Justice Under The New Laws free porn video

Justice under the New Laws:
The Bitchfinder-General
Part Two: Sarah in the Stocks:
At eight o'clock sharp the following morning, the senior policeman and histeam arrived to let Sarah out of the pillory at last. The senior officer washolding the end of a fire hose attached to a water hydrant on the main road. "Youcan turn the tap on now," he told his colleague.
Once the water was turned on, the senior policeman aimed the hose right atSarah's face and body. He knew from previous experience that the "clean-upoperation," as the men called it among themselves, would be anything buta pleasant experience for Sarah.
The force of the water was so great that the hose was almost torn from hishands. When the first powerful jet of water hit her, Sarah's head snapped backin shock. She gasped as the water almost pushed into her face, twisting herhead from side to side in a futile attempt to escape its power. The force ofthe sudden flow of water began the process of washing away the gunge that wasmatted in her hair and ears and even her eyes.
Then the officer lowered his aim deliberately, and the whole "cleaningcrew" laughed as the jet thudded hard into Sarah's tits.
"Now do the bitch's cunt!" another cop called out, and the seniorofficer deliberately aimed for the softest and most painful of his targets.Sarah winced in pain as she felt the water hitting right up her cunt with allits force. She squirmed desperately in a vain attempt to dodge its current.
The policeman continued to train his hose all over the helpless girl's nakedbody until she was completely sodden. The slime that had covered her now layaround her in a giant mud bath around the pillory.
"Wait a minute," said the officer in charge. "Let's see thewhore's tits dancing!"
He then trained the powerful hose right in between Sarah's big tits, the powerfulstream of water forcing them apart. When he finally lowered the hose, he sawwith delight that her tits bounced back into place again. This amused the crewso much that they had a new idea. By training his hose up and down at the rightspeed he could make Sarah's tits bounce in and out. The trick worked even betterfrom side on. The men rolled around laughing as they watched the show. Sarah,though, found it anything but funny. The pressure of the water made her poortits feel as if they were being used as punchbags.
Finally they let her out of the pillory, not helping her out in any way. Sarahstaggered off the platform, sore, bewildered, and in a state of total shock.She also felt very humiliated by her ordeal. As she tried and failed to standup straight and walk, Sarah fell helplessly over, landing on her big arse inthe mud around the pillory.
"What a stupid bitch," the senior officer laughed. Sarah, brokenbeyond her worst fears, started crying as she lay there helplessly in the mud. "Comeon, get up, you stupid fucking cunt," said his colleague.
They lifted the wailing wench and walked her a few paces through the mud tothe stocks. There were four boards on the stocks, the two lower ones holdingher legs and the upper ones securing her wrists firmly in place. The upperboards were finally removed and Sarah was made to sit on the bench behind thestocks, her legs forcibly lifted into the frame and the first of the threepreviously removed parts were replaced. Her shoulders were then pushed down,placing her in the approved position. Her hands were now helpless again aswell as her legs and feet. A large iron clasp and strap were fitted in place,another padlock being attached to them.
The senior officer took a final look at his handiwork. Satisfied, he noddedat the helpless girl. "There you go, bitch," he laughed, "Ithink you'll find this lovely and comfy!"
Sarah was beyond words, not that there would have been any point in makingany comments anyway. Probably it would only have encouraged them to even worseexcesses. She did however notice that the crowds were beginning to come back.And, what was worse, fresh ammunition had also arrived for their "entertainment."
Then it was time for her ordeal to begin again. This time the young boys beganthe show, encouraged by loud cries of "go on, pelt the fucking bitch!" Theytook turns to line up behind her, breaking an egg over her head or throwingeggs and tomatoes from just in front of the stocks. There was no way they couldmiss from that range, of course.
After the kids came the grown-ups, pouring more beans, custard, and otherslimy gunge all over her head and body, paying particular attention to herface, tits, belly and cunt.
After a few hours, the crowd moved in for the "kill." They werecompletely wild now and Sarah sobbed as she reflected that she had anothertwenty-four hours of this to go. The pelting got harder and harder. She noted,in spite of her pain and humiliation, that this time, unlike her session inthe pillory, it was mainly her body rather than her head which got hit. Thecrowd also seemed to be more accurate in their throwing, perhaps because ofthe practice they had had earlier on.
The force of the missiles hurt Sarah badly as they thudded into her body.Even the eggs and tomatoes felt like stones as they hit her already bruisedand tender flesh. Even her tears dried up as she tried to steel herself forthe ordeal with the only comforting thought she could find, that it would beover eventually.
After around eight hours, Sarah's hair was a sodden mess of gunge, and herwhole body was covered from head to foot in a slimy morass of custard, ricepudding, eggs, beans,tomatoes,mud, and shit. The crowd, Sarah became aware,were particularly keen on using her fat tits for target practice. As the rottenfood smashed into her tits, they wobbled helplessly. A trail of assorted filthdribbled all down her tits, her belly, into her exposed cunt and finally intoa disgusting pile around her arse. Again and again, the missiles rained downupon her body.
Then a new method of attack was tried. As her ankles were spread apart inthe stocks, one of the men had tried bowling an egg like a cricket ball, aimingto land it right up her cunt. The crowd loved the idea and soon her cunt washit by the missiles again and again. If Sarah's gob had not been so thoroughlyslimed by now, the excited crowd would have heard a gasp of astonishment whenthe first one landed right up her cunt. The flow of missiles seemed unending,and poor Sarah could only endure helplessly.
Then her ordeal became even worse as the senior policeman made an announcement,that was greeted with huge cheers.
"OK, folks," he announced, "for the rest of the day the bitchin the pillory is also the public toilet! You know the rules, men first, thenboys, then women, then girls. But, as is the custom, the victim of this bitch'scrime gets to have first go. Go on, ma'am, piss and shit on the worthless cunt!" "It'llbe a pleasure," the lady whose shop Sarah had so futilely tried to robreplied.
She squatted over the girl's helpless body and let fly a huge stream of piss,trying to direct at least the main stream over the girl's face and hair. Sarahgasped, and, to the delight of the crowd, some of the piss went into her mouth,which made her splutter even more. Then the woman farted deliberately in Sarah'sface.
After she had finished relieving herself on Sarah's body, she kicked the girl'stits with her booted feet. "I'll be back again when I've got some shitfor you!" she shouted.
A steady stream - in both senses - of customers for the new "toilet" madetheir way over to Sarah. She was pissed on from head to toe, most of the mendirecting their piss on to her face, tits and cunt. Some even managed to pissdirectly into her gob, and her gasps and spluttering when they did really amusedthe crowd.
After a while, customers also began depositing their shit on her helplessnaked body. Poor Sarah was degraded utterly as the shit mixed with the slimystuff already sticking to her face and body.
Then, on a signal from the senior policeman, the crowd turned really nasty.They began by picking up dirt and loose earth, and throwing it at her faceand body.
"How do you like that, bitch?" they shouted at her mockingly. "Enjoyingyourself, cunt?"
Then the senior policeman bent down towards her, a glass of yellow liquidin his hand. "You must be thirsty by now, Sarah. Do you want a drink?"
Sarah was beyond speech, but she nodded anyway, even though she doubted verymuch if the officer was offering her refreshment out of kindness. The crowd,who knew very well what was in the glass, just laughed.
"Open up your gob then," said the policeman, and when the helplessgirl obeyed he began pouring the liquid down her throat.
It wasn't long before Sarah started spluttering again.
"What's the matter, bitch? Aren't you grateful to me for giving you somethingto drink?"
Gasping at the foul taste of piss, Sarah could only groan as her ordeal atthe hands of the public continued.
Eventually, after who knew how many hours of torment, the crowd began to disperse.The policemen stayed behind a while longer before even they left.
Once poor Sarah was left alone at last, all she could do was lie there uncomfortablyand pray for morning to come. Although even that would be anything but a blessing.First, she knew, would come another hosing like the one she had endured already.Then it would be time for her to be locked into the whipping post. Alone inher misery and humiliation, Sarah let the tears flow at last.

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