- 4 years ago
- 29
- 0
It was pretty late on a Friday night when my doorbell rang. I had not expected anyone and looked through the peephole to see who was there. I saw no one.
I had assumed it was a kid, after all I was a jr. high teacher and my students had an unformed sense of humor. As I turned to walk away the doorbell rang again. I opened the door quickly so I could catch them and found a very drunk semi-familiar looking woman leaning on the wall to one side. It was Dad’s third wife.
I was away in college when she and Dad married and I had first seen her at the wedding. She was definitely too young for Dad and her big boobs, platinum hair and silly laugh led me to place a bimbo tag on her.
She did try to be friends with me but I did not stay long at the reception so she really had no chance.
Mom had told me to treat every woman like a lady even though I had ample evidence to the contrary so I helped her in, gave her a glass of water and settled her down on my sofa. She mumbled a thanks.
That was when I noticed the scratches and bruises on her arms and face. I did not smell booze, I worried about a concussion.
I helped her to my car and drove her to the emergency clinic. They confirmed she was sober and had a mild concussion. She would not tell us who attacked her.
As I gave the nurse the information on her she asked me if Renee was my wife. I said no, step mother.
Renee said, ‘No, former step mother and no it wasn’t your Dad that put me here.’
It was three AM before all the tests were run and she was allowed to go home.
‘Where do you want to go?’ I asked.
‘A cheap hotel, please. I’m not going back to that house.’
‘What happened?’
‘You don’t want to go there. Suffice it to say your Dad has been a major disappointment to me.’
‘Not your fault, I know you are nothing like him.’
‘My place has a second bedroom and your purse is there. It has been a long night, stay with me and we can figure out what we can do tomorrow.’
‘You don’t mind?’
I took her home and settled her into the small bedroom which had its own bathroom. I gave her one of my t-shirts to wear and she went to bed.
I heard her crying and got up to check on her but stopped before opening the door. She obviously needed a good cry. I went to bed.
It was ten in the morning before I got up and after taking a leak and brushing my teeth I went to check on her. She was sleeping soundly. I closed the door and went to fix coffee.
I was drinking my second cup in the patio when she joined me. She thanked me for rescuing her and promised to be gone by noon.
I told her she did not have a time limit and that I needed to test her for symptoms of a concussion before anything else.
‘Fix yourself some coffee and sit out here. I will go get the list of things I need to do.’
She nodded and I immediately saw she had a headache. I found the pills the clinic had given me and got her a small glass of orange juice. She swallowed the pill with the orange juice then brought her coffee to the patio.
I looked at the list of questions I had to ask and wondered if she knew any of the answers in the first place. She knew all of them.
Her pupils were equal in size which was when I noticed how blue her eyes were. Her ears well still ringing but her nausea was gone. Her headache had retreated to dull throb category.
I reminded her I was supposed to do the test again in eight hours and asked if she needed to have stuff from her house.
She hesitated then said, ‘I guess I do need to go back to that house. Your Dad will not be there, he and his new lover left for Cancun this morning.’
‘I will help you,’ I said and wondered why I would.
She seemed very different since the wedding eighteen months before. Her hair was no longer platinum blonde although still blond. Her tits were no longer outrageously large although very nice. Without make-up and with scrapes and bruises she was still very pretty. She no longer looked like a bimbo.
She said, ‘I would appreciate your help but I need a place to live first.’
‘Well, you can stay here until you do and you would not need to go back to the house when he is back if we get you completely out today.’
‘You don’t know me, why are you helping me?’
‘Because my Dad apparently did not treat you right. Because you need the help. Because you need a friend.’
She began to sob so I helped her up and led her to her car.
‘I will follow you. I do not know where you live.’
‘South end of the city, about sixty miles from here but just half a mile from the freeway.’
‘How did you manage to drive to Felicity with a concussion?’
‘I wasn’t dizzy until I was in your driveway. I dropped my car keys as I got out of the car and bent over to pick them up then the entire planet began to move without my permission. It took three tries before I manage to press the doorbell button.’
I smiled and opened her door for her. She got in and led me to a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood. It took us about one hour to pack up both SUV’s and we drove back home. Some of her stuff had to go in a hallway closet but we had everything put away before five.
That was when we noticed we had not eaten all day. I told her to take a shower and I would be back with dinner. I drove to Janie’s and got two of everything, almost. When I got back I put everything on the kitchen table then went to take a shower.
When I returned to the kitchen she was plating the food.
She said, ‘There is a lot of food here. Are you expecting company?’
‘No but I am hoping there is enough left over for breakfast. Why didn’t choose a hot dog?’
‘You never know what is in them.’
‘That one is kosher beef and delicious.’
‘Oh,’ she said and put it on her plate.
As expected she loved every bit of everything. She also ate every bit of everything I got for her and had her eyes on my taco which forced me to move it beyond her reach.
She giggled. I loved her giggle.
As we ate I asked her the questions on the concussion check sheet and she answered everything correctly, well except for the Regis Philbin answer to a question about a signer of the declaration of independence. She was grinning when she did and after answering the next question correctly I told her the right answer to that one was also Regis Philbin.
She giggled. I loved her giggles.
‘Do you have wine?’ she suddenly asked.
‘Yes but you can’t have any until the doctor checks you again on Monday.’
‘Oh, too bad. I suddenly felt like celebrating. It just crossed me mind I just started a new life today.’
‘Let me tell you the sanitized version of my last two years. I was a young lawyer to the firm your dad uses. We had some business to conduct and as soon as we finished he took me out to dinner. He was charming, handsome, polite, I could see women wanted him.
I was naive, impressionable. Even though he was old enough to be my father I fell for him. Two weeks later we were fucking on a regular basis. Two months after that he asked me to marry him. Two days later I agreed.
Our wedding and our honeymoon were fairy tale worthy. Then he returned his concentration to his work. He did not want children buy did allow me to have breast reduction surgery. My back no longer hurts at the end of a day.
About eight months ago he began to come home late. He smelled as clean as he had when he left.
His travel increased. I was convinced there was someone else but was afraid to find out. I found the tickets to his trip to Cancun, he had told me he was going to Chicago.
Last night as he packed I went to the woman he was having an affair with. The first thing she did was sneer at me. I slapped her. She attacked me. She won but
I think I did break her nose.
I was driving away when I suddenly realized I had nowhere to go. I don’t know why I came here, I really don’t. I did know it was far away enough. Thanks for allowing me to crash on your life.’
She kissed my cheek then stood as a tear ran down her face.
I stood and hugged her as I said, ‘I’m happy I was here for you.’
She sobbed and hurried to her room.
I cleaned up the kitchen then went to watch TV. I found a baseball game and settled in with a coke. I wanted wine but decided against it since she could not drink. She did not come out of her room that evening.
The next morning I knocked at her door and told her we were going out for breakfast since she had eaten ours last night. She came out three minutes later and said, ‘All I ate last night was a very small portion of fast food items, which were delicious by the way.’
‘I will show you where they came from, you are getting a guided tour of the town today.’
‘Is it true this town is full of lesbians and gays?’
Percentage wise you could say that although out and out lesbians there are not that many. Perhaps more than twenty percent of the women in town are bisexual, even those with a husband. Some of the men dabble in gay sex even though some are married, that is a once in a month deal for most of them.’
‘Will you tell me who are the bi and the lesbians?’
‘I wont need to, they will kiss you on the lips. I expect a few will not be able to keep their hand off your tits.’
‘You have managed.’
‘How did you know I was a lesbian?’ I asked.
She giggled and slapped my arm.
She would fit in living in this town I thought.
She had dressed in a white sundress and sandals. She looked fabulous.
I pointed out places of interest as we went past them. She was very much surprised to learn that Felicity Music was the home of a world famous singer.
We pigged out at the buffet and she was kissed by every woman I introduced her to. Ruthie’s kiss lasted long enough for Renee to close her eyes.
I drove us to church and introduced Renee to everyone that came by and all the women kissed her lips. I am sure Carly’s kiss included a tongue as well as a tit cop.
She enjoyed the service and the fried catfish lunch then we went back to my house and got into our swimsuits. We spent the afternoon on the beach swimming, splashing each other, and trying to dunk the other.
Her bare tit was just under the water when she noticed me staring.
‘Oh, sorry,’ she said then tried to brush some imaginary something off her tit before putting it back into her bikini bra. Then she giggled. I loved her giggle.
Late that afternoon we went home and took showers. I was wearing slacks and a polo shirt when she came out of her room.
‘Are we going out?’
‘Yes, to whichever of the favorite restaurants is open today.’
‘They take turns?’
‘On Sundays. They open only for dinner. I am hoping either Julian’s or Doris’ is open today. Pedro’s would be good too. Shorts and a blouse would do by the way.’
It took her two minutes to be ready and as it turned out Doris was open. We had calamari appetizers and deep fried sea bass. She was not surprised or concerned the fish still had their heads on.
About five more women came by to meet her, two were lesbian couples. I saw Renee invite their tongues in.
Back at home we changed to gym shorts and t-shirts and watched TV for a while.
During a commercial Renee said, ‘Just so you know I am another bisexual woman in this town. It may be difficult to leave.’
I stopped myself from saying I hoped so.
The following morning I dressed and went to school before Renee got up. During lunch I called to make sure she was OK. She assured me she was and had spent the morning doing our laundry and drinking coffee on the patio. I reminded her she needed to go to the clinic for a check-up. She said her appointment was at two.
I told her to remember to take the notes I had written down when I was doing the concussion protocol. I added, ‘Dr. Beverly will not kiss you, however you may kiss her if you wish.’
‘Thank you. Have a good day although I don’t see how you can where you work.’
‘You have to be as loony as they are to get along.’
She giggled.
‘Do you know a good divorce lawyer in this town?’
‘Yes, in the office building on the boulevard just past downtown. Her name is Fay. Tell her everything and she will take it from there.’
‘Did she handle your divorce?’
‘Yes. Gotta go. Bye.’
I had almost forgotten my marriage, and divorce. In fact as I walked to my classroom it occurred to me that I had now been divorced longer than I had been married.
I had a nice surprise when I got home, Renee had cooked dinner. It was fabulous.
‘Did you go to the grocery store? I don’t remember having any pork chops.’
‘Yes I did, it’s a good place for kisses. So was the clinic and the lawyers office. Someone gave me tongue and copped a feel at each place. I love this town. By the way everyone thinks we are lovers and are happy you have me.’
‘You did set them straight, right?’
‘No, apparently everyone thinks you need a lover. I did not confirm or deny anything. Of course Fay was shocked to learn I am your stepmom but she can’t tell anybody anyway. Neither can the doctor now that I think about it. So for the good of the town please ignore the rumors.’
‘What did Fay tell you about your divorce?’
‘He will be served as soon as he gets back home. She will be served as an accessory the same day. Fay thinks that since both have reputations to protect neither will dispute it. I asked for enough money to move here. She said that was a brilliant idea. I was so happy I kissed her. She kissed me back.’
‘The next time you go back to her office remember Carly works on the third floor.’
‘Now you tell me. Wait, Carly is married isn’t she?’
‘Yes, her husband works on the second floor of the building. He knows about her urges and allows her to play. They enjoy threesomes but he will not fuck the other woman unless she insists.
Carly is allowed to fuck two other men, both guys are married. She did ask for specific consent on those. No, I don’t know which men although it is not a deep secret.’
‘I love this town.’
‘Me too. Did you get the green light to drink?’
‘Yes, I did. She even mentioned a red wine I would love.’
‘This one,’ I said as I poured one for her and one for me.
‘Wow, this is yummy.’
‘Yes it is but you will notice everyone has just two glasses. You will want to drink the whole bottle but before you get to number three you are too drunk to drive. As far as I know we have only one person than can drink three and maintain her faculties. Tonight we will learn if you are the second such person.’
‘Who is this person?’
‘Inga, I don’t think you have met her yet.’
‘Does she have a pool?’
‘Yes, an infamous one.’
‘I was invited to a pool party at Jana and Inga’s Sunday after next.’
‘Make plans for it.’
For the rest of the evening we drank wine and watched TV. She was tipsy after her first class and drunk by her second. I filled her third glass to about a third but she fell asleep before she took her first sip.
I picked her up and carried her to her bed. As soon as I covered her up she kissed me then was immediately asleep.
I went to bed and masturbated for the first time in two weeks.
I was at work before she got out of bed and had a normal day. We got home at the same time. She was wearing a nice outfit and I asked if she was just coming back from a date.
‘No, been looking for a job. Every big concern in town has a lawyer. Did you know Carly is the lawyer for Felicity Music?’
‘Yes. Did anyone seem like a possibility
‘No, but Carly and Fay gave me some places to try. Sorry I don’t have dinner ready.’
‘It’s Tuesday, all you can eat chicken legs and thighs at Mollie’s. Let’s pee and go before the place gets mobbed.
We were on our second basket before she slowed down enough to talk. ‘Fay told me we can’t fuck until my divorce is final.’
‘What made her think we would?’
‘As far as this town is concerned we are married since we share a last name. She wants us to be able to swear under oath we don’t fuck. She wants me to have friends come over and see I have my own bedroom.’
‘Good idea. Any of the ladies that want you would be fine. I will be watching TV while you have company.’
‘Thank you.’
She then ruined our pact by giving me a wild kiss. I’m not sure she knew that she had. I am sure everyone that saw it let it pass right by them, everyone did that.
Renee did notice everyone was kissing Mollie and her daughter on the way out. She did too.
As we began our drive home she said, ‘I kissed a black girl and no one noticed. I am in the right town.’
We went home, changed to shorts and t-shirts then settled in front of the TV with glasses of wine. Half way through her second glass she stood and kissed my lips saying ‘G’ nite.’
I watched the monologue after the news and went to bed. As I passed her door I heard a moan, she was masturbating. I was masturbating thirty seconds later.
The next evening we went to Julian’s and she fell in love with the linguini in garlic butter sauce. I then took her to Jana’s for a concert by Alice and Marie which she absolutely loved. Many kissed her lips and I introduced her to Jana and Inga. She loved the kisses they gave her and really loved to hear she would be welcome the Sunday after next.
Among the many to kiss her was Ruthie. She played the piano that night and we saw Sean was doing the sound. I wondered if the rumors about them were true.
Renee met several others all of whom made it clear they wanted her. She was giddy when we got home.
We got back to our t-shirt gym shorts state of dress and I filled a glass with wine half way for her even though she had two drinks at the club. She kissed my lips before she plopped down on the sofa.
Forty five seconds later her eyes were glued to the TV but not seeing anything. I worried about that for a second until I noticed she had a throw pillow on her lap. She had a hand under the pillow. The hand was in almost imperceptible motion. She was masturbating.
My erection was instantaneous. She saw it and her hand went faster. Her mouth opened with a silent moan. Her motion stopped. She looked at my erection again
She drank her wine in one gulp, stood and came to me then gave me a long ferocious kiss before saying good night and staggering to bed.
I masturbated on the sofa immediately, I knew I would never make it to my bed.
The following morning she was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee as I went to get mine. I was wearing boxer shorts. She was wearing a t-shirt, nothing else.
‘Early interview?’ I asked.
‘Yes. Eight thirty at the bank.’
‘The two honchos there are a lesbian couple but do not put the make on them, they are all business first. They are geniuses at what they do so listen well.’
‘I am so glad I have you as coach, I would have fucked it up from the beginning.’
‘I need to dress, you do too. It’s a quarter to eight.’
She bolted up, kissed my lips and ran to her room. She definitely had a fine ass.
I left as she did and we kissed before driving away. I was parking at school before my mind questioned the kisses. The panic prone person in my head said it meant nothing, a new bad habit acquired from the town at best. I decided to go with that.
As my third period class went off to lunch my brain showed me a clear image of Renee’s naked ass as she ran that morning. The lecherous person in my brain said, ‘Oooh, nice.’
I called her and asked how it had gone.
‘I’m still here. They had to take care of an important customer and I have been sitting at a desk for about fifteen minutes.’
‘Do you see a cute older lady with glasses there?’
‘Pippa? Yes, I met her.’
‘She was their first hire. Ask her how her day went when she went to interview.’
‘She already told me. She was here nearly the whole day and did not know anything for two days. The ladies also told a customer she would handle their questions and she did the best she could. The customer seemed satisfied and left.
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I've always been a straight arrow, in every way. No drugs, no booze, no smoking, and since my divorce... no sex either. I was bored, desperately bored. I tried internet dating sites, no luck. Not even a single date. For a while, I roamed the streets late at night, hooked up with a couple of hookers, I even feel in love with one for a time, but it was a big joke to her and she ended up ripping me off. And the sex was next to non existence after the first year. I'm no adonis, by any means,...
Wednesday in SOHO I felt a little nudge; I was sleeping on my left side while Mark curled upagainst my back. His right arm is draped along my side his hand cupping thecurve of my bottom. He nudged me again. I could feel the hardness against myass so I lifted my right leg a bit and let him slip in between. Mark let outa contented sigh as his little one slides along my pussy. I squeezed my legstogether not wanting to lose him while I opened my eyes and propped myselfup on an elbow. "It's 9:30" I...
I'd just been dumped. The girlfriend, I mean ex girlfriend, found another man it seems. She was no longer interested in my average build, brown hair and blue eyes. Sure I’m pretty pale but that's only because I work with computers all day. Feeling betrayed and not up to par in confidence I decided to go to the local bar near my work. A small dive bar that serves affordable food and drinks, usually I'm upstairs where the actual bar is drinking beer and a shot or two. Today I wanted a...
Hi dear readers How are you muje aap sab logo ke bahut achchhe response mil rahe he.Thank u all for sending me feedback aaj me jo aapko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo meri aur meri mummy ki he ye kahani sunkar jarur aapka lund khada ho jayega.me gujrat ke rajkot sahar se hu me 26 sal ka hu aur meri mummy karib 48 sal ki he vo bahut hi gori aur uska badan bharavdar he . Uske honth gulabi aur bilkul clean he aur height bahut jyada nahi he. Ye bat aajse karib 6 month pahele ki he.hamare gav me...
She came into my room one day to ask me to help her. "Blake, I need to ask a favor of you." "Sure sis, what do you need?" Luckily for me, I was sitting at my desk. Otherwise, she would have seen the erection I got while talking to her. "I am doing really badly in one class, and I need help to study for the mid-term. If I fail the class I will have to take summer school before I can graduate. I desparately need you to help me." "Sure Lora, I can help you study." She ran up to me...
Anna was distracted. Her books lay open but she couldn't keep her mind on what she was reading.She rubbed her stiffening nipples as the growing wetness of her pussy forced her to cross and uncross her sturdy young legs. She was suppose to be reading Chaucer but, as usual, she was fantasizing about a long thick black cock. The dick wasn't attached to anyone in particular it just floated in her mind like a weird balloon. It made her pussy tingle and her mouth water. For weeks now she had had this...
Interracial(A special thanks to the community of superstories without your help it wouldn't nearly as good as it is now) January 1 2010 Reputation: Loathed Respectability: Not Even Close Income: $400000 Debt: $400000000 “New U Salon closing down from bankruptcy” Says the Headline. “The Allegations surrounding the business and its alleged mind control devices has finally caused the business to shut down. While they have never being proven the rumors surrounding the business has led to its final backers...
Mind Controldear diary i woke up very turned on from the last several days of writing porn, my sissie clittie swelling in my panties, then deflating when i refuse to touch it. Over & over again this happens. It's like having a countless number of mini-orgasms, except I just keep getting hotter & hotter without boiling over. My imagination gets so over-heated. For instance, Im lying in bed this morning & a very weird fantasy takes shape in my mind--the country takes an expected right...
She sat at her computer, in the corner of the lounge, as she often did during her spare time. Just for once she’d disconnected the internet, and she was typing away at the keyboard as fast as her limited typing skills allowed. She wished she’d taken that typing course when it was offered at school all those years ago, but spending one lunchtime a week having extra lessons hadn’t seemed as much fun as snogging boys round the back of the tennis courts. They used to give her cigarettes in return...
Chapter 7 The second time around, Emma woke more slowly, stretching her body under the sheets and then burying her face in the pillow. She hadn’t noticed before, but now she was more alert, she could smell him on the sheets and it was once again, strangely soothing. Still, while she could have stayed there half the day being lazy, there was no time for it. Rolling onto her back, she noticed he’d already gotten up, the sound of the shower giving her a clue that he was washing up. With a yawn,...
Trapped in a Fairy Tale By Carleton Vincent At the beginning of this tale, I was an eighteen-year-old boy named Shane Fletcher. I was basically pretty happy with myself the way I was. I was a perfect straight-A student and I was about to graduate high school with high honors. This academic success had earned me a full scholarship. I was headed for the university with the best computer science program in the state the next fall. With all of this going for me, I figured I...
I cant really help it, I have been in Love with her scent since the first time I went down on her. She is super clean and always well put together, if you saw her in the mall you may think the same. We have been married over 20 years.... The other night (while we had the house to ourselves) she approached my about her panties. " What are you doing with my panties?" she said. I played dumb for a bit, then figured I would confess, although I know she is aware that I sniff them...I reminded her of...
Hi..I am Anuroop working in an MNC in Pune.I m 25 yrs old. I’m 6 foot tall ,very white and have a big cock. Ladies can contact me if they want. I’m always ready to satisfy you.. Let’s come to the story. I was excelling in my office and they sent me for a training tour to Dubai at our head office. It was for a period of 2 months. I was super excited as it was my first trip abroad. My parents suggested that I could stay at my aunt’s place and I readily agreed as I didn’t want to waste money on...
Incest©This is fiction; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************** Sunday afternoon Susan fumed as she lay on the lounge lay by the pool. She had dumped her boy friend. Not that she really cared for him in the first place. The suggestion he made to her on their date two weeks ago was gross. So she demanded he take her home. The fact she had given him her virginity last summer really pissed her off. When he dropped her...
Kira Moore tearfully signed the divorce papers that had been on her desk for over a week. She was just a month past nineteen when they had gotten married. She often remembered back to her wedding day just over three years ago, the church had been filled with friends and family. After the reception, they had retired to the bridal suite. There, in the soft glow of the bedside lamp, they made love for hours. She had really felt that they would be together forever. But that was not the case. Roger...
Ki Jung keeps in touch with her three top students regularly, via the long-distance communications devices she provided each of them. In this way, she can keep up with how they are progressing and to find out about Auntie Pak, while telling them about her experiences. It isn’t the same as being there with them, but it is enough. After two years, she grew close to them. As she is traveling between Chang Li and Marshall cities, Ki Jung often thinks of them. She is considering asking one of...
Like alot of people covid 19 affected my wife and I very hard economically. That is until the day that this story is about. A little about my wife and myself. We are both 50 years old middle class small town amerrica couple. I have been At my job for 10 years and the owner of the company is a well educated 40 year old, fit, single black man. My wife and I have always had a decent sex life and for the past 5 yrs. Have been roleplaying in the bedroom. The latest thing had been bbc dildos and she...
A Daughter Has Her Way by: crossvestite Players: Amy-18 Steve-(Amy's daddy) 36 Andy-(Amy's twin brother) 18 Lucas-(Amy's boyfriend) 18 Cheryl-(Lucas's Sister) 15 Story synopsis: A young girl discovers that her daddy is a closet crossdresser. And along the way she discovers a lot about herself. She has plans for her daddy as well as her brother and boyfriend. Many adventures in store for everyone. --------------------- NOTE: This is a story I recently wrote in many short...
Introduction: A controlling female executive learns things she never imagined. *** Based on a PM and some comments in a forum thread. I am writing another first for me. Please understand that this is entirely fictional/fantasy. Everyone has sexual fantasies and if you cannot write about them, or think about them, then what freedom does one really have? Please send me PMs or write a Comment. I like getting feedback… and as you can see from this it gives me ideas. I really hope you enjoy this...
A White Sissy Boy Story Of His First Big Black CockThe other day I met a black man on the street and he took me back to his place. As soon as the door was closed I stripped down completely naked. He asked me to give a little turn so He could see the whole package. I gave a slow little spin then bent over to show him my “boy pussy” (as he called it).He dropped his pants and kicked them to the side revealing his 10” swinging member. He sat down in a big chair and told me to get on my hands and...
So - Last year I found out that my wife of 16 years and mother of my c***dren was planning to cheat on me with a work colleague. I had my suspicions when she started taking a huge interest in cycling (his favourite hobby), and spending a lot of time texting, using the 'Viber' app. Back then the security was pretty poor on Viber and I was able to clone her account on my laptop.She took up cycling and would go for long rides with him, to train for upcoming events.I didn't have to wait long after...
I want to tell you all that I am a regular reader of this page and I love how people share their experience. Today I am sharing my experience on how I got to fuck my friends gf on his bday at my apartment. this happened a year ago and we still fuck. This is a real sex story which happened in NOIDA sector 41. So it’s been 4 years working in HCL and I live with my friends. We share a flat so both have independent rooms. We bother each other less but yeah we do a lot of parties. Often our office...
I enjoy swallowing cum. Each guy has his own unique flavor. My high school boyfriend ate bowls, and bowls of Cheerios and that is why he tasted like the cereal. A few men have tasted like coffee. Some have had a bitter taste depending on their diet.Yesterday, I was dreaming of my imaginary lover, and how he would taste. Our first virtual date involved my favorite treat, ice cream. My favorite flavor is French Vanilla. It can be transformed into other creations by adding sprinkles, a slice of...
Oral SexThis is a story about an ex-girlfriend of mine, she was 5'4 with an athletic body due to her spending all her free time dancing as she belonged to a dance company. We were in highschool at the time and were in abosolute lust with eachother. We never had a date where our hands were inside eachothers pants. She loved to slide her hand down my jeans and grab my dick, she would work her hand down to the tip and check for precum and if she found some she would lick it off her fingers, that was...
Twas two weeks before Christmas and out in the manager, Rachel was hatching plans of a sexual nature. Her panties were hung on a hook and forgotten, all the better to show off her bare bottom. Visions of orgasms danced in her head as she eyed all the toys spread out on her bed… Hi again, it’s me. Kitty Girl. It’s been a while since I’ve shared my real life exploits. Yes, there is my ongoing adventure with the girls of KINK but it’s a fantasy. No, I’m talking about sharing another honest to...
"But I knew we would face it always together," I said. I tore my eyes from Lisa's face and looked to her mother, Amanda. This was our last chance. Twelve, almost thirteen, she was falling in with the wrong crowd. Getting into fights. There was even rumors that she was sexually active. And I knew whom to blame. Father. I was going to end up killing the sonofabitch. He never showed her enough love. She was trying to get the attention she needed. So in council together, Amanda, Andy and I...
It all started when I was at high school my sixteenth birthday was a month away when I found out my French teacher liked me. I would sit at the back of the class with a group of friends chatting throughout the lesson little did I know what my teacher was planning to do to me. I'm a skinny girl with curves in all the right places with 34c breasts and tight ass which made the guys turn there heads when they saw me walking down the corridoor. My teacher Annie was like me skinny and curvy but...
Wife cheats with neighbor who's like my own son 5(reposted because of accidental deletion)There I was sitting on the bed looking at the hotel videos Heather had on her phone meant for Connie to see. My pants down, cock in hand as I watched several of my beautiful wife, her fulfilling my fantasies with several young guys getting it from both ends and even both holes at the same time. I am sure they were Jason’s football friends while I cant say who was holding the phone getting it all. There was...
A Tale of Two Boilers By Matthew Dyne I knew the new owner of Doc Wheeler’s house was shopping when my answering service called my cell. I’d noticed Billy’s and Serge’s, my competitors’, vans there last week. I parked in the driveway and walked up the path. I took a deep breath and stood tall and rang the bell. She took me by surprise. I had a hard time not looking down—I didn’t want her to know what I was thinking. I’m sure she did. I kept my eyes on hers and put out my hand. “Cliff Stone,” I...
Love StoriesThis voyage would no doubt test us as a crew. We would be steaming over seven thousand miles at 14.5 knots, deepwater sailing for most of it. I spent most of my time with Ellen either spelling her at the helm, acting as the radar operator or checking our coordinates at the plotting table. We read and played a lot of cards, too. Sure, I spent some time helping wipe down the mechanical space and helping to clean the ship to give me a chance to talk to the rest of the crew--taking their...
Things were becoming more intense between us. I started liking Anil over Arun, I liked the way he would touch my body, his kisses, and his care for my entire physicality, from head to toe. Arun was more like treating me as my married whore. Whenever he wanted sex he would just fuck me and come. He never made love to my body, only rough sex and would stop after he had come, paying no attention to my needs. It was another normal day, I was cleaning the floor of the house in the traditional Indian...
March 14th, 1995, 5:07 PM EST Pennsylvania Station Harrisburg, PA The silence was soft and sweet, the kind of good silence that can exist between two people when they feel that there is no longer anything to communicate in order to reach understanding. They loved each other. They needed to sit and ponder that. No more doubts, nothing to wonder about anymore. Now they had to wonder how this was going to work, because they were going to make it work. George drifted with the lights off holding...
Carrie and I kept texting back and forth throughout the week, the old sexual connection coming back strong. I was surprised at the frankness of her conversations and the width of her sexual exploits, even though I really should have known. Keeping in touch through face book had led me to think of her in a benign way, that wasn’t who she really was. It wasn’t like she’d hid her real self from me, but the limitations of internet filtered out who she really was. I mentioned a couple of charities...
In Private Specials, Cherry Picking, Cherry Kiss has saved the best until last, and the best for this hungry nympho is taking on the BBCs of Aaron Rock and Jack Rippher in a wild gonzo interracial threesome! Cherry wastes no time filling her mouth with dark meat in this one as she takes turns devouring both cocks with a couple of gagging deepthroat blowjobs whilst also taking a hard anal pounding. Then enjoy the rest of the action right here on www.private.com where Cherry offers up her pussy...