Games Ch. 02 free porn video

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‘Get your hands of my girl,’ Matt stated coldly. James and Spence had ranged themselves behind him, looking every bit as implacable as him.

‘No, no, no,’ I cried, jumping up. Or at least I tried to. I made it halfway, but Brad’s arms held their grip and pulled me back down. When I landed, I could feel his hard cock underneath his pants, and wriggled my ass just a little, to see what he would do. Brad hissed out a breath, put his hands on my waist to help me stand up, and stood up himself, after a very quick and discreet rearranging of things. I was impressed, in more ways than one.

‘Matty, this is Brad. Remember, we went to see him pitch back in August, and then we went to that dive bar where you hooked up with that girl with the legs?’ It all came out in a rush, but people were starting to stare and I didn’t want to be thrown out.

‘What girl with the legs? Where was I?’ Spence asked, as he grabbed an empty chair and seated himself at the table. He grinned at me, and I knew he knew that these guys were ok. I could have kissed him right then.

James was chatting with Eddie about something that made them both crack up, so I knew he was fine. It was just Matt. Looking at his face, he didn’t seem pleased.

His eyes were still cold, but at least he wasn’t snarling anymore. ‘Hey Brad,’ he said gruffly, nodding at the boys still seated.

‘Girl with the legs, huh? Better than Cat’s?’ Brad teased, holding out his hands, suspect style, when Matt’s face hardened. ‘Why don’t you guys come sit with us? We’ll buy you a round, have some laughs. What do you say?’ he asked Matt, but looking at me.

Matt half-shrugged and I took that to mean ‘thanks but no thanks’ so I started to shake my head and explain we were celebrating, but Brad didn’t let me finish. He grabbed a roving waiter and asked for a round of shots, along with some champagne to be sent over.

‘We can celebrate both, hon. My future with the Giants, and his…’ he trailed off, questioningly.

When Matt didn’t immediately volunteer the news, I jumped right in. ‘He just landed his first role on a real movie set! Isn’t that amazing? And guess who he’s working with?’ I babbled excitedly.

Well, that got everyone excited, and the guys peppered Matt with questions, especially when they found out it was a war movie. The waiters came with extra chairs and place settings, and I moved away from Brad to sit down in one. My feet were starting to hurt. Just as I plopped myself down in between Matt and Brad, they both started talking to me.

‘Fix your skirt, Cat. I’m not getting thrown out of here because you’re being slutty,’ Matt burst out just as Brad exclaimed ‘Oh man, why didn’t your skirt do that when you were on my lap?’

I looked down, horrified at the way the skirt had risen around my waist due to my unladylike sitting ability. Apparently when I sat, the hem of the already short skirt had caught on the fabric of the chair back, and I was now flashing that sexy black g-string Matt had picked out.

Furious with him for calling me slutty (even though I know he didn’t really mean it), I tried to adjust my skirt discreetly while blasting him back. ‘Goddamn it, Matty, if your balls weren’t so blue, you wouldn’t have picked out this floss for me in the first place! And if you controlled your goddamn temper a little better, I would have had a laugh with these guys and come right back to the table.’

He looked at me for a moment, considering. Then he shrugged, sheepishly, and chuckled. ‘What can I say, kitten? I didn’t like the looks of him, and the looks he was giving your girls,’ he explained, gesturing toward my chest.

‘Hey!’ Brad exclaimed. ‘In my defense, they’re great girls.’ I punched him in the arm. ‘What? They are! I mean, when you’re working on me, I sorta forget you’re a girl, ya know?’

‘Yeah, she’s a pretty good dude, for a girl,’ Spence leaned over to add.

Eddie, who was watching the interplay, just shook his head. ‘B, she’s your PT? I don’t know how you could stand to have her hands on you all the time, man. Phew!’ he joked.

‘Yeah, Cat,’ Ben added. ‘I definitely hurt my thigh and groin. Can you come check it out for me?’

I laughed, pretended to peer over into his lap. ‘I see the problem, big guy,’ I said thoughtfully. ‘You’re missing something. Do you know who has, or where you last left, your cock and balls?’ I asked sweetly.

The whole table erupted into laughter, even Ben, although he had blushed charmingly. ‘Do you want to help me find them?’ he asked slyly.

‘Such a charmer, you are,’ I laughed. The whole table grinned knowingly at me. ‘What?’ I asked, exasperated.

Travis leaned in conspiratorially. ‘Rumor has it that any girl of Ben’s has to be a snake charmer, if you know what I mean,’ he whispered as he gave me a telling glance.

As I processed this information, I considered Ben, who was sitting back in his chair, accepting my stare. He lifted an eyebrow at me when I finished my appraisal. My smile became a grin, and I couldn’t help it. I busted up laughing. Matt, Spence and James, who had been in their own conversations, looked over to see what had set me off. Ben had a small smile playing on his lips, Travis was grinning, and as I turned, I could see Brad. He had a look of mock anguish on his pretty face.

‘Dammit, Ben!’ he said, without any real heat.

‘Another one bites the dust?’ Frank questioned, jumping into our conversation.

‘Who, Cat?’ James asked. ‘No way. She’s never been gone for anyone. Her cojones are too big for any mortal man to handle.’

My laugh was tight and my smile brittle at James’ words. Story of my life, as the saying goes. I wondered when this joke was going to get as old for them as it was for me. As I was pondering my love life, I involuntarily let out a gasp as I felt Brad’s hand on my thigh. I sneaked him a glance, but he was talking to Frank, although I could detect a hint of a smirk on his lips.

Still hurt by James’ comment and feeling left out of the conversations around me, I flagged the waitress down and ordered myself another drink. I’m sure she saw Brad’s hand from where she was standing, and she, too, gave me a knowing glance. I blushed, and as she walked away to fill my order, I stood, dislodging Brad’s hand.

Everyone turned to look at me, and I nervously smoothed my skirt down again. ‘I, uh, I’m gonna be right back,’ I stammered, turning from the table. As I walked to the restrooms, I could hear the table erupt in laughs, and I knew, I just knew they were laughing at me.

That was ok with me, them laughing at me. That I could handle, and handle well. It came from years of practice. But them acknowledging my lack of love life, and the reasons why, only affirmed the inadequacies I had, and it grew into a huge ball of insecurity in the pit of my stomach. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, ashamed now that I had worn what Matt had wanted me to, and let that influence how I was acting, especially towards Brad and his friends.

Just as I had made the decision to resist Brad and steel my resolve towards the therapist’s oath I had made, I saw his blonde head peeking around the door of the women’s restroom. I stared in disbelief as he looked up, caught my eye and grinned naughtily. ‘What are you doing?’ I asked, laughing.

‘Looking for you,’ he said matter-of-factly. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow, waiting for further explanation. He took the opportunity to close the distance between us, stepping in between my legs as I turned to face him. His hips rolled forward, and mine, trapped against the sink at my back, nestled comfortably in the vee of his. I tipped my head back to look up at him in amusement.

‘What?’ he asked softly, his hand coming up to brush my hair out of my face.

That tender gesture moved something in me, and I turned my face into his hand, brushing my lips agains
t his palm. I heard his shaky exhale. His hand slid back to grab a handful of my hair and tilt my head back even farther. With a predatory gleam in his eyes, his mouth descended on mine. His full lips were firm and demanding, all but forcing me to open up under him. As I parted my lips, his tongue took full advantage and thrust into my mouth, tasting, exploring. I could feel a tightness in my belly, and my fingers dug into his shoulders. He had one hand still wound in my hair, the other was sliding under my shirt to cup my breast. He thumbed my nipple and I jerked, alarm mingling with lust. I tore my lips away from his, panting with the effort and feeling the loss.

‘What are we doing?’ I whispered, more to myself than to Brad.

He dropped his forehead down to mine, eyes closed. ‘Nothing, Cat. Yet,’ he whispered back.

My eyes closed in response, attempting to find some logic or reason. I turned my head and rested it on his shoulder, his arms coming around me, one hand closing on the nape of my neck, the other lazily stroking my back. My own arms closed around his slender waist.

‘Let’s go back to the table,’ he suggested. ‘I don’t want to be thrown out of here again.’

I threw him a look, to which he only shrugged. ‘It’d be worth it this time,’ he eyed me, considering. That was enough to get me to push at his chest and wiggle around him towards the door, his low chuckle behind me. I reached the door and tugged, surprised to find it locked. Brad only grinned at my shock.

‘Did you want someone to walk in on what I had in mind when I came to find you?’ I shook my head, grateful he had thought that far ahead. As it was, my mind was still spinning, trying to figure out what I was going to do with him.

We made our way back to the table, the conversation halting when they spotted us. Mike and Ben had knowing looks on their faces, while Matt was tightlipped. James looked amused, and Spence was openly laughing. The rest of Brad’s boys I’m sure suspected something, but their faces showed only mild interest.

I moved to sit down, and Matt beat Brad to holding out my chair. As I sat, Matt leaned in and murmured, ‘I hope you know what you’re doing.’ I slanted him a look out of the corner of my eye. He met my stare evenly.

I grabbed the drink that was in front of me and took a big gulp. Liquid courage, and all. I could see Brad trying to suppress a smile. Conversation resumed, and we ordered dinner. After the waitress left, a thought occurred to me that had my devilish side coming back.

‘So,’ I cleared my throat, and paused for dramatic effect. Everyone turned to look at me. ‘I guess my night’s on you boys, huh?’ I taunted Matt, James and Spence with a wicked grin. Ben looked intrigued and leaned forward, but it was Mike who spoke up.

‘On all of us? Not that I’m complaining, but did you do something to earn it?’ he teased back. I simply smiled and waited for someone else to explain.

Spence groaned and Matt sighed loudly. ‘She did win,’ James put it. ‘And none of us even started.’ I only smiled bigger, gleeful.

‘Ok, someone explain,’ Eddie demanded.

Matt sighed again. ‘We have this game,’ he began. ‘It’s kind of a bitch-out game. We make each other outdo ourselves and one-up each other.’

‘Like what?’ Frank asked.

‘Well, today, Cat had to ‘accidentally on purpose’ fall into some guy’s lap. Matty was supposed to lure a girl into the men’s room. James had to make out with the male bartender, and I had to bring back the hostess’s panties,’ Spence said, laughing.

At the mention of the bathrooms, I felt Brad sneak his hand back to my knee. Involuntarily, I shivered as his thumb stroked patterns on my bare thigh, but kept my composure. What the hell, right? We were celebrating. And, cherry on top, he was a Giant! What more could I ask for?

‘So her falling in his lap was planned?’ Ben asked slowly.

I met his gaze evenly. ‘That was the bet,’ I said carefully. Whatever he seemed to be looking for in my face apparently satisfied him, as he nodded and turned his head away.

Brad chuckled. ‘I thought you were dicking with us, Cat, when you said you had a bet going.’ I looked at him in surprise. ‘You know, a convenient excuse to come on to me, or something,’ he continued.

Smiling slyly, I shook my head negatively. ‘Sorry, kid, you’re not that lucky.’

Under his breath, I heard Ben mutter, ‘good’ but I didn’t want to question that at all. Dangerous territory. I was better off reverting back to my original decision to flirt with these guys, but not do anything that would jeopardize either my career, or my dignity. I knew I had better watch my step tonight.

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Ye un dino kibat hai jab me ghar par aaya to mere baju wale ghar me naye padosi rahene aaye the. And usko dekhar koi  keh nahi sakta ki who 30 sal ki hogi dikhne me who to sirf 23 sal ki lagti thi. To uska nam Heena tha. Aur uski figure 32”30”32” tha. Mene usko dekhte hi hos uud gaye or mere badan me ek fursat hu e. Who mere samne dekh kar smile kia aur chali gayi. Woh joint family ki wajah se bat karne me jijkti thi. Aur smile ka silsilly chalta raha uss dauran 1 maheena bit chuka tha aumene...

4 years ago
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Sweet CarolineChapter 4

I knew I wouldn’t see Caroline until I picked her up at 7:30, so I looked at my watch and saw I had almost three hours to kill. I was brimming with nervous energy, so I decided to swim for a while. I put on my Speedos’ from before – before ... Wow! Exactly what do I want to happen between Caroline and me? Well, I know what I want to do to Caroline, but there are consequences to a person’s actions ... Oh ... stop thinking with your other head, Richard – grow a pair. I grabbed a towel and went...

3 years ago
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Professors Rape GamesChapter 3

The twins, as soon as their mom closed the door to their room, turned and looked at each other, their eyes glowing with mischief. Debrah got out of bed, and padded on her dainty white feet, over to Donna's bed. The twins curled up beside each other, to talk. "He was so handsome tonight, didn't you think so?" Debrah asked her sister, who was one minute and thirty seconds younger than she. "I just almost died!" Donna exclaimed. "My pussy just creamed and creamed." "I thought I'd...

4 years ago
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Oka raju katha

Mundhu Flash back looki veldham (mokam payina gundraalu aaloochinchukondi!!!). Naaku 16yrs, na height aaradugula okka angulam kaani eppudu okka pittanu kuuda pattaleydu. Sooggadey cinni naayana okka pitta nayina pattaleydu soogaadey………annattu undindi na bathuku. Memu hyderabad lo oka colony lo undey vaallam. Nenu, annayya inka amma naanna. Naa peru raju, annayya peru rahul nenu rahul kanna 3yrs chinnavaadini. Konnirojulu ga rahul inka ma payyinti asha madyalo edo jaruguthundani gamaninchaanu...

2 years ago
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Student Nurse Part 1 Kates Heartbreak

Student Nurse Part 1: Kate’s Heartbreak At home over Christmas break of her last year in nursing school, Kate found it tough to stay true to her boyfriend, Brad. Seeing her parents and friends and relations was fun, but one handsome old boyfriend tried to date her and a very broad shouldered guy came on to her at a party and again New Year’s Eve. She was sorely tempted. Nearly two weeks passed since she and Brad enjoyed a wild night and morning together, but she held out. She arrived back on...

2 years ago
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Judy Gives More Than Counseling 8

Judy Gives More Than Counseling. #8 This was Judy’s second time of fooling around. This story started us on our story time trip. It happened three months after Judy slept with Kevin. In my last story Judy and I met at one of our neighborhood bars. The bar we were in this particular, Friday night was the other local bar. It had eight dart boards and that was all the activity, except for the drinking. The bar was a set down relax and talk to all your friends, type bar. There was a seat open...

3 years ago
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Deciding MomentEpilogue

Two and a half years seems like a goodly amount of time, except when you're in the middle of it. At that point, it just flies by. Jessica had graduated from high school. It was summer. I had found a new job and a nice little house in the town where Jessica would be attending college. You know, one of those 1940's era cottages with two small bedrooms and one small bath. It was cute, though, with its built-ins, and handwork from a time when labor was cheap. It was small, but very...

3 years ago
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Love and Choices

Love and Choices A Tabitha And Kevin Story By Circe Copyright (c) 2006 All rights reserved. Author's note: This story is set in the same universe as the other Tabitha and Kevin tales, but with some new main characters. You should not need to read the other tales to follow this one. Trouble found Melissa Brookwell and Lyle Mansford at a mall coffee shop one fine spring morning in Bardstown, Kentucky, just a few months before their wedding. Melissa had been happily shopping for...

4 years ago
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Team Spirit The Second Half

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 FOREWORD Several years ago I read a story written by Janice the Dreamer titled "Team Spirit". It was wonderful, inventive, and involving, with compelling characters. There was no hero or heroine, just damaged people seeking justice ? as defined by them. This story stuck with me and I found myself asking the classic question, what happened next? I kept creating my own sequel to the original story in my mind. Finally, I was able to contact...

2 years ago
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Like Old Times

Ella was so looking forward to the week ahead. Ella was now twenty-three-years-old. She left sixth form college, West Farm School for Girls, at eighteen-years-old and went to Uni and achieved an upper second degree and was now a trainee in a large firm of Solicitors in London.Ella had often reminisced about her two years at West Farm as being the happiest of her life so far. She worked hard but also played hard and made lots of close friends. In school she was in most top sets along with Lauren...

1 year ago
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YingYang II

Ying -Yang II I last left you all with me taking Paul back to the car to treat him with my performance of oral sex. I started of kissing him deeply then worked my way down his chest as I opened his shirt. Being cold his man nipple stuck out like little tiny nubblits and I sucked and lightly nibbled on them before moving down further. God was he built. Hard chest and six pack abs. I did not know what was coming over me. Then when I got down to my prize I was shocked. Talk about being a...

3 years ago
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Plaything for a Night part 1

I had been chatting with Sir for a long time online but had never met or even planned on meeting in real life. It was just fun chatting with him. Over the months we had shared gotten to know each other quite well, starting first with comments on naughty videos, and then chatting about fantasies. I had shared things with him that I had never shared with anyone. Although this was new to me, he had much more experience and patiently guided me to explore my submissive side. We discussed videos and...

2 years ago
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The Flaming Girls Chapter Three

The Flaming Girls By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Blue Star Walter Middleton had just released himself into a Pretty Polly stocking and the garment hung pathetically from his still engorged penis. A gobbet of thick creamy semen had burst through the sheer fabric of the stocking when he ejaculated and threatened to spatter on the workshop's concrete floor. Walter took the panties away from his face and carefully put them back inside the resealable bag, carefully folding them...

4 years ago
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New StartChapter 7

They were making the lovers undress as we returned and pouring Scotch down their throats. My wife looked pleadingly at me, but I just ignored her and walked over to Joe and Pete to put them in the picture. "Bitch!" that was Katie's voice and I turned to see her picking up the tiny white panties at her mother's feet. "Daddy look" she said quietly. A fresh tattoo had been done just above her shaven mound, it was a huge spurting phallus, with the words, "Hal's slut" on either side of...

2 years ago
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Mery Chudaiya 8211 Part I

Hi friends mein ho apki samreen aik new story k sath apki khidmat mein hazir ho mery pechley stories pay sub friendz nay hot responce dia or bohat say friends nay mujhay net par apni rundi bana lea hai or bohat enjoy kia mein kuch frieds say maafi mangtey ho k mein unko time nahi dey pati magar kya karo friends ka rush hota hai jo net par mjhay chodnay k leye nangay ho kar lund hath mein leye bethay hotay hai isleye jo pehlay online ata hai mein uso satisfy kartey ho laen mery bhe personal life...

1 year ago
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My CoWorkers Wife Part 1

My co-workers Wife.It all started when a guy I worked with at the time said that his Mrs. needed to meet someone to hang out with. He was recently married and his bride had just moved here from 500 miles away and knew no one in the area. So I told him that they should come over to the house this weekend. The job that we worked at always had us on the road and we were lucky to be home 2 weekends a month. But anyway, they came over that weekend and our wives made friends quickly. They didn’t go...

4 years ago
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Eating Ebony Pussy Published by stroker00

Linda works as an administrative assistant in the same firm that I do, and she is a sight to behold. In a nutshell, she is petite, beautiful and naturally busty. But to fully appreciate her, I have to elaborate a little. She is 5'-2" and slender with long, silky, wavy, dark hair that could be in a shampoo commercial. Her face is angelic, but her pouty lips add a kind of sexual aura to her innocence. She has smooth ebony skin, beautiful brown eyes, and a radiant smile framed by her long,...

3 years ago
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Hardcore Sex With Hot Bhabhi

Hi every one this is Rajiv from Banglore, This is my first story so please forgive me if there are any mistakes. And send your feedbacks at This incident happened 2 weeks back, I work as project manager at one of MNC and live in apartment in Bangalore. Above my flat one family is living, Azim work at UAE so Joya and her 2 kids live in here. Joya was close to me I used to help her in house hold work and all. She is a hot chick 26 years of age with fabulous body figure she looks like an angel,...

1 year ago
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Icing on the Cake

© 2001 Today started out as not a very good day. It was my birthday, but I had just moved and didn't really know anyone to celebrate it with. So here I sat on a ladder, painting the trim of outside of my garage. However my crappy day started getting better when I overheard my neighbor talking on the phone in her bedroom. I stopped paying attention to what I was doing, so I could listen to her conversation. "Well he refuses to go down on me. He says real men don't do that kind of...

1 year ago
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Johnnys first time

This story is completely fictional! Hello everyone. My name is Johnny and I am your average, constantly horny, 18 year old high-school student who lives at home with his mom in a small New England town. I go to school during the day, work a part time job at my aunt's candy store, and hang out with the same old friends almost every weekend. As you can already tell, my life is as exciting as watching paint dry. However, I do have a story to tell that’s filled with love, romance, and the greatest...

3 years ago
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Lunch Time at the Hole

In the 1990s, I lived in Atlanta. At that time, Atlanta had a very active and fun gloryhole scene. Most of the adult novelty shops had arcades and these arcades were frequented by all types of men. Especially in the northern suburbs, white collar and blue collar men would stop on the way home for a little end of day wind down. My wife and k**s had left town to visit relatives, so I knew I was going to have a golden opportunity for some good “booth” time. Thursdays were especially hot...

1 year ago
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Art ProjectChapter 9 Models

My session with Dee was as close to the opposite of my session with Susan as we could get. We went to Kendra’s room after our last class and she was dancing around like she had to go to the bathroom. I let Kendra get her ready while I had my back turned. Dee had taken off her bra and hid it so I wouldn’t see her underwear. Go figure. Then she’d pulled her t-shirt up over her right shoulder, but kept it pulled down over her left breast so tightly that it was still tucked into her jeans. When I...

3 years ago
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Something Unexpected Pt 02

Be aware, this second and last part to this story does not include as much sex. Hence, a continuation in the Romance category. Please read Part 1 first before starting this section. Again, thank you for the feedback. Enjoy. – VH CHAPTER SIX I had decided that Isabel would not in fact be calling me at all that night, so had gone out to eat instead. Shying off an invitation to play ball with friends, I headed for a little bar and pub I frequented, with live music every Friday night. But I...

2 years ago
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Lucys Lesson

This is my first attempt, and reflects a more gentle theme thanmy own fantasies. I hope it is pleasing to someone though. xx It was cold and Lucy drew her coat around her as she hurried homefrom work. Tonight's shift had seemed to drag on for hours, and she stillhad a long walk in front of her. Damn Jason for not fixing the brakes onthe car. She forgot how many times she'd asked him to do it.As she walked she became aware of footsteps behind her. Deliberately she steppedup the pace,...

1 year ago
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Shibari Part 2

“Harder! Fuck me harder, pleeeese, Ben!” she begged him, as she thrust her hips upwards to meet his. He moaned and filled the condom with his cum. She kept grinding and thrusting her hips with urgency. He was losing his erection and she needed to cum, it had been over three months since was properly fucked. “No baby, please keep fucking me, make me cum. I need to cum,” she pleaded, knowing full well she wasn’t going to get what she needed. “What’s up with you lately?” he asked, as he rolled...


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