Morning free porn video

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Morning By Trainmaster Synopsis: What happens when a wife wakes up to discover her husband's face on another person's body? A young woman's body. And what if the young woman is pregnant? But ... is it really him at all? This morning, I wake up and find a pregnant woman in bed beside me. In my bed. There's no mistaking the swelling of her belly. This woman, she's a young thing. From the side, she appears too young to be so pregnant, maybe 16 or 17 at the most. She -- the young woman -- has long brown hair. Long. It flows everywhere, on her side, onto my side. And it has soft curls. Really pretty, I wish I had hair like that. I lean up on my elbow to see her face. You'd do the same, right? Maybe I shouldn't have. She has my husband's face. No shit! I've lived with him long enough to know the turned-up corners of his eyes, the sun browned freckles from our days on the beach, the subtle curve of his jaw, the gentle ridge of his nose, even the way his cheekbones form arches. There's no mistake -- it's my husband's face. And yet ... yet it's not his face. It's softer, smoother. It's lost the hardness of masculinity. I swear, those lips are fuller and form a cupid's bow that wasn't there yesterday. Sun flecked or not, she's definitely not my husband. I'm confused. She hears me stirring and opens her eyes. "Hey," she says in a husky voice. "G'morning." Ohmygawd, she has my husband's voice. You think after 12 years of marriage I wouldn't recognize my own husband's voice? It's softer, melodic, but that's the way he greets me every morning: "Hey. G'morning." "Who are you?" I demand. "What the hell are you doing in my bed?" "Huh?" "Where's my husband? Where's Conrad? How the hell did you get into my house?" She turns her head so her face -- his soft face -- is full-on to me. "Honey, I'm Conrad. I'm just ..." She pats her pregnant belly and winces. "Isn't this neat? We're gonna have a baby." "Not in ..." Crap. How can I say this? Not in my bed? Not in my house? Not in my lifetime? But I don't feel that way. She seems like a nice little girl. How can I yell at her? Could you? And -- and -- and we tried really hard to conceive a child. For the last 13 years, since we got married, nothing worked. They say I'm fertile. They say Conrad's fertile. They say there's no reason we couldn't. I'm 33 years old and I finally gave up. "Not in...?" she wonders, as a distracted look flits across that familiar face. "... in this house? Honey? Don't you recognize me? Does the belly confuse you?" Well, yeah. Yeah, it does. It really does. How can someone go to bed male and wake up pregnant? "This is crazy. Where's my husband ...?" She frowns. "I'm your husband. Really ..." She stares down at herself. "No, I guess I'm not anymore." She makes a ball with her fist, presses it against her uterus. "That's right. I can tell looking at you that you're not. How did you get in? Where did you come from?" She stretches and the blanket slips off. She's naked, naked all the way to her toes. This pregnant woman with my husband's face and voice -- from the look of her breasts, she's almost ready to nurse. She sees where I'm staring and cups her hands around them. "Neat, huh?" she says. "Yeah. Neat," I answer grumpily. "Just peachy." Then there's that look again, that pained look, as if to say come on woman, get with the program here. "What am I supposed to do? You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up. This just kind of ... happened." I'm not seeing this -- it isn't true. Please God, pleads my head, when I open my eyes, please make her not be here. But my eyes still see a pregnant woman. She swings her legs over the side of the bed. Something stops her momentarily, a guarded wary hesitation. "I gotta pee," she says, going into our connected bathroom. She waddles when she walks, like a ... a ... damn it, a pregnant woman. In a feminine way, that's how he stands. That's how he walks, holds his head. Except for the awkward pregnant arch of her back -- she could be Conrad's younger sister. Still, there's no mistake. Those are Conrad's eyes. That's how he always looks at me, with a sort of sentimental tilt, a subconscious twinkle. She loves me. Damn. "Look," I hear myself say as she sits on the toilet facing me. "Look, girly. I don't know how ..." Crap, why am I angry? She's done nothing to incur that, except be here. Here, now, when I least expected her. She finishes in the bathroom, wiping herself with a big wad of tissue. There are tears in her eyes, shining in the glare of the bathroom fixture. Her tits start to shudder from little sobs and a drip pauses at the tip of her nose. She dabs at it with more tissue. "I ... I don't know how to ... to convince you that I'm me," she says. "I didn't do this on purpose. It just happened." "Shit, you expect me to believe that?" "Please? Please see with your heart, not your eyes." Ouch. That's such a Conrad thing to say. I married him because he seemed to understand me, understand how I felt, even when I didn't understand myself. "You can't be him," I tell her. "You're soft, feminine." "And ... pregnant. Is that it? Is that what's ..." There's that hurt look again, fleeting across her face. "I'm cold." I'm starting to feel sorry for this bloated slip of a girl -- the way she cradles her belly in her hands, the way she sways, bracing her back against the baby's weight. She's trembling. "Wear my robe. It's too long but it will do until I can find you something that fits. We'll go to the mall this afternoon and buy you some maternity clothes that are presentable." "I guess that means you won't throw me out?" Oh hell. Okay, so I can't throw her out. It's clear she has nowhere to go. She gives me as much of a hug as her belly will allow when I put the robe around her. "Thank you," she whispers. Except that it's "thang k'you" in his -- Conrad's -- light accent, and she doesn't even know she says it that way. His way. I still wonder -- am I going insane? It can't be possible, you know. What would cause a 35-year-old man, a husky outdoorsy man, to transform into a pregnant girl? From her appearance, she's lost half of Conrad's age. And she accepts it so nonchalantly. Shouldn't she, shouldn't he, be freaking out to wake up like this? This young girl, she waddles gingerly after me as I go to the kitchen. She's having a tough time; she's panting, sharp breathes she doesn't want me to hear. Before I can offer her anything, she gets Conrad's favorite cup out of the dishwasher. Sweet man that he is, he washed the dishes last night after I went to bed. She couldn't have known it was there. Could she? Well ... could she? She pours coffee just the way he does. She catches me looking at her and smiles. Yeah, it's his face alright, that's his smile. She shakes her head to get the hair out of her eyes and sips the hot brew. It must be too hot because she winces again. How would I treat this if I saw it on the nightly news? "My husband was a pregnant girl when I woke up this morning. He wasn't pregnant at bedtime last night. And he's never been a girl before." Yeah, right. She seems awfully nervous now. She keeps flicking those ... those dreamy blue eyes. His eyes were always so beautiful, so hypnotic. I think that's what I fell in love with when I first met him. What am I thinking? Am I just imagining that she's him. How would you handle this? Her coffee cup is on the counter now, as though she's afraid she'll drop it. I frown. "Are you okay?" "No," she says. Her voice cracks. It's thin, reedy, and worried. "I just pee'd all over myself. I ... I'm sorry about the mess. I'll clean it up." I look down. She's right, the kitchen floor is wet. But it's not pee. My gawd, her water just broke. She's going into labor. "How long has this been happening," I ask. "How far apart are the contractions?" "Contractions?" she wonders as I seat her gently into a chair. Doesn't she know? "The sharp pains. In your belly. How long?" "All night," she says. "I didn't want to wake you up." She ... she didn't want to wake me up ... she's a hell of a lot braver than I'd be. Now it makes sense, the quizzical looks, the odd way she's been holding her belly, the fleeting glimpses of pain. She has no idea what labor is. And I've been too stupid to recognize it. But every woman knows about labor. We talk endlessly about having babies, about the pain, about how to handle it. My mother told me about childbirth. Prepared me for my role in the natural rhythm. Even though I can't seem to conceive, it's part of growing up female. This girl ... look at her. The pain is making her miserable and she doesn't understand. She shuffles her feet aimlessly. This is no joke. She really is pregnant. Whoever the father was ... I wonder if there was one or this is some kind of ... of ... oh, hell, I don't know. Anyway, he's not here -- and the only help she has is me. I squint at her. Yes, she's in agony. Her belly clenches and unclenches. So do her fists, hidden between her legs where she thinks I can't see them. The coffee maker whispers in the background as I watch the clock on the stove. One minute. One and a half. Two minutes apart. That means she's nearly ready. I sprint for the phone and call 9-1-1. "My ..." I look at her sitting so stiffly, so stoically and almost say the unthinkable -- my husband -- but catch myself. "My daughter is in labor," I lie. "Her contractions are about two minutes apart." "We'll send a unit right away, ma'am. What's your address ...?" It's so close, too close. She's down on her back screaming when the medics get here, giving in at last to the pain ripping through her. And it seems only moments before I hear the baby's first cry. The paramedics are gone. They've given her a sedative, not enough to knock her out but just enough to put her at ease from the leftover pain. The look in her eyes as they laid the baby girl on her chest, that look says it all. Look what we did, they plead to me. Look, a little girl. Don't send us away now. Please? I can see the top of its little pink head, with little wisps of hair, as it nurses on her tit. "She's beautiful," I say, sitting on the edge of the sofa looking down at them. She looks up at me and smiles. "Thang k'you, Gretchen," she says. Hmmm. In the time between waking and now, in the madness of giving birth, I don't remember telling anyone my name. The dispatcher only asked for the address. And I know the girl didn't ask, not in the bedroom, not over the coffee cup. And then she couldn't, once we both figured out the reason she was suffering. I sigh. "Not a problem, Connie," I hear myself say. If she's not Conrad, if she's a stranger ... well, she still needs a roof over her head for a while. Until the baby is older. I don't know her name, so Connie will have to suffice. And if she really is Conrad, it's a lousy name for the new baby's mother. Connie -- that's a lot nicer, more feminine, a good name for a young woman who's just birthed a daughter. The baby is finished nursing now, asleep in the crook of Connie's arm. With her free hand, Connie pulls the robe over her breast, hiding the nipple. Looking fondly at them, I think ... no matter what happened, she could be my daughter. I guess that means I'm a grandmother now. Maybe this is the way it's supposed to be, maybe it's all for a reason. But I'm still confused. What would you do? What would you do if a stranger, a pregnant woman, was lying beside you when you woke up? A stranger with your husband's face? Copyright © 2011-2012 by Trainmaster. All rights reserved. This story is a work of fiction. No resemblance to any individual, living or dead, is intended.

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I sat there astonished at the development of this young man. Not long ago was he small and scruffy. But now, he was an adult, having turned 18 not two weeks ago. His stride was confident. The sun lit up his tanned face and dark hair hanging over his forehead. I could only see him for a man. A man I so dearly desired.James, eighteen, was tall, tanned and strong. His black hair was fashioned into a classic cut which reminded me of my husband. From time to time, during the hot Melbourne Summer, I...

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This is the last day in school; my friend Mary and I (Nancy) are heading to her home to ask her mother for permission to go out tonight. My mother has already agreed and we planned to spend the rest of the day at her place till it is time to go out. We reached Mary's house but no one was there, we took our liberties and changed into our favorite house attire. Short knee skirt with a soft tank top, they were very revealing. At the time we were only 15 but almost fully developed, our breasts...

2 years ago
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latest from fantasticfuck thanx baby

"Rockingirl's Fantasic Fuck", PART IV, -- Hearing the doorbell ring, your eyes immediately light-up with a renewed fire. -- "At last! - Tyrones's here!", you shout. -- "Now I'll REALLY get fucked!" - "Hey! - What are WE?...chopped liver?" -- we ask, to which you respond, "Oh, were great, but Tyrone is unbelievable...his cock is so big and so hard, that I cum as soon as he shoves it in me!" -- Marc & I look at each other, and start whispering a plan while you greet your giant...

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Chapter 10 Chrissie licks mommy clean again and ag

Chapter 10Chrissie licks mommy clean again and againMy mother called out to me as she entered Helen's apartment through thefront door, which I was not allowed to use. I was consigned to theservice entrance at the back of the apartment, as most servants were inVictorian England. In the 21st century it was rare to have a maid inLondon, let alone an indentured sissy maid that, not only waited on hermistress hand and foot, but worked during the daytime as a t-girlprostitute for the sole financial...

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My new wife Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Layla and I meet in real life The next day was Saturday. I thought about the videos. The redhead began as an androgynous boy in the videos. Over the three videos with her in it, she became a woman. Her cock was cut off. She got breast implants. If I hadn't seen the first video, I wouldn't have known she wasn't always a woman. Maybe that's what's going to happen to the asian girl. Maybe she'll become all girl? That morning, I went to the bookmarked site. The videos were...

2 years ago
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Passions Aflame in FranceChapter 2

I had reserved a hotel in Paris that was fairly close to the Louvre. My plan was to be able to walk to our destinations as much as possible. Since we had arrived in the late morning, we were able to check in at the hotel and then do some site seeing. The first stop, of course, was the Eiffel Tower, the most visited paid monument in the world. When it came to be our turn to ride up to the second level, David and I pressed forward and found out later that Chad had to take the next ride up. The...

1 year ago
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VogoV Jane Wilde Anal Passion

They say that only little girls and maybe blondes can wear pink. Well, she is an adult and she is a brunette but she looks extremely hot in her gauzy pink lingerie set. In fact you can hardly call it lingerie set because it does not hide even a single inch of her divine body. Jane Wilde plays with her anus and pussy outdoors to prepare them for a very deep, hard but at the same time satisfying squirting action indoors. Yes, her lover moves his cock back and forth inside her asshole as fast as...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 100

The following are from a reader who enjoys contributing. A woman goes to a doctor, worried about her husband’s temper. The Doctor asks: “What’s the problem?” The woman says: “Doctor, I don’t know what to do. Every day my husband seems to lose his temper for no reason. It scares me.” The Doctor says: “I have a cure for that. When it seems that your husband is getting angry, just take a glass of water and start swishing it in your mouth. Just swish and swish but don’t swallow it until he...

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Impossible Virgins Chapter 4 Through The Wringer

Chapter 4: Through The Wringer - Lulu Sucks Tiffany "Look at her cock, Lulu," Jordan said as she knelt down and caressed Tiffany's buttocks. Lulu's eyes widened as she stared at Tiffany's giant prick. She gasped as her breath caught in her throat. Lulu gulped back her pounding heart and realized that her pussy was pulsing for Tiffany's prick. On her knees, Jordan continued caressing Tiffany's rump and ogling her prick. Jordan gently stroked Tiffany's prick, pulling the skin forward so...

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If Its All Done in Love

The marriage of Howard and Chyna took place by what might be called an unexpected piece of good luck. Howard had been casually dating Chyna’s older sister Maureen, and Howard on the chance that she might be free for the evening had called at her place. It was Chyna who opened the door to him and she informed him that Maureen had already gone out on a date. Disappointed because he had hoped to release some of the pressure that had built up in his boiling, anarchic and self-indulgent Id, he...

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QuadrupletsChapter 15

As we returned to our hotel, I asked my father, “What are we going to do about a more permanent flight crew.” My father laughed “I have been thinking about it since Mai brought it up this morning. After our call to Peru, I was even thinking that we need to buy a plane for you and have you choose your personal flight crew. You’re the owner of the family trust and its worldly interests: restaurants all over the world, “The Club”, maybe resorts in Hawaii and Peru. You will be required to fly a...

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Jessies Wild Ride

Back in my high school days, I drove a 1970 Ford pickup with four on the floor and a 390cc engine in it. It was sky blue, had mag wheels and I chromed everything I could. The reason that is important will be made clear a bit later. I was dating a girl a couple of years younger than I was. I was eighteen and a senior. I worked half days, so I always had spending money. I was 5’10” 200lbs and solid. My hair was shoulder length curly brown and I already had more facial hair than many grown men...

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The Substitute

I received a call, late last night, asking me if I could fill in forthe day, teaching a class over at the high school. I immediately said, “Yes.” I could really use the money right now. I arrived at the school about forty minutes early, and the principal greeted me, and then gave me a tour around the school. He brought me to a door marked private, and informed me, this was for special employees, and I was to stay out. This made me very curious as to what was behind that door. The morning...

Group Sex
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Viele Monate hatte ich das Glück, ganz oben im Haus in meiner gemütlichen Dachgeschosswohnung komplett meine Ruhe zu haben, da die Wohnung neben mir leer stand seit ich eingezogen bin. Dass das nicht von Dauer sein würde, hatte ich mir gedacht. Und so kam eines Tages ein Brief, in dem mir die Renovierungsarbeiten mitgeteilt und sich im Voraus für damit einhergehende Unannehmlichkeiten entschuldigt wurde. Der Tag kam und die Bauarbeiter klingelten, um sich der Höflichkeit halber kurz...

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Scattered CrystalChapter 4 Predawn

Location wilderness, White Wand Territory Time Predawn 900 hours (6 hours before dawn) The caravan had stopped in order to harvest the falling mana. Reluctantly Kin started to get up. Illia eyes fluttered. She smiled as she saw him. “I am starting to remember. Your name is Illia, and we had a friend called Maiho.” She nodded. He remembered that both of them had held him when he cried over missing his parents. Sometimes Maiho had cried too. Illia never did. Kin realised that Maiho would...

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Excerpts From My Life 8211 Part 2

After Shoba left the house, I kept thinking about her. I felt bad to have rushed through without realizing how it might affect her. I texted her the same evening but again, got no replies. Back home things didn’t go as planned. The cook’s kid got sick and was admitted in a hospital there in Assam. So she had to stay back. I also asked the maid to spend some more days at her place. But I gave them both their salaries. Life again got monotonous. Although Shoba texted back, she avoided any kind of...

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My Daughter In Law Day3

I feel asleep planning what I wanted them to do in the morning. I could hear them chattering excitedly in the kitchen as I awoke. I headed directly to the shower as I wanted to let the games begin. Drying off, my cock was begging for attention , but I just slipped a robe on as I went in the kitchen for coffee. Becky and Monie smiled, asking when we could start. They were eyeing me because my robe had opened and they had got a glimpse of my semi hard dick. I told...

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xHamster Masturbation

I've always been torn between feeling utter disgust and arousal at the sight of those humongous clits that are stroked in a tugging manner, making me wonder if any jizz is gonna come spurting out at the end. That's the first thing I stumbled upon loading Shit! I am sure that this page has much hotter things to offer! It's mothafuckin' XHamster, THE tube joint!In case you are new to this whole XXX ordeal, let me educate you. XHamster is one of those free websites...

Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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Teaching Shannon a LessonChapter 5

Shannon worked hard the next day, and our "quiz" went much more easily for her. Her ass was very sore, and I realized that she was not going to be able to sit through her classes if I kept it that way, so I whipped her thighs instead. She cried, but did not lose her grip as she had on Saturday. I congratulated her, and laid out a schedule for getting her through her courses. Except for classes, meals, exercise, and "quizzes", she was to spend essentially all her time studying to pass her...

2 years ago
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The Time I became a slave to Cock

This is a story about how I fell in love with sucking cock and becoming the slutty cuck I am today. So a few years back when I was 20 I just moved to a job from a job in London where everything would change for me, a bit about myself never done anything in terms of same sex kinda thing, my cock fully erect is about 4.5” my wife today loves to tease me as she has had massive cocks but we will get to that another day. So here I am working as chef de partie where I came across a guy called James...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart IV 1 Sharing With My Buddies

Two weeks later on the first day of spring, Joey and I were sitting at my kitchen table after having our after school snack. Joey was twirling my coin slowly, concentrating on it. "I still don't get anything. It... just makes my fingers feel warm and tingly. That's all... " "Come on, Joey. You're right there. I can see it in your head. You're just right at the edge of getting it." He sat there, struggling, concentrating, even going a little bug eyed. He still couldn't bridge that...

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My Best Friend My Cousin and Me

Him and I both grew up very close to each other. He was kind of like my twin. We always knew when the other was hurt or upset. He was either always at my house or I was always at his house. Their was no separating us. We also had the same interest. We would always watch Power Rangers together when we where younger and as we got older we became Spongebob fans. We where typical little tikes Him and I are very competitive people. We always played video games against each other and fought...

1 year ago
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Bangalore School Teacher 8211 Part 2

Hi readers, this is the next part of my story. I have feedback pouring into my inbox. I am happy to know that you guys enjoyed my stories, and I thank everyone. I have some messages asking for my partner’s contact details. To be frank, I don’t share any kind of details about my partners with anyone. If I get any kind of messages asking for their details, I will block them directly. Guys, if you haven’t read my earlier part, I ask you to read it so that you will have an idea of how did we end...

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