mysterious Mr. Dork were well spent - the island was still a destination unto itself, even if there wasn't the greatest hedonistic escape imaginable awaiting the passengers. As the sea plane tied up at its mooring, Dork and Taboo watched the...

3 years ago
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Jakes Journal The Philippines with GandaChapter 6

This is Christmas time. Christmas in a tropical clime is a different experience. Firecrackers are an integral part of this one, as are roaming groups of carolers. Two of the suitcases we have brought are filled with nothing but presents and we have a fun time giving them out. Coins are also big for the kids and by only dumb luck, my random choice to empty my pockets of coins on Christmas night is a big hit with the small kids. With all the food being pushed on me, I am not losing any weight,...

2 years ago
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Encounter in Motorway services

Jesus , this fucking weather. Business meeting in Scotland, no problem, with the flight up, but by the time I had finished the fucking weather had closed the airports and it looked like armageddon People on the phones, no fucking hotel rooms available. Luckily for me I hadn't handed over the hire car, I then spent the next 30 minutes extending the hire period and telling a fuckwit behind the counter I was going to drop it off in London tomorrow. two options exist from Edinburgh, coast road...

3 years ago
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St Agathas part 1

Stella Lawson sat before the Headmistress nervously playing with her fingers. Even after all these years there was something unsettling about being before the head of a school. ‘You know why you’re here I take it?’ Said the woman opposite. She was considerably older than Stella and fashionably dressed in a black trouser suit matched with a deep red lipstick. ‘I’ve been sent here by my boss Mr Bannister for retraining. He wants me to broaden my horizons and improve my skill set in certain...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 7 Pia

July, 1979 — On the shore of Hjälmsjön, Örkelljunga, Sweden We picked up Pia a few minutes after 8:00am on Sunday morning and drove the hour or so to the cottage on Hjälmsjön. The cottage was small, with two small bedrooms, a single larger room with a sofa and a small dining table, a galley kitchen, and a small bathroom. We dropped our bags in the left bedroom and Rolf and Sinikka put their things in the right. I noticed that there was no TV in the cottage, which was just fine with me. Rolf...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 67

We didn’t call my father and ask him to come home. There had been enough challenges to his authority. We waited for him to return. If he didn’t ask what we had discussed I would bring it up. When we were most of the way through dinner it was pretty obvious he wasn’t going to bring it up. He had relented and agreed not to use my wedding as a commercial promotion. What more could possibly be expected of him? He didn’t say that, it’s how I interpreted his silence. I’d had time to think about how...

1 year ago
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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 4 Beckys Fan Club

On Wednesday morning I was so tired that I needed three cups of coffee. I let LaToya and Rosita check in all the girls so I could take it easy. Then a sharp knock came at my door. “Come in,” I called. The door opened, and in walked Becky Finklestein. She had her hair up in a ponytail and she was wearing a powder blue camp sweatsuit and carrying a small bottle. “Hi Megan,” she said. My heart stopped as Becky closed the door behind her, and I tried to ignore what I felt in the gym and during...

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Sissy Bitch goes to Dinner

Anthony sat at his desk, glaring at his secretary. Although the poor woman had done nothing to invite his ire, he continued to berate her. She stood there in tears, hoping to keep her job, even though she knew that it was a hopeless cause. As she waited for the ax to fall, Nomi silently thanked the Lord for her back up job at Chez Louis, an upscale restaurant in the city. It didn’t pay as well as this job, but it was all she had left now. “This is the second time this year that you have been...

1 year ago
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first time posting a story.... grammar and spelling might need some work.... Sasha lay bent over end of bed panties at half-mast and hood on so she could not see anything and could barely hear anything either she wasn't sure how long she waited but it was sometime before she felt movement around her. master was careful not to touch, just looking at her from afar, getting his stuff ready for what he planned on doing, while he stood there gazing at her perfectly rounded ass with her panties at...

2 years ago
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Trick Or Treat

Not my story but was given permission to share. "Trick or treat."Jimmy looked at the man before him hopefully. The man was naked except for a towel around his waist. Jimmy had clearly pulled him from the bath or a shower. He would be lucky to leave without abuse.The man looked back at the skinny sk** standing in front of him. "Aren't you a bit big to be trick or treating. How old are you?""Um, yeah I guess so, I'm nearly 15."Jimmy was glad his face was hidden behind a Spiderman balaclava but he...

1 year ago
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A Lovely Evening

I am on my way home from work with a smile on my face because I have a wonderful woman there who loves me and I love her. Olivia and I had been living together for about 5 months now. We seem to be the perfect match for each other. We share a love for many things. From Sci-Fi and Horror movies to rainy days which always make us extremely horny. Her beautiful laugh was the first thing I fell in love with. I swear she could brighten the darkest day with her laugh. In the bedroom we were a...

1 year ago
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Dr Bio

                Dr Bio and his experiments(extreme,body mod,rough,teen,preg)    -by stHell66      A story of horror and violence, beware! a doctor and his uncontrolled lust of violent rapes. A warning to the reader. You have been warned-ah ah aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh      About a psychopath doctor practicing medicine, doing surgery's on helpless teen girls.   The cries of the hapless teenage a scream that could be heard thru the asylium. As Dr Bio bites into the moist teen breast, ripe to be bit. The...

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An OrcElf Situation

A deep sigh, followed by the sounds of heavy steps coming up behind him. The mystery man coughed, and then a large meaty hand, green and calloused, was placed non-too-kindly onto his shoulder, squeezing the frail Elf's shoulders and neck as a rough voice welcomed him to his home. "Strip." The Elf obeyed immedietly, removing his cloak and allowing it to fall to the floor, revealing the lithe man's fully naked form, a wide collar the only piece of clothing visible on his pale and flawless...

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Honeymoon Cruise of Briana and Uncle Jake

------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- It was lunchtime, so I headed to a restaurant on the boat and had a nice lunch alone, thinking about what all had happened. Needless to say, I ordered several strong drinks and I was quite buzzed by mid afternoon. I headed back to toward the room, my thoughts gathered, I had the intention of ending this. Though we had five days left together on the cruise, I was worried. If the sex was going to continue, I...

3 years ago
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Power Words

You're the chosen one, now. What you say goes- ANYTHING you say, goes. Warning: Given the nature of this story, at the very least the following themes will come into play: BDSM, Mind Control, Non-Consent, Incest, Fetish

Mind Control
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Emmas first time

Emma was 18, and just starting university. In fact, it was her first day. She was excited and a little scared. See, she came from a small all-girls village school and led a rather secluded middle-class suburban lifestyle. She had had very little contact with boys, and was still a virgin like many of her friends. But here she was in the big wide world of university, with boys, booze and late night parties to look forward to. She walked onto campus clutching her brand new stationery. Would she...

First Time
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Cuties in swimsuits on a hot sunny day

I was out for a long run. I like to run in the evenings when it cools off, however today I was out in the heat of the day. It was over eighty degrees and humid and I was sweating profusely. I had recently started running a longer rural route, not because I liked going that far, but because I had spotted two pretty girls who lived outside town on an orchard. They seemed to be home from college for the summer. For the last few days, I was hoping to catch their attention by running with no shirt...

3 years ago
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My Cheating wife doesnrsquot know Part 2

It was now a couple of weeks after Marie’s first night with Ben and in all honesty I didn’t know what to think as one the one hand it was all a bit strange but on the other hand I can’t stop thinking how horny it made me feel. When I say horny we are talking a very naughty horny!! The kind which you feel guilty about but really get you going, it was only two weeks ago I was licking Marie’s pussy full of Bens cum!!!Marie was acting quite normal and hadn’t gone out much but we had kept up our...

2 years ago
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The Man From The Matrix pt7

7. SnuffedHalf past nine. Gabriel abruptly awoke from a dreamless sleep. The light right above him was bright and his eyes worked hard to adjust. He decided to assist in not staring at the light. Looking around he came to the conclusion he was in a hospital, the cute uniformed rear end of a nurse tucking away sheets kinda gave it away.“What the hell am I doing here?”The nurse turned around and said: “Good morning.”Gabriel repeated his question, albeit more politely.“Don’t remember?” she...

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Love Making With Couple 8211 Part 2

After some hard time at work and anjali’s depart this is raj back to share another experience … Thanks to all the one’s who read & share their valuable comments and also life…. This guy rajesh 26 sent me mail with comments on my previous story’s and also asking few of my details. I responded the mail accordingly. We soon got in touch and shared details. He was married for 2 yrs to shivani 24 an average looking girl with good boobs and tiny ass. They were satisfied with each other in bed and...

2 years ago
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أصبحت مدمنا لجارتى الجميلة الحنونة المربربة السمينة أم لولو فبالرغم من أنها فى الثانية والخمسين من عمرها وأنا لمأزل فى الثانية والثلاثين ، إلا أن جسدها المثير الممتلىء بالدهن الأبيض وشعرها الذهبى الناعم كالحرير حتى فى عانتها وحول فتحة طيظها، كان أكثر مما أستطيع مقاومته ، كانت لى نبع إثارة مستمرة واشباع لاينتهى أنهل منها وأشرب ولا أشبع أبدا ، كانت بجوعها وشبقها وشوقها الى الحب والى الجنس متجددة مبتكرة دائما فى كل دقيقة ، وكانت خبراتها الطويلة والمتعددة مع اختلاف مصادرها فى الحياة منذ نعومة...

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Hot Bhavna Aunty

So guys this is my first story that I am submitting. I have been a rugular reader of indian sex stories dot net . This story is real and me and my aunt had lots of memories during this period. Describing my aunt. Her name is bhavna and she is 39 years old and have been married for 14 years and his husband is 10 years older than him. She has one daughter and one son. Her figure is ahem ahem Awesome she looks like an experiences women who had a lots of sex in her life. Her boob size is 34c and...

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Morning with sis

After having been thoroughly dominated by my wicked hot sister the day before, I woke up the next morning dazed & confused and horny as hell! I was about to want myself when Sis entered my bedroom and ordered me to get out of bed! She told me to shower & shave and meet her on the back porch. I dutifully complied. What does Sis have in mind for me now I thought! I went out to the porch and bowed before my sister/mistress who lay topless on a lounge chair! Her small firm round breasts glistened...

3 years ago
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Broken Family Incest Chapter 01 Watching My Whore Mom

Him. My biological father. I couldn't understand why, despite abandoning us when my mother was pregnant with my younger sister, my father was still the first one mom would call whenever something truly bad happened to us. I couldn’t understand why we had to now move in with him and my half-brothers and worse... his new wife. And like, what was she, number five or six? The guy was a player, he used and then dumped women whenever he felt like, it was the only explanation. I would have...

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Cat Fight0

Sighing he made his way to the elevator to head home, stopping a moment he had to go back and get his keys. Stepping back in the office there was a crashing sound; Bill looked back into the hallway seeing that half the hall had collapsed. Shaking his head he gathered his keys and made his way down the fire escape twenty floors. Christ he thought, he'd sleep good tonight. Emerging on the street Bill saw the emergency equipment that was arriving. Smirking, Bill watched opened mouth as they...

2 years ago
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The Necklace

As I walked out of the shopping mall, I heard a crack of thunder. I looked toward the sky and saw the clouds building up. A storm was coming and it was coming fast. I had one more place to stop before I went home so with shopping bags in hand, I started to walk down the street. My feet were killing me as I was wearing black heels with my short black skirt. I spent almost the whole day shopping for a party tomorrow. I was going to the annual company party. It is a black tie event so I had to...

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The Architecture of Domes and Other Poems

A RANDOM PARTNER Kneeling, with hair blown Into a wheel, Wind upon naked flesh, Rock beneath hands And knees and shins, Caressing breasts And buttocks A random partner Of Zephyrus erect, She proves the ancient god Lives to ogle and molest. LIKE A SCARF She wears Satan Like a scarf, Striped with banded Snakeskin and fanged, Holding the phallic Serpent just below Its questing head, As if she'd ward Off the fall of all; The devil, a boa, Constricts, crushing The life...

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Tokens For Want of a Daughter

Tokens: For Want of a Daughter By Morpheus Jill frowned as she looked down at her 10 year old son Jeffrey. "Why me?" she asked in exasperation, throwing her hands into the air at the same time as if to surrender. "What did I ever do to deserve this?" "I'm sorry." Jeffrey said, his eyes staring at the floor in shame. He really felt bad about having broken his Mom's vase. The one that his grandma had given her just before she'd died. It had been an accident, though...

4 years ago
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Sisterly Surprise

Eric heard Lauren and her friend talking in the kitchen as he typed something into an internet search engine. They were laughing about something, but he did not pay much attention to it. His older sister called out to him. He asked Lauren what she what she wanted. She asked him to come into the kitchen. Eric got up and walked towards the kitchen because he wanted to see his sister's friend. When he walked into the kitchen, he saw her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen....

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