Volontariato - Volunteering free porn video

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Ti racconto la mia storia, un po’ per il piacere di farlo e anche per una forma di piccola vendetta personale nei confronti di mio marito, affermato professionista calabrese. Un bell’uomo di buona famiglia e, a modo suo, bravo padre e (secondo la mentalità disgustosa e antiquata che ci circonda) anche buon marito.
Il mio “bravo” marito però non sa che uno dei suoi amici di gioventù è gay.
Amedeo è molto affezionato a me sin da ragazzo; mi confidava tutto e mi avvertiva anche quando “il maritino” stava per combinare qualche marachella.
Grazie alle sue soffiate, all’inizio del matrimonio sono riuscita a beccarlo mentre si stava organizzando qualche avventura con qualche zoccoletta senza scrupoli.
In linea di massima l’ho perdonavo, anche perchè in Sila l’inverno è lungo e fare i separati in casa a trent’anni, per una donna... è dura.
Poi, dopo un periodo di quiete, me l’ha fatta veramente sporca e da allora siamo stati in sostanza divisi quasi dieci anni.
Praticamente mi ero scordata persino come si fa all’amore.
In poche parole, il mio congiunto (approfittando del fatto che ero impegnata e addolorata per la malattia di mio padre, culminata con un trapianto del fegato) si scopava la babysitter, una ragazzotta di paese, appena maggiorenne.
Difficile immaginarla come donna; difficile immaginarla interessante per un uomo come lui. Un professionista affermato che, volendo, avrebbe potuto permettersi veramente di meglio ma non finisce qui.
Tornata da Torino, stanca e distrutta, in paese trovai lui nero e lei disperata.
La ragazza mi raccontò che un giovane l’aveva messa incinta e adesso non poteva dirlo a casa, altrimenti il padre l’avrebbe uccisa.
Ne parlai con mio marito ma lui disse che la detestava e che non era che una zoccola: niente a che vedere con una“santa” donna come me. Infatti “la santa” era una donna adulta e avrei potuto essere sua mamma.
Mi feci carico del suo guaio, ben conoscendo la mentalità retrograda di quei piccoli centri di montagna.
Alla fine, grazie alle mie amicizie e sacrificandomi personalmente (ed economicamente) riuscimmo a farla abortire, pur di non negarle un futuro: la ragazza altrimenti sarebbe stata segnata a vita.
Pochi giorni dopo il fattaccio tutti ritornarono felici e contenti.


Qualche mese più tardi dissi a mio marito che Teresa a casa non serviva più: che fare? Lui prese la palla al balzo e disse:
- Sai che possiamo fare? Adesso che con i miei soci abbiamo aperto lo studio più grande, la posso far assumere da noi, tanto lei il diploma se l’è già preso! –
Soluzione perfetta pensai: ormai avevo preso a cuore la situazione della “povera pastorella”.

Dopo un anno però il mondo mi crollò addosso!
Amedeo, il nostro amico gay, litigò di brutto con mio marito e per togliersi la pietra dalla scarpa, mi fece una telefonata di fuoco.
- Guarda io non avevo avuto il coraggio di dirtelo – affermò – perchè tu sei una brava donna e non volevo farti più male di quanto già ne hai ricevuto, ma ti avverto: guardati intorno perchè, come diciamo noi, ti hanno messo in mezzo!
Ricordati solo questo, tuo marito è un vero porco. –
Come un velo di nebbia che si dirada, dinanzi a me la verità venne a galla. Feci un po’ d’indagini discrete e scoprii, poco alla volta, il nido di vespe su cui ero stata seduta senza accorgermi di nulla.
Morale della favola: mio marito aveva sedotto la ragazza nonostante avesse venticinque anni di più; quando avevo seguito mio padre a Torino, se l’erano spassata talmente che l’aveva messa incinta e, dulcis in fundo, io stessa l’avevo aiutata per liberarsi del bambino: cosa che mi ripugnava, dal punto di vista morale e religioso.
Adesso che lei lavorava al suo studio erano veri e propri amanti e se la godevano come due piccioncini. Chissà quante volte si erano fatte delle grosse risate pensando a quanto ero stata stupida io.
Piantai un enorme casino, li minacciai di brutto e la storia finì.
Passai poi un lungo, brutto periodo chiusa in casa a piangere e a soffrire ripensando a ciò che avevo vissuto.
I rapporti con mio marito erano sempre tesi e abbiamo dormito divisi per anni.
Anche lui prese una brutta botta. Finita la storia malefica con quella ragazza che lo aveva fatto sentire un “giovanotto” e che, tra l’altro, gli aveva spillato un sacco di quattrini, si era ritrovato, alle soglie della vecchiaia, solo e malvisto.
Il paese è piccolo, la gente parla e la sua tresca era diventata di dominio pubblico.
Ho undici anni meno di lui e, nonostante tutto, sono ancora una donna apprezzata.
Non sono altissima ma il mio corpo e ben proporzionato; una vita sana e l’aria buona mi hanno permesso di conservare un fisico tonico e formoso.
Le gravidanze mi hanno riempito e fatta più donna: mi vesto in maniera classica, mai volgare e porto sempre la gonna. In questo mondo di ragazze che girano in jeans tagliati male e strappati, le mie gambe nervose, trattenute dalle calze di seta nere, e le scarpe eleganti che scelgo attraggono ancora degli sguardi vogliosi, persino da parte dei più giovani.


Dopo un anno cupo e sofferto arrivò la telefonata che mi ha cambiato la vita.
Era padre Fulvio, un prete che si occupa di volontariato a favore dei disabili e dei trapiantati, conosciuto a Torino nell’ospedale.
Era tutto contento perchè mi doveva fare una bella sorpresa: padre Fulvio era a pochi passi dal mio paese, a Siderno Marina.
D’estate organizzavano delle settimane di colonia per i giovani con difficoltà.
Mi disse di scuotermi dal mio torpore e di andarlo a trovare per passare una giornata diversa.
Volli spezzare la catena e uscire finalmente dalle mie quattro mura, così pochi giorni dopo, accompagnata da mio figlio, raggiunsi Siderno e passai veramente una bella giornata.
Poi, il prete mi fece una proposta: perchè non rendermi utile agli altri facendo del volontariato? Insomma mi chiese di occuparmi, per le due settimane successive, aiutando i ragazzi del prossimo turno.
Non risposi subito di sì, nonostante tutto sono sempre una donna all’antica e volevo parlarne con mio marito.
Lui fu entusiasta, non sopportava più tanta tensione, e sperava che, rompendo la routine, qualcosa sarebbe cambiato anche tra di noi.
Così, nel mese di Agosto, partii con il mio borsone come una studentessa alle prime armi. Portai perfino il costume da bagno... era da tanto che non andavo al mare.
Avendo avuto anche un figlio maschio non ebbi nessuna remora a trattare con quei giovani, purtroppo diversamente abili a causa di varie patologie.
Da loro imparai l’allegria e la gioia di sorridere anche con poco, imparai ad apprezzare le piccole cose che sono sempre le più belle.
Di giorno li aiutavo insieme alle altre “sorelle”, ci chiamavano così, come fossimo monache.
Collaboravo anche a lavarli, li accompagnavo a fare i bisogni, controllavo che tutto fosse in efficienza per non procurare loro altro disagio.
Di sera poi, dopo cena, si parlava a lungo specialmente con i più grandi e capii che la cosa che più mancava loro, era il sesso.
Scoprii che molti si eccitavano continuamente e si arrangiavano come potevano.
Ce n’era uno Samuele un ragazzo di ventisei anni, che appena lo toccavo si eccitava. Lavargli le parti intime non era facile, perchè il suo pisello, diventava gigantesco e duro e non sapevo come piegarglielo nella vasca del bidet.
La situazione, dopo il primo imbarazzo, divenne comica e ogni volta ci facevamo un sacco di risate.
In me però, nasceva anche una certa eccitazione, perchè erano anni che non facevo niente; quelle risate servivano anche a esorcizzare il mio turbamento.
Una mattina mentre andavo a fa la spesa con Colomba, una donna della mia età esperta di volontariato, portai la discussione su quel fatto: come si comportavano loro con i ragazzi maschi quando questi si eccitavano?
- Beh, cara mia, ognuna si comporta come si sente, non esiste una regola... sono giovani e, nonostante tutto, molti hanno le loro pulsioni: arrapano come chiunque. Lo sai no?– mi lanciò uno sguardo d’intesa. - Con un po’ di discrezione, se te la senti, puoi fare come fanno tante altre... potresti dargli una mano. –
Esitai per un poco, poi capii:
- Ah, una mano... una mano nel vero senso della parola? – e con le dita mimai il gesto di chi tira una sega a un maschio.
Colomba rise di gusto: - Brava, hai capito al volo! –


Due giorni dopo, a Ferragosto, organizzammo la brace sulla spiaggia, portammo una chitarra e cenammo tutti in allegria.
Più tardi, la maggior parte tornò alla pensione, mentre alcuni dei giovani più grandi insistettero per restare, almeno per quella notte, sull’arenile.
Mi offrii di far loro da assistente e mi lasciarono il pulmino per ritirarci a nostro piacimento.
Anche Samuele volle rimanere. Eravamo in quattro: due ragazzi, una ragazza ed io.
Chiacchierammo, giocammo e alla fine si doveva pagare pegno: io persi indecorosamente.
Era tardi e sulla spiaggia non c’era quasi nessuno... lontano qualche altro falò, che si spegneva, mentre i nottambuli se ne andavano via.

Il buio e l’allegria si resero complici delle nostre parole, il pegno divenne sfida; la sfida divenne tenzone, poi fu un continuo duello di... “e tu? e io; e te la senti, e non te la senti...” eccetera eccetera.
Insomma alla fine io ero la vecchia signora borghese che si dice emancipata ma che non sapeva uscire dai luoghi comuni; incapace di trasgredire... di godersela liberamente assecondando i propri desideri.
Il mio pegno prese una piega inaspettata: dovevo avere il coraggio di toccare il membro di Samuele davanti agli altri due.
Per stemperare l’atmosfera, mentre arrossivo nell’oscurità, dissi:
- E che ci vuole: è una settimana che glielo tocco... – risi – Caccialo fuori, su, vediamolo questo pisellino! – dissi prendendolo in giro.
- No! – intervenne la ragazza – Devi farlo tu... deve fare tutto da sola, giusto? – disse, mentre cercava la complicità dei suoi amici.
Accettai e mi spostai lentamente verso la sedia di tela su cui stava seduto il ragazzo.
D’un tratto si fece silenzio e tutti si divennero attenti ai miei gesti.
Con gli occhi bassi ma col cuore che batteva all’impazzata, m’inginocchiai davanti a Samuele e iniziai delicatamente ad armeggiare con i bottoni del pantaloncino.
Il suo cazzo, da sotto, gonfiava la patta tendendo la stoffa.
Lo sentivo sotto le dita.
Piano piano lo liberai e adesso il suo affare svettava, duro come la pietra.
Nel buio sembrava una grossa melanzana, lo sfiorai con la punta delle dita:
- Ecco, toccato. Avete visto, no? – dissi, fingendo di aver terminato il mio compito anche se ero certa che la cosa non sarebbe finita li.
Nonostante il fresco della notte estiva bruciavo dentro e anche gli altri ragazzi erano evidentemente eccitati.
- E questo lo chiami toccare? – disse la ragazza infilando la mano sotto il costume del giovane accanto a lei:
- Glielo devi prendere tutto in mano, così! – e anche se non si vedeva bene, si capiva che aveva raggiunto il cazzo del ragazzo e lo stringeva forte, agitandolo a destra e a sinistra come un manico di scopa.
- Se per te va bene...? – dissi, interrogando Samuele con lo sguardo. Nei suoi occhi leggevo la febbre del piacere: lui non aspettava altro.
Non mi trattenni più... adesso ero un’altra donna.
L’eccitazione, troppo a lungo sopita, mi dava la carica e non pensai più a nulla.
Il mondo introno scomparve, ora desideravo solo sentire quel cazzo turgido e liscio riempirmi le mani, desideravo solo donare piacere col mio corpo a quel giovane che impazziva di desiderio.
Impugnai saldamente il membro, era caldo, duro, eretto verso l’alto.
Di sotto poggiava sullo scroto, gonfio e pieno, morbido come pasta per pizza appena lievitata.
Toccai tutto, carezzai tutto, volevo impadronirmi di quelle sensazioni e gustarmi quel cazzo completamente estraneo; erano anni che trattenevo i miei desideri, avevo conosciuto quasi solo il membro di mio marito, in fondo.
Sapevo masturbare l’uomo, avevo imparato da ragazza, ormai che c’ero era inutile fermarsi.
Mi misi di fianco, chinata su Samuele e iniziai a farglielo delicatamente in mano.
Anche la ragazza, stava masturbando il suo amico, lo faceva con più rabbia, più veloce, mentre si concedeva un ditalino pure lei.
La sua mano era nel costume e andava dentro e fuori col dito, ritmicamente.
Nessuno aveva più grande interesse per gli altri, ognuno era perso in se stesso alla ricerca di un piacere fin troppo negato.
- Sublime, sublime... – diceva Samuele, irrigidendosi sulla poltroncina.
Io gli tenevo una mano sulla spalla e l’altra saliva e scendeva, in modo cadenzato, sulla sua asta che superava in altezza l’ombelico.
Andavo svelta in su e poi di nuovo in giù ma con più attenzione, aveva ancora la pelle chiusa sul pene, non volevo fargli male.
Stavo attenta a far sgusciare solo parzialmente il grosso glande, rosso e lucido come un frutto maturo.
- Baciamelo! – mi ordinò senza controllarsi, io rimasi interdetta, era una pratica che non avevo mai approfondito troppo con mio marito. Lui me lo aveva chiesto più volte o ci aveva solo tentato ma io lo avevo accontentato poco e male: temevo il suo giudizio... dopo il piacere. Di sicuro avrebbe pensato che sua moglie faceva cose da puttana.
E a cosa aveva portato tanto sacrificio? A nulla!
Persi ogni contegno e ogni rispetto per quell’uomo che mi aveva fatto tanto male: ora toccava a me godere.
Decisi di far felice il povero ragazzo; fu facile, dovetti solo abbassarmi di poco e mi ritrovai la testa del cazzo a pochi millimetri dalle labbra.
Masturbandolo, il glande mi batteva sulla bocca, tirai fuori la lingua e lo assaggiai.
Al contatto con quella dolce sfericità sentii una gioia elettrica attraversarmi tutta la schiena per poi esplodere alla base della nuca: adesso lo volevo e così lo presi, succhiandolo dentro.
Mi abbassai lentamente, determinata a prenderlo completamente fino in gola.
Mi sentii invasa, riempita, Samuele godendosi quel pompino fece il pene ancora più gonfio.
Per vari minuti nemmeno lo toccai con la mani, facevo tutto con la bocca, volevo conoscerlo bene.
Prima lo ingoiai diverse volte, senza fretta, mentre dall’ugola producevo tantissima saliva e gli gocciolavo addosso dalla bocca ma... non m’importava.
Anche i suoni gutturali di quel lavoro di bocca erano osceni e arrapanti; accovacciata, aprii le gambe e tastandomi la figa la trovai fradicia di liquido trasparente.
Mi lasciai andare senza pensare a niente, volevo solo il cazzo, in quegli istanti.
Farlo, per il solo gusto di provare e dare piacere sessuale, senza alcuna implicazione sentimentale e senza amore, fu una scoperta incredibile.
Mi sentivo una porca, credevo di aver passato il limite, di essere diventata una depravata e, invece di mortificarmi, questa sensazione m’inebriava: mi sentivo forte, diversa.
Ha quarant’anni passati compresi che il sesso non s’impara. Basta liberare la nostra naturale libidine per capire tutto e subito.
Capii che il trionfo di quel gioco era il piacere e che sarebbe stato sancito dallo spruzzo di Samuele.
Il ragazzo aveva brividi continui e gli vibravano le mascelle per la goduria.
Non volli esagerare facendolo trattenere troppo. Spontaneamente glielo presi in mano e lo masturbai alacremente, mentre con le labbra non perdevo il contatto col suo cazzo, mai.
Ci volle poco.
A quella velocità, la sega risultò molto efficace e quando lui s’inarcò, in un fascio di nervi tesi, lo sperma passò rapidamente dal pene alla mia lingua.
Spontaneamente, alle prime gocce di sborra calda, stavo per sgusciare all’indietro, come avevo sempre fatto con mio marito... ma poi mi trattenni.
Decisi di andare fino in fondo quella volta: accettai tutta la sborrata di Samuele!
La mia bocca si riempiva come se ci spruzzassi dentro della panna spray.
Il ragazzo venne continuamente per quasi due minuti.
Mi riempì completamente e, anche se non avrei voluto, fui costretta a ingoiare una buona dose di sperma.
Il resto lo sputai sulla rena un attimo dopo aver finito.
Sedetti sulla sabbia sconvolta, non ero venuta ma avevo provato un piacere immenso, sconosciuto, intimo.
L’altra coppia, sdraiati su un telo, stavano scopando come meglio potevano.
Samuele guardava il mare nero, un po’ impacciato ma felice.
Mi prese la mano e restammo così a lungo, ebbi la sensazione che mi volesse ringraziare.
Il giorno dopo arrivò anche padre Fulvio e con lui mi confessai.
Mi diede l’assoluzione molto volentieri e senza troppi pregiudizi.
Iniziai così la mia “carriera” di angioletto nelle comunità estive e adesso dedico al volontariato almeno due settimane della mia estate.
Faccio bene il mio lavoro, m’impegno con tutta me stessa, specialmente di notte anzi, la notte direi che tanto angioletto non lo sono... i ragazzi lo sanno, mi cercano apposta.

Con mio marito le cose vanno meglio... lui non lo sa ma abbiamo pareggiato i conti, da tempo. Delle sue porcate non m’importa più niente... sono troppo impegnata a organizzare le mie.
Non mi sento in colpa: tutto ciò che faccio, lo faccio a fin di bene.



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"Good morning, Ma'am. How may I serve you?" Katrina felt a shiver run down her spine to see the young man kneel beforeher, as if someone had run a pin-wheel along its length to lightly prick herskin. Such a charming welcome! Such sweet obeisance! She had heard whispers of this shoe store for some weeks now, rumours ofthe originality of its goods and the unique service it offered. It had takensome time to find, though, it never bothered to advertise, its name was nevermentioned in the press,...

3 years ago
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Black BBW bartender part 2

Black BBW bartender part 2(To recap part one, Erika and I made out behind the bar and then after bar close, gave me a blowjob / cum between tits after titty fucking)Erika and I kept sexting each other for a few days sending spicy messages and pics. Erika informed me that she was working till close again and really wanted me to come down to the bar. I messaged back that I'd love to but wouldn't be till later. She sent me a pic of her 44dd's and said that they were all mine and that they were...

4 years ago
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Bus Journey From Bangalore

Hi all , I am big fan of Indian sex stories . i used to read from 4 years onwards.first time i am writing my story in this site which real happened to me. I love aunties much.Please mail me any aunties or unsatisfied women’s from Bangalore how are unsatisfied (). I am single staying Bangalore. Telling about me i am average,28 years single staying in Bangalore. Please excuse me if any mistakes are there in the story. Coming to the story , this happened one year back when i was going from...

1 year ago
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Mirror Mirror

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful blond haired girl with brown eyes who lived in a lonely beach house. She didn't have a family, no , dad, or siblings, and NO kids. Her name was Daisy White. She lived in her beach house because ever since the queen Sarah had taken over the village, she had wanted Daisy White dead, but Daisy White was too smart for her. She'd excaped many times, enough to tell this story. But, maybe, this was the time she couldn't excape. You can't escape everytime. Which...

First Time
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BurningAngel Kristen Scott Daddy Fuck My Ass

Good girl Kristen Scott pateintly waited for mother to leave, so that she could put on a kinky goth outfit complete with a ball gag and leash for her ‘daddy’ Tommy Pistol – he needs to fuck her ass! Sometimes a little angel princess desires her inner bad girl to be dominated and punished! He kindly teases and spanks her pussy before allowing darling Kristen to slide his knob down her throat – it needs to be nice and hard to pound her sweet muff, and even harder to enter...

2 years ago
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Jungle Quest

JUNGLE QUEST © 2001, 2012 by Anthony Durrant I set sail on the transport ship Edward The Benevolent for Llendos for my health on a bright winter's day, and for the first part of the voyage we had smooth sailing. The view from the deck was excellent: I could see jellyfish in the water below where I stood "Flying fish off the port bow!" a sailor cried out. "Thank you, sir!" I shouted back. After about thirty minutes I grew tired and went to the...

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My First GirlGirl Experience

It was late February and my husband was turning the big 4-0. I invited several of our friends to celebrate his birthday to make it more memorable. I ordered a margarita machine which was delivered earlier that day. It was fired up, churning the slushy mix. I hired a local catering company that brought all the things needed to make tacos with rice and beans. All was going as planned – guests were showing up, bringing bottles of alcohol and gifts even though they were told not to. One of my good...

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I Feel Like Something Sexy Wife

CHAPTER ONE GOODTIME CHARLEY "I think it's something we have to try," said Charley Bunkers. "We've been married a while now and I think we could use a little experimenting." Susan winced at the idea. She put down her cup of coffee and inspected her husband's face to see how serious he was. His broad shoulders and hairy chest caught her eye. She looked at his curly dark hair and his dark eyes. He was smiling. "Charley," she said, brushing back her own blonde mane, "just because we've been...

2 years ago
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PickUp Line

Another short that I'd been playing with for some time and finally figured out how to end. Hope you enjoy it. Assume the usual disclaimer. This story contains transgender transformation, some off-color language, and sexual references and descriptions. If you don't like any of that, well, nobody's forcing you to read it. Go away. Pick-Up Line By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 I always loved the bar in the Chapman Hotel. The hotel was right at the edge of the big office...

1 year ago
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Tonic Movies

Let's "booze" ourselves up with "tonic porn" at TonicMovies! Some of the best porn sites in existence are those that don’t give you any other bullshit besides pure XXX content that you can enjoy at your own leisure. I’ve seen plenty of free XXX tubes that force you to go through dozens of gateways in order to get to your video, gateways that bombard you with ads and pop-ups that literally nobody in the world gives a fuck about. These websites irritate the shit out of not just me but every other...

Porn Aggregators
4 years ago
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Fantasy Realized

Fantasy Realized Cindy Johnson: [email protected] Audio version available - send an email request for link Prologue: Wilson and Helen use sex as hobby and a way to stay connected. The meaning of love and sex has become blurred for them, however, each of them enjoy the journey. My name is Wilson and the story you are about to read is true and it has been an amazing journey... Helen and I have been married for 5 years and we are what you would call a very open-minded couple. I...

3 years ago
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Controlling The Urges

CONTROLLING THE URGES By Charles E. Campbell Control. Looking back, I guess that's what it's always been about. Really about. Control.It's control over me. My control over it. When it would start. Keeping it incheck. What it would require of me to appease it. How long the urge would last.Keeping it as a long held private secret. Mine only. To know and fear, andyet, embrace. All of these things, and more, it has been for the better part of forty-fiveof my fifty-two years. But now, it is...

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SWMS 8 High School TroublesChapter 2

That night, I dreamed of Liza. She was in my arms as we laid on her bed, with her back to me. She wasn’t wearing much, just a t-shirt. I kissed her neck and let my hands trail up her t-shirt so that I could fondle her breasts. As I groped her breasts and played with her nipples she let out small gasps. I continued working with her tits for a bit, then let a hand trail down to her pussy. As she felt my hand go down her stomach, I felt her adjust and spread her legs for me. I dipped a single...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Chloe Temple Madison Summers Scarlet Skies What Does Sex Have To Do With Easter

Chloe Temple, Madison Summers, and Scarlet Skies are inseparable BFFs. Today the girls are getting Madison’s house all ready for Easter by decorating. The only catch to hanging out at Madison’s place is that her stepbrother, Codey Steele, is kind of a perv. When he starts up with the girls today, Madison decides to start flirting right back. Eventually Codey has had enough and takes off, at which point Chloe and Scarlet start questioning Madison about what she was doing. Does...

3 years ago
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The Wolf SummersChapter 9C Erica

Everyone who mattered in Smith Holdings was at the Formal. They packed the mansion or walked around outside enjoying the beautiful night. I looked around, while sipping from a glass of seltzer water. The people waiting for the big three to make their move could be picked out easily. They kept the path between the three and Rachel clear; they were the real danger. Smith Holdings owned most of its daughter companies outright. If the parent company suffered or went down, most of them would lose...

4 years ago
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A boy in babeland chapter 11

Today was the day that Lee and April agreed to tell all to the rest of the family, they had been nervous all night, neither sleeping well, thoughts of what was going to happen keeping them awake. "Ready Lee?" April asked as she poked her head around his bedroom door, it was 2 PM and the sun was out. "What now?" Lee asked surprised that April wanted to spill all the news to the family so early. "No not right now, just are you ready to tell them?" she asked with a smile as she...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Friend From Tinder 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am 39, male single from Delhi India. Yes 39 and single. Being single keeps us horny. So have made nice friends online in FB, Tinder, OKC and many other sites with whom I am in touch for fun time. I believe in privacy so maintain my fuck buddies privacy. This story is about my Tinder friend named Sonia (name changed for privacy). A 30 year old girl from Delhi working in a company. We met through Tinder and had amazing time online and WhatsApp then slowly shifted to phone sex. I...

2 years ago
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Its All About Sex Honestly

I saw this on someone else page and they're always interesting so I figured what the hell...What’s your favorite place to be kissed?Lips, but I enjoy being kissed all over...What’s your favorite color lingerie?Personally, I don't wear it, however, black or red, if it's on a lady...What color panties are you wearing?Blue Boxers, not into ladies underwear, unless it'#s on a lady...lol...What’s your favorite sexual position?Woman on top...Do you prefer strawberries with whipped cream or...

3 years ago
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House Warming Gift Just Friends 4

I got dragged along for the ride, searching apartment after apartment. Nothing seemed to fit the bill. We discuss it one day while out shopping for Halloween costumes. We are in a thrift store, rifling through pieces for the upcoming holiday, talking about bills, real estate, and how he would look fantastic in that tight leather jacket. Well, I say the leather jacket part. He laughs and tries it on. We have been playing with all the clothes- random strange hats, a silver jacket that looked...

3 years ago
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My Ex Wife Turned Me Part 2

Well a year has gone by now and my ex-wife has me trained very well. We haven't had sex in over 6 months, except every morning I eat her hairy cunt. She told me she keep's it hairy now because it tends to hold the smells of her previous night's fucks as well as the cum a lot better then when she kept it shaved. As usual, today was no exception. It took me an hour to lick her completely clean but her bush was still a mess and the hair on her head had a lot of cum dried in it to her pussy was so...

4 years ago
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From Afar Ch 05

She was so embarrassed about the way things had ended between them. Sara had wished that she could end things with a little more dignity, perhaps with a handshake or maybe a hug not giving off any of her feelings. instead she had run off in tears like a blithering idiot. She had been to embarrassed to see him off, and she called in sick for the rest off the week after that day. Knowing that she would never see him again was somewhat soothing to her wounded pride, but that in itself was a...

3 years ago
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Ezekiels VictoryChapter 7

The thunder roared and the rain poured from the sky as the storm battered in full force against the tiny house. Inside, Samuel erected a temporary screen using a blanket. Using water heated in a tin bucket over the fire, Samuel and his family took turns to retreat behind the screen and wash themselves in a small tub. Even Hope got a bath with Ezekiel and Charity working together to wash the wriggling child. They also fed Hope a small quantity of smooth corn mash they prepared for her. By the...

3 years ago
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OHGIRL Back To Work

I was bent over the side of my bed as the neighbor, from down the road, pumped his cock hard into my cunt, from behind. It had been two weeks since my youngest daughter had caught me fucking two men in my bedroom and here I was again, high on weed and letting my neighbor fuck me. It had all started when Shawn had gotten me to smoke a joint with him as a prelude to an awesome fuck session that commemorated our 20 years as lovers. Even though he had been a downfall in part of my early life, he...

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Furry lover

In furry lover, I hope to encourage people to get into writing and explore their furry based fetishes, I hope people will really add to the story. I decided to make some fetishes off limits as they aren't ones I'm a big fan of. So are you ready to make a furry lover; before we can begin you need to write who you will be; then giving a description of the fake you; you can write your furry lover and the various scenarios you two (or more) will be in. And other chapters will be able to added to...

3 years ago
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A Christmas Wish

The past year had been hectic and full of many disappointments for Marian. The man she thought she would spend forever with her suddenly becomes distant, withdrawn, and uncaring. He spent long days at work, was always busy during his time off and never seemed to care if she was even living in the same house. She believed nothing could help her disastrous marriage. The marriage was slowing down and beginning to become a boring humdrum sexless relationship. No matter what she did or said, there...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Generous OffersChapter 4 DAY THREE Wednesday

I took my ladies to the Iron World Investments office. I had planned on arriving at 8:30 when they opened but my ladies were so giddy with excitement that their sexuality surpassed what I had considered normal for them. All I could think was if they killed me I would at least die with a permanent smile on my face. We left without eating breakfast, but decided later to swing by Jack in the Box for breakfast. That was not my first choice but we were all hungry after the morning’s sexual...

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Second ChanceChapter 1

"Hey Baby Darling ... One big push ... breathe ... breathe ... Ok now ... You're doing great ... I'm so proud of you ... Give it one really big push for Rebecca, now..." I encouraged Colleen every way I knew how. "Colleen ... You are amazing ... This is going so well ... Your son will be here any second now ... Ok Sweetie ... Let's give one last push and see if James is ready for prime time..." Rebecca was just as determined to help Colleen thru this as I was, maybe more. We were all...

2 years ago
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The Evacuee Chapter 6

Introduction: At last David takes both girls Over the next few nights David, Kate and Sally enjoyed each other but they were all thinking the same thing. There was one big step that Kate, especially, wanted to take and she wondered whether David would be prepared to take that step with her. Now she had turned 16, Kate had knew she was legally old enough to have proper sex with a boy but of course it would have to be a secret, as she shuddered to think what her mother would say if she found out....

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All Aboard

The waves gently lapped against the side of the Splendid Adventurer, the shining new catamaran, as it lay at anchor just off of Deadman’s Cay in the deep Southern Caribbean. It was early morning in the islands and the fine sea breeze blew in through the portholes cooling the sun’s rays and peeling the damp sheets from their naked bodies. Maria stirred and stretched a bit as Jacques carefully climbed out of the bunk so as not to wake her. He valued this time alone on the stern deck, sipping his...

4 years ago
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Community Moving OnChapter 8

Dan 1.0’s turn: Early in the morning. My first cup of ‘office coffee’ is half done. Phone buzzed. I punched the button. “Yes, Lanie...” “A MIssus Barton on the phone asking for you or Cindy. You’re here...” “Thank you, Lanie.” Lanie’s been with us a couple of years now, from part-time help/Beck’s intern to one of Beck’s crew. She multi-tasks from the front desk, fielding phone calls while she takes care of billing. “Good morning. This is Dan Richards. How can I help you?” “Mister...

2 years ago
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The Sleepover That Changed Everything

Topping off her perfect physical form was the fact that she had just turned eighteen a few weeks ago. And, as Mike had discovered on that night, Rebecca wanted him. He was only too happy to enjoy the girl's youthful body, as he had done several times over the last few weeks. She was insatiable, filled with a sexual energy only teens have, and she was eager to please him. That was exactly what she was doing now, as she stroked his rigid, seven inch cock while she ran her tongue over his...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Sandra Hot busty cougar exhibitionist E439

– Is 58 years old – Single mother of 3 making her first porn – Has been divorced for 20 years after 25 year marriage – Currently works in the medical field and has been for the last 20 years – Has had a sexual encounter with a patient of hers in the exam room – Is an adventurous women who loves exploring the outdoors – Has a lot of phone sex, has phone 3way with a couple every week – Is into Anal sex but has not had it in years before this shoot – Not only was her ass super tight but she loved...

1 year ago
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Making money with sister

100% fiction! We were cash-strapped those days. My elder sister Sangita was that time doing her textile business. She was twenty seven, but looked young enough for people to think she is my younger sister. She was athletic, slim and tall. She carried herself well; dressed elegantly and was very beautiful with lovely thick silky hair which fell below her shoulder. She had a sharp nose, full lips. a well defined chin; and large eyes. However, her striking feature was her figure. Though petite,...

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Kays lust

Paul had been working all day and the heat really was getting to him so he went inside to grab a glass of water. As he got inside he could hear moaning, he immediately knew what it was as he crept closer to the door he could hear a gentle buzzing and Kay saying something.. This was getting him hot under the collar he leaned in closer ... He was getting hard It was time to make his move. Kay had bin teasing herself with the Trojan Vibrating Finger when she heard a noise but was to far gone to...

Erotic Fiction
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Chronicles of Rekhovek Chapter 2

Chapter 2 In the darkness of night when everyone had finally entered their dream world, Grim stood up from his bed, wore his shoes and walked outside of his house silently. It was a full moon today and the forest was especially beautiful bathed in the white moonlight. The cool night wind was flowing peacefully, making his jet black hair flutter occasionally as well. But, he didn't have time to appreciate the beauty of his surroundings. He was clearly in a hurry, after leaving the stone...

1 year ago
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BangBus Opal Essex Raver Opal Gets On The Bus To Fuck

Tyler and the crew were all ready to go to Miami’s premiere rave event. But due to growing coronavirus concerns it has been canceled which leaves Tyler and the rest of the crew left to do nothing. That is, until, they find a cute and sexy raver girl wearing a tutu. She introduces herself as Opal Essex and boy, does she know how to suck dick. She gets told that the rave is canceled and now that there’s nothing else to do, the Bang Bus invites her in. After asking a few questions...

4 years ago
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Cutie Clara Caned by Prof Peter

C L A R A - C O M E S - C L E A R - C A N E D - C U N N Y : -- C O R P O R A L - C O R R E C T I O N !Cutie Clara is a dear delicate bright brunette beauty new novice at my Mormon Monastry in Upper SaxoniaLovely looks lead an observant astray as she can well behave: an angel on Earth hiding a Devil in disguiseAs her Supervising Superior Professor of Philosophy and Sexual-Cultural Anthropology, I am her CorrectorRealising her recent rebellion against Monastery Morale clever Clara decides to...

3 years ago
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I Walked Away With a RedheadChapter 11

In the evening, we had supper. Morgan and I helped Mom prepare it. Susan stayed in the living room to talk to Dad. I knew my father. Susan would have no allure for him nor would he offer her a drink of anything alcoholic since he knew of her drinking problem. Less than five minutes later, they walked into the kitchen. Dad walked over and gave my mother a hug and a soft kiss on her cheek. Morgan had moved onto my lap ostensibly to give her mother a place to sit but really because she likes my...

4 years ago
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Teen Sexperience

Hi, friends & site viewers.Mein to ISS site ka regular pathak hoon. Lekin itne din ke bad mera bhi ichha hua mera sex experience aap logon ke sath bantne ki.Mera umar abhi 21 hai.Aaj mein mera pehela sex experience likh raha hoon,jab main sex ke bare me kuch vi nahin janta tha. Asa karta hoon sab ko achha lagega….Doston me madhya pradesh ka rahne wala hoon. Ye ghatna thodi purana hai.tab me 10th class me padhta tha. Sex bare me pura anadi tha.hum gwalior me rahte the. Hamara podos 1st floor me...

3 years ago
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Ethiopian coworker

I was working for an ambulance service when I met Grace. She was a beautiful Ethiopian girl, an immigrant to the US. The ambulance service was constantly hiring part time EMT's and paramedics, and she was hired in as a part time EMT. She was 25 years old, and was studying for a degree, hoping one day to be a doctor. I was attracted to her the moment I saw her - she had flawless ebony skin, beautiful eyes, gorgeous frizzy hair, an incredible smile, legs that seemed to go one for miles, and an...

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The best season 2 P

When the best season starts you start to peek always with a little more attention especially if you have the sis very good like in my case :-P. It was spring when i opened the door of my palace and, at the beginning of the ladders, i've find front of me, sitted, my sis with a boy sitted beside her, i do not know if that boy was a boyfriend or a lover: -P, my sister had a nice pair of black-transparent pantyhose with low shoes and a skirt more or less at central-thigh and with legs bent and...

4 years ago
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Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder Part 4

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder - Part 4 This is the continuation of Alex Wards undercover operation. Please read parts 1, 2 and 3 first if you are unfamiliar with the story. You will find them on here by searching for stories by Tanya Grant, which was my previous name. This story and it's constituent parts are copyright Penny Gee/Tanya Grant and no reproduction or use outside of those sites given permission to carry is implied or allowed. Please contact [email protected] if...

4 years ago
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The New EmployeeChapter 2 Wage Slave

The next morning, a nice sunny Monday that promised an unseasonably warm spring day ahead, Marcy and Melissa were dropped off by her mother in the parking lot – already nude, aside from runners and ankle socks. I was waiting for them by the Resort's 1930's-era pickup truck, parked behind the registration hut. "So, Melissa, ready for some fun?" "Yes, Mr. Jackman. Do I get to swim?" "Yes, Melissa. All day long, if you've a mind to. Have you put on your sunscreen yet?" "Yes Mr....

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