If I Had A BoatChapter 3 free porn video

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I told Leta to "Be careful who was around when she told anyone about our visitors. If it gets out, that

we don't really have a treasure, we are going to lose customers, a whole lot faster than we got them. I need to talk to Bethan and Rubi. I need Rubi for a project, and I don't think Bethan is going to want to let her go. We need a couple more part time boat drivers. I don't have a lot of work going on, so do you have any idea if Jamie or Roma would work with the divers for a while, so maybe I could get Rubi?" "I don't know, I'll go talk to them, Roma might be afraid to, but I don't think anyone is going to find her here, I'll be back in a few minutes." It turned out that they thought it was a wonderful idea. So at dinner I told Dan to "Get them certified as divers, and they would help with the boats." He said "Look Levy, I'm making more money than I ever have, and I love this, but you are going to have to find another instructor. We need a day off." "What for, I haven't had a day off since I was 12 years old." "Look Levy, no games, get us some help or you're going to start losing people, we can't do this forever." Christi said, "I know a good diver, with the ratings, but she's working out of some port in Maluku." "Where in the hell is Maluku?" "It's part of Indonesia. I'm in e-mail contact with her, do you want me to ask?" "Can she speak English?" "Better than you can cowboy." "OK, OK, ask her. If she doesn't want to come, we're going to have to steal some divers from the other companies and that's going to start a war that I want no part of. Now Dan, I'm trying so hang in there." "Shit Levy you're too easy, I need to go talk to my new boat girls, you know just to let them know what the dress code is." "If you piss one of them off, she's going to be on your boat." Christi said "I hope Palila comes." "What's her name?" "It's Pay-li-la, she goes by Lila. She is Polynesian, pretty as a picture and as deadly as a Cobra. She is fun and good at what she does. The customers will all want to be on her boat, you can count on that. She has more jokes and stories than you have ever heard." The next morning Christi told me she had talked to Lila and she would come but I would have to send her the money. "None of them had been paid because the contractor had taken off with the money, and left them stranded. The company that the work was done for told them, he had paid the contractor, and that was all he was going to do." She handed me her name and a bank account number. I asked her if she thought it was on the level. She said "If you don't send it to her, I'm taking off work and sending it myself." "OK, Leta will get it sent just as soon as the bank opens." "Thank you Levy, she won't let you down, and I won't either." I caught Roma and Jamie and told them that "When they finished eating, to go tell Ireni to get them fitted, so they would be ready when the new class got here, from the taxi." "Oh, nice looking bikini's, Thank you Levy."

Roma and Jamie got their certificates, and were working with a different team each day. It was already decided that Roma would work with Lila, and Jamie would work with Bethan. Rubi would be the treasure boat driver. Christi has Lena working with her. The girls are going to handle the new divers and Dan and Coop will take those with certificates. They took the experienced divers to the reef, about a mile off the east coast, almost every day. The students spent all but the last day, on the west side in less water while they learned. They all agreed that the new students do more for a girl, so they got the helpers, and the guys could drive their own boat. "Fine with me, I got Rubi and a girl named Dani. Both have their dive certificates." I went over the map with them, and Rubi marked where there were some sunken boats. I told them that "Each day they were to go by one of the dive boats, while in search mode. Go slow, turn around and move over about 40 yards and go back the other way. Never go faster than you could walk while they are watching. Wave to them and say 'hello' or whatever. The idea is to be seen and have them ask questions about you. Now, after you have done that, start searching for real. Select an area and move in straight lines scoot over and do it again. Go over all the boats that you know of, and watch the screen, to see what it does. It should detect the metal. Do that until you know exactly what metal looks like on the screen. Know the difference between large and small objects. Then when you do find something in one of your search areas you will know what the screen is telling you. Use this notebook, and write down the GPS coordinates and what you think it is. Do not dive to find out. Don't let the book out of you sight and don't let anyone look at it. Get you a lunchbox from Mercedes, and some drinks, go out and find us lots of treasure. Remember put on a good show anytime the divers are watching you. This will bring people to the island and the people will bring money, and that is the real treasure."

Lila was everything Christi had told us she was. She is a very pretty girl, and all the girls were envious of her hair, which was jet black and wavy and reached her waist. She was a noisy person, wherever she was she was talking and laughing and it was contagious. The dive student's thought she had invented diving and whatever she said was law, and woe be to any fool who tried to change it. Dan and Coop admitted that she had a lot wider knowledge than they did. Neither of them had a rating for 'Deep Water suit' and helmet diving. She was a fast swimmer, but she lost to Rubi, and decided that Rubi was now 'Mistress Rubi, Queen of the Deep'.

. You couldn't hear yourself think at dinner. You would have thought that the divers had witnessed the Olympic Gold Medal swim meet.

"Levy." "Yes Leta what is it?" "I need two more rental dive boats right now."

Well, can't you get Russ and Buddy to pull the pins on the front seats of the taxis, and set them in the shop?" "That will work for now, but I need them permanently." "Really?" "Yes, really and would you want to lease the treasure boat and crew to some people up the coast at Chetumal Mexico?""Ain't no way I'm letting those girls work for anybody, but us! Tell them I can have them a boat ready in 3 weeks, and will lease it with the equipment for $1,500 per day, or I will sell it to them for $65K with equipment. I will let the girls instruct their people, here, for two days, if they buy the boat. And, if they try to hire either one of the girls, they get no boat, and might get a bit wet before they get out of here. Call Lupito, and have him build the boom and pedestal for a treasure boat. If they don't buy it, I'll split Rubi and Dani and run two boats." "We'll need another fish." "I'll get a crew putting your boats together for you."

We did not have the room to store assembled boats, so we kept the hulls stored on the patio, and the deck panels stacked inside. It was just a matter of putting them together and setting them in the water.

I had thought that the boat shop would have to keep the dive shop going, but it had turned out just the opposite. Andy had most of the help working with him doing repairs for anyone needing it. They had added a raised hardtop to Dan's old boat, it was being sold to a company that made a run from Belize City to Chetumal, Mexico once a day. The guy said "They were always running at the maximum weight and the round trip was about 150 miles, so the big diesel would be just right for what they were doing." "I'm going to have to go to the city, and see if I can find anything worth rebuilding, to keep the guys busy. I probably will catch hell from the salvage crew for not letting them drag in another mud ball. I really need to find a few boats that I can hang the motors from the taxi company on. Andy and the crew had them rebuilt and they were just hanging there doing nothing. I guess I'll take the big boat to the city and see what I can find."

The next morning at breakfast, I told everyone I was going to find some small boats to hang our motors on. This was the first day of a diver cycle, so everyone was setting around waiting to go pick up the new divers, when the taxi came in. Lila wanted some tape to hang a sign on the wall. "What sign?" She went over to her table and held up a sign that said, "If you drink more than 2 beers tonight, you are not diving tomorrow" and was signed "Lila" I asked, "Did you have a problem?" "Yes, but I think he understands now. I don't mind taking the time to explain things to someone who just didn't catch on the first time, but I'm not wasting my time on somebody that is hung over, so bad, they can't listen." Roma said, "She told him if she had to tell him again, she was going to throw his ass off the boat." He asked "Who was going to help her?", and his ass went flying, but I did notice that everyone else paid very close attention.

"Well, I would say that it is a very good rule, Hey Coop, did you see this sign?" Then Lila said, "I'm not letting either one of those two on my boat, so I wont have to throw them off."

A girl from the high school came in and talked to Leta. She needed to take a bunch of pictures of the crews for the website. So, everybody outside by the boats. Group picture, crew picture, single picture, Treasure crew, cook and staff picture. You name it, she got it. "I thought we already had a website?" "We do, dumb ass, they put new pictures on it all the time." "Oh, OK, well 'dumb ass' is headed out to get some boats. Anything I can bring you ladies?" I shouldn't have asked.

"Hey Levy, where are the girls?" "I left them at home, so they can work. If they don't work, I won't have any money for you to take from me." "Levy, Levy, what I do with you huh? What you need today." "I need 5 or 6 small boats, 20 to 28' long. Old, needing repair, and cheap." "Let me make a call." "OK, head up the river about half a mile on the right." When we got to the boatyard, there was a catamaran power boat that looked like a bomb went off in it. Lupito was walking up to the man and said "Holy shit, what happened to that boat?" "The owners' wife got pissed off, and took a chainsaw to it." "Boy, she did a job on it." "Yeah, he had it pulled down here, and asked me what it would cost to fix it, and I told him about 3 times what a new one will cost." "What's he going to do with it?"

"Hell, there ain't nothing he can do with it. Maybe sell the engines." "Call him, and tell him that you have an idiot here, asking what he will take for it?" "OK, but I hope you know what you are doing." In a minute I heard, "Hey, come and talk to this guy." An hour later I had the title to a 48' cat, and he had $25K in cash. I was able to load 3 boats on the Isabel and tow the cut-up-cat. I stopped at Lupitos', to drop him off, and get the boom and pedestal for the treasure hunter. I pulled up to our dock. and everyone came out. I threw them the lines and jumped onto the dock. The were all looking at the "Cut Up Cat" and saying things like 'damn, wow', and stuff like that. "What are you going to do with it Levy?" "Ya'll put it back together for me, while I go eat."

"Yeah right." Andy came and set with us, after dinner, and asked "What I had in mind for the cat?"

"I don't really know, but I only paid $25K for it, and it has two Cummins 550 horse turbocharged diesels in it. I guess we'll just tarp it down and think about it for a while. Those 3 boats need various amounts of work, nothing real big. Power washed, patched and painted. Hook up one of those rebuilt motors on them and get whatever we can. He has four more that I'm going back to get. Do you know anyone in the city that would sell them, for us?" "Oh yeah, I know several, but only one I would trust, without having their money in my hand." "You know he might be a good source for boats. I'll go with you and we can look around and talk to a few people about what they have. Might be something out there we can make money on, and you need to meet them anyway."

We went and loaded up two more at the place I got the Cat. We just couldn't get together on a price for the other two. We went farther up the river than I had been before, and I loaded up another one, and we bought a nice 36' cabin cruiser with a bad motor, for almost junk price, and hooked it up to the towline. Andy seemed to think it would be a fast turn around. "I asked why they didn't get it fixed?", and he said "That there were really only two places to have it done. One was the place where he had worked, and the other was really high on their engine work." The Cruiser had a white bottom and a blue top. The blue was faded. It might buff out, but paint is not that high and we have the people and equipment. The curtains would have to be replaced and a lot of steel wool and oil on the wood interior. I think they have enough to stay busy in the shop.

Rubi wants a piece of pipe to poke at something and we came up with a 20' section of conduit, about an inch in diameter. I told her again, "Don't dive on whatever it is." "OK Levy, but I think it's a pirate treasure." "Rubi you need to quit watching those late night movies. The only pirates here are us, and we're doing it honestly." "Levy, I'm serious. I found something, and there were pirates here, because we were taught about them in school. It has a good signal and, I can see part of it. I want to poke it with the pipe, and see if I can get enough mud off of it to see what it is." They were back, an hour and a half later, just hopping up and down. "It's wood Levy, it's wood. Come on and look." So we went to see it. It's in about 15' of water and from what I can see it looks like wood planks. Both of the girls wanted to dive but I told them "If it is a historical wreck, they will have our asses, if we go pulling it apart. We need one of those vacuum things, like on the treasure shows. Maybe we can hook up one of the water pumps to this pipe, and blow the mud off of it. I don't want you down there trying to blow the mud off. You wouldn't be able to see a thing, and you might just be so blind, that you are blowing mud from everywhere. Let's think about it, and do it right. If it's just an old wreck, we can clean it off and then let the students dive on it, as part of their class. Let's go get the pump." "OK let's go."

We got a pump off the big boat, and set it down on the dock. I got Andy, and told him,

"We needed to hook the pipe, to the outlet on the pump, so we can blow away some mud." It looked like a plumbers' nightmare, when we got it together, but it would work. "We will have to be careful, and open this valve very slowly, or it might blow everything away. It's quitting time. Let's go to the dive shop." "Is it OK to tell them we found an old wood boat?" "Yeah we can tell them we're going to try to blow the mud away, so they can use it for classes." They were pretty excited and telling everyone that would listen. I told everybody that "It looked like wood planks, where I could see it, but I had no idea if it was four years or four hundred years old. We would just wash it off and then try to decide what they had."

The pump pipe turned out to be a backbreaking job to hold it on target. Just a little pressure was all you could handle. We tried getting in close, and turning down the pressure, but it churned up so much mud you couldn't see anything. Then we held it about 5' off the bottom, and turned it up. It looked like a volcano blew up. We ran it for a few minutes, then shut down, to let the water clear. This will do it but it's going to be work. By lunch we had it swept off. We decided to eat and let the dirt settle. I let Rubi dive but told her to just look and not to touch it. She came up and told us "It was a chain with a weight on it." "How long is the chain?" "About 3 or 4'." "OK, come on up. Let's head in, we'll bring the metal detector tomorrow, and see if the ball and chain is all there is." "Is it important Levy?" "I don't know, but people haven't used ball and chains, on their prisoners, in at least a hundred and fifty years." Dani said "Yeah, and the only reason a person would have a ball and chain, in a rowboat, is because they were going to throw him in." Then she said, "If it was me, I would have thrown the ball through the bottom of the boat and took the bastards with me." They thought that was funny, I thought it might be true.

The metal detector did not find anything else in or around the boat, so I thought we better call the guys at government house, and give them the GPS coordinates. We need to look into one of those vacuum things that the gold hunter people use. Lila told us that "What we needed, was about a 10hp gold dredge." She says that a "10 hp. 5 inch inlet, would be good for about 30' deep." She said she had "Spent weeks on the business end of one, and it would wear you out." I told her "We just wanted to uncover things like the wood boat." She said "I could probably order it, without the sluice box, and just blow the water back into the sea or through a screen bottomed box. Then she drew us a picture of how to set it up." She said "If what you are hunting is coins or relics of that size and up, just direct the flow into the box with 1/8" mesh screen. The box sets on a stand, and has a sloped chute on the bottom, to direct the water back into the sea." "Yep, we gonna get one. I'll mount it on the treasure boat, with the chute going over the side. Where is Leta? We need to get this ordered."

We got it working. Lupito built a nice stand for it. The discharge hose is clamped to the stand, pointed into the screen. We found out the hard way that it needed to be clamped. We had to build a splash shield to keep all the water going out the chute instead of all over the boat. Man that thing will move some dirt. We had two visitors, from Government House come for a visit. It seems that they don't have a boat, or a diver, but they sure would like to see the wood boat, and the square rock. "Do either of you dive?" "No, but I do snorkel." "OK, we can take you out. Did you bring your camera?" "Ahh, No, we don't have a camera." "We can go by where Bethan is, and borrow hers." We did get them some pictures of the boat and, the rock, and Bethan e-mailed them to Government House. They had no funds to do anything with either site. We did get permission to dive on both sites as long as they were not touched. They were quite impressed with our boat and the knowledge that the girls had of the area. They traded pirate stories for a few minutes, and we told them if we stumbled across anything else we would give them a call. "Hey girls, let's get another piece of that conduit, and wire the sucker to it. That way we can clean around the square rock, and find out what it is, without being afraid it will fall on us. If we move too much mud on one side, there is a good chance it could come down in a hurry." We went and got the conduit, a roll of wire, and a pair of pliers. It was too late today, but we decided to make sure the wire would hold the sucker to the conduit. The dive boats were coming in, so we waited to help them gas up. Roma was driving Lila's boat, and she turned it around, and let it float up to the dock. Lila was throwing me a line, when a guy came down the dock and reached over and grabbed Roma, and he was yelling about "I got you now bitch", when Lila went flying past me and, ' whap, whap, whap, ' and the guy was laying there bleeding, with his arm at a weird angle, and broken for sure. Lila had him by the throat and had her fingers spread and about an inch from his eyes. She said Roma "Who is this Son of a Bitch?" "It's Rubio, the man I've been hiding from." "Well, Well, Mister Rubio, the man who likes to beat up little girls. You made some mistakes today, Rubio. You came here, you touched one of my crew, and you pissed me off. I'm going to let you up, Rubio, and if you're still on this island after the next taxi leaves, I'm going to break both your legs off and shove them up your ass. If you come back here for any reason, I will kill you. There are too many witnesses today. If you ever get to feeling lucky, you bring some help and come on back. Bring body bags." None of the divers had moved or even blinked. Lila stood him up and pointed toward the taxis. He took off at a fast walk. "Are you OK Roma?" "Yes." "Good. Let's eat, Levy's buying." Lila had her arm around Roma and asked, "Did I ever tell you about the nun, that went into a bar?" ... And off they went, laughing. Rubi wiped her hands against each other, put her hands on her hips and said, "Any questions?" "Nope, I think I'll gas up her boat for her, I wonder if she wants it waxed?" The divers laughed and grabbed their gear headed to the dive building.

During dinner,, the girl from the high school came in and asked the divers if they wanted a group picture? She would e-mail it to them for only $5. "Put your name and e-mail address here, make sure I can read it, and put the money in my hand." Lena said, "Right there is how he found Roma. The website, I'll bet he or someone he knows saw her on the website." Then she added, "That's a good thing, because she didn't get hurt, and now she can send for a copy of her birth certificate, and get a passport, and not have to worry about him finding her."

I got the divers in the office and asked what they thought about the idea of using the conduit pipe to control the suction nozzle? "We want to clean the dirt away from the square rock, to find out what it is, and I am afraid it might fall over on one of us, if we start moving too much material." "Why do you need to know what it is?" "The government man was talking to us about the pirates in this area, and how they would lure Spanish ships into the shallow water, and how they hid out among the islands. The Spaniards couldn't chase them, because their boats set too deep in the water. He said that the pirate, Henry Morgan, was suppose to have hid out here, and he led a raid on Panama, and stole 400,000 silver coins. It was interesting and I would like to put all the information that I can find on our website. I want to attract treasure divers and pirate a bit of their money. So we may have to make up a small story, here and there, to make what is written in history books match what we find. We are going back to the wood boat and vacuum it good so the treasure divers can see it. If you find any relics or anything like that, get a GPS reading, and we'll go sweep it with the metal detector before we let government house know about it. If there are any coins or gold, I want to count it and tell them the total, when they take it, because I'm not letting them cheat us. If we're doing the work, we deserve the 60%. Our share will be brought right here, appraised and sold with the shares divided among all the employees of our little boat and dive business. If they don't like that arrangement, we will put both shares back in the ocean, where we found it, right after we send them a picture of what they missed out on. Our 2nd treasure boat is ready and we will offer it for lease or sale. But I'm not going to rent it to anyone coming here to hunt until, I'm sure ole Henry took his silver with him when he left.

Now, about that guy who fell down and hurt himself on our dock." Lila said, "I don't want to hear about it."

We had to drill some holes in the conduit to keep the wire from sliding up, but we were able to get it mounted to the vacuum nozzle tight. We got to the rock and got everything hooked up and I asked the girls, if we had overlooked anything? None of us could think of anything, so we fired up the pump turned the valve wide open and pushed it down to the base of the rock. We were moving a lot of material, and had another 6 feet sticking out. The end that was the highest started shifting downward. Then it just lay flat on the seabed. Dani said, "Well hell, I was expecting something more than that! No splash, no nothing." "Yeah, what is it?" "I think they are called "Stele", the Mayans left them standing all over the place. We saw some on a school trip." "How in the hell did it get out here?" "I don't know Levy, I guess they were taking it somewhere, and it got away from them. The big bastard could have broke their boat or raft or fell off whatever they had it setting on." Rubi walked over to shut the pump down and screamed, "Look", and she was pointing into the screen. Well we had our first gold. There were quite a few rocks and some other debris, but there was a gold something. I had no idea what it was. It had designs made into it and was just larger than a quarter. Dani said "It looks like one of those things you see in the ear lobe of those strange Mayan carvings. Which means that he either lost it, when the rock fell or, he went with it." "Or, he was responsible for the rock and lost it, and made the big chief mad, and he threw him in. Did those guys wear two of them?" "If he did, it's still there. Pull that thing up and get the wire off and I'll go down and run it." "Dani you relieve me in 30 minutes." We spent a couple of hours, but we found enough to convince us that they had all gone down with it. You had to look at every rock before you threw it away because some of them had holes through them. When we quit, we had a double handful of stone beads, and 11 gold and silver pieces, with the largest being a bird shape, with holes through its wings, so it would make a necklace. It was about the size of the palm of your hand. Just holding a piece of it made you want to jump in and start looking. We had to decide if we should let everyone see it or should we hide it? I still didn't have anything signed by the government. Let's take it to the Boat office, and then after dinner we will get all our dive people and decide what to do. We wound up with an almost even split, some wanted to just keep it and sell it because they didn't trust the government. The others wanted to get the government involved but only after they signed the 60/40 agreement. I told them that, "Leta, Rubi, Dani, and I would go to the Government House, and take them the beads and carved stone items, as we had told them we were only interested in gold, silver, or coins and wanted 60%. We would stick to that." Everybody wanted to be on the treasure team. Leta told them "They could do that, right after we handled all the divers that we had contracts with. Also, you will need to figure out how you're going to pay for the dive building, 6 dive boats, 2 treasure boats, and pay the wages of those doing the support work, not to mention all the food and fuel. When you figure out how to do it without an income, then you can run the company, and I'll go work on the treasure boat. Each of you are being paid to teach, or help teach diving. You receive that money each week. You are being "Given" an equal split of the treasure with all employees. Ireni, or you, or any of you, will get the same amount as Levy, Lena, or me. That's the only way it can be. If you have a better idea, put it in writing, sign your name to it and post in on the board in the dining room. I'll check there first thing in the morning."

We left right after we ate. Rubi told us it was "The first time she had worn clothes since she left high school." Dani said "It had been almost that long for her." We left the boat with Lupito and caught a 4 wheel taxi to the government house. It took a bit, but we found our Antiquities man. If his office had been any smaller, it would have had brooms hanging in it. I handed him the beads and carved stones and told him we had "Found them next to the square rock and that it turned out to be a Stele." He asked, and we told him, how we vacuumed the dirt away, until it just laid down. It was a boating hazard as it was, and had sunk the boat it was on and one more that we knew of, for sure. He agreed that it was. I asked him about the signed agreement of the 60/40 split for gold, silver, and coins. He said he "Didn't know if he could get one." I told him "Fine, we will leave it where we found it." "What did you find?" "Where is our agreement?" He went to get his boss. He came back and asked us to follow him as his boss had a larger office. His boss was looking at the beads and we had to repeat the whole story. He said tell me about this agreement that you want. I told him about "The Minister of Education, and the Tourism Minister, visiting us, and they were the ones who sent him." So he told "Him" to go get "Them." Now this office is getting to small. They asked me again what I had found and I told them again that I didn't know what it was and it was still laying right where I last saw it. "Where is that?" "I told you, do we have an agreement or not?" "Gentlemen, while you're all here, I would like to ask you, is 40% of something, better than all of nothing? In Florida the state only gets 20%." He asked us to step out in the hall for a moment. Rubi said, "Do you think they will give it to us?" Leta said, "Wouldn't you?" When we went back in, he said "He would have the papers in a moment but, he wanted a representative with us, when we searched." "I said, send two, we have two treasure hunting boats." He said, "Look, this is going to cost us a lot of money, do you think you have something of value?" "If I were you, I would send them," and I pointed to his man and said "This guy can snorkel. It would be better if he could dive. We are going to teach him and get his certification. A new class starts Thursday morning. He will be furnished with room and meals. If you find someone else that has the same interest in Pirates, Mayans, and artifacts, send him or her with him." I got my copy of the agreement, made sure we were getting 60% of the value by an appraiser selected by both parties, and to be paid by both parties.

Same as If I Had a Boat
Chapter 3 Videos

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copyright 2012 by Madengineer3 ‘Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad’ (Latin: Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius) ‘Mills of the Gods, Grind exceedingly slow, But grind exceedingly fine.’, attributed to Euripides * Chad was sort of a useless human being. Unfortunately not only was he a miserable person but he had wealth and position that insulated him even from the law. Chad’s main source of income was drugs. Oh no, not what you’re thinking, these drugs were worse than those...

4 years ago
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Chad Fontenot

*Author’s Note: Any and all persons engaging in sex are at least eighteen years of age in the following story. The black cat lay on the windowsill and soaked up the warmth of the sun. It ignored the boy and girl that lay on the bed underneath the window. The boy grunted and the girl giggled. With a grimace, the boy rasped the base of his cock and pulled out of her wet pussy. He waddled upward on his knees, his cock spurting his juice along her belly, then between her breasts and finally to...

3 years ago
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Chad and Flint

"Do you know the way to Bell Street?" The man asked. "If you go back the way you came, and turn left at th- " The young man clamped a rag over Chad's mouth, his eyes flickering before his body goes limp, falling to the ground, Flint barking.   When Chad opens his eyes, he's naked and strapped to a hard wooden table in a dark room. He looks around, past his spread legs. Flint sits in the corner, waiting patiently. "Flint...here boy!" He whispers loudly. Flint growls and falls...

4 years ago
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Chad and Michelle

Chad and Michelle were two friends. They had been talking on the Internet through an online dating site for a year and a half and discovered they had a lot in common. Chad is 25 and has blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses, is 5'9", an average body type, and a Very BIG, THICK cock. Michelle on the other hand is 23 with a slim body type, brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'4", with small perky tits and a very firm ass to die for. Despite having so much in common, Chad and Michelle had yet to meet. Chad was...

1 year ago
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Chad and myself

Chad and myself had been having a great relationship since he came to live with me. (Remember Chad use to be my pool boy) Anyway one day after working in Darien, Georgia, my work crew, Chad and myself, decided to go to Savannah to Outback Steakhouse. All the guys got plastered. Gary, another young guy who works with us wanted to know if he could ride back with us to the hotel. I told him that he could, but that Chad and myself were going to the beach first. He stated that would be fine with...

2 years ago
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Shadi Mai Aai Aunty Parking Mai Chudi

Hi friends, how are you, I am karan rajput from delhi. Aapne meri purani desi hot sex stories ko bahut pyaar diya uske liye thankyou so much friends. Meri age 26 yrs hai abhi. Lund size 8″3 hai. Or mera email id hai kisi bhi 18-50 age ki aunty ko mujhse chudna ho yaa mujhse dosti karni ho yaa mujhse sex chat karni ho toh plzz email bhejiye mujhe. Aapki privacy meri privacy hai or mar jaunga but privacy kisi ki bhi nhi todunga ye ek rajput ka promise hai. So aaiye friends story start karte hai....

3 years ago
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Shadi Ki Ek Rat Pehle Dulhan Ki Aag

Hi friends meri pehli story ki voting or rating k liye thnks…Ye meri doosri story h hope tumhe pasnd aayegi.. M pune aake sahi se settle ho gaya tha abhi meri age 24 h ye bat pichle sal ki h m apne project m pune m akela ladka hu jo nainital se hu means pahaad se hu baki sab marathi ya mp k h to sbse gora or alag dikhne wala ladka hu mere project m ek ladki thi jo mujse 4 sal badi yani 27 sal ki thi vo ladki jammu ki thi isliye sabse gori or mast thi..Mere project k sare ladke uske peeche pade...

2 years ago
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Chad and his brothers

It was Friday night, and Chad had nothing to do at the moment in the huge mansion he lived in. The house was worth $954,500, 6 bedrooms, 7.5 bathrooms, and many other rooms too. A backyard tennis court, a pool, and yards upon yards of land around. He shares a room with his brother Ashtin who was still in the shower. It was about 10:45 p.m. and all Chad kept thinking about was "what is it like to fuck a guy?" He thought, "Since Ashtin is in the shower, he's naked, and when he comes out, I...

2 years ago
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Shadi Mai Chut Maari By Chance

Hi friends this is sexy boy again…. And i m back with a new story of your choice……. Aapne meri pichli story ko bahut like kiya aur mujhe mails bheje….Bahut saari ladkiyo ne to mujhse chudne ki bhi iccha jahir ki aur maine bhi puri ki.. Meri mail id Aap mujhe yahoo messanger par bhi add kar sakte hai aur facebook par bhi. Meri facebook id hai Jo log mujhe nahi jante unke liye bata doo ki mera naam hai sameer sharma, age 24 years, height 5 ft. 8 inches and 7″ long and thick dick…..To ab story...

2 years ago
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Shadi Ke Baad Blackmailing 8211 Part II

Hi, mera naam varsha[change name] hain.main mumbai me rehati hu , mere age 30 hain,married hu aur 5 saal ka ladka hain muje.husband ek co me job karte hain .hamare arrange marrige hain , 7 saal hue hamare shadi ko. kuch dino se muje indian sex stories padane ki aadat lagi. tab mera man bhi karne laga ki kyu na main bhi mera expirence aapko logo se share karu. lekin ye sab karne ke liye bahoot himmat jutani padi muje. akir ye stori aapke samne batane ja rahi hu main. 23 saal ki thi tab mere...

2 years ago
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SHADI SE PEHLE SAAS NE LIYA DAMAD KA TEST I am Mridula. You have already read my story Sudhir my boss. Now I am going to narrate the happenings after my fuck session with my boss Sudhir. Sudhir ko maine chudayi ke liye pata liya tha aur Ab vo mujhe roz office ke baad chodne laga. Chudayi ka shauk mujhe bahut tha lekin ab meri nazar Sudhir ke saath shadi kar ke zindagi ki naiya ko par lagane par tiki hui thi. Maine ek din Sudhir se shadi ke bare mein baat ki aur ussko apne ghar walon se milwane...

3 years ago
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Chad The Babysitter Part 6

Tams wiped her face and went to the door while I hurriedly found an old pair of shorts as I knew it would be her mother at the door and the last thing either of us wanted was for Trish to see me in my boxers with her daughter present, an assumption I possibly got wrong.“Hi mummy” I heard Tams say and Trish seemed in a happy mood as they walked into the lounge, I walked out quickly and Trish looked down, “Oh WOW!” she said laughing, “Proper shorts for once” she continued and I giggled while...

2 years ago
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Khade land pe dhoka phir

Dosto main hothbs ek baar phir aapko entertain karne ke liye ek anokhi story pes kar raha hoon ye aaj se teen saal pehle ki baat hai. Mere pados mein ek ladki rahti thi bano uske sharir mein boobs hi to dikhta tha to jo itni patli ho aur 5kilo ka boobs latka ho to jahir si baat hai aise ladkiyon ki boobs pe to budho ka bhi dhyan uspe laa deta hai to aise hi ek din wo mere ghar ke paas se gujar rahi thi to mera sara dhyan uske boobs pe hi laga tha aur to mujhe kuch mujhe kuch dikh nahi raha tha...

2 years ago
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Shadi Mein Asha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Shukravar ki raat thi, Asha aur meri phone par baat hui. Asha ne bataya ki Mohsin ne uski sister Nusrat ki shadi ka card diya hai. Hum dono ko invite kiya hai kyunki humne bhi . Shadi June last week mein college exam ke baad Jaipur mein thi. Us samay garmi apne peak par hoti hai isliye humein jane ka na mann tha na plan. Par shadi se 4-5 din pehle tak Mohsin ne Asha ko kisi tarah mana liya. 2 night stay ka programme bana aur marriage ke next day lautna tha. Hum dono shadi se 1 din pehle subah...

4 years ago
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Shadi Mein Asha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Shukravar ki raat thi, Asha aur meri phone par baat hui. Asha ne bataya ki Mohsin ne uski sister Nusrat ki shadi ka card diya hai. Hum dono ko invite kiya hai kyunki humne bhi . Shadi June last week mein college exam ke baad Jaipur mein thi. Us samay garmi apne peak par hoti hai isliye humein jane ka na mann tha na plan. Par shadi se 4-5 din pehle tak Mohsin ne Asha ko kisi tarah mana liya. 2 night stay ka programme bana aur marriage ke next day lautna tha. Hum dono shadi se 1 din pehle subah...

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Chad The Babysitter

My name is Chad, I am a 45yo bachelor and l live on the ground floor of a converted house with a small secluded garden, I say secluded to all but my neighbours upstairs. Trish was a single mother in her early 30’s, she was smart and professional and we have become good friends although there has never been any romance, she had a teenage daughter, Tammy who I have seen grow and develop into a cute but quite naïve teenager.I have a good relationship with Trish, I do odd jobs for her and she cooks...

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Hades University for Men

Welcome to Hades University, a place of myth, magic, and potent masculinity. You are a first year student, enrolled without your knowledge, by a father you have never known. As you were raised by your human mother, you had no knowledge of you mystical, possibly infernal legacy from your father's side. Suddenly, on your 18th birthday, you started developing in frightening ways that you couldn't begin to explain. Your always doting mother told you she had hoped your genes would have skipped a...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 18

Today was an important day for Suzy as her father had been taken into rehab and we were due a visit from a social worker to hopefully agree her permanent residence, hence to say she was extremely excited.We had a bit of a rush getting Tams off to school but promised her a treat when she gets home and once she had gone Suzy and I had a quick clean up to freshen the place up, “What shall I wear daddy?” she asked and as we didn’t know who was coming I suggested erring on the side of caution and...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 5

I woke up quite chirpy with the sun shining, I made some coffee and took the dry washing out of the machine for Trish, OMG apart from normal attire there were 4 pairs of panties which I took extra care in folding neatly however I must confess I had to sniff them to ensure they were clean, I may have rubbed them against my cock a few times as well but nobody needs to know that.There was a faint knock at the door so I quickly put my boxers on and was surprised to see Tammy there all neat and tidy...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 4

I knew that Trish got back alright as I could hear lots of chatter and giggling coming from the flat upstairs which made me think that Tams had enjoyed staying over, I certainly enjoyed having her (pardon the pun) and hoped that this weekend would open the door for more to follow, only time would tell on that one.I relaxed for the evening sitting in my chair with a few cans of the amber nectar and was feeling quite pleased with myself, I even had the opening of my boxers unbuttoned as I relived...

3 years ago
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Shadi Pe Mili Bhabhi

Hi mein model hoon !! Mein chandigarh mein rehta koi bhi lady chandigarh, punjab, delhi mein meri seva chahti ho toh zarur yaad kare!! Chalo story pe ata hoon !! Mere kisi relatives ki shaddi thi toh mein bhi wanha pe gya mein thoda modern hoon aur shadi ek gaoon mein thi !! Mein wanha pe acche se suuit mein chla gya but shadi proper pendu style mein thi !! Koi himachal ki. Shadi thi !! Mein wanha par bore hone lg pada!! Tab mein idjar udjar dekhne lag pada tab mehne notice kiya ek bhabhi meri...

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Shadi Shudha Ko Patana 8211 Part 1

Rajan kapoor – email: I am regular reader of iss and really very much enjoying on the real stories and today I also want to share the incident happen with me, its a real incident….. About me I am 36 male, well built, 5.11″ height, my tool is more then 6″ and width is 3″…Special about me is I am having good stamina while fucking….Mein lagatar 30 se 40 minute tak chod sakta hu jhade binaa, hamesha mera partner mujh se thak jaata hai, mein meri technic ke saath eek aurat ko raat mein 4 baar chood...

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Shadi se pehle chudai ke maze

Hi mera naam Priyanka hai. Main Rajasthan se belong karti hu. Main married hu aur Mumbai mein rehti hu. Rang gora aur figure 34-28-36. Ye story us waqt ki hai jab meri shadi nahi hui thi. Shadi se pehle mere boyfriends the aur maine unke saath bohut kuch kiya bhi tha. Lekin ye kahani unke baare mein nahi hai. Ye ghatna meri shadi se 2 mahine pehle ki hai. Main Navi Mumbai mein apni college-friend Shruti ke sath rehti thi. Uski bhi Mumbai mein hi job thi. Hum ache dost the aur ek dusre se...

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Shadowing Stan

Shadowing Stan © 2005 Deanna Lea I walk in your night time shadows; steps behind you. In the past my shadow was a dream floating secretly in your mind. Yes, I do know your secrets. I hear your heavy breathing as I come closer, tonight you walk quickly, wanting to run, but tonight our shadows become one. I hold a steady pace knowing your steps will slow, I always catch you, and catching you is what you want. Tonight two shadows merge, and it's a good thing Stan, because...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 19

Wanda scooted up leaving a space between her and Suzy, she patted the empty space, “Come sit here Chad, be easier to pass the joint” she sighed and with my cock sticking out I got up and took her up on the offer, making it much more cosy and naturism after all is all about feeling and acting normally.We were all getting giggly and in a good mood, the feeling of having both Wanda and Suzy’s thighs touching mine was confusing my dick, it didn’t know whether to act ‘normally’ or react to the...

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Shadi Me Anjan Aunty Ki Chudai

Hi..Friends..Mera nam anish tiwari hai mai indore (m.P) ka rehne wala hu ,,ye kahani hai meri ek,,,shadi ki jhaa mujhe ek anjan auty se sharirik sukh ka anubhav hua,,,mera email id hai ,aapko ye story kesi lagi or koi auty ya bhabhi ho to mujhe jarur mail kariyega. To dosto bat aise shuru hui ki abhi 1 month pahle,,,mean jun 2015 mai..Humari fa,ily ko ek shadi me jana tha jo ki indore se karib,,100 km dur thi mera man nah tha kyuki garmi bhot jada thi to mene soch k kon aisi garmi me pareshan...

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Shadi Mein Cousin Ke Saath

Hi friends i am sameer 24years old good looking guy from bhopal m.p. This is my first story. Ye real kahani hai jo mere saath pichle saal december 2010 mein hui jab meri sister ki shadi thi. Mere ghar pe bhout mehman aaye hue the pura ghar mehmanon se bhara hua tha. Jagah kum na pare isliye papa ne hamare ghar ke side mein ek bunglow rent pe le liya tha jahan par jents logon ka sone ka intezam kiya hua tha. Mere ghar mein mera room alag hai jisme mein raat ko puri lights bund karke sota hoon...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 11

Trish came back early which to be honest took me by surprise but what was pleasing is that she knocked on my door first, “Hi Chad” she said as I stood there stunned, she flung her arms around my neck and gave me the most wonderful kiss I had had in a long time, even better that Suzy’s last night, ok they were both equal.“You are the most wonderful man I have ever met” she said and her beautiful smile went from ear to ear.I was stunned, totally stunned, “Tammy told me all about her ‘sister’ and...

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Shady and Restful

The gray skies were fitting for the occasion. Light mist sprayed the people as they walked from the graveyard. The entire town had turned out for Joe's funeral. Sam Drucker, Fred Ziffle and Arnold, Oliver and Lisa Douglas, Floyd Smoot and the volunteer fire department. The Bradley girls walked away from the grave site toward the little train which would carry them back home to the shady rest. Anyone from outside the community would consider Joe as a lazy bum constantly trying one get rich...

3 years ago
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Shadi Ke Just Baad

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends ,ajj mai apne life ki sabse personal baat app sabhi se inn site ke madhyam se share karna cahti hu,ummed hai app sahi salah jarur denge. Apni ghatna batane ke pahle mai bass ek baat bolna cahungi ki please app meri puri situation samjhiye tabhi koi faisla kijiyega,waise ek baat to mai inndino sikhi hu wo ye hai ki app ye dawa kabhi nai kar sakte ki app ye nai kar sakti ya apke sath ye nai ho sakta ,kabhi kabhi app kitna bhi strong ho kamjor ho jati ho.aysa...

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Shadi Bhai Ki Suhaag Raat Hum Dono Ki

Hello ISS fans. Wishing you all well. The beauty of life is that most desired and needed things come to us unannounced and charm us for long. This story is an example of a grown up boy who is Gay but does not totally understand what a joy it is to be a Gay man and then with luck’s turn of events, he gets to bed with another young boy, who has come of the age and they both not only enjoy sex but learn and relish each other for as long as they could. This is a work of art story not for reading...

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Shadi Shuda Engineer Maal Ki Dhoke Se Chudai

By : Achalsexy 26th June 2011 Namastey jee aap sabo ko mera hardik namaskar. Mai Achal 22 sal ka hu or Kanpur ka rahne wala hu lekin filhal mai abhi Delhi me tha. Mai ek Engineer hu or abhi aage padna chahta hu jiske liye maine made easy coaching join ki. Bhut bade paise dene k bad mere andar padne ka josh sa tha. Do char din coaching jane k bad meri nazar ek ladki pe padi. Kya item thi wo dekne me bhut hi jyada khubsurat or sexy. Sabse acchi bat wo Ek shadi shuda aurat thi lekin kisi 20 saal...

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Shadi me chudayi

Aap sab ladke khub louda hila rahe ho our sab ladkiya bur me ungali dal rahi ho story pad ke.. To chalo mai bhi apni life ki ek real story batata hu.. Par karam hai tumhe tumhare choot ki.. Call ya mail jarur karna.. Mail Ye baat hai koi 3 saal purani.. Mai apne friend ke bhai ki barat me nagpur gaya tha.. Ab aap to jante hi hai shadi ki raat har ladka-ladki kya chahti hai.. Choot our lund.. Bus yahi mai bhi chahta tha.. Chuki mai ladke walo ki taraf se aaya tha to vaise bhi thodi chhoot thi....

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Chad The Babysitter Part 8

Trish’s visit was very brief, she seemed stressed and didn’t even bring the laundry down which was a shame however I learned that she had to go off early tomorrow to a very important meeting which would involve staying overnight, I was only too happy to offer to look after Tams even before she asked which put a smile on her face as she didn’t have to worry about her daughter.She told me that Tammy needed shorts and would I take her into town and get her some and I was only too pleased to oblige...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 7

I woke up feeling pretty good about myself and pulled the curtains to let the sunlight in, it was a beautiful day. Trish had gone off early as usual as her car had gone from the car port so I got the washing out the dryer and carefully folded it up ready for Tams to collect whenever she was ready.Things were progressing nicely with Trish and I was glad we opened up, it was hot thinking about the fun we can have with their panties and the thought went through my mind of her sexuality and I had...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 2

“Morning Chad” came the sleepy voice from the bedroom doorway, I looked up and saw young Tammy stretching herself and yawning, my god this girl could sleep for England.I made some fresh coffee as she sat back in the recliner focusing on the day ahead, she mad no comment about me still being in my boxers and no comment about last night apart from apologising for falling asleep.“Oh don’t worry about that Tams” I said softly as I handed her a mug of coffee, “Thanks Chad” she replied softly sipping...

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MoonshadowNinja Spy End of the end

"good morning" "Good morning" Moon propped himself up with his elbow. He picked up his shirt, put it on and put all his tricks and things into his jacket: smoke bombs, shuriken and put his sword on his hip, adjusting it. Today was Moon's first misson without Snowhalk. "do you really have to go by yourself" "yes, Heron said so. Since im the eldest" "you can be all old if you want to" said Snow halk with a teasing grin. "at least im mature..." "mature? you hit Groundspider...

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MoonshadowNinja Spy End1

2 Years Later.....They have been inseperateable..... As Moonshadow woke up, he got up straight away and brushed his hair extra nicely. He crept out of his room trying to be as stealthy as he could, into Snowhalk's room. She was still asleep. He crept up beside her leant down and whispered in her ear. "Wake-up" "noooooooo" "come on get up" as he dragged her to her feet. "Your evil, you can't disturb sleep..." Moon chuckled. "yes i can, so get up" Snowhalk groaned. She hated...

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MoonshadowNinja Spy End0

2 Years Later.....They have been inseperateable..... As Moonshadow woke up, he got up straight away and brushed his hair extra nicely. He crept out of his room trying to be as stealthy as he could, into Snowhalk's room. She was still asleep. He crept up beside her leant down and whispered in her ear. "Wake-up" "noooooooo" "come on get up" as he dragged her to her feet. "Your evil, you can't disturb sleep..." Moon chuckled. "yes i can, so get up" Snowhalk groaned. She hated...

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Moonshadow Ninja SpyPart 3

"Moon?" She asked loudly. "Over here" He could sense her relaxing again. I thought he left,thought Snowhalk. "We still have half a days walk since we got sidetracked yesterday." Moon said. He painted a map for Snowhalk to memorize. As she was memorizing the map he carefully wrapped up his bedroll in which the sword that was concealed in there fell out. Snowhalk picked it up and then lunged it at him. Thinking this was betrayal he moved into combat stance, but the ftt of a shuriken...

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Moonshadow Ninja Spy Part2

Moon lay on his back with his hands behind his head. He could still feel her lips on his and wish he haden't pulled away. What was he thinking? He was only just out of the monastry! At the age of 5 he had started training untill now, 10 years later. He groaned a 15 year old shoudln't have to put up with that. He rolled over and looked at her. He had to hand it to her, she was gorgeous. Big eyes with long eyelashes. Short black hair that came just to he shoulders. Her lips were medium sized,...

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Moonshadow Ninja Spy1

"Intruder!" Moon hung his head and cursed. How could his cover have been blown so quickly? As Moon looked around the room, he noticed there was a table with a single candle burning, right next to it was a door. He couldn't sense any guards so he quickly got out a beaker, and poured water into the bottom of the door. When he opened it, it gave a mere whisper. His idea had worked. He looked down both hallways and recalled his map that he had memorized and went to the right. Once he reached...

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Moonshadow Ninja Spy0

"Intruder!" Moon hung his head and cursed. How could his cover have been blown so quickly? As Moon looked around the room, he noticed there was a table with a single candle burning, right next to it was a door. He couldn't sense any guards so he quickly got out a beaker, and poured water into the bottom of the door. When he opened it, it gave a mere whisper. His idea had worked. He looked down both hallways and recalled his map that he had memorized and went to the right. Once he reached...

2 years ago
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Shadows Lust

Little did Alice know however, of the rather large man who had been crouching in the brush, watching her get ready. This was a rather large man, wide shoulders, tall, big arms and legs, long curly blond hair and dark eyes. His black trench helped hide him some what in the shadows of the bushes as he had watched young Alice stumble.. He had been in this ritual for a while now, just watching her, following her throughout her day. Through this he had learned a lot about her. She liked flowers,...

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Shadowrun The Princess Lovers Other Tales

It is August 15, 2057. Dunkelzahn the Great Dragon, the first Non-Human to hold the office of President of the UCAS (United Canadian and American States) had just been in office for a whole nine hours before some unknown assailants assassinated him. The reading of Dunkelzahn's will six days later was the start of this story. The last line in the will to be exact. "To the last Knight of the Crying Spire, I leave the suit of armor worn by Richard the Lion-hearted on his Crusade, because it's up...

5 years ago
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S H A D O W R U N It is the year 2050. Megacorporations rule most of the world. United States of America is now called UCAS - United Canadian and American States - a tiny husk of its former glory. Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds. Internet has transformed into a virtual reality called the Matrix. Cybernetic augmentation of human bodies is an everyday business at the flesh-clinics. Deadly new viruses have decimated much of the world but the worst calamity to happen was the...

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Thads Punishment

I am Mistress Aurora and I can't believe I caught my slave Thad wanking off in a pair of my soiled panties without my permission! I was on the phone taking care of some things for my business and usually I would be on the phone for a couple of hours when I take care of these things, but the phone went dead and I could not do any thing else until it came back on, so I decided to see what Thad was up to. I looked in the living room and his room or cell as I call it, but he was not in either...

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Shadys Choose Your Own Adventure

This story is different from the ones you've probably been reading. In this story you will choose first your characters age, then appearance and finally where they will start their adventure on their quest to get laid as many times as possible. So lets get started.

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Shadishuda Dost Ki Jamkar Chudai

Hello friends! Toh kaise ho aaplog? Main Daksh Kashyap (Engineer-IIT Bombay) fir se hazir hua aapke samne. Ye kahani meri shadishuda dost ki hai jiski chudai maine shadi ke bad ki. Last story mein maine bataya tha ki Delhi mein transfer hone ke bad mujhe Mehak mili jiski maine khub chudai ki. Lekin fir main Laxminagar shift ho gaya. Laxminagar ki kahani main agle story mein bataunga. Ye kahani suru hoti hai jab main IIT ke first year mein hi tha aur Facebook se ladki patane ki jugaad mein laga...

3 years ago
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Chaddie Buddy8217s Elder Sister 8211 Part 3

Hi Friends. It has been a long time, but thank you for all your feedback on my previous story ‘Chaddie Buddies Elder Sister- Part 2’. For those who do not know me, I am Vishal from Mumbai working in an MNC. I had an affair with my best friend’s sister and it was an amazing experience of my life. Vanika was an amazing beauty and her figure 34b-28-36. I was mad for her and after meeting her, had a life full of sexual pleasures. After having sex at her place as described in my last episode, we...

2 years ago
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Chaddie Buddy8217s Elder Sister 8211 Part 2

Hello indian sex stories dot net Friends, I think it’s time to continue my experience from where we had stopped in the last part. Thanks to you all for such an overwhelming response. So coming back to the story. After our first love making session, we did not get a second chance early. Though we used to meet, we used to go for movies and lunch sessions but we could only have small kissing sessions in the movies. It had been around 6 months after our first session where we got a chance to get...

2 years ago
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Shadishuda Badi Behen Ko Masti Se Choda

Hello my dear friends Aj m Ankit apko apne fresh sexual experience k bare m btane ja rha hu is story m m ye btaunga k kaise maine meri sagi behen ko jo ki married h or 2 chote bacho ki maa h ko kaise uske marji se masti k sath choda ye meri guarantee h k story k end tk ladk apni muth maar rahe honge or ladkiya apni pyaari si chut m ungali krengi your comments are most welcome nd koi bhi lady ya bhabhi ya girl mujh se milna chahe toh mail me at Ab apni story star krne se pehle m apne or apni...

3 years ago
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Khadus Behen Ko Badi Mushkil Se Choda

Hi, mera naam Nazim hai aur mai pune ka rehne wala hu meri age 19 hai.. Hum ghar mai 4 log rehte the mummy daddy main aur simran humlog ka ghar bohot he purana hai aur ek moholle mai hai. Aur ground floor par kitchen aur hall aur ek bedroom hai aur upar 2 bedroom hai niche ke bedroom mai mummy daddy rehte hai aur upar ek room mai main aur meri didi aur ek room mai sab saman store kar ke rakhe hai. Mummy school mai teacher hai aur unki ek friend ke ghar par wo tuitions bhi leti hai aur mummy...

4 years ago
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Jihadi Usul Se Masumiya Ki Barbadi 8211 Part 1

Hello to all the readers. I am new in this site and would like to share the story which I have got from my online friends about the torture they faced and the advantages from them on the cost of the victims happiness. Meri kahani aise hi ek victim ke bare mai hai jiska naam shina hai. Mai request karunga ki aap meri likhi kahani padke mujhe bataye ki aapki iske baare mai kya rai hai. Aur meri females friends agar aap ke saath aisi ya firr iss jaisi koi ghatna hui ho toh who mere saath share...

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