Shackled Ch. 07 free porn video

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Chapter 7

The second time around, Emma woke more slowly, stretching her body under the sheets and then burying her face in the pillow. She hadn’t noticed before, but now she was more alert, she could smell him on the sheets and it was once again, strangely soothing. Still, while she could have stayed there half the day being lazy, there was no time for it.

Rolling onto her back, she noticed he’d already gotten up, the sound of the shower giving her a clue that he was washing up. With a yawn, she slowly slid out of bed and grabbed her now clean and dry panties, slipping them on followed by her jeans. Since the shower was still running, she turned her back to the kitchen/bathroom area just in case and took off her shirt, making short work of slipping on her bra and then the shirt. Feeling a lot less naked, sat back down and finger combed her hair a moment, styling it in a long loose braid for now. It was at least practical.

Her stomach growled, but she still wasn’t comfortable enough to ‘help herself’ in his place. This was still his domain and she was intruding. Not really an invited guest. Standing, she noticed her disk sitting on the small bedside table and stared at it, remembering their conversation from the night before. Did they have a chance?

Lost in thought, she jerked her gaze towards him and then quickly averted her gaze to the ceiling again, one hand coming up to shield her eyes. ‘Ah, sorry. Caught me off guard.’ She mumbled, wondering which way she should turn to avoid getting an eye full.

She heard him chuckle with amusement. ‘Are you shy, Irish?’

A slow flush once again crept up her neck, coloring her cheeks all the way to the tip of her ears. OK…so she wasn’t a virgin, but not only had it been many many years since her last encounter with a naked male, it had been less than impressive for one and she couldn’t say that she’d spent much time enjoying the opposite sex like some. Too engrossed with her work, she lacked a lot when it came to matters of men and women, especially in the bedroom.

‘I can tell that you’re not. For shame, Liam.’ She teased back and cleared her throat again, studiously dropping her head and studying her bare toes while he got dressed.


It felt good to have a shower. The cold water didn’t bother Hansen. He’d been having cold showers for years. He had grown up on the beach in southern Australia and in winter the water there was frigid. Well, so far as Australia goes.

He finished up and stepped out into the kitchen area. Emma was up and she looked straight at him.

She was blushing furiously and she didn’t know which way to look. Which, of course, made it all the more fun for him. He made sure to stand there for a few extra moments before grabbing his towel, but then he put her out of her misery by quickly toweling himself down and wrapping the towel around his torso.

‘You’re redder than a beetroot, Irish,’ he laughed. ‘No fear, I wasn’t shy last night with you, that’s for sure. You should keep your hands to yourself you know. It was only the first date and I wasn’t expecting payment in that way.’

He winked at her. He knew he was being mean as nothing had happened, but the sight of her turning ruby made him nearly keel over with laughter.

He turned to the counter and dressed himself. Then he made a big show of of walking over to her and waving his hand in front of her face.

‘You can look now,’ he said with a chuckle. ‘I’m sure your toes will still be there later so you can stop counting them.’

She looked up at him. For a moment his face turned serious. He took her hand gently.

‘Emma. I’ll do what I can. You’re as safe with me as with anyone. But you have to trust me. It could get ugly and I’ll do things…. things you don’t like. I’m not always nice and I’m not always fair, but I care…. believe me I care….’

He was lost in thought for a few moments, but then he snapped out of it. He dropped her hand and walked back to the kitchen bench. On the way, he picked up his dirty jeans from last night. He rifled through the pockets and pulled out the small electronic transponder, its green light blinking. He set it down on the bench.

He slapped his hands together and said, ‘Well, for breakfast we have a choice. Weak coffee or strong coffee. What’ll be, Irish?’

Then he reached behind him, opened a cupboard door and slapped down a bottle on the bench.


‘For courage,’ he said.

His face was serious.


She was touched by his words and something else that lingered in his gaze. Something told her that Liam definitely had a past he more than likely didn’t want to talk about. She had no intentions of prodding for his deep seeded secrets either, but for a moment she wanted to wrap her arms around him and squeeze him tightly. It was silly. He could take care of himself better than she could herself, but he inspired the need to comfort him.

Shaking her head, she watched him mark over the kitchen. Coffee? Oh there was a God after all and he was merciful! ‘Weak is never an option. Strong all the way, but, not sure I want the whiskey this time around.’

The look he shot her called her a chicken and she sighed and sat down on a nearby stool, leaning against the counter, ‘Well okay…maybe a splash.’

Eying the transponder as he worked around the kitchen, Emma picked it up, studying it. ‘Do you know…anything about what they implanted in us? I’m pretty handy with technology, but I can’t say that I’ve ever paid much attention to SPF’s use of weaponry. Sticking so close might prove to be tricky at times. Plus, do we get any sort of warning before one or the other explodes? Seems rather barbaric. Not that I expected much else from them.’

The scent of coffee made her stomach clench and mouth water. ‘If I molest you in my sleep again tonight, will you give me more coffee in the morning?’ She teased, her eyes sparkling, warm and flecked with little bits of gold.


‘Hey,’ he said, smiling at her, ‘I have standards, you know. It was only a first date last night. What kind of guy do you think I am?’

He went back to the coffee. The smell permeated the room. It was one of the most relaxing things he thought to do these days, make a strong coffee. The smell itself was enough to be comforting. The percolator had finished and he poured them both a cup. He added a splash of whiskey to each cup, making sure that his splash was a little bigger.

Emma was looking at the transponder on the bench. Hansen was leaning forwards on the kitchen bench, propped on his elbows and sipping his coffee.

‘You didn’t have any problems sticking close to me last night,’ he said with a grin on his face.

She looked at him and stuck out her tongue. He looked at the transponder in her hands.

‘Mrs. Chan will know what to do about that,’ he said.

‘Mrs. Chan?’ she said.

‘I help her out every now and then. She runs a food shop in the city.’

He could see Emma looking at him with a quizzical look on her face.

‘Well,’ he said, shrugging his shoulders, ‘she runs more than just a food shop, but that’s not important. She’ll know about the transponder.’

He stood up to relieve the pressure on his arms. He took another sip of the coffee. He could feel it permeating his body, warming him, getting him ready for the day ahead.

‘The transponder unit can be disabled, I know that,’ he said. ‘But the shackles are another thing. We will need to log in to a master unit to disable those. That’s trickier. Only SPF’s have access to them. Sorting out the transponder is the main thing. We don’t want to be losing it and blowing up, eh?’

She sat drinking her coffee. Hansen couldn’t help looking at her sitting at the bench. Her little feet were perched on the bottom of the stool and she sat up straight, her body once again more defined since she was back in her c
lothes. Even though her dark hair was less than properly brushed, it gave her an untamed, feisty look, but warm. He wondered how warm she would be for the right person.

My beautiful scientist.

You’re not the right person.

Nor is she.

She will lead you to your doom.

Shut up.

‘Once we’ve sorted the transponder, then we just have to be careful ourselves. It’s not the best that we have to stay close, as sometimes we’ll be in danger, but we’ll have to make of it what we can. Carl will know who to talk to about the shackles,’ he said. ‘We can’t talk to him for a few days as he’ll be hot. He’ll be looking for a way to contact us and also waiting for us to contact him. But not now.’

He walked around the bench towards the bed. He opened a drawer on the side table and took out a comms unit.

‘First, I’ll call Mrs. Chan,’ he said, ‘then we’ll work out what to do next. Baby steps.’

He walked back towards the kitchen bench.

‘In the meantime, Irish,’ he said as he was about to walk around her, ‘don’t go too far away.’

As he passed her, he gave her a playful tap on her bottom at the edge of her stool and a kiss on the forehead before she could react.

He rolled his eyes and laughed at her. ‘Oh darling,’ he said in an exaggerated show of romance, ‘I need you so close, my head’s about to explode.’

It’s all funny now, Hansen. All funny now.

Wait till it turns to tears.


Emma’s skin tingled where he had kissed her and she fought the urge to touch it. He was a big flirt, that was all there was to it. Although he had started out being rather nasty before he’d figured out she wasn’t a rich spoiled brat slumming it. He certainly was a strange man at times, she mused to herself and giggled at his over acting.

‘I just bet you do. I guess I’m a better snuggle partner than Carl.’ She added lightly, grinning, ‘But I bet than man could put off some body heat in a pinch!’

‘Carl and I go a long way, but would take a helluva lot for me to snuggle up to him.’ He shot back, sending her into another fit of giggles before they died down and finished off her coffee, letting the whiskey warm her insides.

Swiveling around on the bench, she watched him curiously. ‘Is there anything I can do? I won’t wash dirty socks, but if I can help in any other way, I would be happy to lend a hand. I’ve never been very good at sitting still for long. Feels like such a waste of time.’

Blowing out a breath, she moved, going to the sink to rinse out her cup. ‘I’ll be right back…nature calls.’

Stepping away, she slipped into the bathroom to relieve herself and while she was there, washed her hands and face, rinsing her mouth out as best she could without touching his toothbrush. Patting her face and hands dry, she returned, definitely feeling more alive and alert. He was already talking to Mrs. Chan or so she assumed, so she kept quiet and let her mind wander. Her parents had to be worried sick and she hoped that Simon hadn’t gotten any heat for helping her out. He had a family to think of, but he turned a blind eye, letting her escape. For the greater good, he had told her, which made her eyes tear up, stinging.

She blinked furiously and inhaled a long breath. Would she make it through all this? Would any of them?


‘Not much good then, are ya?’ he called after her.

When she walked off to the bathroom, he got the comms unit and punched in Mrs. Chan’s number.

‘Hello?’ said the voice on the other end of the line in a cautious tone.

He had his details barred so she wouldn’t know it was him.

‘Mrs. Chan. It’s Liam.’

‘Ahh, Liam,’ she said in an Asian accent, ‘Good to hear from you.’

‘Yes, ma’am,’ he said.

‘I saw the news last night,’ she said. She laughed. ‘Have you and Carl been playing again?’

He laughed with her.

‘Mrs. Chan, why would you assume it was us?’

‘Ahh, when I see things blowing up and police going to hospital and the morgue, I know you gentlemen are around somewhere.’

‘I’m offended,’ he said.

‘And they’re dead,’ she said, more seriously. ‘How can I help you?’

‘Before we got away, they shot a friend and me with electronic shackles.’

‘I’m surprised,’ she said.

‘That I got shot?’

‘That you have a friend.’

He laughed.

‘Oh, Mrs. Chan, am I really that bad?’

‘Worse,’ she said.

‘I have the transponder. We er… took it from one of the SPF’s. Can I get it disabled?’

‘My son can do that,’ she said, ‘but you know we can’t do anything about the shackles unless we can get to a master unit. You’ll need a cop for that.’

‘I know, but at least disabling the transponder will mean one less thing to worry about. Is it ok if I come visit?’

‘Yes,’ she said, ‘I will be in the shop today. Thank you for helping me clean up the other day. Maybe I have another chicken for you. Put meat on those skinny bones.’

‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘If I catch those guys that did that to your shop….’

He heard Mrs. Chan laugh.

‘Liam. They were just kids. You don’t need to blow them up to the moon. Don’t worry about it.’

‘Hey,’ he said. ‘I wasn’t going to blow them up to the moon.’ He paused. ‘I was just going to shoot them and dump them in the harbor.’

Mrs. Chan giggled. ‘Oh well, then….’

‘I’ll be there in a few hours, ok?’

‘That will be ok. In the meantime stay close to your friend.’

‘I will,’ he said.

‘Unlucky friend,’ she said, laughing.

He hung up.

He looked around the room. He heard the toilet flush. Emma was still in the bathroom.

I have to choose a gun. Maybe the Glock again….

He needed to talk to Emma about she needed to do with the disk. He assumed they had to give it to someone.

He poured himself a small shot of whiskey into his dirty coffee cup and leaned on the kitchen bench.

And waited.


Pulling herself together, Emma returned, finding Liam relaxing and nursing his mug close. ‘Did you and Mrs. Chan have a nice talk?’ She asked lightly, smiling as she moved closer, but not too close. Instead she chose to keep the counter between them, crossing her arms and leaning against the counter top.

He made a noncommittal little grunt and gave her the most serious of looks. ‘She makes me crave fried rice.’

Caught off guard, Emma threw her head back and laughed. Not just a little giggle, but a true laugh that shook her shoulders and made her face light up. Dropping her head back down, she shook it, trying to control the little giggles that followed. ‘Ohmygod.’ She breathed, sniffing and wiping away a stray tear from the corner of her eye. ‘You are too much, you know that?’

Drawing in a breath, she tapped down the remaining giggles, clearing her throat. ‘Okay…so…back to business. I take it she will be able to help us with the transponder?’

He nodded at this and she sighed with relief. ‘But not the shackles?’

She shook his head no.

‘I need a computer. Something that will let me access the files I need and work. We also need help. If I get the formula finished that is one thing, but we need someone to use that formula. Know what I mean?’

Digging her hands in her pockets, she stood straighter and shifted from one foot to the other. ‘When do we leave?’


Emma came out of the bathroom. She was smiling, but her eyes looked red.

Don’t cry, Irish. I hate crying.

She made a point of staying on the other side of the bench. He missed her being close to him. They had built up an easy familiarity very quickly.

Maybe she’s a quick learner. Everyone else who gets close to me suffers.


He got her laughing with a joke, but then she was all business again.

‘Sick of being around me already, Irish?’ he said.
‘Wait till it’s been more than one night. Then you’ll know the meaning of interminable.’

He just looked at her for a few seconds without saying a word. She was shifting from one foot to the other.

‘Any more requests?’ he said. It was a little difficult for him to sit there and take orders from someone he’d just met. Shit, it was difficult for him to take orders from anybody.

Admit it, Hansen. Especially a girl.

A girl, for God’s sake. You don’t need the hassle. Let her go. Bye bye. Ta ta. See you later. Sayonara. Arriverderci….

You done? Are you out of languages? She stays.


She stays.

He kept staring at her for a few moments. Then he walked to the end of the kitchen bench. He opened a door underneath it and pulled out a small box, a big box and and even bigger box. He put them all on the counter and then he went around her silently to a small door in the wall just inside the entrance. He pressed his finger to a small pressure pad and the door flipped open. He pulled out a wicked looking knife with a sharp edge on one side and a serrated edge on the other and another box.

He went back to the bench and left those items on there. He walked to the bedside dresser and opened the drawer. It was the Glock from last night. He walked back looking at her and dropped that on the bench as well.

‘Cat got your tongue, Irish?’

He didn’t like orders. He knew he should cool it….

….but I don’t like orders.

He he he. Told you.

‘Shut the fuck up,’ he shouted.

She jumped.

‘Not you,’ he said at her loudly, though not in a friendly way.

She just looked at the bench top. He opened the small box and took out three rectangular magazines. He picked up the Glock and ejected the magazine from it. Then he inserted the full magazine into it and set it on the table with the two spare magazines next to it. He opened the large box. He was focused on his work. His eyes were cold.

He put his hand into the large box and pulled out another gun.

‘This is a Browning Hi-Power nine millimeter.’ He dropped the magazine out, held it up to her. ‘Thirteen shots. If you don’t have enough firepower with this, then you were fucked before you started.’ He pushed the magazine back into the butt of the gun and slammed it on the bench loudly.

He opened one final box.

‘Plastic bombs,’ he said. He held one up to her. They were similar to the one he’d used last night. He took three out of the box and laid them on the table. Then he meticulously put all the boxes back where he’d found them. He relocked the cabinet at the entrance.

He went to the cupboard next to the bed. He took out a holster and put it on over his shoulder. Then he grabbed a jacket from the same cupboard and put it on, zipping only the bottom third of it.

He walked back to the bench, still staring at her, his eyes cold, his movements economical and methodical.

He picked up the Browning and put it in the shoulder holster. With the jacket on, she couldn’t even tell that he had a gun. He picked up the Glock and shoved it in the front of his pants. He picked up the knife and slid it into the back of his pants. He swept the bombs from the bench one at a time and put them into different pockets of his jacket.

He was a walking, talking, one man army. Looking at him, it was impossible to discern he was armed at all, let alone loaded with enough ammunition to take on a small country.

‘You want to get some shoes on, Irish?’ he said gruffly. ‘Then we’ll fucking go.’

She’s making you angry.

You’re making me angry.

He he he.


She’d been too busy thinking of what was needed to see his face change, his body stiffen…the way his jaw clenched and the laughter died from his eyes. When she did, it was too late. It was like staring at a different man.

Dumbfounded by his arsenal, she watched him move around his place, pulling all sorts of things out that she had no experience with. His sudden outburst made her flinch and her eyes widened. His didn’t even meet her own. This was the second time he’d done that and her mind began to worry how stable her protector was. That familiar feeling of anxiety began to crawl up her spine, stiffening up her shoulders and making her weary. All those weapons were making her nervous, as well as his behavior.

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I had only seen her a few times at meetings but never really spent any time with her. She was young, in her early 30’s I think and still looked like she was in her twenties. I never thought of her sexually because she is my friend’s mom and it would just be weird, but she is very attractive. We set up camp just before nightfall and managed to get a fire going. George and I volunteered to go get some firewood. So we took our flashlights and head out into the woods. Even though we said we...

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The Younger Man

I had been told by my daughter that she had met someone who asked how old her mother was and said he found older women excited him. This didn't work for her as the man was looking for an older woman but she mentioned he would adore meeting me.I thought about it and since I had his phone number as a contact I called him and we chatted. He was very inquisitive and as he was obviously aroused by my voice, age and our conversation about sex I decided to invite him to meet me at my home whilst I had...

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Corporate Sexual Shenanigans

We live in Cary, North Carolina, just outside of Raleigh. I had been married to Wally Burton for thirteen years. Wally is the nicest man who ever walked the earth. I just love him to death. Wally was the captain for Tidewater Industries, flying their Beechjet 400. As for me, I worked as the personal director for the Old Southern Bank. We were both born and raised in North Carolina. We had no children, so with our combined income we were doing quite well. Wally never drank because he was always...

4 years ago
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Dedicated to Kinky Mushroom and his Brave wife

Kinky is a brute of a man, and his beautiful and slender wife, is a brave soul. If you have not seen their short video on genuine pain and pleasure, I post the roadway to a real and brutal marking of a ladies bottom, one that left me agog with awe, and wanting more, and yes, I as a woman, shamefully masturbated to the loud smacks, feeling her anguished pain, my only disappointment, was that Kinky kept his pants on as he brutalized her bottom, I wanted, selfishly of course, to see if Kinky's...

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The Neglected Wifes Revenge

I had been working on a difficult project with a looming deadline for about three weeks without giving much thought or consideration to life outside the job. I had not taken time for personal time, including spending time with my wife. She said she understood and had kept herself busy with her work, friends and outside activities. Until one Saturday morning. Having worked late into the night Friday night talking to personnel across the country coordinating a solution to our problem, I was...

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Happy Birthday0

My name is Josh. My father runs this town. Well, he controls everything that happens here, but he aint exactly an elected official, if you get what I mean. Nothing happens here that he doesn’t have a say in, so I have grown up almost as royalty here. It may be a small town, but it is MY town. One of the clubs my father owns holds a regular poker night and it is pretty popular. The stakes are big, and since I’ve been playing all my life, I normally do pretty well. As well as I do, however,...

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My trip to Austin Texas Part II

It was never my intention to take unfair advantage of a young college coed, but I couldn’t help but fantasize what might lie underneath Chris’ seemingly tough exterior. She had just wrecked her sports car, and I felt bad, because I was playing a cat and mouse game with her, going down the interstate towards Austin from Dallas. I’d follow her for a while and then she would follow me, at break-neck speeds between ninety five and one hundred mph. Miraculously, she escaped injury as she spun out...

College Sex
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Loving Mom In Difficult Times

I was 19 when this happened. I live in Mumbai with my parents and younger sister. We received a call informing us that my mother’s father was seriously ill and that we were to go to their place immediately. But father had a very important meeting and asked mother to keep him informed and that he will rush down in case he is needed. My sister had exams and she also could not come. It was therefore decided that I and my mother go alone for the time being.Since my grandparents lived about 500...

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Miss Sheila DeVilles School for Wayward Boys

This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is charged...

1 year ago
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Hamida Is Back 8211 Part 6 One Last Time With A Goon

Welcome to the new episode of this series. Please make sure you have read “” series before reading this one. This is the sequel of that series. Now, enjoy the story. ~Story starts~ That night, Arav was at home. ~Sex starts~ As they got alone in the guest room, the husband and wife were looking at each other’s eyes in their shared embrace. It wasn’t long before they one thing lead to another and another and another. They fucked like rabbits and he accidentally came it all inside of her. ~Sex...

4 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 51 Giving a Statement

If any one part of my life ever changed, I would hope that being awakened by someone knocking on my front door would be it. I didn't know what woke me at first. Alexandria was curled up against me and still asleep. Mandy was behind me and I was on my side. It was a double-spooning. The knock was there again, but it wasn't the pounding that had jerked me from my dreams the previous two days. I slipped out of bed, letting the girls sleep. After getting a pair of shorts and t-shirt on, I...

4 years ago
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Programmed 2

Programmed 2 Thankfully before getting off the train my wife gave me the command word to return my confidence and be able to leave the train and return home. On my return home I was given a command as I walked into the bedroom, realizing how I was dressed I took of the jacket and blouse followed by the shoes, I looked up and saw myself in our large full length mirror standing there in a red teddy with black lace ruffles and thigh high black seamed stockings and fully made up! I...

2 years ago
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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 2

For a short while the Jays, to use the nickname Jayde and Jake had adopted, did as he promised and quietened down. However, over a couple of weeks or so the volume crept back up. No chance meetings on the stairs provided an easy opportunity for me to mention the subject again. Friends were sympathetic, but had no practical suggestions. Smiles described them as 'those two noisy birds roosting upstairs, ' and suggested firing a shotgun loaded with blanks at them. Witty, but as I pointed out,...

1 year ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 81

When the package arrived two hours later, it was filled with walk around picture and a breakdown of everything on board. It included the description of a very powerful and reliable two cylinder four stroke Honda gasoline engine. The engine is also used in very large pumps and generators. According to the mechanic, it can be removed very easily. It could be taken into an engine shop for overhaul, or replaced completely. The pictures showed a yellow lightweight airplane just as the mechanic...

3 years ago
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Music Til Midnight

Inspired by a news story. Aaron and Rachael spend a quiet, romantic evening together, both with an eye on the clock. At midnight the lives they know will come to an end. A slice of life without a plot. A love story. Very short. Music 'Til Midnight by ABC de F It was the perfect romantic setting, as it was designed to be. The living room was dark, lit by scented candles. The mechanics of the air conditioning were cloaked by the music from the computer, a program of songs that was...

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Hunting Samantha Part 2

This story is a collaboration with Lust_Lover_1913. So if you like it, please tell her too! “What the hell is going on in this fucking house?” Sam saton the corner of her plush bed. Daniel must have wrapped her fluffy baby blue robe around her as some point, but events since the shower were kind of blurry. She just couldn’t make since of it all. Nathaniel was the one hitting on her, the one she’d watched and kissed. The other factor that was really confusing her was that, if she was honest with...

3 years ago
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Ex EducationChapter 6 Kiss kiss

Jaz came over the following afternoon, on her own. That was unusual, and so was her hesitant demeanour. She sat down next to me on the big sofa, where I was working on my laptop. She fixed me with unfamiliar nervous eyes: “Dad, can I talk to you about something?” “Yes of course you can,” I smiled reassuringly, closing the laptop and putting it on the side table. This wasn’t like her at all. “It’s ... I’m... “ she petered out. “I’ll be on your side, whatever it is.” I tried to stop my...

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My Teacher

This is the story of the glorious night when my panty fetish first started. I am 18 and at my high school there is a teacher that i have had a crush on for a very long time. She is tall, medium length brown hair, beautiful legs, an amazing ass and the perfect (and i mean perfect) tits. Now this is where it really gets good, she is my best friends Mum. One night I went over to his house, she took us from the school back to the house where she immediately started downing a few beers. My friend...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Isabella De Laa Jenny Wild Mishel Dark My Girlfriends

Mishel Dark has two BFFs, Jenny Wild and Isabella De Laa. They get together once in a while, this time for a girls only weekend organized by Mishel. She takes her time dressing in a sexy bra and thong combo covered by a romper, then joins Jenny and Isabella in the kitchen. The girls each take a fruity drink to celebrate their weekend together, and then Mishel announces she has some new lingerie that she wants to show off. Mishel strips down to just her underwear, then turns around and announces...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 20

The next morning I had just finished my shower and was getting things together when there was a knock at the door. I opened it and let 2 beautiful girls into the house. “Keith, the girls are here!” I yelled upstairs after I gave each of them a big hug and a kiss (Holly on the cheek, Linda on the lips).And soon he was downstairs wearing just his pants as we were giving even more kisses to them. I headed back into the kitchen as Keith was putting MTV on in the living room. I pulled out everything...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 6 The Princessrsquos Plan

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava – Echur, The Princedom of Kivoneth, the Strifelands of Zeutch I sank down into my bed, still trembling from my decision. I had to flee the palace. I would become a slave to my lust for my father if I stayed. Even now, I wanted to go to him. To feel his incestuous dick in me. I wanted to bear his son and heir. This had to end. I loved Sven. My door opened and Greta, my sixteen-year-old bedmaid, crept into the room wrapped...

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Naked and HelplessChapter 12

"Well?" Garcia looked up from his desk in the study, where he was busily writing something on a piece of paper. At Julio's appearance, he hastily took the paper and placed it in a small drawer. Taking a fine gold chain from out of his pocket, he used the single small brass key to lock the drawer. He then returned the key to his pocket and leaned back in his chair, waiting for Julio's "report." "There is nothing to worry about, Don Ernesto. The girl and her boyfriend parted in anger......

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Kim has always slept naked with her mom and dad. She loves to suck her mom's big full tits. Some nights she would suck one as dad sucked the other. Dad would also finger mom's pussy as he sucked on a tit. He would also turn mom on her side so Kim could suck on a nipple as he fucked mom from behind. Then he would turn the mom back to her back and suck on a nipple beside Kim. In her teen years Kim started to develop tits and her mom would rub them and tell her that some day she would have a...

3 years ago
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For Her Own Good Chapter Two

Notes- Sentences in asterisks *like this* represent thoughts. Sorry that this bit is short, but a short well done bit is better then a long badly written bit. I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see my father, who greeted me with a kiss on my forehead. "Hi Princess.", he said. Something felt slightly wrong when he kissed me and I put my hand up to wipe the kiss, but stopped halfway as I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Over the next few hours he and my mother helped me...

3 years ago
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Storm Shelter Sex Part 2

A few days after the installation of my storm shelter had been completed one of those isolated summer thunderstorms came along with its torrential rain, thunder, and lightning, just before full darkness descended. I was enjoying my second SM&BW (that’s sour mash and branch water for those who don’t know) highball when the phone rang. When I answered the divorced Thai lady next door, Lisa, asked if she could run over and stay in my storm shelter with me. I said, “Lisa, this isn’t a severe...

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Jingle Jangle Part 1 of 2

Zach was on the interstate, making his six-hour drive home from college for the summer. He had just finished his junior year and although he was glad that his classes and finals were behind him, he wasn’t looking forward to living under his parents’ roof again for the summer. At college he could do as he pleased--party, stay out all night, raise hell, get drunk, whatever he wanted at any time. At home, he had to toe the line or he’d get a load of grief from Mom and Dad.Zach was a good-looking...

4 years ago
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The ResearcherChapter 6 Charlie

'Charlie! What are you doing here?' She cried, John still holding her, his thumbs moving softly over the outer curve of her breasts. The old man looked at her, at John's fondling of her and spoke. 'It were your John here wot found me. He told me you'd told him all about me and how I looked after you when you was just a kid.' He looked at her, his eyes on John's hands. 'You've turned out a right pretty lass!' His eyes moved slowly down her body, renewing his early acquaintance with...

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Having a fun time with Daniel the sexy head lifeguard

The following links are to youtube videos (there is no porn in them): Example of the urinal 1: Example of the urinal 2: I have been going to a men only indoor pool for several years ever since it was a former public pool in the city park district. I see Daniel every time I went; he was a large and tall 6’ 4” blonde hair guy with wash board abs, and broad shoulders. He wore a red swimming trunk, but you can easily see a nice size...

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Purveyors of Pain

PURVEYORS OF PAIN. A torture story by Susan. This is fantasy for adults. Doing anything like the acts featured in thesestories would be insane and unforgivable, but in the mind, terror can be fun…funthat includes wild, disgusting, savage cruelty, insane torture and deaths. This is for those who like to read of women in agony beyond imagining, dyingslowly for the perverted pleasure of their killers. Unless you enjoy such themes, please do not read further. CHAPTER ONE. … Meet Karl and Samantha....

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Sissy 101 Intro to Sissy Sluts

Sissy 101: Intro to Sissy Sluts One week before my freshman year at college, I received a letter saying that my class schedule changes had been approved. That struck me as odd because I hadn't requested any changes. Without explanation, I had been un-enrolled from two of my general studies classes. I was now signed up for SISGEN101 and SISHYP161--whatever that meant. I went online to the university's website. These classes weren't even listed in the general course description...

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Nancy Gets CaughtChapter 2 Nancy Gets Caught Again

It had been a few months since Nancy's first sexual encounter at work. Not a single day went by that she didn't think about how erotic that evening had been. However, she and Jeff had agreed to remain professional and did not engage in this type of activity again. The occasional breast squeeze or a tap on the butt was all that was ever given, and even that was rare. Nancy and Jeff had each dated others outside the office to limited success, each feeling the sex could not compare to what...

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Her Fantasy

part 1 cum swallowing,toys,female domination, We had been seeing each other for about 5 weeks now,Things had started out great, Sex daily since our 4th date. She had recently moved to my not so immediate area from over 200 miles away,And was living with her parents and 4 children. I was in the final stages of a divorce,My soon to be ex was not very sexual (except with others but I'll save that for another story). Anyways we ducked out nightly to a camper for our sex sessions so...

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College Girl Fun

I live in Dallas, my wife died when my daughter was only eight. She and I became very close. I have three women I date/fuck on a regular basis but over all I enjoy being single. My daughter, Jess, is attending the University of Oklahoma at Norman and is twenty two years old. She is bringing two friends to visit for spring break, they all want to party in Dallas. They came to my house to stay and arrived on Saturday. They came in and got settled in, unpacked, ate some dinner and then went out. ...

2 years ago
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Doodhwali Padosi Ki Chudai

By : Jamesjaffer Hi frnds this is rocky with my first true story in ISS.i always use to read ISS and now i thought of writting my story. This happened to me 2 years back when i was 18 years old.mere ghr ke paas ek makan hei jo bahat dino se khali pada tha.usi ghar ka bathroom mere ghar k dewar sei attached hei aur uske upar ka chat nahi hei . mei hamesha sochta tha ki kab koi maal uss makan mei akar rahe aur mei usse nahate huye dekh saku. sayar kisine meri sunli aur wahan ek pati pati unke 3...

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My ex wife and I first threesome

This story takes place a few years ago when I was living with my wife at the time. It was a Saturday afternoon and my son had gone out with my parents and my wife and I had the house to ourselves. My wife was 5'3 130 lbs with long brown hair and fair skin. she was a beauty and that day was warm. she decided to take a shower and she left the bathroom door open while I decided to take a peek. she was washing her hair and I could see her trimmed pussy and ass as the water ran down her legs. her...

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LeslieChapter 3 Accident and Aftermath

It seemed like some kind of joke. Wes and I were talking, things couldn't be going better. He worked his lawnmower over the curb and walked across the street, looking back at me and talking. I saw the old Chevy coming up the street. It seemed to be going too slow to do anything. Surely Mrs. Crowley would slam on the brakes and yell at Wes to watch where he was going. She kept coming. I heard a crunch as the tire ran over the lawnmower. She still kept coming. Wes wasn't smiling. It looked...

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Truckers Delight

My plane has engine trouble, so the flight is delayed for two hours. We do not get into Salt Lake until after 9:00 p.m. After getting my luggage and the rental car, I am not on the road until almost 11 p.m. Heading for remote Wyoming, I am tired and hungry not having eaten for 9 hours. I am literally in the middle of no where. The car starts to slow. My gas pedal is floored. As the car continues to slow, I guide it to the side of the road. I am probably hundreds of miles from a gas station, no...

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Couple en soireacutee

Nous sommes un couple tout juste la trentaine. Elle est belle, une belle chevelure brune, de beaux yeux noirs en amande, une taille toujours aussi fine malgré 2 grossesses. Elle est sexy, terriblement sexy : une petite paire de fesses, de beaux seins aux tetons qui pointent et surtout une vraie femme, de caractère, forte et courageuse dans un corps de jeune femme. Ce soir nous sortons, on fait garder les enfants. Elle se fait belle elle met sa plus belle robe. Une robe noire qui lui va à ravir....

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