Felicity Ch. 19 free porn video

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Chapter 19. Melody/Ruthie

Melody was one of just two acts Robby Chapman kept from the bankrupt company he bought. He did so on the recommendation of his cousin Edie and her husband Allen. Like many others Robby saw Melody as not worth the trouble.

Allen saw her as a gifted musician and fine songwriter. Edie saw her as a potential idol to young ladies and girls. Edie and Allen were musicians of note themselves so when Robby bought the company he followed their advice and kept Melody but his purpose in buying the company was to make his other a star.

Unknown to all but a few Melody had regular bouts of stage fright. She had covered that up by throwing tantrums about some imagined slight and refusing to go on.

It was the major reason she had not been offered a recording contract until two guys found themselves desperate for acts for their pipe dream. When her company was bought she thought her career was over and was shocked to learn that she was one of just two performers her new company kept.

That brought on another attack of self-doubt and she made herself a difficult person to deal with.

Edie had seen through that. In the middle of a tantrum at a recording studio Edie had hugged Melody and kissed her cheek.

She had whispered, ‘Together we will manage. Together we will overcome it. You are stronger than you think you are. You are more talented than you think you are. Ruthie, I am here for you whenever you need me to be.’

Ruthie remembered bursting into tears and falling in love with Edie at the same instant. Surprisingly after the sexual part had been satisfied she realized she loved Edie even more. She knew there would be no Melody without her, probably no Ruthie either.

The first hit video for Felicity Music was of Melody on You Tube. The first hit song was Melody’s first single on iTunes. The first hit CD was Melody’s first album.

Her real name was Ruth and she was born and raised in Canada. She had spent her life moving between Toronto and Montreal. Her parents were symphony orchestra musicians. Ruthie was much more than an accomplished pianist and vocalist. Her song writing appealed to girls from eight to twenty five years old. Fluent in two languages and with a sharp mind she seemed to be destined for stardom. Her temperament was holding her back.

Edie was the first to call her Ruthie and in fact had never called her Melody except in the third person. Melody was slowly becoming a third person for Ruthie too. Others took the cue and called her Ruthie. All were soon treated to the girl she was at home, a pleasant, bubbly, pretty girl with a wicked sense of humor.

She was tall, blonde, had a great body and as she put it herself, ‘Yummy tits.’ She was just twenty-two years old. She was a lesbian.

Ruthie had been in town for four weeks putting her second CD together. After the first two nights at the Seafoam she had checked out and moved into Edie and Allen’s house. She had her own bedroom there. There was a piano there.

Knowing Melody’s ongoing bouts with stage fright Robby, Allen and Edie decided that her first concert for Felicity Music would be over the Internet in a small venue. They decided that friendly faces and a familiar place would allow her to shine. The small venue belonged to her friend and occasional lover Jana.

Four of the songs Melody would be performing were written by Edie, two of which were new. She and Edie had collaborated on two others and all would be on her second CD.

During the concert Edie would be accompanying Melody’s piano on violin. Allen would be on cello, Alice and Marie would provide backup vocals for her. Alice’s daughter Nikki would be on drums. It was as comfortable a set up as she could have and still hope for an impact.

Edie assured Ruthie that her last disastrous attempt at a live concert was not going to happen again, she was too good, too talented, and too strong to let herself down. She reminded her that everyone in the audience would be people that already loved her.

Melody approached the concert date more confident than any other performance she ever had. She trusted Edie and if Edie said she would be great then she would be great. Still she had the jitters. Edie reminded her that every performer in history had the jitters before going on.

It would be opening night for Jana’s Place and the first live feed for Felicity Music. Ruthie was not the only one suffering from the jitters.

The concert would be broadcast live in HD over Felicity Music’s web site. The five cameras were fixed so not to distract Melody.

Still, a slight hesitation on her part before going on stage prompted Edie to swat Melody’s butt and say, ‘You don’t go out you don’t get any.’

Melody entered the stage laughing and followed Edie’s advice to find a girl in the audience she wanted to seduce and sing the first song to her. That girl soon lost all color and fainted. Jana and Inga were right behind her and caught her, then carried her to a booth that had Mo, Marie, Janice, Wendy and the girls mother Petra.

Melody was pleasantly shocked to learn that everyone knew the words from every song on her first CD. She extended one of them so the audience could sing the chorus again. Twenty minutes into the concert she was having a blast and it showed. The concert itself became an affirmation of love between Melody and her fans. She had them laughing, crying and singing throughout.

A third of the way into the concert she introduced a song by simply asking the audience to ‘Please forgive your mothers if they squeal,’ then shocked Alice and Marie when she played the intro of a Fronds song. They did not know Melody was a fan of theirs.

As Alice and Marie began there were scattered squeals around the room that brought an ‘I told you so’ smile to Melody’s lips.

The squeals from booth number one brought the younger Petra back to the present. After making sure she understood it was a secret Shawna helped her back to near her original position to the stage. She was easily Melody’s most ardent fan in the audience.

The younger ladies loved The Frond’s song and as had happened four years before in Las Vegas the audience sang the last chorus with them.

Later in the show Melody joined the ladies on one more Fronds song. Alice and Marie won their first big following among the younger set that night.

The next song was from Edie and after saying so to the audience Melody stood and asked the audience if anyone else had a bossy big sister. Loud cheers gave her the answer. Edie got up and swatted her butt and resumed her seat with an angelic smile.

Melody picked up the mike and walked over to Allen and said, ‘This is my brother in law Allen. He is as handsome as genius gets.

This is Nikki, former drummer for The Dolls and Alice’s daughter.

They are Alice and Marie. Great artists in their own right as you have already seen. They are also my Milf’s, she said as she goosed Alice’s butt.

Marie pretended to restrain Alice from going after Melody. The laugh that bit produced lasted a while. Edie was standing next to Melody when the laughter died down.

‘This is Edie, Grammy award winner in classical music. My best friend. My sister.’ The closest Melody got to losing her composure was when she hugged Edie. Both had tears rolling down their cheeks when they began the next song.

It was a song about sisters and Alice and Marie sang responding chorus to Melody. Half way through the song the audience realized the song was a musical conversation of a girl with her dead sister. It was an emotional roller coaster for the audience that had many of them numb when it ended quietly.

Mo and Wendy were not the only sisters with tears flowing down their cheek. Nor were they the only ones to delay their applause for a furious hug first. If anyone had looked at Edie they would have seen the saddest smile they had ever
seen. Per her wishes, it would be the only time the song would be performed. It would never be on a CD and yet it remained a top requested song for years. The only place to find it would be on that nights DVD.

To get them back to party mode Melody followed with her hit single that everyone sang from start to finish.

A concert that had been scheduled for forty-five minutes lasted an hour and a half. Melody sang two songs in French and one in Spanish, the latter an angry song from the late Rocio Jurado taught to her by Juanita. Melody could do angry.

Robby immediately made the executive decision to replace two of the scheduled songs on the new CD with one of the French songs and the song in Spanish.

Ruthie was astounded that the musicians on stage with her could join in on songs they had never played with it her before. The two songs in French were popular enough to be recognized by her audience but Quien Te Crees Tu was not except for the Hispanic girls mothers.

Yet Alice and Marie echoed the refrain flawlessly. Allen showed everyone you could make a cello sound furious. As they say, the Rocio song killed.

When it was time to do the last song Melody picked one of Edie’s songs. The song had a catchy hook and the audience sang it the second and third time it came around. Edie had thought the song was too simple to merit inclusion in Melody’s new CD or the concert but it turned out to be the best received of the new songs.

Every concert souvenir sold out well before the show was over. Melody was taking sips from a Dr. Pepper during the show and the next day the company offered Melody piles of cash to continue doing so.

That one concert propelled her to the ranks of rising star and coincidentally it also brought fame to Felicity, Felicity Music, and Jana’s Place.

As soon as Melody left the stage after a long loud ovation and got to the dressing room she burst into tears. The emotions of the evening had overwhelmed her and the withdrawal of adrenalin had her near collapse. Edie took her into her arms and sat next to her on a loveseat.

Edie remembered her own reaction to the standing ovation and bravos she had received at the Symphony Hall after the orchestra played Edie’s Air and the Maestro introduced her as the composer. Edie’s Air was what won her the Grammy.

She needed her mother’s and Allen’s arms around her then, she needed Carly’s later.

Allen understood and kissed both of them and said, ‘The car will be behind Sam’s.’

They were on the way home before the applause and cheers for her faded. In fact it did not die down until Alice picked up a microphone and told the audience, ‘Elvis has left the building. I repeat, Elvis has left the building. I have always wanted to say that,’ she said with a giggle.

The audience was still in such a good mood that she was cheered.

When they got home Edie spent the night with Ruthie in the master bedroom’s bed. As had happened with Edie and Carly nearly two years before even though they were both naked there had been no sex. There was a lot of kissing and caressing but it was mostly talk.

Edie told Ruthie how great the show was, how confident she appeared, how much her audience loved her.

She also warned Ruthie about what Melody’s life was about to become and not to trust anyone unless they called her Ruthie and had earned her trust.

Ruthie giggled and said, ‘Except for Mom and my big brother everyone that calls me Ruthie is in this town. Maybe I should move here.’

‘You will soon need a place to hide and you already know you can do that here. What does your sister call you?’


‘Oh, same as me.’

Ruthie gave Edie a playful poke with a giggle and a kiss. She hugged Edie to her and said, ‘I am so glad to have a big sister even if she is bossy.’

‘All big sisters are bossy. It’s part of the job description,’ Edie countered with a kiss.

‘Was Petra OK? I did not see her after she fainted.’

‘I saw her about thirty minutes later. She was fine.’

‘I guess I shouldn’t do that again, huh?’

‘Probably not.’

Somewhere in the middle of Edie’s lecture on the evils of fame Ruthie fell asleep.

Edie made sure she was comfortable and left her room to join Allen on the guest bed.

They were awakened at six in the morning. All hell had broken loose at Felicity Music. Their web site was down and the phones had been ringing since Robby got there.

Robby said, ‘Matt told me our site went down about midnight. It could not handle the sudden heavy traffic, he is not sure how much he can recover. He does have an apology window working and a call in to his father. He has been here since one. I need you and Edie to come in and help me with the phones.’

‘I will be there shortly but it may be a while before Edie will be, Ruthie is sleeping on our bed.’

‘How is she?’

‘I think Edie talked her through the episode. She had stopped crying when I went to bed but I doubt Edie will leave her until she wakes up. That might be noon.’

‘Oh, OK. I will have Vicky take the kids to their now world famous grandmother then go stay with Ruthie. They have not been together yet so it would be good for them. How soon can you come over?’

‘I am leaving now. See you soon.’

Allen gave Edie a quick rundown of the situation and left. As he drove into town it occurred to him that Edie and Vicky had not been together yet either. She might be delayed.

The storm was about Melody. The web site went down from the volume of people looking for a copy of the concert, which was not available in the first place. The phone calls were from booking agents that wanted her on their show and promoters who wanted to handle a concert tour.

The closest thing Ruthie had to agents were Edie and Charles, her accountant. Robby and Allen decided that before the day was over she needed to have a real full time agent. Their resolved multiplied ten fold when the industry apparently learned she did not have a full time agent and those phone calls flooded in.

Edie came in two hours later. Robby had been so inundated that he had not noticed her delay. She gave Allen the little shy smile she always gave him when she had been bad. Allen chuckled at her and kissed her before he handed her a stack of notes and said, ‘Call these back first.’

Every early morning and late night show had called. Edie called each and said she would call them back as soon as she figured something out. Edie called Helen, Maggie, Karen, Leigh and Shirley and begged them to come down and help. She was grateful they were still in summer vacation.

She then called Ruthie who immediately said, ‘Aren’t Vicky’s tits yummy? Hmmm.’

‘Let go of her tits and listen. The avalanched you started last night just hit the fan. You need to hurry over and make some decisions and I mean now. Your are an overnight sensation, literally.’

‘How much trouble am I in?’

‘Only in as much we agree you can handle. Now tell Vicky to drive carefully but have you here ten minutes ago. Love you. Bye.’

When Ruthie got to the building she was in full listening mode but she concentrated only on Edie’s voice.

As Edie ran through potential appearances for Melody she saw her expression when she brought up the late night New York show and said, ‘We can save that one for much later.’ Ruthie kissed her because she knew Edie was keeping her promise to protect her.

After they had run through a potential schedule Edie took her to a quiet corner and hugged her.

‘There is bad news isn’t there?’

‘Sort of, you need an agent, a real agent. Charles and I are not qualified to handle what you have suddenly become. We do not know the people or the pitfalls. Robby and Allen are conducting phone interviews with agents right now.’

‘You promised to be with me.’

‘I will be but only as your bossy big sister.’

Ruthie hugged her tightly and said, ‘That’s the one I need.’

They heard Allen shouting and hang up his phone. He asked no one in particular, ‘Is there such thing as an agent that isn’t a con artist?’

The question was rhetorical but everyone clearly heard Shirley say, ‘If there is such a thing Edna would know. She worked in an agency in L. A.’

Edie grabbed Ruthie’s hand and as she led her out she told Allen, ‘Call Charles and tell him we have an emergency meeting right now.’

During the two and a half block walk to Charles’ office Ruthie got a couple shout outs and car honks for her concert the previous night. There were few people that knew Ruthie and Melody were the same person and all but two of them were in Felicity. Ruthie wore her hair in a ponytail and wore glasses around town. Melody was an auburn haired femme fatale and only appeared when necessary. Any shout outs and car honks she received would be from friends.

As they walked into the building the receptionist stood and applauded as they zoomed past her directly towards the conference room.

‘Edna!’ Edie shouted as she went past her office. Three minutes later in the conference room Rhonda, Carly, Fay, Charles and Edna first congratulated Ruthie for a great show then asked, ‘What the hell is going on over there?’

Edie said, ‘The nightmare of an overnight sensation. Edna when you worked at the theatrical agency in L. A., were you an agent or an accountant?’

‘Both. I had a few local acts. I also did the books for them. One of them has ended up with a nice career in a Vegas lounge. I am still their agent and accountant. Why do you ask?’

‘Ruthie needs an agent. A real agent who knows some people and can sniff out a bad deal. We think what we need is in this room. Charles already handles the money and Carly already handles the legalities, we want you to be her agent.’

Edna shook her head and said, ‘She is already beyond anything I have ever handled. I would be terrified.’

Ruthie said to her. ‘I’ll let you eat my pussy if you say yes.’ The shock lasted a millisecond but the laughter continued for a while.

After things calmed down a little Ruthie added, ‘We are terrified too. What I need, what we need, is someone we do not have to wonder if they have my best interest at heart. Everybody in this room does.’

‘Pretty perceptive for a blonde,’ fellow blonde Fay said. ‘I vote yes,’ she said and kissed each of them as she left. Rhonda also voted yes and after she gave Ruthie a kiss said, ‘That song in Spanish better be in your new CD. It sent shivers down my spine.’

Ruthie said, ‘Robby has already decided he would include it and said he might use the live version. Juanita was right, the song rocked.’

Rhonda kissed Edna before she left and said to her, ‘You can handle anything.’

Carly said, ‘OK, but for the record let’s call Edna the booking agent. It will keep the pressure off her for a while. I think.

Charles had predicted it would come to this so we have a plan. The problem is we do not yet have the staff to implement it. Anybody know good accountants?’

Everyone saw Ruthie blush. ‘I know one and a newly minted mathematician if that helps. Janice or Wendy can get you in contact with them. They are mother and daughter both called Petra and are tourists staying at the Seafoam.’

Edna said, ‘We could at least talk to them. My contacts in The City have come up with nothing yet and we need the help now. Do you think they would consider it? Edna asked Ruthie.

‘Yes, all they keep saying over and over is that they love this town. You would like the mother,’ she said to Edna. All noted the extra meaning to that statement.

‘Let’s find them and bring them in,’ Carly said. ‘Wait, did that sound like a police TV show?’

‘Yes,’ they all said amid chuckles and giggles.

‘Maybe we should send Shawna after them,’ quipped Edie.

After a few more giggles Ruthie shocked every one by saying to Charles, ‘I need to know how much cash I have. I need to buy a house in Felicity. My real friends live here. My sister lives here. This is home.’

Edna and Ruthie kissed Edie’s tears and all hugged Ruthie.

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"Total deviant freak!" Michelle flung her car keys across the living room so hard they left a dent in the drywall. Only then did she realize there was someone else in the room: her identical twin sister Anna. "Sorry," Michelle mumbled as she dropped her purse on the carpet. "Something the matter?" Anna asked. "You bet it is." Michelle kicked off her pumps and sank into the warm cushions of the overstuffed couch. "That Richard you set me up with is an absolute perv. He started...

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All American BoyChapter 84

Fair Oaks, Texas is about a two and a half hour drive from Masonville, and our bus left at 3:30 for our 7:30 game. School had let out at 3:00 so all the students who wanted to ride the pep-squad buses to the game would have time to board the buses. There were three busloads of students, plus our team bus leaving the campus together. We were told that there would be two more buses leaving the campus later, and that there were three charter buses scheduled to leave downtown at 4:00. We...

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Landlord8217s daughter

Hi this is Amit. I was posted in Surat and was living in rented premises where the landlord and his family were my neighbors. The family consisted of the landlord, his wife, daughter and son. This was the first occasion where I have enjoyed sex with both the mother and the daughter on different occasions. This was not preplanned, but as the opportunity presented itself, I took it. I had already fucked the landlady on Holiday. However since that day no opportunity to meet her alone had presented...

1 year ago
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Wonderful Journey To Rajkot

Hi Friends, I am regular reader of ISS ,this is my second story in ISS after a long break.Currently i am working in an organization where i used to travel frequently .I am 25 years old with average built guy.I have a nice dick which can make any girl/women satisfy their urges and die for it. Last week i have got an assignment to go to Rajkot so i tried to book tickets but of useless at last i went to travels office where i got an seat in AC sleeper(2+1) from a travel agent.I worried about my...

3 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 67

I grabbed a copy of the Lincoln Journal Star on my way out of the hotel Sunday morning. I read up on all the college football action Saturday on the bus to the airport. There weren't any upsets among the five teams above us in the national polls. Texas beat UCLA 31-28. That game was closer than expected. Mike Johanson's name didn't make it into the paper. Florida beat UCF easily 45-10. Ed completed 19 of 30 passes for 312 yards and three TDs before he turned the team over to his...

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Just A Random Stranger

Everyone knows about the pollution level here in Delhi after Diwali. Instead of fog, people live in ‘smog’. So, on one such ‘smoggy’ day, I took an auto to the nearest metro station. While coming out of the locality, there was this girl waiting for an auto. Usually, the auto drivers do not stop after taking a passenger, but then he did. She also wanted to go to the same destination and the driver asked me if it’s okay. I hadn’t really seen the girl but I was okay with it. I shifted to the...

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Meine Kollegin Sarah die billige Schlampe

Zugegeben, in deutschen Verwaltungen arbeiten nicht gerade die hübschesten Frauen, aber es gibt sie eben doch - die Ausnahmen. Eine solche Ausnahme arbeitet bei mir in der Stadtverwaltung mit 200 Mitarbeitern. Sarah. Als ich vor 8 Jahren als Beamter zur Stadt kam, arbeitet Sarah bereits dort. Sie war gerade mit Ihrer Ausbildung fertig geworden und war 1 Jahr jünger als ich. Sie arbeitete in einer anderen Dienststelle und ich kannte sie nur vom flüchtig gesehen haben. Aber sie war mir...

2 years ago
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BBW Cuckold Maids

BBW CUCKOLD MAIDS by Throne Molly and Polly stood in the kitchen, waiting to be called. They looked at each other nervously. This would be the first time they were seen by anyone other than their wives and the guys their wives were dating. You see, the pair in the kitchen used to be Mike and Pete. But a series of unfortunate events had left them very much changed. Before it all happened they had been average looking guys, proud of their manliness. Now they were a couple of...

1 year ago
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Chocolate breakfast

I walked into my apartment late after a hard day of work. I looked into the mirror as I removed my clothes. I was a beautiful 18 year old black teen. I was 5’5”, 36C-26-39, with black hair to my shoulder and looked pretty damn sexxxy. I laid down on my bed and tried to fall asleep but I felt lonely without you. I was wearing my red lacy bra with my matching red thong so I just put on a robe and headed to your apartment. I used the key you gave me to open your door. I saw you sleeping on your...

2 years ago
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Not What She Expected spankingschoolgirl fetish

Like on every Friday late afternoon of the last year, I was stuck in front of a class of bored teenagers. The front row, as usual, was inhabited by upper-class girls that still cared about their grades but otherwise didn’t care just like the rest of them, only waiting for something to happen and if not, for the school day just to end pacefully. Delivering a passionate speech introducing my girls to the basics of cell’s metabolism, my gaze was sweeping the rows of single desks back and...

3 years ago
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Rose Petals

Dew moistened on the window. Tears from the passing night patiently crescendo to the tender patter of a lover kiss, rapping on the window. I was in the realm between the conscious and subconscious. His hands tenderly traveled along the plains of my waist and the surface of his body leisurely increased its contact. The journey of his hands rested on my tummy. His voice floated into reasoning, ‘Your skin is velvety smooth like the petals of a fire princess.’ I moaned, enticing his tender...

3 years ago
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STORY ndash lsquoWhored Out to his InLawsrsquo Pt 6

STORY – ‘Whored Out to his In-Laws’ Pt 6Stephen could not believe the situation he found himself in, bent over his desk with his trousers around his ankles, cuffed, collared and blindfolded while Lisa pushed harder at the tight virgin hole of his red spanked arse with her strap-on while a hard cock was pushed into his mouth by ‘James’. Stephen had no idea who James was, how he knew Lisa, all he did know was that Lisa had fed him James’ cum from her pussy...but despite the perversity of his...

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New Job

When I was laid off from job back in the early 2000 jobs were hard to find and money was getting really tight for my wife Pam and myself Bruce. I had been able to fine a lot of temp jobs but we were always coming up short on the needed money. We were on the verge of losing on our house when my wife happened to see an add for a male model to model clothes. The ad said that it paid well so we decided to check it out. We called the number and a lady answered and explained that the job was to model...

1 year ago
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My uncle had me have sex with his brother

Note : This story is completely fictional It all started out one summer I was spending it with my uncle and his wife and his younger brother Tom, came to visit, and we always spoke in the open, he asked me one day, Betty has a boy ever played with you , I asked him what did he mean, I have played with a lot of boys, and he said no not in the field or pasture, in the barn and such.I told him no not that way, in private, only playing games etc. That started him to thinking of a way to get me to...

4 years ago
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MFF Threesome First Time

I love being a cruise social director because it enables me to travel all over the world and meet a wide variety of interesting new people.  This week we are heading to the Greek Islands surrounded by crystal blue waters and pristine white sands.  Greece is so much fun to visit because they are so open sexually as is evident by their phallic symbols peppered throughout their tourist shops.My best friend Jessica, who is 10 years younger, and I like to tour the ports together so we can try the...

3 years ago
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Shadow ManVersion 2

Cold. She was chilled to the bone, unable to move. Even the talons of the creatures that mauled her were made of ice. They gouged deep furrows in her flesh that seeped drops of crimson. Tala fought in the chilling darkness, desperately trying to escape the grasping tentacles that held her prisoner. They were everywhere, imprisoning her body, confining her in the nightmare world of black dreams. They held her fast, unrelenting as they pried her legs and arms apart, preparing her for... him....

4 years ago
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Finding Comfort In Sex Part 2

Last Saturday was my sister's wedding day. It was a welcome distraction from all the troubles I have had. The loss of my Aunt was just the first of my trials over the last few weeks. You see, I was so obsessed with the Japanese guy that I went away with him without telling the hospital, and they are now threatening me with removal from the nursing course. And then preparing for the wedding has been stressful. My sister could relieve herself with her husband-to-be: sometimes just a curtain...

2 years ago
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The 22 Year Old Virgin

Donna was a 22 year old virgin, a coloured girl, light skinned and beautiful. She had a lovely shapely big ass with wide hips, lovely thighs and smallish 32c breasts. Her best asset was her big mouth and sexy body. Chloe was a year younger than Donna whilst Donna was voluptuous Chloe had a petite body with a bam in your face JLo ass, her boobs though not huge looked really big on her petite frame. Like Donna she was also a self proclaimed virgin. Her features were slightly Indian kinda like...

1 year ago
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Rob Jenkins Part TwoChapter 6

I awoke spooned against Brooke. More than a little embarrassed, I pulled back from against her. I had meant to hold her, not spoon against her. I shifted as I attempted to leave the bed. I was concerned I had done something that had hurt her. I tried as best I could to follow what the nurse/rape counselor at the hospital had told me, but I didn't know how to help her. When I moved, Brooke asked, "How did you sleep?" She didn't seem upset that I was against her. I said, "I hope I...

1 year ago
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La reacutevision de la voiture

Nous avons mis notre voiture à réviser et allons la récupérer au garage. Le garagiste nous explique les travaux qu'il a effectuer. Je me penche sur le moteur pour mieux voir comment c'est fait et bien sûr le patron et ses employés en profitent pour mater mon décolleté et mon cul. Quand le patron nous annonce la note, elle est plutôt salée. Alain tente de négocier le tarif mais l'ancien ne lâche rien. Puis il dit à mon mari tout en relevant ma robe avec sa clef à molette :« Maintenant, votre...

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PetuniaChapter 6

Lewis was having a bad day. Hell, he was having a bad life. First that bitch had threatened him with Assault and Battery charges unless he paid for her medical care. Fucking bitch! It wasn't his fault. Sure he had knocked her around a little -- she liked it rough -- they all did, but it was her fucking jaw that got broke, not his. The fractures on her arms where he had dropped the barbells on her weren't that serious, either. Now the fucking bitch wanted fucking nurses to fucking care for...

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Meghan Jette Martin

Ok guys this is my first celeb story so go easy on me with comments. Sorry about long intro buts kinda essential to the story. Happy Reading!From my early teens and right through the following years when I started to watch television and film, the more I watched them the more I became a movie buff so I decided that I wanted to get a job in the television/film business.So I studied hard got good grades and then went off to film school in Dublin. After my 1st year I got an internship opportunity...

3 years ago
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The Baby Sitter

Now Robert I want you to know that I have decided on the girl who is going to baby sit you for a week while I go on vacation with my boyfriend James. You may remember her. Her name is Christine. She’s a fourteen year old. She was that little freckle faced red headed girl, who seemed to be enjoying herself with you so much during the tryouts last week. Remember how red faced you got when I told you to drop your pants and underwear and bend over and pull your cheeks apart to show her...

2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 56

Crystal began to stir and opened her eyes. The sunlight flowed through the windows and filled the large rec room with bright light. She got out of bed, went to the bathroom, and returned to see if anyone else was awake. Looking at the bed containing Sally, Lisa, and Megan, she noticed they were still naked, their arms draped over one another's bodies. Crystal went back to the bed she and Yuko shared with Kim and shook Yuko's shoulder to wake her. When Yuko opened her eyes, Crystal held her...

3 years ago
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The Office One Memorable Christmas

At my office the week leading to Christmas and through New Years is rather sparse. There’s plenty of work still but the staffing is always greatly reduced. People save up their vacation time and take it before they lose it on Jan 1. My tale begins just days before Christmas. It was a Friday and there were just three of us still at work by 2 pm. the receptionist, clerk/typist and myself. I walked up from the copy machine and looked in the large office on the hall. There are multiple workstations...

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Desert Memories

It was another gorgeous night in the desert. The evening is comfortable enough to be nude, the hot tub was hot and a very good friend was expected. I've also made sure that my camera is charged and ready as I'm sure that there will many opportunities to take many keepsake photos. We are sitting in our living room when there was a knock on the door. As expected, our good friend Jim has arrived. We always enjoy Jim. He a tall, handsome, fun loving guy with a beautiful...

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Wicked Whims Mod

Looking for a Sims 4 sex mod? Am sure WickedWhims isn’t such a new term in most gamers or Sims fanatics diction, but I'll consider those who are probably hearing about this brilliant site for the first time. Now Whickedwhims happens to be an excellent mod that provisions for animated sex, nudity interactions, exhibitionism shit, relationships enhancements, gameplay as well as visual improvements.And if you are wondering what’s special about their Sims games, it’s because they contain; new...

Free Sex Games
2 years ago
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Spring Break at the Beach Part 1

I walked out of class exhausted. It was a long day, and I embraced the breezy Spring air as I stepped outside. Julia, one of my friends at college, was standing outside. "Hey," she said. "Hi," I replied back. "Sooo..." she began, "Looks like we have something to do for spring break." "Holy crap, really?" I asked, surprised. We had been looking for something to do for spring break, but all the decent beach houses on the shore were either taken or too expensive. Our little circle of...

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The Touch Ch 14

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Chapter 14 Saturday with Lulu In the morning it was pouring with rain again and so I put Emma’s bicycle into the rear of the Land Rover and drove her into work. She didn’t ask where I had been the night before although when I arrived home at around two thirty I saw the curtains of her bedroom window twitching as I pulled into the drive and her...

4 years ago
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A Real Lady

It doesn't matter to me in the least. I just love it. Sex, that is. I love it all. Well, I don't suck cock, and I don't take it up the ass, except from a beautiful woman, after I have screwed her ass hole, and every other hole she has. Turn about is fair play for the ladies. I don't play that game with the guys. She was a pretty little thing in a red dress. I was sitting at the bar. We were both drinking bourbon, neat. That attracted me to her. So I slid down and gave her my smile. It works...

1 year ago
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InterracialBlowbang Piper Perri 02192017

Piper Perri wants to make one thing very clear — there’s a big difference between strippers and porn stars…and Piper is a porn star! Piper Perri. Not even 5 feet tall. Under 90 pounds. In some worlds, she’s called a “spinner”. And today, she’s going to keep her mouth busy. Very busy. You’re about to witness almost a dozen well-hung bulls use Piper’s mouth as if it were her cunt. Piper’s going to be skull fucked until every single one...

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My First Time

My First Time :)Please forgive the spelling and puntuation not my strong points but I think you willThis is my first time at writing so please let me know what you think.When I was 15 I got myself a few cleaning jobs as money was tight at home. Which I wasn’t that bothered about I didn’t have many friends to go and see.I used to clean for a man about 50ish but he didn’t look that old he was tanned firm and really easy to talk too.I was usually in the house alone for a few hours before he came...

3 years ago
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Arrival of the RX2000

Chapter 1 – The RX-2000 Doctor Joshua Smithy sat on his couch at home, in a small city on the west coast of America. He was bent over a pile of papers on his coffee table, slowly reading and correcting them. The radio nearby was playing a jaunty tune. It may be the year 2030, but the world hadn’t changed much since 2000. The world was run by the four major super powers, America, Russia, China and, more recently, Japan. There had been major advances in computer technology, some war here and...

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College Freshmen

Rob gazed at his frat brother as he stripped off his shirt.The only bathroom in the aging frat house had been modified with an open doorway to accommodate multiple occupants. A couch and chairs decorated the main room and if he sat in the right spot, he had a direct view of the showers.Anthony's body was lean but well-muscled: smooth abs, slender yet strong shoulders, and thick thighs. He especially enjoyed Anthony‘s well defined hips, with perfect lines pointing down to his crotch.Earlier that...

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Leave It to Beaver

As Wally approached twelve, his body began to solidify into a lean mean ball playing machine. He was already fairly accomplished at eleven, but just not all-star material - not then. This season promised to see him blossom into the future Mickey Mantle that he always wanted to be. It would also allow his ailing father, crippled and widowered in a bank robbery gone awry, to live out his sports dreams through Wally, vicariously. Lost in all this was his older sister and constant nag (Eileen),...

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