Aspiring Novelist Pt. 04 free porn video

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As soon as the TV crew cleared up and left the real party was underway just as Patricia and Billie returned from taking Mandy to the airport.

‘Why was Mandy jumping and yelling after being on the phone after closing the interview,’ Natalie asked.

Her mother said, ‘Mandy told us in the car that was her producer telling Mandy it was her best interview in the four years she’d been with the show.’

‘Well I thought the staging was excellent and Mandy was really great not sticking to the script and thus allowing the interview to flow naturally,’ said Natalie, a college-bound drama student.

There was much kissing and crying when Billie left the party at 1:00. She refused to allow anyone to take her to the airport saying she had a cab booked to get her into Corpus Christi in time for the flight at 6 am.

Billie left on the flight to Dallas where she decided to change the next leg of her flight to New York to somewhere else. During the flight she looked at a map intently and couldn’t really decide so thought she’d chose a most unlikely place for her to spend summer. Her finger fell on South Dakota and at the airline’s desk in Dallas converted her ticket to be flown to Sioux Falls.


Billie had heard of the name Sioux Falls, but that’s all. On the flight she learned more about the city from a brochure she’d picked up at a travel desk at Dallas-Fort Worth International.

It proved to be a long day for her. She arrived at the city at 7:30, thirteen and a half hours after leaving Corpus Christi. She booked into a hotel and after eating a hamburger went to bed.

On the third day of looking round the city Billie went bus to Rapid City in the south-west, a journey of interest that took her across much of South Dakota to the famous Black hills. The assistant hotel manager she had dinner with at the hotel on the second night there was from Rapid City and said with Billie wanting to find peace and quiet she was more likely to find it more appealing there than in Sioux Falls.

Billie stayed at a hotel in and next day replied to an advertisement in the Rapid City Journal about a large bedroom with sitting room and bathroom available for rent. Arrangements could be made to eat with the family. She went out by cab with her two bags to the home of a recently retired couple overlooking Arrowhead Country Club and liked what she saw.

‘I’ll take it. It’s just what I hoped to find. You have a beautiful home.’

‘Well are you sure.’

‘Yes Mrs Meade. I’ll take it now. I have my bags with me.’

‘Um do you have references?’

‘No sorry. I left that stuff at home back in Texas. Perhaps I could call me mom and let you speak to here.’

‘But Miss Summers I don’t know your mother or anything about you.’

‘I noticed one of my books on the table in your TV room.’

‘By god, she is THE Billie Summers,’ Mr Meade laughed. ‘You best call me Harry young woman.’

”Now hold on there,’ Amelia said suspiciously.

‘Mrs Meade, ask me any question you wish about ‘Wretched Rachel’ and if I’m unable to answer it I shall leave immediately.’

‘Fetch me the book Harry. The author’s photo is on the back cover.’

‘I have my driver’s license to prove who I am.’

‘No the book Harry.’

He returned with the book grinning and said to his wife she’d always wanted a paying guest who was famous.’

‘Oh my lord, it is you. My dear a thousand apologies.’

‘It’s okay, I realize one can never be too careful about admitting people into their home.’

‘I’m glad you understand Billie. Please call me Amelia.’

Moving to ease the woman’s embarrassment Billie said, ‘You have such a pretty and enduring name.’

‘I’ll get used to Billie,’ Amelia smiled.

Finalizing terms of occupancy Billie opted to have all means with Harry and Amelia.

‘Our daughter Robin is around your age and will be here soon to look you over,’ Amelia said candidly. ‘She’s twenty-six and our grandson is eight months and Robin is married to Kevin who is an executive in banking but not as senior as our son who is CEO in the company’s he’s with.’

Amelia’s rapid tongue was a warning to Billie to be careful what she said to Amelia particularly as she’d already decided to try to have her growing celebrity status ignored in this community. By maintaining a low profile she’d have more time to spend on research and on writing.

Robin arrived with the baby who was very cute and a Mrs Moorhead from next-door came over to see the baby. Billie has left the room by then to find Harry to ask if he could help her choose a vehicle to buy, a pre-used vehicle preferably.’

He grinned but didn’t share the joke and said he’d grab a jacket and take her somewhere if she was ready to buy.

‘Yes please Harry.’

Billie went into the living room and Mrs Moorhead looked at her and gasped and said, ‘Omigod, Billie Summers. Omigod. I watched you on TV the night before last and can’t wait to get your new book ‘Horsewoman’ that I’ve preordered.’

‘Oh Billie this is my dear neighbor Mrs Moorhead who is president of the local writer’s club. You have 120 members don’t you Nancy?’

‘Almost 150 Amelia.’

‘Hi Mrs Moorhead.’

Mrs Moorhead insisted Billie called her Nancy and immediately turned the screw to allow her to submit to the club committee to invite Billie to become an honorary club member and to invite her to be a guest speaker.’

‘Yes I’ll speak to your club and pay my membership like everyone else.’

‘Oh no Billie, a distinguished writer like yourself must be elevated to honorary membership along with our former presidents and patrons. Eleven of our members are published novelists but their books are not marketed nation-wide as yours are.’

‘But I’m relatively insignificant on the scale of sales nationally.’

‘Well ‘Horsewoman’ will change that. I heard on book news on radio this morning that your publisher, Under the Tree Publishing has been swamped by orders for Horsewoman and is handing out contracts to printers on the West Coast and in Chicago and Dallas. She quoted from a press statement put out by your publisher this morning that orders from on-sellers in Texas in particular have gone through the roof and the presenter of the radio program said she’d just finished a pre-lease copy and predicted sales will be in the hundreds of thousands, perhaps exceeding a million.’

Billie turned while and collapsed into a chair. ‘Omigod this is awful. I wanted to begin my new novel here but now my publisher will be lining me up for promotional appearances. I cam here to lie low and still could manage that. It would help Nancy is would could delay saying anything about me but I promise eventually to accept honorary membership and speak to your club, perhaps in three months’ time.

Excited conversation followed and then as it was dying Robin asked, ‘What is you new novel called?’

‘I only have the working title and haven’t written a word or drafted a story line yet. It was something that began appearing in my mind and I based my title on that. It’s called ‘Woman on a Swing’.’

Amelia and Nancy glanced at one another.

‘What, have you read a book with that title?’

‘No Billie,’ said Nancy but our friend Dorothy Manning has a painting in her lounge done by her daughter when she was a senior fine arts student. It’s of Dorothy on a swing with a crown of flowers in her hair.’

Billie said what a coincidence and added Harry was taking her in to the city to buy a car.

‘What a coincidence,’ Amelia laughed and the others laughed but Billie saw nothing funny in what she’d just said.

Harry stopped opposite the big dealership and pointed at it with pride. ‘That business was founded by my father, starting with a small yard crammed with a dozen vehicles and a near collapsing caravan was his office. Then I succeeded him and last year
my son took over the day to day running of the business.’

Harry drove across into the huge yard and parked in a prime space marked Chairman.

‘Let’s see what best buy I can get you interested in and then we’ll see what discount the pre-used department is offering,’ said the chairman. ‘What have you been driving?’

‘A Jeep Wrangler.’

‘Good because you’ll find 4-wheel drive useful in this territory if you intend moving about in the hills and it’s highly recommended if you intend being here over winter.’

‘That sounds good advice.’

‘We have a bit of everything here, received a trade-ins, but most of it I’d use caution. I say know the owner and you’ll know the vehicle.’

‘What about that 2006 Jeep Liberty over there, the white one?’

‘Oh I say, top choice. Jack Fish has owned that since new. Ignore the price sticker because I can get it for you better than that. So nineteen grand is within your price range?’


‘Well since you are living with us and we have a spare space in the garage, I’d like to put a honey like you in a vehicle that reflects your style. Look two down from the Liberty.’

‘Oh that real cool Infiniti?’

‘Yes an ex-demonstrators that had since been owned by our new sales manager’s wife. It’s a 2006 Infiniti FX all-wheel drive and the ticket will say almost $26,000. What say if I can screw Jacki the pre-used manager to drop the price down to $20,000?’

‘Let’s take it for a test drive and then I’ll make my choice.’

An hour later after having kissed Harry in front of the company’s giggling sales manager Billie drove him home in her $19,995 Infiniti and was so happy.

After returning back home with Amelia, who’d insisted on being driven around to perimeter of the two golf courses and then declaring it was a great buy, Billie went to her room, turned her phone on and found three messages from the marketing director of Under the Tree Publishing. She called Mrs Morgan who invited Billie to call her Jane.

‘We are up to our necks in preorders for your latest book.’

‘So you want me to go on promotional tour?’

‘Hell no, are you crazy? We are already negotiating for five additional printers to output ‘Horsewoman’. No this is to talk with you about the media frenzy. I have thirty-one people from the media wishing to interview you including from two top magazines.’

‘What I suggest you rank them in your preferred order and for the next twenty days I’ll be available, day or night to talk to them. But they’ll have to come to me.’

‘Well that’s no problem Billie. You’re in New York aren’t you?’

‘No in Rapid City.’

‘Where on earth is that?’ asked the New Yorker.

‘In South Dakota in the Black Hills quite near to Wyoming.’

‘Oh Christ, you can’t remain holed up out there.’

‘I am and I can. I chose where I wish to live, not the media.’

Jane sounded close to blowing a head of steam.

‘Jane let’s try this: if they want me you tell them where to find me and schedule their appointment time to avoid overlaps and advise me. Any time and day you set within that 20-day period beginning from tomorrow will be fine. If none of them want to come here then I’ll come to New York for two days but please don’t tell them that immediately… save it as a reason to call them back in a few days. If a few of the major publications journalists agree to come here then forget about the minnows. As I say, if they want me they will be told where to find me. Here are my details.’

After noting the details Jane said she couldn’t see Billie’s concept working.

‘I say this kindly Jane, you have a commercial brain that suits your marketing role. These journalists will be feature writers and possibly with romantic notions of having to cross most of America to find me holed up and being feted by the local writers club and when I tell them my upcoming novel is likely to be called ‘Woman on a Swing’ they will view this as so cute and folksy they’ll write so sweetly and whimsically that Under the Tree Publishing will think it has a possible idyllic blockbuster coming up.’

‘You ought to be in marketing Billie.’

‘I’ll leave that to people like you Jane. I’m a lazy romantic who likes to watch butterflies flitter.’

‘Oh god you sound so incredibly lovely Billie. When we heard that you almost removed your editor’s head we all thought you must be such a bitch.’

‘I’m beginning to think I’m all things to all people Jane. Oh next time you are having sex do it with a flower stalk between your teeth and see where that takes you and your lover.’

‘Oh god, I must try that Jane. Have you any more great tips for the bedroom?’

‘Bye Jane.”

Ending that call Billie thought it seemed incredible that aged twenty-five it appeared she’d just written a top-seller… er… and in the top league seller. And for the second time she’d given much older women advice off the top of her head that appeared to hold them in awe of her. She must stop doing that otherwise people would really expect her to know everything and be invincible. Every author has at least one book that bombs. Would ‘Woman on a Swing’ bomb.’

She went next-door to tell Nancy Whitehead that an author’s tour was not being considered and Under the Tree Publishing would be informing journalists wishing to interview her where she was living.

‘So feel free to invited me to speak to members of your club any time you wish subject to you checking times and dates with me.’

‘It will be a luncheon.’

‘Oh good. People listen better once they’ve eaten.’

‘Oh yes I suppose they do. You appear to know an awful lot for one so young Billie.’

‘I’ve always been good about what I have been told about looking and listening carefully Nancy.’

‘Oh yes, I remember my mother and her mother telling me that as a child. I suppose I took some notice of them. Um please stay for a drink. My husband Anthony will be home soon and I’ll call Harry and Amelia over. God I live the sleek lines of your new car.’

‘Yes I see it as being powerfully feminine.’

‘Oh I suppose I do too.’

The next day Billie went into the city to hire a financial adviser to sort out her financial affairs. She believed she had far too much money sitting in her two bank accounts and had several investments. Clutching her larger handbag crammed with documents relating to her finances and investments she walked into the offices of Arthur J. Jones and Associates, business and financial planning consultants.

‘Yes miss,’ said the young receptionist.

‘I’d like a sexy consultant to manage me please.’

Giggling the twenty-year-old said, ‘We are business and financial consultants, not one of those sex places.’

‘Oh darling, you have lovely humor. You choose a consultant for me, er one who is available.’

The receptionist whispered, ‘Doug Mann is our only sexy consultant in my opinion.’

‘Then whistle him up please.’

The receptionist made a call to Mr Mann about a possible new client wanting to see him.’

Billie strained and heard him say, ‘Invite her to make an appointment to see me.’

‘She looks very sexy.’

‘I’ll be right out.’

A door down the corridor opened and a thirty-year-old with broad shoulders and messy brown hair strode out, looked at Billie and gaped… ‘Miss Billie Summers I presume?’

‘Yes so you read my books?’

‘No but my mother does. I have often looked at your picture on the back cover and had wild thoughts about you. Most female authors appear to shave.’

‘Oh most of us shave Mr Mann but I leave my face unshaven.’

Mr Mann swung his reddening face at the giggling receptionist and then apologized in a mumble, ‘Apologies for somehow becoming rather too personal.’

‘Excuse me I didn’t quite hear what you were saying, you mumbled.’

‘Come through Miss Summers and I’ll rep
eat my apology as it’s quieter in my office.’

Billie winked at the receptionist and followed her new consultant.

‘Well what do you think Doug?’

He removed his reading glasses, belched rudely and said, ‘To be frank I agree with you. You have money, a rather large amount in fact, here there and everywhere. As you said it’s a bit of a mess.’


‘I cannot give you advice until you sign on. It’s office protocol.’

‘Be a rebel Doug. Use the f-word about protocol and give me a piece of advice to convince me to hire you as my consultant.’

‘You appoint professional people, you don’t hire them.’

‘Are we to quibble over wording?’ Billie said easily and Doug grinned.

‘I can see why my mother likes your writing. You have quite a way with you. Okay, my thinking is sell your oil shares will oil is sky oil. They will fall and probably very heavily at the next downturn and the last sector in oil to recover will be the value of prospecting stock.’

‘Oh that’s very impressive advice I think. At least I understand your logic. Where do I sign to hire you… on your shirt front?’

‘I’ll make out the form now for you to sign.’

‘And prepare the authority that allows you to buy and sell stock on my behalf but with my written instructions that may be emailed to you?’

Doing some of the paperwork Doug said, ‘Yes and what do we do with this money from the sale of the oil stock?’

‘We do nothing until you present me with a proposal.’

‘Excellent thinking although I could not have moved on your behave without having done that.’

‘Do you date?’

The pen froze and Doug said, ‘Excuse me.’

‘Do you date?’

‘I’m married and take my wife out if that’s what you mean.’

‘Um yes, that’s what I did mean.’

When the meeting ended Billie said goodbye but more or less slunk out of the office, having difficulty to believe she could have fouled up on such a basic. Her married consultant had said he’d call her when he had a about a consolidated investment proposal to present to here. That was likely to occur within two days.

Returning home Billie booted her laptop and found two interviews had been booked for the day after tomorrow and three the following day.

Jane wrote: ‘It’s unbelievable that so far only one publication has refused to send its journalist to you. The others appear to think the expense and time involved is worth it because you are hot. Good luck.’

Billie told Harry and Amelia during dinner about the interviews and Amelia said it would be fine for Billie to use their lounge for that or to use the garden but Billie said no it would be fine. If it were wet or windy she’d go to their hotel or to a restaurant if the visiting journalist was making a flying visit. Could you two take me into the city tomorrow and show my parks and other places of interest where I could be interviewed and photographed.

‘Oh sure,’ Harry said. ‘There are some great places in the business district and you would have seen street benches and if you wish to be interviewed in any of the galleries or tourist stores just say the word and I’ll pave the way for you and most of the store owners and gallery owners and profession people know me because I’ve been in business here since dad appointed me manager of vehicle spare parts when I was seventeen years of age.’

The first interview was with a feature writer and photographer from a New York daily newspaper and the afternoon interview was with a writer and photographer from a national women’s magazine. Billie found it so easy because she’d decided not to attempt to give a fresh interview each time but leave it to the journalists to attempt to be individually slanted to extract information that suited the style of their publication. It was easy for here to answer questions and she did work to be lively, thoughtful and refreshing. It appeared to work.

Doug had called early afternoon and she went to his office by appointment at 5:00 after completion of the second interview.

Billie sighed the authority for Doug to arrange the sale of her oil stock and then discussed the options on the investment schedule he’d proposed and she then settled on the options she would follow. With that done she agreed his future involvement would be limited to a six monthly review unless her financial circumstances or wider economic stability changed dramatically. She left the office feeling not only more financially secure but more fiscally responsible through now having her growing wealth under management. She then chose a local attorney and a local accountant from the short list of names Doug had recommended.

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three of us

She was horny and needed release but she also wanted a show. She called her two friends and invited them over. When they arrived she was wearing only a sheer robe. She had them strip to their underwear. The girl was sexy and had a very hot body. The guy was gorgeous and well hung. They were fun to play with and did not mind letting her run the show. She laid the girl on the bed and sat the man in a chair to watch. First she pulled his cock thru the opening in his tight briefs. She wanted to see...

3 years ago
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My Wife Alyce and Her Surprise

I had assumed the vehicle parked out front was for one of her female clients; my wife does makeup for women in a private setting, teaching them how to apply it as well as giving them facials (oh, I wish). So I entered the house with my usual quiet reserve so as not to intrude upon them should they be talking “girl talk” and the like. My usual habit is to move to another room on the other side of the house and go to work on my laptop and then emerge later when all is clear. This wasn’t one...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Khloe Kapri StepSis Wants My Load Deep Inside Her

As my step-sister gets hotter, I’ve been wanting her more and more as the years go on.. My fantasies are out of control! All I can think about is watching step-sis lay back onto her bed and play with her perfect pussy, then her begging for my cock in her mouth. “I want to taste you” she tells me before taking every inch of me down her throat! I bend her over the bed and stretch her out with my thick cock. Her ass looks so good bouncing on my dick, I wouldn’t be able to...

1 year ago
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A Fun Liquid Deposit for Martas Sweet Mouth Part 1

One evening just before closing a couple of Fridays ago, I popped into a branch of my bank to make a small deposit. Little did I know, going in, that I’d also be making a big juicy deposit into the mouth of a very pretty young teller named Marta. I noticed Marta while I was in line. She was one of just two tellers currently serving at the desk; a third was at a desk behind them; and she definitely was the prettiest. She had the sweetest young face imaginable, seemed nicely slim, with perhaps a...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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When plan A fails go to plan B With a double vag

I haven’t taken the time to describe our self. My wife is beautiful; I catch men and yes some women looking at her. Recently we were out when a women came up to my wife just to tell her just how striking she is. Allison is about 5’9” blue eyed blond with medium build a cute round ass and great tits. She is a very caring and giving woman who I love so very much. I am six foot tall and a little heavier than I want to be but I have a good build. Allison will tell you I am a very good looking man....

1 year ago
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Goodbye Miss Granger Part 1

Prologue “Miss Granger, may I ask a question?” Oh shit, here we go. Class smart-ass, Craig Wellman. It was the last week of school and the Year 12s were getting feisty; we’d spent the school year preparing them for life after high-school, treating them like adults, loosening the apron strings and encouraging them to engage us as peers, if not as equals. It worked for most of them; at eighteen they can legally drive a car or drink a beer; though preferably not at the same time. Heck, they could...

Straight Sex
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Mikko Is Not a Party GirlChapter 3

A very long time ago when the earth was still in the beginnings of the development of humankind, a wise old man who lived on top of a majestic mountain remarked, "Perhaps having females was a mistake all things considered." The young monks were aghast at the thought because they all harbored a hope of consummating a perfect union with a perfect female at some time in the future. That secret thought in a hidden part of their brain sustained them on their path to enlightenment and inspired...

2 years ago
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Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 3

September 5, 1845 thru September 10, 1845 Putting up the gables was the hardest part. For one thing they were higher up. For another, each course had to be shorter than the previous one. We built a couple of ladders so we could work on them more comfortably, but still it was hard work. Timmy and the girls finished digging the footer for the fireplace long before we finished with the gables. When we'd get tired of working with the logs, John and I started building the foundation for the...

4 years ago
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Weekend Pony Ride

When I was about 20, a college buddy of mine invited me to spend a weekend with him at his folks' farm, not far from the school. I didn't grow up on a farm, and I was never really comfortable in that environment. However, my buddy Rob and I got along famously, and I appreciated the invitation. I also didn't want to hurt his feelings, so even though I was skeptical, I accepted. As it turned out, his folks' place wasn't really a "working" farm, anymore, in that they raised crops for...

3 years ago
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New Start pt2 new job

I was in the middle of putting away stores when my pager bleeped with a message telling me apartment 12 had a blocked sink in the bathroom, so l finished the job l was doing and went to 12, l knocked then heard a woman telling me to come in, l went inside and got on with unblocking the sink. Things were going well when the woman called to ask if l would help her to the toilet as she needed to pee, all this wasn’t new to me as it was one of the jobs l did while working in the hospital. I...

1 year ago
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Mom and Daughter Bonding

When I was around 15 years old I started to view women in a sexual way. At the time i was nervous and didn't really think it was normal for a girl to like other girls but they were just so sexy. The lipstick, the curves and the elegance just made me want to touch myself. I'm average height with blonde hair and fair skin. Ever since i realised the sexiness in boobs and ass i started to work out and try to give myself a hotter look. I'd like to think that the effect has worked. My ass is tight...

4 years ago
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Amy and Rachel at the Beach Part 2

The house of the middle-age industrialist from Quebec was possibly the most modern structure on the beach. The design was austere inside and out, the décor all white or gray, including the furnishings, which were dramatically stark. Robert Bissett’s dinner guests, Amy and Rachel, were bedazzled, not only by the house, but by their host as well. Amy’s infatuation for the man was obvious from the clothing she selected for her first visit to his home. She pulled on a white T-shirt that advertised...

2 years ago
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Mix Up 3 Being Played

The verbal struggle with John, my boss, was short but heated. It ended with my threat to saddle my horses and ride away with my clients in tow, which left him no other choice than to assign my upcoming sales pitches to other employees and counter-sign the contract. I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to take him down a notch, and he knew it. Less than a week later, I was back in the lobby and Carmen was already waiting for me, her expensive red dress showing more cleavage than was allowable and...

3 years ago
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my first threesome

It was something Paul and I had discussed a few times but never had it got this far today was the day we had found a girl on the site and she was coming round on Saturday night. It had been on my mind all week getting more excited as the day drew near then when i woke up this morning there was excitement and possibly alot of nerves too kind of a weird feeling so we tried to busy ourselves during the day. It was nearly 5pm we had our dinner early tonight then I went off for a bath to get ready...

1 year ago
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My Adventures with KeikoChapter 2 Keiko and I Go Shopping

All day at work I couldn't keep from thinking about the previous day's events. Early in the morning I developed another raging hard-on that stayed with me until I went home. Several times during the day I thought I would have to go to the restroom and masturbate to relieve the pressure. But I was able to somehow successfully resist, saving myself for tonight when I hoped to come again in the presence of Keiko. As soon as I got home, I dropped my stuff on the counter and headed for...

4 years ago
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Doctor of Desire Ch 08

The building had her name on it. CLARE’S WORLD. Of course it did. It was her empire, built up from potholders sold at parties to a multibillion dollar ‘lifestyle industry.’ She understood people and knew how to get or make what they wanted. Her pots and pans were in the most upscale houseware stores. Her gardening boots were sold at Z-Mart. There were three fashion lines, each aimed at a different demographic: Cowgirl, East Sider, Family Values. Women were her bread and butter. A receptionist,...

2 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 31 My Wives Are Married

September – Year 1 I woke up on Thursday morning with no one hanging on me for the first time in a long time. As I looked around, I remembered that last night I had taken myself out of the middle position between my wives. I rolled towards the middle of the bed and there were the two most beautiful women in the world, naked and in each other’s arms. Erin was on her back and Lynn was cuddled up next to her with her left leg thrown over Erin’s thigh. I lay there looking at the perfect image...

1 year ago
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Three Steps to HeavenChapter 6

Guy was near bursting and although his discomfort aroused me, I was desperate for his cock. I beckoned him to join me and parted my thighs to receive him. He moaned with the anticipation of fucking me. His initial movements were unsure and uncoordinated and my arms encouraged him to find a position he was able to serve me. " That's O K, your doing fine Guy. Make a start with it when your ready." I said encouragingly. It took him a few stabs before his cock slid into me but it we both...

4 years ago
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Sexual Awakening Part Two Italian Adventure

Nan’s encounter with Andre had left her full of confidence and newfound sexual energy. She learned that not only could she enjoy sex, but desired it. And while her fling with Andre was completely gratifying, it also sparked a flame deep within her and the fire was building. With the French countryside well behind her, she fantasized about André as the train moved on. They had said goodbye in Austria, and now she was headed to Italy. She had always been fascinated by the tales of ancient Rome....

1 year ago
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Returning Home

Jeffrey Powell could not believe he caught the football. His teammates urged him to move. “Run,” they shouted. “The other way, dummy,” they corrected his misguided footsteps. He did as he was told he ran as fast as he could towards the trash can that marked the goal line. He was only a few inches away, at least in his mind, when Corbin Stewart lunged at him from behind. Jeffrey went down hard as the guy who was three-and-a-half years older fell on top of him.“Mane, come on! This ‘posed to be...

4 years ago
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I hate my toes

I Hate My Toes: A Trans Girl's Lament I hate my toes, I hate my nose And I really hate it when my belly shows I hate my hair I had to share That I really dont think it's fair Because If I was perfect, in every way I'd be happy Or so I say I hate my ears They're out to here or at least that's what I fear I hate my lips I hate my hips and I really hate it when my clothing slips But if I was perfect in every way I'd be happy Or so I say I find faults in every...

2 years ago
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New Slave PlanetChapter 6

With the sex games about to begin, Brianna and her girls lined up behind the curtain, along with the other slaves. She studied each one, wondering who would prove to be the most competitive and how far they would go to come out a winner. She already knew the answer and explained it to her daughters. “It’s like an all-out war,” she explained. “You can’t worry about what you’re displaying or how gross it looks. If you miss out on an opportunity to give them a full, close up view of your pussy,...

3 years ago
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Magic is Bullshit

MAGIC IS BULLSHIT By Persephone © 01/03/16 Sixteen year old Christina was standing in the basement checking her list. "Yes!" she said. "Everything is perfect," as she looked down at the concrete floor. On the floor was an unbroken perfect circle of pure white salt with five white vanilla candles placed equidistance around the outside perimeter. Their small flames flickered brightly in the dimly lit basement. Inside the circle were scattered the leaves of the five various...

2 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 38 Anne

Sigrid came back to North with us and hung up her heavy coat. The room was hot. She looked great in her slacks and red flannel shirt. I made coffee. "Tom says nude cappuccino is great," Sigrid said. "It is. Maybe later. What's up?" "Couple of things. First. I want to tell you and Mary about some stuff that happened over Christmas." She set her coffee cup on the shelf. "I don't know, but I guess you think I'm in some religious group that takes the Bible literally. I'm not. I'm...

4 years ago
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Rough Justice0

" Resisting arrest. And that's Trooper, Tracy." The judge is on his way and will be here soon. The officer brought a small table into the cell sitting it in the center. I walked into the cell and closed the door. Tracy stood up staring at me stunned as I walked over to her. I grabbed her taking her over to the table. I stepped behind her, I hissed in her ear as I bent over her back, pressing her into the unyielding table. My hips pressed hard against her ass, the length of my hard...

2 years ago
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My SIL bro

Hi. i recall this everytime i am alone & feel elder brother Rakesh got married to this slut (v will call her by this name only)when i was 17 & my younger b*o 'vicky' was 16. both, viki n me were very close & had never hidden nething from each other.Slut was a beauty & was amply endorsed. Rakesh is a trader & a bore. 14 hrs of work & 9 hrs of sleep is wat he is addicted to. Anyways, i was dating a stud at that time & viki was dating 4 or probably 5 girls. v...

3 years ago
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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 28 Jackie

JR was still sound asleep when I woke up. I propped my head in my hand, watching his chest rise and fall with his breathing. Part of me wanted to wake him, but I decided to let him sleep. I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom. Mo came in to use the toilet. "That was so cool last night! I can't believe the entire team got naked," Mo said. "We're a team, we support each other," I told her. "Remember when I asked if JR could be my first lover?" Mo asked. "Yeah, I...

1 year ago
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Edith She sat alone in the funeral home, her grandmother who had raised her was gone. Her father had been taken away without her knowing it. Of course, she'd always hidden from him whenever he'd come around. She could remember how he'd treated her mother, her Aunts, even her sisters who were like she was. A girl hiding inside a boy. She'd inherited enough from her Grandmother that she could afford almost anything. But she really wanted her mother and her older sisters. She knew...

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Lilac Vengence

It was a punishment of spectacular design if I do say so myself. I can’t say that I’ve ever thought of vengeance and sex at the same time and managed a hard on. Honestly, it usually isn’t my kind of kink. My box of porno holds the erotic viewing pleasure of sexy MILF’s, innocently curious co-eds, blond nurses, and redheaded teachers looking for a dad to bend her over the desk. No S&M, no leather or bondage, golden showers, gangbangs, or feet fetishes. I’m vanilla with a twist of lemon (for the...

2 years ago
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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XXXVI 8211 He Me And Neeta

We had been out at a party, where we met Neeta (My lesbian sex fuck partner about whom my husband knows everything because I told him everything) I does not hide anything from my husband and I strongly believe that truth makes life very very happy and enjoyable. The host of the party was one of my husband’s friends and indecently he was a client of Neeta’s boss and Neeta was instructed by her boss to attend the party on his behalf. It was late when party finished. Being Friday night, we could...

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Mom, hey, Mom!" 18-year-old Henry Humper yelled as he opened the door of the home he shared with his mother, Hilda and his older sister, Harriet. "I got my report card, Mom, and guess what?""Henry, must you make so much noise?" his beautiful, buxom mother asked him in reply, coming down the stairs to join her son in the front hall of their home. "You sound like a herd of elephants sometimes, I swear.""But Mom!" he repeated. "I got my report card, and guess what? I got all As!""Henry, I am so...

1 year ago
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Higher EducationChapter 2

The best ass I could spot was attached to a married lady. She was a student one year my senior. I noticed her ass in my English class. Many a time, I watched it flex as she walked after class. Her name was Melissa. I met Melissa a few times in the library. I had coffee with her once in the cafeteria. We studied together sometimes in her place. I complimented her a few times on her looks. She blushed. I invited her to dinner and she refused, saying she was married and could not do that. I...

1 year ago
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Mom makes a deal

Mom and son make a deal Growing up in a small town I was always lucky to have my dads looks, I have blond hair, blue eyes and an average build from swimming. My mom was quite the looker too, even as her son I had noticed what a charm to look at she was. She had long brown hair, blue eyes and a body that made grown men cry. She had the curves in all the right places. It was just going on summer vacation and I was close to graduating highschool, the last day ended up being a half day...

3 years ago
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Kidnapped House Wife

Inside, I was tense. In knots. Repeatedly, I'd come to the brink of orgasm and then failed. The harder I was fucked, the more frustrating it was for me. This affair was turning out like all the others. "Fuck me harder, harder!" I forced myself to beg, even though the phallic jackhammer splitting my thighs was already killing me. Despite my suffering, I was not yet ready to give up my quest for an orgasm. Through the agony, I wanted to come so bad I could taste it. To emphasize my...

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