Felicity Ch. 42 free porn video

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It was pretty late on a Friday night when my doorbell rang. I had not expected anyone and looked through the peephole to see who was there. I saw no one.

I had assumed it was a kid, after all I was a jr. high teacher and my students had an unformed sense of humor. As I turned to walk away the doorbell rang again. I opened the door quickly so I could catch them and found a very drunk semi-familiar looking woman leaning on the wall to one side. It was Dad’s third wife.

I was away in college when she and Dad married and I had first seen her at the wedding. She was definitely too young for Dad and her big boobs, platinum hair and silly laugh led me to place a bimbo tag on her.

She did try to be friends with me but I did not stay long at the reception so she really had no chance.

Mom had told me to treat every woman like a lady even though I had ample evidence to the contrary so I helped her in, gave her a glass of water and settled her down on my sofa. She mumbled a thanks.

That was when I noticed the scratches and bruises on her arms and face. I did not smell booze, I worried about a concussion.

I helped her to my car and drove her to the emergency clinic. They confirmed she was sober and had a mild concussion. She would not tell us who attacked her.

As I gave the nurse the information on her she asked me if Renee was my wife. I said no, step mother.

Renee said, ‘No, former step mother and no it wasn’t your Dad that put me here.’

It was three AM before all the tests were run and she was allowed to go home.

‘Where do you want to go?’ I asked.

‘A cheap hotel, please. I’m not going back to that house.’

‘What happened?’

‘You don’t want to go there. Suffice it to say your Dad has been a major disappointment to me.’


‘Not your fault, I know you are nothing like him.’

‘My place has a second bedroom and your purse is there. It has been a long night, stay with me and we can figure out what we can do tomorrow.’

‘You don’t mind?’


I took her home and settled her into the small bedroom which had its own bathroom. I gave her one of my t-shirts to wear and she went to bed.

I heard her crying and got up to check on her but stopped before opening the door. She obviously needed a good cry. I went to bed.

It was ten in the morning before I got up and after taking a leak and brushing my teeth I went to check on her. She was sleeping soundly. I closed the door and went to fix coffee.

I was drinking my second cup in the patio when she joined me. She thanked me for rescuing her and promised to be gone by noon.

I told her she did not have a time limit and that I needed to test her for symptoms of a concussion before anything else.

‘Fix yourself some coffee and sit out here. I will go get the list of things I need to do.’

She nodded and I immediately saw she had a headache. I found the pills the clinic had given me and got her a small glass of orange juice. She swallowed the pill with the orange juice then brought her coffee to the patio.

I looked at the list of questions I had to ask and wondered if she knew any of the answers in the first place. She knew all of them.

Her pupils were equal in size which was when I noticed how blue her eyes were. Her ears well still ringing but her nausea was gone. Her headache had retreated to dull throb category.

I reminded her I was supposed to do the test again in eight hours and asked if she needed to have stuff from her house.

She hesitated then said, ‘I guess I do need to go back to that house. Your Dad will not be there, he and his new lover left for Cancun this morning.’

‘I will help you,’ I said and wondered why I would.

She seemed very different since the wedding eighteen months before. Her hair was no longer platinum blonde although still blond. Her tits were no longer outrageously large although very nice. Without make-up and with scrapes and bruises she was still very pretty. She no longer looked like a bimbo.

She said, ‘I would appreciate your help but I need a place to live first.’

‘Well, you can stay here until you do and you would not need to go back to the house when he is back if we get you completely out today.’

‘You don’t know me, why are you helping me?’

‘Because my Dad apparently did not treat you right. Because you need the help. Because you need a friend.’

She began to sob so I helped her up and led her to her car.

‘I will follow you. I do not know where you live.’

‘South end of the city, about sixty miles from here but just half a mile from the freeway.’

‘How did you manage to drive to Felicity with a concussion?’

‘I wasn’t dizzy until I was in your driveway. I dropped my car keys as I got out of the car and bent over to pick them up then the entire planet began to move without my permission. It took three tries before I manage to press the doorbell button.’

I smiled and opened her door for her. She got in and led me to a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood. It took us about one hour to pack up both SUV’s and we drove back home. Some of her stuff had to go in a hallway closet but we had everything put away before five.

That was when we noticed we had not eaten all day. I told her to take a shower and I would be back with dinner. I drove to Janie’s and got two of everything, almost. When I got back I put everything on the kitchen table then went to take a shower.

When I returned to the kitchen she was plating the food.

She said, ‘There is a lot of food here. Are you expecting company?’

‘No but I am hoping there is enough left over for breakfast. Why didn’t choose a hot dog?’

‘You never know what is in them.’

‘That one is kosher beef and delicious.’

‘Oh,’ she said and put it on her plate.

As expected she loved every bit of everything. She also ate every bit of everything I got for her and had her eyes on my taco which forced me to move it beyond her reach.

She giggled. I loved her giggle.

As we ate I asked her the questions on the concussion check sheet and she answered everything correctly, well except for the Regis Philbin answer to a question about a signer of the declaration of independence. She was grinning when she did and after answering the next question correctly I told her the right answer to that one was also Regis Philbin.

She giggled. I loved her giggles.

‘Do you have wine?’ she suddenly asked.

‘Yes but you can’t have any until the doctor checks you again on Monday.’

‘Oh, too bad. I suddenly felt like celebrating. It just crossed me mind I just started a new life today.’


‘Let me tell you the sanitized version of my last two years. I was a young lawyer to the firm your dad uses. We had some business to conduct and as soon as we finished he took me out to dinner. He was charming, handsome, polite, I could see women wanted him.

I was naive, impressionable. Even though he was old enough to be my father I fell for him. Two weeks later we were fucking on a regular basis. Two months after that he asked me to marry him. Two days later I agreed.

Our wedding and our honeymoon were fairy tale worthy. Then he returned his concentration to his work. He did not want children buy did allow me to have breast reduction surgery. My back no longer hurts at the end of a day.

About eight months ago he began to come home late. He smelled as clean as he had when he left.

His travel increased. I was convinced there was someone else but was afraid to find out. I found the tickets to his trip to Cancun, he had told me he was going to Chicago.

Last night as he packed I went to the woman he was having an affair with. The first thing she did was sneer at me. I slapped her. She attacked me. She won but
I think I did break her nose.

I was driving away when I suddenly realized I had nowhere to go. I don’t know why I came here, I really don’t. I did know it was far away enough. Thanks for allowing me to crash on your life.’

She kissed my cheek then stood as a tear ran down her face.

I stood and hugged her as I said, ‘I’m happy I was here for you.’

She sobbed and hurried to her room.

I cleaned up the kitchen then went to watch TV. I found a baseball game and settled in with a coke. I wanted wine but decided against it since she could not drink. She did not come out of her room that evening.

The next morning I knocked at her door and told her we were going out for breakfast since she had eaten ours last night. She came out three minutes later and said, ‘All I ate last night was a very small portion of fast food items, which were delicious by the way.’

‘I will show you where they came from, you are getting a guided tour of the town today.’

‘Is it true this town is full of lesbians and gays?’

Percentage wise you could say that although out and out lesbians there are not that many. Perhaps more than twenty percent of the women in town are bisexual, even those with a husband. Some of the men dabble in gay sex even though some are married, that is a once in a month deal for most of them.’

‘Will you tell me who are the bi and the lesbians?’

‘I wont need to, they will kiss you on the lips. I expect a few will not be able to keep their hand off your tits.’

‘You have managed.’

‘How did you know I was a lesbian?’ I asked.

She giggled and slapped my arm.

She would fit in living in this town I thought.

She had dressed in a white sundress and sandals. She looked fabulous.

I pointed out places of interest as we went past them. She was very much surprised to learn that Felicity Music was the home of a world famous singer.

We pigged out at the buffet and she was kissed by every woman I introduced her to. Ruthie’s kiss lasted long enough for Renee to close her eyes.

I drove us to church and introduced Renee to everyone that came by and all the women kissed her lips. I am sure Carly’s kiss included a tongue as well as a tit cop.

She enjoyed the service and the fried catfish lunch then we went back to my house and got into our swimsuits. We spent the afternoon on the beach swimming, splashing each other, and trying to dunk the other.

Her bare tit was just under the water when she noticed me staring.

‘Oh, sorry,’ she said then tried to brush some imaginary something off her tit before putting it back into her bikini bra. Then she giggled. I loved her giggle.

Late that afternoon we went home and took showers. I was wearing slacks and a polo shirt when she came out of her room.

‘Are we going out?’

‘Yes, to whichever of the favorite restaurants is open today.’

‘They take turns?’

‘On Sundays. They open only for dinner. I am hoping either Julian’s or Doris’ is open today. Pedro’s would be good too. Shorts and a blouse would do by the way.’

It took her two minutes to be ready and as it turned out Doris was open. We had calamari appetizers and deep fried sea bass. She was not surprised or concerned the fish still had their heads on.

About five more women came by to meet her, two were lesbian couples. I saw Renee invite their tongues in.

Back at home we changed to gym shorts and t-shirts and watched TV for a while.

During a commercial Renee said, ‘Just so you know I am another bisexual woman in this town. It may be difficult to leave.’

I stopped myself from saying I hoped so.

The following morning I dressed and went to school before Renee got up. During lunch I called to make sure she was OK. She assured me she was and had spent the morning doing our laundry and drinking coffee on the patio. I reminded her she needed to go to the clinic for a check-up. She said her appointment was at two.

I told her to remember to take the notes I had written down when I was doing the concussion protocol. I added, ‘Dr. Beverly will not kiss you, however you may kiss her if you wish.’

‘Thank you. Have a good day although I don’t see how you can where you work.’

‘You have to be as loony as they are to get along.’

She giggled.

‘Do you know a good divorce lawyer in this town?’

‘Yes, in the office building on the boulevard just past downtown. Her name is Fay. Tell her everything and she will take it from there.’

‘Did she handle your divorce?’

‘Yes. Gotta go. Bye.’

I had almost forgotten my marriage, and divorce. In fact as I walked to my classroom it occurred to me that I had now been divorced longer than I had been married.

I had a nice surprise when I got home, Renee had cooked dinner. It was fabulous.

‘Did you go to the grocery store? I don’t remember having any pork chops.’

‘Yes I did, it’s a good place for kisses. So was the clinic and the lawyers office. Someone gave me tongue and copped a feel at each place. I love this town. By the way everyone thinks we are lovers and are happy you have me.’

‘You did set them straight, right?’

‘No, apparently everyone thinks you need a lover. I did not confirm or deny anything. Of course Fay was shocked to learn I am your stepmom but she can’t tell anybody anyway. Neither can the doctor now that I think about it. So for the good of the town please ignore the rumors.’

‘What did Fay tell you about your divorce?’

‘He will be served as soon as he gets back home. She will be served as an accessory the same day. Fay thinks that since both have reputations to protect neither will dispute it. I asked for enough money to move here. She said that was a brilliant idea. I was so happy I kissed her. She kissed me back.’

‘The next time you go back to her office remember Carly works on the third floor.’

‘Now you tell me. Wait, Carly is married isn’t she?’

‘Yes, her husband works on the second floor of the building. He knows about her urges and allows her to play. They enjoy threesomes but he will not fuck the other woman unless she insists.

Carly is allowed to fuck two other men, both guys are married. She did ask for specific consent on those. No, I don’t know which men although it is not a deep secret.’

‘I love this town.’

‘Me too. Did you get the green light to drink?’

‘Yes, I did. She even mentioned a red wine I would love.’

‘This one,’ I said as I poured one for her and one for me.

‘Wow, this is yummy.’

‘Yes it is but you will notice everyone has just two glasses. You will want to drink the whole bottle but before you get to number three you are too drunk to drive. As far as I know we have only one person than can drink three and maintain her faculties. Tonight we will learn if you are the second such person.’

‘Who is this person?’

‘Inga, I don’t think you have met her yet.’

‘Does she have a pool?’

‘Yes, an infamous one.’

‘I was invited to a pool party at Jana and Inga’s Sunday after next.’

‘Make plans for it.’

For the rest of the evening we drank wine and watched TV. She was tipsy after her first class and drunk by her second. I filled her third glass to about a third but she fell asleep before she took her first sip.

I picked her up and carried her to her bed. As soon as I covered her up she kissed me then was immediately asleep.

I went to bed and masturbated for the first time in two weeks.

I was at work before she got out of bed and had a normal day. We got home at the same time. She was wearing a nice outfit and I asked if she was just coming back from a date.

‘No, been looking for a job. Every big concern in town has a lawyer. Did you know Carly is the lawyer for Felicity Music?’

‘Yes. Did anyone seem like a possibility

‘No, but Carly and Fay gave me some places to try. Sorry I don’t have dinner ready.’

‘It’s Tuesday, all you can eat chicken legs and thighs at Mollie’s. Let’s pee and go before the place gets mobbed.

We were on our second basket before she slowed down enough to talk. ‘Fay told me we can’t fuck until my divorce is final.’

‘What made her think we would?’

‘As far as this town is concerned we are married since we share a last name. She wants us to be able to swear under oath we don’t fuck. She wants me to have friends come over and see I have my own bedroom.’

‘Good idea. Any of the ladies that want you would be fine. I will be watching TV while you have company.’

‘Thank you.’

She then ruined our pact by giving me a wild kiss. I’m not sure she knew that she had. I am sure everyone that saw it let it pass right by them, everyone did that.

Renee did notice everyone was kissing Mollie and her daughter on the way out. She did too.

As we began our drive home she said, ‘I kissed a black girl and no one noticed. I am in the right town.’

We went home, changed to shorts and t-shirts then settled in front of the TV with glasses of wine. Half way through her second glass she stood and kissed my lips saying ‘G’ nite.’

I watched the monologue after the news and went to bed. As I passed her door I heard a moan, she was masturbating. I was masturbating thirty seconds later.

The next evening we went to Julian’s and she fell in love with the linguini in garlic butter sauce. I then took her to Jana’s for a concert by Alice and Marie which she absolutely loved. Many kissed her lips and I introduced her to Jana and Inga. She loved the kisses they gave her and really loved to hear she would be welcome the Sunday after next.

Among the many to kiss her was Ruthie. She played the piano that night and we saw Sean was doing the sound. I wondered if the rumors about them were true.

Renee met several others all of whom made it clear they wanted her. She was giddy when we got home.

We got back to our t-shirt gym shorts state of dress and I filled a glass with wine half way for her even though she had two drinks at the club. She kissed my lips before she plopped down on the sofa.

Forty five seconds later her eyes were glued to the TV but not seeing anything. I worried about that for a second until I noticed she had a throw pillow on her lap. She had a hand under the pillow. The hand was in almost imperceptible motion. She was masturbating.

My erection was instantaneous. She saw it and her hand went faster. Her mouth opened with a silent moan. Her motion stopped. She looked at my erection again

She drank her wine in one gulp, stood and came to me then gave me a long ferocious kiss before saying good night and staggering to bed.

I masturbated on the sofa immediately, I knew I would never make it to my bed.

The following morning she was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee as I went to get mine. I was wearing boxer shorts. She was wearing a t-shirt, nothing else.

‘Early interview?’ I asked.

‘Yes. Eight thirty at the bank.’

‘The two honchos there are a lesbian couple but do not put the make on them, they are all business first. They are geniuses at what they do so listen well.’

‘I am so glad I have you as coach, I would have fucked it up from the beginning.’

‘I need to dress, you do too. It’s a quarter to eight.’

She bolted up, kissed my lips and ran to her room. She definitely had a fine ass.

I left as she did and we kissed before driving away. I was parking at school before my mind questioned the kisses. The panic prone person in my head said it meant nothing, a new bad habit acquired from the town at best. I decided to go with that.

As my third period class went off to lunch my brain showed me a clear image of Renee’s naked ass as she ran that morning. The lecherous person in my brain said, ‘Oooh, nice.’

I called her and asked how it had gone.

‘I’m still here. They had to take care of an important customer and I have been sitting at a desk for about fifteen minutes.’

‘Do you see a cute older lady with glasses there?’

‘Pippa? Yes, I met her.’

‘She was their first hire. Ask her how her day went when she went to interview.’

‘She already told me. She was here nearly the whole day and did not know anything for two days. The ladies also told a customer she would handle their questions and she did the best she could. The customer seemed satisfied and left.

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Mary Grant First BBC

Mary Grant had just finished her morning Body Pump class, and wanted to introduce herself to the new instructor.She had not seen him before, so she walked up and said hello to the dark skinned man, who introduced himself as Terrance. Mary told him she really enjoyed the class, and asked if he was new. He said he had just started teaching in his free time, as he normally works as a massage ther****t.She said what a coincidence that was, as her regular ther****t had recently moved, and wanted to...

4 years ago
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Hunter HuntedChapter 6 A Cleansing Experience

Mira woke easily when her alarm went off at six a.m. Even the late night and the amount of alcohol she drank last night couldn't dispel the good mood she woke up in. Hunter thought he'd beaten her. He'd thought she would trot her little ass over to his house and scrub his floors and clean out his refrigerator while his briefs were drying in the dryer. He had a lot of thinks coming if he thought she'd be the dutiful little maid service and fluff and fold. A giggle escaped her as she...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 27

Campaign, or no campaign, I still had the Pentagon to run. Hawk and Sam went out on the trail giving speeches, shaking hands, raising money and promoting Hawk’s agenda. The press dutifully followed and invented the stupidest stories trying to drive wedges between voters and the Vice President. Rallies continued to be packed. It seemed like the hottest ticket in the nation was wherever Hawk or Sam were appearing. The threat board changed one morning when China infringed against Japans’...

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Educated My Hot Mom 8211 Part 2

Hi all kannadiga friends, nanna life nalli nadidiro real incident Na share madiro Educated My Hot Mom story odhi Chennai edae antha  ge comments madiro all friends ge thank you soo much So next enu aithu antha what part 2 nalli heltini, part 1 story odhi nanthara e story Na odhi nimage olle suka and Maza siguthe. Mom na bathroom nalli nanu bathtub ninda snana Madi horage bandu mom na caboard open Maddae, Alli varieties of sarees, nities, leggings ethu hage ondhu box full designed modern bra and...

3 years ago
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Winter of My Discontent

Introduction: A last night with ones true love. Im not really sure how to start my story. Is it too cliché, of me to say, It was a dark and stormy night? Or should I give some backstory first? Im trying to finally write out the worst single day of my life and I cant even figure out how to start. Fuck it, Ill give some background. I had met Summer my sophomore year of high school, when she came in as a freshman. Ill be honest, at first she kinda annoyed me. Definitely the preachy type,...

1 year ago
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My humiliating streak

Characters: Julieta: Myself, 18 years old, 1.58 tall, blonde, without big breasts but with a big butt that rewarded him Florencia: My older sister, 20 years old, 1.65 tall, dark-haired, medium breasts (bigger than mine) and a well-shaped butt Maria: Friend of my sister and I, 19 years old, a very shy and very funny girl, big breasts (much bigger than mine) and a huge butt Sofía: a great friend of mine, 19 years old, a shy girl but when she comes into confidence she is very funny, small breasts...

4 years ago
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Love Making In Ooty

Firstly a big hi to ISS readers, sex lovers, singles, couples, unsatisfied housewives, IT people, and everyone. I’m Sonu 25 years old. I’m going to share my experience with you guys which happened a few months back. This experience is between me and a girl of my age. Her name is Coco. Her stats are 34C-30-35. I met Coco in an institute when I was learning a new technology. After joining the course, I use to attend classes regularly. But I hadn’t made any friends in the batch. But all of a...

2 years ago
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Building 306

‘How did you get us in here?’ you asked as we drove past the large, fenced, gates of the old, N.A.S.A. compound.    ‘I have a cousin that still works in this section, although most of it was closed down when they built the new section a few years back. He sort of let me borrow his swipe card.’ ‘So where are we going?’ you asked.  ‘To building #306. I have a surprise for you.’ You gave me that dirty, funny look. You remembered how my surprises can turn out. ‘Here we are.’  I led you out of...

1 year ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 18

Jo is ticklish on the bottoms of her feet. A lot of people are, I know, but finding that a fingertip dragged gently down the sole of her foot leaves her uncontrollably giggly and therefor perfect for scooping into one's arms for loving. Monday was the previously discussed informal practice session. Tuesday was the real thing at the music department. Still, Jo is a responsible sort and we missed nothing of her schedule. So am I. She's an accomplished musician, and that translates to...

2 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 26 Cooktown finally

Thursday Week 10 Jill woke early and rolled over to wake Dave saying "we better have breakfast as we have to leave soon." Dave, though, remembered his promise from last night and rolled over between her legs putting his tongue and fingers straight into her vagina. Jill gasped with delight as he worked quickly on her, licking, sucking, kissing, biting, fingering, doing everything he could to bring her quickly to her release. Fortunately she was more than ready and relaxed straight into the...

4 years ago
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A Day at the Park1

I walked to the path area and started to walk back into the woods. I saw a older guy up ahead and headed right for him. When I got close I saw he had his fly down and was rubbing his cock. I licked my lips again and he smiled and motioned me to follow. He went to a bushy area where no one could see us. I got to him and put my hand on his harding cock. He undid his pants and slide them down. WOW what a monster cock. It had to be 8/9 inches and a big purple head. I dropped to my knees and wraped...

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Loridance instructor

Ken's dreams had come true and he fantasized about the future. Not eager to start his day and the workweek, he lay in bed letting his mind linger on yesterday. It had to be the best day of his life, he readily decided, and visions of all his buddies having sex with Lori filled his mind. Not only did they now believe all his bragging about his gorgeous slut, but Ken had given them the ultimate prize. Each man felt every inch of Lori's sexy body plus each man got to fuck her and each man got a...

4 years ago
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A Business Opportunity

Business Opportunity By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 "Hi, may I take your order?" asked the thin young man from behind the counter of the coffee house. "Yes, I'll take a tall chai, please," replied the woman. She then smiled as she read the man's nametag. "Greg? Greg Johanson? I thought that was you!" He stopped for a moment and then scratched his head. Then his...

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I was a typical housewife

I was a typical housewife, boring life, housework, shopping, cooking, taking her son to school, looking after everything and trying to please everybody, she was everybody’s friend, if they had any problems it normally ended with “I know lets go and talk to Mandy she’ll understand” I was sort of an un-paid agony aunt. Not that I minded, but sometimes, just sometimes I would love for someone to listen to me and understand what I wanted. I was craving attention, and I had nobody to give me the...

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The Trailer Park The Second YearChapter 4

"You want to fuck her, don't you?" Hell yes! "Do you really think that's a fair question right now?" "Fair?" "Fair. Tami, I think I love..." "You think?" How did a nice peaceful Saturday afternoon with my girlfriend turn into a fight. "Tamarone Elizabeth Sharp. I am thirteen years old, and while I think I'm in love, I'm smart enough to realize that I don't have the experience to really know for sure." "You don't have to bite my head off. Geez." We stared at each...

2 years ago
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dirty whore 1

It was the day after my very first time n i was in the bath,shaving my hole,thinking about how much of a slut id been the previous day. Once my little hole was totally smooth i started to finger it,teasing it slowly,inserting 2 then 3 fingers knuckle deep.Suddenly my phone rang, so i answered ,without taking my fingers from my ass,and to my delight another guy told me he wanted to fuck me,the sooner the better. i took his address and quickly got dressed,jumping into a taxi and setting off...

3 years ago
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Youth becomes man with older woman

I grew up in a low income family living in a small country town. Travelling anywhere was rare and a luxury for us. Accommodation was always with relatives or friends in the places we visited. My memories of holidays and travel are of sleeping on couches, sharing beds, or mattresses on the living room floor. Growing up in a small hick town had given me fairly sheltered upbringing and very little exposure to the wide world. One year, shortly after my sixteenth birthday, a family emergency saw a...

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Second Chance at LoveChapter 19

Katie moved into Jim's house the next day. Jim had a large bedroom in the basement with a bath and a small kitchen. It even had it's own entrance. Katie wanted to pay rent but Jim wouldn't accept it. He told her to donate the money to a charity for abused women. The arrangement worked out great for Katie and Jenny. They were great friends and companions, almost like sisters. It wasn't a bad arrangement for Jim either. He got royal treatment from both women, especially Katie who wanted...

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the perfect older lady

i was at work today and i met the lady of my dreams.. she was a big girl but what a looker. she was 60 years old married but her husband was away on the rigs and she was bored. i was there to fit her new bathroom and i was joking on with her that i would have to stop over cos of all the work i was having to do and that the B&B's were full but like i said i was just k**ding when she said you can have the spare room if you want for free and if that means the job gets done quicker all the...

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From Adarsh To Catherine 8211 Part 3

Hello, everyone!! So here comes the third part of the sex story and as I had said in the last part, those who don’t know have a clue about the story read the previous ones. Also, don’t forget to mail the feedbacks on (special preference in replies to Keralites ha ha) So finally I have reached the apartment of David and well as I guessed it was a Porsche one. So as David had told me earlier what to do I just followed it and got into his room. I could see that it was already arranged for a...

Gay Male
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After Bathtime with Daddy

My mom and Daddy are now upstairs, kinda fighting cuz mom caught you and I together. Daddy Is telling mom that I was moaning and groaning when he got home from work and he went down the steps to see if I was alright. To his surprise, I was playing with myself and she had caught me(daddy) with my hand on my cock. Daddy as explaining everything to her and the next thing I heard....there were moaning and groaning noises. I just laid on my bed, listening to them have sex. Daddy made sure that...

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China Doll

China Doll by Miss Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu On that day in April 1994 when I first met my fate, I was looking for a way to go to Hong Kong for a few weeks. I searched up and down Broadway Avenue, a few blocks from my Alpine Street apartment in downtown Los Angeles until I found the shop. I read the pinyin words "Dailishang Xiansheng Zhuanru Xiaojie" and then the English title "Mom and Pop Travel Agency." It looked like any other travel office that one might see in Chinatown. ...

4 years ago
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The Worst Night of Her Life

You smiled as you sat watching the monitors from the safety of your secret control center, hidden deep within the labyrinthine mansion as your prey arrives. You had waited for this moment for years and now all of your hard work was about to pay off. It had taken nearly all of your vast fortune to create your incredible estate; an intricate maze of traps and torments with endless secret surprises ready to break the will of anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves wandering it’s halls. And it...

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The New StartChapter 30 Shawna

Marie and Shawna walked along the rows of Stafford (similar to wheat) inspecting them for readiness. Marie a Shawna had become good friends at the beginning because they shared a common interest in agriculture. Shawna was a Silka and at first she had tried to get in Tani's unit but she was just not aggressive enough to be a soldier. She had then found an interest in agriculture and met Marie. She was slightly shorter than Marie, only five foot three inches. She was very quiet which was the...

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A Sister8217s Love

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here..”Did your brother force you?” asked the doctor.”No” she said, “I seduced him.” It was at a marriage reception that Dr. Gopika, gynaecologist in a local medical college hospital, who knew of my interest...

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It Started At High Noon

Mad Murdock eyes darted between the revealed cards on the table and his own in his hand. Four Aces. What luck that boy had. Or not. On Mad Murdock's hand was a fifth ace. "You filthy little cheater. Thought you were all smart and shit, didn't ya?" Slowly he put his own ace down. However the fear, he hoped that would appear on the boy's face, never showed. Instead, the boy grinned. One of those handsome smiles that could get a girl's knee weak. Mad Murdock hated that smile. Hated...

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Summer Adventures

The sun is shining through your window, waking you from a deep and restful slumber. Wiping your eyes, stretching and yawning, you look around the room for a moment before reaching for your phone. You have two text messages, one an invitation to play basketball, the other to make s'mores with some friends in a few hours.

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Lexi Jenna and the cabin in Vermont

I came home early one afternoon because of a gas leak at the studio and well, do I really need to tell you the rest? Do I really need to tell you that I found my husband fucking some random whore in our bed? Do I need to tell you that I wasn’t shocked enough to yell? I saw enough through the crack in the door to realize that my exit strategy was the only thing I had in my control. As they fucked, as she moaned his name, I packed the few items I had left in the dryer downstairs and slipped out...

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Ways to Seduce My Mom

Like everyone interested in incest sex, I, too, have the urge to have sex with my mom. I have read multiple stories and watched a lot of mom-son porn. I want to fuck her, but I wish that were easy as typing over here. We are a family of 3, me (32 years), my mom (63 years) and my dad (63 years). It’s a traditional Marathi family. I think it’s been around 10-15 years since I wanted to have sex with my mom. I have tried various ways to seduce her but haven’t been successful. I am scared too of...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Baby Kxtten Anal For Kxtten

Baby Kxtten was a hot young teenage chic with a good taste for big dicks up her ass. So obviously she was all over Freddy Gong who as we all know would be able to please all her desires. She showed us her beautiful body then unzipped Freddy’s pants and took out his monster cock. She sucked it. She deep throated it. Then it was time to fuck. They didn’t waste any time to fuck the pussy. They went straight for the ass. Freddy fucked her doggy, ass mish, riding both ways, spooning and upside down....

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A Different Kind Of First Time

I met Keith at a little club in West Hollywood. Looking back, I should have known he was gay but in 1984 I didn't know much about that kind of thing and my "Gaydar" wasn't so finely tuned as it is today.I had learned, though, that having a pocket full of Snow Seal's filled with cocaine and a baggie stuffed with Indica buds was a great way to get into some of the smaller clubs. Despite being only twenty years old, I’d set myself up as a Candy Man for some of the bands on the club circuit — and I...

Gay Male
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My wife, let's call her Suzy, was 19 when we married and I was her first. I encouraged her to seek her own sexuality and for while she resisted. Suzy is 5'6" about 118lbs strawberry blonde with an awesome set of 34C tits and a firm round ass. After two years she got into it and we had done the swing thing a few times. This went on for about 3 years with infrequent playing with a few other couples and a lot of fantasies played out in the bedroom. She never failed to get hot when we...

2 years ago
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My Female Wank Buddy

After I left university I went to work for a large multi-national firm as a management trainee. This meant I had to be mobile and spend time at different locations getting to know about the various activities they were engaged in.I was to be sent to their Birmingham office for three months and was supplied with a list of agencies who could help me find somewhere to stay. After looking at a few dreadful places I found lodgings with Hazel, a lady just a little older than me. She had been in a...

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Dinner for Three Ch 01

‘Damn. I hate this stupid thing…’ ‘Nat, you have to give it a chance to catch up with you.’ Adam laughed. ‘How can you be so incredibly patient with your kids at work, but your computer makes you worse than a 2-year old?’ Natalie drummed her fingers on the edge of the keyboard. She glanced over her shoulder at Adam and said, ‘Yeah, but my kids have problems. They’re supposed to go slow, make bad decisions, have tantrums — and I get paid to be patient with them. I shelled out $1300 bucks and...

3 years ago
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Locker Room Talk

‘Boys will be boys’ was never truer to me than the day our team won the semi-finals round of the playoffs and were heading to the state title. It would be the first time our team had ever had a chance at the state title in over 40 years. At school, we were Gods. The best football team our school had ever seen, and we knew it. When we walked off the field after our stunning upset victory over TCU 27-21, we couldn’t stop cheering when we got to the locker room. I was the running back. I had...

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The teacher part two

Epilogue from The : Part One: Our heroine, Ellyn, has been having these strange feelings inside of her for years, and while she is unable to go to her mother with her problems, she decides to confide in her english teacher, Miss Gray! She confesses to her teacher that she thinks she is a lesbian, and as we found out, Miss Gray turned out to be a raving bull dyke!!! After inviting our young innocent to her apartment, Miss Gray then has Ellyn satisfy her orally for several hours!!! Our story...

2 years ago
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A twisted game

It was a Friday night, and Maxynn was up in her room with a couple of her friends getting ready for their party night. This was the biggest party that would probably be held all summer, hosted by one of the most popular girls at their school. This party always had fun games and sexy things to do with each other. Maxynn had heard a rumor this new game was going to be like no other. They all got ready to head out, Holden driving them. Since he was going to be there too. When they got there,...

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