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Synopsis:  I am kidnapped.

Chapter 1 ? Dentist

In the back corner of my mouth a tooth had been hurting and my dentist said that

he would like to pull out my wisdom tooth and pulling out the other three wisdom

teeth would be partially covered by insurance so we agreed to have them all

removed.  I opted for general anesthesia as I would rather not go through the

pain, I am a baby when it comes to pain.

A few days later in the chair at the dental office a nurse put me under and that

was that.

I expected to awaken in the dentist office but that was not the case.  I woke up

on a mattress in a small prison cell!  There was a light on the ceiling.

I was still very groggy as if in a dream-like state.  It felt good so while a

part of me was alarmed at the situation I was very mellow.

I slowly pushed myself up from the floor and staggered toward the one side of

the room which was not a solid wall, it had vertical bars.  On the other side of

the bars was a carpeted hallway running left and right but I could not see the

ends of the hallway in either direction.

I held onto the bars and tentatively said ?Hello??

There was no answer so I said ?Hello?? again with no response.  I was still

feeling good from the anesthesia so I just sat back down on the mattress and

leaned my back against the wall.  Besides the mattress, a small sink and a

toilet were the only other features in the room.  I could not fathom why I was

in a prison but I was not ready to start yelling yet.

After several minutes of trying to clear my head I heard a door shut at one end

of the hallway outside of my cell and then the dentist showed up on the other

side of the bars.

He asked ?How are you feeling??

I was much less groggy and got on my feet.  I said ?Okay.  Why am I here??

He responded ?You needed to be quarantined.  I found a very rare virus which

could have infected everyone in my office.?

My heart skipped a beat at this.  Was I near death?  Did I need an operation?

Seeing the reaction on my face he laughed and said ?I am just joking, you don?t

have a virus.

?Does your head hurt??

I replied ?My head feels fine, why am I here?!?

He said ?You aren?t going to like it, are you sure you are ready??  I nodded my

head and he continued ?You are my prisoner.?

I responded ?You?re joking.?

He said ?No, it?s the truth? and with the serious tone of his voice I believed


I wasn?t sure what to say.  It seemed ridiculous but here I was in this prison

cell which was designed as a cell, not just some makeshift room.

I said ?Why??

He said ?What if you had the opportunity to own someone?  You could do whatever

you wanted to him and he would have to do everything you told him to do.?

This was ridiculous.  Even apart from the morality of kidnapping someone, what

on earth would I want owning someone?

I decided that this man was insane.  It apparently made complete sense to him to

kidnap someone.  I needed to tread carefully with what I said as I did not need

an insane man to become angry.

I said ?If that situation came up I would not want to risk the police finding

out about it and I would let him go.?  Well, so much for being careful, that

hint about the police was much less subtle than I had hoped.

Fortunately, he did not get angry.  He chuckled and said ?I guess different

strokes for different folks.?

He couldn?t possibly get away with this.  A cab had dropped me off because I

couldn?t drive home while groggy and I had been told that an assistant to the

dentist would drive me the few blocks to my apartment.  There was no-one who

would know today that I was here but people would miss me after a couple of days

and eventually they would find out I went to the dentist.  People don?t just go

missing, do they?

I could not do anything about that now.  This man thinks that he owns me so I

will need to cope with that until the police come.  If he enters the cell, I?m

going to punch his head off.

He pulled a chair up to near the bars and said ?Would you like to discuss the

terms of your captivity or do you need some time to control your anger?  If

you?re angry you might say something you regret.?

He was right, I was fuming mad.  I was still not at full strength from the

anesthesia but if I lunged at him I could poke him in the eye at high speed

before my elbow was wedged between the bars.

I decided against that approach.  In this cell I was going to play his game and

wait for an opportunity or maybe just a clearer head.

I said in a neutral tone ?I would like to discuss the situation.?

He said ?Good.  I am going to tell you what your life will be like from now on

and you are going to listen.?

Fuck yes I will listen now and kill you when I get a chance.

He continued ?Whenever I enter your cell you will be face down on the bed until

I shackle your hands behind your back.?

The fuck I will.

?If you do not comply then you will not receive food and I will have other

unpleasant methods of convincing you to comply.?

Fuck that.

?At least once per day when I take you from this room you will be put through a

session of torture.?  He paused to let that sink in.

That got my attention.

My anger mostly vanished, replaced by determination that I needed to find a way


He asked ?What do you think of that??

I said ?Why are you doing this and how do you think you could possibly get away

with this??

He replied ?You?re thinking that someone will ask about you and the police will

begin an investigation, right??

I said ?Yes? with the tone of voice that this was obvious.

He said ?I will tell them that I drove you home and other than being groggy you

seemed fine.  They will have no reason not to believe me, you could be missing

due to dozens of other more likely reasons.

?Do you think that won?t work??

He wasn?t asking this to work out the details, it was to drive the knife home

that no-one is going to be looking for me here.

It worked.  There is no reason the police would have not to trust the dentist,

they would investigate other possible causes.

My mind withdrew into itself and I was no longer paying any attention to him. 

There was one word going through my head.


Somehow that seemed much worse than indefinite captivity.  Eventually I would

escape from captivity but if he tortured me?  I could not get that word out of

my head.

I think he was saying something when I broke out of my contemplation to

interrupt him and coolly ask ?What would it take for us to have an amicable


I cringed at how ridiculous this sounded but I waited for an answer.

He hesitated a moment and then laughed.  He said ?This is already a very

amicable relationship.  Doesn?t it seem amicable to you??

I didn?t know how to answer that so he continued ?I am going to let you think on

this, let your anger and confusion settle down, and we will talk again.  I will

be back in a half hour and we can get down to business.?

He emphasized the word ?business? as if it was what he was anticipating and that

made me afraid to think of what would happen a half hour from now.

I did not need a half hour to think about my situation but I was glad to wait

for the business to begin.  I decided to give him everything he wanted no matter

what.  He had me and he could shoot me, throw poison darts at me, tase me,

starve me, or whatever and then torture me into doing anything he wanted anyway.

I couldn?t really imagine anything he would tell me that I would not obey

because he would torture me into it anyway.  This was a horrible situation!  I

knew that he was not bluffing about the handcuffs, the hunger, and the torture,

he would not have set up this whole prison just to mess with my mind.  Maybe if

I completely submitted, it would hurt less, and maybe I would still be capable

of escaping when the opportunity presented itself.

Now that I had agreed to submit completely, there was no more decision for me to

make.  Maybe no more decision ever in my life.  I didn?t mind that, being

responsible is overrated anyway.  But everything else would be hell.  I looked

around my cell to see if there was anything I could use to commit suicide if it

got to that point, but I didn?t see anything obvious unless maybe I could jump

and have my head land on the solid sink but that seemed out of the question.

My nerves were practically jumping out of my body.  I tried to calm down but

that went nowhere.  I was sure that he wanted me to react this way but I had

already decided to give him what he wants anyway.

Maybe I was over-reacting.  But this couldn?t be some sort of joke and he was a

licensed dentist so he was smart in being able to set up his little kidnap plot.

I was not over-reacting, this was a very serious situation.

Dreading my future during this half hour was the worst time of my life.  But I

knew it would probably soon not stay the worst.

Chapter 2 ? The Worst

He returned to my cell and said ?So what have you decided??

I asked ?Decided??

He replied ?Yes, have you decided how you are going to react to this situation??

I interpreted this to be asking whether I was ready to beg for mercy now.  I was

very ready.

I looked at him through the bars in my cell and said ?I will do everything you

say? and waited, hoping for some indication that he would go easy on me.  In my

heart, I was begging for mercy.

It seemed as though he was not ready for this answer.  He paused and said ?Are

you sure?  Wouldn?t you like to try some passive resistance or fighting back or


I said ?No, sir, I will do whatever you want me to do.?

He smiled and was clearly happy about this.  ?That is great.  Very smart.  That

could save you a lot of pain.?

Yes oh yes, that is what I needed to hear.  What could be my last ever decision

in life was apparently a good one.

I said ?Thank you, sir, I appreciate that.?

He was marveling at my servile manner and clearly enjoying it.  He stopped

himself, though, and said ?I get it.  You are trying to get me to lower my guard

so you can escape.  That?s a really good try, I almost bought into it.  But it

won?t make any difference.  I follow procedures very closely in general and my

top priority is to ensure that you never ever escape.?


He continued ?Would you like to react to that?? and I replied ?No, sir.?

He asked ?Why are you calling me sir and acting like my slave??

I asked ?Isn?t that why I am here, sir??

He replied ?Yes, but I didn?t even have to tell you this.  I guess that makes

you a good slave??

I said ?I hope so, sir? and without warning tears came out of my eyes.  I was

crying with sadness and humiliation.  My life was worth nothing unless I found a

way to escape.

My jailor stopped and thought about how he should proceed.  He then said ?I

would like to talk up close with you and you will need to be handcuffed.  Also,

you won?t need your clothing any more so take off all of your clothes and lie

down on the floor on your belly with your hands behind your back.?

I briefly wiped my tears and then completely complied with his command.  Taking

off all of my clothes was a humiliating experience in the circumstances.  It

felt as though I was giving up any remnant of humanity to begin my new horrible

life.  And then obeying his command to lie on my stomach with my hands behind my

back seemed like the final straw in my submission.

He unlocked the cell door and proceeded to handcuff my hands behind my back.  He

then helped me sit up with my back against one wall so that we could talk

face-to-face.  Tears were still falling down my face.

He said ?You are very sensitive.  I haven?t laid a hand on you or even really

threatened you but here you are crying like a little girl.?

So much for empathy.  He was just trying to make me feel worse.  I cried a bit

harder and had no way to cover my face in shame.

He continued ?I guess it?s good practice for you, not that I am 100% sure or

anything but I think you may be crying again once or twice? and he smiled.

I was starting to calm down, realizing that I should probably save my crying for

when something truly horrible happens.  That didn?t make sense but it seemed to

make sense at the moment.

My captor lifted my chin with his hand, looked directly into my eyes, and asked

?What are you??

I looked back into his eyes and responded the way he wanted ?I am your slave.?

He beamed with joy and said ?Ok, that is great.  If it makes you feel any

better, as long as you obey me, you won?t go hungry, you won?t lack sleep, and I

will even give you pain relievers when you need them.  It won?t be a picnic for

you but my goal is for you to settle in very comfortably to your new role so

that eventually you will not even think about leaving.

?I know that seems unlikely, but it will help you to realize that you will be

better off emotionally if you get rid of the notion that there is any

possibility for escape.  You may think now that you need to cling onto this hope

and if you lose that hope then you would just go crazy or something, but in

reality what should happen is that you become comfortable in your life and it

becomes much more acceptable.?

He was trying to comfort me, I think, but a life in which eventually I may learn

to find it to be acceptable does not seem like a good life to me.  My crying had

stopped and I knew that I needed to hold onto my hope of escape for as long as I

could, it was really all I had.

He continued ?This has been strange, I usually don?t spend nearly this much time

talking!  But it has been fun.  Hasn?t it been fun??

I responded ?Yes, sir, thank you, sir.?

He patted me on the head and said ?Good boy.  It?s time to have a different type

of fun, though.?

He helped me up to my feet and then guided me to walk out of the cell.  We

walked down the hallway into what was a room with one very clear purpose: 


My knees involuntarily buckled and I slowly fell to the ground landing on my

side with my hands still cuffed behind my back, the soft carpeting covering the

floor saving me from harm.

My captor helped me stand up again and waited to allow me to look at the various

devices in the room.  I did not want to look.  I could not handle too much bad

news at once.  I sort of mentally blacked out as my head moved from right to

left seemingly scanning the room.  He guided me towards the center of the room

where he attached cushioned shackles to my ankles, the shackles were attached to

chains which fastened to the floor to keep my legs spread apart somewhat.  He

then removed the handcuffs and pulled each of my arms up and to the side to put

my wrists in cushioned shackles attached to a chain which went through a loop

attached to the ceiling.  He then pulled on a chain and my wrists were somewhat

pulled further apart and above my head.

I was shackled spread-eagled and naked.  I was shaking and whimpering softly in

fear.  I had never felt this vulnerable or in this much terror in my life.

My captor walked to stand in front of me and lifted his hand towards my face.  I

flinched and whimpered but he caressed the top of my head and tried to comfort


He said ?Try to calm down, relax, take slow deep breaths.?  Obedient, I tried to

slow down my breathing and take deep breaths.  I was able to stop whimpering and

was able to focus my eyes on his face.

He said ?That?s better, I was worried I was losing you already? and he smiled. 

He continued to brush my hair with his hands and compared to the terror of what

was going to occur, I liked the feeling of being a pet.

He asked ?Are you okay?? and I responded ?Yes, sir.?  He said ?Good, because I

am going to want you to be able to experience this fully.?

I took a deep breath of dread as he walked to a nearby small table and retrieved

a cat-o-nine-tails whip.  He returned to stand in front of me and showed me the

whip to get my reaction.  It was what I expected so I had no particular reaction

other than the general terror I was feeling.

He said ?Tell me your feelings now.?

I said ?I am terrified, sir, I am terrified.?  Obedient, I wanted to let him

know my feelings so I did not hold back as I began to cry again.

I felt like a mess.  My life was gone and I had nothing.  I had nowhere to

escape to ever and so I just bawled and sobbed uncontrollably.

My captor was laughing at me.

Once his laughter subsided, he said ?You are completely out of control and I

haven?t even hurt you.  I love it!?  He just watched as I eventually calmed down

and stopped crying.

He then asked ?How do you feel now?? and had to contain more laughter.

I replied ?Depressed.?

He said ?Well, that?s one thing about this room, depression quickly goes away

because there isn?t time to feel down about yourself.  There are usually other

things to be concerned with.  Except today so far.?

He seemed to be confused about his own actions so far.  Apparently he rarely

talked with his victims and instead just focused on as much torture as he could.

Presumably, he killed all of his previous victims or else they would have

reported him to the police.  I felt certain that I would welcome death when it

came.  It is not much to look forward to but it was at least some hope that this

nightmare would end someday.

He continued ?Let?s change that.  I can?t believe we have been here for 10

minutes and your skin is still not red.?

He moved to my side and began to swing the whip so that it stroked my bare back.

I was completely tense in bracing for the excruciating agony I was expecting

but I only felt a light brush against my skin.  He paused a few seconds between

whip strokes.  There was some force behind the next few blows but it didn?t

hurt, the strands of the whip felt like they didn?t have enough weight to

deliver much pain.

I was still terrified, though, and flinched in fear with every stroke of the


The pauses between strokes became much shorter and I began to feel pain from the

whip.  This is what I had been dreading during this entire ordeal, my life

transforming into an existence of pain.

The pain increased and I began to involuntarily groan after each blow.  My back

felt like it was burning and I struggled against the shackles.

But it wasn?t so bad.

It wasn?t so bad.  It wasn?t.  He had whipped me for at least 20 strokes before

stopping. I had lost count during my terror, and the last 10 were painful but it

wasn?t so bad.

When he walked to stand in front of me again I wasn?t crying, I wasn?t

whimpering, and I wasn?t groaning.  He asked ?How are you doing?? and I replied

?Thank you, sir, I am doing okay.?

He said ?Good.  I am not sure why that is good? and his face again expressed


He looked at me for several seconds before continuing.  He said ?Why am I

talking to you??  I did not have any sort of answer.  He continued ?Usually

there is no talking at all except begging for mercy.  There must be something

about you? and he thought some more before seeming to receive an answer.  He

said ?I probably shouldn?t be telling you this but I think you touched a nerve

in me with all of your crying and submission.  I feel ? tingly all over when you

show such extreme submission, even without torturing you.

?I love torture, too, though, so don?t feel like you are off the hook.?

His expression indicated that he realized something and he asked ?Why are you

not crying??

Now I felt on the spot.  He wanted me to cry but I did not want to tell him that

there was not enough pain.  That was the last thing I would ever want to tell


But, shockingly, that is exactly what I said to him.  I had conditioned myself,

or even brainwashed myself, to obey him completely and to be truthful and I

could not give him any sort of half-truth.

I said ?There was not enough pain for me to cry.?

He, too, was shocked at my response.  His eyes widened and he said ?I can?t

believe you just said that.  What on earth are you thinking?  You aren?t trying

to goad me, are you??

I replied quickly ?No, sir, I swear that I am not.?

He said ?Ok.  Explain to me what is going on.  Why would you imply to me that

you want more pain when earlier you were bawling your eyes out in fear of pain? 

Do you enjoy pain??

I said ?No, sir, I am completely terrified of pain and terrified of you.  I beg

you not to cause me pain and I swear I will do 100% everything you say.?  That

was not an answer to his first question so I continued ?It is the honest truth

that it was painful to feel you whipping me but it was not strong pain which is

why I am not crying, sir.?

He said ?Ok.  So I guess the surprising thing is that even in these

circumstances, you are able to maintain your sense of honesty??

I said ?Yes, sir, more than that, I do not want to lie to you at all.  I am

afraid that if I lie it would be found out and I would be punished, sir.?

He said ?You would be punished.  Man, but that?s extreme, ?there was not enough

pain???  I guess you are saying that this is just another way in which you are

showing your submission to me, you are incapable of lying even to save your own

skin from more pain??

I said ?Yes, sir, I submit to you completely.?

He apparently just loves when I say these sorts of things.  And what he wants,

he will get anyway so I may as well give it voluntarily.

I am finding that I get a sort of pleasure in submitting completely to him.  No,

pleasure is not the right word, satisfaction, solace, I don?t know what it is. 

Probably fear relief.  When I make my captor happy I feel less fear at that


He said ?That?s why I am being nice to you.  I like you.  Keep up the good

work!? and he patted my head.

I smiled and said ?Thank you, sir.?  The eye contact we made at this moment gave

me the strangest feeling I ever had, like a warm fuzzy moment in my stomach.  I

didn?t understand it and am unable to put it into words.

My captor then grabbed the hair at the back of my neck and kissed me full on the

mouth.  He kept kissing me, fortunately with no tongue, for several seconds and

then pulled away and said ?I will be back.?  He left me feeling very confused.

Chapter 3 ? Confused

Ew.  That was yecch.  I needed to think this through.

But then I thought, why do I need to think about anything?  Do I have any sort

of decision to make?  No.  Does anything change based upon my thoughts on the

issue?  No.

This was a strange feeling.  Nothing I think makes any difference anyway so

maybe I should just free my mind of any complicated thoughts.

But this does matter.  Maybe I can find an opening of escape.  My captor prides

himself on following procedures so that there is no way for me to escape but if

he has confusing feelings for me, then that might make him vulnerable.

There is my hope for salvation.  Now I need to focus all of my attention on

getting him to provide an opening for me to escape.  Every waking moment must be

spent on this.

So I do need to think this through.  And decisions I make could matter.  What a


I need to encourage him to have these feelings for me.  Which means there may be

a lot of yecch but that is better than torture.

Is it?  The whipping he gave me was painful but it was not unbearable.  If he

tried to express his fondness for me by setting me down on my stomach and?.  My

body shuddered in the restraints.  I could not bear to think about being the

recipient of his fondness in that way.

But I could not waver from my purpose.  If it meant escape then I would take it

in the behind.  My body shuddered again.

Let?s move past those thoughts.  So I should encourage him to have feelings for

me and the best way to do that was to be submissive and cry a lot.  I was

already doing this, I didn?t need a strategy for that.

Would he want me to return those feelings?  I didn?t know.  I guess I would have

to see how it goes and gauge what he wants at the moment.

I resolved to give him exactly what he wants.  Which is no different from what I

had already been doing.  So much for decision and choice but those didn?t

matter, escape is the only thing which mattered.

Eventually he returned.  He said ?I have been thinking about our situation.?  My

heart was beating fast.

He brandished a knife in front of my face and he had a very crazy look on his


My eyes widened in shock.  I felt like my heart stopped entirely but then he

said ?Just kidding!? and put the knife down on a table.

I was sweating and tried to catch my breath.  He was chuckling at his joke and

said ?I love doing that.  That usually gets fear in people, putting a knife in

front of their face.  It?s ridiculous because they are already imprisoned and

tortured by that time so why would a knife make a difference?  I guess it?s just

a shock to the system, seeing it right in front of their face.

?You have been shackled like that for 30 minutes.  Do your shoulders hurt yet??

I replied ?Yes, sir, somewhat, but it is not too bad.  Thank you.?

He said ?You are welcome.  No-one usually complains about shoulder pain because

there are usually other pains by that time which are much worse.  How does it

feel to know that after 30 minutes you have only felt a bit of light whipping so


I replied ?It feels great, sir, thank you, I really appreciate it.?  I was being

completely sincere because I did appreciate that my torture had been light up to

this point.  I think he sensed my sincerity and did not take any sarcasm from my


He said ?You are welcome.  In the past several minutes I have been thinking

about you and I do like you.  You are like someone if I wrote up everything I

wanted, it would be you.?

Due to my one hope for salvation, I wanted to maximize his feelings for me so I

went all-in.

I said ?Thank you, sir, it makes me feel special to be the right one for you.?

He said ?Does it really?  Do you feel special right now??

This presented a dilemma for me.  Honesty or focus on my one hope for salvation?

In the brief moment I had to choose, I realized that honesty fit with my one

hope, even when I said honest thoughts which went against what he would expect

it seemed to make him realize how completely under his thumb I was.

I replied ?Sir, I am confused right now because of the restraints.  I have never

been restrained like this and I have never been a slave before.?

He said ?I hear ya.  I don?t imagine that anyone could think clearly when they

are in such an unfamiliar situation.  Thank you for an honest answer.?

He was thanking me?  This felt like progress to me towards my one hope.  I said

?Thank you, sir, for allowing me to be completely honest with you.?

He said ?Always be completely honest? and I replied ?Yes, sir, thank you, I

promise I will.?

He said ?I am going to be honest with you, too.  I am not going to torture you

as severely as I would others.  I don?t want you to lose your faculties.?

I said ?Thank you, sir!  Thank you thank you thank you.?

He smiled and said ?You are welcome.  I am going to take you down from there and

let you rest in your cell? and I said ?Thank you? several more times.

He unshackled my wrists and I hugged myself hard, my arms had been stretched

away from my body for so long that it felt like a great relief to finally be

able to move them in the other direction.  He allowed me this great pleasure for

at least 20 seconds and then handcuffed my wrists behind my back before

unshackling my ankles.

He led me back to my cell and once I was face down on the floor but before he

unlocked my handcuffs I asked him ?Sir, would it be okay for me to show you how

grateful I am by kissing your feet??

He said ?Yes, you may kiss my feet? and moved in front of me so I could kiss the

top of his tennis shoe.  I said ?Thank you, sir.?

Once he unlocked my handcuffs and left the cell, I was finally alone and not

shackled.  I lay on the bed and had to fight back any thoughts of my life

before, I did not want to cry any more until my captor was around to see and

enjoy it.  I wanted to focus on pleasing him so that he would eventually let

down his guard.  I was still naked but that was going to be for as long as I was

in captivity so I had no choice but to try to get used to it.

Chapter 4 ? Information

Several minutes later my jailor brought me lunch of a sandwich and raw carrots

and broccoli, fitting it through the bars in the cell as I sat on the other side

of the room, and I accepted it gratefully.  I was even more grateful when he did

not stay to try to talk with me.

I was tired from the emotional roller-coaster and took a long nap on the bed in

the cell.  When I awoke my captor was sitting on a chair outside of the cell

apparently simply watching me.  He did not have a book or computer in his hand

so I found it creepy that he was watching me unless he just got there and hadn?t

yet said something to wake me up.  Then again, creepy could be good, it could

lead him to let his guard down.

As I rose from the bed I said ?Hello, sir? and he said ?Hello.  I don?t want you

to call me sir any more.?  He paused for my reaction.

I said ?Yes, okay.?

He then said ?You need to address me as Master? and I said ?Yes, Master, thank

you for clarifying, Master.?  He replied ?You are welcome.?

He said ?I want to talk with you some more in your cell so lay down on your


I assumed the position, and was relieved when it was not for a different

purpose, and he handcuffed my hands behind my back and helped me to sit with my

back to the wall.

He drew closer to me and, being naked, I felt even more uncomfortable but tried

not to show it.  He said ?I am going to touch you? but then he sat back and

explained ?I have never been attracted to men except to hear them scream but

there is something different about you.  It?s clear to me that I have feelings

for you which I need to explore.  Considering that you are my slave, I don?t

need for your opinion on this but I wanted to let you know that I have never

done this sort of thing before.?

As uncomfortable and repulsed as I was, I wanted to encourage him as much as

possible as I focused on my hope of eventual escape.  I said ?Master, please do

whatever you want to me.  If you want to explore whatever you want ?.?  I

stopped because my words led into an area I did not want him to explore at all

and my face turned red.  I mumbled ?I am sorry, Master.?

He smiled and, patting me on the head, said ?It?s okay to be uncomfortable. 

This isn?t exactly a standard situation.  I am going to explore.  I want you to

close your eyes and keep them closed as I touch your entire body.  Just relax.?

I closed my eyes and he proceeded to move his hand from patting me on the top of

my head to caress my cheek and then he ran his fingers along my lips.  I felt

like shuddering in disgust but kept still as he moved his hand to the front of

my neck grabbing me in a gentle choke hold and quickly releasing it.  His hand

slowly moved to feel my chest and my pectoral muscles, swirling his hand around

for a while.

As he moved his hand down my body he thankfully skipped my private parts and I

was very thankful.  I kept my eyes closed per her instructions.  After maybe 10

minutes, when he was done playing with my toes, he moved his hand to my penis

and just gently felt around.

It wasn?t an unpleasant sensation and I wanted him to continue as I kept focus

on my hope of escape.  He played with my penis for a couple of minutes and I

heard the sound of him touching himself and after a couple more minutes he

achieved orgasm.  He stopped touching me and after a moment said ?Open your


There was nothing different from his appearance and I figured he was trying to

hide what he had done.

He said ?I enjoyed that.  I am going to leave your handcuffs on and I will be

back in an hour to do that again.?

I said ?Yes, Master? and he left.

I guessed that this would be my life for a while, being his sexual plaything

seemed better than being his whipping boy.  Just having him touch me while I was

handcuffed did not give me hope for escape so I wanted to find a way to adjust

our activities.

I sat and waited an hour for my Master to return.

When he returned to my cell he sat down next to me again and I said ?Master, is

there anything I may do for you??  I tried to sound as eager as I could.

He said ?What do you have in mind??

I replied ?Master, I am your slave and I would like to please you any way you

want.  Is there anything you can think of, Master, which would please you??

He thought about it and said ?Well, I liked what I did last time but maybe there

is something you can do.?  He though further and said ?I really enjoyed it when

you kissed my foot.  Actually, I got hard when you did that.  You seemed so

eager to kiss my foot that I felt like I was on top of the world.?

I said ?You are on top of the world, Master, and it would be my pleasure to kiss

your feet as much as you want.?

I was feeling very humiliated by this but I focused on my hope of escape.

I continued ?Master, if you would like to take off your shoes and socks, it

would be my honor to worship your bare feet.?

He said ?Oh my, that is about the hottest thing I have ever heard.  Say that

again.  Tell me what you would do.?

It seemed as though I had hit a nerve and I was going to try to maximize it.  I

said ?Master, I would like to kiss the tops of your bare feet 20 times each, and

then I would lick each foot from your toes to your ankles.?

At this point he reached inside his pants and began to play with his hardening


I felt like throwing up but I managed to hide my disgust.

He wanted me to continue so I said ?Then, Master, I would beg you to lift your

foot and I would lick the sole of your foot from your heel up to your toes.  I

would suck your toes and lick in between your toes.?

My captor was clearly enjoying himself at my expense and when I said ?between?

he climaxed.  I managed to look away and was able to just keep quiet as he


He stood up and said ?Wow,? then he left the cell.

I had failed again to get him to remove the handcuffs but I felt like next time

he would want me to actually do what I said I would do.  I decided to focus on

trying to withstand having to lick his feet and I closed my eyes to visualize

it.  It was horrible just thinking about it, I didn?t know how I could go

through with it but I knew I would have to.

He returned after just 10 minutes to put me on my stomach and remove my

handcuffs, and then leave me in the cell letting me know that we were done for

the day and he would be back with food later.

The rest of the day was uneventful.  I tried to take a nap before the next meal

but I was haunted by thoughts of having to lick his feet and I couldn?t sleep. 

I had two meals and then he said good night.  I could not tell the time except

by what my captor told me.

Boredom was a form of torture for me this day.  Being my captor?s sexual

plaything at times was bad enough but having nothing at all to do all day but

think about my predicament was just painful.  I decided that tomorrow I would

ask him nicely for a book or anything to do.

Chapter 5 ? Boredom

I eventually slept okay and my captor woke me up as he was approaching the cell

with a small breakfast.  As I ate he asked me ?How was your evening??

I replied ?It was okay, Master, thank you for asking, Master.  Is there any way

that I could have a book to read or a magazine please Master??

He chuckled.  ?Yes, that shouldn?t be a problem.  I guess I?ve never thought of

how boring it would be in a cell for a long time.  Most of the previous

occupants were in too much pain to be bored.  One time this guy after several

days would just croon while begging for mercy and he seemed to do that all night

even when I was not nearby.  I eventually showed him mercy.?

I understood what that meant.  Death would be better than a life of torture or a

life of being a sexual plaything but I still held onto my hope of escape.

He asked me for a list of books or magazines I would want and agreed to bring

all of them.  I had finished eating so he removed the tray from under the bars

and told me that he would be back in a half hour.  This all seemed so casual for

him, as if having a slave was a natural part of his existence.  I?m sure he

hoped that it would be natural for me, too, but there was no way that was going

to happen.

Later, after I had lain on my stomach for him to apply the handcuffs, he sat me

up to face him for another session of his fun.

He said ?Yesterday was the most fun I have ever had.  And once you actually

start doing the things you said you would do, I think I?m just going to explode

right away.  Are you going to be able to do those things without gagging in


I responded ?Yes, Master, I want you to be happy and I want to serve you,


This was sort of like a game.  I tried to think of ways to make him feel good so

that my hope of escape could remain alive.  Drop your guard, Master.  I didn?t

think it would happen anytime soon, maybe in a few days of convincing him that I

was completely under his thumb, or foot.

He flashed that smile he gives when my subservience pleases him.

He said ?Okay, here goes? and he guided me to lie on my side with my head on the

ground facing him.

He removed one shoe and then gently placed his socked foot in my face so that

the ball of his foot was against my mouth and his toes were resting against my

nose.  I managed to keep a neutral expression on my face as I inhaled through my

nose the smell of his socked foot.  The smell wasn?t strong but it was

definitely the smell of a foot.

To fit what I knew were his wishes, I made sure he heard me take a deep whiff of

his socked foot a few times.  He chuckled in happiness and then pressed his foot

harder against my mouth and nose, rubbing it in my face to increase the


He removed his other shoe and pressed both of his socked feet against my face,

rubbing them all over my face.  He was laughing like a kid who found a new toy

and I felt like dirt.

It would get worse.  He removed his socks and pressed his bare feet against my

face.  His feet were a bit sweaty and I could feel the damp spots on my face.  I

was starting to feel sick but I knew that the worst hadn?t begun.

My captor pushed his big toe into my mouth and I did not resist.  This was a

moment of truth for me, I needed to get through this experience without gagging

because I wanted him to think that I wanted to do this for his pleasure.  But it

was very difficult.  My natural reaction was to keep my tongue as much away from

his toe as possible but I forced my tongue forward to make contact with his toe.

After a few seconds I managed to go all the way and suck on his big toe.  The

taste was beyond awful and I almost gagged initially but I managed to spend the

next couple of minutes just sucking on whatever toes he put in my mouth.

My captor was clearly in heaven, very excited about having his slave suck and

lick his sweaty toes.  He quickly brought himself to a moaning climax and then

wiped himself with a paper towel.  That was good for me because he removed his

feet from my face after just a few minutes of the extreme humiliation.

He patted me on the head, removed my handcuffs, and left me face down on the

floor as I tried to bury my face in humiliation.  Once he left I got on the bed

and cried and sobbed into the pillow.  There was no way in the world I could

take much more of this.

But I had no choice.

Every couple of hours he came into the cell for another session of foot licking

and toe sucking.  During the fourth session he said things to increase my


As I was licking the sole of his foot like it was a lollipop he said ?I?ll bet

you?re getting used to the taste of my foot.  My feet are your best friend, you

love licking my bare feet, don?t you?? to which I replied ?Yes, Master.?  He

continued ?Lick the sweat from between my toes foot boy, hahaha, that is your

new home now, between my toes.?

I tried not to let his taunts get to me but I could not help it as tears ran

down my face.  He liked this a whole lot and it helped him to a bigger climax as

he touched himself.

After the fourth session he told me that this was the last session for the day

and he would be back tomorrow.  He left several of the magazines I had requested

but I did not pay attention to those, I just buried my face in the pillow and

cried myself to sleep.

I woke up with the taste of my captor?s feet still strong in my mouth.  I wanted

to blot out the memory of yesterday but all I could think about was voluntarily

licking my Master?s feet.  I had licked his feet and sucked his toes over and

over again.  I was sure that I would have to do that every day until he tired of

me, if ever.

And the real crushing thing was that I was no closer to my hope of freedom.  He

had kept the handcuffs on me while I was licking his feet.  I needed to think of

some activity which would require him to let my hands free.  But if we discussed

it he would probably just shackle my ankles together so I needed to bring it up

during the heat of the moment while he was almost ready to climax.

So I devised a plan.  While I was sucking his toes and he was getting close I

would ask him if I could touch him to pleasure him.

The next morning after he had provided breakfast to me we had another foot

licking session.  I wanted him to be hot and bothered so I concentrated on

licking between each toe and he enjoyed that a whole lot.  Then I said ?Master,

may I touch you to pleasure you please??

That surprised him and he said ?Hmmm, no but maybe next time, that way I will

put handcuffs on your ankles so you could use your hands.?  I was crestfallen,

next not only did I have to touch him but I would still be restrained.  As I was

sucking his toes some more I started crying again.

For our next foot licking session a couple of hours later he put the handcuffs

on my ankles and had me fondle him while I sucked his toes.  It wasn?t as bad as

I had thought it would be, having to lick feet was still the worst part and he

used his own hands to finish himself off.

Afterwards I wondered if this was really better than physical torture.  By this

time I no longer felt much like a human being, I was a sexual plaything and foot

boy.  It didn?t seem as though things could get worse but they did.

Before our next session my Master cuffed my ankles together while my hands were

free again but this time had me lie on my back as he sat in a chair above me. 

He told me that he had been working out and rubbed his socked feet all over my

face, his socks had a strong odor from his workout.

Then he removed his socks and caressed my face with his sweaty bare feet.  I

would never get used to this, his bare feet on my face always caused extreme

humiliation for me.  And, inevitably, my Master commanded me to stick out my

tongue to lick the sweat from his feet and I obeyed.  My mouth quickly filled

with strong foot flavor and I had to concentrate to keep from gagging.

Next, he commanded me to do something which I balked at initially.  He said

?Touch yourself to pleasure yourself.?

What?  I hadn?t realized that the level of humiliation could increase but it

jumped another notch.  I was thankful that my Master was merciful in not

punishing me for my hesitation.  I touched myself but I was not going to get any

sort of response with his sweaty feet pressed against my face and tongue.

He said with glee ?We are going to be doing this until you climax so have fun!?

I decided that physical torture would be preferable to this.  I can?t take this

any more.  I just can?t.

I tried to relax and not rush the process of touching myself because I wanted

success.  I thought about disobeying but knew that I would only get tortured and

then have to go through this humiliation anyway.

I tried to envision green grass, a swimming pool, or a snowy mountain but every

facet of my being was filled with the feel and taste of his sweaty bare feet. 

It took me several minutes of touching myself to get any reaction, several

minutes of having to lick his feet, but I did manage it and then after several

more minutes I was getting close to climax.

My Master decided to humiliate me further with words ?You love the taste of my

sweaty bare feet.  Lick my feet and in between my toes.?  I was getting closer

to climax as he continued.  ?I just worked out and you are licking the sweat

between my toes.  You are a foot boy!? and at that moment I climaxed.

This was the most unusual moment in my life.  As I got closer to climax with all

of my senses inundated with the humiliation of his bare feet, it felt like a

moment of clarity.  There was nothing in the universe but his feet and my

impending climax.  It felt as though I was no longer in the cell, no longer on

Earth, just existing in a separate dimension for a few seconds.  And then I had

by far the biggest climax I had ever experienced.

For several seconds afterward I was completely gone, there was no cell, no

Master, no feet in my face, no humiliation, no anything, just tranquility.  Now

that I had stopped licking he gently caressed my face with his feet and that

brought me somewhat back to reality but I did not mind, I felt at peace.

After another 30 seconds I began to feel humiliated again and he handed me a

couple of paper towels.  I felt split into two persons, the main part of me was

at peace with what I had been through and everything leading up to that but I

knew that there would be hell to pay within my emotions.  I felt that the normal

part of me would never be able to handle having succumbed to such an experience

and I felt that I would probably cry for weeks.

Thankfully, my Master did not discuss what had just happened or stay long.

Chapter 6 ? Stay

The feeling of peace and contentment stayed with me even though I also had a

feeling of strong revulsion at what I had just been through.  I not only

suffered through an experience which was perpetrated on me, but I enjoyed it.  I

realized now that I actively enjoyed touching myself while licking the sweat

from my Master?s bare feet.

How could that occur?  Was it just because near the moment of climax I am

susceptible to different emotions?  Surely people can?t be made to enjoy

something just because it is presented to them near the moment of climax.

It seemed more than just a sort of brainwashing.  After this experience I found

myself thinking about his feet.  It was very painful to admit to myself that I

was looking forward to our next foot licking session and I cried at the

realization because I was so torn up inside about it.

My Master returned as I was crying into the pillow.  After he handcuffed my

wrists behind my back he said ?I could see how painful it is for you.  Let?s do

something different.  I?m going to take you back to the torture chamber.?

He helped me up and we walked into the torture chamber.  A part of me dreaded

the end of this walk and my knees almost did not stay strong but another part of

me felt that this was better than the soul-crushing humiliation of succumbing to

his bare feet.  I started crying again as he shackled my wrists and ankles


He said ?Stop crying? so I did.  ?This time I am going to give you something to

cry about.?

My Master picked up a cat-o-nine-tails whip which was slightly different from

the one he used on me earlier.  I didn?t notice any specific features about it

but it was black while the other one was brown.

He started whipping my back between the shoulder blades and it hurt right away. 

This was a heavier whip or maybe not heavier but it had a different construction

giving the blows more velocity.  Or maybe the strands had a different shape. 

Whatever it was, after just a few blows the whipping began to hurt like hell.

He kept whipping my back between the shoulder blades and each blow felt like

fire.  After several blows my involuntary groans turned into a scream and my

entire body was flailing uncontrollably against the restraints.

The whip strokes moved down to my butt which quickly began to sting.  After

several painful strokes my butt felt as though it was electrified and I was

screaming in agony.  My screaming did not stop the whip which kept on blow after

blow.  Unlike the fire of the whip on my back, the strokes on my behind did not

cause me any sort of momentary black out.  I was completely aware of each stroke

of the whip on my butt.

My screams were becoming hoarse as the whipping finally stopped.  At this point

I did black out for a few seconds and found my Master standing in front of me

smiling at my pain.

He kissed my mouth again and this time used tongue but I was too out of it and

in pain to have feelings of humiliation or anything else at this.  As he kissed

me he pressed his groin against mine but still I was numb to this and was

focused on the immense pain of my back and butt.  Even as he jacked off on me

while still kissing me I didn?t give a damn.

The fire in my back and electricity feeling in my behind seemed to be getting

worse.  I wanted in the worst way to just press my hand on my skin to soothe it

or jump in a pool of cool water but I was shacked spread-eagled.  I didn?t pay

attention as my Master wiped off my stomach but when he finally unshackled my

hands I immediately bent down and reached around to gently caress my butt until

he handcuffed my wrists behind my back.

I was emotionally numb until later in my cell I began to think more about my

situation.  I didn?t want to think, though, I just wanted to kill myself but I

did not see any way to do that so I collapsed face down on the bed and tried to

pass out.

Unfortunately, my mind would not let me pass out.  Licking my Master?s feet was

infinitely more tolerable than being whipped like that.  I had kept telling

myself that I couldn?t take any more feet but I really couldn?t take any more

whipping.  I felt that I would go insane if I had to suffer a lot more whipping.

Maybe I was insane already.  My back still hurt a lot and he did not give me

any aspirin like he told me he would.

I eventually did pass out or fall asleep.

When I awoke there was food on a tray for me in the cell so I ate and then gave

myself a sort of sponge bath near the sink, being careful on my tender back and


My hope of escape seemed like a pipe dream at this point.  My Master was very

thorough and aware not to give me any time when my hands and feet were free.  He

had stated with certainty from the beginning that I would not be leaving here

alive and judging by how much he seemed to like having me here I would not be

dying any time soon.

Now I felt that I was really at the lowest point of this ordeal and of my life. 

It could not get any worse.

It didn?t get worse.

I went back to my previous way of thinking which was to please my Master as much

as possible with licking his feet because torture was unthinkably horrible. 

Foot licking was horrible, too.

Or was it?  There were those few moments of pleasure and peace.  As I recalled

those moments at this time, I experienced an erection.  Am I Pavlov?s dog now?

I didn?t have any choice about whether or not I would experience those

pleasurable moments but at least it was something to hope for.

This hope would come true.  My Master experienced great pleasure at humiliating

me with his bare feet and watching me be forced to climax.

For the next foot licking session my Master video taped me as I licked his bare

feet and brought myself to climax.  Just as the moment was approaching he

commanded me to yell out ?I love licking your bare feet my Lord and Master!? and

with the camera taping I had another large climax similar to last time, with

even more of a feeling of extreme humiliation leading somehow to peace.

After this second special session I realized that these moments just before,

during, and after climax were the most intensely pleasurable moments of my life.

These moments would not make up for all of the humiliation, pain, and loss of

self of my confinement but they gave me something to look forward to.

I felt very dirty and perverted for getting pleasure under my Master?s feet but

I had no choice in things and could only do what my Master tells me.  In that

way, it was good to have a Master to assign guilt to for my feeling this way.

Chapter 7 ? Next

Before our next session my Master wanted to talk with me.  He said ?Tell me what

you are feeling.  The truth, all of it.?

I knew that he did not want a short answer and I still had the firm mindset of

not wanting to lie or mislead.  I said ?Master, I enjoyed the last couple of

times I licked your feet.?  I tried not to blush but I think I did.  ?Thank you

Master.?  He waited for me to continue.

?I am very afraid of you, Master, and I hope with all of my heart that you will

show me mercy.  I swear, Master, that I would do whatever you wanted me to and I

beg for no more torture, please Master.?  He waited for me to continue.

I had said all that I meant to say but I tried to find more words.  ?I hope that

you are enjoying when I lick your feet, Master.?

I felt very pathetic.  Not only was I honestly saying that I enjoyed licking his

feet but that I wanted him to enjoy it.  Where was any sense of self-worth or

pride?  I was reduced to a groveling slave for the rest of my life.

He said ?What else??

I hesitantly said ?Master, I don?t know what you mean, I will tell you anything

you want, Master.?

He said ?What do you think about your torture session??

I replied ?Master, it was by far the worst experience of my life.  I was in so

much pain.?  I had tears in my eyes from the memory.

He said ?How about afterwards??

I said ?Master, do you mean back in my cell??

He paused and looked at me with disappointment in his eyes.  I became afraid, I

was missing what he was saying and I hoped that he did not get angry.

I said ?I?m sorry, Master, I?m sorry? and tears rolled down my face.

He said ?Do you remember what happened right after I stopped whipping you and

before I unshackled you??

I did remember now.  He had kissed me and pleasured himself.  As humiliating as

that might seem, it did not make an emotional impression on me even now.

I replied ?Yes, Master, you kissed me and touched yourself.  I was very glad

that you did that, Master.?

He said ?You were glad?  Why??

I replied ?Master, because I want you to be happy all of the time.?

That satisfied him.  He gently cupped my chin in his hand and said ?You do make

me happy all of the time.  These past few days have been the best days of my

life and I have you to thank for that.?

I felt very warm as he said this.  I was relieved that he was not angry and glad

that he might want to treat me with mercy but there was something more to my

emotion.  I made him happy.  I made my Master happy.  I had never made anyone

particularly happy before that I know of and it felt good.

I realized that lowering one?s self to the level of dirt in order to make one?s

Master happy was not exactly a standard life goal and making myself happy was

not even in the picture but in some strange way it made me feel good to make my

Master happy.

After all that I had been through, I realized that there was some brainwashing

going on but it was better to feel good than bad.

He was continuing ?I am not going to lie to you and tell you that you are ever

going to be happy or even that I am going to try to do that, but I am going to

avoid torturing you as much as possible so that you can focus all of your effort

on continuing to make me deliriously happy.?

He leaned forward to kiss me on the mouth and that gave me a quick jumble of

emotions.  I realized right away, though, that as with all of the other times

during my captivity I had no choices to make so I chose the emotion which was

most favorable at this moment and that was to enjoy the warmth of his fondness

for me, setting aside all of the revulsion and humiliation I was feeling.

He kissed me and I kissed him back.  With my wrists handcuffed behind my back I

could not do much but he moved to press his entire body against me as we kissed

and with his hands brought himself to climax.

A few minutes later, after he had wiped off my stomach and laid my head to rest

against his shoulder with his arms around my shoulder, he said ?You are really a

special guy.  I love having you here.?  I said ?Thank you, Master.?

Several minutes of quiet later, he kissed the top of my head and after removing

the handcuffs left the cell, saying that he would bring dinner and then leave me

alone for the rest of the evening.

That gave me time to take stock of my emotions.  He seemed to be falling in love

with me and I had to admit that a part of me felt good about making him very

happy.  I no longer felt horror at the humiliation of my situation, I did feel

humiliated and imagined that it would feel great to not have to feel so violated

but it wasn?t nearly as bad as I would have thought.  I was his foot slave and

sexual plaything but those thoughts did not bother me much any more.

I was getting used to my role as slave.  Maybe even liking it.

I had clearly been brainwashed, maybe by myself, because the reality is that I

did not like being a slave, it was just much better than being a whipping boy

and those were the only two possibilities.  So in that small realm of two

realities, I loved being a slave.

Chapter 8 ? Slave

Over the next few days we settled into a routine in which I would lick his feet

4 or 5 times a day and after half of those either he or I would climax or

sometimes both and once a day he would press his body against my body as he

kissed me on the mouth.  He was giddy during every session and I felt that same

unusual gladness at his happiness.

My mood remained okay and I did not fall into the same depressions of the first

day or two.  I had enough reading material to keep my mind occupied during my

time alone and I did pushups and sit-ups to keep myself active but I looked

forward to the foot licking sessions and especially the ones which ended with a

great sense of pleasure and peace.

In fact, I felt peace at all times now.  I never felt as though my Master was

going to whip me any more and there was no fear of anything else bad happening.

I still felt strong negative feelings about losing my former life.  It was an

okay life.  The strong feelings dissipated when I realized that I never had much

of a sense of peace about myself until this cell.  And I never had much of a

sense of purpose until this cell.

This new life as a slave was not so bad.

Over the next few weeks my Master and I would sometimes talk about life in

general and life philosophies.  It was still very clearly a Master and slave

relationship but it increased my sense of feeling human again and it felt good. 

My Master was a very interesting person with a lot of admirable traits, other

than kidnapping and torturing people before me, and he clearly enjoyed my

company which felt good.

I know that those in captivity sometimes feel affection for their captors and I

was sure that my feelings for my Master were greatly affected by this but I did

not have any choice in it, I began to like my Master and to feel affection for


And then my rescue party finally arrived.

My Master was led towards my cell by 3 police officers who told him to open the

cage.  Suddenly, for the first time in several weeks my hands and feet were free

and my cell door was open.

In the cell and seeing me naked a police officer asked if I was okay and told

another officer to go back upstairs and fetch some clothing.  I had not worn

clothes in several weeks and could not even think about what it would be like.

I responded ?Yes, I am fine, what is going on here??

The police officer responded ?We are here to set you free, he can?t harm you

ever again.?

He seemed to be trying to comfort me with his words but they jarred into my

reality.  I would be freed?  I was sure that I had been fired by now from my job

for not showing up and I was probably expelled from my apartment.  Maybe I was

pronounced dead or missing.  What would I live on?  I guess my parents could

take me in for a while but that didn?t seem fun.

More importantly, what would happen to my Master?  We would have no more

sessions and no more happy endings?  There would be no more affection and no

more talks?  How would I get my life back together?

I said ?He hasn?t harmed me.?

The officer looked at me and said ?You were a prisoner here, right??

I lied.  For the first time in several weeks I lied and it felt natural.  I tell

the truth to the one I love and lie to protect him.  I said ?No, I was here

because I wanted to be here.?

Another officer said ?What the hell.  You have been gone for 6 weeks and you

didn?t tell anyone?  Has he brainwashed you or something??

I said ?No, he and I are lovers.  Is that a problem??

The second officer replied ?Yes, when you don?t tell anyone and we spend weeks

trying to find you.?

The third officer returned with clothes but I didn?t accept them and remained

naked, clearly defiant to the authorities in the room.

The first officer said ?Okay, if that?s the way you want it then fine, but you

need to contact your parents and your apartment landlord plus you can expect a

bill from the police department for our weeks of work.?

The second officer said ?I still think he has been brainwashed.?

I said ?No.  I want to be here and you can?t make us leave.?  I went over to my

Master and put my arm around his shoulders.  He was silent this whole time,

surprised at my reaction and fearful of the police.

The first officer said ?Let?s leave these two lovebirds alone.  I am sure that

your parents will be here soon.  They won?t believe what I tell them.?

My Master escorted the police back upstairs and out.  He gave me a sheepish grin

as he thought about closing the cell but he left it open.

An hour later I wrapped a blanket around myself as my parents were escorted into

the cell by my Master.  We had a long conversation including many apologies,

awkward explanations, some yelling by them, and then acceptance or at least


My Master said that he would pay for any inconvenience they had to go through to

move the stuff out of my former apartment and he would pay if the police sent a

bill for the missing person investigation.  When my parents wanted me to send an

e-mail every day we compromised that I would write a letter every week and I

would read whatever they wanted to mail me; and they would have my Master?s

phone number in case of an emergency.  My Master promised to support me

financially for whatever I needed and eventually my parents left.

Once that was over My Master looked at me with awe in his eyes and told me he

was thankful I was his slave.  I responded by lying face down on the bed with my

hands behind my back ready to be handcuffed.  It was the last time I would have

my hands and feet free while the cell door was open.

I had made one last big decision in my life and was now free from the burden of

decisions.  My life was dedicated to my Master?s happiness and with that success

I would be happy for a very long time.

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Winning Championship gets me triple teamed by girlfriend and friends part 1

State Championship. 20 seconds left. My buddy, Ray Bone shooting a free throw. 64 – 64. Ray puts it up. Shit he missed. The other team rebounds and fast breaks and gets a dunk on the other end. 15 seconds left. Ray gets the inbound and dribbles up the court and passes it to James he doesn’t have a shot he throws it cross court to me with 5 seconds left and my defender tight on me I go through my legs one way then spin move the other and shoot up a 3 pointer to win it. SWISH. I raise my arms and...

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Me and Emma down by the river2

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Jason DunlapChapter 2

Big Ass Betty was startled when she went into her office that evening to find Jason Dunlap sitting in a chair to one side of her desk. He stood and bowed when she entered; "Good evening, Madam Betty. You owe me $50. Big Ed Johnson is not longer of any concern to you." "Yes, I heard of his demise and assumed that was your doing. I certainly admire your quick work and method of resolving my problem. I feel like I owe you a bonus—how does $500 sound?" "Dear Lady, that is really overly...

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my first time

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Store Room With Father In Law

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Kitty Girl Goes to the Beach Part I

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I tested the straps around my wrists, they were still secure. Damn! The leather snapped against my bare arse, I breathed heavily through the sodden material in my mouth, and fought back the tears. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. I ground my teeth against the lace of my panties, (he’d stuffed them in my mouth during the last tirade of abuse I’d hurled at him,) and let out a small growl of defiance. The floorboards creaked as he moved to talk to me. I could see him out of the corner of my...

1 year ago
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William and Ann Ch 3

Introduction: Will he remain a true virgin any longer? William and Ann Chapter 3 Waking up the next morning, William realized he wasnt in his room. He looked at Anns hair and smelled it with a smile on his face. Her ass was still resting against his stomach as she was in the fetal position. He put his hand on her waist and ran it down to her hip feeling the womanly curves which had begun to blossom. Her body was preparing to be a potential mother. Knowing he was this close to his sisters...

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Chris cums home last week 182016

Hello everyone – a mostly true story that just happened!!!Today my Bi- friend Chris arrived back from a few months in Malaysia. He said he had been reading my stories and wanted to be part of them. So we decided to act one out and he would a Sissy (well I always thought he was one anyway!!)Firstly I fitted him with a pair of Niplettes which he wore all day. He loved the way his nipples doubled in size. When I took them off and rubbed oil on them he started fondling mine through my silky blouse....

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Jonquils Diary

June 1st Dear Diary: Please excuse the messy writing; it is so hard to have good penmanship on a train. Yes, Diary, I am on a train traveling from London to York and thence to Brasethwaite Castle. I am going there for a month of Bed Training. Poppa says that all the smart people are taking it and so must I before I go away to Girton College in the fall. Momma was worried about the idea until Poppa reassured her that virginity has no value in a bride any longer. After all, my dear little nephew...

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How all this was started

i have been told to write about how all this was started for me. Will write it as a "story" because posts has a limited number of characters, and perhaps this will take a little longer.First of all, please let me assure that i never thought this possible, i never thought i could end thinking and feeling like this. i thought it was just a harmless kinky game.. and now i can't go back.This was started about 6 years ago more or less. i used to watch porn online (as every man on earth i think) and...

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Slippery Slopes

Lindsay was seriously pissed off. Of all the times Cade could’ve chosen to go to Aspen and ski, he had to pick a weekend she had to work, and her head was splitting from the hangover she earned after partying with Andrea last night. What the fuck did I tell her? Lindsay knew she had confessed in detail, how Cade rocked her world in the bedroom, but she couldn’t remember specifically what she had said. Oh well, I guess it doesn’t matter. Lindsay dismissed the thought and tried to focus on work...

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One amazing night

I was twenty at the time, my girlfriend, Autumn, and I, had gone on vacation with her best friend, Sean, who was very gay indeed. We were going to spend a quiet week in a little cottage by the beach. We arrived and it was beautiful, lovely surroundings, we were buried away in nature. It was five minute walk up the street to the beach, but he had a hot tub around back in the nice fenced in back yard. Every day we would get up late in the afternoon, go down the street and grab lunch, and then...

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Lucy my daughters best friend 2 The Kath f

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Muslim Tailor Fucks My Wife

So I suggested her to get her dresses stitched in lieu of taking some ready-made ones. She agreed. So next afternoon we went out in search of a ladies tailor’s shop who could deliver her dresses in two days. Our house is situated on Stadium Road, and in that locality we found no such tailor who could deliver things so wife asha posing with her milk filled boobs to the two muslim tailors and meHowever, it was around 4 o’clock (afternoon). And incidentally, we were the only two customers...

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The Flirt A Heather Story Part 12

It seemed like Spring Break would never get here. The chalet in Breckenridge, while not as enormous as Shale Rock, was still a huge place. CJ and I were set up across the house from his parent's bedroom. He told me his mom would probably not care about us sharing a room, but his dad insisted we at least keep up appearances by putting us in separate rooms. "I can't believe they let us have adjoining rooms!" I marveled."My dad will turn a blind eye to what we do on this side of the house. But he...

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Girl Meets World Mayas MadDog

Takes Place During: Girl Meets the RulesIt was a normal afternoon in John Quincy Adams Middle School, school's out for some of the students except for a few students that got into some mischief this morning. And that class was Cory's class. Cory gave his daughter Riley, Maya, Lucas, Farkle and the rest of the class detention because Maya wasn't following the rules. During detention, the class was divided into separate mini-colonies. Riley's was Rileytown, a land of goodness and rainbows where...

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My EXs Large Labia Were Beautiful

My story began when I was at Junior Secondary and my g/f at the time didn't just have large labia, hers were absolutely MASSIVE.I discovered this when I told her to take her knickers off on our first date together and from that moment on I stopped her from ever putting her knickers on again and I also banned her from wearing ANY UNDERWEAR, ANY WHERE at ANY TIME and to ensure that she complied with my ban I told her to pack ALL her undies in a bag and bring them to school next day so that we...

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Christmas Changes Come In Threes

Christmas Changes Come in Threes By: Alexis © 2007 Wolf-Pup Publishing Prologue Bill looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. 30 years old and alone again on Christmas Eve. Not just alone, he was dressed up in women's clothing. He was wearing plain cotton panties, such as one's mother would wear, tan pantyhose that looked strange on his unshaved legs, and a 48C bra with empty cups. Bill...

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Sweet Little Lucy Likes My Wheelchair

--- JackassTales…tale # 50…Readers; for my 50th tale I decided to do something I rarely do. I took on a request for a story. A 21-yr-old lady I have been playing Private Message pattycake with (yes she knows I’m a Horny ‘Old’ Dog in a wheelchair who writes about young girls) sent the following request which I couldn’t resist. I hope she likes what I have written. I hope you do, too. --- I was wondering if you want to write a story about me sometime? You know like you fucking me as a...

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A job interview

After moving to Port Everglades, I found myself with no job to do. I discussed with my loving husband and he agreed we could afford everything we could want counting only with his salary; but after some time I started to get bored home alone during all day…Finally one day some friends told me about a job in a lawyer’s firm.I came to the interview room, finding two handsome men there. One of them was black and the other had a Latin type. Both men looked me up and down smiling as we introduced...

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Cruise Ship Regeneration Ch 01

A cruise ship that specializes in human sexuality. High Tech makes a dream come true. 01.01 Prologue, Cruise Ship Regeneration: 01.02 Evan and Susan: 01.03 Evan and Susan meet Ruth: 01.04 Evan, Preparation: 01.05 Evan, Gel, Preparation: 01.06 Evan, Gel, Genital Correction: 01.07 Evan, Gel, Prostate Correction: 01.08 Evan, Gel, First Ejaculation: 01.09 Evan, Gel, Nipple Enhancement: 01.10 Evan, Gel, Prostate Preparation: 01.11 Evan, Gel, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 01.12 Evan,...

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The Weekend Captive

The Spender house was spacious, painted white with colored awnings over the windows, the long marble-flagged terrace led down to a swimming pool, the neighbors were hidden by rows of flowering eucalyptus and the wide garage held three cars. Arnold Spender was rich had always been rich as his father before him and his father before him. Beyond that generation the tracing was lost, as his wife Susannah too often mentioned during rounds of family-tree accounting. Nevertheless he...

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MomIsHorny Dana Dearmond Jerking Off To Your Hot StepMom

Dana De Armond is trying out the new lingerie her husband sent her, she looks so sexy and hot that she gets horny, takes her phone and starts sending him slutty pictures, without realizing it, her step-son Tyler had been spying on her, she needs to cool down and takes a shower, Tyler follows her to steal her phone, he wants the pictures for himself. But Dana is now completely naked, masturbating in the shower, Tyler gets greedy he grabs the phone and starts taking video, he cannot contain...

3 years ago
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The Houseguest Part 2

The second part of this story follows immediately from the last scene in part one where Pete loses his virginity with a married woman almost twice his age. If you have not read part one it is strongly recommended you read that first. If you have read part one, thankyou, I suggest a quick recap would be helpful. It is a little while since it was published! I appreciate all the reader comments I received from part one and suggestions on the types of materials people would like to see in part...

4 years ago
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Things Get BetterChapter 3

The one single day I could point to and say my life began to get better was a Friday. “Rodeo Rosie,” as I had started to think of her over the years because I could only take about eight seconds of her bull, made another attempt at ruining my day but was bucked off at six seconds when my fifteen-year-old daughter rushed out of the house with her duffle and announced she was ready to go. To make sure we did, indeed, go, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car. Rose followed us and was...

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Little sis Big sis and Me

Little sis, Big sis, and Me “Joey, are you down there?” asked my sister. “I’ve lost my baton. Have you seen it downstairs in the basement?” Turning, I saw Aimie slowly descending the steep steps leading down into our dimly-lit basement. At 16 years of age, Aimie was my idea of a female she-devil come to life. The irritating child was a constant, thorny aggravation in my side. The two of us often fought like cats and dogs, or more precisely, like brothers and sisters. “No, Missy...

3 years ago
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Dilemma Continued Ch 05

This chapter does not stand alone, and should not be read without reading the preceding chapters. In keeping with the original story, there is no sex, it just deals with the wrong done to Lorelei and Chris. Part 5: The Investigation I went to the U of T Police office where I met Peter and a local Justice. I was sworn in as a temporary university police officer. Then Peter said, ‘The first step will be to interview Ms Sagayo. She retired under pressure a couple of years ago, and still lives in...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Dad

During my school days i was very shy, i didn't have boyfriends as i was classed as 'frigid' and knew that i would have sex when I was ready. I was 16 and sleeping over at my best friend Kerry's house, she lived with her mum, dad and little sister. I had a crush on Kerry's dad, it was something i can't explain, he was in his 40's, tall, good looking but in an older man kind of way. Kerry and i would tell each other everything and she told me regularly that her parents were arguing alot. Her mum...

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The truth about size

This story has two main options that start quite similar, but choose polar opposite paths. Each has unique fetishes and opportunities. There's no catalyst or unique starts, no magic, just biology. The path of the blessed: The power fantasy. I'll be straight with you, you're hung like a horse. Your dick is more addictive than cocaine and your cum is listed as a bio-weapon. To counter this you'll begin as the shy type, with bad luck and a lack of confidence. You'll start slow and have to earn...

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Sex With Struggling Model

Hi friends , thanks for the awesome response to the previous story I wrote . Coming to myself i’m kamraj , techie 6 feet height and medium built body and partially fair. Coming to the story , I used to make short films as a hobby and I had this friend who used to shoot my films . I used to spend more time at his studio and we used to discuss our thoughts . Moving on he became a photographer for the leading magazine in the market and he was given assignment to shoot some portraits of models for...

2 years ago
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Swingers Delight

We were new to the lifestyle, how we got here is a story in itself. But here we are a middle aged couple married so young that far too many oats were left not seeded. The lifestyle choice was a big step forward but nothing like this, what was our fifth get together with a curtain couple. Unlike us they were more old hands at it, our surprise the patients and understanding they showed us. Our comfort grew with each meet but of our behalf we were very active sexually and coved most things a...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyVault Miss Raquel Big Booty Raquel Fucks BBC

Asante is bored one day so he calls up his favorite lady Miss Raquel to come in and offer her services to him. She gets there in a jiffy and starts flirting with him until it’s time to get down to business. He offers her some money before she goes in to the bathroom and changes her clothes. The way she removes her dress and puts on her red lingerie made my jaw drop because of how pristine her tits look. No seriously, take a look for yourself and see how mind-blowing they are. She meets up...

1 year ago
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Are you an Android Adult or just a human pervert looking for some new ways to jerk off using your phone? Either way, I’ve got something for you today I think you’re going to enjoy. Hell, maybe you’ve even heard of it already because the site gets millions of visitors every month. That kind of traffic tells you they’ve got something worth busting out the lube and the crusty old gym sock for, and you know how much I love to check out anything with naked chicks humping, anime footjobs, and video...

Free Sex Games
3 years ago
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The First Time With Tia

Hellow iss, this is jack patel… From surat i’ve been following and been a great fan of iss since last 7 years. And have read almost every story posted here. This encouraged me to write my own experience on how i lost my virginity. Let me admit first that m not a pro. Writer so please forgive any kinda typing or writing mistakes. Please leave your comments on any aunties or girls around surat or baroda can contact me on the same id for sex chats phone calls or the discreet relationships telling...

1 year ago
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The return of the prodigal son part two

Note : This story is completely fictional! The return of the prodigal son part two by Tony Smith As would be expected the brother and sister who had just engaged in a spot of coitus were racked with feelings of shame, embarrassment, self loathing and a steely determination that it would not ever happen again. They stuck to their guns for very nearly two hours and then: “I am feeling very horny Liam; why don’t we use one of the master bedrooms?” Without warning Wednesday forced her hand down the...


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