The Magic Cave (part 1) free porn video

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The Magic Cave (part I) by Cleo Kraft A blinding flash of light and thumping pain shot through my head and I stood there dazed for awhile before realizing what had happened. I rubbed my head with my hand, then looked at my palm for any signs of blood. Luckily I'd just suffered a bump on the head. I glanced up at the thick tree branch accusingly but it wasn't the tree's fault, it was my own for taking a nap out in the backyard under an apple tree and then standing up without looking out for branches. A flood of memories came to me. Things from my childhood that I'd completely forgotten. No, things my subconscious must have blocked. These were really bad memories coming back to me after all these years and it must have been the bump on the head that triggered my recalling them. A cave. Something about a cave. I never remembered any caves around here before. I grew up in the area, a few farms here and there including my own that I converted into my retirement dream home - in other words, I don't grow crops here. Was never interested in that sort of thing anyway. By profession I was one of the chairmen on the board of executives for a rather large investment firm. I don't do that anymore. Made my money and got out and bought a little farmhouse and barn not too far away from where I was born and raised. There weren't any caves around here - not to my knowledge anyway but this memory coming back was telling me otherwise. There was definitely a cave out in the woods. The memories about it came at me out of sequence and some of them were missing. I had a childhood friend named Pete, this was around age seven I think. Something bad happened to him. Something in that cave, I think, that made him run away. The cave was well hidden. It should have been almost impossible for anybody to find it, especially a couple of seven year old boys. It was in a tall field of wild grass that was at least as tall as an adult, maybe a little bit taller. Surrounded by this was a pine tree forest and a tall cliff wall of gray and black rock. If you walked along the base of the cliff you'd find the cave, but you couldn't see it until you were right up to it. The tall grass blocked the view. I hurried in the house and grabbed a flashlight out of the kitchen drawer and decided to go on a little hike, looking for this cave. As I walked through the woods the memory of the little grassy field and how to get there came to me and before I knew it I realized just where this place was. It was a good hour's hike from the farm and when I got there things were just as I remembered them, except the trees were taller. A little metal sign was nailed to the inside edge of the entryway. It had red letters on it and it read: "Private Property - No Trespassing!" Below that was the name of the sign manufacturer in small print, Grapple Sign Shop, and below that a date of manufacture, July 12, 1938. After confirming the existence of the cave I explored the first couple of rooms. The entryway started at about two meters tall and one meter wide, but the ceiling height dwindled the deeper you went, all the way down to a meter or less in height and widening out to about twenty meters width. At this point I was climbing and crawling over rocks of various sizes and tons of gravel, sand and debris. The dust I was kicking up was making my throat dry, so I took off my shirt and used it as a makeshift bandanna. The next room was about fifty meters tall and a hundred meters wide and was filled with stalagmites and stalactites. It was as nearly as deep as it was wide and on the other side through a large crack in the wall I was able to locate the third room. The third room had a little waterfall running at about a forty-five degree angle down a large red rock, emptying out into a stream which carried the water through to another room. The top of the waterfall was a narrow slit about as tall as a soda can and about as wide as I was tall, a whopping six foot three. I stopped in the third room, deciding to go back home and order some spelunking equipment through the mail. The little town nearby was ill- equipped for such things, having barely a gas station and general store and almost nothing else of any significance for shopping. The nearest big, little town was Soda Falls and that was over two hundred and fifty miles away and I doubt they've got anything like climbing equipment. So I went back home, ordered what I thought I'd need, including some books on geology so I could identify rock formations and better map out my cave. I systematically mapped it out, room by room as I explored, but never really progressing in my exploration at a rapid pace because I was determined to map out each room thoroughly, gathering in every little detail I could. Along the way I found some animal bones and cave paintings done up by Neanderthals or some long lost civilization. The fourth room was a wide and spacious room which connected to a series of seven others in succession, each at a slightly lowered elevation than the one before it. Spelunking alone was dangerous but none the less enjoyable. If I managed to get lost down here it might be a thousand years before anybody stumbled upon the tiny cave entrance. The end of the seven room system came upon the edge of a vast underground canyon, the other side which was too dark to ever make out no matter how strong a light source I ever brought with me. It continued on perhaps past the horizon into a pitch dark void of nothingness. From here there was a drop-hole about three meters wide in the middle of the plateau which led down to a cumbersome crawl space shooting in two directions. At each end was a small underground pool with gentle steam billowing across the lightly bubbling water. As with all the previous rooms, I was determined to be thorough in my investigation of these as well. I brought a thermometer with me and determined the water in each chamber was safe enough to wade in (at or just below 100F). I tested it by jumping in, finding it not too unpleasant. It was as warm as a hot tub and each room had narrow light shafts reaching upward at odd angles to the surface. In the center of each pool was a statue carved out of rock, along the base of which were carved human figures. One room had a male statue with carvings of hunters carrying spears. The other room had a female statue with carvings of women and little girls. I had no idea what I stumbled upon. Perhaps bath houses for either gender or else half sunken shrines from some ancient and long lost civilization. I dubbed the statues Venus, after the God of Love, and Mars, after the God of War. Suddenly a flash of memory occurred to me out of the blue. Something I'd forgotten or blanked out from my childhood. My mind was elsewhere and for a brief time I found myself traveling memory lane, all the way back to age seven. Pete was with me in this same room. The Venus room. He emptied out his canteen and filled it with the cave water and began drinking it down in huge gulps. I remember trying to stop him. "Don't drink that, it might be poison!" I cried but it was useless. "Aw, don't be such a chicken. Try some, it doesn't taste so bad," he said, but I refused as I watched him down two whole canteens full of the stuff and fill up a third for later. "Man you must have been awfully thirsty to drink all that," I said. The daydream ended, suddenly followed by another. I was in my parent's guest house with my friend Pete. His parents allowed him to stay over at my place for the summer and my parents let us use the guest house as a sort of club house for Pete's stay. Mom and dad left us pretty much alone and dad was seldom home anyway, always being off on some business trip or something. Mom would knock on the door three times a day, morning, noon and night, to drop off breakfast, lunch and dinner for us. Other than that we had our privacy, except for Sunday. Sunday was family day where we all ate breakfast in the main house then went to Church and afterwards had a picnic out in the park. It was early in the week. I think a Monday, the same day Pete and I had went to that cave and he drank down all that water. I remember it because that's the day Pete got really sick. "Promise not to tell your mom," he told me. "I don't want my parents to find out what I did and if you tell your mom you know darn well she's not going to let us go back to that cave again. So you've go to promise. Promise me you won't tell your parents." "But if you're poisoned you could die," I said. "Trust me, I'm not that sick. I think I'll get over it," he said, but I wasn't so sure. "Fine, but if you get worse I've got to tell mom so she can take you to the hospital," I said. He stayed sick for a little over two days. I guess I didn't pay much attention to what was going on because on the morning of the third he woke up screaming. I ran and found him standing there in just his underwear and a white t-shirt and it wasn't him at all. It was a blond haired little girl who looked nothing like him. "That water turned me into a girl!" she cried lifting out her briefs for a peek downstairs. Her eyes went wide at what she saw. "Did it change that too?" I asked, already guessing the answer to be yes. "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!" she exclaimed. "It didn't finish!" "What do you mean it didn't finish?" I asked. "See for yourself," she said pulling her briefs down and showing me. I'd kind of known what a girl's supposed to look like down there and trust me, this wasn't either girl or boy, this was something in between and it didn't look pretty. Her penis, if that's what it was, was this pencil thin tube of flesh vanishing upwards into an upside down pocket, sort of like a kangaroo's pocket, only smaller and upside down. Pete had no balls at all and his girl-hole was only belly-button deep and all the stuff that's supposed to be IN a girl down there was in plain sight, not tucked in her vagina lips. It was horrifying to behold. No wonder I'd blocked it out of memory for all these years. My little boy mind wasn't capable of handling such a thing. My memory flashed forward again to another scene. I found some better clothes for Pete. Her old ones didn't fit too well anymore because she shrank a little from turning into a girl. She still insisted on dressing up as a boy. She had me try cutting her hair short, but I wasn't so good at it and it made her look clownish with huge gobs of it missing here and there. We didn't even think to go back to the cave to find a way to change him back to normal again, because back then we hadn't discovered the other pool yet. The one with the statue of a man. The one that must be for turning girls into boys. Instead Pete decided he was stuck this way for good and decided on running away from home. She even made me help pack her things for her. "Where will you go? What will you do?" I asked. "I don't know," she said sadly, tears pouring down her cheeks. "But I can't go home looking like this. My parents would never believe this was really me. Nobody would understand." I walked her down to the bus stop and waited with her for the bus to arrive. Then I shook hands goodbye with her and waved as she boarded. Then I had to watch the bus drive down the highway. I never saw Pete again after that. I came out of my daydream realizing I'd discovered what had to be gender changing rooms. In the Venus room I discovered a chalky white substance in the surrounding rock face which was brittle and crumbled easily in the hands, turning eventually to fine powder when handled too long. Curious I tested it in the lab and it seemed like I'd discovered a rare variety of limestone, but it contained other minerals as well. In the Mars room a similar substance, though black as coal, was found embedded in the surrounding rock. I could not easily determine what this material was. The closest thing I could come up with seemed out of place for a subterranean location - meteorite powder. How it had gotten here I was unsure but it seemed it could have been carried in as these rooms might have been temples or shrines of some sort. Though the water seemed fine my discovery of the strange powdery material in either room made me hesitate to bathe in it past initial observation. I took it back to my makeshift lab in the office I had constructed out of the loft in my barn. There was some strange bacteria present in the water itself, but the dust which had settled in it was of a substance that I could not easily identify. Under the microscope it seemed crystalline almost. It was also faintly radioactive, though strangely spiking the Geiger counter only once every fifteen minutes or so at less than 1 Sv which seemed strange (40 Sv is a plane ride in comparison). It was as though I'd discovered a new substance which defied conventional wisdom. The radiation exposure was negligible and after checking the levels at the cave site I determined that it was harmless enough for reasonable periods of exposure without fear or worry of any lasting cellular damage or side effects. Bringing in more sophisticated equipment I was able to measure faint traces of VLF (very low frequency) seemingly coming from within the statues themselves. Again only at fifteen minute intervals or so just like clockwork. Outside of its original subterranean environment the chemicals in the water deteriorated at a quick and even pace until after five days to a week's time the hot spring water lost all of its natural properties. Upon additional testing I discovered that the white powdery substance in the Venus room was actually ionically charged as was the dark powdery substance in the Mars room, though of opposite charges to one another. Venus was negative, Mars positive. I boiled the white and dark powdery substances separately and tested the water in comparison to that found back at the cave and found a marked difference in chemical composition. Something found natural only in the hot springs mixed with the powder to form a unique blend of mineral water unable to be replicated through simply boiling the powder in purified water alone. All this brought me to the conclusion that while it was relatively safe to bathe in the the water for a few hours at a time, it was probably not advisable to actually drink it. Indeed, the memory of what had happened to my friend Pete was proof enough this water was unsafe. It would make you sick for two days and turn you into a girl. In each of the cave rooms I studied, so far up to this point I'd been rather thorough in my investigation, cataloging interesting rock formations and mapping out the location, quantity and type of significant stalagmites and stalactites. The pool rooms were no exception to my intricate step by step process of testing and documentation. I hiked out one day with a waterproof satchel containing some tracing paper and charcoal pencils with which I intended to use to take rubbings of the various carvings on the base of the Venus statue. The surrounding region was volcanic and therefor the pools in these caves were actually hot springs and very therapeutic. I wore bathing shorts and a t-shirt as I lowered myself into the women's pool. The water was as comfortable as warm, bubbling bath water, maybe a tad bit warmer, and I submerged myself under a couple of times before wading waist deep to the center fray to begin my tracings. I spent the better part of the day on my little project before climbing out of the pool and hiking back to the farm house for dinner. I showered up, not knowing if the water I'd been bathing in back at the cave had any long lasting ill effects associated with long term contact with it. Afterwards I ate a decent sized meal of chicken, corn and mashed potatoes and spent some time sorting through my tracings, filing them away in my upper loft barn office before retiring to bed for the night. In the morning I woke up, shaved and served myself up some breakfast. My favorite glass was an old fashioned beer mug that I used with nearly every meal. I poured some orange juice in it and relished the firm, hearty grip as I downed my eggs and pancakes before heading back to the cave for another round of rock rubbings. It took a full three weeks time to gather up a suitable and complete collection of charcoal pencil rubbings from the women's cave and often times after realizing I'd made a mistake, I had to go back and redo some of my efforts. On one of my visits, I was stunned to find another man poking around in the cave. This was in room three, the waterfall room. Luckily the sound of the waterfall prevented him hearing me and turning around to see me before I hastily made my retreat back to the exit. He was a short man, perhaps five foot three, had short black hair and a dark complexion, though I could not make out the race. He definitely seemed to be a foreigner and he was dressed funny too. He wore what looked like a suit coat and slacks, white, with liquorish thick ropey black seams sewn in all over the place. The collar of the suit coat was so thin in width as to be laughable. In fact, if he wore that out in public I'm sure he'd get plenty of stares and comments. I'd never seen such clothing before. The shoes were bright blue and seemed to be made of leather, but there were no shoelaces and there were three big holes cut out of the top of each shoe through which I saw he had on black socks with white pinstripes on them. In his left hand he carried a spear with feathers on the end. That's why at first I thought he might have been native American, but his face looked strangely European and the ridiculous clothes were certainly of no tribe I could ever imagine. When I found him he was closely investigating the ground where there was loose debris I had probably accidentally knocked free from a large boulder nearby while surveying it quite some time ago. Was he some kind of tracker? How did he know to look there? What else had he discovered of my presence in the cave? Was this his cave? Too many questions came to mind. I didn't want to stick around to find out the answers. He had a weapon after all and I didn't. If his intentions weren't good towards me I'd have no option except to run away anyway. There was an old man, a story teller, who pretty much everybody around here went to for stories of times long ago. He was a bit of an expert on legends of the surrounding wilderness and had plenty of tall tales concerning ancient civilizations, mythical creatures and the like. His name was Mr. Moltzer and he, like myself, lived alone on his acreage out here. I went over to pay him a visit. Maybe he would know more about the history of the cave. He welcomed me into his living room for a chat. He was a tall, skinny fellow, just an inch or so shorter than myself and had stark white hair cut short and a beard with no mustache. He wore a black and red checkered shirt, some bluejeans and black leather cowboy boots and on his head was a red baseball cap with a fisherman's fishing pole design sewn in on front. Without telling him I found it, I asked him about the gender changing cave and if there were any natives in the region who might have used it. "The pools of correction?" he asked, eyes going wide from recollection, as though I'd triggered off another one of his well known tall tales he'd almost forgotten about. "Oh yes. There's tales about it all right but natives? No. The people who used that cave were never from around here - not to begin with anyway. They came by boat and their numbers were much smaller than the Indians. I suppose you could call them a tribe - of sorts. There's actually two separate groups connected with that cave. In the end it's said they fought each other over it and died out, but some think there may have been survivors and that both groups are still in existence, in secret, to this day. The he'akipar are the ones you need to worry about. They're violently protective over ensuring secrecy of the cave and its magic. The name of the other group slips my mind, but they don't want their secret getting out either, though they've got a less violent method of going about it. You see, if they find you in their cave they'll try to convert you into their cult or religion or whatever and in that way keep close watch over you. The he'akipar on the other hand would just as soon kill you to keep the secret safe." "And these groups, these tribes... are true? They really exist out there?" I asked. He laughed and shrugged. "Beats me," he said. "But if I were you I wouldn't go looking for that cave and if I found it I'd keep far away from it just in case one of those tribes finds you out. Do you know why they call it the pools of correction? Ah, now I remember the name of the more peaceful group. They're the vin'kalod and they would use the cave, rarely of course, to transform a man of their tribe who didn't like being a man and wanted instead to be a woman. It was a one way process that included tutoring, usually from a pre-chosen male sex partner and a woman instructor. Very elaborate stuff from my understanding. During the war between the two factions the vin'kalod got pretty good at this tutoring service, transforming captured enemy men into women and forcing them through the process of learning how to be a woman in every way, including servicing a man in bed. Afterwards converting the new women into members of their tribe and religion and marrying them off." "How do you know this level of detail about this stuff?" I asked, amazed at all he was telling me. "Bah! Some of it's probably made up. Heard these stories from another story teller back in my youth," he explained. "Yeah, the pools of correction are supposed to exist around here. Problem is - no one knows quite where or where to even begin to look. I doubt anyone's even looked for the place in maybe thirty, forty years. The legend doesn't get told much anymore. Maybe I'll try telling it again next time I go to the fire station to play cards with the guys." "No, no," I said shaking my head vehemently no. "I'd really rather that you didn't do that. I don't want people searching all over my property for any caves. I can't stand trespassers as it is. I'm sure you wouldn't want people searching your property either." "Hmmm... ya know? Maybe you're right," he said pondering it over for a moment. "I could change the story. Maybe it's not a cave after all, but a magical necklace. Yeah! Then it could be anywhere, but I'll say it wasn't from around here. Okay, by golly I still got myself a story!" I thanked him for his time and went back home. I began thinking about the two pools and how one could change a man into a woman and the other change you back to normal again. I began forming a plan to try out the magic water myself. I was curious to try. I'd had plenty of girlfriends in the past, but never managed to get married. I enjoyed and still enjoy sex with women. I'm not even remotely gay or have an inkling of an interest in men. I don't find men attractive and I'm just plain not interested in that. My idea on turning myself into a woman wasn't for the purpose of having sex with men - or with women either for that matter. As I said, I really enjoyed sex with women. The female body, so soft and beautiful - it's just really fun to feel, really fun to play with and make love to. Wouldn't it be wonderful, then, to do so from on the INSIDE? I could hug myself tight, feel my boobs, legs, hands, feet, face, shoulders, ass, pussy... all that soft, smooth beautiful skin would be mine to enjoy. I wouldn't even finger fuck myself right away. I'd save it for later. I'd heard women could go without sex longer than men and I was seriously curious if I could last a couple days that way without going all the way with masturbation. I'd feel up my body, get it really good and aroused, but hold off on going all the way. Hold off on orgasm. Save it for later. Just enjoy bubble baths and stuff at first. Try and enjoy all the little stuff, then go for the big O when I was good and ready. Maybe I'd buy some women's clothing and drive out to a motel and have myself a little vacation right there in that motel room. Oh, sure, I could stay here in my farm house and do all that stuff but going out in public... as a girl. Now wouldn't that be something else though? I brought a canteen out to the cave with me to measure the stuff, storing it in a larger water jug. I measured out three canteens full of water from the Venus room. This was, I guessed, about as much water as my school hood friend Pete had drank before he got sick and changed into a girl. I would do the same. Three canteens full was safe, I ventured. I'd try that first. I went back home to the farm and forced myself to drink down all that water over the course of a couple of hours. I wasn't thirsty enough to drink it all down at once, nor did I want to make myself sick any quicker than I had to. The illness gripped me a few hours later and lasted two full days and three nights. On the morning of the third day I awoke feeling different. I felt feeling fully refreshed and healthy, but also really different. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and took a step towards the bathroom as I usually did each morning upon awakening. This time however I misjudged my step and came tumbling face first heavy down upon the carpet. I stood up and dusted myself off and headed for the bathroom mirror for a look. I had changed into a girl. I'd been a man of age fifty-two, but now I looked to be a young woman in her early twenties. My hair had turned from light brown to jet black and my skin was milk white. I had breasts, maybe somewhere in between B-cup and C-cup. I was also quite short, just over four feet in height. I'd dated height challenged women before. I think I had a kink for it actually, now I'd become my own fantasy. I closed my eyes and took both thumbs and lifted out the waistband of my briefs and looked down, opening my eyes to see what I had. What I had was that same mutilated looking, partly transformed crotch I remembered Pete had shown me. My balls were gone, I had what appeared to be a second belly button down there close to my butt, probably the beginnings of a vaginal canal. My cock, I pulled it out of its upside down little kangaroo pocket, was as thin as a pencil and sealed up completely at the end. The cock head was all flushed out so the entire thing was as smooth as a finger tip. No wrinkles, no edges or ridges, just a smooth, skinny tube of flesh. Just above my second belly button was a tiny hole - I think I was supposed to pee from it (I'd have to test that theory later). If my cock was stuck somewhere in the middle phases of turning into a clitoris and that little flesh pocket halfway covering it was its hood, my clit and hood had a long ways to shrink and change before appearing normal and not... alien like this thing looked. I guess you could consider me a girl. It just didn't look right though. Maybe I needed to drink another canteen full of cave water to finish the job. I didn't know. Still, there were advantages to this design. For one thing, I couldn't get raped. Not in the traditional sense anyway unless some guy with a belly button sized cock shoves it in me down there. Even still, there was no clear path through to a womb. It was all unfinished work. Then again, I guess a guy could shove his thing in under my enormous clitty hood. I shuddered to think what that might be like. These weren't pleasant thoughts I was having. Without a womb I couldn't get pregnant or have to worry about messy, unpleasant periods each month. Not that I was planning on doing it with a guy to even get to that state anyway - that was the farthest thing from my mind right now. I wasn't ready to share this body with anybody right now. I wanted it all to myself for the time being. Fun was staring me in the face. I righted my underpants, which were by now much too tight for comfort with my much wider hips. I reconsidered and opted to go without underpants for the time being, stripping them off and tossing them in the dirty clothes bin. My much smaller feet were absolutely swimming in my socks so I took those off too. My white t-shirt was large and baggy enough to just cover my crotch like a makeshift dress. I took it off and hopped in the shower, soaping up my whole body and getting to know it better. I was in heaven. Smooth soft skin everywhere, curves in all the right places. I'd been a big fan of the female body all my life and right now was no exception. One of my girlfriends let me shower with her for fun, but that was the only time I ever did that. Now I could feel a woman's body in the shower anytime or as many times as I liked. I realized I needed to set a time limit for when I wanted to change back to normal again. One whole week as a girl seemed sufficient. Just enough time to play, hopefully not enough time to get into any trouble. This would be MY time. I wouldn't be going out to bars trying to get picked up by anyone, male or female. This was MY time. My body, my fun, my vacation. After the shower I dried off and ate breakfast, then donned some overalls that, though baggy, were an easier fit than most of the rest of the stuff I had lying around. I had to stuff socks in the ends of my sneakers and tucked some around my ankles too so my feet would fit. It wasn't comfortable or anything and the shoes still looked ridiculously over sized for my small female body, but it was the best I could do at the moment. I grabbed my car keys and wallet and drove to Soda Falls and went shopping. As a man and maybe like most men, I hate shopping or at least the time consuming part of it anyway. I just want to get what I want to get and get out. I'm not one of those window shoppers who likes to spend gobs of hours looking at stuff I'm probably never going to buy anyway. I just don't see the point. So I went in a few women's clothing stores, bought some shoes, a few dresses that fit, some panties and bras and yes, even some suggestive looking lingerie. There were other things too, like girls socks, stockings, tights, slips, blouses and all the makeup stuff I thought might be fun and interesting to try. I had to buy a purse too, a small pink leather number with a long thin shoulder strap. I couldn't decide on what perfume to use, so I bought about eight different varieties. Then there was the hair care products, shampoo, hairspray, conditioner, a brush, some hairpins, hair clips, a black crunchy... stuff like that. Though my body hair was almost completely non-existent now I bought some razors and shaving cream just in case. I did all this in as short a time as possible, just wanting to purchase them and find a hotel room somewhere and have some fun with myself alone. As I walked out of the shoe store my heart almost stopped, for there standing several feet away leaning up against a cement pillar in the shade under the overhang was the man I'd seen before at the cave! He wasn't dressed all funny like before though. He wore a normal black suit and tie, but it was definitely the same face as I saw in the cave. He shot a glance right at me and ducked behind the pillar, thinking I hadn't quite spotted him. Whoever he was he must have been tracking me all along. Soda Falls was a good two hundred and fifty miles from that cave. He seemed to have come an awfully long way just to have a coincidental bump into me like this. I pretended not to care or notice and walked the other way. I gave him a glance back and saw him standing there in the same spot as before, smiling at me. I couldn't tell if he was also leering at my ass as I walked in my new black pleated skirt, but I imagined most guys would get an erection checking out a cute body like this. I listened to the click-clicking of my new black leather, closed toe flats as I walked hurriedly along the sidewalk back to where I knew there was a hotel, leaving my own car behind for the moment because I was too afraid of being confronted and attacked by the stranger. I got to the corner and looked back again, but the stranger wasn't there anymore. He wasn't anywhere in sight. I imagined him going over and getting in his car and following me slowly all the way to the hotel. I was getting really uncomfortable about it and just wanted to rent a hotel room and hide there for the night. I'd come get my car later on. I made it to the hotel and gave a phony name, Kora Shelly Ann Weatherspoon, and paid up front in cash. There were no questions asked. They didn't even ask me for my I.D., which I was grateful for because I had none. None matching my current body anyway. I checked into room one-thirteen, first floor with a view of a tree beside the pool. I closed the drapes, locked the door and turned on the lights. I wasn't going to worry about the weirdo out there who might be following me. I came here to buy some clothes and things and have some fun and that's just what I intended to do. I looked at myself in the bedroom mirror. I was a hottie-hottie all right in that black skirt. Gorgeous legs, just right breasts hiding under my black silky blouse. I cupped my hands over them, lifting them up and down and this way and that, getting a real good feel for them. I took off my top and undid my bra. I bought one of those that breastfeeding mothers wore that unfastened in the front. It was way more convenient than trying to fiddle around with the clasps in the back on the other kind. I sat on the end of the bed and started playing with my nipples, watching with keen interest as they grew all tingly and stiffened out. A pleasant sensation started moving through my groin and I felt my weird new skin down there growing slightly moist. I started moving my hands slowly all over my body, up and down my sides, feeling the nice, neat smooth girl skin everywhere. I could have a girl anytime I wanted now! Play with her body for awhile and then change back. It was like having the perfect girlfriend. One you didn't have to take out or buy flowers for or worry about breaking up with or get jealous over if she was starting to date other guys. One you didn't have to play all those games for just to keep her interested. No romancing. No fights. No break ups. I've become my own girlfriend! Sure it's masturbation. Sure it's probably something frowned upon by most of society - changing your sex just to play finger fun time, but turning into a girl's the most convenient and fun thing I've ever done in my life. "Darn it!" I swore. I completely forgot to buy a camera to take photos of myself in all these outfits. A couple nudes wouldn't hurt either. I wanted keepsakes I could put in my wallet and show the guys my new girlfriend. I could make a game out of it. Appearing as her every once in awhile to keep the story somewhat valid. Never able to be at the same place as both my male and female self unfortunately, but still... fun worth trying out when I got the chance. I saw myself feeling my breasts up in the mirror and it was one of the wildest sights I think I'd ever seen in my life. Seeing a girl do that... from inside the girl. Feeling her feeling her tits, seeing her play with herself like that - it's all so crazy-incredible. I grinned back and bit my lower lip, about losing control now as I rolled over and onto my back and sat back up again quickly and spread my legs out on the bed, then brought the feet in together and undid my flats, tossing them on the floor. I straightened out my legs again, keeping them together, ankles touching, toes pointed skyward. Sitting upright like that on the bed. I put my hands beneath my thighs, feeling slowly all the way up to my ankles as I leaned forward bit by bit and then slowly all the way back up again. Creamy smooth. So baby soft like a girl. I wanted to cry, I was so happy. I did this again and again then switched it up so I was feeling the tops of my sexy, beautiful legs, then the outer sides, then finally the inner sides. I could easily see myself doing this pretty often. It felt good both from the hands doing the feeling as well as from the body which seemed rigged up to enjoy being feeled. I'd heard more than once it described that a woman's body is like an extension of her sex organ. That sex for a woman is really a whole body thing. I think I finally am beginning to understand. If I kept feeling myself all over like this I was going to have to invest in lots and lots of body and hand lotion to keep from chapping and to keep things nice and smooth and sexy. I gave up on the legs for now and leaned back on my back and started feeling up and down my arms. Then it was time for the crotch, but I quickly discovered everything down there was essentially numb and useless or else still far too sore and tender from being left in a partially transformed state. I took a relaxing bath then dried off and got into some silk panties and slipped into bed, turning off the lights and hiding gleefully under the covers. I hugged myself greedily feeling like I'd achieved man's greatest achievement, becoming the object of his own desire. As I lay there on my back under the bedsheets and heavy blankets hugging myself I felt my ear to ear grin. If only the guys could see this. I had a handful of fishing buddies I hung out with once in awhile. Otherwise I was pretty much a loner. I lived alone on quite a bit of acreage I'd purchased just prior to retiring and selling my share of the company I founded. There was a small single storey farmhouse on the property and a nearby barn. The upper portion of which I converted into a private studio and office. In between the barn and the house I had ordered a small underground tunnel built so I could secretly move back and forth unnoticed, even though I lived alone and my nearest neighbors were miles away. My bills were modest and everything was paid automatically through electronic means. Food packages were promptly delivered every month to my doorstep from local store houses. I had little worries and no real obligations in life anymore. No social events I had to attend, unless you count fishing with the guys as something social. Usually it's just sitting there quiet - like so you don't disturb the fish. Sitting and drinking a few beers. No friends or family who lived anywhere close to my remote location. I was a free man who was fortunate enough to retire in his early 40's. I had no wife or kids. No animals to take care of. Nothing of any real importance to worry about except keeping up with my hobbies. I tried my hand at music, oil painting, even carpentry in the makeshift little wood shop I created in my barn. I was no master at any of these things, but felt the same amount of satisfaction from doing them as if I were. In the back of my barn was an old boarded up well which the previous owner had sealed up years ago and simply constructed the barn right over it. I had an engineer come out and test the water, then when it turned out the water was deemed safe for drinking, I had an electrical pump installed to draw it from. My house was powered by solar panels and a half dozen windmills up on a windy hillside a few miles away. I was fairly happy with my self sufficient lifestyle and content to simply live life instead of watch it waste away from behind closed doors in a busy investment firm office. I had girlfriends. On average these days it was of no real importance so I sometimes went upwards of two years without a girlfriend. I just couldn't get into serious relationships and make them last all that long anymore. I think age has something to do with it. I've got slim pickings because I'm too old - well, was too old anyway until this transformation. You know those awkward moments when you're in bed and your mind is racing and all these different thoughts come flooding in and then, suddenly, you remember something important that you forgot? Something important that sort of needs doing before you can go to bed, so now you feel cheated that you have to get up and go carry out that task. "Well, darn," I said throwing the covers off and sitting up, flicking on the lights. I'd forgotten to go back for the car. It was still relatively early in the evening. My intention of going to bed wasn't to go to sleep of course, but to continue my fun time. Now I'd have to take care of that car. I chose some bluejeans and a red t-shirt, plus some black leather flats and a black wind breaker with hood. I lifted the hood up over my head, maybe hoping it would serve as some crude disguise, I don't know. I grabbed my car keys and threw them in my purse, then slung my purse over my shoulder and headed out the door. I walked down past a little thrift shop and a large station wagon pulled out of the alley, blocking the way. A middle aged man and woman were in the car, the woman reached back and opened the back passenger door and said, "Get in. It's not safe for you to be out here. You're being followed by a dangerous man. There's no time to explain. Just get in." She pointed behind me and just across the street about fifty yards away was the stranger I'd seen both in the cave and outside the shoe store. My gut instinct was to avoid them. Maybe they were in on it with that stalker over there. "I don't need your help," I said declining their offer. They frowned at me disappointedly and the woman shut the car door. Then the driver sped over across the street and slammed on the breaks, almost hitting the stalker. The man in the station wagon got out and marched right up to the other guy and they got into a heated argument and were pushing each other around. At times one or both of them shot a glance in my direction or one of them would point at me as they continued their loud arguing. All I heard of it was the last few words from the driver of the station wagon who shouted, "And the last thing this town needs is another criminal like you!" I watched as the station wagon turned and drove quickly away, tires squealing as it accelerated. I started walking quicker now and the stalker pointed and shouted, "Hey you!" and started running towards me. I felt panic overtake me as I burst into a run, heading as quickly as I could towards my car. "Stop or I'll phone the police!" I shouted back at him, but he wasn't listening. I looked all around me. The little shops everywhere had closed already. It seemed like nobody else was around. I cupped my hands around the edges of my mouth and cried,"Help! Somebody help me! Somebody help!" The station wagon came speedily from around the corner ahead of me, it must have driven around the block. The driver stuck a gun out the window and began shooting at the man chasing after me. Shots rang past my ears as the man behind me was shooting both at myself and at the people in the station wagon. After two more shots the shooting stopped and the station wagon pulled up beside me again and the driver said, "Now will you *please* let us help you?" Confused and distressed from the incident, still shaky, I climbed in the back seat of the car. "Did you kill him?" I asked. The driver laughed and said, "No. Just gave him a little shoulder wound. He should be all right." He flashed some sort of badge at me out of his wallet and put it away. "Name's Marty Millworth, detective at large," he introduced himself. "This here's Linda, my wife." The driver, like his wife, had the same skin tone and black hair and brown eyes as the man who nearly killed me. "Hi," Linda said weakly back. She looked almost as shaken over the shooting as I. I nodded a hello back to her, but kept quiet. "You were going back for your car, weren't you?" Marty asked. "That's what we figured too, so we thought we'd try and warn you you're in very deep trouble. Don't bother about the car. It's probably been tampered with and has a bomb planted on it. I hope you didn't have any valuables inside. You'll probably never see them again." "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "Back to the hotel to get your things. I advise you to pack quickly and come with us. It'll be safer if you're with us," he said. "Been trailing you ever since you entered that feminizing room in the cave. You see, there's trip wires, motion detectors and silent alarms all throughout the place that alert me if anyone's fooling around down there. Alerted that other fellow too, if you hadn't guessed. There's sort of an unwritten agreement we've got that goes way back to our ancestors. Nobody messes with the sacred waters unless it's been arranged between the he'akipar and the vin'kalod. The he'akipar would love to have you killed for your setting foot in there. That man who was after you is known simply as Shadow, he's a sort of shaman. He's a top notch tracker too. Once I spotted him following you I knew you were in deep trouble. Kept an eye out for you when you got to the hotel. Was surprised to see you come back for the car." They pulled up to the hotel and I got out and got my things and checked out at the front desk, then rejoined them back in the car. "Now where are you taking me?" I asked. "I can't take you back to your home. Shrowderwould be looking for you there," he replied. Linda turned around and said, "You require much training now that you're a girl." I shook my head no. "Oh no, you don't understand. This was only going to ever be for a short while. I was going to use the water in the other room to change back to normal." Marty seemed confused and asked, "So, you didn't change sex out of feeling a need to be a woman?" I shook my head no and replied blushingly with a shrug, "Just wanted to mess around, you know? I mean, seemed like a fun thing to try - and no, I didn't have sex with a man while stuck like this. I'm not into that at all. I still love women. I just wanted to see what it would be like is all." Through the rear view mirror I saw Marty sigh and close his eyes for a moment, even though we were blazing down the highway at full speed. He finally opened them again and said, "So you're just a voyeuristic peeping Tom who's not out to get into the role or anything, just have a little masturbatory fun, is that it?" I could feel my blush grow stronger now as I nodded yes. The wife looked worried and asked him anxious to hear a yes, "Is she to receive the training anyway?" "We can't force it on an outsider," Marty replied to her. "It breaks tradition, but we can't force it on her if she's unwilling." "What's this training all about anyway?" I asked curious to find out. "It will help you to learn how to be a woman," Linda replied. "The pools of correction are imperfect. Your mind is not in harmony with your body. You are like a little child in the candy store right now. This isn't healthy for you, but there are ways to make you learn." "Learn what in more detail, exactly?" I asked. "You're all about women," Marty said spurting the words out rapidly now, almost sarcastically at me. "Women, women, women. If it's not selfish, pleasure seeking, good old fashioned loss of self control habit you're after, it's wanting to surround yourself completely with women. So much so, that you've become engulfed in your fantasy. You just wanted to play around, cop a feel whenever you wanted and hoarde yourself in greedy self worship from a woman's perspective. A person like that, a person like you, can't be taught the kind of lessons we're offering." "To be able to love men, for one thing," Linda explained. "Sorry. I'm just not into that at all," I told them. I glanced out the window at a sign that read "Verdenville 300 miles" and realized we were headed in the wrong direction. "Hey, the way back to the cave is in the other direction. Where are you taking me?" "It's not safe for you to go back there," Marty said, informing me of his decision. "We're taking you to the vin'kalod council and there your fate will be determined." Linda turned to face me and said, "It is unlikely they will allow you to change back into a man again. Tradition allows for correction of gender only once for every person. You have had your correction. The question is if this rule applies also to outsiders. We shall see what the council decides." A "rest stop next exit" sign just flashed by the window. "Hey, can you just leave me off up here at the rest stop? I'll find my own way back, thanks," I said. "For your own protection, I'm sorry, but I can't allow that," Marty said. "It would be irresponsible of me to drop you off with that killer out on the loose." "I'm fine with taking my own risks, thank you," I said. "Just please let me off up here and... you passed the rest stop. Is there any way you can just turn around and drop me off? I promise I won't be any trouble. I'll just call for a taxi and go back home." Marty ignored me and when Linda seemed about ready to say something I heard him whisper to her, "Don't talk her anymore. Just pretend she isn't here." I sat there looking down at my lap. I wore bluejeans at present. My knees were pressed together, feet slightly spread apart, toes slightly turned inward. As a man I never sat this way. It just felt natural now I guess. I don't even remember consciously doing it. I think my wider hips and lack of male genitalia had some influence upon my subconscious decision to sit like this. I noticed a slight tingling sensation in portions of my crotch and up in my abdomen that I hadn't noticed before. I don't know when this began, certainly it must have happened minutes ago or I would have noticed by now. It was the same feeling I had for the couple of days during my transformation. Was my body continuing to transform? Why was it happening so late after the fact? Maybe I did drink enough of the girl water to fully change myself into a girl. Maybe the genitals just take longer to convert. I had to ask. "Pardon me, but can you answer me a question about this?" I asked. They didn't respond. They were still ignoring me. "I mean, if you've seen this happen before. Was there ever a case where a guy didn't turn all the way, I mean completely all the way, into a girl?" They exchanged knowing grins on their faces for a moment, but didn't reply to the question. Discussion was out of the question at the moment. They were leaving me to sit there in silence and await my fate. When we passed through Verdenville I began to wonder just how far away they were going to take me. I leaned over, putting my face against the side window and felt the rumble and hum of the vehicle rolling quickly along the highway. Eventually I fell asleep. I was gently shook awake quite sometime later. It was night time and we were parked in the driveway of a large house in the woods. I got out and was led to the open front door and into the home. There was another couple of people in the house. A man and woman. They all had the same dark hair and dark complexions as my captors/saviors. The man was pretty tall. Taller even than my old six foot three by several inches. Marty introduced them to me as Jonathan and Jeena. Jeena came over to me and took hold of my left hand, examined it for a moment, then let go and examined my right hand and let that go too. Then she looked me up and down critically and nodded yes and said, "She's been water touched all right. It's good you brought her to me. Has anyone else learned of the location of the sacred grounds?" Marty shrugged and pointed at me. "Why don't you ask her yourself." Jeena turned to face me and asked, "Have you told anybody about the cave?" "No," I replied. "No one." She seemed relieved and said, "That's good. We must keep this place a secret. Only the he'akipar and vin'kalod should know of this place. You will stay with us tonight. Get some rest. In the morning we will take you to the council for a decision on what must be done with you. Outsiders are forbidden this magic. You are fortunate that Shadow did not kill you when he had the chance." "He did try to back there," I said remembering the shots breezing by my head. "Still," Jeena said, "he is too good an assassin to have let you live for so long. I believe he intended to kidnap you for some reason. Maybe the he'akipar were interested in training an outsider to be one of them. When he was shot upon he must have tried to kill you to prevent us from getting you. I wonder why he thought you were so important. Were you especially talented before your change?" "I... Well, yeah, a little I guess," I admitted. "I made some paintings. I don't consider myself a professional or anything. I'm retired actually. Pretty well off financially in fact. Maybe he was interested in obtaining part of my wealth." Jeena grabbed hold of her chin and nodded deep in thought for a moment and said, "You're probably right on that. Shadow could have been interested in you for personal gain. I have a question for you before the council makes their decision tomorrow. Do you really want to be a man?" I nodded yes. "Definitely," I replied, "this was never supposed to be a permanent thing. I was just messing around is all. Call me a pervert if you will, but I had to try it just once." My crotch was still all tingly inside. I wondered if it changed much since the last time I looked at it. Jeena wore a white dress with green floral patterns spiraling all over. She also had on some brown leather sandals and a jade bead necklace. Her hair was done up in a long pigtail in back that went almost all the way down to her butt. Jonathan wore a black suit, no tie. White shirt unbuttoned at the top. Black leather shoes and socks. He had a high forehead and square jaw and seemed to be quite physically fit. His arms were big and brimming with strength. It was clear to me he worked out at the gym quite frequently to get like that. They both looked at each other and frowned disapprovingly, then looked back at me. Jeena said, "In our custom it is wrong for a man to be a woman who does not wish to become one and remain as one. We may have no choice but to release you as you are, but forbid you to trespass in our cave again. Shadow will try to hunt you down and do with you as he will. It is important for you to know the severe danger you are in. Our secret must be kept. You may be made to take on a companion to keep an eye over you, to ensure that you do not reveal the location of our sacred grounds to others. To ensure also that you do not return to the cave. The council will vote tomorrow. Then the women will vote. If the council votes to let you go, but the women vote to keep you then you shall stay. You are Pawner'wa, which means woman of the water. If you were not an outsider you would be made to go through training and then provided a mate. We can still offer you these things if you wish, but we will not force our tradition on you." "Pawner'wa also means man-woman or woman made from man," Linda explained. "If you were of our people, to be Pawner'wa you would have had to proven your wish to be a woman. Then, though ceremony, you would be escorted to the cave by a priestess. Then administered the cave water and brought back, wrapped in fine linen and cared for until your body made its transition. You would be given training on how to behave as a woman and all the new things you need to know about your new sex. Then you would be provided a husband to marry. Under no circumstances to Pawner'wa ever change back into men. Even though the sacred cave allows for a way - it is forbidden. Being an outsider, you were unaware of our customs, our laws, therefor you may not be faulted for your foolish mistake. I believe the council will let you go, but the women who will vote afterwards... they may not be so keen on your changing back into a man. There is a saying that goes: once a Pawner'wa always a girl. Women of our people guard our minds and inner feelings and perceptions as a secret men should not know. Once you are a woman, there you must stay. Even I believe in this. Though I understand your curiosity, I feel it is unfair that anyone should know both sides and take it back with them. It offers you too much advantage and knowledge of things only women should know." "But... I haven't learned any secrets of women," I cried. "My mind's still the same. I've never slept with a man this way. Honest. I wouldn't be taking any secret knowledge back with me. Who cares, then, right? Look, my sex organ's not even changed all the way." I started to unzip my bluejeans, but they stopped me. Jeena said, "That is unnecessary. The final changes are known to take awhile longer in some people. The council will consider this, as will the women when they vote on it. If you are not fully a girl then there might be allowances. Now, come. There are a few women in the guest house who would vote on you tomorrow. You should speak with them and voice your concerns and wishes." She led me out through the back door up a little gravel path leading up a little hill into the woods where a cottage sat nestled between the trees. She opened the door. It was unlocked. We entered and three women were there sitting on a couch waiting for me. They stood, all smiles, and came over to greet me with hugs and gentle kisses on the cheek. They were all in their pajamas as I was introduced to them. Shawna in pink, Nikky in white and Tina in yellow. They were all dark haired, had the same long pigtail as Jeena, and the same dark complexion as all the rest. Jeena didn't stay. Instead she bid me goodnight, indicated that I'd be staying here with these three, and she went back to the main house with the others. Nikky came up to me right away and took hold of my left hand, feeling my wrist all over and then reached out and lifted up my hair out, long and black. She reached up and touched me on the tip of the nose briefly, then said to the others, "She's Pawner'wa. The change-lines haven't healed yet." Nikky let go my wrist and hair and stepped back as Shawna came forward. "She's SO cute! I love when guys do this. We should vote to give her the training anyway. I think it would be good for her." Shawna took a few steps back and now it was Tina's turn to gawk. She put her pointer finger right in the middle of my forehead and kept it there. "Getting all the boy out of her's going to be tough if she doesn't want to be that way," Tina said and removed her pointer finger off me. "Tomboys are cute too," Nikky decided. "So she'll be a cute little tomboy. We can work with that." "I'd really rather just change back to normal," I said, tiring of them talking about me as though I was some statue frozen in place who couldn't talk back. "I don't know. You don't sound so convincing to me. Maybe if you beg," Nikky said getting a kick out of this. I got down on my hands and knees and pleaded there at her feet. "Please! Please change me back!" I pleaded. "The council won't turn me, Shawna or Tina into a boy, so why should they turn you into one?" Nikky asked with hands on hips. "There's no recorded cases of any women turning into men," Tina agreed. "But there's always a man, every once in awhile, who turns into a woman," Nikky added. "The council allows for that... the men usually vote a guy like that out of his gender if he's that sincere about it, but with you I'm not so sure about. You're really having problems with the idea of being stuck that way, aren't ya?" I shook my head yes as hot tears flowed down my cheeks. I still remained on the floor, head bowed, hands folded, pleading at their feet. "Man what an accident you turned out to be, huh?" Nikky asked. "I feel kind'a sorry for her," Tina added. "We can't make her stay that way. Look at her. She's all broken up over it," Shawna said. I felt a hand on my shoulder, patting it gently now. "So, let me get this straight. You're a real type man, right? A man who likes women?" Nikky asked and I nodded yes to her questions. "A man who's not into men at all? A man who doesn't really want to be a woman, but just wanted to see what it was like, right?" I nodded yes to everything she'd asked me. "All right, honey," Tina said helping me up and giving me a hug. They each gave me hugs of reassurance. "Tomorrow we're going to try and convince the others to vote to have you changed back into a man then. It's the right thing to do. It's not custom, but you're an outsider and you didn't know so you can't be held to blame for that. Has your vagina matured?" I shook my head no. "Good. That'll probably help," Tina decided. "You're going to sleep with one of us tonight in bed and it's to ensure there's no hanky-panky. You keep your hands off yourself and just sleep there and nothing else and we'll see." "One of us will even take a shower with you to make sure you're not playing around or anything," Nikky added. "If you manage to behave yourself and show a little bit of self control we'll see what we can do... but no promises. The council could decide on anything. Who knows?" Nikky took me to a bedroom nearby and got into bed. I stripped off my clothes down to just panties and a bra and climbed in beside her. She reached over to the nightstand and dimmed down the lights, but not all the way. "That's so I can see if you're fooling around or anything," she said as I climbed under the covers and laid down on my back. "No. Keep your hands ON the covers where I can see them. Good. Now no fooling around. No playing with yourself and I don't want you making any moves on me either. I've got a boyfriend so I'm not a lesbian and I'm not bisexual either. Now go to sleep, there, pretty boy. Goodnight." I waited, keeping awake. My mind was racing on a thousand different thoughts all at once. I didn't know what to do. This council or whatever was going to vote on my fate and I didn't like the idea of other people deciding what I was or wasn't going to do with my life. I lay awake wondering if I'd ever be a man again. I lay awake wondering when my crotch would ever stop tingling and finish its transformation. It seemed closer to completion. I could actually clench and unclench new muscles down there now and the outer lips of my pussy seemed to be midway on their journey closing in together. They were still a couple inches apart. I could sense this without looking. I could sense the open gap where my flesh couldn't touch the fabric of my panties. I thought about making a run for it, but where could I go? Out here in the middle of nowhere. I didn't even know exactly where "here" even was because I'd fallen asleep during that car ride. I finally fell asleep. I dreamed I was standing in a castle tower looking in the mirror. I was a blond woman wearing a big white dress. The kind that puffs out all over and is multi-layered. The kind a girl might wear to a ball room dance or a wedding or prom. I had never recalled ever in my life dreaming I was a girl, but here I was. I lifted up the front of my gown a little and looked at my feet. Glass slippers. I must be dreaming I'm Cinderella, I thought. "You're all set," I heard an older woman's voice say from behind me. "The coach is waiting outside." I turned around and looked and saw a little grandmother figure standing there in a bright multicolored dress. Blue, green, yellow, red... Bright patches of color everywhere and on her head was a long pointy blue hat with stars and little quarter moons and planets and in her hand was a magic wand, star tipped and all. "What?" I asked, puzzled by all this. "You're going to the ball to meet your Prince Charming," she said rearing back her magic wand, probably to teleport me down to the coach or something. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," I said waving my hands out for her to stop. "I'm not a boy, I'm a girl... I mean, I'm not a girl I'm a boy!" She nodded in agreement. "That's right. Just like you asked, I turned you into one so you could go to the ball." "Huh? Wa-? What?" I asked surprised. She raised a white brow at me and put her wand-free hand on her hip and asked, "Don't you even remember? Boy, my spells are getting stronger and stronger all the time. You were right over there crying in your pillow because your two older sisters had been picking on you, telling you they were going to the ball and you couldn't because you weren't invited, but that maybe you'd be invited if you were a girl. You were blubbering to yourself about wishing you were a girl so you could go to the ball. I happened to be in the area so I thought I'd check in on you. Boy you were a mess." "I'm a grown man," I corrected her. The way she was talking I'd been some poor deranged and depressed teenaged kid. "Right now you're neither," she said. "You're a grown woman. Well... eighteen to be precise. Here's the rules. You must return home by midnight because that's when you're scheduled to change back. You must also be careful not to be kissed by a man. If a man willingly kisses you on the lips before the spell wears off you'll be a girl for.... let me look it up in my book...... talismans.... toads.... transformations.... ah yes, here we go. Transformations into a woman. Ah... this is a class B spell so... here we are, princess until midnight... side effects and dangers... ah yes, warnings concerning men using this enchantment... back by midnight... yes, yes, we know that already... no kissing men.... here we go... this is most di

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The Lake Cave Ghost

Lake Gorndon was nestled high up in the forests of western Massachusetts, that forgotten place that wasn't quite Boston and wasn't quite upstate New York. Since the fall of 2002, it's been an empty valley with a thin river running through it--ever since the Water Company dissolved the hillside that kept it dammed up. Now, Lake Gorndon is just a little river, just another part of Dancing Beck Run, the long tributary system that waters most of Langdon County. They say the plan to drain the...

3 years ago
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The Cave II The book of Lust

Time sped by after I left the cave. I don't know how I got home that night, only that I worke up the next morning and went right back to the cave. But I could not find the entrance again, no matter how hard I tried or how sure I was that I was in the right spot, I just could not find it. I was sure it was not a dream, His seed still coursed in my veins and His words rang in my head! I finally realized that He had given me spread the word of Cock. This meant something totally...

3 years ago
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Revolutionary Magic 101 Magical Lessonings

"Nessa! You weren't even trying that time!" Bellemir exclaimed. The two women stood on the narrow stone stairway that circled the castle's central keep. While Nessa stood in front of the door leading to the baron's private quarters, Bellemir stood a few steps above her. Nessa was a muscular woman with wide hips, broad shoulders, a firm stomach, small breasts, and a well-curved ass who stood a trifle less than average height. Dressed in a simple...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fur 1 Cave Of The Wolves

Looking out to her left, a modern facility seemed incongruous amongst the greenery. Several habitation buildings, a greenhouse, even an air-strip, control tower and hangar, containing her plane. Well, obviously not 'her' plane, in that it was owned by Nordic Industries, the same as the rest of the entire complex. As the Operational Manager and sole pilot based out here however, Tamara took her responsibility seriously. Being the personal woman-servant of the CEO of Nordic Inc. also...

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The Cave In Winter Wonderland

Chapter One“Damn it! Where did they go?” I mumbled to myself as I came to a fork on the icy path on this icy alpine mountain. Derrick, my boyfriend, thought this trip would be a great way to spend our winter break from the University we attended in Chicago.Susie, my BFF, and Sean, her boyfriend,  all were excited about the trip. I guess I was the only one who didn't like the idea. The news has a way of making the world seem dangerous. Chicago doesn't have the best reputation, but I feel safe...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Pathfinder The Trio Cave Conversations

Pathfinder: The Trio - Cave Conversations Author's note: Since this is a sequel to "The Trio", you might want to read that one first, if you havent already. Goruza led the way towards the cave, with Emerald behind her leading Champ, her mule, on which Besh (and Max) sat. Finally, they reached the lip of the cave, and entered into it. "It's bigger than I expected," Besh remarked as she jumped off Champ, temporarily dislocating Max in the process. "We should explore it, so we...

5 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 11 Training In The Manor Of Cave Twenty Five

Staring at the living room's Screen, Zax and Serah had two huge, proud, childish grins. They did tell the truth and now Troel and Jinka have to believe them. In contrast to the two children, Troel and Jinka completely ignored the notion of their daughter and her friend lying. The two adult listened to every word of the announcer and followed each of the reporters' questions that were answered or overlooked. They did not laugh or were excited. By when the announcement broadcast the third...

5 years ago
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The Cave

I was lonely after having to leave town quickly to avoid some people who were not happy with me and wanted to hurt me. Normally, I would have stayed and faced these people, but under good advice and harsh punishment, I decided to get out of town. But in doing so, I had to cut ties with the very soul of my existence....everything that I existed fellow worshippers!i wound up in a very rural town, hiding out in a cabin my grandmother had inherited in the mountains. There was not much to...

4 years ago
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The Cave of Solitude

The Cave of Solitude By Kachakali See a picture of this story at my site: Am I alive or am I dead? Is this purgatory? I cant see anything. I cant tell if I'm blind or not. Darkness is the same if my eyes are open or not. I've been wandering in this darkness forever it seems. How do I even know I exist? Do I still have a body? or am I just a wandering thought? When the bandits came, I ran into this secret cave. I found it myself....

2 years ago
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Den of the Cave Toads

In the village of Norde, in the Kingdom of Thiskal, recently women have been going missing. Eventually it was discovered that Cave Toads from the nearby Black Marsh cave system were responsible, but as Norde is a peaceful farming village, they had no way to oppose the creatures. However, thier plight spread throughout the kingdom, eventually prompting three adventureres to come to the aid. With no promise of major wealth, these women selflessly enter the caves in order to deal with the cave...

4 years ago
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Captain Caveman in Cavey Can Do It

Captain Caveman in Cavey Can Do It By Sasha Zarya Nexus This fan fiction piece is based on the original works, "Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels" by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977. "All New Super Friends Hour"; by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977 and Extreme Justice #9 by DC Comics, Copyright 1995 All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment...

2 years ago
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Celtic Warrior 02 The Crystal Cave

Celtic Warrior 2: Secrets of the Crystal Cave Deep in the forest of Northwestern Gaul 263 BC Lilli softly kissed Ulrike’s thigh. When she laid her cheek against the warrior’s muscular leg, she looked directly into the heart of her dew filled forest and the musky tunnel beyond. Lilli’s fingers were inside stirring up the juices that seeped out around her hand. The bouquet of the Ulrike’s arousal filled the seer’s nostrils. It was intoxicating, and she inhaled deeply and savored the scent of...

2 years ago
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Eurotica 20 The beach the sun the cave

I wrote this for a ladyfriend whom I went on to have a wild weekend with – ish! After reading it, she claimed to have rushed to her nearest pub, picked up a man and then fucked his brains out! See what you think! The sand was so white and pebble-free it could have been snow, but for the intense heat from the cloudless blue sky. The Mediterranean Sea was crystal clear, very warm and very welcoming. Mandy marvelled at the view, she was a week into her holiday with her partner and her tan was...

2 years ago
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Eurotica 20 The beach the sun ndash the cave

I wrote this for a ladyfriend whom I went on to have a wild weekend with - ish!After reading it, she claimed to have rushed to her nearest pub, picked up a man and then fucked his brains out! See what you think! The sand was so white and pebble-free it could have been snow, but for the intense heat from the cloudless blue sky. The Mediterranean Sea was crystal clear, very warm and very welcoming.Mandy marvelled at the view, she was a week into her holiday with her partner and her tan was...

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The Nymphs Pleasure House Rosalies Cave Part III

If Raener would have rather died than be saved by a wolf girl, then soon got his wish. His recovery seemed to be swift and without issue, but just two days later, his condition suddenly took a turn for the worse. A hot fever suddenly shot to every end of his body and when Rosalie removed the old leaves to reapply the herbal paste, she found that there was pus leaking out of his wounds. Without speaking, both knew what this meant; blood poisoning. Rosalie wanted to tell the incubus that he got...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Wife in the Snow Cave

At the time of this story, my wife, Laura, and I lived in Tacoma , Washington , and we both enjoyed hiking in the Cascade Mountains . Laura’s hobby is wildlife photography, and we often took overnight hikes at higher elevations, so we would be in the mountains at sun rise to take photos of wildlife not normally seen during the day. We understood the dangers in the mountains, and always took the necessary survival equipment, just in case of an emergency. Fierce storms could develop in a matter...

3 years ago
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My Wife in the Snow Cave

At the time of this story, my wife, Laura, and I lived in Tacoma , Washington , and we both enjoyed hiking in the Cascade Mountains . Laura’s hobby is wildlife photography, and we often took overnight hikes at higher elevations, so we would be in the mountains at sunrise to take photos of wildlife not normally seen during the day. We understd the dangers in the mountains, and always took the necessary survival equipment, just in case of an emergency. Fierce storms can develop in a matter of...

3 years ago
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Cave Trap Part 1

Jack Simon’s business trip to Manila had gone well. His company’s new office was well staffed to administer the underwriting and collection aspects of his large insurance company. He rewarded himself by taking a flying boat to Okinawa to meet an old Navy buddy. Craig was a lifer who had managed to stay in Okinawa for three years and he knew the area well. He took Jack scuba diving in places that tourists never saw; cave systems on small islands that were mostly untouched by the outside...

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The Treasures Inside Her Cave

She visited them as regularly as she could. The drive in her jeep would take her through various mountainous terrain and valleys of bare rock. A place fondly remembered, far enough from main roads and remote enough from her own existence in the noisy city. She would stay usually no more than one or two nights in her cave, but the nights there were her medicine that she had to take. Her nights would rejuvenate her, recharge her, fire her hormones and detonate her sexuality. She would go away,...

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The Nymphs Pleasure House Rosalies Cave Part II

She laid him down in the cave. On her way back, his open wounds had left a trail of blood and was sure to attract wolves — but she was the most dangerous wolf in this part of the forest. The handsome incubus had stopped making noise, but Rosalie could still feel his heart beating every so faintly. She thought that he should have died from his horrible wounds, but there was a stubborn frown on his brows — he refused to die. When she tended his wounds, she couldn’t help but smile at the irony...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Masters Tree Cave

Daddy comes out of the cave after what seems like forever. He walks over to the blanket and picks up the cloth packaging that the ropes were wrapped in. I look at him, curious about what he’s going to do with that. He looks at me and smiles with a little mischievous glint in his eye. He walks over to me and kisses me sweetly. He then uses the packaging as a blindfold. I smile and shiver. Blindfolds are my favorite thing for us to play with. “It’s time to go see Master, Princess,” Daddy...

4 years ago
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Cave Woman BluesChapter 2

Eve and her protégée Evita made a good killing team and they were in great demand on all raids despite the fact that females generally did not go on raiding parties just because they spent most of their time pushing out tiny new cave-dwellers. Both Eve and her follower Evita were fit enough to handle raiding confrontations up to about the halfway point of carrying a new member of the prehistoric cave-dwelling society. That meant about a four to five month period of non-participation rather...

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Swms 5 Accidental IncestChapter 1 Cave In

My name is Cyrus Zanger and I ... had sex with my sister. There I said it. The cat's out of the bag. Let the world know, I'm a sick pervert! But it wasn't really my fault. I know what you're thinking... "Well how can it not be your fault? You put your penis inside her vagina! You both let it happen! You're sick!" Seriously it was an accident. Where to begin? Oh, the beginning, yeah. That's a good spot. Well. I'm 19 years old, and so is my twin sister, Emma, but we had just turned 18...

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The Cave

Raising out of the water into the underground cave, I took the time to lookaround, the small water proof torch light on my head illuminating the passagewaycut into the rock. Guessing by the stairs cut into it, from a time before thecave was flooded. Last time I had been down here I had taken an air sampleand found it to be fresh, so there was a passageway or hole up into the mountainabove letting in fresh air. With that in mind and pulled of my breather andtook a tentative breath, it was fresh,...

4 years ago
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The Cave On The Other Side Of The Mountain

It was the early morning of Oct 25, 2020, a perfect day for a birthday hike. I, Actaeon, started to walk along the trail through the sunlit mist. The brush was profuse, yet I frequently saw deer and fox roving through the forest. As I passed deeper into the thickets, I saw an abundant amount of rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons as well.After several hours, the path narrowed and I was funneled along into a clearing. A toll gate stood in the center of the trail and created as much of a hurdle as a...

2 years ago
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The Cave

The bikini was wet, I mean. I was sixteen years old then. I was still a virgin but was becoming highly sexually aware. I was slim and lithe…I had a-cup breasts with sensitive nipples which I know sometimes showed through my clothing when they were aroused and erect. I’d noticed boys – and men – surreptitiously glancing at them and it made me feel good. I was regular gymnast, which involved tight lycra costumes, so my mother made sure I kept myself smooth ‘Down there’, as she put it. I’d not had...

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Sympathetic Magic

Sympathetic Magic Mardi Gras isn't my thing, but there I was, in New Orleans. Because James asked. Not too many people stuck with me when I came out as a trans man, stopped being Barbra and became Benjamin, but James did. So when he asks for help, I come. He's hung out a shingle as a P.I., getting a rep as the guy for the forgotten people, the ones the police ignore. Dam if I can figure out how that gives him enough to keep the lights on, but that's James all over. In...

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The Magicians Wife Makes Her Own Magic

It hasn’t always been easy. There were times when we had more than enough but generally we’ve been scrappers. In spite of our best efforts we often just make it from week to week by the skin of our teeth. We’re okay with that. It makes for a bit of excitement and we actually find ourselves thankful that we’ve always had a roof over our heads and plenty to eat. We also consider it a blessing that we get to work together. Jack has been in the entertainment business for all of his adult life. I...

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The True Source of Magic 1st part

PrologueMagic was once abundant in the world: most agree with that.  What people disagree on is how to bring the magic back.Some say the magic will never return, that it is a punishment for past sins.  Some say the magic will return once the sins have been atoned for, or when wrongs have been righted.  Others say that magic can be made abundant again through effort and intelligence. Most say that the world was paradise when magic was abundant, and will be again, if ever the source of magic can...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Nymphs Pleasure House Rosalies Cave Part IV

Rosalie and Raener sat at the entrance of the cave with a pair of rabbits roasting above the fire. Normally, she would have eaten the rabbits raw, but since she had a guest for the very first time, Rosalie decided to follow what she assumed was the incubus custom. To her surprise, Raener drew out some herbs that he had found in the forest and sprinkled them on the rabbits. “It’s seasoning,” he said when he noticed Rosalie’s curious gaze. “It’ll give the meat more taste.” “Y-yes,” Rosalie...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Nymphs Pleasure House Rosalies Cave Part I

Solitary and one with the forest; such was the life of a wolf girl. Ever since she had come of age, Rosalie had been living alone in a cave in the forest. She rested during the day and hunted at night. She did not miss her parents nor did she think of her siblings; wolves moved in packs — however wolf girls were a different breed. It was said that centuries ago, a werewolf and a human woman eloped and had two children: a boy and a girl. These two children were the Original Sin; the offspring...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The True Source of Magic 2nd part

Chapter 1: The Longest Chapter - continuedKadren swung her mace threateningly at one of the creatures.  It backed away a little, but did not retreat.  The other five paused, but then resumed their slow advance forward.  They looked like small, ugly (uglier than usual) goblins, and more feral than any goblin she had ever encountered.  These were the same sort of creature that Coj had already handily dispatched.  They made shrill noises as they closed in, and gave off, what sounded like, cackles....

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Cave Trap Part 3

Although the storm wasn’t the onset of an early monsoon season, the rain continued throughout the night and the winds abated little. Craig and Miri’s stranded yacht, the ‘Queen Of Jade’ held secure at three points. Never the less, she lifted and fell with the continuous motion of the waves. The couple rewarded Jack for his good-natured acceptance of their sex trap with a sumptuous evening meal. Craig fried shrimp and laid it over a bed of rice with ‘Komatsuna’, (a local mustard spinach),...

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Eve Modern Cave Girl Ch 03

The rest of that day I had a very warm glowing memories of Andrew and Jill, and, of course, Blake. My teenage lover was really something else the day after our menage a quad. He seemed even more gentle and tender. All day long he praised my beauty, my intellect, and my artistic abilities. I admit that went to my head. I knew that he had seen me as more than just a warm body to share his bed since day one, but now, he seemed different, somehow. Blake appeared to gain even more sensitivity and...

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Cave Toads Invade the Comic Multiverse

It is common, when things go bad, they go real bad. Due to rifts opening up in generic hentai fantasy world b, cave toads were sent all about the multiverse. The effects had already been seen in other worlds, such as Azeroth, where the denizens were quickly being bred by the long dicked frog creatures. But that was not the only one that the creatures had been thrown to. The worlds of Earth 616 as well as Prime Earth also received a healthy dose of the horny cave toads. Although they would...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 5 Second Timothy in the Cave the Junction

Day two of the 'new' cave, the water shut off. Yup ... water main break. The place dried out quickly now that the other passages seemed to be either blowing or sucking. 'Well, ' thought Wendy. 'Might as well see if there's a way for David to get in.' The first passage counter clockwise from the 'front door' led to a high velocity crawlspace. David would never fit but it had to be open on the other end. It was ... and it wasn't. After an easier belly crawl than the front door the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 210 My Date With Mackenzie The Magic Part

Thursday, May 12, 2005 (Continued) "Please give me a few seconds to prepare. I need to tie the hair that Diana so kindly donated into a knot." Diana and Claire giggled, with Mackenzie joining in with a small chuckle too. Plus small smiles from the parents. I made a small loop in one end of the hair, then wove the long end around and around the loop, pulling the loop a little smaller as I went, until I ran out of hair. Hair being somewhat stiff, the tension in the loop kept it in a loop...

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Cave of Splendor

Erica was your average college student. She was working on getting her business degree at Arizona State University. All during the spring semester she had locked herself in her apartment to study. She had hardly gone to any parties and didn't date at all. So, to make up for it, her and her friend Danielle had decided to go to Hawaii for the month of June. Danielle's parents owned a condo there, so they only needed money for the flight and food. Once in the airports they got their leis, their...

2 years ago
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Exploring the Caves of Crystal Part I and II

Let me say up front that I am not a bad guy.Well, I guess the only one who ever told me I was a good boy was my mama, but that is certainly not my fault at all.It is a hard world out there and a guy has to be on his toes all the time and watch out for all the cocksuckers who would stab you in the back just to get your wallet. I will admit I had a bit of a drinking problem from time to time, but it was usually teamed up with how some piece of tail fucked me with a capital “F”. I think it was...

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The Cave

THE CAVE There was nothing I could do but watch as the five pairs of hands m*****ed Fay’s beautiful naked body. She too was unable to offer any resistance. They stroked, squeezed, prodded, touched and roamed all over her body without remorse, without fear of being stopped, without fear of reprisal. Fay’s hands were fastened at the wrists over her head, leather wrist cuffs clipped onto chains suspended from a ceiling beam, her feet just touching the floor, her legs forced apart by a wooden...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Hero Ine The Ice Caves

Hero Ine: The Ice Caves by Enbreeze He walked past endless spires of sheer white and blue crystal, each capturing the light and sending it in a million different directions. He walked forward with determination despite the chilled air and darkness about him. " WELCOME, WHELP! " challenged a loud voice which shook the crystalline ice cave. The young boy drew a knife, fear showing in his eyes. " Kegare! " he shouted, " where are you?! " A gentle but cruel laughing...

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Earths CoreChapter 6 Savage Caves

Kartius sat inside a fifty meters deep gorge, shrouded in lava like smoky mist. In his hands he was clasping a black sphere, a Black Core, and on his chest, up where his clavicle was, a lone azure gate was glowing. "Hmm..." Kartius circulated his breath. It helped to bare the pain a little longer, and when it did not, it was good to have the indissoluble Black Core in his hands, to alleviate some of the stress... 'Absolved from Pain and Destruction ... Zax, my Martial son... ' For a...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Mrs Cavendish

Preface: I apologise for posting a second unfinished story here (the other being 'Model') but this is another story that I made good progress with and then due to pressure of work have had to stop temporarily. If you like this, or Model please let me know - it will help me decide which one to finish first (or even to start another one). Mrs Cavendish by Paula Hanson (email: [email protected]) Prologue I left school that hot summer three years ago. I was only sixteen at...

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Cavendish Enlightened

Cavendish rubbed at his erection through his pants as he led Beatrice through to the hidden parlour beyond the covert door, eyeing the oaken stairs which led up to the comfortable room that he’d entertained her in last week. It had been she who’d recommended the venue, following his acquaintance of her through a fetishist club he’d been introduced to, and he was more than satisfied with the arrangement, his cock erecting all week in anticipation. She knelt below him, naked and on a silver...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 4 Second Timothy in the Cave One

As much as he wished to keep Wendy safe, David could not fit in the entrance tunnel. No amount of scrabbling in the tunnel floor added any more height or breadth to the shaft. David was 'locked' out. The place was just too small. Spelunking is not a safe single person sport. There should always be a partner. Finding someone as tiny as herself was a problem. Tiny guys always had 'big attitudes, ' tiny girls detested the dirt. There were many claustrophobes. Over the years, Wendy...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites

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