Volontariato - Volunteering free porn video

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Ti racconto la mia storia, un po’ per il piacere di farlo e anche per una forma di piccola vendetta personale nei confronti di mio marito, affermato professionista calabrese. Un bell’uomo di buona famiglia e, a modo suo, bravo padre e (secondo la mentalità disgustosa e antiquata che ci circonda) anche buon marito.
Il mio “bravo” marito però non sa che uno dei suoi amici di gioventù è gay.
Amedeo è molto affezionato a me sin da ragazzo; mi confidava tutto e mi avvertiva anche quando “il maritino” stava per combinare qualche marachella.
Grazie alle sue soffiate, all’inizio del matrimonio sono riuscita a beccarlo mentre si stava organizzando qualche avventura con qualche zoccoletta senza scrupoli.
In linea di massima l’ho perdonavo, anche perchè in Sila l’inverno è lungo e fare i separati in casa a trent’anni, per una donna... è dura.
Poi, dopo un periodo di quiete, me l’ha fatta veramente sporca e da allora siamo stati in sostanza divisi quasi dieci anni.
Praticamente mi ero scordata persino come si fa all’amore.
In poche parole, il mio congiunto (approfittando del fatto che ero impegnata e addolorata per la malattia di mio padre, culminata con un trapianto del fegato) si scopava la babysitter, una ragazzotta di paese, appena maggiorenne.
Difficile immaginarla come donna; difficile immaginarla interessante per un uomo come lui. Un professionista affermato che, volendo, avrebbe potuto permettersi veramente di meglio ma non finisce qui.
Tornata da Torino, stanca e distrutta, in paese trovai lui nero e lei disperata.
La ragazza mi raccontò che un giovane l’aveva messa incinta e adesso non poteva dirlo a casa, altrimenti il padre l’avrebbe uccisa.
Ne parlai con mio marito ma lui disse che la detestava e che non era che una zoccola: niente a che vedere con una“santa” donna come me. Infatti “la santa” era una donna adulta e avrei potuto essere sua mamma.
Mi feci carico del suo guaio, ben conoscendo la mentalità retrograda di quei piccoli centri di montagna.
Alla fine, grazie alle mie amicizie e sacrificandomi personalmente (ed economicamente) riuscimmo a farla abortire, pur di non negarle un futuro: la ragazza altrimenti sarebbe stata segnata a vita.
Pochi giorni dopo il fattaccio tutti ritornarono felici e contenti.


Qualche mese più tardi dissi a mio marito che Teresa a casa non serviva più: che fare? Lui prese la palla al balzo e disse:
- Sai che possiamo fare? Adesso che con i miei soci abbiamo aperto lo studio più grande, la posso far assumere da noi, tanto lei il diploma se l’è già preso! –
Soluzione perfetta pensai: ormai avevo preso a cuore la situazione della “povera pastorella”.

Dopo un anno però il mondo mi crollò addosso!
Amedeo, il nostro amico gay, litigò di brutto con mio marito e per togliersi la pietra dalla scarpa, mi fece una telefonata di fuoco.
- Guarda io non avevo avuto il coraggio di dirtelo – affermò – perchè tu sei una brava donna e non volevo farti più male di quanto già ne hai ricevuto, ma ti avverto: guardati intorno perchè, come diciamo noi, ti hanno messo in mezzo!
Ricordati solo questo, tuo marito è un vero porco. –
Come un velo di nebbia che si dirada, dinanzi a me la verità venne a galla. Feci un po’ d’indagini discrete e scoprii, poco alla volta, il nido di vespe su cui ero stata seduta senza accorgermi di nulla.
Morale della favola: mio marito aveva sedotto la ragazza nonostante avesse venticinque anni di più; quando avevo seguito mio padre a Torino, se l’erano spassata talmente che l’aveva messa incinta e, dulcis in fundo, io stessa l’avevo aiutata per liberarsi del bambino: cosa che mi ripugnava, dal punto di vista morale e religioso.
Adesso che lei lavorava al suo studio erano veri e propri amanti e se la godevano come due piccioncini. Chissà quante volte si erano fatte delle grosse risate pensando a quanto ero stata stupida io.
Piantai un enorme casino, li minacciai di brutto e la storia finì.
Passai poi un lungo, brutto periodo chiusa in casa a piangere e a soffrire ripensando a ciò che avevo vissuto.
I rapporti con mio marito erano sempre tesi e abbiamo dormito divisi per anni.
Anche lui prese una brutta botta. Finita la storia malefica con quella ragazza che lo aveva fatto sentire un “giovanotto” e che, tra l’altro, gli aveva spillato un sacco di quattrini, si era ritrovato, alle soglie della vecchiaia, solo e malvisto.
Il paese è piccolo, la gente parla e la sua tresca era diventata di dominio pubblico.
Ho undici anni meno di lui e, nonostante tutto, sono ancora una donna apprezzata.
Non sono altissima ma il mio corpo e ben proporzionato; una vita sana e l’aria buona mi hanno permesso di conservare un fisico tonico e formoso.
Le gravidanze mi hanno riempito e fatta più donna: mi vesto in maniera classica, mai volgare e porto sempre la gonna. In questo mondo di ragazze che girano in jeans tagliati male e strappati, le mie gambe nervose, trattenute dalle calze di seta nere, e le scarpe eleganti che scelgo attraggono ancora degli sguardi vogliosi, persino da parte dei più giovani.


Dopo un anno cupo e sofferto arrivò la telefonata che mi ha cambiato la vita.
Era padre Fulvio, un prete che si occupa di volontariato a favore dei disabili e dei trapiantati, conosciuto a Torino nell’ospedale.
Era tutto contento perchè mi doveva fare una bella sorpresa: padre Fulvio era a pochi passi dal mio paese, a Siderno Marina.
D’estate organizzavano delle settimane di colonia per i giovani con difficoltà.
Mi disse di scuotermi dal mio torpore e di andarlo a trovare per passare una giornata diversa.
Volli spezzare la catena e uscire finalmente dalle mie quattro mura, così pochi giorni dopo, accompagnata da mio figlio, raggiunsi Siderno e passai veramente una bella giornata.
Poi, il prete mi fece una proposta: perchè non rendermi utile agli altri facendo del volontariato? Insomma mi chiese di occuparmi, per le due settimane successive, aiutando i ragazzi del prossimo turno.
Non risposi subito di sì, nonostante tutto sono sempre una donna all’antica e volevo parlarne con mio marito.
Lui fu entusiasta, non sopportava più tanta tensione, e sperava che, rompendo la routine, qualcosa sarebbe cambiato anche tra di noi.
Così, nel mese di Agosto, partii con il mio borsone come una studentessa alle prime armi. Portai perfino il costume da bagno... era da tanto che non andavo al mare.
Avendo avuto anche un figlio maschio non ebbi nessuna remora a trattare con quei giovani, purtroppo diversamente abili a causa di varie patologie.
Da loro imparai l’allegria e la gioia di sorridere anche con poco, imparai ad apprezzare le piccole cose che sono sempre le più belle.
Di giorno li aiutavo insieme alle altre “sorelle”, ci chiamavano così, come fossimo monache.
Collaboravo anche a lavarli, li accompagnavo a fare i bisogni, controllavo che tutto fosse in efficienza per non procurare loro altro disagio.
Di sera poi, dopo cena, si parlava a lungo specialmente con i più grandi e capii che la cosa che più mancava loro, era il sesso.
Scoprii che molti si eccitavano continuamente e si arrangiavano come potevano.
Ce n’era uno Samuele un ragazzo di ventisei anni, che appena lo toccavo si eccitava. Lavargli le parti intime non era facile, perchè il suo pisello, diventava gigantesco e duro e non sapevo come piegarglielo nella vasca del bidet.
La situazione, dopo il primo imbarazzo, divenne comica e ogni volta ci facevamo un sacco di risate.
In me però, nasceva anche una certa eccitazione, perchè erano anni che non facevo niente; quelle risate servivano anche a esorcizzare il mio turbamento.
Una mattina mentre andavo a fa la spesa con Colomba, una donna della mia età esperta di volontariato, portai la discussione su quel fatto: come si comportavano loro con i ragazzi maschi quando questi si eccitavano?
- Beh, cara mia, ognuna si comporta come si sente, non esiste una regola... sono giovani e, nonostante tutto, molti hanno le loro pulsioni: arrapano come chiunque. Lo sai no?– mi lanciò uno sguardo d’intesa. - Con un po’ di discrezione, se te la senti, puoi fare come fanno tante altre... potresti dargli una mano. –
Esitai per un poco, poi capii:
- Ah, una mano... una mano nel vero senso della parola? – e con le dita mimai il gesto di chi tira una sega a un maschio.
Colomba rise di gusto: - Brava, hai capito al volo! –


Due giorni dopo, a Ferragosto, organizzammo la brace sulla spiaggia, portammo una chitarra e cenammo tutti in allegria.
Più tardi, la maggior parte tornò alla pensione, mentre alcuni dei giovani più grandi insistettero per restare, almeno per quella notte, sull’arenile.
Mi offrii di far loro da assistente e mi lasciarono il pulmino per ritirarci a nostro piacimento.
Anche Samuele volle rimanere. Eravamo in quattro: due ragazzi, una ragazza ed io.
Chiacchierammo, giocammo e alla fine si doveva pagare pegno: io persi indecorosamente.
Era tardi e sulla spiaggia non c’era quasi nessuno... lontano qualche altro falò, che si spegneva, mentre i nottambuli se ne andavano via.

Il buio e l’allegria si resero complici delle nostre parole, il pegno divenne sfida; la sfida divenne tenzone, poi fu un continuo duello di... “e tu? e io; e te la senti, e non te la senti...” eccetera eccetera.
Insomma alla fine io ero la vecchia signora borghese che si dice emancipata ma che non sapeva uscire dai luoghi comuni; incapace di trasgredire... di godersela liberamente assecondando i propri desideri.
Il mio pegno prese una piega inaspettata: dovevo avere il coraggio di toccare il membro di Samuele davanti agli altri due.
Per stemperare l’atmosfera, mentre arrossivo nell’oscurità, dissi:
- E che ci vuole: è una settimana che glielo tocco... – risi – Caccialo fuori, su, vediamolo questo pisellino! – dissi prendendolo in giro.
- No! – intervenne la ragazza – Devi farlo tu... deve fare tutto da sola, giusto? – disse, mentre cercava la complicità dei suoi amici.
Accettai e mi spostai lentamente verso la sedia di tela su cui stava seduto il ragazzo.
D’un tratto si fece silenzio e tutti si divennero attenti ai miei gesti.
Con gli occhi bassi ma col cuore che batteva all’impazzata, m’inginocchiai davanti a Samuele e iniziai delicatamente ad armeggiare con i bottoni del pantaloncino.
Il suo cazzo, da sotto, gonfiava la patta tendendo la stoffa.
Lo sentivo sotto le dita.
Piano piano lo liberai e adesso il suo affare svettava, duro come la pietra.
Nel buio sembrava una grossa melanzana, lo sfiorai con la punta delle dita:
- Ecco, toccato. Avete visto, no? – dissi, fingendo di aver terminato il mio compito anche se ero certa che la cosa non sarebbe finita li.
Nonostante il fresco della notte estiva bruciavo dentro e anche gli altri ragazzi erano evidentemente eccitati.
- E questo lo chiami toccare? – disse la ragazza infilando la mano sotto il costume del giovane accanto a lei:
- Glielo devi prendere tutto in mano, così! – e anche se non si vedeva bene, si capiva che aveva raggiunto il cazzo del ragazzo e lo stringeva forte, agitandolo a destra e a sinistra come un manico di scopa.
- Se per te va bene...? – dissi, interrogando Samuele con lo sguardo. Nei suoi occhi leggevo la febbre del piacere: lui non aspettava altro.
Non mi trattenni più... adesso ero un’altra donna.
L’eccitazione, troppo a lungo sopita, mi dava la carica e non pensai più a nulla.
Il mondo introno scomparve, ora desideravo solo sentire quel cazzo turgido e liscio riempirmi le mani, desideravo solo donare piacere col mio corpo a quel giovane che impazziva di desiderio.
Impugnai saldamente il membro, era caldo, duro, eretto verso l’alto.
Di sotto poggiava sullo scroto, gonfio e pieno, morbido come pasta per pizza appena lievitata.
Toccai tutto, carezzai tutto, volevo impadronirmi di quelle sensazioni e gustarmi quel cazzo completamente estraneo; erano anni che trattenevo i miei desideri, avevo conosciuto quasi solo il membro di mio marito, in fondo.
Sapevo masturbare l’uomo, avevo imparato da ragazza, ormai che c’ero era inutile fermarsi.
Mi misi di fianco, chinata su Samuele e iniziai a farglielo delicatamente in mano.
Anche la ragazza, stava masturbando il suo amico, lo faceva con più rabbia, più veloce, mentre si concedeva un ditalino pure lei.
La sua mano era nel costume e andava dentro e fuori col dito, ritmicamente.
Nessuno aveva più grande interesse per gli altri, ognuno era perso in se stesso alla ricerca di un piacere fin troppo negato.
- Sublime, sublime... – diceva Samuele, irrigidendosi sulla poltroncina.
Io gli tenevo una mano sulla spalla e l’altra saliva e scendeva, in modo cadenzato, sulla sua asta che superava in altezza l’ombelico.
Andavo svelta in su e poi di nuovo in giù ma con più attenzione, aveva ancora la pelle chiusa sul pene, non volevo fargli male.
Stavo attenta a far sgusciare solo parzialmente il grosso glande, rosso e lucido come un frutto maturo.
- Baciamelo! – mi ordinò senza controllarsi, io rimasi interdetta, era una pratica che non avevo mai approfondito troppo con mio marito. Lui me lo aveva chiesto più volte o ci aveva solo tentato ma io lo avevo accontentato poco e male: temevo il suo giudizio... dopo il piacere. Di sicuro avrebbe pensato che sua moglie faceva cose da puttana.
E a cosa aveva portato tanto sacrificio? A nulla!
Persi ogni contegno e ogni rispetto per quell’uomo che mi aveva fatto tanto male: ora toccava a me godere.
Decisi di far felice il povero ragazzo; fu facile, dovetti solo abbassarmi di poco e mi ritrovai la testa del cazzo a pochi millimetri dalle labbra.
Masturbandolo, il glande mi batteva sulla bocca, tirai fuori la lingua e lo assaggiai.
Al contatto con quella dolce sfericità sentii una gioia elettrica attraversarmi tutta la schiena per poi esplodere alla base della nuca: adesso lo volevo e così lo presi, succhiandolo dentro.
Mi abbassai lentamente, determinata a prenderlo completamente fino in gola.
Mi sentii invasa, riempita, Samuele godendosi quel pompino fece il pene ancora più gonfio.
Per vari minuti nemmeno lo toccai con la mani, facevo tutto con la bocca, volevo conoscerlo bene.
Prima lo ingoiai diverse volte, senza fretta, mentre dall’ugola producevo tantissima saliva e gli gocciolavo addosso dalla bocca ma... non m’importava.
Anche i suoni gutturali di quel lavoro di bocca erano osceni e arrapanti; accovacciata, aprii le gambe e tastandomi la figa la trovai fradicia di liquido trasparente.
Mi lasciai andare senza pensare a niente, volevo solo il cazzo, in quegli istanti.
Farlo, per il solo gusto di provare e dare piacere sessuale, senza alcuna implicazione sentimentale e senza amore, fu una scoperta incredibile.
Mi sentivo una porca, credevo di aver passato il limite, di essere diventata una depravata e, invece di mortificarmi, questa sensazione m’inebriava: mi sentivo forte, diversa.
Ha quarant’anni passati compresi che il sesso non s’impara. Basta liberare la nostra naturale libidine per capire tutto e subito.
Capii che il trionfo di quel gioco era il piacere e che sarebbe stato sancito dallo spruzzo di Samuele.
Il ragazzo aveva brividi continui e gli vibravano le mascelle per la goduria.
Non volli esagerare facendolo trattenere troppo. Spontaneamente glielo presi in mano e lo masturbai alacremente, mentre con le labbra non perdevo il contatto col suo cazzo, mai.
Ci volle poco.
A quella velocità, la sega risultò molto efficace e quando lui s’inarcò, in un fascio di nervi tesi, lo sperma passò rapidamente dal pene alla mia lingua.
Spontaneamente, alle prime gocce di sborra calda, stavo per sgusciare all’indietro, come avevo sempre fatto con mio marito... ma poi mi trattenni.
Decisi di andare fino in fondo quella volta: accettai tutta la sborrata di Samuele!
La mia bocca si riempiva come se ci spruzzassi dentro della panna spray.
Il ragazzo venne continuamente per quasi due minuti.
Mi riempì completamente e, anche se non avrei voluto, fui costretta a ingoiare una buona dose di sperma.
Il resto lo sputai sulla rena un attimo dopo aver finito.
Sedetti sulla sabbia sconvolta, non ero venuta ma avevo provato un piacere immenso, sconosciuto, intimo.
L’altra coppia, sdraiati su un telo, stavano scopando come meglio potevano.
Samuele guardava il mare nero, un po’ impacciato ma felice.
Mi prese la mano e restammo così a lungo, ebbi la sensazione che mi volesse ringraziare.
Il giorno dopo arrivò anche padre Fulvio e con lui mi confessai.
Mi diede l’assoluzione molto volentieri e senza troppi pregiudizi.
Iniziai così la mia “carriera” di angioletto nelle comunità estive e adesso dedico al volontariato almeno due settimane della mia estate.
Faccio bene il mio lavoro, m’impegno con tutta me stessa, specialmente di notte anzi, la notte direi che tanto angioletto non lo sono... i ragazzi lo sanno, mi cercano apposta.

Con mio marito le cose vanno meglio... lui non lo sa ma abbiamo pareggiato i conti, da tempo. Delle sue porcate non m’importa più niente... sono troppo impegnata a organizzare le mie.
Non mi sento in colpa: tutto ciò che faccio, lo faccio a fin di bene.



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My body used and abused by two huge black guys

Victor and I had some guests on those days at home. They were two old friends from a former office that my husband had left some years ago.Both guys were living now in California and were there at Savannah on a boring business trip. They were younger than Victor, handsome black guys.On Sunday they all were free from work and we spent a nice sunny day at our back yard, enjoying a barbeque, nice red wine and the pool.The next afternoon I came from my office and found out Victor and his friends...

3 years ago
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The Education of the Wayward Wife

                                        The Education of the Wayward Wife                                                    Written by C.W. Evans                                                         Chapter One           The midsized town she grew up in had to have more she thought as she desperately tried get her loans for college. Jen knew that if she was accepted that this would be her chance to bigger and better things in life. As she opened the letters from different colleges she...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Sarai Minx Sexual Power Hour

Sarai Minx has that look in her eye like she knows something we do not. Maybe it is that her pussy is magic, or her mouth sucks like a vacuum cleaner. Either way, she is ready to show off all the unknown secrets of her sexual power today. When our stud whips out his thick flesh rod, she gets to work, downing his shaft in a slobbery, sloppy blowjob. She bobs her head passionately before popping her pussy for his hard cock. He slides into her tight, ebony cunt and strokes hard while she screams...

2 years ago
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Hunting the OrlanChapter 2

“Oh, Demon Slayer, that was a wonderful fuck! Thank you so much. Never have I felt a cock fill me so satisfyingly. I am sure that you bring great happiness to every woman that you fuck. When can we do it again?” “Not until tomorrow evening, Sunshine. I need to sleep right now. I have had a busy day. “The next time we fuck, I want to show you a different position. It is the one preferred by my people. Not only that, it is easier to do in such a confined space. I expect to be able to go...

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My wife Susan and I have a great relationship with five other couples. We ski, play cards, and usually vacation together at the Ocean. Recently, we planned a surprise birthday party for Tom, one of the husbands. The Thursday before the party, a group of us went over the last minute details and someone suggested that we should arrange for a Strip-O-Gram for Tom. Marcy, Toms wife, laughed and said, Tom would LOVE it! Especially if the dancer has great boobs. Tom is DEFINITELY a boob man. We...

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Sensational vacation

Hello friends. This is Rocky Akka Legend, Male 27 Mumbai, and Moderator of Kamasutra Groups. This time I am here with another favorite magnum, opus I like this content I ever write read and cum my reader your satisfaction is my goal. A family on their way to their vacation destination becomes sexually aware of each other. This story took place the year of my Last teen birthday. It was the last real family vacation my family took together. I was the last year of my teen age, almost six feet...

2 years ago
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Meri Best Friend Ke Chudai

By : Rahul Hi all ISS readers my name is Rahul (for the stories here ) this is going to be my first story here hope you like it. Mai apne baare me bata deta hun sath he apni friend jiske sath maine sex kara , mai Delhi me reheta hun 6ft tall , age 20, with 7 inch cock fair with a good body aur mai model b hun ,meri friend bhot he zada sexy hai age 20, 5’7 height 34 size round boobs colur fair 36 ass , very soft body aur virgin hai mughe footjobs lena bhot pasand hai licking girls feet ass and...

2 years ago
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Meri Or Meri Patni Ki Chudai

Hi,Aap sabhi namaskar khaskar sabhi married couples ko Mera naam rajesh hai meri age 27 hai meri patni jiska naam mamta hai age 25 Muje or meri patni ko sex bahut pasand hai hum alag alag tariko se chudai karte hai jaise ki using abusing language in sex or har tarah ki dirty things and many more things Ab main aap sab ko meri patni ke bare me bta du. Meri patni thodi si moti hai jayda bas thodi se par ye sab mere karan hi hua kyuki maine chod chod ke mota kar diya hai meri patni ke boobs 34″...

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Arpita Ki Jawani

By : Sarkarkarobi Hi friend’s I am Samar Singh a 45 year old hot and handsome male from Ghaziabad (UP). I am separated hence was looking for a decent housewife who is unsatisfied and looking for a male partner. I was desperately searching on other sites. I was not getting the right choice which I was looking for. Then one day in the Month of May 2010 I was just searching on Orkut and there my luck struck. I saw a profile of a hot and sexy beautiful Female wow! Her name was Arpita Sarkaar...

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Dr Erotic

I had been a very successful Psychiatrist with a thriving practice for a number of years. I'd worked hard for those initials behind my name, John P. Edwards, M.D. And for a good many of those years, I really thought I was providing a worthwhile service. Then, Ms. Emily Fredrickson walked into my office. When I'd initially begun my practice I had visions of treating people with some interesting neuroses, and really getting involved in some deep inner issues. What I found however was that I...

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Singapore Encounter

I have been travelling extensively the last 5 years. I have an international job with an e-commerce company. We market women’s dresses in the US and Europe. I am the head buyer of the company and in that role, find myself often in Asia. I arrived in Singapore on an early morning flight. It was the middle of winter in New York where I am based, and the heat and humidity hit me like a brick. Luckily, Changi airport is well organized and within 30 minutes, I was outside with my bags, waiting for...

4 years ago
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Passionate Sex Teens First Time

Introduction: A story about two teens losing their virginity Passionate Sex: Teens First Time Please note that this story does not have a plot. It is just simple, sexy erotica. So enjoy! Ashley sat on the couch, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her boyfriend. Tonight was the night: her parents were gone, her boyfriend was coming over, and she was ready for action. Tonight she was going to lose her virginity. The last couple of months had been mostly just fooling around. But things were...

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Revenge of the English Teacher

Revenge of the English TeacherThis story is a sequel to my other story, The English Teacher.  Jodi has just gotten back from her trials at the mall and strip club.  Now she has some ideas of her own.The English Teacher Part II: The English Teacher?s RevengeJodi called in sick for work the next morning.  After the boys had kept her out so late, she needed to spend most of the next day resting.  She was really too excited to sleep.  The whole experience had turned her on and resulted in a sexual...

2 years ago
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My Second family Fucking

As you may recall I last told you about the time I’d lost my virginity to my brother Jack and father. Since then I have spent many nights satisfying their beautiful cocks, both together and separately. After another boring week of school was over, the weekend finally arrived. I was really excited as it meant I could spend the whole weekend riding my dad and b*o’s cocks. As I got home, I saw there was a message on the answering machine. It was from my dad, telling me to get dinner started as he...

2 years ago
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School Report

You stand out in the hot noon sun. There are many great willow trees around you which offer cool shade. There's an energetic breeze that whirls around you. You are John, a student of CGNU. You've been considering your future, and becoming a teacher doesn't sound that bad. You enrolled in an introductory education class and have been assigned to write a paper about learning and instruction. You were given this school to investigate. The school, Telsa High, is massive – larger than you were led...

Mind Control
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 83

A New Old Watch: 83. You remember last time, David had recovered from his fall and was about to be married to Andrea onboard a British Submarine. They did. After that, they sailed into Pearl, fired off 21 guns to the country, dipped the flag to half a dozen Admirals, hoisted the US flag, the Hawaiian flag and called on the Port Authority. Andrea made an impressive Fleet Admiral of the Nevis and St. Kitts Navy. While Andrea was impressing, David, dressed in his whites but wearing his charred...

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Euphorica Vacancy Chapter 2

Please read Euphorica: Vacancy, Chapter 1 first. This is the final chapter of this particular encounter with Valarie. Hope you enjoy! The moment that I had first seen Valarie, I knew she was going to change my life dramatically. That is why I couldn’t wait for her to return from the concierge’s desk of the hotel. The moment she had left the room I jumped in excitement, it had been a while since I met someone as intriguing as Valarie. I pounced off the bed and replaced the sheets with clean...

4 years ago
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Turned into a slut

Turned in to a SlutIt all began innocent enough. As usual Tim's mom grabbed her six-pack ofbeer after she finished the dinner dishes and retired to her bedroom forthe evening. We gave her about a half hour before we slid out the backdoorto burn a joint. Back in his bedroom we played video games for a whilewhen Tim asked me if I wanted to check out the prono's his brother hadgiven him when he moved out a couple weeks ago.Of course I was game. What teenage guy would say no. He pulled a box...

1 year ago
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A Princes Choice

Chapter 1 The knight rode quickly his horse huffing and puffing as he carried the child. He was tired and wounded. But he could not rest. This wasn’t supposed to happen. The roads were meant to be safe. They had brought a small party just because of that. But bandits, at least a hundred of them had come from nowhere. They were better armed then any bandits he’d ever seen before. And the twenty knights or so were so quickly overwhelmed. His horse buckled for a moment, “No time for rest,” he said...

1 year ago
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Kidnapping New Whores

############################################# The first part is told from the view of wife and mother, Janet! My husband and I liked our privacy and a little separation from our neighbors. Not that we didn’t socialize, we did a lot, we do have our parties. We just liked to be far away from neighbors, especially when we want to have a backyard get-together with family or friends. It also allows our daughters to have parties with loud music, which didn’t bother us or our neighbors due...

3 years ago
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sex games part 4

mary then suggested we play a game.circle jerk.last person to not cum wins the pot. which had a $10 dollar entry fee.of course me being 15 years old, and no job eliminated me.2 girls pair off in front of each other and finger fuck each others pussy. first one who cums,loses.the other 2 girls pair off and do the same. then the 2 winners pair off. the last girl to hold her wad wins, the pot.this is not looking good for me,i suggest that the 2 losers pair off and the one who cums first sucks me...

2 years ago
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Got Dominated By Priya

Dear ISS readers. My name’s Charles and I am a horny 26 something currently based in Kochi, Kerala. I’ve been reading sex stories on this site since I first got internet. I’m 5’10’ ish, with wheatish complexion and . To everyone reading this, I hope you get your time’s worth. You can mail me your feedback or chat with me at The star of this story is Priya. She’s the angel with whom I got to fulfill all my nasty desires. I wouldn’t be wrong in saying that she fulfilled her twisted desires with...

4 years ago
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This story describes my sexual encounters with my cousin’s mother. When I was living as paying guest with them. For my fourth semester holidays, I got an internship in a company. My parents sent me to my uncle’s place to stay as his home was nearer to the company. I reached my uncle’s home and he greeted me warmly. I dropped my luggage and asked for the bathroom to use as I was controlling my bladder for a long time. He told me where the bathroom was. I reached the bathroom and turned the door...

3 years ago
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Working with Trista Ch 01

Working with Trista Ch. 01byamberbmaid©Day 1:I had just started my new job; only a month in and so far it was ok. I was laid off months earlier and forced to start working in a temp firm. The hours were all right, the pay was reasonable, and I couldn't complain about the commute. I was told this position could potentially turn into a full-time role if all went well during the 3 month "probationary period." The marketing department I was temping in was made up of all women so that was a nice...

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The RestaurantChapter 7 A Festal Finale

The lights had been lowered in their alcove when they returned. Soft music that Paula recognized as the Adagio movement of Rachmaninov's Second Symphony played softly over hidden speakers. The silver, the glasses, all sparkled in the candlelight. Fresh flowers had been placed around the table, and a light scent of Tuscany drifted through the air. The waiter stood beside the table, dressed in a dark but elegant suit. Beside him was a small steam cart and the odors that came from it made...

3 years ago
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Sex At A Funeral Part 1

I love being an intern. I really do. There is so much to learn and experience, and the perks are amazing. For the past two years, I had the pleasure (quite literally) of doing my internship at a funeral home in my hometown. My ambition is to be a funeral director and there is no better place to get hands on experience than working in funeral home. My boss and mentor is the Funeral Director. He is a 35 year old man of Japanese descent. His name is Kyle and he took over “the biz” from his...

Quickie Sex
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Blonde college girls fucks with old man

I had been lucky and retired early from my own business. A divorce 5 years earlier had not been that messy. We both decided that the marriage was not working. She had her own career that was time consuming and it came to an end. No alimony, no kids, reasonable settlement on money issues and we split. Having lived in Florida for over 20 years I had the toys that go with the lifestyle. A condo in a marina community. A 45 foot sail boat with everything a sailor could want in the way of gadgets. It...

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Neighborhood NymphoChapter 3

Tammy, who had been finger-fucking herself steadily throughout Chris' orgasm, was the first to notice that Ted still had a raging hard-on. Crawling to where the man was lying on the floor, she grasped his cum-streaked cock shaft in her small hand and gently jacked it up and down, forcing droplets of pre-cum to ooze from his tiny piss-slit. "I didn't cum yet, either," she said, pushing Ted onto his back and straddling his waist with her legs. "How about fucking me for a while so I can...

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My first sexual experience

I was on the bus and to my right, on the other side of the bus, was a gorgeous girl sitting with her legs up on the seat facing me. I could see her panties and the outline of her pussy, I couldn’t stop looking and she didn’t notice because she was too distracted by her phone. I felt my cock start to grow and after a minute or two of looking between her legs, my hard cock needed to be in my hand. I don’t have a massive dick, only 5 inchs, so it’s not that hard to hide really. I got my bag, set...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 41

Sunday, June 13, 2010 Jake’s cell phone rang. Julie moaned and rolled over. “Jake, Jerry here. The meeting with Ryan Caldwell is set. You need to get into the city. You’ve got 45 minutes.” “What time is it, Jerry?” “It’s 2:30. You have to be at the IHOP on Commerce at 3:15. This is very sensitive, Jake. If you’re not on time, Caldwell won’t wait for you. He’s putting himself in a dangerous position as it is.” “Is it just us?” “Yes, I had an intermediary set up the meeting, but there’s...

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a night with the girlfriend

This must have set her off because she grabbed my shirt and pulled me on top of her. Seconds later we were wildly kissing each other and feeling one another up. She started pulling at the edge of my shirt and I sat back on my legs and let her pull it over my head then I pulled hers off and we were back at it. I let my hand slipped under her bra and feel her hard nipple. Then I reached around and undid the clasp on her bra and let it slip away. Once her breasts came into view my mouth...

1 year ago
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BellesaHouse Aila Donovan Come On

These two first met on set shooting for Bellesa Films, where Quinton surprised Aila by asking her beforehand how she liked to come – he wanted to be able to please her during their scene. She laughed, saying that wouldn’t be possible because she can’t come on camera, and Quinton accepted the challenge. Though he didn’t quite make it, it was a solid foundation for them to build their budding relationship on and today, maybe they’ll finally score that on-screen...

4 years ago
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new and nervous 2

continuation of new and nervous...I hoped i was doing this right. She grabbed my head pulling it as tight as I thought possible against her as I moved up an down till the tip of my nose was covered in juice as well. My pulse thudded up my neck into my ears as she stuck two fingers in me massaging forward looking for my g spot while she sucked and nibbled on my clit. I could feel my muscles tensing deep down inside me thrilled that she was so good at this. I felt a little odd that I was...

1 year ago
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The Price of Marrying Nobility Part 2

The Price of Marrying Nobility Part 2 SupositionLife Magic, Dukes, and True Love Fictionmania style Nikki (the former bride now groom) laid David (the former groom now bride) on their honeymoon suite's spacious bed and he whispered in his beautiful new wife's ear " your in trouble baby because I know things no man should know about a woman and how to turn her into a real pillow eater." and he snickered. David on her back looking up at the mirrored ceiling heard Nikki's words and...

1 year ago
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GloryHoleInitiations Kinsley Karter Second Appearance

Ever since her first trip to “the hole”, Kinsley Karter has been addicted to gloryholes. No joke. If she’s in a public park, or the airport, or anywhere she feels there might be a “hot hole”, Kinsley wanders in just to see what’s up! Today, she’s super excited, because an internet search has turned up one of those brick-and-mortar DVD stores. “I didn’t know those even existed anymore!” Kinsley gasped, when she made the online...

3 years ago
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Dragon ClansChapter 18

The pain was more than she could bare and once again she slipped into unconsciousness, her naked, bleeding form going slack against the restraints that held her. The whip in Nicolas's hand dropped to the floor, his hands, running though his wet sweat soaked hair. Eye's closed he still only saw red, his rage not nearly satiated by the young woman hanging before him, no, not even close. After Ian's little "gift", Nicolas had left London, retreating to a small vineyard in the south of...

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The Wolf of Dorne

Despite the bravery of our men, the Targaryens have been deposed with their last scions in exile. Prince Rhaegar was slain at the Trident and his wife, Princess Elia of House Martell was cruelly raped and murdered by Gregor Clegane, the mad dog of Tywin Lannister. Dorne remembers and House Martell will have its vengeance... Justice... Fire and blood... But amidst the game of thrones, one man Jon Snow, the bastard son of Brandon 'the Wild Wolf' Stark, is raised by his mother, Ashara Dayne at her...

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Ryoko Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Part 01: sweet Ryoko William Parnell slammed the telephone back into its cradle and glowered at it. How dare that fucking moron, he seethed, how dare he threaten him? Lawyers, the scum of the fucking planet! He picked the phone back up and dialled, fingers of his other hand angrily tapping on the desk top while he waited for it to be answered. ‘Hello?’ ‘Listen, you dumb cunt,’ he snapped as, Daphne, his ex-wife answered, ‘don’t think you’re getting...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 15 Friday August 6 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010 Before Jake left the pool, he asked Kara to block his orgasms. Then he took Leanne back to his room, undressed her, and laid her on the bed where he lavished attention on her. He suckled her breasts to one climax and then ate her to a second. As she was recovering from that one, Jake put a pillow under her ass and pulled a tube of lube from his bedside table. He drizzled some onto his fingers and began to toy with her anus. Leanne responded enthusiastically as all the...

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Red Conquest

Tyraturos,Thay - 1372 Dale Reckoning "You are late" Szass Tam words, but there was little rebuke in his tone. If there was one thing that the Lich learned with his undeath was patience, and Yaphyll had time and again proved her worth to the Zulkir of Necromancy. "A Red Wizard is never late, nor is she early. She arrives precisely when she means to." there was a delirious tune to Yaphyll's voice, the youthful Zulkir of Divination was well aware the Lich meant her no harm. "You must be very...

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Razia darling

Hi I am Vijay again. And this is my story to iss. Earlier I had submitted the encounter with Ruksa (who was my neighbor). This time this is with wife of maid (maid was working in our village with our grand mother’s place). This all happened when I went to my grand mother’s place on vacation. There was maid named Riyaz who was working with them for at least 5 years. In my grand mother’s place there were grand mother, my mama (mom’s brother) and his wife and their kids who were going to school. ...

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The Nazis BoyChapter 18

I had a love-hate relationship with Claus, nothing could be truer. One moment he was the enemy, the next, my ally. I swear that he sensed my sadness of being so close to home and was trying to humour me with his silly antics. I caught him looking at me several times, not a stare, just fleeting glances that his eyes seemed to show concern, a slight, warm smile formed whenever I caught his gaze. Security inside the hotel had been established in short order after the pandemonium settled. Teams...

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Being Caught

Being Caught by Lorraine Simmons My wife Diana found out that I was a cross dresser two years ago when she inadvertently found my secret wardrobe of female clothing hidden in our attic. I tried to explain my feelings but without any acceptance for over a year, during this period our sex life eroded to almost nothing and I felt truly worthless. The only relief for me was the rare opportunities to cross dress when she was away on business. I always wondered what...

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