A New City A New Life free porn video

As you enter a small appartment building, you see a woman with long dirty blonde hair waiting by the elevator. She's wearing a white top and some sweatpants. It's clear to you she's been working out and she has a toned body to prove it. As you are checking out her fine ass the woman suddenly turns around.
"Oh hi there, you must be the new arrival." She gives you a cheeky smile as she starts eyeing you up and down.
"Yes, I'm the new guy. My name is Mike Oxmaul. Nice to meet you." You politely reach out your hand.
The woman shakes your hand. She has a very firm grip. "The pleasure is all mine. My name is Anna." She gives a quick look at all the luggage you're carrying. "Need some help with that? Your appartment is on the 5th floor."
This must be my lucky day. Throughout all of my high school life I haven't gotten any attention from a woman ever. Being a college student is amazing!
You give her a gratefule smile as you reply. ''That would be great, but you know I'm wondering about something."
"You're wondering about the landlord aren't you? Well I can tell you as long as you keep paying your rent on time. You won't have any trouble whatsoever. "
''No actually I was thinking, how do you know where my appartment is?''
Anna starts to giggle. ''I wouldn't be a very capable landlord if I didn't know that now would I?"
You're actually shocked by that information. The woman looks way too young to be the landlord. "Wait you're the landlord? Aren't you a bit... young for that?"
''I'll take that as a compliment sweety. My fitness training keeps my body in great shape. Here watch."
As the elevator doors open Anna lifts up all four of your luggage cases, two in each hand. It seems to take her absolutely no effort. How is that possible? I've had the biggest trouble getting hose luggages cases out of the taxi outside, one by one! Those things weigh more than I do!
You look at her in shock and suddenly notice how tall and muscular Anna is compared to your average and fragile body. She seems to be more of a man then you are.
''Don't worry little Mike, I'll take care of your luggage. Why don't you take the elevator. I'll take the stairs.'' And with that Anna starts walking up the stairs.
Completely baffled you press the elevator button. As you arrive at the fifth floor you see Anna already waiting for you. How did she get here so fast?
"Phew, that was quite a workout. Thanks for that Mike." Anna says exhausted. ''Here's the key to your appartment. Take good care of it. They're very expensive to replicate and very easy to lose apparently. The last time someone lost theirs well... Let's not talk about that. Enjoy your stay and pay your rent like a good little boy." With that Anna dropped off your luggage at your appartmentdoor and took off.
Still a little confused you open the door.

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