Felicity Ch 64
- 2 years ago
- 30
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Felicity stood atop the hill overlooking the large town below. She drew a deep breath; crisp, cool, morning air tingled her nose and infused her lungs with rejuvenating oxygen. It was the perfect elixir to assuage the residual lag from the red eye bus ride she took across the country the night before.
Her eyes wide, she took in the picturesque scene like an angel overlooking the clouds below the heavens. She witnessed the sunrise about half an hour ago revealing the snow-covered tiled rooftops of the old town below. Further on was a sparkling, silver lake lined with thick evergreen trees. Beyond that, much further in the distance, were snow-capped mountains, ageless sentinels acting as the insurmountable gatekeepers of the region.
It was beautiful. Beyond beautiful, Felicity thought. It was pure and pristine and it made her young heart swell so much that it almost leapt from her chest, ready to take on everything the world before her had to offer.
She closed her eyes, smiling as the feeling of serenity swept around her. Moments later, as if on cue, a church bell rang out through the sleepy town.
She questioned why she had never travelled during the winter when everything seemed clean and fresh. Then again, she regretfully hadn't travelled much at all.
Time to rectify that.
“Okay,” she breathed with eyes wide open, “let’s get started.”
She removed her mittens and reached into her daypack to retrieve a map -- a paper map. She had to grin at the notion. After unfolding it gingerly --the creases were either tearing apart or barely holding together with yellowing scotch tape-- she examined it with twinges of intrigue and excitement. There were little circles all over and accompanying notes such as “Must try!” and “Fun!” and “Oh, my!”
This map was her aunt’s graduation gift to her along with a single plane ticket.
Felicity had guessed correctly that the map was one of many her aunt used when she travelled, a worn out souvenir from one of her innumerable journeys. Many of them took place when she was Felicity's age. Her Aunt Kelly believed in the quest of life, always exploring, always discovering both places and herself.
“These are the places you went?” Felicity had asked her, pointing to the circles.
Her aunt nodded, her eyes wide as she gazed at the paper, a spark of some fond memories twinkling her pupils. “That reminds me. You’d better check if your passport is still valid.”
“We’re really going there?” Felicity asked in giddy disbelief.
“You are, yes.”
“Me? Alone?” Her excitement was immediately tempered by an anxious turn in her stomach.
Felicity's Aunt Kelly had been her sole guardian and her role model since she was ten, through her teen and college years. Yet, just as fearless as her aunt's approach to life was, hers was just as apprehensive.
“What am I supposed to do on my own?”
Aunt Kelly patted her arms and smiled. “You're supposed to enjoy. Do what you want.”
“Okay,” Felicity said, sounding unconvincing to either of them. She joked, “What do I want to do?”
“Be bold, be confident,” her aunt assured her.
Felicity rolled her eyes.
“And if you can't do that, fake it,” Aunt Kelly added with a wink. “You won't see any of the people in these places again, anyway!”
“Be bold,” Felicity sighed to herself as she stood on the hill, wisps of frozen breath spiralling into the air from her lips.
She looked at the map of the country. The first couple of days had started fine. She arrived at the airport and enjoyed her time in the capital metropolis. It was visiting the smaller towns that she was looking forward to, although part of her also feared she may stand out too much as an outsider in the rural areas of the country.
She flipped the larger map over. On the other side were maps of the smaller towns and villages, just like the one before her. Though her aunt had encouraged her to find her own path, she couldn't resist going to the places that were circled on the map. It had worked out well in the city, and the same little inn her aunt had stayed in this town was still there. When she checked in as soon as she arrived, Felicity found it to be so warm and quaint. It was the innkeeper who had suggested she go up to the top of the hill to see the sunrise.
Totally worth the trek.
She made her way down the same hillside trail she used to go up, the same route it seemed everyone else did, her boots crunching through the fresh powder of snow.
Her morning started with a leisurely stroll along the quiet cobblestone walkways. She loved the idea that the builders and planners of the town obviously never believed in straight roads or paths. It was never a simple matter of getting from A to B. Often, she found herself at the end of a narrow alleyway, faced with a brick wall dead end. She didn’t really mind having to double-back, though.
She came upon the town square. At the centre of the wide-open plaza was a large, tiered fountain. Being winter, the water that should have been spouting from the top and pouring over the sides was off. Still, it was glazed with a shimmering layer of ice and snow, and there were long, crystalline icicles hanging off from it. The morning sun's rays hit the fountain just right, transforming it into an ice princess's giant, glistening birthday cake.
Felicity pulled out her cellphone and took a picture. When she moved around to the other side for another angle, she spotted a man several metres away also snapping shots of the fountain with a DSLR camera. She watched him for a moment as he adjusted the lens and calibrated the settings before taking a few shots. It was kind of cool, to be honest, and the guy, while obviously serious about photography, looked like he was having fun.
Felicity frowned, regarding her phone sheepishly. For some reason, she always felt self-conscious taking pictures with it when someone else was nearby using a proper camera.
Felicity blinked and looked up and around. Did someone just greet her?
“Over here.” It was the man. Well, obviously it was; he and Felicity were the only one's there this early in the morning.
Felicity offered him an anxious smile as he waved to her. She waved back.
“Good morning!” he chimed, a white smile breaking through the dark stubble covering his chin and cheeks.
“‘Morning,” she replied.
“Beautiful, isn't it?” he said.
Felicity looked at the frozen fountain. “The fountain?” she said. “Yeah, it's amazing.”
“The fountain. The morning,” he said looking all around before regarding her again, “Everything.”
It was brief, but the way he smiled and held his gaze on her momentarily set off a subtle blip of anxiety.
“Would you like a picture?” he asked, nodding at her phone.
“Hmm? Oh,” she said, looking down at her phone then back at him. “No, no. It's okay,” she added waving her hand.
He came over anyway, holding out his hand. “I'll take one of you by the fountain,” he offered.
Felicity took a half step back. “It's okay,” she repeated quickly, “thanks.”
The guy smiled pleasantly. “Come on. You'll look great,” he remarked, still beckoning for the phone. “It will be my pleasure.”
She grinned at him. His smile, not only stretching his lips but curling his blue eyes into cheery crescents, was infectious. Rolling her eyes, she sighed, “Okay, thanks. But I've just got a dinky cellphone camera.”
He took her phone. “It's not about the camera. It's the subject. And besides,” he paused and winked at her, “I'm a professional.”
That earned a chuckle. The charming hint of some European accent in his voice also had a calming effect on her.
He recommended a spot for her to stand by the fountain.
As usual, when she found herself in front of a camera, Felicity struggled to affect a natural smile.
The guy pointed her phone but then paused, looking around it towards her. “Try to relax,” he said.
Of course, him saying that made her more self-conscious and stiff. Felicity wished he would just take the photo already.
“Do this,” he suggested, then gave his arms, hips and face --his entire body, actually-- an exaggerated shake.
She giggled.
“Perfect,” he said and took a picture. “Another.”
Felicity raised her eyes up, then shrugged and chuckled. She posed like a demonstration model, directing attention to the fountain with a flourishing wave of her hands. “Ta dah!” she announced.
“Great!” he said.
She struck a few more poses, including a ballerina pirouette and a high kick.
“Super!” he exclaimed. “Now jump!”
“I'm not going to jump!” she laughed, looking around, blushing.
“There’s no one else here!” he said. “Besides, no one here knows who you are. Who will remember?”
She found his paraphrase of what her aunt told her somewhat befuddling. Still, after yet another conspicuous check of the surroundings, she flexed her knees and managed a jump.
“Again,” he said, nodding, “higher.”
She jumped again, gaining some more clearance from the ground.
“Again!” he cheered.
She jumped higher. Her twin braids floated away from her shoulders.
She did as she was told.
They repeated this a few more times before he said, “Last one! Really go for it!”
She jumped once more, kicking up her heels, and throwing her hands up, reaching for the majestic blue skies above.
Felicity landed on her boots. She doubled over on her knees, laughing and winded, and gasped, “No more!” She felt so hot in her winter jacket and toque.
The man walked over, scrolling through the pictures. “That's alright,” he said, “I got it on the first take.”
“What?” she exclaimed, still flushed.
“See?” he said, showing the first photo of her jumping.
Felicity frowned as she looked at herself. “Why did you make me jump so much?”
The man shrugged. “It was funny.”
Her mouth ajar, she motioned to slap the stranger on the arm, but caught herself and awkwardly tucked her hand away. She took the phone from him and scrolled through the pictures.
“Told you, I'm a professional,” he chuckled. He leaned in beside her to look at the screen. “Pretty good with a dinky cell phone, huh?”
She nodded and sighed, “Too bad I don't have a better camera.”
“I can use my camera,” he offered. “I’m always happy to take a picture of a beautiful woman.”
Felicity shifted her eyes aside to look up at him. She noticed how his arm was brushing up against hers, then suddenly was completely aware of him -- his musky scent, his height, his smiling, handsome face. She stepped aside. “It's alright,” she said, feeling apprehensive, “these are fine. Thanks.”
“I can send them to you by email,” he said.
“No,” she said a little more firmly than maybe she wanted to as she continued to put some distance between herself and the guy. For some reason, the idea that he was after her email set off her alarms, justified or not.
“Are you sure? It's not a problem,” he said as he watched her move away.
Felicity was already turning her back to him. “It’s okay, thanks,” she said. “Have a nice day.”
“Good travels,” he called to her.
She walked away briskly and only looked back when she was about to turn a corner. The guy was crouched down with his back to her, tending to his backpack he had set on the ground.
With a sigh, she turned the corner, her eyes cast towards the cobblestones as she walked, reflecting on how uncomfortable her beating heart felt at the moment.
They never even exchanged names.
For the rest of the morning, Felicity visited various places her Aunt Kelly had circled in the map. She spent a peaceful hour in a cosy coffee shop watching families walk by the window as they headed to church while she enjoyed a silky, eye-opening espresso and delicious, buttery “Must Try” pastries.
Later, she lost herself in the most amazing bookshop, with leather bound editions of every classic she could think of lining every shelf, from dark hardwood floor to soaring ceiling, from the front door to the back.
She strolled along a winding artisan alley where she peeked in on an array of painters, pottery makers, glass blowers, and blacksmiths proudly working on their crafts. She purchased a few small souvenirs before she had reached the end of that stretch of path.
She visited the two-hundred-year-old church and then the town's local history museum nearby. Although tiny, she still spent a good amount of time in the museum. The curator cornered her and seemed determined to bestow upon her every story, secret and bit of town intrigue his head had stored over the years. She didn't mind; the elderly gentleman's enthusiasm to speak to someone, anyone, about what he knew was palpable. It kind of broke her heart to see him waving forlornly at her by the door when she finally left.
While she was certainly enjoying her leisurely tour of the town, she still hadn't resolved that nagging knot in her gut from earlier that morning. Blowing the guy off like that… it just didn't sit well. Meeting new people, interacting, being social was all part of the trip, she told herself.
But perhaps what she wasn't telling herself was how much of her unease was due to wondering if she'd run into him again.
At lunchtime, she found herself at the busy pub her aunt had circled. A line from the circle led to underlined words: “Game & Stout Pot Pie”. That was exactly what Felicity ordered, along with some pickled cabbage. It turned out, the “Game” part of the pie's recipe was whatever was recently brought in from hunting trips in the wooded hills. Today it was deer.
Overcoming the idea that she was possibly eating Bambi, Felicity dug in, her fork shattering the flaky crust, releasing a plume of aromatic steam into her face. As she rolled the delicious meat, gravy and veg in her mouth, she wondered if Thumper tasted just as delicious.
While savouring the sour-tang of the pickled cabbage, she suddenly picked up on an unexpectedly familiar voice from the bar area. She looked over and spotted the man from the fountain chatting up the barkeep with lively conversation.
Felicity chewed her lip as she regarded him. Angst immediately churned her brain and stomach as she wondered if he had seen her.
Quickly, she stood from her table.
“Hey,” she said, tapping him gently on the shoulder. Managing as relaxed a smile as possible she added as he turned, “Hi, again.”
The man blinked, a slight pinch in his dark, furry brow. “Sorry,” he said, “do I know you?”
Felicity's jaw dropped. “Oh… oh! Sorry!” she said, begging back with her hands up. “I'm so sorry, I…”
The man laughed and motioned her hands down. “Sorry! Sorry! I'm kidding,” he chuckled, smiling. “Of course, you’re the jumper at the fountain.”
“The ‘jumper’?” asked the barkeep.
The man waved a hand. “Not to worry. She's a good swimmer.”
The barkeep smirked and walked away.
Felicity stood frozen, still at a loss.
“I didn't recognize you without your blue hat and rainbow scarf,” he said.
Her eyes looked up as if trying to see the top of her own blonde head while she touched her bare neck. She turned back towards her table. “Oh, my toque and scarf are over there. The hat’s actually turquoise...”
He snagged her by the hand. He winked and chuckled, “I'm still kidding.”
Felicity popped her eyebrows as she gazed at him for a few seconds, looking into his smiling eyes.
“I wouldn’t forget you,” he added with a knowing shrug, “not with those Pippi Longstocking braids.”
She grinned and blushed. She felt ridiculous, but it also felt like a wet blanket was suddenly falling off her shoulders.
“I'm so glad to run into you again,” she breathed. It surprised her to realize how much she meant that.
The man nodded. “Me too.”
She looked down, sighing in relief. She watched him pat her hand as he shook it warmly. His hands, more tanned and larger than her own, were surprisingly gentle.
“I'm really sorry for running off like that,” she apologized. She meant that, too.
He smiled and shook his head. The pinch around his eyes eased, widening them, exposing more of their translucent blue tints as he regarded her attentively.
She bobbed her chin and looked aside with an embarrassed grin. “I’m just your typical, skitterish foreigner, I guess. Everyone’s coming to get me,” she joked.
“It’s not a problem,” he said, his friendly smile undiminished.
“Um, would you…” Felicity paused, mustering her reserves, “...do you want to join me for a drink?”
The man leaned back. “Oh, I don't drink with strangers.”
Her face dropped. “Uh…”
He squeezed her hand. “Hello. My name is Kristjan. You are…?”
“Felicity?” she answered slowly.
“Hello, Felicity,” he said, his subtle accent adding a pleasing lilt to her name. “So nice to see you again. Come on. Let's catch up.”
Back at her table, it only took a few minutes for Felicity to settle into conversation with Kristjan. Even with his attractive eyes on her the entire time, she felt at ease. She gave herself a mental high five for that.
It turned out that Kristjan was also a solo traveller. He had come from a shorter distance, Iceland, while Felicity was from Canada. He was just a few years older than her, but his confidence and ease with everything around him was miles ahead of her own.
“So, how has your morning been? What have you been up to?” he asked.
“Just being a tourist,” she said, shrugging. “I’ve been following my aunt's map.”
Felicity rummaged through her daypack, retrieved the paper map, and unfolded it.
“Ah, low tech,” Kristjan remarked. “I love it.”
She smiled.
“The circles are where your aunt visited?” he guessed.
Felicity nodded.
He asked, “And which places have you seen so far?”
Sitting back in her seat, she shrugged and sighed, “Pretty much all of them.” She shook her head and smirked. “I'm not much of an explorer. I’d probably get lost without the map.”
She hated admitting it. Even saying so, she still wasn't sure if she could just go forge her own path. The thought that she may just go back to the inn for the rest of the day didn't escape her, and that was just so sad.
Kristjan nodded thoughtfully. “Hard to travel by yourself sometimes.”
The two of them sat there for a moment reflecting on the map. Felicity held her breath for a long second, watching him quietly moving his finger around the paper. Then she looked up and asked firmly, “Do you want to check out the town with me?”
Kristjan raised his eyes to her and smiled. “Absolutely.”
“I should finish my lunch, though,” she said, eyeing her partially eaten Game & Stout Pie. She nodded her chin toward it and looked at Kristjan. “Would you like to try some?”
He shook his head and scrunched his face. “I would feel like I’m eating Bambi.”
It was like seeing the same places, the same streets and paths and shops, with new eyes. Kristjan turned out to be a very knowledgeable traveller, thoroughly reading up about the places he was going to visit. He acted as a charming, personal guide telling Felicity about the architecture and landmarks and certain historical events that happened in different places. She was actually able to offer a few tidbits of her own, having gleaned some knowledge from the old curator at the museum.
When she told him about the origins of the central church’s bells, Kristjan pursed his lips and nodded. “Impressive.”
He helped her negotiate the price for a few more baubles from the small shops and led her to other stores where she got to sample more delectable foods like cheeses, jams, sweets and more. He also led her to an old playhouse where they sat in on a group of school kids rehearsing a scene. Felicity couldn’t help sneak a few peeks at Kristjan while he watched the children; he appeared delighted by them.
They chatted more over coffee on a bench in a small parkette overlooking the crystal lake, talking as if they were friends who were meeting up for the day. Whenever Kristjan laughed, Felicity took the opportunity to observe how easy going and relaxed the man was. It really warmed her spirits whenever he broke out in a good chuckle.
As the afternoon wore on, they seemed to move faster and faster throughout the town, caught up in the “traveller’s rush”. They soon found themselves on the outskirts, walking along a wintry trail, following a tranquil, silvery creek. They stopped at a snow-covered, wooden bridge that crossed the water.
“Wow,” Felicity exclaimed with a satisfied breath of air as she listened to the babbling creek flowing through the frosty bank, and took in the picturesque scene, “it’s so pretty here!”
“Here,” Kristjan said, pulling out his camera and handing it to her, “you can take a few pictures with this.”
With his help, Felicity quickly learned the basic settings for the camera and how to adjust the lens. Kristjan framed some shots for her with his hands, and when she became more comfortable, he stepped back behind her to freestyle her pictures.
He pointed up to the hills. “There,” he said, “that’s where I am.”
Felicity took a picture around the top of the hill where he was pointing then looked at him. “What do you mean?”
“My camp.”
“You’re camping?” she asked. “You’re not staying in town?”
He shrugged. “Not my style.”
She grinned and frowned. “It’s not freezing up there?”
“Actually, no,” he said. “The trees block the wind and I keep a fire going.”
“And wild animals?” she asked, warily.
“Maybe not as wild as me.” He offered a cartoonish bounce of his brows.
It was her turn to say, “Impressive.”
She took a few more shots of the bridge, the town, the hills, and then they huddled together to review them on the display. This time, as they stood shoulder-to-shoulder, Felicity didn’t feel the urge to move away, enjoying the warmth of his arm along hers and his scent wafting around her nose. She did try to hide her blushing smile, though.
Before they packed up the camera to head back to town, Kristjan said, “Wait. I want to take a few more pictures of you. Maybe on the bridge.”
Felicity gave him a wary eye and replied, “Of me?”
He nodded. “I don’t often have the opportunity to take pictures of pretty young women such as yourself.”
“I thought you were a professional photographer?” she said, eyeing him mockingly.
“Yes, well, commissions in Iceland usually mean I’m taking pictures of either volcanoes, glaciers or little horses, so if you could indulge me this pleasure.” He motioned towards the bridge.
Felicity laughed then started for the bridge.
“Wait,” he said again and pulled her back by the hand. She stood looking up at him with a cocked brow as he adjusted her hat and rainbow knit scarf.
“So I won’t look like a little horse?” she asked.
While he carefully arranged her blonde braids and bangs, he said, “I like the little horses.”
Felicity smiled. He paused momentarily to smile back at her.
When he was done, she made her way to the bridge. She called back to him, “Are you going to make me jump again?”
He shrugged. “Do whatever you want,” he said, “the camera will love you, anyway.”
Felicity decided not to jump, lest Kristjan started spreading rumours around the town that a woman jumped from the bridge.
By the time they made it back to town, it was already early evening and dark. They found a quaint, candlelit restaurant and dined on seared fish and cups of creamy potato soup. They lingered there, chatting as they leaned on the small table separating them. Both of them took their time to down mugs of rich, brown lager while dipping dried fruit into a Toblerone fondue.
They took a stroll through town after dinner, leading themselves back to the fountain square where they had met in the morning. Strings of white lights were strewn all across the plaza, brightening the night. There were a few other people walking about, not many, mainly couples. A man was selling roasted nuts from a cart while another couple of men played the violin and accordion on the steps of the government hall.
Felicity stopped and smiled, taking in the moment, reminding herself of the word she used when overlooking the town at dawn.
Kristjan removed his backpack and set it on a bench. “Care to dance?”
Felicity froze with her mouth ajar. Her eyes skittered around the plaza. “Here?” she asked. She felt her heart race.
“Why not?” he said, shrugging. He nodded towards the musicians. “Look at these two. Don’t they look so sad without people dancing to their music?”
She shifted her eyes to the accordion player and the violinist. They beamed robust, hearty smiles back at her. She crossed her arms and smirked at Kristjan. “They don’t look so sad to me.”
“I’m speaking figuratively. Inside, their hearts are breaking,” he explained, then looked towards the musicians. “Help me out, guys.”
“Beautiful music requires a beautiful woman to dance to it,” the accordion player concurred wholeheartedly.
Felicity rolled her eyes and sighed, “Alright.”
Even as the word escaped her mouth, Kristjan was already reaching for her daypack and setting it down beside his. He quickly took hold of her mitten-covered hands, and soon they were moving around the square, shifting their feet side-to-side, swaying leisurely in front of the fountain.
At first, Felicity kept her head low, looking at the cobblestones.
Kristjan leaned down to whisper in her ear, “No one is watching.”
She looked up and around. Everyone was watching them and smiling.
“No one knows who we are, and we’ll never see them again,” he assured her.
There were those words again…
Felicity slowly relaxed, especially when she saw other couples join them dancing in the square. Soon, she was looking up into Kristjan’s eyes again, enjoying their own little space in the world.
“So what’s next for you?” she asked. “I mean where’s your next destination after this town?”
A big chunk of her kind of hoped he would say something like, “Wherever you’re headed.”
“Home,” he said.
Felicity’s left foot bumped against her planted right foot, and she came to an abrupt stop. Still holding his hands, she said, “Home? Iceland?”
He nodded. “I catch the first bus tomorrow morning back to the airport,” he said.
“Really,” she said, deflated, “you’re taking the bus across the country tomorrow?”
“It’s an evening flight. I have to work tomorrow, meeting with a project manager,” he said, adding, “I actually had planned to leave this morning on the bus.”
She looked aside frowning, thinking.
“Felicity,” Kristjan said thoughtfully, leaning down and whispering in her ear again, “I’m still here till the morning. I would very much like to spend the rest of the evening with you till then.”
Feeling his hands squeeze a little around hers, Felicity slowly leaned away. Her lips parted as she stared back with a stunned expression. She was suddenly caught in his compelling blue eyes which looked back at her in a way that filled in the blanks as to what he meant. His voice and words were just as provocative. She couldn’t find any of her own to speak.
Every moment of the day tumbled back through her head in a dizzying instant. From the hills to the plaza, from the pub to the shops and through the winding streets, from the bridge to the restaurant and now back to this moment standing here holding the hands of this man faced with his bold proposal.
It was another sudden dead end, one she wasn’t ready to overcome.
“I’ve had a nice day, Kristjan,” she said, sounding as if she were speaking through a haze. She released his hands. “I really enjoyed it. Thank you.”
Kristjan’s head tilted aside as he watched her step away from him again. Ever the gentlemen, he wasn’t going to make a scene.
“I hope you have a safe trip back to Iceland,” she said as she gathered her bag from the bench. She clutched it close to her as she looked back at him for a long moment. He hadn’t moved from his spot in the square when she turned and strode away. Not looking back, she said, “Bye.”
This time, she didn’t pause as she turned the corner.
Back at the inn, Felicity ran up the stairs and into her room, closing the door firmly behind her. Leaning back against it, she clasped her palm against her forehead, pushing up her toque. She felt so hot and uncomfortable in her jacket, gloves, and boots.
Even after a minute, she still found it difficult to regain her breath, sighing constantly and wincing at the recurring pang in her gut. She tossed her daypack onto a chair and shrugged off her outdoor clothes. Then she fell backwards onto the bed, placed her hands over her eyes and sighed wearily again.
Kristjan’s voice, his smell, his smile, his warmth all reverberated through her head. Even with her eyes covered, she saw him as clear as the morning sunrise.
She hadn’t taken any pictures of him with her phone. She hadn’t even exchanged email addresses.
Damn it.
She spent a few minutes continuing to berate herself, then lay motionless on the bed for a few minutes more. Finally, she pulled herself back up. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she took her pack from the chair and dumped the contents out beside her.
She sifted through the little souvenirs she had gathered, pausing at the ones Kristjan had helped her procure. Then she picked up her aunt’s map.
“Be bold,” she said, mocking herself. Aunt Kelly would be disappointed.
She opened the paper and looked at the map of the town, staring at the circles. Then she frowned and looked a little closer.
A new circle, inscribed with a different coloured pen, had somehow appeared. Only this circle wasn’t located anywhere in the town. It was in the hills.
Without allowing herself another thought, Felicity left her room, wrapping herself up in her outdoor gear as she quickly made her way down the stairs of the inn.
“Well, this was a dumb idea.”
That was the thought running through Felicity’s head as she found herself a few hundred metres out of town, trudging up a wooded hill in ankle-deep snow. She used the flashlight of her phone to light the way ahead of her for a few feet, but otherwise, she was surrounded by the cool blue hue cast from the moon’s reflection on the snow.
Fortunately, Kristjan was right. It wasn’t as cold as she thought it would be. Maybe it was because her heart was pounding from climbing up the frigging hill.
She had checked the map when she was back at the wooden bridge, using it to estimate which way to go. At the foot of the hill, she had paused, staring at the trees. There was no path for her to follow. With a stern face and tight lips, she had decided straight up, forging a new path, was the way to go.
Foolish girl.
As the minutes passed and the hill slowly began to feel like a mountain, she continued to clamber up further and further, not looking back toward the town. Only one thought drove her on, carrying her almost to the top.
She jumped, startled to hear her name. Scanning her flashlight around quickly she gasped, “God, I hope wolves can’t talk!”
“No wolves,” Kristjan said, stepping forward, hand up to block her light shining in his face, “just me.”
Felicity leaned back and heaved a heavy breath. “Oh, thank God. I made it to the top.”
“Actually,” he said, thumbing over his shoulder, “it’s another thirty feet.”
She groaned, a puff of white vapour rising from her mouth.
“So you came,” Kristjan said.
She nodded. “I forgot to give you my email address,” she said, “I want the pictures I took today.”
“Sure,” he said with a shrug. “Is there anything else you want?”
Felicity looked at the man in the dark, appearing all relaxed and inviting in his heavy wool sweater, and mentally repeated the question.
“Something warm,” she requested.
“It's beautiful up here, even at night,” Felicity remarked as she looked down at the serene town from the edge of Kristjan's camp. The moon shined bright over the land casting everything in swaths of blue, grey and silver tones.
“It certainly is,” Kristjan said, walking up beside her and passing her a tin mug, “especially at night.”
She took a sip. The warm liquid seeped pleasantly down her throat. “Mmm, nice,” she said, “What is it?”
“Mulled wine.”
“Mmm,” she hummed her approval again and took another long sip. “Warms the belly.”
It also somehow relaxed her and made her giddy at the same time. She tilted the mug high, drinking all of the sweet warmth.
Behind them, a healthy campfire crackled and glowed in front of Kristjan's tent. Above them, a canopy of stars and dark sky kept watch. Felicity closed her eyes and inhaled deeply as if to take everything into her being.
“Now that you're up here,” said Kristjan as he took the mug from her, “there's something I want you to do.”
“What's that?”
He draped an arm around her back and shoulder and guided her sight up to the sky. “Pick a star.”
She leaned her head aside and eyed him.
“Pick a star?” she said as if that was the corniest thing she'd heard. “Don't most of these stars have names or numbers already?”
Kristjan smirked. “I'm not asking you to put it in your pocket like some pet rock. Just pick one for this moment.”
She rolled her eyes then randomly pointed at one. “Okay, that one.”
“Okay,” he said, stepping behind her and wrapping his hands around her arms just below her shoulders, “now say something to your star.”
She tried to turn around to frown at him. “Talk? To the star?”
He held her tightly, keeping her directed and focused on her star. “Say hello to it,” he suggested.
Despite how silly she felt, she looked up and mumbled, “Hello, star.”
“Good,” he said. “Again, but louder… and not like you’re talking to your grade school principal.”
“Hello, star,” she repeated, raising the volume of her voice.
“Louder. Don't you know how far away it is?”
“You're crazy, you know that?” she said, grinning, as she craned her neck around.
“Shout it!”
Felicity turned back towards the sky and yelled, “Hey, star!”
“Great,” he said, releasing her arms and stepping beside her again. “Now that you have its attention, tell it something.”
“Like what?”
“Like…” he mused, then looked up, cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted, “Hey, Felicity’s star! Thanks for leading her up here to join me! I was very lonely!”
“Maybe if you had screamed like that before I got up here, more people in the town would come join you,” she chided, feeling utterly in safe mode with Kristjan.
He nudged her. “You.”
She thought for a moment, then shouted across the land, “Bambi is delicious!”
Kristjan scratched the side of his head as he cocked his brow at her. “I’m the crazy one on this hill?”
“Thank you, Aunt Kelly!” Felicity shouted, on a roll now. She also cupped her hands around his mouth and added, “I want to explore this whole damn world!”
Kristjan leaned back, arms crossed, regarding her with his admiring blue eyes.
“I want to have fun! I want to learn! I want to experience! I want to discover! I want to eat stuff!” she continued at the top of her lungs until her throat was coarse and filled with the night air.
He clapped his hands.
Felicity drew in one last deep breath. Looking up at her star, she pointed to the man standing beside her and hollered, “I want this guy to kiss me right now and not to stop until the sun rises!”
Kristjan froze in mid-clap. He raised his brows and pushed his face towards her. “Really?”
Breathing so hard that she was swaying as she turned to him, she remarked, “Yeah. Are you deaf?”
His incredulous smile softened to a gentle one as he stepped up to Felicity in the snow, then gathered her up in his arms.
Seizing all the momentum she had charged her heart and mind with, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. A smile stretched on her face as she felt the touch of his warm lips upon hers. The cool air was still as they kissed, a peaceful silence swaddling them as they came together under the watch of the moon and stars.
The first kiss was an extended one, both of them holding their heads steady save pushing them together with increasing pressure. The successive kisses were a mix of pecks and smacks and little sucks of the lips which Felicity particularly liked. Their heads moved and angled just as they clutched each other tighter and tighter.
After a few minutes, Felicity grinned. As Kristjan moved his lips to kiss her cheek and forehead, his stubble brushing against her fine skin, she cooed, “Mmm… don’t stop now.”
He pulled back and looked at her. She blinked, licking her upper lip, and nodded. Whether her words were meant for him, her or both, she had no intention of doubling-back now.
Taking her by the hand, he led her to the tent.
Once inside, they settled on a layer of blankets and his sleeping bag. A small light hung from the peak of the tent, but otherwise, it was the light of the campfire that cascaded within. They resumed kissing immediately with growing intent and urgency. Once more Felicity was having trouble breathing. Stuttering, hushed breaths escaped from her mouth whenever their lips moved apart.
Soon their tongues were drawn into the encounter, twisting and slipping over each other. They got on their knees and pressed their bodies close. Felicity’s hips suddenly were compelled to roll with subtle but enticing curls, rubbing her crotch against Kristjan’s.
The two of them worked together to shed Felicity’s outer layers of clothing; her toque, scarf, jacket all added to the soft layers on the floor of the intimate tent.
Kristjan leaned back and pulled off his sweater revealing a broad, hard chest covered with light curls of hair.
Suddenly faced with his handsome bare upper body up close, Felicity looked at the open tent flaps and asked, “It’s not going to be cold?”
“The fire will keep us warm,” he said. He gathered her in his arms again. Angling his lips towards hers, he added, “I’ll keep you warm.”
Felicity welcomed his kiss with parted lips and a probing tongue. Her fingers scratched gently at his chest, delighting in the crop of soft hairs covering his flesh and feeling her way around his muscles.
Both their hands moved lower. He raised up her sweater, pulling it over her head leaving her sports bra. As soon as that was set aside, her fingers went to work on the fly of his pants. He helped her and quickly they were pushed down and off his feet along with his shoes and socks.
With Kristjan now only in his underpants, they settled down onto the floor of the tent. He eased her back slowly, always kissing her, always holding her with his attentive eyes.
Felicity wrapped her hands behind his neck as she set her head on his forearm. She watched as he propped himself up as he lay beside her on his side. Their eyes locked, she felt his gentle hand caress her chin and cheeks. It moved steadily down to her neck and her collar. He cupped her breast and massaged it through her bra, dragging his fingers over her nipple, eliciting more provocative swells of her belly and crotch.
Down his hand went as he continued to burn a sweltering gaze of desire at her. Her stomach twitched as he circled her belly button with the tips of his fingers and his knuckles.
As he undid the button of her pants, Kristjan smiled. A second later, he flattened his hand and slipped it under the waistline.
“Ohh,” Felicity moaned and swallowed. Her hand instinctively grasped his arm as his hand shifted and slid beneath the crotch of her pants and panties. She bit her lip and looked up at him with yearning eyes as her body recoiled and stretched. Her thighs spread and clenched alternately as she felt his fingers stroke and probe her with steady, confident, delicate touches. Even as her body was brought to new heights of stimulation, she managed to kick off her uncomfortable boots with the heels of her feet.
Kristjan pushed the cups of her bra up, exposing her white breasts and tight, pert nipples to the night air. With his hand still rubbing her steadily below, he brought his lips down upon her breasts. He graced each with kisses and licks and with a long, hard suck upon each nipple. They popped out of his mouth as he raised his chin, only to cover them again with his lips and trace them with his tongue.
Felicity’s mind and body were in a rattled frenzy now. She blinked toward the top of the tent, her mouth rounded and either breathing out wispish “oohs” or hitching “ahhs”. Her bare belly flexed and twisted seductively, shoving her crotch against his massaging fingers.
While Kristjan kissed and sucked her earlobe, he took her hand and brought it down to his crotch.
Instinctively, she cupped her hand against his shaft hiding beneath his underwear. It twitched at her immediate touch. It continued to stiffen as she rubbed it, hardening to a considerable length. With Kristjan moving his kisses back to her mouth, she blindly yanked at the lip of his underwear and reached for him, grasping her fist around him, quickly stroking the smooth skin lining the hard, ample shaft of muscle.
Kristjan responded in kind, upping the ante, teasing her lips apart and sinking a long finger into her.
“Ohh, God,” she gasped into his mouth, wincing at the spike in pleasure her body felt.
The intimate confines of Kristjan’s tent were soon swelling with the sounds of drawn out groans and trembling moans. Hands were fully engaged, stroking, rubbing, prodding, touching. Lips were locked, tongues entwined.
Felicity’s hips bucked upward sharply, shoving roughly against Kristjan’s hand. She bit at his lower lip as her eyes closed tight and her entire body suddenly clenched. A soft whine purred up her throat.
“Uhhn… God!” she bellowed, loud enough for her star to hear. She came hard against his hand as it continued to slide swiftly between her thighs. She twisted her hips and arched her back again, still spilling forth succulent wetness. It soaked her panties and they immediately cooled by the winter’s night air.
Her body curled as she raised her head up, still breathing hard and hitching, her eyes still pinched closed. A smile cracked her lips, an incredibly pleased smile.
Kristjan eased back, withdrawing his damp, red hand. He sat up and removed his underwear.
Felicity opened her eyes to finally witness the result of her hand’s efforts on Kristjan. A long hard length that matched his stature stood erect and waiting. She drew up her hand mindlessly to the top of her chest as she regarded it with dual emotions: one of nervous apprehension, the other of urgent desire.
On this night, the former was going to be squelched once and for all, she determined.
As Kristjan shifted on his knees around the tent, he watched with unadulterated pleasure as Felicity removed her bra and then her pants, panties and socks. She bashfully admitted to herself that he liked the way he was looking at her as she stripped and then sat naked before him.
“I should take a picture,” Kristjan said, probably 75% serious about it.
“Because you’re a professional?” Felicity asked.
He nodded, with a grin cracking his lips.
Felicity, however, shook her head slowly. “I don’t think you should waste any more time,” she suggested, then cocked her brow and added, “We only have until dawn.”
He laughed his hearty, warm laugh before seizing her by the ankles and pulling her towards him. He yanked her up as he knelt. She threw her arms around his neck, and they smothered their naked bodies together for a truly smouldering kiss.
As he kissed her neck and shoulders, his scruff tickling her flesh, she felt a distinct prod of something long, hard, and warm around her crotch and belly. She moaned and pressed her mouth against his ear, rubbing it with her teeth and gasping with a trembling breath, “Fuck me.”
Kristjan took a firm hold of her and lowered her back down against the blankets. Still kneeling, he slid in close, hoisting her leg over his forearm, exposing her to the touch of his thick tip.
Felicity licked her lips and clutched at the blanket at her sides. Her eyes flitted open and closed as she squirmed at the touch of his head as he rubbed it enticingly up and down along her slit. She gazed up at him. There were no more friendly smiles to offer upon his handsome face, just a sharp, lascivious grin and a dark tinge in his blue eyes that only served to make him all the more desirable.
“Say it again, Felicity,” he said.
“Mmm… Fuck me.”
He cocked his brow. Still prodding her with his tip, he said, “Again.”
Through clenched teeth, she ached, “Fuck me.”
“Kristjan!” she snapped.
He paused.
She grinned. “Jump.”
Kristjan clamped down on her thigh and drifted his hips forward.
Felicity’s head immediately lifted from the floor as her mouth shuddered with a gasp. She felt him settle a couple of inches into her, before withdrawing then pushing in again another inch deeper. He repeated this a few times, her head listing back onto the floor slowly until he was fully immersed within her and she felt the full effect of his throbbing length along every tingling part of her body.
She looked up at him, watching intently, as the defined lines of his abdomen rolled and tightened with a churning rhythm that pumped his shaft in and out of her. His rugged muscle throbbed and his tip dragged like an anchor head, hitting all the right spots as it moved within her.
The normally gregarious Kristjan fell silent save for the heated breaths flowing past his parted lips. His eyes told her everything, though -- how he felt, what he was feeling, what he wanted and desired, and exposing his vulnerable lust to her. He was a mass of human satisfaction.
Felicity pressed her shoulders down, raising her hip bone and bare belly upward as Kristjan accentuated his grinding probes with firmer pumps and thrusts. She cast him her own stern, determined look.
His free hand took hold of hers, tangling their fingers together. He leaned over her, raising her hand and pinning it to the floor beside her head as he hovered above. Her leg that he cradled in the bend of his arm eased higher, her foot brushing against the side of the tent, opening her to even more turgid thrusts.
The heat generated between their two bodies chased the cool night air out of the tent. Felicity could see the shine from the layer of perspiration on his skin. She felt the glistening sheen on her naked flesh as well.
“Oh! Oh! Oh, God!” She greeted every extended stroke with a longing gasp.
Kristjan reached for her other leg. Both of them bent over his forearms, he pressed forward and down, drawing Felicity’s knees to his armpits, folding her so that he could plant his mouth over his lips. With zealous kisses, licks and sucks preoccupying their mouths, he doubled the speed of his thrusts ending each one with a stiff snap of his buttocks. Now the sounds of their heightening groans were joined by the sharp slap of hot flesh upon flesh.
“Oh! Ohh!” Felicity moaned languidly as she sucked and nipped at his tongue and lips. Her voice shuddered as she squeaked his name, “Kristjan… uhhn…”
“You feel so good, Felicity,” he breathed with a husky gasp, constantly rocking back and forth upon her, “you feel so good.”
Still cradling her legs, he displayed his strength and desire by setting up on his knees, hoisting her from the floor as if she were as light as a pillow. He held her aloft as she embraced him, bouncing her on his lap, meeting her with a harsh buck of his hips upward each time she came down.
“Ohh… God!” she exclaimed, gnawing at his hard, round shoulder. “Don’t stop. God, don’t stop.”
Kristjan completed their sunrise, sunset cycle, falling back onto the blankets. Now Felicity was the one on top, thighs splayed over his strong hips. She swayed her pelvis back and forth over him, rubbing their flesh together, cranking his length inside of her setting off all sorts of electric shivers throughout her. As she balanced on top of his bucking torso, she finally undid her braids and let her blonde hair cascade over her shoulders and back.
The fire danced and sparked outside the tent, illuminating the two beautiful bodies ---passionately and proudly on display-- within. It lit up Felicity’s flesh, casting her white skin in a warm, orange glow. Her fingers locked with his, pushing his hands against his chest, grinding his thrusting shaft, she suddenly had a vivid image of herself. She never felt more sexy and alive.
Judging by Kristjan’s voracious gaze --the wild wolf with blue eyes finally realized-- he wasn’t going to argue.
They continued on in a surging pace, reaching for stores of reserved energy. It felt for awhile they could go on forever.
With Kristjan lying down on his side behind her, he continued to fill her with quickening thrusts, fondling her breasts and tilting her chin aside so that his mouth could meet hers for more lashes of tongues and deep kisses.
Felicity felt her toes curl and the burn in her gut and crotch. Everything was cinching right up to the muscles along her neck. As their bodies rocked and swayed, she could feel Kristjan’s hand clamp upon her breast with increasing desperation. She listened to the intensifying hum in his throat with each fervent snap of his crotch.
Deep within her, she felt him throb, peaking towards a bursting point. She reached down and touched him between her legs, feeling the inches slide into her repeatedly.
As her body gave in to the tightness rushing through it, her eyes remained wide open, looking up as he held her face and suctioned his mouth over hers. She felt his rugged body stiffen against hers, then suddenly shove her with one powerful thrust of his hips, burying his full length and holding it there.
Kristjan shuddered against her as he groaned heavily, his lips sliding apart from hers, warm, damp breath filling her mouth. She felt his length throb quickly within her, felt the rush of hot viscous warmth suddenly fill her. It was such an appealing a thought and sensation, it set her off as well. She moaned with a long, pitched breath while a silky wetness flowed from her.
“Uhn-mmm,” she sighed.
With Kristjan’s raspy breaths at her ear, she sensed the withdrawal of his still solid shaft. Once it was out, he dragged it along her crotch and lower belly, pasting her glowing flesh with their mingling cum.
Gasping and gulping for air, Felicity dragged her lips on his arm and palm, kissing his hot skin as she recovered.
A few minutes later, she nestled up against Kristjan as he lay on his back, her leg draped over his, and her hand on his hairy chest. He pulled a blanket over them, a welcome chill finally skimming over their bare skin. With the campfire still crackling and snapping, their heads peeked out from the tent’s opening and they looked up at the sky.
With his fingertips caressing her back, Felicity grinned, nipping at the knuckle of her thumb. She gazed up into the darkness and found her star. She was comforted to know it was watching over her.
An hour before dawn, they got up to prepare for Kristjan’s departure.
“You want me to have this?” he asked, holding Felicity’s map as he crouched in the tent.
“I want you to hold on to it for me,” she said, sitting at the back of the tent, still nude and wrapped up in a blanket. “Don’t lose it. My aunt would kill me.”
“You won’t need it for the rest of your trip?” he asked, smiling and cocking his brow.
Felicity looked at the map and shook her head. “No,” she said, shaking her head. She inhaled and repeated more assuredly, “No. I’m sure I won’t.”
“Okay,” he said as he packed it into his backpack along with his other belongings. He asked, “But when will you get it back?”
She crawled forward, the blanket falling away from her back and exposing her pretty, round bum. She kissed him on the lips. Grinning she said, “When I come to Iceland.”
He nodded. “I know plenty of places you can jump around there.”
Felicity grinned, her face close to his. “Mm-hmm… how much longer before sunrise?”
“Just under an hour,” he replied, eyeing her.
She nodded. “I think we have enough time to jump right now.”
They came together with a long, deep kiss. Felicity pulled him back down on top of her, welcoming him in a close embrace as he joined her under the blanket.
As he moved into her with a deliberate thrust, Felicity groaned and whispered, “Just leave enough time for one last thing.”
Even without the fire, the tent was soon filled with a blooming warmth.
Aunt Kelly turned in her bed when she heard the chime of her cellphone. Switching on her lamp, she sat up against her pillow and checked her incoming messages.
First some text: “Being Bold!”
She scrolled down to an accompanying photo. Immediately, she covered a gaping smile on her mouth with her hand.
It wasn’t the panoramic vista of a snow-covered town and land, nor the brilliant sunrise appearing over the distant mountains that took her breath away. What caught her attention was the back of a woman, leaping high in the air. She was stark naked --her bare butt proudly on display in the photo-- aside from a pair of boots, a rainbow scarf, and turquoise toque with familiar, long, blonde braids flying out from under the rim.
It was a very professional looking photo.
Aunt Kelly grinned. “Be bold, indeed."
The Captives Twelve years after the Gulf event Cel still sent out crews looking for survivors. The few discovered were in poor shape. Shelters had been advised to keep sufficient supplies for ten years so most shelters would have run out of food and water by then. The ones in shelters that managed to leave them usually found supplies to carry them through until the Cel ships found them. The containers the supplies were in had been rigged with a silent pinger that alerted the searchers the...
Chapter18: Mo and Marie It was a lazy Sunday morning almost a year after Marie announced she was moving to Felicity. Mo and Marie met with friends for an early breakfast then Marie took Mo to her new home. She led Mo to her bedroom and assisted her in undressing then made herself nude too. After a few minutes in which they tried to act normally between kisses Marie led Mo onto her bed. They had made love several times before but there had always been others present in Wendy’s hot tub or...
Tom and Felicity had met Willy and Trish and after having dinner, the two couples had migrated back to Felicity's flat to spend time socializing and talking some more. She had arranged everything in advance with the thought that she and Tom might swap partners with Trish and Willy and enjoy a wild experiment of having sex with the other partner there in the same room. Everyone had gotten their clothes off, and Willy and Felicity had paired off over on one end of the couch while Tom and Trish...
Felicity: A collection of stories by jjcole. Foreword: I am reposting many of my stories, I could not get back into my original jjcole members site after I changed my e-mail. I ended up in the nightmare of the ‘use confirmation word’ endless cycle so I started over. I am an old man living in Texas some forty years now but not born here. My first language was French, then Spanish, then English so you may see some Yoda like sentence structures here and there. With forgiveness please. I am...
I was at uni on a night out with my housemates... heres what happened.We all went out on the Saturday night for a few drinks and then decided to head to the club. At this point we were all quite drunk except one girl Felicity who was wasted ! Felicity was 19 and dressed like a complete slut wearing a tiny white vest top with no bra and the shortest red kilt/skirt youve ever seen. She topped it off with a pair of red high heels to match the skirt and as she stumbled her way to the club you could...
New Felicity: The Azulians Life in Felicity had settled down and all were at ease with the presence of alien residents. It seemed those aliens knew everyone in town and had made love with a third of them. The aliens were preferred people. Felicity had seen hundreds of aliens come and go and all had been treated as new best friends. The decision to place the spaceport there had been an inspired one. Still alien races not in the Federation sometimes found themselves in the town. There was a...
Cel had become a melting pot of alien races and at its surface there appeared to be harmony. But there were deep resentments among the population, jealousies, prejudices, hostility. To combat the growing animosity a ceremony to celebrate their unity was planned and it was decided to hold it in Felicity, the most diverse community in the Galaxy. The purpose of the ceremony was to be an official welcome to the nearly hundred beings that had just come to Earth from their frozen planet. The...
Chapter 19. Melody/Ruthie Melody was one of just two acts Robby Chapman kept from the bankrupt company he bought. He did so on the recommendation of his cousin Edie and her husband Allen. Like many others Robby saw Melody as not worth the trouble. Allen saw her as a gifted musician and fine songwriter. Edie saw her as a potential idol to young ladies and girls. Edie and Allen were musicians of note themselves so when Robby bought the company he followed their advice and kept Melody but his...
Chapter 63: Clara and the Aliens Several years had passed since Clara’s return to Felicity and her marriage to Fiona. The years had been happy until recently. Clara found herself grieving for family members that had ceased to be. Clara was disconsolate from the death of her Aunt Martha and her Uncle Jim, she knew they should not have died. Clara had given them a large cup of her chicken soup and both should have remained healthy for another fifty years. The rapid deterioration of both her...
Chapter 21. The Sisters Bond Nearly a month had passed since the late Angus MacDuff’s eightieth birthday party. He had been born on the Fourth of July and had always said the fireworks displays were in his honor. That Fourth of July they were. He had died on his seventy fourth birthday, right after the fireworks show that night. Rosa had been in bed with him when he died. Rosa died in her sleep a week after Angus’ eightieth birthday party. She was seventy-eight. All knew she was close...
Chapter 38: Audrey I was then thirty-two. I had married at twenty-four and divorced at twenty-eight. My ex and I mistook lust for love. When the lust was satisfied we had nothing else so we went our separate ways as friends. We had talked about having a family but realized early neither of us wanted children, which turned out to be a blessing. Every once in a while my ex and I had fucked until she re-married. I had concentrated my efforts on my career and had risen in the company hierarchy...
Felicity Finds Family By Sasha Zarya Nexus ************************************************** From Erin Halfelven's One April Morning Multiverse Thank you to Erin Halfelven for her creation of her 'One April Morning' Multiverse. Passages of description of 'One April Morning' are quoted from her 'One April Morning' multiverse premise. Thank you to Erin for her creation of the characters Mrs. Dumfries, Simon and Habib from her story 'The Starchild-1-.' Also thank you to Erin for...
Chapter 16: Charles I answered the knock on my door and found a very pretty strawberry blonde there. ‘Are you Charles?’ she asked. ‘Yes. What can I do for you?’ ‘You can come with me. There is something very important I want you to see.’ I studied her face and saw anxiety, perhaps some anguish, desperation. Her hands were wringing each other incessantly. I decided to go along. She drove us to the warehouse where my wife worked and took us in a door I did not know existed. She took us on a...
Chapter 14. Jana and Inga Helen and Inga were celebrating their college graduation. That had happened two months before but neither felt they had celebrated enough. Not that the had found college difficult, to the contrary they sailed right through difficult curriculums with ease. What they didn’t want was to be viewed as adults. Both were lesbians and had been each other’s first lovers but now they ranged the field as accomplices in seductions which was why they were entering club Kitty. It...
http://www.deviantart.com/art/A-Break-From-the-Norm-575036457 There was a knock at the door. I looked at my watch - 8pm? Who'd be knocking at a time like this? I stood, a little unsteady from the beer, and made my way to the door. On peering through the peephole, I saw the most drop dead gorgeous girl I have ever seen in my life. Long, poofy blonde hair, thick, pouting pink lips, thick black hipster glasses, an excellent rack by the looks... I grinned tipsily and opened the door to...
It was pretty late on a Friday night when my doorbell rang. I had not expected anyone and looked through the peephole to see who was there. I saw no one. I had assumed it was a kid, after all I was a jr. high teacher and my students had an unformed sense of humor. As I turned to walk away the doorbell rang again. I opened the door quickly so I could catch them and found a very drunk semi-familiar looking woman leaning on the wall to one side. It was Dad’s third wife. I was away in college...
Jordan and Carmen had not found a way to keep many of the largest creatures on Earth captive within their protective reefs. The Cetaceans where air breathers and would not survive the aftermath of the bombardment. They decided that any saved was better than none so blue whales, Narwhals, and white sided dolphins were placed in the area between the outer an inner reefs. The ratio was three males and nine females. Manta ray, whale sharks and basking sharks were added in the same ratio. Seals...
Chapter 58: Olivia I was returning to my living room after taking a leak when I heard my front door being opened. I stopped before turning the hallway and managed to hit the intruder hard enough for him to collapse before he saw me. I took the gun out of his hand and pointed it at his head. He began to cry. I was a young man, maybe eighteen, slight of build, hispanic. I picked him up off the floor and sat him on my love seat then took a seat on my recliner facing him. ‘What’s your name?’ I...
Larry and Doris were still mostly asleep when they walked to their patio with their coffee. It was Friday morning and as usual their Thursday night had wiped them out. The all you can eat fried fish special was as popular as ever. As usual after they got home on Thursday night they had headed for their hot tub in the patio. Larry remembered they had found the energy to start a fuck while in it and finished it off in their bed. In their rush to get to their bed they left the tub uncovered....
Chapter 13. George and Martha Martha was at her desk that late June afternoon. She was alone at the school district office since her young assistants James and Jay were involved in a wedding that weekend, the first was a nephew and an usher and the other was the groom. For a change she had escaped having a major role in the proceedings. She had a curriculum project to complete. Martha sensed that someone was at her office door just looking at her. She lifted her head and caught her breath. ...
Chapter 12. Marina Marina and I began our last college semester as a committed couple. We lived together. Early that spring semester I had an important swim meet at a college just forty miles away so most of us drove to the site. With very few exceptions college swim meets do not attract much of a crowd so it was easy for me to spot Marina in the stands of the away venue. I picked that day to beat the conference record in the thousand meters free, which was what it took for us to win the...
Chapter 51 Camille He had apologized for not lasting as long as usual. ‘But most people my age are dead,’ he said in his defense. She giggled at his statement, kissed him and got out his bed. ‘Whatever you say old man but once again you fucked the hell out of me. I should charge you extra but you are one of the few that make sure I have an orgasm so you owe me the usual.’ ‘In the envelope, as usual.’ He got out of bed and took her hand then led her to the kitchen. He took a pork roast out...
Chapter 62: The Cat Somewhat early on a Saturday morning I was having a cup of coffee on my patio when I noticed a large cat looking at me. It was between two of my flowerpots towards the back but my pots are placed in such a way I could see each plant well from my chair. I could see the cat. The cat could tell I could see it. It was a semi-longhaired charcoal grey cat that was a bit overweight. By the time I took my first sip of coffee it had relaxed. By the time I had finished half my cup...
I had just noticed my fiftieth birthday had passed a week ago. I was a loner and no one knew it was my birthday, hell I didn’t either, so I was neither surprised nor disappointed that no one had wished me a happy birthday but wondered if anyone in the office had that same experience. I was not about to ask of course, I just wondered. Over the next few weeks I continued to wonder then asked myself if there had been anyone in the office whose birthday we had not celebrated in the office. I...
Chapter 56: Fred and Daphne They were stepbrother and sister only they weren’t. Both were over twenty-one when their parents married, in fact he was twenty four and a science teacher and she was twenty three and an English teacher. They worked in the same school district but at different schools. They did not know each other. They hated their parent’s new spouse and knew the reason was because they no longer were the apple of their parent’s eyes. But neither would admit to crass jealousy...
Monday, November 25, 2013 Felicity Ch. 03: Helen It’s odd how people bond sometimes. I am a man rapidly approaching middle age and my best friend for the last few years has been a lesbian. I am nearly fifteen years older than she is, only seven years younger than her father, four younger than her mother. That I was her best friend there was no doubt as it was me she called at three AM on a Saturday morning to come bail her out of jail. Her former lover’s new girlfriend had taunted Helen at...
Chapter 34: Ruthie and Sean It was late on a Wednesday afternoon in mid June when Mom and I pulled into Felicity, Texas. We had ample parking place at the seaside resort and I easily found a slot for Mom’s SUV and the attached trailer. Our room had with two queen beds, a recliner and a sofa in the room. Our window overlooked the sea and had a table and two chairs by it. It was a nice place. We took showers, dressed and were sitting on the terrace with drinks as we enjoyed the sea when a very...
I was an Environmental Biologist and she was a Chemist for a large company. She was tasked with making sure her company did not release toxins into the environment. My job was to turn them in if they did. An ‘Unexplainable Event’ was what brought us together. We had worked together for two months investigating the event. We were working on opposite sides for the hearing but worked well together and got along nicely. The two sides and the federal judge had agreed that a compromise was...
Dear Bill. I am writing to apologize. I do not know what came over me when I introduced you to my coworkers as my stepfather. Of course I know you and Mom are not married, not even living together, it just slipped out. I am sorry if I embarrassed you and grateful you did not correct me when I did it. Again, sorry. And thanks for the ride home last Sunday. Gregg still has not apologized for leaving me stranded at Mom’s. Sorry it cost you a long drive. Julie **************************** ...
New Felicity: The Mur Cel was still looking for shelters with survivors ten years after the Gulf event. One team found a shelter that had seven women and an apparent wild man. He refused to show his companions to the team and when one came up from the cellar he punched her hard. The team subdued him and asked the women to step up. They were asked if they wanted too remain with him or go with them. All ran outside. All were naked. It was brutally cold. They left enough supplies for the...
I was pulling away from the hotel when she walked in front of my car and I almost hit her. She was very distraught and was crying. I got out to make sure she was OK and she begged me to take her away from there. I allowed her to get in my car and we just drove away. She called somebody and told them her client was dead. That no she was not positive but she could not get him to respond. She apologized for panicking then told her listener she had just dressed and ran out. ‘Yes, yes. OK. I...
The questions on which animals to protect on Cel were difficult, the island had very little habitat space and most of it would need to be shared. In the question between African rhinos and pygmy rhinos the pigmy won because they took up less space, same with the hippos. Asian elephants won because of their docility. For most it was a question of food source. Hummingbirds were small but required a lot of food daily. For many it was the ability to survive when deprived of migration routes like...
They were as unlikely as any couple to ever become lovers. He was a big redheaded man, nearly six-five and at least two hundred twenty pounds. He was very reserved and many thought he was unfriendly but he liked people well enough. However except in the line of work he just would not speak to anyone unless spoken to first. The conversations were friendly and polite but rarely lasted sixty seconds on his end. Questions asked about him were given short answers then he asked a question in...
I was divorced with no kids. I was also bored with work and bored with my life. I needed a major distraction and fortunately I had lots of vacation time I needed to use. An ad for a Cancun vacation drew my interest, it claimed air and hotel for seven days for less than it would cost me to fly to New York and stay one night. My life was such that I did not have anyone I could ask to accompany me so I would have to pay the single traveler penalty which made me pause. I booked it anyway. The...
Chapter 29: The Ugly Woman I was on the walking trail around my condo complex when a turn suddenly put me across the path of a seriously ugly woman. She was a tall, pale, with longish blonde hair that had not seen a brush in a while. She looked as disheveled as anyone I had ever seen. Her gym shorts and her sleeveless t-shirt were of clashing colors and too big for her. She was not wearing make up so her lips and eyebrows blended with her skin in a strangely blank Carnival mask kind of way. ...
Flic was painting her toenails. God, life in the colonies was so boring. There were no parties, at least not the kind she would want to be seen at. Bill wasn't even an officer, just a Private. None of the potential officers Daddy had found were suitable for her. Mind you, the officers' parties were probably boring as well. All the officers she'd met so far were much too serious and likely talked too much shop anyway. Like those tedious gatherings Daddy dragged her along to sometimes, when he...
Chapter 46: Southern Decadence Mom and my sister Angela had to evacuate their home in Felicity because of an approaching tropical storm. It was not a hurricane but it had a lot of rain in it. Her subdivision was not likely to flood but the road to it was and they did not want to be stranded. They came to my place but although I lived just seventy miles inland my small bachelor pad was over twenty five feet above sea level. My home became crowded quickly. I did see that Mom was worried about...
Chapter 48: The Intruder I was now forty years old and single. My wife and I had divorced six years before but we had remained friends even after she remarried. I had dated and gotten laid often enough but the women soon saw me as a potential high income husband and began to demand my undivided attention. I had no intention of getting married again. Months between fucks became the norm followed by three months of frantic bouts of passion followed by months of celibacy as I tried to break a...
Our marriage was ending. Our only child was in college which left us to assess our relationship. My assessment was that our marriage was stagnant. My wife considered it superfluous. Separation and divorce had been discussed to the point of hiring an attorney, the same attorney. There was no animosity between us, there were no lovers waiting in the background. In public we were our usual selves. We even shared the same bed though no intimacies had occurred between us in months, not even...
Chapter 1: Dog Park My son had gone off to college and I had inherited his basset hound. He said his mother could not be trusted with his baby and I had to agree with him. The only thing she never neglected was herself. We had been divorced seven years. My son’s final argument in his plan to convince me I should take his baby was that the dog would get me laid. He knew that would be unlikely as the reason I was not active in the pursuit of pussy was the combination of gun shyness, (thanks...
A Conversation by jjcolejr ‘Why are you bothering with me?’ ‘I’m sorry. I did not mean to bother you. Have a nice evening.’ ‘No, no. You were not bothering me. I just wanted to know why you were with me instead of those girls over there. They are a lot prettier than me and you are the type of guy they fall all over themselves for.’ ‘You know them?’ ‘Yes, we came here together.’ ‘Why do you say I am their type of guy?’ ‘Well, you are tall, dark, and handsome as they used to say. You are...
The delegation of former warriors and enemies looked very much like what they were. They did not trust each other and thought the trip to Earth was a waste of time. Each had five wives walking behind them dressed in the colors of the clan of which they were members. The males were no longer allowed to wear clan colors but the treaty did not include their women so they now signified their allegiance. They came to Earth because they had not arrived at an agreement on who should lead their...
Chapter 20. Paula and Paul She had come to my campsite from hers to thank me for helping her son that morning. ‘He seems to be a good kid,’ I said. ‘Yes, he is, mostly. He is not nearly as helpless with his broken leg as he led you to believe. He had ulterior motives.’ I nodded but let her statement pass without comment. She understood that I knew what he had wanted. I poured her a mug of hot black tea that had a dash of coconut rum in it and a second for me. She thanked me and after her...
Clara sat in the gloom in the kitchen of her lake cabin. The sun had set without her. Soon no sunsets would have her adoring gaze. She was terminally ill. She had considered going home to Felicity but decided that it would be cruel to have her mother and sisters watch her die. She did not want them to suffer too. Her cancer had spread throughout her body. She had known that her doctor’s hopeful recital of her treatment options was ultimately going to be futile. Her denial stage had passed...
Chapter 55: Ivy I was alone walking in a clothing optional beach on a Mediterranean island. I am not an exhibitionist but I had always wanted to walk around naked in public. Although I now had a slight beer belly I still had a swimmers body and a cock slightly above average size so I was comfortable from the start. I was somewhat disappointed that most women were middle aged or older and accompanied by their husbands until I noted a couple fucking in the sand to an audience. I joined the...
Chapter 50 Yazmin Yazmin and my Mom Maryanne were roommates and best friends during their college years. Marriage, children and careers had conspired for them to lose touch with each other. It was funny that they had found each other again at a lingerie party thrown by a woman that was a mutual acquaintance. The two widows were now inseparable. Yazmin was deaf but she could read lips perfectly. I loved watching baseball games with her because she would tell me what the players were saying....
Dan and Patty were in a hotel in the city. They were in bed after the musical show they had attended, Wicked. It was a fun show and his birthday present to her. He had gotten the tickets before he learned she was cheating on him, before he cheated on her in revenge. ‘Should we divorce?’ Patty asked .’Do you want to marry him?’ Dan asked. ‘No, hell no. I admit it was fun but no fucking way. Thank you for not throwing a fit when you found out but I am beginning to think I would have...
I was in a small neighborhood plaza in Seville when a painter at his easel caught my eye. He was painting a woman sitting on a bench with a small fountain behind her. She was dressed in white and was surrounded by pigeons, she looked fabulous. She also looked sad, resigned to her fate. She had a white cane at her side, she was blind. I walked up to the guy painting her and told him, ‘Muy bonita,’ in broken Spanish. ‘Ah, American right? The painting is for sale and will be ready soon.’ ‘I...
She was very cute. She was not very tall, barely five feet. She had the body of an athlete and moved like a cat. She had somewhat small breasts but more than compensated for that with the most delicious, heart shaped, world-class ass I had ever seen. She was gay. We were co-workers but rarely saw each other there. We were, however, both members of ‘the gang’, a group of fifteen to twenty that would at times meet for fun at a club, beer garden, or a home for socializing. The gang was mostly...
Monday, November 25, 2013 Chapter 9. Edie and Allen They were both somewhat tall and lanky. Each seemed to be forever smiling. They were both in their late twenties. He was the set designer for both the opera and ballet companies, which shared the same venue. She was second violin for both the opera and ballet orchestras. Both were gay. Even though they knew who the other was and orbited the same world they did not personally know each other. That changed after a late summer rehearsal. The...
Chapter 36: Ellie I was a schoolteacher and she was a high-powered lawyer. I was a good listener, polite, semi-handsome and a patron of the arts. She had just accumulated her tenth million when we became friends at a theater but I had no clue of that although I was fairly sure she made more money than a teacher. Her name was Ellie. She was very cute, small, a brunette with a very nice smile. She had apparently assumed I was gay at first but never asked and I never said. Apparently that...
Ch.10: Travels with Lucy I was on a trail in Big Bend National Park on my way back to my Chisos Mountain campsite when I had to stop for traffic. A rattlesnake was parked in the middle of the trail. ‘Anytime you are ready, sir or madam,’ I said to the snake. Of course since snakes cannot hear airborne sounds that urging was ignored. I was close enough to merit its attention but far enough away to keep it from panicking. Its rattle was silent. It was warming itself up in the morning sun so I...
Chapter 38. Laura Barry was a middle age single man with a daughter in college. He was a science teacher at a high school but his salary was not enough to finance his kid in her university even with her scholarship. He did not need that much more, basically just fees and books but he did not have the money for them. He did not want to work a second job all the time so he ended up being a male escort. Working once a week would get him the money he needed. He got one hundred and fifty dollars...
I was a regular at a small club that was known to be a ‘meat market.’ Women of a certain age, divorced and horny were there often. I was there every Friday night and the occasional work week evenings but mostly on Fridays. I knew who the regulars were and their preferences. I knew who the witches, the desperate, the players, and the losers were. There was a smattering of women that were there just to dance and a smattering of people that did not seem to belong. I was one of those. I was too...
Chapter 17. A Concert Pick-up I was at a Friday night rock concert at the House of Blues and as usual it got very crowded very quickly. I decided to head towards the back wall thinking that if I was not going to get a good view I would at least have something to lean on. I had just gotten to my spot when I was jostled from behind by a small redheaded woman in her late twenties. She apologized and I saw that she had been ducking away from an altercation of some kind behind her. I immediately...
Chapter 32. Elena I had gotten a job at a small company that provided expedited shipments to our entire state. Our niche was to do the job of FedEx or UPS did just as reliably but cheaper. It did not take me long to realize that our company could do neither. I wondered how we remained in business and learned that the company belonged to my boss’ mother and she was keeping it afloat. Her son, my boss, was running from crisis to crisis with little idea how to get us out of panic mode. I hated...
A friend called Mark had connected my home computer to a group from work that wanted no frills sex. Most members were male and many wanted gay sex but three were female, all lesbians, wanting lesbian sex. I sent them hello’s anyway and I was still browsing when one of the women asked if I was available Friday. I answered yes before I noted that Friday was the next day. She wrote right back asking me to escort her to a wedding then take her home and fuck the hell out of her. ‘I look forward...
Chapter 57. Brenda I am an intermediate school teacher, that is the school to which the demented ones go, ages eleven to fourteen. I liked it there because that was the last age group a teacher could influence kids on how to treat a planet, or each other, or themselves. That is also the group that begins to become aware of the opposite sex so getting their attention is impossible at times. Once they leave for high school their minds are pretty much hardwired and there isn’t much anyone can...