A Woman In Full: Sharon's Journey Continues; Part V - Triage free porn video

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A Woman In Full: Sharon's Journey Continues Part V - Triage Jocelyn sat back, her neck sore from the constant turning, reaching and sorting. Hundreds of e-mails, and nothing about the transaction, other than the usual garden-variety accounting memos. The good news, she thought, was that there was also nothing to suggest anything sinister. Keep going, she thought. It was Sharon who had been so suspicious after the dinner. Not immediately after, when all she could recall were the intensely personal way in which Darla and Brad had been with them; but later, when other realities began to assert themselves in the mind. The discussion with Jack Mumford had started Sharon thinking more critically, and then she had come to her conclusions following the tea with Darla. They knew about Sharon's past. That was the main thing Sharon took away from the tea. That, and an apparent friendship with Justine Platt. Justine's husband's firm was on retainer to Jocelyn's company. Rumor had it that Justine made sure she knew everything of note that her husband knew about what went on with his biggest clients, and whatever she didn't learn in his bed, she learned in others. "Wait a minute," she said aloud. She went back through her written list of e-mails. She was certain that there had been some mention of HH&P somewhere. It hadn't been transaction-specific. In fact, she was pretty sure it hadn't been from Brad. But the more she thought about it, the more certain she was that it was there somewhere. She pored over the lists, but found nothing. Maybe her notation hadn't mentioned the firm. She went back over them again. Something about legal expenses? Yes, that was it. She had been copied, something to the corporate controller. "Maybe I should let it go until tomorrow." No, that wouldn't do. One had to follow these leads when one thought of them, or else the connection, the vital thread, was lost. She suddenly wished Sharon was there, because here was something she could ask her to help with. She stopped. She was suddenly gripped by an intense desire to hold Sharon, to kiss her, to tell her how much she loved her. I don't do that enough, she thought. She reminded herself of the wild lovemaking from earlier in the week and decided they didn't do that often enough, either. She laid the thought aside and went back to work. She pored over page after page. Then she found it. It was an e-mail from the legal department to Kate DeVries. The sight of the name pulled her up short. It had been Kate who had befriended her shortly after she'd been hired. She'd come on to Jocelyn, and had suggested the weekend in San Juan that had begun the worst episode of her life - when she thought she'd lost Sharon. She shoved the thought aside. Kate had been dispatched. "The April 9th bill from HH&B for $8,500,000 should not have been charged to general legal," the e-mail read. "Transaction 0001358 was a derivative transaction and should have been charged to..." "Useless, as usual," she sighed. She placed it back in the file folder for April. She kept digging. There were several more e-mails to and from Kate. She read each one carefully. There was one from Kate to her. It was dated the day they had decided to go to San Juan. "Hmmm," she said aloud. "That's funny. We were both in Charlotte that day." The Victorian clock on the mantel chimed the half hour. "Huh?" Jocelyn said aloud. Was that 2:30? Sharon should have been home by now. She picked up the phone and dialed Sharon's cell. It went right to voice- mail. "Shit, she could have walked home by now." Well, there was no way she'd have wanted Sharon to do that. Still, it wasn't like Sharon to let her cell battery run low. Maybe she'd been trying to call. She tried again. Again, it went right to voice-mail. A sense of fear began to grow in the pit of her stomach. Suddenly, the papers strewn on the table held no interest for her. She packed everything up neatly, in order, but without regard for why she had been looking at them. She needed to stay calm, to distract herself from the terror growing in her heart. She put everything back in the folders, just the way she'd brought them home. She'd get back to them later, or tomorrow, or Monday, whenever she knew that Sharon... The phone was right there, and she picked it up and dialed Sharon's cell, slowly and carefully. "Hi, you've reached Sharon. I can't take..." End call. Redial. "Hi, you've reached Sharon..." End call. Redial. "Hi, you've..." "No..." she gasped. "Please..." End call. Redial. The front doorbell rang. Jocelyn dropped the phone and ran to the apartment door, rushed into the hall and peered out the peep-hole. A homeless guy? That's what it looked like. He wasn't big, or menacing, but even in the poor light, she could see he had a scraggly beard and scruffy clothes. She turned the outside light on. He was cradling a woman in his arms. Her hair was the same as Sharon's. "Shit!!" She fumbled with the lock and got the door open. "Jocelyn?" the homeless guy asked. "Who are you? What happened? Is she all right?" It was then she saw the blood, spattered on his shirt, some on his face. "What have you done to her?!" "He saved my life," Sharon croaked. "His name is Bart. He's my friend." Jocelyn waved him in, and took Sharon from him as she stepped unsteadily inside. Together they guided her into the apartment. Her dress was torn, the skirt almost completely torn away, and her pantyhose was hanging down on one side. One shoe was missing. Once inside, they got her to the couch. "What happened?" "I was on 20th Street," Bart said, "over by Broadway. Dead quiet, you know? Heard...heels. Woman walking. I started following, you know, other side of the street. Didn't wanna freak her out. Quiet night, bad things happen on the street." "Sharon said you and she are friends?" Bart nodded. "Kinda. She helps me out sometimes. Nice lady. Real nice. Best, know what I'm sayin'?" "So why were you following her on the other side of the street?" "Didn't know it was her at first. But I knew she was scared, 'cause she started walking faster. Could hear the heels. "Then it stopped. Just...stopped. So I thought, well, maybe she lives on the block and she got to her place. But I kept walking. Don't know why. Just did." Jocelyn waited, then gestured for him to continue. "Then I heard a scream. Started running. Motherfucker was trying to rape her. Tore her dress, had his hands all over her. Piece of sheetmetal was lying in the street, guess somebody went to throw it in the dumpster - construction site, y'know? I picked it up...hit him in the neck. Big black guy. I told her to run, but she just laid down on the ground. Out cold. "But I musta cut an artery. In his neck. Bled like a sonofabitch. He started to come after me, I made him chase me. Back toward Broadway. Nobody around. Could tell he was in bad shape, 'cause he was a big fucker, but he didn't look too good. Kinda staggered. "Half way up the block, he fell down. I let him bleed. "I came back, she was just wakin' up. Musta passed out. Can't say I blame her." He looked at her as if for the first time. "Wait...you're her husband?" She stared back at him. "No offense intended, ma'am. Just that she told me she was married, like a housewife. I just assumed...no offense, really..." "It's all right." A wave of her hand. Jocelyn turned to Sharon. Her eyes were bloodshot, but she seemed all right otherwise. "He started to strangle me," she said. "That's the last thing I remember. Then I was lying on the ground, and Bart helped me up and brought me home." "Did he do anything else?" "Hit me in the head. Nothing else." She hesitated, but she couldn't help herself. "Why were you walking? You promised me you wouldn't. You promised!" "I took a cab from the restaurant...said he couldn't get across town...some problem...water main break..." Jocelyn knelt down next to her, fearful she was going to faint. "You okay?" she asked. Sharon nodded and gave a weak smile. "I did take a cab. Honest." "I know. I'm sorry." Jocelyn turned back to Bart. "Thank you." "Ma'am." "Really, I can't thank you enough. Is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?" He smiled. "Just drop somethin' in my cup if you see me on the street." "I think I can do a lot better than that," Jocelyn said. She was stunned when he shook his head. "I explained all that to your...wife. She'll tell you, but don't ask her tonight." Jocelyn walked over to the mantel and picked up her purse. She opened her wallet and took out five 20s. She offered them to Bart. "Five Andrew Jacksons," he mused. "That's somethin'." "It's all I have with me right now," she said. "But I can help you more if you let me." "Make him promise not to spend it on crack," Sharon said. "I hardly think..." Jocelyn started to say, but Sharon cut her off. "Bart, promise me." She sat up, as if to add emphasis. He smiled. "I promise," he said. "Good. Now, I guess we have to report this to the police, and..." "Ma'am, I'd really rather you didn't do that." Jocelyn stared at him questioningly. "No matter what happens, can't turn out good for me, know what I'm sayin'? Most likely, I'll be just another psycho homeless guy, and this motherfucker will be the sympathetic victim. And even if Ron Kuby rides to the rescue and gets me off, there'll be...like, loads of nice people who want to set my life straight." "Probably." "Don't want it. I dropped out. I told your wife. I live below the radar. Wanna stay there." "Let him go, Jocelyn," Sharon said. "I don't want the police involved, either." "Why ever not?" Sharon shook her head. "Later." "I think she's pretty wasted," Bart said. "Don't let her sleep for a couple hours. Just in case." Jocelyn nodded. "Thanks for the Jacksons. I gotta run an errand." Twenty minutes later, Sharon was lying in a hot bath of her favorite lilac scent. Her head had stopped throbbing, and her voice had returned to normal, just a hint of huskiness to it. She had explained to Jocelyn all that Bart had told her. "I left a message with Dr. Hadley's service," Jocelyn said. "I'm hoping she'll see you tomorrow." "You want me to be checked out by my endocrinologist?" Sharon asked. "A medical doctor who showed enormous sensitivity to your particular issues, and who will understand why you don't want this to be reported to the police. I think she understands you better than anyone on the face of the earth except possibly for me." Sharon reached up and took Jocelyn's hand. "Thanks." Jocelyn turned to go back to their bedroom, but Sharon added, "Although, the reason I don't want to report this has nothing to do with me. Not in the end." Jocelyn came back into the bathroom. "I can't get past the fact that Darla Holloran knew about my past - any part of it. Or that she let me know that she knew." "I've been thinking about that. You said she was drinking; it may have been a slip." Jocelyn sat down on the toilet seat cover. Sharon shook her head. "After seeing that group, how she worked it, I don't put anything past her. She may not like the job she's doing, but she's still doing it, and she'll keep right on with it. The religious values crap is all a sham. "In any event, I don't want to give them any more ammunition than they may already have." "What about your attacker?" "Bart thinks he killed him. He's been on the streets long enough to know." By the time Sharon and Jocelyn got into bed, it was starting to get lighter outside. Three blocks away, police were discovering the body of a man who appeared to have suffered a fatal cut to the carotid artery at one of the local construction sites. Later that morning, an officer would see that the dead man, identified as one Lawrence Brock, matched the description of a suspect wanted in connection with a series of murderous sexual assaults on women in Manhattan, two of which had occurred around the Flatiron District. At about the same time, a lone figure stood at the back end of a gas station on the East River at 23rd Street, having just tossed a piece of scrap sheet metal into the river. He took another look around, making sure no one was there to see. Satisfied that he was completely alone and unobserved, he tossed another object into the river - a black patent leather pump with a one-and-a-half inch heel, size eight-and-a-half, with a slight spatter of blood on the toe. Sharon slept in the next morning, but Jocelyn was up by ten. She put on a pot of coffee, had a little bit of the cut up cantaloupe that Sharon had bought the day before. She was getting ready to dive back into the detective work she'd begun the night before when she remembered that the Sunday New York Times would be waiting on the front steps. Jocelyn read the Times main section and business section religiously, regardless of work schedule. She decided that today would be no different. Maybe she would even allow herself time to peruse Arts and Leisure. She opened the door to the apartment and saw that one of her tenants had already brought it in when they had gotten their own. She came back inside and pulled it out of the blue plastic sleeve. "SEC INVESTIGATES MID-SIZE NEW YORK FINANCIAL COMPANY" The headline jumped out at her. "ACTION FOLLOWS COMPLAINT BY BOARD MEMBER; CEO ACCUSED OF FRAUD" There was a picture of Brad Holloran next to the article. She sat down and scanned the article. Financial reinsurance contract may not have resulted in actual risk shifting...terms reversed in current year...shifting of liabilities may have affected stock price...questions about CEO's bonus structure...other officers could be targeted. Jocelyn's heart skipped a beat. She went back and re-read the article, slowly and deliberately, not allowing herself to react emotionally. She wasn't mentioned. Okay, that was one good thing. She turned to the business section, where the article was continued and another one served as background. It was this second that caught her eye. "Chief Executive Officer Bradley Holloran has thus far earned rave reviews during his tenure at the company. He is credited with solid financial results as well as having assembled a solid management team. Asked about the investigation, he appeared to be confident that the SEC would in the end be satisfied that there had been no wrongdoing. "'These transactions were thoroughly vetted, internally and externally, both before and after the fact,' Holloran said when questioned by the Times. 'But we will cooperate fully with the SEC to assure that all facts are known.' "Randall Platt, of Holtby, Higgins and Platt, representing Mr. Holloran would say only, 'My client intends to cooperate fully with this investigation.'" The phone rang. Jocelyn saw that the caller was listed as "Private". She answered before it could ring a second time. "Don't panic," Brad said. "I'm not," Jocelyn replied, sounding far more calm than she felt. "Good. This is a fishing expedition of biblical proportions, and we'll make them look like fools in the end. I just got off the phone with Platt. HH&P folks will want to meet with us in the morning." "Us?" "You're CFO, my dear. Of course they want to talk to you." "But I wasn't even working for the company when this deal was done," she said. "No. But you oversaw the financial reporting at year end, and you're CFO now. All you have to do is tell the truth." She felt a little like Eve talking to the serpent. "Oh, I'll do that all right. Is that what HH&P wants with me?" Holloran laughed loudly. "They need to know all they can about this. They need everything, inside out, before, during and after. Besides, you'll probably be kept out of it, but with the SEC, you never really know. If you are targeted, HH&P will be there for you, too. At the company's expense, of course." "That's very generous." "Only if there's any personal wrongdoing on your part would you have to pay your own way. I mean, you couldn't expect to rip off the company and then have the company pay for your defense." Jocelyn agreed. "Besides," he added, "it's better for all concerned if we all speak with one voice. So, eleven in my office?" "See you there." Sharon had come into the dining room shortly after the phone rang. She'd already read both articles. "This is serious," she said. "What did he say?" Jocelyn told her about HH&P acting as her counsel. "What about Jack?" Sharon asked. "I have to ask him." Twenty minutes later, he was sitting at the dining room table with them. Julie was home with the kids. "I knew you'd call," he said. "I read the articles in the Times first thing this morning." Jocelyn updated him on her conversation with Holloran. "I was tempted to ask him how it was that he had time to talk to the Times but not to give me a heads-up, but I figured I'd only get a lie in return." "I spoke with the other senior partners at the firm. I told them that I might be representing one of the other officers at the company. They approved it, and it will be in concert with the firm." Sharon stirred. "I thought you said..." she started. Jack held up a hand. "I know. But this is no longer a board spat. They've called in the SEC. You need all your weapons. I'm sorry to say it will cost you, but I promise to keep it as reasonable as possible. "Jocelyn, the articles did not mention a Wells Notice. Have you received one?" Sharon asked what a Wells Notice was. "It's a notice that the SEC intends to pursue a civil fraud action. It's the point at which corporate officials generally resign their positions." "No, unless they're waiting until tomorrow at the office." Jack shook his head. "No, it would be served personally. That's good. See if you can find out if Holloran's received one. I'm guessing not, or else it would have been in the article. But if he has, that's important to know." Jocelyn told him about her search of records, and how she hadn't found anything, yet, but she was looking. "If you find anything at all that suggests wrongdoing, let me know. Don't sit on it for a second. Ditto if you receive a Wells Notice." Sharon told him about the tea party, meeting Justine Platt and Darla's comment. She felt a chill in the pit of her stomach when Jack asked her to repeat what had happened, as accurately as she could. "You're right," he said after he'd thought it through. "It was no accident that you were invited or that Justine was there." "There's one more thing," Sharon said. She told him about Darla's remark. "You know about...me, my past," she said. He looked distinctly uncomfortable. "Yes. Julie told me, back when you told her." "Of course. I wanted you both to know. So, if Darla knows I'm 'a Queens girl from way back', then she must know..." "Yes. Darla is an amateur at this sort of thing. But it's clear that they are holding that information in case they see Jocelyn go off the reservation." He stopped. "Jack, I want to do whatever is best for Jocelyn. There is no doubt in my mind that they will do whatever they can to protect themselves, including selling her down the river. I'm of no consequence. "They're terrorists. They make people fearful of losing their jobs, their financial security, then they freeze their workers' salaries and gut their pensions in the name of 'austerity', then turn around and give themselves multi-million dollar bonuses. Likewise, they want me to be fearful of being exposed, thus making Jocelyn fearful, and so making her protect them. And when the time is right, they'll just turn around and blame her. "Well, I'm not afraid. And I refuse to allow Jocelyn to be afraid. For better or for worse, that's what we said, and I meant it. "Jack, I want you to do whatever you have to do to clear Jocelyn's name." He laughed. "Those are my orders." There was only one remaining question: Jocelyn wanted to know what she should do about the question of representation. "The first thing you tell them is that you have already retained your own counsel," Jack said. "Don't wait for them to ask. As soon as you get past 'hello', tell them. Give them my name and my firm's. Randall Platt will know, of course." Julie went out to the kitchen to bring in coffee and cake. Sharon followed her to help. She had just come back from putting cake dishes on the dining room table when she realized that Julie had asked her a question and she hadn't heard it. "Hey," Julie said, taking her hand. "Are you okay?" Sharon nodded. "It's probably going to drag on for a while, but Jack says he thinks Jocelyn will be fine." "I know." She tried a brave smile. Julie's frown told her it hadn't worked. "You are definitely not okay." Sharon rallied and told her she was. And when Jocelyn and Jack came into the dining room to join them, talk turned to other things and she was able to move away from the black cloud she felt hovering nearby. Julie kept glancing at her, unconvinced.

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“How much detail can we get with this thing, Chuck?” I asked as we settled into the locked office. “Not sure there is any limit,” he muttered, lighting up a cigarette in violation of about 100 hospital rules. “I had no problem getting High Def quality.” “That real time x-ray was remarkably clear,” Mitch added as he sipped a cup of fresh coffee. “I could tell exactly where the damage began and ended. “That’s what I was hoping for,” the doctor added. “Because this Program treats flesh and...

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Bella continues on her journey Part 2

Part 2 of Bella’s journey of discovery, at the request of her husband Fernando.   If you read part 1 you know that Bella is a beautiful young woman, married, with a husband who would love to have her act out his fantasies of her having sex with other men. It’s finally happened, and now Bella has found that she loves it, loves having sex with her new lover, Rico, but she still loves her husband, Fernando.   In case you’ve forgotten, or haven’t read the first part, Bella is of average height...

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A Woman in Full Sharons Journey Continues Part VIII Actionable

Part VIII - Actionable When Sharon awoke Sunday morning, she saw it was a little after eight - too early for Jocelyn by any standard, and certainly now. She slipped out of bed and padded silently into the bathroom. She closed the door and slipped off her knee-length nighty and panties. She glanced in the full length mirror mounted on the door. She had managed to drop a little more weight, so that her waist was slimmer than ever. Her breasts had filled out a little more over the...

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My Sensual Journey Part One

MY SENSUAL JOURNEY - PART ONE By Katharine Sexkitten The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It's a clich?, but it's true. It's a clich? because it's true. And it's true even if you don't know you're on the journey. My first step was when I was ten years old. Someone gave my mother a pair of boots, for a present. I can't remember if it was her birthday or Christmas. She politely smiled and said thank you, and never wore them. They were a little too risqu? for her...

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A Woman In Full Sharons Journey Continues Part VI Whispers and Shouts

Part VI - Whispers and Shouts Sharon was up early Monday, and so by the time Jocelyn came out, dressed and ready to go, there was a light, healthy breakfast waiting for her. Two places were set, each with half a cantaloupe, a glass of juice, a cup of coffee and whole wheat toast. The New York Times was at Jocelyn's place as well as the Wall Street Journal. "Nothing in the Times and nothing new in the Journal," Sharon said. "Too soon," Jocelyn said. "The Journal will await...

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Journey to EdenChapter 10 Parting and Meeting

“Be careful, there is someone nearby.” Dann’s thought came to those who could hear it, even as he signaled the same message to those who could not. “Aard, look closely at the tree line to your left, at the single dead tree. Do you see anything strange about the bird perched there?” His protégé did as Dann instructed, and abruptly froze in concentration. “It is a decoy! It’s not real!” exclaimed Aard. “And now I see the hunter who waits near it, but I have never seen anyone like this before!”...

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My Journey Continues

Sharon was very attentive when we returned home from the meeting, showing how much she cared. Pastor John had already gone to bed and Sharon hugged me. I was so happy, my body still trembling from my fulfilling time with the ladies. We chatted quietly over coffee and biscuits.Sharon had made it clear that all of the women in the group loved me. The feeling of being loved was the most comforting part of this for me; loved, accepted, and, as I later found out, wanted.We held hands as we talked,...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...

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Journey With My 4 Darlings 8211 Part 3

Hope you enjoyed the part 1 and part 2 of my story.Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments. Those who missed it can read it in below link. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex/sex relationship can mail me @ Please do not hesitate in reaching me …will keep your details private and confidential. Coming to the story: Part 3: Like this ,days...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 14The Final stage Part 1 I Tell My Husband That Im Bisexual And More

I am writing this final chapter of my journey sitting on the balcony of our apartment that is halfway up the Peak in Hong Kong. Hong Kong spreads below. A soft warm tropical trade wind brings the smell of frangipani. I am relaxed and reflective. Tomorrow is my forty-third birthday.It is almost three years since, just after I turned forty, my sexual awakening—journey as I like to think of it—began in an incense laden room in Phuket, Thailand. Now, as my husband and I settle into Hong Kong, my...

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Beautiful Journey To Bountiful Love 8211 Part I

Soon after my graduation I got job in neighborhood village as asst. Engineer in a company, which was 1 hr. from my town by local bus. Though the company was providing accommodation in nearby town which was only 15 min from the company, I chose to up & down every day, so that I can stay with my parents. I used to leave from my home early in the morning and used to go by private mini bus initially as it was faster than govt. bus. The journey used to be boring as most of the stations between were...

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Journey Into Cuckoldry Eager Eighteen Part 1

A loud splash coming from the pool broke my concentration. I looked up from my book, blinking as the bright sunshine fought its way through my sunglasses.I smiled; two teenage boys were skylarking in the clear, warm water, both showing-off, each trying to appear older, stronger and more grown-up than the other. It had been the same the previous day, and the day before that, and the reason was obvious; my lovely wife Alice was sunbathing topless on the patio again.A brief flush of pride passed...

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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 9

Hello, readers welcome to this beautiful journey. Keep giving your valuable feedback. It feels good when I see the appreciation of my work. I believe that the journey is always beautiful than the destination so I am enjoying the journey and hope you also. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Next morning I woke up late due to the hangover. I was still feeling quite heavy. When I looked around I was surprised to see that Ayesha was not on her bed. We both...

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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 12

Hello, readers welcome back to this beautiful journey. I know you all have enjoyed the journey so far and hope you will enjoy the erotic journey further. I am male and the sex story is fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha was really happy after the lesbian experience. Now we have merged the gap of the mother-daughter relationship. I was treating her like a friend and now we had become really good friends. I have realized that the physical relations enhance the bonding, the same had...

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My Sexual Journey Called Life 8211 Part VI

I am a housewife from Bangalore and my name is Parineeta. I am 44yrs old now, 5.10″ tall and my stats are 40DDD-32-36. Sorry for the delay in this post… Please refer to these links for the previous parts: https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/18843-my-sexual-journey-called-life-1.html https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/19367-my-sexual-journey-called-life-2.html...

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Mommy Sexual Journey 8211 Part III

Hello ISS readers I am Shradda back again with another part of my mom’s incident. I thank all the readers for reading and enjoying my mom’s sexy terrible incidents but please readers give more feedbacks and your comments such as how many times did you have masturbated thinking of my mom. I once again thank all the readers who read my story and sent me comments and feedbacks to my mail id and here again I will give small information about myself and my family. Myself Shradda age 18 studying my...

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The Aftermath Of The Public Bus Journey 8211 Part 2

Hey, As you people might have read my previous two experiences I’d get on with the story instead of boring you off. I started getting dressed after granting permission for a bit more fun. As i was pulling my panty up he stopped me and told me “I have a surprise for you”. He took out a rectangular object that looked like a pen drive but i was pretty sure that it wasn’t one. I asked him about. He told me “i took this from my brother’s grandson’s remote toy”. I still had no idea. He came close to...

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Jennifers Journey Becoming the Perfect Wife Part 1

Jennifer's Journey: Becoming the Perfect Wife - Part 1 By Jennifer Madison Introduction This isn't one of those stories where a husband gets tricked into wearing his wife's panties only to learn that it secretly excites him. There's no magic or sorcery either. This is the true story of discovery of who I really am and about the lovely woman who guided me on this journey. Was this journey entirely voluntary or was I coerced? Had I known where this...

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The Night Bus Journey With A Horny Milf 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone! This is Neeraj and I am back after like a year. A lot has happened over the time and I hope to share all of my stories with you here. I stay in Bangalore. Feel free to contact me anytime for feedbacks, chatting, hangouts or anything. ;) This is a multi-part story, so stay tuned for the next parts. * * * This happened some 8 months ago. I was in Bangalore and had to go to Mumbai on a short notice. Reluctantly, I booked sleeper bus tickets as flight and train tickets were not...

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Changes Abound Mayas Journey Part 3

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey Part 3 A Cross-dressing story by Maria Ski Well Maya, or should that be Peter, is a little bit of a dark horse. By hiding her singing talent like that. And by how natural she is being a girl. So I think it's time we actually heard from the lady herself. So it's over to you Maya... Hello dear reader my name is Maya Hunter. And for the first 17 years of my life I was called Peter. I have just turned 18 and I am a pre- operative transsexual woman. Or...

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Chennai journey continues

As soon as we entered the room swetha went to bed. It was a comparitivekly big room with a 21 inch t, phone facility etc. After closing the door i felt the sweet aroma of girls . The smell of lady sweat made me mad. I looked at sofia but she didnt notice me. I felt as she had some disturbence with my presence in the room. I sit at the bed near the foot of swetha and we discussed about the next stages of our journey , abt the examination centre etc. During that conversation i got an entire look...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...

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A Journey Home Part 1

An icy wind blew in from the north. It blew across the ice hills and picked up speed as it raced down the snow covered slopes. The wind kicked up loose snow and whipped it into the air like smoke rising from a fire. Three men crouched behind a rock that jutted out of the snow, and pulled their mammoth furs around them as the chilling wind beat at them. Gunter, the older man who led their hunt, held a leather leash attached to the neck of a garg. He watched the six-legged beast as it sniffed...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Sex Journey 8211 Part 3

Hai friends, here I am Ramvijay from coimbatore to tell you about my sex journey third part.. Thank you for your feedbacks for my previous part. My first part of sex journey I said how I fell in love and experienced a foreplay with my girlfriend Neethu and on next part I explained about my experience with my cousin Abinaya and caught by my little sister.. This is my third part of my sex journey and obviously this is about my sister. After she came from school she was shocked to see us in nude...

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How We Met Part 2 The Journey North

HOW WE MET by Cuirnoir Part II - The Journey North It is a Sunday. I am sitting in the tea room in the Fortnums store on Piccadilly. My companion is Richard, whom I met less than two weeks before. He sits leaning back in his chair, with his hands behind his head and his legs stretched out under the table. He wears the same tweed jacket as before, this time teamed with red corduroys and a white shirt. Bottle green bow tie...

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Jennifers Journey Becoming the Perfect Housewife Part 2

Jennifer's Journey: Becoming the Perfect Housewife -- Part 2 By Jennifer Madison At Sarah's suggestion, starting in the Fall two years ago, I started living as Jennifer at least four and a half days a week. Together, Sarah and I have been working to mold me into a perfect, doting and feminine housewife. My girl wardrobe has increased dramatically from all the shopping we've been doing. And between trips to exercise class, the salon and my cooking and...

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Noor Arora A Sexual Journey Part 8211 2

Hi Guys and Girls, This is Romy bringing you the second part of Noor’s journey. At the onset, I would like to apologize for the typos in the first story. Hopefully, as I keep writing, I will keep getting better. Thanks for all the great feed back, I am passing it on to Noor. Also, sorry, but Noor has settled down now, so the chances of a meeting with her are low. Anyways, I will shift to her perspective and continue the story. It is highly advisable to read the Part 1 Noor Arora: A Sexual...

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Journey Of A Lifetime With One Of My Sexy Readers 8211 Part 2

Hi all, First of all I want to apologize for being so late in posting the next part. I have now moved to Delhi. Above is the link of the first and previous part of the story. We both slept late last night. I slept on lower berth and Aakriti went to the upper berth. We both were tired and didn’t had any energy left in us. We ate and went to sleep. Next thing I know someone is knocking on the door. The night was over just like that. I opened it. There was a lady at the door. She was beautiful,...

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Journey Into Cuckoldry Eager Eighteen Part 2

Half an hour later, I lay awake on the sofa in the darkness, unable to sleep, my heart and mind torn, suspended in the familiar agony somewhere between Cuckold Heaven and Alpha Male Hell.From behind the closed bedroom door came the dull but unmistakable sounds of my sweet, pretty wife being comprehensively and very willingly fucked for a second time. Her cries of ecstasy were muffled as if she was trying to suppress the noise, but I knew them well to know that she was receiving the fucking of a...

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A Divorcees Unexpected Journey Part 2

Nearly six months had passed since the day the escaped prisoner had arrived and in one day altered Becky’s sex drive and her life. She had spent several nights with Amy and with Rita as they had explored the wonders of lesbian sex. For Becky, it was a highly enjoyable outlet, but she also realized she was not totally committed to the lesbian lifestyle. She still thought and fantasized about getting fucked by a hard, male cock. One of her oldest friends was Sally, whose husband, like Becky’s...

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Gangbang Of My Friend8217s Sister During Journey 8211 Part 1

Hii all!! This is a real story of of me my friends and cute sister of one of my friend who’s name is jyotika. We are group of four best friends me (anil), anand, Ramesh and rohit from Ahmadabad. We all were childhood friends and use to do all kinds of fun together. Now let me tell you about jyotika. She is a 1 year elder sister of my friend anand and she is always very friendly and fun loving with all of us. Now let me come to the incident happened. We were in second year of our college when we...

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Train Journey To Sex Journey 8211 Part I

Hi everybody. I am a regular reader of ISS but for the first time I’m writing my first ever sex story. I hope you all will like it. The story to which I’m going to narrate is a true story. Thus for security reason the names and places will be different from real one. Anyway not taking so much time let’s starts the story. This happened to me on December 2011. I was doing my MBA and was about to finish 1st semester. I was not popular boy in the college but in terms of study I was able to leave my...

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My Love Journey With My Sister And Mom 8211 Part 2

Hi all. This is Pranav again with a story about exploring sex with my sister. This is the continuation of my story. Please read the previous part before reading this. This story is the continuation of my love journey with my sister, Kavya. Read and enjoy. I am coming back to the story. My mother was shell-shocked on the day she found us both naked and having sex. She was just lost for words. My sister and I were equally shocked at the awkwardness of the situation. But it was my sister who had...

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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 15

Hello readers, welcome back to this Beautiful journey. I am quite happy with the way people have responded the story so far. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. I was really happy with the sense of humor of my hubby when he said about that Boo. I was thinking what nonsense he is doing but later on, I realized how cleverly he is trying to bring Ayesha out of the shackles of shyness. They kissed for quite some time. The way he was kissing, I realized he is no...

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My Sexual Journey Called Life Part IV

The parting with my sexual husband and the discovery of some new ones!!! I am a housewife from Bangalore and my name is Parineeta (name changed). I am 43yrs old, 5.10″ tall and my stats are 40-32-36. My husband ditched me about 25yrs ago. Please refer to this link for the previous parts:...

4 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 14

Hello, readers welcome back to back to this beautiful journey. Thank you all for your feedback for the previous parts.It is good to see that person enjoying the story. Let’s enjoy the journey. I had convinced both of them but the perspectives of both of them were little different. Ayesha wanted to go for it as a try whereas my hubby wanted to satisfy his innermost incest desire that he had for Ayesha. I asked when would you like to go for it and it was decided that next Sunday it should be fine...

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Jennifers Journey Becoming the Perfect Housewife Part 4

Jennifer's Journey ? Becoming the Perfect Housewife, Part 4 January Brings Some Changes With the start of the New Year, there were a few changes to my life and my weekly schedule. I was no longer going with Sarah to the gym two mornings a week. I was doing my work-outs at home in front of my TV with my new exercise DVDs and workout outfits. My favorite routine was something called Fitness Ballet, which combined some ballet basics with lots of stretching and some aerobics. Sarah...

2 years ago
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Journey With My 4 Darlings Part 8211 1

Hi All, I am regular reader of Indian Sex Stories.Today I am describing about my real love and sex journey had with my Girlfriend. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in MNC in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex can mail me @ will keep your details confidential. Coming to the story: Part1: It was first day of engineering college and I am late to college to take the admission.I and my...

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