- 3 years ago
- 21
- 0
Just on closing time a guy stood in front of the door Louise Lee was about to lock from the inside. She almost smiled politely and walked away. But his smile turned her brain into a roller coaster.
The prudent part of her brain cried ‘Danger’. Her groin thought otherwise and Louise found her hands pulling open the door.
‘We’re closed.’
‘You could have fooled me. I would have thought almost closed would be more accurate.’
‘Okay, come in.’
‘Your assistants appear to have gone. Do you think it’s safe?’
Louise gritted. God it might not be safe.
He eyed her seriously. ‘I meant for me.’
Louise’s befuddlement continued. What the hell did ‘I meant for me’ mean? Then she grinned. The stupid asshole meant was if safe for him to enter the store with her the only person there and likely to pounce. What a jerk!
She smiled. ‘Come in but I’ll have to lock the door behind you. Are you prepared to risk that?’
He grinned, showing good teeth and although a little weary after all day on her feet Louise half-felt she wouldn’t mind pouncing. And then she disappointed herself by thinking you slut.
‘Nice décor,’ he said, looking around. ‘I’m looking for a wife and thought you seemed promising.’
What? Louise was sure she’d heard correctly.
‘I’ve had my eye on your for a couple of days.’
Jesus. Ah the big scissors were in a drawer ten feet away.
‘Any chance of coffee?’
‘Don’t you want to buy something?’ It seemed the right thing to say.
‘Well frankly I’ve always wondered about a women’s store and about sizes and stuff like that. I haven’t been in one since I was a little fellow in a pushchair… taken in by mom, usually with two or three cronies. They used to pick up something and they’d laugh. I had no idea what there was to laugh about in a women’s apparel store.
‘If they were mothers they would probably be appraising new fashion articles for younger women.’
‘Oh, like panties?’
Fear clutched Louise’s throat. ‘W-why do you mention panties?’
‘Dunno. Just random and I guess it’s because I don’t often see them and when I was growing up it was the only thing mysterious to me about a female until I learned about their mind complications.’
‘Mind complications?’
‘Yeah, their inability to always think in a straight line.’
‘Devoid of passion like men?’
‘Well that’s going a little deep.’
Louise thought control his mind and she’d get out of this safely. ‘Can I show you our range of panties?’
‘Okay if that will give you a thrill.’
What the hell did that mean?
They walked to the lingerie section.
‘These little fellows are cute.’
‘They’re thongs.’
He said oh really and said he’d never seen a woman in one of those although they looked a lot like miniature bikini bottoms.
‘I’m wearing a pair,’ Louise said stupidly.
‘Oh really, show me.’
‘Oh come on lovely one. I won’t bite.’
Louise hoped certainly not. The madness continued. ‘What will you do if I show you?’
‘I was planning to do nothing but if you insist on me doing something I’ll think about it.’
Moving robotically Louise pulled up her skirt, watching him carefully, ready to… what? Oh god, she was locked in with no quick escape.
He appraised her. ‘Oh great, very sexy but must be a poor choice if you stand in a draught. You have amazing legs.’
Amazing legs? Yes she did have great legs and now he’d want to see the bra display and she’d be asked to drop her top.
‘I had mentioned coffee?’
What? He wanted to be taken right to the rear of the store where they’d be out of sight of people passing the front windows.
‘I’ll sit here be the counter and you can bring it out if you’re nervous.’
‘Me nervous? That’s a laugh.’
He grinned and turning to the rear of the shop said in that case lead on.
Louise led on thinking she must be the most stupid woman alive. Ah there was a carving knife in the small staff room. She could get that and be safe… oh god, he could take it off her and turn and raise it and… she sighed and fell.
Louise came to with the smell of coffee under her nostrils.
‘Here… you fainted and I caught you. You have a lovely firm body. I’ve made coffee for us. Are you pregnant or having a period?’
‘I said…’
‘No, no and no. I’ve had a long day and am hungry.’
‘May I take you to early dinner?’
‘Yes no I mean no.’
‘That’s not straight line thinking and I’m confused. Which is it?’
Louise’s brain rolled into gear. If she said yes she’d get out on the street, out of this entrapment.
‘Yes I accept. But I’ll pay my way.’
‘Sorry but a gentleman does permit that.’
That confused Louise. If he planned to harm her why would he pay for her meal? Something was not quite right.
‘Who are you?’
‘Daniel Peters more commonly known around here as Dentist Dan. I work opposite here, one floor up. When I take a coffee break I stand at my windows and look down at street activity and see some way into your store. I see you smiling, bending over, frowning and looking bored waiting for customers or hustling you assistants. Today you have acted differently. Whenever you stopped and relaxed you scratched under your left armpit.’
‘Er yes, do you wish to inspect the bra display?’
‘Oh no, it’s only panties that are foreign to me. Twenty percent of my adult female patients attempt to subtly show their tits to me.’
‘Daniel, please, the word is breasts.’
‘Okay, if that pleases you.’
‘Well yes, except in the bedroom.’
‘What, you change language and standards in the bedroom?’
‘Well yes… no. You’re not very experienced with women are you Daniel?’
‘Of course I am. Almost sixty-five percent of my patients are women.’
‘I mean sexually.’
Daniel replied stiffly he was not into that with his patients. He was an ethically responsible dentist.
‘I mean socially.’
‘Well no. The hot babes don’t find me attractive when I say I’m a dentist and I’m not interested in lethargic babes.’
‘What kind of babe am I?’
He didn’t hesitate and grinned wolfishly. ‘Hot, without a doubt. When I look down from above and see you bend over to straighten your stockings…’
‘Daniel, please.’
‘I actually like the thought of that but we’ve only just met.’
‘Oh I see. May I ask how do you manage to keep up your stockings?’
‘What’s a garter belt Daniel?’
‘Those things women in butt sex DVDs wear?’
Louise was hit by a hot flush. She knew only too well was he was talking about. She had some of those DVDs in her collection that she’d begun collecting when eager to know about more athletic uses of her dildo. She had to get his possible interest away from her butt. ‘Lift up my skirt and learn how my stay-ups stay up Daniel.’
‘I think I know. I see them in magazine advertisements but I’ve not touched the real thing, if you know what I mean. Women I’ve known… er… intimately wear those things that go to the waist… er tights.’
‘Oh how ghastly, you poor boy. I bet you were all fingers and thumbs?’
‘Well to tell you the truth I learned to rip them open to get at it, but that tended to make me unpopular.’
Louise experienced the unexpected. Rather than a quick flick up of her skirt and an informed statement something like, ‘Ah yes, this sticky coating adheres to the flesh, Daniel lifted her skirt gently and ran a hand up the inside of her left thigh and he murmured, ‘God, the feel of this stocking is sexy.’
Louise felt a hot wave gripping her and her breasts tightened in her bra.
His fingers hit the warm flesh
at the top of her stockings and she had to fight not to grab him and tell him to fuck her.
Daniel’s fingers slipped under the lace top and he said in awe: ‘It feels sticky, it that lady’s cum?’
Louise grabbed him and groaned, ‘Fuck me’ but he pushed her away and said gently, ‘Steady on, we barely know one another.’
She calmed down and between sipping coffee scratched under her arm.
‘Please remove your top.’
Her mouth dried up. He was between her and the door. Perhaps he’d just fuck her and leave, allowing her to live for another day, another encounter with a male maniac. But he was a dentist and yes a dentist had rooms opposite her store, or more correctly her mom’s store.
Mechanically she removed her top and her eyed the well-filled bra that matched her patterned thong.
‘What an amazing sight.’
‘Glad you like it,’ she managed.
‘Lift up your arm.’
She complied.
‘No your left arm.’
He moved in close and said aha.
She rolled her eyes around and met his gaze.
He kissed her. He damn well kissed her! Louise felt her temper rising, slowed by the fact she thought he kissed rather well. And then he brought her under control.
‘It’s a wee boil. You probably infected a hair follicle when shaving.’
‘I did?’
‘Yes probably. When shaving you armpits and pussy I recommend starting off with an antiseptic cream.’
Pussy — he knew she shaved her pussy? ‘H-how did you know I shaved?’
‘There is an absence of hair under this armpit.’
‘Oh god, I haven’t showered and you’re under my armpit. I have been working all day…’
‘Relax. Some of my patients appear to rarely bath or shower. In comparison you smell as sweet as a spring flower garden.’
‘I do?’
‘Yes, where’s the medical kit?’
‘Below the knife drawer… er I’ll get it.’
‘No, you stay where you are. Drop you arm for the moment. The boil is ready to lance and drain.’
‘You’ll do it with the carving knife?’ Louise asked, eyes bulging.
‘No, with the point of the surgical scissors in the medical kit. I’ll have to sterilize them first.’
Sterilize them? Louise relaxed, thinking she’d never heard of guy who’d turned down the chance of having sex who’d then take extraordinary care of his intended victim. This guy was lonely and wanted to date her and when he got to know her they’d fuck. How positively romantic. She must not let on she was highly experienced at sex.
He said it was a very small boil but it hurt like hell when he lanced it. She cried and he said comforting things to her and after he had a plaster over it he licked away her tears — yes, she was surprised at that as he had dressings and even a towel handy. He asked if she wanted to be admitted to hospital. She saw he was joking and loved him for that and thought about pulling out a tit, er breast, for him but thought he’d rebuke her for being sluttish although that was not quite so bad as being called a slut.
She heard him say something.
‘Come on, put your top back on and I’ll put the medical kit away and we’ll go for a meal.’
‘My armpit is sore. Please put my top on.’
‘It won’t fit me.’
She laughed and said don’t be a fool.
As he was pulling it on her he said, ‘Gosh, look at your nipples. Are you aroused?’
She just smiled and was so pleased he’d noticed.
They had a lovely time at dinner and as he put her into a cab he told her to stop off at a pharmacy and gave her the name of the ointment to purchase.
‘May I kiss you goodnight?’
He nodded gravely and their tongues touched, only just.
‘You are such a slut,’ he said.
She rode home thinking of the lovely way he’d said that and knew he was hooked on her.
* * *
Next morning after unlocking the entrance into the store Louise looked up at the rooms of Daniel Peters and her tempter flared. The stupid developers of that building had specified one-way glass, she would be unable to see Dentist Dan.
Mid morning Louise took a call on the store line. ‘Good morning, Louise Lee speaking.’
‘Dentist Dan speaking. So that’s your name?’
‘I introduced myself last evening and you used my name, often.’
‘Did you and did I?’
Yes of coursed she’d introduced herself and he’d called her Louise several times and… No, he’d not called her Louise and no she’d not introduced herself but had asked for his name.
She hadn’t replied so he said, ‘Have you in the involved way women’s minds work figured out whether my claim is correct or incorrect?’
‘Correct. I must be the most inhospitable bitch on the planet.’
‘I could say I agree with that but I won’t. Today is a new day Louise Lee. Any chance of a date?’
‘I don’t eat lunch.’
‘Perhaps that’s why you got that boil. How is it and how are those perky nipples?’
‘God, you are a changed man today.’
‘Well I know you better.’
‘Okay, buy me one slice of rye bread with no spread and thin sliced tomato and gherkin.’
‘No cheese, onion and chutney?’
‘No thank you. You may bring whatever you like and we’ll eat in our staff room at 2:00. Please don’t allow my staff to seduce you, they are not used to seeing a dishy man on our premises.’
‘Dishy. Oh thanks. That sounds as if you might like me?’
‘Well, you did such a good job on my boil last evening.’
‘I’ll always do a good job on you Louise.’
‘What my teeth?’
‘No not your teeth. Give my your cell phone number please.’
After giving it and taking his number Louise asked did he want to join her and her parents for dinner that evening.
‘Yes and thank you, how lovely.’
She gave him the address and time to arrive.
‘Does this mean if your mom approves of me I’m free to fuck you?’
He cut the call before Louise could reply.
Her breasts were tight and her groin was radiating heat. Oh dear, she knew what that meant. To divert he mind she called her mom.
‘Is it okay if I bring a guy home for din-dins?’
‘Please say dinner.’
‘Yes, but it’s a waste of time my darling. They’ll eat our food and after a couple of weeks of plundering you they go. Won’t you ever learn? Join a club or go to church and meet a guy who’s had time to eye you and see you for all the qualities you possess before he even lays a finger on you.’
‘Yes mother.’
‘What’s his name?’
‘Dan… er Daniel… er something. I know it but you’ve made me nervous.’
‘He’s fucking you already and you don’t know his name. Oh Louise.’
‘Panic tore at Louise. Come on, come on you stupid slut. ‘His name is Daniel Peters.’
‘Are you sure? That name sounds familiar.’
‘Yes, a customer I met late yesterday and he said he was hungry and I said so was I and he suggested early dinner and I answered yes without thinking.’
‘Darling, I’ve told you 10,000 times always be very careful what you say to a male, they have no sophistication and they think of only one thing.’
‘Yes mom. He put me into a cab outside the restaurant and I came straight home.’
‘Then when did he seduce you?’
‘He didn’t, it was you who said he did.’
‘Oh, so I did. All right, invite the asshole.’
‘Is that your new word for gentleman?’ Louise cut the call before her mom could answer.
The doorbell chimed right on 8:00. Louise, with her hair up and in a red dress with a ridiculously high hem that made her parents gag, went to answer the door, hoping he wasn’t wearing jeans, he mother hated jeans.
Of course he was dressed in blue jeans and a white turtleneck. He looked uncertain and asked if it was the Lee’s apartment.
Mystified Louise said yes and he asked could she call her older sister. Only then did she catch the stupid grin. She g
iggled and went for the jugular, sucking as well as kissing it and then moved up to his lips and they kissed open-mouthed although keeping tongues at bay.
‘You are such a beautiful woman.’
She felt like dropping to her knees in joy, dragging down his zip on the way down. Instead she was far more modest and just lightly scooped his balls into her fingers just to let him know she knew they are there.
His reaction was quaint: his eyes bulged.
‘Please come in Daniel. Oh are those flowers for me,’ she said coyly and was shocked when he said no there were for her mom.
Her eyelashes with extensions dropped in disappointment but he got them raised again, handing Louise a package. She unwrapped it slowly, feeling his impatience and she looked at him, tongue pushed out a little between her teeth before she said, ‘It’s gorgeous. Thank you.’
It was Lancôme’s Miracle, just perfect for her to be her very best perfume.
Daniel said nervously, ‘Don’t show it to your mother, she’ll think I want something in return.’
Louise faked a coy expression: ‘What would you want from me?’
But too late, her parents arrived in the foyer smiling like good hosts.
‘Ohmigod,’ Debra Lee said. ‘Dr Peters. How could you possibly be interested in my daughter when you have half the city ready to fawn over you?’
‘Mom, you know Daniel?’
‘Yes I do darling but please address him with respect and call him Dr Peters.’
‘Daniel is my mother in the 20%?’ She was referring to the bunch that tried to show their tits to him.
The nervous reply was, ‘Yes.’
‘Twenty percentage what?’
Daniel looked about to panic.
‘Daniel’s preferred clients of course.’
‘Oh,’ Debra smiled and, patted her hair and said ‘Oh’ again as the relieved Daniel handed her the flowers. ‘These are beautiful. Dr Peters, this is my husband Charles.’
‘Hi Charles, for goodness sake call me Daniel,’ he said, shaking hands and handing Charles a bottle of red wine, saying it was something for the cellar.
Charles red the label and his eyebrows raised. ‘This is a cracker, thank you.’
‘What did you get Louise?’
‘Scent, is someone getting Daniel a drink? This welcome of Daniel has a touch of inquisition about it. The poor guy must be hanging out for a drink.
When they all had a drink and said cheers, Daniel said, ‘Debra, you must stop this nonsense calling me doctor. At the office you address me as Daniel.’
‘Well yes, but you calling on us for the first time with Louise being here it occurred to me that some formality was in order.’
‘Louise calls me Daniel. Before you identified me as having a doctorate in dental surgery I’m sure she assumed I was a general practitioner, which I am for much of my time of course.’
‘Well I seem confused.’
‘And another thing I would like to mention. I was surprised at your query how could I be interested in Louise. Louise is perhaps the most perfect young woman I’ve met.’
Charles said, ‘I keep telling you Debra has become a swan.’
‘A swan princess Charles. Louise is beautiful and from what I can see has a beautiful body shape and she is charming and I should think passionate and from what I can see from my office she runs a tight ship at her store. I became so attracted to her that yesterday I went over and spoke to her for the first time and we just clicked. I didn’t buy anything but she did model a thong for me and that’s when I say he sensational legs and is what I can call her a swan princess with confidence — from that and having dinner with her. We just clicked’
‘Modeled a thong for you?’
‘Yes, I was ignorant about them.’
‘I see and were bras modeled for you?’
‘Goodness no. A large number of my patients seem keen to ensure I see they are wearing the latest in bra design.’
‘Are you serious?’ Charles queried.
Debra hurried from the room saying, ‘Dinner, I must check the dinner.’
Charles whispered, ‘Debra shows the tops of her stockings and the top of her bra more than I think is polite. Is she one who shows you tit?’
‘Charles, your wife seems too much in awe of me to pull a stunt like that, don’t you think?’
‘Oh yes, of course.’
Louise looked over the top of her glass with a you-are-a-naughty-boy look and winked at Daniel.
‘This is a beautiful apartment in a great location Charles. Are you some sort of VIP?’
‘No, I’m chief of police. I’m pleased to say I can’t recall your name ever popping up at the office.’
‘Oh of course, Chief of Police Charles Lee. That’s where I’ve seen you before — on TV. I guess if I were into crime I’d not even come here this evening.’
Charles laughed and slapped Daniel on the back. ‘Very droll, allow me to get you another drink.’
When Charles went off to the kitchen he said to Louise, ‘You could have told me your father was chief of police.
I am a 29 year old man who became a dentist four years ago from a college in Maine and who opened a practice in Miami. I wanted the warm weather and also I love to fish and so I picked my practice location for those reasons. Since I was just starting and had no money, I set up my equipment in an old house which was owned by my uncle and who hadn't used it for a few years. Our arrangement was for me to keep it up so that its value would stay up and I could stay there for as long as I liked. It...
Erotic“What if Dan isn’t interested?” I asked Ted, my husband.“Oh, he’s interested," Ted assured me. “I’ve seen him checking you out for years.”Dan had just completed the first year of a two-year assignment in Kodiak, Alaska. Retired form the Air Force, his Colonel quickly snatched him back as a contractor working on some sort of top-secret tracking station on a remote base in Alaska. Dan and Ted have been friends since they were kids, and we’d offered Dan our guest room for the week he’d be in town...
Wife LoversI live in Northern California now, but a few years ago I was livingin L.A., land of movie stars, traffic insanity and loads of awesomelycute young dudes, in a small house in West L.A. proper. At that timeI considered myself bisexual, but hadn't had nearly as much sex as Iwanted (with either gender). It wasn't that I was bad-looking. Infact, I was flirted with by both genders nearly every day. I waswell-tanned, and worked out enough. Green eyes, buzzed dark brownhair. I was kind of on the...
The story is true the names have been changed to protect every one involved. I welcome all comments good and bad as they will make my future stories more enjoyable. I had been visiting several adult dating sites when i was notified that there was a person interested in my profile. Now i am not a fan of on line dating but thought what the heck i had nothing to lose and maybe gain a friend in the process. Dan was the man that was interested in my profile he was three years older than me but age...
Oh, God, he's taking it out again! I shifted to get a better look as my older brother Dan began peeling out of his speedo and releasing his big, fat cock. Damn, I sure wish it were my hands in stead of his sliding up and down that cock. But that would be incest and wrong, but I don't see why. I was spying on my brother again. My voyeurism started when I was eight years old and I accidentally got a good look at my ten year old brother's "thing," as I called it then, when he crossed from...
I was sitting at the kitchen table sipping my third cup of coffee and looking out the window at the backyard. The grass was ankle high, weeds were taking over the flowerbeds and the roses were in bad need of pruning. That was all stuff that Dan was supposed to take care of. The front door squeaked when you opened it, the showerhead in the upstairs bedroom leaked, my car needed the brakes relined and it was due for an oil change; more stuff that Dan usually took care of. There were a hundred...
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"What's next on the agenda, Carol," Dr. Cameron Fixx asked his nurse, "nothing tough I hope!?!" "No such luck," she said with a laugh, "we have a woman in the waiting room with what we think is and impacted wisdom tooth!!!" "Do we have a file on her already," the doctor asked!?! "Nope, brand new patient," Carol replied, "she just moved into town and says she hasn't seen a dentist in over ten years, and I think I can see why, she's scared to death!!!" "How old is she,...
I had agreed to see a movie with a guy from my work. We sat in the balcony, and there were only about three couples when we first got there. We started necking and I let him feel my tits inside my top, but then the balcony started filling up, and when some kids I knew sat down close to us, I asked him to stop for a while but he wouldn’t, so I left the movie (and him) and started walking home. A different time and place I would have let him go farther, just not in a public theater. People...
So many of you write, you send me emails. You ask, offering the fantasies of your own lives to me, thinking I am, I just might be..what is read in the words I write. I am none of those things, yet I am all of those things. So many years ago, I was a young man. I was strong, in shape, I ran and played, life was good. I enjoyed meeting girls, from the time I was very young on up until those I attracted were women. I was just 28 when my world crashed. Such a silly thing, feeling my oats, the...
I woke up listening to the sound of a train. It was the third time we had slept together. It was still dark outside, with blue coming up over the horizon. The rain was pattering on the window and I could hear the cold rush of the wind outside, fighting to get inside. But I was safe inside.. with Uncle Dan. I stretched slowly, watching my body as I did. My nipples responded by hardening at the cool air in the room. I ran a hand down in between my legs and felt the evidence of the night before,...
IncestWell this is story I read in Nancy Friday one of greatest sexy magazine I have read I liked this story very much so decided to share with ISS readers well my name is Sonia not an real story but I think u will all like it HI my name is peter we r only 2childrens to my parents me n my younger sis we both were very close in childhood my fantasy about her started at age of 17 I used to read few porn magazines with few incest stories her age at that time was 15 she was developing at that time but...
IncestAs I left the club that Friday night, I was more afraid than I'd ever been in my life. I jumped in my car as a couple of my guys were pointing at a set of tail lights receding into the night. I didn't know what kind of car it was and I didn't care. Whoever did this couldn't possibly get away and when I caught them, it was over. I left the parking lot in a scream of tortured rubber. As soon as I got on the road I pressed the gas pedal to the floor and listened to the supercharger's whine....
Father DanI have been a priest almost thirty five years in the beginning I was living as any faithful priest should be then after about three years I started to have unhealthy feelings I mean that I was having thoughts about what is was like to have sex again . I had plenty of sex before I became a priest I screwed my cousin when I was fifteen and I thought she might be pregnant turned out she wasn't so I screwed her ever chance I had but I used a condom after that and we both really enjoyed it...
‘I’ll be out in a few minutes.’ Was all Dan heard when he walked in the house. Settling himself on the couch he could hear bottles being picked up & put down as she finished getting ready. ‘If we’re going to make the movie you better hurry up babe.’ He yelled into her. With that the door opened to show her standing there in a black leather teddy & fuck me thigh high boots. ‘I thought we might skip the movie.’ Dru said with a wicked little grin. She walks slowly into the living room so he can...
News of the Duchy’s victory in Horkustk Ris did not reach the Kingdom of the Moon immediately. A few survivors from the Kingdom’s rout did manage to sneak past the Grand Duke’s Royal Guards and slip across the border into the Kingdom. However, the Kingdom of the Moon survivors, who could not have numbered more than a few dozen, had no incentive whatsoever to contact the Lord’s advisors with news of the defeat. In the Kingdom of the Moon, the military policy was victory or death. Anyone...
In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty. Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassuming entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier. First it started off very...
IncestThis piece is a chapter extracted from my novel "Toggenburg" a lesbian love story set in the mountains of Switzerland which I've posted in case any Xhamster reader might enjoy it. Toggenburg Thirty. “We are going to get wet!” declared Sarah firmly. It was a fair analysis as she and Daniela stood huddled in the doorway of the Hotel Toggenburg contemplating the wretched weather before them. It was still raining heavily and the wind was blowing the sheets of rain around...
[14:03] Falara (falarapt): "Oh dont worry i neither did, i am it is nice to meet you Daniela" bows "i have to say this is a nice place, i surely will have some Drinks at this place later at a day" she giggles[14:04] Madyrn Bayn nickers. "If Falara wants drink now, Madyrn can help with that." She grins wickedly and nods to Daniela. Red head knows what's up by now, for sure, as often as the minotaur-esque horse has been around Daniela.[14:04] Daniela (daniele801) smile and keep walk to the...
Hello everyone, greetings to all the readers. I am Ravi kumar from Nellore town in Andhra Pradesh and also a regular visitor and reader of the sex stories. I am here to narrate my real hot experience in Nellore with a sexy girl by name Chandan who is from Bangalore. This wonderful incident happened last week when I came to my native place Nellore from Hyderabad for a short stay. That evening around 7pm I went to meet my friend at DR Uttama hotel, as he was coming from Chennai and asked me to...
It was a crummy day outside, almost no one was at the Gym, which was fine with me, I hated having to wait to use the equipment like when it was busy. There was one guy there who seemed as focused on his workout as I was. To say he was buff is an understatement and I had to admire his dedication to what he was doing. I went to one of the mirrors and checked my own progress, I have to admit it was almost laughable, I was beginning to think that I was simply destined to be that scrawny 90 pound...
"Alex, we need to go on vacation," I said. "Two questions," she replied. "One." She held up one of her tiny fingers. "Where are we going, and for how long?" she asked. "Anywhere," I said, "Let's go to Paris, women always want to see Paris." "I don't," she said. "It's just another city." "Two," she said, holding up another finger. "Why and more importantly, why now?" she asked. "It's that evil bitch isn't it? I should have kicked her ass then." That was really...
Alex as usual was only ready to see the good in people. From the moment the last conversation with Dana was over, her anger towards Dana had dissipated. She was trying to calm me down by telling me that she loved me no matter what and if I loved her as much, then Dana couldn't hurt us. Me on the other hand, I didn't trust the bitch as far as I could throw her. So I decided to get some help. Without Alex knowing it, I hired a PI. I wanted to know everything Dana did from the time she woke...
“I have no right to ask, but I want to learn about you,” Janet said, “That’s a dangerous thing to tell a man,” Dan replied. “We all like to talk about ourselves. As I said, I was sixteen, and -- as you noticed in your classmates back then, that means I was randy as hell...” And this is the story he told: “Mrs. Fisher? This is Martha Jennings, Lance’s mother. I’m about to invite Danny over for supper. I wanted you to know that it was my invitation; he isn’t cadging a meal.” Mrs. Fisher...
I was dreading going to the dentist’s office, but really needed to have a tooth extracted. I kept telling myself that afterwards the pain would be gone, and I’d live through it, but I was more than a bit nervous about going, especially after my first visit to get the x-rays done. I’ll start there, since it was a simple visit, only to have the x-ray and fill out the forms so I could get a prescription for the necessary antibiotics. New to this area, I had asked around and heard that...
POV: Kirk "You don't think I'm some taboo freak for wanting to do it with your daughter, do you?" I asked, bringing her to my bed."No, do you think I'm some cheating slut?" she pondered, lying down."No, you deserve to be fucked, I'm sorry my dad doesn't please you, but I can't do it again after this though," I let her know, getting on top of her. "I love you so much more now than I did just yesterday, but I can't help you commit adultery," I explained, before kissing her."You...
TabooStory Title: Ghost Riding Fergus Riordan WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18 please leave now. Please Note: This is a fabricated story about Fergus Riordan (I Want To Be A Soldier; GhostRider2) and is narrated through the eyes of a fan.The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about...
Hi friends mere nam simer hai aur maine abi abi apni Intunship complete ki hai aur aj main ap ka apni life ka sab se happy aur zabardast experience share ka rha hu yeh bat un dino ki hai jab main 9 standard mein the aur Vandana hamare ghar mein kam karti thi us ka rang gora badan 36-24-36 k kareeb tha ,aur woh jab kam krti to apna dupptta utar kr rakh dati aur jb woh niche ki aur hoti to use ke boobs saaf nazar atte. Ek din papa ne kaha k hum sab manali ghumne ja rahe hai kyuki unhe Family tour...
It’s not as if some of Miss Danica’s fans didn’t meet Her. Those who were able to travel to wherever Her amateur photos-sessions were held – Aunty Jayne’s ‘photo seminars’ – would have seen Her pose, taken photos for their own ‘personal use’ - and, oh yes, she knew what that was alright – talked to Her etc. I’d gaze longingly at the photos of those sessions but I could only press my nose up against the window, so to speak. Attending for me wasn’t an option, much though it would have been a...
Well, now it is time to go to the second visit, I’m a bit nervous, but I know that I can opt to take the twilight drug should I need to. Hopefully this time I will be able to remember what all went on. I was greeted by the same warm friendly smile as Sharon saw me walk through the door, again the last customer of the day. I walked across to her desk and she started preparing the consent forms and releases necessary by law for insurance purposes, and I remembered that I...
TabooI, Asser, monk of St Davids in the land of Cymru, have preserved these writings. I collected many such stories in the service of my friend and master, Ælfred, whom men are now calling 'The Great.' Some stories I used in my scholarly work, The Life of King Ælfred. Perhaps you have read it? These tales you now find here were unsuitable for such a book but may hold sufficient interest for the reader to be worth recording. Great Ælfred now is dead these nine years and the land of...
EroticPart 1: Daniella's tale I'm not sure where the story begins. Actually, by the time the thing with dad happened, I was 14 and I already knew quite a bit about sex, even though I had hardly had any experience. There were a few things in my very early childhood that should be mentioned for anyone to understand me and although I'm not completely sure of the sequence of events, they occurred when I was around 5 years old. Unfortunately, the very first thing that I need to mention cannot be...
Danni shivered as she felt his hands slide up her sides caressing her skin lightly with his finger tips. She was nervous and wasn't sure this was what she wanted, but it felt so good she couldn't bring herself to stop him. His finger pushed her swim top up slightly and she felt his fingertips lightly drag across the bottom of her sensitive breasts. Her day had started as any other Saturday, other than the dark loom that hung over her since Michael had left months ago. They had been together...
“Are you flirting with me?” I was trying to watch TV but my sister was acting coy and playful, trying to get my attention. “No, why would I flirt with my brother?” “Maybe cause I’m hot and sexy and you want to commit vile acts on my body?” Danni scrunched her face in a display of disgust “I don’t even do vile acts on my own body, yours repulses me completely.” I looked away from the TV and studied her face. “What the hell, you’ve got make-up on? When did you do that? Is it moms?” I...
Very early one fine summer morning on one of my days off my first and new cell-phone woke me up. I didn’t recognize the number, it was an SMS seemingly coming from a woman who wished me a nice morning in a very sunny tone. I answered it promptly, asked her who she was and why she had to get me out of bed so early in the morning. Of course I got no answer.However, I persisted! A few hours later I wrote again, saying that she was obviously very young, since elder people knew how to...
September 11, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Did you make the call?” I asked after greeting Sensei Jim on Monday evening. He nodded soberly, “I did.” “How bad?” “She demanded I ‘fire’ you, and when I refused, because the explanation wouldn’t have mattered, she withdrew Marcia from the school.” “Now what?” “There isn’t anything we can do, really. She said she’s going to call the ISKC and have your teaching license revoked, which we both know isn’t possible. I’m sure she’ll demand you be...
I think I was certain already and had been for some time. I suppose it was just to finally test myself when I decided to kiss the two guys. The kisses were about two weeks apart but I knew after the first one that I was sure of what I'd been feeling for years. I'm not sure why I tried again with the second guy but as this was something that would affect the rest of my life, I guess I had to be truly sure. I think I knew already and had always known, but in kissing them I finally knew men...
LesbianHi, Girl’s and Boy’s hope all are you doing well !! Myself Ricky and I are from Delhi. I have been reading ISS stories from past 10 years and I’m a huge fan follower of this website and used to read stories whenever I get a time out from my busy work schedule. Finally. Today I got a chance to share my real life true experience with all my dear ladies and gentlemen. Feedbacks, comments and compliments are most welcome. Any girls or unsatisfied women can contact me for any kind of help or...
It was the summer of '02 and I had just turned 15. In January of that year I had taken over the neighborhood paper route from my older brother who had left for college. He had "willed" his paper route to me and I was thankful because it allowed me to earn some spending money without having to do any real hard labor. Jim, my brother, had indoctrinated me into the ins and outs of his route; i.e., which houses subscribed to the paper, which customers complained the most and when and how to...
Sometimes, people have no idea what they are doing.That was a truth that Monica knew well, though she had no idea it was about to hit so close to home as she drove her Lexus up the driveway to her spacious residence. The divorce from her husband five years ago, after a rocky f******n years of marriage, had left her with a nice settlement and a beautiful daughter. She had gone from having no skills in the workforce to a near-six-figure income during those five years. At the same time, her...
Chapter 1 "Could you pass me the porridge?" my father asked. "Sure thing, father!" my younger sister replied and handed father his third portion of the grainy goo. I'd never been the greatest admirer of porridge, finding the taste not to my liking. "Could I have some more too?" I asked, feeling genuinely hungry. Father passed the porridge to me, using my mother as the deliverer. "Thanks!" I said, remembering to be polite. I had lived on the same farm for my entire life, rarely...
I was not aware that my girlfriend had begun studying hypnosis,nor that she harbored ambitions of petticoating me. But I soondiscovered that the combination of the two was dangerous to mymasculinity. One afternoon I was sitting in my living room,listening to the stereo through a pair of headphones. It was awarm, sultry day, and after a while I drifted off to sleep. (Muchof what follows my girlfriend--now my mistress-- explained to melater.Seeing that I had dozed off, Jennifer saw her chance....
They took an eastward road from Elmenhørn, marching at a moderate pace. Joerg was happy with that; his legs hurt from last night's march. He tried to get to know his companions. There were twenty-two of them, once they picked up another dozen men at a different inn. They marched until late afternoon. There was no village on the way where they could spend the night, and they asked for quarter at a large farm. The farmer and his armed knechte made them leave, however. They ended up sleeping in...
© Copyright 2003 by CloseShaveHer Chapter 1 Dani is a 37 year old mother of two, with long shapely legs that she loves to show off in Short-Shorts and a good 36c-26-36 figure. Like most mothers, her age, she carries an extra pound or two; her waist only slightly thickened. Dani's still curvaceous body has retained its hour glass contours. Her short dark brown hair frames a very pleasing heart shaped face that needed very little make-up. Enormous liquid brown eyes are windows to...
Gary and Daniella, Dani to most folks, had invited Sue and me to a casual card game and dinner. Two of Gary's younger friends were still there, helping him with the same car that had crushed Gary's legs two months ago. Gary asked them to join us, so they laid a thick 4x8' plywood sheet on the basement Bumper Pool table over some towels to protect the rails. Dani pulled a painter's tarp over the makeshift table and covered it all with a heavy tablecloth. The conversion was so fast and smooth...
I looked at the mirror and smiled, a big stupid grin that turned into a laugh, before I remembered where I was and what I was doing. Standing in his bathroom, having just showered in preparation for this man, I almost came just thinking about it. At the time I thought I was hard from checking myself out in the mirror. I had been doing push-ups and dips to build my chest and arms and it hard worked. Sexy athletic tone, not muscled, not undefined, my chest and arms were just considered bonus...
Gay MaleAs a matter of record, she is not a blood relation. We met at the reception when my uncle married his long lost high school sweetheart. She was the daughter of my new aunt's sister and we wound up sharing a table with her older brother and my younger ones. I was immediately taken aback by her stunning good looks.Long dark hair fell past her soft shoulders and that was an immediate turn on. While most of my buddies were obsessed with the blue-eyed blondes, I always preferred the dark-haired...