Volontariato - Volunteering free porn video

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Ti racconto la mia storia, un po’ per il piacere di farlo e anche per una forma di piccola vendetta personale nei confronti di mio marito, affermato professionista calabrese. Un bell’uomo di buona famiglia e, a modo suo, bravo padre e (secondo la mentalità disgustosa e antiquata che ci circonda) anche buon marito.
Il mio “bravo” marito però non sa che uno dei suoi amici di gioventù è gay.
Amedeo è molto affezionato a me sin da ragazzo; mi confidava tutto e mi avvertiva anche quando “il maritino” stava per combinare qualche marachella.
Grazie alle sue soffiate, all’inizio del matrimonio sono riuscita a beccarlo mentre si stava organizzando qualche avventura con qualche zoccoletta senza scrupoli.
In linea di massima l’ho perdonavo, anche perchè in Sila l’inverno è lungo e fare i separati in casa a trent’anni, per una donna... è dura.
Poi, dopo un periodo di quiete, me l’ha fatta veramente sporca e da allora siamo stati in sostanza divisi quasi dieci anni.
Praticamente mi ero scordata persino come si fa all’amore.
In poche parole, il mio congiunto (approfittando del fatto che ero impegnata e addolorata per la malattia di mio padre, culminata con un trapianto del fegato) si scopava la babysitter, una ragazzotta di paese, appena maggiorenne.
Difficile immaginarla come donna; difficile immaginarla interessante per un uomo come lui. Un professionista affermato che, volendo, avrebbe potuto permettersi veramente di meglio ma non finisce qui.
Tornata da Torino, stanca e distrutta, in paese trovai lui nero e lei disperata.
La ragazza mi raccontò che un giovane l’aveva messa incinta e adesso non poteva dirlo a casa, altrimenti il padre l’avrebbe uccisa.
Ne parlai con mio marito ma lui disse che la detestava e che non era che una zoccola: niente a che vedere con una“santa” donna come me. Infatti “la santa” era una donna adulta e avrei potuto essere sua mamma.
Mi feci carico del suo guaio, ben conoscendo la mentalità retrograda di quei piccoli centri di montagna.
Alla fine, grazie alle mie amicizie e sacrificandomi personalmente (ed economicamente) riuscimmo a farla abortire, pur di non negarle un futuro: la ragazza altrimenti sarebbe stata segnata a vita.
Pochi giorni dopo il fattaccio tutti ritornarono felici e contenti.


Qualche mese più tardi dissi a mio marito che Teresa a casa non serviva più: che fare? Lui prese la palla al balzo e disse:
- Sai che possiamo fare? Adesso che con i miei soci abbiamo aperto lo studio più grande, la posso far assumere da noi, tanto lei il diploma se l’è già preso! –
Soluzione perfetta pensai: ormai avevo preso a cuore la situazione della “povera pastorella”.

Dopo un anno però il mondo mi crollò addosso!
Amedeo, il nostro amico gay, litigò di brutto con mio marito e per togliersi la pietra dalla scarpa, mi fece una telefonata di fuoco.
- Guarda io non avevo avuto il coraggio di dirtelo – affermò – perchè tu sei una brava donna e non volevo farti più male di quanto già ne hai ricevuto, ma ti avverto: guardati intorno perchè, come diciamo noi, ti hanno messo in mezzo!
Ricordati solo questo, tuo marito è un vero porco. –
Come un velo di nebbia che si dirada, dinanzi a me la verità venne a galla. Feci un po’ d’indagini discrete e scoprii, poco alla volta, il nido di vespe su cui ero stata seduta senza accorgermi di nulla.
Morale della favola: mio marito aveva sedotto la ragazza nonostante avesse venticinque anni di più; quando avevo seguito mio padre a Torino, se l’erano spassata talmente che l’aveva messa incinta e, dulcis in fundo, io stessa l’avevo aiutata per liberarsi del bambino: cosa che mi ripugnava, dal punto di vista morale e religioso.
Adesso che lei lavorava al suo studio erano veri e propri amanti e se la godevano come due piccioncini. Chissà quante volte si erano fatte delle grosse risate pensando a quanto ero stata stupida io.
Piantai un enorme casino, li minacciai di brutto e la storia finì.
Passai poi un lungo, brutto periodo chiusa in casa a piangere e a soffrire ripensando a ciò che avevo vissuto.
I rapporti con mio marito erano sempre tesi e abbiamo dormito divisi per anni.
Anche lui prese una brutta botta. Finita la storia malefica con quella ragazza che lo aveva fatto sentire un “giovanotto” e che, tra l’altro, gli aveva spillato un sacco di quattrini, si era ritrovato, alle soglie della vecchiaia, solo e malvisto.
Il paese è piccolo, la gente parla e la sua tresca era diventata di dominio pubblico.
Ho undici anni meno di lui e, nonostante tutto, sono ancora una donna apprezzata.
Non sono altissima ma il mio corpo e ben proporzionato; una vita sana e l’aria buona mi hanno permesso di conservare un fisico tonico e formoso.
Le gravidanze mi hanno riempito e fatta più donna: mi vesto in maniera classica, mai volgare e porto sempre la gonna. In questo mondo di ragazze che girano in jeans tagliati male e strappati, le mie gambe nervose, trattenute dalle calze di seta nere, e le scarpe eleganti che scelgo attraggono ancora degli sguardi vogliosi, persino da parte dei più giovani.


Dopo un anno cupo e sofferto arrivò la telefonata che mi ha cambiato la vita.
Era padre Fulvio, un prete che si occupa di volontariato a favore dei disabili e dei trapiantati, conosciuto a Torino nell’ospedale.
Era tutto contento perchè mi doveva fare una bella sorpresa: padre Fulvio era a pochi passi dal mio paese, a Siderno Marina.
D’estate organizzavano delle settimane di colonia per i giovani con difficoltà.
Mi disse di scuotermi dal mio torpore e di andarlo a trovare per passare una giornata diversa.
Volli spezzare la catena e uscire finalmente dalle mie quattro mura, così pochi giorni dopo, accompagnata da mio figlio, raggiunsi Siderno e passai veramente una bella giornata.
Poi, il prete mi fece una proposta: perchè non rendermi utile agli altri facendo del volontariato? Insomma mi chiese di occuparmi, per le due settimane successive, aiutando i ragazzi del prossimo turno.
Non risposi subito di sì, nonostante tutto sono sempre una donna all’antica e volevo parlarne con mio marito.
Lui fu entusiasta, non sopportava più tanta tensione, e sperava che, rompendo la routine, qualcosa sarebbe cambiato anche tra di noi.
Così, nel mese di Agosto, partii con il mio borsone come una studentessa alle prime armi. Portai perfino il costume da bagno... era da tanto che non andavo al mare.
Avendo avuto anche un figlio maschio non ebbi nessuna remora a trattare con quei giovani, purtroppo diversamente abili a causa di varie patologie.
Da loro imparai l’allegria e la gioia di sorridere anche con poco, imparai ad apprezzare le piccole cose che sono sempre le più belle.
Di giorno li aiutavo insieme alle altre “sorelle”, ci chiamavano così, come fossimo monache.
Collaboravo anche a lavarli, li accompagnavo a fare i bisogni, controllavo che tutto fosse in efficienza per non procurare loro altro disagio.
Di sera poi, dopo cena, si parlava a lungo specialmente con i più grandi e capii che la cosa che più mancava loro, era il sesso.
Scoprii che molti si eccitavano continuamente e si arrangiavano come potevano.
Ce n’era uno Samuele un ragazzo di ventisei anni, che appena lo toccavo si eccitava. Lavargli le parti intime non era facile, perchè il suo pisello, diventava gigantesco e duro e non sapevo come piegarglielo nella vasca del bidet.
La situazione, dopo il primo imbarazzo, divenne comica e ogni volta ci facevamo un sacco di risate.
In me però, nasceva anche una certa eccitazione, perchè erano anni che non facevo niente; quelle risate servivano anche a esorcizzare il mio turbamento.
Una mattina mentre andavo a fa la spesa con Colomba, una donna della mia età esperta di volontariato, portai la discussione su quel fatto: come si comportavano loro con i ragazzi maschi quando questi si eccitavano?
- Beh, cara mia, ognuna si comporta come si sente, non esiste una regola... sono giovani e, nonostante tutto, molti hanno le loro pulsioni: arrapano come chiunque. Lo sai no?– mi lanciò uno sguardo d’intesa. - Con un po’ di discrezione, se te la senti, puoi fare come fanno tante altre... potresti dargli una mano. –
Esitai per un poco, poi capii:
- Ah, una mano... una mano nel vero senso della parola? – e con le dita mimai il gesto di chi tira una sega a un maschio.
Colomba rise di gusto: - Brava, hai capito al volo! –


Due giorni dopo, a Ferragosto, organizzammo la brace sulla spiaggia, portammo una chitarra e cenammo tutti in allegria.
Più tardi, la maggior parte tornò alla pensione, mentre alcuni dei giovani più grandi insistettero per restare, almeno per quella notte, sull’arenile.
Mi offrii di far loro da assistente e mi lasciarono il pulmino per ritirarci a nostro piacimento.
Anche Samuele volle rimanere. Eravamo in quattro: due ragazzi, una ragazza ed io.
Chiacchierammo, giocammo e alla fine si doveva pagare pegno: io persi indecorosamente.
Era tardi e sulla spiaggia non c’era quasi nessuno... lontano qualche altro falò, che si spegneva, mentre i nottambuli se ne andavano via.

Il buio e l’allegria si resero complici delle nostre parole, il pegno divenne sfida; la sfida divenne tenzone, poi fu un continuo duello di... “e tu? e io; e te la senti, e non te la senti...” eccetera eccetera.
Insomma alla fine io ero la vecchia signora borghese che si dice emancipata ma che non sapeva uscire dai luoghi comuni; incapace di trasgredire... di godersela liberamente assecondando i propri desideri.
Il mio pegno prese una piega inaspettata: dovevo avere il coraggio di toccare il membro di Samuele davanti agli altri due.
Per stemperare l’atmosfera, mentre arrossivo nell’oscurità, dissi:
- E che ci vuole: è una settimana che glielo tocco... – risi – Caccialo fuori, su, vediamolo questo pisellino! – dissi prendendolo in giro.
- No! – intervenne la ragazza – Devi farlo tu... deve fare tutto da sola, giusto? – disse, mentre cercava la complicità dei suoi amici.
Accettai e mi spostai lentamente verso la sedia di tela su cui stava seduto il ragazzo.
D’un tratto si fece silenzio e tutti si divennero attenti ai miei gesti.
Con gli occhi bassi ma col cuore che batteva all’impazzata, m’inginocchiai davanti a Samuele e iniziai delicatamente ad armeggiare con i bottoni del pantaloncino.
Il suo cazzo, da sotto, gonfiava la patta tendendo la stoffa.
Lo sentivo sotto le dita.
Piano piano lo liberai e adesso il suo affare svettava, duro come la pietra.
Nel buio sembrava una grossa melanzana, lo sfiorai con la punta delle dita:
- Ecco, toccato. Avete visto, no? – dissi, fingendo di aver terminato il mio compito anche se ero certa che la cosa non sarebbe finita li.
Nonostante il fresco della notte estiva bruciavo dentro e anche gli altri ragazzi erano evidentemente eccitati.
- E questo lo chiami toccare? – disse la ragazza infilando la mano sotto il costume del giovane accanto a lei:
- Glielo devi prendere tutto in mano, così! – e anche se non si vedeva bene, si capiva che aveva raggiunto il cazzo del ragazzo e lo stringeva forte, agitandolo a destra e a sinistra come un manico di scopa.
- Se per te va bene...? – dissi, interrogando Samuele con lo sguardo. Nei suoi occhi leggevo la febbre del piacere: lui non aspettava altro.
Non mi trattenni più... adesso ero un’altra donna.
L’eccitazione, troppo a lungo sopita, mi dava la carica e non pensai più a nulla.
Il mondo introno scomparve, ora desideravo solo sentire quel cazzo turgido e liscio riempirmi le mani, desideravo solo donare piacere col mio corpo a quel giovane che impazziva di desiderio.
Impugnai saldamente il membro, era caldo, duro, eretto verso l’alto.
Di sotto poggiava sullo scroto, gonfio e pieno, morbido come pasta per pizza appena lievitata.
Toccai tutto, carezzai tutto, volevo impadronirmi di quelle sensazioni e gustarmi quel cazzo completamente estraneo; erano anni che trattenevo i miei desideri, avevo conosciuto quasi solo il membro di mio marito, in fondo.
Sapevo masturbare l’uomo, avevo imparato da ragazza, ormai che c’ero era inutile fermarsi.
Mi misi di fianco, chinata su Samuele e iniziai a farglielo delicatamente in mano.
Anche la ragazza, stava masturbando il suo amico, lo faceva con più rabbia, più veloce, mentre si concedeva un ditalino pure lei.
La sua mano era nel costume e andava dentro e fuori col dito, ritmicamente.
Nessuno aveva più grande interesse per gli altri, ognuno era perso in se stesso alla ricerca di un piacere fin troppo negato.
- Sublime, sublime... – diceva Samuele, irrigidendosi sulla poltroncina.
Io gli tenevo una mano sulla spalla e l’altra saliva e scendeva, in modo cadenzato, sulla sua asta che superava in altezza l’ombelico.
Andavo svelta in su e poi di nuovo in giù ma con più attenzione, aveva ancora la pelle chiusa sul pene, non volevo fargli male.
Stavo attenta a far sgusciare solo parzialmente il grosso glande, rosso e lucido come un frutto maturo.
- Baciamelo! – mi ordinò senza controllarsi, io rimasi interdetta, era una pratica che non avevo mai approfondito troppo con mio marito. Lui me lo aveva chiesto più volte o ci aveva solo tentato ma io lo avevo accontentato poco e male: temevo il suo giudizio... dopo il piacere. Di sicuro avrebbe pensato che sua moglie faceva cose da puttana.
E a cosa aveva portato tanto sacrificio? A nulla!
Persi ogni contegno e ogni rispetto per quell’uomo che mi aveva fatto tanto male: ora toccava a me godere.
Decisi di far felice il povero ragazzo; fu facile, dovetti solo abbassarmi di poco e mi ritrovai la testa del cazzo a pochi millimetri dalle labbra.
Masturbandolo, il glande mi batteva sulla bocca, tirai fuori la lingua e lo assaggiai.
Al contatto con quella dolce sfericità sentii una gioia elettrica attraversarmi tutta la schiena per poi esplodere alla base della nuca: adesso lo volevo e così lo presi, succhiandolo dentro.
Mi abbassai lentamente, determinata a prenderlo completamente fino in gola.
Mi sentii invasa, riempita, Samuele godendosi quel pompino fece il pene ancora più gonfio.
Per vari minuti nemmeno lo toccai con la mani, facevo tutto con la bocca, volevo conoscerlo bene.
Prima lo ingoiai diverse volte, senza fretta, mentre dall’ugola producevo tantissima saliva e gli gocciolavo addosso dalla bocca ma... non m’importava.
Anche i suoni gutturali di quel lavoro di bocca erano osceni e arrapanti; accovacciata, aprii le gambe e tastandomi la figa la trovai fradicia di liquido trasparente.
Mi lasciai andare senza pensare a niente, volevo solo il cazzo, in quegli istanti.
Farlo, per il solo gusto di provare e dare piacere sessuale, senza alcuna implicazione sentimentale e senza amore, fu una scoperta incredibile.
Mi sentivo una porca, credevo di aver passato il limite, di essere diventata una depravata e, invece di mortificarmi, questa sensazione m’inebriava: mi sentivo forte, diversa.
Ha quarant’anni passati compresi che il sesso non s’impara. Basta liberare la nostra naturale libidine per capire tutto e subito.
Capii che il trionfo di quel gioco era il piacere e che sarebbe stato sancito dallo spruzzo di Samuele.
Il ragazzo aveva brividi continui e gli vibravano le mascelle per la goduria.
Non volli esagerare facendolo trattenere troppo. Spontaneamente glielo presi in mano e lo masturbai alacremente, mentre con le labbra non perdevo il contatto col suo cazzo, mai.
Ci volle poco.
A quella velocità, la sega risultò molto efficace e quando lui s’inarcò, in un fascio di nervi tesi, lo sperma passò rapidamente dal pene alla mia lingua.
Spontaneamente, alle prime gocce di sborra calda, stavo per sgusciare all’indietro, come avevo sempre fatto con mio marito... ma poi mi trattenni.
Decisi di andare fino in fondo quella volta: accettai tutta la sborrata di Samuele!
La mia bocca si riempiva come se ci spruzzassi dentro della panna spray.
Il ragazzo venne continuamente per quasi due minuti.
Mi riempì completamente e, anche se non avrei voluto, fui costretta a ingoiare una buona dose di sperma.
Il resto lo sputai sulla rena un attimo dopo aver finito.
Sedetti sulla sabbia sconvolta, non ero venuta ma avevo provato un piacere immenso, sconosciuto, intimo.
L’altra coppia, sdraiati su un telo, stavano scopando come meglio potevano.
Samuele guardava il mare nero, un po’ impacciato ma felice.
Mi prese la mano e restammo così a lungo, ebbi la sensazione che mi volesse ringraziare.
Il giorno dopo arrivò anche padre Fulvio e con lui mi confessai.
Mi diede l’assoluzione molto volentieri e senza troppi pregiudizi.
Iniziai così la mia “carriera” di angioletto nelle comunità estive e adesso dedico al volontariato almeno due settimane della mia estate.
Faccio bene il mio lavoro, m’impegno con tutta me stessa, specialmente di notte anzi, la notte direi che tanto angioletto non lo sono... i ragazzi lo sanno, mi cercano apposta.

Con mio marito le cose vanno meglio... lui non lo sa ma abbiamo pareggiato i conti, da tempo. Delle sue porcate non m’importa più niente... sono troppo impegnata a organizzare le mie.
Non mi sento in colpa: tutto ciò che faccio, lo faccio a fin di bene.



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Hi, I am devoted reader of ISS for over 5-6 years. I was always decent with girls & ladies and never-ever able to get physical with any girl. ISS Stories with different plots/themes gave me some neck into reading sexual signals from girls/ladies and entice them into getting physical. In fact I must admit Delhi girls in age of 18 – 30 today have become very free, broad-minded & open about sex. I am writing my true first experience five years earlier of quickie encounter in south Delhi. I am a...

3 years ago
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Bound and Teased

This is my first published story. I have been writing for almost a year and reading for longer. This particular scene came from a very inspiring chat with a fellow Lushie. It's got light bondage, some temperature play and teasing. Enjoy!! You and I are sharing a joke on the couch after having a nice meal. I take a sip of the wine and you pick up your glass and hold it up for a toast, “To good friends and good times!” We clink our glasses, drink the contents down, place them down with vigor as...

Straight Sex
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 6

Rory. It was nearing Christmas and I was wondering what I could give my lady as a Christmas gift. I knew how to lay my hands on the money if I needed to, but I was also aware that I could not give her a really expensive gift without having questions asked. I decided to ask my mum for advice and hope she could come up with some suggestions. She told me she would give it a bit of thought and get back to me. A few days later she did come back to me just before dinner and handed me a small box....

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Fucked My Boss Business Partner

Hello friends…I am Raj, 31 yrs old, 5.10”, average looking, married guy working for a Stock Broking firm in Kolkata. I am new to this site and like it so much that i decided to write my own story … Mail me your comments on . It happened around 5 Years Back. The atmosphere there was excellent as in with lot of good colleagues around. The worry of my life was her (Sangeeta), she was my Boss’s Business Partner & his Bed Partner too (I suppose). She was in her 30’s, 5’ 4” tall and good looking....

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How I Got Fucked By Two Guys In The Ac Compartment

Hello friends, i wanted to share my experience with Raj and Karan, two guys i met on a train to Aurangabad. First off i want to describe myself. I am bi-sexual 18year old boy, who is 5″10 and about 150 lbs. with a 6″ dick. So as you can guess i am a very skinny guy. People say i have a body of a girl with a really nice ass. Now let’s start the story: This story begins and ends on my 14 hour train ride from Hyderabad to Aurangabad. I am traveling for my brother’s wedding. I and my extended...

Gay Male
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Visiting My Estranged Brother Part 2

In the other one, it was from Sadie’s point of view, in this one it will be told from a third person point of view. ALL suggestions are welcome email me @ [email protected] THANKS a lot. :D After yesterday’s ordeal Sadie slept amazing and woke up around 8, it was Sunday so Matt was sleeping in from his busy work schedule. Sadie crept quietly from her bed and through the house to his room and slowly opened the door, as she tip-toe over to him she heard something… She was to his back and...

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NaughtyRichGirls Ariana Marie 22919

How Johnny’s going to get Ariana Marie to go to a job interview when she hasn’t worked a day in her life is beyond us. But he was employed by her wealthy father to get her ass in gear and get a job. The fact that she’s poolside lubing up her bikinied body when he arrives to tell her makes it even harder. But things get hardest — meaning Johnny’s big dick — when Ariana laughs in his face at the idea of a job interview, then removes her bikini top to reveal her perfect natural tits. Johnny...

4 years ago
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Alex and Sophie Pt3

It was Sunday morning, the morning after our eventful afternoon in the woods. My eyes fluttered open, there he was, bare chested, staring at me with loving eyes, a knowing grin spreading across his face. I began to grin too, I couldn’t believe what we had managed to get up to yesterday! I couldn’t believe it but I loved trying to to! The fact that we had some of our most mind blowing sex in view of any dog walker or hitchhiker was utterly exhilarating. He leant over a kissed kissed me, locking...

Straight Sex
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Joans Story Ch 05

Chapter 5. January 10th – A Little Vacation In Miami. It’s a long flight to Miami. We’re all tired by the time with get there. We settle into our suite and then decide to go out and see some of the city. We eat supper and it’s a great meal. We head back to the hotel since we don’t feel like partying. Back in the hotel room, Sue says the left bed is Maria’s and each of us will sleep with her and have sex with her in that bed starting tonight. Sue will sleep with her tonight then I’m next on...

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Favors Small and GreatChapter 4

I was soon balls deep inside Rosa from behind, while Flora licked her ass with no pretense of shame or disgust. She had Rosa's cheeks pried apart and her tongue slid greedily along the crack of her cousin's butt, the reaction being almost immediate from the curvy Latina beneath me. Rosa was already soaking wet anyway, but now she gushed like Old Faithful, and then she tightened up on my poor cock until I had no choice but to explode far inside her sweet snatch. I stayed inside her, even so,...

4 years ago
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I Discover the Real MeChapter 3

My alarm woke me at 7:45 am and I jumped out of bed. I was looking forward to being naked in front of different guys, and showing off Tracey as well. I got ready and went out into the corridor to wait for Tracey but she was already there, as naked as I was and holding her shower bag and towel. “Morning,” I said, “change of plans but it’s nothing to worry about. Ethan told me to go to the third floor and the alternate between first and third floors each morning.” “Okay,” Tracey replied, “I...

2 years ago
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He had teased me into a damn near c***. My body fresh off a third orgasm was so spent I just wanted to collapse, but he had yet to fuck me.Knowing the cockslut I was for his beautiful cock, he had me begging repeatedly for him to fuck me. But he would have what he wanted, and I would willingly give it.Face down on the bed, my voluptuous, pale ass high in the air I heard his growl. Nearly cumming from the sound of it alone I wiggled my ass begging him silently, then I begged vocally. There was...

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Three Chapter 3

He motioned for them to undress and slipped into the bedroom to check on his wife. She was kneeling in the center of the bed, chest thrust forward as she lightly touched her pussy lips with one hand, clearly on the verge of an orgasm but restraining herself. She still wore the blindfold and he knelt on the bed to give her a passionate kiss on the lips as he started to disrobe. She melted into his touch and bit her lower lip seductively, panting heavily, when he eventually pulled away. A...

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The Bus To Croweville

"You go to Croweville?" I asked the bus driver. "Sure do, we'll be there about 2:15. In the a.m.," the driver said pointedly. "Thanks," I said, my eyes adjusting from the buglight glare of the terminal to the dark interior of the coach. I scanned up and down but every pair of seats had at least one taken, most by dozing older folks or wary-looking migrant workers. There was a somewhat chubby girl about my age, 23 or so, with pulled-back brown hair and a spaghetti-strap purple blouse,...

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My First Big Tool

I wanted to share with you my story about getting my first big cock. I was 17 at the time and he was 22. He was working on my grandmothers house....I thought he was so hot. Anyway I had a slight crush on him, and I told one of my girlfriends about him. She knew one of his friends, and he told him that I thought he was hot. It wasn't to long after that, I was driving around town when he pulled me over. We made small talk at first, but then he asked me if I would like to come over to his place....

3 years ago
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Is It Real 04

Is it Real 04? I walk into the house after another hard day. Work was a bear and it was only Wednesday. I hear soft music in the house that my wife of seven years always loved. I think only for a moment rather or not to grab a beer. But I deny myself the pleasure.I want to call out for my wife but I stop myself and began to search for her, kicking off my loafers off in the living room to better silence my steps. I walk about the down stairs checking the spare room and down stairs bath. Then I...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Find Bride

Find a bride? Today’s the day my dudes. Today’s the day that TPD is going to settle down. And what better way to do that than to find a bride online! Find-Bride.com is the perfect site for this. Granted, all the women on this site are Russian and Ukrainian, so if you can get over the thick accent then we’re on our way. Besides, we both know how sexy those eastern European girls are. And they raise them to be good housewives! Just the way it should be. Alright, before I doze off by thinking...

Hookup Sites
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My Hot Shrink 12

(1/3)I've been seeing a shrink for about 7 months to treat my post tramatic stress disorder which I was diagnosed with after nearly losing my leg in a car accident a few months back. Luckily for me I still had all my limbs but I had to deal with the nightmares, and pains PTSD had caused me....thats where Rebecca comes in.Rebacca, my shrink, is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met in person. Shes around 5'6, with sleek black hair, and a gorgeous face and some beautiful (Im guessing)...

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Thomas and I

No need for the sharing a keyhole on that day, Thomas and I peered in through the crack watching her as she slowly lathered her skin paying close attention it seemed to her breasts and her pussy. In fact too much attention to her pussy. We watched as the darkened figure behind the opaque plastic raised a leg and with one hand holding the rod another slid down to her crotch. Detail to what her hand was actually doing was hidden in silhouette but our imagination and the hand holding the rod and...

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The Road to ChaosChapter 16

It’s life, ya know. Wake up in a new world every day. Change is damn near the only constant. The letter in the mail, the phone call, the can of chili on the floor. The flat tire, now there’s a life-changer. The letter: Greetings from the President. Erk! The phone: John. It’s George. You know how I’m always to work early? Yeah. Well, it’s boarded up. Nobody there. The can: Help! I can’t get up! The tire: You’re late. Again. I’ve hired a new guy. “Fleeing the United States? What...

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Righting wrongs

“You can cum. Cum for me, good girl.”Just hearing him say the words brought her to orgasm. Her sex convulsed around him, mind closed to everything that wasn’t his. The dildo in her arse made the sensation even more consuming. Emma wasn’t sure if she’d even been that close until he ordered it. She came down drawing in lungful’s of air. Master pulled her in tight against him. She nestled into the crook of his neck. Wrapped in his arms, encased in the duvet, she listened to him fall asleep.Tonight...

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Covert Operative Honoree

Kelvin Watson sat in the front row of chairs arranged in one of the conference rooms at Langley. There were just under forty company employees present at the private C.I.A. ceremony. The deputy director of the National Clandestine Service stood and walked to the podium. The Caucasian, middle-aged man began, ‘Two weeks ago, one of our own assisted the United States Army Special f***es, or Green Berets as manay of us know them, in a mission to rescue three American hostages from...

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Her Everything

I’m on my knees by the door. My head is lowered looking at the floor. I know He’ll be home any moment. He wants me waiting for Him by the door each night when He comes home. It’s one of His biggest rules. I gladly obey Him because nothing pleases me more then making sure that He is happy.My name is Alex, but my Master calls me Kitty. I’m 28 years old. I’ve been with my Master for five years. My Master’s name is Jake. He is 33 years old. I’ve known him for about six years. We we’re great friends...

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GangbangCreampie Tyler G85

Welcome to Part 2 of Episode 85 of GangBangCreampie! By now you’ve seen the interview and had a chance to get to know this sexy little spinner, she’s a ton of fun! Since you’ve seen the interview, you know how Mitt got some panties at the bar, along with some roadhead, and a quick dip of the dick. Back at the station she gets to meet the Cocksmen, and the Cocksmen get to meet LD. Who’s LD? LD, is Tylers boyfriend, and he’s here to help the Cocksmen fuck and fill...

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The Best of Both Worlds 2

"Oh, God, Daniel!" Arya cried out in ecstasy, as her body came to orgasm. Sitting on top of Daniel, she let her body bounce on him, as he shot a load of cum into her with every upward thrust. She screamed excitedly with each push that Daniel gave until he was finally finished, and Arya rolled off and lay beside him.The sex had been both exhilarating and disappointing. As always, it physically felt incredible, as Daniel certainly knew what he was doing in bed. The problem that brought the...

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My first sex experience

Hiii Sinhala wal katha loving friends, I am Pradeep, I am a man with some sexual fantasies on my mind. Now I am 45 years old and I have achieve some of them, and there are yet to achieve. During my life I have met different kind of girls and did several kind of sex acts. So, I hope to share my sex experience with you all... things I tell you are genuine ...and I wanted share those things with sex loving people.This is the first time I.am writing a such long story and you have to pardon me for...

4 years ago
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Captains ChoiceChapter 6 Discovery

True to his word, I heard the snarl of Jerry's plane just before seven on Saturday morning. Del and I were on the dock, coffee thermos in hand and ready for a full morning of searching. I watched Jerry drift the sleek float plane near the narrow end of the dock, cut the engine and step onto the pontoon. I caught the line he threw to tether the plane and tied it off to the nearest cleat. "Mornin' Jerry," I said. "Mornin," he replied. "Did you hear about the explosion last...

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The Story of Rachel

Rachel was a very attractive blonde who has been with the companyfor five years. She started 2 years after I did, and while we neverreally hit it off, there were some signs that there was a mutualattraction. You could even call it sexual tension, at times. Shereally dressed well, and always carried a designer purse, and haddesigner shoes on her size 8 1/2 feet. The purses and pumps shewould wear to the office were incredibly beautiful. Boner-causingbeautiful! What i always thought of doing, but...

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Life for Futa

Disclaimer: This story is the story "Living in a Futanari society"/Shemale Worldo but kind of reborn, somethings in the story have been edited here and there and some characters names and traits they have might also change from the original. (Such as the mothers name being changed). Also this story is hugely inspired by Futanari World/Shemale World. Introduction to Life for Futa: Life for Futa is an alternate reality where all females are Futanaris, they have a cock, balls, and vagina. In this...

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Lorie Carl and Hank

Note : This story is completely fictional! When she got drunk on beer Lorie let her her before her mom got home. When he filled her cunt with cum he said."Next time I'm going to let my friends use your hole""If you do I want some money""How much do you think I should charge them" replied Carl."Twenty dollars apiece would be nice" she said."I think they will pay that""Mom's leaving on a business trip next Saturday" said Lorie."How long will she be gone?""She said she would be gone a week""Good,...

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She was in the kitchen when she heard the front door open and then close. She knew He was finally home from work and was going to make a nice dinner for the both of them tonight. She was also looking forward to sitting on the couch together after dinner and watching a movie. Cuddling on the couch with Him was always her favorite part of the evening and she always looked forward to their time together.She heard him removing his work boots in the foyer and turned to see Him walk into the kitchen....

2 years ago
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Aur chato sahab

“Home Alone” Amit. Mere ghar mein ul zalool naukraniyon ke kaafi arse baad ek Bahut hi sundar aur sexy naukrani kaam par lagee. 22-23 saal ki umar hogi. Sawlaan sa rang tha. Medium height ki aur sudaul badan, figure uska raha hoga 33-26-34. Shaadi shuda thi. Uska pati kitna kismat wala tha, saala khub chodta Hoga. Boobs yaani chuchiyan aisi ki bas daba hi dalo. Blouse mein samata hi nahi tha. Kitni bhi saari se woh dhakti, idhar udhar se blouse se ubharte hue uski Chuchiyan dikh hi jaati thi....

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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 4

By the time Ellie and I walked along the landing to my bedroom, we could hear from the next door room the sound of Mary squealing with pleasure as Tony drove his immense cock into her juicy cunt. We stopped by the doorway and watched as his black arse rose and fell, his balls sac slapping against Mary as she called out frantic encouragement to him –”Oh my God! Harder, Tony, harder, drive it into my belly! Spread my fucking c... ! Aaahhh!!” I was standing behind Ellie who was watching this...

3 years ago
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BETRAYED Chapter 2

Chapter 2 By Randy MacAnus Copyright 2018. All rights reserved by the author. When my gang rape was over, a voice whispered in my ear, “Have a good time, pussy boy?” It was the same voice from when this began. I didn't know who it was, but I sure recognized that whisper. I shook my head 'no'. He whispered, “Well, you better get used to it, bitch.” Then he gave my butt a hard slap and the last two sets of boots walked out the door. I started struggling with my bonds in a panic. “You...

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Soul Catcher

The Soul Catcher by Maggie O'Malley Three young women stood in front of the rundown house. It was just one of the slums that lined the street. Evening had come, and the streetlamp glared across broken children's toys and overflowing trashcans that littered the sidewalk. The street was empty of traffic, but the sounds of nightlife filled the air, and the girls knew they were not alone. They could hear dogs barking out a warning from a nearby house. Rats squealed and squirmed...

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Miriams Dance With Rogues

This story will borrow places from a game mod called A Dance With Rogues that was made by this cool girl called Valine. It’s a great mod. If you have the game Neverwinter Nights, I highly suggest you try out the mod. Just google it. Anyways, the protagonist Miriam’s world (or rather the world Valine created) is a world where might generally makes right. Kings and Queens rule city states. Mercenaries and magic abound. Yep. That means, no guns, computers, air conditioning, or Wal Mart. So in...

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A Cautious ManChapter 24

It took Zena some time to calm down from the event. They sat in Ken Lee's office until she began to feel better. She steadfastly refused to go to the hospital and have her arm looked at. She was sure it was just a strain and would be better in a day or so. Besides, she had a job to do. Bill and Ken sat on either side of her, making sure she was alright. "OK, Zena, you head on home now. Take the rest of the day off and tomorrow if necessary. You've had a big shock to your system and the...

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There and Back Again Ch 2930

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Love and War In the morning I was, unsurprisingly, exhausted. Morrigan and I packed up, just in case, but stayed put. I ended up dozing by the fire, not sleeping deeply enough to repeat the dreams from the night before. I had just shut my eyes, it seemed, when Morrigan was shaking me, one hand clamped over my mouth. I opened my eyes and saw her face, pale with fear. She hissed quietly in my ear. ‘Darkspawn. Scouting party, big one. Need to move.’ I nodded understanding,...

1 year ago
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Deamology Tutor

I only realized what I had done when I was sitting down. Maybe the change in posture changed how my brain was ticking, or maybe the cold water I ordered helped. “Oh my god” I whispered. “Oh don't get all bent out of shape” Lyn murmured, her tail swishing as she sat on the stool, “Barkeep, one cider.” The 'barkeep' walked to her and pulled a bottle and a cup out from under the bar, pouring her a drink. I gaped, staring at the two of them. I had summoned Lyn a few days ago and she had latched...

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The Sexual Awakenings of Teenage Private Schoolgirls Part 2

Dinner with the Barkers that night was a little awkward for Kelly. She had just had oral sex and then showered with Mr Barker, her best friend Sarah's Dad. It was not something you just blurt out. Especially when Sarah's mother is away with work. If they found out, what would they think of her? Would they tell her parents? Kelly was wondering what Sarah’s surprise had been. Had she set it up for Kelly to lose her virginity to her father? Kelly had only sucked and stroked his cock. She thought...

2 years ago
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Two Sisters With Benefits

Kyle always idolized his twin sisters, and not without reason. Amanda and Wendi were two gorgeous foxes- the kind of girls that made boys’ cocks stand straight up whenever they were around. At 16 years of age, they looked and acted much older. Amanda was a typical blonde cheerleader type: tall, thin (with all the curves in exactly the right places), and having a face that would soften rock, and hair that looked like a Lions mane. Thick, very long, falling to her mid-back, and teased to the...

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Bunraku Initial Phase

You awake from your sleep with a jolt. Your body was sweating profusely, a dull stabbing pain played drums on the back of your head. Your muscles were horribly aching, a strange twisting and kneading sensation coursing through every fiber of your being. It felt like sickness, a really bad one, but it was too painful for you to move or even make a sound, until suddenly, everything clicked into place. As the aches mysteriously disappear, there was a moment of clarity, your expression softening to...

Mind Control
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I got all I could handle A Summer Night of Sex 2

With my husband standing in the door way watched as Frankie inserted several inches of his black snake into my throat. It was too late to stop, as Frankie's cock was quickly disappearing. I was not looking to stop, as Maria had my pussy in a frenzy with her skillful tongue working masterfully on my exposed clit. My body was thrashing against Maria's face, but the only sounds of pleasure coming from my mouth were muffled by the gurgling sound I was making. Attempting not to choke on my thick...


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