Aspiring Novelist Pt. 02 free porn video

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That first night during dinner her mom, tears flowing, handed newly graduated Billie Summers, MA, a check for $30,000, being a return of Billie’s big advance payment for her first novel.

That return of money reminded Billie of the big gamble Sam Sorensen had taken on her in over-spending on a new author’s advance but happily that investment had been returned several times over by that one novel.

Her father, voice sounding thick, spoke about Billie performing such a huge gesture by stumping up with that money just when he and her mother had been talking about throwing in the towel. He then handed her a check for $20,000 saying it was part of her eventual inheritance being paid well in advance for being such a loyal daughter.

On the advice of an investment adviser, who was the father of one of her friends, Billie placed that $50,000 in an offshore oil exploration company.

At the end of an unsuccessful search for employment, Billie was approached by the librarian at a high school and was hired. She was happy because books were her thing. A couple of months later during ‘Library Week’ the school hosted celebrated author Celeste B. Bush as guest speaker at a parents’ and public lunch in the gymnasium. The hall was packed because this famous Texan was well known for her novels about American pioneering women of the 1800s.

Billie was asked to drive Miss Bush back to the airport and stayed talking to her waiting for the late-arriving aircraft. Out of interest Billie said, ‘I’ve noticed the thumbnail bio about you on your books and on your publisher’s web site it begins at your college years. What about…’

‘Oh you’ve picked up my books to glance at have you?’

‘I’ve read seven and really liked ‘Chase O’Hara, Rancher.’ She was depicted as being lean and strong, with a hairy upper lip but was attracted men was her flaming red hair.’

‘Omigod darling, and how long ago was it you read Chase O’Hara?’

‘When I was an impressionable seventeen.’

‘Oh god, please give me your memory, it’s fabulous!’

‘Well not for the moment. I noticed you skipped over my question about your childhood.’

‘Ah. Would you believe I spent it in an orphanage until I was fifteen when I was rescued by Alvin and Vivian Bush, a childless couple in their forties who owned and operated a book store in a small city well east of here.’


‘It’s nothing to be proud of dear.’

‘Why not? Can’t you see it’s a Cinderella story and that couple, are they still alive?’

‘Yes, I see them regularly. They are very old.’

‘Can they still read?’

‘Yes… I know a woman of 100 who reads every day. Why are you so interested?’

‘Damn here comes your airplane. Please give me your card and I’ll email you.’

‘I don’t use email.’

‘Then I’ll write a letter. Just get used to the idea I wish to write a novel based on your childhood.’



‘Well I really don’t know…’

‘Listen to me Miss Bush…’

‘Actually my real name is Mrs Acland, although that is not generally known. I married late and by then my readers had become used to me being a spinster.’

‘W-why did you choose to marry late?’

‘I’d rather not say.’

‘Because you didn’t wish to risk leaving a child or children who might end up in a foster home?’

‘My god young woman, you have some sort of exceptional talent. Yes that was the reason.’

‘May I attempt to write your biography? I’ve had two novels published and have a Master’s in lit from Penn.’

‘Really, how interesting. But I must tell you I’ve always refused approaches from journalists wishing to pry.’

‘Think about this Miss Bush. Why did I ask could Alvin and Vivian Bush still read? They are your real hero and heroine, not those fictitious people you write about. For god sake Miss Bush, take that final step out of your binding past. Goodbye. It’s been a honor to meet you.’

Passengers were being called to prepare for boarding. Miss Bush called out, ‘Oh Billie… you forgot my card.’

She was holding it out as Billie returned grinning. ‘I apologize for being theatrical. I had no intention of leaving you until you were actually boarding. I pretended to walk off to trigger the response I wanted.’

‘Well you are a very bright young woman. Now don’t be too long writing, do you hear.’

‘No ma’am.’

‘Please stop groveling and call me Celeste.’


The biography of Celeste B. Bush, ‘From the Orphanage’ and published in New York by Sam Sorenson’s company of which he was now the CEO. The launch was held in the Houston Galleria where the special guests to capture media attention where Celeste and her foster parents, Alvin and Vivian Bush and Billie Summers, the biographer.

It was a gala event with a big build-up and Billie was well aware her time had come. The pre-release critiques acclaimed her in many ways including, ‘one of America’s best emerging authors’ and ‘a quirky and smart-minded new author who’s freshness and frankness will brighten the leisure time of readers’.

But the knockout punch came the evening before Billie and her mother went to Houston. They were watching a book show on TV ending when Micki Rogers smiled at her male co-host and asked, ‘And the book you glanced at this week Alfie that rang your bell?’

‘I meant only to glance at it but ended up reading it through the night. It was so captivating.’

‘Oh naughty boy. That’s not like you. What’s the book?’

‘The biography of one of our favorite authors Celeste B. Bush.’

‘Omigod that’s ‘From the Orphanage’ by Billie Summers. I’m being rushed to Houston to interview that talented kid live tomorrow night with Celeste. I’m told it’s crammed with things we haven’t known about Celeste despite her fame. Well good night everyone. Be watching this network tomorrow at 6:30 when I’ll be in cow country interviewing Celeste and Billie the kid. Author Billie Summers is not yet twenty-five.’

‘Omigod,’ Janice said, fanning her flushing face. ‘All of that was on network TV with millions of people watching.’

‘Mom please, that was scripted as a promo for tomorrow evening. Don’t get too excited.’

‘Scripted or not, Micki Rogers has integrity and won’t say anything she doesn’t believe.’

‘Okay mom, you’re probably right. Anyway most viewers won’t have any idea about promos and scripting… if Sam saw that he’ll be rubbing his hands in glee.’

* * *

The floor manager tried to send in Celeste first but Celeste thwarted him by grabbling Billie by the arm and marching in with her. Celeste was dressed as if ready for a ball and Billie had chosen a dull brown shirt, colorful poncho, tight jeans and plain dark brown cowgirl boots.

Micki Rogers: We welcome esteemed American period novelist Celeste B. Bush with her extremely gifted biographer Billie Summers.

The studio audience clapped politely.

Micki glanced at Billie: Straight from riding the range are you Billie?

Billie: If you mean horses, no. I’m scared of horses.

Micki: And so are most of us although we’re not Texans like you. Do you ride Celeste?

Celeste: No horses scare me as do motorcycles and most things other than automobiles.

Micki: So how did this literary collaboration between you two begin? I can scarcely believe Celeste that after years of refusing to be interviewed in depth you called up Billie to come and talk to you about writing your biography.

Celeste: No Billie was working at a library waiting to find a novel.

Micki: She wouldn’t have to look far. Libraries are full of novels.

Celeste: I meant the novel lurking within her. Out of interest she asked me about my early life and for once I failed to divert anyone asking that question. I said I grew up in an orphanage and that kind of switched her on.

Micki: ‘I
bet it did. What did she say?’

Celeste: Omigod I can’t remember but I’m sure she thought it was raining pennies from heaven.

Micki: Billie there’s not a single reference to sex in this biography. Do you think you failed to ask the right questions?

Billie: I don’t believe Miss Bush know about sex.

Celeste almost fell out of her chair laughing and the studio audience screamed in laughter at Billy’s straight face and Celeste being in near hysterics.

Billie: Actually we made a pact. She allowed me to write about her almost secret marriage to William Acland and to explain the reason for that providing I made no mention of her having sex with anyone or anything in my manuscript.

Celeste (arching an eyebrow): Sex with things?

Billie: Miss Rogers this is a family show.

Micki: Oh of course. Well that saved a couple of bleeps. Why did Miss Bush marry late?

Billie: She had no wish to have something happen to her child or children if something dreadful happened to her and they experienced the hardships of orphanage life that she did. So she married after passing through childbearing age.

Micki: Omigod how tragic.

Billie: Yes but revelations like that make my book a great read. It has nothing to do with the writing.

Micki: Celeste?

Celeste: The word for that is something that comes out of the backside of a Texan bull. The creative genius of this young writer brought my life alive to me when I read her completed manuscript. My foster parents, who are now in their nineties, read it to each other they said often with tears flowing because it seemed as if Billie had been there with us in those early days.

Billie: I cried when Miss Bush told me about her years in that orphanage after being found as an abandoned baby and I cried when writing.

Micki: Well that obviously shows and today’s big book launch has been a big day for both of you.

Billie: And for Mr and Mrs Bush. They know Miss Bush would have hated talking about her days in the orphanage and appreciate she did so in public to acknowledge who they gave her a real life.

Celeste: And that’s the truth and it happened just like Micki has said. My foster parents were overcome reading what I’d thought about them because until reading my praise and gratitude, they’d thought I’d only half-loved them. I owe Billie everything.

Micki (sniffing): Oh that’s so lovely. Time to wind up. Parting words from you Billie.’

Billie: I began reading Celeste B. Bush from the age of fourteen and adored the novels I read. People all over America can now read the unexpurgated story — apart from the sex — of Celeste B. Bush.

Celeste: This might not seem profound but the day I first met Billie she told me that she’d read seven of my novels and I asked which one had she liked best. And she said, ‘My favorite was ‘Chase O’Hara, Rancher.’ She was depicted as being lean and strong, with a hairy upper lip but what attracted men was her flaming red hair’. I asked how long ago had she read that novel and she said seven years ago. I shall die happy knowing a little piece of me helped form the foundation of a brilliant creative writing career that awaits her.’

The studio audience as one rose and applauded, no one being sure who was being applauded.

‘Thank you ladies for being my guests tonight,’ Micki shouted above the din.

Billie left Houston next morning with her mother and two days later went to LA where she met a woman from the marketing department of her New York publisher and a hired professional public relations woman to begin an across America whistle-stop promotion of the bio.

The popularity and curiosity of Celeste was such that books sold by the truckload and ran into four new print runs. By the time the three females reached New York Billie was one third of the way through her next novel she’d started two weeks after the bio entered pre-print stages. She’d resigned her library job before leaving for Houston because she had more than sufficient money to support herself. It was just a matter of deciding whether to stay put or to relocate. It was tempting to stay because her mom didn’t bother her unduly and they liked each other’s company. But how do you meet guys when living and working at home?

Janice remained calm when Billie said she’d be moving out.

‘I want to find somewhere calm and peaceful, by the water with not too many people about.’

‘Well you’ve stayed longer than what I thought you would. Any ideas Casper?’

‘Yeah, if you want peace beside the water I’ll call Amy to see if their holiday house near Corpus Christi is tenanted. They don’t appear to use it much these days.’

Billie smiled. ‘Oh I remember. The property fronts the shoreline.’


‘Please call her now dad.’

‘You’ll need a better vehicle to get about in that area and to get along rough roads to hike in the parks and to cross causeways to beaches,’ he said.

An hour later after securing the holiday home for Billie for six months, Casper took her out to look at cars Billie ended up trading in her old small Ford for a two-year-old red Jeep Wrangler and was very pleased with it.

The next day was Sunday and Casper spent time with Billie ensuring she had a very good understanding of her new vehicle and could change a flat tire. She then announced over dinner she’d leave for the Corpus Christi area next morning.

‘I thought you’d be off as soon as you were familiar with your new vehicle,’ her mom said, dabbing her eyes.

‘Aw mom, come on. You guys can visit me next weekend.’

Janice sniffed, ‘But I thought you’d not wish to be disturbed?’

‘No, I’m intending to use weekends for rest and recreation. I’d really like you to visit me this next weekend and mom you can phone me whenever you like but preferably from early evening. You’re not really losing me. Look after her dad.’

Billie left for the holiday house after breakfast. It was located with direct access to a sea inlet off Farm to Market Road 1781 at Rockport, in Aransas Bay just beyond Corpus Christi, less than a four-hour drive east of her parent’s home. She was looking to be stimulated because her novel was dragging a bit and she thought a change in environment might stimulate her.

The working title of her manuscript was ‘Wretched Rachel’ and would trace the thoughts and actions of a delinquent daughter from age sixteen until she returned home at the end of her first semester at college, changed and more than ready to apologize to her parents for having made their life hell.

Billie had stayed at the house for most of two summers when she was a teenager and so knew the area quite well. The discounted rental included full use of a flat-bottom center-console fishing boat with a 25 hp electric-start Yamaha outboard, a deep-sea kayak and a choice of three mountain bikes.

It was all she wanted for the moment, apart from a guy on hand, not a live-in.

Billie called in to stock up at H-E-B Foods on Highway 35 where she used to go with her aunt and two cousins.

The checkout lady said, ‘Just passing through dear or are you new here?’

‘I’m staying for a few months at Dan and Amy Rayburn’s place, they’re my aunt and uncle and I last stayed with them when I was seventeen.’

‘Oh Amy, and I know her very well. What’s your name dear?’

‘Billie, um Billie Summers.’

‘Omigod, you’re famous.’

The woman yelled, ‘Hey everyone, we have a celebrity at the checkout. She’s Billie Summers who wrote Celeste Bush’s bio. We saw her on TV recently. She’s staying out by the airport facing into Copano Bay.’

Billie fumed, god why didn’t the woman announce the color of her underwear and be done with it.

Acutely embarrassed, Billie wanted to rush off but the checkout operator seemed to too heavy-fisted to count the bills Billie had handed over but it became obviously was just stalling. Women a
nd two guys rushed up to introduced themselves to Billie and to welcome her to Rockport-Fulton.

Actually it turned out better than expected. A Sarah Masters introduced herself and said she remembered Billie. ‘I live close by where you stayed with your aunt and uncle a few years back. Amy and I went to school together and have been friends ever since although she lives most of the time in Austin these days with her family.’

‘How lovely to meet you again Mrs Masters. Please pop over some time for coffee. I’m here to write but I do need coffee breaks.’

Well thanks to loud-moth at the checkout she’d met a friendly neighbor,’ Billie thought. God everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. She should be writing.

A couple walking their dog waved as Billie slowed and waited for them to stroll by before she turned into the property on which was sited one of the more modest homes in the fairly scattered neighborhood. It had no pier but the neighbors weren’t fussy who walked on their piers to fish after they’d received permission to do that. Billie would be able to hook up the trailer and launch the boat off the lawn into Copano Bay.


Well yes for a writer seeking the quiet life.

Billie unloaded and then explored the house and decided to sleep and work in the loft, with its better views, but to use the facilities downstairs of course including watching TV.

Two hours later she answered a knock on the door and a guy aged about twenty-five said, ‘Mom sent me down with this apple pie and I’m to say welcome and you may use our pier.’

‘On, and who are you?’

‘Jim Struthers.’

‘Oh hi Jim. I’m Billie Summers.’

‘Cute name.’

‘Thanks. I haven’t stocked up with beer but have some wine. Please come in and…’

‘Are you sure? You’re alone aren’t you?’

‘Yes,’ Billie said looking surprised. ‘But there’s no law preventing me from inviting any caller of any sex in for a drink.’

‘Mom will not think kindly of you if you invite me in. She’s a lay preacher.’

‘And what are you Jim?’

‘A pilot. I fly tourists to places and sight-seeing over the mainland bays and out over the foreshore islands.’

‘Well in that case I choose a pilot who’s close to my age rather than your mother who sounds a little straight laced for me. Step inside before I drag you in.’

‘Um you sound like my kind of girl… or rather woman.’

‘Thanks pal. Here’s wine straight out of my shopping bag. Please open it and pour.’

When they were seated and had toasted to ‘the good life’ as proposed by Jim, Billie asked, ‘Do you have your phone?’

‘Yes ma’am.’

‘It’s actually miss but call me Billie. Who else is at home?’

‘Just mom and my young sister. Dad works at the international airport as an aircraft engineer and will work until 8:00.’

‘Please call your mom and sister over.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Call them.’

Jim dialed and said, ‘Him mom. I’ve delivered the pie and the lady has invited me in for a drink and has suggested you and Silvana come over. You ought to meet her… she’s young and pretty and knows what she’s about. I’d say very sophisticated.’

‘I’m in here because she invited me mom. Please don’t bitch. Just come over and meet your new neighbor.’

Jim slid his phone shut and sighed. ‘She’s mad that I came into your house when we don’t know you and you’re young.’

‘Never fear Jim. I’ll take responsibility for that if she kicks up. How’s the wine?’

‘Better than the crap we drink.’

‘Oh please Jim don’t mention that when your mom arrives.’

He grinned and motioned should he answer the knock and Billie smiled and nodded.

A beautiful young girl and an attractive and well-dressed woman entered.

‘Omigod,’ said the eighteen-year-old, gaping at Billie.

‘Silvana, please don’t use that language, said her mom. ‘What is it?’

‘This is Billie Summers who wrote the biography on Celeste, dad’s cousin.’

‘Don’t be silly darling. It can’t be. That woman would live in Dallas or perhaps New York.’

‘Welcome Mrs Struthers and your lovely daughter. I’m staying here for a few months.’

‘My goodness, you are very beautiful. Please call me Caitlin and this is my other child Silvana.’

‘What a beautiful name Silvana. I have some copies of the biography with me. Would you like me to autograph one for you?’

‘Oh would you please. I’d be honored.’

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Angry and horny would be the words I would describe April at that very moment. I could tell she didn’t know about Becky and for that I was very glad. It was however obvious in this very awkward moment that she know about Rachel and myself. I quickly grabbed my clothes putting them back on, slightly embarrassed from April’s presence. “And how do you suppose we work this out?” April asked softening her tone. “Well,” Rachel hesitated thinking ‘what could I possibly offer her?’ Just then April...

1 year ago
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Julian Is Dead

We won’t tell him. Ever. He has been so limitlessly sad since Julian died. There is nothing to do but stay next to him and hope he gets over it soon. It is mid-winter now in the fourth year of no more Julian. If he hadn’t been under doctor’s care, we don’t know what would have become of him. He has slit his wrists twice now and sleeps rarely. We take turns holding him at night, trying to keep him warm. But even in the hottest nights of mid-summer, he is freezing and is like ice. So you can...

1 year ago
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Me and Adam

Introduction: Two 13 year old boys find the sexual pleasures in each other – the DIRTY way! It was a long Friday at school, and I was glad to finally be done. It would be good to have a weekend without tests and homework. As I boarded the bus, I thought about what a fun weekend I would have. I was going to stay at my best friend Adams house for the weekend. Adam and I were both in many classes together, and being 13, we loved to annoy our teachers, so it was nice to not have a detention today....

4 years ago
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I help my next door neighbor after his accident

Forewarned there is a tiny bit bit of gay oral sex, the rest is straight sexTony is my next door neighbor, he is a young black man about 19 yearsold. He lives alone and often when my husband is away on business he comes over and keeps me company. Tony had a job working at a restaurant, one day I get a call from him at the hospital. He had burned his hands at work while cooking and he wanted me to go and pick him up and drive him home. I got to the hospital and the poor baby's hands were both...

1 year ago
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PornPics Facials

What's up Fuckers?! If you watch as much porn as I do, you might love a good money shot, cumshot, splash to the dome, whatever you want to call it. Many websites show facial videos, but let's talk about a site with facial photos. You'll be getting my opinion on the facials section of PornPics. I'll tell you what I love about this website, give some critiques, and then say what the creators should do to make it even better for the fellas and lady fellas. In the end, I'll give it a score of flop...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
3 years ago
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DarkFyre Chapter Eighteen

DarkFyre Chapter Eighteen The next day, Rael was a busy man. Silmaria sat back and watched him with a sort of amused fascination. After a long night of rest, Rael was renewed and overflowing with energy and robust health. They’d discussed with disappointment how much of the bear meat was going to go to waste as its spoiling became eminent, but Rael gave a good effort at consuming as much of it as possible that morning. Silmaria was shocked and very nearly appalled, and couldn’t quite keep...

4 years ago
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First Time with Reena

This is a real experience with one of my colleague in the office. Self and Reena were working for the same company, but different department. Reena was married with a daughter. I was based in Mumbai and she was in Hyderabad. Since we were in different departments, we never had a chance to interact with each other, but whenever I used to visit Hyderabad, I used to see her once in a while, just the usual hi and that is it. She was smart looking girl with good features. She had short hair, very...

2 years ago
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A Story Of A Married Girl

Hi friends, I am Sakshi(Name changed) from Bangalore. I am basically from Delhi, A Punjabi girl. This is a real incident which happened in my life. I would like to thank ISS for changing my life. I am not sure what made me to read a story in ISS as i am not a reader of ISS or any other sites. I am not into porn or sex either. I am a normal Indian girl you see in your house, your neighbours house. Its not exactly a sex story so readers who wants to go back and read other erotic story can leave...

3 years ago
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The Waiting GameChapter 2 Whoops

When the sun came up, Claire shook me awake and curtly informed me that it was time I got the hell out of their apartment. I stumbled around my new apartment complex—still in my underwear—until I finally tracked down the building manager and got him to open my front door. The power was back on and my cell phone was charged and staring right at me. Three missed calls from Sonya. I felt awful. For a moment, I considered picking it up and calling her back right then and there, but she was...

2 years ago
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My Favorite Student 3

I awoke to a head of sexy red hair spread across my chest. Running my fingers through it, I recalled the hot night I'd just had. I'd woken my student up around 8 pm for a second "lesson." I took her from behind as we laid on our sides. Slipping my hand down her back, I wondered what I would teach her today. She was an eager little thing, I would find out later that day, curious about different positions, and different degrees of stimulation. But that morning, my hand now reaching her soft ass...

Straight Sex
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Aging WellChapter 6 Sandy writes

I liked it, his arm that is, and appreciated his pride in my work. We stood there for some minutes just looking at the framed painting on his wall and enjoying the closeness. I said, “Let’s go to my place. I need to put some things on to simmer for supper tonight.” “Your wish is my command.” We went over to my condo and into the kitchen. I put on an apron. Jack said, “How can I help?” “Just watch and tell me things about you.” I saw him watching my moves as I prepared the sauce for this...

2 years ago
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Rob hardly recognized her at the airport arrival entrance. It had been ten years since he last saw his sister Renee. Their family wasn’t big on reunions, or much else for that matter. Actually she was a step-sister, his dad marrying her mother. Now her mother was in hospice with little time left. His dad had died a decade ago and that was the last time he’d seen Renee, at the service. In the meantime, his marriage had gone down the tubes too. But Renee still hung on to hers, the last he’d...

3 years ago
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My first time as a girl

I'd been dressing for a few years and I'd got to that stage where it wasn't just about dressing femme anymore but being femme. When dressed, I would adopt feminine mannerisms and would stay dressed even after I’d masturbated, enjoying my femininity for as long as possible. But I needed to share. I would dress and ring sex phone lines. Then I got my first pc and discovered chatrooms. I quickly got into going on cam with guys. One day someone new (John) came online. After we’d cybered a few...

1 year ago
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The Girl Stories Uncle Ben 1

When Ben was sound asleep, she sneaked into the living room, where the computer was standing. She used her USB drive to boot it and go around any password. As she suspected the drive was not encrypted. She quickly found his porn folder. --- "I knew it!" --- she said to herself --- "He's gay." She suspected that for a long time. That would be a problem in her assignment, but when she dug a bit more, she realized: --- "Naughty uncle. I see you like young boys." --- she exclaimed ---...

4 years ago
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Kids These Days Part I

Alyssa is ten years old, she's a gamer because her brother has many games for her to sneak into her room and play. She usually plays the dirty hacked games that her brother bought, oh and by the way he's 17. Today she found a new game that...kind of surprised her. "I'm going to school Alyssa!" Alyssa's brother says "There's a bowl of cereal down here!" Alyssa usually walked to school by herself, but today her friend Aurea is taking her. Walking to school.. "Soo did you...

2 years ago
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This Song Is Over

I like to crank some tunes when I fuck. It sets the mood, you know? And Frankie is a great song to fuck to.Relax, don’t do it. When you want to cum. *1“Oh FUCK me Daddy! Yes, yes, yes fuckkkkkk me Daddy…”I pumped her harder and harder, both of us close. Having a woman call me ‘Daddy’ was such a turn-on for me.“Cum in me Daddy! Fill me up oh gaawwwwdddd!”Her pussy clenched tightly on me. Her back arched as she thrashed around in full orgasmic ecstasy. The candlelight danced on her magnificent...

Love Stories
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Modern Family

100% fiction! I come from a well to do family in Delhi. Our family could be described as somewhat a modern family I have a younger sister who's 20. My dad's 45 and my mom is 40 and I myself an 22 years of age. My mom is the bomb shell of the family, she's 5'8 has large D cup breasts and a perfect ass. Shes has curves to kill for. she looks younger than her age. Both my sister and mom receive a lot of attention from men in public places or at parties that we host or go to. We are prominent...

1 year ago
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This Bloody Boiler

This bloody boiler, about time it was replaced, save money in the long run, but no, too bloody cheap to spend a few thousand. The pump this time, next it'll be the injectors or something else. I spent years replacing part after part, but what the fuck, in a couple of years I would be retiring and someone else can worry about it. After about an hour I had enough and decided to stop for a cup of tea. I sipped my cuppa and hand rolled a fag, then I heard a sight sound, where I sat in the boiler...

3 years ago
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A New PastChapter 27 New Jobs

I kissed Jeryl softly, so as not to wake her, and quietly headed out of the house for my morning run. Once again, running had become my thinking refuge. There was peacefulness to my mind as I pounded out the miles. The first weeks of summer had flown by with meetings and time in the office drafting papers and filing patents. I had spent the past two weeks in upstate New York with Doctors Reis and McTavish as we worked on the fabrication process to build our custom microprocessors. We had not...

4 years ago
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Our new Friend

She’s sitting there, on the couch, her head turned towards me, and listening. We’ve been talking for over an hour, her and me and Emma. Emma’s now in the kitchen, fetching refills for the gin and tonics that have slowly moved our moods, from a nervous awkwardness towards something more intimate. More pleasurable. Closer.A moment later, Emma re-enters the room, her arrival heralded by the clink of ice in crystal glasses, which seems in that moment to be the most erotic sound one could imagine....

1 year ago
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My first time with a guy

It was my senior year of high school. I had never had an interest in guys, had had lots of girlfriends and a big guy, about 6'3", 220 lbs, and very strong. He was also very dominating and intimidating, and always got what he wanted. One weekend my parents left, and weren't coming back until the following Tuesday, and Corey came over to spend the weekend at my house. We messed around for awhile, playing video games and what not, and then he told me he had an idea. He said he would bet me $20...

2 years ago
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Cum sponge

Christine often went to _edge play_ after work on Friday nights. Her job as a legal secretary for a law firm on Wall Street didn’t leave much room for self-expression. The cab let her out on 14th street. After a short walk down the block, she stood before a pair of glass doors in a stainless steel frame on an, otherwise, featureless gray stucco building, the entrance to _edge play._ She walked down a short hallway, past a bdsm bookstore on the left and a novelty store on the right, around a...

1 year ago
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Adult Empire Big Tits

Men are simple creatures. While ladies are busy having some of the most complicated genitals in the known universe, guys keep it easy. We have a penis, it wants to be stroked, and when it's stroked, we are happy. It's about as far from brain surgery as one can get.Universal Boner DonerThe only step that has to happen before the stroking can begin is getting hard. Fortunately, the same few things can get almost any man hard, and chief amongst these few things are a big honking set of tits.Big...

Premium Big Tits Sites
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The Darkmoon Faire part 2

Introduction: The Darkmoon Faire (part 2) Rather short, as stories go, but … whatever. If youre looking to jack off to this, then… well, enjoy the ending. >,:) Think of it as a Valentines gift! <,3 I guess good things just couldnt happen to me, because if they did, I get hurt in the end. — So, um, what is this supposed to be? Jarred, next to me, looked defeated and slightly horrified. There mustve been something nice there before, but something ate it and left a present where some...

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1928Chapter 11

Another month passed and it was now March. The evenings in New York were still cold. Downtown the lights of the shop windows caused a glow in the faces of the pedestrians on the sidewalks. On the corner of 34th Street and Seventh Avenue a woman in a red hat pulled the collar of her coat closed to cover her throat. The women were now wearing tight-fitting hats, the front part of the brims turned up. The men wore fedoras and bowlers, the hats sometimes tilted at a jaunty angle to give a bit of...

2 years ago
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“Mark, can you come in here, and look at this computer?”Shit! “I’ll be a few minutes mom, erm just finishing my homework”. Her white silky panties were wrapped tightly around my cock, I was close to cumming and just needed another couple of minutes.“Ok, but hurry up please”Fuck, hopefully she hadn’t discovered the porn site ( avaae dot com ) I had saved on the laptop. I could feel a burst of adrenalin rushing through my body, adding to the building sexual excitement.My hand slipped up and down...

1 year ago
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Shruti8217s Transformation 8211 The Wedding Prep

Note: This is a story I have written after getting inspired by another story on ISS. “Hello, I am Ramsankar.” said a fat, short guy about in his forties, wearing a suit while he stood at the entrance of the house. “Oh! Please, please come in. I’m Shruti’s father.” said a skinny older guy with gray hair, standing inside. He welcomed him in a small 1BHk apartment of his. Then directing him to a seat he said, “Please sit. Shruti is getting ready. I’ll go tell her that you have come.” This old...

3 years ago
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Like Kissing Your BrotherChapter 2

Carey had bathed and was laying on her bed (now the spare bedroom) watching the clock. It was getting close to ten o'clock and her mother would be going to bed soon. She and Tad had plans for tonight and she wanted to make sure Mom was in bed before she tip-toed to Tad's room. Mom knew about Carey and Tad, but Carey didn't want to rub it in. Her mother knocked on the door and Carey said, "Come in, I'm decent." Her mom came in and sat on the edge of the bed. "I wanted to say good night...

2 years ago
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Maggies Family Part 7

It would have been a normal end of the week had it not been for the arrival of Maggie’s sister. When Beth had phoned her, Maggie had noticed that she seemed a little down and without much thought had decided it would be great for her to visit. In any case, it had been a while since they saw each other.It wasn’t long before Maggie was getting the full low-down on what was troubling Beth. She hadn’t been in the house more than a few minutes before she poured her feelings about her recent split....

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Sissy Tammy

It all started back in the 60's, 1967 to be exact, when I was 13 years old. As a c***d I was a bit small and frail, taking longer to develop than most boys my age, and as a result I ended up playing more with the little girls on my block than the boys. This was also a problem of geography, not having any boy friends living near us, and that was probably just as well because all they did was tease me and beat me up, never letting me play any of their games.My only real play friend was a pretty...

3 years ago
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My Life As A Genie

Being a genie has its perks, my breasts are perpetually firm and they never sag. My immortality lets me keep my youth. While being blessed with the vitality of a young woman is fantastic, to be honest, sometimes the wait to be found can be most annoying. It may not feel as long as it actually is, but sitting in my bottle for decades on end sure can be lonely. I’ve come across some of the most interesting people with this life. Not many people know how we become genies and most don’t care, they...

1 year ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 41

We talked about my Father on the drive back to my house. Jeff seemed optimistic we could find a way to get to him based on Dad's concern with his image. I was not convinced. I parked in my driveway and we headed up to my room. I closed the door and took Jeff to the closet, which was open. "This is what you'll wear," I told him. "Khakis?" he asked, surprised. "They probably work better than jeans for my purposes, and they'll give you another look." "Ashley knows best." "And...

3 years ago
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Making HeroesChapter 10

There was considerable distress in Asmia the next morning. By the time Sue and Jack had reached the business district, the merchants, particularly, were running around and lamenting that they could not leave town. There were shouts of how terrible this was for business and there would be financial ruin everywhere if the barrier was not soon lifted. Sue and Jack were slightly amused at the predictions of dire consequences, but they tried to ignore the turmoil. The first thing they needed to...

2 years ago
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A tribute to Ms K

Her name was Joy Kenny. She was a neighbor of mine while I was a teenager. My mother was older than she was but they both was housewife's. So they became friends besides being neighbors. Often when I arrived home after school Joy will be in the kitchen. Joy was 10 years older than I was but I had a enormous “crush” on her. Let me describe this creature of my young fantasy. She stood about 5' 8” or so. A delightful smile which I see now even though more than 50 years has past. She had short fire...

1 year ago
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My wife My friend and I

I am starting my story by telling you how gorgeous my sexy wife is. My wife and I have been married for 25 years. She is a beautiful blonde half German and half Hungarian. She is 5.4” tall, and 130 lbs. She has firm model legs that any man or woman can crave for. Her tight juicy pussy is always hungry for a hungry mouth, tongue or a hard cock. Her nice 34 b tits have two small young suckable nipples that are always erected and ready for action. Before I married Mona, she had no intercourse with...

Group Sex
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First Dates Are Kissing Dates Murmuring with Starlings 1 and 2

Murmuring with Starlings 1 and 2 First Dates are Kissing Dates By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2016 Murmuring with Starlings contains material of an adult nature and is not suitable as reading material for minors. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental A chance encounter in a chat room that leads to electronic meetings and eventually John asks Emma for a date. But Emma has old fashioned ideas, she's a...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 19

We enjoyed our lunch and spent a lot longer than usual just visiting. Mr. Bell was thrilled about Rebecca's pending baby, and we talked about what ifs. What if she's a girl? What if it's a boy? What if they're twins? What if this ... what if that? Fatherhood didn't worry me. Being a lousy father was a huge concern. Mr. Bell had some sage advice. "David, you have a gentle, kind spirit. If you let your kindness and tendency to react logically rule your behavior, you'll do fine as a...

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