Hot Older Lady On The Boat - An Adult Story free porn video

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It was close to midnight when I finally got to the hotel bar. I had come to Florida on business. I was to close a deal on some computers outside of Pensacola. I had a late flight that did not leave Baltimore to really late. The plane was delayed on the run way for two hours. I just wanted to get a drink and head to my room. I walked into the small bar. There were a few people. All tourists but they seem to be enjoying them selves. I had broken up with my ex-girl friend about a month prior. We had planned to go to Florida on vacation but I decide to use the time for business now that I was alone. I sat down ordered a Rum and Coke. One drink lead to another....

It was close to 2am when I finally reached for my wallet. Damn! I could not find it. It must have been in my sport coat hanging in my closet in my room. I looked around. There was a old guy at the end of the bar. He had a big thick white beard. He smiled as he saw me reaching around. I had not noticed him before. He must have just got there. I heard the bartender give last call. The old guy got up and walked down to the end of the bar. He sat next to me.

"How it going young man?" he said. "Good! How are you?" I said. "What are you looking for? Ahh your wallet. I lose my all the time. I let my wife worry about those things. She got a purse that has everything but the kitchen sink in it." he laughed. "That's cool. Are you a local or a guest at the hotel?" I said. "I'm local. I just dropped off some fish at the restaurant. Thought I get a beer before heading home for the night." he said. "Your a fisherman?" I said. "Yeah! I got a big boat at the end of the dock. I take out locals or tourist for the day. I was doing some night fishing and caught some fish. The chef at the hotel serves them the next day. He is a good guy. Have you fished before? Why are you here?" he said. "Yeah! I fished before. I am here to get some computers for my business in Baltimore. I know a guy down here sells them real cheap. I got a meeting with him at 8am." I said.

"That will be $66.00, Sir." said the bartender. I looked in my pockets again. "Here let me get it." said the old guy. "No, I couldn't let you do that. I mean I just met you. I have the money. It must me in my sport coat in my room." I said. "Here let me get it. Tomorrow after your meeting. Come down to the docks. I'll take you fishing. You need to get some good clean salt air. Then you can repay me if you want or you can owe me a favor. You need a little fun time while your here." he said. I smiled and said "Sure!" I gave him my business card.

I went to sleep and closed the deal by 8:30am. I got a big breakfast and went to the bait shop near the docks. I picked up a twelve pack of beer. I also got some steaks and a big salad to go with it. I went back to the hotel and changed. I put on some long white and blue flower swim trunks. I put on a white t-shirt. I also put on some sun screen. I put on some blue flip flops. I looked int he mirror. I looked down my 6ft 4 frame. I was looking forward to having some fun on the water. I took some clothes and a towel. I packed everything in a duffel bag and headed for the boat.

I walked down the wooden dock. At the end was a nice large fishing boat. There was maybe dozen rods and reels on the top of the boat. There was a nice big wheel house at at the top of the boat. You had to climb a small ladder to get to the top of the boat to steer the boat. There were a few lines trying up the boat. The boat was about 45 feet long. There was a big front end. I could see myself lying on there to get a tan later. I saw the old get up from a seat at the back of the boat. "Hey you made it. I thought you might. How did you deal go this morning?" he said. "Good. Thanks for offering to take me out fishing. I don't have to go back for a few days and I hate sitting in my hotel room all alone." I said. "No problem. What that in your hand?" he said. "I got some beers in the cooler along with some food for lunch maybe." I said. "Hey you did not have to do that. I got some stuff downstairs in the galley. I got a huge living area down there too. A nice queen size bed and resting area. If you get sea sick let me know." he chuckled.

I handed my bag and the food. "I am pretty good at not getting sick. I think its all the stress I have all the time. I should be ok. Thanks for showing me were to go." I said. I looked around. It was a big boat. There would be enough for about two dozen people on board. "Is it just me today? Any more fisherman coming?" I said. "No! Your it. Oh! My wife coming too. She down at the dock telling the harbor guys are fishing plans. She likes to check in with them in case something happens She should be right back. I think you will like her. I told her about meeting you last night. She is a ball of energy on the open water. I think she likes fishing more than me. Well maybe not the fishing part but going out on the water. I hope your OK with her coming along." he said. "Sure, that sounds fun." I said. We made small talk for about 20 minutes before he looked over my shoulder and waved.

"Hey honey! Everything good. This is our fisherman for the day. Young man I like to introduce you to my wife Valerie." he said. My mouth dropped open. She was a little younger than her husband but not by much. She had short platinum blonde hair. It was curled high at the ends. She had a huge rock on her finger along with some smaller gold rings. I saw she had painted her nails white. She had on a light green top that was cut to move around her neck and show off her large cleavage. She had bright red lips. The whitest smile I had ever seen. She had on some faded blue jeans that hugged her every curve. She had a small waist, nice hips, an amazing ass. She just smiled as I her husband helped her into the boat.

"What your name sweetie? Herb I think a cat got is tongue." she said in a sweet southern accent. It was like a 5ft 4inch Dolly Parton was standing inches from me. "Buck! Very nice to meet you. You have a very nice boat." I said. "Herb named it after me. "The Lady Valerie" she winked. I was going to have a hard time fishing today. I was not going to be the fish I was fishing for. I was wiping my head as Valerie walked passed. "Would you like a drink Buck? I make a mean Margarita. Are we ready to go honey. I will be right back sweetie." she said. I just nodded my head "Yes!"

I went to the back of the boat and sat down. There was a big chair in the middle that you sat in when you fished. Next to it on either side was two big white leather seats. About the size of two small couches. There was a door blocking the view to the sleeping area under the boat. Herb was on the top starting the engines. A few minutes later he pulled out after I untied the lines and sat back down. I could feel the boat move as we passed a few other boaters in the small harbor. A few minute later we got out in the open water. I heard a big..."Whoa baby...lets move it Herb..put the metal down...air out this bitch." Valerie said. She came out from behind the door. She had two drinks in her hand. She still had on the sexy green top but she had put on some cute white shorts. They left nothing to the imaginations. They showed off her well tanned legs and thighs. She kept in great shape. Her body was toned. I smiled as she handed me my drink.

"Here you go sweetie. I just love the water. Nothing more fun." she said. "Thanks! I can see your having fun. Do you go out with your husband on all his fishing trips?" I said. "No! I sell houses. But after talking with Herb last night. I canceled my appointment today to go fishing with you guys." she said. I smiled as she sipped her big drink in her small hand. She licked the salt on the rim of the glass. I started to sip my drink. "Wow these are very good. I need you to show me how you make them. Very nice. So how did you and Herb meet?" I said. She crossed her legs. I finally looked down to see her feet. They were very sexy in a pair of 2inch wooden open tow heels. Her toe nails were painted white to match her fingers nails. I could see she had some gold toe rings. I was semi hard before. I was now very hard after I smelled her perfume. She moved her foot in a circular motion when she saw me looking at it.

"We meet at a party. It was back in the Seventies. Things were allot different back then. We moved down here about ten years ago to get away from feeling old. We just got the boat about 6 months ago. We went on a cruise. I loved the way it felt. So Herb bought the boat and the rest is history." Valerie said. "That a great story. I am sorry I missed the Seventies. I guess being only 24 years old I have missed a few things." I said. Valerie smiled when she heard my age. I saw her head move and she looked into my eyes. "So, do you have a wife, k**s or a girl friend waiting back at the hotel. I hope you don't mind me asking. Herb says I can be a little straight forward when I talk." she said. I gulped hard. "No! No wife or girl friend and no k**s. Just got over a relationship a few weeks ago." I said. We made more small talk as we finished another round of drinks.

I felt the boat slow down. Then Herb came down to join us. He set a few of the fishing poles and baited the hooks. Valerie kept smiling. I got in the chair as Herb handed me the rod. He hooked me in and then the pole jerked. I felt the line began to unreel. "Go slow. Let the fish do the work." Herb said. "Fuck that, catch the mother fucker. Yank his ass in the boat." Valerie said. I just laughed as I reeled in the fish. It was a nice big fish. Herb cut off the hook. Then he released it back in the water. The sun had come up. It was getting hot as we fished for the next hour. We each got in the big chair to take our turns fishing. I thought Valeria breast were big. Seeing them being forced around by a huge fish, was incredible. I was standing next to her starring at her breast. Herb just kept helping his wife with the fish. She was cussing like a old sailor. She was quite the MILF fisher woman when it came to fishing. She went to get us all some more drinks.

A few minutes passed. I was talking to Herb when Valerie came back with some drinks. She handed then to us as she looked up into the sun. "I need to work on my tan you two. This is the firs time in a week its been nice enough to lay out. I am going down below deck. I am going to start cooking some food. After we eat. I am going to go lay on the front of the boat. Herb come with me." Valerie said. I had a few sips then switched to a beer. I waited at the back of the boat. I reeled in the line on all the fishing poles. I was kinda over fishing for the moment. About 20 minutes later Herb came out. He handed me a plate. There was some of the salad I bought. Then a few minutes later Valerie came out.

"I eat the cow not what the cows eat gentleman." she said. She had cooked the steaks medium rear. I nice potato salad and some bread. She smiled as we all sat there eating. About 30 minutes later. Valerie got up and cleared off the plates. She handed me a bottle of beer and smiled. Herb got up to stretch. "Are you OK honey?" she said. "Yes! Just a little sleepy. I love your cooking but it makes me want to take a nap." he grumbled. Herb yawn again. "Listen I will have Buck drop the anchor. Is everything off up in the wheel house? Go down stairs and take a nap. I am going to the front of the boat to sun bath. I am sure Buck will do some more fishing." Valerie said. "OK! Thanks. Don't let me sleep to long. Later!" Herb said.

A few seconds later he headed down below. "Buck wait a second. I will show you where the anchor is." she said. Valerie went down below. A few minutes later she came up. She had a big blanket in one hand. She had some baby oil in her other hand. She had taken off her tight green top and put on a white bathing suit top. Her large firm breast sat high on her chest. She had the back tied in one small bow as I could see her tone stomach and hips. I could see no tan lines on her hot bodacious body. I gulped again when she put her hand on my shoulder. "Bring you beer. Follow me sweetie. The anchor on the front of the boat." she said. She was still wearing her wooden heels as she tried to keep her balance. The waves were very small. The water was very calm. But her small feet, amazing ass, and large breast made her unsteady. I helped her stay up as I walked her out to front of the boat.

She pointed out the anchor on the front. I through it over board. I looked back to see Valerie laying down the blanket. It was bright orange as she then got on her knees. She looked back at me and waved for me to come next to her. "Buck...Do you still want to fish? I could really use some oil on my back. You don't mind?" she said in a very sexy voice. "No! Let me help." I said. I kicked off my blue flip flops. I placed them on the front of the blanket. I then walked over and got on my knees behind her. She stood up in front of me. "I need to take off my bottoms. Hold the oil." she said. I watched as she unzipped and shimmed out of her small white shorts. She was wearing a small white t-back thong that made her ass pop out. It sat high on her hips. There was a small white square patch of fabric in the front. I could tell she was nicely trimmed and excited by her camel toe. I was about to jump over board from excitement. My cock was bursting to get out. This hot older lady on the boat was making me too excited. I was still starring as she looked over her body. "Not bad for 51...I think I am still quite the catch...what do you think Buck?" she said.

I just shook my head "Yes!!!" She smiled again showing off her white teeth and sexy smile. I was checking out her voluptuous body as she got back down on the blanket. She laid down on her front. I slowly applied the oil. I started with her ankles working up over her tones legs. Her skin was hot. Her breathing had increased. "Umm should we be doing this Valerie? I mean what about Herb." I said. "Stop being a old stick in the mud Buck. Herb and I have a understanding. He is OK to look. I am OK to look. Your just putting on some oil. Its OK! Sweetie!!" she said. I started to run my hands all over her amazing thighs. The oil was running over her long legs. I then began to rub inside her thighs just under her ass. She moaned slightly as I started on her lower back. "I need to get a tattoo back there. I hate needles though." she said

I started to rub her back. I rubbed on her shoulders. I traced me hands all over her back. I rubbed my knuckles on her back giving her a nice deep tissue massage. Something I had picked up from a night class once. I was really massaging her back as she closed her eyes. She was sighing and moaning as she moved her head on the blanket. "I don't bite. You can rub my ass some . Thanks honey." she said. I really started to fondle her ass. I felt guilty on one hand but extremely horny on the other. I am not sure what I was thinking but my hormones were taking over. I wiped my forehead. I looked down to see Valerie turn over.

She was looking up into my eyes. "That was great Buck. If you ever loose your day job. I think you have a back up plan with those hands. Thank you sweetie." she said. She bite her lower lip. "Take off your shirt. Let me put some oil on you. Here sit right in front of me." she said. I took off my shirt. I could feel Valerie eyes on my skin. I crawled passed her with my white/blue swim trunks still on. She sat behind me. She put her legs around my hips. Her heels touched the top of my knee. I could feel her large breast on my back. Her nipples were piercing my skin through the soft material of her top. My breathing increased as she rubbed oil on my back. Her small hands worked in the oil on my skin. She was really rubbing hard. She was also very good at giving a nice back massage. She let her hands fall on my hips. She squeezed my mid section to feel my hard abs. She ran her hands down my back. She pushed me forward. I then felt her long nails on my ass crack. She traced a few inches down then ran her nails back up teasing me. My cock moved in the white mesh of the bathing suit.

She let go as she got on the blanket next to me. I laid back on my elbows. She laid on her side looking at my body. She moved her hand on the front of my athletic chest. I smiled again. I turned to look around. I was hoping that Herb was no where to be seen. I was not sure what to do next. I was smiling when I felt Valerie hand move down my chest over my abs. She had stopped on the draw string to my swim suit. "Buck...Do you like older women...I mean do older women turn you on...I just love sexy young men." Valerie whispered. "Yes! Your driving me crazy Valerie. Its just that your married. I mean Herb. What about Herb??" I said. "You let me worry about Herb. I told you we have a understanding. We have what you might call an open marriage. Sometimes we look. Sometimes we find a person we like. I like you Buck!!" she said.

She then leaned into kiss me on the lips. I opened my mouth to accommodate her hot tongue. She was a great kisser. I felt her soft lips on mine. She kissed me very passionately. She then proceeded to run her hands on my chest. I put my hands on her hips. I then felt her hands on mine. She moved my hand to her ass. I squeezed her ass cheeks causing her to moan in my mouth. She put her hands on face as we kissed more. I opened my eyes to see her looking at my face. She broke our kiss to run her hands on the front of crotch. She traced my cock stopping at the tip. "Yummy! I love young hard cock. I need to see this monster. Are you hiding a big fishing pole in there Buck?" she moaned in my ear.

I stood up. She pulled on my draw strings freeing my swimming trunks. They fell around my ankles. My cock sprang out almost hitting her chin. She smiled as she ran her hand down the length of my shaft. She then licked the pre cum from the tip. "I just love you cock sweetie. Your so much bigger than my husband. (9 3/4 inches) Damn its nice. You have some big balls too. I love the way your naked skin feels. I never seen anyone shaved before. How do you know about trimming?" Valerie said. I just grabbed the back of her blonde hair. I pulled her red lips over my cock head. She started to suck the tip using her hands down the shaft. I brought my hips forward causing her to suck more of the shaft. I could feel her hot mouth as she sucked me harder. She was really yanking my cock and sucking me at the same time. I could now feel her warm breast on my calves as she sucked my cock. She put her hands on my small but muscular ass. She was really squeezing my ass cheeks.

She pulled back freeing my cock from her mouth. It was glistening from her mouth. The large vein running down the top was dark purple. She pulled down her top freeing her large breast. She picked them up to show me. I started to smack my cock on her breast. "Slap! Slap! Slap!" My cock was making her breast wet. I then put my cock in her mouth. I reached down to hold her nipples pulling them. She screamed as she sucked me cock. I was really enjoying her blow job. She was very good. I forgot about her age. I was having to much fun with the hot older lady on the boat. I could feel I was getting close to cumming. I looked down to see her eyes open looking up at me. Her red lips were at the tip. She let go with her teeth running the length of my shaft. "Cum for me. Show me a big load honey. I know these big balls and monster cock has a big load in them. That a good boy!! Yeah! Yeah! God does he ever stop....muaaaaa....she kept sucking my cock milking every last drop. I shot about 4 huge streams of cumm on her face. Then some on her breast as she cleaned me up.

Valerie took a few sips of beer to clean out her mouth. She pulled me down to the blanket. She opened her legs. I got on my stomach as she put the beer down on the boat. I started to slowly tease the inside of her thighs. I then kissed all off her body. Her thighs, her stomach. Her lips. The top of her pussy mound. I could smell she was excited as I slowly ran my tongue down to her pussy entrance. Her large cunt lips were on the out side of her pussy. I licked them and sucked on them in my mouth. I pushed her pussy open with two fingers. I ran my tongue down the length of her pussy making her moan. She moved her face forward to look down at the top of my head. I leaned back shoving my tongue deeper inside her. A few seconds later she had a big orgasm in my mouth. Her legs tighten and she rubbed the hair on my head. She was forcing my mouth on her pussy. She came two more times before she forced my mouth off her pussy. "I think I am ready for the big cock now Buck. I want you to fuck me hard big boy. Use me for pleasure." she said in a deep sexy southern accent.

My cock was hard again. I spit in my hand. I rubbed my cock making it wet. I leaned forward over her. I put my hands above her shoulders. My chest was above hers. I looked down to see me skin inches above hers. She used her small left hand to guided my hard cock into her hot pussy. She relaxed as a just the tip of my cock entered inside her. She was tight and wet. I went slowly as I began to push more inside her. She moved her lower body to let me get deeper in her. Her pussy was trying to push me out but my cock kept going forward. After a few minutes I fell on top of her. Her warm breast were on my chest. I was kissing her as more of my cock was buried in her pussy. I finally got all the way in as I pulled out the entire length. I did this for about 5 minutes as she moaned in my ear. We got a good rhythm going before I really started to hammer her pussy.

I could hear my thrust as she screamed. I was doing push ups on her body with my cock. It felt great. It had been awhile since I had even played with myself and long time since having sex. "Harder! Harder! Fuck me! Fuck me! Harder!! Fuck me harder young man. Fuck this old lady... God damn you cock feels great. Yes! Yes! Yes! God I am cumming!!!! Yes!! She was moaning and I felt her hot juices run the length of my cock. I was now making loud pussy noises as my cock fucked her pussy. She was so wet that I came out four times before I pushed back in. I was looking into her eyes. "Cum inside me. It's Ok!! I need to feel you inside me. Fuck me baby. Make me your cum slut. Yes! Yes! That it!! O' God that was great. Your still cumming honey. Fall on top of me. Her pussy was draining the last drops out of my cock as we fell into each others arms.

I could feel the sun in my eyes. I moved to my left and felt Valerie was not there. I looked around. I must have fallen asleep. My clothes were gone. I picked up the blanket to walk to the back of the boat. I came down to see Valerie. She handed be another Margarita. "Hey sleepy head. I think we took a nap. I checked on Herb. He is still sound asleep. Umm that was fun. I want some more of that cock. I think he wants me too sugar." Valerie said. I looked down to see me cock was hard and pointing at Valerie. She took my cock and put me on the white leather seat at the back of the boat. "I need to try out your big fishing pole again honey." she said. I smiled as she got on my cock. Her breast fell on my chin. She then moved so they were on my face. I grabbed her amazing ass and moved her pussy on my cock. She was really riding my cock. I was completely naked. She was completely naked. She had taken off her heels down below deck.

I felt the boat move. So did Valerie. I heard the engine. Valerie turned to look up at the wheel house. Valerie waved to her husband Herb. He had a big smile on his face. I did not hear him climb the ladder. But he started to hit some waves causing his wife to bounce on my cock. I could only smile and suck her nipples as we headed across the water.

I spent the next few days with them. I lost count how many times I fucked Valerie. They both thanked me for making the fishing trip memorable. I did take a picture of Valerie before I left. I made her put on the same outfit she had worn when we first met at the dock. She opened my eyes to having fun. There marriage opened my eyes to so some hot sex. I still thinking of them. Especially during the winter. The snow coming down. The road icy. Long commute to work. I pass some boats in the Inner Harbor of Baltimore. Today I am naked laying next to my pool. I need to put some oil on my ass. I just wish the Hot Older Lady on the Boat was here.

Thanks Valerie and Herb


Herb later told me the next day after breakfast. That he watched after he heard us on the front of the boat. He got so excited he came twice before he went to sleep. He met Valerie at a key party. She pulled out his keys and they have not been apart since.

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Welfare Lady An Adult Story

Shit! How does a white guy with a college education live in a small apartment in the projects on the 15th floor of a high rise and have nothing to show beside a small check from a insurance settlement? I will tell you assholes.It started about six months ago. I was working at a retail store that sold baby clothes and maternity clothes to first time mothers. The store was in a adjacent mall about a mile from were I lived. They had a help wanted sign on the door for awhile. They needed a stock...

2 years ago
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Lady Heathers Maid

Lady Heather's Maid. By Trish. This is the story of how I was seduced from a university course that bored me into a life of skirts and service to Heather Lane. I first heard of Heather when I was about thirteen. It was after school one evening and as usual my mum was picking me on her way home from work. I was on first glance a typical teenage boy in most respects, for instance I was not happy about being forced to sit in the back because mum was giving Edith, her best friend a...

3 years ago
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Used at the adult theater

I was at a conference out of town and decided to hit up a local adult theater. It was an adult bookstore that had 2 big rooms with a giant screen for porn and 4 rows of 6 seats in each theater. I paid my admission and went in. One theater had trans porn and the other had gay porn. There was one guy watching the trans porn stroking his cock. After a few minutes, I moved over next to him and began stroking my cock. He looked at me and smiled so I went down on him. I sucked his cock for about 2...

3 years ago
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The Boat Trip

So I woke up this morning and I walked out onto the balcony off my master bedroom. I was buck ass naked as I always am when I do this little ritual. I stretched and I looked out across the lake that was my back yard. There was not a soul in sight as always as no one could see the rear of my house with all the huge trees and hedges that I had strategically planted. After I had my morning stretch I turned to walk back in and I looked at Barbie lying in the bed still. She was not my wife not even...

1 year ago
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Strange Adult Theater FunGH102part1of1

The other was a small adult theater. I’d not been to the theater before, so I checked its times and found it was open. I’d heard that guys and couples go there to play at night. Of course it wasn't night, in fact it was midafternoon, but I decided to go there anyway. I figured that if things didn't work out I'd just head to the bookstore and find some guy to suck my cock through a glory hole. Strange Adult Theater FunPart-1-of-1 Strange Adult Theater Fun-[GH-102]-part-1-of-1 The other was a...

1 year ago
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My wife bookstores and adult theaters

My wife and I were in an open marriage from day one we met this couple that introduce my wife and I to adult theaters. I had no idea they can be so much fun I never thought my wife would cut loose in one of them. After our first visit to an adult theater it became a regular thing until they were close.It was about a week after our first visit to an adult theater that my wife woke me up one night about 12 PM one me take her in town to an adult theater I wasn't too familiar in how things worked...

3 years ago
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The Old The Bold And A Boat

Between Christmas and New Year our office closed for the holiday break.I had been invited out on a luxury yacht by a couple of guys I was friendly with. The idea was to spend a couple of days and nights on the yacht and then watch the Sydney Fireworks on the harbour. There were supposed to be four of us but Jan, the other girl had been called away as her parents' home had been threatened by the bushfires that were rampant in the country. She had gone to assist them to evacuate the home, if...

3 years ago
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Hot Wild Times in an Adult Theater

A while back my hubby and I went to an adult theater in Wichita Ks. We decided to do something a little different this time. So I put on a very short skirt that showed almost an inch of the bottom of my ass cheeks without bending over at all, (no panties of course) a very shear top that makes my nipples very visible, and 4" high heel sandals. We agreed to walk in separately making it appear I was alone. Therefore, he entered first and I waited about 10 min. or so before I strolled in. The...

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The Boat

It all started when I answered an ad for a boat for sale. I had been looking for a good boat for a few years but hadn’t really looked seriously. The ad in the paper was for a year old boat at a very low price and just the type boat I was looking for. The house where the owner of the boat lived was near the local lake. It was a modest home among some very high dollar ones. The boat was parked in the driveway and I spent a few minutes looking it over. It could have been on the showroom floor for...

1 year ago
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If I Had a BoatChapter 3

I told Leta to "Be careful who was around when she told anyone about our visitors. If it gets out, that we don't really have a treasure, we are going to lose customers, a whole lot faster than we got them. I need to talk to Bethan and Rubi. I need Rubi for a project, and I don't think Bethan is going to want to let her go. We need a couple more part time boat drivers. I don't have a lot of work going on, so do you have any idea if Jamie or Roma would work with the divers for a while, so...

3 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 46 Jonah Rocks the Boat

[I’ve got a blindfold on and I think I’m on a boat somewhere. Can you hear me?...”] “Yes Sarah! I hear you. Are you alright?” “Yes, I’m scared! What do they want with me?” “I don’t know, sweetie, Dad is on the phone with the State Police. You remember Major Gregory, right?” “Yes. Is he going to help me?” “If he can, if not, he knows who CAN help. Listen, Sarah, I’m two hours from home, but we’re headed there as fast as we can. YOU’VE gotta stay calm, okay? Try and get them to take your...

2 years ago
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Ana going again to an adult theatre

Ana going again to an adult theatre I came back home from my office really very tired that evening, finding my lovely Ana dressed in a special sexy outfit that she only used when she wanted to be fucked wildly I let out a deep breath and told her I was not really in the mood for a night fuck session. She looked disappointed with my answer and asked me if I would dare to go with her to an adult theatre, where some available man could fuck her in my place. We dressed and headed to the nearer...

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Ana going again to an adult theatre

Ana going again to an adult theatreI came back home from my office really very tired that evening, finding my lovely Ana dressed in a special sexy outfit that she only used when she wanted to be fucked wildlyI let out a deep breath and told her I was not really in the mood for a night fuck session.She looked disappointed with my answer and asked me if I would dare to go with her to an adult theatre, where some available man could fuck her in my place. We dressed and headed to the nearer adult...

4 years ago
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I had been to the adult theatre before dressed up but had got no dogging action as there were only a few people there. I decided to ty again on a Friday night. I dressed in a red white & black patterned top with a short black mini skirt, tanned pantyhose with pink panties & a red thigh garter. Arriving at the Brisbane Valley nightclub area, I changed into my pink heels before going into the adult theatre. I climbed the stairs & there were a few there...

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Lady Catherine Hines

Lady Catherine Hines sat in her chair as Miss Braxton, a woman in her 40s, brushed her long brunette hair. It extended to the small of her back. Catherine was dressed in her night gown. Miss Braxton always brushed her hair before Catherine retired to her bed. "You appear downhearted, Lady Catherine. Did you not enjoy the party? You appeared happy while socializing with your friends." "I alsways enjoy my time with my friends but do you observe how Father does not allow me to socialize with...

1 year ago
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Cynthia Visits An Adult Theater

(This story is dedicated to CH, a wonderful friend with a vivid imagination.) It has been said there is a first time for everything, and Cynthia found that out first hand. A first date, a first kiss, a first romantic escapade in the tight quarters of the back seat of a car. Thrilling firsts, but nothing like the first time Cynthia visited an adult movie theater. She probably never would have gone if it were not for a new sense of sexual desire and adventure she had been feeling for the...

4 years ago
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Adult Theater Fun in Florida

I'm not good at making up stories, and the truth is not usually as exciting as fiction, so the following true story may not be the greatest - but here we go.Several years ago I went on a business trip to Tampa, Florida. I worked as a government contractor setting up and installing computer systems and I was assigned there for two weeks. I had made several separate trips out there and racked up some frequent flyer miles which I used on this occassion for a ticket for my wife. We figured that,...

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Another Trip to Adult Theater

Once we had visited our first adult theater, my wife was hooked. If we did not go to a swingers club or if she did not find anyone she wanted to do at the club. We would stop by an adult theater. Sometimes if she was particularly horny we would skip the swingers clubs all together. We would also check out different theaters.Here is a story about one our visits to an adult theaters.Trip to the old Lido Theater when it was in east Dallas.We found the theater address in a swinger’s magazine. ...

2 years ago
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The Boat Ride

I come home on a hot, sunny, summer Thursday afternoon.  My wife is excited to see me and has some news. “Honey, I found a cute new swimsuit today and we need to take a sunset boat ride this afternoon,” she says.“I guess you are talking about a pleasure boat ride and not a fishing boat ride.”She says, “Most definitely a pleasure boat ride, and I think it will be a very pleasurable boat trip.” She smiles, wiggles her hips a little and gives me a knowing look.“I definitely think a pleasure boat...

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The Burning Boat Ch 01

The following story contains adult material. If you are offended or are less than 18 please read something else. If you are entertained by this story please vote and send me some feedback. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. John puttered around the house, slowly without any real direction. The house sat on a hill over looking the Pacific Ocean, a wide expanse of lush green irrigated grass, surrounded by the brown of the sage brush and tumble weed that...

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Adult theaters

After my wife was real comfortable going to adult theaters she asked me if I was okay with her sitting alone after we got in I said yes she was kinda happy about that situation. Adult theaters in our area would not let women in unescorted by a man there was a for that my wife would've been in several times by herself.The first time we tried this she their reach you close on with a long jacket over that was to hide what she had on until we got in the theater she we give me the jacket and parade...

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My obsession with adult movie theaters

It all started when I was a sophomore in high school and moved to Little Rock. I had been there a while when I discovered to Main Theater on Main Street in the downtown area. The sign said adults only but I soon found that they didn't check ID's so I soon gave my dollar and got my ticket. The theater was not too large but was sparsely populated with men sitting well separated. I sat and was enthralled with the movie, my first time seeing a naked adult woman, this was in the early 60's and only...

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If I Had a BoatChapter 4

I stayed up late talking to Lena, Leta, and Anita. I was surprised when Anita told us that she had saturated the 28' catamaran market to the point that they were only building 10 a month. Lena said "So build a bigger one". She had looked into several other sizes but her dealers did not want to stock any. They were willing to buy them if a customer wanted one but there was not going to be another huge run of boats from Taylor Marine. I asked about the rebuilds and repair and there was a lot...

2 years ago
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River Boat Day 06

Abbey and Sam were in slumber on the River Boat. The gentle swaying of the boat was like a rocking cradle. The night was quiet and peaceful. Abby lay warmly in Sam’s arms. The Moon’s light come through the window of the bedroom casting shadows as the boat swayed with the rivers swells. Sam opened his eyes wide in the pitch black dark. He looked at Abby whom was sound asleep. Sam rolled back over to his side, searching for a cool spot in the pillow. Then he nuzzled into sleep again. ‘Clink,’ A...

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Adult Theatre Initiation

I had never been to an adult theatre, and for some or other reason, decided that it was a block in my life with a missing tick. Down the road from a gay pub I frequented, I knew there was one of these establishments. I had always avoided it, because it was located in a rather seedy alley. One Friday night, I departed from the gay bar at around nine p.m., bored out of my mind. Passing the alley I glanced in, but then decided to walk on by. A half a block further, however, I turned, and walked...

Gay Male
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Wife and Husband on boat with Friends

My wife Mayla was from Brazil. Her parents came to Florida when she was young and that’s when we became best best friends. Her parents didn’t really like me because I was white my mother told me when I was older. I think they saw us together playing all the time and eventually got over it. I was 5 and she was 4 . We lived on the same street. I asked her to play which she said yes but she was naturally just a shy person. She was always laughing at me though . I loved her with all my heart. All...

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The boat

I am self employed and can arrange a lengthy vacation anytime I wish. I leave things to my office manager. She is very capable of running things as well as I can. I told my office manager I would be in very late or maybe not at all this day. I have a few extra $$$$ in my pocket and decided to go to the casino boats on the Ohio river in Indiana. I like to go as often as my $$$$ allowes me. On my way I pass a nice big marina. I can see beautiful boats from the highway as I drive by. I get to the...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 7 Four in a Boat

The next day, Sunday, I spent time playing the piano and swimming in the pool. After dinner, I walked down to church; hoping Cathy would be there. I wasn’t disappointed; both she and David were there; David, of course, sitting with Gina. “How was your lunch?” I asked. “Not too bad,” Cathy replied. “But I kept thinking about what we may do tomorrow. Are you sure you are comfortable with being with the other two as well?” “Yes, but can we talk about it afterwards?” I said. “You don’t have to...

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Aluminum Boat

I was in a hurry as I made the turn down to the launch ramp. Sitting in traffic while the last city I went through had people out blocking off streets for their annual Summer celebration made me late. Finally a cop pointed the way to the detour and we got moving again. My plans to be out on the lake by 7 in the morning became nearly 9. The little 14 foot Aluminum boat was loaded though, all I had to do was back her down the ramp and drop the tie downs. It was so light I could easily shove it...

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The boat ride

My toyfriend Teasyme and I have had many exciting sexual experiences while staying at our cabin in woods, and last summer we had a fantastic encounter one afternoon on our boat, in our cabin at the beach. During a visit to our cabin about a year ago, we awoke to an absolutely fantastic July morning. The sky was bright blue and cloudless, the temperature was in the mid 80's and there was no wind at all, not even a hint of breeze. As a result, the sea was like glass, or more accurately, like a...

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Forced to strip at the Adult Theater

I have dressed to some extent ever since I was around 11 and tried on a pair of my sister's panties. It was just lingerie for many years and my greatest fear was that I would slip up and someone would see me. This began to change around age 45 as I begun to want to dress fully female and even allow myself to be seen by others. By the time I reached 50 I had made my debut in an adult theater as Jennifer. This happened several years ago, maybe 6 months or so after I went to the theater the first...

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An Afternoon on a Boat Justin and Blair part 2

The envy of the whole school. Blair and Justin felt it prominently just a few days after returning from the leadership conference weekend in Atlanta, hand in hand, their new relationship on full display for everyone. Although all of Blair's female friends saw it coming a mile away, many of them were jealous that she got to date who they considered to be the hottest guy in the school. And Justin's teammates never ceased to high-five him, wishing they could have Blair for themselves. Any guy who...

2 years ago
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The action in the adult theater was not only on the screen

In the 70s, before video players, if you wanted to see hard core, the adult theater was the place to go. I have watched those grainy, black and white stag films before but never an adult film in color. One night I decided to get up enough nerve to drive to the nearest adult theater. I parked some distance away and quickly walked to the theater. Upon entering the theater, I stood in the aisle waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. In front of me, on the screen, was a big stud...

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The Love Boat

Even as I pulled into the long term parking structure near the dock, my mind wandered. Why the fuck was I going on a God damned cruise? I hated boats. Well it wasn't actually hate it was more a healthy dislike. Okay, we're friends of a sort. I mean I'm telling you my story and you're listening to it, so I can be honest. I'm fucking scared of being out in the ocean. No matter how big the boat is, I'm afraid. In fact if I had to be out in the ocean, I'd rather be in a small boat. There's...

1 year ago
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Charter Boat Nympho Impregnated by Husbands Bosses

Working for a large company can be a grind sometimes, but the rewards help make up for it. I went to work for a large sporting goods distributor right out of college. Only six years later, at the age of twenty-eight, I was a senior product manager and was being considered for a director’s position. I’m an avid golfer, and always felt that socializing with my superiors on the golf course helped me get ahead.My name is Ed, and my wife, Kate, who was also twenty-eight at the time, and I seemed to...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 8 Three in a Boat

The next day, Garry and I were going into town; we both had some final Christmas shopping to do, and he wanted to look through Palings, the large music store with me. He arrived at my place on his bike just after breakfast, and together we walked down to the main bus stop. We had waited till the morning peak hour had passed, that way we would get a seat all the way into town. Standing all the way on a one hour bus trip isn’t much fun! Our bus was a double-decker, and we made our way...

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Ninas Day on the Boat

I was looking through pictures of our cat. (he had just turned one. I was looking for some good ones that would show how big he’s gotten since we found him when he was about 4 weeks old. We have pix of him on cameras and on our cell phones. I asked Nina if I could look through the ones on her phone and she said ok. I’m telling you this so you won’t think I was snooping through her phone. Scrolling through all of the pictures, I came across one I had never seen. It was my wife Nina, naked,...

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The Bare Boat Charter

"What do you mean by 'bare boat'?" asked Marsha. "Do you mean we don't wear any clothes?" "No silly," replied Cindy. "It just means we hire the boat without a crew and sail it ourselves." "Well, you can't blame me for thinking that, given the way you usually behave at the beach," Marsha told her. "Well, I won't rule out the possibility of a bit of skinny-dipping on my part," Cindy smiled cheekily. "I love the feeling of the warm sun on my bare butt." "So what do you think, David?" Marsha asked...

4 years ago
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A trip to the Adult Theater Goes Wrong

I Have dressed in some form ever since I tried on a pair of my sister's panties early in life. It was just lingerie for many years and my greatest fear was that I would slip up and someone would see me. This began to change around age 45 as I began wanting to dress fully female and even allow myself to be seen by others. By the time I reached 50, I had made my debut in an adult theater as Jennifer. This happened several years ago, I'm thinking it was the summer of 2006, maybe 5 or 6 months...

2 years ago
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River Boat Day 01

(Preface: The River Boat was created between Annora and My Erotic Tail. This tale of Abby and Sam on a house boat on the river grew from a small idea (SRP) into a wonderful tale. Thanks for the wonderful co-write Annora. I hope everyone enjoys the read as much as I enjoyed the write. A special Thank you to LadyShianne for editing.) (Chapter One) The Cherry The ride from the airport was long and quiet. They exchanged views of their expectations of this vacation get away. But the travel had...

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Wifes first MFM turns to 4some on the boat

Carol and I had finished putting new exhaust gaskets on the boat so we decided to take it out for a test, she put on her skimpy two piece that just barely covered her large nipples and showed off her beautiful 36DD tits, then she put on her beach coverup that is a white mesh fabric that you could see what she had on underneath, her shoulder length blonde hair needed no care for a day on the boat, at 5'10" she is a good waterskier and has the legs to show she has experience at it. As we were...

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The First Time at an Adult Theater

When we started communicating again after years of not talking it didn't take long for sex to be the topic of most of our conversations. He had lived a rock star life and had done more, sexually and otherwise, by the time he was twenty than most do in a lifetime. Places life took him and people he knew allowed him sexual experiences beyond the norm. I was terrified and felt way too inexperienced to play with him but I had dreamed of it, literally, for so long nothing was gonna stop me. ...

1 year ago
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Boat Banging Babes

As she passed through the last few minutes of her twentieth birthday, lying next to Tony on his sailboat, Cori reminisced. He’d been last on her schedule that day because he would “make love” to her as a finale, a great topping for the three earlier fucks she’d enjoyed with other lovers. Her body was still tingling from his skill which is why he got the invitation he did. She loved boats and she loved fucking, so his nice boat and nice cock made him a favorite. She’d found out about both...

2 years ago
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A Weekend On The Boat

Rhett and I started a new routine. One night we spent the night at my place, and the other at his. We woke up before dawn for a nice session of steamy sex, then we went for our walk on the beach, then went back to have breakfast on the porch. We usually spent the morning on the beach until about eleven, chatting, swimming, reading, napping. Then we went back to my place for lunch. After lunch we liked to take a nap accompanied with some good sex; not always though.In the afternoon we usually...

3 years ago
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Blind DateChapter 2 A boat trip

For the next two weeks I only glimpsed Jerry as he passed on his way to service the computers in other departments, but at night I lay in bed and wondered what it would be like to have him as my boyfriend. "What if we'd met in a situation where we had to be together without all the racket going on? Without others around? What if we were forced to live together? Would we actually get to know each other, or would we still be too reserved to talk? We conversed when I had to explain the...

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