Futurevision DreamScape: Chris And Sarah's Shared Reality free porn video

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Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality. by BinaryFellow Summary: Chris and Sarah are hired to test a new revolutionary virtual reality technology being developed that will one day change the world. It's all fun and games until Sarah takes things too far, and the technology malfunctions. Author's Note: This is my first story ever. Please leave honest & constructive feedback. Consider this an open universe. Anyone may write stories about other characters that explore this technology. The story takes place sometime in the not too distant future... perhaps a few decades away. ******** 1. The Job Offer ******** "Are you seriously just going to go back and stay with your folks for the summer?" Sarah asked Chris. "Yeah... I've really got nothing better to do, no job offers or anything." Chris replied. "Well then, we should do something before you go." Sarah replied. Chris thought idly for a minute. He had grown close to Sarah over the school year. They had met 6 months ago in one of his General Ed classes and became study partners. At least that's how it started. They slowly grew fond of each other and had been hanging out more often. It still wasn't often enough for Chris. He had been very busy with his Engineering degree and had to turn Sarah down more than he wanted to. They had kissed on occasion, but Chris was planning on waiting, at least until they had made serious commitments before taking things any further. He had rushed into things with other women in the past, and in the end his relationships only turned sour. Sarah seemed special to him. He was afraid of ruining it with her. It was strange how this relationship was reversed for him. In previous ones he had been the more aggressive person, trying to rush things and pressure women into things they really didn't want to do. This time around, Sarah was really after him. She had been the one kissing him, and initiating things. Chris was constantly backing off. He really felt like Sarah was special and he didn't want to rush into anything. "Listen Sarah, I don't really know how else to say this..." he hesitated for a minute " but I think I really like you ... a lot." He paused again "I hate that we didn't get to date and hang out more, but I think you know I was under a lot of pressure, and now I'll be leaving. I really don't like long distance relationships, but I'm not sure what else to do" "It's OK Chris... We can make this work. Summer is only what?... 3 months. You'll be back soon." Sarah answered. She really didn't mean it though, and felt as if 3 months would be forever. "Yeah... Well, I have a meeting with an advisor I'm already late for. I'll call you later" Chris said. He had the bad habit of blowing her off right in the middle of an important conversation. He kept telling her he didn't mean to. It was just that he had so much going on constantly. Chris rushed in to his advising appointment slightly late before sitting down. He thought it was strange that his advisor wanted to meet with him again at the very end of the semester. Chris wasn't sure that this could possible be about. "Be with you in a sec, Chris" his advisor said, apparently doing something on his computer. Chris waited before he finally turned around. "So, Chris... do you have anything important planned for the summer?" his advisor asked? "No" was all Chris said. His advisor then began to tell him "Well, I might have something for you. I got an e-mail from a colleague, and it turns out FutureVision has some opportunities. They are actually looking to hire a pair of people who know each other. Maybe close friends or something. You would have to find someone to bring. This is for product testing for something they are developing. They won't say what it is." Chris's eye's lit up. FutureVision was a well known videogame company, and pretty much a mega-corporation. You could see their large skyscraper from pretty much anywhere on campus with its large corporate 'FutureVision' logo, so they had lots offices right in the same town as the school he attended. They did some sort of Research and Development there. Chris answered "That sounds like something I'm very interested in, but I really don't know anyone else in engineering to bring" "They aren't looking for engineers specifically. They actually will take almost any major. The only requirement is that you have good grades, be at least a sophomore, be in top health - For some reason they want people who are between 18 and 26 and very fit physically. I'm not sure why. And they said it'd probably help if the person you bring is someone you know and trust well" Chris responded "Well, I'll have to ask her if she's interested, but my girlfriend Sarah fits all of those qualifications." "Great, just let me know and I'll forward your number to them" ******** 2. The Interview ******** "So, Chris and Sarah, we've been looking over your medical records that you brought, but I need to ask you this before we begin. Do either of your families have a history of heart trouble, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or any psychiatric disorders?" They both shook their head no. Sarah mentioned "I had an aunt that died young from heart disease, but that's about it." The interviewer said "The reason we screen and ask is because the technology we are developing is somewhat risky. I can't tell you more until you sign the NDA, but people who are prone to certain medical problems may actually have issues. This is all for your own benefit." He continued. "You guys actually seem to be the perfect candidates, but before we continue, I must warn you that what we're developing here is still somewhat dangerous. It is very incredible but it is also risky. We've had one person die of a heart attack, and another is laying in a hospital right now basically a vegetable. There are others whose condition is rather unusual, but I can't disclose it." He paused for a minute before continuing "The good news is that it isn't immediately dangerous - at least we don't think it is. All of the people who have suffered unfortunate accidents had been on the project for several months or years, and we believe we have fixed all of the bugs that lead to their accidents. We aren't forcing you to do anything you don't want to do. You have the option of backing out at any time. I must also say that everyone who has taken part in this has never wanted to back out or leave. The experience that this technology gives is just too incredible. If you're still interested stay where you are, and we'll bring the NDA as well as the health waiver." Chris and Sarah just looked at each other, not sure what to make of the whole thing. A man came in the room with a few documents which they read carefully before signing. They were then lead to a large auditorium. The auditorium was much too large for the 20 or so other people in there, so it was mostly empty. Chris guessed the other people must have also showed up for the interview on that day There was a man who gave them a presentation with full PowerPoint slides and everything. The first slide had a picture of a person sitting in a char with a helmet strapped around his head, and a logo which read "FutureVision DreamScape Technology." "What you are about to hear is proprietary and business sensitive. We first began developing DreamScape about 8 years ago when the hardware to do this was first made available. The machines then were huge, and required you to basically lie flat inside a large MRI machine. We've shrunk it down to what you see in the photograph above, and we're continuing to improve it and make it smaller. Basically, the hardware in this device is able to do 2-way communication with the brain. It uses the new MMRI or Miniaturized Magnetic Resonance Imaging to continually scan your brain to read information. At the same time we're using MTMS or Miniaturized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to talk back to your brain." He went on to the next slide. "The whole point of this technology is to put you inside a virtual world where you can be anyone or do anything." "I know this movie is several decades old, and I'm showing my age by asking - but how many people here have seen the movie Inception?" Chris raised his hand, and was a bit surprised that Sarah didn't. Chris loved that movie. "Anyway, that movie is one way to describe this technology. It uses thoughts and memories from your brain to generate an ultra realistic virtual world. It actually puts your brain in a dream like state and uses information from your mind to make the world seem very real." He went on to the next slide "Many of you probably know this already, but it was discovered about 10 years ago that the brain actually retains a massive amount of information. Practically every word from every book you've ever read is stored in there, as well as everything you've seen and heard, but it's all buried and locked away. You can only consciously access much less than a millionth of the information that is contained. We've figured out how to tap into this vast resource to make the DreamScape so real." Chris and Sarah were eagerly watching as he continued on to the next slide "Now, everything we have is still under heavy development. There are still a lot of quirks and bugs. It was only a month ago that we worked out a way to allow more than one person to share the experience. Up until that point, everyone had to go into their own DreamScape alone. Not that this was a bad thing. As I have said, while you're there you can do anything you want to do. You're basically a virtual god of your own universe. You can bend the laws of physics to whatever you want and do just about anything. For example, you could enjoy a large steak for every meal. It really is quite an experience." He continued "Anyway, since the shared version of the DreamScape is so new, we decided to get a new set of people to help test it. There are a few caveats to shared Dreamscapes - and we have our engineers working night and day to solve these. Basically only one person gets to be what we call the controller. The controller is the person who has total control over the whole Dreamscape reality. The other person is pretty much just there. They watch and experience whatever happens" He continued on "We have found some ways around the whole issue where one person controls. The controller can for example grant the other person control over things, but it has to be through a physical object that he creates in the world. For example, the controller can make a magical wishing bracelet that lets the other person alter reality by making wishes as long as it is worn. There are limitations though, and the controller always has absolute control to override anything. There are also some other issues." "Basically, the reality pulls information from both people's minds, but is only controlled by one of them - so you as the controller could pull things out of the other person's mind. For example, the controller could generate a sheet of paper that has all of the names of the people the other person has dated written on it. Or it could get much more devious than that." He said this with a chuckle "This is why we asked for a pair of people who know and trust each other. We actually had some people in previous testing get so angry at each other when they came out that we thought they were going to kill each other." "On to the next point, in the DreamScape, time goes much faster than out here. That is because thought occurs much faster when it is pure. It's usually about 20 times faster, so if you go in for an hour, you'll be in there for about 20 hours. It can vary slightly from person to person though." "Also, there's something very important that you need to be aware of. When you're in, your brain is partly tied to the machine. We can not pull you out. The best we can do is talk directly to you by stimulating your auditory centers, but you have no way of talking back. The controller can pull both people out by willing some object such as an exit door to appear. Also, we can't see what is going on inside your DreamScape. We have no way of knowing what you are experiencing in there. We can tell if you're experiencing negative things like fear or pain indirectly by measuring your heart rate, but that's about it. All of these issues are being worked on night and day, and we have solutions in development but they won't be out for a few months at least. The only way you can come out is if you exit yourself, or if the simulation time limit expires." "Our ultimate goal is to get this technology developed enough so that it can be safely released into the public sector, and sold. But that's probably at least a few years down the road." Finally he concluded with "We have 10 machines set up right now, and you should have all the paperwork out of the way, so if you're all ready to go into the testing room... we can run a quick test simulation" Chris started feeling nervous. He didn't realize they were going to put them in something like this, especially so soon. He thought he was going in just for a job interview. He held hands with Sarah as he walked down the hall and into the next room. ******** 3. The First Experience ******** The chair looked intimidating. The helmet was elevated above with copper coils and wires all wrapped around it in a unique fashion. The technician told them "These two DreamScape Interface chairs are hooked together. We only want to put you in for 15 minutes and make sure everything is compatible and works. If it is, you can come back Monday for your first day, and we'll pull you in for an hour. Then if everything goes well we'll keep you in longer the next day. We'll gradually increase it to a full 8 hour work day. Of course, it will seem much longer inside the machine. We want to start slow in case there are any adverse effects." "So, who wants to be the controller?" The technician asked. Sarah looked at Chris, and he took the lead saying "I'll do it" The technician replied "Good, after the 15 minutes is up, you should wake up back here. It should be about 5 hours inside the DreamScape. You will have access to create changes on the reality by willing them to occur, but your brain has to learn how to access the machine. I don't recommend doing major changes at first. It may not work correctly until you learn how to use it." They both sat down. Chris sat in the controller chair and Sarah sat in the other chair. The Helmet was lowered and pressed over their head. It really didn't feel very comfortable at all, at least not until the chair was raised so that they could lean back and at least be somewhat relaxed. "Before I turn it on, I want you to know what to expect. I'm setting the DreamScape to generate an initial reality that is a continuation of this one, at least based on what your mind would expect it to be. In fact, you might not even know you're in at first because you'll probably see me standing right here and everything will look the same. This is the safest way for the machine to generate a stable initial reality, and is the safest bet for your first experience." "OK, I am about to activate it in 3...2....1...." Chris suddenly felt like he was falling asleep and closed his eyes. Then the feeling passed and he opened them back up, only to see the female technician still standing there. She said "You're still awake? It must not have worked. I'm not sure wh..." He then heard a loud voice booming. It was the female technician's voice and it sounded like it was coming from everywhere. "Chris, if you can hear me, then you and Sarah are in. This is how I can communicate, by stimulating your auditory centers. You have 5 hours in there." Chris pulled the helmet off, and got out of the chair, only to see Sarah still sitting in the other one. "Sarah, we're in." he told her She looked at him funny and said "Really? Are you sure? I mean it doesn't seem like it." Apparently Sarah had not heard the booming message that he had heard. Just then the technician said "Chris, what are you doing? Sit back down so I can figure this out." Chris then thought to himself "If I'm the controller I can make stuff to happen." Chris looked at the technician and willed her to disappear, only to have nothing happen. Then he wondered if maybe he was losing it for a second. Sarah was looking concerned and told him "Chris, maybe you should just sit down." Chris didn't move. Still standing there, he tried again a second time, forcefully thinking that the technician would just cease to exist. Finally, he felt something switch inside his head. And just like that, the technician vanished. He turned around to look at Sarah who saw that and looked shocked. "Woah! Chris. You just did that? We really are in!" "Come on, lets get out of here" he said. Sarah climbed out of the chair and followed right behind as they started to leave. "Stop" another technician half yelled moving towards them. Chris willed him to disappear which made him vanish as well. They went out the door, and down the long hall. This facility actually did have some pretty tight security that impressed them on the way in. They moved quickly to the elevator which required a keycard. Being there for an interview they obviously didn't have one yet. Someone had to let them in. Chris looked at it and willed it to let them out. It took several tries before it beeped and flashed green like it had done when it was used. The door opened, which lead to an elevator. They pressed the "Down" button on the elevator and went inside. As the elevator was taking them to the ground floor of the very large building, Sarah looked around, and held her hands to her face examining them, and exclaimed "Wow, this is incredible and seems so real. It doesn't feel like a dream at all." "Yeah, I know" Chris replied. "I wonder what we should do in the 5 hours we have" "Are you kidding? You're pretty much a god here and can do anything, and you aren't sure what to do? Why are we actually riding this elevator? Can't you will us somewhere else?" Chris said "I'm afraid of using it too much, I don't seem to have a complete handle on it. A couple of things I tried didn't seem to work at first. The technician did say to only make small changes at first until I learned how to use it" "Okay, I guess..." Sarah replied. Just then the elevator opened and they walked past the female receptionist who said "Where's your badge?" Everyone in the building did wear a badge. Chris again looked at her and made her disappear. Two guards at the door seemed to notice and actually seemed afraid at first. It's not every day you see someone vanish. They quickly un-holstered their guns and pointed them at Chris and Sarah and said "Alright, hold it right there." Just then several other guards came around a corner and drew their weapons as well. One pulled an alarm switch which made all of the doors lock down. Big steel doors closed in front of the entrance. Chris was actually a little worried. He wasn't sure if he could make them all disappear at once or exactly what he should do for that matter. He realized that bullets might actually really hurt him. They both just instinctively raised their hands. Sarah whispered to him "Do something Chris! Quit holding back!" Sarah saw a look of concentration on Chris's face, but nothing seemed to be happening. It wasn't for about a minute that she finally saw thick glass appear all around them. "It should be bullet proof, so we should be safe for now" Chris said as he put his hands down. "First I tried willing us back to my dorm, and nothing happened. Then I tried willing us to be impervious to bullets. That may or may not have worked, and I didn't want to test it. So then, I put this glass here. At least that worked" Just then they faintly heard a gun firing at the glass and the bullets crackling against it. Nothing else seemed to happen so it did seem to be keeping them safe for the time being. "OK, I have to think of something, let me try taking us to my dorm again" Chris said. The look of concentration was on his face again. Then to Sarah's surprise, he disappeared, leaving here still there in the glass container alone. ******** 4. Playing With the Power ******** She must have stood there for several minutes. She became really frightened as the guards were yelling something at her but the glass was blocking the sound. She saw someone come in with a torch. They were going to cut through the glass! Just then, everything shifted and she found herself facing Chris in his dorm. "Chris!" She exclaimed. "Sorry. I hope you aren't hurt. I seem to have real trouble willing things to happen. I can actually sense this mental switch but I can't quite reach it all the time. It's hard to explain." "Maybe it takes practice. You should practice on something." "Good idea." After a brief pause Sarah said "They probably will be coming here. They got our faces on camera and they know where we live." "I have an idea for something to test it on. I'm going to try to make it so they won't come here" Chris got that look of concentration on his face for a minute then he stopped and said. "I think it worked. I could finally feel a mental switch getting flipped that time. I don't think they'll be coming after us." Then he said "I wonder what else I can do." Sarah saw him concentrating again, and then noticed his room suddenly shifted. Instead of being all messy with papers and books scattered around the floor and shuffled on his desk, everything was neatly organized. "Wow, I've always wanted to be able to do that with a thought" Chris said. Sarah then started thinking about something else and told Chris. "We've been in more than an hour. It was 11:00 when we went in. It's about lunch time now, and I'm actually kind of hungry. Wish us up something to eat, whatever you want." Chris, remembering what the man said earlier about eating a steak for every meal, willed 2 large T-Bone steaks to appear on the table. He specifically wanted them to be as good as some really great ones he had had a long time ago in a fancy restaurant back in his home town. Sarah looked at him shocked and said "Wow... this one's mine." Then she quickly sat down, took a knife and cut it up. They both ate until they were very full. Since Sarah knew it wasn't real, she overindulged way more than she normally would have. She ate way past feeling full and continued eating. Finally she stopped when she could take no more. She stood up and said "OK, this is a bit too real. That steak was the best I've ever had, and now I'm stuffed." She then sat down on his couch and said "Crap. I'm miserable now. I wouldn't have done this in the real world." Chris had actually done the same thing, and felt the same way. "I don't feel so well either" he stated. Then he got an idea... "I wonder if I can fix this" he said. Sarah saw the look of concentration on his face. He continued to concentrate for a minute before she felt the strangest thing. A flushed feeling came over her. She clutched her stomach as it let out a long loud growl. As her stomach growled she felt an emptying feeling, like her stomach was literally being drained of food. When it ended, she didn't feel full anymore; in fact she was actually kind of hungry. Whereas only a moment before even the thought of another bite might have made her sick, she actually felt the desire to eat all over again. Then she looked and saw the steaks back restored. "Want to do it again?" Chris said "except not eat too much this time." He continued. They both sat back down, and enjoyed it all over again careful not to overeat. Sarah said "Wow... that's amazing that you can actually do that." Chris responded with an empathetic "Yeah." Sarah reached and turned on the TV wondering how it could even work in a virtual world. "I wonder where the channels come from. How all of this could be generated from our minds" she said idly as she flipped through the channels. Then she stopped at a news station. Apparently they had a news helicopter flying around the FutureVision Building, and they were saying something about it being in lockdown after an unknown incident. "Chris! I thought you fixed this so they wouldn't come after us." She stated. Chris replied "yeah... oh wow, I wasn't expecting that to happen." "What exactly did you do?" "I simply willed that no-one would ever remember that we were in that building and all evidence of us being there would vanish. They shouldn't have a clue what happened." Chris said "You know, I'm going to go for a really big change to see if it works." He got that look of concentration, and then she saw the whole FutureVision building simply started collapsing. It was almost like watching old clips of September 11th 2001 to see a skyscraper fall. The person on the news helicopter shouted something, then it switched back to the news room. "Dear God, It appears the FutureVision building has collapsed. We don't know what happened here. It appears as if either we witnessed something supernatural, or they were developing some dangerous technology in there. A large building does not simply fall for without a reason." Sarah saw Chris smiling. She was horrified. "Chris... that was cruel, what about all of those people working there! I have an uncle who works there!" "oh relax. None of this is real. I wouldn't dare do anything like that even if I could in the real world. I'm just learning how to use this power" Sarah then realized how silly she was being and said "Sorry, I guess it's just hard for me to see all that. This place still seems very too real to me, I mean I can't tell any difference." Chris apologized then she saw the building reappear unscathed on the TV. "I put everything back, if it worked, no-one even remembers it collapsing." He said. Then he said "I wonder what else I should try." He paused and looked around for a minute before continuing "Oh, this is something I've always wanted to be able to do in real life. I used to have dreams as a kid where I could fly" He then got that look of concentration and pointed at two rings sitting on the table. "I decided to do it this way rather than give us the ability directly. Put one of those rings on and you should be able to fly." They went outside and put on the rings, and sure enough they were in the air. It was the most incredible feeling for Sarah, to lift off and be in the air. They flew around the city, simply amazed at the view. After spending an hour or so in the air they decided to land at Sarah's apartment. Then they went inside. ******** 5. Transformations ******** "That was so incredible Chris" Chris just stated "yeah I know... it looks like we have slightly less than an hour before we go back. I'm not sure what else to try." He said. "Chris, you have godlike powers, and can do anything you want here, and aren't sure what to try? good grief! To be an engineer with a near 4.0 GPA, you don't seem that smart sometimes." Sarah said, scolding him a bit. She continued "I have so many ideas I don't know where to begin... I wonder if we can change things about ourselves" "Tell me what to do, and I'll do it" Chris said. This is exactly what she wanted to hear. "OK, wish up a bracelet, ring, or whatever that lets me physically change my body." Chris got that look of concentration and then she saw a ring appear. She quickly snatched it up and placed it on her finger. "How does it work?" she said "I'm not sure, I just willed a ring to appear that would let the wearer physically change his or her body. I didn't specify how." Sarah had always been slightly overweight, or at least she thought she was. Chris never really noticed. She ran to the nearest mirror in her bathroom, leaving the door open and imagined herself getting thinner. Amazingly, it seemed to be working. She could see and feel her waist shrinking. Then she ran into a problem, her pants started to fall off. She grabbed them and came walking back holding them up. Chris laughed when he saw her and realized what had happened. "Slight problem Chris... I need to be able to change my clothes too, or at least have them always fit me." Chris willed the latter, that whatever she was wearing would always fit. Her pants started to shrink around the waist until she was able to let go. "There, your clothes should always fit you" he said. Chris actually got a good look at Sarah, and was impressed at how great she looked with a thinner waistline. "Wow, you're hot" he said. She said "Just wait, I'm not finished yet. This time, she went into the bathroom and closed the door. Chris waited outside wondered just what she was doing in there. Inside, Sarah stripped naked and was trying all kinds of things. She never was happy with her 5'0" height, so she added a few inches and was amazed at the feeling and thought of herself growing. Then she looked at her breasts. Sarah had breasts that are barely a B-Cup. They looked really small on her frame. She remembered all the times she stared at the mirror during late puberty just hoping they would get a little more growth. Sadly that extra growth never came. She didn't want to add much, just a little. She willed it to occur and was amazed at the feeling and the sight of seeing them literally get larger. She made them bigger than she meant to and actually had to back down a little bit before they were a perfect C cup. Next she went to work on her hair; she tried several different hair colors, but settled on something close to her original blonde color. She willed her hair to be braided, and was amazed to see it tie into knots all on its own. Then she went to work on her face, removing all of the minor scars that had come over her from a brief period of acne when she was younger. She always had to hide these scars with makeup but now she could just remove them. For that matter she was able to imagine that her face had a deeper skin tone, looking sharp and flawless, as if she had come out of an expensive beauty parlor, and amazingly it did. She rubbed her checks expecting makeup to rub off, but nothing happened. It was a permanent look. Next she went to work on the rest of her body, smoothing out any flab and toning herself. She gave herself a slight tan, and made her body slightly more muscular to help tone things out. Then she realized something. Chris hadn't given her the ability to change her clothing, only that her old clothes would fit. She really wanted to wear something different to help show off the changes. Luckily her old clothes weren't that bad. She actually did dress up for the job interview earlier. She put her clothes back on, to which they immediately reshaped in size to fit her. It was weird to see her bra not fit until she snapped the clasp into place then immediately it expanded to fit perfectly. She finally stepped out, to let Chris admire the view. As soon as she stepped out something hit her arm and bounced away. "Sorry" Chris stated. "I made an antigravity superball and was playing with it. It's amazing to be able to mess with physics" He looked away concentrating for a second then said "It's gone now." "So that's what you were doing while I was in there" she said Then he really looked at her for the first time. "Holy... wow" Chris said, speechless. He was amazed that she still looked pretty much like herself only much hotter. It was like someone had done a super airbrush job on her face and body. Everything was so perfect. He also noticed that she was a little taller, as if she were wearing high heels. Sarah Smiled and turned around so he could see her full body. Chris was very impressed. She then walked up to him and embraced him. They kissed for what felt like an eternity. Chris whispered in her ear "If you stay like this, I might not be able to resist you" "Just wait until I get to be the controller." She said teasingly. Chris looked up at the clock and saw that they only had 5 minutes. "It looks like we'll be leaving soon." He said. They both sat down on her bed, and continued kissing until reality seemed to fade away. Chris woke up in the chair. The technician stared at him in the face. She asked monotonically "Are you OK" Chris replied "Yeah" Then she asked him "Can you tell me what your name is?" To which he told her. He thought it was strange that she would ask him something like that. "Good. Everything seems to have worked properly." Chris got up. He wasn't feeling groggy or anything, in fact, everything felt normal. He glanced up at a clock and saw it was 11:15. He looked over to see Sarah standing up and stretching. "We'll be going over your biometric recordings again while you were in there to make sure... but you guys seemed both to do fantastic. Your heart rate remained low, and everything checked out. I hope you enjoyed the experience." The technician told them. Then she handed them a form. "You'll need to fill out one of these after leaving every day. Since this was your first experience, we have a special one for you. We won't be making you fill out detailed reports since we're so early in the testing period, but we do want you to report any strange anomalies. If anything strange or unusual happened then we need to know about it immediately. Remember, you are testers, so we need reports." Chris filled it out, and put down the trouble he initially had using his controller abilities. This was to be expected from what he was told, so he didn't think it was too out of the ordinary. Sarah also filled out a form. Later that day, Chris went to Sarah's Apartment. They talked about the incredible experience. Sarah told Chris "It's amazing how while we were in there it wasn't any less real than right now. For all I know we're still there" Chris replied "Yeah, I actually tried using my controller power here several times just to test it. Nothing happened" "I really can't wait until we go back on Monday" Chris answered "Yeah, I think I heard you say while we were in there that you want to be the controller next time?" "Yes definitely, that kind of power seems totally awesome, and you barely used it. When you did, it was on mostly boring things" Chris replied "That isn't fair, I was just learning how to use it. I'll do better the next time I have it." ***** 6. The Weekend ***** They didn't talk about much else that weekend. Chris had already agreed to let Sarah be the controller this time, so she was spending her time thinking of all kinds of crazy things to try. They both actually couldn't stop thinking of wild things they would do when they were able to go back on Monday. Over the weekend, FutureVision had given Chris and Sarah an in depth manual about the DreamScape technology. This manual was slightly dated and seemed to talk only about using the single user version rather than the new shared version that they were using. Still, Sarah found some useful things. Apparently the controller can't mess with his or her own mind or personality - or at least isn't supposed to be able to. The only thing that could be changed was the reality itself. There seemed to be no limits as to how far the changes could go. Changes could also be made on one's body, and the changes were not limited to looks. The body's physical state could be changed in almost any way as well. This explained how Chris was able to make the large meal they ate just go away. The manual recommended that the DreamScape works best when you go to places that you've been to in real life, because it has more information in your brain, to work with. In early versions, those were the only places you could visit, and if you ventured too far away the reality would literally start collapsing. In current versions it isn't necessary to only go to places you've been at all. In fact, the DreamScape uses a massive amount of data pulled from the internet. Mostly Geo-Location and Pictures but other stuff as well, so the Dreamscape has that information to go from. There are also several dozen Artificial Intelligence algorithms whose sole purposes are to analyze massive amounts of synaptic data from the brain and to generate content and to ensure that the reality is as believable and stable as possible. The chapter on that stuff was filled with so much technical jargon that Chris didn't understand, even with his engineering background. The gist of it was, if there's data on it somewhere on the internet, or if you can imagine it, then you can go there. ***** 7. Monday Morning ***** Chris and Sarah were so excited when Monday morning came around that they arrived 20 minutes early. They were surprised to see everyone else in the group of new hires already there. They all waited impatiently in the lobby. Chris noticed 2 people he knew from school in the lobby, Bill and his girlfriend Kelly. Bill was his classmate in several of his engineering classes. Chris didn't really know Kelly that well, other than hearing Bill constantly talk (usually complaining) about her. Chris called out "Hey Bill, I didn't know you were here" "Yeah, I saw you when we first started a few days ago, but I don't think you noticed me" "So how did your first few hours in go?" Chris Asked "Oh. I couldn't get the controller interface to work until the very end. It kept responding to random thoughts and generally screwing everything up. I was afraid I was going to end up hurting myself or Kelly." "I bet that was interesting" Bill simply replied "yeah... Hopefully it'll be kick ass this time though" They chatted a bit longer, and Chris wished them the best of luck. Later on they were seated in the DreamScape with Sarah in the controller seat this time. The technician said she'd set it so they'd be inside for three hours, or exactly 72 hours within the DreamScape. That was the maximum amount of time they felt safe going for on their second attempt. The technician offered to either reset to a continuation of their current reality, or he could load the reality from the day before. They both agreed to load from before, fearing they'd go through another scary sequence of trying to escape from FutureVision. The technician counted down and threw the switch. Chris felt that brief sleepy feeling again, this time it felt more like being disoriented and weightless. He found himself opening his eyes and looking at Sarah. He had his arms wrapped around her, and his lips on her neck. They had been making out. He quickly let go and pulled back. "Woah, this really did put us right back where we were" she said. Then she looked up at the clock and continued "It's 4 o'clock - Friday. Exactly the time it was when we left." They both looked around a minute, still a bit disoriented to suddenly be shifted into a different place and time. Chris looked at her and was taken back once again at her new and improved look she had given herself with the ring he created. "I have to figure out how to use this controller power I have." Sarah said excitedly. "What do I do? Just imagine something I want?" "Not exactly" Chris said. "It was hard until I figured it out. You have to think about what you want, and then... it's really hard to explain, but it's like mentally flipping a switch in your head." "OK" She replied. "I better take this ring off first though, since it has powers." Then she removed it and placed it on the table. Sarah stared at her white wall for a minute, trying to imagine it was painted blue. At least first she tried blue, then green, then yellow, and even pink. She tried different things, first she tried simply imagining it was that color, then she tried forcefully trying to change it. She tried imagining a switch and flipping it. She tried sensing a switch in her head. Nothing she tried was working however. The wall simply stayed white. "This is ridiculous" She said. "It's not working. I'm just trying to change the color of that wall over there." "You tried imagining it as the color you wanted?" "Yeah, of course." Sarah Replied Chris contiued, "And you tried to will it to become that color?" "Yes! And nothing happened!" Sarah replied sounding frustrated. "You didn't feel anything, like something in your head you could trigger the change with?" Chris asked, obviously trying to help but not sure what to do. "No! Nothing!" Sarah replied, sounding really agitated at this point. Chris really didn't know what else to suggest. He never had that kind of trouble. All he could do to help was tell her "Listen, just calm down and keep trying... I'm sure it'll come to you." Sarah, simply stood up, announced she would be changing clothes then walked into the bedroom and closed the door. Chris just sat there. He actually tried using the power himself just to make sure he didn't have it, only to have no success. Sarah looked in a small mirror she had in her room and thought about what would be nice to wear on her improved body. She wanted something to show off her thinner waist. She imagined herself wearing a mini skirt and shorts and thought it would be perfect. Just as she was looking in the mirror and thinking about this, she felt a really faint click and suddenly she was wearing just what she imagined. This surprised her more than anything and she quickly dashed out of the room shouting "Chris! Look at me!" excited that it worked "Wow, you sure changed really fast." Was all he had to say. "No no... I did it! I don't know how, but I was looking in the mirror thinking about what to wear and suddenly I found myself wearing this" she said as she waved her arms in front of herself. "Can you do it again?" Chris asked, hoping she could learn how to make it work. Chris watched her stare at the wall again at it. She tried everything she had done before and anything else she could think of. Again, nothing happened. "Well, that's still not working... maybe if I can change my clothes again." Sarah walked in her room and tried imagining herself wearing all kinds of fancy clothes. It still wasn't working however, she must have stood there for 10 minutes trying. She grew very frustrated and walked out of the room feeling defeated. "Damn! I was so excited about having this power. I didn't know it would be impossible to use." She exclaimed in frustration. "Just give it time, it'll work. It's actually really easy when you get the hang of it." "Well, that's easy for you to say. You had no trouble at all." Sarah went back in her room, and actually spent a good chunk of time in there. She didn't have any success using her controller power again however. Chris grew bored and knocked on her door. "Having any luck?" he said. "No." was all she replied with. "Well... Listen, I was thinking. It's after 5, and it's Friday, at least in here. You know what's significant about that..." Sarah thought and it occurred to her. Chris usually tried to make Friday nights be the date night, at least when they had time. They would usually go to different places. Sometimes it would be lunch at a restaurant, sometimes a walk through a park. This had grown into a fairly regular occurrence, except for the few times when Chris had a big exam or project to work on. "I know... I was just thinking the same about thing, and trying to decide if I really want to do that while we're in here. I actually think it might be a good idea. I'll be ready in a sec" Sarah replied. Chris waited until she emerged from her dressing room. Usually he would be the one picking her up, but in this reality they had flown to her house and his car wasn't there. Chris agreed to ride in her car. As they walked outside, Sarah started thinking about her car. She really wanted a new one. She had been to the car lot with her dad a couple of months ago and had one all picked out, then some unexpected bills came up and she decided to wait. She was thinking about how she really wanted that car, when suddenly she felt the same faint click in her head. She looked up to see her car had changed. "Chris look!" she said, pointing to her car. Chris was a bit confused at first, first he thought someone else was parked at her apartment, then it dawned on him that she had done this. "Woah... you're getting it!" was all he said back to her. They excitedly got into the brand new car. Sarah drove, with Chris riding. They decided to go to a rather expensive restaurant, but it was a bit of a drive to get there. As they were driving, Sarah kept trying to figure out how to use her controller power. They were stopped at a red light, and she looked at the blue sky and kept repeating to herself "The sky is not blue anymore, it's purple" and "It's always been purple." Suddenly, as she was wishing, she could feel it. It was very subtle and would have been hard for her to describe. It was in her head, and felt like a new muscle, or button she could toggle. She decided to make it happen. Suddenly the whole sky flashed from the normal blue into a brilliant purple flare. Sarah grew very excited because she knew for the first time this change was one she had willed. It was not due to a random thought like all of the other changes. She shouted at Chris to look, and she opened the door and got out of the car right there in the middle of the intersection. "The is amazing Chris!" she said standing there looking up. "yeah, Sarah" he said. Then he looked around. He grew a bit nervous as he realized the light had turned green, and their car was blocking the intersection. "Sarah, we should probably park somewhere" he stated nervously. "Don't be silly, we can do anything we want. We don't even need the car anymore, come on, lets go." She said, then started walking off, leaving her car right there. The cars behind had already starting going around, some blowing their horn angrily. "Sarah, are you sure about this?" He said following behind her. He began to ask her what she was doing, and why they had suddenly got out of the car. Then she stopped and stood there for a few seconds. He stopped behind her and asked "Now what are we doing?" Sarah grew a bit annoyed and said "shhhh!... I'm trying to take us both somewhere." As she said this, she felt that same mental switch getting pressed, like she had pressed it on accident. Chris felt something was very wrong. He found that he couldn't speak. Sarah looked around knowing she had done something but not entirely sure what it was. She saw Chris standing there clutching his throat. She realized she had just wanted him to be quiet, and it dawned on her that she had done something to him. She ran up to him and put her hand on him saying "Chris! I'm sorry! I'm not even sure what I did... You can breathe can't you?" He just looked at her with is hand on his throat and nodded his head yes. "Let me try to fix it..." she said. She thought the words "You can speak again." And as she did this, she tried to sense the sensation in her head for the switch. She felt it, and switched it, and immediately heard Chris clear his throat. "Chris, are you ok now?" "Yeah, it worked" He said. "That was seriously an accident. I'm sorry" She told him. In the midst of all of this, they hadn't noticed two cops pull up at their car and park near there. The cops spotted them standing out near the intersection and began to approach them. "Is that your car?" a cop said as he got close. There was another cop with him, and she thought she spotted even a third cop parking near there. Sarah didn't answer. She had been trying to transport herself and Chris somewhere else without much luck. The cop got even closer and asked them again. Finally the cop just stated "Maam, I'm not going to ask you again, is that your car?" Sarah stood there still, she was having problems concentrating. Finally the cop said "You're under arrest, please put your hands where we can see them." Sarah wasn't really sure what to do. Wishing herself and Chris somewhere else wasn't working. Then she got a really crazy idea from an old movie she had seen. She could just shrink the cops. She realized there were probably too many of them to do it all at once, and more were coming, so she willed that everyone in the area would shrink. She silently said to herself, knowing this would do it. "Every person within a half mile radius of here will shrink to 6 inches tall" She felt the switch and made it happen. Suddenly the cops weren't standing there. She could see a pile of clothes and a gun and radio where they were standing. Excitedly she turned around to tell Chris that they were safe. Only then she saw Chris wasn't standing there either. She looked down to see all of his clothes piled on the ground. ***** 8. "Toying" with Chris ***** Chris had been standing there watching Sarah and the cops when suddenly everything went dark. He wasn't sure where he was, and figured maybe Sarah had finally managed to take them somewhere safe. Wherever he was, it was a really strange dark place. And worse yet, Chris was naked. Luckily it was dark, and no-one seemed to be around. Chris had no idea what was going on. He felt around and felt something soft, like a large heave blanket crumpled around him. He fumbled around and finally saw a beam of light and headed towards it. Then he emerged out of this really strange unknown place to look up and find something that shocked him. He saw Sarahs face looking down at him, only it was enormous. She was enormous for that matter and squatting down looking right at him. Chris immediately tried to cover himself. Sarah actually looked a bit shocked herself at the whole thing. He saw her put her hand to her lips in an "oops" gesture. She then actually giggled as if she was amused at the whole thing. Then he heard her voice boom in a very distorted way "Sorry Chris." Sarah looked away for a second and Chris saw a flash all around him. He looked around and saw he was back at Sarah's apartment. Sarah was standing next to him. Everything was all wrong however. She was still huge as was the apartment. Chris was sitting on a table in her living room. He quickly covered himself with his hands and legs as best he could. Sarah looked down at him, and smiled. Her voice boomed "Chris, this is so awesome. Forget about going to some dumb restaurant. We can have or do whatever we want right here." She said this as if she didn't even notice his uneasiness at being naked, not to mention being only 6 inches tall. "Sarah, can you please fix this?" Chris yelled pointing at himself, but she didn't seem to hear him. Sarah seeming to understand his gesture and that he really wasn't amused said "Chris, I can't hear you... but it's OK... Please don't be upset. You can play along! This is really awesome. I had no idea I could do something like this. Let me keep you at this size at least for a bit, I'll make sure you enjoy it." Sarah looked around and spotted some paper towels in the dining area, she grabbed them and ripped one in half and brought it over and started to hand it to Chris so that he could cover himself. Then she paused before handing it to him. "Chris, if you really want this I can give it to you, but seriously it is OK. You don't have to cover yourself in front of me. None of this is real even - it isn't like I couldn't see you without clothes here if I wanted to anyway." Then she paused and said "For that matter I have seen you before." She said this referring to one time a couple months ago when they had made out. They had let hormones take over and went as far as undressing each other. Chris backed out at the last minute and promptly put his clothed back on and left her apartment. He told her later that he loved her, and really thought she might be the one. He told her that he didn't feel the time was right, and that it would mean more to him if they took it slower and waited. "Lets see if I can make you feel alright with all of this..." She said before looking away. Chris wasn't sure what she meant by that or what she was doing. He felt a faint tingle go through his body, mostly in his head, then it passed. Chris stood there on the table for a moment and thought to himself. To be honest, he was somewhat turned on by the whole situation. It was just really uncomfortable. He realized how silly he was being. Here they were in a fantasy world where they could have anything they wanted. "Heck," he thought, "maybe the time is right." Chris felt like this was what he really wanted; in fact he couldn't be more certain of it. He stood up and exposed himself to her. Sarah just smiled and put the paper towel away. She then reached down and scooped him up albeit slowly as she was afraid of hurting him at this size. She cupped him in both hands and allowed him to lay back. She held him up to her face and looked at him closely. "It's hard to believe this is real" she whispered. "like a real life doll... I can't even imagine what it's like from your perspective." Sarah couldn't help but notice he had a pretty big hard on. "I see you're enjoying this" she whispered. Sarah considered trying to kiss him and give him a blow job right there. It would be so easy with him at this size laying there like that. She thought he might be really weak at this size and she didn't want to hurt him though even accidently. Then an idea came to her. Chris was laying there in her warm hands, he could smell a faint perfume or at least some weird sweet smell on her hands. He was still nervous - I mean there he was helpless. What was she about to do? Why was she looking at him like that? He had already gotten erect, whether it was caused from him really being turned on, or whether it was just the warmth of her hands on his skin, or whether it was just the feeling of being held so vulnerable in such a way, he wasn't sure. Suddenly he felt another weird tingle surge through him. "Relax Chris; I just made you so I can't accidently hurt you at your size... I'm sure you want to be bigger, so I'm taking care of that too" she said half giggling. He saw her still looking at him when more strange things started happening. He felt a strong tightness in his erection, and it actually felt really good. Then slowly it got even tighter like it was getting bigger. The whole thing felt really intensely pleasurable. He looked down to see his penis growing bigger. It was already much bigger than it should have been for his current size. Chris felt an intense surge of horniness go through him. He didn't think he had felt this way before. "God, I feel so hot right now, what is she doing to me?" he thought. His penis continued to grow as he laid there in ecstasy. From his perspective it was massive, perhaps 2 feet as it continued to grow. All he could do was continue to lay there as it felt incredible. Chris noticed it felt like the warm feeling from a regular erection except way more intense, to the point that he was writhing in pleasure. "You know Chris, if you were able to make us both physically hungry the other day after already eating, I bet I can mess with your sexual desire. That's what I'm doing. I want you to feel really good." Chris was on fire, his penis continued to expand slowly to him it looked at least 5 feet long, almost as big as he was. It was so big that it bulged out of him in a ridiculous looking way, but he didn't care. He felt like he really needed to cum. While it was 5 feet to Chris, it was slightly more than 5 inches from Sarah's perspective. She lowered her lips down and whispered, "ready lover?" before taking it into her mouth. Chris was in heaven, and he didn't even last long. He only took maybe a few seconds of it before he started cuming. This had to be one of the most intense orgasms of his life. It felt like his whole body was melting into spurt after spurt. It must have gone on for more than a minute before subsiding. Chris wasn't sure how, but he either didn't cum that much or Sarah had done more magic. She seemed to have swallowed it all and she pulled her mouth off of him. Chris lay there in her hand, panting for another moment enjoying the incredible afterglow. He couldn't believe what he had felt. Chris started to fell his erection fade, his massive penis growing limp. Before anything much happened he heard Sarah say "No... not yet" "You haven't satisfied me yet, little fellow" she said with a silly laugh. Just then, he felt a surge go through him, he couldn't believe it but his erection was coming back, and it felt just as good as before. Whether she had walked in there or done more magic, he wasn't sure, but he noticed they seemed to be in Sarah's bed. She must have used her magic because he also noticed she was naked. Sarah wrapped her hand around his body and he saw where he was going. His penis seemed to surge even larger, it was probably larger than the rest of his body combined. His penis was headed right for her pussy lips, she was about to use him like a dildo. Once again, he was in heaven. If anything it felt even better this time - Chris wasn't sure how it was possible to not only feel something so incredible, but to feel it twice in a row. His years of experience as a man taught him that he had a refractory period and simply couldn't experience sex twice in a row like this, and yet her it was happening. His mind was dissolving at this point. He couldn't believe what he was feeling, then thoughts seemed to blend together as if his mind was turning to jelly. He was cuming again and again and it felt so good. At least that's the last thing he remembered. ***** 9. Afterwards ***** Chris slowly woke up out of a sleep. It felt like waking up in the morning on a typical day in his dorm. He opened his eyes and looked around with the regular morning grogginess, and then memories of what had happened came back to him slowly. He noticed he was fully clothed and in his bed in his dorm and even back to normal size. Everything about him seemed normal or at least he thought. He sat up wondering if it had all been a dream or what had really happened. He still couldn't believe what he had remembered feeling. Chris got out of bed and looked around. His dorm was surprisingly empty. Sarah was not there. He wondered what had happened. Why had he blacked out? Why did he wake up in his apartment? And where was Sarah? Chris tried using the phone and dialing her number. As the phone rang a couple of times, Chris felt someone tap his shoulder only to turn around and see a Sarah standing there. Chris jumped back startled at someone suddenly in his apartment before saying anything. "Sarah? What happened?" "Well, while we were playing earlier, I um..." she paused and with a half smile continued, "I turned you into a dildo, and apparently the DreamScape interpreted that to mean you wouldn't be conscious... I didn't really mean for that to happen." Chris just nodded, and Sarah continued "As soon as I realized that you weren't somehow awake I wished you back to normal, asleep in your own bed for a few hours." "So, what have you been doing since, and how long exactly has it been?" Chris asked, noticing it appeared to be morning outside "Exploring, playing with this incredible power, and... stuff" Sarah said being very vague. "and... well I reset time so it's Monday morning again, but you've been asleep for close to 6 hours... I think" "You think?" Chris asked "Well, I got to messing with time and stuff..." Sarah paused for a minute and briefly looked away. "but yeah, I have exactly 6 hours 24 minutes that you weren't awake, according to the Dreamscape internal timer." "I need to take a shower" Chris said. A shower was part of his morning routine, and he actually felt like he needed it. "Not sure why you need a shower here, but ok" Sarah said with a half smirk. Chris had lucked out with a rather fancy dorm with its own private bathroom. This was somewhat unusual and normally he wouldn't have been able to afford it, but he had gotten a scholarship that specifically offered to pay for his choice of a dorm. Chris had chosen this one as it was one of the fancier ones being private for 1 person and much larger than the others. It was originally built as part of a fraternity house and was almost as fancy as Sarah's Apartment. Of course it had its own separate bathroom with a shower. The bathroom was somewhat small, but was fine for Chris. Chris went into the bathroom and removed his clothes. He looked in the mirror at himself, only to feel that something wasn't quite right. He couldn't put his finger on what it was, but something seemed really off and it disturbed him. He double checked to make sure his height seemed right. He knew that wasn't it. Everything he noticed about him self looked right in the mirror, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly off. Chris got in the shower, and started soaping up. He carefully washed all the usual areas: Hands, Arms, Legs, Private area. His vagina needed special attention as always. As he put soap over his vagina, it occurred to him that was it. That is what wasn't right. Why hadn't he noticed that earlier? "I HAVE A FREAKING VAGINA!" Chris exclaimed. He quickly jumped out of the shower, still nude and dripping soap. He found Sarah standing right outside the bathroom with a smile on her face. "I wondered how long it would take you to notice. I wished you wouldn't notice until you got in the shower, but I didn't know it would work. I thought we couldn't mess with each others minds. I also gave you the desire to take a shower." "Sarah, you have to undo this" Chris proclaimed. "Chris, calm down. I have your penis right here" Sarah said, pointing to her groin. "I did this while you were asleep, and got carried away playing with it. It does feel really good" she said, almost teasing him." "Sarah..." "Go back in and wash up, I'll fix things later." Sarah said. Chris knew he had no choice, so he went back in the shower and started rinsing the soap off. He felt of the alien part carefully. His stomach hair blended down into a soft smooth hairless feminine mound. Sarah had always kept her vagina shaved and hairless. He could tell that this was her pussy. Chris had read and heard that a clit was like a female version of a tiny penis, and the sensations he was getting from touching it only confirmed that, it felt exactly as if he was touching a tiny shrunken version of his penis. This was still very weird for him and he didn't dare try to stick a finger inside. Chris finished his shower, dried off, and started to put his clothes on before coming out of the bathroom. He noticed something else, his underwear had been replaced by a pair of smooth panties. They looked like something Sarah would wear except sized to fit him. He got to looking in the mirror and feeling, and he noticed he had Sarah's curvy hairless butt too. He wasn't sure when that had changed as he could have sworn that was normal when he was in the shower. He figured this must be part of her little game so he put on the panties to notice they fit perfectly and actually felt comfortable. He put his pants on over them before leaving the bathroom. Chris saw Sarah sitting in the living room with the TV on, She looked like she was wiping something off his couch with a towel. Chris noticed his TV had a perfect image of his bathroom on it. "I guess you caught me" Sarah said. "I wanted to watch you somehow, and I got this idea that I could wish the TV would show you in the bathroom taking a shower. Then I started to get really turned on... this thing of yours wouldn't go down. I started rubbing it some and it felt so nice and before I knew it, I made a mess. Man, I don't know how you control it" Chris just stood there shocked, who was this girl he had as a girlfriend? He had no idea she was into such weird and kinky stuff. Chris was actually a bit turned on at the whole thing though. He had never seen this side of Sarah that had come out in the past day they had been in the DreamScape. "Chris, I have to confess something else... I don't really like messing with your mind in this way without you knowing a

Same as Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality Videos

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Chris10 last of Chris Series

DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.'Wanna cum in rubbers?' Cobb moaned, nearing orgasm inside Bess's hot cunt.'No... I'm too close, gonna cum in your ass, sweetheart!' Brian shuddered. Cobb reached back and got a death grip on Brian's balls as Brian grabbed his, then the two of them cumming in hot, flowing spurts. Bess gurgled and flooded Cobb's groin with her wild...

3 years ago
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Chris to Chrissie

Chris to Chrissie By: Rachael Free It was in the last year of college when I was introduced to crossdressing and subsequently bending the gender line. My name is Chris (or at least it was) and here's my story. It contains many escapades of my early introduction and eventual entrapment in the world of femininity. I hope you enjoy it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx I met a girl one night in one of the local bars and we clicked immediately....

2 years ago
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changing my husband Chris to Chrissy by removing h

That night while driving home was so intense. With every mile closer to home, my pussy was getting wetter and wetter. The thought of Troy’s dominance over my white sissy husband was to much for my body to bare. I must have had a dozen orgasms at the thought of Troy pushing my husbands head lower and lower on to the base of Troy’s Black Cock.As I pulled into our driveway and put the car in park, Troy pulls up next to me and to my surprise, well I shouldn’t have been surprised I guess. Chris...

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Chris ChrissyChapter 10

I found Dad working in his office. I rapped on the door and he said to come in. "I suppose my sister told you everything we did when we were younger?" he surmised. "All she told us, last night, was what you generally did nothing really specific. Don't be mad at your sister, please—Dad. She told Chrissy and me that she thought she was in love with you, really in love." "She actually said that?" dad responded. "Yes, she did. I think she still cares deeply for you, Dad. Talk to her,...

4 years ago
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Chris ChrissyChapter 15

The Awards Banquet was a blast; we brought some nice clothes to wear to it. When our award was announced, we went up to the podium, took the award and waved to the crowd as many cameras went off. Christine grinned like a movie star, and gave me a kiss on the cheek, just before we left back to the table we'd been sitting at. Many people came up to us, thanking us for the wonderful human-interest story we had written. We stayed for the rest of the evening, which had started with a sit-down...

4 years ago
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From Chris to Christine Part II

From Chris to Christine???.written by Christine (email: [email protected]) Part II (Chris begins to get ready for his biggest fantasy day) Chris was already dressing up on a regular basis, three, four times a week as he jogged. When he did this, everything he wore was feminine except the running shoes. He dreaded the thought of being discovered. How would he explain it to his wife, co-workers or friends? It would be the ruination of him. Still he...

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Chris and Sarah Part 1

Sarah pulled up to Chris's house, smiling as she saw him race out of the house towards her. She shut off her car and giggle happily, squealing as he yanked her car door open and snatced her out of her Cirrus, lifting her in the air for a great big bear hug. "I'm so glad you're finally here!" He exclaimed, burying his nise into her rose scented hair, breathing deeply. Sarah, still suspended up in his arms, blushed lightly, feeling his well muscled body held tightly against her own softer, supple...

2 years ago
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Chris ChrissyChapter 11

I walked into the kitchen, hearing my mom humming while she was working on dinner. Although I'm just 14, I'm already 5ft 8, likely as tall as I'm going to get. I stealthily walked behind her and gave her a soft kiss on the neck. She raised her shoulders and said, "Ooh, Richard feeling frisky?" "Not any more Mom," I said. "Christopher, I knew that you would be like this, you have to be more careful than that, someone could have seen you do that." "Seen who do what?" dad said...

3 years ago
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Chris and Sarah Part 2

Sarah waited patiently as Chris locked up the house, and she put her hands in her pocket, walking side by side with him. They talked about a ton of subjects from what was going on in the country and how it was affecting his job, to the classes she was gonna be taking in school. After about an hour of walking they turned and headed back home. "Well, the move was a hard one." She said, looking up at the sky, which was a hue of pick and orange, blue and purple. It was getting darker, and colder....

2 years ago
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Chris ChrissyChapter 16

We walked down the stairs—I was holding Lily's hand—Levi and Chrissy were as well. "Tonight isn't a school night, could we go out to a movie together?" I asked Mom. "I have money on me Dad," Levi said. "We just need a ride to the theatre. Christopher said that there is a bus stop right in front. We would be home by 10:30?" I saw all the parents talking for a minute, as Dad got up and said, "Christopher, you have shown responsibility before, so if anything happens, call?" He got...

2 years ago
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Mandy and Chris

Some years ago, I was between jobs, so I had no work to go to. I was determined this would not be permanent, and soon I would have another job. I hated not working and as interviews came along I wanted to keep my options open and take the best job I could find, in the one month I had given myself. I spoke to a friend about this and he suggested I joined with him for a while. It paid a little but certainly not a wage, although I agreed to join him for a short while, I stressed I was not there...

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From Chris to Christine Part I

From Chris to Christine???.written by Christine (email: [email protected]) Part I Chris had been into self-feminization a long time. He couldn't think of anything worse than being forced to dress up as a woman. In his job he was head of a small company and had numerous employees. He was always in control and making decisions. Through the years he developed another personality (one that would force him to do things he didn't want to do.) It began innocently. ...

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Chris ChrissyChapter 12

I restarted the music, put on a condom and Chrissy and I had a pretty wonderful night of period sex, only getting a little bit of blood on the hand towel. When we were done I put the towels in the hamper, we took a shower together and I got on some boxers and knocked on my parent's bedroom door. "Yes," came in harmony from behind the door. "We need one of those Plan D pills, Mom," I said. "Just a minute, they're called 'Plan B' dear," mom said. She opened the door just enough to...

3 years ago
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October 31, 2018 – 3:00am CST – New Orleans, Louisiana Dr. Sean Mallory slowly moved his cursor up to the little apple icon in the far left top corner of his massive twenty-seven inch Thunderbolt display. He clicked on it and then hovered over the words ‘shut down’. He paused briefly, and then, with an audible sigh, he confirmed his choice. The computer slowly began to shut down all open programs. The screen went grey, and then black, and the fan that had been cooling his hard drive came to a...

4 years ago
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Dreamscape II

Dreamscape 2 By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 2: Arnie and Janet One of the things I learned quickly was that Lucy Maya wore glasses. I sat on the couch surrounded by books and articles of every ilk - everything from witchcraft to little known aspects and traditions of major religions. I had been this way for days, sitting and reading almost continuously. After a few days of holding papers near the tip of my nose, it dawned on me that perhaps I should search for a pair of...

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Dreamscape IV

Dreamscape Iv By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 4: When It Rains... After a traumatic first working day in the body of Lucy Maya, I had braced myself for them all to be that way. But they were not. A fortnight into the life and job, I was beginning to settle in a little more comfortably. Although in my more relaxed times I was still capable of making large "un-Lucy like" mistakes which raised the occasional eyebrow. In one particularly surreal moment, I told a male co-worker...

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Dreamscape The Beginning if Something Wonderful

This story will be something unique for me as the story is not completed. It starts by telling the story of how a transition takes place, but then leaves the future completely up to you. At the end of this section I'll offer suggestions as to where the story could go next. Through your reviews you can tell me what you would like to see happen in the next chapter. You can choose one of my directions or suggest one of your own. Each week I'll try to complete the next...

3 years ago
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Dreamscape Things that go bump in the night Chapter 2

After the reviews are in it was predominantly decided to go with option #3, but perhaps with some #1 as well. I think I can do that... *** Dreamscape - Things that go bump in the night I opened my eyes at the sound of several loud bangs. It was a knocking sound. "Harold! I know you're in there! Open up!" The first thing I did was check my hands. They were still small and feminine. I glanced at myself in the mirror. I was still the new me, thank God. I was also still wearing the...

4 years ago
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Sarahs first love

Introduction: Taken by her childhood friend Merrie England, in the seventeenth century… The sunlight twinkled on the rippling brook as it meandered between the meadows of Caisterdale to pass beneath the old stone bridge beside the village church. Sarah sat at the brookside, her face in shadow oblivious to the scene, staring unseeing into the distance, book in hand but lost in her thoughts. She heard hooves clattering upon the gravelled path, Ah Miss Haverthorpe, one last day of freedom?...

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Christmas with Chris

If you haven't read An Unexpected Lover Chapter 4, this will all make much more sense if you do, but it should stand well enough on its own. I spent my first Christmas as a married woman in the arms of someone other than my husband. If you’ve been following along, you know that shortly before meeting my husband I had a one-night stand with his brother; except I didn’t know that Chris and Steve were brothers until Thanksgiving. Needless to say, walking into that Thanksgiving dinner was an...

5 years ago
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My Good Boy Chris and My Slutty Chrissy

We had been talking on Xhamster for a little while,and Mommy thought it was time to meet .Mommie's need to use Her slutty chrissy was a growing Appetite but her Desire was nothing compared to her slave's Hunger to please.Mommy knew His need to be used in public and Loved it.I had been training him to edge and take a Massive horse cock amongst other things and had something special in mind for him when we finally met.I knew exactly what I wanted but more than that I knew he would give it to me...

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Chris ChrissyChapter 9

I heard a key in a lock as I got up and went into my bathroom. I heard Chrissy gulp and swallow. Aunt Liz burst into the room, "Oh Sorry—wrong room," and left just as quickly. That night at dinner, we had a lively discussion. "I'm sorry for walking in on you two, earlier—I forgot which room was Christine's?" Liz explained. "Actually, Aunt Liz—I think you came in to catch my sister and me doing something wrong together," I questioned... "CHRISTOPHER!" mom...

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lactating hot wife chapter 1 Chris exposes and shares me with his best friend

Setting the context:First, a little about me. I am twenty three, and married to my high school sweetheart. I am five foot, nine inches tall, with a slender athletic frame. My hair is blond and I frequently wear it in a ponytail, giving me a youthful, innocent look, even when naked. Normally, my breasts are small, but firm and perky with large prominent nipples. However, at the time of these events, my breasts were much larger as they were temporarily engorged with milk for my baby. I also have...

Wife Lovers
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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From Chris to Christine Part III

Bondage, high heels, long fingernails, forced feminization, humiliation etc. When Chris was on his own at home, he began to prepare. He started buying more equipment, to secure his fate. This is what he dreamed of. The parcels began to arrive at the post box. He would shiver while he opened them, looking at them but not daring to try them on. He wanted it all to be a surprise to his alter ego. Finally, the day came. All the equipment was ready. His wife was going away for a weekend...

2 years ago
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breaking Sarahs will with my freinds help parts 1 and2

It was a rainy day in November, I was sitting down in front of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked thanks to my best friend john who sent them to me by e-mail, John and another friend Rowan were calling around to hang Out at my house, my parents were away for the weekend so the only ones at home were Sarah and me, Sarah was my 15-year-old sister 3 years younger than me and it was my job to “baby-sit” her for the weekend even though she was old...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 4

Introduction: Heres the fourth part of the series. I apologize for the delay as the holiday travelling didnt provide me much time or energy to write. But nonetheless, here it is now. As always, comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. I woke up the next morning feeling incredibly refreshed. It was still early, not even 7 yet, but I felt so good, ready for the day to start. Charles was still sound asleep like usual, so I quietly went to the bathroom and got ready, heading out the door...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 5

Introduction: This is the fifth chapter of the series. I missed my deadline by a day, but hopefully everyone still enjoys reading this chapter. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Mhmm! No need to rush honey! I giggled, trying to relax Chris. We have all night after all! I know mom! But youre so fucking hot! I cant help it he grunted, thrusting into my pussy. I pushed his chest again, this time getting his cock to respond and slow down. After Lily left, we had gone right back to it,...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris part 6 end

Introduction: This is the last chapter of the series. Ive had a great time pursuing these two characters over the course of this long series. Comments and suggestions are welcomed as always! It felt strange waking up next to Charles, knowing full well that neither one of us were sleeping next to the person we wanted to most. Sunday, I thought. Chris had mentioned that he was going to have a late night so I didnt want to wake him up immediately just to fuck. Id just have to find some other way....

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 3

Introduction: This is the third chapter of the second series. Im not quite sure yet if there will be 6 chapters to this series or not, but it will most likely be in that ballpark. This is also more of a buildup episode, but hopefully it doesnt dissapoint. Comments and suggestions are welcome as always. Ughh sweetie! This is why mommy told you to pack last night! I screamed frustratingly at my daughter. Now here I was, sifting through her little suitcase at 7 in the morning, trying to find and...

5 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris part 5

Introduction: Sorry for the delay, but the site prevented anyone from logging in and uploading stories. Here is part 5. Again suggestions and comments are always welcome. I always take the time to consider over all suggestions and just because it is not addressed in the immediate proceeding chapter does not mean it will not be introduced in later ones. I woke up the next morning earlier than usual to get an extra yoga session done in the morning. I wanted to look my absolute best by Halloween,...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris part 4

Introduction: This is the fourth chapter of the series. I admit this one got a little too long, but I didnt find a good breaking point, so it is what it is. For those waiting for steamier sex scenes, this chapter finally delivers it. Again, please feel free to leave comments and suggestions, many of them have been very helpful and were added. My eyes awoke to the piercing rays of the sun, fighting its way through the blinds. I quickly glanced at the clock and was relieved to see it was only...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 1

Introduction: This is the second series involving Jen and Chris. It takes place a few months after the conclusion of the first series. As always with my writing, I take some time to give at least some background to minor characters. I feel it adds more authenticity to the story. Again, I welcome comments and suggestions. Also because of all the comments regarding involvement of Jessie, it unfortunately cant happen because of rules of the site. Mom have you seen my sandals? Chris shouted from...

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Discovery 1 Matt and Chris

DiscoveryMy sister April came down the stairs to the lower level of our tri-level home.  She walked across the room, standing at the end of the couch.  I looked up from my video game and said, “What’s up, April?”“Nothing, Matt.  I wanted to let you know I’m headed over to Gwen’s house.  Mom is at Uncle Greg and Aunt Linda’s house and probably won’t be home until tomorrow night.  Uncle Greg is having a party, and you know Mom won’t drive after she’s had a few drinks,” April said.“Have a good...

Gay Male
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 6

Introduction: This is the last chapter of series 2. I apologize again for the major delays, but I was having a lot more troubles writing this chapter as opposed to the other ones. Regardless, here it is. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions For the rest of the evening, even after the movie, my husband was relatively quiet around me. I guess my look from earlier had gotten him nervous, scared him enough to try and avoid any major conversations with me about his phone call. So once...

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You think you know someone Chris and Ellen Their story Chapter 3 of 4

Chris and Ellen had been on the swinging scene for three years. They had been married for twelve. They were the same age, thirty seven years old. They were high school sweethearts and started going out together in grade eleven when they were seventeen. They started screwing each other in grade twelve and there was no question that one day they would get married. They had their little bust ups in their early twenties, when one or the other had been having an affair. There was fault on both...

Group Sex
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 5

Introduction: Heres part 5 of the series. As always, love to read your comments and suggestions! I awoke to the soft lyrics of my phones alarm, my eyes quickly realizing that I was in in my sons room. Because of the few bottles of beer, Charles snoring was louder than usual last night, and by 3:30 I had given up altogether, sneaking into Chris for some shut eye. I had purposefully set the alarm for 7:45, just to make sure I woke up before my husband. I mightve enjoyed cuckolding Charles by...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 4

Introduction: Heres part 4 of the series. There are 2 more chapters for series 3 before it ends. The next series will be a crossover with Lily re-joining them. Chris, honey I whispered, prying his bedroom door open slowly. The lights were off, something that I hadnt expected. It was a little surprising seeing him asleep on a late Friday afternoon. Then again, given how much energy he spent just hours earlier with me, maybe its not! Honey I said a notch louder this time, approaching his bed. ...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 2

Introduction: Heres the second part of the second series. This one was a little shorter than my other chapters as I didnt find a good stopping point so just settled for a slightly shorter chapter. Again, all suggestions and constructive criticism is welcomed. Despite being on vacation, waking up was anything but pleasant. Between the slight hangover from last nights wine and the loud snoring form my husband, even the bright rays of the Florida sun wasnt enough to jolt me out of bed. I spent a...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 2

Introduction: This is part 2 of the third series. As with my writing, i sometimes use chapters as a buildup for future ones. This particular chapter serves as one of those. Comments and suggestions are welcome as always. It had been less than a week, less than a week since I actively tried to cuckold my husband and I was already hooked. At nights, when I couldnt fall asleep, I would run through image after image of my sons cock, slamming into me while my husband had his head turned. As a...

4 years ago
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New Kid He would play his favorite sport basketball with his buddies. Sometimes he would be on the team that would have to be shirtless and he enjoyed these times, he enjoyed the sun warming his bare back and chest. Chris was new to the neighborhood last year moving in just as summer vacation started. He quickly made friends as he was able to just walk up to a pick up basketball game and ask to play. The other boys at first thought that Chris was to small to play with them but after a...

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Heather and her son Chris find some unexpected partners in their loveplay

Heather made her way home through the afternoon rush hour traffic. As usual, her thoughts turned to her son, Chris, and their plans for the evening. As a single mother she’d had these thoughts countless times on a countless number of drives home through the years. Did Chris have ball practice, and was it her turn to drive? What would they have for dinner? Had he finished his homework, and did he have clean clothes for school tomorrow? Of course, Chris was in high school now and many...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 5

I had purposefully set the alarm for 7:45, just to make sure I woke up before my husband. I might’ve enjoyed cuckolding Charles by kissing and touching his son in front of him, but I didn’t quite want him to know Chris and I were doing far more than that. Besides, there was my daughter to worry about too. And as naïve as she is, it’d probably be hard to explain why mommy is leaving her brother’s room in nothing but a tank top and panties. However, getting out of bed was proving quite...

2 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris part 2

Introduction: This is the second chapter of the story. Thank you all for the comments and suggestions, I will be sure to consider all of them. So continue to leave them in the comments section. The next morning I woke up just as early as usual, even though it was a Saturday. I guess my body had just naturally adjusted itself to that time to get up. I walked through the silent house and into the kitchen to get some coffee. But as I opened a magazine to read, I heard the sound of footsteps down...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 3

Introduction: Re-starting my series from before Introduction: This a series that I left off almost a full year ago, but am just now able to continue again. For those who do remember and read it before, Im so sorry for stopping so suddenly and I apologize profusely! Because of work, Ive been gone for a year in a country that has much stricter regulations for internet censorship than I knew about. I never intended to stop, but was kind of forced to (didnt want to even chance it with VPN or...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 4

The lights were off, something that I hadn’t expected. It was a little surprising seeing him asleep on a late Friday afternoon. Then again, given how much energy he spent just hours earlier with me, maybe it’s not! “Honey” I said a notch louder this time, approaching his bed. Knowing we didn’t have the time or the privacy for any fun anyways, I decided not to wake him; Instead opting to pick up his load of dirty laundry and sweater to wash. But as I l did so, I couldn’t help but giggle...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 1

Introduction: This is the first chapter of the third series involving mother Jen and her son Chris. It picks up right where the second series ended, but now back at home after vacation. I originally intended to wait until finishing the other series before starting this one, but I have decided to run both in parallel. Comments and Suggestions are welcome as always. Mom, is that you? Who else would it be? I giggled, slipping inside his covers. Now get your cock out honey, mommys horny! I had...

4 years ago
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Donna and Chris

Donna was up early as she slipped on a pair of cut off jeans and a gray shirt as she headed out the door. She was gonna go grab her shoes, but thought better of it as it was such a nice day and since she never wore shoes in the summer and she was in a hurry was only heading up the street to get some food. Donna always had no problems getting men, but the problem was she was always getting losers and married men. Donna who was 5'7 and had long gorgeous brown hair, tanned beautiful legs and an...

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