A Trashy Little Thing free porn video

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Cheap perfume wafted through his nostrils, so thick he fought not to gag. A subtle cough relieved the pressure in his throat, timed with the music muffled the sound. Ugh. A furtive glance gave way to the offender, a trashy little thing; Her appearance as cheap as the perfume.

Cold assessing eyes appraised her as she passed by, taking in the sweat stained white halter top and typical tight, too short jean skirt. Halloween make up plasters her face, a heavy paint of eye shadow and liner to bring out the muddy brown eyes, he thought amused. French tip press on nails reach up to brush back, silky black hair; Stuffed with so much hair product, he could feel the grease at the thought of running his fingers through it.

A high pitched laugh escapes her glossy smug lips, tactically manufactured, more to grab attention than from any real mirth. The effort is rewarded, quick scans for that laugh turn into stares from men and women alike. She owns them. Hungry, angry, envious eyes follow her as she moves through the dance floor.

A seductive run way walk is the prelude; Four rapid steps, all equal in short lengths, eyes roaming meeting stares. She erotically bites a nail, head swiveling. A slutty girl act; An even sluttier expression to match. It promises more than a dance floor can reasonably offer.

Slender sun tan arms move to match the music's tempo weaving intricate patterns, more often than not sliding across her wiry frame. Inviting. A quick step left. A turn and low dip. The contours of her ass voluptuous and round. Back upwards at a snail's pace, butt still arched and ample. Her sinuous body follows hips thrusting slowly left and right, the rhythm never forgotten. Perky breast jut; Convulsive chest heaves mimic a fierce back beat, causing erect nipples to wrinkle cotton.

Hips undulate and body ripples, more curves than a snake that one. And perhaps just as lethal? Soon the music rides up higher and higher building to the climax and so does her skirt! Shapely long legs begin to reveal silky smooth thighs as she squats lower and lower, hands on knees. Skimpy skirt lifting in inches, an imprint of a firm tight ass creases against denim fabric, the pressure overwhelming. And the music ends, just as a honey colored bottom outline is revealed, her hands fluently snap down and the skirt with it.

A raised thin arched eyebrow, the only response to disappointed gawkers. A wry superior smile the only response to the hateful glares.

Trashy little thing does a more refined number the next couple of songs, to the obvious dissatisfaction of her admirers. Rejecting plenty of suitors along the way, their offer of drinks replied with a hurried "Not Thirsty," darker motives summarily crushed. Too eager, too boring, too full of himself, too old, too fat, too too--. No good. No good. NO GOOD! Been there, done that, and done it again just to make sure i really did that.

Too soon the nights wearing thin and her patients even thinner. Sensuous belly dancing turns into a Rhythmic shuffle, eyes searching for something new, something thrilling, something THRILLINGLY NEW! She switches from one face to another; gentlemen incline their heads, lift drinks, smile, smirk, leer. Nothing. Sameness. Rhythmic shuffle turns into pacing impatience, her gaze sweeping ever faster.

Trashy little thing dismisses another, glances my way, meets my eyes, looks away at another. All the same, a ruined nigh--- her gaze flicks back to me consciousness only now aware of u*********s interest. She stares, noticing me, noticing her, same as all the others.

...No, there's something different there? A calculating eye tries to pin it as a frown spreads across her lips. Her expression grows thoughtful, i can already tell she begins to sift through past relationships, past men, looking for it. A cold inward chuckle greets the futility of her actions. The irony is not lost on me, her trying to find what's different about me in the sameness she so despises.

She gives up, her puzzlement replaced with a giddy excitement that only reaches the eyes. A wink as she saunters over, fake long black eyelash shoots down and then up; Reminds me of a bats wing flapping. Ambling over, her demeanor as calm as any predator, so am i prey?... ... ... The hunted hunting a hunter, is it? *Cold Chuckle*

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"Hey, waiting on someone?" She purrs teasingly, as she just about covers the distance. Her voice as thick and warm as dripping honey, oozing pheromones.

"No," I simply replied.

"Good, then perhaps we can hang out," She continues smoothly, smiling. "Us lonely people have to stick together, right?"

I laugh a charming laugh. An artificial sound. In a way similar to a laugh soundtrack for TV sitcom's, so hollow and unreal. Yet, you expect it there. It fits after every comedic line and so you smile and laugh along too, unaware.

"You don't look so lonely, especially after that first number you pulled." I let my gaze shift around the men still staring to emphasize the point.

She grins. "Least you know the company won't be bad."

"Aye, and good company is always welcome."

We drift towards the clubs leather couch chairs and request drinks. I sit directly across from her as she orders two glasses of champagne. The waiter places them on the small tables at our sides and I thank him with a tip.

And the conversation continues as most conversations in that setting do. Exchanging pleasantries, all the while trying to probe each other. Though, for my part, that kind of thing wasn't needed. I knew her, i knew her all too well.

Admittedly, I did discovery a few new things, though unimportant, it does no harm to mention. It seems Trashy little thing's name is Diamond. Ridiculous. She isn't even cubic zirconium. Trashy lit-- "Diamond" has moved around a lot from place to place, cities to states, never really settling anywhere. The same way littered garbage tends to drift by the merest breeze, traveling everywhere. Arriving just five days ago, with no real occupation finding whatever she can along the way, she decided to see the Miami sites and ended up here. Or so her version of the dreary tale goes.

"I don't know," She eyes me speculatively, while sipping her drink. "There is something about you... that's different."

I feel the atmosphere turn into one of those cheesy high school vampire romance drama novels i hate so much, under her inspection. I can imagine my dark persona in the plot drawing her inexorably closer, as i try to push her away. Undeterred she puts two and two together, pale skin, hates sunlight, superhuman strength, speed and fangs, but she still denies the glaringly obvious. It can't be, vampire? Impossible. Not possible, No! Yet it is, and she not only accepts it, but passionately loves me. Awww.

A wry smirk touches the edges of my lips. Such bullshit.

"You laugh? hmmm," She murmurs, misunderstanding. Another sip as she playfully pouts, placing the glass on the small side table, hand on stem. "Playing with me are you?"

"Depends on the game, though, I'd rather let you play with yourself." I wickedly grin.


She slowly uncrosses then crosses her legs. A flash of pink between her thighs. G-String color starkly prominent against the plain clothing. Hand still on glass's stem, she languidly strokes up and down, the action as similar as you can get to jacking a cock. Her moist fingers glisten from the precum--- condensation as she slightly picks up speed, all the while her eyes never straying from mines. Licking her lips. The slut.

I don't even bother with the conversation any more. Fuck the petty games. Show this whore, bitch, slut her place. Trashy little gutter shit. A quick stride brings me upon her. Ignoring her muted protests, my hand slithers across her thighs and slides her panties over.

Don't even bother to get this bitch wet with foreplay as i slide my finger in; It's dry. Caught her by surprise did i? I mechanically jab her crotch indifferently, little resistance the loose bitch. Squirming, she tries in vain to push my arm away, her voice hushed, trying to avoid stares, as she objects. I kiss her, my mouth firm and harsh on her lips.

Does she not understand?

It is not her pussy, It's ours, as rightly mine as if i had paid for it. I convey my thoughts bluntly, manhandling her pussy naturally as if it were a common occurrence. Swish. I continue to pierce her orifice emotionless, fluids drip down as slowly as melted ice. Swish Swish. A soft sound as my arm brushes against her skirt cloth, my strokes sure and increasing. Faster. Swish Swish Swish. Her clamped thighs tremble apart, she whimpers helpless softly kissing me back.

My onslaught merciless as i work the clit, soggy fingers spreading the folds, opening her slit. Milky goodness pours steadily at each small impersonal thrust, arousal obvious. Her sloppy wet kiss's passionate as she tongues me, letting it slide across my gums. Hunching forward, meeting my finger, her arrival imminent. Swi--. I stop, sliding my finger out of her now vacant walls, eyes amused.

"Wha..." she stammers, breathless.

I simply put the source of her pleasure in front of her mouth. Waiting. Remnants of her pussy fluids still glistening. Embarrassed, she sucks it hesitantly as a crowd continues to stare. I smile coldly, should know your fucking place.

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My cock throbs, the heat insistent. The shaft pulses rhythmically as alive as a heart beat, how appropriate! After all, it breeds life. As the blood circulates causing growth, veins sprout. I feel it bulging outward against my pants, hard as granite.

It hurts. Head, smashed against my fly like that, positioned as uncomfortably as possible. Ahh. I revel in the pain, enjoying it as much as possible. My erection primitive in its need, has nothing to do with the ordinary. Dominance, control, power, it feeds off these hungrily. ...And tonight's the night. The night when dark things stir and i let loose on a hapless fresh one... .. ..

Trashy little thing, mortified beyond belief is still rooted in place. Eyes on me, not quite believing what just happened. What she let just happen.

Don't misunderstand.

It's happened before. More than once I'm betting, and more extreme. But always she's been in control. Always commanding, subservient men doing her every bidding. Whether they knew it or not. Not now. Not tonight.

Funny thing is, she actually wants it. And I don't mean in the sick way perverts always use to justify their actions. Of course, she wouldn't admit it. Hell, probably doesn't even know it, but some small part of her wants to be controlled. Wants it as bad as I want to-- need to give it.

Shit. I inwardly chide myself. I was too premature with this though. Pushed too hard too fast. Not like myself at all. In this delicate game, precision and timing is everything; More than anyone else I know that.

Even if a small dormant part of her wants it, it doesn't change the fact that she has entirely too much pride. How many countless men have broken their backs, toiling desperately to please her? She could just as easily refuse, unwilling to give herself completely over, forever lost. What a waste.

Before Trashy little thing can fully play back what just happened, I'm already moving. Back turned, I head for the exit, not even bothering to look back or pay her any more attention.

Stated clearly: either you come or you don't, it's immaterial what you choose. If you even have a chose.

Breathing in Miami night air, Miami chilly, as only Miamiers would find it cold compared to places that actually have snow. I hear the pitter-patter clicking of her footfalls on black parking lot asphalt. Each strike sharp and furious as she draws near reaching me.

"Little sleazy motherfucker," She seethes, her voice tight and hard. "Who the fuck, do you fucking think you are, huh?"

"Huh?" She repeats, fuming with every word. "Think I'm going to let you get away with that, shit head?" I walk steadily to the car, deaf ears greeting her words, annoyingly unconcerned.

Her limited vocabulary expands with "Son of a Bitch," and "Pansy, Cock Munching Sucker" as well as a few other interesting variations before we finally reach the car.

With graceful familiarity I slide into the red topless coupe, unlocking the door to the passenger side. She hops in... thick white heels digging into the upholstery as she stomps on top of it. What the fuck. One slender long leg crosses over me, so she looms down standing directly in front of me.

I stare up curious, trying to see where this is going. My hands on the steering wheel, between her legs.

"You've had your fun, right? Now it's time for mine!" Unceremoniously she hikes up her skirt, letting it rest at her waist. Scooting forward, she places her crotch in my face.

Hands still on wheel, I begin licking without hesitation, as if i expected this all long. My wet tongue sweeping up and down against her tiny panties roughly, coming back sc****d dry. Gathering more spit, I lap at the folds between the cloth, her panties absorbing the liquid. I let my tongue slide against the cotton, only pausing to catch tiny driblets, using it as extra moisture. Soaked appropriately, I wander, tracing the edges of her pantie line, kissing her inner thighs.

" O...Fuck...that's right, don't miss a drop. Bitch."

Leaning forward, she tousles my hair, pushing my face harder into her pussy. Using my teeth, I gently move her saturated panties over, softly sniffing then licking her pubic hair. Trimmed, it smells of dove soap, soft as whiskers. Downward, I work the clit, tongue waggling left and right repeatedly, as I tease the mound. Nibbling tender flesh, as i lightly extend and stretch the meaty flaps.

Abruptly all her weight bears down on me as she sits on my head. The pressure shoots to my neck, my shoulders bunch tightly, helping support the mass. She straddles me hard, saliva slathered pussy streaking across my face. Stabbing my tongue out, I let her run her spread ass cheeks through it.

"Yes.....yes." she moans. Her hands moving across her belly, lifting her shirt as she fondles her breasts.

I smoothly lean her back on the windshield frame, supporting her legs on my shoulder. Legs splayed, she reaches down, rubbing her pussy in small swirls. I work around it, lax in my efforts, letting saliva and juice mix and slide unhindered. Sucking the whole of her pussy neatly. Only meticulous when the mess is too great, slurping to ensure maximum clean up. I leave small bite marks when i taste her inner thighs, feeling the gathered liquids coagulate. Sticky.

When i know she's about to cum i stop, letting her pussy quiver in the open air with anticipation. As it passes, I begin anew, hardening my tongue and plunging it into her vagina. I continue tongue fucking her, while placing the tip of my thumb, just on the edge of her asshole. Worming it slightly, she squirms in discomfort. Feeling as if I'm trying to drill it in, but I never go farther, increasing the tension.

She cries. Begging for release as the next orgasms passes her. Her attempts at rubbing her pussy swatted away. Again and again. Relentless I move onward, my fingers mimicking hers, retracing the spots she just visited. I know them now. Her buttocks presses down, I calmly inch my wiggling thumb away. I will not penetrate. Frustrated, she squeals, drool dribbling down the corner of her mouth.

Her body shivers with pleasure. I move steadily licking and fingering. Her cries radiating lustful bliss. She panics, body suddenly moving faster, a note of desperation. Already on to her, I stop, grinning viciously as I begin to let her orgasm pass by once again. She craves release.

Her hand clamps on my head. Trying to force me down towards her pussy. "...Plea..se, I beg-g you. Anything... ..."

Cold night air greets her pussy. Only response she needs. Sobbing helplessly, she bites her lip, blinking back tears.

Once again events repeat. Forever devoted to my craft, I work laboriously. Sensitivity heightened to new degrees, she reacts to the barest of touches. My tongue dances and she sings. hoarse moans heart shattering, crazed with manic madness. Whole being quaking for finality. Receiving not but a looping continuum.

I pound raw flesh hard. Focusing primarily on her G-Spot, My fingers pierce with reckless abandonment. Flexing ever so often inside to push her pussy walls. So much liquid streaming, I don't even bother to notice it. Only using the creamy white gob as I run my finger between her pussy lips, rubbing around. Her hands come down, one patting at her pussy as the other spreads. Ready to burst.

"Please, lemme cum." She wails, her voice pleading.

I pry her hands. Watching her climax on the edges of slipping away. She flounders pathetically frantic.

"NO!" She shrieks.

Both her hands clamp down on the windshield frame in a vice like grip. Eyes closed, she arch's her back up with ferocious hip thrusts. With my close up view, I can see her pussy twitch in response. She continues, tiny waist lunging, desperately fucking air.

"Ahh. Shit, shit. I'm gonna cum. ...I--I'm cumming."

Her legs wrap around my neck and I place my mouth on her pussy, waiting. She squirts with such force, it hits the uvula in the back of my throat. Surprised, then shocked, I involuntarily cough on her pussy, the water gushing back out on her pussy even as new juice spurts in. She doesn't even notice, her movements spastic with ecstasy.

Afterward, Trashy little thing lies still, slumped against the chair, exhausted. Completely spent of energy. Doesn't even bother to pull her skirt back down. Soiled panties still slipped across her vagina, leaving her pussy bare and exposed. She's a mess. Hair disheveled, black mascara running down her face from her tears like that. Oddly goes well with the clown make up, I suppose.

She makes a halfhearted attempt for my cock, reaching over, trying to give me a blow job as repayment in this state. I gently grab her hand and softly give a reassuring squeeze, asking her where she's staying at.

The drive there was pleasant enough. Quietly taking the twists and turns towards her place, as she gestured directions. Once the weariness faded, she began to fix herself. Rearranging her clothing and using the car mirror to tidy her face up.

I pull up to a stop in front of her friends apartment, who she said she was staying with. Nothing special. Pretty regular if you go with descriptions.

She hops out of the car, normally this time, both feet only stepping on solid ground. Turning, she waits for me.

"Alright. See ya later."

Slightly confused, she stares, then smiles. "Oh, you don't have to worry, the place is empty tonight. We have it all to ourselves."

I tell her i have a business meeting i have to prepare for tomorrow and that doing anything right now won't be possible. Teasingly taunting that she's gluttonous for sex if she's not satisfied with just this for tonight. She laughs. I laugh. Ha ha ha ha, so funny.

I ignite the engine, at a slow roll to pull away when good bye's and promised meetings are exchanged.

"Wait." she calls.

"Hm?" I ask.

"I didn't get your number."

"Oh, right." I begin rummaging through my glove compartment box. Pulling out a business card and handing it to her.

"S.T.B?" she asks. Obviously wondering what it stands for.

"Right, it's the initials of the firm I work for." I answer as if giving her confirmation of something she already knew.

Trashy little thing nods her understanding.

"I don't have my cellphone on me so just give me a call so i can have your number. We'll set something up later on the day when were both free."

Being the gentleman that I am, I wait till Trashy little thing's safely inside the door before pulling away. After all, no telling when bad folks with bad thoughts are lurking about. I fight off the slow rare smile threatening to spread across my lips. At a stop light, I take my cellphone out, switching it on and quickly sifting through the missed calls. It rings.

Looking at the caller I.D first, I pick up. "Yea?"

"It's me."


"Bad news, I need a new one." He rasped.

"What happened to the old one? Hasn't even been 4 months yet."

"Shit broke, fucking piece of shit. I pay a hefty price and you give me something with faulty durability!"


"Shit, alright, I'm sorry. Just frustrated, had high hopes. Were good, Yeah?"


"Huh...How what?"

"How did it break?"

Nervous Cough. "Just... It Just Stopped... Broke. Fuck do you mean how? Fuck does it matter how? I need a new one!."

Another Pause.

"..It Just b*o--."


"blood! blood. alright?... From the mouth, nose, even the frigg'n eyes!. I'm no fucking doctor, how the fuck would I KNOW how? Not like I could take the shit to the hospital and get a medical report, too much unanswered questions. I don't need that. Best I could do was kick it a bit, see if I could spur it on. Didn't move a muscle. So now i need a new one."

"Find someone else, I don't sell for slaughter."

"IT WASN'T SLAUGHTER! I fed it perfectly, even took it on walks. Besides, everybody knows your the best in the Slave Trade Business. When I go to others, they always get me ones that are d**gged. Faces blank as lambs. So lifeless, feels like I'm trying to fuck a blow up doll. With you it's different, fresh as day and so submissive you could take them to grandma's birthday party! No screams... or at least no unnecessary screams, until I get to work with my tools." He gives a throaty chortle.

"Now, I'll pay double this time. I want a Red Hai--."

I hang up shaking my head. That was one set back of being in this type of work, the freaks. Weeks and months of working on a mark, only to sell and have shits like that massacre them.

Surprisingly, as I coasted on the highway my thoughts kept drifting back to Trashy Little Thing. She was a lively thing. Full of fire and life, would be even MORE of a waste if freaks like him butchered her, than if she had gotten away. Perhaps I'll keep her, once I've trained her. Won't need to break her to the extent that she follows all orders like a mindless doll, just so she knows who's boss, I suppose. Could this be love?... ...

" 'Who the fuck, do you fucking think you are, huh?' " He repeated in Trash-- no Diamond's exact haughty manner. Chuckling darkly as he shifted lanes along these cold Miami streets.

"Your everything." he softly whispered in answer.

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It was nice to meet my new freind littleLi. I met her at the library at college one day and was immedietly attracted to her. Her long dark hair and big brown eyes, with a lovely sweet smile. She was wairing a little cropped T shirt with a hello kitty picture on it, showing off her smooth honey coloured tummy, cut off denim shorts, white frilly ankle socks and black patent pumps. I thought to myself, only an asian girl could wair little frilly laced ankle socks and mary janes and get away with...

2 years ago
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My Ladyboy LittleLi Part 2

After LittleLi had finished swallowing my cum, she fell back and i noticed she still had on her frilly ankle socks and MJ,s. Now that I knew LittleLi was a ladyboy i could tell her about my collection of stockings, panties, shoes and dresses that i liked to get dresssed in. LittleLi loved the the fact and took off the rest of my man clothes. I got up off the bed in front of her naked and went to my cabinet with all my fave clothes in it. I lay out satin frilly panties, stockings of all...

3 years ago
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Little Sister Pt 05

Author’s note: No sex this chapter. Nothing but politics, business and real estate. Chapter 21 — Deja Vu, but Not What I intended to do had many difficulties. For starters, I was dressed to meet with high priced lawyers. For another, I was not about to expose Shadow to the south side. Most important, I was not about to expose Elspeth to Veronica, or vice versa. To solve two problems at once, I told Elspeth to take Shadow to the garage and return with the Toyota. She did not want to go and I...

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Little Sister Pt 04

Author’s note: Virtually no sex this installment. Siobhan goes into business and gets pulled into politics. Chapter 17 – Office Politics The dinner in White Plains would echo for years. I am very glad I had no true understanding of the importance, because even Dr. Richards might have frozen. That said, it had little impact in Hanover. There is a reason higher education is referred to as a tower, ivory or otherwise. What happened in the real world took its time filtering into our world. For...

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Little Sister Pt 03

Chapter 12 – Storming Hanover After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars’ transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage...

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Little Sister

Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...

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A little Family Secret

You are in this story the 20 year old Jesse. You live together with your mom(Sandra), your dad(Ben), your little brother(Mark) and your big sister(Julia). you have a happy, good working family. Only there is one thing you never want to to tell your family or anyone else. That is the secret about your penis. See you dont have a normal penis, but a very tiny little mini penis. Flaccid is it just 1 inch long, and hard are just 3 inches. Youve never told anyone about is. Youve always succeeded to...

2 years ago
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LittleMissLipService offers Doug an Apology

Hi all....I have been so bad about posting stories here, I actually enjoy writing when I have the time and have many, many great true stories that I want to share with all of you naughty perverts ;)So watch this space for several new stories shortly.....This is an entry that I wanted to share with you about something that happened earlier this evening when I offered to take a fellow Xhamster writer's fantasy and flesh it out into a story...... They had no interest in doing it and I and several...

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LittleMissLipService gets more than she bargained

LittleMissLipService Gets More Than She Bargained For...So I was having a conversation with a friend on here and we started talking about how sexy our painted toenails and feet made us feel - I started to tell her about one adventure of mine. This friend insisted she wanted to hear the rest and so I ended up having to take my time and type it up because i hadn't really shared all the details with anyone before - and it was very sexy - and I wanted to be able to remember everything years from...

3 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part III

I got up and went into the bedroom ,stripped off and snuggled close to Suma, She was sleeping with hands folded across her chest ,turned to left side. I slowly lifted her nightie above her buttocks and gently lifted her left thigh and pressed my dick close to her pussy and lowered her thigh. I didn’t want to disturb her sleep but felt my hungry dick wanted some relief, some warmth. Slowly I inserted my hand in the opening in the nightie and cupped her tit. I just wanted to savour her touch and...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part V

I tapped Suma lightly on the shoulder, she jumped a foot . “Why, you scared me, Why do you have to come like a ghost?” She admonished me. I told her I didn’t mean to and asked her why she was so jumpy. She evaded and we finished breakfast in silence, each lost in own thoughts. She finished her bath, pooja and preparation of lunch in record time. I noticed she was watching at clock frequently. Then on the dot after 2 hours, door bell chimed. I put on a see through banian which showed contours of...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part IV

I was startled when the phone rang. I picked up the receiver at the same time Suma picked up cordless in the hall. “Hello” Suma said. “Finally you are awake or did I disturb your sleep again?” Jaya’s teasing voice quickened my heartbeat. “No, I am awake and preparing breakfast. Is Vikas still listening to music?” Suma asked. Jaya laughed ” No, he left, his lady boss wanted some files urgently” Suma also laughed. ” What do you know, may be the boss has opened her thighs like a book and he may be...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part I

I am a freak. Well, not exactly, unusual may be a more appropriate word. I can understand what animals,birds and insects talk.Not every time or all the time. The phenomenon is like a Tsunami. I can never predict when I suddenly acquire the skill or how long it will last. Not that I am complaining. I don’t know how Dr.Doolittle managed to live with continuous chatter and cacophony. I gave up trying to find a reason and learnt to live with it. My vague suspicion is that when my wavelength or...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part II

The house Lizards are not very well educated,yes,some of them live in schools and collages and may have intellectual leanings. But Charlie and Lillee were not so educated. So, I am not reporting what I heard verbatim but in my own words. Lillee said ” You won’t believe……” Charlie said scornfully ” Try me, I believe humans are capable of doing any stupid thing. Their stupidity is directly proportional to their arrogance and inversely proportional to their intelligence. I think,it has some thing...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part VI

Suma cast a suspicious glance at me. “This is the first time I saw him watch an India Pakistan match without making the roof collapse” That brought me to earth with a thud. I realized that Sehwag was nearing a century and I was watching without emotion……………………………………… As luck would have it, Sehwag chose that precise moment to loft the ball over mid wicket fence and gave a lollypop catch. I clutched my head and screamed ” Have you seen it? Why couldn’t he just push it for couple of runs? He will...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part VII

Suma’s story (continued) ……….. “Vikas…” I entered the hall and stopped in my tracks. Sitting there on the sofa were Vinay and ……wearing a sleeveless tee shirt and very short shorts, exposing his loads of thick hair was Vikas…….. Both of them stood ,clapped and sang ” Happy birth day to you….” And Vinay said beaming ” Here is your birthday gift …” gesturing to Vikas………………… I was shocked and paralyzed, rooted to the spot. Before I could recover and run back to room, Vinay grabbed me ,lifted me...

3 years ago
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Littles Night Out a Ddlg Short Story

The screen before us flickered as the image changed, but I could hardly pay attention. In fact I was only looking at the screen because Daddy told me to. If I’d had it my way my eyes would be closed, mouth open, moaning low and deep. It was vintage movie night at the cinema, and I’d been really excited to go. Now I didn’t even remember what the film was or the premise, now I could hardly remember my own name because Daddy’s fingers were shoved deep inside my sopping cunt. He’d spank you if he...

4 years ago
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Littles LifeChapter 2

Riana was up early as usual and had breakfast for everyone ready. When she finished eating, she hugged her mother, kissed her baby sister, ruffled the hair of her brother just because he hated it, and left. It looked beautiful today weather wise, and promised to be an even better day when she got to the Mrs. Nomy's shop. On her way, she heard how some young man had taken out Greggor, and his gang but everyone knew it wasn't going to last long. There was also some talk about another set of...

3 years ago
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Littles LifeChapter 3

The keep was a nice large one. The stables had several horses that took Brad's attention right a way. Tim scooped him up so he couldn't get into trouble. Little Ally was sound asleep so Seleena took Madeline to where the nursery was. Little took Riana around. He showed her the library, the kitchen, the main hall, the main dinning room, the stables and the gardens. Then where her little brother and sister's room was as well as her mother's, finally showing her to her room. "Is this...

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Littles LifeChapter 4

Little walked into the constabulary office and up to the desk where a bored looking man sat. Little had come into the city looking different, so he could see for himself what had happened to Martin's place. Part of the stables looked like they had been hacked down and someone had tried to start a fire but failed. Martin was now working to get the area cleaned up so he could rebuild, then Little checked on Mrs. Nomy finding her well and working hard. After clearing his throat, to get the...

2 years ago
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Littles LifeChapter 5

Little was getting closer but still could not see his target. In truth, he wanted to take to the air, but feared the men that had Riana and Brad would hurt them so he ran, and ran fast. "Little, are you almost here, I feel strange." Riana said as she was hit with a wave of dizziness. "Little, I... " Then she was gone. Little was so stunned that his running faltered and he fell. He ended up face down in the dirt trying to get his mind and his body working again. Then his mind snapped and...

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Littles LifeChapter 6

Pae was just standing there looking out of their cave. "Pae, what is it darling, what has you out of bed so late?" Sarrone asked as he came to his mate's side. "I don't know, love. I just got this feeling. I cannot really describe it. Something big, important is happening," Replied Pae, continuing to look out of the cave. Sarrone learned years ago that when his lovely wife and mate got this feeling He had better be ready for it. However, he needed more to go on. "Love, just relax,...

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Littles LifeChapter 7

The next afternoon, the little city of River's T saw not one, not two, not three, but four dragons land at the South gate, the biggest of it's gates. Martin, Ray, and the other Elites were waiting, as was most of the town. What they saw first was a young looking women jump from the back of the smallest dragon and wait. Then another slightly older looking woman slide to that ground and waited. The two looked to the remaining two dragons. Seleena was the first to change from dragon to...

1 year ago
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Looking for some tiny Asian porn at Little Asians? Well, gather around perverts. I’ve got something really special for you today. If you like little chicks, Asian chicks, or little Asian chicks, you’re really going to love LittleAsians.com. It’s a porn site, so naturally, the petite babes in question are getting their cunts hammered by dicks that seem way too big.OMFG, They’re So Tiny!I pulled up the landing page and holy shit, they ain’t lying about the little part. Asian chicks are known for...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Altered Fates The Birthing

Altered Fates: The Birthing By Ellie Dauber (c) 2007 Here's a very short gargoyle while I take a break from "Eerie Saloon." * * * * * "Tansie," Alyson Palmer yelled. "Get Her Majesty some more spiced wine." "Yes'm." Tansie Nutter ran over to pour the wine. She was outwardly obedient to the midwife, but her thoughts were far different. 'Her Majesty... the king's slut'd be more like it. It ain't fair that she's having such an easy time of it, when the queen wore herself out...

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PLAYTHING by Geneva A powerful businessman muses on his plans for revenge on an old enemy. It has taken me some time and much detailed planning to come to this part of my revenge for the years of your demeaning comments and slights. Actually, I feel slightly apprehensive but now I can set the procedure in motion. This is the crux, but certainly not the finish of my plans for you. I will be careful and methodical. I intend to enjoy the continual oversight, dominance and attention...

2 years ago
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Used as a Plaything

Brianna whispered in my ear.  ‘Do you feel safe, Andy?’Did I feel safe?First, I need to explain the position in which I found myself.Brianna had brought me into a luxurious apartment and blindfolded me, before guiding me into another room where soft music was playing.All she had told me about the evening was the owner of the apartment, a woman in her fifties, had got friendly with Brianna and mentioned she had fancied the pants off me.  Together the two of them hatched a plan to use me as her...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 77 Topless Sunbathing

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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SunbathingI get home from work it’s been a hot day, the sun was burning, in the kitchen I get myself a cold beer. I walk to the bedroom to see if you are there and maybe you didn't hear me, as I look out the window I see you in the garden, totally nude sunbathing.I strip and walk down naked, I feel my cock starting to grow as I walk on the grass closer to you.I enjoy the sight of the sun shining on your naked body, there are some drops of sweat on your body.A sound behind me makes me turn...

1 year ago
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IV That Nude Sunbathing

Sandy and I went to the beach hoping we could get together a team for volleyball Karen came running up to us yelling come with you two I got a almost a team. We yelled back Yes, Yes I couldn’t believe it when Karen kissed us both rather nicely and said gawd I love you too. We won four times and the hold team agrees to go forfeit and cancel. Sandy told Karen she Ok’d her coming over and nude sunbathing with us, Karen was ecstatic said I know and again kiss us both saying I love you two. I really...

3 years ago
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Littlest Nymph in the Labyrinth

You are a young boy, approaching the awkward age of puberty, but not quite there yet. You live in a small village in the mountains, and your father is a goat herder. You are likely to inherit his profession, as there is not much else you could do in this place. You spend your days playing with the other children of the village and chasing unruly goats around with sticks. Ultimately, life is boring. You gobble up the stories about grand adventures that the occasional traveler tells you and the...

4 years ago
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The Littlest Red Hood Part 3

They made their way up the hill and through the woods to the back of Helen’s house. The smell of food hit Cordelia’s nose as she stepped on the porch, and she realized that she was starving. Her stomach growled and Micah grinned and opened the door. She grinned back at him as she walked inside. When Cordelia looked up, Helen was standing there staring at them. The look on her face was clear, she knew. “Aunt Helen, it smells delicious,” Micah said, giving her a kiss on the cheek and ignoring...

3 years ago
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The Littlest Red Hood Part 2

Cordelia ran at a hard sprint, pushing herself harder, trying to outrun all the emotions that had been building inside her. When she couldn’t push it any further, she slowed to a jog. As she slowed to a walk, she started to feel the cool air and realized she should have brought her cloak. She looked around and saw that she had run a lot further than she had planned. Cordelia was almost two miles outside of the village. She stopped and bent over with her hands on her knees, so her head was down...

2 years ago
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The Littlest Red Hood Part 1

“Don’t stop running!” the woman panted, dragging her son with her. The boy was scared and crying. He didn’t understand why his sister and father were not running with them. They ran for the hidden cave in the side of the mountain. “It’s a little further, son,” his mother said as she tried to reassure him. They made it to the river and she paused long enough to pick the small child up and leap over. She landed gracefully, set the child down and they continued to run. She finally saw the...

3 years ago
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Amy and Rachel Do That Thing

"Really?" Rachel wrinkled her nose and said, "You made a video?" The girls had been casually discussing what Amy referred to as, “that thing,”—masturbating— as they lazed in the hot July sun in Amy’s backyard. Rachel was wearing a purple push-up bikini top, 32B, small, from Victoria’s Secret. The bottom was what Victoria’s Secret called a “Cheeky Hipkini”, maybe because of the amount of cheeks it exposed, or the camel toe, with multicolored horizontal stripes. Her long black hair parted in...

1 year ago
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Stephanie woke up and couldn’t move. It wasn’t long before she realized she was tied down. Three large leather straps ran across her chest, belly and hips and pushed her down into the mattress. Her arms and legs were free to move about. She pried on the leather straps but she couldn’t find a buckle anywhere. What was going on? Where was she? It was dark, she could barely see a thing. The silhouette of bars surrounding her. Was she in a cage, but why tie her down if she was already...

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Plaything Well there I was. 25 years old, out of work, living in a scruffy old bedsit with no future and no prospects. Born in Gloucester , living in Buckinghamshire. Five foot six inches, slim with shoulder length brown hair, tied back in a pony when I’m working (which I’m not at the moment). Friends say I have a feminine face, but I’m not sure of that. Sexuality ? Not sure. Love women, but, I’ve had a few passes at blokes, mostly older. Once I met a bloke at his house and he tied me up and...

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A young woman meets up with an exboyfriend and can8217t deny her passion to be his plaything

She was happy, at or least she thought she was. She had a boyfriend that seemed to care about her, her career was on the rise, and she was stunning. Her name was Emily, a young petite Asian girl with a body that could make any man go wild. She had a firm, toned body with curves on her ass not normally seen on a Korean girl. Her breasts, though not large, we’re firm and snug nicely into a b-cup bra. On cold nights or when she was especially turned on, her perky nipples pierced the fabric...

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The Plaything

The human mind is a brilliant thing. It has the power for a human being to retain the knowledge and wisdom of a lifetime over, with the equal capacity to create, nurture and destroy. It was the facilitator for all current realities that we know today, making judgments upon the rights and wrongs that shaped the course of history and beyond. To some, it was the key to salvation. To others, it was a monster to be tamed. To a few, it was a toy to be played with. Somewhere in the world, one such...

Mind Control
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Hes My Plaything

True story, and my first. I had always fantasized about giving my first blowjob. There was something, I thought, so inexplicably sexy about pleasuring a lover with your mouth. And of course, after a month of exchanging teasing texts I wanted you. But first things first; descriptions. I am a slender young woman of average height, with red hair and dark blue eyes, like the skin of a blueberry. My skin is milky white and dusted with freckles that run from my impish nose, down my neck and over my...

Oral Sex
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Jennifers Plaything

Jennifer's Plaything By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] My name is Nick, I'm 29 years old, and I have what I expect most people would call a "normal" life. At least I thought I did. I came home from work on a typical weeknight expecting the usual routine of dinner and vegging out on the couch. I work as a network administrator in a technical support help desk and usually come home brain dead after eight hours of dealing with frustrating customers. I stopped by the...

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