Nice Work, If You Can Get It free porn video

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Peter Nichols had only one passion. He loved photography. He had gotten bitten by the photography bug all the way back in junior high when, on his 13th birthday, his grandmother bought him his first camera. From that time forward, you rarely saw Peter without his trusty camera close by. He would take pictures of just about anything. He loved scenic pictures, he loved sports and action shots, and he loved historical subjects. But his greatest love was taking pictures of people. He loved interacting with his subjects and asking them questions. He found it added a fascinating aspect to his pictures to know why they were there and what they were doing when he took their picture.

It was no surprise to anyone who knew Peter that when he got older, he would choose photography as a career path. It was a natural fit. Peter took whatever classes in junior and high school that he could make fit into his goal of becoming a professional photographer. He was the photographer for the high school newspaper, and he even helped as an assistant for the school pictures and school yearbook. Anything having to do with photography, and you would find Peter right in the middle of it.

But photography, like any of the arts, is a tough thing to make a profession out of. Peter was a good photographer, there was no doubt about that. But he was not a great photographer. And in a field that if you aren't the best you are nothing, he was just another struggling picture-taker. He had managed, thanks to his grandmother and a fairly sizable bank loan, to come up with a workable photography studio that saw just barely enough business to pay for itself. Peter had to have a second job if he wanted to eat and have someplace to sleep besides his studio, but he still tried to get back to his photography any chance he had.

And he did get an occasional photo job. He had been the wedding photographer a few times. He had done some work for a couple local businesses for promoting their products. He had even gotten the contract one year to do the local school pictures. But all of these jobs only kept the business afloat, none really did a lot for his credibility with the rest of the photo world. What he wanted was one good job that would be seen by people outside his small community.

One day, that opportunity presented itself. Peter had decided to attend a small fashion show, the proceeds of which would benefit the Breast Cancer Foundation. The main draw of the fashion show was a guest appearance by professional model, Evangeline Wycombe. Peter had seen her picture in some fashion magazines he had gotten to look over the photographic styles. He was going to the show in hopes of meeting her in person.

He went to the show as a free-lance photographer. He thought he might be able to sell a few pictures to the newspaper or something, but the main objective was just to watch the show and see how these things were run so he would be better prepared to shoot one himself someday. He brought a stack of business cards, with him hoping that he might connect with some work too while he was there.

The show went well, and a lot of money was raised for the Breast Cancer Foundation. But of course, the highlight was when Evangeline Wycombe was introduced. Peter had talked with one of the people running the show, so he knew ahead of time when she would be coming out. He had worked his way to the front of the crowd, right up next to the runway so he could get some good pictures.

As she came out from behind the curtain, cameras from all over the room began popping off. Peter was smarter than that. He knew that little pictures from far away didn't sell, so he waited anxiously for her to get closer. She walked down the runway like a true professional and as she came within range, he began clicking away. She got closer to him, smiling and waving at everyone, and then Peter called out to her.

"Evangeline! Evangeline!"

She turned to see who was calling her name, and Peter got some good pictures of her. She took notice of him too, smiling and even blowing a friendly kiss to him. After her appearance and before the show ended, Peter made his way backstage and waited patiently outside the girl's dressing room. Before long, the object of his attentions reappeared.

"Miss Wycombe!" he said, "I just wanted to thank you for coming today to this little fashion show. It was a great honor to have you here, and I appreciated the chance to see you and take a few pictures of you on stage."

"It was my pleasure... I'm sorry, I didn't get your name," she said.

"Peter... Peter Nichols," he said, handing her a business card. She took it with a smile and put it in her jacket pocket.

"Oh, so you are a photographer? Did you get some good shots?" she asked.

"Yes, I think so. I'll be able to see better when I get back home and download them onto my computer," he said.

"Don't you just love digital cameras? It used to be you had to go through the whole developing thing before you could see your work. Now it only takes a few seconds!"

"Yes... and you don't have to worry about wasting all the film and chemicals if it doesn't turn out!"

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Peter," she said smiling. "But I have to get going."

"Of course. Thank you again for your time and for coming to our little show," he said.

Evangeline smiled and then turned and walked away. Peter went back out front and tried to get some more photos that he could maybe sell.


It was a couple weeks after the show, and Peter was at home going through some bills. He had managed to sell enough photos to the newspaper to pay for the cost of the fashion show tickets, but not much more, and as he looked at the growing mound of utility and rent bills, he was beginning to think that perhaps photography wasn't the career path for him.

Then suddenly the phone rang.


"Hello, is this Peter Nichols?"

"Yes it is, can I help you?"

"Peter, this is Evangeline... Evangeline Wycombe - remember me?" she said, "Sorry to call you out of the blue like this, but I was hoping you could help me out. You see, I have this photo shoot for a client but my regular photographer isn't going to be able to do it. I found your card in my pocket from the show and so I thought I would give you a call."

"Sure I remember you, Evangeline! It's nice to hear from you!" he said excitedly.

"So can you help me? I need a photographer or I'm going to lose this job," she said.

"When is the shoot supposed to take place?"

"Well, it was scheduled for a week from tomorrow, but we can push it back a few days I'm sure if that is not good for you," she told him.

"No, that will work for me. I have a wedding to shoot this week, but that will be over by then and I'll be free. I'd love to work with you, Evangeline!" he said, trying not to sound too much like a school boy with a crush on the head cheerleader.

"Wonderful! I will have my agent call you with the details, and what the shoot is all about in a day or so. Meanwhile, since it looks like we'll be working together, please call me Eve. Evangeline sounds so formal and it's a mouthful to use a lot!" she said.

"Okay, Eve it is then. I'll be expecting your agent's call then. This is going to be fun," he said.

"I think so too," Eve said and then hung up. After he hung up the phone, Peter went back to his computer and blocked out the few days around when she had said the shoot was to take place. He wanted to make sure there were no scheduling problems. This was an important shoot for him - his first chance to work with a professional model on a real photo shoot!

The next day Eve's agent did call and Peter talked at length with her, asking a bunch of questions and finding out as much about the photo shoot and what the client wanted as he could. It turns out it was to be a commercial shoot for a custom motorcycle shop and it would be going in a couple nationally-distributed motorcycle magazines. This was the break he had been looking for! His photos, if they turned out, would be going all over the country! Now, as if he wasn't nervous enough shooting a professional model like Eve, this only added to the pressure!

The day of the photo shoot came, and Peter showed up at the studio about thirty minutes ahead of time so he could look over the studio setup. He planned out what he thought would be good shots, and how he would set his camera up for the different views. He walked through the shoot, trying to think of everything he could to make it go smoothly. This was his chance to show that he was more than just a recreational picture-taker. If this went well, Eve would spread the word that he was good at his craft, and he may get more and better quality work.

"Hi, Peter," Eve said when she arrived. Peter was adjusting the lighting for the first pictures.

"Hi, Eve!" he said, coming over to her. "You are looking very nice today. Are you ready to get started?"

"Thanks, Peter. Why don't we have a cup of coffee and talk about this for a little bit. I need to get some caffeine in my system if I'm going to be any good at all!" she said, smiling.

They sat there enjoying a cup of coffee and talking about the photo shoot and bouncing ideas off each other. They were having a good time just talking, and they came up with some good ideas for photos when Eve made a request.

"Peter, I don't know how you feel about this, but when we are finished with the regular photo session, would you mind taking some nudes of me? I need them for my portfolio so I can show that I am able to do a wide range of types of photos," she asked.

Peter looked at her for several seconds while he processed what she was asking. This beautiful creature was asking him if he would take her picture naked? Was she kidding?

"I... I... Sure! I will take the nude pictures if you want," he said, struggling to keep his excitement under control.

"Thanks, Peter. I know some photographers don't like doing nudes because they don't want to be associated with the porn industry," she said, laying a hand on his arm. They finished their coffee, talking some more and becoming more and more comfortable together.

"Well, I guess we should probably get started," Peter said after a bit. "There's a bathroom right around the corner you can use to change in if you like."

"Okay, thanks... I'll be right back then," she said. She went around the corner and returned a few minutes later, ready to go to work.

"Wow, Eve... you look amazing!" he said as he turned around to see Evangeline in her skimpy black string bikini. Evangeline Wycombe was a five foot four inch tall blonde bombshell with baby blue eyes and a tempting 34D-25-36 figure - and she knew just how to use it too.

Eve blushed a bit. "Thank you, Peter. It's nice to be appreciated."

"What do you mean?"

"Peter, most photographers in this line of photography have seen so many girls that to them, I'm just another bubble-headed blonde model with a high opinion of myself!" she said, "It's nice when someone genuinely compliments me like you just did. It was very sweet."

"Oh, believe me, I don't think you are bubble-headed or stuck up. You've been so patient and kind to me. As for that compliment, I meant it... you do look amazing," he said.

"You're going to get me blushing again!" she said, smiling broadly.

They got to work after that. Peter started snapping pictures and Eve would help him learn how to direct her. Since he had never worked with a model before, her advice and recommendations were most welcome. Peter had some ideas of the type of pictures he wanted, but he also listened carefully to Eve's. She had done this before and was very good at her job, so he paid careful attention to what she said.

It took about an hour to get all the shots they thought they would need for the client, and as that part of the shoot was drawing to a close, Eve suggested that they move on to the next part.

"Okay, Peter, now that we have all the client's photos, are you ready for my pictures?" she asked.

"Um... yeah I guess so," he said, still timid about the idea of shooting her nude.

"All right. I'll go get undressed," she said. She went back into the bathroom and in a minute or so came out wearing a white robe. She still wore her heels, but nothing else. She got into place in front of the camera and took off the robe, laying it over a handy stool out of the way.

"Damn..." he gulped as he saw her in all her naked glory for the first time.

"Thank you," she said, smiling at him. Clumsily he moved over to where his camera was and tried to concentrate on the job before him. But she was spectacular and he was having a great deal of trouble keeping control. He felt shaky and bumbling like a schoolboy at his first dance.

"Peter, honey, just relax... you are doing great. Just enjoy yourself and don't worry about my being nude. It takes a few times before you get over your jitters when photographing nudes. It's the same with us models. The first couple times I did nude work, I was scared to death! I was afraid I wasn't pretty enough or had a good enough body for that type of work," she admitted.

"What? That's impossible. You are amazing Eve and your body is..." he let himself trail off.

"You are sweet," she said, smiling. She kept talking to him as she moved around. As she did, he began to relax and started taking pictures of her. Eve was the consummate professional, and her poses were tasteful and classy - it wasn't at all like Peter thought it would be like, and he began to get into the idea of photographing her like this. She put him at ease and let him know that if he wanted her to do something in particular, to just say so. But Peter was content just taking the shots as he saw her move around, he didn't have anything in mind himself.

Before he realized it, they had taken many photos and Eve figured they had enough so she could add to her portfolio.

"That was fun!" she said. "Did you get some good pictures?" she asked him. She came over and they looked through the camera as he went back over the photos he had. As she looked over the pictures, her hand accidently brushed across the front of his jeans and she felt an enormous bulge there.

Peter backed up like he had just straddled an electric fence! "Oh, shit, I'm sorry, Eve! I didn't mean..."

"It's my fault, Peter I'm... oh my, that does look uncomfortable," she said, looking at the large protuberance in his crotch.

Peter tried to move it around so it wasn't so obvious, but it didn't help. Then suddenly before Peter realized what she was doing, Eve was moving towards the door.

"I'd better make sure the door is locked," she said, walking over and deftly twisting the knob on the door's deadbolt. She came back over to where Peter was standing.

"Why don't I help you with that. Take out your cock," she told him.

Peter looked at her quizzically and then unzipped his pants, letting them fall to the ground at his feet. Because it was hot out that day, he opted to forego wearing underwear and so now his thick shaft was already jutting out his full eight proud inches. The thick purple head of his cock pulsed up and down.

"Stroke it for me," she said.

Peter's hard cock was protruding from his crotch as he sat down in a wooden prop chair. He couldn't take his eyes off Eve as he began to stroke it slowly. Eve felt her mouth suddenly go dry as she watched Peter tease his massive cock. She could feel her pussy getting damp as she watched his hand slide up and down the thick shaft.

Unconsciously, Eve's hand moved up to caress her breast, her fingers running lightly over her hardened nipples. Her heart was pounding wildly in her chest, and she could feel the thumping as she toyed with first one nipple, then the other. She licked her lips as she watched his hand stroke the hard cock. She wanted that monster in her mouth!

Eve's eyes were focused on Peter's cock as his hand continued to pump up and down. He groaned lightly as her gaze met his. Staring intently into his eyes, Eve smiled and ran her tongue over her full lips as she moved her hand back up and caressed her left tit cupping her hand under it and then fingering the stiff, hard nipple.

"Mmmm..." she purred, her fingers pulling gently on the hard bud. Eve was grinning wildly. Her mouth opened and her tongue slid out, running sensually over her lips.

"Do you really think I'm pretty?" she asked, rhetorically.

"Pretty? I think you are fucking gorgeous, Eve!" he said, in more of a moan than a sentence.

She smiled and moved closer to him, "Well then... what would you like me to do to you?" She licked her lips seductively as she spoke.

"Would Peter's big cock like to be licked and sucked by my pretty little wet mouth... or maybe his cock would like to bury itself deep into my hot pussy?" she teased.

Eve stifled a little moan as she saw his naked cock pulsing with lust. Eve bent down in front of him and she cupped both her breasts, thrusting them towards Peter as she squeezed them.

"Fuck, you're beautiful..." moaned Peter.

"Yes, I know," she replied. She leaned forward and pushing Peter's hand off his cock, grasped the thick hot shaft and directed the swollen head to her cleavage. "Want to slide that big cock of yours up and down between my tits?" she purred. "You can tit-fuck me and cum on my face if you want... or... I can do this..." And she hefted up the massive organ towards her face and ran her velvet soft tongue around the very edge of the flared rim.

Keeping eye contact with Peter as she stood, she leant forward and straddled his lap, "Or you can fuck my sweet cunt," she continued, guiding his shaft between her legs and rubbing the thick head against the soft wet lips of her pussy.

Peter's eyes were locked on Eve's. Her eyes had closed to lustful slits as she gave him his three choices. She smiled sensually and brought two fingers to her lips, sucking them slowly into her mouth and rolling her tongue over them. As Peter watched mesmerized, Eve moved the fingers in and out of her mouth, smiling around them as she made wet, sucking noises.

Peter's cock throbbed with lust. He loved getting his cock sucked and he especially loved the dirty, nasty, sloppy blowjobs - the kind that only true sluts know how to give! He decided he'd fuck her some other time, and he'd opt for a filthy cocksucking if she was up for it.

"So... what's it going to be, baby?" she asked.

Peter looked up at her, his eyes blazing, and slowly nodded. "I want you to suck my cock," he groaned.

"What?" she asked, feigning deafness.

Again Peter told her, "Suck my cock... I want you to suck my big fat hard cock."

Eve grinned, immensely pleased with his decision.

"And I'm guessing you want me to make it really sloppy and dirty too, am I right?" As she spoke she looked down at Peter's throbbing cock and closed her fingers gently around the thick shaft. "Watch..." she urged as she started a slow sensuous stroking of his meat.

She rubbed her palm slowly across the head, and looking deeply into Peter's eyes, she slowly brought her fingers up... first to her nose, where she inhaled deeply, then to her lips. Her tongue poked out, licking the sides of her fingers, then her lips opened, her tongue slid out and swirled around in the pool of juice in the middle of her palm. Letting out a little mewling sound, Eve continued to lick up his precum... slowly, teasingly.

He was groaning again, almost with each breath as he watched her. Eve was beside herself with excitement. She loved it when she got a guy this excited, and it was turning her on immensely.

Eve slowly crouched lower, letting her now bare breasts slide against the tops of his thighs. Her nipples stood straight out as she let her tits rest on his legs. She placed a hand on his chest for balance. Her hand continued to move lower, pressing lightly against Peter's stomach. His cock was throbbing and bucking, and Eve smiled as she watched it.

"You fantasize about my lips on your cock, don't you," she purred.

Peter moaned.

She looked up into his pleading eyes and ran her wet tongue around her lips. "You want my mouth on your cock, sucking you, begging you to shoot off in my throat? Is that what you want, baby?" Her fingers trailed lower playing with his curly pubic hair, but never touching his cock. She was dying to, though... she wanted to feel his hot cock again in her fist, but she was enjoying the sweet torment she was giving him even more. And despite the look on his face, Eve knew that Peter was enjoying this every bit as much as she was.

"That's what you want isn't it, Peter?" she asked again, "You want my wet mouth sucking you off... my lips running up and down your hard cock, slowly, as you begin to slide it in and out. You want to fuck my wet mouth until you cum. Until you cum in my mouth and throat, filling me up and letting me swallow your thick cum. Drinking it down as you shoot again and again, mmmm..." she said in a low lust-filled voice.

Peter was almost dying. He wanted desperately to grab her head and push her face onto his cock, sliding it deep into her hungry mouth and fucking her face until he shot his load down her gullet. He wondered how much more of her teasing he could take!

Eve could see the passion fire blazing in his eyes, but she wasn't quite ready to relinquish her control of him just yet. She wanted his balls to fill until they were bursting. As tempted as she was to give him the relief, she was determined to build his cum up to a point beyond bursting. To a point where he could no longer control his lust and took her like an animal. She paused, turning her gaze back to his throbbing cock, and then resumed her sexy banter.

"You know what though," she continued, almost pensively, "I want the same thing. I love sucking guys off, feeling their hard cocks run over my tongue as they fuck my mouth," she looked up at him and grinned, her fingers trailing along his thigh now and coming to rest just below his full sac. "When I'm sucking a big fat cock, I think about an even bigger cock... just like yours." Her words were soft and deliberate, using her tongue each time she paused, making him imagine her sweet mouth on his massive cock.

Peter moaned at the torture, and Eve smiled, turning her face to look at his hard-on. It was even bigger and harder than before. Precum now leaked from his engorged cockhead, leaving a deep puddle under it. Eve moved her head lower, teasing him until he could feel her warm breath on his cock. Again he groaned, making Eve smile. Her fingers moved up until she felt his full balls. Teasingly, she lightly trailed her fingers over them, marveling to herself how large and tight they were... how full and desperate they were getting.

"My lovers usually like me to play with their balls when I'm sucking them," Eve whispered. She saw his cock jump again. "I like it too, 'cause I can feel them tighten up when they're ready to cum. That's when I start to take them deeper and faster. I let my mouth fill with their precum so they can fuck their cocks faster, faster, and I know they're going to cum in my mouth. Just like YOU are going to cum in my mouth, filling me with your hot cum." She leaned back, "Peter, I promise there's going to be cum everywhere when I'm done with you. "

Peter shuddered with her soft, sexy words and the image of her mouth, filled to overflowing with the cum that was boiling in his nuts even as she spoke.

"You'll be squealing in ecstasy when you finally shoot your load... First I'm going to make you scream for me to suck your cock for you, and when you finally cum, you're going to think you'll never stop... and you'll scream for more..."

Peter nodded, speechless as she moved her hand up and ran a finger lightly around his corona.

Peter was so lightheaded and lust crazed, he could barely stand up.

"Here... come with me," Eve said as she reached down and grabbed his hard shaft. She led him by his aching cock to the back of the studio where a large leather couch sat.

Eve pushed Peter down on the couch and immediately knelt down in front of him.

Tilting her head back, she leaned forward and let Peter kiss her, running his tongue over her lips as she reached down and toyed with his prick. Eve could feel the heat of his naked cock and sighed. "Do you want me to suck it now?" she said, teasing his prick. Peter said nothing, continuing to kiss her as his hands moved up to fondle her firm breasts. Both of them began to breathe harder as Eve slowly, sensuously started to stroke his pole.

It was already slick and wet from his precum, making her smile at how excited she got him.

"Damn, your cock is so hard..." Eve said as she jerked him off. "So hot..." Peter had one hand on Eve's tits and the other had now moved to the inside of her thigh. His hips were moving back and forth, fucking his cock in and out of her talented hand.

"Do you have a big load saved up for me..." she purred as she stroked.

Peter nodded, "Yeah..." he grunted.

Eve grinned wickedly. "Mmmm... you are such a good boy. I'll have to be especially nice to you tonight then. I love it when you wait for me like that..."

Smiling sexily at him, she finished lowering his pants to his ankles, slowly slipping to her knees in front of him. Pulling each leg over his feet, she tossed them away and looked up at him. Peter's engorged cock bobbed in front of her face, and she looked into his pleading eyes. She smiled, letting her lips part and extending her long tongue fully before running it sensually around her full lips. Peter groaned at the sight, his cock bobbing frantically as his hands gripped the edge of the couch.

Eve dropped her eyes to his cock and moved her head forward, her mouth open and panting. She looked up at Peter's face and grinned.

"Oh... yeah... please...." he moaned, moving his hips closer to her face. Eve's tongue flicked out and just barely touching his cockhead, drew a large globule of precum into her mouth...

Then she stood up, leaving him panting, his eyes wild with confusion and his now abandoned cock throbbing desperately with hot desire....

Relax..." Eve teased, kissing him lightly and stepping back a pace. "I think you'll like this..."

She rubbed her gorgeous tits, sticking high and proud. They looked firm with huge brown erect nipples. Her heels clicked as she walked a few steps away from him. The thin thong she was wearing rode up into her ass and as she turned around she bent over and sensually slid it down to her ankles. She stepped out of it and reaching down picked it up. Walking back towards Peter she knelt down and wrapped the soaking wet tiny piece of lace around his massive meat. As she did she grazed his screaming cock with her full lovely tits.

She stood back up and smiled at the tormented Peter. "Not bad for an almost-thirty-year-old model... am I?" she asked.

Peter was staring in a hypnotic trance, his eyes glazed over, as he took in the sight of the gorgeous woman in front of him.

As she spoke she spread her lovely legs, and started to rub her fingers over her swollen labia. Slowly she inserted two slender fingers in her pussy and gently pushed in a few inches into herself.

"Mmmmmm," she moaned, moving close to him. She leaned forward, and kissed him wetly, thrusting her hot tongue into his mouth, and drawing his out into hers. She began to suck on the tip of his tongue, then more of it as Peter started to push his tongue deeper into her warm mouth. Opening her eyes wide and staring into his, Eve began to suck his tongue like it was a cock as he held it rigid for her. Both of them were growing hotter and hotter. Eve's hips began to move against her fingers. Her eyes closed and she moved her hips back and forth, letting her fingers slide back and forth between her sopping pussy lips.

Eve moaned loudly in lust crazed ecstasy. "Are you ready for me to suck your cock? I've teased you, and I know you're ready. I want to make you cum, baby..." she panted excitedly. As Peter continued to suffer in lustful agony, Eve began to stroke his cock. A huge stream of pre-cum poured over her fingers, making her moan. "Mmmmm, you're really ready aren't you?" she said smiling as she saw the effect she was having on him. Eve looked at his cock as it slid through her fingers. "I want to make you cum, right now. You want that don't you? You want me to stroke this big cock until it shoots... is that what you want? You want me to jerk you off, Peter, make you shoot your hot come all over me... is that what you want?" She panted with unbridled sex crazed lust.

"Please..." Peter said pleadingly. "Make me cum... do anything... just make me cum," he'd taken all the stimulation a man possibly could.

Eve grinned and looked up at him. Her eyes were on fire. "Anything?" she teased between breaths, still panting. "Anything is a lot. I could jerk you off, I could let you put it between my tits? You'd like cumming all over my tits. Mmmmm, me too..." Eve could feel his cock expanding in her hand and knew she didn't have time left to tease him any more.

She leaned forward, running her tongue around his lips and face. "But this time I'm going to suck your big hard red cock, just like I promised" She smiled as Peter's body tensed and he let out a low moan. She looked fiercely into his eyes. "I'm going to suck your hard cock, suck you off. I'm going to make you cum with my sweet mouth, suck your big hard cock until you shoot your thick hot cum in my mouth. I want to taste your cum... I want to swallow it... I want it to shoot all over my hot body."

Her voice trailed off as she slithered down until she was face to face with his cock. Finished with her teasing, she leaned forward and ran her wet tongue from his engorged balls up to his steel hard helmet-like cockhead. A long moan erupted from Peter as he felt the hot wetness of her tongue. Eve opened her lips and took Peter's cockhead inside. Again he groaned, louder this time, and pushed his hips forward, trying to feed Eve more of his cock. She willingly obliged, opening her mouth wider and taking half of his huge cock inside. The whole time, she kept her eyes fixed on his.

Peter began to fuck her mouth slowly, curling his fingers in her hair and pushing his hips forward. Each thrust elicited another groan from him and from Eve. Eve countered each move... pushing her mouth forward as Peter fucked deeper towards the back of her throat. When she felt him pushing against her throat, she gripped his hips, forcing him to stop. Then she lowered her face onto Peter's cock, taking him deeper and deeper until once more he was against her throat. Eve cleared her throat and took a breath, then leaned forward. Peter's cock was now so hard it was impossible to bend, but Eve didn't give up. She continued to pull him deeper until suddenly something gave and Peter's cock slid effortlessly deep into her throat. Her mind gave a silent cheer as she pulled him even closer... deeper... until her nose was pressed firmly against his dark pubic hair. She reveled for a moment in her accomplishment, then slowly pulled her lips back off the massive cock she had just deepthroated!!

Her cheeks hollowed as she took his thick shaft deep again into her soft mouth. She swiped her tongue just under the sensitive cap each time she pulled off him. He groaned with lust as she deep-throated his cock again and again just like a porn star. God, she was good... a cock had never felt this hard and excited for her before!!

Eve grinned sexily and parted her lips, letting Peter's cock slip between them again. Somewhere in his deepest subconscious Peter wondered if it would ever end. She kept her eyes locked on Peter's and she moved her head forward... slowly and teasingly taking more and more of his thick juicy rod into her mouth. This time she swirled her tongue rapidly around his shaft, bathing it in her slick saliva. She didn't stop until her lips were again buried in his pubic hair, the entire length of his massive hard cock embedded in her throat. She felt Peter's hips begin to move, trying to push it even deeper, and knew he was ready. Slowly pulling her lips upwards, she turned her eyes to Peter, keeping her lips wrapped around his cockhead.

"Fuck my mouth," she mumbled around his prick, "Fuck it deep, baby..." Peter groaned low in his throat and slowly raised his hips, sinking his cock to the hilt in the sexy model's steamy mouth. Effortlessly, it slipped back into her throat, making him groan once more. Peter's hips moved faster and faster, his hard pole sliding deep into Eve's throat with each thrust. His breathing grew labored, and his entire lower body began to shake uncontrollably. Eve slipped one hand down to her cunt, massaging her tingling clitoris as she brought the massive cock closer and closer to exploding in her pretty face.

All of Peter's attention was focused on the nude vixen hunkered at his knees, inhaling his massive cock over and over again, bathing him with her hot, willing, talented mouth. Peter thought that he'd never seen a woman look sexier. Her hair was matted to her face and sweat beaded on her neck and ran down between her heaving tits... and she was doing this all to make him happy... to make him cum.

Finally, Peter felt his balls expanding, as if taking a huge breath, then he screamed out in absolute release as wave after wave of pleasure rushed over him and his boiling semen raced up his turgid shaft. Eve felt it also, and drew her sweet lips back until only his thick cockhead remained in her mouth. She moaned low as she felt his cum race up the tube along the underside of his rod and furiously ran her tongue over the taunt head. The force of his explosion surprised even her. Immediately, her entire mouth was full of cum, ballooning her cheeks out as Peter spewed a huge geyser of sperm into her mouth. She tried to swallow it all, but was just able to down half of it when he erupted again.

The second blast was even more powerful, filling her mouth beyond it's capacity and forcing her lips to release their hungry grip. His thick semen poured over her lips and down her chin as she pulled away slightly. Her hand milked his cock desperately as he continued to shoot thick streams of hot cum over her lips and face.

She took a quick breath and sucked him back in again wildly, forcing him deeper as she felt his cum spray again against the back of her throat. She mewled as she swallowed jet after jet of his semen and still not satisfied she had milked him dry, she began to fuck her mouth up and down his now visibly quivering shaft. Again and again Peter shot off, delighting Eve as he filled her mouth a third time to overflowing. She swallowed as rapidly as she could, but still couldn't contain the copious flow. Finally, needing to breathe, she pulled her lips from his still spurting cock, letting his hot, thick cum spray over her face and lips.

Thick strands of white cum stuck to her face and tits as Eve pushed back and stood up. She used her fingers to clean her face off, licking up the white cream from her fingers and smiling.

"Ever cum that much and hard before...?" she purred. She rubbed the cum that had landed on her tits into her skin as he watched her through the fog of his orgasm.

Peter shook his head. He didn't think any man in history had ever cum as hard as he just had. As Peter sat on the couch, trying to recuperate from his ordeal, Eve stood up and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm going to get cleaned up a bit. Don't go anywhere, lover!" she said, smiling and stroking his cheek.

Peter couldn't have moved if the building was on fire. He just sat there trying to get his breath and heart rate under control and soon Eve came back and sat down next to him.

"How are you doing, honey?" she said.

He smiled weakly at her, "That was the most incredible thing I have ever felt. You were wonderful!"

"I told you so. Now I have to run for now, but I will give you a call in a couple days and see how the photos are coming along. Maybe if you are a good boy, we can see what other kinds of fun we can come up with!" she said, squeezing his softening cock as she spoke.

Peter could hardly wait to see what "other kinds of fun" might entail!

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over sixteen (16) years of age.

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero Confounds a Ghost Makes Love to a Bereaved Priestess

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Does Battle With Foul Necromancers

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Caught Betwixt Two Fortune Tellers

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero is Stricken with Amnesia Explores a Prison

Sand gritted against my face and for a time, I did not know who I was, nor where I was, nor why I was. Water washed against my feet and I simply lay there in a daze, blinking slowly as light filtered into my vision and I saw the broad expanse of a pale white beach. The waves that lapped at my feet were frothing and white, and the distant horizon curved into oblivion. I closed my eyes and a name came to mind. Resh. Resh Craig. In the darkness, I sorted through memories. I could remember...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Entrapped in an Orgy

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero comes Face to Face with Arronax

April 30th, 1885 Ashbury, the United Kingdom The sea salt and fresh wind off the coast mixed with the scent of fish, of tar, of sailcloth, of unwashed sailors, and of sewage to create a pungent mixture in my nose – but it was all worth it to see the wide eyed expression on Cynthia Boggs’ face as she walked off the gangplank of the Gypsy Queen and onto the mainland of Arcanum for the first time. I watched her, turning to look at Captain Teach, who was fingering the stem of his long pipe,...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Herorsquos Origin is Revealed

The Tale of Resh Craig June 4th, 1876 Somewhere on the Morbihan Plains The evening had reached that fine time, the only time between mid-morning to the setting of the harsh sun where the Morbihan became livable. The fire crackled and popped and some chuckslag was slowly simmering in a cast iron pot. The men gathered around the fire were, on the whole, unwashed, unshaven, and nonhuman. The faint sound of conversation could be heard from quite a distance, interspersed with laughs,...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Rescues a Gnome and Finds a Statue

July 9th, 1885 The town of Stillwater appeared, after the past week of marching through sticky, humid temperature and the occasional flurry of summer rains, like a paradise upon the gods green earth. I, Virginia, Maggie, Sally, Gillian, the ever faithful Dogmeat and the members of the Stonecutter clan who had decided to emigrate back to the Wheel Clan all trudged into town stinking of long travel and the still omnipresent smell of zombie. As we came to stop near the central statue that...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero is Stymied by the Scientific Establishment

July 10th, 1885 Stillwater, The United Kingdom I came into the Temple of Geshtianna with Virginia to my left side and ‘Magnus’ to my right, Sally and Gillian taking up the rear. I dragged behind me the statue of the cult’s goddess, covered with a tarp to prevent anyone from noticing both the bared breasts (not exactly appropriate for dragging through a village’s streets) and the magickal effect that caused all to view the statue to become entranced by it. I had to admit the tarp was...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Studies Elves

August 21st, 1885 If there existed a better time to traverse the Hadrian pass and stride through the Glimmering Woods than August in the year 1885, I was sure that it had not come to Arcanum since the last Age of Wonders. I was concerned at first, when the Hadrian Pass turned out to be a treacherous crossing plagued by immense waterfalls and shifting, smoothed pathways of stone and gravel and scrubby brushes that survived the yearly floods that came with the thaw. But once we had traversed...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Ensnared in Prophecy

November 1st, 1885 The elven city of Quintarra swayed beneath my feet – moving and groaning like Edward Teach’s ship at the high seas. I gripped onto the thin rope that served as the only security as the elven woman Raven led me from the base of the platform leading to the residence of the Silver Lady to the front entrance itself. Raven was, despite her earlier smiles, a woman that seemed to be quite severe in temperament. The earlier flare of sunny disposition had vanished beneath the...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Arrives in Caladon

December 13th, 1885 While I had wished to set out upon the Gypsy’s Promise under Captain Teach, the simple fact was that Mr. Bates’ chosen man for all things nautical was simply not in the docks at Tarant, but was rather shipping freight to a mysterious, undisclosed location. Entirely above board, I was sure. Surely, Captain Teach would never mislead customs officials to transport goods for Mr. Bates in an extralegal fashion. The very idea was preposterous. And so instead, we paid for...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero becomes a Subversive Unionizer Betrayal

December 12th, 1885 Rain pattered against the windows of the Misk household’s expanse library. Virginia had, helpfully, set every light in the room to as bright as it could go. Warmly burning oil lamps and electrical bulbs shrouded in comforting draperies both worked with the stoked fireplace to give the room a warm, cheery glow – but it did little to offset the grim mood that had cast its pall over the Misk house. With both Victor and now Wesley the butler both dead within the same week,...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Enters the Dread City of TrsquoSenAng

January 1st, 1886 The crackling fire that sat in the center of our camp was the center of more merriment than was likely warranted on that rainy, overcast January evening. But while the new years day celebrations were likely filling the streets of Tarant, Caladon and every other major city in Arcanum with revelers and party-goers, we were stuck in the vast wilderness that stretched between the Hadrian river and the Stonewall mountains, beneath the bows of evergreens and bare-branched...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Engaged in a Shootout at the Sobbing Onion Tavern

February 22nd, 1886 I was nearly fifteen yards from the entrance of Quintarra before Raven dropped from the trees to land before me. Normally, I would have been impressed by the natural grace of an elf in her element – let alone the beauty of Raven herself. But this was not an ordinary day. Virginia had vanished into her own teleportation spell, leaving me with nothing but her tearful confession and where she would be traveling – but Caladon was nearly four months away by foot. Panic...

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March 26th, 1886 I sat on one of the pews in the First Temple of the Panarii and looked at nothing in particular. There seemed very little point to moving myself from where I sat – and there was no better place to sit and think than here, in the quiet of the temple. The building itself was large and rectangular, with enough room it seemed for the whole city of Caladon to take their seats here to be lectured at. However, other than the sheer size of the place, it remained fairly...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Has a Most Welcome Reunion

April 28th, 1886 “And so, according to Nasrudin himself, Saint Mannox was tending to the wards at the Ring when Nasrudin emerged from his regenerative bubble. Nasrudin seemed to think Mannox was nothing more than an overeager, overzealous, pompous ass.” I shrugged as I looked across the table at Hadrian and Wilhelm. The two Panarii had been transfixed with utter shock from the moment I began my narrative to the very end. I, meanwhile, had given them the entire story of my adventures to the...

1 year ago
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Workman Chapter 2

"Yes," the housewife said, "Would you like one?" She handed him the coffe and leaned back against the doorway. She wore capris and a modest short-sleeved button-down blouse. He had on his dirty jeans and t-shirt which clung to his tight, muscular torso; he was not your average plumber. Just then the doorbell rang. "That'll be him now," the workman said, and she went to answer the door. While she was gone he pulled a small packet out of his back pocket and emptied the contents into...

2 years ago
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Becoming Candi Part One

Becoming Candi Rachel The alarm on my phone shocked me from my sleep and I thumbed with the touch screen in an attempt to turn it off. The phone was new and it was the first time I had heard the alarm tone, which was less like a wake up alarm and more like an emergency siren. "Rach, will you get that?" I heard my Mother yell from downstairs. With a tremendous amount of effort I managed to lift myself off my pillows and sit up. Today was the first day of university for me and my...

3 years ago
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Santa Spanks Taylor Hangs A Candy Cane In Her Bottom

Santa spanks Taylor & Hangs a Candy Cane In Her Bottom.Taylor was home for Christmas from college and she was in their bedroom for a long winter’s night.  Not a creature was stirring her family away but pretty coed had decided to stay.As Taylor had made merry and cheer. Little did Taylor know it was the condition of her cute rear she should fear?Her pretty long brown shimmery hair swished and swayed from side to side displaying her round shapely bottom packed tight into her blue jeans and bust...

2 years ago
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Trying a Moroccan dick

Trying a Moroccan dickIt had been a busy day at the office.Helena was absent, because she had had to take care of her mother, who was staying at the hospital for a few days…However, my slutty friend called me in the afternoon, when I was driving home and asked me if I was in the mood to go out with her that night. Of course I was…It was Friday and Victor was at home, but I knew he wanted to stay there and it would be nice for him to be alone for a while. I called him to tell my plan and he...

4 years ago
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Banging Bridgette

Bridgette and I would talk all the time through text messages since we had similar jobs. We both worked for a large telecommunications company in the IT department. We did not work in the same location but it was fun comparing notes with each other. We would complain about the dullness of our jobs, the long hours, and of course the pay. In the last series of text messages she complained about her husband not fulfilling her needs in bed. She said he was barely...

2 years ago
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From Candace to CandyChapter 2

I was getting anxious as the minutes seemed to drag by, but finally my sister appeared in my doorway dressed as I desired. My note to her told her to shower after she woke up, to put on the camisole and panties I left on her bed and come to my bedroom I wanted to talk to her. She did as she was instructed, it was a good start. The camisole was pink and very sheer, her small tits were visible through it, and I saw how large her nipples were for the first time. Her breasts were the size and...

1 year ago
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Rich bitches get raped when they show up at their Mexican workers Cinco de Mayo festival

The governor's daughters' Cynthia and Stacy knew that their wealth and social status came with certain responsibilities and obligations, whether they wanted to oblige or not. If the truth be known, they didn't give a rat's ass about the immigrant workers, legal or not. They thought minimum wage and access to health benefits (although expensive) was more than fair compensation for allowing the mexican immigrants to work for them. But with all of the uproar in the media of abuse with...

3 years ago
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Busy At Work 5 Mangoes Rum and Dominican Cum

I waited for over an hour for Peter to bring a brand new battery and ample petrol for my Volvo. I sat in my car, wondering how I let the pretty car go. The winters had not been good to her and I sentenced her to a slow death bringing her to the North Country. My Harley stayed wrapped up for seven months last year, and without Mark, being in the Adirondacks just made no sense. The winters were getting longer and longer and thoughts of palm trees, mangoes and rum filled the cold and vacant...

2 years ago
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Candi's story If you don't think this is a work of fiction you are crazy. "Thank you dear that was delightful." I smiled on a post orgasmic haze. Being married for 4 years out sex had become so routine. Its not that we didn't have sex often enough or that I no longer found my wife attractive. Its just the same positions always ending up in missionary position till we both came. "Yes I enjoyed it too." At breakfast the next day I struggled to formulate my wanting to...

3 years ago
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Cannibal Cruise

Notes: { This is a fantasy! Women are lovable persons and I would do anything to make them happy. I am a vegetarian myself. }Cannibal Cruise. Chapter 1.Year 2095 C.E. Cannibalism is now practised, to some degree, in nearly every country. The 2005 aviary influenza epidemic brought a dramatic change to the world's female population. Somehow the virus fired some, hitherto repressed genes in women and female animals bringing a sudden change in their behaviour. Mankind first noticed changes in...

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