Getting Married Tomorrow free porn video

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A true story, one of about a dozen memories I hope to write up over the next year, or however long it takes.

It was 1974 and I was working in Christchurch, NZ. Friday's after work I usually played squash with a mate from my rugby team, and then we headed to the Grenadier Arms, where we would grab a burger or something for dinner and have a few beers with our friends.

This Friday night there were about a dozen of us, girls and guys sitting around a table in the bar. The bar was moderately full, as it was most Fridays nights, people conversing and waiting to find where the action was going to be later in the evening About 6:30pm a very smartly dressed woman came into the bar and moved to the bar to get a drink. Someone in the group made comment, along the lines of "look at that snooty bitch". Looking over I could see they were not far off the mark, she was about 5' 8", dark hair, quite attractive, in a handsome way rather than beauty queen material and really well dressed in a dark suited jacket and skirt with white blouse. But she looked like she should be in an executive meeting of some large corporation, not in a bar on a Friday night. I felt sorry for her as it was obvious that everyone in the crowded bar, was looking at her and making derogatory comments.

I needed a drink, so I got up and moved over beside her at the bar where she was waiting to order. She looked down her nose at me; most guys would have given up and moved away. But I gave her a cheeky remark, which got me a very scathing reply.

"You’re not very friendly tonight. Are you always so uptight or has someone really pissed you off." I said.

She replied in a very posh voice that matched everything about her. "I just feel a bit out of my comfort zone here. Not the normal sort of place I would frequent."

I had thought New Zealand, relatively class free, but believe me this lady was very upper class. I had to wonder what the hell she was doing here. But refusing to be flipped off so easily, I told her she reminded me of a joke about a polo player I had once heard and proceeded to narrate the tale. (I find if you can get a woman laughing, you are always half way to paradise).

She did laugh. "Very good, how did you know I play polo?"

"I'd have to be a fucking idiot if I could not pick that. You really do stand out a bit in here." Something I found when living in England and mixing with the upper classes, they like to swear, and the cruder the better it seemed.

"What are you doing here? And I’m not having a dig at you, just intrigued."

"I'm getting married tomorrow, and just wanted to get out and do something I may never get a chance to do again. A girl I work with said this was a good place to find some action, parties etc."

"Yes she's right, most Fridays and Saturdays if you keep your ears open, you will hear of a party here. What do you want to drink?"

"I don't want to be beholding to anyone, I will get my own thanks."

"Hey, you are not going to be beholding to anyone, especially not me. What do you want to drink?"

She backed down and asked for a Campari and Soda.

"Not a good choice,you will not fit in at all drinking that here, let me order for you. You are going to need a buzz on if you want to let your hair down, and Campari is not going to do it. By the way, you are not exactly dressed for a party"

“Yes, I know, but the only way I could get out tonight without raising all sorts of questions, was to stay overnight in the city because of work. That meant I could not really bring any party clothes. The way I feel here, I think it was a bad idea; I may give up and head home.”

“Don’t you dare give up yet, I’ll sort something out.” I said.

I ordered her a double vodka lime & lemonade and myself a bourbon & coke, then we joined my friends. I introduced her as Joy, which is the name she gave me, everyone tried to make her feel welcome, but she really was struggling and I felt quite awkward for her. I did find out a bit more about her however, she was 25, I have to admit I thought she was older than that, and that she had known the guy she was about to marry all her life. His parents and her parents had adjoining farms and it had always been known they would marry. By the sound of things both families were "old money" and owned a great deal of property around Christchurch. She had had a girl’s night out with her friends a few nights earlier, but was starting to realize her life had been very insular and protected. Then she floored me by coming straight out and admitting she had never been with another man and at the last minute had decided she needed to rectify this.

“I could help out there too.” I offered, giving her a cheeky wink, which thank goodness, made her smile. “But let’s leave that for now, you may find someone far more to your liking as the night goes on.”

As we talked and I kept the jokes flowing to make her laugh, a thought started growing in my head. Mostly it was about keeping her to myself and not letting some other smooth bastard reap the rewards of all the work I was putting in. There was obviously not going to be a raving party this Friday night or we would have heard about it by now. Which meant the gang would all just wind up at someone's flat boozing and shooting the shit. Besides she was not exactly dressed for taking many places. I had just the place to take her - but I need to digress a bit and paint picture of the place I was thinking of.

I had a good mate "Ivan" who worked for a radio station. One of the DJ's (I think his name was Tom) who worked with Ivan, was taking out a lady that owned a massage parlour, called "Trixie’s Sauna Parlour". About three months earlier, he had invited Ivan and I up to the parlour after they finished the evening shift at the station around 11:00pm. Massage parlours have a bad name in NZ; I guess it is the same the world around. But when we got up there, I found it to be quite tame really, and Trixie (Not her real name) who owned and ran it, was incredibly competent and well presented. She said she had chosen her name as it meant 'one who brings joy'. The parlour was upstairs above shops near the centre of the CBD and had obviously been a company’s offices before. When you got to the top of the stairs, there was a reception desk immediately in front of you and if you walked left along behind the reception you entered Trixie’s office, to the right of the reception desk was a large lounge that had about 5 groups of lounge chairs and settees around coffee tables. There was a very good stereo system with tapes records etc. and the room was lit with lamps that gave calming subdued lighting and one of those purple florescent lights that made your teeth glow, over the stereo, where there was an area for dancing. If you turned hard left as you entered the lounge there was a kitchen with a server bench into the lounge. It may give you a better picture if I say that Trixie’s office and the Kitchen both overlooked the street at the front of the building, everything else stretched out through to the back of the building.

Trixie told us we could get free coffee and nibbles here and that there was a good range of alcohol locked under the bench, but she was not allowed to sell it. She could sell you books of tickets though, and these could be used to get drinks, somehow this was meant to get around the licensing laws. Half way down the lounge on the right an archway led you into a corridor that ran pretty much the full length of the building and off this was half a dozen massage rooms, the smaller two opposite the archway had just a massage table in them, the two either side of these had two massage tables and lounge chairs and the last two were quite large rooms and had a settee, bed and a massage table in them. On the left of the corridor behind the lounge was a sauna that held about 10 people, a steam room that was just as large, a spa pool that took 6 people, 4 showers grouped together and some toilets and lockers.

Ivan had jacked up a couple of girls from the radio station this first night and we had a ball. The parlour was quite busy with at least three groups of 8 or 9 persons quite a few of them couples. We bought a book of tickets each, this was all we had to pay for, and we danced, fooled around in the spa pool and wound up fucking both girls in the showers with people walking past into the sauna etc. As I say a very good night.

Trixie had about a dozen girls she could call on but there we only ever about 6 girls on at any one time. She opened seven days a week but Mondays and Tuesdays there were only two girls on. The girls didn't get any retainer, but got paid part of the fee for each client they enticed into having a massage. Ivan and I had become good friends with Trixie, and we had been going up there at least once a week since the first night. We never had to pay, except for any booze we drank; she liked us being there especially on the weekend nights when some of the clients could turn up quite drunk. We got to know the girls and they came from all walks of life, two were even housewives. They all were very uptight about anyone calling them prostitutes, and insisted they never slept with clients but only gave massages. But I knew dam well most of them made extra money by giving what today is called a happy finish. And one has to imagine that there were a couple of them that went further if the price was right, otherwise why were there beds in two of the rooms.

Remember that in New Zealand,1974 the pubs closed at 10:00pm! Trixie’s was a pretty popular place; a lot of people went up there just for the sauna, music and a few drinks to round off a night out. Maybe during the week you got more men turning up looking for extras. It really had become like a club, and the girls did not have to go with anyone they did not want to. But it was not a place you went all the time as the door price was not cheap. From memory it cost $20.00 to get in and another $20.00 for the massage if you wanted it. Remember this was 1974 and the average wage was about $90.00 per week. I was single and running my own building business at the time and earning good money, so I could have afforded the door fee if Ivan and I had not been such good friends with Trixie. But a lot of my friends we not as well off. So we did not go to Trixie’s all the time, as the others just couldn’t afford it.

I think that has painted a picture of where I intended to take Joy.

About 9:45, I quietly told her we should leave, as I had a just the place to take her. I wanted to get her out of the pub before someone came up with some other bright idea. I offered to use my car, but she was not keen. She had her own car, a brand new Triumph Spitfire Mark IV, so I said we would go in her car and I proceeded to give her directions. When we arrived, she was very hesitant about entering a massage parlour. I had to do some fast talking and convince her it was not all she had heard and that she wanted something different for her last night on the town. When we got to the top of the stairs, Trixie was very happy to see me but quickly got one of her girls to take Joy through to the changing rooms and get her a towel and a robe. She then turned to me and asked who the hell I had brought in tonight, she thought that Joy was a police woman (the way she was dressed). I explained to her all that I knew and that I wanted to show her a real good time for her last night of freedom. Trixie relaxed and agreed we needed to turn it on for her. I wandered through the lounge to find Joy and noticed there were about a dozen people there already;I knew most of them by sight, if not to talk to.

I found Joy down in the changing rooms she had on an Asian blue satin robe that Trixie kept for special guests. She looked great, and I told her so. I could see that she was pretty happy with the compliment. I striped down to my underpants and grabbed a towelling robe from one of the lockers where you stored your cloths etc. and a couple of towels.

"What do we do now?" she asked me.

"We'll we can go back to the lounge and get some drinks and dance. Or you can have a sauna, spa or even a massage. The night is yours; I’ll just go with what you want."

"I'm not sure I'm ready to mix with people I don't know, dressed like this, can we get a drink and sit in the Spa Pool?"

"Sure, but come and met a couple of the girls that work here while I go mix us a drink. You OK with Vodka again or would rather something different?"

Joy, said OK to the vodka, and we walked through the lounge to the kitchen. I could see she was wary about meeting the girls, but I told her she would like them, as both were into horses. The girls if they were not out mixing with the guests, used to sit around in the kitchen and play cards etc. I had noticed when we arrived that Marcia and Liz were out there. I got on well with both of them, especially Marcia, who had been trying to get me to take her out. She was 23, very attractive with a little dark blood; the talk was that her mother was West Indian. Liz was one of the married women and lived out in the country on a 10 acre block where she had some horses. She was also attractive, but probably over 30. They talked as I mixed up another vodka and bourbon for myself, I could see Joy had eased up in their company and talking quite freely. She was probably quite surprised at the girls that worked here; Liz in particular, was quite posh and well educated. I always wondered why she worked here as she obviously had money. (Found out later, that she was having an affair with Marcia. She wanted to shift Marcia into her home and share her with her husband, and that the silly bugger would not have a piece of it. So she came and worked some nights with Marcia and stayed the night in the city with her afterwards).

Anyway, Joy and I wandered back through the lounge and into what Trixie called the wet area, set our drinks on the edge of the spa and stripped out of our robes. Joy was stark naked under the robe, I thought being so posh she would be a bit of a prude and have left her knickers and bra on. She had a very athletic figure and this time I commented on how great a body she had. She didn’t try and hide it and just replied that one had to keep pretty fit to play competitive Polo.

There was a bit of a quirk in the spa that one of Trixie’s girls had told me about. In one seat there was a miss-placed jet that was meant to massage the calf muscles but instead it fired up at an angle of about 45 degrees,and if a girl sat on the edge of the seat she could ease forward and get ajet of aerated water flowing over her clit, too far forward of course and it filled them up with the water. I sat back in this seat and motioned to Joy to sit between my legs; she raised her eyebrows and gave me the "Oh Yeh" look.

"You’re getting very forward all of a sudden."

"No trust me. Come and sit on me and move where I direct you."

She swivelled sideways onto my lap and lent back into me. I opened my legs so that she sank down between them and moved my arms around in front of her and spread her legs. I held my left hand out in front and found the water jet and by spreading my legs and manoeuvring her with my other hand, I got her positioned right on the edge of the jet. Joy gave a little gasp and turned her head to look at me.

“Very nice!Do you practice this often?”said Joy.

“I’ve never tried it before.But I heard one of the girls talking about it one night.”

“Oh come on, all the girls out there are falling over to please you, even that Trixie has the hot’s! I’ll bet you have had a couple of them sitting here.”

“No. Honestly, the only one that has shown any interest is Marcia. And I’m not going to say I’m not interested, but it has not happened. I come up here now and again when there is nothing on, but have had nothing other than a massage.”

“You didn’t pay?”

“No, a mate and I are friends with Trixie and she likes a couple of friendly males around, just in case there is trouble. But other than a couple of guys being drunk and loud, we have never had any trouble here.”

While I was talking to her, I took Joy’s hand and moved it down between her thighs, explained that she could direct the water where she wanted, far better than I. Then moved both may hands up and cupped her breasts, needing the nipple between thumb and forefinger. She lay back into me and I could feel her hips gently swaying around on the jet. This action quickly led to my getting a raging hard on, so I had to drop one hand down a free poor old Willie from pointing down between her arse cheeks.

“I’mpleased to see this is having some effect on you, as this is going to get me off far too quickly.” She arched her back, trying the water in another obviously very favourable position. She worked herself around on the Jet for a few more minutes, then suddenly rolled of, got up and slid around in behind me. “Your turn.” She said. “I am going to come if I stay on that, and it is much too soon.”

She did the same as I had done to her, moving me forward over the jet, so my balls jiggled around in the jet stream and proceeded to jack me off. It was fantastic, I could feel her rubbing her hard nipples around on my back and it no time I felt the first jerks of an orgasm approach. I went to get up, but she would not let me and she increased her strokes on my prick and started licking my ear. Fuck that was the end of me; I came in a full body jerking orgasm, pumping spunk out into the spa.

“AAAAAAH FUUUUCK, this is meant to be for you, not me.” I moaned.

“I’m sure you can get me sorted, but let’s get out of here. I’m not too keen on all that stuff floating around me.”

“Right!” I said, as I jumped up and helped her out of the Spa. “It’s your turn now; I’m going to give you a massage. Trixie has said we can use the back massage room.”


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Black Students Breed Married White Teacher

My name is Annie, and my husband, Bill, and I live in a bedroom community north of Orlando, Florida. We had been married for eight years at the time the main events of this story began, when I was thirty-two years old and Bill was thirty-eight. I met Bill through a friend when I was twenty-three, and he is kind, considerate, and loving, the opposite of my college boyfriend, who was emotionally abusive and uncaring.My boyfriend took advantage of my submissive personality, and used me for his...

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Married Prey to College Students

I flew out to Boston to audit a client; I am here for a week staying near Boston commons. It was Wednesday night, three days down of the same thing; I ate dinner alone, I texted my wife, sort replies back and forth. I was horny and opened up some apps, Reddit, Grindr, and Doublelist to see what was going on. I came across an add on Doublelist that looked pretty good, “College guy for married cock sucker.” The add read, “Bi College guy 19, interested in a married man to drain my balls and...

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I married a slut

I was 19 years old. I had never been sexual with a woman. I had dated girls and fondled them, but I never had the courage to go any further than touching. I had only kissed one girl in my life. I was in the military. I was in law enforcement. I was on patrol one night and was doing a routine barracks walk through. I walked by an open door and could hear a woman moaning. I peaked into the room and saw this gorgeous woman on top of one guy and another behind and in her. The woman noticed me...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 15 Married

The Friday afternoon, I was packing up a few things to take back home for the mid-year break when Murray Allen knocked at my door. “Great, you’re still here,” he said. “I was hoping to catch you before you left. I guess there’s still stuff to sort out for the wedding and honeymoon. I wanted to tell you, it’s not official yet, but we recommended that your thesis be accepted, and you will be getting your PhD. Now, it still has to go before the Professorial Board, and they will recommend that...

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But Im married PT 1

But I'm married. PT 1I won a free massage at the church raffle. The coupon read “full body massage”I've never had a massage before so I wasn't sure what to expect or even if I wanted to use it. The massage parlor is just around the corner from my house so I thought I'd think about it.I asked a few of my coworkers if they've ever had a massage before. They all told me their wonderful, very relaxing. It's a great experience. Once you have one you'll wonder how you've ever done without.I thought...

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How I bedded my ex married girlfriend

Neeru the dusky female in my office. I had bedded her few time before she got married finally to another guy, who was her bf ( I had met this guy before as he used to come to our office to pick her up). Well I missed her as she was on leave for a month or so and I had planned to bed her even after she gets married. Finally she arrived after a month and was looking totally changed, vermillion on her forehead, mangalsutra between her valley, slim payals and sexy black strappy heels. In short the...

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There Is Always Tomorrow

When I was 19 I was going out with a girl named Julie. She was about 5 foot 10 brunette with a nice figure and fairly small breasts.We used to go to a local lovers lane and she would usually start by her giving me head and then we would have pretty good sex.After going out for a couple of months, she suggested I meet her Parents.We were going out one Saturday night and I arrived at Julie's place to pick her up. Her mum answered the door. She was in her mid forties with strawberry blonde hair,...

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Why Me MChapter 8 Married

Eric Stewart figured out that he’d put himself in a trap. Before he’d married Candy, she had gone to the State’s Attorney’s office to meet Miss Murphy. Everyone in the office she had asked where to find Miss Murphy would know that she was a rape victim; that was the only sort of case Murphy handled. He had thought that not inviting anybody to see his wedding would avoid their making that connection. Now, though, he was married and nobody at the office -- except the guy in the personnel...

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But Im married PT2

But I'm married. PT2 I felt great on my walk home. It wasn't until I got to the front door of my house when I felt guilty.What have I done? I just fucked the masseuse and let a lady eat me out.Hi honey I'm home.Mmm that's nice.What an ass I thought.My massage went well.Mmm that's nice.With that all the guilt I felt quickly disappeared. When should I make my next appointment? Two weeks I thought. I too want my pussy to be on fire like the petite girl who bit me on my tit. I was sitting on the...

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But Im married PT2

But I'm married. PT2 I felt great on my walk home. It wasn't until I got to the front door of my house when I felt guilty.What have I done? I just fucked the masseuse and let a lady eat me out.Hi honey I'm home.Mmm that's nice.What an ass I thought.My massage went well.Mmm that's nice.With that all the guilt I felt quickly disappeared. When should I make my next appointment? Two weeks I thought. I too want my pussy to be on fire like the petite girl who bit me on my tit. I was sitting on the...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Sex With Married Elder Sister 8211 Part 1

Hello! This is Rajeshwar Rao, 19 years, hail, healthy and happy living boy. I belong to a village 80 miles away from the city. Ours is an agricultural family. This incident which I am writing now did take place on the first night of the lockdown period. Though I am only 19 years of age and grew up in a village atmosphere, I was tall and strong. After passing my Inter II year, last year, that was in 2019, I came to the city to do graduation. My elder sister lived in the city. My elder sister...

1 year ago
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Tinder Chat To Ravaging A Plump Allahabad Lady8217s Married Pussy

Apologies for the long story, but when you express real feelings, it takes more words automatically. Do read on till the end, I hope you all like it. Hi everyone, my name is Aryaman. I am 30 years old, from Delhi but staying in Bangalore. I am decent looking and best in bed. This is a real incident that happened in my life 4 years ago. I was 26 at that time and had recently broken up with my girlfriend. I was looking to meet up with new people and hence was constantly on Tinder, Bumble, Hinge,...

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To Tomorrow

I was sick.A very simple truth that I denied to accept during last few years but instinctively knew. Not some kind of "take-your-pills-and-it's-ok" or "surgery-and-survive" sickness. Something more sinister, more diffused through my body.Maybe even my through soul.One more time I read the e-mail that I was going to send to my boss. I really wanted to talk to him in the face, but it was not possible since he was in Italy and it would take at least one more week till he returned, and I didn't...

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The Revelation of a married woman

Marriage kills passion, they say, but what should a married woman do? She is not ready to give up, she still wants passion and new experiences, she wants flirting and wild sex, what about her husband? Oh, men are so easy to cheat!…Hi, my name is Laura! I’m so cute and shy sometimes, but I can be very aggressive and furious, it’s so cool! I am young, fun, and sexy! I’d like to tell my story about how I became adulterating my husband, you wanna listen to it?As early as 3 years ago I’d been a...

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London Mai Married Wife Ki Chudai

Hi, I am Sunny from London, originally from Delhi & work in Sportsdirect store near Hounslow. I had always fantasized of taking the new married woman on my staff Anjali she was around 27, but as she was married so I waited for the right time. The time came soon as I found out that Anjali stole £2000 from the company’s till without knowing that she is getting recorded on CCTV camera which only I can access, so to cover up the money, I agreed to cover the amount for her as I really liked her and...

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With A Married Woman

Hi, this is Rahul from Delhi. This story goes back to the times when i was a single and life was ummm…. more adventurous. I am still a very risk-taking person but lets recall those lovely years for now. I am writing this so that I can share with you my experience of seducing a married woman. I have been since long fascinated with the idea of having sex with married women. But unfortunately I had never got this opportunity until sometime ago. It is just not the sex with a married woman which...

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Fucked Married Indian Lady Doctor In Her Clinic

Hello, I am Vishanth. This story is about how I got to have sex with my neighbour. Her name is Dr. Vidya, and she is a gynecologist. She is almost 38, and she is a fair-looking, chubby lady. She has big boobs and a huge ass. So, when I first saw her, she had just moved to our neighborhood. I got so turned on when I first saw the married Indian lady doctor. Then I was 18+, and I used to jerk off thinking about her, and I couldn’t forget her. So, all those years, I could only masturbate thinking...

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Fucked My Married Colleague Ankitha 8211 Part 2

Hi ISS readers, this is Loki, coming back to share the second part of my previous experience. Thanks for your feedback and comments. If you have not gone through the previous story, don’t worry, I got your back. You’re just a click away from encountering one of the best experiences that I have had in my life. The link to my previous story is given on top. Now to start with our journey, I and my married colleague Ankitha had quite a relationship as long as we worked in the same organization. Now...

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I Didnt Know We Were Married

Hi folks. This one is a bit different, but then maybe again it isn't. The reason why I think it's different is because I didn't make this one up. I also didn't read about this one on the net. This is a mostly true story. AlleyKat and I went to our first car show of the year, recently and an acquaintance of mine sat down and told me the whole story while people passed by and looked at our cars. He and his wife and daughter told me I could write the story. I did take a literary license and...

1 year ago
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The characters: Manju – the mother in law, Usha – her daughter, Suresh her son in law.MANJU: A widow of 42 years with a recently married daughter of 23. 5.6 tall, slim with lovely cute eyes and very fair in colour. Has some in built sorrow on her face. Works as a Head Mistress in a local school with sufficient money at the bank. Owns a fairly big house. Resides with the recently married daughter and her husband.USHA: An average girl of 23 years married just 6 months back to a very handsome...

4 years ago
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My Married Ex Girlfriend

Hi, this is another sex story of my slut ex-girlfriend, Pia. After she was married, we were in touch through text and video calls. It was really fun as she hid all her secrets from her family about her having random sexual encounters, and her husband was actually clueless. It has been over 2 months that we could not meet because she took time to settle down there. One night I get a text message from her saying, “Hey” I replied, ” Hey how are you??” – Am fine. I miss you = How is your married...

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Straight Married Couple Turned Swingers Part

After our first MFM threesome after our First Bi Girl Party after an out of order story of Drea's Vacation play time had an absolute word view change on many things. Before we ventured into this world, strip clubs were whore houses in our own minds....

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My married cunt gets black filled again2 cum load

I suppose this story is bringing you lovely guys up to date with me now? It has been a while, since I told you what has been happening with my married Lady playtime. Well as you can see from the last story, the one to bring you up to date with our sexually active sitter and her teeny friend, well I have met a new BBC man. I met him whilst out shopping, spending Mick's money(my small dicked), bald white hubby...haha, one of my fave pastimes at the Mall, buying nice stuff and sexy clothes and...

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Adventures Of Just Married Couple Part 1

Dear Friends, This is the real story of a young beautiful married couple who is bold, beautiful and adventurous and very much sex obsessed. Like other all new open minded 21st generation couples, they are just entered the world of sex and were enjoying their youth, fresh body which was virgin before their marriage. This story narrates how their new marriage life started and moved to an un-imaginable corner which turned their meaning of sex and its pleasure. The whole reason of happening this...

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Pleasure Of Married Woman

This is my first time on ISS and since few months back I had read many stories they are good to arousal but most of them I found certain fake narrations in story and like screwing her for 1hour blackmailing or fertile her to make pregnant that does not sounds me good year and please do respect woman and their lust it does not mean that she had sex with you and she will gave birth to your child. They know their (female) limits in external affairs and also how to keep everything in proper way. I...

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Lust for the married woman

Hi, My name is Amit. This is story about the evolution of an introverted, diffident and shy boy with high morals and strong set of values into a man of loose character and high libido. It is also a story about my penchant for matured women. It is as much about me as it is about sex and prurience which the single reason I have chosen to take the effort and put it here for consumption of like minded people who I feel have been separated by social constructs. I say ‘people’ and not men as I know...

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MindControlled Blowjob Bliss Chapter 2 Blown by the Married MILF

Chapter Two: Blown by the Married MILF A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! My mom, older sister, and little sister all ducked their heads down and licked my cock. All three of them were mad to suck my dick, willing to do anything for that privilege. I had fucked them all just now. Popped my eighteen-year-old sister Lisa's cherry, then pumped away at Mom's snatch and flooded her cunt, and then just pounded my...

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My Only Sex Experience With A Married Girl

Hey readers, this is my first story here and the incident I am telling you about happened with me before the lockdown of 2020. First, a little bit about me. I am a 30 years old good-looking guy from Indore. I have fucked 9 girls till date including this married girl. Let’s call her Vandana (by the way, it is not her real name). So it all started in Oct 2019 when I received a DM on Instagram from Vandana. She had seen one of my comments on a reel that was related to wildlife and human...

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Fucking Hot White Married PussyPT5

Tyler sat up in bed next to his wife, unable to get back to sleep in the early dawn. Beside him, Monica lay sleeping naked on her stomach, the blanket shrugged off down to the swell of her buttocks. In the breaking light of dawn, Tyler could just make out the ornate black spade tattoo that was centered just above the crack of her gorgeous ass, a gift from her black master, Ron. Well, not quite a gift. Ron had instructed Monica to get the tattoo, but ever the dutiful husband, Tyler had...

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My first lesbian experience, at least outside of my family, was with Brenda, my college freshman roomy. As things turned out, she had an older brother. He was married but like a lot of husbands, was ready for something new – or should I say “someone”. The best part was that it wasn’t just me he was interested in!When I was a freshman in college my roommate turned out not only to be extremely cute but bisexual as well. Brenda was the first girl I was with outside of my family and needless to...

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Shes Married But Not To Me

She’s Married But Not To Me When the hotel clerk asked, “Are you married” Terri said, “Yes, for ten years now.” She was not lying but she wasn’t telling the whole truth either. You see she’s married, but not to me. Terri is married to my brother and she is my sister-in-law. We just happened to be at the same convention for the week. We each worked for an electronics company that was pushing the latest item and Terri and I were sent to do that pushing at this convention. As the hotel...

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feel still young by married tamil girl

Hi, Iam very grate full to share my life events which happen in real life of mine. Am supriya age 35, slim body 34 29 36 is my structure , medium color, and Medium height still am looking like a college girl even am married. Guys in looks me at very deeply. no one guess my age is 35 last week also 1 boy propose me. He studied college of engineering final year. Ok leave it my credibility, coming to the experience story.I married a chap who do a business as medium level any time travelling along...

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A villiage of white married sluts

King starred out the window watching that gorgeous blonde riding up his driveway. He stood waiting for her to climb out of the little golf cart she was riding before making his way to the front door.Everyone drove one of those things in the neighborhood. It was a way they all got around on the small secluded island. It was a typical hot summer day. The sun shined bright and it was just one of those days to be outdoors enjoying the sun and relaxing.The doorbell rang. King didn't want to seem too...

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