Aspiring Novelist Pt. 03 free porn video

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Billie worked on a proposal for the cattle and horse ranch novel and sent it off to Under the Tree Publishing with the working title of ‘Into the Saddle.’

Her editor Jocelyn Winter emailed next day: ‘Hi sweet young woman. We accepted your proposal this morning. Gary our executive editor pointed out we have a publishing slot four months hence, so it’s yours if you believe you can finish in sixteen weeks from today. What do you think?’

Billie called Jocelyn and they had a short chat and Billie said she could meet all her deadlines to have everything wrapped up in sixteen weeks.

‘Good girl. If you want us to keep you before the public we require a minimum of three books a year from you.’

‘That’s no problem for a professional writer. Believe me this novel requires a great cover to appeal to the widest possible audience.’

‘Accepted. Gary told me if you take the 16-week slot I’m to allocate your project good marketing push. I said what about eighty thousand and he said okay. it’s about time we projected Miss Summers to book buyers and initially this one only goes hardcover.’

Billie gulped, ‘You mean eighty thousand bucks?’

‘What else could it mean darling? Bye.’

‘No wait. What’s motivating the executive editor?’

‘Oh sorry, I’ve left out that piece that makes all sense of this. I’m such a tease. We were told this morning the initial rush on ‘Wretched Rachel’ hasn’t declined, in fact mothers and grandmothers are lining up to buy it. The latest figures show advance orders of 65,305 and according to our projections you just might be lucky and have your sales crack 250,000.’

‘B-but even 65,000 is huge for me?’

‘Yes dear. Well you did tell me your goal was to gain acclaim as a young author. Guess what’s happing darling? In ‘Wretched Rachel’ it’s not only what you have to say but also how you say it. You are riding a wave.’

Billie decided to go for a walk. As she was leaving the house she spotted Caitlin talking to Patricia and Caitlin waved her over. ‘Come and have coffee with us under the sun shade.’

They kissed Billie and Caitlin said, ‘You look rather pale dear.’

‘My book ‘Wretched Rachel’ is only being distributed now and advanced sales have topped 65,000.’

Caitlin said, ‘That’s huge.’

‘Not really but it is for me,’ Billie admitted and the three of them stared at a courier van that had pulled into Billie’s driveway.

Patricia laughed and said, ‘Oooh this must be your Pulitzer Prize.’

‘Omigod, it’s my complimentary and my ordered copies,’ Billie squeaked as the courier man began loading the cartons of forty-eight copies of ‘Wretched Rachel’.

Billie signed complimentary copies for both women who thanked her profusely. She then told them she was thinking of going into hiding.

‘Why?’ Caitlin asked. ‘You can’t get much more removed than here.’

‘I agree,’ Patricia said. ‘Look it’s just a matter of controlling people and your environment. Park your vehicle around at the front you’re your house. People looking from the street will think you are out. Tell everyone not to visit before 5:00 each day and switch off your phone. Tell your publisher to send emails and don’t read them until you finish for the day. You work up in the loft don’t you?’


‘Well how much more isolated than that can you get?’

‘But still take breaks,’ Caitlin caution and if you want any shopping done just ask me after you finish work for the day. ‘Look why don’t you eat with us two evenings a week and then find someone else who’ll also cook for you?’

‘That’s me,’ Patricia said firmly. ‘Caitlin you do Mondays and Wednesdays and I’ll do Tuesdays and Thursdays and Billie you can look after yourself the next three nights.

‘Oh this is too kind and I have no wish to impose.’

‘It’s our wish to be kind so shut-up Billie,’ Patricia laughed. ‘God I could really attack a wine.’

Billie raced across to her house and returned with a bottle of wine and three glasses.

Under that new regime Billie kept the downstairs windows closed with curtains across and opened the loft windows that couldn’t be seen from the road. The hardest thing was switching off her phone but she did that and then began drafting the principal characters of ‘Into the Saddle’ and wondered if that title might be considered ambiguous and therefore risqué.

The heroine she called Abilene Clarke, her mother Georgia and father Clinton. The closest neighboring ranchers were the Jones’s and their elder son, the hero she called Ryan.

She’d used different names in the synopsis sent to the publisher that had been approved but it was the proposed story that had been accepted, not the names. Any way the new names were superior and she already loved the characters she’d constructed to suit those new names.

She logged off for the day at little after 4:30 and felt ready for a bath and then to toddle off to bed. Long periods of deep thinking tended to tire her. Oh damn she was expected next-door to eat with the Struthers. She answered a door knock and let in Silvana.

They hugged and kissed.

‘Half a glass of wine?’

‘No thanks, we are eating formerly tonight and I’ll have some wine then. Jim’s new girlfriend is coming for dinner and mom went me to ask would you mind if she invites Gene, um, to give balance to the table.’

‘I have you to sit beside me for balance.’

‘Aw mom wants something started between you and Gene. She’s been talking about this with Gene’s mother.’

‘Oh hell, she must know I won’t like Gene being set up like this.’

‘The new girlfriend is Gene’s cousin so that makes a difference doesn’t it.’

‘Hmmm. I don’t want to be ungrateful to your mother. Just say I think I said it was lovely to have my feelings considered and I said yes and what a lovely idea.’

‘God that wasn’t your reaction when I first mentioned it?’

‘All women lie Silvana and with your cunning streak I bet you lie superbly.’

‘My mom thinks you’re the greatest thing since peanut butter. She’s already being noticeably more pleasant to me after reading your book and saying things like ‘I know how you feel darling’ and ‘please may I make a suggestion?’ Christ.’

‘So you don’t like her attempting the kid glove approach?’

‘I suppose it’s okay. She’s not getting up my ass so much.’

Billie winced. ‘Silvana are you in a rough gang at school?’

‘How did we suddenly get on to friends at school?’

‘Oh it doesn’t matter only I never ever jeered to anyone about my mom getting up my ass.’

‘You never thought like that?’

‘I didn’t say that. All I said was I’d never talk about my mother like that.’

‘Oh so you didn’t talk about her like that out of respect?’

‘Something like that. Do you respect your mother Silvana?’

‘Omigod what a question to be asked.’

‘Don’t answer. Just think about it. Perhaps I am meant to be your role model.’

Silvana left, looking thoughtful and possibly a little confused and Billie was pleased, thinking Silvana was at last showing signs of being prepared to look beyond herself in the early transition from teenager to young woman. It was a start but only a start and Caitlin would welcome it if she read the signs.

After a very enjoyable evening Gene and Billie left together and as a beaming Caitlin closed the front door Gene said, almost breathlessly, ‘We should have sex.’

Billie’s reply was simply to take his hand and lead Gene to her house, walking through the hole in the low hedge on the side boundary between the two properties.

Gene removed his jacket and placed it over the back of a dining chair.

Billie mentally approved of that action, taking it as evidence of a neat and tidy man.

He then removed a pack of condoms from the inside pocket of his jacket, forcing Billing to amend that earlier thought to evi
dence of a neat and tidy and prudent guy.

‘What are they?’ Billie said, pointing to the condoms.

Gene looked at her and swallowed noticeably.

She smiled. ‘Just teasing. If you’re staying the night you probably will need all of them.’

Gene’s smile was partly a grimace. ‘You had me going a bit just then.’

‘Unzip and let me see what you’re got.’

He replied coolly, ‘Show me your breasts first.’

‘Okay let’s call it a draw and come and sit on the sofa and I’ll turn out these bright lights and then you be the ringmaster.

They sat on the sofa, straight-backed rather like a young couple just returned from church.

Billie sighed and dropped a hand over his groin and squeezed his cock.

Gene unleashed. He pushed Billie sideways, stood, scooped her legs on to the sofa. He then in a continuous movement ran his hand up under her skirt to her crotch, sprawled beside her and began kissing her deeply and mumbling something that became ‘This is heavenly… this is heavenly…’ when they broke apart slightly for a breather.

During that first brief breather he worked his hand under her panty leg and hooked two fingers into the opening of her moist and very warm pussy.


‘Yeah baby.’

Apparently they knew what that meant.

Gene was perhaps halfway through screwing Billie for the first time before she reminded him he wasn’t wearing a condom.

‘Oh shit.’

‘I hope not.’


There was no reply and he scuttled over the table to rip open the 10-pack and managed to open the smaller packet without too much fumbling and drag it on efficiently.

Gene returned to Billie’s side wearing a sexy grin and his eyes widened as he looked at her stretching out her breasts by dragging on each nipple.

‘Jesus,’ he said in awe and then groaned ‘Oh fuck’ as he filled the end of the condom.

‘Don’t worry,’ Billie soothed. ‘I over-excited you that’s all. You still have gas left in the tank don’t you?’

Gene nodded hopefully.

‘Oh good boy. Change your rubber and then bang me stupid. I’m well overdue for sex.’

Gene left around 2:00 and dragged his weary body home, pleased that he and Billie had decided to date regularly. He thought that arrangement was because she wanted sex but she’d claimed she wanted him around for companionship and because he was such a nice guy. He grinned and yawned, saying bullshit, but then decided Billie was just like her name, quite the most interesting woman he’d ever met who was available to him, er, for companionship.

* * *

Although awaking at dawn next morning after Gene’s largely athletic administrations, Billie felt emotionally alive and actually thought like swinging from the rafters.

Oh boy. She scooped some grits softened in fruit juice into her and left the tidying up to do during a work break.

Today was earmarked for sending off copies of ‘Wretched Rachel’ to family and closest friends. During that work she labeled as one of the best tasks a real writer could do if she did it herself, Billie began mentally planning her new novel and soon was stumped.

When was haymaking season on the ranch?

‘Dunno?’ she snapped.

When were the mares put to stallions?

Oh fuck, if Ben had told she that she’d forgotten. Perhaps it was in her notes but she required information like that in her head and not in notes or on the Web to avoid interruption to her workflow. She remembered Ben emphasizing that stallions had to be used for registration of thoroughbreds. Artificial breeding was not acceptable.

Billie sighed and thought this would be exactly the situation all novelists faced when setting a plot that was mostly outside the familiarity of their knowledge and environment. At least she had remembered bridles really were left hanging on the wall… to dry.

She tore of a pre-prepared label to put a book in a sealed plastic envelope and smiled, noting the addressee was Celeste B. Bush. She called Celeste.

‘Hi my mentor.’

‘Omigod you little bitch. Because of you I’ve been put through the wringer appearing on TV and radio talk shows, talking to journalists and literary and non-literary women’s groups and now the city council has commissioned a bust of me to be placed in the city library.’

‘Oh working hard for once in your life are you? It will have to be a pretty big bronze to include all of your big bust.’

‘Oh honey, I do miss your liveliness and warped humor. It’s lovely hearing from you again. Tell me about your WIP (work in progress).’

‘I’m sending you a copy of my latest.’

‘Oh yes. I saw the front cover of ‘Wretched Rachel’ on a book show on TV two nights ago. The reviewer awarded it four out of five stars and said it was a handbook for mothers of teenagers told at pace in the style of a ripping good yarn. Well done honey.’

‘Yeah other reviews I’ve received from my publisher are of similar tone. They appeared focused on the word ‘handbook’ despite it being a novel.’

‘Handbook is far more preferable than many labels reviewers heap on some poor authors darling. You haven’t answered my question about WIP?’

‘Oh the setting is on a cattle ranch that also breeds thoroughbred horses as a sideline. I was calling to ask…’

‘Did I spend my early years living on a ranch and daddy and grandpa raised quarter-horses as a sideline to help make ends meet? No darling, as you know my early years were spent in an orphanage. But I can suggest that you talk to people around you who grew up on ranches. Another suggestion is if you switch and make cattle the sideline you’ll draw in many, many more readers because millions of people have ridden horses but few have ridden cattle. You know I had thought it wouldn’t surprise the young writer who told America on TV she was scared of horses was very likely one day set a novel on a horse ranch. The only surprise to me is it’s come so soon.’

‘Why didn’t you say something on that night after our TV interview?’

‘Because darling it is best for a novelist to choose her or his own storyline because they’ll then have complete ownership and love everything about their new novel sooner and possibly more completely.’

‘God Celeste, you know so much.’

‘Don’t fail to enjoy the journey towards writing maturity Billie. Think of it as growing up. Would you want to throw away your youth?’

Billie said no and they talked on rather aimlessly as women like doing.

Billie dropped what she was doing and stood on the lawn drinking a soda facing the sea, the light breeze fluffing out her hair had these days was long and poorly kept. She thought about what Celeste had said and sighed.

She heard someone approaching and saw it was Caitlin who worked four hours each weekday afternoon in job-share as a receptionist for two attorneys.

They kissed and Caitlin put her arm round the young women’s waist and said, ‘What is it darling, writer’s block?’

Billie giggled and said no, she was still in planning stages of her new novel and just been talking to Celeste B. Bush who, as usual, had given her something to think about.

‘Celeste suggested I talk to people around me who grew up on a ranch.’

‘Send a copy of ‘Wretched Rachel’ to the editor of our local newspaper with a note that you are residing temporarily here in Rockport-Fulton district. The newspaper will be interested believe me and will interview you. You can mention you want contact with local people raised on a ranch and perhaps still have connections with a family ranch.’

‘Oh that’s a great idea, I take a copy in to the editor now.’

‘No use the softly, softly approach. Mail it and the editor looks at it and thinks about it leisurely rather than the editor becoming defensive in being confronted by a pushy woman. Know what I mean?’

‘Oh yes I do. If the editor is male I ought to allow him to make an unb
iased decision rather that have an excited red-faced women thrusting her tits at him attempting to seduce him into action.’

Caitlin giggled. ‘Billie I didn’t quite say that. You are almost too much for me at times.’

Two days later a reporter and photographer arrived and Billie was interviewed as a transient local celebrity. She received dozens of calls that produced valuable feedback. She selected two couples who lived nearby and they came to Billie’s house for two weeks Monday, Wednesday and Friday and worked with her from 10:00 to 3:00 with pre-lunch drinks and lunch supplied. That allowed Billie to extract solid information prior to lunch, having her questions such as work routines season by season established. Then with the wine and beer being consumed the chatter automatically fell into reminiscence about ‘the good old days’ of growing up on a ranch and then the understanding of hardship laced with better times they experienced when they took over their respective ranches.

Another valuable contact was a young widow who’d come off a horse ranch out of Dallas whose husband had been killed when hit by an out-of-control concrete delivery truck when returning home in his much lighter truck from taking some surplus yearling cattle to market. The 34-year-old widow, about to marry an attorney, was a tremendous source of information because she’d be began riding a pony she received for her fourth birthday and scarcely a day had past since when she hadn’t gone riding. She was now a partner in a riding school and Billie enrolled at the school and learned to ride properly. Shortly after the final briefing for Billie’s research she received an invitation to attend Angela and Ron’s wedding with partner.

Toweling semen off her chest, Billie said to Gene, ‘Would you like to take me to a wedding?’


Billie bit her lip knowing she should have asked him before wearing him out having sex that destroyed billions of his brain cells.

‘Why not.’

‘I find weddings and birthday parties boring.’

‘Wouldn’t that be related to the type of people at the center of the occasion and their families?’

‘I suppose so.’

‘You called in one afternoon and had a drink with the bride-to-be.’

‘Who that blonde divorcee with the really hot tits?’

‘Widow actually and her name is Angela and yes she does have a lovely shape.’

‘Who’s the bridegroom?’

‘Ron West.’

‘Oh really? And what does Ron do?’

‘He’s an attorney near where you work, across at Portland.’

‘God that’s Ron West who brought a 32-foot cruiser from us and we service it and his dad’s boat and also Frank his partner’s boat.’

‘Well lucky you. I should think most of the guests would be boat people in that case.’

‘Yeah sweetie, I’d really like to go to that wedding with you.’

Billie was pleased with that acceptance but the outcome that really interested her was discovering the difference between a woman and a guy about going to a wedding, a difference that could be universal. A woman like her would go to the wedding to see how the women in the wedding party were dressed and to share in the bride’s radiating happiness whereas a guy would be keen to go only if he knew other guys who’d be there. She sighed and thought it was a wonder Gene hadn’t asked would they serve beer.

‘Yeah it would be good to go to a wedding,’ Gene yawned. ‘Any idea about what food they’ll be servicing and, um, the type of drinks?’


‘Well that’s okay. You know in that sort of gathering I might come into contact with someone interested in buying a boat.’

‘Try the bride,’ Billie scowled. ‘She might wish to trade in a horse for a boat.’


‘It doesn’t matter.’


Billie Summers preferred to start writing at page one, chapter one. She’d thought about the opening that would go something like this:

… it was an exceptionally hot day and Maria the house-help had gone forty miles to the supermarket to stock up. Heavily pregnant Georgina Clarke knew if she put out the washing on the line now she could bring it in dry before the breeze got up, bringing with it red dust. She reached up to pin the second edge of a sheet, knowing she was not supposed to stretch in her condition. She felt a pain rip through her and fell, screaming. Miraculously, over at the barn husband Clinton was just about to start his farm bike when he thought he heard a faint scream. A cautious man, much like his father and nothing like his hot-headed blonde wife, he started the bike, slewed it around, and raced off to the homestead where he found his fallen wife in labor. He kissed her and she whimpered but managed a smile, her blue eyes filled with tears of pain. Clinton yanked out his phone and it shot out of his grip and went flying. He cursed, grabbed it and called the nearest neighbor for help. Half an hour later Abilene Christine Clarke birthed on a gurney just outside the doors of the Moorland Hospital, 150 miles away. Georgina was homesick for her hometown and had blurted Abilene and Clinton had been rather surprised because he’d thought he and his wife had definitely decided on Ruth if it were a daughter or Tom if a son. He opened his mouth to object but then had second thoughts, thinking Abilene sounded rather cute. ‘Please take real care of Georgina and Abilene,’ he urged as he was pushed aside. One of the emergency nurses heard that and later wrote down on the name card on the cot, ‘Abilene. Mother Georgina Clarke’…

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One such guy, Stan, sits toward the back of the crowd tonight at the dingy little dive bar where Mia and her band are performing. He's never been an avant-garde fan, can't stand her band's music...but the first time he ever laid eyes on Mia was at another performance months ago when he was at another bar and her band came onstage. He hated the music almost from the second the band started playing...but seeing this tiny little 4'9" beauty in her little grey top, grey skirt and shapely...

4 years ago
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HuCow Induction

Mel looked lovingly at Jane across the bed room. Jane was so beautiful. Mel still had to pinch herself to prove she was not dreaming, and that Jane had chosen her to be her partner. Mel was no beauty, her tits were huge she knew but so was her tummy, several people had assumed she was pregnant which was quite embarrassing, she never had any luck with girlfriends or boyfriend until Jane inexplicably swept her off her feet. Not literally swept her off her feet as she was twice Jane’s weight...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Adria Rae The Webcam Turnover

Adria and Cara seem to live the same normal yet boring lives. They wake up, get ready, kiss their dads goodbye, then head to the bus stop for school. This is usually the place where Adria and Cara gossip before its time to get their heads down in the books. Little do they know their dirty daddys are up to no good. As soon as the girls leave, they log on to their faviorite cam model site. Its their guilty pleasure! Little did these dads know that the next girl they would get hard to would be...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends Massage To Group Sex Part 8211 2

Hello everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I’m Chandu(name changed) from Delhi. I’ve been an avid reader of the stories on this site and I’ve always loved them. This time I want to submit my personal experience with my girlfriend. To share your experiences with me, or if you want to talk to me personally, email me on To tell you guys about myself, I’ve been in Delhi for five years now working in one of the top software MNC in Gurgaon. I’m 28 years, 5’8 tall, athletically built with a...

2 years ago
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Dragon Age Origins ScenesChapter 3

Elyssa was being carried. Of that much, she was sure. Where she was and what she was doing there were mysteries to her, her own name little more than a vague whisper in the back of her muddled mind. She tried to focus on the sensations first. She was head down, she lay flopped over someone's shoulder, and that person was moving, fast. Her head joggled as whoever carried me made a short leap, and her eyes finally snapped open. There was dim light, and as she tried to glance around, the...

2 years ago
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Animal GirlChapter 3

Hawkins had made arrangements ahead to have space available at a privately-owned campground outside Soda Creek, British Columbia for the show's vehicles, as the drive necessitated a stop halfway from the Canadian border to the first show stop across the territorial line into the Yukon. This would be their only overnight rest before the show arrived, as from here on, they would simply stop individually to change drivers, sleeping in their vehicles until they reached Line Creek, where they...

4 years ago
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Apparently my GF is a slut

I asked my GF about her sexual experiences in college, and after some prodding I was able to get her to type out a few stories....tell us what you think and we'll post more. Just an FYI, this is absolutely true and told from her point of view.My sophomore year I was at my friend's Andrew and Gabe's apartment... We'd been out that night and were back at their place watching tv. It was probably 2 or 3 am and we saw something on tv that got us all talking about sex...fantasies, what we had done,...

3 years ago
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The Nymphs Pleasure House Rosalies Cave Part IV

Rosalie and Raener sat at the entrance of the cave with a pair of rabbits roasting above the fire. Normally, she would have eaten the rabbits raw, but since she had a guest for the very first time, Rosalie decided to follow what she assumed was the incubus custom. To her surprise, Raener drew out some herbs that he had found in the forest and sprinkled them on the rabbits. “It’s seasoning,” he said when he noticed Rosalie’s curious gaze. “It’ll give the meat more taste.” “Y-yes,” Rosalie...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Is It Real

Chapter OneErick:I woke up, feeling a pleasant sensation in my crotch. I rolled over, only partially aware that my beautiful fifty-five-year-old wife was stroking me.“I was a bad girl tonight!” she exclaimed, as she continued to stroke my cock.“Oh,” I got out, still half-asleep and not fully aware of the situation.“I went out to the motel. I danced a bit. Then I…”She let the last statement hang in the air.More aware now, what my wife just told me registered in my brain.“What did you do?” I...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 15

There, lying on top of the stack of cards in front of him, was the only way Waite was going to win the hand. It was the nine of clubs. That gave him the seven, eight, nine, ten and Jack of clubs: a straight flush. Only a few hands could beat it. Among these were the jack high straight flush of another suit, the queen high and king high straight flushes, and the royal flushes (an ace high straight flush). A roar of applause exploded from the onlookers. Waite stood slowly, and reached onto the...

4 years ago
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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 18

"It was later that evening, Madame Bentley had come and gone and Passepartout was alone in Fogg's quarters. "Faith," muttered Passepartout, somewhat flurried, "I've seen people at Madame Tussaud's as lively as my new master!" Madame Tussaud's "people," let it be said, are of wax, and are much visited in London; speech is all that is wanting to make them human. During his brief interview with Mr. Fogg, Passepartout had been carefully observing him. He appeared to be a man about...

2 years ago
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The Magic WandChapter 6

“Did you flush?” she asked. “Yes,” he said. “Did you wash your hands?” “No.” “Please go do that,” she groaned. When he came back she told him to sit down. “I’m going to try to undo this,” she said. “Thanks.” She waved the wand and said, “You can lie again.” She looked at him, expectantly. “Nothing,” he said. “I mean I didn’t feel anything.” “Do you want to make love with me?” she asked. “Desperately,” he sighed. She frowned. It hadn’t worked. Why hadn’t it worked? More to the...

3 years ago
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Falling Ch 02

I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling when the phone rang. It was too much effort to restrain Stacey when she rolled off the bed, so I went back to fingering my sloppy slit and admired the play of her naked body as she walked across the room. God she was gorgeous, I mused, feeling the passion start to mount inside me again when she turned to blow a kiss before picking up her cell. She was insatiable, but I'd discovered I could keep up with her. Every orifice in my body ached from...

3 years ago
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Of My Teacher 8211 2

Now moving forward, Neeru and me became very good friends. It was like a routine now after the board exams, I go to Neeru’s house for one reason or another. I use to come and sit with her closely, try to touch her a lot. For every thing I hugs her and when she get ignited I takes off her clothes and we get into our foreplay. Sometimes even people are at home and its not possible for her to control herself with my actions. Later She told me that I should have some boy friend so that I can get...

3 years ago
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The sun baked our oiled naked bodies, the smell of coconut oil almost overriding the smell of the ocean being carried on the mild breeze. The setting was perfect, a quiet day, my sexy wife next to me and not many other people around to inhibit us. Dazed by the hot sun, I idly ran my hand down the length of my lover’s back. Her soft murmur of pleasure barely penetrated my consciousness until I traced the crack of her round ass. The catch in her breath and the squirm of her hips was so slight...

1 year ago
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Always hard the beginning Chapter 15

November 1958Divorce Made for a Horny GirlLate in 1958, Vic was an eighteen-year old k** fucking as often as he could with three very hot older women, Rosemary, Marion and Margaret. The first two horny ladies were very much available since their sons had left for college. Marion, on the other hand, was always available under any circumstances.Conversely, the former Josie Scora was fucking for no one. While Vic was overly thrilled with his very active sex life, his divorced stepsister was...

3 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 4

On Samantha’s urging, Aidan told her his story, starting with his childhood with Kevin, school, university and accountancy exams. He told her of his parents and their sacrifices for the brothers. “Like you, in High School I had girl friends. I learned a lot from those girls. I learned casual sex doesn’t suit me. It just wasn’t me. I wanted more from girls – I wanted a relationship. I had a thing with a girl at the end of High School, but we went separate ways to different...

2 years ago
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Trauma Ward

Trauma Ward By Jennifer Richardson This one was an exercise in speed, to write the story in a the shortest possible time without skimping on detail, interest or entertainment. Let me know how you think I've managed and remember, if you bare a grudge you'll only make things ten times worse. I couldn't believe the cheek of the man! I mean, how dare he? Comes waltzing in twenty minutes late every morning and then has the nerve to pull a strip off me in front of the rest of the...

2 years ago
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Wednesday: Doug: The doorbell ringing at 9:45 that Wednesday evening initiated the unraveling of my wife's deception, although she did not realize it yet. I answered the door to find myself facing a man and a woman dressed in reasonably normal business attire, although the clothing was somewhat out of style and obviously well-worn. I immediately got the idea that these two were with the police; not so much from their appearances, but from the fact that this was the week that Frank and I had...

3 years ago
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Bdny email 2

Gdy siostra poszła do łazienki to kuzynka podeszła do mnie uklęknęła i ściągnęła mi gacie, dźwignęła bluzkę i wyskoczyły jej balony. Złapała sztywnego już kutasa i zaczęła go delikatnie całować, lizać aż w końcu wzięła całego do ust. Lubię czuć to gorąco na czubku mojej pały. Sutki jej sterczały a ja tylko pośliniłem moje palce i delikatnie je masowałem, pojękiwała tak słodko że nie dużo mi było trzeba, ale jakoś wytrzymałem. Gdy już naśliniła go dokładnie aż po jajach mi się lało to...

2 years ago
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At the Theatre Ch 1

Chapter 1 of 2 - a story by a very sexy lady, i'll try to add more of her titles..Have you ever seen something once and thought it disgusting and repulsive, and then another time it seemed natural and attractive? I suppose everyone must have had a similar experience. But this case was different, affecting body and spirit at the same time. So when I tell you what happened with me, please bear in mind that a similar thing could arrive to anyone given the proper circumstances. The events I will...

3 years ago
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Victorias Real Dinner Date Part 4

Victoria's Real Dinner Date- Part 4 By CDVeronica At the end of Part 3 we were all in a lusty heap on our bed, exhausted by a session of wonderfully passionate sex. I was contemplating which of my fantasies I'd lived out that night and looking for some others to try. Meghan and I were pointed in opposite directions on the bed. Meghan was naked and I was still wearing my pink nighty. My face was looking directly at her sopping pussy. Meghan played with my cock lovingly through...

2 years ago
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Under Construction

‘I expect you to be at my house around 9:30 tonight then,’ shouted Jason as I half walked half jogged to my truck. Seeing that it was already 6:54 I had hustle. My job as a construction site foreman was taking me out of town again. This time Jason, the owner, Richard, head foreman, Mike, the warehouse manager and myself were all going to take this trip. I decided to sleep over at Jason’s and ride with him rather than make the four and a half hour round trip by myself. Richard has family in the...

3 years ago
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A Reasonable Deal Pt 8Finale

Introduction: John makes a decision about Jamie, and stuffs his…viewpoint…down her throat. He helps get Mark what he wants, and finds out what he wants himself. A Reasonable Deal (Pt. 8 Finale) Note from author: To all my readers, I hope I dont disappoint with this close to the story. Ive been using this series to explore my own desires and fantasies, and to think about what place they have in my life. So, the last chapter contains some musings from John that reflect my ownhopefully they arent...

1 year ago
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First Tube

"Dan," waved over Andy when I reported to work on Wednesday. Andy was the manager. I took a halting step forward because a four year old boy dashed heedlessly through. When the path looked relatively clear, there was always the chance for another child to race by, I headed over to Andy. "Dan," said Andy. "This is Elizabeth." He pointed at the slender brunette standing observantly next to him. "She starts today and she's going to be your closing help." At last! This last week at Kids...

2 years ago
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The owl swooped down over sleeping London, a letter, signed and sealed in emerald green clutched in its talons. Even if it had had only the stars to see by it would still have been able to fly true, but it wasn’t necessary. London sleeping was almost as bright as London awake. But light or no light this delivery was a tough one. The post owls prided themselves on being able to find anyone but it didn’t make it easy when the address was simply … London, somewhere… But Dumbledore had given...

3 years ago
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How it started and what I desire

I remember the very first time I took a dick, well it was really three dicks over a period of four or five hours one right after another. I was a true virgin, having never been with a girl and not even knowing that two guys could have sex! The very first dick that entered my virgin butt was Bruce. His dick was normal size I guess. Bruce was about seven to eight inches long and may be an inch and a half in thickness. He rode me till he shot a load of baby batter into my anus it was the very...

3 years ago
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Erotica With My Girlfriend8217s Slutty Mom since this is my first story, I’m not gonna tease ya’ll people out there with a really long and unnecessarily slow pace for an erotic story. So ..cheers to all you! :). My name’s uhh….let’s say my name’s Karthik. And that is NOT my real name. I’m a committed yet promiscuous guy. My girlfriend’s name is Varshini. We’ve been in the relation for like 4 years. Well, though she’s one hot and dirty bitch, the story’s not about her. It’s about her mom. Her name’s Anitha. Yes, all the names have...

2 years ago
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Talk of the Town

It certainly had become the talk of the Harbour Town,the middle aged divorced woman and the her twenty something neighbours by all accounts had got together and had had a threesome. Word had been sent to the Monastery of Repentance on this matter and with a few days a Nun had been dispatched to the Harbour Town . It was cold Tuesday morning when Prioress Agnes Concepta had arrived at the little Convent of Mercy in Harbour Town.She had been met by Sr. Ann the head of the convent who immediately...

4 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 125

Two weeks later – Jens, Ben, Mira and Ira – At the cabin I have been diligently studying both my Russian with Ben (he’s such and excellent teacher) and Muay Thai with Destiny. They have both been brutal with me. I finish my latest Muay Thai training session with Destiny and she announces, “Jennifer, the time has arrived for you to challenge Mira and Ira.” I jump up and down in excitement and ask, “Destiny are you sure?” Destiny smiles at me and says, “Yes Jennifer, your progress has been...

2 years ago
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Annies Education Ch 03

I awoke to see Chloe sitting beside me, stroking my hair. ‘Get up sleepy head. You still have to dress for dinner.’ I sat up and smiled. Here was another girl I felt like I’d known my whole life. ‘Hey you…why didn’t you tell me the thong would get me in trouble?’ Chloe pouted, her tiny lips making a pink heart in the center of her chin. She looked so angelic I could have kissed her right then. What the hell was I thinking? Kissing another woman? I barely remembered kissing my mother when I...

4 years ago
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Stephanie and the poker game

Stephanie and the poker gameStephanie, my girlfriend has heard for a while now about my buddies and the poker games I hold, she has always wanted to meet them and I told her the next game she was invited but she had to behave because Stephanie has quite a wild streak, she told me she would and sounded almost giddy looking forward to the game. I told her okay baby we will have the game on Saturday night.Saturday night is here and steph is ready to play hostess, she is wearing a nice outfit, not...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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A Walk in the Hills Changes Everything

Authors Note: Feedback welcome, but be gentle this is my first time, blushes. May be copied or published on other web sites provided the content is not altered in any way. A Walk in the Hills Changes Everything By Felicity Adams I had been confused since the break up with Millie. I thought I had loved her, but could never seem to attain the intimacy needed to cement a long term relationship. In the end she left me with tears in her eyes, saying that I just didn't know what I was...

2 years ago
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The New Step sisters Sex Party

Lydia was excited about Saturday. First it was her turn to host the party. She was going to have her girlfriends over for a pool party and the best part was her mom and new stepdad were going to be gone until Monday. This would give her the opportunity to host her first orgy.Lydia remembered how her friends had introduced her to the teen swingers club. Since her first orgy she had come to love the lifestyle of swinging. She had sex with dozen of guys and girls and frankly could not imagine just...

3 years ago
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The God and the Virgin Part 1

My name is Holios, I am the god of pleasure. I live my mother, Oddite the goddess of marriage, my father Saius, my three sisters Ozena the goddess of sleep, Dazrena the goddess of secrecy, and Aella the goddess of tranquility. My older brothers however moved but lived near by, Uvrus the god of dreams, Phonia the god of love, and last but not least my annoying brother Xiraos. All my sibling have claimed a mate, but me. For me I am more of an outsider. I'm slim, not muscular, I have white eyes...

2 years ago
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Time Manipulation Mind ControlChapter 19 MindControl Delights

Krystal Sampson Did I ruin my friendship with Ji-Yun? I had hidden the fact I was gay from her, and I had a big crush on her, for months. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. I’d known her for as long as I could remember. I felt like we been friends all fourteen years of my life. My earliest childhood memory was running around the house with her, the pair of us chasing after Justin because he stole my doll. I hoped this dumb gas attack didn’t ruin everything. I had snatches of doing such...

2 years ago
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Midnight on the Road to Nowhere

It was already past ten on a quiet Tuesday night when the small bell that hung on the back of the office door rang, causing Carolyn Hendricks to look up from the textbook she’d been reading. The short haired brunette’s first thought on hearing the sound was that her relief had come in extra early tonight. That notion instantly faded, however, when she saw the tall, caramel-skinned woman coming in from the rain. Carolyn didn’t need to wonder long what had brought the unexpected arrival to the...

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