Volontariato - Volunteering free porn video

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Ti racconto la mia storia, un po’ per il piacere di farlo e anche per una forma di piccola vendetta personale nei confronti di mio marito, affermato professionista calabrese. Un bell’uomo di buona famiglia e, a modo suo, bravo padre e (secondo la mentalità disgustosa e antiquata che ci circonda) anche buon marito.
Il mio “bravo” marito però non sa che uno dei suoi amici di gioventù è gay.
Amedeo è molto affezionato a me sin da ragazzo; mi confidava tutto e mi avvertiva anche quando “il maritino” stava per combinare qualche marachella.
Grazie alle sue soffiate, all’inizio del matrimonio sono riuscita a beccarlo mentre si stava organizzando qualche avventura con qualche zoccoletta senza scrupoli.
In linea di massima l’ho perdonavo, anche perchè in Sila l’inverno è lungo e fare i separati in casa a trent’anni, per una donna... è dura.
Poi, dopo un periodo di quiete, me l’ha fatta veramente sporca e da allora siamo stati in sostanza divisi quasi dieci anni.
Praticamente mi ero scordata persino come si fa all’amore.
In poche parole, il mio congiunto (approfittando del fatto che ero impegnata e addolorata per la malattia di mio padre, culminata con un trapianto del fegato) si scopava la babysitter, una ragazzotta di paese, appena maggiorenne.
Difficile immaginarla come donna; difficile immaginarla interessante per un uomo come lui. Un professionista affermato che, volendo, avrebbe potuto permettersi veramente di meglio ma non finisce qui.
Tornata da Torino, stanca e distrutta, in paese trovai lui nero e lei disperata.
La ragazza mi raccontò che un giovane l’aveva messa incinta e adesso non poteva dirlo a casa, altrimenti il padre l’avrebbe uccisa.
Ne parlai con mio marito ma lui disse che la detestava e che non era che una zoccola: niente a che vedere con una“santa” donna come me. Infatti “la santa” era una donna adulta e avrei potuto essere sua mamma.
Mi feci carico del suo guaio, ben conoscendo la mentalità retrograda di quei piccoli centri di montagna.
Alla fine, grazie alle mie amicizie e sacrificandomi personalmente (ed economicamente) riuscimmo a farla abortire, pur di non negarle un futuro: la ragazza altrimenti sarebbe stata segnata a vita.
Pochi giorni dopo il fattaccio tutti ritornarono felici e contenti.


Qualche mese più tardi dissi a mio marito che Teresa a casa non serviva più: che fare? Lui prese la palla al balzo e disse:
- Sai che possiamo fare? Adesso che con i miei soci abbiamo aperto lo studio più grande, la posso far assumere da noi, tanto lei il diploma se l’è già preso! –
Soluzione perfetta pensai: ormai avevo preso a cuore la situazione della “povera pastorella”.

Dopo un anno però il mondo mi crollò addosso!
Amedeo, il nostro amico gay, litigò di brutto con mio marito e per togliersi la pietra dalla scarpa, mi fece una telefonata di fuoco.
- Guarda io non avevo avuto il coraggio di dirtelo – affermò – perchè tu sei una brava donna e non volevo farti più male di quanto già ne hai ricevuto, ma ti avverto: guardati intorno perchè, come diciamo noi, ti hanno messo in mezzo!
Ricordati solo questo, tuo marito è un vero porco. –
Come un velo di nebbia che si dirada, dinanzi a me la verità venne a galla. Feci un po’ d’indagini discrete e scoprii, poco alla volta, il nido di vespe su cui ero stata seduta senza accorgermi di nulla.
Morale della favola: mio marito aveva sedotto la ragazza nonostante avesse venticinque anni di più; quando avevo seguito mio padre a Torino, se l’erano spassata talmente che l’aveva messa incinta e, dulcis in fundo, io stessa l’avevo aiutata per liberarsi del bambino: cosa che mi ripugnava, dal punto di vista morale e religioso.
Adesso che lei lavorava al suo studio erano veri e propri amanti e se la godevano come due piccioncini. Chissà quante volte si erano fatte delle grosse risate pensando a quanto ero stata stupida io.
Piantai un enorme casino, li minacciai di brutto e la storia finì.
Passai poi un lungo, brutto periodo chiusa in casa a piangere e a soffrire ripensando a ciò che avevo vissuto.
I rapporti con mio marito erano sempre tesi e abbiamo dormito divisi per anni.
Anche lui prese una brutta botta. Finita la storia malefica con quella ragazza che lo aveva fatto sentire un “giovanotto” e che, tra l’altro, gli aveva spillato un sacco di quattrini, si era ritrovato, alle soglie della vecchiaia, solo e malvisto.
Il paese è piccolo, la gente parla e la sua tresca era diventata di dominio pubblico.
Ho undici anni meno di lui e, nonostante tutto, sono ancora una donna apprezzata.
Non sono altissima ma il mio corpo e ben proporzionato; una vita sana e l’aria buona mi hanno permesso di conservare un fisico tonico e formoso.
Le gravidanze mi hanno riempito e fatta più donna: mi vesto in maniera classica, mai volgare e porto sempre la gonna. In questo mondo di ragazze che girano in jeans tagliati male e strappati, le mie gambe nervose, trattenute dalle calze di seta nere, e le scarpe eleganti che scelgo attraggono ancora degli sguardi vogliosi, persino da parte dei più giovani.


Dopo un anno cupo e sofferto arrivò la telefonata che mi ha cambiato la vita.
Era padre Fulvio, un prete che si occupa di volontariato a favore dei disabili e dei trapiantati, conosciuto a Torino nell’ospedale.
Era tutto contento perchè mi doveva fare una bella sorpresa: padre Fulvio era a pochi passi dal mio paese, a Siderno Marina.
D’estate organizzavano delle settimane di colonia per i giovani con difficoltà.
Mi disse di scuotermi dal mio torpore e di andarlo a trovare per passare una giornata diversa.
Volli spezzare la catena e uscire finalmente dalle mie quattro mura, così pochi giorni dopo, accompagnata da mio figlio, raggiunsi Siderno e passai veramente una bella giornata.
Poi, il prete mi fece una proposta: perchè non rendermi utile agli altri facendo del volontariato? Insomma mi chiese di occuparmi, per le due settimane successive, aiutando i ragazzi del prossimo turno.
Non risposi subito di sì, nonostante tutto sono sempre una donna all’antica e volevo parlarne con mio marito.
Lui fu entusiasta, non sopportava più tanta tensione, e sperava che, rompendo la routine, qualcosa sarebbe cambiato anche tra di noi.
Così, nel mese di Agosto, partii con il mio borsone come una studentessa alle prime armi. Portai perfino il costume da bagno... era da tanto che non andavo al mare.
Avendo avuto anche un figlio maschio non ebbi nessuna remora a trattare con quei giovani, purtroppo diversamente abili a causa di varie patologie.
Da loro imparai l’allegria e la gioia di sorridere anche con poco, imparai ad apprezzare le piccole cose che sono sempre le più belle.
Di giorno li aiutavo insieme alle altre “sorelle”, ci chiamavano così, come fossimo monache.
Collaboravo anche a lavarli, li accompagnavo a fare i bisogni, controllavo che tutto fosse in efficienza per non procurare loro altro disagio.
Di sera poi, dopo cena, si parlava a lungo specialmente con i più grandi e capii che la cosa che più mancava loro, era il sesso.
Scoprii che molti si eccitavano continuamente e si arrangiavano come potevano.
Ce n’era uno Samuele un ragazzo di ventisei anni, che appena lo toccavo si eccitava. Lavargli le parti intime non era facile, perchè il suo pisello, diventava gigantesco e duro e non sapevo come piegarglielo nella vasca del bidet.
La situazione, dopo il primo imbarazzo, divenne comica e ogni volta ci facevamo un sacco di risate.
In me però, nasceva anche una certa eccitazione, perchè erano anni che non facevo niente; quelle risate servivano anche a esorcizzare il mio turbamento.
Una mattina mentre andavo a fa la spesa con Colomba, una donna della mia età esperta di volontariato, portai la discussione su quel fatto: come si comportavano loro con i ragazzi maschi quando questi si eccitavano?
- Beh, cara mia, ognuna si comporta come si sente, non esiste una regola... sono giovani e, nonostante tutto, molti hanno le loro pulsioni: arrapano come chiunque. Lo sai no?– mi lanciò uno sguardo d’intesa. - Con un po’ di discrezione, se te la senti, puoi fare come fanno tante altre... potresti dargli una mano. –
Esitai per un poco, poi capii:
- Ah, una mano... una mano nel vero senso della parola? – e con le dita mimai il gesto di chi tira una sega a un maschio.
Colomba rise di gusto: - Brava, hai capito al volo! –


Due giorni dopo, a Ferragosto, organizzammo la brace sulla spiaggia, portammo una chitarra e cenammo tutti in allegria.
Più tardi, la maggior parte tornò alla pensione, mentre alcuni dei giovani più grandi insistettero per restare, almeno per quella notte, sull’arenile.
Mi offrii di far loro da assistente e mi lasciarono il pulmino per ritirarci a nostro piacimento.
Anche Samuele volle rimanere. Eravamo in quattro: due ragazzi, una ragazza ed io.
Chiacchierammo, giocammo e alla fine si doveva pagare pegno: io persi indecorosamente.
Era tardi e sulla spiaggia non c’era quasi nessuno... lontano qualche altro falò, che si spegneva, mentre i nottambuli se ne andavano via.

Il buio e l’allegria si resero complici delle nostre parole, il pegno divenne sfida; la sfida divenne tenzone, poi fu un continuo duello di... “e tu? e io; e te la senti, e non te la senti...” eccetera eccetera.
Insomma alla fine io ero la vecchia signora borghese che si dice emancipata ma che non sapeva uscire dai luoghi comuni; incapace di trasgredire... di godersela liberamente assecondando i propri desideri.
Il mio pegno prese una piega inaspettata: dovevo avere il coraggio di toccare il membro di Samuele davanti agli altri due.
Per stemperare l’atmosfera, mentre arrossivo nell’oscurità, dissi:
- E che ci vuole: è una settimana che glielo tocco... – risi – Caccialo fuori, su, vediamolo questo pisellino! – dissi prendendolo in giro.
- No! – intervenne la ragazza – Devi farlo tu... deve fare tutto da sola, giusto? – disse, mentre cercava la complicità dei suoi amici.
Accettai e mi spostai lentamente verso la sedia di tela su cui stava seduto il ragazzo.
D’un tratto si fece silenzio e tutti si divennero attenti ai miei gesti.
Con gli occhi bassi ma col cuore che batteva all’impazzata, m’inginocchiai davanti a Samuele e iniziai delicatamente ad armeggiare con i bottoni del pantaloncino.
Il suo cazzo, da sotto, gonfiava la patta tendendo la stoffa.
Lo sentivo sotto le dita.
Piano piano lo liberai e adesso il suo affare svettava, duro come la pietra.
Nel buio sembrava una grossa melanzana, lo sfiorai con la punta delle dita:
- Ecco, toccato. Avete visto, no? – dissi, fingendo di aver terminato il mio compito anche se ero certa che la cosa non sarebbe finita li.
Nonostante il fresco della notte estiva bruciavo dentro e anche gli altri ragazzi erano evidentemente eccitati.
- E questo lo chiami toccare? – disse la ragazza infilando la mano sotto il costume del giovane accanto a lei:
- Glielo devi prendere tutto in mano, così! – e anche se non si vedeva bene, si capiva che aveva raggiunto il cazzo del ragazzo e lo stringeva forte, agitandolo a destra e a sinistra come un manico di scopa.
- Se per te va bene...? – dissi, interrogando Samuele con lo sguardo. Nei suoi occhi leggevo la febbre del piacere: lui non aspettava altro.
Non mi trattenni più... adesso ero un’altra donna.
L’eccitazione, troppo a lungo sopita, mi dava la carica e non pensai più a nulla.
Il mondo introno scomparve, ora desideravo solo sentire quel cazzo turgido e liscio riempirmi le mani, desideravo solo donare piacere col mio corpo a quel giovane che impazziva di desiderio.
Impugnai saldamente il membro, era caldo, duro, eretto verso l’alto.
Di sotto poggiava sullo scroto, gonfio e pieno, morbido come pasta per pizza appena lievitata.
Toccai tutto, carezzai tutto, volevo impadronirmi di quelle sensazioni e gustarmi quel cazzo completamente estraneo; erano anni che trattenevo i miei desideri, avevo conosciuto quasi solo il membro di mio marito, in fondo.
Sapevo masturbare l’uomo, avevo imparato da ragazza, ormai che c’ero era inutile fermarsi.
Mi misi di fianco, chinata su Samuele e iniziai a farglielo delicatamente in mano.
Anche la ragazza, stava masturbando il suo amico, lo faceva con più rabbia, più veloce, mentre si concedeva un ditalino pure lei.
La sua mano era nel costume e andava dentro e fuori col dito, ritmicamente.
Nessuno aveva più grande interesse per gli altri, ognuno era perso in se stesso alla ricerca di un piacere fin troppo negato.
- Sublime, sublime... – diceva Samuele, irrigidendosi sulla poltroncina.
Io gli tenevo una mano sulla spalla e l’altra saliva e scendeva, in modo cadenzato, sulla sua asta che superava in altezza l’ombelico.
Andavo svelta in su e poi di nuovo in giù ma con più attenzione, aveva ancora la pelle chiusa sul pene, non volevo fargli male.
Stavo attenta a far sgusciare solo parzialmente il grosso glande, rosso e lucido come un frutto maturo.
- Baciamelo! – mi ordinò senza controllarsi, io rimasi interdetta, era una pratica che non avevo mai approfondito troppo con mio marito. Lui me lo aveva chiesto più volte o ci aveva solo tentato ma io lo avevo accontentato poco e male: temevo il suo giudizio... dopo il piacere. Di sicuro avrebbe pensato che sua moglie faceva cose da puttana.
E a cosa aveva portato tanto sacrificio? A nulla!
Persi ogni contegno e ogni rispetto per quell’uomo che mi aveva fatto tanto male: ora toccava a me godere.
Decisi di far felice il povero ragazzo; fu facile, dovetti solo abbassarmi di poco e mi ritrovai la testa del cazzo a pochi millimetri dalle labbra.
Masturbandolo, il glande mi batteva sulla bocca, tirai fuori la lingua e lo assaggiai.
Al contatto con quella dolce sfericità sentii una gioia elettrica attraversarmi tutta la schiena per poi esplodere alla base della nuca: adesso lo volevo e così lo presi, succhiandolo dentro.
Mi abbassai lentamente, determinata a prenderlo completamente fino in gola.
Mi sentii invasa, riempita, Samuele godendosi quel pompino fece il pene ancora più gonfio.
Per vari minuti nemmeno lo toccai con la mani, facevo tutto con la bocca, volevo conoscerlo bene.
Prima lo ingoiai diverse volte, senza fretta, mentre dall’ugola producevo tantissima saliva e gli gocciolavo addosso dalla bocca ma... non m’importava.
Anche i suoni gutturali di quel lavoro di bocca erano osceni e arrapanti; accovacciata, aprii le gambe e tastandomi la figa la trovai fradicia di liquido trasparente.
Mi lasciai andare senza pensare a niente, volevo solo il cazzo, in quegli istanti.
Farlo, per il solo gusto di provare e dare piacere sessuale, senza alcuna implicazione sentimentale e senza amore, fu una scoperta incredibile.
Mi sentivo una porca, credevo di aver passato il limite, di essere diventata una depravata e, invece di mortificarmi, questa sensazione m’inebriava: mi sentivo forte, diversa.
Ha quarant’anni passati compresi che il sesso non s’impara. Basta liberare la nostra naturale libidine per capire tutto e subito.
Capii che il trionfo di quel gioco era il piacere e che sarebbe stato sancito dallo spruzzo di Samuele.
Il ragazzo aveva brividi continui e gli vibravano le mascelle per la goduria.
Non volli esagerare facendolo trattenere troppo. Spontaneamente glielo presi in mano e lo masturbai alacremente, mentre con le labbra non perdevo il contatto col suo cazzo, mai.
Ci volle poco.
A quella velocità, la sega risultò molto efficace e quando lui s’inarcò, in un fascio di nervi tesi, lo sperma passò rapidamente dal pene alla mia lingua.
Spontaneamente, alle prime gocce di sborra calda, stavo per sgusciare all’indietro, come avevo sempre fatto con mio marito... ma poi mi trattenni.
Decisi di andare fino in fondo quella volta: accettai tutta la sborrata di Samuele!
La mia bocca si riempiva come se ci spruzzassi dentro della panna spray.
Il ragazzo venne continuamente per quasi due minuti.
Mi riempì completamente e, anche se non avrei voluto, fui costretta a ingoiare una buona dose di sperma.
Il resto lo sputai sulla rena un attimo dopo aver finito.
Sedetti sulla sabbia sconvolta, non ero venuta ma avevo provato un piacere immenso, sconosciuto, intimo.
L’altra coppia, sdraiati su un telo, stavano scopando come meglio potevano.
Samuele guardava il mare nero, un po’ impacciato ma felice.
Mi prese la mano e restammo così a lungo, ebbi la sensazione che mi volesse ringraziare.
Il giorno dopo arrivò anche padre Fulvio e con lui mi confessai.
Mi diede l’assoluzione molto volentieri e senza troppi pregiudizi.
Iniziai così la mia “carriera” di angioletto nelle comunità estive e adesso dedico al volontariato almeno due settimane della mia estate.
Faccio bene il mio lavoro, m’impegno con tutta me stessa, specialmente di notte anzi, la notte direi che tanto angioletto non lo sono... i ragazzi lo sanno, mi cercano apposta.

Con mio marito le cose vanno meglio... lui non lo sa ma abbiamo pareggiato i conti, da tempo. Delle sue porcate non m’importa più niente... sono troppo impegnata a organizzare le mie.
Non mi sento in colpa: tutto ciò che faccio, lo faccio a fin di bene.



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The class teaches their teacher

The four girls had made endless trouble in class and were flunking out. They had a plan to teach the young teacher her place. Once everyone was seated Alyssa began the class and soon had everyone working on their problem areas. Two hours into the class the janitor stuck his head in and told Ms. Woods he was done and was leaving and to lock up when she left. She agreed and he left leaving Alyssa and her students alone in the building. Now alone the girls enacted their plan. The head cheerleader...

3 years ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 19 The Limousine

Darren sat back in the chaise lounge, staring out over the newly mowed lawn. The lemonade tasted good after a morning of yard work. Stephanie said she'd be gone all day. She left a note, our date for tonight he assumed, on the desk. It said to open after 2. He was tempted to open it, but he had plenty to do until then anyway. The past two weeks have been weird, he thought to himself. Ever since they came back from the Drive-In and the answering machine had a dozen messages. Stephanie...

1 year ago
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Taken abused and displayed 5

helplessly bound swollen pussy drooling and twitching Aware of how obscenly she is displayed wearing only stockings completely and helpless spread wide open for all to see with her swollen little pussy literally running juices down over her puckerd asshole as it twitches and gapes. Her needy little clit is throbbing and standing tall and proud between her puusy lips like a little cock. All Sara can only think of of how is badly She needs to cum. At this point she is sexually delirous she can...

3 years ago
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Getting Caned True Story

About five years ago, when I’d just started out with my present firm, I was one of about ten female solicitors. We had a large open plan office, and we girls were all at one end in our own enclave. It was very spacious, and our desks were quite a distance apart, and there were screens which gave us some degree of privacy. One of the girls found a thing on the internet. It was a short film of a woman being caned on her bare backside. I only watched for a minute or so then had to go and take a...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 360

Some Thoughts from doral!!! Presidential sayings George Washington - “I cannot tell a lie.” Donald Trump - “I cannot tell the truth.” Harry Truman - “The buck stops here.” Donald Trump - “The buck is someone else’s responsibility.” Teddy Roosevelt - “Walk softly and carry a big stick.” Donald Trump - “Talk loudly but make no sense, just ramble on about things that you know nothing about and do not concern anyone at all but find someone else to blame it on because it must be the...

3 years ago
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A Very Barntastic Adventures

A Very Barntastic AdventuresAuthor: ikkitousenCelebs: Bridgit Mendler, Dove Cameron, Olivia Holt, Ryan Newman, Selena GomezDisclaimer: This is all fiction and I guess it never happened although thinking it did is hot. No one under 18 should read this according to the law. If attractive hot celebs doing all sorts of debauchery is not your thing, go read something else!Selena Gomez, Dove Cameron, Olivia Holt and Ryan Newman were all hanging out with Bridgit at her parent’s ranch home.“Girls, Dove...

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Late Night Movies chapter 13

I woke up with my lil peter hard and throbbing. I had to pee sooo bad. The sun was already high and I knew I had slept in to at least ten. The smell of bacon and pancakes wafted through my nose and my mouth filled with saliva. I made a beeline to the bathroom and relieved myself before heading out to the living room still rubbing my eyes. “I was JUST gonna wake you” mommy said, “Good timing!” as she laid the fourth plate onto the table. She was completely naked and I blushed seeing her casually...

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I Love You Ch 12

‘Jezebel, look at me. I need to take you to the hospital baby, your revenge is going to have to wait until later.’ Jake said as he maneuvered himself in the seat. Davis was trying to pass the knife to Jake, but Jezebel intercepted and snatched the knife from his hand. ‘Pull over!’ she hissed through clenched teeth. ‘No, don’t pull over.’ Jake barked from the back seat. ‘Davis, if you appreciate your life, you will pull this car to the side of the road right now!’ Jezebel warned him. ...

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Burglar caught in the act

I come to your place at a pre organised time and open and enter without knocking. I am an opportunistic burglar and look quickly around your lounge. I notice ropes dangling from the rafters and wonder what they are for but am distracted by a table which has lain about upon it, more lengths of rope as well as four sets of leather ankle and wrist cuffs, a collar, nipple clamps with a chain linking them, a ball gag, a blindfold, butt plug, whips and paddles. I realise that the owner must be...

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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 2

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. Forever Her Sissy - Chapter 2 (By Purse Sissy) The drive home was uneventful and quiet, when we arrived I carried her bag in as usual...

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Little Miss Muffett 2

“Yeah, but he sucked at it,” she giggled. She sucked on the top of my cock and smiled. “Really?” I smiled, “Is that why he used to be your boyfriend?” I thought about her hot little body lying spread on a bed and going down on her. The guy blew it. “Nah,” she answered, “He started dating Mindy Taylor, she’s a big slut who’ll fuck anything.” She didn’t seem disappointed by it at all. “So all you would do is blow him each day after school?’ I asked incredulous. My mind thought about the lucky...

4 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 33 The Fate of Jenkins

After several weeks I received a call from Slendabond that Jenkins' obedience training was complete and that he was ready for the next stage of his new life. I arranged with the Rogers Secure Transport Company to have Jenkins picked up and brought to Masterson Automotive. He was docile enough now that I really didn't need to use armed guards. I could have picked him up myself but felt uncomfortable about being alone with him in my own car. I had specified that he be transported naked and...

4 years ago
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The Most Erogenous Zone Part Five of Nine

Her clit, when I touched it, was hard and erect and she gasped as my finger slid over it. Her inner lips were puffy and yielding, her juices sluicing their slick, viscous invitation from her hot pussy as I parted them with my other fingers; she’d clearly been telling the truth about her arousal, not that I’d needed to touch her pussy to know. I’d been very surprised when Julia had called my teasing bluff, and now I couldn’t seem to stop myself.I passed my middle finger across her soft, ready...

Wife Lovers
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billy traps himself 1

Day One Billy, his mother Sara and sister Krissy, moved to the country, their new home was quite large but isolated. This didn't bother billy too much, living in the country with a forest beside the property sounded like a lot of fun. He was a bit of a computer geek, where as his mother, who managed to use the internet, really knew nothing about either. Nor did his older sister Krissy, so Billy was in charge of keeping the families computers working, he was quite good at it...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Jessica Ryan Hazel Moore World Tour From Home

Jessica Ryan is walking down the stairs when she is stopped by her stepdaughter, Hazel Moore, coming out of the bathroom and closing the door quickly behind her. Jessica is surprised and curious as to what Hazel is up to. Hazel explains that since Jessica has gone to so much effort to save up for Hazel’s college – so much, in fact, that Jessica has been unable to afford a vacation for herself – Hazel has decided to show her gratitude with a special surprise! Hazel says that...

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A Pack of Tales Ch 02

Copyright © 2013 Naoko Smith Diolch! Sara Rasmussen for the inspiring editorial support. Please leave comments and feedback for me so I know what works and what doesn’t as I write up the rest of this story. This series will include two kinds of chapters: story chapters, called ‘(story)’ in the blurb and sex scenes, called ‘(scene)’ in the blurb. The sex scenes will be diverse. You can choose to read them all or, if e.g. hetero sex isn’t your thing, to skip some and only read the story...

2 years ago
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Casss Capture Ch 03

The road up the mountain was rocky, and Cass found herself being bounced around in the front seat of the Jeep. Luckily Colin had buckled the seat belt, however with her wrists still bound behind her back, it was impossible to stay in one place. They drove along in silence for about an hour, going straight up on the dirt road and taking a few random turns. Cass had the feeling that he was trying to confuse her by going in what seemed like a circle at times. Colin was particularly glad the she...

1 year ago
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When it turned Chapters 1 and 2

1. She knew something was up when she went through the garage.   There were lights on that shouldn’t have been.   Coffee cups on the table.   Two of them!   There was music coming from the back of the house.   Her first instinct was to run out and call the police.   But her curiosity got the better of her and tipped toed into the back of her house.   Halfway down the hall, she heard grunts and squeaks of pleasure, groans.   She reacted on two levels.   While her reality state told her that she...

2 years ago
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ഇത് എന്റെ കഥയാണ്. ഇരുപത്തി മൂന്നാമത്തെ വയസ്സില്‍ തുടങ്ങിയ ലൈംഗിക യാത്രയുടെ കഥ. ഞാന്‍ കറിയ, നഗരത്തില്‍ വിശാലമായ ഒരു വീട്ടില്‍ എന്റെ അമ്മയുടെ കൂടെ താമസിക്കുന്നു. എന്റെ അച്ഛന്‍ ഏതാനും വര്ഷ ങ്ങള്ക്ക്ി മുന്പ്മ മരിച്ചു. മൂത്ത സഹോദരന്‍ കല്യാണം കഴിച്ചു ഭാര്യയുമായി കുറച്ചകലെ താമസിക്കുന്നു. ഇപ്പോള്‍ ഈ വീട്ടില്‍ ഞാനും അമ്മയും മാത്രം. എന്റെ അമ്മ ഷീല ഇപ്പോള്‍ 49 വയസ്സായെങ്കിലും ശരീരവും മനസ്സും ചെറുപ്പത്തോടെ കാത്തു സൂക്ഷിക്കാന്‍ ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുന്നു. അപ്പന്‍ ഒരു വലിയ ബിസിനെസ്സുകാരന്‍ ആയിരുന്നത് കൊണ്ട് പണത്തിനു...

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Through a Glass Dimly Book 3Chapter 11

Running CIC was fun. We made almost no changes because Mitch is good. On the other hand, Melody wasn't quite the character Lisa is nor out in the shop as much. Stephanie came in the next morning with her eyes shining. Lisa was out in the shop so I received an extra hug from Stephanie. "Thank you. You're right. I'm not alone." After she got her coffee and covered a few small issues, we talked about hiring more help. I went over duties and people and suggested some immediate changes....

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Soccer Mom

You reach down and dig deeply into your purse, trying to find the keys to your house. A contented smile crosses your face as you find them and pull them out to unlock the door at the sound of the banter of your son and his two friends behind you. They have just returned from winning a prestigious local soccer tournament, one that many of the areas college coaches were attending. They were flush with excitement from winning a tough match in the finals, a goal that he and his team had been...

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Deputy PorterChapter 180

For the next five days I lived in a bikini. It was really a pair of panties. The top on me was nothing but a pretense at modesty. I had barely a bump in the cloth to show it's purpose, I did put on a skirt and tee shirt for dinner a couple of nights. The guys were in jeans and swimsuits, since that was about all available in the shops. For five days I did very little but sleep and relax. Yeah I took it up the rear from The Brit more than once. I also took a lot of grief from Karl because I...

2 years ago
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Emilys Story

If you read my other story, "The Fishing Trip," then you are familiar with my first exposure to incest. At that time of my youth I had no regrets, even though I was well aware of the moral taboos associated with incest. I was sure that what had happened between my sister and myself was a rare and unusual event. I actually thought my experience to be almost unique in the world. It would be years before I would later learn just how untrue this was. SOAP is an acronym describing the methodology...

4 years ago
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Ladies night out

'Hey honey, i'm off out now!'I glanced around quickly, Julie had been upstairs for the past half hour after her shower, putting the finishing touches to her hair, makeup and outfit. My jaw dropped! She looked drop dead gorgeous! And her outfit was more risque than normal. She was wearing a top she had brought a couple of months ago, but so far hadn't worn, because after buying it, she went a little shy. She obviously had more courage tonight! The top in question was a black backless halterneck...

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Desert Wildlife

Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...

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You Cant Hurry Love Chapter 11

Dan and Roxanna had been dating exclusively for only about a month, when his phone rang one memorably sad August day. "I've just been to the doctor, and I have some bad news," Roxanna’s phone call to Dan began. "Oh no!” Dan worried. “After finally finding my one true love of my life, this can't be happening!" Dan imagined all sorts of horrible and fatal diseases. "The tumor is very tiny,” Roxanna stated. “And it's benign. But just to be on the safe side, they want to operate, and remove it....

Love Stories
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SchoolgirlInternal Avery Moon Older Dude Creampies the Hell Outta Sexy Schoolgirl

Mr. Pete comes across cute schoolgirl Avery Moon having a puff on her e-cig. Trying to be a hip dude, he takes a drag and coughs like a dork. Avery feels bad for him and she loves older men anyway, so she hops back to his place for some naughty fun. Mr. Pete slides his hand in between Avery’s stocking-clad legs and slips a finger in her teen pussy. Gently brushing away her skirt, he swirls his tongue around her butt and cunt, savoring the taste. Avery tries stuffing as much of his big...

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The Train Journey ndash Part 3

Entering the bathroom, I can see her silhouetted through the glass of the shower cubicle and start to slide back the door to join her.“There’s a vibrator on the side of the bath” she says “bring it in with you, would you please”. Looking around I spot a beautifully shaped glass phallic ornament and pick it up.“What do you want me to do with this?” I question her avidly - her response surprises me….“On no, I’m the one who’s going to use that, just come in here and see”.With more than a little...

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Scattered CrystalChapter 4 Predawn

Location wilderness, White Wand Territory Time Predawn 900 hours (6 hours before dawn) The caravan had stopped in order to harvest the falling mana. Reluctantly Kin started to get up. Illia eyes fluttered. She smiled as she saw him. “I am starting to remember. Your name is Illia, and we had a friend called Maiho.” She nodded. He remembered that both of them had held him when he cried over missing his parents. Sometimes Maiho had cried too. Illia never did. Kin realised that Maiho would...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Freya Parker The Nutting Professor

Freya Parker, a budding scientist, excitedly tells her chemistry teacher/mentor, Brad Newman, that she thinks she’s FINALLY cracked the formula of a substance she’s been working on: a liquid designed to eliminate friction between objects. The thing is, right now it’s only designed to work on skin. Even so, Brad is stunned by the discovery since this is HUGE… but he’s even MORE stunned when Freya asks if he’ll test it with her. After some convincing, in the...

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Simon Says

SIMON SAYS 1 Elaine had only been in the apartmentfor ten minutes when the phone rang. She picked it up on the second ring. "Hello?" "It's me," Simon said. "Iwill be there shortly, and I will be bringing an associate with me. Set yourselfup." And he hung up. Elaine replaced the receiver slowlyand then sat without moving for several minutes. Then she got up, went intothe bedroom and took off all her clothes. Completely naked, she walked intothe wide foyer that served as the entrance to...

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Eternal Sex 2

It's been a week since the city of San tag Rae fell, over ran with demons. Right in the center is a gloomy looking castle now, where the demon queen resides , most of the time. The country has went into a s tate panic in nearby areas, for the demons have started leaving the City, now known as Sin City. The army., proving to be insufficient at droping them, has went to hiring specialists, known only as the D.S.A. It's a secret organization that the current president started, before he was...

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Every Day Will be Like a Holiday

Even though my son Brandon was nineteen and in his second year of college, he still liked to alternate the years he spent holidays with me and his dad. This year was my year for Thanksgiving, and since my parents were in Sarasota for the winter, Brandon and I were left to fend for ourselves. Or so I thought. ‘Hey, Mom,’ Brandon said to me when he came in for the holidays. ‘I know we have plans for Turkey Day this year, but Kellie invited me to her dad’s house, and …’ I knew this day would...

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Letter from the Inquisition

Letter from the Inquisition INTRODUCTION The following is a translation of a very long letter found under the floor of the Isabela de Castile transect of the old Santa Maria church in Tavavera de La Reina, in Spain.  The old Santa Maria church is of a gothic architectural style and was originally constructed in the early 1200s after the Moors were defeated in this part of Spain.  The Isabel transect is an extension of an earlier transect, possibly an original transect.  The addition was built...

4 years ago
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The Benson Burner Project Chapter 1

Right, so here's my conundrum. I love this little show called iCarly, right? But I also love this little book series, Harry Potter and the yadda yadda yadda. One would just leave it at that, but I have a weird, twisted mind. The mind of a writer, you could say. Purely by accident, I compared the characters to each other. Carly is to Harry, Hermione is to Freddie, and Ron is to Sam. (That also led me to thinking Draco is to Nevel Papperman, Neville Longbottom is to Gibby ( :-P) , Snape is to...

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This story has to be in the third person. I cannot do this in the first person, I cannot bring myself to put myself in this man’s shoes, so forgive me, because we all know that sooner or later everybody has to answer the final roll call. * The unarmed Medevac chopper hit the ground hard almost tossing out the Crew Chief, who was already precariously perched on the skid and ready to jump to the ground. The platoons of Huey Gunships circled the LZ, using their fifties and forty millimeter guns...

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Bonnies Big Gangbang Part 1

Five motorcycles drifted up quietly outside the house on a hot summer’s night. The lead cycle held a woman who was naked except for a dog collar. She was strapped to the rear seat backrest with a cord around her tits, her hands were cuffed behind her, her mouth was clamped firmly shut, she had a butt plug in her ass, and a vibrating dildo in her cunt. The latter two were held in place by a harness that was locked around her waist, and a strap that ran from it down between her legs, split her...

Group Sex
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Horny Neighbor Meera Aunty

My name is Subbu, I am an software programmer working with an organization here in New Jersey. I just celebrated my 26th birthday the day before I wrote this story. I am going to narrate an incident that I experienced a few months back with a woman here. (All the names are changed for privacy sakes) I was a virgin until then and the only sexual experience I ever got was masturbating to amateur porn on the Internet. I did not like the fake porn stars and something about the natural erotica of...

2 years ago
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A Soldiers Gypsy Ch 02

Author’s Note: This is the sequel to ‘A Soldier’s Gypsy’. This is a love story though it does contain sex. If you’re into instant gratification, this may not be for you.I hope you enjoy the story, and please vote!! Feel free to comment or send me feedback — She rolls onto her back and stretches in bed. Thinking about the dream she had the night before, she realizes that it still seems so vivid in her mind. She turns over and curls up, ready to lounge in bed just a little longer. A surprised...

1 year ago
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In need of a lay

She was very bored that night she didn’t really have much to do so she agreed to go out drinking with her friend Oscar, she knew he liked her, he was cute enough, but for some reason she just hadn't slept with him yet. It was most likely because somehow he always slipped in conversation about his ex wife, he was only 22, he shouldn’t have been married at all … it some how makes him feel tainted. Tainted or not ……. Tonight she needed a lay. She was underage so they couldn’t go to a bar to drink;...

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Nurse sucks patient

’m a nurse and what I really like about the job is the opportunities I get to play with men’s’ sexual organs. They fascinate me. Well, to tell the truth I’m not really a nurse, I’m a nurse’s aid. I get to make the beds, empty the piss pots and serve the meals. I also get to bathe the patients. I got the job a few years ago when my husband walked out on me. The stupid little shit only had a pathetic little cock that he didn’t use very often so I didn’t miss him.There are mostly old men in the...

3 years ago
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It started out innocently enough. But I guess they all do. I work in computer tech support for a major research university. As part of my job, I deal with a lot of graduate students. These kids are in their early to mid-twenties, some eight to ten years younger than me. But I'm close enough in age to them that we get along, go out for beers after work sometimes, etc. I'm friendly enough with all of them, maybe a little friendlier to the cute females. But hey, I'm a committed girl-watcher;...

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