The Novelist
- 2 years ago
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Casper and Janice Summers tried to do everything down the middle with Jonas and Billie, their blue-eyed blonde twins, to avoid having a favorite or at least showing favoritism and that policy lasted till college time.
The Summer’s ranch had been hit by drought two years in a row. As a consequence for the first time in eighteen years of the twins’ life, Casper and Janice, up to their knees in debt, were forced to face a really unfair decision affecting the twins: the bank loan felt them with enough spare money to start one of the kids at college.
The family debated the issue for almost two hours before Billie’s persuasion won the day. She argued Jonas wanted to be an engineer and so must go to college whereas she could develop her interest in writing based on what she already knew. Her mom had cried and her father choked and said she was a very brave young lady. Jonas kissed her and said thanks doll and went off to work on the motor of the ranch’s ailing pickup.
Two days later under the hot South Texas sun and to an emotional family farewell, Billie boarded a bus for the train station to head for Philadelphia to stay with Aunt Susan, her mom’s sister. Uncle Colin had promised to find her a good paying job.
Secretly Billie had thought of something else.
She progressed as far as Forth Worth where she disembarked and took a room in a seedy hotel and went on to the street. Billie’s idea was to work as a prostitute and earn big money to save the ranch.
Billie was six foot one and still very lean, her breasts and hips only just beginning to fill out into curves and her simple dress was certainly not sexy. The men eyed her and either grinned or scowled. None made an offer or even suggested a freebie.
Billie wondered perhaps she needed to clean her teeth to appeal?
She’s noticed a woman eyeing her from across the street. Well thought Billie, if she couldn’t nail guys perhaps she might have to switch to take on loitering women.
Three more attempts to accost passing men failed and Billie found that woman from across the street right in her face and holding up ID. Billie winced. The woman was an undercover cop.
‘Am I booked?’
The cop looked cross. ‘That depends. I have a daughter your age and feel like kicking your ass in despair. God you young kids have it all but can’t accept that.’
Billie figured the cop didn’t intend to pay for the privilege of kicking ass.
The cop asked, ‘Do you have money?’
‘Yes seventy bucks.’
‘And that’s all?’
Billie regarded it as a lot of money, the most she’d ever possessed. ‘And a train ticket.’
‘Where are you heading?’
The woman’s eyes lit up and said, ‘That gets you a long ways from here. Come on, let’s get your things and I’ll lecture you at the train station. I’m Policewoman Sarah Lynch but you may call me Sarah.’
Billie burst into tears and said she was only trying to save the ranch.
The cop giggled and said that was such a novel explanation that on a good day even the judge might buy it.
Over light food and coffee paid for by the cop and a lecture about Billie doing everything to make something out of her life without having to stoop to sell her body for sex, the cop looked rather startled when Billie kissed her before boarding the northbound train.
‘Sarah thank you for giving me a break, I shall always remember you and wish you a happy life.
‘Billie, you have the heart of an angle. Please, please get yourself back on track. I wish I’d been your mother.’
Billie climbed aboard scarcely believing a cop had said that to her. Jeeze, what was happening to the cops these days turning to jelly like that?
Sarah was still waiting as the train pulled out. She saw Billie and blew her a kiss. Billie’s heart melted. She couldn’t believe that someone other than her mother cared for her like that. It made her think.
Forty-eight mind-numbing hours later she arrive at 30th Street Station. She’d called through on a pay phone and Aunt Susan came for her.
Billie staggered into her Aunt’s arms and asked, ‘What day is it?’
‘Darling,’ Susan cooed, ‘You need sleep, lots of it. OMG you are about to grow into a real honey.’
‘And ugly duckling more like it.’
Susan gave her one of those far-way smiles Billie’s mother often gave her that drove her to despair because they were undecipherable.
‘W-what do you mean?’ Billie yawned.
Her aunt answered in exactly the same manner of her mother: ‘Just be patient dear. In time all will be revealed.’
God that’s what their mother must have said to them. Although frustrated Billie was too tired to punch the side of her seat in the SUV.
The men arrived together, Colin picking up Stewart from university on the way home.
‘Where’s the kid from Texas?’ Stewart yawned.
His mom frowned. ‘Your cousin is now a young woman, very beautiful and I don’t want you attempting to get into her pants.’
Son and father looked at one another and grinned.
‘Mom you know I only focus on sexy women.’
Susan looked less than convinced.
‘Just behave yourself when alone with your cousin Stewart, that’s all I ask.’
Stewart looked at his mom puzzled but she offered no elaboration.
After the men washed up the family had a drink and then began dinner.
They were on to mains when the door to the passage from the bedrooms opened and a blonde babe in an almost hip-high nightdress with a small boob with a normal size nipple hanging out entered. Rubbing her eyes she asked, ‘What day is it?’
Father and son gawked and Susan rushed to her niece, stowed the breast and said, ‘Remain calm darling, it’s dinner time.’
‘This is your uncle Colin so you’ll remember him.’
‘Um yes, he looks more virile than I remember.’
For a moment Susan almost lost it, probably wondering what was behind that comment.
‘Hi cousin Billie. As you know I’m Stewart. It’s five years since we last met.’
‘Four years and mom said to be aware of you because you are addicted to sex according to Aunt Susan.’
The family looked at their guest as if their innermost secret had been exposed.
‘Darling would you like a salad and a piece of salmon fillet?’
‘That sounds beautiful thank you Aunt Susan.’
Cousin Stewart was a bit over-weight but had masses of dark curly hair and a winning smile, so looked great. However Billie knew she faced a menace in this house and it went by the name of Stewart. Whenever she looked up she found his dark, brooding eyes on her and knew he was not unlike a randy bull on the ranch that in time would crash over a fence and trot off looking for heifers. She knew the answer: deal with Stewart. The problem was if he complained to his parents she was done for in this supposedly safe house but then the alternative was far worse.
After dinner Billie yawned and excused herself, saying she needed more sleep. It was 8:30. She awoke seven hours later and crept off to deal with her cousin.
* * *
College senior Stewart West had listened without much interest when his mom announced her niece Billie from Texas would be coming to live with them. She’d said Billie would need a job and his father, an attorney, said he could fix that. Stewart remembered Billie as a gangly kid who asked stupid questions but that didn’t bother him. As long as she kept her nose out of his life he couldn’t care less where she lived.
When Billie appeared for dinner, looking half-asleep and disoriented, Stewart grinned at finding the kid had grown tits, with one hanging out. Christ she was a couple of inches taller than him, and blonde and good looking. With a little bit more meat over her bones she would be one lucky babe. He wondered if she fucked and thought being eighteen she probably did… there would not
be much else to do in Texas being so far away from everything.
At the table he noticed his mom looking at him, worried like. For heaven’s sake he’s seen more tits than she ever would. Ah she would be thinking he would be out to nail Miss Texas. Well that was an interesting challenge. His mom would be unable to shield the kid from him 24/7.
In the kitchen he played ‘good boy’ and dried the dishes not suitable to be put through the machine. He did that only because if he didn’t he was under threat to do a few chores around the house or go and find somewhere else to live. Stewart expected a lecture and got it.
‘Stewart I’ve been waiting for the right moment to say something to you.’
‘And this is it?’
‘What is?’
‘This is the right moment for you mom?’
Susan frowned. ‘Would you please not interrupt, this is a very serious matter.’
‘You want to tell me to wear a condom when I have sex with Billie?’
Stewart caught the glass pot lid as it fell from his mom’s hand. She didn’t say thank you. She just glared at him and told him to take care with the lid from a matching set of pots.
She placed both hands on her hips and told him straight. ‘Stewart West, you dare touch that sweet girl and you’ll answer to me.’
‘Okay mom, I hear you. Calm down. Just remember I won’t be responsible for my actions if she decides to have a piece of me. But what about dad?’
‘What about your father?’
‘Will he get a similar warning?’
Stewart grinned at the shocked look from his mother. ‘D-do you think…?’
‘Probably not unless he sees her bent over and showing ass cheek.’
His mom sat down at the kitchen table and looked so pale Stewart decided it best not to joke that his dad wouldn’t be interested because he was being kept more than busy working through the women at the office and his female clients who included some of her friends and their daughters. He heard his mom sigh, ‘Oh god what have I done?’
Stewart was glad to see a bit of color back in her cheeks.
‘Um mom don’t be confrontational over this with dad. I suggest you just say to him you expect him to keep Billie safe while she’s staying with us. He’ll think you mean keep Billie safe from me but will wonder if you were delivering a veiled message to him as well. That should make think he must not let his eyes wander in Billie’s direction.’
Susan smiled and said, ‘Brilliant darling, you are such a clever young man. Thank you.’
If Susan was thinking she’d not received much of an assurance from her son about not messing with the guest she didn’t signal it. Later that evening Stewart stroked his dick in the shower thinking of being the first person in Philly to nail the filly from Texas.
In the morning Stewart awoke and smiled as he reached to shake hands with his erection.
‘What the…?’
Stewart had noticed something odd on the pillow between his face and his alarm clock that was set to ring in about fifteen minutes. It was his late grandmother’s jam spoon from the kitchen with a note tied to it.
He undid the bow and read the message.
‘Dear Cousin Stewart: If you dare touch me sexually then the following morning you’ll wake up to find this jam spoon has turned into a carving knife and it will be stuck into your abdomen just above your penis. Don’t take this for an empty threat. Texan mothers breed tough daughters. Have a great day with your studies. Love from sweet Billie.’
‘Jesus,’ said Stewart, feeling the blood drain from his face. He also became aware his erection had collapsed.
Not wishing to face the young bitch, Stewart dressed and raced out to the kitchen and kissed his surprised mom goodbye, saying he was off to an early session on the track at college.
‘Are you okay darling, you look rather pale?’
‘Yeah, yeah. Perhaps it’s your cooking?’
‘Stewart,’ said his mom sternly but her son was already heading out the door.
Later that morning Susan took the house phone to Billie who was in the sunroom reading the morning newspaper. ‘It’s a local call from a female called Carol Sweetman.’
Billie returned the phone to the kitchen and smiling answered Susan’s enquiring look.
‘Carol is the younger sister of one of Stewart’s girlfriends. He called her and suggested I would be short of friends, having just arrived in the city. Carol said she and a bunch of her friends would be off to various colleges during the next two to three weeks and were hanging out a lot with the countdown to separation looming fast. They are lunching today at Penn’s Landing and she’s invited me and will call for me around noon.’
‘Oh that’s lovely dear. I’m surprised Stewart has organized that for you?’
‘You have raised a lovely young man, Aunt Susan. You should be very proud of him.’
‘Ah yes, thanks,’ Susan said weakly.
Billie arrived with Carol and another girl called Eva just after 4:00 and Susan was delighted to see her niece looking flushed and excited. Carol was a surprise, looking nothing like her sister who acted so much like a slut. The girls had a cool drink and Susan joined them with her coffee. She found that Carol and Eva were both going to Penn to do an English major with creative writing as an option.
Eva said, ‘It’s such a shame Mrs West that Billie’s parents have been boxed into a corner by devastating drought. She could have come to university with us. She’s already won literary prizes.’
‘Yes it’s very sad,’ Susan said.
The mention of winning awards had set her mind ticking. That evening Susan had a long discussion with Colin over Billie’s educational plight. He promised to see what he could do, agreeing they had a duty to intervene.
When Colin arrived home from work next day a bewildered Billie learned of attempts to get her enrolled into the University of Pennsylvania, a move that she’d later come to call ‘the miracle’. The move depended on Billie meeting several admission criteria for late enrolment as well as the university having a place available. Billie was also advised the university admitted only a small percentage of both regular and late applicants. Fortunately she had her academic records with her, assuming that information would be required when she applied for jobs.
‘B-but the money?’ she worried.
‘Your mother went to Penn as did our father and later in life he was a noted contributor to the university,’ said Susan. ‘You were out with Carol and Eva when Colin called you for information so I reminded him of you mother and my father’s association. Possibly you’ll receive financial support from the university.’
‘Susan and I will contribute either the shortfall or everything required to get you educated,’ Colin said. ‘My brother-in-law Michael manages a branch of a consumer research organization and says he can find work for you with the team doing phone polling early evenings and on Saturday.’
‘This is so unbelievable,’ cried Billie, rushing in to hug them both. ‘I’ll repay you, I’ll repay you,’ she sobbed. ‘Regard it as a loan.’
‘Hey whoa young lady, we first have to get your application accepted.’
‘You and I will go to King of Prussia (mall) in the morning to get you a new outfit for when you have to front up before the late enrolment committee,’ Susan smiled, patting her niece’s back.
Billie then said she was off to call Carol and Eva.
‘We must get you a cell phone,’ Colin said.
Billie returned twenty minutes later very flushed. ‘Both girls yelled and screamed and I tried to caution them it will be touch and go and they both said freshman drop out at the last minute for numerous reasons and Eva said her father would help but didn’t say how.’
‘What’s Eva’s surname?’ Colin asked and when told Hutchinson he grinned and said if he was Phil Hutchinson he would have considerable influence.
‘How?’ Susan asked.
‘He’s an attorney and is involved in gover
nance at the university. Every little bit counts.’
Colin arranged temporary work for Billie at the very large law firm in which he was a partner and she remained there until she began her studies at Penn. By that time she and Stewart had become close friends, and nothing more than that.
Billie called her mom twice a week and learned they had received some rain, but not enough she’d complained. However the tone in her voice suggested to Billie her mom was under less strain. Her father had taken a temporary job as a lineman to provide them with income and she was told the cattle seemed to be doing a little better.
At this point Billie was not particularly sexually experienced and had never experienced weird sex but that was to change. Anthony the supervisor in charge of the pollster phone calling team where she’d started after-hours work decided when members of the early evening team were required for work and how often.
He said to Billie, ‘The boss has instructed me to provide you work whenever you want it.’
‘Yes. Is that a problem?’
‘It’s not fair on others available to work the early evening shift.’
Billie saw the smile lurking and noted Anthony was attempting to lock gazes.
She checked no one was coming through the open door and said, ‘Is there any way that we can overcome this problem?’
‘No I’m sorry, there’s no way…. unless?’
His smile was now a leer and Billie got the message.
‘Unless I have sex with you Anthony?’
‘Was that your suggestion?’
‘And made freely and without coercion?’
Anthony smiled and told her and close and lock the door. Conveniently for this unauthorized management procedure, the only windows were on the outer wall and were high up.
‘Remove your panties and back into me. I don’t wish you to see me.’
‘Why not?’
‘I’m married and will regard this not unlike masturbation and not really adultery. You settle and I’ll roll on a condom.’
Billie waited patiently until Anthony said to sit on to his lap. Although he hadn’t done anything to prepare her he had lubed the condom and his dick slipped into her without trouble.
‘Now move, up and down.’
‘Do you want my breasts uncovered?’
‘No I don’t like breasts, I only like getting off. Try to squeeze tighter around me,’ he said, and remained stationery throughout the unsavory encounter.
Anthony finally grunted and groaned and without inquiring whether Billie wanted to climax told her brusquely she could go now and not to look back as she left.
Billie hurried off, angry for allowing him to humiliate her like that and turning sex into a non-event. Now the jerk would feel he was entitled to use her as a fuck machine whenever he wished. But incredibly that didn’t happen. Anthony never again attempted to compromise her for sex and each week wrote in the schedule her days and times when she wished to work in the following week.
Billie assumed the experience taught her something about some men although she hadn’t worked out what. She couldn’t understand why he’d want to do it like he had. He was a real weirdo.
Billie remained friends with Carol but she and Eva became as close as loving sisters. Billie had one brother and no sister and Eva the last-born had three brothers. The two females agreed their relationship was like gaining family. Two of Eva’s brothers occasionally dated Billie and her parents just adored the lively blonde, softly spoken Texan.
Billie would never forget the time she met Ryan the oldest brother in a bar. He’d shown no interest in dating her and was usually very dour so she’d shown no interest in him. He came up to her and offered to buy her a drink.
‘I only dropped in for coffee.’
‘Then I’ll order you coffee.’
They talked and got along reasonably well and finally he said his girlfriend had been away for three weeks.
‘So that thing’s not getting exercise?’ she said.
They were on bar stools facing one another and she stared at his crotch.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Nothing really,’ she said, feeling a little horny.
‘Do you want to find out if I’m better than my two brothers and dad?’
‘I’ve not been near your father,’ she said indignantly.
‘Ah now I know you have had sex with my brothers.’
She colored.
‘Come on Billie, let’s have a quickie in the men’s toilets.
Billie worked on a proposal for the cattle and horse ranch novel and sent it off to Under the Tree Publishing with the working title of ‘Into the Saddle.’ Her editor Jocelyn Winter emailed next day: ‘Hi sweet young woman. We accepted your proposal this morning. Gary our executive editor pointed out we have a publishing slot four months hence, so it’s yours if you believe you can finish in sixteen weeks from today. What do you think?’ Billie called Jocelyn and they had a short chat and Billie...
That first night during dinner her mom, tears flowing, handed newly graduated Billie Summers, MA, a check for $30,000, being a return of Billie’s big advance payment for her first novel. That return of money reminded Billie of the big gamble Sam Sorensen had taken on her in over-spending on a new author’s advance but happily that investment had been returned several times over by that one novel. Her father, voice sounding thick, spoke about Billie performing such a huge gesture by stumping...
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Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
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***I would like to give much thanks to MaverickMan for his help with editing this story with me. You’re the best hon!*** It’s the first sunny and warm day of the year. Mother Earth is waking from her slumber, and she has tapped all of her children on the head and made them rise as well. Green is everywhere again. The smell of birth and newness is in the air once again. Beauty can be found every where you look. Everything feels alive, fresh, and it’s a perfect day to head down to the river and...
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Janet and I had been married for two years, and had a great sex life. we were both virgins when we got married. and really were open and honest with each other. For info Janet is 5 6 119 lbs a firm 34b and really long and sexy legs that fan form the floor till they made a perfect ass of themselves. with a heart shaped patch of hair on her pussy. One day out of the blue our friends from high school called and told us they ad eloped and were in the area and wanted to visit. Janet insisted they...
First TimeChapter 6 Discipline "WAKE UP! SLUT!" I ordered. "Yesh... Mashter..." my Hot! As! Fuck! Sister Kelly answered groggily as her eyes fluttered open. She was sitting up in bed next to me, naked, her wrist tied behind her to the headboard. Her ankles were also bent back behind her shoulders and fastened to the headboard as well. My Sister was trussed up this way to punish her for her disobedience. Kelly had snuck out of the house the night before last in an attempt to meet up with some...
Hello all I am fist time writer I will try my best to tell you what happened in April 2009 when my uncle came from Dubai. we are fly my Dad Raj 53, my mom Lata 47 she looks 30snice fig 38-32-38 nice round ass very bouncy I am Vindo 24. I am bi male like my Dad he is cook hubby to my mom I know few of my dad boss fucked my mom.. any way let me tell about my DAD and me I love to suck cocks I know my Dad does to he is very friendly with me He understands me few times we even watched xxx movies any...
IncestIt was the summer of 2005, a hot one in Louisiana . Brandy’s parents were going on a trip to Europe to celebrate their anniversary. She’d be staying with her Aunt Karen, which she didn’t mind, knowing that Kevin would be there. When she arrived, she was a little surprised to see that it was just Aunt Karen in the house. “Where’s Kevin at?” “Oh, he’s at work right now, first day. He should be home shortly after 5. I have to get going in a few minutes, but you’ll be okay,...
The night was young and the weather was absolutely wonderful. Johnny put on his gray slacks and black button up shirt, which didn't cover up the fact that his body was beautiful. His gray eyes stared at the mirror as he combed his jet-black hair back. He put on his black shoes and headed out. It was one of those nights that you feel free and glad you're alive. He knew there weren't many nights like this. Most nights he would stay in and relax but not tonight. He knew it was time to go...
This is a collage of some of my kinkier visits involving my favorite pass time. As I walked into the room I noticed there was a hallway that went both ways. There was a wall extending perpendicularly from where I stood that separated the two ends of the room. At the far end each direction was a large screen, the one to my left showing a gangbang flick and the one to my right showing a some what kinkier flick. The hallway to the left was almost blocked with guys standing (some facing one...
The author does not condone any form of non-consensual sex. This is a fictional story, and should not be acted out in whole or part without the willing consent of all. Warning: This story contains adult content including mother son, brother sister, and mother sister incest. If you don't enjoy this kind of smut, please choose another story. 8========D "Bro, you here" came my sister, Kayla's voice. A wicked idea crept into my mind. "Hey sis, I'm in my room and I need a hand with...
It was a fine summer afternoon. I was driving north on I95, somewhere between Richmond and Washington D.C. I had put the top of my remodeled MGB down and was tooling along in the fast lane going about 75 m.p.h. I spotted a white car coming up fast out of my rear view mirror, so I moved over to the middle lane. As the Jaguar overtook me, it slowed down until it was keeping just even with me. I looked over and saw that a gorgeous looking brunette was driving all by herself. She seemed to be...
The crew in the Emergency Department remembered Percy from his last visit. They treated him with extra care and respect. He was a hero in their eyes because he had stopped a serial killer and saved lives in doing so. He had risked his life and ended up in their care, or at least that's what Percy concluded was the reason for the great service. But there was one minor thing he didn't consider. Judith was with him and all the hospital staff remembered her. The nursing staff, fondly, the...
It was half past midnight when I got in, tired, dirty and not in the best of humour.Sunday had been going well. Mum had been out most of the day and Jen and I had the place to ourselves, so a leisurely lunch with a couple of glasses of wine saw us very relaxed and amorous. We almost went to bed then but by a sort of unspoken agreement we decided to wait until the evening when our anticipation would be so high we would fuck uninhibitedly. I was also aware that I would get additional...
Fiction! "You ok baby." He asked as he continued fucking me."Yeah I'm cumming baby." I screamed.He gave me a couple of more pumps and shot his load into my pussy.I gasped catching my breath. "God that was great."He nodded and layed next to me. "Ready because i gotta get you home."I nodded and kissed him. "Lets get going."He took me and my friend home. I told her about what happened. She laughed, "Yeah i heard you screaming like .""Yeah and god it felt good. I can't wait to see him again.""Yeah...
IncestI was in the NDK district, walking along the lover’s bridge, my hands sunk deep into my pockets, my eyes scanning the horizon for her. This was the exact place that we had kissed. A week before I was a simple tourist, snapping pictures of the sites and bathing in the beauty of this city which had been occupied and influenced by such a rich array of cultures. When I had booked the flights it was simply to have a bit of a holiday with my girlfriend and try and rekindle things between us. The...
Hi to all. This is madhu from Banglore. I am here to tell you about my sex experience with my aunt named Lakshmi. We are living together in a joint family. Her figures are 36-30-36. The incident happened recently when I was 18 years old and she is 35. I was so crazy about her. So I decided to have her.Once we both went to the swimming pool. Nothing happened there. On our way we went to a nearby park. The park was almost empty. Only 10-15 people were there. But it is a big park. At the end of...
My thanks once again to Jenny North for providing the inspiration for the this story. Her cover, Fashion Reporter2 was the inspiration for this story. Look for more from Mark Preston, Fashion Reporter. Fashion Reporter Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As the last of the models finished the show, they all went to get cleaned up and change clothes. However, just as they were about to leave, they were all asked to meet in the conference room. The girls filed into...
?????????????? Something to help the dreams along. Have you ever felt so totally absorbed by a single person you wish you could mould your body so it became part of theirs?Have you ever trusted someone so utterly and completely you would have laid your life in their hands?Have you ever felt a bond with someone so strong that you knew it was always going to be something much more than just 'love'??Within the words written here you will become to understand how such a bond is formed...
I was about five when I first began to notice the noises from the next room. The squeaking of the bed, my mother yelling something, my father grunting, then silence. It happened almost every night. It took about a year for me to recognize the pattern: a few weeks of that, then four or five days of grunting, a little squeaking but no yelling from my mother, then the yelling began again. I knew it wasn't fighting, because sometimes after the grunting ended, they would be in the kitchen having...
Warning! This story contains extreme depictions of brutality. If you aren't into violent fighting/sex fantasies, then don't comment on how you didn't like it. With out further adeau:Leya and Alyssa hated each other. The two women are opposite in every way: Alyssa is overweight, Leya is fit, Alyssa is an irresponsible bum, and Leya excels at whatever she does. The crossroads of these two opposites is boxing. Both of these girls fight in the same manner and style. Both women shamelessly...
Due to my wife,s poor health we haven,t fucked in years, that,s mostly why I joined Hamster for sexual relief mainly. Then the other night despite my advancing age I felt the horniest I have in years, my cock as stiff as an iron rod. Sarah was already fast asleep and I knew if I woke her she,d just turn over and rebuff me so decided to do what I used to do and work her up while she slept. For the first time in ages as she,d taken a shower before coming to bed she,d dispensed with her knickers...
Grandpa came back to my room..My young one Jake and I are going to go out of town this evening and will be back tomorrow. Do you think you can behave by yourself tonight? Yes Grandpa I will be fine. OK said Grandpa, but NO ONE is allowed over here this evening do you understand that? Yes sir Grandpa. After they left and I was sure they were gone, I got something to eat, and took a shower. It was about 8pm they had been gone for about 3 hrs. now. I snuck into my Grandpas room, went to his...
I want to tie you up spread eagle on the bed and blindfold you then start to lick you from your feet up your leg to the inside of your thighs then across the lips of your wet pussy hearing you moan and watching you squirm then I slowly eat you and nibble on your clit until you cum in my mouth then slowly move up your stomach to your breast where I lick and tease and bite your nipples until they are hard then I shove my tongue down your throat so you can taste that wonderful sexy wet pussy of...
Meg eased slowly into the waking world, disoriented and unsure where she was. She was lying on her side on a soft bed, and although she had no covers on, she felt warm and cozy - she could sense sunlight bathing her naked body. But where was she? This wasn't her own bed, she was sure of that. Slowly, she opened her eyes, squinting in the bright sunlight. Her big, brown eyes blinked, and came into focus. She saw a nightstand next to the bed, and wood paneled walls. Then, she remembered. She...
Hey to you all, what's up? :)First of's your Inner Game going? Have you had the chance to work a little bit on it? What was your way to start working on it: was it sports, hanging out with the right people, another one, or more of them combined? I wouldn't mind if you'd leave your comments about how's your Inner Game going and how are you working on it, because honestly, I'm curious about it and it would make me feel very...comfortable and happy to know that this Inner Game thing is...
Hi friends , thanks for the awesome response to the previous story I wrote . Coming to myself i’m kamraj , techie 6 feet height and medium built body and partially fair. Coming to the story , I used to make short films as a hobby and I had this friend who used to shoot my films . I used to spend more time at his studio and we used to discuss our thoughts . Moving on he became a photographer for the leading magazine in the market and he was given assignment to shoot some portraits of models for...
"Now, if we remain very, very quiet, we may actually be able to observe the highly ritualized mating dance of the lawyer and the librarian. The incredibly slow mating dance of the lawyer and the librarian. These two first saw each other more than fifteen minutes ago, when the lawyer entered the library. He quickly scanned the room, and then did a double-take when he noticed the librarian sitting behind the circulation desk. Never having hunted in this territory before, he found himself a...
Warning: At no point in this text are real people or places mentioned or referenced. All characters and locations are all fictitious and if anything resembles or shares a name with a real life person, place, business or organization, it is done merely out of coincidence. It was a quiet Thursday morning in the town of Honeyhaven. My shift at the local bookstore in the town square had started just ten minutes ago, even if the doors didn't open for another fifty. With my cup of tea in one hand and...
FantasyTemptation Temptation Chapter 1: Introduction Pam Kingsley was the epitome of a successful young business woman. 28 years old Philadelphia born and raised, she had a burgeoning career in real estate. She dressed to impress, chic suites, moderate heels, blonde hair pulled back in ponytail. She walked with poise, handled herself with confidence, and thus was the kind of girl men admired but found unapproachable. And that was just fine with Pam; after floundering for so long she was...
Victor The walk from Nicole and Alexis’s on-campus apartment to Nicole’s first class was pleasant. It was already warm outside and I could tell that it was going to be a hot day. I was keenly aware of a cool breeze traveling up the skirt I was wearing. I’m not going to lie, it was actually nice and a nice reprieve from the late summer heat. It kinda makes me wonder why skirts don’t appear in men’s wardrobes at all. I also noticed the way I walked was different. My legs were shorter...
Hot MILF Ariella Ferrara loves to spend money. Unfortunately she doesn’t keep very good track of her bills. So the collector comes knocking and tells her that they will be repossessing her car. Ariella can’t tell her husband that she fucked up again so she’s got to figure out an alternative. Once she gets a feel and takes a look at the collectors big cock, she knows how she can get out of this jam. Don’t miss Ariella getting massive tits fucked, squirting and taking a...
xmoviesforyouI was delighted when my wife told me she had become a partner at the law firm she worked. Her income more than doubled and was far more than I earned. At her suggestion I quit my job and spent my time taking care of the house. I did the shopping and cooking as well as keeping the house clean. I was really enjoying the freedom of being unemployed and able to do as I wanted almost all the time. Keeping the house fit and cooking didn't take much time so I was able to spend most of my time...
Miss Kerry Jensen had been teaching history at Ashville Senior High for well over a year. Well loved, respected and renown throughout school, the whole issue about her being an out-of-towner had long been forgotten. She was no longer considered an outsider among the locals. She was now one of them, a true blue resident of their lovely and somewhat peaceful suburban town. Even if few people could catch her sweet and astonishingly beautiful smile outside of school days, she had earnestly earned...
MILFIt happens the summer of 2018 i was 21 yrs old and my mother in-law had been lonely for some yrs her husband was in eldercare and she was alone in this big house and she had a accident… It happens the summer of 2018 i was 21 yrs old and my mother in-law had been lonely for some yrs her husband was in eldercare and she was alone in this big house and she had a accident and broke femoral neck and my wife asked me if i could pick her up and drive her home and help her the first 14 days. Well...
MILFby Dunchad© This is a tale of what happened to me when I was a paperboy in my neighborhood. It involved delivering the free local newspaper to my road, and the one adjacent. I never used to enjoy this round until one, rather eventful day. Usually I would deliver my papers around the late afternoon, but one Thursday I had an early dentist appointment. So for a change I began delivering at about 1ish. So I collected all my papers and began my, what was usually, a very boring...