Felicity Ch. 44 free porn video

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They were as unlikely as any couple to ever become lovers.

He was a big redheaded man, nearly six-five and at least two hundred twenty pounds. He was very reserved and many thought he was unfriendly but he liked people well enough. However except in the line of work he just would not speak to anyone unless spoken to first.

The conversations were friendly and polite but rarely lasted sixty seconds on his end. Questions asked about him were given short answers then he asked a question in return about them. That usually ended his part of the conversation.

Much to the surprise of many he really did listen.

He was very handsome and the women of the company wanted him but he had not had a relationship with any of them.

Some suspected he was gay but when he set out to get laid he was nearly always successful. Among the women he had sex with he had a reputation as an exceptional, long lasting lover with a bigger than average cock. He had a lot of repeat business.

Somehow that information made its way to his office and he had to withstand some advances. They stopped when he mentioned they would both lose their jobs.

The people working for him were intensely loyal. He gave them flowers or dinner coupons on birthdays and anniversaries. He always gave them full credit for jobs well done. Yet no one at his office thought of him was a friend, he was the boss.

She was a liaison in his unit assigned to his office when his company bought hers. She was a pretty black woman, very intelligent, and terminally shy. She was about five feet tall, under one hundred pounds. She was perhaps the oldest member of his staff but looked like the youngest.

She was terrified of the city, it was more than fifty times bigger than her Georgia hometown.

She was embarrassed by compliments because she never felt she deserved them, just doing my job she said.

She spent a lot of time blushing.

At first many thought she was lesbian because she had always retreated from male company but the department’s two lesbians had their advances rebuffed too, the only single woman to ever do so.

He felt sorry for her and worried what would happen to her when her job was done. The bosses had already told him she would be let go soon.

That was what she seemed to expect. She had been working for him for three months.

He did hope she would stop blushing every time he spoke to her.

When he had flowers brought to her desk on her birthday she blushed the entire day. When the others told her the flowers were from him and a tradition in their section she blushed whenever she saw him.

At the end of the day it took her several minutes to be able to say thanks to him and ran out of his office as soon as she did.

He wondered how lonely she was. Probably lonelier than he.

As they were leaving the office that Friday, the last two as usual, he asked her to please follow him and he led her to a nice restaurant on the corner of their building and they sat at a corner table.

‘The chicken is very good here and so is the pasta but order anything you want. And stop blushing,’ he said with a smile.

She gave him a brilliant smile and a brilliant blush then stammered that a chicken salad would be nice.

He ordered that for her and a chicken sandwich for himself and chicken soup for both.

Their conversation was sparse but neither found that unnerving. In fact dinner with company was very pleasant for both


When dinner was over they separated at the sidewalk with just smiles for each other.

‘Terminally cute, borderline gorgeous, smart’ he thought then did his best to erase that from his mind.

‘What a handsome, gentle man’ she thought and then tried to bury that thought.

On Monday he found a Thank You card on his desk. It read, ‘It was my best birthday since I was twelve. Thanks.’

She had not signed it but he knew from who it was. He gave her a smile as he went past her desk. She blushed.

He had never taken someone out to a birthday dinner so she became an immediate celebrity in the department. He saw the commotion and apologized to her for placing her in the middle of it. She smiled, nodded, and blushed.

That workweek was hectic, a client had changed her mind on what she wanted and the sales department had made promises that could not be fulfilled. He had to explain the process to the client and cover for sales. He had spent most of the week out of his office.

The sales department as usual did not acknowledge his efforts on their behalf but the company president gave him a thanks and a pat on the back. That Friday morning the sales department sent him a note that promised it would never happen again. His boss had apparently gotten on their butt. He put the note with the other five he had from them.

As he rode the elevator down he thought that he would like to have company for dinner that evening. He saw her on the sidewalk in line to take a bus. He went to her and asked if she had a date that night.

She giggled and said ‘No.’

‘Follow me please,’ he said and led her to a Japanese restaurant a block away.

They were led to a small booth and he ordered the fried calamari appetizer and a Japanese beer. She asked for tea.

He soon noticed that she had no idea what anything on the menu was and he asked if she would like him to order for her. She closed the menu as she gave him a grateful smile. He ordered the shrimp and noodle for each of them.

She loved the fried calamari and admitted it was the first time she had ever eaten them. She did leave the ones with tentacles to him. When her tea was brought her confusion led him to prepare it for her.

‘Have you been in a Japanese place before?’ he asked.

‘No, in my town we don’t have one that I know of. We have Italian, seafood, and Mexican restaurants. We have lots of diners and a Chinese buffet but I have never been to that one. There was an Indian restaurant but they closed.’

‘Well, in this town we have a wide variety. Name a country and we have at least three restaurants with their cuisine. Did you like the Indian restaurant?

‘I never went, I was too scared. I would have needed someone to explain things for me.’

Their food was served and she enjoyed it even though she though the shrimp looked funny.

He told her there were hundreds different kinds of shrimp and different ones were preferred by different cultures. He also mentioned that the restaurant served sushi one of which featured a raw shrimp.

She was aghast so he ordered two.

He ate his shortly after it was served and as usual wrapped a piece of ginger around it.

Several minutes later she cut a very small piece of hers and wrapped ginger around it too. Several minutes later she closed her eyes and put the morsel in her mouth.

He managed not to laugh.

Several minutes after that she bit into half of what remained.

‘I could not taste the shrimp or the rice, just the ginger which is good.’

He said, ‘I am impressed you tried it. There are others with different seafood including crab and octopus, the most popular is tuna fish. I prefer the eel, it has a stronger taste.’

She made a face as she giggled. He poured some of his beer into her empty cup and said, ‘Try this.’

She took a small sip and wrinkled her nose. ‘No, I still don’t like beer. Sorry.’

‘Not a problem, more for me,’ he said.

They had finished dinner and he had paid the bill but enjoyed the others’ company for several minutes more until the feeling that they were imposing on the other began to intrude in on them.

He asked her if she would like a ride home.

‘How far out of your way would you have to go?’

‘Not very. At this time of evening the busses no longer run often,’ he added.

He was mor
tified with himself, he had just begged her to accept his offer.

She blushed a crimson red, a difficult feat for a black girl. She had suddenly realized he wanted her company a little longer. She wanted his company a little longer too. It occurred to her they were on a date.

That thought did not cross his mind until the next day.

She stammered, ‘If you don’t mind.’

‘No, not at all,’ he said too quickly much to his chagrin.

He knew she lived at an extended stay hotel less than three miles away from his patio home. The park and ride lot where her car was parked was a half a mile away from her hotel.

He parked next to her car, opened his door and walked around to her door. Her hand was on the handle when he opened it. He closed her door after she got into her car. They smiled at each other and he watched her drive away.

As soon as each was in their bedroom naked both masturbated thinking of the other.

After she achieved her second orgasm she went to the computer and ordered a dildo for herself. She had a vibrator but she needed something bigger, something that would allow her pussy to accept a cock.

She had only fucked one guy in her life and ten years had passed since, she had not liked it at all. He had made no effort to get her to enjoy the experience and it had hurt. She fucked him again but there was never a pleasurable moment. She broke off her engagement to him.

A few years later, shortly before her company began to have difficulties she stumbled into a web site called Literotica and had read some stories in the romance category. She learned from them that the problem had not been her but him. She began to look for the right guy but work worries intruded. She had already given up on romance.

She masturbated again with the vibrator off. She did not have an orgasm. She wondered if his cock had a vibrate setting. She fell asleep giggling softly.

By Monday morning both had decided a relationship would be a bad idea and held themselves within themselves.

They smiled and worked and the week passed without problems, until they were in the elevator that Friday after work.

Without consulting his brain his mouth asked her if she would like to try a real Indian restaurant.

With absolutely no input from her brain she said, ‘Yes.’

At the restaurant they talked to each other like they had never talked to anyone before in their lives. They revealed more about themselves than they had done before.

She learned that he had been a bookworm and had graduated cum laude in high school and college. He had tried several jobs before the one he had but kept thinking he would move back home. He was from a small town on the coast. called Felicity.

He learned she had been a valedictorian in high school and her small college. She wore glasses because she could never manage to stick contacts onto her eyes. She was considering not returning home, her town was in deep recession.

They had each been engaged once and were the one that broke it up. Neither had a significant other for years. Both loved avocados and pasta, neither liked eggs. Both loved symphonies and seventies rock.

When dinner was over he drove them to an ice cream parlor and had some serious combinations of scoops. They needed to get the taste of curry out of their mouth.

As he opened her car door at the park and ride she impulsively turned and kissed him. She quickly sat and drove away.

Each masturbated as soon as they got home, several times.

On Monday they were back to reticent mode. By Wednesday she was inventing reasons to go to his office. He was inventing reasons to go to her desk. By Thursday their hands were caressing each other at every opportunity.

On the elevator ride down on Friday they kissed.

He followed her to the hotel then drove them to a hamburger joint by the bay that had the best burgers and onion rings in the state. They held hands as they strolled along a bayside park. The kiss they shared before they left the park told her she needed to order a bigger dildo.

That Saturday they each managed to avoid calling the other. He lasted until three Sunday afternoon before he called her.

‘How about a drive to the coast, we can get a sea food dinner, and go for a walk on the beach. If you are not busy. If you like the beach.’



‘Now would be perfect.’

He had just stepped out of his car when she came out. They kissed before she got in. He was amazed at how beautiful she looked. It had been the first time he had seen her in anything other than a conservative dress. She wore a sailor blouse in red, white, and blue and white Bermuda shorts. She looked delicious.

He noticed she was blushing, apparently he had said that last part aloud. He chose not to amend the statement.

The drive was pleasant, all the traffic was on the other lanes leaving the beach. They sat in the balcony overlooking the Gulf and did not mind the slow service at all. They held hands.

She amazed herself at how normal holding his hand had become. At first she thought he would get in trouble but most people smiled at them. They apparently only saw a big galoot and his cute girlfriend.

It was after six and nearing dusk when they walked to the beach. They continued to hold hands for a while until she put an arm around his waist as she blushed intensely. She had wanted to do so for two weeks until it had become an ‘I have to’ problem.

He reacted as she fervently hoped, he hugged her to him and kissed her. She noted that her new bigger dildo would be about the right size. He noted that her tits were bigger than they seemed and nipples were trying to stab him.

Somebody shouted near them and they noted a white Mom was trying to get her black boy to get in the car. It crossed her mind that at her home they may have all been shot. She decided that there were advantages to a big city after all.

He and she held their embrace for a few moments then continued walking with an arm around each other.

It was dark when they returned to his car. They kissed for a while then began the return trip. Neither said a word on the way back but both had smiles on their lips. They held hands.

He took her to her hotel and kissed at her doorway before saying good night. Neither masturbated that evening.

On Monday morning he was at her hotel to give her a ride to work. They had not talked about it but she was not surprised.

After he parked his car in the underground garage they went into their building and stopped at a deli. He bought two coffees and two bagels. As usual they were the first two in the office. They kissed often as they had breakfast until they heard the elevator ding.

Except for the morning and after work rides the next few weeks were normal at work. He took her out to dinner each Friday after work but they never ate downtown again.

Saturday night and Sunday afternoon he took her to a different attraction then a restaurant then took her home. She loved the zoo and the science museum. She loved watching the major league baseball team. She loved watching the symphony. All were new experiences for her.

She though that an old man with a beard was going to give them trouble at symphony hall but what he said was, ‘He is way too ugly for a woman like you. You need to find a bearded older gentleman that can spoil you rotten.’

His smile told them that yes he would love to love her but knew her young man seemed to be crazy about her too. They both blushed and smiled as the man walked away.

‘He is right. You are too pretty for a man like me,’ he said.

She kissed him and said, ‘You are the handsomest man I know.’

During the weeks there were many kisses and hugs and a couple times one of them would have allowed sex even at the risk of their jobs but the other kept their sanity.

They did allow
the occasional ‘accidental’ tit and cock gropes. There were many such accidents. Her hand had drifted from his waist to his ass. Since his hand was often on her ass she thought it would be OK.

Five weeks after their non-love affair had become established she came to his office on a Friday afternoon and asked him to please come and help her. When he got to her desk she was packing her personal items.

‘Have you lost your job?’ he asked.

She grinned at him and said, ‘Yes, I no longer work here.

He grinned and said, ‘I am sorry to hear that.’

There were others around them so they could not say how happy they were. Both knew anyway.

He helped her carry her boxes down and drove her to her hotel. He helped her pack her stuff there and after she checked out followed him to his home. They managed to put all her stuff away before they kissed.

They were nude and kissing in the shower before they were aware that they were. He knelt on the shower floor and lifted her to his shoulders and ate her pussy to an orgasm.

They were barely dry when they went to bed. He urged her over him and she began to lower herself over his cock.

She should have gotten the next size dildo she though as she slowly sank her pussy over his dick. She smiled when she reminded herself that she was in control. She was grateful and impressed with his patience, his gentleness.

He propped himself up with his elbows and began to kiss her. He gently nibbled her nipples. He felt her sit on his groin, he was all the way in her.

He sat up and hugged her to him and covered her face with kisses.

He was fascinated by their difference in size, he was well over a foot taller and well over one hundred pounds heavier than she.

She marveled at how safe she felt sitting naked on his lap with her pussy full of his cock.

She rose and fell on his cock a little. A few moments later she rose higher and sank herself to him three times. He lay flat as she paused. She wondered in amazement at the pussy fluids emerging from her lubricating the passage of his cock. She pressed her tits to his chest and gave him the best kiss she had ever given anyone.

She pushed up with her arms on his chest and began a slow, gentle fuck.

He caressed her tits. She was going almost all the way up and simply siding back down. On one of those she groaned and her pussy gave his cock a strong squeeze.

She collapsed on his chest. She had cum.

‘Man, had I known how good it could be I would have tried harder to get a man. Apparently I never found the right one because I was not looking for a very large redheaded white guy.

You are my second man, this was my third fuck. The first two were very disappointing, painful. This one was my best orgasm ever. How many more can you give me?’

‘At the pace you are on maybe three or four. I will need mine soon but we will be fucking all night so do what you need to do.’

‘Thank you,’ she said as she blushed before she resumed fucking him.

He lasted through four more of her cums. She had a fifth as he filled her pussy with his ejaculate. It was then that he remembered he was not wearing a condom.

He waited for her to recover her breath before he asked if she was on the pill.

‘Oh hell. No. It never crossed my mind until now. I am sorry. With any luck I am not pregnant and we can keep fucking the weekend away.’

‘I don’t have condoms.’

She looked at him and said, ‘OK, we will get some tomorrow. Just leave your dick in me tonight.’

She remained draped over his body and fell asleep.

He caressed her gently and kissed her often as he began to sort the rest of his life. He decided he would take the job of plant manager in his hometown of Felicity. He was sure there would be zero reservations from anyone about their relationship.

Thirty minutes later his cock had recovered and was very erect in her pussy. She may have felt it since she was stirring awake.

‘Nice,’ she said.

He kissed her and said, ‘It would not devastate my life if you became pregnant.’

‘How old are you?’


‘As you know I am thirty-one. I would be almost fifty before our daughter graduated from high school. That is too old.’

He kissed her lovingly, gently. ‘You would not be alone,’ he said.

She gave him a brilliant smile and her most loving kiss. He had just asked her to marry him.

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Dont insult a stripper

"Damn baby!" Matt laughed as slapped the stripper on the ass. "How's it feel to have demean yourself form money?" Candy turned her head in shock, her eyes looking at the smug man in the business suit. "Excuse me?" she asked as she stopped her routine. The men sitting next to Matt looked around awkwardly as Matt puffed out his chest. "I said," he said loudly. "How's it feel to have to demean yourself for money? I bet your mom and dad are real proud." Candy eyed the men sitting...

2 years ago
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Summer at the Beach Part Five

Though I could tell that Jim was ravenous, he limited himself to a cobb salad and a Perrier. He was taking my comment about keeping his "girlish figure" to heart. It was fascinating to watch Jim eat. Now that he was wearing lipstick he took each forkful very carefully and allowed only his teeth to take the food off the fork. He did not want to smudge his lips, if he could help it. All girls eat like that when wearing lipstick. It makes for daintier bites and a distinctly feminine style of...

3 years ago
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Long Holiday

Copyright Oggbashan September 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Long Holiday As it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the coffee...

4 years ago
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Boys First Time Chapter 1

The weeks grinded by until finally in early July we were packed in the car on our way to sunny Florida. It took us two days to get to our final destination but once we did, we all agreed that the long hours in the car were worth it. The first few days of lounging on the beach and swimming in the Gulf were pretty uneventful. Monday and Tuesday flew by and after a long day of tanning on Wednesday, we were pretty worn out by the evening. My parents left for Miami around six because my parents,...

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Another Love Part 4

My body overheating forced me awake the next morning. The reason for overheating was the two girls snuggled up to me on either side.Both girls would more than likely have sore heads when they awoke, we had all drunk more than we planned. I lay there and smiled, remembering how the events of the evening had unfolded after we had got back from the party games.-----We almost crashed through the door to Jade’s student accommodation having staggered the fifty or so metres from the party flat. Both...

1 year ago
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Feminizer disease takes my body over Chapter 7

Feminizer disease takes my body over by Terry Hansay Chapter Seven The next day after our shopping spree, Sunday was going to be a "get ready" day for returning to my job on Monday, I thought. I got out of bed in my pink nightgown and grabbed my robe with those two inch heeled slippers. All of a sudden, my wife, Cathy stared me down. I knew I was in trouble with that look. She said, "Why didn't you put on your bra? You know I want you wearing a bra 24/7....

1 year ago
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Future Wife Old Timers Spit Roasting Part 2

A few nights had passed since Sarah had experienced her first spit roast, she was differenet full of life and said she felt desired.We had previously arranged to meet with Mal again… A few nights had passed since Sarah had experienced her first spit roast, she was differenet full of life and said she felt desired.We had previously arranged to meet with Mal again and this time we agreed to drive to his house and go to his local pub on foot as it was only 10minutes away. When we arrived he...

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Glenelg meet

I was on my own for two weeks as Anne was off in England visiting her parents for probably the last time as their health was failing, for my part I still had to work plus her father and I never really got on with each other,By the first weekend I was bored and when I got bored my thoughts turned to sex and being on my own I was thinking a bit of cock was in order. I jumped in my car and drove down to Glenelg there were a few public toilets in the area that were often frequented by guys looking...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood Exposure

Jason Fladger sits at home just before lunch time, browsing through his favorite 'erotic' websites and getting hornier by the minute. He is 31 years and recently unemployed, so he finds he has a lot of time on his hands to surf and jerk. Most days that is enough to get by, but today he has a serious craving for pussy. Jason's new wife, Leanna, works for the local university. She has a mostly Latin ethnicity, with a little African mixed in. She is very short, only 4'11", with wide hips and a...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Booth Wife

Not in a million years would I have ever dreamed I would be sitting at a keyboard and typing this account of what happened only a few short months ago. I had thought about putting this into words several months from now, but decided I needed to do this now, not only because the memory is fresher, but also due to the fact that I will soon be pre-occupied with a situation you will soon read about. I don't quite know where to start, and I don't want to bore you will meaningless historical details...

3 years ago
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A Milf and Her Pool Guy

My name is Mary and I'm a bit of a MILF. There isn't anything that I love better then looking at a man and just wanting to tear their clothes off. I just love sex and require a lot of it. My husband and I have sex about five times a week, but it's still not enough. I'm always looking for extra-curricular activities on the side. My most favorite thing is to flirt with the young men that come and clean our pool. Every week they send over a hot, new, young man. I think I've had sex with all...

1 year ago
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Interview With the BimboChapter 12 Its Better to Never Have Loved at All

"You and Michael?" asked Annabelle, "I don't think either of us even noticed it was happening. Every day he would oversee whatever tests were being carried out and then in the evening we would have dinner together and just chat about nothing." "Every evening?" "Yes. We kidded ourselves it was a precautionary test to check that my true mind was still intact after a full day of fucking, but he could have easily passed the job onto any one of his employees. The truth was that we...

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I Swear They Cum So HardPart 2

I spent a week helping a manufacturing company cut their machine changeover time from 127 minutes down to 7 minutes. Not a bad improvement considering I spent most of that time trying not to think about the cute young woman I met at the airport. She was a barber. Her name was Veronique, Vera for short. Before I left, I gave her some advice on how to get her boyfriend, Ian, and Ian's “sort of a boyfriend,” Sammy, to finally, finally give her the orgasm she so richly deserved. Did it work, or...

1 year ago
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Degradation of the Human ConditionChapter 6

“I’m sure you are full of questions,” Hera says, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. “I am not here to give you answers. That is not my job. But you stay on my good side and I will make sure you get the things you want.” Page’s ears perk up at the sound of this. She quickly sits upright, eyes like saucers hoping to gleam something from this woman. “Do you know something?” Hera places a finger on Page’s lips. “I told you that I’m not here to answer your questions. You can ask Zayne...

2 years ago
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Darlene Conquers All

The Tampa area (we are in Lithia) has many opportunities for those of us who want to explore our fantasies. Some post their videos and their intimate photos, but my husband and I, and our circle of friends, do not. We have a group (or maybe a clique) that we laughingly refer to as the Fan Fuls which is short for Fantasy Fulfillment. Carl and Darlene are a married couple in the Fan Fuls. Darlene is employed as an expert cosmetologist and does fantastic work. There is that aura about her when she...

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The Stolen Rose

He awoke. He could feel the stiffness in his limbs. And then the cold wind blew across him, bringing memory with the chill. The battle he had waged against the dark lord. His companions falling one by one. And finally…alone…surrounded by demons…he was taken. They did not finish him there, but dragged him back to their foul lair. In that darkness he lost all sense of time. There were only hours of pain, torture and taunts, followed by blessed loss of consciousness. Until he awoke in this...

1 year ago
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Sorry Mother Forum

There are plenty of places you can go to when you want to get off to leaks, and among those, forums are a great source of this kind of content. But then again, not forums feature leaky fap material. Well, you came to ThePornDude for a reason, and that’s because I have listed all kinds of websites packed with all types of content. Here, you will always find what you are looking for, or at least something to get your damn ass off!Today, my focus is on a platform that avails all kinds of leaky...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
1 year ago
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A Better Body

A Better Body By Mister Double-U I can tell that they're staring at me. Watching my breasts as I pull down on the arm bar. And why shouldn't they? I am the hottest looking babe at the gym. I shake my head and move the long red hair out of my eyes. The sweat glistening off my perfectly formed legs. It's a wonderful sensation. One of the guys just moved to the machine next to me. He's kind of cute. I can almost see his erection through his shorts. I bend over to lower the...

3 years ago
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Wow ThanksChapter 20

The girls were still giggling in the den and had started playing some music on the PC in there, rather loudly. Denise and I sat at the table recovering from the intensity of the past few minutes, when unexpectedly the doorbell rang. Denise's face displayed a fascinating progression of wordless emotion: surprise, puzzlement, recollection, alarm. She stood up and hiked up her pants and rebuttoned them and closed the fly, and then peeked out a window that gave her a view of her porch, and she...

3 years ago
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Exposing Cindy Ch 3 educating our youth

Exposing Cindy – Educating our youth Chapter 3: Shy Stephen suddenly feels pretty bold I showered, savoring the warmth of the pulsing jet as I rinsed Stephen’s semen from my face, hair, shoulders and legs. I reflected on the morning. Things had certainly gone much, much further than I had intended. In a matter of moments, I went from some harmless teasing to a physical sexual relationship with my young boarder. And this young boarder was the son of my good friend and neighbor. Was it even...

2 years ago
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The fun part of stephons run in with sora

Ok, its going to be ok stephon. I think to myself as I reveal her cock. It turns out shemale cock isn't that different from regular cock. Or at least mine, I have never sucked off a guy so......AnywayMouth, neck, upper chest, natural breast, chest, belly button, below belly button, shorts, panties. I stop, im still second guessing myself and then just nut up, expose her cock and lick it.Umm.... This feeling is different than I expected. I think that I'm actually enjoying it. Like three...

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Billy the kid ch 5

Fresh from my hot shower. I walk into my bedroom, where I hear Tammie on her phone talking to her son Tommie. "Okay, you can go over to Alex's house, to finish your science project. But that's it! You go straight home when you're finished. Because you're still grounded." I look through my closet, trying to figure out what to wear for my trip to the park. I hear Billy and his friends returning from Chad's house. Billy walks into my bedroom. Where Tammie and I are still naked. He...

4 years ago
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The JAG Crew Gets It OnChapter 27

Harriet had put in a full day at work like Mac and Harm and the other members of the JAG legal staff, but when she got home, she'd already given her brother-in-law, Mikey Roberts, a phone call and invited him over to spend the evening with her. It was a Friday and she knew he had some Friday/Saturday privileges from Annapolis, so she asked Mikey if he'd like to stay over that night. Mikey readily agreed and said he was very much looking forward to it. Mikey said he couldn't get there in...

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19 October 2007Chapter 3

During the first intermission, the telecast crew reviewed the scoring plays of both teams and highlighted Brad’s three-goal effort. Jim noted that with two periods remaining, it could be a typically wild scoring Junior A hockey game where the last shot wins. The shots on goal were seventeen to fifteen in favour of Kingston. “What do you make of Brad Hayward’s appearance in his first game?” Mark asked Jim. “Hayward has the advantage because no other teams have played against him to know his...

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Elderly neighbour asks for help with enema

I’ve mentioned Elaine, my elderly neighbour before in a recent blog post here in Xhamster. Well, this Christmas, Elaine popped round to deliver presents for my family. It was 23 December and I was alone in the house - due to meet up with everyone the next day. Elaine knew this and said that she needed another favour from me. My heart leapt, and I asked her if this was my Christmas present early. She smiled and said that now were were in the same wavelength, she rather hoped that I would treat...

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I got what I wanted but from the wrong man 2

As I laid there catching my breathe having just been totally fucked by this huge cock and having orgasms that were out of this world, my cell phone started to ring. The caller Id showed it was my husband the man who I love with all my heart, but also the man who I just cheated on. I put my finger to my lips for Harry to be quiet as I answered the call. I said "Hi honey how are you doing without me there?" He answered "Oh ok I guess, just missing you already and thinking maybe I should join you...

1 year ago
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PervMom Danica Dillon Sniffing Stepmoms Panties

I was sneaking around my stepmoms room in hopes of finding a pair of her panties to sniff. I was in luck! I found a lacey light blue pair soaked in her juices. It was amazing and got me instantly hard. I got so caught up that I did not realize my stepmom had walked into the room. She was not mad though which was surprising. She asked me if I liked the smell of them. Of course I admitted to her the truth. Before I knew it she removed the panties she was currently wearing and made me sniff those...

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The Train Ride

The following story is based in one of those old fashioned British first class train carriages. It holds six people, and has a door to shut it off from the outside world. Again, all characters are fictional etc etc. The train was packed that evening, the commuters all heading home to the leafy suburbs. But luckily Jo had a reserved seat in first class. So there was no rush.When she arrived at her seat the booth was already pretty much full. Three older gentlemen rather well turned out had...

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Facebook Pe Mili Ek Hot Ladki

Ek din normal chat karte kate maine ek id dekhi aditi k naam se. Dikhne mai bilkul pari jaisi. Hotho k oopr ek pyaara sa til , lips bilkul pink . Uss ladki ki khaas baat hi the uske lips jo bhi dekhe bas ek baar choomna chaahe. Story p aata hu To maine use request send kari and usne 2 din baad accept bhi kar li Kuch dino tak normal baatein hoti rahi or dekhte hi dekhte hum bohot ache dost bann gaye. Kuch dino baad humne no. B xchange kie or fir whatsapp p baatein start hui. 3 mahine k dosti k...

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Best kept secret

I was at Best Buy in Greenfield around 10 pm looking at next week's schedule when Taisha Munoz came in to get her paycheck. I looked over at her she was wearing a Puerto Rican flag colored tank top blue jeans and flip flops her finger and toenails painted maroon.”bonita boriqua, from your pretty eyes down to your pretty little toes” I told her. she smiled. “you checkin me out huh?” she asked.How can a man not see a Latina like her and not get a hard on? she came over to me. “dude you work too...

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Introduction: The misfortunes and misadventures of Ensign Wesley Crusher WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, THEN YOU SHOULDNT BE READING THIS!!!!!   WESLEY CRUSHERS PAINFUL ORDEAL WITH THE KLINGONS   DEEP SPACE 7 09:00 HRS: Wesley Crusher woke up in the morning with his hard five-inch dick along with his hairless balls sticking out of the leg opening of his tight white briefs. Hed gotten...

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NubileFilms Lacy Lennon Modern Love

Sometimes living together is all about fun and games. Zac Wild is in the middle of making a cup of coffee when his girlfriend, Lacy Lennon, decides it’ll be fun to sneak up behind him. She manages to catch Zac right as he’s taking a sip, causing him to spill the coffee. Instead of being repentant, Lacy takes off in a game of chase me chase me that can only have a happy ending. Of course Zac easily catches up to Lacy. He takes his prize: a deep kiss, and then another. Eventually, Zac...

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Home From The Business Trip

It had been a long business trip. In my job as a sales rep, I often had to make trips out of town to visit our customers. But never this long. Our company had just introduced a brand new product, and they wanted me to make sure I met personally with all of my customers to promote it. But the trip was over now. And I had no plans of going home. I was going to visit my girlfriend, Alicia. I had gone too long without seeing her gorgeous body, feeling her gentle touch, or tasting her sweet...


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