Dark Incarnate COMPLETE Book1 Ch1-14 Final Draft free porn video

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This Is a Work of Fiction

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Dark Incarnate Chapter 1 Book 1
By Mr. Black

A New Dawn

Kelly sat half asleep in the school chair lazily leaning on the slab tabletop. The cold felt good against her bare arms. It was first period class, and mornings always felt fresh. She took a deep breath enjoying the somber quiet, unlike the end of the day when the rooms were stuffy, loud, and filled with kids watching the clock. No, this was morning and the room was still adjusting to students. It was hard to think of the schoolrooms empty and quiet all night, but there was no doubt when you sat in first period soaking up the cold.

Mrs. Francis rolled around the class eyeing the student's progress and worked over to touch Kelly on the shoulder, “Are you having some trouble this morning?” Concern laced the old woman’s question like poison.

“No...,” shifting in her seat Kelly hated it when people patronized her. It seemed everyone in this shitty little town had made her personal turmoil their own. None of it was her fault of course; life had dealt her a very hard hand.

She straightened up in the desk stretching her back with a yawn. Her bare thighs touched the chilled stone seat below her skirt, and suddenly the morning shifted gears on her. The cold that was mildly soothing and clean became her enemy with only knee high socks and skirt for protection. It felt like the desk had be left outside in the frosty dew. The cold began creeping like a damp cloth though her clothes making her skin shiver. Trying to ignore prying coldness, Kelly leaned forward and grabbed the charcoal pencil and looked at the large blank paper.

She didn’t care for pencils of any kind; Kelly was a painter, and entirely too good for her age. Yet here she sat in a room full of kids her age in an art class, though she was lifetimes ahead in the subject. It didn’t matter; none of it mattered, she knew it was just some stupid steps she had to go though. It wasn’t that bad. After all she could have gotten a sticky notepad from the Teacher’s desk and drawn silly cartoons fanning the pages and everyone would, ‘Oooo Ohhh and AHhhh,’ like it was magic.

She tried to think of what to draw. It always worked best to draw what she felt and today she felt like dirt. Her loneliness left her feeling alot like dirt lately. Not just any dirt, the good decaying leaves and black organic matter on a forest floor a few inches down. She could only think of one thing to do.

On the way to her class everyday, strolling down the walkway that connected the buildings, one consistent idea popped in her mind like clockwork. Like an itch she couldn't scratch in the back of her mind. It was a nice concrete walkway with strong red brick columns to the solid roof and new shingles. The Art class was the farthest building out, but strangely the walkway extended a good bit past it. In the grand designs for the school more buildings had been planned but the money dried up, and construction just stopped. There was a bit of a drop off the edge of the corridor to the scraggly grass below and Kelly loved to sit and watch the morning sunrise swinging her feet from it. It was like the workers decided to go home one day and never came back to work. Actually no one had told the guys pouring the concrete the plans changed, until some big wig saw the mistake and the Forman got fired for the waste. Within two weeks none of them had a job, not even the big wigs. It was a very nice looking walkway to nothing regardless. Even a brick column stood at the end waiting on a roof to come out and meet it.

Just out past the walkway stood a little forest. The 'forest' was more weeds and overgrown saplings then trees, but no one felt like cutting it down and nature did its thing and went wild. None of the janitors or groundskeepers touched it probably out of the same confusion the builders had. Was it supposed to be something, or nothing?

Kelly was eerily drawn to the spot. She would find herself there almost everyday sitting by herself waiting on school to start or eating lunch. Not wanting to go to class or god forbid the lunch room, she would stare at the twisted picture of wild nature with a strange fascination. She stared mostly at the beds of leaves which collected from the few trees. Again no one cared to clean any of it up. She wanted more than anything to go over and join the bed. Curl up fetal position and just let the day pass her there. Birds knew where to fly in the winter due to a small metal bit in their brains, and Kelly felt drawn by the same magnetism to the spongy bed of dry leaves.

Every Fall she would help rake leaves with her father. She did more playing than raking, but that was part of the tradition. Great big piles of maple leaves and pine needles would dot the yard at the old house in the Georgia. Mitchell, her father, would get these orange leaf bags with big Jack'O lantern faces at the hardware store, and after Kelly was done flopping and rolling in the mounds they would pack the bags full and stack them around the front of the porch. The leaves always smelled of faint spice and sap to her. That spicy smell would forever remind her of her Father. He had been tall and lean with a light brown mustache on a stern face hiding a sense of humor that never failed to cheer her up in the worst of times. The smell was comforting, yet it stabbed her heart with pain because that smell was almost all she had left.

Closing her eyes Kelly leaned back in the desk with a painful dark shiver that ran up her spine at the memory. She pictured, in her minds-eye, standing at the edge of that walkway leaving her backpack behind stepping off the edge and heading for the woods. She would find a suitable spot at the base of three trees where the leaves collected and she'd curled up like a dog. It wasn’t good enough to just lie on the leaves; she wanted to be in them. She squirmed like a turtle digging for hibernation, which is exactly what she wanted to do. A few inches down it would feel cozy, like scratching a deep metaphysical itch and she'd smell that faint spice and feel safe again.

Squirming further with leaves piling up around her legs she got to the decaying dirt and saw something, and her eyes popped open startled. It made her shudder because her mind hadn't actually imagined it. She felt like she had really discovered the thing. As if she was really out there digging in the dirt. She had found a big fat white grub worm. Like the ones you might see on a lawn treatment bag at the feed and seed store. Prior to that moment she had never seen a real one or even knew anything about them.

Kelly didn’t know it but she had stumbled onto an iceberg, the tip of the spear, because something very real had happened. Her mind actually had borrowed into those woods. She didn’t find a grub worm, something else found her.

Billy Mason, a dirty boy with long dark brown hair that was so greasy it looked black, had been out on a bathroom break for the past half hour. He had been visiting a special place in the bathroom stall and on his way back down the walkway he heard something in the woods. It gave him a shudder and he picked up the pace to a slow trot as he ran inside. He had a childhood fear of monsters hiding in the shadows behind the trees. Not that Billy had any idea of what it was or could be, he just knew it wasn't a janitor and walked a little faster almost running inside back to his desk feeling eyes watching and judging him.

Kelly leaned forward and looked down at the paper and drew a few short lines randomly. Why not draw the little worm? That would surely get Mrs. Francis going! Billy came into the room and sped past her to take his seat directly behind. She held her breath knowing Billy’s notorious B.O. stench. Of course holding her breath didn’t help because when she did take a breath it was only a bigger stronger lungful of it. He must live without water or a shower.

Back to her empty page, the few lines became twigs. One twig had a stem of a maple leaf which branched at a small knuckle. More crumpled leaves and random decaying matter all smudged with a skilled finger creating a circle of organic gunk around her paper in surprising time. The center cradle of the birds nest was blank and waiting. She paused, a strange hesitation, normally once she got going on a project she couldn't stop. It was a race to get the image out of her head. But today she stopped. Staring at the paper, she asked herself if she really wanted to do this. Probably because it was clearly out of character, she was always labeled a good kid. That was before half the town idolized her.

Mrs. Francis paused at Billy’s desk, “Yes Billy you’re making progress, but try to use the charcoal pencil as more than a just regular number two. Remember the lesson yesterday in class because that’s the grade.” Kelly whirled around to see. She should have known not to. Billy had drawn a glorified stick figure of a girl in a black pleated skirt exactly like the one she was wearing. The idea of him writing some sort of elementary scribble love note to her made her flush with anger. Billy thought she was blushing and smiled in return. She kicked off and her wool skirt pivoted on the stone seat. Back to her paper she looked at the circlet of dead leaves, it would have been a crown fit for Jesus’ head instead of thorns.

“Oh wow,” Mrs. Frances now stood in awe over her. “And what kind of little woodland critter will be the centerpiece?”

“Just you wait and see,” Kelly said without looking up or moving in the slightest. Mrs. Francis understood the attitude and walked on back to her desk pretending to grade papers.

Kelly worked hard drawing a grayscale film quality grub worm just like the one her mind had seen. When finished she looked at it triumphantly. She wished she could be a fly on the wall when Mrs. Francis saw this fat ugly thing. Some of the others were finished and had made a pile of papers on an empty desk. She would just slip hers underneath the pile and wait for fireworks that were sure to follow.

She picked her paper up by the top two corners and looking at the grub closely even she was surprised with her work. It had so much depth and shadow. Lifting the paper further to get an angled look her heart jumped, as if a big nasty bee flew in her face. The charcoal grub did have depth and she pulled the paper up higher when the impossible happened. It appeared to change, to move. Shadows rearranged and shifted as she moved and wafted the paper. Then the drawn grub peeled more than rolled, off the paper and bounced off the corner of her desk. It landed on the floor like a bouncy ball with a lead core.

It was crazy. Kelly blinked unbelieving, this couldn’t be happening; she had simply fallen asleep at her desk. She blinked more forcefully scrunching her face trying to make the real world come back. The monochrome thing sat on the floor like a paper cutout that somehow had mass and even threw a soft shadow.

Kelly knew she was losing it. Frantically she checked and rechecked her paper but the white center stared back at her untouched by the pencil. She had fallen asleep and this was a lucid dream. She'd read about lucid dreams in a forum, but she couldn't remember much about them at all. Looking around the class she was glad to see no one else watching, they were all self absorbed. She looked at the floor again but couldn’t find it and breathed a sigh of relief. Her paper was still blank though. She pinched herself and began searching again like she’d lost her golden ticket to the Chocolate Factory.

She looked to her right where Candice, a preppy girl sat hurriedly working on a basket of fruit. The two girls would have been friends a year earlier, but that was before Kelly’s parents died in the accident. The charcoal grub that didn’t exist and couldn't exist had just crawled over the girl’s foot as was making its way up Candace’s plush sock. The thing looked real enough, and even tugged on the blue fibers as it went. It still looked exactly as she had drawn it, but now flexing and moving! Kelly rubbed her eyes, this couldn’t be happening it’s an illusion; a very bad dream. Too bad she didn’t know how to make a lucid dream stop. She watched as it neared the top Candace’s sock just above the knee. It touched her lean calf, but the girl didn’t notice. Candace only brushed her long blond hair back and continued working.

The grub worm kept going up her thigh, but its legs had trouble clinging to bare skin. Kelly was wrought with fear and confusion. She wanted to just slap the thing off the girl, but it wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. To give the thing credit would be to commit herself to the loony bin. If anyone had noticed Kelly in that moment they would have thought she was crazy staring at Candace’s legs with unblinking ferocity.

The charcoal grub continued its trek until it reached the hem of her skirt and clumsily fell between her legs. Kelly’s heart raced; it just couldn’t be! She wanted to warn the girl or just scream, but she was frozen overloaded with too many emotions. Paralyzed she waited, as the class bell rang. Candace looked up with white hot fear as her eyes went wild. Kelly knew why.

The grub fell on the slab seat and headed for the mound of her white cotton panties. It nosed around and easily dove under the elastic band when Candace finally felt it. Leaving charcoal smudge on the elastic band, it squeezed its plump body underneath. It never hesitated, and reached the delicate pink of Candace’s soft fold in one fluid movement. Candace shot her hands down holding her crotch like a boy who had been kicked in the balls. It squeezed its fat little grub body segments inside the quivering girl's moist labia as she stood and ran for the door. As her legs pumped, the grub squirmed inside. It was the physical manifestation of something neither girl could understand. It was sent flying into their world like a paper airplane in the wind. It lacked any real cognitive ability and only understood its basic programming, a prime directive. And like a Tyrannosaurus Rex with a pea brain it zigged when it should have zagged. The grub’s body began to grow and writhe.

Candace had shot out of the class abandoning her paper. Kelly looked down at her own with the missing centerpiece, and decided to turn it in unfinished. She grabbed Candace’s too.

The hallway traffic was near impossible. The deluge of students all went one way. The main building was at the far end and three classes crowded into the walkway. Kelly fought with the flow looking for Candace's blond hair, but not seeing anything. She had ran on weak legs and fighting tears to the nearest bathroom, and sat whimpering trying to figure out what was inside her. Kelly finally caught up and equally unsure took the next stall. She waited listening to Candace’s weak crying whimpers and shuffling feet. The bell rang and everything got quiet, except for the girl in the handicap stall.

“Candace?” Kelly had no idea what to do, but knew she had to do something. Somehow she was at the center of this. The girl said nothing but the whimpers became louder and turned into full sobs with a yelp from time to time. Kelly squatted down and tried to look under the stall walls. Candace sat on the toilet with her feet spread and panties ripped crumpled atop one of her shoes. She hadn’t just pulled them down, she ripped them down tearing one leg open.

“I.. I think I saw... w-what happened?” Kelly voice betrayed just how unsure she really was.

Candace started to say something but only groans came out as she held her abdomen. Her body cramped again trying to expel the evil creature which had no intentions of leaving. Kelly got down on the floor and started to crawl under the wall. The tile still held the morning cold. Kelly wouldn't have dared to touch the sickly greasy floor, but this was an emergency. Halfway she hesitated not wanting to commit and slide her clothes across the nasty floor, but Candace's cries got her moving again.

“What the-,” another wave washed over Candace’s face before she could finish the sentence. She was flushed beet red and struggling to breathe. “Go away!” she screamed like a child in a tantrum. Kelly stood before the girl just as confused but knowing she had to do something. Candace’s feet stayed planted wide but her knees closed trying to cover her nudity. A patch of bare skin below her shirt where her panty-line should have been was clean shaven. It was impossible but it looked like the flesh moved from the inside with a bump. Candace let out another cry and heaved forward.

“I I have to help, I don’t know how, but please let me try. I’m not sure if what I saw was even real, but it's very real to you now,” Kelly got down on her knees before Candace. “You have to trust me, I only want to help, let me see,” Kelly placed her small shaking hands on the girls knees.

“Oh, god it’s huge... iii-i it’s tearing me apart!” Candace was barely able to speak over her exasperated breathing. Kelly didn’t understand, the thing was only the size of her thumb.

“Let me see,” she slowly applied pressure urging her to open up.

“Oh God,” Candace cried. “Just get it out!” and she released her knees to Kelly. There was a little clean line of shaved of pubic hair hiding under her hands; she was well into the grips of puberty. Her outer labia were swollen and soft full of surging blood. Kelly jumped as something inside moved gaping the poor girl for a heartbeat. That just couldn’t be she thought. Kelly forced a shaking hand closer; she had to pull it out but she was just as scared as Candace. The inflamed orifice wrinkled trying to close as she was about to touch when the swimming creature stretched Candace painfully open again. Kelly recoiled when she saw the white and charcoal smudged ball undulating wildly before disappeared again. The rounded tail alone was more than double the original worms size.

“Hurry!” Candace moaned and grabbed Kelly's shirt by the shoulders wrenched in the grip of the creature’s power. The overlarge grub was trying to push its sharp head though her cervix. It vibrated the plump tail against her g-spot playing the helpless girl's body like an instrument. It needed her to orgasm, freely giving up her mind, body, and spirit to it.

Kelly pushed her fingers in; the warm wet flesh accepted them with ease. Kelly prodded the robbery grub just as she had imagined it, only now it was huge. There was no getting it with a single finger, so she tried to pinch it with two but couldn’t get a lasting hold. It was humming inside, strong and impossible. Candace went into mild convulsions losing the fight. She wasn’t breathing anymore, she was panting.

“Hold on I cant...” The thing inside knew it's time was short and slapped it's body against her g-spot.

Candace cried out as her hips buckled and snapped. Kelly speared her small hand and pushed it in, luckily replacing the girl’s most sensitive spot. Candace now had Kelly’s hand and the creature inside and went white as a sheet gasping. Kelly grabbed the tail like a door knob and started to pull as Candace's hips went wild with involuntary madness. Kelly could feel the other end thrashing angrily trying with all it's might to slither itself forward. She didn’t have to feel it; she could see it in Candace’s face. Her eyes rolled and she fainted, going limp and slowly slumping off the toilet. As Candace continued off, Kelly’s hand almost got stuck but tugged free over the knuckles with a slick pop. The limp body fell away and grub’s fat putrid body slid out effortlessly.

Fear and surprise gripped Kelly the thing was huge! It was as big around as her wrist and several inches long. It thrashed wildly like a snake in her grip and made a thin high pitched shrill cry of a demon. The wetness of Candace’s body made it hard to hold. It still looked like some cruel joke, an illusion, and an affront to nature. Kelly couldn't deny it was real. It was still that same charcoal drawing and somehow also that ruined walkway end.

She didn’t know what to do. Its large mass flopped around jerking her arm as she struggled to hold it. Then it doubled and tiny legs latched onto Kelly. It stretched long and reached halfway up her forearm. Reflex forced her to drop the drawing and try to jump back. It clamored to hold on but fell into Kelly's lap spreading a wet slimy trail across her wool skirt. She scrambled back a skidding her pink sneakers against the tile trying to get away. The grub's tiny legs kept it secured onto her skirt and then pinched onto her inner thigh at just the right moment. Kelly smacked both hands down onto it knocking it to the tile. Using the weight of its plump tail it thrashed and threw itself closer to her crotch. Kelly was scared to death and looked over at Candace for help where she laid in a lifeless heap with torn panties around one ankle.

The grub's tiny claws seized onto Kelly's panties and squeezed her sensitive mound underneath. She threw both hands trying to knock it away but the creature ripped small tears in the gusset as it went.

Kelly looked down at her own open legs and tattered defenseless panties. Her brain in a primitive fight or flight mode continued to kick scuffing her shoes on the floor but her back was against the wall. The grub flicked off spearing between her legs again. Her head fuzzy she felt the pointed head brush against her nether lips trying to get in. Another shove like that and it would be buried just like it had been in Candace. Her hands pushed down blocking and then grabbed the creature. It was much stronger now; it took two hands to contain its insane thrashing. She got it to the toilet and shoved it head first into the water and flushed. The wild tail splashed water as it disappeared threatening to clog as it finally got sucked down.

Kelly sat back hard on her butt stabilizing herself with her hands on the greasy cold floor. She looked at Candace who was still out, then reached over and slid the useless panties off Candace’s ankle put them in her pack and ran.

Classes had just started and luckily no one was around to see her. She didn’t run back to class or to the school resource officer Mr. Higgins, she just ran away with teary eyes, hurt, confused, and holding a sense of dread she had never known.

Home was several miles away and it seemed shorter on the bus than it did on foot. It didn't take long before she slowed to a walk and really started to think about what had just happened. It all seemed to surreal like still like a dream, but with her panties in shambles and the fresh air brushing her raw body the events were undeniable. The whole ordeal was unsettling and halfway home she began to sweat in places that made thinking unbearable.

Just inside the town, which consisted of only one main street, she saw a City bus stopped at the library. Kelly ran over and asked the driver for favor and walked onto the empty bus. She took a seat halfway, careful to cover her bottom with the skirt from the public seat. Mulling the events over and over again in her head she tried to make some rational sense, something she could tell Candace tomorrow. Surely Candace would understand that Kelly wasn’t responsible. The grub’s mere existence changed everything, like an artifact from a forgotten time in history, the rational world as they understood it had to change. Candace didn't know the whole story as she did, but did that change anything? Kelly was still unable to believe it herself.

Nearing her street she realized it wasn't even time lunch yet and she couldn’t stop thinking about Candace. Would she be able to finish the day? The idea of Candace sitting quietly at lunch pretending nothing happened bothered her. But what could she do? She walked off the bus and with heavy foot steps started walking to her Condo hurling insults at herself. Kelly couldn't imagine trying to explain anything, from the incident to her own actions. The universe owed her an explanation. She had to simply tell her side what she saw and what she knew. Honesty was the best policy. But all of this was her fault one way or another. From the guilty feeling she had when drawing the picture, to skipping school, and everything in-between. Another flush of embarrassment hit her thinking of the torn panties in her backpack. Candace weighed heaviest in her mind, why had she just left her? So many things had just turned out disastrous for her. She played with the key in her pocket wondering if the weather would ever change for her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath trying to smell the leaves again.

Her parents had moved to Virginia for her Dad's job. The Condos were supposed to be temporary housing until they found a real place. Then getting a real house was filed under the lost dreams section of the filing cabinet. It was a good enough neighborhood, but the Condo was really too small for the three of them. Kelly’s Aunt Sandra lived nearby so they did it anyways. Sandra was the reason for picking this shitty little town.

Kelly walked up the small concrete steps baking in the morning sun and unlocked the front door. Inside she tossed her bag to the side, and took off her shoes glad to have the air conditioning. It was quiet, dead quite and only her sock feet thumping on the white carpet pounded like her heart as she walked into what was once her parent’s room. Her Aunt had turned it into an art studio for Kelly shortly after the funeral. Both of her parents died in a car accident six months ago on their way to see her new art exhibit. She sat on the big comfy chair in the middle of the room looking at her works and let out a pained sigh. She couldn’t run forever, and she put the thought of facing Candace at the back of her mind.

Spencer, West Virginia wasn't much at all. It adjusted better than most to the disappearing coal mines. The whole state was like a dried up riverbed in her mind, and if you looked close enough you could still see the fish bones in the cracked mud. There were several long roads that connected at Spencer which helped, but it was still just a dot on a map. So naturally when Kelly’s art gained some national attention the town tried to incorporate her into its ‘historic tourist appeal’. They opened an art exhibit just for her at Chestnut ridge, which was a recent add-on to the library that was supposed to honor the Town’s history. Her parents were running late and a drunk crossed the center line making sure they never arrived to see it. Kelly insisted they take the exhibit down after that, she felt it was her fault. Her aunt had been her next of kin and helped Kelly as much as she could but always at an arms distance.

Truth was, her Aunt Sandra didn't care too much. She did in a way, but a very immature way. She did help Kelly; she helped her lie and stay at the Condo alone and unsupervised. It worked for Kelly well enough; she was very mature for her age and handled the responsibility well. Better than her aunt Sandra in most cases. Losing her parents left a pretty big hole in Kelly with nothing to fill it except the groveling town, which only cared for her Artwork and skill.

She had been “discovered” almost a year ago. Everyone in her family knew Kelly had a gift when she was growing up, but they didn’t know how extraordinary she was and no one really acted on it. Until the new art teacher at her new school, Mrs. Francis, wouldn’t stop gushing. Without her parents permission Mrs. Francis sent a few works off into the mail. A few weeks her Mrs. Francis's old college buddy came down to meet Kelly personally. After that, Kelly’s life was an avalanche. Mostly because there wasn’t much going on in the news cycle and the Country loves heartwarming example of back country hidden talent.

Kelly was originally from Atlanta, but the news read West Virginia no matter. It was like a set of dominos falling, once one story broke about her talent others picked it up not even taking the time to meet Kelly or even look at more than one or two pieces of her work. They simply cannibalized the original story and embellished more. It didn’t take long before her parents decided it wasn’t healthy for a girl her age and took the fuel off the fire. The city helped, happy to keep their jewel confined to the city limits. Kelly’s Dad Mitch, being the new Police Chief, conspired with the Sherriff and soon out of towners were harassed in speed traps and with traffic violations. They were told if anyone wanted to see her new works everything would be on display at the new exhibit opening at Chestnut ridge.

All the hype and harassment died with her parents in the accident that fateful night. The simple people of Spencer never let Kelly forget any of it though. In Kelly’s mind she equated what happened with her talent. They were one in the same, cause and effect. Her parent’s death stared her in the face every time she looked at one of her paintings and every time some local yokel jabbered at her about her talent. She was trapped in every sense of the word to this shitty little town and to the constant painful reminders.

Her Aunt was the coolest guardian anyone could ask for. She kept the bills paid and gave Kelly a rather large weekly allowance. Sandra took Kelly to the store every week and on any other errands the town’s public transportation system couldn’t handle. The Town only ran two busses on four different routes, excluding Sundays, but it was enough for Kelly. She wasn't adjusting well at all, but nobody knew or cared to ask.

The apartment had a modest livingroom and kitchen downstairs and up a thin stairwell to the two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a laundry alcove. Her room was the smaller, and the new “studio” was in the master. She paced back and forth looking out the front window into the parking lot and then out the back kitchen sliding glass doors onto the porch overlooking the small crappy yard and stream. The stream was a big attraction for this place. The real estate agent loved to mention it when selling the condos, but the truth was it was more of a rain overflow ditch than a stream. The events of today were like puzzle pieces, and she had to fit them together before she could approach Candace again. But the puzzle dipped into another dimension that Kelly had no way to understand.

She changed into her pajamas, a spaghetti strap teddy bear top and matching bottoms. Her panties were torn out in an awful reminder, so she tossed then into the waste basket and didn’t bother with new ones. She headed outside to sit on the small deck pausing briefly to look disappointed in the refrigerator on her way out. The turmoil in her stomach couldn’t be fixed with food. She sat out on the deck and tried to think, but her wandering thoughts never went where she wanted and always to her parents. She came back in after a few hours of daydreaming, crying, and napping to make some chocolate milk. Other than the bizarre events, it was a normal day. The clock was pushing after three and school would have let out. Time was up, and she still didn’t have anything to say.

Dark Incarnate Chapter 2 Book 1
By Mr. Black

Warm Beginnings

Kelly paced back and forth eyeing the phone and small phone book. Spencer didn’t have many residents. She thumbed through and found the only Chambers in Spencer; it had to be Candace’s parents. She dilled the number and listened to the receiver ring.

“Hello,” an older mans voice, probably her father answered.

“Yes sir, this is one of Candace’s friends from school,” Kelly sounded as cute as possible despite her ill mood.

“Oh, yes she just got in with her mother. Hold on, I'll get her…” Tom tuned and looked over his shoulder; he had no idea where his daughter had gone.

“Actually! I was just checking to see if she was feeling better. She wasn’t feeling well at all this morning.”

“Yeah, actually... ya know, I don't.. know. She’s been going though this ‘hates her parents’ phase right now and I'm not even privy to a good-morning from her anymore, but she seemed fine to me,” Mr. Chambers liked how the girl on the phone called him sir and hoped his daughter would hang around this friend more.

“Ti-hi,” Kelly laughed. “That’s the going thing. She’s always super nice to my parents, so I’m sure she doesn’t mean anything by it. You sound real nice to me and I don’t see how she could,” Kelly tried to sound like the stereotypical high pitched school girl. So far Tom Chambers loved her.

“Well that’s very nice of you, by the way what did you sa-“

“I was wondering if I might be able to come over later today,” she said purposely cutting him off.

“I don’t know, we're going to my wife's work… thing, or something…, but I doubt she’ll want to go. I guess so, why not? Come on over and keep her company.”

“Great! What time do you have to be going?”

“We’re supposed to leave around five. Say, what was your name again?” Tom heard only silence apparently the line got disconnected. This girl sounded really nice and quite different from the other little bitches his daughter hung around. Had he met this girl before?

Kelly hung up before he could finish and ran over to grab her backpack and headed upstairs to pack a few extras. She tossed in some sleep-over clothes and paused when she saw Candace’s torn panties, she should give those back. Once she left Kelly would have to stay over at her house or walk home. The last city busses ran at five which would put her at Candace’s house after her parents were gone. Her dad used to take her on walk's all the time as she grew up, but she wasn’t real sure where Candace’s house was yet. She and her Dad had been racking up the miles before they moved here. Kelly loved it, the walks gave her time to relax and think.

She ran out the door and across the street where a bus stop shed stood. In larger cities most people would have thought twice about a 9th grade girl on the city buss or walking along the road alone. Worried citizens should have asked Kelly if she was ok, or called the cops to report the negligent parents, but not here in little Ol' Spencer. Most everybody knew her and the rest didn’t care. She had become a regular on the bus's and common sight side streets in town, not to mention she was a celebrity. Kelly knew all the bus drivers too, and they let her off pretty much when and wherever she wanted scheduled or not. A few times with the fat driver she even cranked up the girlish charm enough to get him to go off route.

Today was one of those days. Unknown to Kelly the fat balding bus driver was quiet the pedophile. His heart jumped every time he saw her at a stop. He liked to try and look up her many skirts as she sat on the bus seat. George Caldwell, better known as BigRed69 online even had a favorite skirt of hers and his chest fluttered whenever he saw the black and red pleated carmine skirt with the Chantilly lace that tantalized him. She had gotten into a gothic schoolgirl look after her parents stopped monitoring what she wore. Often the skirts were a little too short, and she naively liked the attention. She had hit puberty a little before her parents died and was learning the ways of being a woman alone in life. The short skirts were just one way she went a little off course and into people like George.

The driver stopped and let her off. She thanked him with a little kiss on the cheek, and hopped down the big buss steps like a bunny. Her skirt tossed up slightly with each hop but not enough to see anything. George got a rise out of it. Kelly knew she made his heart melt, but didn't know she also made other parts rise. Like she was just walking off the school bus she started up the nice paved road with her backpack slung over one shoulder. Holcombe Estates was the only real planned neighborhood in Spencer. There had been a very slow trickle of "big money" moving into town and they all wound up here.

People who wanted to escape or fall off the face of the earth were the only ones that liked Spencer. West Virginia was more than just back-country, it was the far far beyond. Sometimes Spencer would get Church outreach ministries who would came to help those left in the void after the coal mines closed. They liked to stay in Spencer. It was more than just a map dot to them, it was a great staging area for the surrounding towns. Big Preachers and Youth Groups would come up from the Carolinas alot. They showed up laughing and smiling doing their best to be friendly and match the town’s vernacular. By the time they left though, their eyes were downcast and indifferent. They were glad to be leaving and they didn't mind to show it. It was pretty common at restaurants to overhear them talking about taking a small jon boat to get to a house or a dirt path. Spencer was better off then most, but it didn't stop them from bringing canned goods and trying to cover all the windows in plastic every winter. Most people loathed the outreach programs but the truth was most places really needed it.

Kelly topped a small hill and followed the mail box numbers which would lead to Candace's house, odd on one side and evens on the other. The fresh blacktop and sharp curb met perfectly manicured grass and mulch, it was beautiful here. The houses all had a very new look and design along with picture perfect yards. Candace would tell her later that night about the utter hell of living in this heavenly planned neighborhood. Two boys were playing in a yard up ahead with water guns. The boys didn't just have any water guns they had water bazookas that could have only been designed by Dr. Suess. If she learned anything about boys she knew how carried away they get. She wanted to steer clear because being an innocent bystander wouldn't save her. As luck would have it the mailboxes lead away from the fray down a cul-de-sec drive.

A red mini van backed out of a driveway ahead; Kelly knew it must be the house. As it passed an aging man with grey streaked hair waved and smiled, it was Tom Chambers. Continuing down the street Kelly stepped onto the strong healthy grass of Candace's yard. A large new house stood three stories tall with a big inviting red door and expensive stained-glass. The whole thing looked out of a better homes and gardens magazine. Loud music thumped from somewhere inside rendering the door bell useless. Being a safe neighborhood, when the garage door acted up Tom just left it open; Kelly slipped under it. The large three car garage was neatly cluttered with miscellaneous junk that had no other place to be. She twisted the metal bulb of a door knob into the home. The thought never occurred to her that Candace might not be home alone.

As she turned to close the door the family dog came to investigate. A large lean spotted pointer went ridged watching Kelly and let out a low woof. Like an animal whisperer Kelly turned and smiled and like she was talking to a baby and melted the dog’s fears away, and he was soon lapping at her face. Even animals were susceptible to a sweet girl’s charms.

"Hello? Candace are you in here?" The dog had given her a brief scare and Kelly wanted to announce her presence to avoid any other surprises. Nothing but the sound of the music came down from the stairs. A strong heavy baseline beat thumped and Kelly followed it up. She hated rap music and everything that went along with it, but Candace was your standard spoiled little rich girl and loved it. The stairs were carpeted and muffled any sound, though she tried to callout again at the top. The dog followed her progress eagerly, as if maybe he hadn't done his job and wanted to be sure not to allow any trouble. It made Kelly even more nervous to have this dog at her heels and practically under her skirt. His wet nosed brushed her thighs more than once. Down a long hallway appeared what could only be a teenage girl’s bedroom door.

Kelly looked at the pink postered "punk" and "girl power" door trying to understand the words of the music that blared and drummed out in the soles of her shoes. The shy girl knocked quietly on the door knowing how ridiculous this trip was. Everything in her head screamed in embarrassment to just leave quietly and go home; no one would know the difference. Kelly remembered when she committed to the trip and got on the bus, there was no quick way home. Her small fingers wrapped around a polished bronze handle and turned to open the door.

"Candace?" She yelled. Candace who she had last seen laying limp on the bathroom floor was bumping and grinding with invisible dance partners to the unintelligible lyrics of some black guy pretending to be a thug. The dog darted into the room, fluid fast movement like a fish and it caught her eye. Candace turned screamed a bit and went ridged like she had been caught naked. She rushed to her computer closed out a video chat and shut the music off.

"What the hell are you doing here?" one hand was on her skirt as if the wind might blow it up and the other rested on her heaving chest. "You scared the hell out of me!" Candace hadn't been wearing panties since Kelly removed them earlier that day.

"I... uh felt we needed to talk, ya know about this morning."

"What the fuck is there to talk about?"

"You know what happened, and so do I. Well sort of..."

"I don't know what you’re talking about and this is really freaking me out," she said with sincere confusion. The dog sat down beside her, still unsure about Kelly.

"Wait," Kelly kneeled and spun her backpack off and started rummaging though it. "You remember these don't you?" She held up the ripped panties. If her hand didn't cover the charcoal smudge they might have noticed it. Candace shot a hand up and covered her mouth. Even the dog sensed the unease in the air and sat up.

"Where did you get those? Wait, how did you get those?" She remembered putting those panties on this morning. The same light pink and purple patchwork of squares around the band.

"Don't you remember? You were attacked, and I helped you. I picked these up off the bathroom floor this morning."

"No, I don't remember that much." she moved her other hand up to cover her face. "I knew something wasn't right. I felt raped and found myself waking up in the bathroom. How did this… how did you.."

Real unease settled into Kelly, it wasn't supposed to go like this, "It wasn't a who, it was a what."

Candace looked up though red teary eyes, "Please tell me why you have those panties!"

"No, you’re looking at this all wrong let me explain!" Both girls were on the verge of tears.

"What the fuck is going on!!! I know something raped me and I know I've felt horrible ever since, so you better fucking tell me because I'm starting think it was you!" Candace was near hysterical and screaming. A part of her had been able to accept the events as long as they stayed in the unknown, but this added twist of reality was too much.

"No, not at all. I'm just not sure how I can explain it, something really strange happened. Like something from a sci-fi movie strange."

"Tell me what the fuck is going on!" Candace stood with red eyes bubbling with tears and full of rage. Now and the pointer stood beside her alert and on edge.

"Ok, I'll tell you exactly what I saw, and you can try to figure it out, because I've been racking my brain ever since.” Kelly’s eyes begged. “Now this is probably not going to make much sense, but that's why I'm here." Kelly told her tale, and Candace sat back down and curled up in her chair unsure about the story. It really did belong in the fiction section of the library. It was just too far out. Candace didn't doubt Kelly's conviction or honesty, but she did doubt her sanity.

"Ok, then make it happen again. We’ll get ready and when I see it I'll believe it."

"I don't even know if it was me! I did the drawing, but I’m scared to death of what happened." Candace was holding a small trash can and a wicker hand broom and Kelly shook her head.

"Look there is nothing but this story of yours between you and what happened to me."

"I'll try; I guess it’s part of why I came over here. I have to figure this out, and I feel much safer with you here. I have no way to prove it, but I felt something possessed my drawing. I'll try it again, but I can’t promise anything. You better give me the highly technical disposal equipment,” Kelly motioned to the trash can and broom. “Last time you didn't see or notice until it was too late."

Candace didn't want to believe, but she remembered something strange between her legs and running like hell as bell rang for the bathrooms. It was easier to forget than to remember.

"Ok, I've got my art stuff in my book-bag, just get what you need." Candace turned and started her web cam again and set it to record, just in case.

Kelly closed her eyes and tried to visualize the little grub when it hit the floor and bounced. She watched its sickly movement with her minds eye. It wriggled and crawled across the floor, up onto the girl’s sock, then onto her bare knee. It paused then and seemed to look back at Kelly with demonic satisfaction. It was just like this morning in class. The odd scene made her heart race because it defiantly didn't come from her. It was like something was in her mind and took control for an instant showing her the creatures little wink. The same thing happened before, and that's what she drew! That's where the creature came from; it was never her idea in the first place! But whose was it? She shivered at the thought.

"Kelly, are you ok?" Candace sat across the room watching the computer monitor with the web cam placed on Kelly capturing her whole body and the floor below.

"Oh sorry just trying to retrace my steps, but if this doesn't work then what happened was some kind of cosmic prank." Kelly hunkered down and began drawing the blank outline of Candace's leg like she had seen. The charcoal pencil looked like it might catch fire as it scratched and moved around the paper. Because the little monster was the focus she drew it bigger and with more detail. As she worked Kelly felt dirty and guilty for drawing such a thing. Candace watched as Kelly seemed possessed herself. She had never seen someone so absorbed and focused.

Watching the screen she saw Kelly finish as she slowly stood looking down at the desk. The cam didn't show the picture at this angle. "Well, is it ... done?"

"Yeah I think you should look." Candace was already on her way unable to contain her curiosity.

"Oh my..." Candace again covered her mouth in shock. The detail and realism was astonishing and equally repulsive. The strange little girl who showed up at her house must really be nuts. The grub’s face had tiny serrated pinchers, and round bulbous segments with paper thin taunt skin stretched across the fat body, and even little defined knobby legs. Overall the plump, fat, and nasty nature of the picture almost turned her stomach. "It's so real, but I think your imagination is just too vivid." She leaned forward and picked up paper in a trance. She wanted to see more. It was so real…

"No! Be careful, that's what I did when the thing first came to life." But her words fell of deaf ears. Candace was mesmerized by the amazing picture and she picked it up anyways. Just as it happened earlier that day, the natural light in the room mixed with the subtle shading and the thing gained it's real shadow birthing it into their world. The mass of it tugged and rolled off the paper.

Both girls stood frozen watching it. The drawn grub took up most of the page and the real one's size was menacing. It rolled free of the paper it hit the desk, shaking a nearby lamp making the light shudder. Both girls let out high screams like they were five again. Kelly spun and ran back at the door, while Candace backed away and tripped over the chair. She landed in on her back splayed out and peering up at the desk fighting what she just saw. Kelly's heart jumped when she saw the neatly shaven pubic hair again. Why the hell hadn't she put any underwear on!

"GET AWAY!" Kelly screamed.

Candace sat propped up by her hands and feet looking up and amazed. In a trace she sat forward trying to see the thing again. Like an injured snake the huge grub writhed wildly off the desk and its plump weight bounced off the carpet without stopping the savage flopping. It nosed its way between Candace's spread legs. Her dog Buster loyally stood beside her barking savagely. He wasn’t mesmerized at all.

Kelly saw a dark smile touch Candace's lips. The smile had the same feeling as when the grub appeared in her mind. Candace betrayed her own mind and threw her head back slinging long blond hair into the air and pulled her knees up and wide. She was inviting the thing!

Kelly's mind raced, “Why!” Kelly screamed. What if Candace forgot this attack too? The odd colorless grub squirmed with amazing ferocity and speed closer to the open and waiting body.

Finally sure of his responsibilities the dog shot out and snapped his jaws on the fat grub. His teeth sank home splashing a thick white liquid like blood splatter, and he jogged triumphantly out of the room with his prize.

"CANDACE! Are you ok?" Kelly rushed to her side.

"Please, oh god, please I want it!" Both of her hands met at her crotch where she worked. Candace had been increasingly horney, and inexplicably so all day. The creature learned her body from the incident in the bathroom and its power lingered in her mind like an oily black splotch. It seemed to have accessed to her nerve endings and she had felt more sensitive and receptive since the attack. She had felt its fire, and been left wanting. In her last class that day Candace had nearly brought herself to orgasm by squirming in her seat. She had forgot the attack but stayed in a lust filled aura ever since. Slowly it was leaving her until she saw it again tonight. She lay arching her back on the floor again in pure desire. Her insides ached feeling empty and itching. Her hands were a blur of speed, one stabbing herself with fingers and the other rubbing her tiny swollen clitty.

"CANDACE WAKE UP," Kelly leaned down and slapped her new friend, frantically afraid. Slowly she came around smiling showing she was fine, maybe a little too good. Kelly remembered the web cam. "Come on, quit that! And let’s look at the video." Candace looked up and acknowledged the words, but didn't stop rubbing herself. Kelly tried to ignore her and turned to the computer. Candace joined moments later after some loud noise standing on weak legs as the waves of pleasure dissipated and finally ended.

They watched the video together, speechless... After it rolled off the desk the video was useless but it had gotten a great shot on the desk. You could clearly see the paper lifted then magically the huge worm flopped on the desk for a second before flying to the floor. It was good but not good enough.

A long quiet passed after it was over; neither girl knew what to say until Candace took a breath, "Where did Buster take it? I can’t sleep until I know that thing dead."

"We should be able to follow this," Kelly motioned to the white splattering of goo leading out.

"We... I better clean up too," Candace handed over some paper towels.

"You better worry about you first. I'm following the trail. This must be its blood or whatever It has for blood. Does your dog have a way outside or does he stay inside?" Candace looked at her confused, hit with another wave spreading though her thighs. She had always found Kelly kinda cute in class. She was so quiet and meek, it was like some aura followed her and no matter what Kelly was just so darn cute. Candace couldn't explain it, but she felt a new drip of her wetness roll down her thigh and she tuned away without a word.

Kelly rolled her eyes and turned to follow the trail though the extravagant house. The hardwood would be easy to clean, but the carpet in the bedroom and stairs was ruined if the stuff had any staining qualities. She shook her head, of all things why would white stain the hard to get out of white carpet? Kelly called to her friend when trail lead out a small dog door.

Candace composed herself and came out to the top of the stairs, "Come-on lets just clean up. I think Buster had that thing pretty good." It didn't take long before they stood looking down at her floor near the desk wondering how to get this stuff out, "Say, do you want to stay the night?" Candace crouched down enjoying the shiver as the air kissed her glistening privates. She felt naughty and couldn't deny it any longer; she wanted Kelly.

"I'd love to! We've got alot to talk about too. I don't suppose you have any ideas for what I'm gong to do in Mrs. Francis's class?" They both laugh uneasily and tried to get all the liquid paper up.

Candace looked over, "You mean tomorrow, or for the rest of the year, because I was thinking about having her wacked off!"

Kelly chuckled and her dimples made her smile irresistible, "I think you've been watching too many mafia movies, and it's just whacked, not..."

Tom Chambers pulled into the drive and slammed the van's door angrily getting out to open the broken garage. They both got quiet. "I guess I'll ask my dad and see if you can stay the night first." Her eyes downcast, she knew how her father didn't like guests on a school night. She knew she would have to play let's make a deal with him.

"Let me ask!" Kelly perked up, "I talked to him before I came over, and I think he likes me!" Candace gave her a skeptical look. "Quick, just put on some good music, George Winston music! He'll walk by and hear that and I'll guarantee he'll let me stay!" Hearing the first piano strokes of some classical crap Candace rolled her eyes but understood the plan.

"Let’s change into pajamas that always helps, let me get you some," Candace rummaged though a big dresser that stood almost as tall as Kelly.

"I guess I should tell you... I kinda took a one way trip here and already packed." Kelly didn't want to look like a creep. "I figured we'd make friends or I would walk home, I hope you don't mind." She started pulling an oversized shirt out of her bag. Candace just smiled, which made her feel better. She had been pretty far out on a limb today and that little smile made her feel more secure than she had felt in a long time.

They changed; Kelly had her blue fleece bear bottoms and one of her dad's old t-shirts. It had a giant yellow 90's smiley face with a wink on it. It was the last shirt saw her dad in before the wreck; when she got home it was on top of the dirty laundry. He used to wear it once in a blue moon to work or around the house. She remembered his face, always so serious. Another book quote, her life felt guided by book quotes at times, "Remember the face of your father." He wore the shirt to show people he was still human. After a few years it became legendary. Kelly kept the shirt close for a while because it still smelled like him, then it just became a part of her. Candace hopped into some matching pink "HelloKitty" PJ's.

"What are you so happy about?" Candace noticed the shirt.

"It's one of my Dad's," she said slowly understanding how silly the shirt looked. It was old now, and had been washed so many times. The green cotton was faded and thin, the yellow of the smiley face was cracking and chipping, and the spandex neck had long given up and hung in a large oval looped around a bare shoulder. "I guess it is kinda ridiculous."

"I love it," Candace said with an honest smile. She bought pre-faded designer jeans from the store all the time, and here was the real McCoy. Not only that, but her dad would love it too. "I guess we better go ask if you can stay."

Candace's father saw the little girl in the oversized t-shirt's coming down the stairs immediately. Her tiny pert breasts pointed the way and Tom was mesmerized by the ghostly tracing of her nipples underneath. The shirt was even winking at him! He simply couldn't resist letting this cute girl sleep over, even though it was a school night. He couldn't stop staring at the small thin figure and tight defined butt that must behind the teddy bear pajamas as the girls jogged back upstairs. Tom was left in an afterglow of curiosity about his daughter’s new friend.

The two girls tried to search for related stuff on the internet, but google failed to find anything similar. The closest they got was a bunch of crazy paranormal stuff about spirits and the even further fetched demon and possession stories. First these people were obviously crazy, but there were alot of crazy people banding together around these subjects, and second if the girls told their story they would be counted among the crazies too. One hit looked promising by David Icke, but after a few seconds of a video his big words and accent were soporific. Thirdly, well... their story was crazy, so the crazy they had to give this stuff at second glance and it didn't look so crazy after all. None of them had any real proof but neither did the nutjobs, but they could make surely make it!

"Come on, I want to show you something. And I want to get out of the house." Candace said after about three ghost stories.

As Kelly continued to read she went on complaining until Kelly gave up, "Yeah, I love summer nights, why not?"

"Ok, you’re going to love it! Looking at your shirt has made me think of this all night! Put some shoes on and let's go, don't worry your PJ's are fine." She led Kelly out the back sliding glass door, over the deck, and into the houses rather modest back yard.

"My back yard looks alot like yours, but without the hedges. I've got a creek!"

Candace looked over her shoulder, "Ignore the back yard, and follow me." Candace took her hand and continued so fast it was almost a run. She didn't want her Dad to see her going. She lead right though a small space in the hedge, it was Busters path. They hunched over and pushed though the trying branches. The far side opened into a huge grassy field that was almost dead flat. "Come-on," she pleaded and tugged at Kelly's hesitating hand. She led right out to the middle where they both laid back on the short grass and looked up at the clear night sky.

"Wow, you were right this is awesome. But what does this have to do with my shirt?" Kelly dropped her gaze and looked down at her chest. She thought, perhaps should have worn a bra. The thin cotton lay along every curve of her small breasts and nipples giving her a chill. She really hoped they were in private and glanced at the edge of the field where the main road was plainly in view. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"The people that own this property got into a dispute with the developers of the planned neighborhood. The developers wanted to buy this from the old couple, but they refused. So it eventually went court where they tried to forcefully take it, but old couple had deep roots in the town courthouse and pulled a few strings. The development got in some big trouble over some bad permits and got sued. Eventually they dropped it. So that old couple keep this field nice open and clean just to taunt the developers."

"That's pretty harsh, they don't mind us do they?" still glancing around trying to peer into the darkness.

"Oh, no not at all. But the best part is they old man used grow hay each year, but since he got such a big payoff he keeps the field mowed close, except for a huge smiley face that stretches from side to side!"

"No way! That's awesome! I want to meet these people now." The girls laughed hysterically melting away stresses and worrisome events.

"Not too many people know that little story. Since I've lived here I've been sneaking out though the hedges. I met the old man once, and he showed me a tire swing closer to his house."

"That sounds like a lot of fun, but I hate to be a buzz kill but we kind of need to talk about a few things."

"What more could we talk about? Some demon or damned thing is following you around trying to get us." Candace pouted and looked over at Kelly's concern,”I see how scared you are so I know it's not your fault. I have no freaking clue beyond that, so what else do you want?"

"In your room, you said something I want to know about."

"What? I don't remember except for what I saw on the video." Candace really didn't want to get into this right now.

"I know, I'm just trying to figure this thing out. You said you wanted it, and you even opened up for it. The first time you were screaming in fear and pain, and then you asked for it?"

"I just told you I don't know, I don't remember!" It was obvious Candace was hiding something; her answers were too short and simple.

"Ok, you said you were feeling different when I first showed up today. You said you had been feeling odd ever since the attack this morning; how?"

"You don't miss much do you?"

"Not a word, and I know your hiding something, so be honest. This is serious! If you don't tell me the truth, we might not be able to figure out what's going on or how to stop it."

"I don't see how

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PLAYING IN A DRAFT By Persephone © 1/12/2003, Persephone This is a work of fiction. That stuff that isn't real, you know, like it has never happened and probably never will, but is still fun to read. You know, like magic, science that doesn't exist, medical procedures that would never produce the results as written and so on. Please don't comment about how the things I write would never work or never happen. Of course they won't. It's fiction, duh! This is the story of a...

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SRU Lovers Knot First Draft

Some time ago, Raven and I collaborated on an SRU story called Lovers (K)Not, which is unfortunately incomplete at this time. Raven created the story idea, basic plot and the main characters, and then asked me to write a rough draft based on the information that he gave me. After I completed the rough draft, I sent it to him, where he polished it up and added quite a bit more detail as well as his own touches. Raven posted each chapter to Fictionmania after he'd finished his...

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The Draft

The Draft by Michelle Lurker (c) 1995 PART ONE The Turboway stopped abruptly, snapping Paul Mathhews out of his daze. Around the car the other passengers seemed unfazed, though slightly annoyed. This was becoming yet another one of the daily trials of living in the city... along with crime, pollution, and indifference, unscheduled stops of the Turboway were now commonplace. Paul looked out the window, but could see only darkness, and his own...

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My Bucket List CH1

Chapter 1 The worst day of my life! Sitting in this small neighborhood bar sipping on my second rum and coke in the back booth. I start to look around seeing a hand full of people drinking various drinks, beer, wine and my favorite rum and coke. Seeing the waitress coming who just place my second one down is young maybe 23, 5’2” nice face but a little heavy on the ass side. The bar tender female dyke type with black leather vest, dark skin shaved head and nice pair of tits 34c. The place...

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Photo fun ch1 and 2

One evening while we were closing up, Ashley told me that she has a friend that wants to be a model. She asked me if I would be willing to take some glamour shots of her. I of course said I would be happy to and didn’t give it too much thought. “I will text her and see when is best for her. Her name is Jill by the way.” Ashley said somewhat excited that I had agreed. I had pretty much forgotten about our earlier conversation until Saturday evening about an hour before closing. The last...

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Leere The Lust Demon Ch1 The Ritual

Marie gazed up at the red coloured moon glowing in the star-lit night sky. “All hail the blood-moon, portent of change and transformation.” She whispered. A gentle breeze softly caressed her skin and played gently with strands of her dark hair. She took a deep breath of the fresh air from the open window and closed her eyes. Everything was just perfect; so beautiful and peaceful. Just as things should be. Just as things would be for ever more. Marie opened her eyes and looked at the the moon...

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Slaves Ch1

The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be! The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called. As he was walked further in, the boy's eyes went to the metal pole sticking out of the floor ever to the side, a cock-shaped part at the end, with shackles on both sides on the floor and hanging from above. His eyes widened further as he then saw the whips hanging from the walls. Lenarta grinned. He truly was...

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My Wife becomes a slut ch1

Me and Sasha have always been into watching porn together when we would be laying in bed about to fuck. It was about four years ago that we decided to try out the cuckold thing we had watched a lot of pron about wife sharing and swinging and Sasha had brought her friend Lisa into the bedroom a few times so it was only fair I let her bring in a guy this time around. So ne and Sasha put an ad online and we had a heap of interest but only a handful were what we were looking for. Sasha is a very...

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The book of may ch121

He’s been watching her for a few months now. Methodically learning all of her behaviors and habits. On May's first day working in the big corporate office she went completely unnoticed, and that's exactly why he noticed her. By the third day he had her figured out, the quiet and regimented type. He'd watch her from his office at the end of the hall every day, and everyday it was the same. May would arrive at her desk by 8:45 showing up earlier then the rest of her colleagues in the sea of...

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The naughty list Ch1

But he was cute, I was bored, and what harm could come from answering a short survey? I was only at the mall because the weather had been crappy all week, and I was getting claustrophobic in my apartment with my roommate and her boyfriend making out like a pair of spring rabbits in heat. I'd tried to remind them that it was Christmas time, not Easter, but Jolie had been too busy giggling and screeching while Dirk chased her back into her bedroom. The slamming of her door was the jolt I'd...

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My GFs Sisters Road to Debauchery Ch1 The Arrival

My jaw dropped when I saw two girls, in their high school uniforms (which were obviously too small for them) walked out of the arrival gate. I vaguely recognised Lexa. She is half Anglo-Saxon and Asian, with long dark hair and a big brown eyes. What I didn't recognised about her was her long legs and breasts that were bursting out of her tight top. Her breasts are probably a solid C cup but her push up bra and slim waist makes them look very impressive. I can't believe she grew so much in 3...

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Fluid Freefall CH1 Chemistry

I wake up to her slamming my apartment door, the wrrring sound of the blender dampened by the walls. Not the first time I woke up today. A few hours earlier, I awoke to my painful erection lodged tightly between her clothed asscheeks. The barest light of dawn shone through the curtains. Spooning her though the night, I'm surprised I didn't dry-hump rape her in my sleep. Now that I'm awake, the sweet smell of her hair, and her picturesque doll face only worsen the situation. I got up and...

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Goblins Rise Ch1

I have never been prone to blackouts, and anyway the time on my phone was what I would have expected. I wasn't getting any signal though. Not even GPS. All there was, was the chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects. I started walking. I've read enough fantasy novels to know when I have been pulled into an alternate world. I'm probably the chosen one or some tripe. I'm likely to run across a wizened old man any moment. Either way I will die out in the wilderness. I have no survival...

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Growing Up CH1

First I'll explain myself. It was one more year ‘till I got my learner’s permit. I was a freshman, not masculine, slim arms and hips, narrow shoulders. I grew long dark brown hair that I kept hidden mostly under a cap or a beanie and sometimes in a ponytail so nobody really noticed how long it was. Brown eyes. I was pale, long legs, a few inches over 5 feet, fresh white skin with ruddy cheeks, (the zit demon had skipped me over). Hairless arms and nearly hairless legs, just a very light...

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Quarantine Madness Ch1 2

Chapter 1.My name is Heather, which if you are a child of the eighties is about as cliché as you can get. I am not your blonde bimbo type though. I am a business owner who has done fairly well for myself. I guess if appearances are all that important I would describe myself as average. I am not really athletic nor am I particularly big. I have a bit of a belly that I have had since my pregnancy with William. I am in no way interested in becoming a gym junky to try and lose it either. I consider...

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Puritan Whores Ch1

Right now though I sit in front of my computer. One of the few things not yet packed for the move. I have a box of tissues and a bottle of lotion nearby. On the screen two women were humiliated and abused. I loved that kind of rough porn. Women being violated. The illusion of it anyway. I wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone in real life. Not without consent. The video was a parody of a popular fantasy show. The two women, one mature the other barely out of her teens, had their hands...

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Roommate Shift Ch1

A second year college student, the shorter Cynthia ran the tips of her fingers up the bare arms of the older woman from behind. Pressing her body close, and breathing in the taller Asian woman’s scent. A shiver runs through Estley’s body as Cynthia kisses her neck from behind. She delighted in the feel of the shorter girl’s soft double-D breasts pressing into her back. She could feel the lace of Cynthia’s bra through her own silk blouse. Kisses turn to nibbles as the six foot Asian woman...

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Juvenile Ch1 A Rare Occurence

"Good morning Jordan" She replied, in an obviously annoyed way. After all this was the most disruptive student in her maths class. He had an athletic body with a tanned dark white skin, which complemented his blonde gelled hair. "Sup Joules" he said, throwing his bag underneath the desk and getting his things out. "Quiet class, I need to do the register" the teacher sighed. As she began calling out names everyone started chatting as usual and it took twice as long. "Now today...

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The Anonymous The Curious ch1

"I'm sorry sweetie. I haven't been able to concentrate much lately." "Sounds like you need to get laid," she quipped. "Mmmph," was all I could say to verbalize my agreement. My wife was an amazing woman. She had the smarts, the sense of humor, the endless kindness; all of it. In fact, the only part of our relationship that wasn't enviable was our sex life. We had our daughter in our thirties. While this afforded us a better financial situation and greater patience than we...

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The Song Bird CH1

The day had been tiring and my mind was pleasantly contemplating a cup of tea, a shower and an evening meal as I drove the last few miles to the hotel. My usual hotel could not accommodate me on this trip so perforce I had to book another, slightly more expensive hotel. I drove a lot in my work, covering some thirty-five to forty thousand miles a year; and had done so for the last fifteen years without accident. Therefore, without boasting too much I considered myself a reasonably good...

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How to train your fratboy Ch1

He had aaaall night. Brad ran his thumb over the girl's chin, and down her neck, scratching her roughly with his thumbnail, using pain to keep her from passing out entirely, encountering the starched collar of her shirt. He pushed the button through the hole and her collar eagerly popped open for him. "uhhh no... please" the cunt muttered, a tear escaping the corner of her eye. His hard-on raged at the sight of it. "mmmm" he purred. "I love it when they cry". The second button...

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meatlocker ch1

and I could see you looking at my cock. It is not spectacularly long, about seven and a half inches, but it is VERY thick, around three and a half inches, which means that wherever I stick it when hard has to stretch out to a circumference of nearly eleven inches. You have that look of nervous excitement that I look for in new meat to train, so I turn towards you and show you my cock in its fullness. ...

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Ch12 Honey Caught with Pool Guy

Chapter 1 – Honey gets six weeks worth of cum in a day My boyfriend, Paul has been away for six weeks, consulting on an oil platform off the coast of Africa so I’m happy to get his e-mail instructing me to pick him up at Tampa International Airport this afternoon at 1400 hours. It’s not that he expects me to be celibate while he’s away, nor have I been, but I know that when he arrives, his big dangling ball sack will be pre-loaded with about a quart of cum under pressure, his amazing,...

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Bec Sarah Get Revenge CH1

Characters: Bec: 8 year old female, 140cm tall, 50kgs, mid back length blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, no breasts at the start of this story. Joe: Jane's 15 year old brother, 155cm tall, 65kgs, short brown hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, 14cm cock. Rob: Jane and Joe's Father, 45 years old, 180cm tall, 85kgs, short blonde hair, blue eyes, 16cm cock. Jane: Rob's Wife, 42 years old, 160cm tall, 60kgs, mid back length blond hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, 12DD breasts. Sarah: 8...

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Me and mom Under the covers In the cold Ch1 Rewritten

and that is okay, for it was written months ago and I've learned much since then. This is a rewrite of my first one, including many spelling/grammar errors. After months of reading countless stories, studying writing structure and reading feedback from others Without furteradue I give you Me and mom, Under the covers, In the cold (REWRITTEN) (completely fictional, just a fantasy of mine, all names have been changed) Any similarities are 100% fictional. The night was...

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The Invisible Man Ch1

Eric felt nothing when she looked at him, nothing when she looked through him and nothing when she looked right past him. There was a time when such a manifestation of his insignificance would cause sadness and frustration to well up within him. He felt such emotions no longer, that empty space inside him had long turned cold and indifferent. As she approached the front door, the woman reached inside her handbag for her keys and made to unlock the door. The breeze ruffled her long blond...

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Broken Bliss Ch1

Blowjob, Erotica, Incest, Male/Female Teens, Masturbation, Older Female/Males, Reluctance. I apologize for any confusion this may cause, but if you don't like any of those themes, turn back now. Otherwise, please enjoy. ===================================== I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of...

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Angie and Sara Ch1 Summer

And without further ado and lecturing here it is *Warning there is no sex in this chapter... it will not be implemented until later in the story* Sara and Angie Ch. 1 Summer It was a cool summer day, worries of school and homework all drifted away on the coastal breeze. It was the sudden clicking of buttons that stirred Sara from her sleep. Angie was texting away again as usual. "Don't you ever take a break from that thing?" Sara asked looking from Angie's phone to the open...

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Beastly passion ch1

Dallas, Texas….Date –Today (opening) Hungry, Ivory, teeth watches her with coal black eyes. Her trek from work to home always has its perils. Gang members, robbers and rapists prowl these late night streets. But tonight only he stirs. No hookers on the streets on a night like tonight. They all believe in what she is about to know first hand. Its not just an urban legend it is reality. He moves with silence and determination. He can smell her. Not her 200 dollar bottle of perfume, but her....

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Dementia Ch1 Romance Turned in on Itself

Disclaimer: If you are reading this it is already too late. You are a sexual deviant. Your sister will walk in on you while you are reading this and you will be so embarrassed that she will stop masturbating. No, wait the other way around. You will walk in as she is reading this and you will start mast-. No, I know this one. She will walk in on you and start masturbating you till you get embarrassed. Not that this has ever happened to me. My sister is a saint! MC, V, Snuff, Tort, D/s,...

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Tattia the Transformatrix Ch1

Tattia was an anxious girl. She kept having fantasies about other women. She found other women attractive, but these fantasies were violent. She dreamed about doing terrible things to other women. This in and of itself was not all that disturbing. What she found most odd was that when she had these dreams she was in other bodies. It was almost as though she were searching for a form to take in order to do what she desired. In her bed Tattia tossed and turned. She was wearing a short silky...

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Mommys Help ch1

What a great turn out for a Friday night. I been on my third date with Clair, A very cute girl I met while working in my dads restaurant as a waiter. She is the all American girl, Fair skin, Blonde hair and a solid little body. This turned out to be a pleasant change, from my usual type, High maintenance Italian girls with Gucci bags and tons of jewelry on! This seems like a good time to introduce myself, my name is Philip, but everyone calls me Phil. I am a 23 year old student, but I...

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Living A Fantasy Ch1

Love and Kisses, Cathy Cook ---------------------------------------------------------- Jenny regained consciousness not knowing how she had gotten where she was. Her brain wasn’t working right but she was aware enough to know something was wrong. The fact that she was neither frightened nor nervous told her that she was drugged. This conclusion changed nothing. A few minutes later she began hearing a quiet buzzing. Curiosity about the noise caused her to look down between her tits...

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Jennifers Sexual Awakening Ch1 Close Encounter

1.1 Wakeup Call When Jennifer Thomas woke up that morning, she was sure something big was going to happen that day, something important. She pottered around for a couple of hours and completed all her coursework. Her particular Degree had an extremely heavy load in terms of coursework so could it be that getting it all done was the big thing that was going to happen? No, it was something else. It was a blisteringly hot day and the scorching sun fell directly on her because her desk was...

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My little latina ch1

This is the second story I publish on the web. All comments are welcome but if any of the categories named don’t fit your taste then please don’t read it. If you read it anyway then don’t criticize me for writing about the things you dislike. Since English is neither my first nor second language all spelling and grammar corrections are more than gratefully accepted. I read the story “Camp” a couple of years back and since then the idea of psionics has intrigued me... Enjoy J....

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Babygirl Ch1

With my face buried in the pillow, muffling my voice as I scream, “I… ‘mmm… ccuuummmmiiinngg… Aaaahhhh.” A shattering shutter racks my body as I gush out my slightly viscous nectar into the fluffy towel waiting beneath me. Since the first time I came in my bed and had everyone except my sister, who knew the truth, thinking I had accidentally wet my bed in my sleep, a towel has been a part of my bedding. Like an earthquake with after shocks, the powerful orgasm gave way to ever...

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Angels Birthday tourture Ch1

Kary stood back and admired her handy work. Her personal pleasure slave was chained naked to the wall. Fresh blood fell from the new cuts on his chest. The blood flowed from the word “Angel” carved into his skin. In parts of the cuts the blood was smeared on his chest as well as Kary’s lips. The boy was moaning and groaning over the pleasure of the pain he received, begging for more threw the tight gag around his lips. She was giving him his 18th birthday present. From the moment...

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Archie Andrews gets Laid ch1

“Archie, chill. Midge loves it.” “But, she’s Moose’s girl!” Archie stopped and turned to Reggie on the sidewalk and said, “do you wanna get pummeled? If Moose caught you two together, what do you think he’d do? You’d get punched straight up to the moon!” Archie Andrews had walked in on his good friend Reggie Mantle and their classmate Midge Klump hooking up behind Pop’s the day before. Archie knew he had to confront Reggie about it. “Archie, you'd...

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Cathy Cook Bio Ch1 Keith

People keep asking me the question if I am the Cathy Cook that Keith, the author of the Surfside series, was writing about. I think of "Letter to readers" as a love letter to me personally that we wanted to share with our readers. Also I was the author of the two comments at the bottom, numbers 6 and 11, that have my name attached. This was not a hack by someone like Keith to make me, the character in the story, look real. I think we both love each other though our romance has more...

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The Accidental Fuck CH1

The Accidental Fuck Chapter 1 I work nights four times a week at a call centre start at 9pm finish at 7 in the morning normally get home about 7.30 the straight to bed. And today was no different I unlock the half ton of locks on the front door, dump my coat and bag some were near the front door and work my way up to the attic to my bed. Wile undressing say the customary morning love and in return I get the customary grunts from under the sheets. Slipping in beside her naked scoot across...

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How we became depraved ch1

It was quite clear from very early in our relationship that my wife and I were never going to remain faithful to one another, Dont get me wrong we love each other to pieces but we just love fucking too much and I had weakness for younger girls. Claire and I cheated on each other lots of times while we were dating but managed to keep it a secret until I caught her swallowing cock in the gents toilets of a bar we were drinking in one evening, I later found out that the more risky the sex the more...

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The fy Sucks A Lot ch1

Chapter 1 Tess pulled her mouth off her b*****r’s pulsing cock. ‘Mmmm, God,’ she grinned. ‘Is that good!’ ‘Just hurry up,’ Jeff panted. He clutched the back of her head and pressed it closer to his glistening prick. He swiveled his hips upward, trying to f***e his cock back into her mouth. Tess swung her head to fling blonde hair out of her face. ‘Just hold your horses!’ she gasped. ‘I’m doing the best I can!’ She opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the bulbous prickhead. Jeff...

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The Alchemists Path Ch1

This is my first story. I hope you enjoy. (in no way is any of this true.) A lone professor scribbled mixed notes and complex formulas on a chalk board. A child outside yelled about today’s news and what it entailed, which he cared little for. In the professor’s line of work politics and history mattered little. Only numbers and theories, some mixed idea that something else could be discovered just a throw stone away. And with so many scientists throwing stones, someone has to break glass at...

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Beastly passion ch1

Introduction: Werewolfs beastly passion and animal lust Ok, I have never wrote before, all constructive criticism is very welcome just dont ass rape me with it. I chose Werewolves because of the sheer carnal passion I associate with the myth. This is just the opening and first chapter. If I get positive feed back on it I will keep writing. Thanks everyone Dallas, Texas&hellip,.Date Today (opening) Hungry, Ivory, teeth watches her with coal black eyes. Her trek from work to home always has its...

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Trucker Tails Ch1 What the Hell is a Lot Lizard

Not that I have a girl in every port but, as a long-haul truck driver, I have met a few ladies over the years that I have the pleasure to visit once in a while when I pass through their towns. Suzy is one of these ladies. She lives in Albuquerque and I met her at a bar a couple of months ago when I had to layover one night waiting to deliver my load the next day. There’s a bar across the street from the truck stop where I parked for the night. I went in just to have a couple of beers to wind...

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Home Schooling Ch1 Bad Date Leads To A Rev

My name is Betty and I am a proud Mother of a hansom boy and a pretty girl. They were born only a year and a half apart. My husband was an army office killed in Iraq three years ago. Between my job, insurance and some help from my parents we are scr****g by. When my husband was alive we enjoyed a vigorous sex life. At the time we thought we were adventurous with various roll play. Like I would wear a cheer leader’s uniform and we would eventually making out in the back seat of our car or after...

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Natasha Ch1

Natasha, age thirty, was born and raised on a farm in Nebraska. Today, she still resides near there with her husband Robert. Her five foot five figure isn’t the thin model type, but slightly heavier with the curves in all the right places. With a full firm breasts and large pink nipples that stand out an inch, when aroused, a slight puffy stomach, wide hips, and a pussy with thick blonde hair, large lips, and a big clit. When you look into her face you’ll see her flawless ivory colored...

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Rachel And Roxanne Ch1

Day 1, Sunday, April 21. Dear diary, Alice is a bitch. She's a cunt, a dick, a heel, and a shitty friend. And I'm talking Judas Iscariot level bad friend. Here's what happened: Since we live in different parts of the country, we agreed to meet on board. After all the hassle of travel and the security screening, I made my way down to our cabin. It's small, with twin beds and a tiny, cramped, bathroom, although with a shower. There's no window since we booked as cheaply as possible. After all, we...

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