Gentrification Ch. 02 free porn video

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‘Hi Mister Ray! Hi Mister Eshwar!’

‘Well hey there, Champ!’ Ray leans forward and chucks the brim of the boy’s oversize baseball cap so that it falls over his eyes.

The boy giggles and pushes the cap back up. ‘Mister Eshwar, did my things come yet?’

The turbaned head of the store owner moves in a stately nod. ‘I believe I heard my son mention that a box filled with an ‘incomprehensible mish-mash’ of electronic components arrived this morning, young Pablo. Might I inquire as to why the delivery was so large this time? Have you got a new project?’

‘No, the man came again, the one who wants to buy our building. Last time, Mama told him that she said no before, and that he shouldn’t come again. He keeps coming though, even though he should mind her. So I made a hat so that he has to mind her and I ran out of stuff. So that’s why there’s so much this time.’

Ray and Eshwar glance at each other, before the proprietor continues, ‘Well then, I believe you will find the box behind the counter, in the usual location.’

‘Oh, is it okay if I leave it for a while? The man is there right now so Mami said to go out and play while she talks to him.’

‘The fella why wants to buy the building?’ Ray asks.

‘Yeah. Mama has the hat now, though, so this should be the last time.’

‘Well then, young man,’ says Eshwar, ‘Why don’t you run inside the store and pick something from the iced treats, then come sit with us out here and we will enjoy the morning together while your mother speaks with the gentleman.’


The boy drops his oversize backpack at the end of the bench, and the sound of HIS flip flops slapping the aged linoleum of the floor inside the bodega rapidly fade as he dashes to the freezers at the back.

‘Well,’ comments Ray, ‘This should be fun to ask Rosa about.’

‘My English, ees not good, Meester Blume,’ says Pablo’s mother, ‘But I am theenking joo hear me the last time, and all other times.’

‘Oh, but this is different, Mrs. Medina!’

The young man is, indeed, young. Rosa Medina would be amazed if he’d finished his third decade yet.

‘Our bank is prepared to raise its last offer by a full seven percent, *and* you will receive a very attractive rate for one of the units once the construction is complete!’

The older woman sighs. ‘Meester Blume, I have whole building, I no sell eet to joo and take a piece of eet. I not evict my friends and neighbors.’


‘Meester Blume, there ees not enough monies in joor bank for thees theeng. Before, I say to joo, go, and here joo are.’

‘With all due respect, Mrs…’

‘Do you see thees?’

‘I… what is that?’

‘Ees hat. My son made.’

‘It’s… uh, lovely. Very pretty lights on it.’

‘Put eet on.’

‘Pardon me?’

‘Joo want to stay, want to talk, you put eet on. If not, joo go, and joo don’t come no more.’


The young banker takes the strange device from the older woman and examines it, spinning it this way and that, trying to figure out which side is the front.

‘The beeg red light, ees front, he tell me.’

‘I see.’

The banker unceremoniously drops the hat onto his head. Rosa blinks at the electrostatic pop that follows, and the air is filled with the smell of ozone and a faint odor of burnt hair. Mr. Blume’s expression has become glazed, and the light on the front of the hat has turned amber.

‘Hokay, he say light turn green, then we talk. I go to store to check on heem, I be back.’

‘Mama! Did you put the hat on him?’

‘Si, nino, la luz es amarillo. Usted esta comportando?’

‘Si, mama, estoy sentado con senor Eshwar y senor Ray.’

‘I see! Good morning, my friends.’

‘And to you, Mrs. Medina.’ says Eshwar, as Ray nods to her.

Ray says ‘We hear tell you have a visitor.’

‘I do. I’m afraid I played my immigrant-with-bad-English card a little too heavily in previous visits. It generally discourages repeat appearances, but it only seems to encourage this one.’

Ray chuckles. Rosa has an obvious accent, but he’d wager her grammar was better than his by a mile.

‘Pablo, how long will the light take to switch to green?’

‘Just a little bit, Mama. It probably already is. You have to leave the hat on while you talk to him, though, and if you tell him to do something and then take it off, he doesn’t have to do it.’

‘I remember, son.’

A tall black woman walks around the bend of the street as the group is talking. Seeing them, she approaches. ‘Pablo, I swear you’re taller than you were last week.’

Pablo grins and runs over to hug the newcomer. ‘Hi Ada!’

‘Oof, such a big boy!’

Rosa smiles at the African woman. ‘I really appreciate this, sorry for the short notice.’

Ada waves her off. ‘It’s fun having him in the shop, although it’s hard to keep him out of the equipment.’

‘You said I could take apart one of your old tattoo guns when you got a new one!’

‘I sure did, and I’ve got one set aside. You have to promise to be careful with it, and we probably both have to promise your mother you won’t come home with a tattoo.’

Rosa laughs. ‘Please, that’s the last thing I need.’ She pauses for a moment, looking at the artist. ‘Ada, I love that shade of lipstick. Could I borrow it? I’ll be happy to replace it.’

‘Uh, sure, hang on.’ Ada rummages in her bag for a moment before handing over the tube. ‘Thinking of changing your look?’

‘Not really, just something I want to try. Well, I have company in the apartment, and I need to pick up a couple of things in the store here before I go back. You be a good boy and mind Miss Ada, okay, nino?’

‘Okay mama.’

Ada says, ‘Company? You know Pablo is welcome to stay overnight. I have a cot in the office he can use.’

‘Can I, Mama?!’

Rosa pauses. ‘Hmm. We’ll see. Let me give you a call in a bit and I’ll let you know, Ada. I owe you one.’

Nodding to Eshwar and Ray, she steps past the old men into the interior of the bodega.

Michael Blume comes back to himself with a snap. He’s still in the immigrant’s tiny apartment, although he seems to be alone. He still doesn’t understand why she keeps such a tiny place when she has the entire building, but that’s the kind of small thinking you find with these people.

His throat is dry, and he swallows a couple of times to relieve it. There’s a glass of water sitting on the table in front of him. Mrs. Medina had given it to him when she let him in for this latest meeting. For the life of him, though he can’t motivate himself to reach out and take it. He just looks at it, and looking is making him thirstier.

He doesn’t know how long he just sits there. He doesn’t know where the immigrant lady he’d come to talk to has gone. He doesn’t know why he can’t seem to bring himself to stand up and leave.

Real fear is beginning to blossom in his heart. The sudden sound of a key rattling in the front door lock draws his attention there. After a moment, the door opens to reveal Mrs. Medina, carrying a paper shopping bag. No sign of the boy. She glances at him (or, is it at his forehead?), nods to herself, and carries her bag into the kitchen. He hears her rummaging in there, doors to cabinets opening and closing and the rustle of the bag as she puts away her shopping. She returns, bag in hand, and sets it on the coffee table in front of him. She still hasn’t said anything, or even acknowledged him, really, and she doesn’t now. She disappears into another part of the apartment (bedroom? bathroom? he can’t remember the floor plan clearly enough), and he hears more sounds of cabinets and drawers opening and shutting.

She returns again, this time carrying an weathered leather bag, sealed with a zipper, and a small cup with steam rising from it. She places these
on the coffee table as well, and then perches on the edge of it and finally addresses him.

‘I miss my husband, Mr. Blume.’

She unzips the leather bag, and pulls out a small dish from inside.

‘He was a violent man, lived a violent life. Never raised a hand to me or his son, though.’

Reaching into the grocery bag, she pulls out a small jar. Opening the lid, she uses a finger to scoop out a dollop, depositing it in the empty dish. Measuring carefully by eye, she pours steaming water into the dish as well, until she’s satisfied with the amount.

‘Where we came from, if you were a man, you were violent, or you had violence done to you.’

This time a shaving brush emerges from the bag, and she begins busily mixing the water and the cream in the dish into a lather.

‘When he proposed to me, he said that he would take care of me, and that he would make sure I always had what I needed.’

Satisfied with the consistency, she leans forward and begins to briskly brush the lather onto Michael’s face.

‘You would not have survived there, Mr. Blume.’

The fear that had begun to ebb with the return of Mrs. Medina has come back stronger than before. The entire situation has an air of unreality. He doesn’t understand why he can’t (won’t?) move, he doesn’t understand why her English is suddenly as good as his own, and he doesn’t understand why she seems to be preparing to shave him.

‘My son, our son, is nine now. When we found out I was pregnant, he got us out of the country in three months.’

She pauses her activity, holding the brush poised to apply more lather, and gets a far off look in her eyes.

‘It was a terrible three months, and the last weeks were spent at sea, in a boat with thirty other people that shouldn’t have held ten.’

Finished applying lather, she stands up and presses against his chest. He leans back against the short rest of the chair he’s seated in. She moves behind him and gently positions his head so that he’s facing the ceiling, face and throat exposed to her.

‘We were within sight of the shore of this country when the coast guard intercepted us. You might not remember, but that was a complicated time, politically. A few months earlier or later, and we simply would have been shipped back where we came from, probably to face execution. Instead, they put us on another boat, which put us on another boat, which brought us to New York, all without touching the soil.’

She leaves his field of vision for a moment, and then returns, holding a strip of leather and a straight razor. Tying the leather to the arm of his chair, she begins using it to strop the razor. The rasping sound sends chills up and down his spine.

‘I often wish that I could show the people born in this country what It feels like to pass Ellis Island as an immigrant entering America. I think you take the beautiful woman standing watch over your waters for granted. She remains the loveliest creature I’ve ever seen.’

He almost can’t feel the first pass of the razor over the skin of his throat. She runs a finger along the skin in its wake, testing its smoothness. Satisfied, she continues to work.

‘My husband moved us into this neighborhood, into this building, into this very apartment. We had nothing, but it was the happiest time of my life.’

She’s shaving his cheeks now. He can feel the exhalations of her breath against his skin, feels the warmth of her body and the brush of a breast as she leans over him. He’s never experienced anything this intimate before. Never felt this powerless.

‘He died a few months later, but he kept his word. The drunk who ran him down was a delivery driver for one of the big parcel companies. I can’t tell you which one, though, terms of the settlement.

She pauses in such a way that the silver edge of the razor hovers in his field of view.

‘It might interest you to know that the driver died a few weeks before the settlement was even finalized. Well, ‘disappeared’ officially, the police never found the body.’

She folds the razor and he hears her place it back in the bag. In a moment she’s returned and is using a towel to wipe the excess lather from his face. When she’s done, she takes his chin between her index finger and thumb, and leans close enough that her nose brushes his cheek. She closes her eyes and breathes in his scent.

‘You smell like him now. It makes me dislike you less, Mr. Blume. I should thank you for the opportunity to use his things again, I used to enjoy giving him a shave.’

She leans back and takes one of his hands, drawing him forward in the chair and then to his feet. There’s a bit of escaped shaving lather on the collar of his shirt.

‘You are a bit taller than he was, I think. No muscle on you, though. He was built like a stallion.’

Her fingers deftly unknot his tie, and she draws it out of his shirt, folding it at setting it on the table. Next she tugs the tails of his shirt out from there they are tucked in his pants.

‘You are… pretty, in a way he was not. Lovely features.’

She begins unbuttoning his shirt at the collar, taking her time on the way down.

‘He was *not* a pretty man.’ She grins at the memory. ‘He had terrible acne when we were young, and it left him with scars.’

When the last button parts, the moves behind him and draws the shirt off of his shoulders. She folds it and places it on the table with the tie. Moving back around in front of him, she runs her fingers through the sparse hair on his chest.

‘I didn’t mind, though. He had a good face. An *interesting* face.’

She tugs on a few of his chest hairs, causing pinpricks of pain. Reaching down, she picks up the shaving dish, takes the brush in her other hand, and begins lathering his chest.

‘He never said, but I think he wished his chest was hairier. Very important sign of machismo, to all the boys back home.’

Retrieving the razor from the bag, she begins to denude his chest of hair with the same sure, steady strokes she’d used on his face.

‘Less important here, or so I’m told by the younger women in the neighborhood. They seem to like them smooth in this country.’

The razor continues down, removing the thin strip of hair that runs over the center of his belly and into his pants.

‘You’ll have to let me know if it makes a difference in your conquests.’

Wiping his torso off with the towel, she leans against him, resting her cheek against his chest as she inhales the odor of the shaving lather.


Stepping back, she unbuckles his belt and draws it out of his pants, laying it with the other clothes. She kneels in front of him and lifts one leg at a time to remove his shoes and socks. She then unbuttons his slacks and pulls them down into a pool at his feet, where he steps out of them at the gentle urging of her hands. Leaning back on her heels, she regards him. He’s wearing nothing but boxer shorts now. She sighs.

‘No man has pretty legs. I think it’s something about the knees.’

Finally, she pulls his boxer shorts down and off, and puts them to one side, leaving him nude before her. In silence she takes the dish and begins the process of lathering and shaving his legs. Some number of minutes later, having gone to retrieve some more hot water and refreshed her lather, she finishes.

Kneeling behind him, wiping the last traces of lather from his now silk-smooth thighs, she continues, ‘You have a nice bottom, the gift of youth. Perhaps in a few more years we would have had to shave it too, but…’ She runs a hand idly over one buttock, ‘It’s quite good for now.’

Knee walking back around to his front, she examines his cock and balls, going so far as to heft them in one hand.

‘For this next, we’ll have to be careful. I never shaved anything but my husbands face.’ She looks up at him, terrified eyes framed by silver and the glowing green light on his forehead
. ‘I suppose we’ll just have to go slow.’

‘Miss Ada, come look!’

Ada walks over to where Pablo has been tinkering with her old tattoo gun. They’d stopped at the butcher and picked up a side of pork with the skin intact for him to practice inking on. It’s marked up with dots and slashes of various colors and widths now.

‘Here, put these on.’

Ada takes the oversized black plastic glasses the boy hands her and puts them on. ‘No lenses?’ she asks.

‘Those are just to keep the receiver close to your head. I couldn’t make it a band because your hair is so big.’

With a snort she picks up the gun and examines the cartridge. ‘What color is that?’

‘You’ll see! Start drawing something on the pig.’

Ada obligingly does so, and a solid black line appears.

‘Okay, now do one next to it, but think about the color green.’

She stares at him for a moment, then shares and lowers her gun again. At first, the ink is black, but when she makes herself really concentrate on a particular shade of green the line shifts colors to the precise hue. After a little practice, she can switch back and forth at will, and begins working with other colors, too.

‘Jesus, kid. You are really going to have to keep a low profile as you get older, or you’re going to start a panic.’

‘I know, Mama says so too. But it’s you though, you’re okay.

‘Mmm.’ she replies absently, drawing a more complex figure in scintillating shades of color. ‘Do you think you can do this to all my equipment?’

Rosa gently wipes the last of the lather off of the young man’s newly-smooth testicles, gently patting them dry. His relief at avoiding a maiming is almost palpable. He remains standing, nude and hairless from the eyebrows down.

His hostess packs away the shaving supplies after washing off the brush and dish in the kitchen. She replaces them wherever they came from in the back of the apartment, and then returns to regard her guest.

‘I should thank you for giving me a reason to get out those old things. I let them alone for too long, I need to be reminded of him more often.’

She sits down on the couch across from him and just looks him over for a few minutes.

‘I won’t lie to you, Mr. Blume. What pleasure you find over the next few hours won’t be of your own choosing, and you are going to experience some things you would really rather not, in ways you would really rather not. You already know that you are basically helpless while you’re wearing that hat. I could put you in an unlocked room somewhere and you would starve to death before you found the motivation to get up and leave on your own.’

She looks out of the window at the light of the late-afternoon sun.

‘I hope you believe me when I tell you that that hat is by far the most benign option I have available. Some of my neighbors would be happy to assist me in effecting a permanent and involuntary change of heart on your part.’

‘You won’t die tonight, Mr. Blume. You have my word on that. In a few hours, I will take that cap off your head, and you will be free to be on your way.’

She turns back and locks eyes on him. ‘You will, however, remember today. You will make very sure that neither you nor anyone else from your institution visits me, or anyone else on this street, with the intent of purchase.

‘Because, Mr. Blume, if they do, we will repeat everything that happens to you here today, except we will do it for an audience. Trust me that you can be found and brought to heel for the performance, if required.’

She relaxes and leans back. ‘But I am being a thoughtless hostess. Drink the glass of water I gave you.’

The banker immediately picks up the glass from the table and drains it. Rosa rises and takes the empty glass from him and disappears into the kitchen for a moment. She returns holding a much larger glass, also empty.

Approaching her helpless guest, she brings the vessel to his crotch and gently lifts the shaft of his penis over the rim, so that it’s aimed inside. Holding the glass with one hand, she reaches up and strokes his cheek with the other.

‘Piss, Mr. Blume.’

Immediately urine begins to stream out of him and into the glass. She can feel the warmth of the liquid through the clear material. Eventually the torrent slows to a trickle, and then peters out. Still holding the glass in place, Rosa reaches down to the coffee table and retrieves a tissue, with which she pats him dry. She carries the jar of urine to the bathroom, and he can hear pouring liquid followed by a toilet flush a few moments later.

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Extra Credit

"Well there is one thing you can do." My ears perked up immediately. "Yes, yes! I'll do anything," I begged. I had just finished giving Mr. West a long story of why I really needed some form of extra credit; I was prepared to do anything, even if that meant throwing away my morals and begging. "Come over here," he said in a rush. I nodded and went over to his side of his desk. He turned his chair towards me and wiggled his pointer finger, signaling for me to come forward. I took steps towards...

2 years ago
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MILF Neighbor And Monday Night Football

This is sort of a long story but the end is worth it. I live in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Across the street lives a rather good looking blond Kathy, a thirty-five year old mother of two girls. Occasionally, we talked about landscaping and k**s in general and we grew quite friendly. Now this girl was single but she was absolutely gorgeous, she had long blond hair, stood about five feet seven inches tall, with a nice firm body that was accented by a nice pair of tits and an even nicer ass....

4 years ago
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My Future FatherInLaw Ch 08

Today is the big day I thought as I crawled slowly out of bed. I was exhausted and a bit sore from the pounding my virgin pucker had received from my future-father-in-law the night before. God, was Big Mike hung! My insides had still not returned to their normal size. I felt a weird and wornderful sensation in my gut as I walked toward the shower to start preparations for my wedding. As the hot water ran over my aching body thoughts of the past week with my new ‘Daddy-to-be’ ran through my...

4 years ago
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Awesome Threesome 8211 Me My Girlfriend And Her Brother

First of all i would like to tell u peoples about me, Kapil, 23 year old, 5’10” strongly built with 8 inch weapon. My gf Ankita age 23 is Sexiest girl i had ever seen. 5’4″ height & asset dimensions 32-28-32. she is nice girl belongs to very conservative and orthodox family. her brother aayush is 22 years old and is a spoiled brat. Now coming to story. Ankita lives in 2 bhk flat. in one bedroom her parents sleep and another one is shared by her brother aayush and herself. Ek din ankita thodi...

1 year ago
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LaceySteele Chapter 6

She made her way to the backyard where she found everyone seeming to be hanging out in and by the pool. Lacey explained to her that the morning after a party, they take some time to just hang out and relax. Lexi wanted to stay but Lacey insisted that school, work, and her real life were more important than this; she would be back if interested. Lacey and Lexi spoke while Lexi was getting ready to leave. Lacey: “I want to remind you of a few things before you leave. First, remember that you...

1 year ago
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Cousin K Sath Luckily Bua K Ladki

Hello mera naam ankit rana hai meri id hai meri age 24 hai aur mai himachal mai palampur ka rehna wala hoo yeh story meri aur meri bua ki larki ki hai jis ka naam anita hai yeh tab ki baat hai jab uski badi didi lalita ki sadi thi, yani bua ki badi ladki. Uska fig to perfect nhi pata but boobs 34 k honge kamar 28-30 hogi. Mai apne land k size k bare mai bada chadha k nhi bolunga ki 9 inches ka hai 10 inch ka hai. Mera around 6 k karib hai tab mai first year mai tha aur wo bhi utne mai hi hogi...

1 year ago
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My Third Baby Isnt My Husbands

My husband and I have been married for 7 years now. We've been through a lot of ups and downs and having k**s really changed our relationship.I kept working after the birth of our 3 year old daughter, Ashley, and then went back to work with the same company after our second daughter arrived 12 months later.I never realized how hard having two little girls so close in age would be on our relationship. Although I really love my husband, I felt so lost and confused when I went back to work just 12...

2 years ago
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Mystical Manipulations

Magic exists in all sorts of forms and creatures hidden throughout our world. These are the stories of those who find it. A spell book that actually works? Fairies in the garden? A strange shimmer in the mirror? The possibilities are endless.

1 year ago
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Photo Shoot

I was in the garage, inside my homemade darkroom developing some pictures of an antique car show I had been at a month or so ago when I heard the outside door buzzer ring. Photography has been my hobby and passion ever since high school some twenty five years ago and I spend most weekends on photo shoots or developing shots I have already taken. I looked around the darkroom and made sure everything was alright, turned on the interior lights and went out into the garage and opened my backdoor. I...

4 years ago
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Moms blackmailed by headteacher Pt1

“So here we are again, but this time it’s a lot more serious,” I found myself saying. Sat in front of me was Liam Brown and Alfie Slate, Liam is the son of Kate and Tom Brown. Tom is an MP and one of the elected Councillors in our city, Kate is a housewife who does voluntary work with a few local charities. Both are well respected in the community and lead a very privileged life. Alfie is the son of Emma and Graham Slate, Graham is the local Pastor, Emma is also a housewife and helps with the...

1 year ago
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Work does pay 2

Following my first encounter with Jane and Andy I was a little wary how things would be between us at work. I shouldn't have worried as the next time I was in work with Jane she was hornier than ever, telling me how much herself and Andy had enjoyed the other night. She asked if I liked it and if I would like to meet up again, I jumped at the chance as Andy had aroused my curiousity in my bisexual side. Jane asked if I was free at the weekend to which I replied yes, so it was arranged that I...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Bianca The Head Doctor Is In

We’ve got 21 year old Bianca today. She’s a young lady who works in an auto-parts factory which sounds horrendous. As a former factory worker, I KNOW it’s horrendous. So we welcome her with open arms to the iconic black couch. She a really nice and down to earth girl, seems like she’s just trying to make it, so lets see if we can set her on the right track. She’s got a killer body built for comfort, nice tits, and a great big ol’ ass. So I think we’re gonna have some fun today. We get to know...

2 years ago
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In a Secret GardenChapter 22

With the air now significantly cleared about our recent, relatively non-minor household problem, the thought of establishing in writing a few carved in stone house rules for the slave girls began to make a certain amount of sense. Everything and everyone was crazy with stress as the last of the big internet and mail-order supply deliveries began to slow down to a trickle the week before Thanksgiving. This should have given us a small amount of quiet time but we were all still too busy to...

2 years ago
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Mai Or Meri Didi Ka Pyar 8211 Part 4

HELLO friends I am ready with my next part. Ab mai batata hun aage kya hua. Barsih me bhigte hue mai or didi ek dusre ko kiss kiye ja rahe the. Didi ki bra ki khuli hook unke gaand me meri ungali or meri gaand me unki ungali. Hum dono ek dusre ki hotho ko chus rahe the or humare jibh bhi ek dusre se khel rahe the. Didi meri god me thi or unke pair mere kamar me lipte hue the or unke haath bhi meri gaand se khel rahe the. Kiss karte karte achanak didi mere god se utri or badi tezi se meri...

1 year ago
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Caught and the Consequences Part 2

Part 2   While sitting there I went through the usual stages, despair that I had been caught, fright as to what would happen next, would she still want me as her husband or was this going to be a third divorce, and that made me feel very sad as it suddenly dawned on me how much I loved her and I quietly resolved to do anything I could to save my marriage.   It also made me realise that our relationship was already a sub/Domme one, in subtle ways I had not even thought about before, I...

2 years ago
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Tit for Tat

So Sandy and I were watching T.V. the other night and the female villain was going through the predictable moves of intimidation and indiscriminate flirtations. Sandy said to me, ‘Frank, let’s do something outside of the norm, let’s invite some folks over and place some sex toys in obvious places that our guests would find.’ I said, ‘Sandy, that sounds good but perhaps you want to re-think this before we invite anyone.’ She said, ‘You must think that I’m kidding?’ I said, ‘Well, sometimes you...

2 years ago
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E053 Donalds request and Emmas Twentyeighth pearl

When Donald wakes and sends Emma off for her morning pampering, he wonders if what he wants to ask Emma to do to him today will be more than she can handle.  He must word it just right, and hopefully, she will agree.  Now he will not press her to do anything more than she can endure.  If she feels unable to, they will just move on to another pearl.After their bath, as they sit at the kitchen table eating their breakfast, Donald broaches it a little.  Before sitting to eat, Donald again puts a...

Love Stories
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"I changed the ring tone for you when you call," Jack laughed. "Here we go, what is it?" Meggie asked, a slight trace of her southern roots in her voice. "Yakety Sax." "What?" "You know, that music from Benny Hill..." Jack held in his laughter, obviously proud of himself. "Change that!" "It's so perfect for when you call and your face pops up on the screen. I changed your picture to one where you're all serious and pensive looking. It's so funny!" She mocked his laugh and sarcastically reminded...

2 years ago
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Sushma8217s School Days Telugu

(మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) నాకు స్కూల్ కి వెళ్ళటానికి చాలా ఇబ్భందిగా ఉంది. పుస్తకాలు ఎంత అడ్డు పెట్టుకున్నా అబ్బాయిల చూపులన్నీ నా ఛాతీ పైనే. ఎంత జాగ్రత్తగా నడిచినా నా ఎత్తులు అందంగా కదులుతూనే ఉంటాయి. నేను దాటేసేక కూడా అబ్బాయిల చూపులు నా పిర్రల మీదనే ఉంటాయి. వాళ్ళ కామెంట్స్ వింటూ ఉంటే సిగ్గు తో చచ్చిపోవాలనిపిస్తుంది. కానీ దానితో బాటే గర్వంగా కూడా ఉంటుంది. వనజ,లక్ష్మి నా వంక చూసే అసూయ చూపులు బలే ఉత్సాహాన్నిస్తాయి. ఇంక స్కూల్లో అడపిల్లలం ముందు బెంచీల్లో కూర్చుంటాం. వెనక నుంచి అబ్బాయిలు...

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Aunt Nadiarsquos Visit

Two weeks later...I arrived from school on Friday. We had a week long break and my siblings had all hightailed it to their friend’s houses and both my parents and Myra and her parents had went on vacation. “Surprise!” a voice suddenly screamed when I walked in and I was suddenly pressed between two massive breasts.I struggled to breathe but soon adjusted to the soft warmth. “How you doing nephew?” My Aunt Nadia asked smiled broadly. She pulled me into another tight hug between her two 32K tits....

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Caged and denied

It’s 4:00am and every chaste man in the world knows exactly what i is i am feeling right now. This is my second night in chastity and i’m reaching that point of deep, desperate ache. What otherwise would be an erection, that begs for release, painfully throbs inside its cage. The ring of the cage is chafing the underside of my balls and there’s no way i can sleep. The few times in the past that i experimented with chastity play ended by this point. With that being said, let me take You back to...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Lusty Manager

Hey guys I would like to post my life experience about me I am 23 years of age and working for a software mnc and I stay in Bangalore. So the story starts here. I have written story in short because I don’t wanna make u feel bored that’s y. Mail me. I’m waiting for your msgs. I was working in this mnc from past 2 years as soon as I finished my graduation and its almost 2 years in the company, I used to work in day shift and my team consisted of 22 members, we used to develop software, I had one...

3 years ago
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Its better with the belt

a 'Quicky' by Jo-Anne WileyThe white hash marks flashed past. She stepped lively avoiding them like cracks in a sidewalk:Step on a crack, break your mother's back! Her bare legs slanted against the tight fabric of her skirt. The rhythm of her body was hypnotic and the hum in her head sounded like wind in far off wires. The warmth of the sun fell across her shoulders, soothing the strain in her back where the rope had held her. The “clicking” stopped her. She missed a step, and startled, she saw...

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Amber was standing by the sink washing the dishes from dinner. I had finished work late, which meant she had eaten alone and my dinner would be in the fridge for me. She was wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a light pink, long sleeved blouse. Her dark hair was wavy and pushed over her left shoulder. I could just about see the tiny strand over white gold on her neck, which made me smile every time I saw it. It was the locket I had bought her for our first anniversary. She hadn’t heard me come...

Straight Sex
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A House in Disarray19 An Orderly House Once Again

Em, just entering the room, rushed to grab the ringing phone. “Hello, Detective Emma Rules.” “Hello, Cutie. How are you doing back in the real world?” “Amanda! I’m glad you called. I’ve wrapped up my case. Aside from typing up the results, presenting it to the press, and testifying in court, it’s all over.” “Wow! That’s fantastic. You closed a major investigation in only eight days?” “Actually, only seven. I’ve been slaving over a computer finishing all the paperwork. I’m trying to get...

1 year ago
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A Cop A Cutie and A Hot Pink Ticket

Officer Rick Cordan sat in his vehicle on the I-77 turnpike. He watched the road ahead of him as he looked for speeders. It had been a long boring Tuesday night. Only a handful of vehicles had passed him, and none of those drivers were going over the speed limit. Suddenly, a blue 2013 Civic sped past him! The driver was doing an 80 in a 65! At long last, some action! Cordan switched his vehicle into Drive, turned left, and pursued the driver. He turned his car lights on before switching...

3 years ago
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Helping out a Classmate Chapter 11

The next morning you wake up in the same position. You kiss Danielle on her cheeks and to your surprise she is already awake. “Good morning, lover,” she says. “Morning, sweetheart,” you say as you move away from Danielle and get up from the bed. Danielle looks up at you. You’re a mess. You smell of sweat and your crotch is covered in dried pussy juice and cum. “You could use a shower,” Danielle giggles. “Says the one covered in sperm!” you laugh. Danielle looks down. She’s indeed covered...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Afreen the ultimate maid

Hi to all ISS friends. Thanks for mailing me your comments for my previous sex encounter with my three sisters, two younger cousins and one elder sister. The story which I going to write has happened recently a week ago. After Mehak di got married I missed having fun every night. I was becoming desperate to have sex. Our family too shifted to another house in Mumbai. I this new house is where I got my new girl to play with. My maid Afreen. She is a hot sixteen year old Muslim girl with a short...

3 years ago
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Backyard Delight Part 2

The conclusion...Yoli was so wet! She seemed to be having a mini orgasm every 4 or 5 strokes. I was so ready to cum, too! I'm not sure how long we had been going at it! She had the type of pussy that seemed to just draw you in and you lost track of all time!Suddenly, I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye! I looked over and there was Jerry holding a couple of drinks and staring as I continued to thrust into Yoli in a firm, but constant pace. I had been close to cumming, but him...

4 years ago
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Do For Love and HealingChapter 2

The next tape showed one more event like the one Darlina had described and the next tape after that showed, which according to the time stamp was only a week before, showed something different. The guy went in and closed the door. The doorknob jiggled. Manty's eyes narrowed; as he knew what that meant. But this time the door stayed closed for quite a while. Manty wondered if they were getting it on or if they were arguing. He hoped it was the last Soon a security guard, wearing the black...

4 years ago
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Ralphs Road Service for Boys

Skip was half on, half off the short bunk, with one foot leveraged high to one side on a grab handle in the top center of the back wall of the cab, his back arched on two hard pillows, his hands open wide over the driver’s naked buttocks, fingers digging into flesh, moaning in long, building moans matching the long slides of the hard ramrod inside him. The driver, clad only in cowboy hat, red bandana neck scarf, tooled-leather boots, and a broad grin, was crouched over the bunk between the...

4 years ago
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CoOperative CathyChapter 3

Cathy looked up as the stocky, hairy Dean came close to her. Her eyes fixed at once on the thick truncheon that projected out from his groin. Was he going to make her suck that? She didn't resist when he put his hands under her armpits and brought her to her feet. Acquiescently she let him lead her to the padded bench and ease her upper body down onto it. Her long, shapely legs dangled over the edge and through drug-dimmed eyes she saw the older man kneel and shoulder her knees wide...

2 years ago
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Biwi Ko

Hi to all. My name is Rashid (Rashid). This is the story of my first sex experience n I want share this with u. I am a regular reader of ISS, but I am submitting my story. First of all I want, tell u about me. My name is Rashid; I am a student of Engineering in 3rd year. My Height is 5 feet 5 inches and have muscular body due to my regular exercise in gym. I am 30 years old. In my family, my father and mother both are in govt. job. My younger brother is studying in school and my cha-cha is a...

1 year ago
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A sissy called Jezebel

Part I - Jezebel starts her big day, serving as a sissy maid for the dominant females of hir family. We seen in depth hir morning routine, as sie gets her sisters and hirself ready for school. My alarm goes off at 5:30 in the morning. It is an old fashioned wind up alarm clock with the clapper bell ringer which would wake up the dead, or at least this sissy who had been dreaming sweet dreams of dancing in a full ball gown with hir Prince Charming. I turn on the light on my side...

2 years ago
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Anitas new black trainer

Some months ago, my sweet wife had changed to another membership at a club nearer our house. I asked if she had any problem about the former club; but she said that her girlfriend Helena had recommended her this new one.I thought that, if that slutty Helena was going there, I should supervise my own wife’s escapades there. It looked dangerous.Anita began to make regular trips every day to the new club. I joined her the first couple of times but lost interest after that.Just one week later, I...

4 years ago
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A Little HelpChapter 10

Two months had passed since fall break. It was early winter now. Things were going really well between Ilse and me. Since fall break, I slept half a week in her apartment and the other half in my house. Whenever I spent the night at her house, I also tucked the children in bed, and told them a bedtime story about Prince Bram and Princess Naomi. Teddy and McQueen regularly had guest roles in these tales and the kids loved my imaginative stories. Lately, Ilse loved sitting in my lap while I...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Jessica Marie Racist8217s Teenage Daughter Makes A New Friend

****WARNING: THIS IS A CONSENSUAL RACEPLAY SCENE, ONE THAT CONTAINS STRONG, RACIALLY CHARGED LANGUAGE (REPEATED USE OF THE N WORD). IF SUCH CONTENT OFFENDS YOU, PLEASE DO NOT WATCH****** Jessica Marie is 18 years old. She’s from a small town in the south. Very small, very safe community. People don’t even lock their doors. It’s a great place to grow up. And the reason-at least according to Jessica’s dad-is because there’s not that many people of a...


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