The Adventures Of Feodor Sib-Harra free porn video

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THE ADVENTURES OF FEODOR SIB-HARRA © 1988, 2012 by Anthony Durrant As my mother lay dying, I sat beside her and held her hand. "Feodor," she told me, "you should be proud to be who you are - the son of Rugged Sib-Harra, the chieftain of the Xanti trolls!" "I AM proud, Mother," I said, "but I wish I could see more of the wide world beyond." "First you must attend to things here!" said my mother with a smile. "Make sure I am given a decent burial, Feodor, but most of all, I want you to... remember me..." And then her head fell back on the pillow, and her face turned to the side - she was dead. I held her to my arms and wept bitterly all throughout the night, rocking in my chair. *** The following morning, I found a spot under our apple tree in which to bury my mother. I kissed her soft human brow before I closed the lid of her coffin and nailed it tightly on. Once my mother was buried, I watched as the apple blossoms fell on her grave as I tamped down the dirt I'd just covered it with. Taking only a locket containing a cameo of my mother, I put it on around my neck and then at last left the cabin where I'd grown up. "There's nothing to keep me here anymore," I thought, "so I want to explore this land!" As I left the area where our cabin stood, I followed the stream away from it, stopping once to see my reflection in the water: it was that of a sturdy young man with the crests and pointy ears of a Xanti troll. My hair was a dark brown colour and cut short at the top and sides and tapered at the back. After viewing my reflection for a few minutes, I stood up and continued following the river. As I rounded a bend, I stumbled across a group of giant humanoids who were hunting bears and had already caught several. When I came up to the humanoids, one of them turned and said: "Well, well, if it isn't a little troll-boy!" "Who are you fellows?" I asked them. "Who are we! Who are we!" another of the giant humanoids cried. "We're Ogres of Amn, is what we are, little troll-boy! And we're doing a little hunting to keep body and soul together!" "There haven't been any ogres in Amn for hundreds of years," I said, "unless..." "Unless we had all been reawakened!" one of the ogres laughed. "That's right, and neither you nor anyone else is gonna stop us! We'll use our ogre power to destroy the humans who've invaded our old tribal lands! Only the lady called the Ogreslayer had the power to defeat us, and she's nowhere around!" One of the ogres had sneaked up behind me, and he now kicked me up the river, and I flew through the air and landed at the spot where the river met the lake. There, I heard the sound of a woman's voice singing: "It's a song as sweet as the daffodils, It's a sound as soft as a sigh, And nothing else can quite compare With the lilting song of the Lorelei!" I followed the sound to a rock where a woman was playing on a mandolin and singing a song that touched my heart deeply: "I long to have my own true love, I long to have a life, But nothing else can quite cause strife Like the lilting song of the Lorelei!" "That's too bad, Lorelei," I said, "but I can understand how you feel. I can never have a normal life, either. Why? Because my mother was human and my father was a troll, I can never have children of my own." "Yes, I see!" said the Lorelei. "We are both one of a kind. What's your name, anyway?" "I'm Feodor Sib-Harra, Lorelei!" I replied. "Ah, yes!" she said. "I've heard of you - a halfbreed son of a long-dead Xanti chieftain. Why don't you sit down and sing along with me?" "I'd be honoured!" I told her eagerly. I sat down on the rock beside her and we sang: "I now have found a gentle friend, I now have found a man. He alone has not succumbed To the gentle song of the Lorelei!" Once the song was over, the Lorelei said: "Thank you, Feodor Sib-Harra for freeing me of the spell that imprisoned me here on this enchanted rock. In return for your kindness, I will give you my old mandolin." "Thank you, Lorelei!" I said as she gave me the mandolin and dove into the cool, clear water of the lake. Before she swam away, she lifted her head out of the water and cried: "Your destiny lies in the old tower down a ways by the lake, Feodor Sib- Harra!" "Thank you!" I replied, then set off down the edge of the lake, taking care not to fall into the water and drown. *** The journey took me several hours, but I finally arrived at the old tower, all that was left of an ancient royal palace. I went up to the door and was able to bash through the rotten wooden planks with my fists. Once I had broken down the door, I went into the tower and found that it was populated by goblins. The goblin on the stairs shouted: "Yeh! Ohw eht lleh era uoy, uoy retsnom!" Great - a nil bog. A nil bog was a mutant goblin who did everything in reverse - normal goblins considered them to be sacred. "M'I Rodeof Arrah-bis!" I replied. "Eht Ielerol dlot em ym tnitsed seil ni siht rewot, os ev'I emoc ereh ot ees fi s'ti eurt!" The nil bog threw back his head, laughing at the very idea of my destiny being here, and cried: "Ton ylno illiw uoy ton teg ot eht rewot moor, uoy lliw eid erehw uoy era gnidnats!" I walked to the bottom step of the bog tower stairs, even as the goblins rushed toward me. The nil bog ran backwards away from me as I climbed up the stairs, and fired two darts into me. Enraged, I grabbed him and hurled him off the parapet to his death on the floor down below. As I hurried up the stairs, I felt two more of the darts hit me from behind. By the time, I finally reached the top of the tower stairs, I was weakened from loss of blood, but I grabbed the door I found there and forced it open with my bare hands, then closed it after me to shield me from the attacking goblins. I then stumbled into a room with a beautiful tapestry on the wall showing the Ogreslayer defeating the ogres. Near the tapestry sat an old woman in a chair, and in front of her was a large ornate four-poster bed. In the bed lay a human woman - but WHAT a woman! She filled the bed from end to end, and her hair was as gold as the noonday sun. I could see that she was powerfully built, and could probably have taken an ogre. "Who IS she?" I asked the old woman, and she replied: "She is Suzanne Ogreslayer, the lady who put a stop to the ogres' plans, and helped to put them in an eternal sleep. She is known today as just 'the Ogreslayer.' As for me, I am just an old troll wife who has been looking after Suzanne for centuries. Her ogre power keeps her young and vital, but alas, her mind was destroyed by the spell that sent the ogres to their beds forever!" "That spell has been broken, and the ogres are awake and roaming the land again!" I cried angrily. "Someone has released them." "Then Suzanne must return as well!" the old woman said, and as she looked at me, I could see the tall crests on her forehead. "But the Ogreslayer's mind was destroyed!" I exclaimed. "You said so yourself!" "I'm not saying that she can be awakened," the old woman said, "but that you will have to BECOME Suzanne Ogreslayer and destroy the ogres of Amn once and for all, young man!" "I certainly have no love for them," I replied, "but become a woman just so they can be destroyed for good? I don't think so!" But she was already pushing me toward a cabinet beside the colourful tapestry. "You can't face the ogres as you now are," she said, "because you have no ogre power. Let old Nanna Sib-Harra transfer your essence into the Ogreslayer's body, as she is the only human to have ogre power - it was a gift from a dying ogre she'd befriended in the forest near the king's castle." "You're my grandmother?" I exclaimed. "Why, who are you, young man?" she asked. "I'm Feodor Sib-Harra, and Rugged Sib-Harra, the troll chieftain, was my father." All the more reason why you should become the Ogreslayer!" Nanna exclaimed. "My son Rugged would've been proud of the way you made it to the tower room so fast. Indeed, you've beaten his best time!" Then she helped me get into the cabinet and closed the doors on me. I felt something clamp onto my head from behind, and another something jab into the back of my head. A few minutes later, intense pain surged through me, and I blacked out there and then. *** When I awoke, I found myself lying on the bed near the tapestry of the Ogreslayer. Rising to my feet, I was surprised to see Nanna pull a body out of the cabinet - my old body. "Am I really in Suzanne's body?" I asked Nanna in a soft voice as I looked at my hands - pink hands with long nails and calluses on the palms. "You are indeed!" she replied. "Now you can battle the ogres to your heart's content, while I bury your old body in the cemetery near the tower. That way, the goblins will think you fell victim to their darts." Then she handed me my new mandolin. "Thank you," I said, "for everything." I pulled the locket off my body's neck and put it on around my neck. "Are you sure that's wise?" Nanna asked when she saw the locket. "She wanted to be remembered!" I said. "Yes, I'm sure she would!" Nanna said as she went over to a wardrobe and opened it. Inside the wardrobe was Suzanne's battle armour and two- handed sword. I put on the armour and strapped the sheath of the sword around my waist. It was actually lovely armour and fit me very beautifully. Once I had it on, I hugged my grandmother goodbye. She pulled the darts out of my old body's back, and handed them to me; I took them graciously, then I hugged her again and said: "I guess this is goodbye, Grandmother." "Let's just say 'so long,' eh?" she replied. I nodded, and then walked down the stairs to the tower bottom, where I again ran into the goblins. This time, however, they all panicked and ran away, shouting loudly: "Ogreslayer! Ogreslayer! Ogreslayer!" When I stepped out into the sunlight, I felt the tingle of energy on my skin. "That actually feels good!" I cried. As I made my way up to the lake, I knelt down and looked at my new reflection. To my surprise, I saw that my eyes were blue, and not the brown colour they originally were. "Okay, I'm in Suzanne Ogreslayer's body!" I said to myself. "NOW what do I do?" "Surrender to me or die!" a voice shouted from behind me, and as I turned, I saw a big ogre standing right behind me. "The Ogreslayer!" he gasped when he saw me. "Well, m'lady, we are now twice as strong as we were before - and we can crush you easily despite the fact that you have ogre power: You cannot pass it on because you are a human being." And then he grabbed me in a bear hug before I could do anything to stop him. Unable to easily break free of his grip, I bit him on the wrist, and he screamed and let me go. Then I drew my sword and, swinging rapidly, cut off the ogre's head! When I searched his body, I found a small clay pyramid in a pouch that was tied to his belt. This object glowed with magical power, and when I held it in my hand, I felt a burst of strength go through my body as my own ogre power doubled: I promptly used it to crush the pyramid, and my strength returned to its former level. "I don't think I NEED a power boost!" I shouted at the dead ogre. "Your people's lust for muscle power may have doomed them!" *** And then I continued on my way toward the other end of the lake. Near that end of the lake, I found a tiny village situated on the water's edge. Delighted, I went into the village and walked into the local in where I met a tall dark-haired fellow wearing a deerstalker hat and an Inverness cape and smoking a large nut-bowl pipe with a long stem. There was no mistaking this rather odd-looking man. "Mr. Sherlock Holmes?" I asked him. "Indeed, Ogreslayer," he replied, "that is my name, and I am delighted to get the chance to finally meet you at long last." I didn't need to ask how he recognized me - or, rather, Suzanne - because another tapestry featuring her was hanging on the inn's wall. I told him about the clay pyramid I'd found on the ogre's body, and he said: "The pyramids are obviously the nexus of the ogres' increased strength - crunching them destroys the magic imparted by the clay. However, the magic's source remains a mystery, and you are the only one who can solve it." "I can't observe and deduce the way you do!" I retorted. "You can indeed, Ogreslayer!" he replied. "The general principles of observation and deduction are these, and I want you to memorize all three of them: "One: Observe carefully. "Two: Deduce shrewdly. "Three: Act to confirm your deductions. "I use my eyes and my brain when I am on a case, Ogreslayer, and you should do the same when you track the ogres' leader to his home, to confront him there." "Thank you," I said, "I shall. But is there anything I can do for you in return?" "I want you to find my hunting-crop!" he replied. "I seem to have lost it when I was tracking an ogre in the woods." "Then, I'll find it for you, Mr. Holmes, for I owe you that much, at least!" After ordering a drink, I waited until the barmaid served it, and then quaffed the drink down whole in one big long gulp before saying goodbye to Mr. Holmes and leaving the inn. Soon, I was out of the village and at an old house on the other side of the lake. Because the sun was setting, I went into the house and headed toward the living-room. There, I found a huge couch and an armchair, covered with dust and in a terrible state of disrepair. "I wonder whose house this is?" I asked myself. "A person of rank, maybe?" As I went through the living-room into the dining hall, I thought I could hear the sound of footsteps coming up behind me. I looked behind me and couldn't see anyone, so I took a breath and shouted: "Is anybody here?" As if in answer to my query, a terrible moaning sound filled the air: I realized it was a very humanlike scream. "Somebody IS here!" I exclaimed. "They've somehow rendered themselves invisible, so that I can't see them - but how can that be?" "Our master has given us that power!" exclaimed a voice from behind me - an ogre's voice, deep and mournful and powerful. "An invisible ogre?" I asked. "Now, THAT is a truly radical concept. Why would an ogre wish to be invisible?" Then I felt his arms around my chest and shoulders. "To capture and kill intruders!" the ogre retorted. "Especially YOU, Ogreslayer." I pushed back against the invisible ogre's grip, and - to my surprise - I was able to force it open, draw my sword, and ram it through his chest into his beating heart! Kneeling down beside the body, which now became visible as I watched, I searched it and found an amulet around his neck, hung on a silver chain. He did not have a clay pyramid with him. Remembering Holmes's three rules, I thought: "The ogre became visible at the time of his death, so the magic must have ceased to function at that time, probably because the amulet was linked to him in some way - for the amulet has to be the magic's source. And that explains why he had no pyramid - the two magical sources would've disrupted each other, because metal is so inimical to clay that the two of them disrupt each other when enchanted together. So, the amulet is still intact. AMAZING!" And then I put on the amulet and touched the gem with my hand. Sure enough, I became invisible until I turned it on again, at which point I returned to normal, just as if nothing had actually happened to me. Then I removed the amulet and tucked it away for future use. There was nothing in the kitchen for me to eat for supper, so I went up to the bedroom to turn in for the night, where I lay down on the bed, pulled the covers over me, and went to sleep - only to be woken by a strange howling noise. Rising from my bed, I went over to the window and looked outside. There, on the porch, was a tall man whose transparent body shone in the darkness. Rushing down to the porch, I found him right where I'd last seen him and asked: "What seems to be the trouble, good sir?" The man looked at me and said: "I was returning home from a fox hunt, when my mare got her leg caught in a gopher hole and threw me off her back. I died instantly from the fall, and can only rest if I am reunited with my beautiful bride, who disappeared the day following our wedding and has not been seen since that time." Now that I realized he was a ghost, I said: "This will be a little out of my line - I'm the Ogreslayer, not a ghost hunter. Don't you worry, I'll find your missing bride for you!" I left him standing there, and searched the house for his bride, but I couldn't find her anywhere. At last, when I was about ready to admit defeat, I returned to the bedroom, where I took a second look at a portrait by the wall above the bed showing a girl in a bridal gown looking up at the lamp affixed to the middle of the ceiling, then slapped my forehead in embarrassment. Reaching the lamp, I turned the knob at its base, and the action caused a secret door to slide open right in front of me. I walked through the door and climbed up a set of stairs. At the top of the stairs, I found an attic. "Could this be where the young bride has hidden herself?" I asked myself, shivering at the thought. "Or am I following a blind lead?" I could smell cherry blossoms in the air as I searched the attic. Finally, I came across a large steamer trunk near the back of the attic. Grabbing the lid, I pulled it off its hinges and tossed it aside. Inside the chest were the remains of a lady clad in a yellowed bridal gown, curled up and facing to the left. I'd found the fox hunter's missing bride at long last. "Have you nothing to say?" I asked the pitiful remains lying in the trunk. "Not even an apology for your own stupidity, girl?" "How about 'thank you', Ogreslayer?" a girl's voice replied, and I turned and saw a young lady standing beside me in a beautiful bridal gown, her dark hair encrusted with beads. I turned to her and asked: "Are - are you the fox hunter's bride?" "Yes," she said, "I am Suzanne de Montagne, Ogreslayer, and I must say it's good to finally meet you at last, even though I've died." "You were named after Suz - after me, then?" "I was indeed, Ogreslayer!" Suzanne replied. The real Suzanne would've loved that! "Hark!" Suzanne cried. "I can hear my Raul's step at the attic door. Here he comes now - to take me with him to our final rest." The ghost fox hunter came into the attic, where he threw himself into her arms. "Finally, finally, Suzanne and I can go to our eternal rest together!" he cried happily. "On the wall behind the trunk is a hunting-crop that once belonged to me. I want you to take it and give it to Mr. Holmes.? ?To Mr. -? I exclaimed. ?Then you know who I really am: Feodor Sib- Harra!? ?Of course, we know who you are!" Suzanne said. ?We ARE ghosts, after all, and we can see into the minds of all living people. We were just having a little fun with you!? And then they disappeared, forever. I went to the wall and took the hunting-crop into my possession, then headed back downstairs toward the bedroom of the now unhaunted - and very quiet - house. *** The next morning, I got out of bed and walked back to the village. Again, Holmes was in the inn sitting at the table, and I went up to him and gave him the hunting-crop from the attic, which he seemed delighted to accept as his own. ?Capital! Capital!" he cried. ?You?ve done excellent work, Suzanne. I must tell you, therefore, that the ogres have united around a leader they believe will force the human villagers away from the lake and river.? ?They?ve got a new leader?" I cried. ?WHO?? ?It?s someone they call Rekhotep!" Holmes cried. ?As I cannot physically fight the ogres myself, I should like to have you go into the desert and find out more about him!? ?I can certainly do that, Holmes!" I said. ?Then you had best hurry before the ogre leader send his men to level the villages here along the river and lake. The game is afoot, and you?re the only person who can nip it in the bud before the ogres attack and destroy everything that?s been built up!? *** After leaving the village, I went west - in the direction of the desert - until I reached the area where the grasses of the forest met the desert sands. I stepped immediately into the desert, and found myself wandering into an area full of sun-baked sand that was being blown around by the force of the wind - an ill wind which soon became a mighty sandstorm! I was unable to see for all the sand and had to grope along through the clouds of sand until I was able to reach into the sunlight once again. I then stumbled across an oasis of water beside which several palm trees were growing. Running up to the water, I threw myself into it and splashed around, drinking only enough to slake my thirst and sustain my on the rest of my journey through the desert, my ogre power would do the rest. I picked some cocoanuts off one of the palm trees and ate them all because I needed sustenance to complete my journey to Rekhotep?s base of operations. They tasted good, though, but once I?d eaten and drunk my fill, I left that oasis. Eventually, I came upon a dead ogre, his mummified body lying in the sand, wrapped in his cloak. Could he - and the ogres I had slain - have been Rekhotep?s advance scouts. If so, this one hadn?t made it to my homeland, dying of the heat and thirst on the journey to my little corner of Amn. I decided to then borrow the ogre?s cloak and put it on, hiding my real appearance from the ogres, and presumable, Rekhotep as well. After I put on the cloak, I walked across the sand until I cam to the middle of the desert. There, to my utter surprise and astonishment, I found an ancient pyramid being cleared of thousands of years of sand by ogres. This was the pyramid depicted by the clay models that doubled the ogres? strength! As I walked up to the pyramid, I was surprised when the ogres took no notice of me, and, in fact, let me freely go to the pyramid?s entrance, located on the eastern side of the big structure. As I went up to the door, it was flung open by a tall ogre inside. I entered the pyramid as if I was just another ogre, trying to ignore the stench of the ogres already there. Wiping a lock of sticky golden hair from my forehead, I headed down a long shaft with lit torches on the walls, which seemed to be lighting the way down towards the pyramid?s central chamber. At the end of the shaft was a shorter shaft with a much smaller width; I had to duck in order to climb down it. At the end of THIS shaft were the doors to the central chamber, which opened on their own to allow me to enter. When I did so, I was frozen in place by a magical spell. ?I happen to know that you are not Einmug!" a man?s voice said. ?Please remove his cloak.? Realizing this was probably the name of the mummified ogre I?d found, I pulled off the cloak and drew myself to my full height, then found myself under a magical paralysis once again. The shadows parted to reveal a man standing right in front of me, silhouetted by the darkness, his face hidden from my sight for that reason: a man no taller than Holmes had been. ?You?re not an ogre!" I shouted. ?I most certainly am not an ogre!" the man said. ?I am Rekhotep, former wizard of King Neferuare?s court and immortal sentinel of the desert kingdom of Aegypt!? ?The Aegyptians perished long ago!" I retorted. ?Every schoolchild knows that. All that is left are ruins and desert sand!? ?So they did!" said Rekhotep. ?My house and I are the only Aegyptians still living, Feodor Sib-Harra, and so we want to protect all of the desert life from your mother?s people. So, we have broken the spell that kept the ogres asleep and sent many of them into your misbegotten area of Amn to destroy the villages and to force them to leave the area!? ?I have already killed some of them!" I retorted. ?And the rest will meet their death by my hand when I return to my home!? ?IF you return home,? Rekhotep retorted, ?as will be proven difficult after I cast my spell on you, forcing you to sleep eternally!? And then he hurled a lightning bolt at me, and I blacked out completely. *** Suddenly, I awoke again and found myself lying on the bed in the tower, but in my old body. Nanna was beside me, and she said: ?You are still Feodor Sib-Harra inside, my fine young man, and that is what has led to your being trapped in Rekhotep?s magical slumber. In order to break that spell, you need to grow into your new role as an Ogreslayer and fight his domination!? ?You?re right, Grandmother - I need to be able to learn and grow as I mature. I?m the Ogreslayer now, like it or not, and I?ll have to fight Rekhotep and break free from this bizarre dreamworld he?s put me in!? I quickly climbed out of the bed and found that Nanna had gone. Who was she - a ghost? A dream? A voice from inside me? No matter - she was right. Up to now, I had only been responding to situations posed by other beings: this was my chance to take the initiative: I had to bring the fight to Rekhotep! Rising to my full height, I drew my two-handed sword and hurried out of the tower room, only to be confronted by a bizarre crocodile-headed monster who shouted: ?I am the Displacer, and all who fail the test of Osiris have fallen to me!? ?And I am Suzanne Ogreslayer!" I retorted. ?It has been both my destiny and my pleasure to battle the Ogres of Amn!? And, with a mighty swing of my sword, I cut off the Displacer?s head, then left its body behind me when I hurried to the door on the other side of the room. Opening the door, I went through it and was confronted again by Rekhotep himself. The wizard said: ?You are a hard subject to keep a spell on, Feodor Sib-Harra. I must cast my spell again on you before you break free!? ?NEVER!" I cried as I swung my sword and severed his head. ?I will NEVER let anyone cast a sleep spell on me again!? *** I snapped awake again and then suddenly realized that Rekhotep was lying on the floor in front of me - dead as anyone could be. I knelt and turned the body over - its head was still attached and there was no sign of injury. Only then did I realize what I?d just done. ?I entered his mind and then defeated him on that level. I-I did it! I finally took the initiative and acted on my own!? ?And you did brilliantly!" said a tall woman as she slowly stepped out of the shadows. ?I am Lady Tashat, House of Rekhotep, and I can assure you that you have saved all the people of your homeland, Suzanne Ogreslayer, as well as me. You are every bit the warrior that the tales purport you to have been!? ?Don?t you see?" I asked. ?Rekhotep was vulnerable on the psychic plane only - THAT was his one weakness!? ?I KNOW that that was his one weakness!" Lady Tashat said. ?Your actions here in the pyramid have saved all of us, because you took the initiative and triumphed!? ?I guess I?ll have to walk home, then!" I said, and Lady Tashat replied: ?No, you can use the amulet you took from Grumgig?s body to return home.? ?Just how do I do that?" I asked. ?It is what made Grumgig invisible!? ?You twist the gem in its setting!" she said. I put on the invisible ogre?s amulet, then twisted the stone. In a flash, I was back at the formerly haunted house. After tucking the amulet away again, I left the house and returned to the village proudly. *** As soon as I entered the inn, the barmaid came up to me with a large drink, which I took and gulped down as I sat down in front of Sherlock Holmes, who said: ?Did you triumph over Rekhotep, Feodor Sib-Harra, or did you just run away?? ?No, I triumphed!" I told him. ?I was able to rise to the occasion and defeat him on the psychic plane. He is now dead. And, by the way, my name is now Suzanne Ogreslayer: Feodor Sib-Harra died in the tower by the lake. I have become the champion that I now appear to be. By the way, how did you know I wasn?t the original Suzanne Ogreslayer?? ?Although many people assume the legend of Suzanne Ogreslayer was written in the modern tongue, in fact, she spoke only ancient Ghentish, and her chronicles were set down in that language. You, however, speak the modern tongue!" said Holmes in reply. ?Well, I am Suzanne Ogreslayer now, and I have finally come to accept that I WILL be Suzanne Ogreslayer for the rest of my life, however long THAT may be!" I told him. ?Before I come to live here in the village, I have one final duty to perform at the cottage where I once lived with my mother!? *** Holmes and I walked up to my mother?s grave, and were surprised to see Nanna there, tamping down the earth on a SECOND grave under the apple tree. When she saw me, she said: ?Congratulations on winning your battle against Rekhotep, the Sentinel of the Desert. I understand that his widow, Lady Tashat, will now take over as the new Sentinel of the Desert. I hope she proves to be a worthy successor!? ?Thank you!" I replied. ?Who is the occupant of the second grave, Grandmother?? ?It is YOU, Feodor Sib-Harra. Your body was poisoned by the goblins? arrows, remember? You could not have lived very long after that unless you became the Ogreslayer!? ?I truly am Suzanne Ogreslayer now!" I reflected as I put the flowers I?d picked on my mother?s grave. ?I have found the strength and the will to become a champion in my own right - as Mr. Holmes can certainly attest!? ?Indeed, she has!" Holmes said. ?And I am very proud that I was able to help her defeat Rekhotep and save Amn!? To my surprise, Nanna came up and piled a bunch of rocks on my mother?s grave. ?A gesture of respect for the mother,? she said, ?who raised you so very well.? And, as I knelt and kissed the ground over the grave where my mother lay, I could feel my spirit soar - I was happy again at long last. THE END

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A beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Ultra Woman and Mega Girl

"If you don't need me for anything else," the blond young man said as he picked up the small pile of folders off his boss's desk. "I'll put these away and take off." "Of course Tim," Jacqueline Kirby smiled. "Enjoy the weekend." As the 22-year-old assistant closed the door behind him, Jacqueline leaned back in her chair and pulled a magazine out from the top drawer of her desk. It was the latest issue of "The Adventures of Ultra Woman and Mega Girl", a book she'd looked forward...

2 years ago
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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 04

Once Todd left I turned and looked in the full length mirror on the closet door. My hair and makeup were a mess, my ponytail had come loose, my hair was damp with sweat and cum and my lipstick and mascara were smudged. I had dried cum on my face and neck. My pussy and thighs were caked with cum. I turned around and saw a line of cum running down the backs of my legs, from my ass to my ankles. My whole body was covered with layer of massage oil, perspiration and cum. I looked like a woman who...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 2

Author's note: Hello folks, This is book 2 of The Adventures of Reggie Starr. Those of you who have read my stuff, know that I like Action/adventure/Si-fi/and a little Physic stuff thrown in too. One of my problems is I tend to melt all my characters together and give them all the same kinds of abilities. Reggie Starr is a small departure from that formula as, I want Reggie to be as physically normal as the circumstances will allow. Reggie has been placed in unusual conditions...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 01

May 26, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #1 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Swinging Ch 07 In Search of a Unicorn

After Kathleen’s solo adventure with Kyle, she seemed to become less and less interested in swinging with other couples. Our nights out at parties and nightclubs became rarer, and her insistence that I find a playmate of my own grew stronger. Without realizing it, our shared swinging hobby gradually transitioned into more of a parallel pastime.“I just think it’s easier this way,” she explained to me one night. “It’s too hard to find a couple where all four people are completely compatible and...

Wife Lovers
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Rati And Ryan8217s Adventures 8211 Part 1

The real-life adventures of Rati and Ryan (names changed) would be spread over multiple parts, slowly highlighting the live-in couple’s adventures to spice up their sex lives. I am Raj, Rati’s colleague and I am writing about Rati’s adventures, as told by her. FYI, this is my story and I own the rights to the story. This first part is on Rati and Ryan pleasing each other orally. Ryan understood Rati very well. He now lifted her face by putting his forefinger under Rati’s chin to lift her head...

3 years ago
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The Erotic Adventures Of Jazz and Jezzabell

Jazz And Jezzabell – The Book Store Adventures – The BeginningMy wife and I had been talking about going to the adult video and toy store and do some looking around. We have a fairly large collection of toys so it was far from our first visit to one. The store just happened to be on the way from my school to her work. I had a couple hours to blow so instead of wasting gas going home and coming back, I decided to drop in to the video store and see what it was like. We had just found the place...

4 years ago
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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson part 2

The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson Part 2 By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Introduction Welcome back to the story of my adventures with the wonder-drug 'Re- juve'. In case you don't know, it was a brand-new therapy designed to rejuvenate old people. What it actually did was to regress men down to the age of adolescents while turning women into the dominant, masculine gender. I don't think that's what any of us expected when we started on all this but that's what happened. My name...

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mother daughter lesbian adventures part 2

lias woke late the next day, she hada shower and headed down stairs she pored herself a coffee and went outside, to where kim was again sunbathing naked, lisa sat on the next sunbed opened her robe and laid back, "mornig mommy, or should i say afternoon" "morning sweetie" replied lisa "sorry if i woke you when i came in last night" kim said "no i didnt hear you come in what time was that?". "about 12ish" "oh no wonder i didnt hear you i didnt get home till 4". "wow you...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 03

Jun 5, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #3 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

1 year ago
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after living and working in BKK for many years i decided to write an erotic story based on some of the people i have known, venues and places i have been, and the P4P night-scene where i spent way too much time. here are the first 3 chapters of the 8 that i have written so far. please leave comments as i have never written a story before and i need feedback. i first started writing this back in 2009, so for those who may be familiar with BKK, take that into account. the names of the venues are...

2 years ago
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CrossDressed Fairy Tales 3 The Adventures of Pierrot

Cross-Dressed Fairy Tales Part 3 By Dawn DeWinter In parts 1 and 2, Sherry and Sadie, two married men, went to a lesbian bar on their "girl's night out." There they came into the clutches of Mike and Big Sue, and are in danger of being raped - or worse - if Sherry cannot keep Big Sue entertained with "original" stories. This task has just become a mite more difficult with the arrival of two more people. Can they too be kept satisfied? Part 3 is based on Pinocchio, the story of the...

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SUZZANNOBOT The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 4

[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)SUZZANNOBOT!The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 4 CHAPTER 1She rose from the surf like a Venus, the water cascading down her body giving her tanned toned skin glossy lustrous appearance in...

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The Adventures of Ann This Adventure is Titled Boats and Snakes

Introduction: Some dirty sex fun I had recently. The Adventures of Ann: This Adventure is Titled Boats and Snakes The names in my story are not real to protect the innocent as well as the guilty parties involved. Hello, my name is Ann and I would love to share some of my adventures with everyone. I am a very happily married 56-year-old woman. It took me three marriages before I truly found happiness as well as pleasure. I will be sharing with you just what I had to endure and face until I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIX The Lion and the Unicorn

Alice awoke suddenly, shivering, the air quite chilly on her naked flesh, which was rather strange, or so she thought, seeing as she’d been immersed in hot water, or so she had thought.“I must have been dreaming again,” she murmured as she shook her head. “Or perhaps this is the dream…”Other images seeped into her mind, however, making her re-consider whether it had been a dream or a nightmare. She was having a bath. It was quite pleasant, only she’d been shackled in the tub so she couldn’t...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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The Perilous Adventures of Isabel and Moira

THE PERILOUS ADVENTURES OF ISABEL AND MOIRA By Sailor 861 Isabel Metcalfe's nipples and pussy were still singing their sexy songs whenshe and husband Peter arrived home from their bondage weekend at Hotel Balmoral,near Cape Wrath, Scotland, with best friends Moira and Graham MacPeak thatsummer in 1975. Married just 1½ months, Isabel's sex life had takenstellar leaps forward in quality, duration and frequency since she arrivedhome in early June with her ankles chained following an alien...

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The Combined Adventures Of Mason Stanley Francis Jim The Women Francis Alex Richard Katie Sharkey and Harry


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THE PET Adventures 1 2

THE PET: Adventures 1 & 2“The chronicles of a devoted pet and her master”By Virgil KnightingCopyright 2012 by Virgil KnightingAUTHOR'S PREFACE This book contains a collection of explicitly erotic adventures, between a pet, and her master; their identities forever shrouded in mystery. Readers are highly encouraged to place themselves into the adventure, using their personal backstory and circumstances. CHAPTER 1LOVE ALWAYS THY LOVES ESSENCE Lying on her back, naked, pristine, she seductively...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Libbys Night Time Adventures I

Introduction: This is my first story, any advoice is welcome. Hope you enjoy it. Libbys great night time adventures (1) – Libby and Tiffany Libby was 12 years old when she had her first great night time adventure. Her friend Tiffany had told her how she and her older sister had their own adventures and all the neat things they learned on their excursions. The one adventure Libby was especially interested in was of Tiffanys mommy and daddy and the games they played at night. Tiffany didnt want...

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Some of the Dogging adventures that we have partic

Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually erotic when they don’t know he is my husband. Now my husband wants to take it to the next step. He wants to hide and watch me with 2 guys...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson

The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Let Timmy Johnson tell his story in his own words: Introduction Hi Everyone. First off, "Timmy Johnson" is not my real name. So, don't try looking me up in any catalogues or registers. When I was born, too long ago to think about now, my loving parents named me; Timothy Andrew Johnson. But, for some reason, ever since all those changes, they call me Timmy. I suppose, after all these years, I'm okay with that. ...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 5

Things like fucking your own Mom. Now a complete obsession in my life. Whatever I do. Wherever I go. It's all I think about. Are we going to fuck, suck, lick or fondle each other when she gets home from work and me from College? Where are we going to do it? On my bed? Her bed? In the shower? In the kitchen? On top of the washer dryer set to spin? Fuck, I'd even do it in the back seat of our car in the middle of the local Wallmart parking lot. Like I said. Obsession. Anytime. Anywhere. So...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 03

I woke up gradually, back in my hotel room on Saturday morning. I was lying in the bed naked, wrapped in a sheet. My body was achy, like after a good workout, but then again, I did have a strenuous workout at Tony’s apartment. When I got back to my hotel room, I was too tired last night to do anything except rip off my dress and fall into bed. I kicked the off the sheet and ran my hands down my body, no marks, a slightly tender pussy and asshole, a little dry cum on my legs, not bad for such a...

4 years ago
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Alices True Adventures Prologue

Introduction: Beginning of Alices adventures Alices True Adventures Prologue – NO actual sex in this chapter but there will be plenty in future chapters I remained a virgin until……………. Everyone is 18 or over in this Adventure. I may not specify the exact age but they are all 18 and over. I was talked into writing my story from the time I was eighteen from my daughter Barbara. I hope you enjoy the first Chapter of my Adventure. My life all changed back in 1974 and at 41 I still keep in...

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The Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents

A Requiem of My DreamsFor the readers who have followed the Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents, from the beginning, then you know what happened in the last episode. And for the ones who read the Babysitter, part I and II, those two stories are more fiction about myself, yet with the non-fiction influence of my older sister and the lifestyle I witnessed in our house. I must make it clear that whatever happened in the Babysitter series, did not happen to me. What happened in the last...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Yukios Adventures Part 2

Introduction: Continuation of series. You may want to read Chapter 1 first. Yukios Adventures Part 2 **I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have taken the time to read my stories thus far and who have given me so much encouragement. Your PMs and comments really have made me smile when I didnt think I was doing that well. Special thanks to JetiJah, workingman, Stillagood1, and BadinAGoodWay for their time and suggestions to a new writer. To all the Unknown people who took the...

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Holiday adventures a new beginning

HomeDartmoor, in the winter as rugged and rough as the thorny gorse bushes that thrive on the hillsides, in the summer as beautiful as the woodland that nestles along the banks of streams that trickle into the rivers.It is my home of choice outside the bustling city of Exeter, where I’ve worked for the past 10 years. My job is a high salaried, its high-profile stressful working for the city council. Big budgets, hiring and firing people all the daily problems all add to the stress, but I love...

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Wendys Adventures

At the LakeI have never told this, or any other, story about my wife, as she is entitled to privacy. But with this being an anonymous story board, I thought I would tell a few of her escapades.My wife's name is Wendy. A cute name for a cute girl.We met when she was a senior in college and doing an internship in my office. I had a girlfriend at the time, and although Wendy and I were attracted to each other, we didn't go out together, except for lunch a time or two a week. Usually, the other...

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Night Adventures With Didi

I would like to inform all the readers of this story that this is a true story. All those who like my story can send me their appreciation on my email id Friends my name is Vishal, first let me tell you about my family. We are based in Jaipur and I have three elder sisters, Poonam, Sapna and Rekha. My father is a retired teacher and my mother is a housewife. My father got married at a very late age and subsequently waiting for a baby boy, I was born when he was 45 years. My mother is very...

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The Adventures of Samanthaalt ending

Earlier this summer, Nostrumo reposted a story that has intrigued me for years - The Adventures of Samantha. In all that time, neither he nor I could find the ending to that story. Anyway, in posting the tale, he issued a challenge to come up with an ending. Just about the time I was finishing up my little sequel, Nostrumo posts the discovered ending. Well, that left me in a bit of a bind. First, I had about fifty pages of text just about ready to post, but the justification, ie,...

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The Adventures of Samantha recovered original ending

Note: I am not the author of this. These seven additional chapters of "The Adventures of Samantha" were originally posted to the Usenet by Nostrume sometime around 1997, and were available in his site "Nostrumo's Book" until it closed. Nostrumo claimed at the time that this ending was written by the original author of "The Adventures of Samantha." I have no way to verify that claim, but Nostrumo's good reputation and the general similarity in style suggest that it's probably...

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The Adventures of Lady Belinda Ch 2

Further Relations of the Adventures of Belinda, Lady D’Airing, and her faithful servant Groat Notar bene – although the dramatis personae herebelow included are based upon some real people, living and historical, any resemblance between them and the people of the story is purely coincidental. Part the fifthe: In Which Tongues are loosened, and Schemes Revealed Both the soldiers and Colonel Duckett had inferred that the pay convoy would be on the move sometime in the next week, Groat needed...

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The New Adventures 8211 Part 1

Hi all, This story is about myself. And all feedbacks are welcomed at I posted this story, which is a very long story in Couple section because it involves both my girly side and my masculine side. So put your hands inside your pants and rub it. The story begins now. I was born like any other boy, but as soon as I entered my adolescence, I understood the other side of me. I was a cute boy back then, and whenever I started masturbating, I imagined myself as a girl fucked my strong men. My...

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Vennoas Adventures in SaltmarshChapter 5

“So, where shall we go next?” Aldalome asked the party once they had left the Council Hall. “I could do with a drink, and a warm bed to rest in,” Ehs said. Vennoa wasn’t sure if she wanted to continue being in the party, but the tavern did sound like a good option, so she kept quiet. “I must return to my people and tell them about what has happened,” Oceanus said. “You don’t have time even for one drink?” An’gari asked. “I’m afraid not. If you ever come to our waters, I will gladly take...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Chapter 2 Adventures with Ricky

I was pretty bummed out about the whole situation because I had been hanging out quite a bit lately with a boy in my class...Ricky. I guess you could say that Ricky and I were “dating”, although I wasn’t really allowed to have a boyfriend....My parents would never allow it, not until I was older. None of my friends were really into boys yet. Everyone at school thought we were best friends. They knew we hung out a lot, both at school, and meeting up after school. But they didn’t know we had a...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 04

Jun 16, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #4 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 05

Jun 28, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #5 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 06

Jul 9, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #6 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

1 year ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 02

May 24, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder’s Solo Adventures #2 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

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