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It was almost five o'clock, and as I was gathering my things to get ready to go home from work, Lewis came into my office, smiling big. "Hey, Mac, let's go downtown and hit the bars after work, what do you say?"My friend and coworker, Lewis, was always up for going out on the town, and I usually declined. Today, however, I was in just the mood for it. I had had a very bad day at the office, with my boss harassing me, clients being assholes, paperwork being messed up - I needed to blow off some steam. "You know what Lewis, yeah, I'm down. I could use a good night out." "Sweet man, I'll meet you at the usual spot at ten or so, yeah?" "Sounds good, I'll see you then." With that, he left, and I was soon on my way home as well. On the way, I thought about quitting my job. I didn't need it; I was what some might refer to as a "trust fund baby." I had around a hundred thousand dollars in my account at any given time, and I was beginning to think it was time for an extended vacation. If only I'd known what kind of vacation I had coming... I lazed about my house for a few hours, made a quick dinner, got cleaned up, and headed to Larry's at about ten. Larry's was a semi-dive bar, with enough ambiance to be interesting, but it had a nice crowd, and usually had good music playing. I sat at the bar and ordered myself a beer, and was about halfway through it when Larry showed up. He was in a much better mood than I was. "Yo Mac, how's it goin'?" "Well," I started, "work sucked today, I just don't know how much longer I'm going to stay there-" "Aw fuck it man, let's have some fun! Bartend, lemme get a scotch rocks, if you please!" You could always count on Larry to brush off your problems and just have a good time. We talked for a while, just two guys hanging out, waiting for the night to get going. We shot some pool, put some dollars into the jukebox, and drank. I had a few more drinks than I had intended, and by midnight, I was pretty well drunk. That was when more people really started to show up and crowd the bar. "Hey, let's move on to someplace less crowded, huh?" Larry suggested. "Nah, I'm good here, let's just chill for a bit," I replied. I was still feeling kind of crappy, and didn't really want to move from my current spot at the bar. "Alright, whatever man. I'm gonna go take a piss." And he disappeared to the back of the bar. Just then, a woman came up to the bar to order a drink, dressed in a tight miniskirt, a tiny tank top, and stiletto heels. Just as I was about to take a sip of my gin and tonic, she bumped right into me and spilled it onto my shirt and pants. "Dammit, fucking whore," I muttered, a little louder than I had intended. "What did you say to me?" She looked at me with real anger in her eyes. "What the fuck did you just call me?" For just a moment - a moment that was perhaps the most important of my life - I hesitated, thinking that I should apologize. But she had spilled my drink and hadn't apologized! So the alcohol won out. "I said you're a fucking whore, what you gonna do about it?" It felt good to take out my frustrations on someone else, especially because she had done something that I felt made her deserve it. "You better take that back, you little prick." She was stone-cold serious. I should have taken it back. "Whatever slut, just get your tramp-stamped ass out of my way and let me finish what little drink I have left." I was really getting going now. The anger in her eyes melted away, and she smiled, leaned in towards me, and whispered in my ear: "You think I'M a slut? You have no idea. You messed with the wrong witch, son. See you around." At that point, the bartender handed her her drink, and she walked away. I didn't know what the hell she'd meant by that, but it kind of freaked me out. I took the last sip of my spilled drink, and when I turned around to see where the bitch had gone, I couldn't see her anywhere. I was looking around for her when I saw Larry coming back from the bathroom. "Hey, Larry, I'm really drunk, don't feel too good. Think it's time for me to go home." He looked less disappointed than I'd expected, which was a good thing. "Yeah man, all those beers just hit me. I think I need to go too. You OK to drive?" I thought about it for a second, and realized I probably wasn't. "Ummm...mind me crashing on your couch?" Larry lived a few blocks away, while I was on the other side of town. It was easily walking distance. "Yeah no problem Mac, just don't puke on it or the carpet and we'll be OK." So we walked back, and the whole time, I was thinking about what the woman at the bar had said to me. "You messed with the wrong witch?" What the hell was that supposed to mean? I knew it was probably just some bitch trying to fuck with me, but I couldn't help the feeling in the pit of my stomach that told me it was more than that. Of course, I couldn't say any of this to Larry. He'd just laugh, tell me I'd had too much to drink, and ignore me. I fell asleep on his couch fairly quickly after we got to his place; as uneasy as I was, I was drunk enough to overpower the anxiety and fell into a deep sleep. The next morning, I woke up, feeling fine except for a mild hangover. I felt a bit silly for getting so worked up about the "witch." I wandered into Larry's kitchen, found some cereal, and poured myself a bowl. Larry was still asleep, so I ate alone, in silence. As I spooned the cereal into my mouth, there seemed to be something wrong with my hands, though I couldn't place my finger on it. They looked like they always did, but I couldn't shake the nagging though that they weren't as they should be. I assumed it was just jitters after the weird night I had, and ignored the feeling. As I was finishing up my bowl, Larry came out of his room, bleary-eyed and clearly hungover as well, and entered the kitchen. "Mornin' Mac. Sleep well?" "Oh, well enough. How you feeling?" "Like shit," he said, with a smirk that meant "but it was worth it." I wanted to get home and take a shower, so I put my bowl and spoon in the dishwasher, still with the underlying feeling that my hands were wrong, and said, "thanks for the hospitality and everything, but I should get going. I wanna go get my car and go take a shower." "Yeah, sure," Larry replied. "You didn't puke or anything, did you?" "Nah man. I'm good. I'll see you around. Maybe we'll go out later tonight?" "Yeah, we'll see." I was walking out the door. "Later, man." "Later." I was out the front door and heading back to the bar, where my car was parked. It was only about a ten minute walk, and I made it there fine, trying not to look at my hands. It was really weird that I could not shake the feeling. As I was driving home, I couldn't help but stare at them on my steering wheel. The feeling was getting stronger: they were not as they should be! But they were definitely the same as they'd always been... Halfway home, I passed a nail salon in a strip mall, and was suddenly struck with what the problem was: not only were my fingernails way too short, but they didn't even have any nail polish on them! "Wait a minute, that's not right!" I thought, but the feeling was too strong to ignore any longer. I knew that what I was about to do was strange and unusual and wrong, but I couldn't fight the need to make my nails look pretty; they were just so BAD! I made a quick turn into the parking lot just as I was about to drive by, parked, and sat there for a moment. Was I really going to do this? Do my nails like a woman? I had never wanted to do anything like that before. "Holy shit," I muttered to myself, "it's the witch." I knew it was because of her, but that didn't help my current situation. My plain, boring fingernails were like an itch that needed so badly to be scratched, and the longer I refrained, the more intense the itch got. "Well, what could it really hurt?" I thought. "I can always undo it when I get home." And with that, I got out of the car and went into the nail salon. The ladies didn't ask any uncomfortable questions. I'm sure they've gotten weirdos and pervs before, and I was just one in the crowd. I had them give me a manicure so that my nails were perfectly shaped, in a rather feminine manner, and then topped with bright pink nail polish. Wait, why pink? I asked myself. That didn't seem like it had been part of the plan when I was in the car. But once it was done, I felt at ease. I felt like myself again. And though I suppressed the fear, that was really a very scary feeling. Then, on the spur of the moment when I was paying, I bought three bottles of nail polish: pink, deep red, and white. Somehow, I knew the white would be for when I wanted French tips. After I had gotten back in the car, I looked at my hands on the steering wheel. It looked so unusual, my big man hands with feminine, painted nails, but it felt so good. It was like having that itch scratched, or like finally sneezing after one had been building up for a long time. I couldn't explain it, but I LIKED it. I drove home extremely concerned, but somehow at ease. When I got home, it was only about eleven in the morning, but since it was a Saturday and I had nowhere to go, I took a nap. I had planned on taking a shower, but that could wait. I guessed that I hadn't slept very well that night due to the alcohol, and conked out in my bed. I was probably only asleep for an hour or so, but awoke feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I took off my clothes and started the shower. As I pulled my hand back from the hot water knob after turning it on, I gasped and pulled back. My hands were different! They were smaller, the fingers were slimmer, the nails were longer. The scar I had on the back of my right hand where my dog had bit me as a kid was gone. I stood there in shock for several seconds, or minutes, I'm really not sure. "What the fuck..." Was all I could say after staring at them for however long I was standing there, dumbstruck. The situation was doubly weird. For one thing, my hands had drastically changed since I went down for my nap. That was strange enough. But the really unsettling part was that, the same as it had been after I got my nails done, it felt right. I didn't want my old, big, gross hands back. Those hands weren't pretty like these ones. I knew I shouldn't have felt that way, but that didn't change anything. There was nothing I could do about the fact that, deep in my body and soul, I felt that these hands were as they should be. With the unnatural calm I felt in the face of such an absurd situation, I finally stepped into the shower. The hot water felt so good, I decided I was going to take a nice long one, and wash my worries away. But before I had even started cleaning myself, a new nagging feeling crept into my mind. This time, it had to do with my legs. It was the same as it had been with the bowl of cereal; they just felt wrong when I looked at them. I knew again that the witch was responsible for this feeling, but again, there was nothing I could do about it. I washed my hair, and as I did, the mental itch grew stronger. I rinsed the shampoo out, then started soaping up. My unease grew with every passing second. By the time I was rinsing the soap off, I knew what was wrong with my legs, and it was like there was a blaring alarm going off in my head: "SHAVE YOUR LEGS THEY ARE TOO HAIRY. SHAVE YOUR LEGS THEY ARE TOO HAIRY. SHAVE YOUR LEGS THEY ARE TOO HAIRY." I couldn't think of anything else. The itch was turning to agony. I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't help myself. I reached for my razor, which I kept in the shower, and slowly began shaving my legs of all their hair. With each stroke of the razor, the itch subsided. The more hair I saw go down the drain, the more peace I felt in my mind from that undeniable urge. The whole time I was shaving, I was admiring my pretty hands with their long, pink nails, thinking about how great it would feel to jerk off now that it would be with a woman's hands. I wasn't quite on autopilot, but my thoughts were definitely running away without my control. I should have been scared, and I knew it, but when I searched for the fear, it was hard to find. I just felt too good. After I had finished up in the shower and toweled off, I admired my legs in the mirror. I rubbed them up and down, feeling their smoothness, and it felt so much better than I ever thought my legs could feel. All the weirdness that I should have felt from shaving my legs with my new feminine hands was lost in the overpowering feeling of contentment as I rubbed them up and down. Just then, out of nowhere, I felt tired again. As I went to take another nap, a moment of clarity hit me, and I said to my empty bedroom, "Oh shit, first the hands, now the legs...I need to stay awake!" But I was just too tired. I plopped down on the bed and fell asleep immediately. When I awoke, I again felt great. I felt like nothing could stop me. I felt like a million bucks. Then I felt my legs move against each other as I stirred, and I stopped cold. They were totally smooth, but it was more than that. They felt different. I tore off the sheets and looked at them in horror. What used to be manly but skinny chicken legs were now full, shapely woman legs. My thighs were much wider than they used to be, with much more fat and less muscle, but they tapered down past the knees to slender calves and petite ankles. My feet, however, were unchanged, and it bothered me immediately. My horror forgotten, I just wanted to know why I had to have nice, beautiful legs, but big, ugly feet? Just then, I knew something that would help. I grabbed the little bag I had from the nail salon and grabbed the pink nail polish, and before I could even argue with myself, I had painted my toes to match my fingers. There hadn't been a thought in my head as it went on; I was just so focused on making my toenails match my pretty fingernails. When I was finished, my feet still looked strange attached to my little feminine ankles, but I felt a little bit better. All day, I had been following these compulsions, with only the slightest bits of hesitation, and now my body was drastically changed because of it. Underneath the undeniable desire to satiate these new desires, I was always scared, confused, and angry. I knew that the woman from the bar the night before had done this to me. I knew that I should resist before I lost more of my body. I knew these things, but that didn't change the fact that when I felt that I had to do something to my body, I was going to do it. It really was like a sneeze; you can delay it a little bit through intense force of will, but it's going to happen whether you like it or not. As I was staring at my legs, hoping against hope that this would be the end of it, that hope was shattered by a new feeling of unease: that my nipples were wrong. I was terrified of what that would mean, when I figured it out what I would have to do to alter them, but I had a feeling it would probably result in me growing breasts. Just then, my phone rang. I picked it up and it was Larry. "Hey, how you feeling Mac? Still wanna meet up tonight?" I had no idea what to say; I knew I couldn't tell him what was going on, but I also knew I couldn't just show up and pretend nothing was wrong. So I lied. "You know, I think drinking so much really messed me up. I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick." "Ha, well, you always were a pussy. If you're feeling up to it later, I'm gonna be heading to the Lagoon, try to pick up some chicks. I was thinking we'd do better as a pair, but oh well! Later!" And with that, he hung up, before I could even say anything else. Larry was always kind of an asshole, I thought as I pinched my nipple. Wait a minute, had I been doing that the whole phone call? I realized that I had. I put the phone down and started pinching both nipples; it felt so good. It felt like I was starting to scratch the itch that had to do with them. But I knew it wasn't enough. I realized as I pinched them harder and harder what it was I needed to do to make them feel alright: I had to get them pierced. This was one impulse I was prepared to fight. The hands and legs were one thing, and I supposed that I could live with the changes in those body parts. But I knew that if I pierced my nipples, I would grow breasts, and that would be the point of no return. So I went into my bed, wrapped myself in the sheets, and tried my very hardest to ignore the tugging in my brain that was dragging at me, pulling at me, BEGGING me to pierce my nipples. I pinched them as hard as I could, nonstop, until I inadvertently fell asleep. When I awoke, my brain was on fire. The need to poke holes through my nipples and then put decorative metal through those holes was overwhelming. I felt as though I would go insane if I held out any longer. Some sort of logic told me that it was better to be sane with breasts than to be insane. I grabbed my wallet and keys, slipped on my shoes, and ran out the door. At which point, I tripped and fell out of my shoes, landing neatly on my front lawn. I sat there for a moment, slightly dazed, as I wondered how I had tripped so randomly. Then I saw the feet that had flown out of my shoes: they were tiny, dainty things. There was no way any of my shoes would fit any more. I went back inside, grabbed a few paper towels, and shoved them into the front of my shoes. I stuck my feet back in, laced them up as tight as they would go, and walked much more carefully out to my car. My entire lower half was now female, and despite my growing panic, I calmly got behind the wheel of my car and drove to the nearest tattoo and piercing shop. My body was not entirely my own at that point; the feeling of being on the edge of a sneeze was stronger than ever - I could not control what was going to happen, only exactly when. I drove with one hand the whole way, using the other to switch between my nipples, pinching them as hard as I could to alleviate the desire emanating from them. When I got to the shop, it was almost six o'clock. There was no one there, ("Thank God!" my body shouted) so I sat right down and told the guy what I wanted. "Yep, both nipples." I answered his incredulous questions. "And I want little barbells to go in them." "Alright," the guy said, slightly amused. "Anything else?" Until he asked the next question, I hadn't thought of anything but the need to get my nipples pierced. But when he asked, I realized there was a whole lot else that I wanted. "Yeah, actually. I want my tongue, left nostril, both ears, and belly button pierced as well. I'll pick out the jewelry for it later." "I don't know, man. We usually don't do that much all at once. It can get infected, it's a lot to-" I interrupted him by pulling out my wallet and producing a wad of hundred-dollar bills. What can I say? I'm a trust-fund baby. Money talks. "Yeah well, on second thought, lets just do it, yeah?" It wasn't a question. I was there for quite some time, in absolute ecstasy from feeling all of my needs being fulfilled. When he was finished, I proceeded to pick out all of the jewelry I would be putting in my body. For the nipples, I picked out a few pairs of barbells. For my nose, an imitation diamond that shimmered beautifully in the light. For my tongue I got a barbell with pink balls on the ends, and for my ears I got bright gold hoops. The guy was giving me weird looks the whole time, and I could tell he was barely containing every snarky gay joke he could think of, but I was paying lot of money, and it was in his best interest to just shut up. When I'd gotten all of the jewelry, care instructions, and supplies, I headed out to my car and went to go home floating on cloud nine. So many compulsions satisfied in such a short time! I was high on life the whole drive home, and barely noticed when I turned into the parking lot of the mall that was on my way home. By this time it was about eight at night, but the mall was open till ten, so there was still plenty of time. I needed lingerie. I needed skirts. I needed dresses. I needed tank tops and tube tops and button- up blouses and tight-fitting tees. I needed shoes. Oh GOD, did I need shoes. The paper-towel-stuffed tennis shoes I was wearing were killing me, especially walking on my tiptoes. "Wait," I wondered. "Why am I walking on my tiptoes?" I tried walking flat again, but it just felt wrong. It felt wrong just like not swaying my ass back and forth as I walked felt wrong. Just like not staring at hot guys as they walked by felt wrong. The curse, or whatever it was, was working deeper and deeper into my psyche with every passing minute. I walked into the department store at the front of the mall and went on an immediate and unstoppable shopping spree. Before I could even think about what choices I was making, I had picked out a week's worth of a woman's wardrobe. I paid for it while avoiding eye contact and saying only as much as I had to. I ran back out to my car with my four bags full of treasures, and almost passed out in the parking lot as soon as I got in the driver's seat. I was exhausted again. But I knew that every time I fell asleep, my body changed more and more. I was fighting my hardest to stay awake, but sleep was coming upon me like a tidal wave. I flipped down my car's visor and looked in the mirror, seeing my own face for what I suspected would be the last time. I was correct, although I didn't know it for sure in that moment. Before I fell asleep, fighting to stay awake and maintain what masculinity I had left, I looked in my shopping bags at what I had purchased. I noticed two things before sleep overtook me: I had bought five pairs of high heels and no other types of shoes, and the bras I had purchased looked absolutely enormous. I checked the tag on one of them, bleary-eyed, barely able to read it: 36HH. When I awoke, I knew my changes were almost complete. Over the course of one single day, I had been compelled to voluntarily, yet uncontrollably, alter things about myself that were then causing me to turn into a woman. I was technically still in charge of my body, but the compulsions were so strong that I only had nominal choice in the matter. I looked around me and took stock of my situation. It must have been after ten; the lights were all off in the mall and there were very few cars in the lot. I was lucky that a security guard hadn't knocked on my window after seeing me asleep in the car. The first thing I noticed, aside from what time it was, was that I had two enormous globes on my chest. I rubbed and squeezed them almost subconsciously, feeling their weight in my hands, loving the sensations I was getting from them. Their hefty weight was so satisfying, even though I could already feel the strong, slightly uncomfortable pull on my shoulders and back. I again looked in the mirror of the visor, which I had left down the last time I looked, and saw a completely different face than what I was used to seeing in the mirror. It was the face of a beautiful young woman, with luscious lips, resting apart in a cupid's-bow, big doe eyes, high cheekbones, and a tiny upturned nose. After a moment of terror at what I was seeing, I did the only reasonable thing I could think of: I flipped the visor up so I couldn't see the impossible reflection staring back at me, started the car, and drove home, pretending that it wasn't happening. I must have been in shock. I pulled into the driveway in a daze, absently clicking my tongue jewelry against my teeth. In the back of my mind, a thought was arising that I was doing a good job of ignoring, at least so far: the thought that I wanted the taste of semen on that tongue. As I approached my front door, I was struck by the feeling that there was something I should do before going inside. I reached into my new purse I had purchased at the mall and pulled out a pack of slim, girly cigarettes that I didn't even realize I'd bought until I was grabbing them, put one in my mouth, and lit it with the lighter I must have purchased at the same time. "Oh, god, what am I doing?" I asked under my breath, but I knew full well what I was doing. I was just taking another step on this truly fucked-up journey. The sound of my manly voice coming from this decidedly feminine body was somewhat jarring to me, and I (almost) hoped that the cigarette would take care of that inconsistency. As I took that first drag, I knew I was completely hooked. The heat in my throat, the rush of nicotine, the sexiness of having something in my mouth to suck on - it was one of the more pleasurable experiences of the day, and I'd certainly had my share of pleasure. After several drags, I was in near-ecstasy, and let out a soft moan as I exhaled. "Uhhhmmmm," came the sexy contralto voice I had been expecting to hear. In that little moan was enough sultry seduction to know that my earlier desire to taste cum would be easy enough to satisfy. By the end of the smoke, my yucky male voice now satisfactorily overwritten, I was feeling sleepy. I knew what that meant - more changes - but I was confused about what they could be. The smoking had made my voice change immediately, and I hadn't done anything else that I thought would have any effect. As I sauntered into the house, still walking on tiptoes and wiggling my ass like the world was watching, I realized that I needed to change my clothes. The male outfit I had left the house wearing now looked completely silly and wrong on me. I stripped naked in my bedroom, after dropping my shopping bags by the bed, and proceeded to look down in horror at my crotch. It was so wrong! My cock and balls still hung between my shapely thighs, totally out of place and disgusting. I knew what I had to do. My resistance was all but gone at that point; I was trying to cooperate with the curse to make it easier on my tortured mind. I reached into one of the shopping bags, pulled out a pair of lacy black sheer panties, and slipped them on. I only lamented the fact that my male genitals made the panties fit poorly for a couple of moments; before I had much time to dwell on it, I was fast asleep. I awoke at around midnight feeling like I had been born again. I knew immediately that I was a complete woman now. The panties had seen to that while I slept. I was so physically happy that I almost missed the screams of horror shrieking out in my brain from the part of me that still wanted to resist; still wanted to be a man; still wanted to figure out a way to reverse all of this; still wanted to choke that witch to death. As I reached down to finger my new pussy, those screams were drowned out by my moans of pleasure, a squeaky soprano now that sleep had finished what the cigarette started. I tore my panties off and started intensely working my virginal pussy. With one hand, I rubbed my clit with my thumb while fingering myself, and with the other hand, I squeezed and pinched my massive breasts, enjoying the pain whenever I tweaked my pierced nipples. Remembering that Larry was out at the Lagoon, I imagined him fucking me instead of having to use my hand, and the thought brought me to new heights of pleasure. When I realized that I would never use protection during sex, and would probably get pregnant, the mental picture of me swollen with child, milk being sucked from my engorged pierced nipples, caused me to scream in an agonizingly intense orgasmic explosion that wiped out all thoughts of ever trying to change back. I knew what was going to come after this, because I was now listening eagerly to what my body was telling me. I was going to enjoy having this sexy body - how could I not, when it felt so RIGHT? I was going to love every second of walking on my dainty feet, never wearing any shoes but high heel. I was going to love the feeling of wearing skirts so short I would be able to feel my thighs rubbing together. I was going to enjoy every bounce of my mammoth tits. I was going to lick my lips in excitement whenever I saw a cock. I was going to get more tattoos and piercings all over, to accentuate the fact that my body was an object. I couldn't wait for the rest of my new, sexy life. I was going to be a chain-smoking, makeup-wearing, skankily-dressed, sex-addicted, cum- addicted, pierced, tattooed slut. I was going to get pregnant and have men drink my milk. I was going to fuck every day, as much as I could, no matter what. And I couldn't wait to call up Larry to have him be my first. I'm open to writing more if the people demand it, but I really just wanted to focus on the process of the transformation for this one. Thanks for reading. Feedback appreciated!

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It was about ten in the morning and I had just woken. I was lying in bed trying to let my eyes focus after waking from a deep sleep. I noticed there is a crack of sunlight sneaking through the blackout curtains. It was refracting against the cut glass ceiling fixture making the light burst into a thousand colors. I could hear Ann breathing rhythmically beside me. She doesn't snore, she purrs, unlike me. I can wake the dead when I cut loose. Thinking to myself, as I gently pulled down the covers...

Group Sex
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Friends to Lovers

Oh, I'm just so nervous!" Rachel shouted to Monica from inside the shower. Monica was sitting on the toilet with the lid down, working on a TV guide crossword puzzle (addressed to Ms. Chanandler Bong".)"Sweetie, you're only going to a movie. There's nothing to be nervous about. You've been doing this since high school.""I know, but I really like him. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm too... Oh, I don't know... too fragrant?""If men didn't like the smell of perfume, they wouldn't...

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Goes Without SayingChapter 19

David felt good to be back looking after the children on his own, cooking their evening meal, and feeding Beth. It was fun to watch Beth crawling, and beginning to make sounds approaching the odd word. Evan asked for paper and crayons and spent time drawing or rather scribbling on the paper, telling David what his pictures were about, for which David was grateful. He bathed both children together, and after drying and dressing Beth in her night clothes and putting her in her cot, did the...

1 year ago
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Baby backfire

Hi my name is Sasha Hillenburg. I am 6'4" have brown hair, and eyes to match. This is the story of the time I almodt turned my friend into a baby. It all started on a Saturday night she came over and I asked " want to make a bet?" of course she said yes. " loser does what the other says for the rest of there lives." again she said yes. So the deal was that we had to play truth or dare and do the nastiest things ever. I won. I am married and I can not have a baby so I decided she would be mine....

Erotic Fiction
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Getting What I Asked For A Husband Watches His WifeChapter 5

After that evening, my relationship with Jen started to change, at least the way she treated me. One day we were walking in the mall, and she said, "See that guy over there, the tall guy with black hair? Do you think he has want I need?" I looked questioningly at her. "You know what I mean," she continued. "A big one. A big cock. Yours doesn't do it for me anymore, now that I've had Ralph." Jen moved close to me and surreptitiously caressed my crotch. I was hard, excited by her...

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Amys Betrayal

Amy’s Betrayed It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was...

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The Many Tales of Crossdressing

This story is open to anyone who wants to write a crossdressing story, it doesn't matter if it's an original story or a fanfiction. Please respect Chyoa's rules, so Bestiality, underage sex (younger than 18 years old) and extreme violence are not allowed. I would like to keep this story as organized as possible. For example, if you're writing a fanfiction, before you really start the story, make a chapter with the series the fanfiction is about in the title. Have fun!

1 year ago
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The Sexy Basketball Guy

Chapter 1: Check Him Out Really?! Shadow Mark highschool, A great school with some superior intellate in which i am attending. This high school has uses of talent levels and award winning cards but really, its jus all back up shit to keep our true selfs covered up. New things happening and new beginnings of shit. Bullshit and shit are the same as they allways are. All over the school is shit. Shit and more shit happens, such as bulling, and teasing, suspenions and fights. Many things are...

4 years ago
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Sunny TooChapter 9

You know I can’t keep calling you Doctor,” I said the somewhat older scholarly guy. “Why not? It’s my title.” “Are you going to call me, Your Excellency, Mister Ambassador Plenipotentiary?” “Umh ... no.” “Why not? It’s my title.” I whipped out my Diplomatic Passport and flashed it at him. I hoped he wouldn’t ask to see it. This was going on while I had a million people ransacking Abby’s garage. Not that they were stealing anything ... per se ... but there were so many and I had no idea...

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The Omega TouchChapter 4 Apple Pie and Dog Tricks

Friday, July 10, 2009, 10:00PM Tricia got out of the car noticing that she was feeling much better. She was more relaxed, no longer riding the adrenaline rush, and no longer panicked by the attack. Instead, she was excited at her success. For she had found Joey Harper, Omega Boy, the sidekick and secret behind the legendary Omega Man, and she had exclusive access to him. She watched the boy with some pride as he eagerly scoped out the restaurant, absent-mindlessly licking his lips in...

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My Amazing Stepson

I am Saroja, 35, pretty and I have a very nice body for a 35 year old. I am married to my husband, businessman aged 44. We have been married for 10 years now. We have two daughters and both have been put in a convent hostel for their better studies. Last year, my elder sister’s son came to stay with us on his job for a short period. Sathish, who is 24 years old, is tall and slightly built. He’s a football player and a very active boy. He also loves motorbike racing…Of late I got likening to get...

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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 5

Wednesday - Day 5 On Wednesday, I woke up a little early. I heard Becky puttering around the bathroom, getting ready for work. I remained in bed, resting. Becky came out all ready to go to work, except for one thing of course. I didn't let her know I was awake as she came up to me. She took the covers off me, but before she could start my morning blowjob, I grabbed her and threw her on the bed. Becky shrieked in surprise as I grabbed her skirt and pulled it up, burying my face in her...

2 years ago
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Singles Cruise

Single’s Cruise My wife had been dead for long enough according to my children and friends. So I booked a week on a single’s cruise in the Caribbean for people over fifty. Then when I called back to make it two weeks, the lady talked me into a full four weeks. That way I would get to meet four different sets of women who usually come aboard for a week at a time and I would get upgraded to a suite that would be up much higher in the ship. Okay, why not! So I changed my vacation to...

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Pantyhose Friends

Pantyhose Friends Companies are definitely getting cheaper. Gone are the days of business class, suites and unlimited entertainment allowances. I couldn't believe it but I was told to share a hotel room with a colleague on a trip to Minneapolis. Granted I doubted I'd be in the hotel room too long, but still, it was yet another blow from the cheapskates who ran the corporation. They probably travelled first class while the poor fools who actually sold the stuff which paid their enormous...

2 years ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 2

Part 2.That Monday was a day that lasted forever.It was a day when work was everything and the only thing that mattered was to be there at my desk ready to cover all eventualities and possible outcomes. Everyone was in the same boat and we all had to make sure we were rowing in the same direction. As the sun began to set in late afternoon, it felt as if we'd survived the economic storm and had come through it in pretty much one piece.But ever since Janet had left my office that morning...

First Time
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The Landlords ProtgChapter 13

Susan did not see Victor after the Sunday they were at the park together. Seth did not visit either. On Wednesday just before five in the morning, she was wakened by her entry phone ringing. She struggled to the office and opened up, seeing the police at the door at the same time as they appeared on the screen. She left the office to open the door to them. “Thanks darllin’” said the officer in charge. “What is it?” she asked. “We’re arresting someone. We need to surprise...

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Working At Home

"I can help you with that before I go, if you want," she offered. "Please, babe?" "It won't be as good as inside me, but I'd like doing it for you." She kissed me fully this time, opening her mouth, her eyes rolling a bit before our lips met as they do when she's feeling horny. By then I was rock hard in her hand and she stroked firmer as she slipped her tongue between my lips. She backed off before we could get sloppy, turning to look in the mirror to see if her makeup was...

1 year ago
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Where is The Porn Area? That’s the kind of question that’ll earn you different answers depending on who you’re asking. The old fuckers out there might immediately think of that sacred space between the mattress and box spring where you hide all your dirty magazines with the pretty ladies sucking cock. Meanwhile, the younger fuckers keep their favorite porno as a collection of bookmarks to their favorite clips on the internet. In between, you’ve got the hoarders of media, both physical and...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Truth or Dare The Family Reunion Chapter Three

“Hey kids,” yelled dad from the drivers seat, “Wakey, wakey, we’re going to be there in about half an hour.”I woke with a start. My hard cock pressing into my sisters backside. We fell asleep naked. Her soft ass felt good. She stretched an arm over her head and her leg straight out.My hand cupped her naked young breast as she looked up at me, squinting in the bright sunlight. “Are you always hard?” Janie asked with a naughty smile.Pressing my morning wood into her but cheeks, I softly pinched...

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Fucking My Class Mate

Hey this is my is story in ISS and I am big fan of ISS from last 5 years old thanks for this site I am Sonu 6′ and my dick is 5 and half inch me fair 24 years old do reply me on my id Mai PG kar raha tha mai wase to padhi me accha tha sabmujhse miljila kar raheta tha mere class me bahot sari ladkiya thi meri unse achi banti thi bahot close thi mere class me Soniya naam ki ek ladkithi kya fir thi uski 40d ke boobs the 36 ki gand thi 28ki kamar thi fair thi dikhane me uspe sab ladke marte the wo...

2 years ago
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The Jealous Lover

Jackie pulled the needle through, dragging a thin fiber away from the torn seam until it caught, crimping the loose edges of fabric. With a studious gaze, she lifted the dress slightly up and sank the steel talon another increment along the tear. Pulling, cinching and circling again, she added another stitch to close the gap in the bodice, methodically repairing the violent rent. A pounding struck the apartment door. Jackie smiled quizzically, skewered the fabric to hold the needle, and set...

4 years ago
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Mark and CharleneChapter 7

CHARLENE'S STORY We said our good byes with kisses and hugs all around. When I said good bye to Frank I was careful not to show him any more affection than I had the other men, not that I didn't want to. I was conscious about the rule against forming any singular attachments and also concerned about what Mark's reaction would be. We were quiet for most of the ride home. We had a lot to talk about but I was content to save that for another day. My thoughts turned to all the experiences...

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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 4

Tuesday December 9, 2014 – Wednesday December 10, 2014 Kate’s schedule was much the same as the previous mornings — awake by five and breakfast in the apartment by six. She had awakened vaguely disappointed that she had been unable to return to the apartment yesterday afternoon, but the lady who picked up the mail didn’t arrive until after four-thirty. By the time the visitor had fed Sam and departed, it was almost dark and Kate feared showing a light in the apartment if she returned to try...

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Clinical Trials and Tribulations

All mammal embryos in early gestation are female. This is an established fact of biology. Regardless of genus and species, EVERY mammal from Aardvarks to Zebras is female BY definition until a specific male developmental hormonal catalyst is added to make them develop as a male. Even in an adult human male, there are vestigial traits of the female. Nipples and continued estrogen production being just two of them. The diagnosed condition of Gynecomastia Also known derisively as...

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The Ark Part 1Chapter 22 Lockdown

We had completed our major pickups of short-term residents and we were in the final stages of getting the residents settled in their new homes. We now had to make a final decision regarding further pickups. Things had gone bad on our last major pickup. The pickup started out the same as the other pickups we made. By eight thirty in the morning, there were over a hundred demonstrators outside the stadium, and more were on the way. By ten, the number was close to five hundred and growing, they...

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Learning who my wife really is

I love my wife; she’s been with me since we were teens. We are both in our late twenties and take very good care of ourselves. Emily, my wife, is 5'4 120, all ass. She has the most amazing curves. Her pussy is shaved bald. She has small b cups that are perky and quarter sized tan areolas. She is smaoking hot. When we first dated, I didn't know she had already had sex with 16 guys and gave a blow job to about two dozen. And this was just her teen years. I had dated her a year before she told...

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Seeing Matts Stars Part 2

Introduction: Here is part two of my latest story. As with most of what I write, theres a lot more to this than sex (in fact, you wont find any sex in this part), so to full enjoy the tale, please read part one. I look forward the reading any and all comments, and –as always– I hope you enjoy. -SS I crossed the road leading to a small house set back a few yards from the sidewalk, moving toward someone unloading his car into the driveway. He turned when he heard the sound of my sneakers against...

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Age Play

“Do you trust me babes?” “Of course I do!” “Then let it go then!” I’m not sure if you’re talking about the duvet or my inhibitions, not that I have many of those, not by the standards of so called ‘normal people’ as I like to refer to them. Anyway, I do trust you and I let go of both the duvet and my fears. “Tell me what you want” you say and my response is that I want to be everything you want me to be, to do and enjoy everything you want to take! That’s what really does it for me, I tell...

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Parosh Ki Bhabhi Ko Uske Ghar Me Chosa

Mai jamshedpur ka rhne wala hu.Meri height 5″6 inch hai .Body mascular hai aur rang sawla hai aur ap mujhe heatless bula skte hai .Ab mai apnu story pe aata hu .Kahani parose ki bhabhi ki hai.Wo simple hai.Height v normal hai.Gori chitti hai aur ha, uska 5saal ka beta v hai.Fir v wo mast lgti hai . Lekin use dekhkr kv v mere mn me galat feelings nai aayi kuki mai bahut hu sarif type ka hu. Ek bar mai marketing krke wapas ghar a raha tha t accidently wo v apne bete ke sath shoping krke aa rahi...

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A Snowy Day Part 1

You then grab a handful of my beard and pulled me closer. Our lips met and you laid on a very passionate kiss. Setting our Irish coffee's off to the side I cupped you face with my hands and gently kissed all over your face. You kept pulling me back to your mouth. You tongue darting and swirling with mine. Your hands playing with my beard, as they go crazy. Laying back on the floor, we continue to kiss. I wrap my arms around you, pulling you closer to me, in a tight embrace. You roll me...

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Positive Turnaround Only For Amit

Many a times,I thought of expressing the sensitive true to life experience hidden within me for so many years.Of late I have come to a conclusion to let the world know all that I did for the benefit of my brilliant friend.He was getting derailed,diverted and ruined but with my efforts I could realign him to best of mode which makes him to remain obliged to me for ever. No doubt I was a very good student in school.Throughout my schooling I was in first or second position in results.My teachers...

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Amandas ChoiceChapter 11

Rennis was glad with Roquan finally concluded their discussion for the time being. Despite the fact that Rennis finally felt that the thick wall that was Roquan's stubbornness had shown signs of the first cracks, he was anxious to see Yanna before his stay was done. He had missed seeing Yanna the day before, as Roquan had kept him until well into the midday meal, and Yanna was gone from the Healer's office by the time he had arrived. Yet Yanna had managed to send him a note, using another...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 31

“While we are waiting for your father to come home, tell me about your girlfriend,” Joey told Austin. “She is the same age as me and incredibly beautiful. Becky has long straight brown hair that reaches to her slim waist, pretty brown eyes, and a killer body. She is 5’5” but, I don’t know her actual measurements,” Austin said. Joey would find out later that Becky weighed 120lbs, and her measurements were 34-23-35, and she had extremely nice B-cup breasts with large nipples that were ringed...

2 years ago
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Car Boot Bargain Changed My Life

I got more than I bargained for at my local car boot sale. As I wandered the aisles of unwanted household items, looking at kitchen utensils for my two student flats, a young woman put a set of almost new saucepans on a tarpaulin in front of her car. She knelt to organise her display more attractively and did so in a way she was not intending. Her black shoulder-length hair hung forward, obscuring her face as she rearranged her items. Not hidden was her cleavage in her sleeveless white tank...

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Angel S1 E10 Home Sweet Home

Angel S:1.5 E:10 "Home Sweet Home" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover ---Note--- I have decided to push the episode "Rodina forward to Episode 11 and release this as its own episode. --- Episode 10 "Home Sweet Home" "Detective Reid please," I said over the phone. I was put on hold for a couple minutes, before someone finally picked up. "This is Harris; can I help you?" "Um, I was on hold for Reid. Is he in?" "Sorry, you...

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Anal Alice PRT4

Alice was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, when she thought she heard her name. She tiptoed out and put an ear to her parents' door. 'Have you seen the state of her clothes?' her mom was saying. 'They're way too small for her, especially with her breasts, not to mention that bottom of hers. She looks like a slut.' 'Yeah, she really suits them,' her dad replied. 'She does seem to be behaving more and more like a slut,' her mom said. 'She's such a tease, especially to her brothers. ' 'I...

2 years ago
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Sex Kritodas

Buli pisir maya titli amar somo boyosi dekhte sundor farsa misti dekhte maegulo top er opor thekepingpong boler moto mone hato, amra eksange khela dhula kortam amader khela chilo andhakarHale light chale gale lukochuri khela kheltam parar ananano chele mayeder sathe,a r ekta khela Chilo, amra ekta chadorer modhe lukia portam anaader guss korte hato konta k, andhokare jokhon lukochuri kheltam ami r Titli eki jaegae lokatam titli amar samne thakto choto jaiga tae dujoner sarir dujoner sathe lage...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 9 Amanda GriggsChapter 9

In her bedroom, Bobby took her in his arms and kissed her. “Tonight, you do only what I say,” he said. Her natural urge to control things rebelled, and he saw that in her eyes. “I’m in charge, tonight,” he said. “Next time you can be in charge.” “You were in charge last night,” she said, her voice sulky. “Did I give you what you needed?” he asked. She stared at him and stuck her lip out. “Yes.” She tried to pout obviously. “I’m going to do that again tonight,” he said. In his mind he...

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Master of the SwampChapter 2

Erik sat in his rocking chair on the porch again the next day, surveying his kingdom. The clearing in front of his house was filled with gravel to keep the worst of the weed out. Apart from a dirt road that led out of the clearing, five feet high grass surrounded the open area, while crooked trees grew behind the house, close to the swamp. It was a hot day again; 102 degrees in the shade, and the humidity was brutal. Several clouds lazily drifted by, but offered little relief from the sun. A...

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Sweet Sweden Couples Getaway

Sweet Sweden It was a hot and sticky day in London. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, splicing through marshmallow like clouds. I was in the flat, just finishing up some last minute packing. I checked to see if my flight was on time and everything looked good. For my outfit I had finally settled on a denim mini skirt and a teal tank top. I had quite a bit of walking to do so I packed my straw espadrilles and sported a pair of black Nike runners. I looked over the flat one more time...

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HandsOnHardcore Lilu Moon Vacation Penetration

Lilu Moon and Matt Bird are a loving couple, enjoying a nice vacation by the beach. The muscular guy can’t wait to take his absolutely breathtakingly beautiful girlfriend for a fun donut ride on the water. The Russian babe gets super excited about some action and can’t wait to reward him for a fun adventure by kissing him. This long French kiss gets her pussy wet and gives him an instant boner in his swim trunks. No further words needed to describe where this is going… She...

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My Sissy Son Part 2

When I think back to that moment, I knew I should have felt ashamed with myself. But while I was looking at his beautifully messy face and thinking about how we got to that point, I realized I wasn't ashamed. I wasn't upset with myself for being weak like I had been in our previous encounters. I wasn't embarrassed or confused. I was satisfied, content and to put it simply; happy. I was happy because Jason was happy. When he carefully wiped my semen out of his eyes and scooped the sticky...

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Inflate or inflated

A world so similar to ours but filled to the brim with inflation possibilities. Maybe the person who falls victim to the visitor's whims will be inflated like a balloon and be filled with air, water or whatever fluid the visitor's perverted mind can imagine. Or maybe the inflation will be one of a fruit based variety where the victim gets turned into a juicy ball in a flavor of the visitors choosing whether that's blueberry, cherry or any other kind. Or maybe still the visitor may be looking to...

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BlacksOnBlondes Valentina Nappi Chanell Heart Second Appearance

Valentina Nappi and Chanell Heart are back for another round of hot, hot lesbian adventures before taking some big, black cock! Just look at these two super sluts going at it! Deep, deep pussy and ass eating in a sensual — yet hot — way that only two super sluts can pull off! You can see the excitement in their eyes when their stud, Rob Piper, walks in the room. Both girls immediately open their eager mouths wide in order to accommodate his massive tool! Piper skull fucks both women...

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CuckoldSessions Avi Love 03082020

Avi is dating an older man. He’s got a lot going for him: he’s handsome, he’s ripped and he’s rich. The only thing he doesn’t have is a working cock. Avi has made enough concessions in their relationship and she’s had it. She skipped work to go find some hot black guys and brings them home and her boyfriend hates it. He’s so mad but Avi doesn’t care. She just unzips and the more he complains, the more she sucks. She invites the men into both of her holes, keeping her mouth open to remind her...

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Macis First Dungeon Experience

Sitting in the airport awaiting our flight home and my mind is constantly drawn back to last night. We took a further step into our kinky BDSM & spanking lifestyle. Having discovered this dungeon exists before we came away we knew we had to give it a go, and boy were we glad we did.They have several different rooms for hire all equipped with different variations of sexual apparatus and a massive array of whips, canes, floggers, paddles, crops, straps etc. There were chains and a multitude of...

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My Niece I Part 3

My only concern was that we hadn’t talked about our relationship and where it was going or where we wanted to take it. The time would come for this but we were happy with what we had. By now, most of the renovation on the house was complete, and so I let Mario and Nora know that I would move back in the following weekend. I also said that I was going to have a renewal party, as a way of trying to start a new part of my life. Both of the girls were sad that I was moving back to my...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 165

Laura ran into Rhonda at a retirement party for a person they both knew. They rarely saw one another at work, though Laura knew that Yvette, and especially Sholandra, still spent some time in Rhonda's bed. She had made her peace with it, but she and Rhonda still were very suspicious of one another and had a complex relationship governed by hate, mistrust, and undeniable sexual attraction. They also had slept together, and their last encounter, in Rhonda's office in the middle of a work...

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SRU Pauls Pillow

Paul's Pillow (SRU) By Jordan Hoelder "Stuck-up bitches!" Paul muttered to himself. His latest overtures toward some of the girls at the Mall had just been rejected, as had several before that. He'd been hanging out for most of Saturday in one or another corner of the Mall and was getting nowhere towards having a date for the evening. Of course, what Paul thought were macho pickup lines came across as crass and crude to the targets of his leers. His slovenly attire, haphazard...

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the Quiet Cowboy

The time period is 1886 and you are the owner of a saloon in a small western town. After a long day on the trail, I come into the saloon to get out of the rain and to get a drink. From behind the bar you notice me walk thru the swinging door, water dripping from the brim of my hat and off my long overcoat. I sit down at a table in the corner, away from the small crowd inside. You notice that I keep my eyes concealed underneath the tipped brow of my cowboy hat. My suspicious nature quiz's...

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Chastity Device

Synopsis: My wife puts me in a chastity device.Chapter 1My wife of 10 years likes to tie me down to the bed and play-torture me with different whips, a paddle to my butt, and that sort of thing. It isn’t that painful and gets her ready for our weekly sex. One time she tried a clothespin on my nipple but that hurt like hell and I immediately screamed the safe word so she took it off. I don’t mind this playtime because without it we’d have even less sex. Weekly isn’t enough for me so I masturbate...

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